Shauni & Rhajat: C - S Supports
(Shauni belongs to @fireemblemxtextposts-realm! Go check her stuff out!)
C Support
Rhajat: Hehehehe...
Shauni: Rhajat, what are you doing?
Rhajat: I just think the time we spend together in private is so exceptional...
Shauni: Ah, that.
Rhajat: It's only because we're together like this that I'm in such a good mood.
Rhajat: Although there is no substitute for the time I spend casting hexes, our time together is beyond compare, even to that....
Shauni: Right... Look, Rhajat, I have something to ask you.
Rhajat: What is it? I’ll listen to you for all eternity.
Shauni: That’s... good to know?
Shauni: Anyway... I, uh, enjoy talking to you, too, but...
Shauni: What if we included more people?
Rhajat: ...That is unnecessary. I only want to be with you, Shauni.
Rhajat: I have no interest in others. They matter less to me than the Faceless.
Shauni: That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?
Shauni:  I think it'd be best if you built up relations with some others, too.
Shauni: It's awkward if you only ever talk to me... And, you know, follow me everywhere.
Shauni: Oh, I know! Some of the other girls in the army have been having tea parties together.
Shauni: I haven’t gone to one before, but maybe we could go together? How bad could it be?
Rhajat: ...Tea parties?
Shauni: Yep. They drink tea and have snacks while talking about our hobbies or romance.
Shauni: I’ll make sure we both get invited to the next one, alright?
Rhajat: Very well. To be honest, it sounds horrific... but if you insist, then I can oblige you.
Shauni: Great. I think this will be good for you.
Shauni: And... hopefully, it won’t be as horrific as it sounds...
B Support
Shauni: So, um... Rhajat?
Rhajat: Shauni! I’m so happy you called me, hehe... What do you need? I’ll do anything.
Shauni: It’s about the tea party.
Rhajat: Oh, that. I had a wonderful time.
Shauni: But you didn’t do anything. You just stood there and... stared at me. For hours.
Shauni: It felt like I was being haunted. And it scared everyone else, too.
Rhajat: But I like to stare at you. Seeing you hold your teacup... Eat your snacks...
Rhajat: Ahahaha! I never knew tea parties could be so exhilarating! I want to attend the next one, too.
Shauni: Fine... but this time, how about you sit down at the table? And try talking to the other girls, too?
Shauni: If I have to do it, so do you.
Rhajat: Talk? Why? What would I even talk about?
Shauni: Try what everyone else was talking about. Hobbies, fashion, romance...
Rhajat: Hexes?
Shauni: Uh, no. Probably not. Something more... normal.
Rhajat: I see. You want me to act normal. That shouldn’t be too hard...
Shauni: Really? You think you can-- I mean... are you sure?
Rhajat: I gathered quite a bit of knowledge on the other children while I was in the deeprealms.
Rhajat: It’s much easier than, say, casting a hex.
Shauni: Alright. Try it.
Rhajat: Ahem...
Rhajat: Oh, teehee! I just love tea parties! Don’t you, Shauni?
Shauni: What the...?
Rhajat: Is something the matter?
Shauni: N-Nothing. Let’s continue. Say, Rhajat, is there anyone in the army that you like?
Rhajat: Teehee... I’m afraid I can’t tell you that! A lady must keep her secrets!
Shauni: ...
Shauni: Uh... are you sure you can’t tell?
Rhajat: Oh... If I must say... it’s Shauni! Eek, I can’t believe I said it! I’m so embarrassed!
Shauni: ...
Rhajat: Well? How did I do?
Shauni: I changed my mind. Just act like you normally do.
Rhajat: Hm? Alright then. Whatever you say, Shauni.
Shauni: Thanks. You can do whatever you want at the next tea party as long as you sit at the table.
Shauni: And... Sorry for trying to change you.
Rhajat: No need to be sorry. I’d change anything about myself for you.
Rhajat: So, when is the next tea party?
Shauni: I... haven’t heard yet. I’ll let you know.
Rhajat: Very well. I look forward too it... Ehehehehehehe...
Shauni: I have a bad feeling about this...
A Support
Shauni: Rhajat, I know you’re there. What’s up?
Rhajat: The last tea party... I had fun. Even though I couldn’t stay behind you and stare at you. Thanks.
Shauni: Oh, you don’t have to thank me. I should be thanking you. Your fortune-telling was a lot of fun. Everyone loved it!
Rhajat: Well, you said I should be my regular self... So I brought all of my hexing gear.
Shauni: Who knew girls love fortune-telling?
Shauni: I have to say, I was pretty worried when you showed up with all of those talismans. I’m glad you didn’t curse any of the other girls.
Shauni: I guess you needed all of the talismans for fortune-telling, right?
Rhajat: No. I was planning to kill everyone if they got on my nerves...
Shauni: What?!
Rhajat: ...Hee hee. Just kidding.
Shauni: Ha... haha... You’ve really got a dark sense of humor, huh?
Rhajat: I would never do anything that would make you sad, Shauni.
Rhajat: I wish I had been able to tell your fortune...
Shauni: Oh, don’t worry about it. You had such a long line. I was happy enough seeing you bond with the others.
Rhajat: I can’t help but be bothered... Why don’t I tell your fortune now?
Shauni: Really? That would be great!
Rhajat: Yes... I shall see what the future holds for you... Reveal it all to me, talismans!
Shauni: I’m actually kind of nervous. What do you see?
Rhajat: Ah... Hm? I see... a bright, blue star... long after your death. But you’re there... with two dragons... and so am I?
Shauni: What does that all mean?
Rhajat: The simplest interpretation would be... our reunion in the distant future? But that...
Shauni: In different lives, we could be reunited?
Rhajat: Could it be possible? That would mean... You truly are my soulmate. Hehehehehe...
Shauni: Rhajat... If we do meet again, you’ll recognize me, right?
Rhajat: Of course. And perhaps... I’ll appear to you as a normal girl.
Shauni: Actually, Rhajat, I think I’d rather you be just the way you are. I like the real Rhajat.
Rhajat: Really? Shauni... We’ll be together for a long time, won’t we?
S Support
Shauni: Hello, Rhajat. Do you need something?
Rhajat: I wanted to talk a little. About the fortune-telling from last time.
Shauni: Oh, that! I was talking to the others about that. It’s so exciting that we might meet again in the future.
Rhajat: About that... I-I just don't like it... I don't want to meet you in my next life.
Shauni: What? Rhajat, what’s wrong? Did I do something to make you mad?
Rhajat: No! I could never be mad at you, Shauni. It’s just...
Rhajat: I don’t want to wait. I want to live now... in the lives we have.
Rhajat: And in this life... I love you, Shauni! You mean everything to me.
Shauni: W-What?!
Rhajat: I’m sorry. I had to tell you.
Rhajat: I thought... maybe in this next life, I will be reincarnated as a man. Then I could protect you, and you could love me like I love you...
Rhajat: But even if that happened... it wouldn’t be me. And I don’t want to waste my life hoping for something so unclear.
Rhajat: You must hate me. Having someone as strange as I stalk and love you...
Shauni: No, Rhajat, that’s not true. I don’t hate you.
Rhajat: I don’t need your pity...
Shauni: I’m telling the truth. Like I said, I like you just the way you are.
Rhajat: But that...
Shauni: I know. I said it then as friends. But now that I know how you feel... I can say it with my true feelings.
Rhajat: What?
Shauni: I like you, Rhajat. You don’t have to change... I love you and no one else.
Rhajat: Y-You mean it?
Shauni: Yes.
Rhajat: So... we can be together?
Shauni: Of course!
Rhajat: Ah...
Shauni: Rhajat! Are you okay?
Rhajat: I’m so happy, I’m woozy...
Rhajat: But nothing can kill me now! I’ll stay here with you for all eternity! Ahaha!
Shauni: That’s good. I’d be heartbroken if you left me.
Rhajat: We’ll be together forever, right, Shauni?
Shauni: That’s right. Forever.
Rhajat: Ahahaha... This is the best moment of my life.
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apollon-hyakinthios · 7 years
@fireemblemxtextposts-realm YES it;s just that theres a comic in volume 3 (? i think) where poland is like “did you give the western nations a dirty look or something” and he;s so outraged and he says “i’ve never given anyone a dirty look in my life!!”
anD THEN he gives prussia a dirty look later
in conclusion: i love my son
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feheroestips · 7 years
Hello! So I lost a bet and now I'm stuck with lvl 40 5* Valter. Do you have a recommended set for him? As of now, he has a Silver Lance (I know his Cursed Lance is great, but the fact that he takes damage after using it bothers me), Rally Attack, Luna, Darting Blow 3, Brash Assault 2 and Panic Ploy 3. Thanks!
I have this set for a 5 star one
But if you don’t want to use cursed lance Id probably go silver Lance + Or a killer lance/slaying lance which will be coming very soon since we’re getting new heroes featuring the black knight and co soon.
Id say change brash assault to something else as its counter inuitive to have it if your running darting blow. Id run a breaker skill or quick riposte instead.
Brash assault would work with cursed lance though due to the hp reduction being a safe way to get to 50%
The other option is renewal of course and make him into a flying tank.
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Somehow M!Robin and M!Kamui became a crackship of mine and I don't know what I'm supposed to do with that... it's just here, being cute
I think that’s a cute ship, but it always gives me goosebumps because I hate writing for any combination of two avatars. Like you could give me any Robin and any Corrin and I’m like “how do I write for these blank slates?”
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doromaya · 7 years
Just wanted to drop a message to thank you for blessing me with your M!Kamui's drawings~ He is my favorite avatar and it's hard to find art of him compared to his female counterpart... So thanks c:
AAA THANK YOU.... ;;;;; i’m happy you like my m!kamui art, it’s true that he’s not as popular as f!kamui (who i also love) but oh well ;V; i’ll keep making art of him!!
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deetvar-moved · 7 years
10 for the song meme~
Something about car and drinking wine.
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gzeidraws · 8 years
Tumblr media
As commissioned by @fireemblemxtextposts-realm, Thank you very much!!
The bridal pose seems very popular XD
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anopuff · 7 years
seriously, I'd empty my wallet for a M!Kamui nendoroid. Or even better, a figma. He'd look so good Orz why can't we have this
I totally agree, I always find his design aesthetic (drawing that armour costs lives, but) It’s a shame that he’s not as popular as the other characters in Fire Emblem ;-;
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amazingtoaster · 7 years
Sakura! :D
Ooh, good start!
First impression: So, this is the counterpart to Elise? Okay, she doesn’t seem to be trying too hard with the cuteness and doesn’t look like she’ll get on my nerves, so I’m okay with her. Not nesecarily blown away, but she’s alright. (This was back when I saw her on the list of Hoshido royals, before I played the game myself)
Impression now: HOLY MOLY IS SHE ADORABLE! Seriously, I just adore her with all my heart and she is the most adorable thing ever okay
Favorite moment: When she slaps Iago away in chapter 25 of Birthright. I just always found that part really cool how she distracts Iago so that Takumi could shoot him down.
Idea for a story: Subaki and her going out on a ride on his pegasus and then Sakura’s all scared at first because of the hights and stuff, but then when she actually tries it, she loves it and considers becoming a rider herself! I mean c’mon, that would just be too adorable.
Unpopular opinion: I know this is pretty obvious, but I prefer her way, WAY over Elise. It doesn’t help that I’m not the biggest fan of Elise to begin with, so yeah :P
Favorite relationship: With Hana. Their supports were the purest thing ever and I just love how they actually give backstory for each other on how they became so close.
Favorite headcanon: Her stuttering isn’t from her being shy, but that she has a speech impediment she’s had for a very long time. And then she becomes the Scatman of Fire Emblem when she grows up
Send me a character meme
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I love your M!Kamui so much you have no idea
Ahhh, thank you ; w ; I’ll def draw more of him!!
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Literally everyone I talked to wants Takumi and have yet to summon him. I don't care about him and somehow managed to summon him all 3 times I restarted Heroes. Every time a 5* Takumi. He keeps coming back to me. I don't even use him. Help.
I’m one of those people who wants Takumi. Lmao
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yukiwrites · 8 years
Yukiii... Please feed me some Ryouma x Male Kamui, I'm dying over here... Could you come up with something involving their S-support, but the flaws (lying about them being brothers and all) actually being addressed? Kamui getting super angry and not even giving him an answer at first? (I'm sorry, Ryouma, I love you but you deserve that slap... at least a little...) Of course, everything ends well later~ and if it's not too much to ask... can things get... steamy? OvO'
Aaah where to even begin with that mess of S-support? xD I’ll try to deliver everything, but be ready for some suffering >vAs always, I call the male avatar as Corrin, so sorry for not using the name you asked~
Part 1 - Part 2
Dusk was falling in the real world as the soldiers started to take shifts inside the Astral Realm. In there, the sunset was still to come, the skies in a mix of red and orange.
Corrin sat under a tree behind his quarters, holding his knees in a childish attempt to hide as his heart bled. “It’s like the sky’s feeling compassionate towards me, painting itself in such color.” He whispered to himself, looking at the ring his siblings had given him some time ago.
“This is from all of us,” Ryoma had said, flashing a beautifully hoshidan-made ring. It had inscriptions inside – all of the siblings’ names – whereas the outer ring consisted in an embossed Dawn Dragon, its body doing three turns before it met its tail.
Corrin had to hold back his tears, a lump on his throat making it harder to breathe. “T-that’s quite a ring…” He said, trying the accessory immediately.
“Indeed.” The High Prince nodded, crossing his arms with pride, unaware of the younger prince’s inner turmoil. “The four of us had it made for you a long time ago. We vowed to give it to you upon our eventual reunion. And here you are, safely returned to us.”
“As… as your sibling,” Corrin stuttered, lowering his head and praying that Ryoma would interpret that as emotion instead of self-loathing, “I’m so g-glad to be part of this family.”
Once again the dragon prince sniffled with the memory. How could he live like that? Hiding whenever his eyes met with Ryoma’s; wishing to murder the feelings which only grew stronger every time he heard his voice… wanting very much to simply disappear.
They were brothers! Corrin squeezed the ring and raised it above his head, ready to throw it away in the woods. His hand trembled. “If I had known I would feel that way… I wouldn’t have chosen to stay…” He croaked out, his entire body shaking as he brought the ring close to his heart, cherishing and hating it with the same intensity.
“Corrin? Corrin, I know you’re here somewhere!” An oh so beloved voice called for him, somewhere from behind him. The prince flinched and immediately put the ring back on his neck – he used it as a necklace so as not to lose it – before trying to sneak away.
Of course, that plan wouldn’t work. Ryoma’s senses were sharpened to almost perfection. At least his physical ones. “Aha, there you are!” The High Prince spread two bushes apart, revealing his crouching brother.
“Eep…” Corrin flinched, turning his head away from his brother. He had been on the verge of tears just a few moments previous, so it would be troublesome should Ryoma ask about that.
The High prince offered his hand. “I realize that you have been avoiding me lately, Corrin, and I need to know why. Being… being ignored by you hurts me more than you can imagine.”
Corrin dug his nails on his chest, biting his lip so hard it turned white. “Don’t… don’t say that…” By me, specifically? I can’t feel special! I can’t… he thought over and over, trying to convince himself like a mantra.
Ryoma crouched, stretching his neck to try to see the dragon prince’s face. “How can I not say it when it is the truth?” He huffed, almost in physical pain. The very same words he spoke brought him more reason to keep talking, the feelings locked inside his chest too much to bear. “Hah, however I have to admit that I have not been completely honest with you.”
“Huh?” Corrin peeked over his shoulder, confused. “You’re telling the truth but also lying?”
For the short second that their eyes met, Ryoma’s face contorted into a blush, making him avert the gaze towards the ground. “Ah, y-yes. That is to say… no! I am telling the truth, but not all of it.” He breathed in. “Father, forgive me. Queen Mikoto…” He looked up to the sky, the sun almost finishing setting.
The mention of their parents made Corrin’s heart grow cold and he finally managed to breathe in deeply before turning to his brother, his feelings once again tightly locked inside his heart. For Mother, he thought while crossing his legs and looking at the fruit of his taboo.
“Forgive me,” Ryoma started, sitting formal hoshidan style and placing both hands over his own thighs. “I have not been completely honest with you.”
Corrin’s heart grew colder at every word Ryoma spoke, dreading what was coming next. Had he found out about these ugly feelings? Was he there to say that Corrin was tainting their Mother’s memory by loving his blood sibling?
“The truth is… I am not your brother.”
Dusk fell and the sky darkened as the wind slowly blew their hair away, the silence stretching itself as both now non-siblings looked at each other: One with incredulity and the other with hope.
His heart had jumped right after the news, but his mind refused to accept. “What do you mean?” His voice sounded hoarse, as he clenched both fists. Was that some kind of sick joke?!
Ryoma breathed in with relief, as though he was waiting for that question to continue. “Exactly what I said. You and I are not related by blood.” He nodded and proceeded to speak the reason behind that elaborate lie.
Honestly, Corrin didn’t listen to it all; his heart thumping so loud inside his chest he could barely hear his own breathing. A frown started to dig itself over his brow.
Was he happy? 
The love of his life was finally within reach… but all he could see was red as Ryoma babbled about their Father being an honorable man by adopting Corrin.
“What changed?” Corrin spat, clenching his fists so hard it almost pierced the skin. Ryoma stopped talking and blinked with a nervous smile.
“Why are you telling me this now? What changed?! Why didn’t you tell me this two years ago when I first showed up in Hoshido?!” He started to get up, balancing himself on one knee.
Ryoma opened and closed his mouth, not understanding the rage but feeling that he should be honest. He stood his ground. “I fell in love with you.”
That was the last straw.
Corrin got up, a mix of incredulity, elation and, most of all, disgust fighting a battle inside of him. “So because your feelings changed you decided to drop this bomb on me?! You– you didn’t think for one second that I would spend the- the rest of my life loving my brother and beating myself about it?!” He stuttered and screamed, warms tears rolling uninvited from his eyes. Flabbergasted, Ryoma also got up and tried to make peace with both palms facing Corrin. “That I would live a miserable life watching…” he averted his eyes, his lips trembling with all of the scenarios his mind made him go through, “watching you marry a nice lady and becoming King while I would just wish I could wither away and die?!”
“Corrin,” Ryoma fought a frown and a smile – his beloved had inadvertently confessed his love! – taking a step forward.
“Don’t come close to me!” Corrin exploded, taking three steps back, huffing. “Just- just because you thought, ‘oh hey, I actually love him’ you thought it was about time you told me the truth?!” Corrin wrapped his arms around himself to stop the trembling as he took the time to breathe through his mouth. “I chose…” his voice got lower, memories of his time in Nohr flooding his mind, “I chose to stay behind because you guys were the ones who were truthful to me; who didn’t lie to me…”
Heartbroken, Ryoma stood there midway to apologies, his hand uselessly reaching out for his prince. “Corrin…”
The dragon prince let out a bark of laugh, “what’s the truth, really? You’re behaving just like Garon – lying and manipulating me into thinking I’m your family!”
“Corrin, you do not mean that!” He snapped. “Do not compare me with that monster!”
“Hah! Monster?!” Corrin sniffled, still shaking, “I was the one thinking I was a monster; loving my blood brother! How could you have lied to me about such an important part of my life?!” He huffed, out of breath. “Do the others know about it?”
Ryoma tried to keep his blood from boiling. As much as he loved that man in front of him, to compare him to that disgusting ruler of Nohr was pushing his limits!
However, seeing how much Corrin suffered dwindled the High Prince’s rage. Look at how that small prince trembled and cried – so many tears, so much more than Ryoma thought possible for a person to cry at once. The love blossoming in his heart made him calm down. And feel even more guilt.
He just wanted everyone to get along.
“Father spoke of this matter only to me. Unless Mother told them herself, they also believe you are their blood sibling.”
It took all Corrin had to stop the trembling. They have also been lied to? That couldn’t go on. “Come with me. We’re setting all of this straight right now.” He said before turning on his heel and leaving.
Ryoma looked down, his heart shredded to pieces. They loved each other, but would the lie that brought them together be too big of a hurdle on their oh so very faraway future?
“Corrin, please, tell me what’s going on! Your eyes are red and you’ve been crying ever since you summoned all of us here!” Hinoka pleaded as all of the hoshidan royalty grouped together at the real world. It was Hinoka’s turn to stay behind and watch over the remaining soldiers besides the portal, so they all chose to stay with her there.
The princes and princesses excused themselves to speak in a clearing, under the shining moon. Corrin finally raised his gaze to his fami– former family.
“Did you all know that we aren’t related by blood?”
Takumi crossed his arms. Sakura fidgeted as Hinoka widened her eyes and looked at Ryoma. He looked to the ground.
“Humph,” Takumi started. “Why do you think I resisted letting you in so much? You’re not even Father’s kid, so why should I have embraced you as my brother?” He turned his face to the side. “Well, that’s what I thought in the beginning, anyway,” he said in a smaller voice. But the damage had been done.
Sakura walked two steps forward and took Corrin’s hands on her small fingers. “I-I only remember a bit of our time together as children… so I’m glad we could spend time as a family to know each other better.”
More damage.
Hinoka still pierced her older brother with her glare, but touched Corrin’s shoulder and bended over to try to look him in the eye, “Mother told me about it during the time I went crazy trying to bring you back.” She smiled like a good big sister would, digging the knife deeper into his heart. “But it only made me want to see you again even more! I loved you as a true brother.”
A single tear fell from Corrin’s eye. Hinoka flinched.
“I still love you, Corrin! Nothing’s changed!” She squeezed her hand on his shoulder. Sakura did the same on his hands. Takumi reached out, feeling guilty for saying what he did.
Ryoma clenched his fists.
“So I was the only one who didn’t know?” Corrin said with the tiniest of voices. “I was the only one with these ugly feelings inside of me?” He cried, finally raising his gaze to the man of his life. Ryoma’s dejected look brought even more grief to Corrin’s heart.
How he loved him!
“Corrin,” The High Prince reached out, making the dragon prince flinch and take a step back, breaking contact with both of their sisters.
“Why did you all go through with this lie? I thought we were family!” He cried out, making both sisters bring her hands to their hearts.
“But we are, Corrin! Our love bounds us together!”
“Enough!!” The dragon prince yelled, shutting everyone in sight. “How can I reciprocate your love if it was all based on a lie meant to keep me around?!” He turned around and ran, wanting nothing more than to just disappear.
“Corrin!” Hinoka and Ryoma followed, but the High Prince was faster and the eldest princess didn’t have her pegasus.
They decided to split up to look for Corrin in the woods right ahead, but Ryoma had something Hinoka didn’t have.
He could always find his beloved no matter where he was hiding.
Not too long after going separate ways with his sister, Ryoma found his small prince in the same way he had done earlier that evening: hugging his knees and crying.
Ryoma finally felt his eyes itch. It hurt him more than a thousand arrows to watch Corrin suffer, especially since the source of the suffering was Ryoma himself. He spent a full minute reaching out to the air, uncertain if he should crouch and touch that small shoulder.
“…Forgive me.” Was the only thing he could say. “I thought I could embrace our love anew after telling you the truth, when, in actuality, I should not have kept the lie in the first place.” Corrin heard as he positioned himself on the ground, sitting formal style and bowing. “I truly, deeply, just wished to be with you as my beloved.”
That’s unfair, Corrin thought, his heart bubbling and his tears overflowing. “I’m mad at myself the most.” He declared, his voice hoarse from all the crying.
“Eh?” Ryoma raised his head, tilting it to the side in confusion.
Corrin put one hand on the ground behind him, slowly turning to the love of his life. His face was a crying mess: Nose, cheeks and eyes were red as the tears drenched it all. “I’m mad at myself for being so happy about it all.” He confessed, looking down. Ryoma’s heart skipped a beat. “I know I should be angry and yell and throw things at you and slap you – I thought of all of that.”
The High Prince fought a smirk and gulped, patiently waiting for Corrin to finish.
Slowly, the red eyes met the grey ones. “I know I should… I should rebel and say that I wished to never come here, but that– that would be an even bigger lie than the one you told me.” He sniffled. “I love you so much, Ryoma. I’m overjoyed that we’re not blood siblings; that I can finally be free of the chains of taboo bringing me down every time I raised my eyes at you… that you love me in return.”
“Corrin…” Ryoma smiled, slowly crouching so as to reach his prince’s side.
The dragon prince flinched, the whirlwind of emotions still fresh inside his chest, but the deep roots of his love screaming louder than anything else. Ryoma got close enough to caress that reddened cheek and swipe the tears away with his thumbs.
“Forgive me for making you cry so much, my precious prince.” He whispered, nuzzling Corrin’s swollen nose.
“Heh,” he held one of Ryoma’s hand, the other one holding onto the High Prince’s haori for support. “I’m still mad, but not for long.” He replied, raising his chin, brushing their lips together. Ah, his hot breath on his! How much he dreamed of that! “I’ll always forgive you.”
Ryoma’s smile disappeared as their lips touched for the first time, a wide array of emotions being transmitted to one another through it. Love. Grief. Acceptance.
As Corrin opened his mouth to welcome more of Ryoma’s tongue inside of him, they felt as though time had stopped for them. A small moan died in the dragon prince’s throat, making his beloved flinch.
“What a sweet, sweet sound.” Ryoma said, biting Corrin’s lower lip, moving his hands towards the smaller prince’s back. “May I touch you, Corrin? I wish nothing more than to please you and make you happy for as long as we live.”
Another tear fell from Corrin’s eye. But this time, it was finally of happiness. “You needn’t ask; but yes, you may.” He giggled bashfully, wrapping his hands around Ryoma’s neck.
Ryoma waited no longer to run his hands from Corrin’s back to his front, opening the yukata the dragon prince usually wore when he was resting. Slowly, he pressed his hands through his beloved’s muscles as their mouths conjoined once again in a heated kiss, their tongues getting used to each other.
“Ah!” Corrin moaned as one of Ryoma’s hands reached his underwear. To get an erection with just a touch and few kisses… How much Corrin loved his prince. Ryoma relished on the sound, licking Corrin’s wet face towards his pointy ear.
“Call my name in this sweet voice, my beloved prince.” He whispered, making Corrin tremble from head to toe, already feeling his erection let out preseminal fluid. With just a whisper!
“R-Ryoma…” Corrin almost begged, making Ryoma himself close one eye in pleasure, his own erection poking at his loincloth. He lowered his mouth to Corrin’s neck, sucking it as his hand touched the now free erection, slowly pulling the skin up and down. “R-Ryomaah…” Corrin moaned, digging his nails on the broad back.
Slowly did the High Prince masturbate his beloved, looking down at the shiny glans as it trembled under his big hand, a terribly cute voice begging for more over his ear. Ryoma licked Corrin’s collarbone, neck and ears, his hands never speeding up, enjoying how stretched out his name became when Corrin became closer and closer to the climax.
“Alright,” he said before deeply kissing Corrin as he was about to come, muffling his increasingly louder moans under his tongue. The dragon prince came, his fluids spluttering around Ryoma’s hand and kimono, his body trembling and deflating with exhaustion. “Next will be my turn, but inside our tent.”
The post-orgasmic fog still clouding his mind, it took Corrin a second to understand as his eyes fell to the bulge on Ryoma’s pants. His anus gapped in anticipation and he held onto his beloved for his dear life as Ryoma took him in his arms.
“Our tent?” Corrin managed to whisper, his heart beating too fast and his mind to focused on the strong chest he was being pressed onto to remember the reason why they were so far into the woods.
“Indeed. I shan’t let you sleep on a separate tent; not after waiting for so long.”
Corrin gulped. They had two years’ worth of pinning to catch up to. He could only hope to match Ryoma’s stamina and thank the gods once more for the blessing of not making them siblings.
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May I request Rhajat and Caeldori for the crit quote thing, please? ^^
Caeldori: “Begone from my sight!”“Do NOT slight me.”“This has been fun, but....”“Practice makes perfect!”
Rhajat:“Will you be my next victim?”“You’d look good as a Faceless...”“I’ll make this nice and slow.”“You’ve outlived your usefulness.”
Bonus: 1% chance of a 5th crit quote, and a unique “Finish Battle” Quote.
“Blood and Thunder!”“Huh, where did that come from?”
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apollon-hyakinthios · 7 years
@hetalia-rosegarden i know right!!!! i love him??
@fireemblemxtextposts-realm ur so welcome honestly all the strips with him and poland in volume 3 are a blessing
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deetvar-moved · 7 years
@fireemblemxtextposts-realm replied to your photo “max-the-merc: tipsy-scales: None of them are as cool as Grima. I...”
Grima and Loptyr are like an old couple, constantly bickering
NO. Stop that. Honestly let Grima deal with the Ylissean ramble, all I want is Jugdral.....and my Dark Warlords. Seriously where did Grima get them, they died long ago.
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gzeidraws · 8 years
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@fireemblemxtextposts-realm ‘s Fates MU! Thanks for commissioning me :)
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