sscorpika · 9 months
baka #1
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Drahé čumblrstvo,
mám na vás dotaz. Nevíte náhodou, kde na internetu bych sehnala nějaké ikonické české filmy s anglickými titulky? Jsem momentálně na Erasmu ve Finsku, a zapojila jsem se do tzv. Friendship Programme, kdy jsou spárovani student z ciziny s rodilým Finem, aby se mohli vzájemně kulturně obohatit. Já svou přidělenou Finku i její kamarádku potkala dneska, a nadšeně jsem jim vyprávěla o české kinematografii, a je to zaujalo a chtěly by si nějaký český film pustit (a taky jsem jim povídala o vás a českém fandomu na tumblru, samozřejmě, moji milí :)).
Předem velice děkuji za jakékoli tipy.
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Rune Stone U29 - The Hillersjö Stone
raþ| |þu kaiʀmuntr -ik · kaiʀ[l]a[uk ·] (m)aytumi| |i þa · finku · þau sun · aþ han · truknaþi · in sun to : siþan : þa + fi(k) (h)(u)- --þrik · ha- … (þ)(i)nsa · þa · finku þa(u) [bar](n) … (i)(n) maʀ ain lifþi · [hu]n hit ' …g[a] ' h(a)… fik raknfastr · i · snutastaþum · þa uarþ han tauþr · auk · sun · siþan · in · moþir kuam + at sunar ' arfi ' þa ' fik hun ' airik ' þar ' uarþ hun tauþ ' þar kuam ' gaiʀlauk at arfi ' inku tutur sinar þurbiur(n) ' skalt ' risti runar
Eng: Read! Geirmundr got Geirlaug (to wife) in her maidenhood. Then they got a son, before he (= Geirmundr) drowned. And then the son died. Then she got Guðríkr. He … this. Then they got children. And one maid lived; she was called Inga. Ragnfastr of Snotastaðir got her (to wife). Then he died, and thereafter the son. And the mother came to inherit from her son. Then she got Eiríkr. Then she died. Then Geirlaug came to inherit from Inga, her daughter. Þorbjǫrn Skald carved the runes.
The Hillersjö Stone is the second largest rune stone in Sweden(the largest in younger futhark) and is 2,8 by 1,8 meters. It describes a complicated inheritance of the Snottstad Estate(which I think is still around) and the unfortunate marriages of two women. I’ve made a messy little gif trying to explain.
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hiro-doodlez · 2 years
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viciar · 10 months
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prernaji89 · 3 years
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#AmendPCA #TIMESNOW #REPUBLIC #AAJTAK #WIONews #NDTV #manekagandhi #peopleforanimals #peta #pfa #donate #sponsor #fundappeal #cancer #chemotherapy #pjassociates #cheeku #brownie #finku #dogsofinstagram #dodo #petcollective #funnypets #funnydogs #antirabiesvaccine #coronavirus #covid19 #shorts https://www.instagram.com/p/COyB6ozs9_9/?igshid=1p6xyd8twx9hm
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shayveridekidd · 3 years
hermann’s wittiness is so underrated. i’m quoting this entire rant because it’s just too good😭 “lately we’ve been finding rat turds all over the house. seems that we have an infestation. finkus backstabberus, better known as the common snitch. not to fear though, these disgusting vermin don’t last long at 51.” where tf does he come up with this shit?
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askbrutalko · 3 years
[Fink pops in out of nowhere] "more like STINKY STINK!! NYAHAHAHAHA!!!"
[insert fighting scene with Tarot running out to stop]
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1, 6, 10 and 21 for the three songs asks? (also, your desktop theme is *something* I love it)
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
Bondage Fairies - Finkus Cooked My Cock
Farin Urlaub - Alle Dasselbe
Yellowcard - Inside Out
6. three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible) 
Ed Sheeran - Shape of You
Namika - Lieblingsmensch
Every Mark Forster Song (actually most mainstream Deutschpop songs, they’re terrible)
10. three favourite Halloween/spooky songs 
Die Ärzte - Dein Vampyr
Welle: Erdball - Mumien im Autokino
Die Ärzte - Mysteryland
21. three songs of your childhood 
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei
Juli - Dieses Leben
Lady Gaga - Poker Face
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thesestrxxts · 4 years
@flavoredcurls​​ liked for Kabal!
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He was almost set to walk past the kitchen, when he spotted a mountain of curls in the corner of his eye, and took notice to the intoxicating smell that lingered behind it. Kabal changed his course and walked up right up behind Finkus, taking in the heavenly aroma.
“Whatever you’re cooking, I call first seconds and thirds.”
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geekbroll · 5 years
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Golden Comics Digest 45 - The Pink Panther and The Inspector - Gold Key August 1975 1) The Pink Panther - Pink Predictor - 9 pages - reprint from The Pink Panther 6 2) The Pink Panther - Pink Blue-Print- 6 pages - reprint from The Pink Panther 5 3) The Pink Panther - Pink Shoelacer - 4 pages - from 6 4) The Inspector - The Smart Art Thief - 7 pages - from 6 5) The Pink Panther - The Purloined Pink Lemonade - 5 pages - from 6 6) The Pink Panther - Pursuit of the Pinkus Finkus - 6 pages - reprint from The Pink Panther 7 7) The Pink Panther - Pink Punter - 5 pages - from 7 8) The Pink Panther - How to Catch a Monster - 5 pages - from 7 9) The Pink Panther - Mr. Zap - 6 pages - from 7 10) The Inspector - Alias Big Timber - 6 pages -reprint from The Pink Panther 8 11) The Pink Panther - Pink Slip Panther - 8 pages - from 8 12) The Pink Panther - Pink Beau - 5 pages - from 8 13) The Pink Panther - The Pink Varlet - 6 pages - from 8 14) The Pink Panther - Pink Before You Leap - 8 pages - reprint from The Pink Panther 9 15) The Inspector - The Dooby Ruby - 6 pages - from 9 16) The Pink Panther - Baby Pink - 5 pages - from 9 17) The Pink Panther - The Missing Pink - 6 pages - from 9 18) The Pink Panther - Pink Lemon Aid - 7 pages - reprint from The Pink Panther 10 19) The Inspector - Canine Caper - 6 pages - from 10 20) The Pink Panther - Pink or Swim- 7 pages - from 10 #pinkpanther #thepinkpanther #theinspector #depatiefreleng #uacgeoffrey #whitman #westernpublishing #catsofinstagram #cartoons #cartooncharacters #goldkey #mirischgeoffreydfe #mirischgeoffrey #pink #comics #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #bookcovers (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0q4Z67hrUX/?igshid=pfkdtv8l1cnx
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magic-and-myths · 6 years
Welcome to Old Pepper Place
Hello all! On the eve of my 200 follower landmark I have decided to make good on my promise to introduce you all to my newest WIP: Old Pepper Place.
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The gist: Old Pepper Place is not like any of the works I’ve done before. First of all, the tone is a lot more happy and playful than my other projects. I’ve based it more off of things like Hilda or Gravity Falls than Star Wars or Percy Jackson. This makes it a lot easier to write for me, as whenever I’m in a good mood I actually want to write it (crazy how that actually helps). It’s also different because it takes place on Earth. I know, a totally original concept right? Well for me worldbuilding has always been more important than writing, so working with things that already exist like trains and colleges and pancakes is a refreshing change.
The premise: Old Pepper Place is a story about a 27 year old brand new biology professor who moves into a house in the Vermont wilderness. She’s there for the summer to conduct research and relax, but finds secrets and mysteries that aren’t conducive to either. She ends up discovering that in the wilderness lies life and magic beyond our wildest dreams (see what I did there?). She becomes entangled in the feud between hill trolls and mountain trolls, and the bureaucratic sludge of the squirrel parliament, and the wrath of a mushroom gnome after you accidentally step on their house. And she never wants to leave.
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Characters: Old Pepper Place is kind of a unique project for me in that it all takes place in one setting. There’s no moving around and meeting various tavern keepers or traffic cops or intergalactic kings. While there are some exceptions like Mrs. Finkus the mysterious neighbor, Tilda the mushroom gnome, and Stand the train man, Old Pepper Place has a very limited cast of characters, with really only three being large focuses of the story. Maya: officially named Mycelium by her massively nerdy biologist parents, Maya is the main protagonist and first person narrator of the story. She’s a massive bookworm and finds out most of Old Pepper Place’s secrets by reading the hundreds and hundreds of books that line the shelves of the house. Her curiosity is insatiable, and it drives her past any doubts or fears she may have. When confronted with a magical creature Maya doesn’t doubt its existence, she tries to ask it questions. A huge fan of pants with pockets, Maya always has a notebook and pen on her, as well as some starbursts and a field guide of local plants. Carlos: Maya’s best friend since early college, Carlos lives in the nearby city of Burlington, only an hour trip away from Old Pepper Place by way of the Emerald Express. Carlos is Maya’s connection to the outside world, and he brings her supplies on a weekly basis, mostly consisting of groceries. He’s originally dubious of Maya’s claims of the valley’s magical residents, but he comes around soon enough when Maya convinces him to help her host a faerie tea party. Carlos is quick to smile, and even quicker to help whenever Maya needs it. On all of the things that he’s able to help with, that is. Malaki: Malaki is the help that Maya calls in whenever Carlos will be completely ineffectual. Malaki is a boreal dragon, named after his glowing rainbow body and iridescent skin, both of which are reminiscent of the aurora borealis. He is Maya’s connection and source of information on the magical world. She first attracts him to Old Pepper Place accidentally while making mac and cheese. Malaki loves mac and cheese. After that she’s always willing to make a pot of it for Malaki in exchange for a little information or advice. They quickly become very good friends. Mac and cheese will do that, ya know?
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Setting: Old Pepper Place is a fascinating place. It’s actually based on a place I stayed with a camp once, but that’s besides the point. It’s a surprisingly large house, constructed seemingly randomly with extensions and additions tacked on until it looks like a mashup of four different houses overlapped on top of each other. It lies in a valley in the great Vermont woods, surrounded by mountains on all sides and without a road in sight. The only way to reach Old Pepper Place is by train, The Emerald Express to be precise. Behind the house is a breathtaking field full of butterflies and songbirds. Beyond that are the woods. They encroach on the house like outstretched arms, ancient and beckoning. This forest stretches on for countless miles, hiding a myriad of mysteries and many fun magical creatures that Maya is bound to stumble across eventually. They’re full of babbling brooks, and lakes surrounded by pine trees, and clearings carpeted with wildflowers, and old stone walls covered in moss, and trees that are more vine than tree, and patches of lilac bushes so thick you can’t see past their pale purple flowers. Hardwood trees tower above, their impenetrable canopies bathing everything in a dim, dusky, half-light. They give off an old, powerful energy that makes you feel very small. And really, in the forest, you are.
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Various knick knacks: Now I could get into plot points here about the nature of magic in this story, or what Maya does to accidentally disrupt it, but that’s all stories for later days. It’s getting late and I don’t really have time to explain how the night sky is actually just a giant spirit called a constellate that protects us from the cold emptiness of outer space while simultaneously gathering and exuding starlight, or how faeries have four separate governments that rotate in and out throughout the four seasons leading to political unrest and upheaval in the forest multiple times a year. Those are stories for another time, but don’t worry. I will tell them. Until then, it’s been a pleasure, -Nathan
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530862 · 2 years
changing finks name to hatsune finku
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addawithbalmiki · 3 years
blorbo, glup shitto, horse plinky, finkus blinkus etc are all valid terms because i hear them every time dean opens his mouth
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guide-saveurs · 3 years
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Silahkan datang kesini bagi kamu lagi mencari informasiAplikasi Finku Penghasil Uang Terbukti Membayar. Saat ini Aplikasi Finku Penghasil Uang Terbukti Membayar, banyak orang di Google, Bing, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram atau media sosial lainnya. Selengkapnya, inilah ulasan yang kamu tunggu. Dengan berkunjung ke blog ini, tentu saja pembahasan lebih menarik dan mudah dipahami. Makanya, teruslah menjadi pengunjung kami untuk mendapatkan informasi dan hal menarik lainnya. Baca Selengkapnya:
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