#finley x katherine
fseabrookefms · 2 years
closed with: katherine russell ( @kattcalled​ ) location: sirens
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“i come in peace, kat.” finley says in greeting, with both her hands up as she sees the dancer walking to the direction of the bar where she was seated. her relationship with the blonde was another one of many that didn’t end well, with the whole time they’ve been together, all they did was clash, fight over the silliest little things, until that one day that the words that left katherine’s lips ended their relationship, prompting for the bodyguard to turn and walk away, never to come back again. it has been long, and the two never really talked except those few times in the group chat, either they were clashing (as usual) or actually getting along about something. “was just having drinks--good show, by the way.”
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softiedancers · 1 year
P21 Intensive
Ale Mancillas Dance Studio
Ruby Salinas (junior)
Balbina Cueva Toussaint (teen/senior)
Loreto Perez Robles (teen/senior)
Paloma Wise Hernandez (teen/senior)
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
Arina Bryzgunova (mini)
Art & Soul Dance Company
Domenica Mauti (junior, 12)
Base Dance Studios
Kit Swaddling (teen/senior)
Bella Dance Academy
Ava Fryer (teen/senior)
CA School of Classical Ballet
Aliya Yen (mini, 10)
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Stella Brinkerhoff (mini, 9)
Brooklyn Ward (mini, 11)
Ruby Taylor (junior, 11)
Vivienne Mitchell (teen/senior, 14)
Class Act Dance and Performing Arts
Jaklyn Woodland (teen/senior, 15)
Club Dance Studio
Finley Nielson (mini, 9)
Navy Forrest (mini, 9)
Brooklyn Besch (junior, 11)
Kendyl Miller (junior, 11)
Soleil Lynch (mini, 9)
Ella Nani Knight (junior)
Dance Concept
Jacilynn Mar (junior)
Dance Dimensions Performing Arts Center
Victoria Safahi (mini, 10)
Sophia Hasson (junior)
Dance Expressions Dance Studio
Kiersten Mcbride (teen/senior)
Dance Nation
Jaelynn Walls (mini, 9)
Summer Schilling (mini, 9)
Dance Precisions
Brooklyn Ladia (teen/senior, 13)
Jasmine Sison (teen/senior, 15)
Dance Star Academy of Performing Arts
Bella Salcedo (mini, 9)
Evoke Dance Movement
Tayah Klimuck (junior, 12)
Evolve Dance Studio
Sienna Hoover (mini, 10)
FootNotes Dance & Acrobatics
Alexis Ratliff (teen/senior)
Fusion Dance Force
Abby Rodriguez (mini, 10)
Sophia Bianco (junior, 11)
Ava Rodriguez (teen/senior)
Hudson Dance Academy
Lauren Piepel (teen/senior, 17)
Imagine Dance Academy
Maria Moreno (mini)
JDI Dance Company
Adelynn Muesse (mini, 10)
Just For Kicks School of Dance
Cooper Makowski (teen/senior)
K2 Studios
Jessica Sutton (mini, 9)
Eva Wright (mini, 10)
Leilani Lawlor (junior)
Larkin Dance Studio
Evie Mccune Barrett (mini, 9)
L.A. Dance Arizona
Kate Summers (teen/senior)
Main Street Dance Company
Jaklyn Woodland (teen/senior)
Momentum By Dellos
Rozene Edino (junior)
Motion State Studios
Harley Gross (junior, 11)
Murrieta Dance Project
Khloe Cabrera (mini)
Nadines Dance Company
Angel Imani Wood (teen/senior)
Lily Straughan (teen/senior, 15)
Nor Cal Dance Arts
Mika Takase (mini, 11)
North Alabama Dance Center
Lana Hinchman (junior)
N10 Dance Studios
Carissa Hsu (teen/senior)
Claire Kingston (teen/senior, 14)
Oddity Dance College
Elizabeth Lara (junior)
Ivanna Canob (junior)
Julieta Marroquin (junior, 12)
Katherine Carranza (junior, 12)
Orange County Preforming Arts Academy
Olive O'Connell (junior, 12)
Pave School of the Arts
Addyson Paul (mini, 11)
Premier Ballet Conservatory
Graisyn Clare (junior)
Premiere Dance Center
Avery Dowling (mini, 10)
Project 21
Cece Chung (mini, 9)
Hadley Schulz (mini, 10)
Madelyn Nasu (junior, 11)
Madison Ng (junior, 11)
Olivia Armstrong (junior, 11)
Berkeley Scifres (junior, 12)
Bristyn Scifres (junior, 12)
Chloe Mirabal (junior, 12)
Ellie Anbardan (junior, 12)
Jilly Mahan (junior, 12)
Regan Gerena (junior, 12)
Sara Von Rotz (junior, 12)
Savanna Musman (junior, 12)
Airi Dela Cruz (teen/senior, 13)
Cali Cassidy (teen/senior, 13)
Makeila Bartlett (teen/senior, 13)
Leighton Werner (teen/senior, 14)
Lilly Baraja (teen/senior, 14)
Brielle Lieberman (teen/senior, 15)
Brooklyn Lieberman (teen/senior, 15)
Mady Kim (teen/senior, 15)
Richie Granese (teen/senior, 15)
Rylee Young (teen/senior, 15)
Stella Eberts (teen/senior, 15)
Kami Couch (teen/senior, 16)
Katie Couch (teen/senior, 16)
Lexi Blanchard (teen/senior, 16)
Kenz Couch (teen/senior, 17)
Loila Rhee (teen/senior, 17)
Sammi Chung (teen/senior, 17)
Sienna Carlston (teen/senior, 17)
Jojo Jessen (teen/senior, 18)
Project 520 Dance Studio
Adelynn McLeod (mini)
Pulse Dance Centre
Olivia Toneguzzo (junior)
Renner Dance
Tinsley Wallace (mini, 10)
Stars Dance Studio
Hannah Burak (teen/senior)
Starstruck Performing Arts Center
Remi Hilson (mini, 9)
Studio X
Tate Bisono (junior, 12)
Summer's DanceWorks
Lyla Sitrin (junior)
The Academy
Francesca Jen (junior, 12)
Kinsley Oykhman (teen/senior, 13)
The Base Dance Center
Roxie Onellion (junior, 12)
The Company Space
Piper Perusse (junior, 12)
The Space TV
Nevaeh Chanel (teen/senior, 17)
To The Pointe Dance Centre
Caitlyn Paik (junior, 11)
Triple Threat Performing Arts
Daniella Usa (teen/senior, 16)
Varient Movement
Mila Vishnevski (mini)
Yaya Dance Academy
Renee Liu (junior)
Yorba Linda Academy of Ballet
Emma Walters (mini, 8)
Mayyah Barajas (mini, 8)
300 Dance Studio
Filippa Kavalic (teen/senior)
Arina Bryzgunova (Allegro Performing Arts Academy)
Aliya Yen (CA School of Classical Ballet, 10)
Stella Brinkerhoff (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, 9)
Brooklyn Ward (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, 11)
Finley Nielson (Club Dance Studio, 9)
Navy Forrest (Club Dance Studio, 9)
Soleil Lynch (Danceology, 9)
Victoria Safahi (Dance Dimensions Performing Arts Center, 10)
Jaelynn Walls (Dance Nation, 9)
Summer Schilling (Dance Nation, 9)
Bella Salcedo (Dance Star Academy of Performing Arts, 9)
Sienna Hoover (Evolve Dance Center, 10)
Abby Rodriguez (Fusion Dance Force, 10)
Maria Moreno (Imagine Dance Academy)
Adelynn Muesse (JDI Dance Company, 10)
Jessica Sutton (K2 Studios, 9)
Eva Wright (K2 Studios, 10)
Evie Mccune Barrett (Larkin Dance Studio, 9)
Khloe Cabrera (Murrieta Dance Project)
Mika Takase (Nor Cal Dance Arts, 11)
Avery Dowling (Premiere Dance Center, 10)
Cece Chung (Project 21, 9)
Hadley Schulz (Project 21, 10)
Adelynn McLeod (Project 520 Dance Studio)
Tinsley Wallace (Renner Dance, 10)
Remi Hilson (Starstruck Performing Arts Center, 9)
Mila Vishnevski (Varient Movement)
Emma Walters (Yorba Linda Academy of Ballet, 8)
Mayyah Barajas (Yorba Linda Academy of Ballet, 8)
Ruby Salinas (Ale Mancillas Dance Studio)
Domenica Mauti (Art & Soul Dance Company, 12)
Ruby Taylor (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, 11)
Brooklyn Besch (Club Dance Studio, 11)
Kendyl Miller (Club Dance Studio, 11)
Ella Nani Knight (Danceology)
Jacilynn Mar (Dance Concept)
Sophia Hasson (Dance Dimensions Performing Arts Center)
Aryanna Lafontaine Cooper (Dance FX, 11)
Tayah Klimuck (Evoke Dance Movement, 12)
London Davi (Evolve Dance Company of Fresno, 11)
Sophia Bianco (Fusion Dance Force, 11)
Leilani Lawlor (K2 Studios, 11)
Rozene Edino (Momentum By Dellos)
Harley Gross (Motion State Studios, 11)
Lana Hinchman (North Alabama Dance Center)
Elizabeth Lara (Oddity Dance College)
Ivanna Canob (Oddity Dance College)
Julieta Marroquin (Oddity Dance College, 12)
Katherine Carranza (Oddity Dance College, 12)
Olive O'Connell (Orange County Preforming Arts Academy, 12)
Graisyn Clare (Premier Ballet Conservatory)
Madelyn Nasu (Project 21, 11)
Madison Ng (Project 21, 11)
Olivia Armstrong (Project 21, 11)
Berkeley Scifres (Project 21, 12)
Bristyn Scifres (Project 21, 12)
Chloe Mirabal (Project 21, 12)
Ellie Anbardan (Project 21, 12)
Jilly Mahan (Project 21, 12)
Regan Gerena (Project 21, 12)
Sara Von Rotz (Project 21, 12)
Savanna Musman (Project 21, 12)
Olivia Toneguzzo (Pulse Dance Centre)
Tate Bisono (Studio X, 12)
Lyla Sitrin (Summer's DanceWorks)
Francesca Jen (The Academy, 12)
Roxie Onellion (The Base Dance Center, 12)
Piper Perusse (The Company Space, 12)
Caitlyn Paik (To The Pointe Dance Centre, 11)
Renee Liu (Yaya Dance Academy)
Balbina Cueva Toussaint (Ale Mancillas Dance Studio)
Loreto Perez Robles (Ale Mancillas Dance Studio)
Paloma Wise Hernandez (Ale Mancillas Dance Studio)
Kit Swaddling (Base Dance Studios)
Ava Fryer (Bella Dance Academy)
Vivienne Mitchell (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, 14)
Jaklyn Woodland (Class Act Dance and Performing Arts, 15)
Kiersten Mcbride (Dance Expressions Dance Studio)
Brooklyn Ladia (Dance Precisions, 13)
Jasmine Sison (Dance Precisions, 15)
Alexis Ratliff (FootNotes Dance & Acrobatics)
Ava Rodriguez (Fusion Dance Force)
Lauren Piepel (Hudson Dance Academy, 17)
Cooper Makowski (Just For Kicks School of Dance)
Kate Summers (L.A. Dance Arizona)
Jaklyn Woodland (Main Street Dance Company)
Angel Imani Wood (Nadines Dance Company)
Lily Straughan (Nadines Dance Company, 15)
Carissa Hsu (N10 Dance Studios)
Claire Kingston (N10 Dance Studios, 14)
Airi Dela Cruz (Project 21, 13)
Cali Cassidy (Project 21, 13)
Makeila Bartlett (Project 21, 13)
Leighton Werner (Project 21, 14)
Lilly Baraja (Project 21, 14)
Brielle Lieberman (Project 21, 15)
Brooklyn Lieberman (Project 21, 15)
Mady Kim (Project 21, 15)
Richie Granese (Project 21, 15)
Stella Eberts (Project 21, 15)
Rylee Young (Project 21, 15)
Kami Couch (Project 21, 16)
Katie Couch (Project 21, 16)
Lexi Blanchard (Project 21, 16)
Kenz Couch (Project 21, 17)
Loila Rhee (Project 21, 17)
Sammi Chung (Project 21, 17)
Sienna Carlston (Project 21, 17)
Jojo Jessen (Project 21, 18)
Hannah Burak (Stars Dance Studio)
Kinsley Oykhman (The Academy, 13)
Nevaeh Chanel (The Space TV, 17)
Daniella Usa (Triple Threat Performing Arts, 16)
Filippa Kavalic (300 Dance Studio)
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aether-xx · 3 years
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story of my life
we both like each other. we admit it to each other. but nothing happens after that. so. ok. good to know. i guess
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bobfloydsbabe · 3 years
Helena's OC Masterlist
Augusta Hayes fc: sophie cookson | tag | asks | moodboard 1 + 2 | ao3 | ffn | wattpad
Jo Hollingsworth fc: ellise chappell | tag | asks | moodboard | fic tba
Imogen Sedgwick fc: ellie bamber | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
Dr. Willa Atticus fc: teresa palmer | tag | asks | moodboard 1 + 2 | ao3 | ffn | wattpad
Charlie Rogers (Captain America/Spider-Man) fc: alycia debnam-carey | tag | asks | moodboard 1 + 2 | ffn | wattpad
Isra Atkins (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier) fc: aiysha hart | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
Phoebe Del Campo (Moon Knight) fc: melissa barrera | tag | asks | pinterest | weheartit | plot bunny
June Delaney fc: selena gomez | tag | asks | moodboard | ffn
Emmy Walsh fc: katherine mcnamara | tag | asks | moodboard | ffn
Riley Harmon fc: hailee steinfeld | tag | asks | plot bunny
Scarlett Lyon fc: willa holland | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
Cress Sutton fc: naomi scott | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
Wyatt Nolan fc: matthew daddario | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
Ruby Dalloway fc: tbd | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
cress x wyatt moodboard
Seraphina Vale fc: maia mitchell | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
Freyja Falkenberg fc: sophie skelton | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
Det. Essie Gray fc: aurora perrineau | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
Harriet Clarke fc: astrid bergés-frisbey | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
Clara Devlin fc: tracy spiridakos | tag | asks | moodboard | plot bunny
Finley March fc: olivia cooke | tag | asks | pinterest | weheartit | ao3 | ffn | wattpad
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sofrpc · 6 years
in honor of returning to the rpc, i have created a masterlist of 400 unique and underused female names ! these are all listed in alphabetical order, and although i dont claim any of these as my own, please don’t copy and paste straight into another masterlist. feel free to use the names in any way you like, i hope this gives you muse for your characters (my faves are bolded) — also smash that like or reblog if you found this useful, thank you !
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aliyah, acacia, adabelle, adair, adelie, adelina, adley, adrienne, ainsley, alana, alaska, alessia, alfie, allora, amanita, amara, ambrosia, amelie, ambrosia, analia, anastasia, andrea, aneka, angelica, ana-marie, ana-sofia, anthea, ariel, arielle, arizona, asteria, astrid, atlanta, auburn, audrey, aurelia, aurora, autumn, avalee, avanelle, avery, aviana, axa
baila, bailey, baize, bambi, bardot, barry, beatrix, bee, benilde, bethia, beverly, bexley, billie, bindi, birdie, blake, blanche, blaze, blossom, blue, bonita, bonnie, braelyn, brielle, brinley, brinx, brona, bronte, brooke, bryce
cailin, calla, camila, camille, carmen, catalina, cecilia, celine, celestia, chanel, chantelle, chelsea, cheryl, claire, clara, claudia, clea, cleo, colette, corine, courtney, cynthia
dahlia, dakota, darlene, darodah, dawn, deidra, delaney, delilah, denise, desiree, destiny, dinah, dove, dylan
eden, effie, eileen, eiza, electra, elena, elise, ellie, elodie, eloise, elora, ember, emerson, esme, estelle, evelyn, evolee
farah, farren, faye, felicity, fern, finley, fleur, florence, frankie, freya, frieda
gaia, galiena, genie, gia, gianna, gigi, gisela, giselle, genesis, grecia, greer, greta, gwendolyn
hadlee, harlow, harlee, harlyn, harper, hayden, hazel, helena, heidi, holland
ida, ileana, imogen, indianna, indie, inessa, ingrid, inna, iris, irene, isabel, isadora, isla, ivana, ivory, ivy
jacinta, jadelyn, jamie, jamilla, jaylah, jenna, jersey, jocelyn, jodie, jolene, jordyn, juliana, july, juniper, juno
kaia, kalina, kalani, karina, katherine, kaya, kaylee, keegan, kelby, kelsey, kendall, kendra, kenna, kiara, kimberly, kinsley, kristina, kyra
lara, laurel, layla, leia, leighton, leilani, lena, lesley, leona, leticia, liberty, liliane, lilo, loraine, lorelei, lori, london, lorena, lucia, luisa, lumi, luna, lynn
maeve, maize, malia, marcella, mariana, marissa, margot, marisol, marjorie, marlene, matilde, mavis, mazikeen, melodie, merlia, micah, mikaela, mila, milena, miriam, mirielle, mona, myrsina
nadia, nadine, naomi, naressa, nathalia, naya, neila, neo, nicola, nikita, noelle, nora, nova, nur, nyla, nyx
octavia, odelia, odina, olena, olita, olive, olivia, olympia, opal, ophelia, oriana, orion, orla, orlena
paige, paislee, pandora, pearle, penelope, pepper, perrie, petra, peyton, phoebe, pilar, pip, piper, pippa, priscilla, priya, prudence
queenie, quella, quinn, quinta
raffa, rana, raven, regina, remi, rhea, rhiannon, river, robin, rome, rosabelle, rosalie, rosalyn, rosette, rowan
sable, sadie, sage, sahar, salem, samira, saoirse, saskia, savannah, scout, selina, serafin, seraphina, shani, shenae, sia, siobhan, sloane, solene, solstice, sonya, summer, suri, sydney, sylvia
tamara, tana, tasmin, tasha, tatiana, teagan, tessa, thalia, thea, tilda, toni, tove, tricia, trixie, tuesday
udelle, ulani, uri, urma, ursa
valerie, valentina, valentine, venus, vera, verona, vivian
weslyn, whitney, willa, willow, winnie, wynona, wynter
xahlia, xana, xandra, xanthi, xena, xylia
yara, yasmine, yana, yani, ysabel, yvette, yvonne
zada, zahara, zara, zariah, zaylee, zeina, zelda, zelena, zeriah, zoelle, zuri
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Have a name survey because these are always fun.
A Andrew vs. Aaron Alan vs. Alexander Aiden vs. Adam B Brennan vs. Brayden: Both of these are awful but I guess I gotta pick. Brandon vs. Braxton Bentley vs. Brimley C Cayden vs. Camden: Again, both equally cringey for me. Cole vs. Cameron Cade vs. Chandler: Chandler is a cute name for a girl, but I have a bias for Chandler Bing too hahaha. D Denver vs. Dallas Deklan vs. Dylan: I prefer the spelling Declan, though. Also, I technically like Dylan just a little bit more and would have picked it, but I like it for a girl. My sister had a classmate named Dylan and it sounded really good on her. David vs. Dennis E Ethan vs. Ezra Eitan vs. Elijah Emmanuel vs. Eden: Again, I prefer the name Eden for girls.
F Fabio vs. Ferdinand: I very hesitatingly picked Fabio hence the italics, but I very much dislike both. This is also what I’ll be doing for the rest of the names on here. Finnegan vs. Finley Fernando vs. Frankie: For the millionth time, Frankie is cute for a girl (this is where y’all really see that I prefer daughters more HAHAHA), and this is also because there’s a local singer named Frankie that I really admire.  G Gavin vs. Gus Gumby vs. Gerrick George vs. Grant H Harper vs. Harley Hayden vs. Henry Harlow vs. Hank I Ian vs. Ivan Indigo vs. Iris: Can I just say these are both better off as girl names? Indiana vs. Iris: And these, too?
J John vs. Jericho Jacob vs. Jameson Jasper vs. Jedidiah K Kayden vs. Koa Kent vs. Kyle Kevin vs. Konner: I prefer the spelling Connor, though. L Lars vs. Liam Levi vs. Lance Lester vs. Lorenzo M Michael vs. Matthew Maverick vs. Mason Madison vs. Micah N Nolan vs. Nathan Niko vs. Nathaniel Nicholas vs. Nate: I honestly like both. I can go with naming a son Nicholas then giving them Nate as a nickname. O Ocean vs. Oscar: I hate nature names and Oscar screams old-guy-name to me. Sorry to all the Oscars :( Orville vs. Otis Otto vs. October P Patrick vs. Percy Preston vs. Paisley Parker vs. Passion Q Quincy vs. Quinn Quada vs. Quinten Quailen vs Quidditch R Raven vs. Riley Rowan vs. Rod Ray vs. Roy: I have a bit of a sentimental attachment to Roy cos it’s an occasional nickname Gab’s dad uses. S Skylar vs. Scott: Only because a high school classmate named her kid Schuyler and that baby is seriously adorable, bubbly, and well-behaved. Storm vs. Steven Sorin vs. Solomon T Trevor vs. Travis Todd vs. Taylor Taytum vs. Tanner U Ulysses vs. Uman Umbo vs. Uno Utah vs. Usher: I dislike most geographic names, but I’d rather I name my baby Utah then have them be sang sex-themed songs by Usher by meaner kids throughout their childhood lmao.   V Vance vs. Vincent Vern vs. Vayde Vernon vs. Vayden W Walter vs. Wyatt Wade vs. Winter Wallace vs. Whisper X Xenon vs. Xayden: I really wanted to pick one name for each question, but being stuck between a chemical element and a name ending in -den is an easy no to both for me. Xayler vs. Xavier Xandon vs. Xennan Y Yvonne vs. Yonder: These names are getting more awful now that we’re ending dude, lmao. Yuletide vs. Yasser Yancy vs. Yancer Z Zeeland vs. Zayden Zion vs. Zenon Zander vs. Zenner
A Acacia vs. Alexa Aurora vs. Annalise Avonna vs. Alessandra B Brogan vs. Brooklyn Bianca vs. Brigitta Bailey vs. Brynn C Carlotta vs. Christine Cheyenne vs. Cescily Cecilia vs. Cassidy D Diedra (pronounced Dee-ay-druh) vs. Delilah: But I prefer the spelling Deirdre. Devia vs. Daytona Dakota vs. Darcy E Evonna vs. Eliana Emerald vs. Evangeline Eden vs. Eliza F Felicity vs. Fiona Faith vs. Faye: Both have always been on my blacklist for girl’s names, sorry lol. Flavia (pronoucned Flah-wee-uh) vs. Flora G Grace vs. Gretchen Genesis vs. Galaxy: Please don’t make these names happen. Gabriella vs. Greta: I love both names and have always liked the name Greta because of Greta Garbo, but I’m obviously biased towards my girlfriend so Gabriela/Gabriella it is. H Harper vs. Hope Holly vs. Hailee Harmony vs. Harvest: Again, both cringe material but I guess Harmony makes me cringe juuuuuuust a little less. I Imogene vs. Ivy Isabella vs. Iris Irene vs. Ingrid J Jessica vs. Jacinda Jade vs. Juniper: Juniper would be cute if a baby can stay a baby forever lmao, but I’m generally not a fan. Joanna vs. Joy: But I like the spelling Johanna more. K Kaleidoscope (Kallie for short) vs. Kaylee: Can I just pick the nickname? I hate the other two options :(( Kennedy vs. Kendall: I’d pick both, but thinking as a future mom, I wouldn’t want my daughter to be mercilessly teased for being given a name that’s usually understood to be more masculine in nature. I know we’re all about breaking stereotypes and all, but y’all – realistically, kids can be pretty fucking cruel. Katelyn vs. Katrina L Lacey vs. Linsey Lynnea (proncounced Lynn-ay-uh) vs. Liberty Lara vs. Lola M Morgan vs. Madison Mackenzie vs. Miranda Marissa vs. Monica N Nora vs. Natalie Nevaeh (pronounced Nev-ay-uh) vs. Nicole Niki vs. Noelle O Ophelia vs. Ocean: Only picking Ophelia because I’m generally not a fan of nature names, but there are a lot more better options if I wanted to name my kid after Shakespeare plays, like Beatrice or Emilia. Olivia vs. Onna Opal vs. October: Was never a fan of gemstone names, and there are much better month names than October. P Passion vs. Primrose: I feel the same way for Primrose as I do with Juniper. Mostly cute with babies, but is less cuter on grown-up girls. Penelope vs. Pixie Pandora vs. Palace Q Quintessa vs. Quincy Quaila vs. Quilala (Kwi--lah-lah) Queen vs. Quiencia (Kwee-ence-ee-uh) R Reyna vs. Riley Rosanna vs. Rosemary Rhonda vs. Rodica (Roe-dee-kuh) S Skylar vs. Skye Serena vs. Simone Shailey vs. Sienna T Tessa vs. Taylor Tia vs. Tiana Taytum vs. Trixie: Tatum would be a better spelling. U Una vs. Uta Ulyssia (You-liss-ee-uh) vs. Umba Ula vs. Ursula: Only because it can be a Friends reference lol. V Violet vs. Vylette Veronica vs. Victoria Valencia vs. Valerie W Wynona vs. Whitney: Winona > Wynona, but still. Wynter vs. Whisper Willow vs. Wanda X Xaila vs. Xara Xana vs. Xenon Xavier vs. Xena Y Yasmin vs. Yvonne Yvette vs Yolanda Yori vs. Yaya Z Zayara vs. Zion Zayana vs. Zoey Zen vs. Zara
Final questions!
Your name (first and middle): Robyn Isabelle.Do you like it?I hated the name Robyn throughout my childhood because I always got teased about it. When I got to college and everyone just kinda matured and told me they liked the way my name flowed, I ended up warming up to and loving it.What your parents almost named you:I was almost named Ariel after the Disney princess, and I know my parents were also thinking of naming me Katrina/Katherine/Kaitlyn.Your favorite girl's name (first and middle):Olivia. I don’t have a pick for middle name yet.List five unique names of girls you have met:Shauna, Shontrice, Unila, Ciamae, Rheezan.List five girl's names you don't like:I mostly dislike in-your-face weather/nature names like Winter, Snow, Amethyst, Cloud, Gaia, or Daffodill. But some, like Cheyenne, Rose, and Luna are super cute, too.List five girls name you really like:I’ve done this like 10 times on 10 different surveys but I like names such as Olivia, Elizabeth, Mia, Ava, and Isabella.Your first best friend's name:Kaye.Your siblings names:Nope.The name of the first pet that you loved:Tobi, my pet rabbit.What you would be named if you were the opposite gender:I’ve never asked my parents about this, actually. They’d probably go with a Spanish/Hispanic name, seeing as they went with Joaquin for my brother but were also thinking of naming him Diego.
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emptiedstage · 7 years
           Okay ! So for now, I think I’m going to be deleting any old threads that aren’t starters ! I will write a list below of who I owed, and what is being removed. If you still want our thread, give this a like and I will reply to our thread too, if not, I’d love to start something new with you...I just know that now, with the new university year starting, I won’t be able to get them all done and having anxiety over that, just isn’t healthy ! i am very sorry for any inconvenience this might have.  
I’ve got to reiterate for my own piece of mind, that it is not the ship / verse that I don’t want, but the current threads that I am going to struggle to reply to. Having 60+ drafts is making my muse flat-line, and it really is because I don’t love what we have, it’s because I’m an idiot and don’t keep up with threads as well as I should do. I really want to write with everybody tagged underneath this post though, and I am really sorry for letting you down. 
If you have Discord you should add me :   emptiedstage#9034 so we can plot / plan / progress our verses / ships, etc, or even plot new things because I am a sucker for all the things, but knowing we can do it on Discord too, makes it a whole lot easier to deal with. 
@fromtrembling : harper & kian x2, megan & logan, otto & isla, gloria & stella, alistair & stella, nigel & phoenix,  lola & alfred, alex & finnegan, noah & katherine, frankie & elliot, justin & patrick, val & chelsea, tonio & val, roan & patrick, joshua & andrew, ariel & brodie, pierre & lacey, annie & mia, lachlan & rupert, diana & mia, genesis & rupert, hades & persephone, toby & mia, zeus & hara, poseidon & amphitrite, harley & natalia, caelan & buster, micah & cedric, annamarie & antonio, dylan & gareth, ( keeping the dunkirk / titanic threads ) @prepaids : naila & amelia, alexander & malia, juno & paulo, murray & anastasia @alittlemercyrps : nolan & anna, julian & erin @degeneratemaidens : toby & carina,  @pxstiiche: theodore & evie, carter & ava x 4, ava & buster, patrick & isabella, jasper & nina,  @infamcus: reggie & scout,  @idlehumanity: acacia & maggie,  @hazedsea: patrick & claire, patrick & aviva, winter & aj, tiana & panda,  @lovethebeardedgentleman: bethany & valerie, clara & sam,  @elitiist: noah & finley,  @tobeephemeral: nolan & rumer,  @wineglam: tommy & freya,  @perniciiem: nolan & evangeline, anabella & jasper, julian & everest, alberto & erin,  @trvnquilitics: isabella & jaques, @expoir: johnny & hazel, rupert & annie, diana & jessica, chelsea & aggie, otto & daria, jacob & leah, heather & mirana, nico & lola, reggie & katelyn x 2, @mythcsborn: lucas & lozea, zaki & anna, francisco & shae, nephthys & poseidon @fatesacred: antonia & rojer, sophia & issa, tiana & larissa, mikey & eden, ashia & margaret,  @interstellalips: buster & hara @prtzlstix: scarlett & shiloh @brckenones: brooke & harry, gabriel & naila, @lucywrites: eric & rory, scarlett & thalia, @droppingpetals: reid & harvey
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foryourart · 7 years
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Thursday, October 12
Agnes Varda: Ulysse, Blum & Poe (Culver City), 10am–6pm.
Talk: Gallery Talk: The Art of Looking—Carlos Almaraz, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 12:30pm.
School of Music Visiting Artist Series: Trey Spruance, CalArts (Valencia), 2–4pm.
Garden Talk & Sale - A Garden of Surprise and Allure, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
Latin American Film Series: "Unrest, Distance, and the Future": "Neighboring Sounds", Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 5:30pm.
A Dream within a Dream, MADE by Millworks (Long Beach), 6–9pm. 
Artist and scholar walkthroughs: Elena Shtromberg, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 6pm.
Dougall Paulson: Auraform, Blackman Cruz (Hollywood), 6pm.
Mark So: Readings 54, for Manfred, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 6pm.
S. LEE ROBINSON: Message and Intention, Keystone Art Space (Lincoln Heights), 6–10pm.
Rotem Reshef: Time Traveler, TALL WALL SPACE | UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE (La Verne), 6–8pm.
Michael Christopher Brown – Cuba After Fidel, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 6:30pm. 
Masks and the Uncanny, in Africa and Beyond, The Getty (Brentwood), 7pm.
Talk: Curator Walkthrough of "A Universal History of Infamy" with José Luis Blondet, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7pm. Sold out.
A Conversation with artist John Rosewall, Gallery 825 (West Hollywood), 7–9pm.
James Benning: Readers World Premiere, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 7pm.
Writing Now Presents: Chris Kraus, CalArts (Valencia), 7:30–10pm.
EJ Hauser: seekers/beasts, AWHRHWAR (Highland Park), 8–10pm.
Open House Dance Concert, CalArts (Valencia), 8–10pm. Also October 13.
Karen Finley: The Expanded Unicorn Gratitude Mystery, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. Through October 15. 
Friday, October 13
Conference - The Rise of the Newspaper in Europe and America, 1600–1900, The Huntington (San Marino), 8:30am. Also October 14.
We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965–85, California African American Museum (Downtown), 10am–5pm. 
Director's Walkthrough, USC FIsher Museum of Art (Downtown), 11:30am–12:30pm.
Skirball After Hours, Skirball Cultural Center (Brentwood), 6–10pm.
Kon Trubkovich: Vigil, Moran Bondaroff (West Hollywood), 6–8pm. 
LAND's Feast of the Immortals, 627 South Carondelet Street (MacArthur Park), 6–11pm.
Pasadena ArtNight, various locations (Pasadena), 6–10pm.
African Masks from June Harwood Collection (Silent auction) and "Sharpener" (Faculty Exhibition), Pasadena City College Art Galleries (Pasadena), 6–10pm.
Los Angeles Poverty Department’s Movie Nights at the Museum: Pull of Gravity, Skid Row History Museum and Archive (Downtown), 7pm.
Art Party For Days Of Rage Housing Rights Protests, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–10pm.
CRAFT CLUB: MINIATURE ISLET TERRARIUM, Museum of Latin American Art (Long Beach), 7–8:30pm. $10–15. 
Film: Creepshow, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
Art Garfunkel in Conversation, Grand Performances (Downtown), 7:30pm.
Canadian Stage Helen Lawrence, CAP UCLA (Westwood), 8pm. Also October 14.
Cyril Kuhn: The Return of Puppyman, Bozo Mag (Highland Park), 8–11pm.
CalArts Weekend, CalArts (Valencia), all day. $45–80.
Saturday, October 14
Katie Herzog: Rubbing the Internet Archive: Coffee and Donuts with the Artist, Klowden Mann (Culver City), 10am–12pm.
David Lamelas: The Other Side, Maccarone (Downtown), 10am–6pm.
Fernando de Szyszlo, Latin American Masters (Santa Monica), 11am–6pm. 
Family Fun Weekend, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 11am–3pm. 
J. Millay & Jonathan Monk, LEADAPRON (West Hollywood), 12–5pm.  
Santa Fe Art Colony 28th Annual Open Studios, Santa Fe Art Colony (Downtown), 12–6pm. Also October 15. 
Project Management Workshop, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 12–3pm. $24–30.
Aztlán: A Sense of Place, dA Center for the Arts (Pomona), 12–4pm. 
Off the 405 x Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA—Helado Negro, Getty Center (Brentwood), 1–9pm.
SSP Community Council Meeting, Side Street Projects (Pasadena), 1–2pm.
PMCA 1234: Second Saturday Spotlight Talk, Pasaena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 2pm.
The Insanity Principle, High Desert Test Sites (Joshua Tree), 2–4pm.
Franklin Williams Artist Walk-through, Parker Gallery (Los Feliz), 3pm.
Gerardo Monterrubio, Craft in America Center (Miracle Mile), 4–6pm.
HUGO CROSTHWAITE: In Memoriam: Los Angeles, MUSEUM OF SOCIAL JUSTICE (Downtown), 4–6pm.
The Great Wall of Los Angeles: Judith F. Baca's Experimentations in Collaboration and Concrete, CSU Northridge Art Galleries (Northridge), 4–7pm.
Kim Dingle: Yipes, Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects (Culver City), 5–7pm.
Kiwis in LA Art Show & Wine Tasting, Santa Monica Art Studios (Santa Monica), 6–10pm.
BEN SLEDSENS: Before the crow crows, NINO MIER GALLERY (West Hollywood), 6–8pm.
DBA, Big Pictures Los Angeles (Mid-City), 6–9:30pm.
CAFAM's Gala & Silent Auction, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 6–9pm. $200. 
Franscesc Ruiz Abad: Copy to Learn, Learn to Copy, The Lodge (East Hollywood), 6–9pm.
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS X, Cactus Gallery (Frogtown), 6–9pm. 
Replete Repeat Repeat Replete, DAC Gallery (Downtown), 6–9pm.
Duty of Care, Collective Arts Incubator (Highland Park), 6–8pm.
Art of Science/Science of Art: Frankenstein 200, El Camino College Marsee Auditorium (Torrance), 6–9pm. $5–10.
Closing for The Seer & The Stones, Infinity (West Adams), 7–10pm.
Dcypher, Lucas Raynaud, Hero, and Collin Salazar, Gabba Gallery (Koreatown), 7–11pm.
Sayre Gomez: Déjà Vu, Ghebaly Gallery (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Wanda Koop: In Absentia and Josh Callaghan: Legacy, Night Gallery, 7–10pm.
Below the Underground: Renegade Art and Action in 1990s Mexico/Más abajo que el underground: arte renegado y acción en el México de los noventa, Armory Center for the Arts (Pasadena), 7–9pm.
Wild Beast Concert Series: CalArts Alumni Big Band, CalArts (Valencia), 7:30pm.
Sunday, October 15
L.A. GOAL for the Inside Out Productions Open House & Annual Art Show, L.A. Goal (Culver City), 10am–5pm.
16th annual Art + Design Open Market, One Colorado (Pasadena), 10am–3pm.
California Mexicana: Missions to Murals, 1820–1930, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Art Museum), 11am–5pm. 
Film: Found in Translation Film Program: No Walls, Only Bridges, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Design Your Own Monster Youth Workshop, 356 Mission (Downtown), 1–4pm.
Artist talk: Rotem Reshef: Time Traveler, TALL WALL SPACE | UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE (La Verne), 1–3pm.
Beautiful Parts, CSUN Art Gallery (Northridge), 2–4pm.
Talk & Book Signing - The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
Red Bull Music Academy Presents: Ryoji Ikeda: A [for 100 cars], 131 South Olive Street (Downtown), 3–7pm. 
In Person: Professor Katherine Manthorne, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach), 3pm.
Social Media For Artists, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 4–7pm. $48–60.
Beyond Words: Jack Kerouac's On the Road at 60!, Beyond Baroque (Venice), 4:30pm.
Dwayne Moser, Reserve Ames (Mid-City), 5–7pm.
Open workshop: Unbound Recollections: Yair Agmon and Hagar Cygler, American Jewish University (Bel Air), 7pm.
Dr. Victoria Reuveni: Orgasmic Yoga, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 7–10pm. $20.
Here/There, FM Fine Art Gallery (Fairfax).
Monday, October 16
HDTK: California Buckwheat, Copper Mountain Mesa Community Center (Joshua Tree), 7pm.
Wark Lecture - Seeing and Knowing: Visions of Latin American Nature, ca. 1492–1859, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Double Vision: Recent Films by Janie Geiser, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. $6–12.
Tuesday, October 17
Laurel Atwell: Exquisite Corpse, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 10:30am–1:30pm. $20.
Film: Mummy, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
CURATORS IN CONVERSATION: Karen Cordero and Laura Mart, Skirball Cultural Center (Brentwood), 2pm.
Bookmaking Workshop, USC Fisher Museum of Art (Downtown), 5:30–8:30pm.
RE:IN FORCE, MART LA (Hollywood), 6–8pm. 
Suzanne Hudson, USC Roski School of Art (Downtown), 6–8pm.
The "Concrete" in Poetry and Art, The Getty (Brentwood), 7pm.
Screening: Let It Fall: Los Angeles 1982–1992 with director John Ridley, California African American Museum (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Two Films by Sarah Minter: Nadie es Inocente and San Frenesi, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Talk: Art + Tech: Stan Douglas and Michael Govan in Conversation, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm. Sold out.
Nevins Lecture - Founding Gardeners, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Chamber Music Concert - Camerata Pacifica, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Wednesday, October 18
Painting with Nan Rae, The Huntington (San Marino), 11am–3pm. $50.
Tour and Critical Discussion, USC Fisher Museum of Art (Downtown), 2–4pm.
Curator Tour: Visual Voyages, The Huntington (San Marino), 5pm. $15.
FOWLER OUT LOUD: DAEUN JUNG, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 6–7pm.
Artist Talk: Hellen Ascoli | Artist as Mediator, Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara), 6pm.
Cosimo Cavallaro: Unidentified Space, Manhattan Beach Art Center (Manhattan Beach), 6–8pm.
A Conversation with David Lamelas, Kristina Newhouse, and Jonathan T.D. Neil, Sprüth Magers (Miracle Mile), 6:30pm.
LECTURE: HEATHER SHIREY ON PIERRE VERGER, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 7–8pm.
Journalism in Mexico: A Deadly Occupation, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Music: Art & Music: Chicano Batman, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm. Sold out. 
Max Maslansky Book Launch, STORIES BOOKS (Echo Park), 7:30pm. 
LMAO: Comedy Show, Fais Do Do (West Adams), 8–11pm.
Ellen Cantor: Pinochet Porn, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. $6–12.
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thenamegarden · 7 years
A to Z: The Most Popular Girls Names
Following the data release of the most popular baby names this month, we’re jumping in to give you the top girls names for each letter of the alphabet. We also did this for the boys last week, and saw there weren’t many changes between 2016 and 2015. The girls had a few more changes, making room for the new names: Aria, Dakota, Freya, Jordyn, Kinsley, Skylar, Thea, Unity and Wynter. This meant saying goodbye to some names, with the following pushed out: Aubrey, Daleyza, Felicity, Jocelyn, Khloe, Samantha, Talia, Ursula and Whitney.
Stay tuned for more lists regarding the naming trends of the top 1000!
Opal (not in top 1000)
Queen (not in top 1000)
Quincy (not in top 1000)
Quinley (not in top 1000)
Queenie (not in top 1000)
Unique (not in top 1000)
Uma (not in top 1000)
Una (not in top 1000)
Unknown (not in top 1000)
Unity (not in top 1000)
Xiomara (not in top 1000)
Xena (not in top 1000)
Xitlali (not in top 1000)
Xochitl (not in top 1000)
Yaritza (not in top 1000)
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haoneidob · 5 years
If you have been reading the word of the one true God, his beloved son already foretold this! Time to wake the fuck people and crack open the good news. People that have a relationship with Jesus are not even concerned. Cause the flesh is simply temporary. Come on guy's! Wake up already! Read the good news and praise God that this universal body bag is soon to get zipped up! More certain than you being std positive!
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