#first caedrel :)
daily-esports-hug · 4 days
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Day 159
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endercasts · 1 year
Oh he’s so big Transcript: Caedrel: It’s another stack for Cho’Gath Drakos: Let’s do it Caedrel: I think it’s towards thirteen Drakos: Thirteen Caedrel: Oh yeah, everyone just leave the pit. Let 'em do their business Drakos: [overlapping] Let him get it Caedrel: Yea [Announcer: Red team has slain Baron Nashor] Drakos: Oh he’s so big [awkward silence] Drakos: If you - I mean this is like you know when you have your friends that feed their cats too much Caedrel: [overlapping] Uhuh, yup, that’s exactly what I was thinking Drakos: [overlapping] And they’re like “Ooohh looord he’s a coming” Caedrel: [overlapping] That’s exactly what I was thinking, yep Drakos: [overlapping] BrokenBlade just hit that point Caedrel: Uhm, so [...]
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hejustcancelledit · 1 year
Caedrel is playing Doki Doki Literature Club, and he doesn't know.
I tuned into the stream just as the first end screen happened
He's so confused, I love that
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livikattt · 2 years
daily fun but useless ppau fact #10
I'm putting it under a read more because it's long af (because... my dumbass.... makes a lot of jokes. if u didn't notice.)
chapter one: wish (soraka r)
“Not a single sign that the Rift’s champions, those gods amongst men, had ever been there at all.”
This was a vague reference to Damwon’s championship skins where they had wanted to appear as gods coming down from the heavens, if I remember correctly.
“And Faker would never be enough of a fool to trust someone who once lived in his shadow.”
Faker is (kind of) Zed in this au, so this is secretly a joke. ha ha.
chapter two: you and me (yuumi w) (get it? because meiko's skin is yuumi? i'm not funny ahahahah)
“Hmm,” Jiejie begins, his eyes wandering as he thinks. “I think Meiko would have wished for something to make him an even better support than he already is. Viper probably wished that he’d never miss a shot, and Flandre definitely wished for some magic that’s better than that smoke thing he does. That, or to be able to do this his entire life. Who knows?”
Two out of three isn't bad :)
“But Jiejie,” Scout says, intentionally mispronouncing his name. “How can you even be tired?”
I explained this in the end notes already, but Scout pronounces Jiejie’s name like 姐姐, which means older sister. Credit to my friend that only referred to Jiejie as “big sister” all throughout Worlds 2021. Bro is gonna fail Chinese III.
“Breathe, Yechan. Breathe.”
I’m pretty sure Scout is the only one to be referred to by his real name by his teammates, if you don’t count the introductions in the first EG fic. Generally, I try to avoid their real names, since it starts to feel a bit awkward once I’m writing about Ryu Minseok and not Keria or something. It’s too personal for me.
(Edit a few days later: I forgot about Miky but c’mon, I was not about to refer to him as “Mikyx” the entire fic)
(Edit a few more days later: Gumayusi got full name’d, shit is going down)
(Edit a few more more days later: everyone getting full name'd now this is not a drill)
quick tw for death but when my mom was crying to me about her dad's last wishes i. i kind of. i kind of went "AYO WHAT DID I HAVE MEIKO DO IN ODYWYH TO COMFORT SCOUT I NEED TO KNOW" and just tried to channel whatever he did
im that emotionally constipated kill me
chapter three: end of the line (graves q)
“He plays Teamfight Tactics until he sees stars when he blinks.”
Perhaps in this universe Riot Games is truly a small indie company…
“Scout tries to scream, but without the room to expand his chest, all that comes out is the faintest whine.”
This was tested to make sure it was an accurate depiction. I got sleep paralysis once when my sister was audibly on a call in the room over. I tried to scream. Didn’t work. The sound I made was actually very embarrassing. (it is ok to laugh at me for my sleep paralysis experiences. they are funny in hindsight. for more tips on how to handle sleep paralysis just hmu)
“We’ll go to Europe, then. I’ve heard there’s a retired Summoner that can suppress someone’s abilities. Maybe he’ll be able to suppress the Rift’s blessing as well.”
Some of you (by which i mean aryasage) caught it already, but this is a reference to Caedrel. In a different version, Scout’s response is, “No, he’ll just cancel it.”
chapter four: moonlight vigil (aphelios r)
“He’s not stupid—he knows what sleep deprivation does to people. (He’s read the Russian sleep experiment creepypasta, after all.)”
Somehow I doubt he would have been able to get his hands on that one, but whatever. Either way it’s kind of terrifying, and if it was true, this fic would go in a very different direction. Would not recommend it if you're scared easily or if you spend too much time thinking about everything that could go wrong.
“Telling the whole story to the rest of his team is quite possibly the hardest thing Scout’s ever done, if he ignores the past week or so.”
“You look like shit.”
In a different version, Scout absolutely snaps at Jiejie and then proceeds to verbally and emotionally obliterate him. I kind of wish I had been able to keep it in, since I thought it was kind of fun in a “haha angst goes brrr” kind of way, but it didn’t really fit in with the rest of the chapter.
“Scout sniffs, gratefully accepting the tissue someone hands him. He’s been going through a lot of those lately, despite it being November.”
Is there even a no-nut November equivalent in China??? Either way I thought I was hilarious in the moment.
“Forcibly inducing sleep (aka punching Scout in the head) is out too once Viper mentions brain damage, even if Meiko insists he can fix it.”
They don’t test this theory, but Meiko is 100% confident that his magic can repair brain damage. In the end, they decide it’s not worth finding out.
ppau leak: this comes up later
I spent thirty minutes googling how to meditate just to write this chapter. Worth.
“Scout tries to respond. His body doesn’t move an inch. Somewhat deliriously, he imagines himself as a meme. Aw, shit. Here we go again.”
‘“You need to relax.” Jiejie leans forward, holding two fingers to Scout’s head. “And trust me. Do you trust me?”’
Jiejie quotes Evelynn here for no other reason than He Can.
chapter five: harrowed path (viego e)
“Forgiveness is a bitch, and so am I.”
My English teacher wouldn’t let me use this line in my personal essay, so I put it here instead.
“It’s then that Scout realizes they’ve been moved from the couch to someone’s room, where two twin beds have been haphazardly shoved close to each other.”
no homo [lolrpf shippers I'm looking at u.]
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dabihaul666 · 8 hours
caedrel x bbno$ worlds 2025 song U HEARD IT HERE FIRST
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
League fans furious as Riot reportedly removes ability to costream from Worlds 2023
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The 2023 League of Legends World Championship, which will begin on October 10, is just around the way. The biggest event of the year is steadily approaching, and it appears that Riot Games won't permit League streaming celebrities to costream the event. According to a report from esports journalist LCS Eevee on Twitter on Aug. 24, Worlds 2023 won’t have any costreams this year. The sources for this, reportedly, are Nick “LS” De Cesare and Marc Robert “Caedrel” Lamont. The fans are outraged by this and swarmed to League’s subreddit as they loved having the option to watch their favorite streamers cast, especially if they didn’t like the hand-selected staff for that day. “They want to unopen Pandora’s box, costreaming is such an insanely good deal for the streamers but hurts Riot’s control over the narrative and viewership. I want to watch costreams over Riot stream, but I understand why they don’t want costreams, their own fault was allowing it in the first place,” said one League player, nailing down the issue in its core. While streamers easily benefit from costreaming, Riot can’t really control and moderate what’s going on on their broadcasts. More importantly, their official streams on Twitch and Youtube have lower viewership because of it. Related: Riot Phreak slams LoL community for playing on autopilot: ‘Players don’t read’ Fans, however, enjoy more casual streams where they can get a deeper insight and pro player-level analysis, and the community is now asking for at least one separate stream that would be more chill. The simplest solution here, as one player suggested, is to sell costreaming rights. Although this could be a step forward, it’s quite possible the overall revenue Riot makes from ads is far greater and streamers simply may not be able to compete with that. Read the full article
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leagueoflasagnas · 3 years
I wanted to write a little update to talk about what G2 is doing right now and what they will do in the future since they're not going to Worlds. I must say that things are a little bit confusing at the moment.
In particular the first topic involves the speculation about a possible fourth seed for Europe in Worlds. As I said these are only speculations BUT since Vietnam might not participate due to Covid-19 (it also happened in 2020), there are rumors about a possible fourth LEC seed, especially now that Worlds has been moved in Europe (btw there are not official indications of the city that will host the competition this year, however Dot Esport talked about Iceland and Caedrel kinda leaked Madrid, more info will arrive this week directly from Riot) . If this happens (although I highly doubt it) G2 would participate to Worlds. So inhale a lot of hopium and cross your fingers. Again, it already happened both for Worlds 2020 and MSI 2021 and no seed were added so...
So what are the boys doing now? Rekkles has already returned to Sweden. His sister had a beautiful baby and he's currently on uncle's duty. I won't post the pictures here since I think it's kinda private, but Martin and his sister have posted a couple of cute Instagram stories where he's looking happier than ever!
Jankos returned for a few days to Poland, to then go back to Berlin for content. It's hard to understand what secret lies behind this "mysterious" return to Berlin. However he talked about talking to Ocelote about G2 future and making content as well as streaming more starting from next month. He also wanted to go to Korea to play on the Korean server but he's not so sure it will be possible due to Covid-19 restrictions. He also posted a video on YouTube about his future plans:
As usual there are not many information about Mikyx, Wunder or Caps. It's not even clear if they have left Berlin or not. One thing is sure, as Jankos addressed on Twitch, the community has been really mean with Wunder lately. Lots of negative comments and insults were sent to all the players, in particular to Wunder. I would like to say that if you are a real fan and you really support the player you just don't send them negative comments. On the contrary please show love and respect in general towards anyone. 🖤❤️
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zechleton · 3 years
Zechsel Files or Something IDK - The Duality of Man, XL Edition
We’re really, nearly there. I saw on reddit that after this weekend’s results, Excel only fails to make play-offs in something like 3% of scenarios. Surely even Caedrel re-joining, now as a “content creator” can’t jinx it now. Right? Right?!
MAD Kittens
I said last week that XL’s destiny was in the team’s hands, and they stepped up with a decent 1-1 weekend. Beating MAD Lions might not be as impressive as it was last year, but a win is a win, and  the team does still contain quality players.
Excel dominated, frankly, and Finn was particularly impressive. His Kled picked up first blood, solo killing Amut’s Aatrox and making the top half of the map a no-go area for MAD. He had a 300 gold bounty by 11 minutes, based on a 3/0/1 stat line and multiple tower plates.
The rest of the map wasn’t doing badly, either. Patrik got a solo kill, and what I really like about XL this year is how they press these advantages into better macro map play. They were ahead in every single metric and ended the game in 25 minutes with a 9k gold lead. They traded up on numerous occasions, despite MAD Lions’ attempts at trading objectives. Turns out Elyoya sneaking a second drake doesn’t really matter when you’ve just given up three kills and a baron.
Rekt by Rogue
If XL dominated the MAD game, they definitely switched things up for Rogue. It was all Rogue from from start to finish – a big return to form for the league leaders. XL really never got a look-in, in a way that would have been worrying if XL needed to win more games. Indeed, even with play-offs almost wrapped-up, it was a bad look.
XL never got going, in a way that is hard to write about. They got hammered, Rogue did almost everything right. Not a ton else to say within the scope of a blog like this.
Elden Ring, soz
Bit short this week, and almost a bit later than usual. It’s fairly easy to figure out why. XL did me a big favour by making both games simple and one-sided, so I can go back to getting murdered by fire-breathing hawks with blades for feet.
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duancocobay · 5 years
Excel vs Schalke 04 | Week 1 Day 1 S10 LEC Spring 2020 | XL vs S04 W1D1
S04 vs XL LEC 2020 Spring Week 1 Day 1 – Schalke 04 vs Excel lol eSports eu lcs Spring 2020. LoL eSports S10 LEC Spring 2020 W1D1 – Excel vs Schalke 04 | League of Legends European Championship 2020 S04 vs XL W1D1 VOD 1080p Full HD. Fourth match of the day – Schalke 04 vs Excel best of 1. XL vs S04 W1D1 full game in HD 1080p.
Excel Esports Line-up: Expect – top Mordekaiser Caedrel – Jungle Gragas Mickey – mid Yasuo Patrik – ADC Varus Tore – Support Braum
Schalke 04 Line-up: Odoamne – top Ornn Gilius – jungle Jarvan IV Abbedagge – mid Cassiopeia FORG1VEN – ADC Xayah Dreams – Support Nautilus
Patch: 10.1 – Season 10 Game date: 24.01.2020 | 09/24/2020 | January 24th 2020 Game place: LEC studio, Berlin Casters: Froskurinn and QuickShot
S10 LEC Spring 2020 – All Games: S10 LEC Spring 2020 Week 1 Playlist:
#LEC #EU #LoL #S10 #lcs #eulcs #lolesports #leagueoflegends #lol #esports #league #vods #epicskillshot #ess
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
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endercasts · 1 year
first odo just grabs ender. not just his shoulder like the rest of the analysts. no, odo grabs his arm and touches his waist. then drakos and caedrel go right to ender. who cares about the others, ender is their focus. drakos nudges caedrel out of the way so he can be right next to ender. drakos is already lifting his arm to put it around ender before he's even finished walking next to him. drakos just envelops him, arm around his chest, over his shoulder. ender is his to cuddle. and then drakos trying to put is hat on ender's head and ender lowers his head for him and their smiles and the way ender turns to him and his smile widens and the whole time drakos is wrapped around him
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dabihaul666 · 1 month
#i love the cropped caedrel
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Rekkles Makes a Return to the LEC With the Org That Shaped His Legacy
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It's true what they say: Martin "Rekkles" Larsson, a veteran Swedish AD carry hero for Fnatic, has made his formal comeback to the bot lane before the start of the 2023 season after a two-year absence. Rekkles will join the trio retained from last year in top laner Martin “Wunder” Hansen, jungler Iván “Razork” Martín, and mid laner Marek “Humanoid” Brázda, reuniting him with Wunder after a 2021 campaign together on G2. Rounding out the starting roster is Portuguese support player Rúben “rhuckz” Barbosa, freshly promoted from the Fnatic TQ academy team. As always, all moves are pending Riot approval. Gonçalo “Crusher” Brandão, the former Fnatic TQ academy coach, has also been promoted to the main roster and will be joined by strategic coach Aleksi “Hiiva” Kaikkonen, formerly of Misfits. With the move, Rekkles officially makes his return to the Fnatic team he’s spent eight years with, which included a five-year streak between 2015 and 2020. During those years, he won a handful of MVP awards, earned numerous All-Pro Team honors, lifted four EU LCS trophies, and appeared at six different Worlds. Technically, he will look to lift his first LEC trophy as early as the 2023 Spring Split. During his two-year hiatus, he spent 2021 with G2, then surprised almost every pro League fan by going to compete with Karmine Corp in the LFL in 2022. While Rekkles and KC didn’t win an LFL trophy, they did end up winning the European Masters tournament. In Fnatic’s official roster announcement, the team believes that the returning Rekkles gives them the best chance at winning. “He enters the team with a renewed drive and hunger for the game; his personal goals align with what we are looking to achieve in 2023,” Fnatic said. Fans won’t even have to wait until the start of the 2023 season to see this squad in action. The new Fnatic roster will play against KOI in a pre-LEC showmatch on Friday, Dec. 16, starting at 12:30pm CT. The match will be watchable on caster Marc “Caedrel” Lamont’s Twitch channel. Read the full article
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Doublelift Highlights Why League Champions Queue is Just as Bad as Solo Queue
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When Riot Games forbade former professional players like Marc Robert "Caedrel" Lamont and Tim "Nemesis" Lipovek from competing during Worlds 2022, Champions Queue became a hot subject. In the interim, Riot shipped a tonne of updates in October in the hopes that it would regain popularity. In a recent stream, Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng, an ex-pro who may soon return to the professional ranks, gave his fans his unvarnished assessment of Champions Queue. Doublelift tackled the topic of the Champions Queue on his latest stream, saying it can never replace solo queue because the games don’t have a middle ground and are either really good or really bad. “I don’t think Champions Queue is a good replacement to solo queue. It’s definitely interesting; at times Champions Queue is really good and then when it’s not good, it’s really bad,” Doublelift said. What’s more, it can take up to two hours to play a single game of Champions Queue, while solo queue games are more frequent and of similar quality. Similar to the solo queue, Champions Queue has one-sided games that are decided in the first five minutes of the game, meaning you can spend the majority of the game slowly losing. With games being stomps, there’s no opportunity to learn from your mistakes since snowballing in League of Legends is simply too strong. “There are definitely times where it takes me two hours to play a single game, and the game’s quality is pretty bad,” Doublelift said. “It’s just as bad as solo queue because not only did I wait two hours, but the game is totally lopsided in matchmaking, and it’s very very hard to learn anything when it’s just a complete one-sided stomp one way or the other.” Read the full article
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endercasts · 2 years
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Caedrel (and Drakos) in LECtronic: EDGE OF INFINITY
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endercasts · 2 years
ao3 tag wranglers finally marked a lot of the caster character tags as common wooohooo. been waiting on this for a year, finally I can now easily filter my works by the character tags and they autofill when making a new work!!
not super happy that they decided to add the second given names to chronicler’s and guldborgs tags (especially putting it after their nicknames) but I guess they copied leaguepedia
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endercasts · 2 years
9 for ender, drakos and caedrel? :D
9. watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favourite movie with
the first that comes to mind is
watch a soap opera with Drakos - I feel like he’d get really into it and rant about the characters and how stupid they are. It would be really fun to just watch that instead of the soap opera itself lol Also I think he’d keep ranting about it afterwards and that sounds like peak entertainment
go to a play with Ender - he’s doing some studying or something on drama and reads a ton so I think I could learn a lot from what he thinks about it! Another thing is that he always looks very fashionable and that is a requirement for going to a play. Though if he makes any star wars references I am kicking him out, no mercy
watch your favourite movie with Caedrel - you know how important it is that people react to your favorite part of the movie in the right way? He’d do that. He has so much training from his streams for how to react to things that there is no way he’d miss the best part of the movie. (right?)
thank you for the ask anon!
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