#finnish media
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badhockeymom · 2 years ago
I'm so impressed with Markus Nutivaara: he must be the most grounded, humble, down-to-earth and level-headed person in hockey.
I listened to his long interview on the Oulun Kärpät podcast Petopodi yesterday. He said a lot of the same things as in the article linked in this post, but a lot of other things too, such as reminiscing his Kärpät days and talking about his hometown buddies and thw support he has from his family.
The total opposite of entitlement: he appreciates his journey, but he's happy to be where he is now.
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embervoices · 3 months ago
And warm the heck up ASAP, and dry off once you're out of the ice water!
Its that time of the year again
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timpu-art · 10 days ago
Hobbyist artist's new start on Tumblr
I was few years ago on Tumblr but now I wanted to try again. I love to create my own characters and world around them so there's alot of that.
I draw traditionally line art. Some are just pencil sketches and some inked. Then I colour them digitally and add effects. I also just draw alot of just pencil sketches because sometimes I'm lazy and don't want to colour them.
Here is some of my art.
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ratatatastic · 3 months ago
Complete Chaos: The Cats pick their band members 🎸
matthew: finns (good music taste but the best energy)
kuli: sasha (dj), maffhew (singer to which he refutes and insist hes a hype man), and himself as director/manager because hes bad rhythmically
ekky: maffhew (hype man/lead singer), benny and reino (guitar and drums), forsy (pure eyecandy quite literally just there to take his shirt off 😭😭)
swaggy and benny: sasha (dj), swaggy (singer/guitarist), benny (guitarist), ekky and gadjo (no other role than to look like "bandguys")
reino: also finns lmao (popular choice)
sasha: himself as dj, and swaggy (singer, his karaoke insistence proceeds him)
roddy: forsy (guitar), benny (drums), himself (no role whatsoever lol), reino (second guitar) and sasha (cymbals, girl what kinda band 😭)
mikksy: sasha (dj) just sasha no one else just him actually :)
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BONUS: sasha finally revealed his dj name to which last time he staunchly refused to do so and its DJ Layz!!!!
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heavenlycreatures · 1 year ago
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valoa valoa valoa (2023) directed by inari niemi
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chut-je-dors · 2 years ago
Now I'm curious cause of your tag. What did Swedish media say about the eurovision thing?
Oof yeah, here's a post detailing it ... here another... Basically they've absolutely flipped over the fact that Finnish public didn't give Loreen points at all (which I find absolutely hilarious) and suddenly started wielding such rhetoric as "the former eastern part of our kingdom" referring to Finland, which is???? like??? do I even need to say how Not Okay that is?
It might seem to some that the Finnish people are reacting to Sweden's (unfair) win and them being sore winners (which, points to them, I didn't know was possible!) with too much drama, but it's all tied to our history together. Finland has traditionally seen itself, and has been seen by other countries (Sweden included) as the sort of "little brother" to the more advanced, better-faring, glorious Sweden. While Sweden to my knowledge doesn't much care about what Finland gets up to (perhaps overlooking/ignoring us and our merits), Finland is always comparing itself to Sweden and trying to live up to it. It's a very common rhetoric and sort of, the atmosphere over here. We know more about Sweden than Sweden knows about us; we're constantly conscious that Sweden exists. Sweden gets talked about in international news; Finland, if mentioned, is often tied to - you guessed it - being Sweden's neighboring country.
We used to be part of Sweden for 600 years. During that time, Swedish was implemented as the language of the culture and the "civilised" whereas the finns living in the eAstErn pArT oF tHe kiNgDoM were seen as "wild" and "uncivilised" and just, generally a lesser people to the Swedish speaking population. We haven't been under Sweden's rule for some 200 years and STILL we can't seem to shake their influence on us. Swedish is still a mandatory language to learn at school (and I have many opinions on that, but that'd be another post). Finnish as a language has been disregarded for its whole existence. Our leading national thinkers and poets in the 19th century, who were the first ones to really push for the Finnish identity instead of us seeing ourselves as part of Sweden or Russia, wrote in Swedish. The first novel in Finnish was published in 1870.
So this is monumental to us, to have the whole word watching Finland and not Sweden. Finland has a lot of merits, especially considering how small a people we are (just 5,5mil). To have a song in our language, in Finnish be this popular, is something we couldn't have imagined. We as a people are humble to the extreme, so much that we might easily scorn anyone who is too successful (not a good thing!), and this is the first time in my life that I'm seeing the whole country rally behind someone like this. When we say "Our Jere" we mean it with our whole hearts. We're so so proud of him, everyone is, and for once Finnish people seem to think in unison that someone deserves all the praise and the success.
SO, to have Sweden in this UNIQUE moment of Finland raising its head and being "we're so amazing", with the rest of Europe going "yes you're so amazing!!", spew rhetoric like this, is just, unbelievable to me. Like I can't just believe that in the 21st century there are people in Sweden who hold up 200 year old thought patterns of our country. It's been shocking 'cos though there's always been rivalry, it's felt more... tongue in cheek. We "love to hate" Sweden over here. It's been "I hate Sweden (affectionate)". But now we find this unbelievably condescending and belittling attitude towards us raising its head, and we wonder, we thought we two were okay?? But have they always held these beliefs???
So there's a sense of betrayal in the air as well. And just, full on disbelief. And maybe we're starting to see that it has been like this all along, but we've decided to turn a blind eye to it? True colours shining through? Perhaps not... but yeah.
Sweden not looking good here!
(here's one more post that says the same that i did but was better at making it SHORT oops)
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celluloidrainbow · 2 years ago
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TYTÖT TYTÖT TYTÖT (2022) dir. Alli Haapasalo Best friends Mimmi and Rönkkö support each other unconditionally. They want to live adventurous lives, loaded with experiences and passion. Emma on the contrary has given her whole life to figure skating. Nothing gets between her and success. But when the girls meet, life opens whole new paths, and they all rocket in new directions. While Mimmi and Emma experience the earth moving effects of first love, Rönkkö is on a quest to find pleasure. Three Fridays is all it takes to turn their worlds upside down. (link in title)
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emocafe247 · 1 year ago
Ruoska MV (the official premiere is on Sunday)
SOURCE (at ~4:30)
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dorkbait · 6 months ago
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saarelainen, 2024.
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miamaimania · 1 year ago
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Entwined with Nature: Riita Ikonen's Ethereal Portraits of Human and Environment
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kuppikahvia · 1 year ago
I can't believe I can actually say that 2023 was The year for Finnish media. The collective Käärijä brainrot, Fallen Leaves doing numbers internationally and Alan Wake 2 winning three very deserved awards in The Game Awards, and one thing that all of these have in common is the shameless Finnish spirit! Love to see it
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omppupiiras · 4 months ago
something something erika performing amoring siivet and kä performing autiomaa
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mondoweirdojunkie · 7 months ago
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heavenlycreatures · 1 year ago
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valoa valoa valoa (2023) directed by inari niemi
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grvning · 5 months ago
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Jartsa sketch. Took much longer than it looks. Considering giving up on drawing for a while.
Also: mourning his glorious mane. Such is the curse of middle-aged men, I guess.
Original picture rights to whom they belong, found in the 'Time I' DVD bonus pictures.
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celluloidrainbow · 2 years ago
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KELET (2020) dir. Susani Mahadura Kelet is a young Somali trans woman who dreams of becoming a Vogue model. Leaving her family in Manchester to return to her childhood home in Finland, she draws on the support of her friends in the ballroom community to immerse herself in Helsinki's glamour while building a new life for herself, facing her fears and her past, and following her dreams. (link in title)
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