#first i thought it was idk a new netflix show that everyone had started watching???
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thinking-emoji · 17 days ago
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givesupp · 1 year ago
The Ones Who Live (episode 4 spoilers)
My head feels like it's going to implode in on me and I just need to vomit my thoughts somewhere before it does. I remember hearing about the The Walking Dead (literally everyone and their mother was talking about it). I remember never wanting to watch it because it was SO popular and I've never been a huge fan of watching anything while it was still going live and everyone was into it. I'm weird IDK.
I had just finished up another TV series and was feeling empty, as one usually does and just wanted to dive into a new series. I chose The Walking Dead, finally deciding to give it a chance. I binged the first 4 seasons on Netflix and as I was doing this, it was literally becoming life saving. Only a few short years prior to starting the series I had just started dealing with severe depression. It was crippling. IYKYK. And to make a long story short, falling in love with this show, falling in love with Rick Grimes gave me something to hold on to.
'It's just a show' - this has been said to me many times. But it's not just a show to me. It's a lifeline. Its taking an inspiring moment and grabbing it with the only strength you have left and burning it into your head because if they can do it you can do it. You'll think about it the next time you feel like you can't get out of bed because there just isn't a point. It's taking a character and watching him fight for his sons life while everyone around belittles his character as a father and leader and using that the next time you feel like your chest is about to cave in from the sheer force of anxiety that just hit you like a mack truck. And you think about this character persevering while you sit in the corner of your bathroom floor with a cold rag on your face just simply trying to breathe.
So many examples, so many moments TWD has breathed life back into me when nothing else could.
And then Richonne.
Oh my god, what a fucking absolute treasure to emerge from this series. The slowburn of it, the showcasing of patience and friendship, love and trust and overcoming loss and hardships - together.
Finding your person. Camaraderie. True, real love. A soulmate. This? Despite loss, death at the hands of others, death at the hands of your own, tragedy, hopelessness, mental illness, losing your child? I can't even find words to express what Rick and Michonne mean to me separately, but as a couple? I am unable to express in words because it just would not do justice to what they actually represent to me in my own personal life.
Nearly a month ago we were given The Ones Who Live episode 1. And I remember watching that and having to physically remove myself from my home, go outside, sit down on the ground and reflect while sun soaking near a river. That's how blown away I was over the writing, the story, the emotions centered around this character that I have watched and grown to love over years.
Episode 4? EPISODE 4 is a fucking WELLSPRING of emotions, struggle with mental wellness, disagreement, unconditional love, immense hurt, understanding and patience. A relationship struggling to be what it was, if not anything at all. A broken man and a broken woman. A son, who has DIED years ago still finding a way to be the one who brings his parents back together. Who brings strength to his dad even after all this time...
Carl placed in the palm of his fathers hand as a sketch on a broken phone breathing life back into him. This, from his wife. Finding a way to save him. Giving him a sense of purpose, meaning back to him after he declared his own death not that long ago because he could not and does not ever want to live without her.
You cannot tell me that this show isn't important.
That it isn't life saving.
That it isn't at the very least forcing us to reflect and discuss and acknowledge our own lives, our own relationships, our own mental health, our own circumstances, our -
This isn't just a show to me.
Thanks for reading my vomit novel.
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ilovethemac · 1 year ago
I'm baaaaack
Okay, so it's no secret that my kdrama love comes in bursts. I watch like 20 in one month and then none for half a year. So I know it's been a while. But now that I'm on winter break from school (one more semester til graduation!), I thought I'd use my spare time to watch some old favorites and give new dramas a shot. I watched several dramas in December, but I didn't feel like doing a full review for any of them. So here's a rapid-fire breakdown of my recent viewings.
Cheer Up (2022): This is the drama that brought me back into the kdrama fold and it was such a good one to start my streak with. I think it got mixed reviews and the MDL score is only a 7.5 but I absolutely adored this one. The vibes were just immaculate. All the cinematography was gorgeous. And as an American, this type of cheer squad is entirely new to me, but I loved every second of it. The ridiculous costumes, the repetitive dance moves, the hardcore training-- it was so campy and fun. I love that it cuts from intense boot camp to everyone dressed up like ABBA singing and waving their arms around. I also really liked the romance in this one, even though it got delayed for way too long. All the characters were great and I loved that everyone got a little bit of focus, not just the main couple. I will say the tone was all over the place. One second we're having a fun romp through college and the next we're being hunted by a madman intent on killing our female lead because... reasons? But I actually kind of liked how jarring it was. It was hilarious. I don't know if that was the goal, but it made me laugh every time. This one got a very rare 10/10.
Love to Hate You (2023): This is a short 10-episode drama on Netflix and it kind of feels like a filler show. You can watch it over two days when you have nothing else you're focused on. That's not to say it's bad. It's got some great moments and it turns some tropes on their head. For example, when you meet a female lead's ex-boyfriend in episode one, he usually becomes a villain (and sometimes he loses his mind and tries to kill someone. Something In The Rain, I'm looking at you). But here he became one of my favorite characters, serving as both a surprise hero and comic relief. And all her male co-workers seem like they look down on women at first, but they end up being super loyal and sweet. But the male lead was confusing for me. He starts out as an incredibly misogynistic jerk, but then they get together and his justification is basically "most women are evil, but I really like you." I didn't feel like he actually learned. And the pacing was super weird. It's hard to tell when they actually start liking each other vs. when they're trying to seduce each other competitively (that may only make sense if you've seen it). Then the last two episodes feel like they ran out of conflict and pulled something out of thin air because the main couple was already together and that's not compelling anymore. Idk, I didn't hate it but it wasn't amazing either. 7/10 because the ex-boyfriend was so fun and the co-workers were stars. Jeon Shin Hwan and Joo Jong Hyuk carried this show on their backs.
Hotel del Luna (2019): This may come as a shock, but I had never seen this one before. It's one of the most popular dramas online and I'd been meaning to get around to it, but it took longer than I expected. I won't spend too long on it because you probably all watched it like 4 years ago. Basically, I had fun and IU absolutely kills it, but by the end, the whole thing felt like it was trying to hard too make me cry. I also wasn't as into the main couple as I think I was supposed to be. They were fine, I just preferred her as mean and vindictive as opposed to sweet and lovey. Plus I have absolutely no idea when they started liking each other or when they started dating. It was very vague. But the side characters were absolutely amazing. 7/10.
Summer Strike (2022): This was a strange one. I think I would have enjoyed it more if my expectations weren't so off. I thought it was going to be a fun, slice-of-life, hijinks of the week type show. Like she moves to a little island and meets the quirky locals and finds inner peace. Boy was I wrong. It's actually like half that, half murder mystery? Why? I thought I was going to get "no plot, just vibes" and instead I got "oh you like that character? well they're dead now." Very strange. But maybe if I'd known what it was going in, I would have enjoyed the mystery more. It's like I expected apple juice and got root beer. Not necessarily the root beer's fault, but it wasn't what I wanted and kinda soured the experience. But I do have to brag that I predicted the reveal in the first few episodes. I guessed who the killer was. I just got a weird vibe and I was like "oh it's them." Lo and behold, I was RIGHT. Very proud of that. 7/10.
Castaway Diva (2023): I just finished this one and once again, it was not the vibe I thought it was going to be. But this one actually felt very inconsistent. With a premise like "she was stranded on an island for 15 years," I think you either have to make it silly and funny or very dark and realistic. This drama tried to have both. It seemed like it was only interested in unpacking the male leads' traumas, but not our female lead. It was picking and choosing what to take seriously. Like yeah, we're gonna explore the lifelong ramifications of escaping an abuser, but this girl that lived in total solitude for over a decade? She's totally fine. Besides, she was also abused, but it is almost never brought up again after the pilot. She doesn't have lasting trauma or even any significant feelings about it. At least none that are shared with the audience. Also, was Ki-ho's identity supposed to be a mystery? Was I supposed to be unsure of who it was? Because I knew immediately. 6/10.
I'm currently deciding what to watch next, so if you have a suggestion, please send it my way! So glad to be back.
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panelshowsource · 1 year ago
sorry this is so long — i let my inbox back up a little but also some of these are so thoughtful and i hate not responding thoughtfully!
remember to block the tag 'long post' if you hate seeing long posts :')
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first of all aww anon thank you so much and second of all you don't watch taskmaster? how can you stand following my blog if you don't? hahahahah especially during taskmaster season i feel so bad the blog ends up being like 70% tm even though if i could have it may way i'd never gif new content and just gif totally random old content like always hehehehehe but it's cute to me how many hog fans are in my inbox these days! i'll try and gif it more for you guys :)
and you should watch taskmaster!!! and come back and tell me what you think!! start with s1!!! it's on the masterpost linked in my bio!
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idk anon you'd have to ask them that but generally they would consider themselves to be irish-american; i wasn't trying to make a statement about that when i said that i think new yorkers understand a person like ed, though i think it's far to say that even diasporic communities will retain (at least) a handful of characteristics and nuances from their homelands
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yesssss we all love ed! i think a lot of us know him from mock the week and his bffship with dara (i have some of their travel buddy series on my non-panel show masterpost!), but of course he's also an accomplished standup!
actually, just last month in an exclusive with metro he said this:
It seems remarkable Ed hasn’t appeared yet in its 16 seasons. ‘They haven’t asked. If they had, I would,’ Ed said, with a dash of longing. ‘There’s really only one slot per series of someone answering my description,’ he mused. ‘We’re kind of the most overprescribed demographic in the industry. There’s no shortage of people who look and sound like me that are ahead of me in the queue for that slot.’ Even so, it would have been nice… Greg? Are you listening?
(ps. that article claiming 8 out of 10 cats is cancelled... 👀 don't get me wrong, i know it's been a couple years since it's been on, but afaik no cancellation was ever announced 👀)
i know a lot of people are very hung up on the fact david mitchell said he wouldn't do taskmaster — and i'm a sure there are a handful of others who either wouldn't or couldn't when they were asked (jack dee had a scheduling conflict back in the day, right? and alex still desperately wants him?) — but one thing that has been consistently reinforced for years, and especially since taskmaster moved to channel 4, is it is far and away the biggest, most in-demand opportunity amongst comedians and light entertainers (— on network television; of course, if you're standup, your own standup special on channel 4, netflix, whatever has gotta be number one, but i disgress). taskmaster is huge: everyone talks about how comedians play 100-seat rooms, go on taskmaster, and then BOOM sell out massive tours. the show can really change your life, so there is hardly a comedian who wouldn't go on if given the chance — especially someone like ed, who i had mentioned a couple months ago being of the jenny eclair variety (an opportunist; professional jealousy ain't no stranger). i know he's waiting for that damn phone to ring!
and i think he makes an incredible point that not many series are gunning for more than one straight white middle-aged man (though it's happened before, of course). actually, i was just thinking about how that role — the white, middle-aged, experienced senior comedian — is chosen; in almost every single case, it's a very famous comedian who will draw viewers and reinforce legitimacy (frank skinner, al murray, hugh dennis, bob mortimer, rhod gilbert, david baddiel, richard herring, lee mack, alan davies, dara, you get the point) or it's a comedian who alex, whether he's friends with them or not, really really likes (tim key, dave gorman, mark watson, tim vine, mike wozniak, i know they're well-known but even ardal o'hanlon and julian clary who alex personally loves). does ed fall into either of those categories? super famous ratings draw or one of alex's friends/comedy heroes? frankly...i'm not sure...and i think that may be what's keeping him mid-way down the list...
still, very cute of the journalist from this article to be gunning so hard for him to be on the show! i have to admit, i know it might seem like i'm biased because i like him, but i really really think he would be really really good on the show. imo — and it's just imo, people will disagree — the most important aspect of the best series of taskmaster is the banter. it's people who speak up, who fight, who tease, who want to win, who want laughs, who play off the audience, who make quick friends, who talk to greg, who talk to alex. ed TALKS. ed wants screen time. ed wants to fuck around. ed wants to win. so i think he would really take advantage of the format and i'd love to see it!
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you are allowed to say i told you so! it was amazing! thanks for reading my bullshit, i tried to take it really seriously so i could just link to it any time someone asks me if i've seen it hahahah who was your fave contestant?
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i could write a really long response to this because it's something i have — or could find lmfao — a lot to say about, but knowing this post is already gonna be long (hahah i hate myself) lemme try to boil my brain down
1) i covered my personal opinion of what makes the strongest series of taskmaster in my (very long) recent taskmaster nz s2 post; 2) recency bias — it's in the name! people are biased because it's recent [shrug]; 3) A LOT of people have not seen every series of taskmaster (gasp! i know...) so they won't have the full taskmaster uk canon in mind when they're making such claims; 4) there is a strong divergence between the comedy nerds who watch taskmaster for comedy and the light entertainment viewers who watch taskmaster for general pleasantness, and you gotta consider who you're talking to when you're listening to someone's opinion; 5) i think there's a very long convo you could have about the reticence of a huge faction of taskmaster fans to criticise the show/tasks/contestants/alex — which is why a lot of people like it and its community, because it's often an echo chamber of positivity — but maybe we won't have that convo now haha
^ me being concise!! wow never thought we'd see that day
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yes totally anon! i'll make massive gifsets of all of them when the season ends, if that works? :)
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wow interesting question! i know a few people who watch taskmaster on and off, and i definitely know people like you who enjoy the odd clip (why is it always bob mortimer on wilty lmfaooo), but otherwise i wouldn't say i spend too much time convincing people to watch stuff. wilty and taskmaster are pretty accessible, but a lot of panel shows are about the uk news, uk current events, have uk c-list celeb guests, etc, and i don't think people would be interested. plus, i have you guys!!! (i don't really have internet friends besides posting here and interacting with you guys :'))
not that long ago, i was at a dinner party and someone said, "have you seen that show taskmaster?" and ... do you know what it's like for me!!! ... i had to take a deep breath and say inside my head 'sarah be cool' and i finally went, "i have! fun show haha" and not start TWITCHING ... they were telling the people around us a little bit about it and getting some of the details wrong and i just sat there nodding like :) and didn't correct them bc being a know-it-all isn't cool and i didn't want to risk it 💀
it's too bad we don't have more of a light entertainment culture here, especially a comedian-driven one :(
(so random but speaking of light entertainment has anyone else been seeing michael barrymore all over tiktok? those kids say the funniest things clips are my wholeeeee fyp)
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hahaha yesss we do know suzi around here!! though she's not been on many panel shows recently-ish so i probably haven't posted her in a while. if your fave taskmaster contestants are wide-eyed, smiley people who radiate optimism and go-get-em attitudes then suzi would definitely be the one!
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did i mention rick edwards or is this just your sly way of bringing up a sexy man? ...i see you anon😏 he has the face of someone who should have been working on that big wall in games of thrones you know the one where jon tory scum snow ended up? that's a specific compliment but just trust me it's complimentary
i'm sorry about your heartbreak :( it's like me with whites, we've all got that one show :(
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yesss it so is! <3
is it weird to imagine joe and mike woz in the same room or is that just me...
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missuga · 3 years ago
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Quiet Help — Shinso Hitoshi
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Warnings & wc: fluff, very brief mentions of death, kind of ghost!shinso, gn!reader, | 3.6k
Summary: Your new apartment unknowingly came with a few surprises, and a free roommate.
Authors note: This is a rewrite of one of my first fics on my old account! I had an idea to expand upon it but it would be way too long, so it might be kind of a cliff hanger? idk enjoy. also not proofed again.
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The first few nights in a new apartment can be a little difficult to adjust to. It takes a while to really know a place, the secrets living in the walls aren’t given as housewarming gift. Everything waits to be discovered by whoever might move in next, and you don’t get to choose whether its good or bad.
Some were good; like the sun shining warmly through windows lighting up the entire space as it did, or the cooling breeze when you opened the shutters. Other things were not as relaxing. The way the walls creaked in the wind, or how the darkness seemed to gather in the corners of the room at night waiting for you to look.
Not everyone knows exactly what they’re getting into when they move in, the history of a building unknown to many. Some never even find anything out about a space they live in. But its those lucky few who are deemed worthy enough to see what a building really has to offer.
That’s what happened to you, though you couldn’t quite tell if you were exactly lucky.
Your parents always told you to be careful with the energies that flowed around you. Messing with something too much or talking about something more than one should might potentially bring that exact something into existence.
You knew not to use things like Ouija boards or other items that had a deep connection with the spiritual world. You tended to have a keen sense of those things, something always urged you to stay away from stuff like that. Almost like a blessing. Though like most blessings, there is always an unseen side.
You started to notice odd things after the second week fully moved in.
Stuff you swore you’d placed in one spot seemed to move on its own. Shadows stared at you from the corner of your eyes, disappearing when you turned to look. Noises in the middle of the nigh, right outside of your locked bedroom door. The oddities happening weren’t enough to startle you, but it was unnerving enough for you to ask a friend to stay over. Just to make sure you weren’t losing your mind.
“Thanks again.” You said taking Mina’s bag from her. She shook her head and winked at you.
“Stop thanking me! I wanted to see your apartment anyways, and plus I might be able to see ghosts.” Mina spoke, and you didn’t miss the excited edge to her voice.
“You’re here to help make sure there are no ghosts.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.” Mina shook off your words and smiled as she walked towards your bedroom. “You still have netflix right? There is a horror movie I’ve been dying to watch!”
It wasn’t long after the first movie ended and a dinner of random snacks you had in your cupboard that both of you fell asleep in your bed.
Your phone showed it was just around two in the morning when you woke up again. The t.v. screen barely lit up your room as your eyes adjusted to the change of brightness. Mina was missing from her side of the bed and for a second you almost panicked until you heard her laugh sound from the living room.
“You didn’t tell me your roommate was cute and funny!” She squealed when she slipped back into your room shutting the door softly behind her.
It took you a moment to register her words the sleep lacing your thoughts leaving quickly.
“What?” You asked sitting up, eyes wide as your looked at her.
“His purple hair is so cool.” She said as she got back into your bed. “But don’t worry. If you like him he is all yours.”
“Mina.” You whispered; thoughts still stuck on roommate. “Are you sure?”
“Wait are you guys just friends? Does that mean I can shoot my shot-“
“I don’t have a roommate.” You cute off her rambling and panic started to fully set in as she cocked her head to the side slightly.
“Who was on your couch then?”
Your heart dropped and you almost pushed Mina out of your bed to get to the living room. It was too dark to see anything clearly, but you could just make out a silhouette on your couch.
In the brief moment it took you to find the light switch and look back at the couch whatever was there before was gone.
“You okay?” Mina asked behind you, stepping into the threshold of your room. A heavy pressure sank into your chest as your turned around to face her.
“Are you absolutely sure you saw someone?”
“Yeah? I’m positive that I did. I even spoke to him for a bit.” The small smile fell from her lips slowly as she saw your worried state.
This proved that you weren’t going crazy before. There was something going on inside your apartment, and it wasn’t just a figment of your imagination.
“We’re sleeping with the lights on.”
Nothing out of the ordinary happened over the next few days and you were too busy to even think about the person that Mina saw. You had been leaving for work while the sun was still asleep and came home at no time a normal person should.
Your work was exhausting. In your tired state you didn’t notice the small things that were happening around your apartment. When you woke up for work, your clothes were nicely folded on the chair in the corner; the night before you had thrown them in a pile somewhere in your room.
Something from your fruit basket would somehow end up right next to your keys, it would be your morning meal. Even if you came home and collapsed into bed, falling asleep the moment your head hit your pillow; you would always wake up with a fully charged phone that you never remembered putting on the charger.
There was one day that you noticed something. It was a horrible day out and you had woken up late. Because you were rushing, the thought of grabbing an umbrella slipped your mind completely. You were going to be forced to run to work in the rain until you saw there was an umbrella hooked on the strap of your purse. The place you kept your umbrellas was nowhere near you hung your purse. There was no way you could’ve accidentally placed it there.
Weeks passed and the same things kept on. You started to realize the things that had been making your days a little easier were thing that you never did. The previous signs of a haunting were gone, so you weren’t quite as worried as before, but it was still a little unsettling.
In a way, you were grateful to whatever thing was helping you along. A good morning definitely led you to be less stressed at work, you even felt more relaxed at home despite not spending as much time there as you wanted to.
The only thing you still wondered about was the boy that Mina saw. You hadn’t seen any more shadows around the apartment, you started to think the silhouette you saw was just your sleepy eyes believing Mina.
The idea that you had just been seeing things changed though. The paperwork at your agency was a little less relentless and you were able to leave earlier than normal. The nights of you coming home in the dark had stopped, but you were able to leave in the middle of the day.
Wanting to savor the time off, you went straight to your apartment excited to relax. It took almost no time to get through the door and shed yourself of your outerwear. Something in your gut stopped you, and you looked up towards your kitchen just in time to see a flash of purple hair slip around the corner towards the guest room. Your heart skipped and you rushed forward trying to catch whatever it was.
You threw open the guestroom door but you were met with the empty room. A sigh left your lips, whether it was from relief or the thought that you really were going crazy, you didn’t know.
When you walked back into your kitchen your stomach dropped once more. On the counter sat a half-empty mug of tea that was warm to the touch.
After that day, you knew someone else was living in your apartment with you. Malicious or not, you wanted answers.
On your next day off you went to the leasing office in search of them, there had to be a reason the price of the apartment so low, you hadn’t thought about it before.
The woman at the leasing office looked a little worried when you questioned it. She shifted in her seat nervously as you stared across the desk.
“They were supposed to tell you about it when you signed the papers.” She sighed, sorting through a few folders on her desk before handing you a file. “They must’ve stopped telling people who were interested, the apartment had been on the market for a while.”
“That’s great.” You muttered looking at the file for a moment, you weren’t sure what you were looking for in it.
“The previous tenants were two men, the younger one was the one who moved out.” She said with a slight waver to her voice.
“What about the other one?” You asked not liking where this was heading, you had a feeling you already knew what she was going to say.
“Well, he passed away in his room one night. The cause of death is still unknown, but it is assumed it was due to a lingering quirk effect of some sort.” She mumbled, pointing at the corner of the file. There was a picture paperclipped on the inside. You recognized the shorter one, pro hero Deku. She finger rested on the taller boy with wild purple hair. “That’s him.”
The only word that fell from your lips was a soft ‘oh.’
The story that the leasing agent told you was the only thing on your mind for days. You had to do something about it or you figured it might drive you insane. Just leaving it in the air the someone had passed away in your apartment was something you could not sit with.
Using the cover of your hero agency, you got in touch with Deku. You said you had a few questions about his hero gear and wanted to set up a meeting with him. It was a lot easier than you thought, he agreed on meeting you at a local cafe.
You brought the file the agent let you borrow with you, holding it tightly into your chest. You saw the green-haired boy sitting at a table in the corner and smiled when he noticed you.
“Hello, Deku.” You said softly, trying to force away the nervousness building in your stomach.
“Hey, It’s nice to finally meet you!” He said excitedly. He was a bit older than the picture the leasing office had of him, and you couldn’t help but wonder just how long ago he had lived there.
After a few minutes of chatting about your agencies and some equipment, you couldn’t push away the burning need to ask him about the apartment.
“I’m sorry, Deku. I’m afraid I wasn’t completely truthful in why I wanted to meet with you.” You gently slipped the file on the table between you, taking a slow breath in before you opened the cover. The picture of the two boys was harder to look at now.
“Is that…” Deku trailed off looking at the picture.
“I live in the same apartment you used to be roommates with him.” You started slowly, hoping he’d say something, but his eyes were glued to the picture. The smile he wore earlier falling a little now. “I just wanted to know if you had experienced anything weird after.”
You stopped, suddenly unsure of what to say. Deku’s silence was unsettling as he stared at the picture still.
“I’m sorry, this was stupid to ask you. I’m sorry if I brought up any unpleasant feelings.”
“I did.” He interrupted you and picked up the picture.
“After, you know…” He trailed off for a moment before meeting your eyes again. “I don’t think that he left completely.”
“That makes sense.” You whispered, eyes falling to the table. You had been expecting this answer, but it still didn’t fail to startle you a bit.
“I’m guessing he is trying to contact you?” Deku asked as he looked back toward the photo.
“I’m not sure. Stuff just keeps happening. At first, it was random and spaced apart. Now it seems something happens every day. My friend even saw him one time.” You answered honestly. You weren’t mistaken about the things that happened in your apartment but you still were a little unsure.
“I would tell you to be careful but honestly, I don’t think he’s bad. It might be a little scary but I really think he is good. When he was alive, he was one of the most gentle, loving people I knew. It was not fair what happened, but sometimes things are better off this way.” Deku smiled up at you, tears were brimming his eyes. “Can I keep this photo?”
“Um. Ghost?” You said after a while of pulling courage together as you stepped back into your apartment. “I think I met someone close to you today.”
The silence was overwhelming as you stood in your kitchen hoping for something to happen. After a while, you gave up. It was already nighttime, and you had to get up early for work in the morning.
“Before I go, I guess I should tell you that Midoriya says hello and that he hopes you’re doing well.” It felt a little odd to seemingly talk to no one, but something felt like you needed to say it.
It took you a while to fall asleep, your thoughts were a blur. But somehow you managed to push them aside for long enough to start to drift off. After a bit there was a warm presence in front of you.
“Thank you.” A soft voice said. You looked up with the last bit of consciousness you had and saw a faint glint of purple in the moonlight.
The next day at work seemed to pull all of your energy from you. You had fought three different criminals in the streets, you had paperwork up to your ears and you even though you slept the entire night you felt like you didn’t sleep at all.
The morning started out normal, but the day only progressively got worse. You didn’t even get a chance to breathe in between the criminal attacks. To say that you were exhausted was an understatement.
When you were finally able to go back to your apartment, you still had another report to write. You didn’t remember being a hero was so tedious.
You settled at the coffee table in your living room with your laptop, crossing your legs. About halfway through the report you could feel your vision blurring and decided to take a break. Thinking a glass of water would help, you got up and made your way to the kitchen. In a single second, the ground went from stable to twisting.
You braced yourself to hit the hard tile but instead, you felt arms wrap around you. Your body was limp and you could barely catch your breath. With the last of your strength, you looked up meeting a pair of dark purple eyes.
You woke with a start as you took in your surroundings, you were in your room now. As you tried to remember how you’d gotten here something caught you off-guard.
“You’re up.” You whipped around at the sound of a voice startled. The boy from the photo stood a few feet from your bed. He was fairly tall with wild purple hair, dark purple eyes that had heavy bags under them. There was a paleness to his skin that you hadn’t noticed in the photo. He took a step forward and you must’ve shifted back unconsciously because he stopped abruptly. “Oh, uh, sorry.”
“No, no it’s okay.” You said. It took you a second to find your voice. After a second you looked away awkwardly and picked at the blanket that lay over the bed.
“Really, Y/n. You push yourself too hard sometimes.” Your eyes snapped up at him, widened. He knew your name. You felt a little silly at reacting like that. “Shit, I’m sorry. I must be scaring you.”
“Um, well not really? I don’t know.” You mumbled, causing him to look back up at you. “I’m a little surprised you seem to know me so well,”
“Yeah, sorry. You’ve been here for months now, you’re the only person I’ve seen in a while.” His voice evened out slightly, the wavering from before leaving.
“Oh right, I guess you would know a little bit about me then.” A soft smile fell on your lips, “Thank you for all the little things you’ve done for me in the past. Like hanging my umbrella on my purse that one time. And stop saying sorry!”
“Oh, sorry.” He grinned slightly after he realized he’d said it again. “You’re welcome. I tried to not get noticed.”
“Here, you can sit.” You said and moved over on the bed, sitting up all the way. He hesitantly sat on the edge of the bed when you motioned him over. The two of you were quiet for a moment.
“Thank you for talking to Midoriya, I-“ He paused, “I think he was someone important to me when I was alive. When you said his name, a couple memories came over me.”
“That’s good, I guess.” You said and looked over at him. There was a sadness to him, it was ever so slight. “Do you not remember before you, um.”
“Not really. When I try to think about it, it feels like my mind is swimming. There are a few things that I can remember, like Midoriya and a few emotions. But other than that, there isn’t much.” The sadness grew stronger in him, you could see it on his face now. Without even thinking, you reached out to grab his hand. He tensed slightly, and you were surprised that you could actually hold his hand. It was cold, a lot colder than you expected.
“I don’t know if I can be of any help, but I want to try. As much as you helped me in the past few months, I want to help you.” You spoke softly, it was the least you could do to repay him. He’d gone through unimaginable things.
“I would like that.” He said quietly and after a moment he leaned down resting his head on your shoulder. You squeezed his hand and smiled. “I’m glad I could help you even a little.”
It was quiet for a while between you two, for some reason you felt so close to this boy. This ghost. Somehow there was a connection as weird as it sounded.
“So, you know a lot about me.” You started and he shifted his head to look up at you. “Is there anything else that you know about yourself?”
He thought for a few seconds and nodded. “My name. It’s Shinso Hitoshi. You don’t have to call me ghost anymore.” You could feel your cheeks burn a bit until a yawn ripped from your throat. Shinso started to get up seeing that you were tiring again. “I know you don’t work tomorrow, but you still need your rest.”
“Shinso, wait.” You said pulling him down onto the bed again. “You can stay with me.”
He smiled at you and rubbed his thumb over your hand. “I can’t promise that I’ll be here when you wake up. Sometimes I can’t hold this form for long.”
“That’s okay, I just don’t want you to be alone right now.” Shinso felt his chest ache slightly, it was something he hadn’t felt in a long time, and he couldn’t tell what the feeling was. He reached over to turn the lamp off and slid down in the bed with you and you nestled yourself into his side, his arms wrapping around you. “I hope I didn’t scare you with the things I did.”
It was odd how real he felt despite the cold chill in his skin. All the stories you’ve heard about ghosts and lingering spirits not even one mentioned anything about a tangible body. You started to think he wasn’t a ghost after all.
“Do you remember anything that happened the night you passed?” You asked suddenly, like it was almost on instinct.
Shinso thought for a moment before he shook his head. “I’m sorry, I cant remember. It’s been a very long time since then I think. Why?”
“I’m wondering if this is due to a quirk. I’m sorry I think too much, especially when I’m tired.” You laughed slightly before shaking your head at the idea, it was too much to think about right now.
“Maybe you should go to sleep.” He spoke softly and you couldn’t help but agree with him.
“Okay, goodnight Shinso.” You whispered and finally shut your eyes. “Just don’t move too much stuff around tomorrow I want to clean.”
“Yeah, okay I won’t.” You could feel his chest vibrate as he laughed. “Hopefully, I can talk to you tomorrow without having to worry about you passing out.”
“You know, it was a lot quieter when you just moved my keys and stuff around.” You mumbled barely about to form the full sentence as you started to drift off once more.
“Okay, okay. I’ll be quiet. Goodnight.”
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my-one-true-l · 3 years ago
So I finished the Evangelion anime.
No I did not abandon studying for finals for this, I am being reasonable, I just got really into it lmao.
Spoilers for Neon Genesis Evangelion
I loved it. Genuinely it definitely picked up my interest after episode 4 and i’m glad I kept up with it.
The whole thing with Gendo and Rei, what in the hell! Okay I saw that coming from a mile off but that doesn’t mean I didn’t go “i’m sorry what” and pause for a good minute afterwards. I’m glad it wasn’t as weird as I initially thought it was gonna be, but still.
Kaworu, I got such fishy vibes from him from the moment he showed up. I kinda miss him though I can’t lie.
Kaiji. What can I say about Kaiji. He was so sus in the start, but I feel like he sort of redeemed himself later.
Asuka i’m very conflicted over. Her attitude towards Shinji and the others does annoy me quite a lot but I can’t bring myself to hate her. It’s frustrating, yes, but I understand why she is the way she is.
Tohji is probably one of my favourites. I don’t know why, I just attached myself to him so quickly.
Now, what’s all this about a rare pair with Misato that you mention earlier? I’m curious to know~
Overall, I’m glad I kept at it. It was a little awkward at times, but the 90s aesthetic and the amazing music and cool opera that randomly showed up was entertaining and kind of nostalgic. I got my start on some old animes like Sailor moon and stuff so it really is quite reminiscent.
Hahaha, Yeah Gendo is definitely messed up. I have so many feelings about him and way too many to put here (plus I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who sees this and hasn't watched it and plans to).
I loved Kaji. I can see where there are times when it's easy to question what his deal is. Asuka...I was never fond of her. With any show I'm super into, I know I've had my feelings on some characters soften with every rewatch, but she's never been one of them. I understand why she's like that and I feel for her, but...idk. There is just something that doesn't hit with me for some reason. I rewatch Evangelion every June (It's a tradition I've had for almost 2 decades lol) maybe this time will be different lol. I adore Toji! He is one of my favorites! Such a bright force in the story!
Misato is one of my favorite all time characters and I run into so many people that that hate her (which is another reason I bounced from the Evangelion fandom fast, though I blame the hate towards her in part on the Netflix dub, which I found horrendous, so if that is the one you watched and still enjoyed it, I applaud you so hard right now lol! The first time I watched it was a bootleg straight out of Japan and I feel like the sub translation was just way more accurate to the intention of the show and had a different feel for the characters than the new Netflix dub. Idk, that may just be me.)
The rare pair was for Rei! :-) I ship her with Kaworu so bad! lol. I call them my moon children. I just....AHKDGSLGHLDSKDK! There are reasons for that...but again...spoilers. lol. I ship Misato (tragically) with Kaji. For someone who doesn't ship much, I have a decent amount for Evangelion lol!
I feel like, to me anyway, a major theme of Evangelion is you can't expect everyone and everything to be black and white. People are complicated and with that, their feelings and reasonings for doing things are as well. Maybe that's why I like the characters that I've seen hated on so much. People want them to be good or a specific kind of "bad" (everyone loves a sexy villain, but that isn't there in Evangelion) and I don't feel that any of the characters fit into those tropes easily.
Ok I have to scream to you about the moment I was hooked and I'm going to put it under a cut because spoilers...
In episode one, When Unit-01 moves one her own to protect Shinji, I was done for. I was like...holy shit his mother's soul is in there, isn't it? The person I was watching it with was like "How the Hell did you...???" That's why I always say the EVA Units are characters. It's not that I'm a mecha fan (I don't hate them, they just usually aren't my jam is all), It was the moment that these EVA's were so much more than just an innovation to fight the Angels. Like...they were sentient. She recognized her baby and wanted to protect him. It was so viscerally moving for me. An artificial construct...with a mother's soul trapped inside it...Hell yes, give it to me. I have literally had people tell me that Yui's soul isn't inside her, and like...Did you guys even watch the anime? Like...that's the whole point and...just wow. The concept of what is it to have a soul is such a central theme in Evangelion (don't get me started on our Rei and that...We'll be here all day lol!)
Ok I will shut it now. Thank you for letting me ramble about this. I have no one to talk about this amazing anime with and I just want to explode sometimes lol. It was the first anime I watched that I fell in love with and it's so special to me. Arguably my favorite of all time, the only reason I put arguably is because L is my all time favorite character, so I feel like I have to put Death Note right up there next to it, even though if it wasn't for him, it wouldn't be as high as it is on the list lol. That sounds terrible but it's the truth lol. I once told someone that Evangelion was my favorite, I just had to make a little room in my heart for Death Note as well. I can't think of another way to put it into words lol.
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maria-akira · 4 years ago
how you meet the ahs boys + their reaction while you're having a class - PART 1
hey yall im back again 🧍🏻‍♀️ is this what you call a headcanon?? idk BAHAHSHHA. anyways i've had this idea in my mind for a while and i wanted to share it to yall, so i hope you guys like it 😌
these also have a little back story on how you guys meet !!
also, special mention to @tatestripedsweater for helping me give ideas with jimmy's part !! thank you so much mwah 🥺❤
warnings: none! just pure fluff <3
please excuse any errors !
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before the pandemic, you and your family have moved into the murder house.
the house gave your family a very odd vibe, but nonetheless all of you had to bear with it because it was sold for a cheap price.
but when the pandemic arrived the country, you were stuck at home 24/7. thus, classes were online.
you met tate because of your father. tate was one of his patients and the both of you grew close.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
tate would randomly barge in your room while having a class and you would jump out of shock.
"Jesus, Tate. Stop scaring me like that!"
tate would giggle and lay on your bed, observing the lesson that the teacher rambled about.
while you're writing notes, he would stand up and take a chair from some part of your room and sit beside you.
knowing that tate is clingy, you would warn him not to bug you and behave while you listened in class.
of course, he doesn't listen and he would place his head on your shoulder and eventually would cuddle you.
"Taaate, please let me focus."
luckily, you always keep your camera off.
"Mmm, no. I enjoy bugging you."
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one time, you were driving to school on your own and you were almost running out of gas.
luckily, you saw a gas station nearby and decided to get a fill before heading to school. and there, you met kit.
when you first laid your eyes on kit, you thought that he was the prettiest man ever. you couldn't let this chance slip, thus, you exchanged numbers with him.
you talked all day and night, the both of you were so inlove with each other and you finally decided to introduce him to your parents.
your parents loved him and you were so, so happy.
but when the pandemic came, it affected your relationship with kit.
since all schools and unis were closed down, everything went online.
when kit stayed over, he couldn't spend a lot of time with you because you had to attend classes early in the morning, till afternoon.
"Can you stay in bed with me for a little bit, darling?"
unfortunately, you woke up late that day and you missed 10 minutes of your first class. and just like that, you were stuck to your desk until afternoon.
"Kit baby, I'm sorry. I'm late for my first class. Maybe later, okay?"
as much as kit hated this whole online class thing, he would always find a way to cheer you up.
thus, he would cook you breakfast and bring it over to your room.
"C'mere, I'll feed you while you listen and write down notes."
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madison, your friend, had bugged you all week to go with her to this college frat party near your house.
you weren't the party type. you loved staying at home, watching netflix or reading some sort of fan fiction on wattpad.
but you hated being single. so, this was your chance to actually get a boyfriend.
when you arrived at the party, you immediately hated it. everything was so loud and everyone was drinking, it was definitely a new sight for you.
you were sitting on a couch that was in the balcony, with a red cup that was filled with punch. you loved being away from the commotion.
this is where you met kyle, it was love at first sight. the both of you had so much in common and you thought that he was the man of your dreams.
you exchanged snapchats and from there, you were partners-in-crime.
you and kyle had stopped going to parties ever since the pandemic arrived, which means you got to see each other less.
since the both of you were students, both of your classes went online.
one time, kyle had no classes for a day and he decided to surprise you.
that day, you were having an online presentation. both your camera and microphone were on.
"Rene Descartes was the Father of Modern Philosophy—"
as you were presenting the slide show, you were cut off by kyle's presence infront of your desk.
"I brought you food, baby!"
you would shush him and suddenly turn off your mic.
"I'm so sorry, Miss. My boyfriend arrived and I—"
kyle would go beside you and kiss you on your cheek, your classmates and teacher cooing over it.
"Miss, you better give my girlfriend a good grade."
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*pretend that he survived the bus accident and had a coma, because we arent involving witchcraft here*
kyle and his fraternity were on a bus that was going to some college event at school.
on the way there, you guys snapped each other and his friends would talk to you as well.
unfortunately, they got in an accident and the bus was flipped over.
a few students, including kyle, survived the accident.
when you heard this news, you cried your heart out and you didnt talk to anyone in your family.
you and your family visited the hospital and you rushed to kyle's room, it broke your heart to see tubes in him, with machines that beeped like there was no tomorrow.
when the doctor said that kyle was in a coma, your heart sank in the deepest part of your body.
this made you stay 24/7 with him until he was discharged.
when he was discharged from the hospital, he was not his usual self. the bubbly, energetic kyle was gone. instead, he was so confused with everything.
kyle's mom made him stay with you until he got his memory back, and you were more than glad to help.
but this took a toll on your studies because your classes were online due to a pandemic.
everyday in class, you would let kyle sit beside you and let him observe what you were doing.
"We're in Science class, Kyle. You were really good in Science, you helped me alot with my homeworks."
most of the time, you would help kyle develop his speech and his writing. but it was difficult for you.
"S-Sci... S-Sci-en.. ce?"
"Yes, Kyle! Good job, now one more time."
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ever since you were a kid, you loved going to carnivals, your parents would always bring you there every weekend.
there were carnivals almost everywhere, and your family brought you to all of them.
to you, each carnival was unique. the clowns and magicians in each carnival had different tricks up their sleeve.
but as you grew up, these carnivals slowly went out of business. except for one, which was elsa's cabinet of curiosities.
you decided to visit it one day just for a trip down memory lane, you never really had expectations for this place.
when you arrived there, there were a few people that were seated.
the show started and it instantly made you smile, they reminded you of your younger days. oh how you wished to be a child again.
you watched through a few acts, and the last act was a man named jimmy darling
when he came on stage, you locked eyes with him. there was something about him that really struck you.
after the performance ended, jimmy ran over to you and got your number. from there, you always talked and you would visit him regularly.
the regular visits stopped when the pandemic struck the country, forcing entertainment establishments, schools and unis to close down.
for the mean time, all your classes went online. you told jimmy that he could stay with you until things went back to normal.
on an early tuesday morning, you were in english class. jimmy was with your parents preparing breakfast, and you were falling asleep while your teacher discussed about the odyssey.
unlike tate, jimmy would always knock on your door. as his mom always taught, never enter anyone's room without knocking.
jimmy would giggle at your sleeping sight, your head lowered and your hair messed up.
"Hey, sweetheart, wake up! You're in class."
jimmy's timing was perfect. as he woke you up, you were called by the teacher.
"Miss Y/N, Do you think Odysseus was loyal to his wife?"
obviously, you panicked. but jimmy was there to save you. since jimmy was fond of reading, he finished the book and he whispered the answer to you before you could turn on your mic.
"No, Ma'am. Odysseus had an affair with Calypso and Circe."
once you got your teacher's approval, you turned off your microphone and let out a sigh of relief.
"You're lucky that I'm here to help you."
jimmy would joke and you would jump up to him, tackling him into a hug.
"I'm always lucky to have you, baby."
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at a young age, you were exposed to different types of fabrics. denim, silk, corduroy, neoprene. they name it, you've probably seen it.
your mother worked as a fashion designer. she managed to open a shop in the city and it was a great success for you and your family.
your mother has styled famous models. because of this, the shop was promoted and broadcasted all over the country. one day when you came from school, you saw a long line outside the shop.
that day, the staff count was low. there were only 5 employees instead of 10. you didn't exactly know why, so you decided to help.
after what felt like several hours, the long line finally dissolved into 2 customers, which was a mother and her son. they looked through the shop and the mother instantly loved everything.
her son, on the other hand, was trying on this lilac tux that your mother made.
you assisted her son and when you locked eyes, the both of you smiled. you entertained him throughout his shopping spree and the both of you never broke eye contact.
this was how you met dandy. he made the first move by getting your number, and of course you gave it back.
from there, the both of you talked day and night, even when you were in school.
since dandy's mother, gloria, loved your mother's shop so much, she would invite you and your mother regularly to her mansion.
gloria and your mother got along very well, and it was like gloria was your second mother.
so when your mother went to paris for a fashion show, she let you stay in gloria's mansion until she came back.
but to your dismay, your mother was not able to come back due to a pandemic that was all over the world. flights, establishments, and schools closed down.
of course you were sad, but you didn't worry so much because gloria treated you like her real daughter.
classes were online and you were forced to attend them everyday in the shared room you had with dandy.
since you had to get ready for class early in the morning, you would quietly get out of bed because dandy was sometimes a light sleeper.
it was around 8am and you were in math class. in your school, cameras were required to be turned on at all times. you thought this was a shit rule, but you had no choice to comply.
you were drawing some circles with a compass for an example that was being discussed by your teacher, when all of a sudden dandy was beside you.
"Dandy, sweetie, what are you doing up so early? Go back to sleep.."
dandy would pout at the lack of attention that you were giving him. since he loved holding your hand, you let him hold your other hand that you didn't use for writing.
"You're doing Math instead of cuddling with me!"
i'm actually super proud of this omg !! i hope yall enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it 🥺❤
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1kook · 5 years ago
espn & bdsm
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this is part 6 of my netflix & chill collection !
summary; You would like to personally thank every loud-mouthed, ESPN commentator out there for saving you from Jungkook’s dangerous seduction skills.  warnings; smut (18+) in the forms of brief femdom, handcuffs, nipple clamps, blindfolding, flogging/use of a riding crop, soft dom kook, cunnilingus, spitting, unprotected but passionate, degradation, as always it starts horny n then turns into I love u kink miscellaneous; kook has a swollen ankle so idk how he did all this, jk abuses the fuck outta pet names part 7, revenge gone wrong tbh, this was honestly a beginner’s intro to vanilla bdsm word count; 12.7k
notes; this is like… a healing fic… for the part before lol. also i did not know what was going to happen next as I was writing. anyway entire smut scene was based off THIS bad boy ur welcome fellas and the Jungkook described here is from in the soop episode 2... cutie... yes every single 1 of those words is a link
lmk what you think! a simple ask goes a long way <3
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You're at the nail salon with Doyeon when she first mentions it.
“Have you ever, like,” she pauses, making a vague, swivel gesture with her head. You furrow your brows and she sighs. “Topped him. Have you ever been the one to take control?”
Your nail artist blushes, furiously filing away at your nails until the most perfect stiletto shape stares you back in the face. “Oh. Not really,” you admit, wiggling your wet toe nails around in the styrofoam flip flops issued by the salon. “I mean, sometimes I talk him through it.”
Doyeon snorts. “Babe, talking him through it and being the boss are two completely different things,” she says rather dryly, seemingly unbothered by the fact your two nail techs are being subjected to this more than intimate conversation. But you’ve had weirder talks with Doyeon in public; this doesn’t phase you. “Listen,” she says suddenly, dropping her voice down to a whisper that has you leaning closer to hear her. “You know how I’m a member of that site, right?”
You nod. “Oh yeah— Sexuality Unleashed: The Best Toys Worldwide!, right?” She kicks your shin, but the jab is muted by the bottom of her own styrofoam flip flop.
“Yeah, just tell everyone here my credit card number while you’re at it,” she hisses. Her anger fades soon enough. “Well, they’re always sending me all sorts of freebies for my devoted patronage,” she explains. She quirks her lips to the side, throwing one brief glance at the blushing nail artists in front of you. Eventually she seems to come to a conclusion. “Long story short they sent me some cuffs and I’m gonna give you them.”
Your jaw drops. “Woah, really? I don’t know… Don’t those usually run kinda pricey?” you ask tentatively. You’re trying to play it off, act like this isn’t something you want, but the reality is so much worse.
The minute the word cuffs had slipped through her lips it’s like a door opened before your eyes. A big, wooden door with chains strapped across it and a padlock you swore you’d never open.
Somewhere in your mind, you had always convinced yourself handcuffs in bed was something you’d like to have done to you. But, because she was your best friend and by extension a personified version of all your freakiest, often filtered, thoughts, it was like Doyeon had reached straight into your cranium and extracted your most secret fantasy— and that was Jungkook in handcuffs.
Your nail artist pats your hand, motioning you to head over to the drying station. Before you can be separated from Doyeon, you whip around to throw her one desperate look. “I have never wanted anything so bad in my life.”
She cackles loudly, easily garnering the attention of every employee and nail enthusiast in the salon with the evil witch vibes she exudes.
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Truth be told, your argument with Jungkook had brought upon a newfound appreciation for him. Weird to say, considering you had wanted to kill the dude when it had originally happened. But the great thing about you and Jungkook was that you were flexible people— both in bed and out. A few long conversations later and you had reached the root of the problem.
And that root was your apparent lack of communicating when something was wrong. It was weird to think that anything could ever be wrong when Jungkook was involved. He was your honeybun, sugar plum, pumpy-umpy-umpkin. Your sweetie pie, for lack of better wording, and he could do no wrong—
—is what you’d like to say. But if there’s anything you’ve learned in the past year of dating Jungkook, it’s that perfection was a made up belief that revolved around the idea that someone’s flaws couldn’t possibly be a good thing. And as you’ve come to realize, Jungkook wasn’t the perfect gentleman you’d initially chalked him up to be. He was human, just like you, with his own list of worries and thoughts, and sometimes those thoughts manifested into flaws. They could be ugly or they could be beautiful, but at the end of the day, they all made Jungkook into the person he was— and you loved that person. Disgustingly so.
You had your moments, and he had his. Everything would not always be sunshine and rainbows for the two of you, but it was fine so long as you learned to play in the rain and stomp in the puddles.
You were you.
A slightly mean, slightly conniving, petty ass human who had been plotting his revenge since the day the two of you made up. I mean, you weren’t actually just going to let him get off the hook like that, were you? He had saved himself last time with a gooey, heartfelt apology and confession, followed by some extraordinary dicking down that had left you Naked and Afraid for three days after.
But you weren’t that easy! No, ma’am. You had to let him know that some gorgeous demon dick was not enough to satisfy you after a fight like that.
Jungkook was in for a desperately needed reality check, one that jingles in your purse when you step out of the Uber that drops you off at his place. You know he’s home because his front light is on, and also because he’d texted you that he was watching some soccer match on tv tonight. He’s a pretty big fan, especially of the club playing tonight, so you decide it’s a perfect night to strike.
Your copy of his key slips right into the keyhole. Your slippers are in the same place they always are, neatly set off to the side right by the stairs. He’s not in his living room, undoubtedly the most perfect place to watch any type of sporting event with that huge Jumbotron of his. The damn thing made it feel like you were in the stadium itself.
There’s a quiet hum coming from upstairs. You creep up the steps, carefully rounding the corner at the landing until you’re staring right into his dimly lit bedroom.
The way Jungkook’s got his bedroom set up is so that you can look directly at his door from the bed, terribly inconvenient for when that sleep paralysis demon hits in the middle of the night and you’re left staring into the dark hallway. He’s snuggled comfortably over his sheets, about three pillows supporting his back. The light of the tinier, more acceptable television he keeps in his room is dancing across his features in bright shades of green. You almost throw yourself onto his mattress like a starfish until you spot the carefully placed foot on the bed.
“What the hell did you do?” you blurt. A wrong move, considering he hadn’t seen you yet and your sudden appearance makes him jump nearly ten feet into the air, almost knocking down the bag of ice that sits on his ankle. “Oh my god, it was that damned Pilates class, wasn’t it?” you fret, rounding the bed until you’re on his side.
“Oh hey,” he says as if you’re not currently pulling the first eight seasons of Grey’s Anatomy to the forefront of your head to treat him. “When’d you get here?”
“Cut the crap, who did this to you?” you ask, sitting beside him with the utmost care. You drop your bag off to the side, the loud clatter of the inside contents vaguely registering in your head. The ice pack comes off easily, revealing a relatively okay looking ankle save for the slight swell towards the more medial aspect of it.
Jungkook takes the moment to sit up, joining you in your inspection of his injury. “No one,” he answers, using his new position to drop a kiss against the side of your head. “I fell off the ladder helping Mrs. Jung across the street.”
You choke. “You fell off a ladder?” you squawk, eyes wide as your gaze shifts from his ankle to his entire body.
He places a hand on your shoulder, “babe, I was on like the third step. It was one of those old wooden ones,” he explains with a nonchalant shrug. “The step just happened to snap on my way down.”
You scoff. “That old lady is out to get you,” you warn him. “Remember the time she almost had you plug in those burnt out Christmas lights for her? The ones that would have electrocuted you to death.”
Jungkook laughs, settling back into his stack of pillows. “In her defense, she’s old,” he offers. He’s wrapped up in a black hoodie, fluffy bangs parted down the middle. He’s got on some blue shorts, a huge difference from his usual dark-toned clothing. He looks so good and warm, and you’re suddenly hit with the fact you can’t possibly handcuff this poor, injured angel to his bedpost and ride his cock into the sunset. “You didn’t tell me you were coming over.”
You deflate, wild fantasies thrown out the window. “Yeah, well,” you sigh, ditching your pants and climbing over him until you’re snuggled into his side. “Wanted to show you my nails.”
It’s a lame excuse. But he buys it, so.
“They’re cute,” he says, taking your hand in his. He turns your hand over, inspects your pretty new acrylics like he actually has any idea how much they cost or how sexy they look. He raises your hand to his face, pressing a smooch against your knuckles that has you heart thumping embarrassingly loud in your chest. God, you hated this fool.
You turn your nose up at him, like you’re some snooty rich girl who couldn’t give him the time of day. Except it’s not like that, and Jungkook knows.
“What’re you watching?” you ask instead.
He’s got that stupid dopey smile on you, the one that takes one nudge against his side to snap him out of. “Ah, just the game.”
You squint at the screen. “Is this Fox Sports?” you ask in disgust.
He pinches your side. “This is ESPN,” he corrects. “And you don’t know shit about sports channels,” he points out. “So sit this one out.” You give in with a huff, cuddling closer into his side while trying to jostle him as little as possible. Jungkook seems to have no deeply rooted concerns about his injured ankle if the way he hauls you into his arms is any indicator. “How did nails with Doyeon go?”
“You know, the usual,” you respond, idly toying with one of the strings on his hoodie as your eyes focus on the little figures running across the screen. He hums, gesturing for you to elaborate. “Talked about sex, how much better than you at life she is, some more sex.”
He scoffs at that. “Doyeon is not better than me, and I have a whole trophy case to prove it.”
“Okay, but have you singlehandedly Twitter beefed with an entire sorority in your freshman year of university and won?”
He frowns. “No.”
You give him a look, one that says stand down now unless you want to lose to my best friend and get your feelings hurt. Jungkook understands. “Anyway,” he announces, turning his attention back to the screen with you. You think his team might be winning—you vaguely remember seeing him wear a similar jersey once—so he’s pretty relaxed for now. “They’re doing pretty good considering they just lost their main striker.”
You have no idea what that means. “Who? Messi?”
Jungkook knows you don’t know. “He doesn’t even play in this league,” he explains anyway.
“Oh, I saw him trending on Twitter last week. Thought he died or something. Whole time it was just a bunch of soccer nerds crying about him leaving his team.”
He laughs. “You should be a sportscaster,” Jungkook decides after your ever-so-eloquent recap, tucking his head cutely against your shoulder. There was a study once that claimed the incessant need to squeeze a baby’s cheeks or hug puppies tightly was actually the innate human response to kill something they felt threatened by. Oddly enough, you find yourself thinking of that as Jungkook’s citrusy shampoo floods your nostrils.
“Oh, speaking of Doyeon,” he says suddenly. “Did you give her my address? I got a weird package from that store she likes that I genuinely don’t remember ever ordering.” You frown, sitting up slightly until you can look at the side of his face, the cute mole on his cheek calling your name.
“What?” you ask. “Was it in her name?” Jungkook nods. You’re about to tear the roof off his house and go hunt that evil wench down when realization dawns on you. “Oh, no, yeah I gave her your address. My mom stayed over last weekend and Doyeon needed to order something nasty. Guess it got delayed until now.”
Jungkook nods and then doesn’t say much else, which is weird considering the circumstances. You expected him to gently scold you for carelessly giving the psycho that was Kim Doyeon his address, but she’s been here a few times to pick you up, even came over for beer night once. She probably knew it anyway, but you still expected some type of reaction of disapproval from him.
Something’s off, and you know better than to leave it at that. You poke his cheek, right where that mole you’d been eyeing was. “Did you open her package?” you ask, grin slowly consuming your features at the fact Jungkook was apparently a mail snooper.
He looks away. You laugh. “Oh my god, you did,” you cackle, sitting up beside him to get a good look at the blush growing on his cheeks. “What did you see?”
“Nothing,” he huffs, pretending to be overly invested in his soccer match again, but that ship died the moment you stepped into his room. “Babe, I can't see the match.”
You roll your eyes, purposefully shifting in front of him so he’s forced to look at the maniac look in your eyes. “What did you see, Jeon Jungkook, and are we going to steal it from her again?”
His cheeks bloom impossibly darker at that. “No!” he coughs, pointedly avoiding your gaze.
But your curiosity is at its peak now, his reactions only exacerbating it. You grab him by the shoulders, hands balling the material of his hoodie as you give him one firm shake. “What did you see,” you demand.
“Oh my god,” he gives in. You release him and he flops back onto his pillow mountain. “They were things,” he explains slowly, cheeks rosy. “For your, y’know,” a vague gesture over his chest.
You frown. “A bra?” you guess. “I’m not gonna lie, Kook, think I just lost a little respect for you.”
“No!” he huffs. “They were… little clamps. For your nipples.”
If this was a cartoon, you’re almost certain you’d be that character with the object in question in their eyes, heart fluttering in your chest at the words that leave his mouth.
Immediately, two things become obvious to you.
One, Kim Doyeon was a bigger freak than you’d expected who obviously dabbled in an assortment of trades. Clamps, your brain screams, overwhelmed with the image that appears in your head, the one that has a shiver running straight to your core. You would have to thank her for this gracious, unintentional gift she’s bestowed upon you.
Two, you’re gonna have to write her the best, most plausible apology letter tomorrow when you inform her those clamps have been lost in the mail, never to be seen again. Or you could just straight up tell her you snatched them up the moment you found out what they were, but you doubt that’ll go over well.
Jungkook groans. “You have that look in your eye,” he points out. You snap your attention back to him. “And I just wanna say in advance that I don’t think i can give you the fun night you deserve, baby,” he apologizes, motioning towards his still swollen ankle.
Something distinctly mean switches on inside of you.
You flash him a sweet smile that has him letting down his guard. You lean forward, pressing a soft peck to his cheek as you climb down the bed towards your forgotten purse that’d been resting on the floor until that point. “Who said I needed you to have fun?” you throw over your shoulder, carefully slipping Doyeon’s first gift close to your body so he won’t see.
Jungkook levels you with an unimpressed look. “Really,” he says dryly, “you think you can have fun without me?” He almost sounds cocky, as if the idea of you even enjoying yourself the teensiest bit without his help seems unfathomable.
You grin, padding over to his bedside, where you carefully pick up his hand. You mirror his actions from before, pressing a sweet kiss against his knuckles that makes that conceited look slip off his features for a second, eyes soft.
Jungkook frowns. “What the—“ before the sentence can leave his mouth you’re lunging forward, wrestling his hands above his head, until they’re both secured at his headboard by the soft cuffs Doyeon had given you that afternoon at the salon. Jungkook’s wide eyes stare back at you, briefly leaving to glance up at the silver chain that wraps behind one of the rungs of his headboard. “Babe,” he says slowly. “What the fuck.”
You beam at him, leaning down to snatch a pillow from beneath him so he’s better positioned, leaning back more. “So cute,” you gush, taking in the way his raised arms have the hem of his hoodie lifting at the waist. There’s a faint trail of hairs around his belly button that disappear beneath the elastic of his shorts. “Do you like them?”
Jungkook blinks. “Baby,” he says a second time, much slower and a little too calm for your liking. It almost gets swallowed by the roar of the fans on TV. “What is this?”
You ignore him, scampering around his room until you find the hot pink Sexuality Unleashed packaging peeking out from beneath his bed. Sure enough, it’s in Doyeon’s name but his address. A whole complicated mess just for some nipple clamps she’ll never see again. It’s what’s inside anyway, not that you thought Jungkook was lying, but there’s something about the actual, carefully wrapped packaging that makes your heart and pussy flutter.
“Oh! Aren’t these the prettiest things?” you exclaim, whirling around to where Jungkook is shaking up a storm with his cuffs, pout growing on his features the longer you leave him there. The ice pack slips off his ankle, falling onto the comforter beside him from all his movement.
Jungkook doesn’t seem the least bit interested in the silver nipple clamps in your hands, too busy trying to free himself from the sudden trap you sprung on him. “Sweetheart, we can play with those tomorrow, alright?” he tries, relaxing his arms and finally looking your way. There’s a frustrated furrow to his brows, one you rarely see but adore very much. “Just undo these cuffs for me, yeah?”
You tilt your head to the side, placing a hand on the inside of his calf that you trail all the way up as you move to stand beside his hip. His thighs flinch at your touch, tensing when you stop just before the crotch of his pants. “Mmm, don’t think so,” you smile, dropping the thin chain beside him.
Your shirt goes first, peeled over your body until you’re left standing in your bra. It’s nothing too special this time, just your average run of the mill comfort bra hugging your chest. But that doesn’t really matter, especially not with the way you’re hoping things play out tonight. You’d discarded your jeans a few moments prior, so the shirt joins them on a pile on his floor.
As much as he tries to act irritated by your refusal to release him, there’s a slow stirring beneath his shorts. It’s emphasized by that bright blue material, cock swelling as he watches you take off your clothes. “Baby,” he warns, possibly for the last time. But you won’t know unless you push some more, you tell yourself, placing one knee on the edge of the bed, the other thrown across his lap.
“Wow,” you marvel, picking the chain up once more. Jungkook shifts beneath you, half hard cock brushing against the cleft of your cheeks. “Don’t you wanna see what it’s like, Jungkookie?”
He says nothing, watching you with solemn eyes that leave no room for reading him. Behind you, the game commentator is chattering up a storm.
Doesn’t matter, especially not when this flimsy metal had you so completely hypnotized. You reach behind yourself, unsnapping your bra with one fluid motion that has the cups falling onto your lap, soft chest on display for the man before you. Your breasts spill out slowly from their cage, pretty hardened buds slowly coming into his view. They make him pause his fussing, half-lidded gaze falling to the swell of your chest hungrily. His hands jerk, the cuffs doing their job of keeping them there.
You grin, placing a hand on his chest, over his hammering heart. “Do you wanna see me wear them?” you croon, tugging the material of his hoodie up his stomach, until your thighs are sitting directly on his tiny waist, thin thong just over his belly button. You trail your hand up, letting it brush up the side of his neck and bury into his scalp. You give an experimental tug that has his eyes squeezing shut. “Yes or no, Jungkookie?”
He’s being a huge brat for you, eyes scrunched up together like the sight of you enjoying yourself sans his touch is unimaginable. Another tug of his hair and he’s exhaling shakily, a quiet, “yes,” slipping past his lips.
The chain drops onto his chest with a quiet thud, shocking him enough to blink his eyes back open. Releasing your hold on his hair, you sit back on his lap, towering over his fidgety body like a goddess at a temple, him the lowly worshipper beneath you.
Your hands crawl over your body, starting somewhere around your waist. The glide up over your tummy, caress the underside of your breasts teasingly. Sure Jungkook knew your body well, but you knew your body best. One hand rubs teasingly over your breast, palm pressing down slightly against where your nipple lies, while the other drops down between your thighs, slowly grinding against your mound.
“Look, Jungkookie,” you gasp, body twitching at your own hands. You take a hardened nub between your fingers, rolling it back and forth until it’s standing at its peak. “I can do it without you,” you tease, rolling your hips against him slowly. The thin material of your thong does nothing to save you from the delicious swell of his cock against you. “F-Fuck,” you whimper, circling a finger over your clit. “It’s, it’s even better.”
His restraints jiggle against the bed frame, an obvious look of distress crossing his features. “No,” he huffs out a whine, tugging at the cuffs as you slowly unravel on his lap. They don’t give, no matter how much he pulls. You know he’s holding back, afraid of damaging his headboard, and you take advantage of the fact as you move to roll both nipples between your fingers. He groans harshly, jaw tight. “Hate you,” he hisses, hips wiggling beneath you. “Hate you, hate you.”
You breathe out an airy chuckle. “R-Really?” you ask, trembling hands finally reaching back for that second gift of the day. Your breath is shallow, so thoroughly wound up from your own playful hands, and you tremble at the mere brush of the cool metal. “Oh fuck,” you whimper, bringing them up to your chest, “I’ve never done this before,” you confess.
There’s a sense of amazement that consumes you at the thin chain you hold in your hands, the pretty gold painted clamps on each end. It makes you shiver, body unconsciously grinding down against Jungkook’s lap where his engorged cock was fighting against the material of his shorts.
“Then let me help you,” he tries, the childish tone from before melting into his usual silky smooth baritone. Jungkook even softens his gaze at you, let’s his tongue peek out to wet his lips as you almost seriously consider his request.
Had it not been for the sudden loud shout from the sports commentator behind you, a long obnoxious gooooooaaal, you probably would have fallen victim to that honey-eyed gaze. You would like to personally thank every loud-mouthed, ESPN commentator out there for saving you from Jungkook’s dangerous seduction skills.
Without a second thought, you bring one of the little camps close to your chest, giving it a few experimental squeezes until the nerves are replaced with an overwhelming wave of horniness that even Jungkook can sense. “Fuck,” he groans, shaking his restraints back and forth like a wild animal as you slowly get to clamping your left nipple.
You’re not sure what you expected; part of you had thought it was going to be an excruciating pain, one that would make you want to scream and shout in sheer agony. The other part had reduced it to a barely there pinch that would never live up to your fantasies. As it stands, the sensation of the clamp around your swollen nipple sits right in between, drawing in a choked gasp that makes your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Baby, sweetheart,” Jungkook gasps alongside you, eyes zeroed in on the pinched off bundle of nerves. There’s a sudden grinding sound that fills the air, like the sawing off of wood that definitely doesn’t sound good, and it’s a direct result of the fight he puts up against his headboard. “Please, please,” he begs, muscled arms tugging back and forth. “I have to touch—“
The second clamp goes on, making your entire back arch as if you were possessed. You're not, just extremely overwhelmed by the prickle of pain on your tits that makes you grind down against his cock, hands fisting the front of his hoodie like it’s the only thing grounding you right now. “Oh,” you shudder, thighs quivering at the heightened stimulation you receive from the clamps sitting on your nipples. “Kook, I-I can’t.”
He growls, hips bucking beneath you in a crazed effort to better situate you on his lap. “You gotta take these off me,” he rasps out. The next buck of his hips makes the chain dangling between your breast brush dangerously close to his face. He’s unintentionally goaded on by the TV in the room, the annoying drone of the commentator shouting something about never giving up. “Can make you feel so much better, sweet girl,” he cooes, jutting his head out like he needs a kiss.
Your head feels woozy, pussy throbbing at the sensations being channeled down into your core. Your eyes flutter shut, and before you can think it through, you're blindly reaching for the chain, giving it one light tug that has you mewling like a kitten. “O-oh, fuck,” you sob, looping your finger around the thin chain carefully. Another tug that pulls against your nipples sends a gush of wetness down between your thighs. “Cock,” you slur dazedly, “need your cock.”
Jungkook shudders out a long breath. “Le-Let me go then, sweetheart,” he chokes out, “let me fuck that pretty little pussy for you.”
“Uh uh,” you disagree, bringing another angry buck out of him, metal cuffs rattling loudly. “Want you to watch,” you pant, reaching behind you for his shorts. “Watch me, Jungkookie.” It takes three tries for you to get a grip, the elastic material slipping from your fingers before you finally gain some semblance of control and paw them down . The shorts and the boxers came off together, his engorged cock springing up to tap against your ass. “W-Watch,” you repeat dazedly, leaning forward with one hand on his shoulder to line him up with your dripping hole. Behind you, the commentator is droning on about core balance or something of the sort. It takes two tries as you blindly have to tug your panties to the side as well, and just as you have his fiery red tip against your entrance, something else happens.
He catches you, pearly teeth biting down on the chain that connects your clamps in a motion you can only liken to a bloodthirsty shark jumping out of the water, jaws snapping to catch its prey. It dangles in his face, the same way his own necklaces have done to you so many times before. But the difference between you and Jungkook was that while you let his assortment of necklaces hypnotize you, drag across your face painfully, he doesn’t. He snaps forward, catches it between his teeth.
You mewl loudly, foggy vision turning onto him. Jungkook’s got this unreadable look on his face, likes he’s pissed off and turned on all at once. “You’re not in charge,” he murmurs around the chain, the s and c sounds all slurred together. “You will never be in charge, silly girl, you got that?” he spits, yanking his head back like an animal, pulling your upper body with him by the two golden clamps on your nipples.
There’s tears in your eyes, lining your waterline and threatening to fall with each tug his mouth gives against the chain of your nipple clamps. He’s got his neck craned back as far as he possibly can with a pillow beneath him, chain links digging into his bottom lip. “Y-Yes,” you sob, your entire body quivering at the way he so easily manages to overthrow you, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he says, solemn eyes flickering across your twisted features once more. He gives another purposeful tug, head snapping back just the tiniest bit, but it’s enough to tug you forward again, a loud whimper torn from your throat. “Undo these cuffs for me, sweet girl,” he commands softly, jiggling the same restraints he’d spent the better part of fifteen minutes fighting against.
“Y-Yes,” you whimper, hands wildly slapping down on his bedside table. You had had half the mind to leave the key there when you had retrieved the cuffs, telling yourself it would be easy access afterwards. It’s not, apparently, the silver pick falling just out of reach. For some reason— it’s probably the sensitivity and horninesss, the pinpricks of pain that originate from your nipples —this fact frustrates you to the point of tears.
“Easy, doll,” Jungkook talks you through, voice low and soft beneath you, “relax and grab it for me, okay?” You nod, angrily blinking away a tear that drips down your face. It splatters on Jungkook’s cheek, bringing a soft huff of amusement from him.
Finally the key brushes your hand, and you sigh in relief, shakily leaning forward to undo the lock above his head. He releases his killer chomp/grip on your chain just as you release his cuffs. “I-I’m sorry,” you sniffle, a sudden need to apologize as you watch him rub at the raw skin around his wrists. “I didn’t—“
“Shhh,” he says, cuddling you into his chest. “It’s alright,” he says simply and you believe him.
Which ends up being a terrible mistake exactly ten seconds later when he’s shoving your face into the sheets, your cries and whimpers muffled by the sounds of the game on TV as he winds your arms behind your back. You struggle for all of five seconds before a soft click resounds from behind you.
“Did you think I’d just let that slide, sweet girl?” he growls against your ear, hot breath fanning across your skin. “I'm not your dog, __,” he spits, suddenly yanking you up by your cuffed wrists. Your chest is heaving, arms aching from the way he’s got you on your knees, blind to whatever he’s doing behind you. “Don’t lock me up, because I’ll always come back to bite.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you stammer, flinching when a hand snakes around your waist, an experimental tug to the chain of your clamps. It sends a shudder down your spine, amplified by the hot press of his body behind you. “I won’t do it again!”
“I know you fucking won’t,” he laughs meanly, trailing his hand down over your mound. One finger circles your clit through your underwear, a shaky sigh exiting your lips at the jarringly light touch. “Because I’m gonna fuck you until you’ve learned your lesson, silly girl.”
“I said sorry,” you whimper, thighs quivering. His cock brushes up against you, the same cock you were about to ride until the sunset. Oh how the tables have turned.
A hand slips beneath your underwear, pad of a finger rubbing against your swollen clit. “Oh,” you exhale, surprised with the suddenly gentle touch following his words. “Th-That’s nice,” you murmur, head lolling forward at the slow rhythm he sets, playing with you like you were a toy that needed warming up.
“Yeah?” he husks out. There’s a yank to your clamps that makes you gasp, chest following the motion as if it’ll reduce the shock. “You think this is about making you feel nice?” he murmurs. Another tug, followed by another, until he’s raining down a series of rhythmic shocks onto your tits that make you shiver and twitch, tongue heavy in your mouth to the point you feel like you’re drooling.
“Wait,” you whimper, arms twisting behind you. “Hurts, hurts” you cry, arching your back like it’ll save you from the steady stimulation against your rock-hard nipples.
“Does it?” Jungkook hums, one hand working away at your clit. He swirls it around his finger, pressing down on the nub in an attempt to distract you. But it only heightens the sting coming from your breasts, the blossom of pain that grows over each mound the longer he plays with you. “Good. Want your pretty little body to hurt for me, baby.”
Right after saying that he releases the grip on your chain, letting it swing back and forth until it eventually rests on your stomach, throbbing nipples spared for now. A breath of relief washes over you now that you only have to worry about the hand playing along your folds. The TV is still flickering to your right, but the commentator's voice sounds fuzzy and so far away, like he’s in a whole different dimension while you and Jungkook are here.
Your reprieve lasts shorter than you expected, as his free hand slowly begins creeping up your waist, fluttering over the little gold clamps pinching your nipples. “Pretty girl,” he compliments, nudging one tender nub with a playful finger. “Pretty, pretty baby,” Jungkook murmurs as he begins massaging the scorching hot skin around your nipples gently. There’s a warm kiss pressed to your shoulder, followed by a trail up the side of your neck. You shudder, trying to focus on the hand that creeps down your folds, teases itself against your entrance.
“Jungkook,” you whine softly, rolling your head to the side so he can suck bruise after bruise onto your skin. You’re definitely drooling, the saliva thick and heavy in your mouth. “T-Too much.”
“Thought you wanted that,” he mumbles, kissing up and up until he’s at your jaw and then he’s at your mouth, languidly kissing you. He’s doing that thing again where he’s hellbent on drowning you in his spit, and if you didn’t know better you’d think he was preparing you for something. “Wanted me to watch you bounce that tight little cunt on me while your tits were like this,” he says, punctuating his statement with a light slap against the side of one breast. It makes you jump, a moan catching in your throat.
The finger that had been playing meanly along your wet folds eases itself past your lips, plunges head first into the aching heat inside of you. He works it against your walls, thumb over your clit as he curls his finger inside of you. You moan loudly, shaking in your restraints. The hand over your chest squeezes, pushes the clamp deeper against your breast until your entire body is short-circuiting.
Your first orgasm comes over you with all the grace of a lightning bolt; it’s sudden and jerky, has every nerve ending wildly spasming as you whimper his name. “No more, no more,” you beg, head lolling back against his shoulder. He shows you no mercy, simply rubs furiously over your clit, until you’re jerking into his maniac hand.
When it’s over, he places a kiss against your jaw, curling his finger inside once more “Play with yourself,” he whispers.
“H-Huh?” you stutter, the rattle of your cuffs loud in both your ears, but not as loud as the breath you were trying to catch post-orgasm. You wonder if maybe he got ahead of himself again—he occasionally did that, thinking ahead to a point you hadn’t reached in your normal progression of sex —but suddenly he’s shoving you back down again, the finger that was slowly driving you insane rudely exiting your cunt.
You flop down against the mattress with a squeal, wiggling around like you actually had a chance of doing anything with him watching you like he is. You struggle for a few beats, every shift against the mattress rubbing harshly against your breasts until you nearly want to cry.
Just as you reach that point, he’s rolling you into your back, hands uncomfortably bent beneath you. It leaves you unwillingly arching to accommodate them, tits practically presented for him to see. “Pretty girl,” Jungkook groans, reaching down for the first time that day to touch himself.
His self restraint was truly unmatched, you realize, watching him squeeze the base of his cock. He runs a palm over his abdomen, up his chest. He drags the material of his hoodie along with it, eventually shucking it off somewhere to the side. His hair, so fluffy and soft, flops over his forehead, a few defined strands tickling his eyebrow.
The mere sight of him alone made you shiver, pussy clenching at the wet dream before you. He’s not an idiot either, obviously aware of what the sight of his body does to you, the tattoos littering his entire right arm that hypnotize you. The faint glow of the TV screen against his side makes him look like the cover star of every middle-aged wife’s erotic romance novel. He reaches said arm down, runs a hand along your thigh until you’re spreading them wide for him.
He doesn’t touch you like you want, only slides over your body until he’s toying with the chain of the nipple clamps that were slowly becoming the bane of your existence. “Open,” he says suddenly, and you do. Your mouth drops open, tongue stuck out slightly even if you don’t know why. He’s ingrained the response into you by now, made you into a desperate slut always ready for anything in your mouth.
This time it’s the stupid, stupid chain connecting your nipple clamps. He tugs it until it’s pulled up, the pull against your nipples making you whimper and writhe. The metal is cool when it touches your lips, but his fingertips are warm. “Good girl,” he praises once you bite down; even this sends a shock of nerves down your spine and to your pussy. “Just like that.”  
A muffled whimper escapes your lips, tears clouding your vision at the stimulation that was quickly overwhelming you again. Part of you thinks no more, please, I can’t. But the other has you spreading your legs for him, quivering pussy desperate to be filled.
The distress must be obvious in your face if the way Jungkook kisses your neck is any indication. He’s got one hand massaging against the underside of one breast, like he’s soothing the striking pain of your pinched nipples for you. If anything, it only strings you along more. “Stupid baby,” he chuckles meanly, a soft puff of laughter against your jaw, “thinking she could push me down.”
He leans back onto his knees, that same careful brush against the inside of your thigh bringing about an embarrassing whimper as he peels your thong away. “But you didn’t really want that, did you?” he eggs on, slowly shifting down against the bed, until his mouth is hovering over your exposed lower lips. His breath is warm, makes you yearn for him to be closer. “You like when I shove my cock into your little pussy, right? Like how it feels when I turn you into my little slut like this,” he sighs, pressing one chaste kiss against your thigh that makes you pull at the cuffs behind your back.
Soon, his mouth is on your clit, the same clit he had previously pampered with his hands but chooses to play with again. He licks an obscenely wet stripe from your throbbing hole to your clit, tongue curling devilishly towards the end. You whimper, though the sound is distorted around the chain in your mouth. Jungkook groans, dives mouth first into your cunt until he’s suffocating himself. His cute nose is pressed against your clit, and he takes advantage of the fact by taking one, dramatic sniff with his eyes rolled back. A soft moan escapes him.
“Fuck,” he shudders, “smell like heaven for me.” You moan at his sweet words, eyes squeezed shut as if that’ll stop the buckets of overwhelmed tears that you’ve been fighting off since the moment the clamps came on. “Wanna give you the world, angel,” he breathes, licking languidly against your folds, tongue occasionally peeking inside.
You mewl and writhe, every movement sending a tug of pain over your nipples. You want that gorgeous cock deep in your cunt, want to feel him in your womb, but you can’t voice any of this with the chain of the clamps between your lips.
Jungkook sits up suddenly, and you’re thinking yes, finally, before the look on his face has you screeching to a halt. There’s something distinctly different about him, a look you don’t think you’ve ever seen in bed before. Your thoughts are only confirmed when his foot slides onto the floor, as if he’s about to leave.
The panic must be evident on your face, because Jungkook is quick to swoop in and reassure you he’s not done with you yet. “Wanna fuck your little pussy,” he admits, carding a hand through your hair. “But the truth is I don’t think you deserve that just yet.”
With that he slinks off the bed, leaving you writhing in confusion as he heads off for the closet behind you. You can’t see what he’s doing, can only hear the shuffling of something back and forth. The TV is still on, the loud cheering of the fans muffling his clattering. You’re suddenly reminded of his swollen ankle, craning your neck to tell him to not overdo it, when something dark covers your eyes.
He’s standing just beside the edge of the bed, his signature teddy bear heat emanating off in waves so thick you could touch them. “Do you trust me?” he murmurs, voice close but not close to your ear.
Something swells in your chest, an emotion so intense your entire pelvis tightens up at the realization that Jungkook was asking for permission to blindfold you. You’re almost certain it’s one of his ties, a silky black thing that covers your vision for the most part, save for a little crack by where your nose juts out. A shuffle to your side, and then he’s gently prying the chain he had pushed past your lips earlier out. “Need an answer, ___,” he says quietly, almost nervously.
“Yes,” you gasp, your entire body set aflame at the sudden turn of events.
If you were being honest you would have never predicted your night would end like this. Maybe you came in a little too cocky, a little too optimistic for the night. It was supposed to be Jungkook handcuffed and powerless, you remind yourself— how on earth did you get here?
“Good girl,” he praises, giving you a little encouraging nudge to raise your head for him to actually tie the knot behind your head. It’s definitely one of his suit ties, you realize, because there’s a distinct cross-stitch pattern that you can feel only when it’s tightened against your skin, pressing against your fluttering eyelids. When he releases you, you’re suddenly all too aware of the sense he’s deprived you of.
“K-Kook?” you call out with a tremble in your voice. The rhythmic pattern of his footsteps rounds the bed again, and then there’s a soft touch against your leg.
“Right here, sweet girl,” he reassures you. The bed dips by your legs as he closes in on you, still tied up and on the verge of a second orgasm that he snatched away before your very eyes; not that you can see it anymore. His hand slides over your stomach, tugs playfully at the clamps. You moan, the sensation magnified tenfold by the fact you can’t see nor anticipate his actions now.
His hands glide like two sailing boats over the broad expanse of sea that is your body, molding against your curves like waves as they go. He hums appreciatively, and you find yourself glad you can’t see him. You can’t possibly imagine with what eyes he’s looking at you now.
You bask in the glory of his attention for another beat before he retracts his touch.
And then, suddenly, something distinctly not hand-like, and weirdly soft traces over the inside of your thighs. “Kook?” you ask tentatively.
No response.
It runs over your skin in the same way his hands just did, a unique shape your brain scrambles to put a name too. It’s soft, so soft. But cold to the touch. Inanimate for sure. It’s a toy, your brain supplies belatedly, but that much you already know.
It’s heart-shaped, you realize, just as it thwacks down against your pussy.
You shriek at the suddenness of it all, thighs clamping shut. Your heart is thundering at a pace of a rabbit’s, chest rising and falling as you blindly piece together what just happened.  “Kook?” you whimper a second time, head craning back and forth in a desperate attempt to track his next move.
He’s not touching you anymore, but the bed is still dipping by your feet, so you deduce he must be there. You test your theory by sliding your foot against the sheets, lower lip trembling at the idea of him not being there.
Jungkook catches your ankle with one warm palm, slightly calloused from years of weightlifting. He raises it up, the cold air of his room hitting your exposed pussy. “You liked it,” he says, not a question but an observation. Your pussy throbs, the phantom strike against it lingering. A kiss to your ankle.
“Wh-What is it?” you cry, unconsciously pressing your leg closer to him now that you have his location. (You don’t see the soft smile on his face at your action.) Ever so slowly you let your thighs open again, now anticipating the next touch of that thing— that riding crop, you realize.
Jungkook confirms. “It’s a riding crop,” he explains, excitement curling around his words. Suddenly, it returns, this time against your stomach. He doesn’t strike you like he did before, simply lets it run across your tummy. “Heart-shaped. It’s so pretty,” he sighs dreamily. “Reminds me of you.”
You nod anxiously, stomach muscles tensed the longer it stays there. Jungkook obviously sees this, lifting it to give you the lightest of taps that still manages to make you gasp. “Cute,” he laughs, trailing it back to where it first touched down.
“Oh,” you tremble, thighs twitching as it pats tenderly over your clit. “Wai-Wait,” you warn, body arching as he runs it down, down your swollen folds. “No,” you weep, going to close your legs. But Jungkook predicts your moves, pressing your thigh down harshly against the bed.
“Shh,” he soothes, tracing the heart down your folds, pressing it flat against you. There’s a distinct lining over it that makes your hips jump, a faux-velvet covering the tip that tickles your skin. “Sit still for me.”
“No!” you gasp. Your back arches, body betraying you as it pushes your pussy against the toy. “I can’t, I can’t, Kook,” you sob, lips contracting around the gaping nothingness in your hole.
He condemns your attitude with a harsh swat of the riding crop against your cunt, tearing another high-pitched squeal from your lips. It’s followed by another against your clit that makes your body spasm. “Bad,” he chides. “Supposed to be my perfect girl.”
“I c-can’t,” you whine, the darkness over your eyes making the sensations ten times more intense. You don’t know where he or the riding crop are if they’re not directly touching you. Even then, the image is fuzzy in your head. “Need you,” you pant.
You try to reach for him, try to pull him into your arms. But you’re reminded of the cuffs holding you back, the metal digging into your skin behind you. You sob at the realization, angrily shaking your hands back and forth like maybe acting like a tantrum-throwing child will save you. It doesn’t.
Instead there’s a tug at the chain resting on your stomach, one that makes you cry out in pain when it pulls at your terribly sensitive nipples again. Jungkook uses it to pull you close, just a small inch off the bed that has you gasping for breath nonetheless.
“N-No,” you wail, nipples throbbing from all the sensations you’ve put them through tonight.
A chaste peck against your trembling lips. “Tell me how it feels,” he purrs, nose brushing against yours. Even with the tie obstructing your vision, the latest version of your boyfriend burns itself into your eyelids, force feeding you his sweaty skin and damp hair until even his breath against your face is enough to bring you to the edge.
“I-It’s scary, Kook,” you sniffle, listening for any signs of a reaction. But even if he did show one, your breathing is too loud and the ESPN channel is still blaring on screen. “Scary,” you whimper, lunging forward in a desperate move to feel the familiar brush of his tongue against yours. You miss.
“Do you want to stop?” he asks carefully, like he’s afraid he’s pushed too far.
He has. But fuck, do you love it.
“No,” you wail, lips smushed somewhere along his cheek, near his jaw and not his mouth like you wanted to. “Feels good, feels so fucking amazing,” you babble, cut off halfway through by a hiccup from your sad cries. “Wanna cum, wanna cum for you like this.”
Jungkook chuckles in relief, tilting his head until you can catch his lips with yours. It’s probably an awkward angle you assume, him adjusting for your vision-less whims, but it feels so good. It sends a shock to your pussy, his plush lips against yours. Without him telling you, you’re opening your mouth for him. “Spit on me,” you beg pitifully.
Jungkook groans, and you can almost visualize the look on his face perfectly— the tensing of his jaw, the push of his Adam’s apple, the pucker of his lips. “God, you’re disgusting,” he sighs, a fat glob of spit hitting the back of your tongue. Without your vision, you don’t see it coming, recoiling with a whiny mewl. The thin trail of saliva that follows trails across your chin when he finally reels back. You swallow greedily, wondering how soon is too soon to ask him to do it again.
With your full permission to move forward, Jungkook wastes no time trailing the riding crop over your wet folds, collecting your oozing pre-cum on the tiny heart as he roves it over your cunt. “Fuck, you can probably cum like this too, can’t you?”
You can’t answer, too caught up in the featherlight brushes. Even if you wanted to say something, one sudden strike against your pussy renders you speechless. “Mmh!” you hiss, biting down on your lip.
“Come on,” Jungkook encourages, resting a hand on your thigh. He presses the crop against you again, pushes down until the flat apex of the heart where it meets the flexible stem of the toy is pressing against your cunt hotly. He grinds it down against you, takes a sick pleasure in the pathetic way you arch up into it, rut against the little heart like it can provide even half the pleasure his hands usually would. “Talk to me, sweetheart,” he murmurs.
Your body is on fire, every nerve, every sensation shooting straight to your most erogenous areas— your cunt and your nipples. Talking seems like the farthest thing from your mind right now, too caught up in the way he roughly pushes the crop against your clit. A whimper rips itself from your throat, shuddering at the sensation. Unconsciously you jerk away from him, only to be scolded with another thwack against your quivering pussy lips. “A-Ahh,” you wail, squirming beneath him like a worm that can’t sit still. “Good— it feels good, Jungkookie,” you weep.
The soft mushy pet name has him raining down two snacks against you in quick succession. “No baby names,” he warns, frown evident in his voice.
Even with you completely under him like this, shackled and blinded with your love, something unmistakably childish and obnoxious curls around your throat, has you biting down on a grin as the coil in your stomach tightens. “D-Don’t like that, Jungkookie,” you choke out hoarsely, wildly bold for someone in your position. “D-Don't like being m-my baby?”
The crop loses its position over your folds, and for a minute you’re left anxiously anticipating its next touch. 
It’s on the side of your breast, harder than the rest, combining with the already powerful pinch of the clamps. It makes you cry out painfully, stomach tightening at what is probably the most unexpected orgasm you’ve ever had. It isn’t like your usual ones that overpower you and make cum trickle out between your folds.
No, it comes in waves— literally. Your pussy spasms, pushes one splurt of cum out between your thighs, almost likes your lower lips are spitting it out. And then again, more the second time, against his mattress. He pushes your legs up to your chest to marvel at the cum coating your lips and thighs. “You’re my baby, stupid,” he hisses. He grabs at your clamps then, twisting the little chain in his hand harshly. You sob at the yank, at the way your nipples feel two seconds away from being ripped off. But you can’t even complain, because the sudden touch has your pussy clenching, before a final trickle of cum oozes out of you.
Even still, your mind babbles on. “N-No,” you choke, shaking back and forth. Despite the tie covering your eyes, they flicker like a mad man beneath it, like you’ll somehow get lucky and develop Seeing Through Fabric Ability if you try hard enough. “My, my baby,” you fight weakly, pelvis trembling from aftershocks of that orgasm. “My idiot b-boy,” you smile dazedly, eyes rolling into the back of your head at the sting you’ve become familiar with by now. “T-Tell me, Jungkookie,” you croon, biting down on your lip to keep a moan from spilling out mid-syllable. “Still the same, r-right?” you stutter, “still think you’re better than me, don’t you?”
He scoffs. “No,” he vehemently denies, brashly landing an unexpected smack against your hip, no warning in sight. “That’s not true,” he defends. You can hear his pout, the little push of his lips when he grows defensive. 
You laugh, every bit the insane lunatic, fueled by your two orgasms and slipping sense of reality. “Ffffuck,” you whimper, rolling your hips up into nothing. “S-Say it again, baby,” you plead, tongue licking across your lips. “Tell me, tell me you don’t care about my problems, Kook-ah,” you whimper.
There’s a hesitant pause on his end, an unexpected lull in your play as he’s torn apart between doing what you want or playing it safe.
You know you’re confusing him, because you’re certainly confusing yourself. You don’t even bother trying to dissect your emotions— you’ve long since accepted your mind was a dangerous place when horny and presented with Jungkook’s sole attention. Well, you knew you were into the whole degradation bit, but this whole having-your-boyfriend-throw-the-words-that-made-you-question-your-entire-worth bit was certainly new and unexpected.
But there’s something in your heart (and in your libido) that needs this, needs him to fix this memory for you that maybe, kinda sorta, has haunted you for days, weeks now, as much as you hate to admit it. Needed him to fix the booboo he gave you with a bandaid, only leave a scar you could look back at and laugh off, not a gaping wound that opened at the slightest mention of it. Because while you forgave, you certainly never forgot*.
(*Unless forgetting meant having your boyfriend overwrite said memory that couldn’t be forgotten with the sheer power of his monster demon cock and wicked tongue. Only then could you forget.)
“Don’t be a fucking pussy, Jungkook,” you spit, feeling the hesitancy in the riding crop that brushes against your skin. It fades away quickly. “S-Say I’ve a dead-end office job; just holding you back,” you beg, trying to pretend the entirety of his little outburst hasn’t been ingrained into your mind for the last couple of weeks. Something flashes in your chest, throat closing off when the toy finally leaves your skin. “Tell me, tell me—“
He looms over you, teddy bear warmth covering the entirety of your body. “Is this what you want?” he asks seriously, lowly, breath fanning across your lips. Your makeshift blindfold feels distinctly damp over your eyes, chest heaving with an exertion that can only be emotional when he speaks so softly to you after routinely raining down brutal thwacks on you for the past half hour. “__,” he says sternly, “is this what you want?”
You gasp on a sob, unsure when these emotions had time to manifest outside your heart like this. You nod your head like a bobble head doll sitting on someone’s dashboard, lower lip trembling on a shameful cry that is not sex-induced like all the other ones until now. “I-I need this, Jungkook,” you admit, voice so tiny and soft, it almost gets drowned out by your shaky exhales and the crowd roaring on screen. “Need to overwrite it.”
He presses a soft kiss to your quivering lips, slow and so devastatingly loving. It’s nothing like the one from before where he’d spit down your throat per your request, and the unbridled adoration he packs into one simple kiss makes you crumble in his arms, sniffles piling on by the dozens.
He leans back after a moment, pulls your thigh over his forearm and finally lets you feel the hard ridges of his cock against your folds. “Stupid girl,” he huffs, trying to sound angry and annoyed, but there’s a lilting tone to his words, a love and trust you wouldn’t have been able to see with or without your blindfold, but can feel nonetheless. He pulls it off you anyway, the warm glow of the TV illuminating his face for you for the first time in about half an hour. Eyes soft, sweat trailing down his body. His body lines up against yours, but so does his heart. You feel it in the way he holds you in his arms, the way he’s careful about sinking into your folds. He slips an arm beneath your waist, uses it to hold you up so you’re not uncomfortably squishing your arms anymore. But if you ask, he’ll pretend he’s doing this for convenience sake only.
“T-Terrible fucking job,” he starts out, the stammer eluding the obvious discomfort he has saying those words, but he does it for you anyway. “Big fucking baby,” he tries again, slowly pushing past your tight walls with a shudder. “C-Can’t look away from you for two seconds because you’re such a fucking kid.”
“Worse,” you choke out. “Meaner. Please, Kook.”
He nods, holds your waist carefully when he finally bottoms out inside of you. “Dead-end office job,” he says, repeating the words that had made you want to crawl into a whole and never come out from. “Got some stupid fucking problems,” he tacks on, slowly withdrawing his hips from your heat. “Always complaining about the stupidest shit,” he hisses, fingers digging into your waist when it’s only the tip of his cock inside of you. “I don’t fucking care about it,” he seethes, forcefully snapping his hips into you.
They’re scrambled fragments of what he’d really said to you that night. Line after line that don’t carry a quarter of hurt or even make coherent sense for that matter. And still. 
You whimper, mind fuzzy from the thrusting pace he picks up, body fluttering at the glide of his cock against your walls. But your heart is thundering in your throat, his willingness to help fix this memory for you tightening around your every being until you can’t breathe. “I-I love you,” you cry, clenching down around him.
Jungkook groans, pulls you flush against his cock until the thin hairs around the base of his cock are tickling your skin. “Stupid, fucking child,” he groans, “immature ass nobody,” he grunts, bucking into you like your words don’t mean a thing.
“I am, I am,” you wail, suddenly hit with the cold hard truth that your body was desperately on edge. From the stimulation your nipples had gotten all night, to the ghost of the riding crop that lingered across your skin; your body was tired, so ready for a final orgasm that you’re certain Jungkook will provide. “T-Tell me y-you—“
“Shut up,” he barks, sweaty skin gliding against yours. “D-Don't tell me what to do,” he huffs, nailing you into the bed. He’s pushing you hard into the mattress, like he wants to brand you into it. “Need to fix this— alone.”
You nod numbly, the crowd behind him cheering loudly. It’s like they’re rooting for him— for the two of you —as silly as it sounds, and as bothersome as it would be any other day, today the obnoxious sounds of the ESPN soccer match only serve to fix a bad memory from before. It’s loud and cringey as all hell, but you’ll look back to this moment and laugh.
And that’s what you want most of all. You want that memory from before, that nasty fight, to go away, to disappear forever and be replaced with this one. Of him, pounding you into the sheets as his TV blares beside you, just another day, another round of sex filled with your usual kinks. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Ffffuck,” you whine when the tip of his hard cock prods against your cervix. He’s going deep, he’s going all out, because he wants to fix this too. Wants to do anything to make it right, and he’ll never know how much you appreciate him for it. “S-So deep,” you whimper, hips jumping when he rams back inside.
“Stupid slut,” Jungkook snarls, tucking his head against your neck the same way he always does. “Making me do stupid shit like this,” he bites, but you know he doesn’t mean it, know he never will again. He rocks his hips into you, no longer concerned with holding you up from uncomfortably laying on your cuffed arms anymore as he pistons into your squelching heat. He’s pressed so close over you, lips brushing against your collarbone with each snap of his hips.
All the pushing and jostling about has the chain of your clamps wildly jumping about, sprawling across the planes of your chest, above your breasts, where he snatches it up between his lips again. “Stupid, fucking—“ he slurs, jutting his head to the side like a wild stallion. You sob at the tenderness of your nipples, at the way he pays them no mercy as he continues rutting into you like a mad dog in heat. “Slut,” he spits. “S-So fuckin’ pretty.”
Your mind is in another universe, and when that last word, that devastatingly familiar term, slips from his lips mindlessly, something inside you snaps. “N-No,” you sob, legs fidgeting around his waist at the orgasm that wracks through your body against your will. “No,” you cry in frustration, “didn’t, didn’t want—“
“Stupid, stupid angel,” he babbles, seemingly unaware of your orgasm as he continues fucking into your leaking cunt, ignorant of the cum that dribbles out, creams his cock as he carries on. “Fuck,” he pants, gnaws against the chain of the stupid clamps like he can’t bare this any longer. “Love you,” he says, though he’s still stuck in that mindset from before and his sweet confession sounds more like a threat. “L-Love that childish side of you,” he confesses, finally dropping the chain— much to your relief —and surging forward to kiss you on the mouth. He tastes weirdly metallic, a thought you can’t ponder too long as he continues ramming himself past your clenched lips and into your pussy. “Your fffucking dr-drive to succeed,” he grunts, mouth smushed uncomfortably against your cheek.
“Kook, sweetheart,” you shudder, sensitive pussy spent as he drills on. His cock is still so achingly hard, and he doesn’t seem anywhere near completion. “Take it easy,” you gently remind him, can’t brush your fingers through his hair like you usually would, so you settle for pressing your lips to his cheek.
“Fuck, fuck,” he heaves, pushing so deep you practically feel him in your womb, swollen mushroom head begging for entry. “Give me it all,” he stammers, “want you—want this forever.”
“I know you do, baby,” you coo, nuzzling your nose against his when he sloppily surges forward, panting and gasping over you like a crazed caveman. “I’m yours,” you gently remind him.
“No,” he chokes out hoarsely, eyes screwed shut. “Need more, all of it,” he mumbles. “Give me yourself, ___, need you for the rest of my life—“ he cuts himself off with a shuddered whine, so airy and wispy it makes you shiver. “Ffffuck, shit,” he howls, each thrust into your walls only unraveling him more and more. “Give me, give me—“
“Anything,” you whimper, body trembling from his excessivity. “What do you want, Kook-ah?”
He says nothing, losing himself in the warmth of your pussy as his orgasm rounds the corner. He’s in the final stretch, the final straight until achieving nirvana alongside you at the finish line. And, as you’ve long since come to understand, a true Jungkook Danger Zone. He loses all sense of self, random syllables and phrases slipping through his lips.
“Fuck, fuck, marry me— marry me,” he moans, snapping his hips into you with a ferocious speed that has you bouncing against the sheets, and that’s despite the tight grip his has on you. “Let me— fuck— let me fuck a baby into you, sweetheart,” he purrs, eyes shining like an absolute psycho, but you’re apparently into that because the idea squeezes around your chest and burrows it’s way in. “A baby,” he marvels like an idiot, eyes big and sparkly, “f-fuck.”
“Wh-What?” you choke, flinching when he bites down against your lower lip. He’s got you trapped beneath him, stuffing your brain with these ideas that make your heart enter cardiac arrest, body tingling like in Mario Kart when you’ve got the star power up. “Kook—“
“Sh,” he groans, digging his fingers into your sides as he rolls his hips against you. “Almost,” he informs you, but the blood rushes to your ears. “Oh, fuck,” he pants, jaw clenching, “oh, baby.”
Jungkook cums with a shivered cry, body hunching over you like some entity has just exited out of his spine. Maybe something did, because afterwards he manages to hold himself above you for exactly three seconds before dropping the entirety of his hefty muscles onto you. “Ouch,” you whine, wrists twisted uncomfortably beneath you.
“Sorry,” he huffs, completely out of breath and dazed as he rolls away from you. He ends up spread out like a starfish beside you, completely fucked out and definitely zooming through the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions.
He doesn’t say anything for a hot minute, chest rising and falling like he’s just run a marathon, until you butt in. “Kook. Undo me,” you remind him.
He looks over at you, dark hair falling over his eyes and sprawling around his head like a halo. Oh, he was going to be the death of you. “Oh,” he says, like his brain has just processed the information. “Right.” He sits up, tucking himself back into the shorts he never fully took off. That was his character flaw; never bothers to get completely naked during sex. Anyway, his straight male-equivalent of booty shorts come up around his thighs again, stretching sinfully across the thick muscles.
The five sonnet poem that was gearing up in your head comes to a halt when he touches your breast. “No, no more,” you cry, instinctively withering away.
Jungkook snorts. “I’m just taking them off, baby,” he says, reaching forward again with the same practiced ease you’d use on an animal. The clamps come off, all the nerves suddenly coming back to life. It’s a weird sensation, not having your tits subject to that prickling pain anymore, and it makes you moan softly. Jungkook soothes you with his wannabe masseuse hands, but you think it’s just an excuse for him to fondle your breasts.
“How’re you feeling?” he asks gently, hovering over you like a damned surgeon or something. His voice is so silky and smooth, hands soft against your chest. He’s so careful in the way he turns you over, somehow magically producing the tiny key pick you swore was lost between the sheets after its first use.
Being on your chest makes you tremble like a leaf, the faintest brush of the cotton against your tits enough to make your pussy clench weakly. “ I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he murmurs, carefully detailing his actions like you’re not watching him with your very own eyes. But it’s oddly comforting, having him walk you through the process of rolling your sore wrists. The inside of the cuffs had a plush lining, but it was a pretty cheap thing. After he’s done massaging the skin, he pads over to his dresser and returns with a shirt and undies for you. “Shirt,” he says, helping you into the clothing.
When you’re all snuggled under the sheets again, the television still loud as hell, he mumbles, “wanna talk about it?”
You exhale against his chest, feeling so light and fluttery from your orgasms and the way he runs his fingers through your scalp and the way his heart thunders by your ear. “Hm,” you hum pensively. “Nah. Think I’m fine now,” you admit.
Jungkook chuckles. “A full miracle recovery?” he teases. You nod, taking in the comforting scent of his fabric softener and just him in his entirety.
“Yep.” A beat of silence, the commentator is back to filling the space between you two. He talks about a mile minute, spewing stats and plays you could never understand in a thousand years. But you know Jungkook will get sucked in soon enough, so you strike while the pot is hot. “Do you wanna talk?”
He cranes his neck a little to look at you. “What do you mean?”
You roll your eyes, pushing yourself up to look at him straight on. “Oh, my mistake,” you drawl. “I seem to have missed the part where we were going to act like you didn’t just ask for my hand in marriage and then offered to get me pregnant—,” you pause, the realization suddenly hitting you like a trash can whipping down a hill on a rainy day at a thousand miles per hour. “Pregnant!” you exclaim, cheeks warm at the fact he really just said that to you.
Jungkook’s cheeks fare no better, a Flaming Hot Cheeto shade dusting his skin. “I, it was just…” he tries, poor tiny monkey brain working overtime to offer an excuse. “It-it doesn’t have to be a thing,” he blushes, big Bambi eyes flickering from you to the television to the heart-tipped riding crop by the foot of the bed. “I was just…”
You raise your brows. “Consumed by the spirit of King Henry IV to have fourteen kids?”
He blinks. “Wait, you actually paid attention to that film?”
“That’s not the point!” you exclaim, shifting onto your knees in front of him. “What,” you inhale sharply, heart beating wildly in your chest, “what was that?”
Jungkook can only play the shocked angel card for so long before he’s sinking back into his pillow stack with the sigh of a man who’s worked in construction for the last sixty-four years. “I just,” he mumbles, “I think about it sometimes.” His admission makes your heart lodge itself into your throat, wide eyes watching him spill out his heart to you.
He misreads the expression on your face. “I-Not now!” he hurries to explain. “Like,” he stammers, rosy hue slowly crawling down his neck, over his ears. “Maybe, y’know? In the future…”
You blink, brain reduced to a series of beeps and clicks like that of an old computer trying to compute information that is simply not processing. “Yeah…” you murmur, unsure of what to do with the film reel that suddenly flashes before your eyes, a look into a doorway you had never considered before. “I— me too.”
Jungkook chokes on his own saliva. “Really?” he yelps, has those sparkly anime girl eyes you always tease him about.
The gulp you do sounds loud in your ears. “Yeah,” you breathe, throat drier than the desert, but more confident than the first peabrain response. “I-I’d like that.”
There’s a bright beam of light that shines right in your face, so vibrant and dazzling it makes you flinch and by the time you’ve recovered you realize it’s his smile. “Yeah?” Jungkook mumbles back, pearly teeth framed by his pretty smile, brows raised at your stuttery confirmation. You nod. His lips twist into a smaller grin, a condensed version of the superstar one he gave you just moments before. Before you can brush it off with a joke, he’s snatching your hand up in his, a soft smooch pressed to your knuckles. “Okay,” he says quietly, dark eyes meeting yours. “One day?”
Your heart constricts in your chest, and all you can do is nod. “One da—“
“Goooooaaaaallllll!” the announcer on screen shrieks, the loud sounds of the TV killing your mood instantly.
Any dumbstruck, love struck, idiotic, ditzy expression on your face is wiped clean, replaced with an unimpressed glare you narrow on him. His nose is scrunched up like he wants to laugh, lips pressed into a thin line at your annoyance. He swipes the TV remote off the side table, arms spread open for you to crawl back into. You do so with a huff, pout smushed against the front of his hoodie.
“That’s enough ESPN for today,” he chuckles, switching the channel about a thousand times until Rick and Morty is playing on screen. “I’ll just watch the highlights later.”
“ESPN,” you scoff like an evil villain in a movie who’s just been presented with their mortal enemy, fisting the front of his hoodie.
Jungkook nods. “ESPN,” he repeats. A beat passes. “Kinda like BDS—“
“Go get your ice pack.”
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Because Jungkook couldn’t sit still for that one eventful night following his ladder injury, he ends up in a medical boot for one week, loudly clunking around the place like a reverse pirate. You snap a picture of him that you post on Twitter for your twelve followers to see, just him pouting at the doctor’s office with his new boot and club jersey on to celebrate last night’s victory.
It’s just a cute pic for you and your friends to laugh at.
Until it’s not, and his handsome face is circulating around the entire internet.
He’s being called the Face of FC Seoul, with desperate women messaging you left and right for his information. Other fans are bragging about the beauty that is an FC Seoul fanboy. It gets to the point where his face appears on the next night’s ESPN Nightly Recap, a special on social media stars posting about the game. Except Jungkook is neither a social media star nor did he even post about the game— you did.
But there he is, all five feet and ten inches of him smiling brightly at you from the ESPN Sports channel, wearing the boot he got from hand cuffing and whipping you to completion. 
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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thespritebrogade · 2 years ago
im rewatching saint seiya and i am in a phase rn so bear with me cuz im thinking about this again so much, I got lots of thoughts im just gonna talk about
Other than just rewatching the original 80s one(plus like the rest if it cuz my siblings never got to watch all of it with me), i decided i'd give a chance to the knights of the zodiac netflix cartoon too and i was super surprised I really liked the second season alot more than i thought especially cuz I wasn't really the biggest fan of the first season
Honestly, the show isn't like the worst thing ever but like it had a very bad rocky start with all of the changes (Shaun💀, the military guy, i guess i can't really say anything too bad about it but the somewhat lackluster animation and how little impact of visuals we had as compared to the original ver,(like rly still thinking of the injustice of shiryu changing the direction of the waterfall only going up like an inch and its treated like he learned the move, its rly fucking funny how it was tho) plus the seriously fast pacing to cramp everything in there before the sanctuary arc but I'm actually glad I enjoying this show now cuz there's not alot of new material or spinoffs made from this franchise that is actually enjoyable unfortunately and i really did wanna give this show a chance when it first came out but we finally got to where its good!!!!! and like i actually appreciate alot of the changes they added or expanded in the 2nd season so the characters wouldn't seem so stupid or whatever. plus now the writing is evenly paced where it doesn't feel like things just immediately happen then move on before we get to fully take it in
Anyway im gonna try to see if I can make points of what i wanna say of what i like here so lol
There's a better explanation now for why Sienna is like some cursed Athena
More June or Genet(?) role into the story
The other good guys who are not the bronze saints are not sitting around twiddling their thumbs and their story is mixed into Marin's offscreen journey to StarHill
Their version explanation why the Sanctuary is duped for so long by Saga
Evil fucked up Athena prophecy
Ok, like first of all I know its supposed to be a build up for the Sanctuary arc but honestly I really didn't understand why they went with this plot, personally I'm still not a big fan of it but I think that they way they used it for the story of them already knowing Sienna is already a goddess rather than them thinking she's a fake like the original because it takes out the plot point of why hasn't anyone seen Athena around for like 13 years and how they let that shit slide so I can see why they changed that subplot. Plus honestly, I feel like the the reveal will probably be that Saga was lying that she was going to bring chaos to the world anyway just so he could take over, though idk im just guessing it's probably what it is but ig they could still make the prophecy happen and its just like "changed fate" or whatever
Genet (ok im just gonna refer to her original name June cuz i don't know how they spelled it)
I'm super happy they made June sort of secondary main character and expanded her relationships with Daedulus and Shaun cuz she deserved so much better and they really delivered. Like i thought it was sweet they had more of a father-daughter relationship in this one and it was really sad to see the scene when she discovers he's died(or dying from this ver)
I also thought it was kinda clever they made Daedulus be Shion's student along with Mu/be like the inventor(cuz of his name haha) since he didn't do jackshit in the original other than basically die, plus we get to see early Aphrodite appearance, and it was super cool. I really enjoyed seeing their ver and of the fight instead of the handwave in the original 80s anime, that already had to unintentionally butcher the story to make it Milo who killed everyone on Andromeda Island then last second say "oh yea Aphrodite was there too cuz he spit the rose at Shun's teacher that weakened him"(which Milo got away scotfree for, like he wasn't the one who killed everyone on the island but Aphrodite is the bad guy cuz he helped kill the important character)
But anyways it was nice seeing June just get focus in general and get to fight and actually be cool, when in the original she was just Shun's love interest cuz she's girl. also her sibling relationship with Kiki was super cute, I liked them qwq I'm excited with whatever they give her in the future honestly
Starhill subplot
June's part sort of a build up to this part but I did like that they had the other "good guys" travel with Marin and June to Star Hill instead of just sitting around playing jacks and cards while they wait for the next 12 hours. Honestly it didn't bring much interactions(other than basically June and Kiki) or rly bring depth to anyone else other than Marin having a connection to Aiolos and him being the reason why she has a mask/forgot her memory, like the most they got for the gold saints is that they're basically in denial about betraying the pope or whatever
but I still thought it was great to see something else going on and its actually very sad that Mu found out Shion(or Sion, im assuming from how they pronounced it) died the hard way, which leads to this next one
The whole reason why the Sanctuary is on the Pope's side
Since they changed the reason why anyone would actually be on the Pope's side in this one being that they don't want the world to be destroyed so they begrudgingly decide they should kill Athena no matter the sacrifices, plus they highlight the Pope's good side much more rather than his bad side, Also the explanation for why Saga's blue hair and pronouns ass isn't found out, cuz his magic turns his hair the same color as Shion's when he puts on the helmet which like yeah
This one was actually a really good change in my opinion cuz it makes some of the characters who should probably be smarter about it, seem less stupid, cuz in the original story in general, Saga's actions as the pope is probably the most sus out there that basically its hard to see why anyone would still think he's actually a good person telling them the truth about anything. Then the 80s anime had to really take liberties and just hope the people watching would forget the crazy ass lore/explanations they said about the Pope and somehow just try to paste Saga into the picture to follow the original story of the manga, where the anime starts that the good pope died so his evil brother Pope Ares took over as the new pope where things began to just suck ass for the sake of it but then they had to fit Saga into the story where he had actually killed the original pope 13 years ago instead and its like which one? the first one or Ares? Or a completely different guy altogether? (who's the Shion fill-in)
So I think that the whole "It's a hard decision but we gotta do what we gotta do because the prophecy could fuck us up if we leave it to Athena" and its like yeah it's definitely more plausible and basically when Saga's evil side does something sus, he's (im assuming accidentally)immediately cancelled out by his good side crying or whatever about his actions that the others use that to basically guilttrip the person going against him to feel bad which makes more sense why they are stuck in this dumb loop rather than just seeing a blatantly evil guy be in control, (which is something ig i can't actually fault the original story anyway cuz there was no such thing as gray morality back then in the 80s, or ig if u count whatever "gray morality" manga!Shura had ig tho imo its dumb as hell but anyways thats a rant for another time)
But anyways this rant was mainly for Shaka cuz honestly, I think the original anime made him a lot more evil or as evil as they could make him and its like there's no way in hell how someone like Shaka doesn't even have a doubt about Saga, though ig he still doesn't know that he's an imposter in either version but the manga honestly has a somewhat (really take this with a grain of salt)better explanation onto why Shaka doesn't think Saga is evil as compared to the anime ver because he explains its the same reason he spared Ikki where deep down he's not really evil, but also like you are still enabling him being evil rn dude??🤨
Cuz like the scene where Saga does the Demon Emperors fist that mind controls Aioria right in front of him to kill a person, Shaka doesn't even bat an eye that he used a move called that while in the kotz Shaka at least questioned him a little about it but then immediately justifies it to himself when the pope gave him a handwave explanation and didn't tell him of what he's actually mind controlling Aioria to do (im pretty sure)
Anyways that was probably my whole rant about this but wow I have a change if heart about kotz now, im actually looking forward to the second half since they kinda abruptly stop at Milo's fight, They really just needed that slowburn to actually become a little bit better storywise
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n0wornever · 4 years ago
Don’t Forget - Owen Joyner x Reader
Omg can I pls request Owen x reader where they fight about not feeling important to one another maybe he missed a date and she missed a release party or something so they have a mega fight but make up later that night either cuddling in bed or soaking in silence in a bubble bath (idk if that’s specific enough for you)
This was perfect, @cherrymaybank​, I hope you like it! 
Also, I don’t have an Owen Joyner taglist, and I wasn’t sure if the JATP list I had would be interested in actor content, so if you want to be placed on  a separate list....let me know! 
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Y/N tapped on the table below her as she watched the diner clock hand strike 6:30. She had been waiting for her boyfriend for over an hour and the pity milkshake the waitress gave her only did so much to sooth her disappointment. She took one more sip of the strawberry drink before her eyes were pulled back to her phone. 
As she clicked on the Instagram app, she was immediately met by a video of Owen and Charlie goofing around in the airbnb they rented for the weekend. Charlie made a makeshift drumset from a couple pans in kitchen and Owen was singing off key in the background. Her finger slid a little further to see that the post had been uploaded only minutes before. 
Her brows furrowed as she closed the app and turned off her phone screen. She turned to her left, unzipping her purse and rummaging through its contents. As she stumbled upon her wallet and pulled it out onto the table, she heard a soft voice reach out to her.
“Oh honey, don’t even worry about it.” 
Her eyes rose to see the sympathetic smile of the kind red-headed waitress who had her hands clasped at her chest as she looked at her. Y/N’s eyes darted to the table where she’d set two pastel colored macaroons. She opened her mouth to protest, but the woman walked away, clanking her heels against the linoleum before she could even get the words out. She sighed, placing her wallet back into the bag. Her hand inched toward the treats, hesitating over the box for a moment before gripping it tightly. She zipped up the bag and threw it over her shoulder as she made her way to the exit. 
When Owen still lived in the city, she wouldn’t have probably been half as upset as she was about him missing a single date. However, the blonde had been so far away from her in California for months, and this would have been the first time she’d see him before he’d jet set again in a few days back to the coast for some promotional shoots for the next season. He had plans to take the boys out tomorrow and visit his mom Sunday afternoon, so she knew this was the only day she’d be able to catch him.
She stepped out into the warm summer air, walking down the sidewalk toward her car. The sun was at its peak, causing her to squint as she walked briskly back to her car. She grabbed her keys out of her jeans pocket and pressed it into the lock. As she climbed into the driver’s seat, she weighed her options.
She could go over to Owen’s airbnb, like they planned to after dinner, or she could go home and just call him about it later. With the embarrassment of everyone in the room looking at her in that corner booth still fresh on her mind, her foggy one-track-mind chose the first option. 
He had given her the address ahead of time, in case she wanted to come over before they went out that night anyway, right? Y/N’s finger tapped against the steering wheel as she pondered the situation in front of her for a moment. Owen’s time in the city was very minimal and if she didn’t confront him now, she may not get a chance to, and the anger would boil inside of her for several more months.
She shook out of her trance, placing the key into the ignition and swiftly pulled out of the lot, making her way to the boy’s place. 
After a few minutes of driving, a line of similar looking townhomes came into view on the right side of the road. She flipped on her turn signal and pulled into the parking lot. She quickly looked down at her phone in her lap to confirm the building number. The third home down was her destination. As she pulled into a spot right across from the bright red door, she let out another deep breath. 
She shook out her hands for a moment before turning off her car and unbuckling her seatbelt. She unzipped her purse and pulled the silver lined box out, pinching it between her fingers. She closed her eyes for a moment before finally letting herself open the door. 
As she made her way to the entrance, her free hand balled into a fist and her lips fell into a thin neutral line across her mouth. She jogged up the few stairs that led to the door. She lifted her hand to press against the door, letting it drop back down to her side afterward as she waited. 
It took a minute, but she finally started to hear the handle move from the the inside of the house. It finally broke free and she stood face to face with her boyfriend’s blue eyes. Owen looked over at her with a bright smile, but that shortly faded as he took in her expression. She didn’t say a word before handing over the little box to the boy, trying to ignore the fact that her hand were shaking as it move toward him. Owen’s eyebrow rose as he grabbed it from her, trying to latch onto her other hand afterward. Y/N shook from his grip and took a step back.
“I just wanted to bring you something from the diner...since you couldn’t make it,” She said, letting her eyes finally meet his.
Owen’s eyes widened as he looked at her. He shoved the box in his pocket, stepping forward toward her. As soon as his hands grabbed onto hers, she slipped right through. She chewed down on her lip before continuing her thought.
“Don’t worry about it, have fun with the boys.” 
She placed her hands in her pockets and turned to walked down the stairs. She heard him call after her, but she just kept her head down as she made her way back to the car. 
It wasn’t until she was sitting in the vehicle again that she let herself fully breathe. She looked out the windshield to see Owen still standing on the porch, watching her. She brought her focus back down the the steering wheel and put the car in drive. Her eyes caught his once more before she sped out of the lot. 
When she finally got back to her apartment, she threw her bag by the shoe rack and made a beeline for the kitchen. She opened the freezer, rummaging through tv dinners and frozen vegetables to find a single carton with colorful sprinkles on the outside. Her arm reached into the back and grabbed the container before shutting the door and making her way to the drawer near the sink to grab a spoon. 
She made her way back to the living room, falling back onto her couch. She tucked her feet underneath her and settled into the cushion. Her arm stretched out toward the table in front of her to grab the remote and pressed her on button. Clicking into her Netflix account and hit resume playing on the last episode of New Girl she was on, finally letting her back rest against the soft surface behind her. 
She got through one episode before she heard a knock at the door. She grabbed her phone that sat by her side, flipping it over to see that there were no new messages waiting for her. Puzzled, she placed her spoon in the dish and set it on the table as she finally got herself off the couch to answer the door. 
Unlatching the deadbolt, she pulled the door toward her. Her gaze landed on a pizza box with a little silver smaller box on top of it before they shifted up to meet a pair of blue eyes. Owen let a soft smile land on his left cheek, shaking the box from side to side. 
“Hi,” He said as his eyebrows pulled to the middle of his face.
She leaned against the doorframe, letting her lips lift as well as she watched his movements. 
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to apologize for being a complete idiot.”
She pinched her lips together at the side of her face as she moved out of the front of the doorway, outstretching her arm to motion him inside. Owen stepped through the door, walking over to the kitchen to set down the box. As he made his way back to the living room, he stepped right in front of her, invading her personal bubble. 
“Hi again.” 
His hands moved toward her waist, and she let him pull her in toward him. His thumbs rubbed circles on the sides of her hips as he met her eyes. She tried her best to keep a stern look across her face as she looked up at him, causing his smile to deepen even more.
“You’re really mad at me, huh?” 
“You ditched me Owen, this was supposed to be our day...” She spat, her tense worry line becoming more prominent as she spoke, hands pressed against his chest. “It was so embarrassing to sit in there alone and have everyone just watch you. The waitress wouldn’t even let me pay for my drink. She gave me these eyes.” 
Y/N mocked the puppy dog eyes the red head had given her that afternoon and Owen giggled up at her. His hands traveled to the middle of her back as he pulled her even closer. 
“I’m really sorry honey. I didn’t look at the clock...I...I have no excuse good enough...but I’m sorry.” He said with a sigh, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead. 
“Yeah you should be,” She said, pouting up at him.
“You should be the priority, always,” He paused for a moment, gauging her reaction. When a soft smile finally landed on her cheeks, he continued. “That’s why I told the boys to go sight-seeing without me tomorrow.”
His fingers tapped against her skin as he waited for her response. Y/N frowned up at him, leaning her head to the side. 
“You don't have to to do that, I know you wanted to show the boys around the city, I can-” 
He leaned down and captured her lips quickly. Her eyes closed as hers moved in sync with his. As they pulled apart, hers fluttered back open to Owen smirking down at her. He smiled down at
“Those two idiots can find their own way around, but I want to be with you tomorrow. We were supposed to have a day together, and I’m going to make that happen.”
She bit down on her bottom lip, nodding up at him. She brought her arms up to wrap around his neck, pushing against the nape of his neck to bring him back down to her level. As they parted, she brought her hand down to intertwine with his, leading him toward the couch.
She sat down first, Owen following quickly to sit on the cushion next to her. The boy placed his arm around her shoulders, bringing her into his side. She let her head lean against his chest as she held the remote up to the tv and pressed play.
“I love you,” He murmured into her hair, pressing a kiss against her temple.
Her eyes lifted up to his and she finally let a wide smile grace her lips as she whispered “I love you too” back up to him.
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years ago
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes [Tierna Davidson x Reader]
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requested by anon: Idk if you’re taking requests or not but could you do a tierna x reader where reader’s kinda reserved and the team doesn’t know her super well but her and baby t just bond together and one gets the courage to ask the other out. And maybe they like hide their relationship just to mess with the team or something cause they were trying to set them up. If not then it’s perfectly fine. You’re a great writer!!
A/N: thanks anon! i honestly don’t know how this got so long... oops
You hesitantly make your way down the aisle of the bus, unsure where to seat, given that this was only your fourth camp and you didn’t necessarily have a designated seat.
Spotting an empty spot next to Tierna, you sheepishly ask, “Hey, is anyone sitting here?”
“Nope,” she gives you a kind smile, glancing up from her phone. “Go ahead.”
“Thanks,” you mumble, a small smile of your own tugging at your lips.
As you’re putting in your ear buds and turning on your music, Tierna curiously watches you. “So how you liking the team so far?”
“I love it. It’s honestly better than I could’ve imagined. Everyone here is so nice and welcoming and so willing to teach,” you ramble slightly nervously, scratching the back of your neck.
Ever since you’d gotten your first call up last year, your nerves hadn’t calmed down at all. You were a naturally reserved and quiet person, but being around the best players in the world only intensified your nervousness.
Given your shyness, none of your teammates knew that much about you. The only one who knew anything about, apart from your position, your hometown, and where you currently reside, was Alyssa. The veteran goalkeeper had taken you under her wing when you went pro at just nineteen and joined the Red Stars. The two of you immediately bonded, forming a sort of big sister-little sister relationship, as you were both so similar in the way you carried yourself on and off the field. So when you got your first national team call up, Alyssa was the one to show you the ropes and help you make the transition.
And although you played on the same NWSL team as Tierna, you’d never actually had a real conversation with the other woman, so neither of you knew each other at all.
“Yeah, it’s an incredible environment,” the defender agrees. “It really does become like one giant family.”
“Hopefully, I’ll stick around long enough to become a part of that.” You anxiously chew your lip. Being on the national team has been a dream of yours ever since you could remember, and now that you are presented with the opportunity, you were scared you were gonna do something to mess it up.
“I have a feeling you will,” Tierna muses, smirking. You can’t tell if she’s flirting with you or if she’s just being nice, but either way your face flushed red.
The three hour bus ride went by seemingly quick, as you and Tierna engaged in an easy flowing conversation, talking about topics ranging from the basic introductions to the incredible cinematography of The Queen’s Gambit.
You find yourself becoming increasingly comfortable and relaxed around the other woman, and you feel this is the start of a wonderful friendship.
After a quick team meeting upon arriving to the hotel, Vlatko starts to announce roommates and distribute room keys.
“Tierna and (Y/N),” he calls out, giving Tierna two key cards.
“Looks like we’re roomies,” she beams, as she hands your key.
“Looks like it.” You grin, excited at the idea of spending more time with the defender.
Both of you were pretty tired, especially after a long day of traveling, so you each quickly jump in the shower and change into your pajamas.
As you slide into bed, Tierna, already under the covers, grabs the TV remote. “Anything you wanna watch?”
“I’m fine with anything.” You shrug, as you pull the blankets over your body. “Have you seen the docuseries on Netflix about the Challenger?” You ask, remembering her passion for space and aeronautics.
“I haven’t,” Tierna gasps. “Can we watch it?”
Your heart warms at the sight of her pure eagerness. “Of course! I’ve been meaning to watch it for a while too.”
You quickly set up your laptop, connecting it so that your screen projects onto the TV.
As the episode progresses, Tierna spits out additional facts about the Challenger as well as NASA itself, and you can’t help but listen in awe and admiration.
The two of you barely make it through two episodes, as the hours of travel catch up to you and sleep takes over.
It was the last day of camp, and you and Tierna had grown quite close, bonding over being the youngest on the teams as well as your similar interests.
You’d discovered that, when not playing soccer of course, you both enjoyed going on hikes, reading with a cup of coffee, and also relaxing at the end of the day with a good TV series.
She’d also given you some insight on how she adjusted to being on the national team at such a young age, something you were having trouble doing. It’s not that your skill level wasn’t up to par; you were just finding it difficult to put yourself out there and connect with the rest of the women. And just maybe your newfound friendship with Tierna would be just what you needed to open up to the rest of the team.
Over the past couple of days, as you’d gotten to know the defender, you couldn’t develop feelings for the other woman.
So here you were, packing up your hotel room, as you worked up the courage to ask Tierna out. At the moment, the freckled woman was currently rambling about some new book she’d found, but you were to stuck in your own head to really pay attention.
“(Y/N)?” Tierna pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Huh?” You shake your head, turning to see an amused smile on Tierna’s face.
“Did you hear anything I was just saying?”
“Umm, yes?” You try sheepishly.
Tierna rolls her eyes. “Yeah, right. It’s alright. You can make it up to me by reading the book I was talking about. And by the way it’s about a depressed neuroscientist at Stanford.”
“Sounds peachy,” you groan, earning a chuckle from the defender.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Nothing,” you mumble, shrugging.
“Come on, what’s bothering you?” She asks, as she sits down next to you, lightly elbowing your side.
You take a deep breath, gathering all the courage in the world, before asking, “Would you maybe wanna go out sometime? Like grab some coffee or dinner when we’re back in Chicago?”
Tierna stills, her eyes widening, as her brain tries to process your question. “What?”
“I’m asking you on a date, T,” you clarify, feeling a new wave of confidence take over. “Do you wanna go out with me?”
A gigantic grin breaks out Tierna’s face. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
About six months later, you’d received another national team call up, and so had your girlfriend.
After last camp, you and Tierna went out to dinner at a restaurant back in Chicago, and from then on, you began dating. It helped that you both played for the Red Stars, getting to spend more time together and not having to worry about the trouble of a long distance relationship.
However, the two of you decided to keep your relationship under wraps, not feeling the need to announce or flaunt it. In fact, in public, your relationship didn’t really change, and to most people, it looked as if the two of you were just best friends.
But Alyssa had known you well enough to see that you definitely had a crush on the younger defender, and to be fair, you did, but the goalie didn’t know that you were already dating.
The Red Stars training before the national team players left for camp, Alyssa decided to see if anyone else shared the same suspicions.
“Hey, J!” she calls out, catching up to the blonde midfielder.
“What’s up, Lys?”
“Do you think there’s something between (Y/N/N) and Tierna?”
“What do you mean?” Julie furrows her brows, confused.
Alyssa gives her friend a pointed glare, nodding her head in the direction of where you were leaning your head on Tierna’s shoulder, giggling at something your girlfriend had said.
“Ah, I see,” Julie muses, nodding her head in realization. “Are they together?”
“Nope, at least I don’t think so. I’m sure (Y/N) would’ve mentioned something.”
“Well, should we help them get their head’s out of the butts and try and set them up?” The midfielder proposes.
“Camp is this weekend…” Alyssa smirks, as the two women share a knowing look.
“Kelley’s gonna have a field day with this,” Julie chuckles.
After morning training the next day, the team split off into groups, as they head into town to grab a bite to eat, do some shopping, or just walk around the streets of Santa Barbara.
A group of the veterans decided to try out a cute little cafe they’d seen. As they were all sitting around the table, sipping their coffee and eating some pastries, Julie decided to bring up the subject of their two favorite team babies.
“So, have you guys noticed anything going on between (Y/N) and Tierna?”
Conversation stopped, the entire table going silent.
“Wha?” Kelley asks, her voice muffled by the food in her mouth. “(Y/N/N) and Baby T?”
“Kel, please swallow your food,” Christen requests, cringing at the defender.
“Sorry.” The freckled woman gulps down her bite of her croissant. “But Tierna and (Y/N)?”
“You don’t see it?” Alyssa raises her eyebrow, surprised that she might be the only one who saw the chemistry between you two.
“Aren’t they just best friends?” Tobin chimes in on the conversation.
“That’s what people always said about you and Chris until they got their heads out of their asses,” Ash snorts, pointing between the two forwards.
“Fair point.”
“Now that I think about it,” Christen hums. “They do act very couple-y.”
“And Tierna is really the only one that (Y/N) hangs out with, besides Alyssa,” Pinoe points out, as the others nod in agreement.
“True, though she is warming up to the rest of us,” Julie lightly argues.
“So do we have a plan?”
The rest of the table just stares blankly at Kelley, who rolls her eyes.
“A plan to get them together?” She clarifies, as if to say ‘duh.’
“Well, that’s what I thought we could discuss.” The blonde midfielder suggests, sparking the discussion of how to get the two youngsters together.
Meanwhile, as the veterans were scheming, you and your girlfriend were taking a walk along the beach, your hands laced together, as your bare feet sunk into the sand.
“I hear you might start in the match versus England,” Tierna smirks at the shy blush that creeps up your neck.
You duck your head and brush a loose strand of hair of your face. “I don’t know. Our midfield is already so stacked, so I don’t know why Vlatko would start me.”
“Hey.” Tierna stops walking, stepping in front of you, halting your movement as well. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re a phenomenal player, one of our best middies, at only twenty-one years old I might add.”
“You have to say that.” You bashfully roll your eyes. “You’re my girlfriend.”
“That I am,” Tierna proudly states, as she kisses your cheek. “But seriously, (Y/N/N), you’re amazing and you’re here for a reason. Don’t ever doubt that.”
“Thank you, babe.” You lean in to give her a chaste kiss before bringing her in for a hug.
The two of you decide to walk back up to the sidewalk and sit on one of the benches that overlook the beach. After a couple of minutes of peaceful silence, you remember something Alyssa had mentioned to you a couple days ago.
“I think Lys might know we’re dating.” You raise your head from your girlfriend’s chest to look up at her.
“Hm,” Tierna hums, not looking concerned or fazed, only curious. “Did she something to you?”
“The other day she asked me if I had feelings for you.” You snuggle back into your girlfriend’s body, comforted by the fact that she didn’t seem to be freaking out about the possibility of one of your teammates knowing. “Well actually, her exact words were: ‘Do you have a crush on Tierna?’”
“And what did you say?”
“I said ‘yes,’” you mumble, your cheeks tint pink.
“What was that?” Tierna teases.
“I told her ‘yes’ I have a crush on you.”
“Aw, babe,” she coos, tapping your nose. “I have a crush on you too.”
All you can do is scrunch your face and stick out your tongue at your girlfriend and her antics.
“Do you think we should tell the team we’re dating?”
“Words probably gotten around that you have feelings for me, and seeing how we’re ‘best friends,’ knowing them, they’re already probably devising a plan to get us together.” Tierna shrugs, lightly chuckling.
Though you hadn’t been on the team as long as the defender, you knew she was most likely right.
“Well, who are we to stop their fun?” You say with a small smirk on your face.
Your girlfriend raises her eyebrow at you, surprised by your uncharacteristic boldness and mischievousness.
“Whatever you say, babe.” Tierna softly kisses the top of your head.
The two of you spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other’s presence, the calm waves crashing in the background, before you have to return to the hotel for team dinner.
As you and your girlfriend were off on a brief romantic walk, the rest of the team, who had been recruited by the Kelley, had been finalizing their plan to set you and Tierna up on a date, so you can confess your feelings.
“So,” Kelley, the leader of this operation, announces. “Tomorrow, when we have dinner off, Alyssa, you’ll ask (Y/N) if she wants to grab a bite to eat, and Casey and Abby, and whichever youngsters wanna tag along, will bring Tierna out to dinner.
“The rest of us will grab a table in the backroom so we can see them without being seen. Everybody got it?”
They all nod along, voicing their agreement.
“Awesome,” Ash cheers and claps her hand together. “What do you think Lys?”
“I think it’s good, hopefully it works.” Alyssa nods, quickly glancing at her phone. “I also think we better head back for dinner before Vlatko sends out a search party.”
The rest of the women check the time, their eyes widening, as they all scramble out of their seats, rushing to make it back in time for team dinner.
The next day, at the end of training, many of your teammates, mainly Kelley and Sonnett, were anxious about their upcoming blind date they’d set up for you and Tierna.
“Gosh, I don’t know how I didn’t see it before,” Kelley groans dramatically, watching from across the field, as you and your girlfriend were leaning on each other, laughing at something you’d said.
“How can they be so oblivious?” Tobin shakes her head, following her friend’s gaze.
“That’s rich coming from you,” Megan snorts, as she approaches the two women.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Chris had heart eyes for you for like three years before you actually noticed.”
“That’s different,” Tobin protests, earning a laugh from her two teammates.
“It’s really not.” Kelley clasps the forward’s shoulder, giving her a sympathetic smile.
“But we’ve learned.” Pinoe boasts with a pointed look.
Tobin just tilts her head and furrows her head in confusion, not following along.
“Oh, Toby.” The freckled defender slings her arm around Tobin’s shoulder, as they make their way back to the bus. “After being tortured by you and Press’s oblivious pining for many many years, the team collectively decided that when two teammates develop obvious feelings for each other, we’d put our own dignities aside and get them together.”
“Hence, our dinner plans for Tierna and (Y/N),” Megan finishes.
“You guys are all crazy,” Tobin says with a light-hearted roll of her eyes.
“Yeah, but you love us,” Kelley chirps before skipping off to catch up with Alex on the bus, leaving the two forwards chuckling at their teammates playful behavior.
After hopping out of the shower and getting dressed, you decide to text Tierna to see if she wants to grab some dinner.
Hey, you wanna grab some dinner?
I think I saw a taqueria that looked good :)
T 🤍 :
Sorry, babe :/
Casey already asked me to get dinner with  Abby  and Sam.
Aw man, okay.
Stop by after?
T 🤍 :
Of course
I’ll see you later :)
You give the message a heart, before shutting off your phone. As you contemplate what you’re gonna do for lunch, there’s a knock on your door.
“(Y/N/N),” you hear Alyssa’s muffled voice. “It’s Alyssa.”
“Come in!” You call back.
The goalie saunters into your room and plops on your bed. “You wanna grab some dinner?”
“Yeah,” you beam. “I saw a Mexican place downtown that looked good.”
“Hmmm, I had tacos for dinner last night,” Alyssa hums, pretending to think it over, even though she already has a restaurant in mind. “Tobin mentioned a good Japanese place they ate yesterday. We could try that?”
“I could go for Japanese,” you agree. “You wanna head out now?”
“Yeah, I’m down.” Alyssa jumps up from the bed, as you gather your things, following her out the door.
The two of you make light conversation, as you walk through the streets of Santa Barbara, enjoying the warm evening air.
Upon arriving at the restaurant, the hostess leads you to a table by the window, but as you sit down, Alyssa remains standing.
“I just have to run to the bathroom real quick,” she tells you. “If they come by to order drinks, could I get a lemonade?”
“Of course.” You nod, before scanning the menu.
While you think Alyssa is going to the restroom, she is actually going to text Casey that you’re sitting at the table near the window.
After a couple minutes, you hear footsteps approaching, which you think is the waitress coming to take your drink order.
“Hey, funny seeing you here.”
You immediately snap your head up when you hear your girlfriend’s voice.
“T, what are you doing here?” You ask, obviously quite surprised, as Tierna sits down in the chair across from you.
“Well, I was supposed to meet the girls here, and they just they’d be at the table by the window,” she chuckles amusedly. “Obviously our teammates are setting us up, not that I’m complaining.”
You roll your eyes at the teasing smirk on your girlfriend’s face. “Yeah, Lys brought me here for lunch. I didn’t think it was in her to be a part of their little matchmaking plans.”
“Alyssa is full of surprises.” Tierna shrugs, as she picks up the menu to look at it for herself.
“Aint’ that the truth,” you laugh.
As the two of you sit in a comfortable silence, deciding what you wanted to eat, you spot a familiar head of purple hair out of the corner of your eye.
“I think we’re being spied on,” you whisper, leaning forward in your seat.
“Pinoe’s pink hair is a dead give away,” you slightly nod your head towards the back room of the restaurant.
Tierna turns her head to subtly scan the room, and then lets out an amused chuckle. “So how are we gonna play this?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, since they’re watching us, do we wanna play into their hands or should we mess with them a little?”
“We could do a little bit of both?” You propose, earning an impressed grin from your girlfriend.
Before Tierna can respond, the waitress comes by to take your orders.
“What can you see?” Sonnett shouts from the other end of the table.
“Keep it down, Sonny,” Kelley scolds, swatting the younger defender’s arm. “But, P, seriously, what’s going on?”
“They’re just talking, laughing occasionally,” Pinoe reports, as she cranes her neck to see the table in the other room. “From what I can see, no sparks are flying yet.”
“Gosh, this is painful. We need to move them along,” Kelley whines, before her eyes widen and her eyes light up, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. “I have an idea.”
“Oh no,” Christen groans. “This should be good.”
The freckled defender just waves her hand, ignoring her friend’s comment. “Just you wait and see. This is gonna work.”
The team has to wait a couple more minutes until the waitress comes back to refill their waters for Kelley’s plan to unfold.
“Excuse me,” Kelley calls over to the waiter, briefly glancing at her name tag. “Virginia, could I order some dessert?”
“Of course.”
“I’d like to get one slice of your cheesecake, please. And if I could ask for a favor?”
The waitress nods with a polite smile.
“Would you deliver it to my two friends over there sitting by the window?”
“Aren’t those your teammates?” Virginia turns to see where Kelley’s pointing.
“Yeah, we’re trying to set them up. So if you could just say it’s on the house or something, we don’t really want them to know we’re here.”
The waitress just chuckles, as she shuts her notepad. “Of course.”
“Oh, wait,” Kelley stops her one more time. “If you’re cool with it, maybe you could flirt with one of them, maybe say the cheesecake is from you?”
Virginia pauses for a second to contemplate her options, before ultimately agreeing. “Fine, but only if I can get your friend’s number over there.” She smirks and points over to where Emily’s sitting, sipping on a glass of wine.
“Deal, but only if my friends over there get together by the end of the night.”
Virginia just smirks, as she leaves to continue her job and get a slice of cheesecake.
You and Tierna took advantage of the date your teammates had set up for you, enjoying some delicious rolls and a bowl of udon. Even though your teammates were technically in the backroom watching, you and your girlfriend enjoyed a nice evening to yourselves.
As you’re finishing up your meal, the waitress comes over with a slice of cheesecake and places it down in front of you.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You move to return the dessert. “I didn’t order any dessert.”
“I know, cutie,” Virginia flirts. “That’s from me, on the house.”
“I- I, um.” You blush, flustered, while Tierna shoots silent daggers at the waitress. “I’m flattered, but I actually have a girlfriend.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” the waitress apologizes, glancing between the two of you. “Is this your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, I am,” Tierna answers, hints of jealousy lacing her voice, as you give a sheepish nod.
“Ah I see,” Virginia observes, amused, knowing that the other group of soccer players were going to be quite shocked. “Well, I’m sorry, again, for hitting on you. Keep the dessert as an apology?”
“Everything’s forgotten,” you amend with a kind smile. “Thank you for the cheesecake.”
As the waitress turns to leave, she suggests, “Maybe you guys can share? I’m trying to win a bet.”
Before you or Tierna can respond, Virginia gives both of you a knowing smirk, as she takes your plates and goes back to the kitchen.
“What does that mean?” You tilt your head and push the plate of cheesecake towards the middle of the table.
“I assume that our teammates probably had something to do with that whole scene,” Tierna guesses, shrugging, as she takes a bite of the dessert. “Mmmmm, but thank goodness they did because this cheesecake is delicious.”
“Oooooo, let me try!”
As you and your girlfriend share the slice of fluffy cheesecake, your teammates were waiting for something to happen.
“Anything?” Alyssa asks impatiently. The goalie had been becoming increasingly agitated, because she had seriously thought there was something between you two.
“Not yet,” Kelley sighs. By now, the rest of the team had lost interest and decided to just enjoy their night out.
“Oh wait!” Pinoe gasps, holding her hand up to get everybody else’s attention. The pink-haired forward watched intensely, as you leaned in closely to Tierna, who was holding out her fork with a bite of cheesecake for you.
“Baby T just fed (Y/N/N) a bite of cheesecake. I repeat, Baby T just fed (Y/N/N) a bite of cheesecake!” Megan exclaims. “It was the last slice, too!"
“And they are totally giving each other heart eyes right now,” Kelley adds, excitedly bouncing in her seat.
After a few minutes, as the team bubbles with anticipation to see what would happen next, Virginia returns to the table with the checks and hands it to Kelley.
“By the way, you owe me your friend’s number.”
“Um, I don’t think so. We don’t know for sure that they ended up together,” Kelley protests, as she passes the checks down the table.
“Yeah, we do, because they’re already together,” Virginia boasts and moves to collect the empty plates, smirking when she sees you and Tierna holding hands, as you make your way over to the team’s table.
“What? No, they’re not.” The defender frowns, not noticing her two youngest teammates.
“Yes, we are,” Tierna simply states, leading you out the backdoor, as you duck your head to hide your flushed cheeks.
“And, thanks for the cheesecake,” your girlfriend throws over her shoulder, leaving your teammates sputtering in shock with wide eyes and gaping mouths.
“Well, that was fun,” you snicker, as you step outside.
“Yeah, it was,” Tierna agrees, kissing you cheek. “Now let’s go have some fun of our own.”
Laughing freely, you relax into your girlfriend’s side. You couldn’t help but feel lighter, like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders, now that the team knew about your relationship, and maybe this is the push you needed to open up to the women who would soon become your second family.
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yeahlenas · 4 years ago
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yelena belova | best fanfic recommendation list
welcome to my masterlist of yelena (and natasha) centric fanfiction - there’s not too many out there, but i suspect the tag will explode after the movie finally comes out. but until then i thought i’d share with you the works i’ve found and that i enjoyed immensely!!
this list includes fics with yelena as the main character (not too many), and others where yelenat is the main pairing (romantically/platonically), or yelena is not the main character but still is important and featured.
hopefully this list will give you some new epic content and inspiration for your own works! (cause let’s be honest the internet needs more of these incredible characters)
my own works:
starting this off with some shameless selfpromo hehe ≧◡≦. i never really wrote fanfiction before the character of yelena came and gave me so much inspiration and motivation!! 
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if i had to perish twice (edge of tomorrow au) 
status: completed 1/1 words: 19,549 
a loooong and good one (unbiased) to get you started!! this is by far the longest piece of writing i’ve ever done and i’m super proud of it! this is an au of the movie edge of tomorrow, and yelena is the main protagonist. there is also implied stucky and a lot of the avengers show up throughout. yelenat is the main pairing! you don’t have to watch the movie to understand it (i hope), i’ve tried to explain it in the fic to the best of my ability! (that being said, watching the trailer helps and ofc the movie is the very best option, it’s on netflix!)
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26082565
i tend not to weep
status: completed 1/1 words: 3,166
natasha and yelena’s cover is blown, and when they escape their plane is shot down - injured yelenat, hurt & comfort and angst.
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27334447
i’ll be the actress (starring in your bad dreams)
status: completed 1/1 words: 2,610 
two russian assassins walk into a bar. it doesn't go how either of them had planned. 
a crossover with killing eve, in which yelena meets the mysterious character of villanelle during a mission.
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29617044
you’ll have a good time with all of these amazing fics:
drip (that’s the sound of your ledger) | LOVE THIS ONE
“ There were whispers, after S.H.I.E.L.D.'s fall. They followed Natasha wherever she went, until she could ignore them no longer. 
Welcome back to the Red Room.”
status: completed 13/13 words: 86,222 author: songofdefiance
THIS. this fic came out of nowhere and hit me until i was down (and then some more) with the pairing of nat and sharon which i didn’t know i needed!!! great twists, fun adventure, and yelena is giving me all the feels in this one. high re-readability!! the entire fic is incredible and 10000% worth your time - it is also the first in an incredible series, and yelena features more heavily as we go along. i wish i could read it for the first time again!!
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4156134
part one of the this won’t end with a whimper series: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4156134
black widow: from brooklyn with love
“Rosa Diaz thought her past was dead and buried somewhere out in the Siberian tundra. But when Natasha Romanoff shows up at the 99 with a smile and a bundle of secrets, she knows she has no choice but to finish what Red Room started.”
status: completed 12/12 words: 37,573 author: wonderlander090
i love brooklyn99. i love yelena and natasha. the genius of wonderlander090 wrote a fic of everyone together and it’s SO MUCH FUN! features badass ladies, red room feels and overall epicness.
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13387431
black widow
“After she released every piece of her secrecy to the world, Natasha Romanoff flees to get back her feeling of being a competent spy. Unfortunately, her old enemies have resurfaced, and have plans that force Natasha to meet old partners and old horrors. “
completed 17/17 words: 58,155 author: clarkesjade
the author’s wonderful take on the black widow movie. personal stakes, dark enemies and espionage with the great trio of nat, yelena and bucky against the world.
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17284406
“Yelena is nowhere to be seen, and considering the circumstances, Natalia knows far better than to presume that means she made it out.”
status: completed 1/1 words: 1,518 author: novoaa1 (@ultralightdumbass)
yelenat banter, the best banter there is!! in which yelena and natasha’s paths crosses on a mission. 
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24994090
part of the chance encounter series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1809355
remember when we used to play?
“Natalia loves Yelena as fire loves innocence. It destroys and ruins and is doomed.”
status: completed 1/1 words: 2,315 author: hellotomyoldheart (@hellotomyoldheart)
a couple thousand words to step on my heart a couple thousand times :)) a yelenat with red room feels, and just a shit ton of feels in general lol help
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21664936
youth (makes fools of us all)
“In 1994, a young Widow is assigned an important mission playing the wife of the Red Guardian. In 1994, two students are selected to accompany them.In 1994, against all machinations of the Red Room, a family is made.“
status: completed 1/1 words: 4,871 author: sanctuaria (@aleksandrachaev)
no words for this beautiful piece!! with the release of the new trailer something like this is canon now, and the entire idea of pretending to be a family and then natasha and yelena becoming one in their hearts is just OWWW, run me over instead, it’d hurt less
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23954776
what a wicked game to play (to make me feel this way)
“after you win the games, you lose.” hunger games au.
status: complete 1/1 words: 60,545 author: taylorswift (not THAT ts haha (at least i dont think so??))
this is a clintasha au, so don’t expect tooo much yelena. i love the relationship between yelena and nat in this one though, so here it is!!
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24957505
you made it this far (just a little bit more)
“I'm dead, Yelena says, I killed myself in that room, Natasha didn't need to shoot me for that, and isn't sure it translates.”
status: completed 1/1 series 3/3 words: 35,939 author: notcaycepollard (@notcaycepollard)
yelena is the main character in part 3 of this time travel fix it series. feels a bit au because (obviously) a lot of things were changed and their lives end up being very different. very happy take on everything and if you want some good old serotonin and good times for our characters, this one is so good!!
read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27913387
part 3 of the a flame in two cupped hands series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1538677
the end (for now) (◕︵◕)
as you can see i get all my yelena fics from ao3, i think that site is just so wonderful and easy to navigate!! i’m updating the yelena tag often, and i’m constantly looking for new good fics to share - so if you’re interested, bookmark this/follow me for future updates! if you have any personal favorites from ao3 that i’ve missed, or from other sites, do not hesitate to share them with me so i can update the list!!
(also i tried to tag the authors i could find on tumblr but idk if it worked?)
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pitaparka · 5 years ago
keepin’ busy
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request: 5. “I know a few ways we could keep busy…” 19. “Pornhub is giving away free premium right now you perv. Get away from me.” 20. “That’s a dangerous game to play if we’re gonna be stuck with each other for the next four weeks.” with Frank Castle? idk how many prompts per request we're meant to send so I picked my fave 3
summary: frank’s been a lot more… tense, since quarantine started. whether that’s because he’s not taking his rage out on bad guys late at night or because he’s stuck in your house without a little privacy? that’s anyone’s guess… 
pairings: frank castle x reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: suggestive content, frank has nice hands ;) 
a/n: if only we could go back to a time where we all thought we were getting like, eight weeks off… hah…haha…hahaha…whew… on a less depressing note, jon bernthal is really fucking hot. pretty pretty please send in some requests for my boy frankie :( i love him so much. If you’ve had any ideas floating around you’d like to see written out to completion, now’s the perfect time to see it happen! maybe some smut, or fluff, or angst, or anything really… big love <3
He wasn’t supposed to be staying with you. But apartment hunting when your face has been all over the news recently as one of America’s Most Wanted criminals in the state of New York is kind of hard to do, not to mention when there’s a global pandemic going on. You knew first hand, apartment hunting was hard enough as is. At first, you didn’t really notice him. He would always be out going on runs, exercising in the basement in order to not disturb any neighbors, and guarding the streets at night, like a vigilante cop. Soon, he was staying home more than he was patrolling. Frank still got out from time to time, but it was hard to catch bad guys when they were at home, drinking and sleeping and waiting to be able to go back to causing trouble again.
You hadn’t touched anyone in weeks. You were starving for affection of any kind. You missed hugging your friends, awkward cheek kisses from your family, even shaking hands with strangers at this rate. What you wouldn’t give for a nice firm handshake… 
It was driving you crazy. Frank on the other hand, was making the most out of his time stuck in your apartment. He had recently gotten into a netflix show, you had noticed, which was just one of the luxuries exposed to him during the pandemic. He strummed on your old guitar, the one you barely played anymore, if at all. It was a surprise to hear, but you knew from the familiar sounds of tuning and plucking strings that it was not coming from the television. It was a nice thing to see, him hunched over on your couch, guitar case open on the floor, fiddling with the capo for a song he knew by heart. It was nice he could let his guard down a little bit. He was even learning how to cook, and could make a mean fettuccine alfredo for the two of you. 
Frank was a very domestic man outside of his nightly routine of making New York a cleaner place to live. 
Nights were different now. You two sat together on the couch, your head on his shoulder, dozing off against him as he tried to clue you in on what was happening. It was a gangster show, but that was the only thing you gleaned from his run down. 
“I bet you were a mafia man in a past life,” you said, breaking the silence between the two of you. He tore his gaze from the television.
“What?” he said, smiling down at you. You didn’t look away from the TV, but continued.
“Like, a mafia boss or something. Yeah, I can see that.” “Where is this comin’ from?” he asks.
You hum as you imagine it, ignoring his question. 
“You’re weird,” he comments, and he puts his legs up on the coffee table.
“You can see?” he asks, and his feet are in the way of the screen but you’re not really watching it anyway, so you nod your head against his shoulder. He moves his arm behind your head and rubs your shoulder softly before resting it over the arm of the couch. You readjust yourself, head on his thigh, curling up into Frank. It became easier to listen to his breathing when he turned the volume down a bit, fully aware of you on his lap. It didn’t take long before you dozed off, but when you woke up, you were in your bedroom, shrouded in darkness, covered carefully by a comforter. 
OVER the course of the coming week, the two of you get closer. You’d even become invested in the show he’d started watching. 
With your closeness, you hadn’t noticed you started touching Frank a lot more. 
Nothing you wouldn’t do to your other friends. It was mainly just laying your head on his, playing old hand games you remembered from your childhood, and petting the back of his neck. It was absent minded, and it was only because he had shown you how to cut his hair with his old beard clippers. When asked about why you would run your hands over the prickly surface, you explained it felt nice, and that you had the right to admire your handiwork. 
Later into the quarantine you ordered a palmistry book, and since nobody else was around, you asked Frank to read his palms. He of course was hesitant, but did as you asked, handing over his right hand for you to examine. His nails were nicely trimmed, you noticed immediately. The tips of his fingers were calloused, as were his palms, the skin cracked under harsh and constant use. He held the flashlight from your phone as you read from the book and bent and pulled at the taut skin there. You read him his diagnosis, and he said it was all bullshit, like astrology. You just think he didn’t like being labelled as a dreamer. 
It really only heated up when you asked for the massage.
You said it as a joke, but Frank was by your side, rolling his eyes and pushing up the sleeves on his black Henley before you looked up at him.
“Oh shit, you’re actually gonna do it?” You mused, flipping yourself over. Very briefly you were self conscious of your lounge shorts and novelty shirt that was a size too big. But just for a second, because then Frank was straddling your back, considerately resting most of his weight on his knees, kneading your shoulders with his big hands. His palms work the knots out and you breathe a little lighter as he trails downward, pressing hard into your lower back. It makes you moan a little bit, but if he hears you, he doesn't acknowledge it. He takes precious time down there, all fingers and knuckles and palms, pushing hard into your soft skin, almost like he’s done this before. 
You feel him back up off of you, and you note the lack of contact, making you open your eyes for a second. His thumbs push and pull the soft flesh of your calves. It’s only moments before they move softly up your thigh, sending shivers down your back. He goes just a smidgen too high for comfort. It makes your heart jump into your throat, and you wriggle out from his grip.
“Pornhub is giving away free premium right now, you perv. Get away from me,” you say playfully, smile on your face. It’s not contagious.
“I thought that’s what you wanted?” He spoke, confused. Your brows furrowed.
“You’ve been doing little things all week like that… ‘thought you wanted me to… God, never mind. I’m just… I’m sorry,” he apologizes, and stands up from the couch. 
You’re dumbfounded. You don’t know what to do. But you know you don’t want him to leave.
“What?” you respond again, this time with even more confusion.
“Don’t worry about it, you’re fine,” he says, making his way down the hall. Did he mean what he said? Did he say what he meant?
You stood up hastily to follow him, tripping over your own feet in pursuit. His hand is on the door handle to your office, which had since been converted into a room for Frank, complete with luxuries such as a pull out futon and fast internet speeds (thanks to the router being in there).
“Frank,” you said, stopping at the beginning of the hallway. You watched his hand grip the knob. His shoulders rise and fall with his breathing.
“I…” you start, but don’t know where to go. What to say. You’re confused, and you don’t want him to be upset. Not even at you, just in general. You can’t stand the lack of contact with the outside world already. It would suck to be alienated by your… roommate? If you could even call him that.
“What is this?” you say, and he spins around to look at you. 
Now it’s his turn to be confused.
“What?” he questions, and his shoulders are squared and tense.
“Where is this coming from? I mean… yeah, but… me?”
His brows are furrowed and he squints at you suspiciously.
“You?” He questions.
“I guess quarantine is taking a toll on everyone, and you can’t really see anyone else… do you… do you really want…”
“Do I really want what?”
You could barely look at him, eyes tracing the wood patterns in the floor and the door behind him. 
“Do you want that, Frank?” You ask. Your eyes meet his.
“Do I want what?” He asks again, irritated. You sigh gently, and your feet move on their own accord, anticipation and worry festering where your heart should be. He watches you come to him.
You stand in front of him, your feet almost touching, your hands by your side.
His eyes are dark in the dimly lit hallway. His gaze is intense.
You reach your hand out to him, taking one of his hands in yours and squeezing it, pulling it closer to you. He moves his head closer to yours, tentatively stopping within centimetres of your lips.
Then he’s on top of you, pushing his lips into yours, unyielding and feverish. His hand comes up to cup the nape of your neck and you breathe heavily into the kiss, softening under his touch. 
He pulls away, and you’re panting with the intensity of it.
“That’s new,” you say, backing up slightly. He smiles mischievously.
“We can take it slow.”
THE television in your room is smaller than the one in the living room, and has remained largely unused since Frank moved in. 
It’s nice to have Frank in bed with you. There are flashes of color bouncing off the walls of your dark bedroom. It’s not Frank’s mafia show tonight. It’s the news.
“It’s crazy out there,” you interrupt. “Never seen anything like it.”
Andrew Cuomo is on screen, making important announcements about the state of New York, when he changes your whole outlook in just a few words.
Statewide shutdown ends May 15th, adding another month on top of your quarantine with Frank. A lot longer than you had originally anticipated.
“That’s... two whole months, huh?” He ponders, your back pressed up against his chest in your bed.
“I know a few ways we could keep busy…” you suggested, tracing patterns up his arm. You tilted your head up to look at him.
“That’s a dangerous game to play if we’re going to be stuck with each other for the next few weeks,” he spoke quietly, tension thick in the air. He was so close you could feel his breath on your lips. 
His hand cups your chin and throat, and you swallow hard, gaze unwavering. You lick your lips inadvertently. 
He comes in even closer, and envelopes you in a soft kiss. Frank being a sweet lover, you never would have guessed. Your skull is cradled in his big hands, and it makes you notice how vulnerable you are to him. Your neck exposed, bodies pressed against each other in a hot passion. His lips are a little rougher down other parts of your body, but his hands are always soft and firm, touching and squeezing and dragging his fingertips down your stomach. He’s painstakingly slow with it, and it makes your breath hitch in your throat. What a tease. He knows what he’s doing to you, and it drives you crazy. It would be a long night. 
Frank knows how to take care of a partner, too. Only in his case, it’s not bandaging and stitching. It’s much, much more pleasant.
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evilsilence · 4 years ago
The Emergency! Fandom Intro Meme
Rules: Not much to say here! Copy-paste this into a new post (and feel free to link back to this one if you’d like) and answer the questions as you see fit if you’d like to tell the rest of the fandom a bit more about yourself. This meme is generally tag-free and open to everyone who wants to do it (but feel free to informally tag people you’d like to know more about). You can tag your reply as “#E! intro meme” if you’d like.
How’d you find this show and the fandom? How long have you been here? Yeah, so funny story, I’d known about the show as far back as 2014 or 2015. My parents used to watch it a lot when it was on MeTV but I figured it was just another cheesy old show, so I didn’t pay any attention to it. By late 2016 I decided to finally pay attention. At first I sorta just laughed at the aforementioned 70′s TV cheesiness, but after awhile I realized it wasn’t all that bad and I wanted to dig in deeper. Unfortunately, Netflix was removing E in January of 2017 which only left me around a month to watch whatever I could binge during that time, so I found an E! board and asked for episode recs. That was my first true fandom experience, and honestly, at the time I thought it was amazing that board still existed and was semi active. I figured that beyond that board there was probably no active fandom. During my month of binging those recs, I also decided to see if there happened to be any old fanfiction for the show left, of course not really expecting anything, and was shocked to see FFN wasn’t dead at all. This led to reading a ton of E fanfics before I even had a solid grasp on who the characters even were, which idk, that probably wasn’t the best idea but it WAS fun so whatever. So technically I suppose I was “in” the fandom in late 2016, but I didn’t really actively search out the fandom, beyond that board, until late 2017 (which led to a not so great experience on a certain bird app).
What made you stick around? The fanfiction, mainly. I noticed right away how this fandom loves whump, especially Johnny whump, and that really interested me (I’ve always had a thing for whump). Otherwise, besides a few bad apples, there are a lot of really great people in this fandom and I want to be part of that.
Who’s your favorite character? 1000% Johnny. He’s the sole reason I started paying attention to the show to begin with because holy shit how is he so cute???
Are you a shipping kind of person? If yes, what are your favorite ships? I LOVE shipping. Definitely Johnny x Roy and Brackett x Dixie, but I also ship Dixie x the administrator from “Foreign Trade”.
Favorite moment/scene/quote? Yes, you can pick more than one. I’d have to say my all time favorite scene / quote is in the pilot movie when Johnny tells Brackett “To hell with the orders” and shuts off the biophone. I love sassy Johnny. I also really love the scene at the end of “Rip-Off” where Johnny still thinks he hears a rattling noise coming from the squad and Roy says “Maybe it’s the loose seeds in your gourd”. Those two have a lot of great comedic moments, but that one sticks out to me for some reason.
Do you have a favorite episode? Feel free to pick one per season if you can’t decide. My absolute favorite episodes are the major Johnny whump ones. But I also love “Frequency”, because it shows Johnny all emotionally hurt and vulnerable and questioning his own mortality and ugh so good. I also like the episode “The Exam” because of the scene where Johnny admits that he doesn’t wanna have to go back to the engine if he fails the paramedic re-certification exam. I love those small moments of vulnerability from Johnny because it’s a side of him that we don’t see much. “Isolation” is also a great episode imo, just because the scenery change is nice. And “Details”, because it’s just typical Johnny to try to rush into something without all the information.
Most underrated character, either among the fandom or one the writers never utilized to their full potential? Morton, Stoker, and Marco.
One thing you’d have liked to see more (or less) of in the show? As others have said, it would’ve been nice to have seen more of Student Nurse Sharon and Nurse Carol. It also would’ve been nice to have seen more of Morton as he grew as a doctor.
Do you have a fanwork recommendation for us? Fic, art, video, whatever? @johnnys-green-pen, @hitchcock-winter, @madilayn, and @thebeatlesqueenie1212 all write greats fics. @andtheywerelegends makes good vids. Otherwise, I’ve been enjoying “Hunted” by mta797 and “Off Road” by Closet Scrawler on FFN recently.
Any fanworks you’d like to see? I know it’s definitely going to be an unpopular opinion, but I’d like to see more fics that explore darker themes. Not every story needs a happy ending or a miraculous recovery. Sometimes bad things happen, things don’t go as expected and there’s no miracle at the end of the day. I want to read more about that.
Any favorite headcanons you’d like to tell us about? Johnny being neurodivergent is probably my favorite. And definitely that Johnny and Roy have not so secret feelings for each other. I also heard a headcanon ages ago that Johnny is probaaably a virgin and I can totally see that, given the way he constantly strikes out.
Free space! Anything else you’d like to mention? I owe this show the revival of my interest in writing. Prior to 2017, when I started my first E fic, I hadn’t seriously written anything since 2010. Writing is so incredibly therapeutic for me and always has been, even when I was a kid writing dumb stories with my friends that made absolutely no sense. Back then, writing was such a big part of who I was. And to find that missing piece of myself has been everything.
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moku-youbi · 4 years ago
MCU’s Lazy Post-Snap Writing (Thanks Disney...)
This could be potentially spoilery for the first episode of Falcon and Winter Soldier, but it is just a general discussion of the world-building post-”snap” or whatever in the MCU, nothing specific about plot. So last night I was watching the first ep, and briefly getting my hopes up when they mentioned how soon after Endgame this is set, I thought okay, maybe we’ll finally get to see some of the fallout from all these people returning 5 years later. 
(Because let’s be real, WandaVision quietly killing our lesbians off screen with Maria Rambeau apparently dying from cancer while her daughter was snapped away without so much of a mention of Carol being the only consequence of the snap is a fucking joke. And EVERYTHING that was Far From Home, please. Sure, all the right people just so happened to be snapped away so that you could still have Peter and all his friends be the same age and this one character as a joke that used to be younger and is now the same age...right...)
So, great. Sam’s been gone for 5 years and then immediately lost his best friend to another awful writing decision, but alas. For whatever reason, male pride? IDK, he’s insisting on claiming his ownership over his sister’s home and boat that they technically both inherited, even though she’s a widower who’s been raising two young kids alone during the whole snap era in (I think) the NOLA area, and is just trying to keep her head above water by selling. It’s a strange turn for Sam, who has in the past seemed to be a sensitive and understanding guy, to keep flexing on her about how it’s partially his, even though prior to the snap he’d been living based out of the DC area, and superheroing and/or breaking international treaties around the globe, so...
It seems like an excuse to have him attempting to secure a loan, which proves a difficult proposition for someone without work history for the last 5 years, in a time when apparently banks have been inundated with loan applications following the sudden return of billions of people. Okay, cool. I appreciate that the latter would be a nightmare situation, and it’s this sort of detail that might get overlooked in the films that starts to hint at the major ramifications of Tony’s decision to bring everyone back without rewinding time.
However, the problem (beyond the ridiculous “no work history while you were literally nonexistent” which, if the banks are receiving loan requests from people just returned, would be EVERYONE), is pointed out BY the loan officer, and there’s no real good explanation--Sam is a hero. Even if we somehow accept that the US government isn’t scrambling to do some sort of relief bill, or special loans or grants for those returning to existence, Sam’s situation is different. He has a high-profile job with the military. He is loved the world over. And most importantly, he was dusted in the process of defending the world from Thanos, then assisted in his defeat upon his return. You’re telling me there isn’t payment for that kind of thing? 
Even IF no governments around the world are willing to compensate these heroes, you have people like Tony and T’Challa who are incredibly wealthy, and it makes NO SENSE that they aren’t compensating the heroes who work alongside them or helped defend Wakanda. I absolutely refuse to believe that Pepper would be creating some sort of grant, even if there weren’t a regular salary or whatever, for those returning in particular. And it especially doesn’t make sense when you see Tony basically handing over the keys to the kingdom to Peter, and Pepper giving big checks to Aunt May’s charity, or Vision (and Wanda) who has no way of earning income EXCEPT from his superheroing, purchasing a home. How DID they support themselves running around Europe prior to Infinity War if they’re not receiving money from some Avengers fund? And even supposing it comes down to some kind of pride on Sam’s part, even if Pepper had come to him with some sort of restitution payment or compensation for his service, and he was all like “I can’t accept charity,” Pepper would have happily said, “let’s call it a low interest loan, then.” There’s NO REASON he should have to go to some random bank begging for a loan.
Except...the MCU writers are lazy af. They want that drama to be there, they want this to be a motivation for his character, so they ignore the world and the rules already put in place by the past 20+ films/shows. The same as the utter laziness of insisting on keeping the 5 years with no real good justification for it besides Tony Stark wanting to keep his daughter (and even if you’re not big on the theory that Pepper was already pregnant at the time of the snap like I am, I think we’d all agree that Tony Stark would put the greater good ahead of his personal life. He’d know damn well that huge cost of bringing everyone back and it would tear him apart, but he’d DO THE RIGHT THING)
It was incredibly insulting to viewers, and tragically lazy writing. They wanted to have their cake and eat it to. So when they want to jerk some tears, when they want the drama, they make the snap have huge consequences, and when they don’t want to have to deal with the consequences of the snap, they basically pretend it was nothing -- a BLIP, for fuck sake -- that everyone’s already over with and life’s moved on.
I get it, you didn’t want that dark, heavy tone in the Spider-Man film, but you have a chance to explore it with Sam and Bucky. I mean, that’s cool and all, but the problem with insisting on having all your films and shows being part of the same canon, is that you have to MAKE THEM ALL PART OF THE SAME CANON. And while I think they pulled it off beautifully for a while, beginning with Infinity War, it’s started to unravel. The whole setting Captain Marvel in the past of an already established universe didn’t work well and hobbled the story, turning something that should have been good into a clunky vehicle to excuse any potential holes in the story going forward. Endgame was a nightmare, and the tonal shift of FFH after Peter’s journey so far, and questionable characterisation is worse. It makes me worried for Black Widow, which is already suffering from Covid pushing it back. That’s a film I’ve been looking forward to for over a decade, and I’m worried by setting it in the past, it’s going to suffer the same way CM did.
I just find it incredibly sad that the Disney Plus series’ put an end to the Netflix MCU, because those were so well written with create internal consistency, character development, and world-building. They could have been a great way to explore the fallout of the snap, especially with the efforts they went to to distance them from the rest of the MCU while still, technically, being a part of it. Now instead we have Disney churning out flashy, but ultimately hollow content as a cash grab, instead of any real interest in telling meaningful stories. 
I will say, snap politics aside, I hold out higher hopes for the remainder of Falcon and Winter Soldier. There are some parts I obviously didn’t like, but on the whole it felt of a higher quality than WandaVision by far (which is sad, because I love that comic and was really looking forward to some surreal, zany fun there). 
But on the whole, where I used to be so excited and the first in line for every new MCU film (literally), these days I’m just feeling “meh.”
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years ago
fear street: a review
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happy spooky seasons babes!!! for every week in october, i'll be posting reviews on spooky movies and tv shows inspired by this Instagram post https://www.instagram.com/p/CUN2Xeth3N4/?utm_medium=copy_link attached in case you want any ideas for a spooky night in. this first review will be on the netflix original movie, fear street. one of my best friends is OBSESSED with this trilogy so it's dedicated to her. i told her someday i would watch it and today is the day :) 
fear street is a trilogy set around 1994, 1978, and 1666 respectively. for the sake of the review, i will be watching the first one. it runs for an hour and 47 mins and is rated r. the first opening line states, “it started as a prank and ended in murder” already intriguing. it sets the stage of a rebellious teenage age that could end in an accidentally murder or an supernatural circumstances that leads to murder. either one sounds good. i’m getting a little ahead of myself. the general plot is about a group of teens from the town of shadyville that try to rectify the brutal killings that plague their town. for more insight, keep on reading. it will contain major spoilers so you have been warned. 
SPOILER the movie begins with heather (maya hawke, a queen) who is working at a book store. a relatable girl with her “not like other girls” personality, she exchanges teasing banter with her friend, ryan who works near her. as the mall begins to close (named shadyside mall which serves as a foreshadow), she encounters the killer wearing a halloween skeleton mask. they wrestle around for a little bit and she is then killed afterwards. just when i started to like her. before her death, she unveils the killer and it is revealed as her friend ryan who she was just conversing with. 
the opening scene provides an inner look into shadyside and its reputation for being a murderous town. we are then told that this is a common thing. it has a neighboring town called sunnyvale. like the name suggests, it is the complete opposite. it is safe, wealthy and comfortable. it had a record breaking year of no violence as opposed to shadyside which is cursed with murders. it is dubbed “killer capital usa”. i wonder if this is used as a social commentary on how certain towns cannot be saved and are riddled with crime. but that is a discussion for another day. we are also given motifs of a witch being executed. could this be an illusion to events to come? 
we are met with a new protagonist named deena. deena is going through a breakup with someone named sam. she is heartbroken and resentful as sam is the reason she left band. we meet her friends, simon and kate, who are there to support her throughout the whole process and with that they discuss the current standing of their town with the recent murder of heather. a possible reason for the killings is considered: shadyside creates murders. certain people lose their breaking point and take it out on unsuspecting victims. it makes people go insane.
a town left in shambles once again. a candlelit vigil is held for the victims of the mall massacre hosted in sunnyvale. it is clear that the neighboring towns have animosity towards each other. it is giving pawnee vs. eagleton (shout out to parks and rec). with the rising tensions between them, a fight ensues with the two football teams. it is also revealed that the reason for sam and deena’s breakup is sam moving to sunnyvale. deena is displeased at her decision and i would be too but at the same time, i don’t blame sam. i would have left too if my life would be in danger just by being there. but that’s besides the point. enraged, everyone goes back to their respective homes with a few football players plus sam tormenting the shadyside team. several hyped up chants later, the shadyside team retaliate by throwing a cooler directed at the car. the car begins to swerve and hits a tree harming the people inside. grasping at life, sam begins to see visions which could be due to the accident, but it is assumed as the witch. 
now at home, deena sees the killer at her home and he also comes after kate. due to the events prior, they believe it is peter (one of the football players) and they visit the hospital where sam is held. deena goes on a rampage telling sam to control her psychotic boyfriend. however, peter was in the hospital the whole time and is killed right in front of their eyes thus disproving the theory. good riddance to him. they run away from him and getting away safely but like heather, they unveil him and it is revealed as the same person as before: ryan torres. they go to the police but they are disregarded because ryan was killed by sheriff goode when he killed heather. they decide to take this into their own hands. outside the station, simon encounters this girl that tries to kill him. josh, (deena’s brother) who has done research on the various shadyside killers, identifies the girl who tried to kill simon as ruby lane. the weird part is that ruby’s killings were over 30 years ago. the witch from the opening scenes, sarah fier, was executed in the 1600s (when the first shadyside killing was reported). these massacres are somehow all connected to her and it could be how normal people are suddenly becoming murderers because she is seeking revenge by inhibiting unsuspecting bodies. sam is her next victim as the killers are attracted to her blood and she is seeing the visions. they make a plan to kill kate to wane away the bad spirits and bring her back to life with an epipen. it works in the end, but simon and kate are eliminated in the process by the demons. 
the remaining survivors (deena, kate, and josh) go to the police and talk about their experiences. because they aren’t willing to give up information (which i don’t know the reason; i might have overlooked it), the murders are planted on the now deceased kate and simon. (a mild rant). what is bothering me about deena is that she didn’t properly mourn her friends killed in the crossfire. she’s so selfishly in love with kate that she completely disregarded her friends death. life just seems to be all good for her as if nothing happened because she got back together with sam. freaking josh seemed to care more than she did. he stood up for them in his online chat but deena? where’s the energy. she seemed to care a tiny bit with the police officer (because as she claimed drug use is a perfect example to blame since the two sold drugs) but not enough to clear the air about the murders. idk that just rubbed me the wrong way. 
deena and sam are back together and living their best life good for them (i’m so petty lmao) deena gets a call from c berman (the sole survivor of one of the past massacres). she tells her its a little too late for the phone call because they could have used her advice when they still were fighting the demons. berman tells her that it never goes away and sarah always comes back. we see sarah etching sam’s name under ryan torres on a gravestone. sam is now possessed with sarah’s spirit and attacks deena. she ties up sam and tells josh that she isn’t acting like herself and they need to save her. to be continued. END SPOILER. 
final thoughts: i like this. i get why this is popular.  i’m usually not the biggest horror movie fan because they are always so typical and kinda corny. however, something about this feels fresh and new. the idea of a possessed witch is nothing new but i don’t think i have heard about a witch seeking revenge on her execution by passing on her witchcraft for generations. a woman’s scorn. plus we got some teenage drama mixed into it to add more dimension. i like knowing that the story continues on because i like the direction this is going. dare i say it i would put it up with scream as part of my favorites in the horror movie genre. someday i will watch the next two. i definitely recommend this movie for horror movie fans. i will give it a 8/10. 
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