thesestrxxts · 4 years
@flavoredcurls​​ liked for Kabal!
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He was almost set to walk past the kitchen, when he spotted a mountain of curls in the corner of his eye, and took notice to the intoxicating smell that lingered behind it. Kabal changed his course and walked up right up behind Finkus, taking in the heavenly aroma.
“Whatever you’re cooking, I call first seconds and thirds.”
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shockapella-sweet · 4 years
Going offline + quick question
I haven’t updated my poor MK fanfic, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?, in approximately 92-and-a-half dogs years, so I’ll be remaining offline until I’ve finally written up the latest chapter. For those who’ve been waiting patiently for an update, I hope you’ll like the chapter that I’m cooking up (please expect Kitana gunning for Kotal Kahn during the main course, Smoke being milliseconds away from going absolutely befok on Hanzo, and poor Raiden praying that he and his guests will make it to dessert).
I’m very aware that I’ve got asks/messages/tagged posts that I haven’t answered nor replied to yet – thank you for your unending patience, and apologies for not answering/replying in the longest time. You guys deserve medals for waiting so long. And chocolate. And medals made out of chocolate.
Before I go, however, I just want to ask you ducks something – well, it’s more of asking for your opinion: a while back, I wrote in this post about potential Mortal Kombat fanfic ideas. One of them was about retelling MK11′s story mode, with the inclusion of various missing characters such as Mileena, Kung Jin, Takeda, Kenshi, Reptile, Smoke, Stryker, Ferra/Torr, etc., and with the aim of filling in some plot gaps, revising existing plot points, and going into depth with regards to characterisation.
Now, a month or so back, I thought that I would actually like to get this fic off the ground. It would be much more dramatic than GWCTD? (with a tiny sprinkling of humour, but not so much that it takes away from the drama), and it won’t take the plot of Aftermath into account (on the basis that I haven’t played or seen Aftermath, and also because I heard it was quite rubbish).
Most importantly, I want to focus on the characterisation aspect. Like, there are many plotlines that I want to explore and expand on, with the aim of giving all the characters a chance in the spotlight.
For several examples, how Cassie’s really coping after losing her mother; how present!Johnny appreciates past!Sonya more in light of present!Sonya’s death (and the grieving he goes through while putting on a strong, humorous front), and how the latter learns to love past!Johnny; Reptile, overcome by hopelessness because no one – not even his beloved emperor, Kotal Kahn – can restore his race, being persuaded by Kronika to join her forces (along with Ferra/Torr) because she has the power to bring the Zaterrans back; Mileena being brought back from the past and either gets redemption by working with Kitana (but also Ko-Ko, her enemy), or working with Shao Kahn (but she does not trust that literal backstabber, D’Vorah); Kenshi and Ermac’s mysterious connection, as well as past!/present!Jax’s desire for revenge, putting a strain on Takeda and Jacqui’s own relationship; Cetrion – and maybe even Geras – questioning Kronika’s intentions to rewrite the timeline, wondering if it’s all worth getting her mother’s approval but sacrificing her morals and free will in the process, and (potentially) exploring her relationship with Raiden ... and of course, all the other Shaolin Monk-bonding/SubScorp vs SubSmoke/“How the hell did I end up falling for your future self when your past self is a Black Dragon scumbag, Erron/Kabal?” stuff that I have in mind, as I mentioned in the other post. Plus, also giving charries like Kollector and Skarlet some actual purpose instead of just existing to be beaten up.
But ja, do you guys think that this would be an interesting fic to read? If it sounds like there’s something in it, then I’d love to hear your thoughts. Of course, all the ideas above are subject to change, but I can assure you that it’s not going to be a word-for-word rehash of MK11.
And if it wasn’t obvious, yes, there will be ships. You know, your typical CageBlade, Jakeda, Jax/Vera, Liutana and potential Raiden/Cetrion (I swear, this pairing’s growing on me), with an equal amount of slash à la SubScorp, SubSmoke, StryKabal, Erron/Jin, KenMac and maybeeeee Kotile. Because I have a few or million OTP feels to get out of my system, so there. XP
So please, I’d love to hear your opinions on it before I start writing something like it. ‘Til then, be good, keep well and keep safe! ^3^
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generalasshattery · 5 years
Better Know an Asshat
I decided to put together a little fax of questions I get a lot, if you have any other questions you can reply and I’ll tag them on!
Can you read this story/headcanon/Drabble I’ve been working on and give me some advice?
Yes! I absolutely can and will when the time is available. I am not a mean critic, and I will never say anything cruel about your work! The fact you wrote it at all is something to be proud of, so I’m happy to offer kind critique if you want it.
I have this story idea I’m working on, but I was wondering if you can give me some headcanons on x character that can help me?
So yes with a but. If the work is yours, I don’t want you to feel like you need to use me as a crutch because you aren’t confident in your own headcanons on the topic. I would be happy to discuss what your thoughts and personal headcanons, so you have someone to bounce your ideas off of.
Can I write something based off of your headcanons/stories?
You bet your ass you can, just @ me or send me a link so I can read it when you’re done!
When are you going to open requests again?
Idk man, I spoke with the seers, and the prophesies are grim for the near future.
How old are you?
30. I’ve skipped the “Fandom Mom” stage and slammed straight into “Smut Hag”
Are you willing to write about x?
Yes. If you like my writing and want to see yourself reflected in my work, I am honored by that, and will always do my best to write about it with compassion, empathy and dignity.
Okay but what about x (taboo subject)?
DM me directly if you have a question about this, I promise I will never be unkind. I’m a nonjudgmental sort, and if you ask me a question in good faith, I won’t react negatively. Also- and I reiterate this quite often, please never hesitate to ask me to add a tag to something. I never want people to find something that will make them miserable on my blog.
What about x character? Will you write for them?
Yep! Any MK character is free game. Yes, including Kano.
I want to make a request, but it’s so cringy and I’m embarrassed about it!
Feed me. Feed me your cringiest, most self indulgent, Mary-sue ass prompts. I am 30 years old, I don’t give a FUCK anymore. I love writing overly dramatic, blatant fantasy fuel, fluffiest of the fluff, angstiest of the angst stories. Let us join together in our bullshit.
Do you write for other fandoms?
Not currently. If I do, it’d probably get its own side blog.
This isn’t your main blog?
Nope! This is literally just where I drop my smut and derpy Headcanons off. That’s why you don’t see a lot of reblogging on here unless it’s directly related to the blog or something I’ve been doing. Not that I interact much on my main blog, I’m just a shy sort.
You don’t write as much as you used to :( is that going to change?
Probs not. I’m finally back to working and on a good schedule, which hypothetically means more writing. However, I am going to use that to attempt to get working on a novel. We’ll see. Who knows?
Who’s your favorite you write for?
That changes day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute.
Your romance stuff is so cute, where do you get ideas for it?
Y’all ready to barf? Because this is so cheesy it’s gonna make you lactose intolerant. A lot of my romance writing is influenced by the way my father talks about my mother. Never settle for anyone that doesn’t treat you like you hang the moon, even 40 years later.
You slipped a few OCs in as reader inserts haven’t you?
You’re god damned right I have.
How do you come up with your headcanons and make them feel so in character?
I rely heavily on things like intro dialogues and cut scenes to pick up things about characters. Even if they aren’t canon they say a lot about how a person behaves. If I haven’t written for a character in a while, I’ll go rewatch all their intros just to get the vibe they send out back on my brain. This is why I don’t feel as confident writing for characters that don’t have as much content. When I’m faced with that dilemma, I just go back and read their histories and use what canon I have. Then I just kind of use my own empathy to reflect heavily about how someone that lived that way would be.
Of course, with a property like Mortal Kombat the characters are very much in flux from game to game. Some characters have the benefit of that being a storyline thing (Johnny Cage) and some are wildly inconsistent because NRS tends to think from a marketing first perspective and may change characters to fit into a concept or theme they’re packaging with the game (also Johnny Cage, but everyone else too). Johnny became a good dad because NRS wanted their big anniversary game to be all about next gen. Of course then they made everyone’s favorite characters to old/undead to carry a franchise... so retcons. I’m not bitter, you’re bitter. I’m digressing, the point is, sometimes with my headcanons I have to make a firm decision on the ever changing characterizations and just run with it.
Some characters were benefitted by this, imo, though. MK11 is by far my favorite Hanzo and Scorpion. Even though they did Kabal dirty, I really like the way they wrote his personality, and it confirmed a few headcanons I had about him already. And Erron picked up some major fucking swag along the way. I’m still digressing this literally has nothing to do with that question.
One more thing before I move on, because I’m already ranting anyway. They stole Cassie’s badassery because they put Frost in the game, and apparently there’s only room for one edgy-haircutted gay coded woman. I’m not saying this to shit on Frost, I really love writing for her. But! MKX Cassie Cage is the best Cassie Cage.
So anyway, that’s my most common questions answered with a bonus rant!
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