frvescent · 1 year
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farsight-the-char · 11 months
Darktide cultists have "friendly fire" activated, with the Dreg Gunner having a section of his voice-lines dedicated to telling his fellow cultists To Get Out Of The Way.
Probably explains why the Snipers use the laser-sight then, as a way of telling the other Scabs to getting out of the way.
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rulesforthedance · 1 year
I THINK I can probably do Wildwood end to end in under 7 hours DON’T JINX
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serickswrites · 2 months
Electric Feel III
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, electrocution (mention), gag, drowning
Whumpee tried to calm their thundering heart beat as they watched Whumper fill the tub. If Whumper put them in the tub, they would drown. Whumpee had no doubt that Whumper would drown them. Repeatedly.
Whumpee wasn't sure if they could endure that.
Whumper didn't unbind Whumpee's hands. But they did take out the bite guard. "Don't want to get this all wet," Whumper said as they yanked it from between Whumpee's lips.
"Please," Whumpee started. They didn't want to go in the water. They didn't want to go in because they weren't sure they would get back out.
"You'll feel so much better once you're all clean," Whumper said as they shoved Whumpee into the tub.
Whumpee bucked and thrashed around trying to get out. But Whumper leaned their full body weight on their arms, pinning Whumpee to the bottom of the tub. Whumpee's lungs burned as they struggled. Slowly, they felt their body grow heavy until they could no longer fight back.
Just as darkness threatened to overtake Whumpee's vision, Whumper pulled them to the surface. Whumpee took a great gasping breath of air.
Whumper made a face. "You're still dirty. Back under you go!"
Whumpee willed themself to be still as Whumper shoved them beneath the surface. Every part of them wanted to thrash, every part of them protested being still. But the stiller they were, the more air they could conserve. The stiller they were, the more likely Whumper would be to pull them from the water.
They watched as little bubbles escaped their lips and floated to the surface. Their lungs burned once more. Their vision narrowed to a tunnel to the surface. Whumper had to pull them from the water. Any moment now.
Whumpee didn't remember passing out. Didn't remember being hauled from the water. Their ribs burned as they lay on their side, coughing water up from their water logged lungs.
"You tried to escape, Whumpee," Whumper scolded. "I am not ready to let you go yet."
Whumpee sighed. It was all they had the energy for.
"And you're still dirty!" Whumper shoved them beneath the surface once more.
Whumpee again woke on the ground, water streaming from their mouth. They coughed and coughed, their chest burning with each cough. "Pl-Pl-Please," they rasped. They just needed a minute. Not too long. Just a minute to catch your breath.
"You're all clean now. I can't have you all dirty for the next time we play, Whumpee. So if you get dirty, I have to clean you."
Whumpee sighed with relief. They weren't going to be drowned again any time soon. Suddenly things were looking up.
Tags: @freefallingup13@st0rmm@watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @defire @firelan
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durianinspectors · 1 year
As the Azure Dragon circled the deck of the Ariadnan mega-freighter, roiling smoke clouds revealed that someone had deliberately re-ignited the engine fires that had been carefully extinguished on the Durian Inspector’s last visit to the Agile Chipmunk. Even the Pan Oceanian forces had seemed to want the fires out, so it seemed some other crisis actor must want to reverse our work, fanning the flames and pushing the fecund Hypatian Megalobsters back into a breeding frenzy. The optical system’s of Yue Fei’s visor let him scan for clues amongst the cargo strewn across the deck, even through the thick smoke clouds. Adult lobsters were still present in their hundreds and fresh smears of white eggs were plastered near the engine fires, continuing to hatch small, slimy, lobster larvae in the heat.
They weren’t the only local fauna in evidence, two blubbery Hypatian Walruses had managed to get onto the ship and were greedily gulping down lobsters, larvae and clumps of eggs as fast as they could. Despite the huge amounts the walruses could eat, it looked like there were now so many lobsters it would hardly made a difference.
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Where the young lobsters could find food they were already growing fast. The side of a shipping container marked with a cartoon hamburger had been torn open somehow and the floor inside was a writhing mass of orange shells, claws and legs amongst empty food packaging.
Elsewhere on the deck, what appeared to be the skeleton of a huge bear had been picked completely clean. Dirty white bones propped up a few armor plates, twitching creepily as two adolescent lobsters almost a foot long tried to untangle themselves from shreds of bloodied camo fatigues. The Ariadnans had been here, for sure, but crazy as they were they wouldn’t want to destroy their own ship. Then, as he scanned over to the far side of the huge ship, he spotted something. The giant, hulking silhouette of an old model Maghariba Guard TAG was jutting out behind a tower. Strange — Haqqislam command had assured him they wouldn’t be anywhere near Dock #619. A couple of Brawler lookouts on a nearby building provided the answer: these were mercenaries. Dahshat Company most likely, and almost certainly one of the groups on Brutus’s payroll. If anyone was going to start fires and profit from the chaos rather than put them out, it was these guys.
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Dahshat brought some very heavy armament with formidable visor-equipped shooting power in the form of the Brawler link and Rui Shi. Fiddler looked more than capable of zooming into the midfield and causing trouble with the engines. The tendency for retired Invincible Army units to freelance as mercenaries is disturbing, though it is official policy of the ISS to always track down and cancel their military pensions if they’re caught fighting against us. Bad news for this Hulang, almost certainly.
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Invincible Army liason Daoying Li handled a quick debarkation of the Yu Jing forces onto the ship. Crossing the Agile Chipmunk and getting through the smoke to the fires had proved that sniper rifles and multispectral visors were a winning combination, so every mercenary sniper in the DIU’s books had been packed into this task force.
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The DIU’s new Su Jian was sent to escort Krit and keep walruses off his back as he put out the fires. Le Muet and Knauf staked out a building on the right flank with some long firelanes across the battlefield and Lunah concealed herself close to a Long Ya, trying her best to look like a mine. A Haidao took the left flank, keeping an eye through the smoke on a Rui Shi, which would obviously cause trouble if it could close to an effective Spitfire range.
[Dahshat chose first turn. Yu Jing set up four snipers, three of them threading angles across the table to force them to be dealt with before putting out engine fires. Knauf was kept prone for now.]
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He doesn’t talk much, but 5% of the time, Le Muet earns 1000% of his fee, and this was one of those days. The engagement opened with the Brawler sniper lining up a shot against him. He calmly responded by putting an explosive Double Action round right between their eyes. [“Game got hard”, commented Dahshat’s general.]
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The unexpected death of the Brawler Sniper threw the Dahshat plans into some disarray. Le Muet commanded a long firelane across the table and could prevent Fiddler and the Hulang from making it forward to their objectives. A Ghulam fired some smoke grenades to cover off a Long Ya’s sightline, then with a clunking gait, the crablike form of the Maghariba Guard started to cross the table, confident that it could survive some shooting from Le Muet while getting to an angle to engage the Haidao.
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[Moving the Maghariba seemed reasonable, but the “mine” in front of the central Long Ya was actually another sniper...] The Maghariba hadn’t reckoned on a second visor sniper - Lunah revealed herself and damaged it with a viral shot.The crab tank was now effectively pinned down between two master snipers and unable to effectively shoot back through the smoke.
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Trying to find a way to unlock the deadly sniper overwatch, the Evo Pangguling set Assisted Fire on the Rui Shi and it stepped out to engage the Haidao at bad range. The first shot was reasonably lucky, putting a wound on the Haidao.
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Breaking cover to get to closer range turned out to be another unlucky move though, as the Haidao made his second shot and knocked the Rui Shi out of action. The Maghariba pulled back to cover and Lunah damaged it again. Valerya shot a pitcher into the backfield and Fiddler repositioned. [The game had been hard with the Brawler gone, but with the Rui Shi down and the Maghariba pinned in place, it was looking pretty impossible. To make matters worse, the Rui Shi’s unconscious body blocked the path forwards for the Maghariba. The Maghariba had one STR remaining and couldn’t get to a spot out of LoF of the snipers. MSV snipers also covered all the alleys for enginees to get to the TAG. First turn passed to Yu Jing.]
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Le Muet quickly garnished his reputation by wrecking the Maghariba Guard through the smoke, putting it well past the point where an engineer could repair it. Listening carefully to Daoying Li, Krit and the Su Jian ran out bravely in front of the Walruses and extinguished two of the fires. 
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The Su Jian found a nice angle to fire a Panzerfaust into Valerya Gromoz and made sure the Rui Shi was not going to get repaired, then the two of them ran back to a fairly safe spot behind the sniper curtain. Knauf decided there weren’t enough long range threats to cower prone and took up position on the roof of Le Muet’s tower. [Yu Jing turn one ended in a stupidly strong position, with 4 snipers and two Long Ya criss crossing the table with AROs and all the Dahshat snipers and hmgs dead. 3 points were locked in for the mission.]
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Dahshat thought out an impressive sequence of hail mary saves, then started working through them one by one. One of the diggers ran forward impetuously and was extremely lucky to survive a critical hit from the Su Jian’s last panzerfaust shot. Miranda Ashcroft decided to catwalk through Knauf’s line of fire, and got shot for her fashion choices. Probably not for the first time. The Rafiq then spent quite some time lining up a triangulated fire shot at extreme range on one of the Long Ya remotes only for both of them to find out that it was over the maximum range on their weapons. Realizing the Long Ya didn’t have it pinned down gave the Rafiq a chance to reposition and shoot at the Su Jian, which was armored heavily enough not to care and simply repositioned out of sight. [Dahshat weren’t able to turn the tables back much in turn 2]
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[Yu Jing turn 2] The Haidao moved forwards and shot a Ghulam and the EVO Pangguling, then got a line to put a wound on the rogue Hulang. Unfortunately, that last rather aggressive positioning put him in the line of fire of Fiddler’s two jackbots, who managed to gun him down. A Kuang Shi moved up and knocked out the Rafiq. The Shang Ji set up in suppressive fire, to make approaching the Yu Jing console almost impossible. [Dahshat turn 3] Without many options to get to the Yu Jing console, Fiddler made her way forwards, carefully, and dodged through fire onto the Dahshat console. The Hulang killed the Kuang Shi threatening it and fiddler repaired the Rafiq.
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[YJ Turn 3]
Lunah and Knauf were able to shoot Fiddler off the Dahshat console and Krit had a brief conversation with a High Value Target. Victory went to Yu Jing, and Le Muet received a hefty performance related bonus. My Liu Xing dropped into my own deployment zone. [Le Muet’s unreasonable good luck at the start of this game put it on a very unequal footing that snowballed fast. IceCream is a fantastic general though, hanging in there and attempting to wring everything out of her models to stop me from scoring. We both think the mission would be more fun if the exclusion zone was a lot smaller, it pretty much cripples the normal midfield game and reduces options for countering snipers]
Yu Jing 10 - Dahshat 0 Yu Jing 365 VP remaining Dahshat 133 VP remaining
The Agile Chipmunk once more under Yu Jing control, Hsien Yue Fei took a moment to inspect the surly Hypatian Walruses. It seemed prudent to leave them to consume as many young lobsters as they could manage, with a little luck they could limit the numbers that spread to the rest of the straits.
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730ish · 4 years
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Firelane 11
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channelping · 4 years
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🎧Channelping.com✨We love to share your posts. Let’s spread the music! @firelane RadioLosAngeles⭐️FireLane▶️ radio.com/fire-lane/listen #channelping#music#dj#firelane#radioshow#edm#losangeles#california#radio#dancemusic#musicproducer#techno#progressivehouse#housemusic#techhouse#melodictechno#hardstyle#trance#interview#deephouse#nightclub#electronicmusic#radio#undergroundtechno#clubbing#psytrance#beatport#recordlabels#spotify#youtube#soundcloud https://www.instagram.com/p/CB9T28lA9tG/?igshid=16mgsr2u7etrr
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Fire lane sign install this morning @GalvestonSteakHouse. #InfinitePaintingDesign #MyMichiganCity #MichiganCity #UpTownArtDistrict #LakeMichigan #SteakHouse #Galveston #Food #Restaurant #Signs #Sign #FireLane 🚒 #NoParking 🚫 (at Galveston Steakhouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3PYR9CAGqa/?igshid=1s6yy34hmkep2
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Change your thoughts and you will change your world - Norman Vincent Peale
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lefthandrob · 5 years
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Quoth the Raven: “NO PARKING or STANDING | FIRE LANE” . #raven #bird #poe #joke #sign #firelane #signage #haha #dadjokes #instabird (at Weis Markets) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3NshKwHVFy/?igshid=1r2uhxwz36lp6
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frvescent · 2 years
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twofrenchbulldogs · 7 years
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Did you hear I'm in charge of the fire lane? #frenchbulldoglife #frenchbulldoglove #frenchbullies #frenchbulldogsrule #frenchys #frenchbulldog #frenchbulldogs #fire #firelane lily #twofrenchbulldogs #frenchbulldogpics
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rulesforthedance · 2 years
I’ve gotten so much better at long trail runs and not feeling wiped at the end of them and it’s because now I 1) eat constantly and 2) always hike up anything steeper than a very gradual hill
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fortsouthinspects · 5 years
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Ever find a typo after you've hit send on a professional email? Don't worry- at least you didn't paint "Fire LaMe" on the street 🤣🔥 #thingsinspectorssee #fortsouth #firelane #fail #typo (at Lake Balboa, Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/By5hBbdAI7u/?igshid=1a9epvulsac17
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serickswrites · 1 month
Electric Feel IV
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, electrocution, drowning, gag
Whumpee was wrong. They couldn't endure this. Where was Caretaker? When would Caretaker find them? They weren't sure they could hang on much longer.
Whumper hadn't given them much of a break after drowning them a few times. They only waited until Whumpee wasn't dripping wet. "I'm ready to play with you, whether you are or not."
Things had continued in the same way for....Whumpee wasn't sure how long. They just knew their bones either burned or their lungs. They were never not on fire.
"FFFFFFFuckkkkkk y-y-you," Whumpee managed to get out as Whumper ripped out the bite guard before dragging them to the tub.
Whumper slapped the back of Whumpee's head. "This is all your fault, you know."
Whumpee opened their mouth to curse again, but Whumper shoved them beneath the surface of the cold water again. They could only glare at Whumper as they held their breath.
Whumper rolled their eyes. "Don't glare at me. you did this to yourself, you messy little thing." Whumper's words were distorted, dampened by the water.
Whumpee continued to glare. Continued to glare as their lungs begged for air. Continued to glare as they woke up on the ground, coughing water up. Continued to glare as Whumper shoved the bite guard back in.
Whumpee continued to glare because Caretaker would find them soon. And then there would be hell to pay. They just had to hold on a bit longer.
@freefallingup13@st0rmm@watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @defire @firelan @artisticdemon @backbreakpin
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amazing-spiderling · 5 years
firelan replied to your photo “My totally unnecessary Spideypool Beastars au that I spend too much...”
Is there a story to go with the first image or just felt like dynamic angst? I really like your work though, nice style to it :)
There’s not a fic for it (uh, yet?) but I had a scenario in mind when I drew it.
A little backstory for these two, Peter is a hare, and he believe there’s an important distinction between hares and rabbits. (Rabbits live in social groups, hide rather than run from danger, whereas hares are more solitary, are faster and able to run, etc.) He doesn’t like being viewed as “cute” and goes out of his way to prove he’s strong and independent. 
Wade is this massive mixed breed mongrel and there’s a lot of rumors swirling around him. “I heard he’s part wolf.” “Part wolf? I heard he’s part bear.” “I heard he’s some kind of failed genetic experiment.” At least one of these is true. Most of the other students avoid him, except Peter who isn’t about to show fear no matter how crazy the stories are. Wade thinks Peter is adorable, not because he’s a cute little bunny, but because he tries so damn hard every day.
When Peter eventually gets his powers, it only compounds his desire to show he’s strong. While he thinks about hiding his ears in his costume at first, he decides to let them show, because he wants criminals to know they were taken down by a “mere” herbivore. Wade starts tagging along mostly out of curiosity, and while the last thing Peter wants is a sidekick, the mutt seems to be mostly harmless.
That is until Peter gets hurt. Wade immediately goes from being a “large but kind of goofy friendly dog” into full on protective mode and unleashes a world of hurt on those who hurt his friend. Peter struggles to get up, not to run away. but to try and get Wade to stop. Wade manages to get Peter and take him back home,
Following that, Wade avoids Peter for a while, assuming that when he sees him again, the first thing he’s going to do is tell him he never wants to see him again, because Wade has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he really is a monster. But Peter is more moved at how Wade pulled himself back even when he was enraged, and asks when they can work together again.
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