#fintan mckeown
1-800-free-oo-mox · 2 years
I need to know if Fair Haven is as funny to people outside the UK
Why is no one talking about Michael Sullivan and Fintan McKeown. Why. No one is talking about "RINGS" it's all baseball with you fuckers. Tale of a century
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have She Creature 2001
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empathist · 3 years
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EmmettScanlan One of my favourite humans @FintanMckeown…. Ain’t seen this beautiful head-case since the old world. #LondonBaby
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ljones41 · 6 years
"STAR TREK VOYAGER: Love on a Starship"
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"STAR TREK VOYAGER: LOVE ON A STARSHIP" I am not going to deceive myself and pretend that the relationship between Captain Kathryn Janeway and her First Officer, Commander Chakotay, lacked any chemistry. Of course there had been chemistry. Even a blind person could have sensed the chemistry between them just by listening to their dialogue. But while I will admit the enormous dynamics between the two characters, I never could see the possibility of a "happily ever after" for them. Not while the pair served as the command team of the U.S.S. Voyager.
When many "STAR TREK VOYAGER" fans had first started speculating upon the possible futures for the main characters during the series’ early Season Seven, for some reason I had foreseen a tragic ending in the Janeway/Chakotay relationship. I figured that the Captain or the First Officer would bite the dust in the finale, leaving the others to mourn and regret their decision not to pursue a romance during Voyager’s nearly seven years in the Delta Quadrant. This feeling was reinforced in the episode, (7.11) "Shattered", when Season Seven Chakotay not only revealed the lack of romance in their relationship to the Season One Janeway, but also expressed regret in his words . . . and tone: JANEWAY: Mind if I ask you one last question? CHAKOTAY: Will I have to break the Temporal Prime Directive to answer it? JANEWAY: Maybe, just a little. For two people who started off as enemies it seems we get to know each other pretty well, so I've been wondering. Just how close do we get? CHAKOTAY: Let's just say there are some barriers we never cross. Both Kate Mulgrew (Kathryn Janeway) and the series’ producers had expressed opposition against an affair between Janeway and Chakotay. They have repeatedly stated that it would not be appropriate for the two to get involved in a romance. At first, I had believed that she, Rick Berman, Michael Piller, Jeri Taylor and later, Brannon Braga and Kenneth Biller were being obtuse. Now that I have had a chance to think about it, I have managed to see their point of view. They were right. A romance between Janeway and Chakotay could have led to many problems. I have never believed that a good idea for someone in a position of power to have a romance with a subordinate. If you think that it is difficult for equals to maintain a relationship, it might be doubly so for a superior and his/her subordinate. There is a great deal of potential for resentment from one partner, subjugation from the other and manipulation from both sides. Chakotay’s relationship with Voyager’s Chief Engineer, B’Elanna Torres, is a mild example of this. I had been one of those fans who had been relieved by the quiet death of B’Elanna’s infatuation with the First Officer by late Season Two. Do not get me wrong. Chakotay was a fine First Officer. Frankly, I have always felt that he was one of the best in the entire "TREK" franchise. But he had an unfortunate habit of dealing with B’Elanna’s temperament by inflicting his will upon her, using his position as her superior officer. I am not saying that Chakotay did not have the right to behave this way toward B’Elanna. After all, he was Voyager’s First Officer. But he was also supposed to be one of B’Elanna’s closest friends. If he and B’Elanna had such moments during their "friendship", can you imagine how damaging this would have been to any romance that may have sprung between them? Remember when I had mentioned the possibility of resentment? Well, even B’Elanna eventually expressed her resentment of being chastised by Chakotay in the Season Five episode, (5.21) "Juggernaut": CHAKOTAY: Your concerns are noted. Get them inoculated. We'll meet you in Transporter Room one. We're trying to avoid explosions, remember? TORRES: Not another lecture about my emotions. CHAKOTAY: No, a lecture about how to treat guests aboard this ship. TORRES: Guests? Chakotay, these people are the scourge of the quadrant. CHAKOTAY: Agreed, but right now they're our only hope of repairing that freighter, so I suggest you make friends. TORRES: Diplomacy. Janeway's answer to everything. CHAKOTAY: This isn't the Captain talking, it's me, and I'm giving you an order. Keep your temper in check. Understood? Understood? TORRES: Yeah. CHAKOTAY: I didn't hear you. TORRES: Yes. CHAKOTAY: B'Elanna, I need your expertise on this mission, not your bad mood. TORRES: I'll see what I can do. Like Chakotay, Janeway was not above using her position to inflict her will upon the crew members under her command, regardless of whether she was right or wrong. And we have seen how Chakotay had reacted when he believed that she was wrong . . . especially in (3.26) "Scorpion I" and (4.01) "Scorpion II": CHAKOTAY: How much is our safety worth? JANEWAY: What do you mean? CHAKOTAY: We'd be giving an advantage to a race guilty of murdering billions. We'd be helping the Borg assimilate yet another species just to get ourselves back home. It's wrong! JANEWAY: Tell that to Harry Kim. He's barely alive thanks to that species. Maybe helping to assimilate them isn't such a bad idea. We could be doing the Delta Quadrant a favour. CHAKOTAY: I don't think you really believe that. I think you're struggling to justify your plan, because your desire to get this crew home is blinding you to other options. I know you, Kathryn. Sometimes you don't know when to step back. JANEWAY: Do you trust me, Chakotay? CHAKOTAY: That's not the issue. JANEWAY: Oh, but it is. Only yesterday you were saying that we'd face this together, that you'd be at my side. CHAKOTAY: I still have to tell you what I believe. I'm no good to you if I don't do that. JANEWAY: I appreciate your insights but the time for debate is over. I've made my decision. Now, do I have your support? CHAKOTAY: You're the Captain. I'm the First Officer. I'll follow your orders. That doesn't change my belief that we're making a fatal mistake. JANEWAY: Then I guess I'm alone, after all. Dismissed. Had there been any semblance of hope of a romance between Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay? Perhaps. If Chakotay’s Maquis ship had remained intact following the battle against the Kazon-Ogla in (1.02) "Caretaker II". Both the Starfleet and the Maquis captains could have become allies in the Delta Quandrant. And they could have engaged in a romance as equals. They also could have begun a relationship if Voyager’s crew had never rescued them from New Earth in (2.25) "Resolutions". To this day, I still wonder if Janeway had ever learned of Harry Kim’s role in that rescue. That would explain his inability to earn a promotion during those seven years in the Delta Quadrant. As for Janeway and Chakotay, there seemed to be a residual of flirtation between the two after their rescue from New Earth that lasted through most of Season Three. This flirtation eventually died after Chakotay’s romance with ex-Borg Riley Fraizer in (3.17) "Unity". In the end, Chakotay began a relationship with another former Borg drone, Voyager’s own Seven-of-Nine by late Season Seven. As for Janeway, she ended up in a relationship with Michael Sullivan, a holographic character created by Chief Helmsman Tom Paris’ for his Fair Haven program. She also had a relationship with Norvalian named Jaffen, after her memory was altered for work at a power plant on Quarren in the Season Seven episode, (7.16-7.17) "Workforce I & II". When she regained her original memory she suggested that he join Voyager’s crew as an engineer. But she also pointed out that it would not be appropriate as they were romantically involved. Jaffen had decided to remain on Quarren. Could Janeway and Chakotay have pursued a romance upon Voyager’s return to the Alpha Quadrant? I really do not how to answer this question. Chakotay had assumed command of Voyager, in the post-series "VOYAGER" novels and Janeway was promoted to vice-admiral. On one hand, there was a chance that he might not have found himself under her direct command. Then again . . . he probably did. But the only way I could see a romance between Janeway and Chakotay was if they had both resigned their Starfleet commissions, one of them resigned from Starfleet or if Chakotay found himself at the same rank as Janeway. Other than the above, I could never see a serious romance between the two . . . even though I believe they were emotionally suited for one another.
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Arthur Pendragon. At last. I have waited many years for this moment. You killed my son. You took what was most precious from me and now you will pay the forefit.
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ruleof3bobby · 5 years
WAKING NED DEVINE (1998) Grade: C+
Sweet & charming film about a small town. Little slow for the hook to start, the ending had a nice joke that helps it end on a good note. 
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celebzall · 3 years
Fintan McKeown is an Irish actor noted for the portrayal of King Odin in the television series, Merlin
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fuckyeahjaneway · 6 years
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S6 Ep11 “Fairhaven” Janeway loves a holo-suitor. And of course he loves her back bc she’s a goddess. Plus she looks pretty good in her holo-costume. Odd that given the opportunity to do and be anything he wants in Fairhaven, the Doctor chooses to be a priest. Just odd that’s all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This episode and the Fairhaven follow up a few eps later bring up a lot of questions for me. In this episode Janeway has a convo with the Doctor about how & why she could have feelings for a hologram. Which is silly considering we’ve established the Doctor to be a full fledged sentient individual with thoughts, feelings, emotions, needs...He’s been in love. Kind of callous for her to act like that about a hologram to her friend who is a hologram. But hey whatever. Good casting of Fintan McKeown as Michael. You can totally tell they are using the same set for Fairhaven as for The Killing Game but it looks good. I have a lot of feelings & opinions about Voyager crew and the way they treat the holodeck hologram characters. But I might wait for the Fairhaven follow-up “Spirit Folk” I’m distracted bc I’ve been watching DS9 all the way through for the first time. I have no idea why I resisted it for so long. It’s SO good. I love Nog and Rom and Garak. It’s so much fun to see a different side of this universe that I love.
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empathist · 4 years
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@EmmettScanlan Beautiful day FaceTiming with one of my first on screen da’s & dear friend, Fintan McKeown. We’ve always been on the same wavelength, and neither of this planet.
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sunflowergo · 10 years
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Best Hollyoaks storylines - Brendan/Seamus: child abuse
"When I was a kid, the world was beautiful. He took that away. He took everything away. He killed that love inside of me."
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gameofthronesguide · 11 years
Fintan McKeown, the actor who played Amory Lorch in season 2, talks about the differences between Lorch's story line in the TV series and the book and more.
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emmettscanlan · 11 years
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Emmett Scanlan and on-screen family | British Soap Awards 2013
(taken from Emmett's IMDb)
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winthisbattle · 11 years
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Emmett Scanlan → taking over Liquid
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empathist · 5 years
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@FintanMckeown Some may say I’m playing a blinder. “I've known Fintan for years. What he's doing right now makes me very proud to call him my friend, and what he's doing right now, he's doing for all of us.” - @EmmettScanlan
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pineapplefancier-blog · 11 years
He was also in Merlin, oh okay, so we all knew and i didn't i'm still a little shocked
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likethemtrashy · 11 years
Gosh that scene with his dad "You said you were sorry" the way he delivered that line like a child, I can just picture a young Brendan saying that to his dad after he before another beating. I can imagine whenever something went bad with him, he blames Brendan then beats him. When Brendan was on the ground telling him to stay away. It broke my heart but the acting wow. Emmett did such a amazing job, the way he was acting and delivering those lines like a child. Fintan really made my skin crawl, such amazing job. The glimmer of hate in his eyes and cold in his response to Brendan. Bravo hollyoaks, it made it so uncomfortable I almost clicked off the stream. I did not expect it to be so disturbing and raw but they did and made it work. Well done hollyoaks. 
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