#first CR fic!!
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Shattered Infinity
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clar-a-m · 2 months
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Had the best time ever coming up with Imogen and Laudna designs alongside the one and only @the-junebugg for her the last of us au
I had made a few Imogen designs before but we got to add a few more for her and finally figure out Laudna's look!
You can check out all of Imogen's looks in a single image under the cut:
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 4 months
First Kiss: A Shadowgast Rec List
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This week, we have First Kiss! Check under the cut for 6 fics that span a range of genres but all feature a first kiss, and don't forget to comment and kudos if you like them!
Careful Steps by chaya (6066, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek tries to pursue Caleb, but his efforts don't exactly translate across cultures. But, given the theme of this recommendation, you can probably guess how it works out in the end.
Reccer says: It's fitting that these two doofuses would run into some cultural differences and put a foot in it a few times. It's adorable and I really like the world building and the early interpretation of Essek's personality.
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Only Lovers See The Fall by mousecookie (5395, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb and Essek go to the Harvest Close festival in Zadash and have a heart-to-heart about belonging, choices, and their feelings for each other.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Ghosting by TiliaC0rdata (18536, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
After moments of closeness and a series of misunderstandings, Caleb and Essek address their feelings in an unusual place.
Reccer says: It's a different take on their first kiss, with a little bit of comedy.
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Unrealised Potential by Hartlynk (11453, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Caleb and Essek have a heart-to-heart in the Blooming Grove, addressing their feelings for each other.
Reccer says: It's touching and beautifully written.
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If nobody knows, tell me, what's the crime? (specifically chapter 2!) by MarsBar2019 (53612, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Graphic Depictions of Violence, (the depictions of violence are very well-marked and can be skipped if needed)
In chapter 2, the wizards experience a lot of firsts, including a beautifully dramatic first kiss.
Reccer says: This is one of my absolute favourite fics of all time, but in terms of the first kiss, it's full of emotion, drama and desperation, and it comes with love confessions. It can be enjoyed as a vignette, as a wonderful entree for the smut in the same chapter or as a part of a delightful multi-chapter whole.
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the hole in the stone by MinnesotaBruja (13243, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Animal Death
Shortly post-Cognouza, Essek takes a position as a lighthouse keeper on a remote island north of Eiselcross. These are his letters to Caleb.
Reccer says: The Angst hurt so good and there was plenty of good to balance it!
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with Modern AU!
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kmackatie · 1 month
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After an unexpected turn in what was an otherwise normal day, Essek Thelyss casts sending, hoping his partner will have a moment to spare.
read on AO3 here
This fic is loosely set in the same universe as pieces of (you) me, but you do not need to read that one to enjoy this.
Spoilers for c3e95 - A Gathering of Needs.
Cover image by Jez Timms on Unsplash.
Rating: T Fandom: Critical Role Relationship: Essek Thelyss / Caleb Widogast Additional Tags: established relationship, a reunion and a moment to rest, the manifestation of home in a person and a demiplane you create together, playing fast and loose with 5e mechanics, comfort fic Words: 4,746 Chapters: 1/1
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Ashton wonders what it would be like to kiss Orym right up until the moment they do it. They know from past partners it's kinda weird, and a little uncomfortable because their lips don't quite give like they're supposed to. They scrape their lower lip with their own teeth and shudder at the sensation. Think about how soft and pillowy Dorian's lips must be in comparison and sets it aside.
They always hurt, but when Orym puts his hands on them sometimes, that ache turns almost sweet. Ashton can tell the difference between pain and want, and Orym's small hands break through the noise enough that Ashton's started to dream about it. They should put a stop to it, probably, because Orym has no clue the kind of feelings he's causing. Probably better to just say it hurts too much and walk away, but then Orym's face would do that thing where he gets all disappointed and that's a completely different kind of hurt. So they let him . . . They never ask for it, but Orym always seems to know what they need.
Ashton is thinking about kissing Orym but it's the wrong time, the kind of desperate irrational desire that surges through their impulse control when they panic. Orym's conscious but covered in blood--his own, someone else's, it's probably too much for one halfling, right?--and Ashton's hands shake around the cork on the potion bottle. What the fuck are they even doing here, why did they get involved in this mess, they're on the wrong fucking continent and Orym's going to die--
"Hey," Orym manages, feverish green eyes staring unfocused at Ashton. "Breathe. I'm okay."
Ashton's going to burst into tears so instead they muffle a sob against Orym's bruised lips. Orym freezes for a moment, but then goes soft and pliant under Ashton. This touch . . . Their body sings. It's a good touch.
Orym gently breaks away but doesn't go far. He leans his forehead gently against Ashton's and cups their cheek.
"Let's talk after, okay?" Orym says. Ashton can taste the healing potion on their own lips and nods.
"That's a fucking promise, yeah?"
Orym brushes another faint kiss across their lips. "Promise."
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i warned y’all……….. have a fic for the first time in years…
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lunarrolls · 9 months
They get to Whitestone safely, which seems uncharacteristic of them, but Ashton’s not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially because his still-cooling skin is tightening in that painful way that tells you that you’ve fucked something up and stood in the sun too long.
Laudna loaned him one of her spare blouses, and they’re back to their old pants and boots for now. They wrap their (thankfully preserved) trench coat around their torso and lean back, closing their eyes.
Gods, what the fuck is happening?
His thoughts are interrupted before they can get sent into a neverending, fractalling spiral of terror by the familiar sound of padding feet approaching his location. He cracks one eye open (his bad eye, but it doesn’t matter; even blind he’d recognize him) and grins.
“What’s up, Ory—“
Before they can finish, Orym’s lips are on theirs. They nearly jerk back out of sheer surprise before quickly returning the gesture. Orym pulls back after a moment.
“Damn, okay,” Ashton says, slightly breathless and still hot from the fucking lava pit. “I gotta get my clothes melted off more often, I guess.”
Orym blushes at the comment. “I mean, I’m not complain—no, I mean. Yes, I’m complaining.”
Ashton cocks an eyebrow.
“Watching you fly out of a pit of lava naked and glowing was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” Orym states matter-of-factly, “and if you ever do anything like it ever again, especially if you drag Fearne along again, not even the titans themselves in all their glory would be able to stop me from resurrecting you just so I could remove your stupid head from your stupid shoulders myself. Do I make myself clear?”
Ashton feels their cheeks grow even warmer. “As fuckin’ crystal. Message received.”
“Good. Now, kiss me again, you absolute fucking moron.”
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utilitycaster · 8 months
I think I said this after Calamity too but like. It's not that there's a wrong way to enjoy fiction, precisely, but I really do think that when someone's first or even seventh instinct upon watching a tragedy is to say "wow imagine the potential for Everyone Lives Fix-it Fic that gives me the ending I wanted" that is genuinely more unsettling to me than like, the tragedy itself.
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starchasersunseeker · 8 months
Is it just me and my fyp or is it finally another wave of people reading / talking about crimson rivers? Because if so I am /so/ here for it!!!
Crimson rivers is a masterpiece that broke me and put me back together over and over again too many times to count
The worst part was that I predicted everyone's deaths {of those that did end up dying} and knew exactly when it was going to happen...
Like in the chapters that it happened I could sense it.. I knew it was coming so every time i started sobbing before it even happend.. they were still all good and happy and I was already crying and mourning them 😭💔
Anyway happy reading to everyone getting into it or rereading it!! {I am living for all of this new cr content}
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seahydra · 4 months
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🐍 cybergoth summary post 🦇
I'm not kidding when I say this is long. This is all just early relationship backstory for the most part. Sorry for any cringe. I love you.
LAZARUS, strange thing that she is, is abruptly sent to Hell one morning. Not dead yet; it was because she had apparently "applied" to be part of an "exchange program" at an academy full of demons. She does not recall ever applying to this in the first place, and certainly doesn't want to go back to school again, but she figures it's best not to object for now.
He has the details explained to him a bit less in-detail than he would like and is sent to the house where he'll be living in for the rest of the year until the program is over. He has. Six roommates. He's so fucking mad.
While the demon assigned to be her "guardian" (Mammon) is in the middle of talking about something she's not really paying attention to, they're both interrupted by another person entering the room, clearly already pissed off. This is Leviathan. Seeing Lazarus seems to give him an idea 💡 (bad) - and he promptly drags her off to his room.
Now, in her room... Lazarus is absolutely fascinated by it. It's aquatic. There's a bathtub full of blankets in there- her bed? She has a computer with 4 monitors. There is so much anime merch and some of it is of series that he recognizes and loves dearly.
Levi's room makes her feel a little bit hopeful. She'd been worried about not being able to adjust to a new place, about being friendless and needing to hide her interests, as usual... but there was a fellow nerd right here! Perhaps she could at least connect with one person?
So he thinks, anyway. But when he mentions also being into the same things Levi is, she immediately shuts that down.
"Yeah, right. Don't try and relate to me, you liar. I know how you normies work- you want to try and act like you're best friends with the weird outcast so you can use everything I tell you against me later!"
And, well, it's not like Lazarus doesn't understand that fear. That's literally happened to her. But the sting of rejection and the anger at an implication that she's some kind of poser causes her to storm out of his room without another word. Levi never gets to tell her what his plan for her was.*
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The relationship between those two was strained for weeks afterwards. Whenever one would enter a room, the other would get up and leave. Only interacting with each other if they were somehow required to. Clearly, they don't care for each other very much.
...Even so, Lazarus feels a strange pull whenever he thinks about Levi. Despite his disdain for her and her gatekeeping, he still feels some desire to try and at least understand her a little more. He's not sure why. Maybe it's just because he stubbornly doesn't want to give up on his initial hope of being friends with her... but regardless.
She remembers a bunch of books on Levi's shelf that'd caught her eye the first (and last) time she'd been in his room. Some 138-volume fantasy series: The Tale of the Seven Lords (further referred to as TSL because I'm Not Typing All That). Being no stranger to long fantasy stories with convoluted lore, she decides to get into it.
It's a good series. He likes it a lot. Like, a lot. Seriously. She finishes reading the entire series (+ watches the movies, the animated series, even the god-awful theatrical version) in near record time. It's when he's rereading one of the novels in the living room that Levi catches him and is, well, kind of mad about it.
"Is that-? No way, you CAN'T be... you have to be trying to suck up to me or something, right? Or maybe you're doing this to spite me.. yeah, that sounds more like you. You're probably not even actually READING it-"
"This is my second read through the series."
Lazarus is irritated that he still refuses to believe her, but this interaction was also the most he's spoken to her since their first meeting, so she'll take it. Actually, she wants to take it a bit further: since it seems like he takes anyone liking the same things he does as a personal threat, she figures she'll give him a real one.
So, she challenges him to a trivia contest.
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It's a terribly irresponsible idea and he knows it. But, Lazarus hopes there's even the slightest chance that this could all result in loser girl recognizing him as a kindred spirit and them becoming something like friends. NOT like he cares about that anymore, though. It's just no good being on such tense terms with someone you live with. That's all!
Day of the trivia contest. I will be honest. As much as she loved TSL, Lazarus knows she doesn't even come CLOSE to having the same level of investment in it that Levi does. So, she had to pull... a few strings, by asking one of her fellow students for help. That is to say- the match is rigged it's fucking rigged she pulls out a super rare one-of-a-kind piece of merch that Levi doesn't have.
And he's PISSED about it.
"The idea that someone like YOU could be a bigger TSL fan than me, it's- No... no, I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIIIIS!"
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The room dissolves into chaos. Several hours later, in the guest bedroom- his bedroom- Lazarus reflects back on everything. Leviathan had just tried to kill him. Shifted into her demon form and everything. It was terrifying.
But she was so... So cuuuuuuuute!
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She KNOWS she shouldn't feel that way, but! Once she'd had time to recover from the initial shock of it all, she realizes that perhaps Levi was a lot more interesting than she'd originally thought. The passion! His super cool horns that kind of looked like antlers- no, coral maybe? Anyway, she's kind of left in awe. And then she gets a text message.
Leviathan asks him to meet her in the planetarium. Quickly hiding any evidence of the fact that he was just kicking his feet giggling, he makes his way over. Levi gives him a (very half-hearted, but at least she tried) apology for the incident, and Lazarus speaks without thinking.
"I was impressed by you. Back there, I mean. I'd like to get to know you a little better- why not be my friend?"
"What?! Did you say friends? You and me...?! A-A-Are you... Are you out of your mind?! You know I just tried to attack you, right?"
He knows.
"And if Lucifer hadn't intervened, you'd be dead right now. You realize that, right? I mean, that literally JUST happened."
Yeah, he knows.
"Also... be my friend? Seriously? What are we, on the playground or something? Are you 5?! Who actually walks up to someone and asks them that? Could you BE any lamer?!"
Come on man you had to critique the word choice too?? But Levi's very obviously flustered, which means maybe he doesn't hate the idea THAT much?
"So, is that a no?"
"Whaaaaa-?! Are you even listening to me? Of course it's a no! I... Hey, wait, don't just leave!!!"
Hesitantly, groaning and complaining about it every other sentence in an attempt to seem like the mere idea of making a friend physically pains her, Levi agrees to put their past gripes with each other aside.
"BUT! This doesn't mean we're, like, comrades, though! So don't go getting the wrong idea. It's not like I'm gonna start hanging out with you every day or anything."
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So they actually do end up hanging out every day lol. Lmao even.
It takes a minute for Levi to warm up to her, as he's never really had a true friend before. Plus, well... His self-loathing makes it a difficult to believe that anyone could really like him.
But Lazarus is persistent. He's annoyingly persistent. Yet, it makes her so happy... she can't explain these weird feelings she starts to get about him, this desire to somehow be even closer to the one she already calls her best friend- without actually dating him, because that's not what she wants.
It's only when Lazarus off-handedly compares the two of them to a pair of characters in TSL one day that Levi finally starts to understand his actual feelings.
"Hey. Don't you think we're kind of a lot like Henry and the Lord of Shadow?"
"Huuuh?! I mean, I see the individual similarities, but do you mean... relationship-wise?"
"Mhm. You yourself are always going off about their intimate and unbreakable bond. That's kind of what we have, isn't it?"
"I guess so? Their relationship is sorta weird... Like, I wouldn't say they're in love exactly, but they're still kind of... ugh, I dunno. Their scenes just feel different. Something beyond."
"I get it. Henry is friends with all the other lords, too... but his friendships with them aren't anywhere close to the thing he has going on with the Lord of Shadow."
"Right! You get it! We're totally on the same page!"
Lazarus smiles a little.
"That we are. I'm happy to be friends with you, Levi."
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* - It's because of this that Lazarus doesn't get to form a pact with Mammon. Actually she doesn't have pacts with anyone except for Levi (which she doesn't get immediately after the competition either. That comes some time later. When they trust each other more)
I have another OC (who's a relative of his. My special boy) that takes care of the pact-making. But Lazarus is still the one that gets into the attic yes.
Anyway it takes a bit of further soul searching, googling, and finding exactly one astonishingly well written QPR Henry/Lord of Shadow fanfic for Levi to learn the specific term for what she's experiencing but. There's that! I don't think they ever ask each other to be partners it just kind of naturally happens.
Also I have playlists.
🎵 [General ship playlist] + [Levi's POV] + [Laz's POV]
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essektheylyss · 1 year
ripple effects
A mage who might have some answers takes a look at the bullshit in Ashton's head, and unlike the rest of them, this one doesn't bolt after the first glance.
2,124 words, T, No Archive Warnings Apply
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unicyclehippo · 11 months
there are no two things in existence more masterfully tangled so as to become a single strangle, lumpy, wonderful thing as having and happiness. fearne has spent many evenings sorting through a full pouch moving goodies between her backpack and belt, adoring her hair and horns with the newest of her delightfuls. it isn’t really stealing, no matter what orym might say; all these things, they’re gifts! gifts some people didn’t realise they were giving yet, that’s all. and it would be terribly rude and selfish and not at all welcoming if they were to hold onto such treasures or, worse, take back a gift they’d given her.
but some things…are not hers. not even a little, nor even for a little while.
sometimes, fearne wishes that she had met laudna first. before imogen, that is. the thought stays in her head, along with her teeth and a perfectly irritating tune she can’t quite recall and a red-ember worry that smoulders, ignored, in the detritus; wanting laudna…it’s a chatty little thought, a doctor-nesbit-in-the-treetops-of-her-mind thought—like doctor nesbit, it’s pretty and sweet and silly and entertaining and deeply darkly hers.
laudna would do very well at home. dark and stretchy? a crafter? so capable making things out of weird magic and skin? in a lot of ways, laudna is perfect for her. she’s creepy, in a way that makes fearne shiver, delighted; she’s the type of scary that curls around a campfire, in spooky stories and the temptation of the unknown. she’s a tall, gorgeous candlestick—waxy and white, a tiny compelling flame amidst the dark. sometimes dripping. every frightening form she takes is a masterpiece fearne wants to add to her garden. she’s old, like fearne, and sweet, and fearne wishes sometimes that she were a little more like her nana and she could just…take her. take her home. keep her safe and happy! forever! after all, she was a gift—nana always said so, and it turned out to be true, in the end—and she had been very happy and safe.
but imogen had found her first. which was funny, in a way. orym had mentioned the decades laudna wandered—didn’t fearne understand that too? how it felt to fit decades of stories beneath a youthful face? snakelike, skin-shedding—and perhaps, if nana’s portal had opened anywhere else, it would be her laudna sought out in the dark.
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blorbologist · 1 year
I'm currently not watching four-sided dive, but can I just say
"Orym was around 4-5 when Vax came to visit Zephrah in the year off."
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nightphlox · 1 year
“Oh, come on,” Beau says. “We all fuckin’ saw the way she was holding onto you after the solstice. You’re really telling me you’re not banging?” Imogen can feel how red her face is. “No.” “But you wanna be.” A thoughtful pause from Beau. Then, “Do you wanna bang? Y’know. Get it out of your system. Little easier to talk when you’re not horny as fuck, right? Imogen blinks once, twice. Stupidly, what she says is, “I thought you were married?” Beau grins devilishly. “Oh, I am. She likes to hear about it later. Does the same thing, too. It can really spice up a—”
OR: Imogen and Beau share a heated dream. Imogen wakes up next to an intrigued Laudna.
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Critical Role
Relationships: Beauregard Lionett/Imogen Temult, Laudna/Imogen Temult
Additional tags: POV Imogen Temult, Smut, Dream Sex, Dirty Talk, Finger Sucking, Praise Kink, Vaginal Fingering, Choking, (I mean after that episode 50 interaction come on. of course there's choking), Vaguely Exhibitionist, also vaguely voyeuristic, in other words: yasha will be very fine with what's happening here, as will laudna. for that matter., to which point:, Getting Together, First Time, cathartic sex       
Words: 4,949
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ravendruid · 2 months
Summer Storms
Summer Storms (699 words) by RavenDruid Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Keyleth/Vax'ildan (Critical Role) Characters: Keyleth (Critical Role), Vax'ildan (Critical Role)
Keyleth is like a husky who refuses to leave the snow. Except she finds thunderstorms safe, and Vax doesn't (until he does).
This drabble is part of a writing challenge with @ogdoadfates.
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stardustedknuckles · 1 year
Oh hey it turns out I haven't entirely forgotten how to write. 3800 words, following Yasha's pov after Beau and Caleb miss the nightly check-in they totally have and prompt some of the others to come after them. Beau has a delayed panic response because well, when you're chained to the floor watching the results of your failure and the world goes white, there are a few natural conclusions you might come to.
This weaves in my theory that Beau wasn't charmed for the entirety Liliana thought she was and had to play along to keep Caleb safe. That shit still has consequences on a mind.
Spoilers for c3 e51
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