#fire country 2x10 season finale
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promosbrasil · 9 months ago
Fire Country 2x10 Promo [ I Do ] Season Finale
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monsesdiaz · 7 years ago
It's been a rough time for all us OTH fans, but I'm not going to let that ugly fuckboy pervert who shall not be named ruin the show I love. Instead, I'm going to remain positive and remind myself of why I love this show so much. And to kick start that OTH positivity, what are your top 5 scenes for each individual character (Peyton, Nathan, Lucas, Haley and Brooke)? And if you really want to, feel free to go on a tangent if you'd like. It's completely up to you, and have a good day ♥︎
Yessss! Let’s not let anyone ruin the show! And hahaha Ilove this question and I love how you already know I’m probably going to go offon a tangent (which is why I’ll keep this under the cut :P) Okay, so letssee…I’m going to try and make these individual moments and not include couple/friendshipmoments.
Peyton Sawyer:
1)    2x10;Her the entire episode just standing up for LGBT and minority rights ingeneral. I just love this because Peyton was going through SO much. She wasliterally on the verge of depression, was struggling with drugs, and felt SOalone. She could have just hidden out in her room, let the whole thing blowover, and then come out from hiding. But she chose to stand up for all thegirls who couldn’t stand up for themselves. She knew she could get in troubleand she knew people would talk shit, but she didn’t care. She knew peopleneeded her help and she was going to do it.
2)    6x22;Her goodbye video to Sawyer! This scene always destroys me3 Peyton washaving a child, which should have been one of the happiest moments of her life,but instead it was one of the scariest and saddest moments. She risked herliteral life so her child could live. And you can see how she wants to be sohappy and excited in the video for baby Sawyer, but she’s so scared. Butdespite all that she’s putting on a brave face and UGH. My heart
3)    5x01;Quitting her job. Always loved this scene, but in light of recent events, Ilove it even more
4)    4x16;Talking about her pain. Okay if you follow me you know I talk enough about howPeyton doesn’t get enough credit for being an amazing friend and how I HATE howpeople let a lot of the stuff Brooke said/did slide. So this moment just reallygets to me. Peyton went through HELL. She was physically and sexually attacked,she found out she was adopted and then proceeded to lose her birth mother tocancer, and she was shot and almost died. And she was basically left to dealwith it all on her own. I love how Peyton was able to call Brooke out on thatand was also able to call her out on how horrible and wrong it was to mock hermother’s death. I loved seeing Peyton finally realize she didn’t deserve to betreated like crap and deserved so much more
5)    4x06;Fighting through her pain. Kind of the same as above! Peyton had just beenthrough so much and instead of getting support people just kept throwing moreand more pain towards her way. Peyton’s also the kind of person that holds itall in, so it was amazing to see her let her pain out and fight back ateverything that caused her pain. I loved seeing her realize that she doesn’tdeserve to be in pain and that she needs to fight back and stop being scared.UGH MY LOVE
Lucas Scott:
1)    1x02;Deciding to continue playing basketball! I think this is so underrated, butimportant. Lucas was going through hell on that team. Nathan was actuallytorturing him, he had to live with the fact that Dan wanted nothing to do withhim, and half the town didn’t believe he could make it big on the team. Hecould have easily quit the team and continued to just play basketball on theRiver Court, but he knew it wasn’t fair to let Dan/Nathan win and he knew hismom and Keith deserved better so he put aside all his fears and continued toplay on the team and that’s just amazing to me
2)    3x19;Telling Karen he has HCM. UGH THIS SCENE KILLS ME! Lucas is a very strongperson and hates to admit that he needs help. He kept his HCM hidden because hewanted to play basketball and he didn’t want to worry his friends and family. Ithought it was amazing and brave that Lucas was willing to open up and admitthat he needs help. He let himself be vulnerable and show that he’s not allthat strong and sometimes he needs people in his life as well and UGH. You justgotta love that
3)    4x09;Winning the state championship. Ever since season 1 this moment is somethingeveryone was basically telling Lucas he could never reach. Even in the season 1finale he messed up his chance. So to have the Ravens not only win the StateChampionship but have Lucas be the one to make the winning shot was honestlyjust SO full circle and just showed us that if we all put our minds to what wewant and believe in, we can accomplish our dreams and idk. This is just one ofmy favorite moments of the show, ever!
4)    3x16;Running back into the school. Okay I know this is technically a couple momentand I said I wouldn’t include those, but even if you take Peyton out of theequation how admirable was Lucas in this scene! He risked everything to go runback into the school to make sure Nathan was going to be okay. And then hecould have stuck with Nathan or even left the school, but he knew someone heloved and cared about could be in trouble and that he couldn’t let her bealone. And then again, once he found Peyton he could have run out the schooland tried to get help, but he knew chances of authorities getting into theschool was slim and he didn’t want Peyton to be sitting there bleeding out allby herself so despite knowing all the risks and knowing he could have easilybeen shot too, he decides to stay
5)    3x03;Saving Dan from the fire. Okay I didn’t know what episode to mark this as, butsince it’s revealed in 3x03 why not? Lol But honestly kind of the same asabove. Dan has always been a piece of shit to Lucas. Lucas could have seen thefire and been like oh well fuck it or even have called the cops and just hungback. But he knew Dan probably wasn’t going to survive and despite all his hatredfor him, he knew he had to do something to save him because at the end of theday he’s a human and his father. So yeah, I think it was admirable and brave ofhim to run back into the building.
Haley James Scott:
1)    5x02;The scene where she basically goes off on Nathan and tells him to get his shittogether!! I think a lot of it has to do with BJL’s acting but I just love howshe was like enough is fucking enough…like she needs her husband and her kidneeds his father and she had no problem leaving his ass if he didn’t get hisshit together because she deserved better than that!
2)    4x14;Standing up to Rachel. I just love this moment because Haley is one of thosepeople that’s really kind, caring, and always there for people which cansometimes cause her to get taken advantage of. And I like how she basicallystood her ground against Rachel and made it clear that she couldn’t walk allover her.
3)    6x18;Haley quitting her job. This scene means even more to me now that we know whatall these women went through!! But Haley preaching about always standing up forthe truth and then being a total badass and quitting her job because she can’tdo something she doesn’t believe in…what an inspiration!!!
4)    6x16;Publishing Sam’s paper despite being told not to. The same as above tbh, shewas just like fuck it, this has to be heard and it’s not fair and she knewthere was gonna be consequences and she was going to get into trouble but shedidn’t care because she knew it was the right thing to do!
5)    2x07;Performing for the first time at Tric. I just love this because she was sonervous and chickened out and refused to sing but then she saw how desperatePeyton was and how she needed help and she decided to just fuck it and go forit and it ended up becoming one of the best moments of her life and I justthink that’s something we can all relate to
Nathan Scott:
1)    4x18;Admitting to his point shaving. I love this moment because Nathan fucked up andmade a big mistake, but he owned up to it and took full responsibility. Hecould have easily brushed it under the rug or let Lucas take all the blame, buthe knew it was the wrong thing to do. Even though he knew all of his schooloffers would get taken away and that his chances of going into the MBA wouldbasically be slim to none, but he still came clean and did what was right
2)    1x14;Vising Lucas in the hospital. Nathan really did not like Lucas at this pointand could have easily just left him alone and not gone to see him, but I lovedhow despite all his negative feelings he knew that Lucas was his brother andsomeone Haley really cared about so he just had to go visit him and make surehe was okay. And the little talk he has with Lucas, admitting that he screwed everythingup and how Lucas is the luck one… Idk, I just love this Nathan moment because Ithink it’s the first time in the show we’ve seen him be truly honest andgenuine with everything!
3)    3x22;Saving Cooper and Rachel. These Scott Brothers and their need to be heroes :Phahaa anyways, Nathan just got re-married properly to the love of his life, itwas probably one of the happiest days of his life. He could have easily justcalled the cops and waited for them to show up, but he knew Cooper and Rachel’slives were at risk, so he risked everything to go and save them. I just findthat admirable!
4)    5x02Waking up Jamie and going down the slope with him. I LOOOOVE this moment!!Nathan was so broken and lost. He was going through depression and thought thathis whole life was over and that his dreams would never come through, but healso saw his son struggling. He saw how scared Jamie was and how much Jamieneeded him. The one thing I love about Nathan and Jamie’s relationship is thatNathan never wanted Jamie to go through what he went through with Dan growingup and he never wanted Jamie to feel the way he did and make the same mistakeshe did. So I love how Nathan showed Jamie there was nothing to be afraid of andthat he was going to be okay.
5)    6x24;Making it into the NBA. Okay, every OTH fan had to at least be smiling a littleat this moment. This was the moment Nathan has been working towards sinceseason 1. He had his doubts about making it or continuing with the dream attimes because of all the pressure Dan put him through and all the mistakes hemade. But despite all that he still made it and his dreams came true and I lovethat
Brooke Davis:
1)    6x13;Fighting Xavier! This is one of my favorite Brooke storylines. I just love howshe went from being broken and scared to taking down her attacker and basicallylooking him in the eye and letting him know she’s no longer scared of him andhe no longer has any control over her!
2)    5x11;Firing Victoria. Kind of the same as above. Brooke had just been so emotionallyabused and kicked down by Victoria who is supposed to be her number onesupporter and the one who is propping her up, so it was just good to see herrealize she doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment and doesn’t need her mom tobe successful, she can do that all on her own.
3)    3x16;Going off on the reporter. Okay this is a deleted scene but I’m going to includeit because I love it and it should have been in the episode imo. But I like howBrooke basically calls out the reporter for cashing in on children getting shotand trying to use their pain as a way to get money and be famous. That bitchreporter deserved to be called out and I’m glad Brooke did it!
4)    6x03;Breaking down at Q’s funeral. As someone who’s been broken and didn’t know howto express it, I really feel for Brooke in this scene and it’s one of the raremoments I relate to her. It just gets to me how she holds everything in,doesn’t want to show that she’s weak, and that what happened to her affectedher, but in this moment she realized that sometimes crying and being vulnerableis okay. It doesn’t mean that the bad guys win, it just means that you’re inpain and you need to let it out.
5)    6x22;Letting Sam go. I think this was just an admirable moment. This is a girl shehad been taking care of for a couple of months, she grew attached to her, andeven wanted to adopt her. But she knew that what Sam really needed was to goand live with her birth mom and get a chance to know her, so I really liked howBrooke was able to let her go and be fully happy because she could have easilybeen selfish and kept Sam with her.
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