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kindredbynight · 1 year ago
Firenza (on speaker) you all recognise that you are now in the gravest of jeopardy, yes?
X & Jasper: yes
Victor: yes ma’am
Nelli: mmm hmmm
Firenza: excellent i look forward to hearing of the future developments
Victor: no matter what happens it should be interesting
Firenza: Quite. Good luck, Victor my boy
Victor: I look forward to looking back on all of this and laughing one day
X laughs nervously
The line goes ominously dead
X: You know what that means, right?
Jasper: Yeah
Victor: Yeah
X: Ok well as long as you know. You have a plan right?
Jasper: Nope
X: (nervously high pitched ) Ok well as long as there’s no plan
Annabelle: Welcome to the coterie, X!
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Vauxhall Firenza Baby Bertha race car
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ideeperscrittori · 1 year ago
– C'è una manifestazione. Che facciamo? – Usate la strategia di contenimento descritta nell'articolo 4, paragrafo 5, protocollo 15 del nostro regolamento informale. – E cioè? – In caso di provocazioni, pestate la gente. – Cosa si intende per provocazioni? – Le provocazioni sono elencate nell'articolo 8, paragrafo 1, protocollo 15 del nostro regolamento informale. – E cosa c'è scritto? – Manifestare è una provocazione. – Ho capito. Li pestiamo e basta. – Esatto.
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forestdeity · 1 year ago
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firenza ‘24
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gotcarviews · 11 days ago
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Warren Johnson in his Oldsmobile Firenza pro stock car
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katy9555 · 1 year ago
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Florence - Italy
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englishcarssince1946 · 1 year ago
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1971 Vauxhall Firenza
My tumblr-blogs:
www.tumblr.com/germancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/frenchcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/englishcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/italiancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/japanesecarssince1947 & www.tumblr.com/uscarssince1935
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three-red-horns · 11 months ago
Hashtag Florence take me back 😍
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rk2slo · 1 year ago
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zombinaandthesodomites · 2 years ago
73 Chevrolet Firenza
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radracer · 1 year ago
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🎱ddballs: 1978 Oldsmobile Starfire Firenza
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years ago
Raga che fatica fare battute agli etero
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triumphonlyfan · 2 years ago
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antonio-m · 2 months ago
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Benvenuto Cellini (Italian, 1500-1571) “Perseus with the head of Medusa”, c.1545. Piazza della Signoria, Firenza, IT. bronze
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frenchcurious · 9 days ago
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Vauxhall Firenza HPF Droopsnoot 1975. - source Amazing Classic Cars.
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beatriceeagle · 8 months ago
@tevyaa sent an ask with a snippet from "something just broke" for DVD commentary. Unfortunately due to the nature of the fic, even a very short snippet takes up a massive amount of space (and the formatting limitations of the ask box make it very difficult to parse) so I'm making a separate post for it.
Commentary under the cut. (Since this fic heavily includes diegetic bolded text, my commentary will be indented.) Tragically, it doesn't seem possible to right-align text on Tumblr, so apologies for any confusion about who's speaking.
Given the subject matter of the fic, be advised that there's a whole lot of discussion of sexual assault below.
"unstoppable mofos in masks" group chat
Donna I have a question I'd like to throw to the chat
Would you be comfortable with male survivors in here?
There was a version of this fic that dug into the gendered experience of sexual assault a lot more, but I ended up mostly cutting that thread for being a) not totally relevant to the broader point I was making, b) very difficult to untangle the Watsonian and Doyleist implications of, and as a result c) something that I wasn't totally sure what I wanted to say about. Some of that material ended up in "this year's love." Some of it is still floating around in my brain.
I left this particular conversation less because I had something to say with it, and more because it felt like something these particular characters would bring up.
Mia are they unstoppable mofos in masks? because if not could be a problem
Firenza I assume this is someone you know and trust not to fuck up too badly?
I'm really proud of "Firenza Hale" as a secret identity name for a fire-based superhero.
Donna I do
Barbara I'll vouch for him too.
I hope everyone appreciates that Barbara and Bruce are the only characters in the fic who end every sentence with a period.
Firenza Then I'm okay with it
Donna Mia, I’m assuming you were trying to say you don’t mind?
Mia 👍
Donna And Kory already said she’s okay
Okay, I’ll add him
Donna Troy added Dick Grayson
Mia no fucking way
oh wow that was super not okay sorry
I have read some of Mia's run in Green Arrow, but not nearly as much as I have of many of the other characters, so although I have a sense of her personality, I was very worried that I might have totally missed the mark with her. My general sense from the reaction I've gotten is that I did not at the very least TOTALLY miss it, which is a great relief. I bring that up mostly because, for obvious reasons, this is the moment that I worried most about. It did very much feel like a moment that needed to be acknowledged, though, and Mia seemed like the right choice of person to do so.
Dick Hey Mia 😎
I assume you’re the one who named the chat?
Mia like it?
Dick It’s amazing
"unstoppable mofos in masks" group chat
Here's the level of picky that I get about writing: In this fic, I tried not to have the same characters/medium twice in a row, so for instance I tried not to have a newspaper article followed immediately by another newspaper article, or a Donna conversation followed by another Donna conversation. And TO THIS DAY it bugs me that I didn't find something to go in between these two group chat snippets.
Firenza Hey, does anyone know anything about Lois Lane?
She approached me to talk to her for an article about the JLA's response or lack thereof
Her work seems good, but I wanted to be thorough
Barbara Lois is on the up-and-up
Missed a period here. I should probably go back and fix that.
Donna She is JLA-adjacent, which is probably technically a conflict, but you know how that goes
The journalistic ethics of the superhero world fascinate me to no end.
Firenza She actually told me that
Donna Well I think she's a great reporter who's interested in the truth
Dick This is a pro-Lois Lane household
Firenza Okay, that's all very reassuring
Btw I know she's looking for other vigilantes to talk to, anonymously or otherwise
Texts between Barbara Gordon and Stephanie Brown
So, have you decided about Bruce?
stuck in unending indecisive hell
Steph and Mia have similar texting styles because they're modeled after the younger Gen Z texters I know. Steph uses slightly more punctuation than Mia because I tried to make everyone's personal style slightly different. (I also tried to think about how different social circles would affect each other's styles. The OG Titans grew up together and stay in frequent contact, so they write similarly! And so on!)
I may have a compromise option for you. Or at least, something that you could do to test how you feel.
Lois Lane is doing a story on the JLA's general culture and response to abuse and assault. You could talk to her about your general feelings—and you could do it anonymously.
She probably wouldn't print specific accusations without more evidence, but you're not sure you want to do that anyway.
So it could be a way of saying *something* without having to decide whether you want to say *everything* yet.
I thought the Steph subplot was important to include because this is fundamentally a fic about the SYSTEMS that allow sexual assault to flourish, and systems that allow sexual assault will also allow other kinds of abuse. I also knew that I wanted the fic to end with everything not totally tied up and neatly resolved, and this was an obvious choice for a loose thread to remain.
that's… an idea
i'll think about it
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