#finished it in an afternoon my god I hate lineart-
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I see... You use underhanded tactics, too. Huh, Shuichi?

#Poisned.art#my art#kokichi#kokichi fanart#danganronpa#danganronpa fanart#kokichi ouma#ouma kokichi#danganronpa spoilers#danganronpa v3#danganronpa v3 spoilers#I spent a couple days on this for one simple reason#I fucking hate line art#Any attempt at any linestyle#even no lines at all#looked absolutely dreadful#so i just said fuck it and used the sketch#finished it in an afternoon my god I hate lineart-
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TWICE title: we’re a mess (let’s finish what we started) pairing: NaMo, MiMo, Saida, JeongMi, 2yeon, Chaeyu read on Ao3!
So it starts like this: five years ago they all became friends, and then they realized that the reason they were so close to each other was not just because of their undying love for music, anime, and extremely terrible TV series, but also— girls.
They do say queer kids tend to gravitate towards each other.
High school sucked – especially for the younger ones who had to watch their older friends graduate first – and puberty was a bitch. There were feelings involved. Sana tripped on an ice cream cone and broke her wrist.
Then they all entered college.
Now they were all adults. Personalities changed, they met new people, someone dyed their hair, some tried to pretend they were cooler now (spoiler alert: they weren’t). Despite being involved in different things, the nine of them were still as close as ever. No one else truly knew them as deeply as each other, anyway.
And, well, the feelings involved never stopped being a thing. If anything, things just got more complicated. They just learned how to deal with it better.
Some of them, anyway.
Then Sana tripped again.
“Are you going to Nayeon’s party, please say yes.” Sana pretty much flung herself on her seat to catch Momo before she left her class to go to another.
“You mean the Drama Club party where everyone who’s someone is going to be at?” Momo finished tucking her notebooks inside her bag and finally looked at Sana. “No. Why?”
“What? Why?” She was pouting now and Momo rolled her eyes.
“Too many people I don’t want to see.”
“But Mina will be there.”
“I know,” Momo flicked a finger on Sana’s forehead and smirked down at her. “She told me. We have calculus together.”
Sana whined, rubbing the sore spot. “I’m having trouble understanding why you’re not going if both Mina and Nayeon are going to be there.”
That was a really good argument, but Momo was too tired for drama – both literally and figuratively. It’s not that she hated the Drama Club – also known as the people who had stolen Nayeon from the group (from her) – it’s just that she wasn’t particularly interested in the snobby, hypocrite, know-it-all theater students that were absolutely convinced that they were going to get an Oscar as soon as they graduated.
She had tried getting along with them – Nayeon had pretty much dragged Momo backstage to meet everyone at the end of her first performance – but those people seemed more interested in sucking up to Nayeon’s ego than making Momo feel comfortable.
The Drama Club was obsessed with Im Nayeon, which was… well, understandable. Confidence and self-esteem leaked through Nayeon’s every pore, and she fed off compliments. Her acting skills were no joke either, and she sang like an angel. Musical theater was everything she had ever wanted, and everyone knew that. Getting into the club was the best thing that could’ve possibly happened in Nayeon’s college life, and Momo was happy for her, they all were. Nayeon had become a little bit more insufferable, but at the end of the day, she was still a closet nerd who had every Sailor Moon season hidden inside her dorm closet.
Momo just missed hanging out with her on a daily basis, that was all.
Okay, maybe she was jealous of the Drama Club. Big deal.
As for Mina…
“I’m just not in the mood, Sana.” Momo walked off waving a weak goodbye, and Sana sighed.
“I’ll tell Mina you bailed on her!” She yelled in a last attempt to make Momo stay, but Momo just flipped her off with a laugh.
Fine. Sana got up, off to find her next target.
The art studio was a quiet, calm place, intended for soul-searching and inspiration. It was almost always filled with students who shared the same space, but didn’t interact with each other. It was kind of like a library, but with a lot more naked people and paint.
Son Chaeyoung pretty much lived there.
Her afternoon class had been canceled, so she headed down to the studio to get a head start on her art project; honestly, just an excuse for her to spend some time there. There was something appealing about the characteristic silence of the room. She used to go there at lunch time, too, mostly to get inspiration for a few of her poems and short stories. Her friends were starting to think she had an obsession, but she reassured them that it was simply her will to learn.
And also to run away from people. Anxiety and all that jazz.
Chaeyoung was almost done with her lineart when she saw the door moving from the corner of her eye. She tried to ignore it, focusing back on the canvas, but then a bubbly girl full of personality and a broken wrist started – quite literally – bouncing towards her. Chaeyoung didn’t bat an eye.
Sana approached her from behind and stood there, hands behind her back.
She stood there for five whole minutes in silence.
Chaeyoung finally sighed loudly, putting her pencil down. “What is it.”
“Chaengie, you’re so good at what you do. Has anyone ever told you that?” Sana bent over as she complimented the tiny artist, her breath warm against Chaeyoung’s ear.
“Yes. A lot in fact. Especially when they want something from me.”
Sana giggled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Come to Nayeon’s party with me.”
Chaeyoung frowned and finally turned to her. “Did you hit your head when you broke your wrist?”
Sana kneeled and Chaeyoung panicked, looking around. There were three other students in the studio and they all seemed to stare at them at that moment, which didn’t exactly do wonders for Chaeyoung’s social anxiety. “Get up, what are you doing?” She half-whispered, half-yelled.
“Son Chaeyoung. You’re my best friend. My partner in crime. My one and only.” Sana held her hand as she said that and Chaeyoung wanted to die.
“First of all, bullshit. Momo and Mina are your best friends,” She retreated her hand, blushing nervously. “Second, get up you absolute loser, you’re embarrassing me!”
“Not until you agree to come party with me.”
"I don’t do parties, Sana.” She turned her back on her dumb friend, focusing again on her project. “You know that.”
Sana got up and hugged her from behind, earning a grunt from Chaeyoung. It was really hard being around her sometimes, but what could she do? Sana was pretty much the heart of their group; her energy was enviable, and no one could hate her even if they tried. “Just this once, please, Chaengie! It’s going to be full of artists, just like you!”
“The Drama Club is full of actors, not artists. There is a big difference.”
“This is about Dahyun, isn’t it?” Sana froze and Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. Jackpot. “I swear, you’re hopeless.”
“It’s not like that…” Sana tried to laugh it off, but she knew it wasn’t going to cut it. Besides Mina and Momo, there were two more people who knew about her… convoluted feelings for Dahyun, Chaeyoung being one of them. She’d always had a good intuition for her age.
“She’s going to be there and you don’t want to be at this party alone with her,” Chaeyoung continued. “And you already asked Momo, but she refused. So now you came to me. Is that it?”
“Have you been stalking me, missy?”
“You’re just too easy to read,” Chaeyoung giggled, Sana’s arms now loose around her. “And Dahyun is incredibly dense, that’s the only reason you’ve been missing each other for so long. It’s like you two live in a bad drama, or something.”
The older girl moaned, letting her go. “I don’t want to talk about that. Will you really not come?”
The way she pleaded was so pitiful, and Chaeyoung really wanted to help her out, but she was physically incapable of attending a party full of strangers. She hated crowds, and she knew that Sana was going to make friends fairly quickly in there. “I’m sorry. You know I can’t.”
They stared at each other for a while, then Sana smiled sweetly at her. “I know. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to force you.” She reached out and ruffled Chaeyoung’s hair. “Guess I’ll have to try Plan C.”
“Good luck.” Chaeyoung smiled back. She really loved Sana despite everything.
“I meant it, by the way.” Sana said, already walking away. “You’re a really great artist. Proud of you!”
She left then and Chaeyoung felt happy and warm. Her friends were hopeless when it came to their crushes.
Not like she was any different. Maybe she should call that person.
Entering the basketball court was always intimidating for some reason. Probably because the place was filled with tall, buffy athletes of all genders who were pretty much the campus’ rock stars. Everyone wanted to date an athlete in college. That was just a fact, even in art school. Sports might not be the strongest point of that particular university, but it was appreciated nonetheless.
The distinct sounds of sneakers sliding through the well-polished floor hit Sana’s ears as she walked into the gym, and she smiled at the smell of sweat and rubber balls. It brought back funny memories, like the one and only time she tried being athletic and, well, broke her wrist again. It was always her wrist for some reason; that was becoming a habit.
Sana immediately spotted the person she was looking for and waved at her. “Jeongyeon!”
The short-haired girl paused her hoops and waved back. “Yo, Sana-ya! Be there in a sec.”
Sana nodded and sat down at the bleachers, waiting for her training to be over. It didn’t take long, and soon Jeongyeon was making her way to her with a towel around her shoulders and a bottle of water in one hand.
“If I wasn’t painfully aware of your personality I’d probably faint right now,” Sana teased as Jeongyeon sat next to her. “Yoo Jeongyeon, all sweaty and messy, making her way towards me in slow motion like a dream…”
“Oh my God, shut up.” Jeongyeon pushed her with her shoulder and Sana laughed loudly. “You say that as if people didn’t want your naked body all the time, too.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sana crossed her legs, grabbing the bottle from Jeongyeon’s hand.
“Right. How many people did you kiss and never texted back last semester, again?”
“You make me sound like a slut.”
“We accept the titles we think we deserve.” Jeongyeon might be an athlete at heart, but her soul still belonged to the Fine Arts. Sana didn’t know a single person who had watched more movies than her, and their friends always asked her for recommendations based on their moods. Jeongyeon had the most sacred pen-drive in the whole campus, too, making her known not only for her basketball skills, but also for the pirated movie library she carried around in her pocket.
Really, everyone wanted a piece of Jeongyeon for lots of different reasons.
“So, what’s up?”
“Well…” Sana paused for a second, thinking about the best way to go about this. “As you know, our talented friend Im Nayeon has been having a few problems lately.”
“She has?” Jeongyeon’s features became serious, the playful aura vanishing into thin air. It was always like this when it came to Nayeon.
“Oh, she didn’t tell you?” Sana placed her bandaged hand on her friend’s thigh. “She probably didn’t want to worry you…”
“What happened?”
“Well, you see…” Sana looked down, bangs falling on her eyes. “She’s feeling isolated lately. It’s like the people from the Drama Club found a new toy to play with, and discarded her.”
Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow, skeptically. “That doesn’t sound like something they would do.”
“Oh, but they did! Nayeon told me off-handedly in a conversation yesterday.” She forced her eyes to become watery. “She made it seem like it was a joke, but I could feel the call for help in her voice.”
“So, then I remembered!” Sana shifted closer to her. “There is a party going on tonight. A Drama Club party. And Nayeon is going to be there, of course.”
“And can you imagine leaving her all alone with a bunch of people who are surely going to ignore her and make her feel terrible about herself? So, as her faithful friends, I thought that we should attend—”
“You want to drag me to the Drama Club party.”
“Oh, I’m so glad Nayeon can count on you!” Sana threw her arms around Jeongyeon’s shoulders and the athlete just sighed, pushing her away.
“Not happening.”
“What!” Sana moved back, in shock. “Why not??”
“I actually have a test tomorrow that I have to study for,” Jeongyeon smirked, getting up. “And it’s not even an excuse. I’d tell you if it was because I hate those drama kids anyway.”
“Oh, come on, not you too.” She got up as well, latching herself to Jeongyeon’s arm. “Your roommate brainwashed you!”
“Momo didn’t brainwash anyone, I hated them way before she did.”
“So it was you who brainwashed her! How dare you, you know how easily influenceable she is.”
The two girls made their way out of the gym slowly, Jeongyeon shooting toothy grins and waves to some of her female fans on her way out, and Sana was still talking her ear off and trying to convince her. The athlete pretended to listen, but her mind was made about the issue.
The reason she didn’t get along with the theater students was pretty much the same as Momo’s – they had stolen Nayeon from the group. And it was fine, Nayeon was her own person anyway, it’s not like she belonged to anyone in the first place, but Jeongyeon had every right to not want to get near them for as long as she could manage. There was no way in hell she was going to attend a party filled with drama rats.
“Sana, can’t you ask someone else?” Jeongyeon interrupted her friend’s monologue when they reached the locker room, wriggling her arm away from her grasp. “You have a lot of friends who are probably going, don’t you?”
“I do, but… I want to go with you guys.” They both knew what she meant by that – the original nine. “And Momo is not going, neither is Chaeyoung, Tzuyu is sick…”
Sana bit her lip, crossing her arms. “She’s going, but… it’s complicated.”
Jeongyeon hummed at this. “Interesting.”
“What does that mean?”
“Mina doesn’t like to party much, that’s all.” She then frowned. “Wait, are you guys fighting?”
“What makes you say that?”
“The fact that Mina is going and Momo isn’t. And you clearly wanting to avoid Mina at that party.”
She wasn’t exactly wrong, but there was no way Sana could explain what was going on. It was too tiring and too complex; she didn’t even understand it that well herself. “We’re not fighting, it’s just… a temporary setback.”
“If you say so,” Then a pause. “She’s okay, though, right? Mina, I mean.”
Jeongyeon’s concern for Mina was something that dated back from their high school years, and Sana thought it was the sweetest thing. She almost sighed at the whole scenario – poor Jeongyeon had no idea that she was involved in the mess as well. She’d rather not tell her right now, though; it would only make more questions pop up.
“Yeah, she’s alright.” Sana smiled sincerely, and it was all Jeongyeon needed to believe her. Minatozaki Sana might be a vixen and mess with people a lot to get what she wants, but it was easy to know when she was being truthful. It was rare for her to be a manipulative ass to their group of friends, too.
“That’s good.” Jeongyeon turned around to get into the locker room. “I’ll see you later, okay? Good luck with the party.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Sana slapped her butt playfully. “Go shower, you stink.”
“And, uh…” Jeongyeon scratched the back of her neck. “If you or Mina need some help, don’t hesitate to tell me, okay?”
Sana looked at her sympathetically – she didn’t need to add the ‘you’ at the sentence, Sana knew exactly who she was worried about.
It’s always been like this ever since she could remember: Jeongyeon looked after Mina all the time, and when she wasn’t with her, she was asking about her. She did this to the whole group, like a silent protector, but with Mina things were different. She was more tender, spoke softly, looked at her gently. Sana was the first to notice, but didn’t say anything.
“Will do, Romeo.” She replied teasingly, earning an eye roll from her friend. Jeongyeon finally bid her goodbye and they parted ways. Sana couldn’t help but to sigh at the whole tragedy.
“You need to stop being so caring, Jeong.” She whispered to herself, then moved to her next target. She wasn’t giving up just yet.
The first thing Momo wanted to do once she got back to her room was shower, then eat a protein bar. Her stomach was pretty much gnawing at itself, all thanks to that stupid diet she decided to start at the beginning of the year. The results were apparent once she looked at her abs in the mirror, but that didn’t mean she got used to eating like a rodent once every three hours.
She had just left her last class for the day and was making her way towards the building’s exit when she bumped into someone.
“Sorr—” Then she smelled the perfume. “Nabongs?”
“Momoring!” Nayeon’s expression lit up and she side-hugged her friend despite carrying a huge book in her arms. “I was going to call you later.”
“Oh, well. I’m here now,” She looked at the way Nayeon seemed to be having trouble carrying whatever that book was and immediately reached out. “Let me carry that.”
“Huh? Oh no, it’s okay!” But of course, Momo wouldn’t take a no for an answer, and she gave her the book with a sigh. “I swear, you’re turning into Jeongyeon with this whole ‘knight in shining armor’ act you two have going on.”
“A hotter version of Jeongyeon, right?” Momo couldn’t help but to tease despite her beating heart. She didn’t want to behave differently around Nayeon, it didn’t matter what her stupid feelings told her, and she wasn’t going to. She treasured their friendship too much for that.
Nayeon’s eyes slid from her face to her apparent muscles and smirked. “Perhaps. I’ll let you know.”
Momo pushed her gently with her shoulder and the two started walking. “Where to?”
“The Drama Club faculty office. This thing you’re carrying is the list of all the party guests for tonight,” Nayeon stared back at Momo. “Which is what I was going to ask you later. Are you coming?”
Momo opened her mouth to answer but spotted someone in the distance. It wasn’t hard to recognize Sana, even in the middle of a crowd, and Momo didn’t want to go through that whole trouble again. She knew that if Sana saw them together, she would use some very convincing arguments that would make Nayeon turn against her and force her to go to the stupid party.
“Shit, come here,” Momo pulled Nayeon by the sleeve to the opposite direction and walked faster with her until she was sure they were out of sight. Sana never ran, anyway.
“Who are you running from?” Nayeon asked in between chuckles.
“No one. Never mind that,” Momo sighed and resumed their path – she unfortunately knew exactly where the Drama Club faculty office was thanks to months of keeping an eye on Nayeon’s endeavors. “About the party, I don’t think I’m going.”
“Aw, really?” It was a lot harder to remain stoic when it was Nayeon whining at her general direction. “I was hoping you’d go. Mina and Dahyun are the only ones going from what I know. Haven’t talked to the others yet, but I doubt they would.” Then she thought a bit more. “I mean, Sana’s going, but she’s at every party, so.”
“That’s true,” Momo giggled, turning right at a corridor. “I’m just not really in the mood, I guess. Jeongyeon is gonna study for an exam so I think I’ll stay with her this time. Watch a movie from her holy pen-drive, eat something healthy.”
“You’re still dieting?” Nayeon looked upset. “Momo, you’re going to vanish if you don’t eat more.”
“Just for a few more months.” She smiled, despite the harsh tone. She appreciated when Nayeon showed her concerned side; it was a rare sight. “I promise I’ll eat more starting this Fall.”
Nayeon, seemingly unconvinced, stepped in front of her, making the brunette halt. “Look at me in the eyes and promise me you’ll stop obsessing over a perfect body and eat.”
And it shouldn’t be hard to do something so simple like that, but Nayeon became incredibly attractive when she was mad and demanding, and Momo could feel her cheeks heating up. She hated that feeling in the pit of her stomach that resurfaced every time Nayeon was close to her, paying attention to her, worrying about her, because hell, isn’t this what friends are supposed to do for each other? Worry and make sure they are okay? It drove Momo insane, sometimes.
After a nervous laugh and an eye roll, Momo finally stared into Nayeon’s eyes.
She’s so beautiful it hurts.
“I promise.” She was glad her voice didn’t waver as much as her heart.
Nayeon squinted, but eventually smiled, teeth and all, and Momo wanted to tell her how much she loved her smile.
“Good.” She turned around and bounced up and down the rest of the way, with Momo’s eyes following her every move.
It was hard, but at the same time, she couldn’t help but to smile dumbly at the girl in front of her. Everything about Nayeon felt alive; she had this aura that spread to others and made them absolutely infatuated with her. Sure, she was self-centered and could be extremely annoying if you didn’t know how to deal with her flamboyant personality, but Momo had been by her side long enough to admire even the ugliest parts of her.
And she loved every bit of it.
Thinking about how easily she’d fallen for this girl made something gnaw at Momo’s stomach, and it wasn’t hunger this time. She had this sudden urge to do something stupid that would end up hurting her, but—
The words left her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Actually,” She was going to regret this. “I think I might go.”
Nayeon nearly tripped and Momo was by her side in seconds, checking if she was okay. “You will?” Her gummy grin was back, and close, and beautiful.
Momo’s eyes flickered towards her lips for a split second. “Yeah,” And then, “Can’t let the drama nerds steal you from me all the time.”
Nayeon’s expression was unreadable, but Momo was okay with it; she wanted to be with her, so she was going to.
Then the actress simply grabbed the book from Momo’s hand and dropped it on the floor, giving her a pen out of nowhere. “Then sign your name, Hirai.”
The way she said that was exhilarating for some reason. It felt like signing a death sentence.
She was suddenly excited for the party.
Sana was tired.
None of her most important friends wanted to accompany her to a simple party, her feet hurt from running around campus the whole day (her pals should really learn how to use a damn cellphone), and her broken wrist was hurting for some obnoxious reason.
After walking into the main building, Sana sat down with her back touching the nearest wall and sighed, burying her head on her arms. She knew no one would bother asking if she was okay, students in that same position in the middle of the hallway were a common sight, especially near finals. Maybe one or two professors might wonder, but they would probably just walk by as if nothing was wrong, and Sana appreciated that.
The evening classes were about to begin, but at that time the place was almost empty – like a limbo in between shifts. Janitors cleaned the bathrooms and courtyard, students walked back to their dorms (mostly getting ready for the party), and the setting sun glowed orange against the white walls.
Sana lifted her head, pressing her cheek against her good arm and watched as the birds flied outside.
Then she felt someone sitting down next do her. The warmth was familiar and she smiled, closing her eyes.
“Hard day?” The voice was so tender and relieving. Sana felt all of her worries floating away.
“Yeah,” She mumbled in reply. “I ran around campus all day. Almost tripped again, saw some people who recognized me, but I didn’t recognize them.”
“And then?”
“Argued with my friends. None of them wanted to help me, can you believe it?”
“Oh no.”
“Then I got tired. Decided to think about my life a little bit,” Sana opened her eyes, looking forward. “Lots of people call me easy, did you know that? Fake, a show off, that girl who slept with the whole Arts Department.”
The girl next to Sana shifted closer, touching shoulders with her.
“I know that I don’t own people anything. But sometimes I wonder if they’re right.” Then Sana finally turned her head to the girl. “Pathetic, right?”
“A little bit, yes.” The girl answered and smiled. Sana smiled back and they just stared at each other for a long time, Sana’s expression softening. She straightened her back and sighed, leaning her head on the girl’s shoulder.
“Come to the party with me?”
Jihyo leaned her head on top of hers. “Will that make you stop spitting bullshit about your perfect, talented, beautiful self?”
Sana giggled, hiding her face on Jihyo’s neck. She absolutely loved her friend. “Yeah.”
“Then I’ll come.”
And just like that, she found some company, and felt less alone. Maybe there was a lesson to be learned from all of this.
Maybe she should stop chasing people and wait for them to come to her.
Chaeyoung knocked on her bedroom’s door three times, then walked in silently. The lights were on, so that meant her patient was awake. She felt a bit concerned about this; she wanted Tzuyu to get as much rest as possible – it was never easy to miss three days of classes in a row. Sure, Chaeyoung brought back her homework and notes every day, but she wasn’t exactly the best teacher around.
“Tzuyu?” Chaeyoung approached the girl carefully. She was lying in bed, a bowl of soup next to her nightstand and the TV remote on her hand.
“Hey,” Tzuyu greeted her with a weak voice. She’d been getting better from her cold, but her throat was still hurting, so she tried to speak the least she could. “Dahyun brought dinner.”
Turning around to face the bathroom, Chaeyoung now realized that their other roommate was the reason Tzuyu wasn’t sleeping right now. “Well, it’s the least she could do after waking you up.”
“I live here too, you ass!” Dahyun yelled from the bathroom, which made the two younger girls laugh a little. Their room was usually messy because there were three of them, but today it was especially so – all thanks to Dahyun getting ready for this crazy party.
“It feels like a hurricane passed through here.” Chaeyoung walked into the bathroom to wash her paint-stained hands and nearly choked at the sight.
“A girl needs to be pretty, and being pretty is messy.” Dahyun’s makeup was literally half finished; she had this bizarre habit of completing one eye first and leaving the other completely clean. She said that it gave her a perspective, but it honestly made Chaeyoung laugh every time. “What?”
“Your stupid makeup.”
“It’s art, Son Chaeyoung. Art takes time.” Kim Dahyun was already extremely expressive, but with one small eye and one big one, she became the pinnacle of comedy. “Stop laughing! Go take care of Tzuyu, this bathroom is too small for two people.”
“Oh, man…” Chaeyoung wiped a tear from laughing too hard, but obliged.
“How is she?” Tzuyu asked, genuinely curious.
“I’ll sketch her later, I won’t be able to take that image off my head,” Chaeyoung replied, regaining her breath. Tzuyu laughed too, but started coughing. That made every protective instinct on Chaeyoung’s body act, and she sat down by her bed, grabbing the cup of water near the shelf.
“Here, drink.”
“Thank you,” Tzuyu swallowed the liquid and sighed, relieved. “I hate this stupid cold.”
“It’ll pass soon enough.” Chaeyoung’s features softened and she reached out to pat Tzuyu’s hair gently. Then she grabbed the bowl of soup. “Eat.” It was just natural to feed her at this point, and Tzuyu wasn’t complaining.
They chatted for a while, Chaeyoung told her about her day, and Tzuyu kept worrying about her photography project not being finished on time because she was sick. The painter assured her that she’d help her out once she was feeling better, and Tzuyu thanked her.
There was an element of softness between the youngest members of their group of friends – except for Dahyun, but that was another story completely. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu had always worked well together and gotten along better than most people. They’ve never had a real, bad fight before, because there was no reason to; they’ve always dialogued honestly and openly about their issues, so nothing had ever felt off with them.
They didn’t hide secrets from each other.
(Except that Chaeyoung was hiding one.
She just couldn’t tell anyone.)
After a while, the soup was finished, the TV program was fairly decent, and Dahyun was out of the bathroom – now with makeup on both sides of her face. “How do I look?”
“Like Dahyun.” Both girls answered at the same time and high-fived.
“Real helpful.”
“You look good.” Tzuyu said, honestly.
“Don’t forget to take your keys with you. You know we’ll be sleeping by the time you come back,” Chaeyoung warned her, getting up to put on her pajamas.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Dahyun searched for her wallet and keys and put them all inside her purse. Looking around one more time to make sure she wasn’t forgetting anything, she nodded to herself. “Well, I’m going. Behave, don’t break stuff, sleep early, don’t watch porn on my Pay-per-view account.”
“As if.” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. “Don’t get too drunk, I’m not taking care of you when you come back.”
Despite the hostile way they spitted words at each other, Chaeyoung and Dahyun hugged, and Tzuyu watched them fondly. They were still close friends, after all. “Rest well, Tzuyu.” Dahyun planted a kiss on top of her head, then jumped back, opening the door. “Goodbye, toddlers!”
It was incredible how quiet the atmosphere became once Dahyun was gone.
“She gives me a headache.” Chaeyoung complained taking off her shirt.
“She’s a lot to handle, yes.” Tzuyu agreed. “But our group wouldn’t be the same without her.”
“That’s the worst part,” There was a smile in her voice. “She’s as dense as she’s annoying.”
“What does that mean?”
“Nothing. Never mind.” Chaeyoung forgot that Tzuyu didn’t know about the whole drama with Sana and Dahyun, and bit her tongue. Once she was done changing, she grabbed the pillow from her own bed and climbed back on Tzuyu’s, getting comfortable under the sheets. The youngest girl giggled.
“You’re gonna get sick if you stay near me.”
“Don’t care,” She answered sitting against the headboard. “I want to be with you.”
Tzuyu looked down shyly, but didn’t complain.
“Besides, the TV is right in front of your bed.” Chaeyoung added later, receiving lots of slaps in return. She laughed and grabbed Tzuyu’s hand. “Okay, okay, I’m kidding!”
“You also give me a headache, sometimes.” Tzuyu teased, but leaned her head on Chaeyoung’s shoulder. They stood in silence after this, enjoying each other’s company and watching a cooking show together. They were still holding hands, and Tzuyu intertwined their fingers at some point, which made Chaeyoung’s heart skip a beat. She didn’t move them, however, and pretended not to notice.
Tzuyu’s medicine was making her sleepy, and it didn’t take long for her to nod off on Chaeyoung’s shoulder. Her little snores were really cute, and that was how you knew she was deep asleep.
Carefully, Chaeyoung got up and turned off the lights. She was about to head to her own bed when she heard Tzuyu mumbling something in her sleep.
“Stay here…”
Chaeyoung’s heart constricted inside her chest and she bit her lip, sighing. Moving back to Tzuyu’s bed, she grabbed a few cushions from their sofa and tucked them under the girl’s chin. Apparently convinced that there was now a warm body next to her, Tzuyu dozed off again. Chaeyoung let out a relieved breath and climbed on her own bed.
She turned off the TV and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the pain inside her chest.
Chaeyoung had a secret that she couldn’t tell anyone.
And she wouldn’t allow herself to indulge in it, either.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, professor.” Jeongyeon bid her Literature teacher goodbye and finally let out a yawn she’d been holding for the sake of her reputation. She loved Miss Sunmi to bits, but her class was dense and filled with too much information. She wanted to do well on tomorrow’s test, so she had asked for an extra lesson in the evening. Now that it was done, she could finally go back to her room and relax.
But there was still something tugging at her heart, and she wanted to make this weird feeling go away before going to bed. She grabbed her phone and dialed. It rang twice, then the person picked up.
“Jeongyeon,” Her voice seemed cheerful, which was good. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” Jeongyeon replied, smiling softly. “A little tired, honestly. Training was hard, and I just left an extra Lit class.”
“Look at you, studying hard.”
“Someone’s gotta do it. You can’t be the only smart one in the group.”
Mina giggled softly like she always did and Jeongyeon felt lighter. “I’m glad you’re committed to stealing my title.”
“Yeah…” She ruffled her hair a little bit. “Listen, Sana told me you’re going to the party tonight.”
Mina stood in silence for a couple of seconds. “I am. I thought I’d try this whole ‘socializing’ thing before graduating.” She cleared her throat. “Besides, Nayeon will be there. If everything goes wrong I can always stick to her like glue.”
Jeongyeon turned left and started walking downstairs, imagining the scene. “You do know that this is the Drama Club party, right?”
“Meaning I doubt she’ll be left alone for a second,” She let out a breathless laugh. “Those theater kids worship her like some kind of goddess. Which is understandable, honestly.”
“Hmm, I suppose.” Mina sounded down all of a sudden, but it might’ve been Jeongyeon’s imagination. “Well, Dahyun will be there too, regardless. Who knows, I might make some friends.”
“Yeah, who knows.” The conversation trailed off and they stood in silence for a bit. It wasn’t uncomfortable, however; Mina and Jeongyeon could stay on the phone for hours without really talking about anything and it still felt nice. They had this kind of relationship.
“Is that all you wanted to ask me?” Mina spoke up suddenly, snapping Jeongyeon out of whatever trance she was in.
“Oh, um… Yeah. I just wanted to make sure you’d be okay.”
“As usual.” She could hear the gentle smile in Mina’s voice.
“As usual.” Jeongyeon replied. More silence followed and soon she was at the dorms. “Well… I gotta go. Call me if you need anything.”
“Will do.”
“I mean that. You can call me at four in the morning—”
“And you’ll pick up. I know.”
“Yeah. Okay,” She laughed awkwardly and climbed the last set of stairs before coming face to face with her door. “Have fun.”
“I will.” Then a few moments later. “…Thank you for calling.”
“No problem.” Jeongyeon stood in front of her door with a dumb grin plastered on her face. “See you.”
They finally hung up and the athlete sighed, looking at her phone. Despite having made sure that Mina was alright, she was still antsy for some reason. Jeongyeon shook her head pushing the thoughts away, and finally opened her door. She was going to have a study session and couldn’t be bothered by a senseless anxiety.
She took one step into the room and was greeted by a mess of clothes on Momo’s bed, with said girl applying lipstick on the mirror next to the bathroom. That was unexpected.
“Uh… Sana told me you weren’t going?” It was more of a question.
“Change of plans,” Momo answered, shrugging. Then she turned around. “Should I go with a top or a shirt?”
“Do you want people to see your abs?”
Momo smirked and walked back into the bathroom to finish her makeup. Jeongyeon threw her bag on her chair and jumped into her bed, staring at the ceiling for a bit, then back at the clothes. Seeing Momo getting ready for the party made something snap inside of her and she frowned, closing her eyes. Then she opened them again, rolled on her stomach and scratched her head.
Ah, fuck it.
Once Momo was done, she walked out of the bathroom and halted at the scene. “What are you doing?”
“Being dragged to this damn party.”
“…By whom?”
Jeongyeon sighed, grabbing her best outfit. “By my stupidity, apparently.”
Momo raised an eyebrow, then laughed. “That makes both of us, then.”
This was either going to be great, or suck in astronomical levels.
Honestly, Momo couldn’t wait to find out which.
#twice#kpop#my fic#im nayeon#hirai momo#myoui mina#kim dahyun#minatozaki sana#yoo jeongyeon#park jihyo#son chaeyoung#chou tzuyu#namo#mimo#chaeyu#saida#2yeon#jeongmi#twice fanfic
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