#firestar's five
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firestars-five · 7 months ago
Known to the humans as Grandview Forest (or Wailing Wraith Woods to some), it is a hiking destination occupied by four colonies of cats.
Notable and neutral landmarks include:
Twolegplace - Known by Twolegs as Grove City, the Twolegplace is home to Twolegs, kittypets, dogs, and monsters. Borders the Thunder and Shadow Colonies to the west. 
Treecut Place - Known by Twolegs as Happy Holly-days Tree Farm. Active during leaf-fall and leaf-bare and an occasional hunting ground for the Thunder Colony. Borders the Thunder Colony. 
Highstones - A long-abandoned quarry in the mountains. It’s home to the Moonstone, where oracles meet with the Ancestors every other half-moon. 
Fourtrees - A hollow with four massive oak trees. The Colonies gather here every moon to share news and trade goods. 
Windover Farm - A farm near Wind territory that is home to two loners; Barley and Piper. 
Morgan’s Farm - A farm in River territory that is home to three loners; Sunny, Spooky, and Splash.
The Growling Thunder Colony
Located in the southeastern part of the forest. Borders the Shadows to the north, Rivers to the southwest, and WInds to the west. Notable landmarks include:
Sandy Hollow - A training ground for apprentices located close to camp. It’s surrounded by new elms and lined with bushes and soft reddish sand. 
The Great Sycamore - A mighty sycamore near the Shadow border. Apprentices practice climbing and occasionally stalking here. The tree was said to sprout from the remains of Boulderclaw and his mate Wetfoot. 
Snakerocks - A pile of rocks home to venomous snakes. During leaf-bare, it is used for hunting. Otherwise, it is mostly avoided, outside of finding herbs, although the Graves are always preferred. Apprentices are banned from approaching without a warrior around. 
Owl Tree - An oddly tall maple tree home to a moody Long-Eared owl nicknamed Honey. Rumored to be a hunting ground for restless spirits. 
The Graves - An old Twoleg burial site with three graves. Thunder Colony oracles grow most of their plants here. 
The Lurking Shadow Colony
Located in the northeastern part of the forest. Borders the Thunder and Wind Colonies to the south and southwest. 
The Burnt Sycamore - An ancient tree that was struck by lightning long ago. Apprentices do most of their training here. 
Star’s Blessing - A small garden cared for by Shadow oracles. The Blazing Star flower that was used in ancient times only grows here. 
Ratplace - A Twoleg dump site. The Shadows rarely use it as hunting grounds due to Twolegs, dogs, rats, and diseases. Apprentices are forbidden from nearing this place.
The Tranquil River Colony
Located in the southwest part of the forest. Borders the Thunder Colony to the northeast and Wind Colony to the north. 
Night Falls - A steep gorge and a waterfall that separates the River and Wind Colonies. Cats are banned from nearing here alone. 
Finch Meadow - A small meadow with a stream running through it. It’s the only part of the territory that rarely floods. Apprentices practice swimming here. 
Beech Copse - A thicket of beech trees that overlooks Finch Meadow. Apprentices do their regular training here. 
Abandoned Nest - An abandoned Twoleg nest that functions as the River’s second camp in times of flooding. Also doubles as a garden for River oracles. 
Twisted Tree - A twisted honey locust tree. The River Colony often gets their lumber from here.
Twoleg Camp - A Twoleg camp near the bridge used from late new-leaf to early leaf-fall. 
The bridge - A bridge sometimes used by the Rivers (and Thunders) when the river is at its highest. 
The Whispering Wind Colony 
Located in the western part of the forest. Borders the Rivers to the south, Shadows to the northeast, and Thunders to the east. 
Outlook Rock - A tall rock that overlooks almost the entire territory. Scouts are here day and night.
Midnight’s Haven - An abandoned badger sett that is the main entrance of the tunnels, the entrance to the Wind Colony's underground camp, and a popular hunting spot.
Wind’s Peak - A walnut tree located near the camp. Thought to be Windstar’s final resting place. 
Bluecoat Rocks - An easy hunting spot due to reptiles of all kinds adoring these sunny stones.
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 years ago
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Here's the full suite of Hellfire Gala variant covers unveiled today, April 19th. I'd say the fashion designs are, on the whole, improved from last year, but they're also less fantastical and more geared towards dressed-up interpretations of existing costumes than the first Gala.
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dekuua0 · 3 months ago
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I forgor to post it here damn.. Happy New Year!
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maythedreadwolftakeyou · 2 months ago
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advice on writing character death scenes from the official Warrior Cats app. if you care
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captainshiloh · 3 months ago
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so i’ve got warrior cats on the brainworms again after not having touched it in like 4 years. star cat studio this is all your fault /mega pos
(the ref i used for tigerstar’s pose as well as crowfeather, dovewing and hollyleaf’s designs were originally done by tennelleflowers, i don’t take credit for those- what can i say, i’ve been watching him since i was like 12-)
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faintbrightembers · 6 months ago
I'm Lina. I hope you find my message well I would be really grateful if you could help me with a donation to save me and my children from the dangers of war and death in Gaza and escape to a safe place. I need to donate 20 to 25 so I can escape this death 🍉🍉🇵🇸🇵🇸
least I can do, go help
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goldenflowerceo · 5 months ago
idc what you say, firestar should've been the one who killed tigerstar get scourge out of there
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nthflower · 2 years ago
Part 2. Also I am normal again.
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Hope is stealing Jean's looks. Eva is nice. Goldballs is great. Elixir is fire I love it. Proteus is nice. Yeah they are good.
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Kitty are you going for emo vampire vibes? I like it tho.
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We already knew this. And I think it's amazing. Simple and not so unique but fits great.
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Charles detected costume invalid. Okay it's not ugly and nice I guess.
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This looks better here than cover. I like this I think. Also they can do something better with hair :(
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I love this it's very bobby
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Helmet is ugly. And it's very normal. I like it but nothing special.
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Art makes her look so good. But costume is not so clear here. I like shoulder fire.
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Mask is so random in there. And belt too. Shoes are nice. Shoulder sleeve things too. Idk
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Oh they are doing a couples things. Shoes are nice and I like this but belt is ugly.
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firestars-five · 10 months ago
Naming (by Colony & Leader)
The Growling Thunder Colony - Flashy names that draw attention to the cat's personality rather than the cat themself.
Star Bluewhisker - The most creative names she can conjure up, will spend days thinking of something fierce and flashy while considering the personality of the cat. Despises most body part suffixes and never gives them to her warriors unless specifically requested. (Name examples: Darkwatcher, Cindersun, Burningheart, Hazelroar)
The Lurking Shadow Colony - Plain and simple. -Pelt and -fur suffixes are very common.
Star Brokentail - Spends little time thinking of meaningful names but at least diverges from the same suffixes. Occasionally gives pretty good names. (Name examples: Nightshademuzzle, Pinescatter)
The Whispering Wind Colony - Less skill or personality-based, more matching or similar family names. A littermate's name ending in -nose will likely result in the rest of the litter's names ending as -path, catcher, or -pounce.
Star Sedgetail - Willing to branch out from Wind tradition and give a cat a name different from their siblings if he feels it's earned or the siblings are far too different to share suffixes. (Name examples: Adderbite & Bubblewing, Mudclover & Claycatcher, Daisytail & Gorsetail, Emberstep & Ashfoot)
The Tranquil River Colony - Direct opposite of the Thunders. Names are more based on the cat themself than any skill or personality. Body suffixes are very common.
Star Crookedtree - Less kept together names than all the leaders. Still tries to follow River tradition but is more willing to go with what fits a cat. Attempting to take a page out of Bluestar's book and have more "flashy" names. (Name examples: Saugerstorm, Leopardtooth, Sunnysky, Moss-shine)
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wasptailsblog · 1 year ago
Hyperfixation wheel
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years ago
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forecast0ctopus · 2 years ago
Anon from before here!! I watched it as a kid with my family, but it slipped from my mind because I was a warrior cats kid </3
LMAO I WAS A WARRIOR CATS KID TOO 🤝 i read probably 18 of those suckers. the first three sets. and then completely forgot most of it bc the heroes of olympus books started coming out and i was a percy jackson kid first and foremost.
i didnt know merlin existed until i made a tumblr acc in 2013 and i started seeing stuff about it and based on the posts that ended up on my feed i assumed it was one of those shows that had one season and an untimely cancellation with an unresolved ending. until i went to watch it on a whim in 2021 and saw SIXTY FIVE EPISODES
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tournament-of-x · 2 years ago
The Tournament of X
Contestants Index: F
Fabian Cortez
Fabio Medina
Fever Pitch
The Five-In-One
Frederick Dukes
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mud-castle · 4 months ago
I love the short Firestar headcanons, but I raise you this:
The clans thinking he was short for like a year because he was actually a kit when he joined. He's average height.
Like no one asked his age at any point, he could've easily been like four or five moons old. I'm guessing they assumed he was six moons because he was on his own.
By the time they mention that part of the Warrior Code he's just hit six moons so he keeps it to himself.
That would explain how he's able to beat cats like Tigerstar multiple times. Poor guy was fighting for his life everyday as an apprentice.
The queens would probably recognize that he looks too young, but due to stereotypes they'd just assume that's how kittypets are. Of course he looks small and soft, he's a kittypet, they're just like that. They'd probably warm up to him quicker though.
Lol, Longtail getting beaten up by a baby. Better yet, Longtail finding out he tried to beat up a baby.
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blade-liger-4ever · 1 month ago
Transformers One and the Butchering of Femininity
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If you're surprised that I'm still worked up about this film, you're following the wrong blog. I'll say this once, and I won't repeat myself:
If you won't take criticism for this movie, keep scrolling. Otherwise, you'll just bring this on yourself.
Now, about the above women.
Transformers as a franchise has had female characters long before Arcee ever showed her face onscreen. Debuting roughly in the middle of the second season of Transformers G1, we are introduced to six female Autobots still living - or rather, surviving - on Cybertron. Of those six, four are named and have speaking roles: Elita One, Chromia, Firestar, and Moonracer. They are quickly shown to have distinct personalities that, while rough (Chromia) or seasoned (Firestar), are still recognizably feminine in how they regret a mistake and nurture the ones under their care (Moonracer and Elita respectively.) Additionally, their appearance is notably feminine too, and while it may be "exaggerated" for a robot lady, it's not done with malice. Rather, it's done to show that while these women are tough and have fought for millions of years, they are still women. They are not women in male bodies, like Strongarm from RID 2015 (and who had the gall to take her name from a preexisting male character), but they are fighting to take back their home, and are patiently waiting for the time they can lay down their weapons and return to the life they naturally desire - primarily, that of caretakers and mothers.
In other words, they fight because they want to have families in a safe home and will do so to achieve this dream alongside the men.
Elita One is a spectacular example of this line of thought. Take a look below for roughly five minutes to see her original characterization.
Elita is an Autobot commander who has shouldered the responsibility of fighting for her homeworld in the absence of her leader and man for four million years.
Yet, it did not make her cold and aloof.
Rather, it only made her natural maternal side and kindness grow. She knew that she had to fight Shockwave and his forces on Cybertron and that it would be difficult, but she was not going to let them break her spirit. She would and did not let them take her femininity from her, for that would be just as much of a win for them as killing her and the others. The Decepticons want a new world order, which would also entail destroying the old order of society. Elita, as a woman, will not let that happen, for then not only is there no more safety and social order on Cybertron that would put any family she could have at risk, it is also denying her her right to be a woman who is as capable on the battlefield as she is tending house (which, let me tell you, takes the same grit and determination as a man going to work to support the family.)
Elita wants to have a family, as do her fellow female Autobots (Chromia hugging Ironhide should tell you how much that iron lady missed her man), and if that means taking up arms until they can return to a normal society, then by golly she will do so. She fights to protect and defend; it is not in her nature to fight anymore than it is in Optimus' nature. It is simply what she must do until the war is over, and when it ends, she will leave the battlefield behind her as Optimus will.
Elita is a kind, warm, motherly woman. She will help pull you out of the darkness of despair and will hug the pain away. She is a mother, and deep down she will fight if she has to, but she will only do so if all else fails.
Yet what does Transformers One do to her?
If the title of that first clip alone doesn't show you what Elita was reduced to, then maybe the clip of her childish scream will.
Instead of a motherly, feminine woman, Elita is gutted all the way to her marrow and filled with the poisonous traits of all modern "strong female characters" - namely that she is a career focused woman who needs no man unless it's to belittle him for his imperfections/limitations/perceived idiocy. The only difference is that Elita is somehow written to seemingly develop feelings for her male subordinate Orion Pax, though the story takes great pains to show that she "dominates" the partnership with Orion/Optimus, something that is a gross disservice to her and Optimus.
All of this is a destruction of Elita's characterization. They ripped her feminine qualities for a modern misconception of what women must be in order to "make her relevant".
And it's not just Elita. It's also another, though newer, female Transformer.
Airachnid, though absolutely sadistic and a cold-blooded killer who revels in murder and carnage, is still feminine. In fact, she perfectly embodies warped femininity used to allure, entice, and bend men to her whim. She has a certain "dark charm" that even Breakdown finds attractive for a short while. This is a natural feminine wile that Airachnid uses to her advantage whenever she gets the chance, or to simply flaunt her attractiveness for kicks. This is what most evil women in fiction and real life do, because why lift a finger when you can charm a man into doing the heavy lifting?
Now, we come to her in Transformers One.
Ignoring for a moment that she looks like every post 2015 cartoon's cut and dry "non-binary" character, the writers completely drained Airachnid of her agency. She's supposed to be the femme fatale that uses her femininity to get what she wants and remains on no side but her own. But instead of keeping that, instead of having a dangerous third party who could even be a chessmaster playing both sides for grins and giggles, her femininity is sucked out of her and she's given the role of bodyguard who does nothing but follow Sentinel's orders and fight in a very bland way that is the most gender-neutral I've ever seen in a character.
What happened to the female psychopath who fought like a woman? I hated her, but in the sense of "I hope she dies", not "gets neutered like a dog".
All of this is a travesty and a slap in the face. This movie is telling us that female Transformers, or even females in general, must be cold, snappish women focused on only the work and never once consider having a family that women naturally yearn for. This is a toxic notion that has obviously permeated the fictional world for a little over ten years, and this movie shows that it's not slowing down.
I don't care that all the fans are going gaga over the plot or whatever they're talking about nowadays with this flick. All I care about is that we got female characters stripped of their femininity in Transformers. It should never have happened, here and in other stories.
Get offended, incensed, and screamy all you want over my post. I'm beyond the point of giving an English damn about what you think and say of this film.
It's an insult to me and to the women of this franchise. They're independent without having to put down the men, memorable without having romantic or with romantic connection to their male allies, and fun without being "haha, strong girl go brr". The fact that you all feel the need to shove this poison down our throats tells me how insecure the lot of you are, and I'd pity you if my veins didn't burn like Hades' rivers right now.
Don't bother speaking to me of this ever again. I'm done. Yes there was good in it, but it came too little, too late. And frankly, it came in the wrong packaging - heh, pardon the pun.
I refuse to engage with anything Hasbro churns out until another five, maybe ten years from now. Perhaps by then it'll have collapsed in on itself and a brighter future for it risen from the ashes, I don't know.
So long - and enjoy these fan produced songs that grant the Transformers' ladies more honor, dignity, and respect than Hasbro could ever dare dream of matching.
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skyclan-funny-name-squad · 1 year ago
I misunderstood the thing that inspired this, but I think you should know that my first thought was 'Firestar as a norwegian forest cat'
OH MY GOD bluestar just brings in a normal looking kitten that looks like this
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only for him to grow into THIS
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Like GEEZ what do you even DO with this, tallest cat in the clan, Tigerclaw WHO?! Especially because Norwegian Forest Cats take like five years to reach full maturity, he just keeps growing and growing!
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