#finding jobs to apply for now that my dad cant stop me while my beautiful wife sleeps beside me as i play something in the way 10 hours
reddeath · 9 months
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genuinely living my very very best life
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 5
a/n: ong this is going to be a bit of a crack episode w a tiny dash of flirty manager
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
-Watch the boys be all dramatic when yn misses a few days of school and suddenly show up with a broken arm😭✊🏻😔
- Dunno if this is a dream or not but i think you mentioned that yn is clumsy. Just imagine her carrying those cute band aids around for when she gets hurt. But what if she uses them on the boys when they get hurt
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- She is looking down at the boy who is checking her scrap on her knee, when she smiles all cutely and shit "I fell for you" And cue the boy having a heart attack because she is way to cute
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im totally not running out of seijoh gifs or anything
lets start!!
okay as mentioned before and as read above,,
you are quite clumsy
like there is a normal level of clumsy
but you are just on another level
like in manager part 2, your mom ltr was not shocked when you said you fell up the stairs like ‘oh okay. the weathers nice today’
lmao what
and youre also the type to not even know you got hurt like youd just be scratching your arm and youd find a bruise 
‘how did that get there?’
so it was common to find you with band-aids on you and bruises all over
like you entered the gym for practice and you were just doing your normal manager tingz when our meme bois saw you and zoomed towards you
‘y/n-chan!!! we missed you!!!!
makki screeched which scared you so you dropped the crate of bottles onto your feet
you mumbled, the pain settling in at an overwhelmingly quick pace so there were tiny tears in your eyes
the duo gasped and quickly kicked the crate to the side like they were angry at it for hurting you
uwu omg thats so cute
or the one time you were wiping the sweat from kyo’s forehead
he had a small soft smile that could only be seen by you as you got rid of the sweat 
but that smile turned into a frown when he got a glimpse at the discoloration on certain parts of your arms
he whispered
you blinked up and he gently grabbed your arm, fingertips ghosting over the bruises
‘how could you do this to your beautiful skin’
he mumbles and you shrugged
‘hmm,,, i didnt even know they were there’
kyo shook his head with an amused chuckle and iwa, who was drinking water at the side, noticed you two
then he noticed more at your other arm and baby boi hurriedly ran over to you
next thing you know, you got best bois fussing over you always hurting yourself and kyo gently headbutts you to tell you off while iwa flicks your nose
‘honestly, we cant trust you by yourself’
you just giggled at them which caused them to stumble and fluster
its quite normal for you to look like you just fell down the stairs and be so surprised whenever the boys point it out
like youd have this confused pout  and tilt your head ‘hm? hello. how did you get here’
its kinda cute
and ofc you would naturally have your ointments for bruises or a first aid kit at all times bc you never really know when it happens and you need to treat it quickly
the boys always count on you for medical tape when their fingers bleed or whenever watari gets bruises all over his legs bc of too many flying dives
the bench was a common place for you to treat the others and our libero babie was sitting there at one practice
you were kneeled on the floor and gently applying ointment on the growing colors on his skin 
‘hmm,,, wata-san, be careful next time, okay? your skin is really soft and pretty. its a shame to ruin it’
he wanted to scoff at the irony and the hypocritical comment but your worried and concerned eyes made him softly smile and nod
‘mhm. i will’
even though it was uneeded on reddened places, you would dig in your bag and fish out a gudetama bandaid on it
it was like a doctor’s signature for you and it makes the boys ltr fall in love with you all over again
ororororor that one time where kindaichi accidentally got a papercut during your study sessions and he was tearing up slightly at the pain
you grinned at him to show that it was going to be okay and he let you sit on his lap so you could treat it
he still had a pout and you were giving him forehead kisses to calm him down
‘see? its going to be okay. nurse y/n-chan is the best out there and she’ll take care of you!’
he laughed slightly and you victoriously smiled
once it was all wrapped up, you placed a kiss on it
‘ya gotta kiss it to make it better’
not saying im doing a kindaichi route or anything but he may or may not tackled you with kisses with that comment
but sometimes, they would have to be the one to put that bandaid on you
like one day, you were walking down the stairs to go to the changing rooms for practice and humming softly when you caught sight of the tall volleyball player mattsun at the bottom of the stairs
he was just passing by and you noticed him, waving your hand and shouting his name
you greeted and he turned and he smiled brightly at you
you excitedly increased your pace going down the stairs, not noticing that you stepped on the edge of the step and caused your foot to slip
unfortunately, mattsun was too far away for him to catch you so you tripped and scraped your knee
he flashnyoomed over to you and kneeled in front of you to examine it
ofc it hurt like hell but you put up a brave front
‘its okay, mattsun-san’
his adorable eyebrows scrunched in concern and he quickly shook his head and gently picked you up to sit 2 steps up
you watched silently as he grabbed ahold of the familiar blue first aid kit from your bag and he opened it to take out alcohol and other treatment things
his fingers worked to open the bottle and pour a little bit of alcohol before he gently reached out to grab your leg
but before that, our babie mattsun is a gentleman and looked up for a permission to help you
‘its okay, mattsun-san’
you giggled and you booped his nose
he was slowly cleaning the wound and you could still tell he was worried with how his brows were still furrowed
you called out and he looked up
you smiled cutely and looked down, flustered, then met his eyes again
‘i fell for you’
mattsun.exe stopped working
like deadass he blanked for a second then his brain processed what you said and when he did, he dropped the cotton ball and his face blew up red
this babie grimaced, eyes shutting tightly and head leaning on your thigh
you giggled at him and ran your hands through his hair
‘i swear, y/n, i swear’
he kept mumbling and his heartbeat quickened to the point he felt faint and he felt light-headed
you were just too cute
too damn cute for his heart
too damn cute for this world
just too cute
and thats not good
mattsun quickly regained his senses and hurriedly placed the ointment and the bandaid on to finish the job
you reached out with your hands for a hug and mattsun gladly leaned in and you clung to him like a koala which made him hold you tightly against his chest
‘hmm~~~~ thank you, mattsun-san’
you appreciated and gave him a kiss on his cheek in gratitude which made him hide his face in your neck
‘im going to get a heart attack, y/n. take responsibility’
he mumbled, nipping your neck 
you chuckled and played with the hair on his neck
‘hm~ okay~ i take responsibility~’
that was only one of the accidents the seijoh boys went through with you and i swear those boys have superior intelligence in medical care just because you get hurt so much
until that one faithful day
you werent there
you werent at school or at practice
ofc you texted the coaches and the team that you werent going to be at school for a while and they spammed you asking what happened or if you were okay
but you didnt want to worry them so you just said that you were okay and it was just something that happened
then you finally appeared
dear god 
kunimi saw you enter the classroom and he almost shot up to saturn when he saw your cast
he shouted and kindaichi heard it from his classroom beside yours and he also usain bolted towards your classroom to your desk
the boi texted the team you were here and they all raced to your classroom 
oikawa screeched at the sight of your arm and everyone was firing questions at you but you couldnt focus on one so you just sat there sheepishly smiling
thank god your professor entered the shooed them out with a large textbook but your teacher smiled at you
‘l/n, good to have you back’
at lunch, dear god there was a riot
kunimi strong man kunimi hoisted you in his arms and walked over to the hidden team stairwell where everyone was waiting
they all had narrowed eyes and crossed arms, with iwakyo tapping their foot
you did the 🥺👉👈 and their eyes softened at that sight alone
‘you see,,,, i had a,,, concert,,, in the shower,,, and slipped’
they blinked, confusion swirling over everyone’s head
‘excuse me? you said you slipped in the bath?’
‘for a concert?’
‘you sing?’
the team facepalmed at the reason you came in with a broken arm and you pouted at them
‘sorry, captain, everyone. i didnt mean to’
you mumbled but the others couldnt blame you so they pulled you to a group hug
‘i swear, y/n-chan, you will get yourself killed one day’
you apologized again but oikawa flicked your nose
‘no dont apologize. we’ll just have to be there for you constantly to look out for you’
and he stuck to that word
like oikawa came over to your house early in the morning to pick you up from school and your dad thought it was just him bothering again
so he sighed, placed his newspaper down, took a sip of tea, then stood up to go to the closet for his broom
this mans took a deep breath before opening his door and shouting and waving his broom around maniacally
that woke up everyone in the house and you bolted down the stairs, terrified yet chuckling at the sight
then something happened for everyone in the neighborhood-or Japan- to wake up
yanno the drill ladies and gents
oikawa screamed
a/n: sorry i disappeared for a HOT SEC but im back!! and we finally going back to the groove!!! and uwu thanks for sticking by and waiting for another update and the next one might be my first not-seijoh work in a LONG WHILE so look forward to that!!! 
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Okay so last week was a shitkicker and was literally so bad I spent the better part of the week trying to delude myself into thinking it was a good day. Like, we're talking, "the sun is shining and I'm here to see it so today is a good day" and "I'm having a bad day- fuck me I am not haveing a bad day- I'm having a good day- I'm not having a bad day". Denial is a powerful tool for mental health, apply judiciously. I get that everyone on earth is kinda having a shitty year but it feels like things just kinda escalated in my little corner
The 7th had a huge snow storm that brought traffic to a stand still. No one could leave the house and university class was online anyway. Batshit customer demanded to pick up her gear anyway. I drove in because I was the only person with keys to the shop that could get to the building. It took me a solid 2 hours going 15mph on the highway. The snow in the parking lot was up past the fenders of my truck. Crazy lady gets 10 out of 18 of her survival suits back but the other 8 still have holes in them because our only repair tech is also the only one who answers the phone or runs the computer or handles customers or cleans or disinfects anything or stores gear. I'll give you one guess who that person is.
Did you guess me? Good for you. Fun fact this was not the case in October.
Crazy lady swans off through the snowed in parking lot and because she cant find the exit, blasts straight through the ditch and onto the road.
I say fuck it and leave. I've been at work for 2 hours. I have made 24 dollars for my trouble. It takes me another hour to get home.
The 8th is Saturday and I'm supposed to be at work. No one can drive. There was another 10 8nches of snow last night. I say fuck work and go to dig out the plow truck. The canopy over the plow truck collapses as I walk out to clear the snow of it.
I do not scream.
My partner and I get the truck running and go plow people out of their driveways and then go do the shop.
We come back home and the heater doesn't work. We just spent most of last week frantically trying to limp the thing along because no heat at -20°F is in a word fucking unpleasant. At least now its 40 degrees warmer because if the snowstorm. We take it apart again. The house smells like diesel. The house smells like exhaust. The house is not cold because the wood stove can keep up at 20 above zero but it won't keep us through the winter.
There is no saving the oil heater. We need a new one.
Its 730 and neither of us have eaten. I start rice in the pressure cooker so I can throw a tasty bite on top and call it dinner and that dies too. Explosively.
Dinner is half cooked rice and microwaved curry.
Sunday is spent finding a way to stretch our increasingly thin budget to buy a new heater. Between us we actually have 2275$ and we will still cover the mortgage. Somehow. All our Christmas gifts will be hand made this year. The next thing that breaks will stay broken.
Monday, power outages due to snow storm. No wifi, no zoom meetings. Another 8 inches of snow. This is now more snow than my city gets for the full year.
My boss calls sobbing. The dog died. Joey, an 11 year old, 130lb mastiff with a tumor the size of a football on his liver has been her constant companion for at least 8 years. The pandemic has confused the bejesus out of him because while he loves the lock down and going out to play every hour or so he doesnt really like the concept of strangers in masks. Hes a guard dog and doesnt understand that men in masks coming into the shop are not here to kill mom they're wearing masks so they don't kill mom.
Mondays the shop is closed anyway and I spend it installing the new heater. It doesn't quite fit in the space the old heater came out of but its warm.
Tuesday, I go to work, everyone cancels class, I once again gently explain to a regular that eugenics is bad. I would like to curse him out. I cant. He drops a grand on scuba gear and leaves, talking about how great his trip to Mexico will be.
I do not scream.
A friend calls to ask how I'm doing. Not great. Yea, her niether. She asks if I want to go out to the backcountry with her over the weekend. I explain that my leg physically does not move and I'm downing copious amounts of advil to remain upright. The doctor sent me in for an MRI but has not yet called back. Plus I'm supposed to go to Valdez for the weekend and actually go diving. That I can do with limited use of my leg.
She says yikes, take it easy, take care of yourself, I love you.
I say, yikes, I'm tired of taking it easy, I wanna play, I love you too.
Hit me up if your plans open up and we can do something gentle on your leg. She says.
God yes. The cold woods away from people sounds like paradise. I dont even care that it will cause me rending physical pain to get there. I need a break.
Its Wednesday. I go to school. I get pulled over. Miraculously I dont get a ticket. I'm white female and conventionaly attractive, maybe not so miraculous. I rolled through a stop sign but I'm pretty sure I couldn't afford a ticket.
I get a text in class. One of the instructors who works with the dive shop has tested positive for covid. I haven't seen the man in 2 months. I needed a spare instructor but he was nowhere to be found. But hey, evidently that's a good thing.
I go to work. I vacillate between doing the job a 4 people and having nothing to do.
I go to the grocery store because I misjudged my last monthly grocery run and even though I'm increasing my exposure I'm out of cheese and tea damnit.
The store is packed. Pandemic who?
My partner and I haven't had a date nite in a while and this week has been shitty. I want a nice dinner. I pick up a couple boxes of the carton sushi which isnt terrible and is about as nice as I can justify on the new budget. I grab a gallon of milk and a few other things. I forgot my wallet in the truck and the cashier is chill and sets my stuff aside while I grab it.
I pay and take my stuff home and realize I left one of my bags at the store. No cheese or tea for me.
Thursday. 10am my phone goes off with an emergency alert. The govoner has grown a spine in light of recent elections and is instituting a voluntary lock down. My state has 500 new cases a day. That might not sound like a lot but theres only 300,000 people in Alaska and we've got poor medical infrastructure.
Unfortunately Alaska is full of Alaskans and nobody can tell us what to do. Nothing changes. 7pm rolls around and I'm teaching scuba classes in the pool.
I load a few hundred pounds of scuba gear into the back of my truck. In a wet wetsuit. In the snow. In a fabric facemask. 6 feet apart. In the pool.
I dont get paid for pool time.
Over the summer we had 6 dive masters including me, all big burly dudes, much better suited to picking things up. Its November and I'm the only one.
The kids I'm teaching are going to Hawaii. They're 10 and 13 and so wildly excited about breathing underwater its beautiful to watch. And they're traveling to an island. In a pandemic.
Unload scuba gear so it doesnt get stolen out of the back of my truck while I'm at class. Were doing a make up lab today. Hey of the five student in my class only one of us has covid so theres that.
My boss calls an let's me know that shes left for Valdez without me. If I'd like to make an 8 hour drive by myself in a snowstorm I'm welcome to follow.
I'm in class till an hour before shop closing. I'm not driving across town so I can run on the open sign for half an hour.
The shop stays closed on Friday.
I explained to everyone we had business with that the shop would be closed over the weekend and Friday. I planned on being in Valdez. Hell I canceled plans to be in Valdez.
I open the shop and immediately field calls about why we werent open. I start to explain about the Valdez trip and logistical difficulties and then I realize that shes not mad about that. The woman was here before I opened early this morning. We have never been open that early. The hours are on the door.
A regular comes in. Hes also confused as to why I'm here.
Sunday finds me curled up in bed, reluctant to leave. Getting out of bed has not played out well for me recently.
A friend comes over to chat with my partner about specialist rifle parts. This isnt that wierd, he works at a gun shop and they've been discussing upgrading my partners current rifle set up.
He is wearing a full Scottish kilt. Red tartan. Looks very lovely.
I make zucchini bread and my proportions are a little off because I have too much zucchini so it's a little over moist but it's good. I'm recovering from an asskicker of a week and next week will be better.
Monday morning:
Baby brother has covid
Dads getting the results of his rapid test tonight.
Mom isnt getting tested because she says she doesnt have symptoms but that's not the fucking point mom.
So, I'm not going home for thanksgiving. I'm not diving in Valdez. I'm not skiing backcountry.
I'm not sick. I'm not flat broke yet. I dont have a ticket. I have a job. I have people who care about me. Im managing my physical and mental health as best I can. Im just fucking exhausted.
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thatcanadianfangirl · 8 years
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Jackson Whittemore X Girl
Requested: Nah,
Plot: Willow Winchester is the daughter of Sam Winchester, and when they ride into Beacon Hills. Willow finds herself caught between her ex and her family.
Word Count: 2,160
A/N: The second gif is @bonniebird and the other ones aren't my gifs, I’ve never done a cross over before so bare with me.  The crossover is for a celebration for hitting 400 followers.
I sat in the back of the slick black Chevy Impala, ear buds in my ears as my uncle and father talked about god knows what. My body stopped responding to the music as soon as I saw the ‘Welcome To Beacon Hills’ sign.
A shiver ran up and down my spine making my body temperature stone cold. I remembered the last time I’ve been in this town, the time in my life where I had been a rebellious teen. I tolled my dad I hated him, because he'd never tell me anything about my mother, He’d always get touchy about it. It’s always been a sore subject for him.
I stole money from both my uncle and father. I had no guilt doing it, only feeling like I've stolen headphones from them. I ripped the tracker they thought I didn't notice, out of my phone. I then waited for the right moment to run off.
At the end of my journey I found myself in a little town in California, Beacon Hills. it was as far as I could get away from my dad at this point. I couldn't drive since I was only fourteen at the time. I was there for a few months until my uncle Dean found me and dragged me back.
In that time I had gain relationships with people, people I never wanted to let go. That wasn't my life, that was the life I wanted. It was normal, all I wanted for my life was to normal.
I yanked my mind from the past and into the present, I glanced up at the rear-view mirror. To already see my uncle looking at me with his eyebrows raised. Asking if I’d be fine. I didn't even know the answer to that myself, so  I shrugged at him.
my uncle was the only one who knew about me being here before. My dad thought I escaped to Las Vegas, my uncle came up with a lie and my dad believed him. My dad was always so naïve about certain things.  
Uncle Dean pulled up into a parking lot of a hotel, I pulled out my ear buds and wrapped them around my phone. “I’m going to check in.” Uncle Dean acknowledged us before me and dad could speak up at the same time.
My dad let out a husky chuckled as I pulled open the handle of the car. I stretched every single one of my limbs, I moaned out feeling my stiff bones and muscles loosen up a bit.
“Feeling better?” Dad asked with  amusement. I looked up at him nodding my head. “I thought you’d be use to it already, from the many times you’ve sat in this car.” He mentioned as he still watched me, I shook my head.
“Your so off dad, I hate sitting in there all day without a run or just a simple walk. I feel like a caged animal.” I said now having the urge to run a mile or two.
“It’s because you are, Willow.” Uncle rasied his voice as he came closer, with three room keys in his hand. I faked laughed with a believable smile , “That’s really funny.” I said sarcastically, grabbing one on the keys from his hand. Sliding it in my back pocket.
“Some one was bitten.” He mumbled to my dad,
“I’m right here”
“She hasn't gone for a run yet,” Dad defended.
“What is my niece a dog now?” He asked. 
After we entered the hotel and carried our baggage up to our room on the four floor. Uncle Dean hopped in the shower while dad and I got ready for a quick run.  I tied my hair in a high pony tail, pulling at it to tighten. I had on spandex short and fitted t-shirt, also wearing black runners.
I smiled at him with the brightest smile, my body getting bouncy by the second. “You have no idea.” I beamed right before I walked out of the room with my dad by my side. We’ve always ran together in the mornings, but in this case we run together in the late night.
during the run all I could feel was free as sweat ran down my forehead. My legs still wanting more, I speed up thinking back to the past. I didn't want to run into the people I use to know here. Especially Scott, he was almost like a brother to me. Same with Stiles, since he was always caring and by Scott’s side. If I did happen to run into them, I hope they don't remember me.
I woke up the next morning with stirs. I stretched sighing lightly, feeling good from the run last night. I sat up, by the way I was so energized, I knew dad let me sleep in. I yawned a little, seeing uncle Dean leaning over dad as he researched on his precious laptop.
“So what’s the lead on this one?” I asked pulling myself to the headboard and lean my back against it. Both men jumped at my voice making me mentally roll my eyes at them. They were so concentrated they didn't even notice me wake up.
dad recovered from it quickly, “Morning,” He began with a warm smile. “Werewolves, there are a couple in town as if they have a pull to this place.” Uncle mentioned.
“Well it was going to be something, this is easy.” I said
“There was a killing in the forest near the high way. A burned down house close by. The Hale house, there were rumours about the family that lived there.” Dad said now shutting his lap top as uncle took a few steps back.
“And?’ I asked with raised eyebrows encouraging one of them to carry on. “...And we’re going to check it out, it seems a little suspicious. The house might be their den.”  Uncle explained as dad began to pack few guns and bottles of wolf’s bane in the hotel room.
“Now get ready Pipsqueak.” Uncle Dean said calling me my childhood nick name. I ripped the sheets from my body, now I glared at him deeply. “I’m seventeen, you can stop calling me that.” I scowled at him.
The men both chuckled at me while I walked into the bathroom. I brushed my hair, leaving it down as I applied makeup on my face. I walked out hearing them groan, “What!” I shot at them.
‘The makeup again?” Dad asked,
“Well I am a girl.” I insisted,
“It’s waste of our time, Willow.” uncle dean complained next.
“I guess you should of woken be up, I missed my run.” I shot back at both of them before pulling clothes from my bag. I looked at both of them as they stared at me.
“Go wait in the car, I’ll be there in less than five minutes.” I demanded, They looked at each other before hurrying out of the room, “Nice job Sammy.” Uncle Dean mumbled and patted my dad on the back before they vanished behind the door.
The engine died as uncle Dean parked his beautiful car on the side of the highway. The forest began on the right side of us, deep like the ocean. We got out of the car making our way to the truck.
Uncle Dean unlocked the hood that held most of our weapons and defence. He skimmed through it all. “Here, Pipsqueak.” He said with a smirk on his face as he handed me my small handgun that held the bullets laced with wolf’s bane. My black dagger with a bottle of wolf’s bane. I glared at him before stepping aside.
Dad had picked out the same, but his gun and dagger are bigger than mine were. Uncle Dean grabbed his before he closed the truck. “Let’s find those son of a bitches,” He said as we headed into the woods.
Our guns in hand while we looked for the burned down house. Not on high alert, but still paying attention to our surrounding. In case they were expecting us to come for them.
thirty minutes into our search, dad spotted the house  a few yards away from us. It was a big family house, less burnt down than I thought I’d be. Still had a sturdy structure for a house little this, it wasn't anything I expected at all.
“Willow I want you to be careful when going in.” Uncle Dean said starting to round  the back of the house, dad fallowing in tact. I rolled my eyes, he was hinting I was the bait again.
“why cant dad be the bait this time? I’m always the bait.” I complained sighing. “You just said it yourself, you're always the bait, you know the routine.” He said now getting out of ear range. my body fell from it’s stright posture, glaring down the forest floor. Just great.
I tucked my handgun in the back on my jean’s waist band, I was still a huge distance away from the house. I needed it for what I had to do next. I dragged my dagger from my waist and over my hip bone. Splitting my shirt and healed skin into a massive cut. I breathed heavily, clenching my jaw to stop the screams wanting to come out.
I leaned down swiping the sharp dagger with more pressure over my calf. Blood flowed down my leg and black jeans. I then wiped the knife clean on my shirt, I slide the now clean dagger into my left combat boot.
I collected blood from the gashes and spread it all over my clothes and skin. I also grabbed dirt and did the same with it. I ripped my flannel all over and shook it off my shoulder, letting it hang on my arms. Running my hands through my hair, making it look like I haven't washed it for days.
My routine was different for every mythical creature we have hunted. Acting like I escaped from someone and now trying to find help, was the werewolf routine. I started running towards the house making my breathing faster. I faked a limp as I continued my scared run.
I banged on the door rapidly, screaming bloody murder for help. The door was yanked open a few minutes later, letting me fall on the floor hard. I stopped my frantic yelling once I felt hands grab my arm and pull me up.
I stopped my act as soon as my eyes landed on icy blue ones. Familiar blues, the same ones that I grew to love when I lived in Beacon Hills. “Willow?” He asked, his voice deeper than I remember. confusion was written all over his face.
“Jackson.” I breathed out, He looked a little different, but had the same defined face and broad body as before. Everything about him was intensified, memories flashed in my head, all the perfect memories I had with him.
It surprised me that he was standing it front of me, of  a people I could have ran into. It was him, my ex-boyfriend. My first love. Before I could properly process this. He hooked his arms around me, yanking me closer to him. I immediately wrapped my arms around him in a hug.  
From where we stood I could only sense one werewolf, that was him. Were was his pack? Did he even have one, or did he kill those people himself.
“I thought you ran away from me!” He stated letting go of me. I shook my head with a sad  smile.
“No,  but I probably would have if I knew you were a werewolf at the time.”
“How do you know?” He was confused and I hated how attractive it was.
“I’m a hunter, I kill the supernatural.” I said letting him swallow it down.
“Since when?”
“Since the beginning”
In the corner of my eye I could see them, both with fierce expression. Guns raised up, my heart began to pick up speed. their target, the werewolf, Jackson is their werewolf.
The sound of the bullet leaving the gun was loud, my eyes wide as I instantly shoved Jackson away, with both hands on his chest. It was a weird instinct I had with him near me, It’s always been there.
I ran in front of him, protecting Jackson from my family. My dad and uncle have be hard glares as they started to drop their guns. “ Willow, what are you doing?” Dad growled out as uncle Dean gave me a now knowing look.
“Get out of the way, Pipsqueak.” His voice calm as he spoke, I didn't care what my uncle Dean called me. I wasn't going to let them kill the one and only person I’ve ever loved. I was scared that they kill him, because if it was the other way around. I’d have no second thought.
“I can’t do that, Dean.”
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Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer""
Why is everyone whining about being required to buy heath insurance?
you probably don't realize it, but you practically are required to buy car insurance. if you wreck and you have no insurance, it's not very pretty, especially for your money. Same thing with heath. if you get sick and don't have insurance, it's not very good! i don't understand why people so strongly oppose requirement to buy heath insurance, but don't even stop to think about car insurance, the same principle.""
How much approx. to insure 1100cc for 7 days?
Any help on this question will be appreciated. I'm only looking for an approximation as I've no idea what the general insurance rates are for short term car insurance. Insurance would only need be 3rd part fire and theft. Would it cost me 10, 50 a 100 pounds, I've no idea. Again any help appreciated. Thanks.""
Do your insurance rates go up when you file for bankruptcy?
Do your insurance rates go up when you file for bankruptcy?
Health insurance?
do you need a ss# or be legal resident to have health insurance?
Affordable car insurance companies in NYC?
Hi there, I would appreciate it if I can get some names and possibly reviews of inexpensive auto insurance companies within NYC (companies in all 5 boroughs are welcome)? Please! I beg you, don't mention Geico, All State, State Farm, and Progressive! Thanks very much!""
I need Health Insurance Tips?
Hey there, I was hoping to get some input from families in WA State, or anywhere if you want to help me. I just need ideas on where to get affordable health insurance for my family? If anyone has advice for me that would be great. Thank-you!""
Can I finance a car while on my dads car insurance?
I am looking to get a used car really soon, I have saved up enough money to put a good down payment down and have had a steady job for a little over 2 years now. The question is, will dealerships let me finance a car even tho I am on the car insurance with me dad? I am 20 yrs old and I still have insurance with him because I am a college student and also because I still live with him""
How much cost an insurance in massachusetts?
I am not working and I will need an insurance.
Do you have to have insurance for...?
I was wondering, when renting an apartment are you suppose to have insurance?""
Will my insurance go up if i get a speeding ticket?
i was going 95 im 18 ive been in two accidents its not my car and im on my parents insurance but i do not want my parents to find out i just wanna pay it and be done with it and do you know about around how much it would be?
What are health insurance claims?
im confused and dont know what health insurance claims are..i need to know its for school i need to know what is it, what is it used for and why...please and thank you!! :)""
What are my health insurance options?
I recently changed jobs to a small company that does not provide health insurance. I was turned down when I applied independently to Aetna for medical reasons. Would the decision of another company likely be any different or is COBRA my only option? Despite some issues in my medical history I virtually never go to the doctor and would be happy with a plan that just covers unexpected catastrophic issues but I'm not sure how to go about looking for that.
Car insurance for teens. Do I NEED to be listed on my parents policy?
My parents have triple A auto insurance and I have recently gotten my drivers license. I have tried to research the requirements for insurance by law on the California DMV website and the most concrete statement I found was some numbers that cover various damages and injuries (DMV website is not working properly so I cannot look it up). My parents insurance obviously covers the basic and more. However, my parents policy states that Any relative that has consent of the owner to use the insured vehicle is covered by this policy - These are not the exact words as I don't have the policy on me, but it is pretty damn close. In the definitions portion of the policy, it states a relative as anyone related by blood, and some other stuff. I am my parents son so I am obviously related by blood, thus their policy coverage extends on to me when they give me permission to use their vehicle. I did not find ANY California laws that required me to be on the policy. i only found information that said I only need that minimum coverage which my parents policy does provide. We did contact triple A about this and they did not give us a reasonable answer. All they said was that they WANT my parents to add me because THOSE ARE THE RULES. Seems like they just want more money in their pockets. Can someone give some advice? Thanks.""
Low-cost health insurance company?
I have been trying to do research on the state of health insurance in the US and am not getting much informative stuff. What is stopping a private, non- or for-profit company setting up a lower-premium health insurance company? these are the possible problems i have come up with so far: - the insurance claims will far exhaust the float (is this true?) - the demand will be overwhelming (but this shouldn't be too bad considering the insurance business is not heavy on capital expenditures?) - it would be difficult to cover the high costs of drugs and specialist medical costs with lower premiums - getting hands on enough and reliable data in order to calculate proper costs, probabilities of claims against a potential pool of funds, etc. possible solutions would of course begin with restricting the pool of people granted insurance (restrict by probability of claiming insurance) until more data can be gathered to offer insurance to less healthy candidates.""
Can 16 year old get public liability insurance?
Im 16 and hoping to get some public liability insurance as I'm planning to be working in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin.""
""I am 18 years old and have 6 points on my driving license, will my insurance cost go down after a year?
I currently aren't on any insurance policy!
""Was in a fender bender, not my fault but I have no auto insurance...advice?""
I live in LA, California. I was hit at a gas station -- a car backed into my front left door... My car was the only one with noticeable damage. However, I have no auto insurance. I also don't have a lot of money to get either cars fixed. I don't really care to get my car fixed since it's a 92 nissan stanza about to die out on me. I just don't want to get in trouble for not having insurance...Their auto insurance has already called and sent a letter to have my insurance rep contact them to work out a deal to fix my car. They are already claiming it to be their fault.... Should I call their insurance rep and let them know that I do not want to put down a claim? Or call the guy who hit me personally and let him know I don't want to put down a claim? Could they find out that I have no insurance and figure out a way to get me in trouble? I only gave them my name, address, phone number and driver's licence number. Side note: The car is registered under my sister. Her registration and license have been suspended due to a DUI. Will they find out about this and find a way to get me/us in trouble?""
Only have Learners - Car and insurance?
I need to drive asap. I have my learners currently but cant sit my test until Sept. Would love some help with the process of where to start, can I buy a car and/or insurance before I get sit my test? If so how does the registration work? Maybe worth noting that I need to drive asap for work, I am 23 and going on parents etc is not an option? also im in canada Thanks!""
Uninsured driver with no license driving car with insurance hit my car.?
A teenager hit my car. He had no insurance, no license, but he was driving a relative's car that did have insurance. There is no question he is liable, everything seem to be going well. But now there insurance company is telling me they are disputing wheather or not the kid had permission to drive the car. What are the chances I'm gonna get screwed here? And what should I do?""
""Which company offers the cheapest auto insurance in Snohomish County, WA?""
It's my first time having to get car insurance - I know there are a lot of factors, but I'm just looking for a general answer - not just Geico, Allstate, State Farm, etc..... Thank you :)""
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
How much would a convertible raise my insurance?
I'm 16 and my parents are thinking of getting me a convertible. I'm just curious as to how much insurance would charge us extra per month (ON AVERAGE) since the car is a convertible?? By the way, its a Chrysler Sebring Thanks for your help!!""
""What do you do if you pregnant, and you have no health insurance?
could the baby be covered on the father's insurance?
What are the best and worst auto insurance companies ?
What are the best and worst auto insurance companies ?
Oakfield Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31772
Oakfield Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31772
Car Insurance Claim Help?
Car Insurance Claim Help? On the 4/7/2011 I was at a set of traffic lights that was (RED) of my way to the shops. As the lights went green I begin to move off slowly as I did another car came from the left of me and tried to turn right as he speed up he crashed into the drivers side of the car. He clearly jumped a red light (Clearly Seen on CCTV). I was in total shock at the time! After he crashed into my car he went to drive off by reversing, I jumped out of my car to stood in his was so he could not drive off the witness behind me called the police while I was stopping his from driving off he started to drive forwards trying to me me out the way. After the driver spoke to the police on the phone, he then gave me his Name, Phone number and Insurance information. The next day I called my insurance company they was vary helpful and I believe the clam would be settled in my favor as I had CCTV of the crash as I had a camera inside of my car and a witness that was behind my car at the time of the crash. After nearly 4Months I have now revived a letter stating that the claim has been closed on a Without Prejudice Basis. When I contacted Aviva to see what the 3rd party has not accepted full liability they said it was dealt with like this as the 3rd party who crashed into me was not responding to and calls or letters that have send him. Aviva did not asked to see the CCTV of the crash and did not take into account the witness statement. WHAT CAN I DOOO??""
Liability car insurance in California?
What happens if somebody fully insured rear-ends your car (they are at fault), and you only have liability insurance (no comprehensive or collision). Do you get your car repaired by the at fault insurance company or you lose?""
Will my Insurance go up if my son (22yo) gets a license but does not drive?
My son is going to graduate from college (in May) and wants to get his license taken care of now since he will have some free time. However, he does not actually need to drive (and will not be doing any driving until he gets ready to move out), and neither of us want to pay for the insurance rates right now. Will just him having a license cause the insurance to go up even if he does not drive and does not need to be insured? Thanks for your time!""
Did ObamaCare make my insurance costs go down?
Alot of people say healthcare cost will raise when Obamacare goes into efftect. But my healthcare costs has dropped from $1200/month to $400/month for the same coverage. I find it really hard to believe that Obamacare is bad. Also, Obamacare has not been implemented yet - why has healthcare costs has gone down""
""If im a 21 year old female wuth a dui, how much is car insurance?
I'm 21 with a dui on my record. Approximately how much would car insurance cost on a 2000 Ford escort?
Anyone know of cheap health insurance?
I am always in the ER but I have no insurance so I would really want to stop paying those expensive bills...
Will getting a speeding ticket increase my insurance rates?
I am 17 with my G2 on my parents State Farm Insurance Policy, but will be taken off in 5 months when I move out to university. I got a speeding ticket (65 in a 50) and no points with it...will they find out if I just mail the check myself?""
Estimate for Auto Insurance on a 18 year old Living in GA driving a Mitsubishi Lancer GTS 20k?
In Janurary of 08 i am going to get a New Mitsubishi Lancer GTS. I already know how much my monthlly payments are going to be the car is 20 grand. I Live in GA and was wanting to know around how much would insurance be if im 18 years old driving a new car. It would have to be full coverage and right now my family has Allstate. Can anyone give me a reasonable Estimate? Thank You.
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
Why are some people so adamant that having ONLY private medical insurance is best?
What do you think? This is a quote from the following article: In addition, under the settlement, Health Net agreed to halt employee bonuses that were based in part on how many rescissions they performed. And here's the article, with other reputable links inside: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem Blue Cross Announces Settlements With California Insurance Department Over Rescinded Health Insurance Policies; Health Net Announces Settlement""
Will I need SR 22 insurance?
Almost five years ago I got my license suspended in Ohio for a wreckless endangerment. As soon as it got suspended I did the classes I was required to take and paid my court fees. It took me a few years to pay all of my fines and the only thing keeping my license from being re-instated was the need for SR22 insurance. I never got the insurance. I'm now in California and looking to get my license back and I heard somewhere that three years after the suspension the need for the SR 22 bond drops, but I'm not sure if that's true or not? Does anyone know the laws for this situation in Ohio and will I still need to get the insurance in order to get my license unsuspended?""
Does Medicare or Health insurance work in other states?
If i lived In............. Rhode Island would my health insurance work in another state like Massachusetts.
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
""Out of state college student - Problem on Car Registration, Title, License, Insurance in Utah!!?""
ok, I asked so many people, and they can only give me half baked answers. I'm hoping somebody can clear it out for me once and for all. First off, Utah's DMV website has no ****.. so don't tell me to check their website. won't bother to post it here, would I? I'm from Massachusetts, going to school in Utah this summer. I'm looking into having my first car, and it's gonna be a Used Car. Here is the thing, - If I bought it in Utah, I can't register/ change title there because of my Mass license. [I can drive an out of state vehicle as a student, but that is to say I already register the car at home.] - If I bought it in Mass, I can't insure an out of state vehicle in Utah. [ Out of state License + Registration ] Does it mean I have to convert my Mass License in Utah, in either cases? Do I have a third choice, which can make this fuss easier? Or did I get the facts wrong, that you can do the above even with an out of state license? You tell me.... Any out of state college student drivers help me out here..""
How much would insurance for a 17yr old cost?
the car is a cts-v coupe. I need to know if i can afford the insurance b4 buying for my son. -thanks
Will my auto insurance premium go up for passing a red light in NY?
This is my first moving violation, it originally was failure to stop for a school bus but it got reduced to passing a red light and is now only 3 points. I have a clean record otherwise and my auto insurance is under my mothers name, I am just a secondary driver under her quote. Will my insurance premium go up and if so will it be much? Is there anything that I can do to lower it if it does go up?""
Are States legally allowed to require car insurance?
Can the State legally mandate that citizens buy insurance from consumer agencies that have little to no regulation of price and guaranteed service? Can we consider this question with these items. item 1: Premium rates are as high as the industry chooses to set them item 2: Insurance companies are not required to provide to low income families (as are utilities, and other necessity services) item 3: Insurance companies only pay a small percentage (20%) of claims, and only 6% without judication.""
How much did you pay for your motorhome tires?
i am curious about the cost of tires on the different types of motorhomes? i am also curious about the cost of insurance? routine maintenance? and whatever else may be important in the cost of ownership between a class A and a class C motorhome?
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance? 19 year old African American in Georgia.?
Driving a 1999 jeep grand cherokee or a 99 honda civic. What do you think I should expect to pay?
""In North Carolina, do I need to have my own car and insurance to get an original license?""
I don't own a car, nor do I have insurance. I was planning on using my Dad's car to take the test. The handbook says that I need to present proof that I have insurance. I'm too poor to buy my own car.""
Where can i get on birthcontrol cheap and without insurance in dc or md?
I really need to get on birthcontrol and i'm looking to get on the pill. i need something affordable and i dont have insurance. I also go to school in a different state than where i live so i would need to get it comehwere that allows me to pick it up from different pharmacies depending on where I am at the time.
How do I renew my health insurance card in the U.S?
I am 15, and my health insurance card a few months ago. How do I renew another one? Do I have to sign up all over again and do all the paper-works or I just have to go to that place and ask for a new card? May I get plenty of details about this? Because it's really important to me. The person with has the BEST answer will get pretty awesome points. Thanks :)""
How much does car insurance cost.?
I am 18 and ready to get my drivers license but how much does car insurance cost per month on average.?
""Friend driving car got into accident in my car in ohio, insurance question?""
I wasn't in the car. I let them go pick up a friend, they were on a semi busy street. My friend was walking up the street and my friend driving the car pulled over with the hazards on to let him in. 10 seconds after getting in the car and closing the door someone slams into the back of my car going between 40-60 mph in a 35mph zone. Totaled other driver's car. My rear end is completely crumpled, but still drivable. I haven't got it checked yet, waiting for the police to contact me in a couple days. Looks like it crumpled all the way to the rear of the frame so it may be bent or busted, so they might say it's totaled. If the other driver was at fault it should be her insurance's responsibility correct? She had full insurance coverage. My friend driving my car has full insurance coverage. I have insurance that only covers bodily injury/property damage liability and medical payments. Who's insurance should cover this?""
What is a good affordable health insurance for a part time worker?
I am a part time worker averaging 15-20 hours per week, minimum wage. I do not qualify for the job insurance since I have to be full time. Not married, no kids, 20 years old, living at home with parents still. I have been very healthy, never been hospitalized for any reason. If anyone could help me find an affordable health insurance for myself, or even better an insurance that can also cover my parents and myself at a good price. My mother had surgery 5+ years ago, other than that she has been healthy. Is there any insurances out there that are affordable for me? Please and thank you!""
Oakfield Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31772
Oakfield Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31772
Liable for any outstanding premium? car insurance cancellation?
Car insurance cancellation - If you cancel your insurance more than 14 days after purchasing your policy, you will, depending on when you bought your policy, be entitled to a refund of your premium subject to the scale detailed in the policy booklet. We will also charge a 45 cancellation fee plus Insurance Premium Tax at the rate applicable at that time. A refund will not be given if you have had any claims during the relevant policy period. If you are paying by instalments, you will be liable for any outstanding premium I pay for my insurance in installments of 130 a month, i want to cancel my policy 4 months in. Do i have to pay the rest of the 1,600 for the year or just the cancellation fee of 45?""
How much does your insurance go up after a DUI?
Also does old insurance let you back on or they kick you out? I think I was kicked off my dad's insurance... Is there a company I should look at that wouldn't be as expensive as others would since I have a DUI on my record? I'm a 21 yr old female from NJ
What health insurances would my sister and I qualify for in NY?
My sister and I are in our mid 20s. We both work and she lives with me at my apartment. i was curious if we could get cheap health insurance as a group. medicaid? or some plan that we could both pay into to get check ups and health care. we dont make much money. i qualified for healthy NY but never went through with it. Im waiting to see if i get a new job but sofar no good. I really dont know how the healthcare system works. we cant afford trips to the ER anymore for minor problems. I need to know what documents and proofs that we may need in order to apply for anyplan. i just dont know where to look or begin. Im talking at least 3 check ups a year each. Are there even plans for 2 people? thanks any info would be greatly appreciated!
How much would auto insurance cost?
I am going to be driving soon (I am 15) and I'm looking into buying a car/truck. I would like to know how much it would cost for me to get insurance so that i can drive soon. Thank you!
Can i shop for auto insurance before i buy a car?
I'm going to be buying a car sometime within the next month, but I'm trying to determine what's within my budget. Can i get auto insurance quotes online without actually owning a car yet? Also does anyone have any recommendations as far as Insurance providers are concerned?""
""How much is it for drop charge of rent-a-car? and if I have my own insurance, is it covered a rental car?""
Hi~... I'm in the U.S. I'm gonna be on a vacation in some other states, so I guess I need to rent a car... I would like to take my trip by car in some states.... Here is the question. Actually, I heard from someone I know that I can drop a rental car in any other place...For instance, if I rent a car in Sanfrancisco and go to L.A, I can drop it in L.A Is that true? or I got wrong information...... If so, how much does it cost? And, if I have my own automobile insurance, does it work for a rental car? Please answer me, I'd really appreciate it.....""
Can my insurance tell what the ticket was for?
So, I live in CA and i have AAA insurance. My daughter got a speeding ticket and i know it will raise my insurance. and i know they can tell that thre is a ticket on certain person's name but can they tell what the ticket was for???""
Convicted of drunk driving! Cheap car insurance UK?
Anyone know of a company that does fairly cheap car insurance for sum1 who is 23 thanks
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Wrong name on Insurance?
I have a court summons to appear in court for driving with no insurance. Now I do have insurance, just had last years paperwork with my accidentally. I noticed that the insurance company never changed my name on my insurance (I am married and my license has my married name on it) so my license and insurance don't match. I have called my insurance company and they are changing my name on my insurance paperwork but I haven't received it yet. Do you think if I brought my insurance papers (which include my car's vin #) and my marriage certificate to show the name change that would be enough? I do have insurance. (I live in Ontario Canada)""
Whether to wait for up-to-date No-Claim-Bonus certificate before applying for Car insurance in UK?
Till date, I have 4 years NO CLAIM BONUS and I will get this as 5 Year NCB on 7th Dec 2013, when I complete another year. I have now changed my car - got a new car and will sell my old one. I have now got to get the insurance for my new car within 7 days. All quotes I am getting is based on 4 yrs NCB. The question is - a) Do I go for a 1 year insurance with 4 yrs NCB and then change the insurance again after it expires? OR b) Do I get into a 4 yrs insurance and then change it in Dec 2013 when I get 5 yrs NCB? Which option works out cheaper? I have to get the insurance within 7 days but then I don't want to miss out on the bargain i can get when I have 5 yrs NCB. Also will my current (old car) insurer provide me a NCB certificate for 4yrs 10 months as I was not with them for the whole year? please advise as to which is a cheaper option.""
Car insurers recommendations?
hi there people, Since passing my test in December, I have been looking to buy (and insure) a car. Shortly I will be able to afford a little run around and have been getting insurance quotes for cars like the Fiesta and Corsa. I have noticed that over the last few months comparison site quotations have jumped from an average of 1800 to 3000 for someone in my circumstances. I have read and understand why car insurance has been hiked up, no win no fee claims are more popluar, fraud and bogus claims and economic recession are responsible for a massive increase in car insurance premiums...Im so angry at these things. I cannot believe this as I though 1800 was extortionate to begin with. I have found Elephant insurance who are quoting me reasonable prices however, back to around the 1800 mark. Please can you recommend any other good car insurers for first time drivers. I am 33 and live in Manchester England. All the big name insurance sites that appear on comparison sites see like a rip off, so any smaller insurers you have had experience of would be useful;, Thanks.""
Full Coverage Insurance ripping me off ?
I got a wreckless driving dui dropdown in ohio live in kentucky in my Nissan 350z was paying $70 a month for full coverage under my parents plan... Now 2 years later after dealing with a bunch of bullshit driving a pos car with just liability for $100 a month in insurance for 2 years I finally have enough to buy a 08 nissan altima and I checked what full coverage would be and they told me $300 full coverage cheapest so I gave a few different cars and still the same price....Does it make since if my car payment is only $220 a month why in the hell would anyone pay more for insurance..?? & before you start saying something like a troll would I live in the country there is no bus stops or anything so I need a vehicle to get to work and back at this point the insurance cost to much for me to even afford when you have a apartment on ur own and only making $13/hour full time America doesn't make a god danm bit of since is this what the world is coming poverty P.S I hope i don't hit anyone without insurance....if only insurance was affordable.
How Much is insurance for a mini cab diver?
Hi i am 21 years of age and live in london. I was hoping to take up mini cab driving but need to know on average how much insurance will be for me on a Vauhxall astra 03 plate. please let me know and if theres any good websites with instant quotes do let me know many thanks,.""
Could a car insurance agent please answer my question?
I live in CA. I have Mercury insurance. I had 3 old cars on my policy which was too expensive so I sold 2 of them. I was paying $273 monthly automatically deducted from my bank on the 21st of every month. I sold the first car Jan. 29th. On Jan. 30th I took release of liability to AAA DMV and then to my insurance agent asking for the car to be removed from the policy. On February 10th I sold the second car. I took the release form to AAA DMV then straight to the agent asking for release. When I look at my policy deducting the 2 cars my insurance should be about $180 per month. They tell me it will be about $210 per month. Today rolls around, I check my bank account and they have deducted $273 from my checking. I call the 800 number for Mercury. They tell me it needed to be in by February 5th in order to make the billing deadline. Then they said they will NOT refund the money they removed from my account or prorate because under writing takes time. Is this legal??????""
Apartment Insurance?
I live in the basement of a house. Am I covered on my landlords insurance policy, or should I invest in renters insurance?""
""How much would you have to make to own a $50,000 car?""
the question is what would your salary have to be to go to a dealership and buy a brand new car worth $55,000 car not owning a home, or having anyother bills to pay not even a cell phone??? and what would you figure your monthly payment to be, and insurance????""
Speeding ticket and points on insurance?
I went to court today for a speeding ticket. They dropped the mphs and rather than 19mph over they put it to 9mph. They asked me to pay the court fee and that was it. They didn't mention points on my insurance or anything about my insurance. But did I receive points?
Life insurance and payout?
I want to get life insurance in the amount of 250000 for my daughter. If I pass away I am concerned how the money will be spent. How can I make sure the money goes to a college education and perhaps buying a home for her. I have no family so I cant ask anybody to take care of this if I pass away. Thanks. I live in California.
Car Insurance - Do I have to pay it all at once?
It's that time...I'm looking at cars. But as a student, I'm trying to keep costs low because currently I don't have tons of money. What I'm wondering is, for the car insurance, do I have to pay it all at one time or could I pay it in monthly installments?""
""Car insurance, from provisional to full uk?""
I have recently bought a car (a 2003 Ford Ka 1.3 Collection) & am on a provisional license taking driving lessons atm. Im looking at different car insurance quotes online & am thinking of going with Admiral as it seems like they offer the cheapest car insurance for my situation. As far as I'm aware, I would have to pay approx 1,100 to insurance my car while still on a provisional license, & approx 1,600 with a full uk. (A lot of ppl have said that insurance will be more expensive while on a provisional license but I know for a FACT that it's the other way around seeing as I would have a fully qualified driver with me at all times, meaning that I'm less likely to have an accident!!) Anyway, Because I'm looking at insuring my car for Nov while I still have a provisional license (I'm going to pay it monthly), when I hopefully pass my test at the start of Dec & obviously notify the insurers that I will have passed my test & therefore gotten a full uk license, HOW ON EARTH will that affect my insurance? Any help will be MUCH MUCH appreciated!!...I'm really CONFUSED atm!!!!! :):)""
Health insurance?
i need health insurance that is affordable to me. i am willing to spend 30-100 dollars a month. i just basically want something to cover my dental and doctor . it can be network far as i car i dont really need ppo. i also want it to cover some of my presciption.
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
When should I buy insurance?
I want to buy a used car from a dealer. So can I drive the car home, and then buy insurance? Or I should buy the car and insurance at the same time? First time to buy a car.""
Insurance companies that offer...?
insurance for cars that are not yours.... ie cars that you rent etc... is it worth getting it? It's time to renew the insurance for my car, and as i was comparing quotes.. i was wondering should i get the extra insurance that covers rental cars..... or is it just a waste of money? The past couple of years ive had it added to my insurance..... but didn't really fly anywhere, where i needed to rent a car, and have not moved nor am i planning on moving.. but in case in an unforeseen event i have to rent a car............. my two main questions are 1) would the insurance that a rental company offer on their cars be cheaper than the insurance that my own insurance company offers for the rental... or about the same?? 2) if one was to have insurance for rentals, would the rental companies care about it, or force their own insurance upon you? Also..... if they were to accept your insurance company's insurance for their rental.. how would they do it? do you have to fill out extra forms etc? because if its a lot of hassle, and their rates are the same.. then there's no point in adding the rental insurance to my regular insurance right??""
Oakfield Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31772
Oakfield Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31772
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
Best car insurance for my children while they're at university?
My two children (aged 20 and 18) have gone to university this year. They've left their car (VW Polo) at home. What is the best way to insure this car now? It's only getting used when they pop home, and a bit more over Christmas and Easter, probably summer too. However I can't find any insurance that will take this into account. I've got my own car, so theirs is just sitting there for 8 or 9 months out of the year. Does anybody know of any insurance providers that will insure a car while taking this into account?""
When you buy a used car how many days do u get to put insurance?
How many days can u drive around whit it whitout insurance ? how much time do u get to go the DMV and stuff ?
Insurance on 2011 subaru STI?
I'm 19 sold my truck that had become a money pit and saved about 5 grand to put down on a new car. I make about $1950 a month at my job and have been there for a year. I came across a subaru Impreza STI for the price of $29000 only has 400 miles on the car and I can afford the payments per month (around $400) I'm just curious about insurance costs. I'm 19 been driving for 3 years no accidents and no tickets... What should I expect for insurance per month??(ballpark estimate) my insurance guy is not in til tomorrow just asking to see what you guys think
Where to get online insurance quotes for health?
Where to get online insurance quotes for health? I should compare plans from major insurance company.
""I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
Insurance on a 2006 Suzuki GS500F?
I am 16 years old, living in California. How much is collision insurance for the Suzuki GS500F? The minimal insurance possible?""
Do I have to pay more for my 16 yr old to drive?
Do I have to pay for a different auto insurance policy (that costs alot more)here in Oregon to allow my 16 year old son to drive our vehicles? I was told by a former ins agent, this is a scam to get more in premiums, when it is not required by law.""
Long Term Care Insurance?
Please give me the pros and cons of obtaining long term care insurance. What is the criteria, and who should buy long term care insurance? Conversely, who should not, or who does not need such a policy? What does it cover and what are the variable costs. Also, does it help prevent you from going into a nursing home should that be indicated? Thank you!""
Is -3 driving record bad or good for insurance?
I just got promoted at work and now I have to be issued a company truck and i am wondering if my employees insurance would cover -3 driving points.
How much would the insurance cost?
Im looking at buying either a 2011 shelby GT500 or a 2011 mustang GT. I just want to know how much ill be paying insurance companies for one of these... Im going to be 19 almost 20 by the time I get one of these.
Which company offers the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
Im 17 and i need insurance and i wanted to know the cheapest way
Car Insurance parked hit and run question?
I have USAA as my auto insurance. Here's the back story. I was parallel parked alongside a street here in Atlanta and a car (more than likely) was trying to get out of his/her space and hit the left driver side bumper pretty hard (ruining the paint and loosening up the bumper pretty good...and cracking the tail light). This person did not leave a note. I have my 500 deductible. I also have uninsured motorists coverage. Right now USAA is saying that I will have to pay the $500 ded. Why couldn't they put it under the uninsured motorists coverage I have instead so I wouldn't have to pay a dime? Is it within reason to call them and ask for this issue to be adjusted? If so, what points can I make to insure I get the deductible taken care of under the uninsured motorists coverage? Thank you for your help!""
17 year old male car insurance? UK?
What is the cheapest anyone my age (17) has got their car insurance, what car and how did you get it cheap? The best quote I have got is 1200 for a 1.0 litre saxo, and 1700 for 1.0 litre polo's, corsa's and fiesta's""
Can Chevrolet Dealership repair vehicles with insurance?
So someone smashed into my parked vehicle. It is a chevrolet and the insurance is covering it and I can take it to a repair shop of my choice. I was wondering if the chevrolet dealership where I bought the car to can do those repairs? It is axel and bodywork damage. All help will be much appreciated thank you.
How much would insurance be on a Nissan 350z?
Hi guys!! Ok so I'm soon to get a 2003-2006 Nissan 350z Touring or Enthusiast. Maybe around 9000$ to 15000. I'm almost 18 and what would insurance be like for me??? Allstate, State Farm, ect. I just need a basic monthly quote! Thanks!!""
How much of your pay check would you take out for Health insurance?
this is my first job that offers health benefits. I am new to this and having problems deciding if i need to get it or not. My company is offering both HMO and PPO for about the same price. Both cost around 70 per check, but i only make around 850. That is almost 10%. Should i shop around or should i just go ahead and get it or not have insurance at all. I dont even like going to the doctors but i would like to have health insurance just in case. My deductible for ppo is 500. I dont even know what that means. any advice would be helpful. thank you""
""Question about McCain's $5,000 medical insurance plan?""
I want both sides of the story. Is $5,000 the only thing McCain is going to do for medical insurance? I mean is that the bulk of his plan? Is that the only direct change you will see in medical insurance? P.S only talk about this issue. I don't want you to blabber on about the war or about anything irrelevant.""
Want to cancel my whole life insurance?
Back in July 09, I let my stepmother's boyfriend create a life insurance policy for me. He works as an agent for New York Life, and since I know nothing about insurance, I just let him take care of everything. For personal reasons, I want to cancel the insurance. I will get something else, probably term, very soon. I just still know nothing about insurance, so I have a few questions about my policy. I do have whole life insurance, so I should be able to get some money back, right? Currently, I have a $50k plan, and I pay just under $50 a month. I got this policy when I was 18, so the monthly cost seems a little high--especially since I have no dependents or debt. If I die tomorrow, I could still get a really nice funeral (not that I want one) and have it all payed in full from the money I have from my inheritance. Was I ripped off or is this pretty standard? Online, it says my Net Cash Value is $37.97. Is this the money I get back if I cancel? It seems low--it's only about 3.2% of the total amount I've paid. I was expecting some amount closer to 10%. Ideally, I'd like to cancel without talking to my agent. Is there any way I could do it through a general agent or online?""
""The lug nuts on my tyre are too tight to take off with my socket wrench, any ideas on how to get them off?
I don't know much about cars but I have to change a flat tyre myself as the car doesn't have insurance and can't be taken to the shop. Would there be a tool that i could use to make it easier to take the lug nuts off??
New driver and car insurance.?
I'm 15 and I turn 16 on dec 27 and I already have a car and I've seen a lot of car insurance companies commercials but I don't know which one is best. They say they offer great stuff but I don't know which one to go with. Please help me because I want to have my car protected I just don't know which car insurance company is the best one out there. Thanks for helping <{ *__*}>
Do I have too much insurance?
I live in California, where the minimum required liability insurance limits are 15/30/5. I drive a 97 Ford Taurus and the cost of a deductible if I were to have full coverage would exceed the value of this old car- so I only have liability. My coverage is 50/100/25. I'm 25, my husband is 22, we have no accidents on our record, are good students and have absolutely no assets whatsoever. I'm beginning to wonder if we have more insurance than we need. I don't think I'm comfortable dropping my insurance to the required 15/30/5 minimum, but at the same time, I'm not sure if finding the happy medium at 25/50/25 would be a wise choice. I just want to make sure we're prepared, but not getting ripped off. Any advice?""
Liability insurance for small pizza delivery business?
Do I need any kind of special liability insurance for a small pizza delivery business? My delivery drivers will drive their own insured cars not company owned vehicles.
Really dumb questions about car insurance?
This is my first time buying a car, and I have a question that may be kind of dumb. I live in Illinois, so it is illegal to drive a car that's uninsured. I don't have a car now, so I don't have a way of transferring insurance or whatever. - What do I do when I find a car and buy it and need to take it off the lot? I don't know what kind of car I'm getting, so I can't really get the insurance ahead of time. - If I did get pulled over for whatever reason, would the police be understanding if I just bought the car? - How quickly do insurance companies usually get you covered over the phone (particularly, Progressive)? - Do you have to pay a deposit? When? - When would my first actual payment be if I pay once every 6 months? I know these are dumb and basic, but please understand that I have never ever bought a car or gotten car insurance.""
Approximately how much would car insurance cost per month?
This is for my mom, I'm in high school and it would be more convenient if she could drive me to school. She's 53 and she's failed more than 5 driving tests before for small mistakes (this was about 5-7 years ago). She's planning on just getting a basic car that works, nothing fancy at all. And the cheapest car insurance. I know I won't get an exact price but can I at least get an idea? thank you.""
Oakfield Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31772
Oakfield Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31772
0 notes
Rileyville Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22650
"Rileyville Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22650
Rileyville Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22650
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone with moving violations?
Just bought a 2011 Ford Fiesta and am quoting insurance companies. In the past three years I have 3 speeding tickets, two 1-14 over, 1 15-29 over. My current quote with Progressive is $169/mo, Geico gave me a figure of 280...any companies I should check out?""
What personal information can be revealed by a car insurance card?
Friend asked me for a copy of my car insurance card, said he needed it for something but didn't tell me what.""
What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap?
What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap?
Home equity line & Insurance?
Back in October we pulled a homeequity line of credit on my doublewide. We had allowed the insurance to lapse since the house was paid off so we had to get new insurance. We could only get insurance on the houses tax value of 53,000.00, despite the appraisal value being 167,000.00. The morgage company would only allow us to get a morgage for 55,000, instead of the 65,000 we were looking for because of the insurance policy. Why can we not get a loan for more then the house because the land itself is worth 30-40,000? I asked the insurance agent and she said that they couldn't insure the land. Why is it that I can't get a loan on the land too...""
""As an estimation, how much would an 18 year old have to pay for insurance on a Mercedes Benz?""
I am 18 years old, and I have a beautiful opportunity to buy a Mercedez Benz for incredibly cheap. Problem is, I cannot buy the car until I know whether the insurance would be affordable or not. I did get a DUI when I was 17 years old, but it was reduced down to a Reckless Driving charge, considering it was my first offense, and a minor one at that. I do not have anything else on my record, including my driving record. The car is a 2002 Mercedez Benz ML320 that just barely hit the mark for 114,000 miles the other day. I have tried looking for insurance quotes but they all ask how many miles I put on it annually and how many days I drive it to work and all that junk. I cant answer these questions because the car is not yet mine. So I turned to this website for help! Somebody please help me with just a simple but relevant estimate as to how much money I would have to pay for insurance on this car. I do not wish to have the car under double-coverage. Just the cheapest form of insurance that would still cover my car if I were to get in an accident. Please and thank you! :D""
Aprox how much will my insurance cost?
im going to be 16 in a few monthes and get my license then me and my parents are going to buy my first car. Ill be 16, a girl, and the car will be some cheap used car most likely.""
Please Find me good quote for car insurance for young drivers?
Car Insurance for Young Drivers Quotes
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
How much are you paying car insurance NJ?
I just want to know, please answer with how much, every 6 months? age? and any driving history? My mom and I are paying 2000$ 6 months, both of us have had unsafe operation in our driving records. does that sound reasonable to you? I'm really new to this car insurance and trying to know. thanks""
What is the most affordable life insurance and health insurance?
Where can I find Affordable Health and life insurance for me and my wife. What is the best web site with online quotes?
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK?
I'm a 19 year old male with 2 years no claims. I have just come back from the USA where everyone there drives huge engined trucks and cars, including even the 16-year-olds. Fed up with driving a tiny hatchback, I enquire about insuring my Dad's dormant K reg BMW 735 auto LPG which is a really nice cruising car ideal for long journeys. However the insurance companies reject me almost immediately. Why is this the case in the UK? Why am I not allowed to drive a nice car albeit old just because I am young? I'm a keen car restorer and take the utmost care whilst driving, and living on a farm have driven most vehicles, so would not say I was inexperienced. Does anyone know of any bespoke insurers or do I really have to stick to driving a tiny hatchback until I'm 25? It seems as though the whole system is unfairly against me :(""
How much will car insurance will cost me?
I want to lease a new 2014 Honda Sedan Getting my licence in june 18 years old/ $800 a month How much will it cost if my dad get an insurance same car He got his license exact year ago good credit score
Question about first insurance quote for a young driver?
Last week I used autotrader to search for numerous quotes and found one for around 1450. Today I passed my driving test, and went back to the quote but it had to be renewed since last week which is fair enough. The lowest value today was 1576 which I am alright with. I refreshed the page a while later to find that quote had disappeared and the cheapest was 1620, with the company for that quote (elephant) at the bottom with an unable to find a quote detail. I thought it would come back soon, so I refreshed the page and then suddenly the price increased to 2950 minimum and many of the cheaper companies were now listed as unable to find a quote. Strange, but perhaps the websites are too busy to send data. An hour on though and the price is still 2950. Did anyone else have this problem? If so when was it fixed, the same day or next day? Thanks""
How should I go about my insurance?
I just turned 18 in January. I have a 99 firebird in my name. I was wondering if I should go in my own policy, or can I go under my moms and possibly save money?( will I be saving money) And also an insuarance agent told me that I should get full coverage?! and its not worth it at my age? So should I just buy liability or Full. What insurance company should I go through for the cheapest prices""
""How much does it cost to live on your own in Sacramento, CA?""
I need to move out when I turn 18 due to problems at home and with my family. How much would it cost, realistically, to live on my own in a studio apartment in sacramento, roseville, citrus heights, rocklin or the surrounding area? I mean the bare minimum cost, including car insurance, rent, food, medical insurance, etc. I would be paying for everything on my own. Thank you for the input!""
Insurance for a teen help!!?
My first car is going to be the 2011 Camaro 1LS. My dad knows insurance is high but he trusts me. How does the insurance company know if I'm a good driver and when will the insurance lower for me? I'm curious my dad knows but I don't wanna ask.:p best answer 10 points.
Expensive insurance help?
Insurance these days is just too much! : Im 18 Liverpool (insert stupid joke about thieves) My mum and dad are split up so i can insure at 2 locations I also have a sister i could insure with who lives down south and a cousin who lives in a really posh area where i could get cheap insurance. My question is how do i go about getting the cheapest insurance i can, fully comp or 3rd party?""
Florida homeowners insurance- help needed?
I am in the middle of trying to purchase a home all looks like it is going to go threw just fine. I was told to start looking for Home owners insurance, easier said than done as I am finding out... I am purchasing a 1954, wood frame home in central Florida. Nobody wants to touch it, I can get the state insurance for $1700.00 a year, WOW that is expensive!!! Does anybody out there have a better option or idea on how to get insurance at a reasonable rate? I tried AARP, they won't cover Florida even though my car insurance is with them, I tried others as well with no luck.Please I need some help here I'm getting desparate""
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
How can I afford a car and insurance?
I am going into my second year of college and would like a car. I don't have a job. I have applied many places, but no luck. I don't have time during the year to work since I am a full time student, so I thought this summer I could save money if I had a job. My parents can not afford to buy me a car and provide insurance. I just want that independence.""
""How much does fire insurance cost, building damage insurance cost, more on details?
1.) Fire Insurance 2.) Building Damage Insurance 3.) Property Damage Insurance 4.) Any other insurances out there? Please name some for me. The building is 1000 sq. feet with only one floor. How much would insurance cost? HOW MUCH MONEY PER MONTH? Thanks so much!
If Republicans do not act quickly to stop Democrats will tens of thousands of new cars be sold?
Republican members of Congress are trying to stop the cash for clunkers program . The program has been a great success and thousands of cars were sold already, depleting the supply and stimulating the economy with new tax revenue. Since supply has been brought down by these new sales the big 3 car companies will have to start making more cars putting thousands to work in the process. This in hand stimulates the entire economy. Republicans are trying everything in their power to make sure it does not pass again. Is there something fundamentally wrong with the Republican party? Why would they want to stop this effective program in a time of economic crisis?""
Do I need life insurance for my baby?
I am about to have a baby, and see lots of ads for the Gerber Life Insurance for children, but don't know if I need it. The price seems to be less than what I would have to pay at my job. Is this something I need?""
When will my car insurance go down?
Had a wreck in January first one I've ever been in I'm 28 my ex was driving and hit ice totalled my car, my insurance jumped to 190 from 120 how long until it goes down?""
Rileyville Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22650
Rileyville Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22650
Flood insurance?
Will the poor people who have suffered Flood Damage have a problem with the Insurance Companies. I ask this question because a Friend of mine had Gazebo wrecked in recent storm. Insurance Company refused payment on the grounds (ACT OF GOD)
Finding 2000-3000 insurance for young driver?
With my UK license I intend on buying myself a car for university (GOLF or POLO). Being a young driver (19 years old), insurers are less than happy to offer cheap insurances. The best quote I've found so far from gocompare and dozens of other websites are Quinn Direct with 3800. Could you please suggest where to get cheap 3rd party insurance, you're welcome to mention other car models if it helps cheapening it. Thanks""
""Served my country, but can't get life insurance?""
I have served in the US Army for 17 years, I have deployed 5 times in support of many operations to include twice to Iraq and preparing for a 3rd. I took a physical last year for life insurance when I retire and it was found that I have a high level of protein in my urine. I have been denied time after time because of this preexisting condition. Who can I go through so I can get some affordable life insurance. It is sad how this country takes care of it's veterans. I have done everything that was asked of me as a Soldier, now that my time is almost up, my country turns it's back on me. What a shame.""
Health Insurance - too expensive - should I ditch it and will it get cheaper in 2014?
So I got health insurance about 6 months ago - BCBS. As a 38-yr-old female with a BMI that is(was) borderline obesity, I pay $278 per month (about twice the original quote on the website which was about $140.) I freelance. One of my jobs collects contributions from my employers into an account that I can use to reimburse my premium payments, and I was hoping that I'd be able to make enough to use that account to really pay toward my monthly health insurance. My financial situation has plummeted, however, and I am really struggling to keep my head above water for the first time since I moved out. Just looking for some outside input here. Should I ditch my health insurance? Will the options be more manageable for me in 2014?""
Provisional Car Insurance?
I am currently looking for car insurance on a car I own, The car is an 04 punto. Basically I need provisional insurance for a month and I own the car so I need a policy that covers both of these, I am 18, Any suggestions? Thanks""
How much do you pay for insurance? What kind of car?
How much do you pay for insurance? What kind of car?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl?
My dad is going to get me a car when I turn sixteen. My friend already has a truck and she is sixteen. She pays 8OO$ a year. Does that mean it could be less for me since I will be driving a car and not a truck? Or would it be around the same price? (I go through state farm.)
Will my insurance go up if my car gets hit?
I was driving home with my roommate and gave her permission to drive back since i cant see well at night. And on our way home another driver slammed into my car. Both the other driver and my roommate and I pulled over and the other driver admitted she was at fault and that she would pay for all the damages to my car. Will my insurance still go up even though i wasn't at fault and the other driver is offering to pay all the damages through her insurance? P.S. my insurance is met life and the other drivers was Allstate.
Do auto-insurance companies submit information to DMV?
I called California DMV with proof of insurance and they already had my information. I never gave it to them directly. So I am curious are they all synced up now or how does this work?
What are the risks with Co-signing on a car and putting insurance in my name for a bf?
My daughters father needs a new and wants us to get it together. I would be co-signing on the car and the insurance would be in my name. It would mainly be his car, I would only pay $100/month on the insurance. I'm very hesitant about doing this as a) our relationship is rocky b) he has a bad record...many tickets/fines to the point where he could not get approved for insurance c) I dont want to get screwed over. He's pretty upset that im saying I dont want to, and is complaining that he cant rely on me, but I feel im protecting myself and my credit. So what exactly are the risks, and how can I get him to understand why I'm saying no?""
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
Assurant Health Insurance?
At a previous job I had good health insurance but adding my husband was costly so we got him BCBS IL through a local insurance agent. He is not the type to go to the doctor very often so a very basic plan is what we got him. It started out only being $160 for 3 months; now today I received a letter that it will be going up to $250 for 3 months. I have changed jobs and kept my insurance for awhile through Cobra but eventually found different coverage because the Cobra was so high in cost. But of course it has went up to almost $300 a month. I have been searching online for health insurance and found Assurant and it seems like I can get good coverage at a fair price. Do you have assurant? Do you think it's good coverage? Do you have any problems with using it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I need help understanding Health Insurance Deductibles?
Ok, so I'm going to get health insurance and I'm Having a challenge trying to understand the deductible situation. The Health Insurance I'm looking into is Blue Shield of California and they have many plans, and it seems that the prices get a bit higher when the deductible gets lower. What does the annual deductible mean? Is that the amount that I have to pay off first before my insurance can cover me?""
Temporary auto insurance for move?
I'll be moving to Oakland California from Phoenix Arizona and I was wondering if there is such a thing as temporary auto insurance. My vehicle is not currently insured, but I can get a temporary registration from AZ DMV. That would allow me to drive my car for my move. I will be pulling a small utility trailer. I don't want to get a full 6 month insurance policy because as soon as I get to Oakland, I won't be driving the car at all. Are there any insurance companies that offer a really short policy (2 days, or maybe a week) ? I only need insurance for those two days, and so that I can get temporary registration from the DMV. Does anyone know if such a thing exists, and if so what company?""
""How do you purchase a car without insurance, and how do you get insuracnce with out a car?""
I left my insurace expire, and noe I need to get insurance, but I don't know what car i'm going to get, so which comes first, the insurance or the car?""
Can you get insurance for something you order online?
I'm buying a macbook pro from Pc world but will I be able to get insurance?
How Much Of Your Income Can You Use On A Car?
How much of your income is it appropriate to use on a car? I am not talking about insurance or gas, just the retail price of the car. Would you say as low as 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, or what? Thanks.""
How much would insurance cost for a motorcycle?
I'm 16 and I live in va. I was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 600cc and a 250cc. A sportbike. Like the ninja 250. But I'm trying for a 600cc, either yamaha r6 or a ninja 650r. Thanks""
Car Accident-Health Insurance?
I was in a low-impact car accident and went to the ER the next day to get checked up just incase. I went to my doctor because of back pain and when I mentioned I was in a car accident. They told me I could not go through my health insurance that it has to be through my car insurance. It turns out I have herniated discs and now my doctor has referred me to see an orthopedic surgeon but, I do not feel that the car accident was the cause of the herniated discs. I asked again if I can treatment through my health insurance and I was told by one of the office assistants that it is fraud if I use my health insurance. If I explain to my doctor that I fell down the stairs and insist that I do not want to through through my car insurance because I do not feel the car accident was the cause will he change his mind and refer me to the specialist using my health insurance or should I go through another doctor.""
""What is the average car insurance premium in Mississauga, Canada?""
Hi, Can anyone please provide an realistic figure of how much it would cost per month towards car insurance in Mississauga. Checked in the below website and gives a high spike in rate : $600 CAN per month ! https://www.kanetix.ca/auto-insurance (Given 5-6 yrs of clean driving history in US)""
Car insurance for people without cars.?
I don't have a car but occasionally I need to drive and I use other peoples cars. Is there an insurance you can get for yourself without having a car?
How much is average insurance for someone under 18 that buys a 2006 BMW 325i e90?
This is one of my favourite e90 cars, that's a 4-door, if I'm under 18, how much would insurance be? OR even better, how much is YOUR insurance?""
Motorcycle insurance for a 16 year old?
I was wondering what an average motorcycle insurance rate is for a 16 year old male in VA, good grades, no tickets, i plan on taking the MSF course, no accidents, would drive a substantial amount, play sports (i don't know what really factors into insurance costs, so i just listed some stuff i figured or have heard affects motorcycle insurance)""
How much would car insurance cost for a Mustang GT.?
I am 16 years old Never had a accident Live in a pretty big city 2012 Ford Mustang GT
How do I get health and dental insurance?
I am getting married soon. I will be 18 and he will be 21. I have blue cross blue shield through my dad's work and the magnolia health plan(kinda like medicaid) bc I was adopted. ...show more
Rileyville Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22650
Rileyville Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22650
Does searching for Car Insurance drive you crazy?
Does searching for Car Insurance drive you crazy?
How much is Car Insurance in the US for a new driver?
Does it depend on the state? Just give me an average price. Im from the UK and my Insurance was 1700 for 1 year.
""Any idea how much the car tax is on a vauxhall frontera,and is the insurance expensive?
is it much more than running the average car
Republicans whats the difference between being forced to buy health insurance and car insurance?
If it is unconstitutional to force some to buy to health insurance how is it constitutional to force people to buy car insurance??
Do teens need full coverage insurance...?
..to get their license? I'm getting mine in less than two weeks and I need to know!
Is there a way to get really cheap car insurance like $50 or so?
I've had some really minor things (all but one not my fault) on my record recently and my car insurance is over $200.00! I tried to get some quotes from other places, but they were all about the same. What do poor people do in this situation? I can't afford this and it is the most basic coverage I can get from Gieco.""
No Claims discount on car insurance?
Hi there does anybody else agree that insurance companies are a set of W******s? just had to insure a car after been in a co car for 2 1/2 yrs, previous to that i had my own insurance for 11 yrs and had no claims in that period, today i was told by severl different insurers that my no claims dosent count as i have not had any insurance in my own name in the last 2 yrs, thats taken the price of cover from 384 to over 700, does anyone think as i do that no claims should stay with you for life as long as you can prove that you have been driving say within the last three yrs so that the insurance companies cant make such massive profits by shafting law abiding careful drivers?""
If i put a big engine in my small car will my insurance still be low?
i have a ford fiesta zetec 1.25, if i put a rs cosworth engine in it will it how much will it affect the insurance? i've been on gocompare.com and it give an option standard engine replacement . i have ticked it and the price has gone up from 682 to 1049. does this mean i can put any engine in my car and the insurance will be 1049?""
Car insurance - car pay out?
Recently my friend had an accident. His car is an import and the insurance company want to write it off and as they cannot get hold of replacement parts. Does he have the right to refuse their offer for pay out as the car is worth more than they are giving him. As its an import, and a sports car, he knows he can get more for it on auto trader and eBay. Or can he settle the claim with them by asking them to pay for the repair if he can sort out a garage who is willing to fix his car for less than the insurance company had suggested.""
""Why don,t we have the auto industry make a car that won,t exceed the speed limit and not start?""
if driveris impared, reducing insurance, heath, saftey and legal cost
Insurance Industry?
I'm trying to find out more about insurance industry...i have to make a huge project out of it for Economics...I'm specializing in IT so i don't know much about Economics...do you guys know any sites where i can find out more about Insurance Industry...or like anything you can share about it. Thank you.
I need a cheap insurance company.?
My friends problem: Well my mom decides that im not going under her insurance today, meaning I have 4 days to find a cheap insurance company and get my car insured. If anyone could tell me what they drive and how much they pay and what company it would be greatly appreciated.""
""Car stolen, will insurance pay?
my car was stolen out of our driveway . i wanted to go to work and had everything in the car . i left to get my sleeping child andwhen i went out the car was gone . not even 3 minutes later. they recoverd the car . damaged but not the person yet . my husband is affraid that the insurance will not pay since the keys were in the car along with all my creditcards and house keys .the car was on our property next to the house . i have nightmares about it . please help
Can I drive a car with Florida license plates in my name & insurance from illinois?
Thinking about taking a car from illinois to florida. But one problem. Car insurance would be ridiculous if it was in my name, so I have it in a relatives. But I was thinking about taking the car from Illinois to Florida, Then registering the license plates in my name making them Florida plates. Can I keep the car insurance under my relatives name from illinois? If possible it would be a Florida car with Florida license plates and Illinois car insurance. Would that be possible?""
Would a Peugeot 406 1.9 Diesel 75BHp cost alot on insurance 4 a 17 year old lad? plz?
i want a pug 406, badly!!""
Can I cancel car insurance before expiration date?
I got car insurance and paid a fee but the expiration date says it ends in one year, I paid for 1 month and now I need to get insurance from another company. Do I cancel the insurance I have now? if I dont will they charge me every month? Or should I just forget about it and let the ppl cancel me off.""
Could a 17 year old new driver get insurance for a 1.8-2.0 litre?
Hi... If i was to get a car lets say a 1.8 to a 2.0 litre could i put this car on one of my parents policies and be able to get affordable insurance... My parents have many years no claims discount... Would the insurance firm grant me permission to be insured for a car with a big engine under my parents policy? I was thinking of a VW golf Gti (Mk3) or maybe an old BMW ... Please don't suggest sh!t cars like puntos,saxos nd all those because they are for the boy racers...""
How do health insurance deductibles work?
I'm looking at individual health insurance plans. All of them say they have a deductable of $500 - $5000. I'm reading the plan overview and it's explaining what the plan covers. It says prescriptions are covered after deductible, office visits are covered after deductible, and so on. Does this mean if a plan has a $5000 deductible that the health insurance company will not cover anything until after I've paid $5000 out of pocket on healthcare? Does that mean that if I had to go to the emergency room i'd have to pay for it myself until I've paid up to $5000? I'm really confused. I want to get temporary health coverage, but I don't see what the point is if I'm going to have to pay out of pocket anyways. Does anyone know how this deductible stuff works? I'd appreciate the help. Thanks""
How much would it cost me to get motor bike insurance?
I am thinking of getting a motor bike since the cost of insuring a car is just too high. I'm 18 and male and was wondering roughly how much I could expect to pay for insurance on a 125cc if I do my CBT. Oh and I live in the Uk... which will hike the price up a bit
Would insurance on a 1992 lexus sc 300 be expensive? im 18 year old in riverside california?
yes i recently just got my license and im only 18 in riverside california
What's wrong with car insurance?
I am a safe driver. I've never had a car accident or ticket. As a consequence of my choices, I pay very low rates for car insurance. Other people I know have had accidents and many tickets, they pay a lot for car insurance. In this system, each person pays a different rate based on the consequences of their choices and actions. So what is wrong with this system? Why can't we use the exact same system for health insurance? If I eat right, exercise, and wash my hands then I will rarely get ill and should pay very low insurance rates. My neighbor eats junk food, smokes, and never exercises, has lots of medical issues and will for as long as he lives, shouldn't he pay a much higher rate for insurance? Why would anybody want a government system in which we will both pay the same rate? That is blatantly unfair to me since I make good choices and wont get sick as often. Furthermore, I have the choice of lots of different car insurance companies (Geico, Allstate, Nationwide, Progressive, etc.), this competition drives lower costs and better service. Why would I want to give up choice in favor of a monopoly? What is wrong with our car insurance system that somebody would not want the exact same system for our health care?""
How much would my insurance cost?
I am 16, i have a 4.0 gpa, and i have taken drivers ed. I live in Florida, and i will be driving a 2003 honda civic. Thanks!""
Does anyone know what the average insurance rates are for OTR owner operators?
Just a rough estimate....I'm doing some research.
""GPS worth $600 got stolen, should I report to insurance company?""
My GPS worth $600 got stolen from my car 2 days ago, as it was parked in front of my house. Should I report the insurance company and if I do will my insurance rate be affected? My GPS carried also the name of the insurance company, I purchased it from them.""
What is the average cost of insurance for box truck owners?
looking to start a company and i am wondering how much it would cost so i can get the ball rolling.
Rileyville Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22650
Rileyville Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22650
Insurance under 4000 for 17 year old?
Ok, well I'm 17 (male) and have passed my driving test. I have compared many quotes for all the worst and lowest engine cars, like corsa 1.0, peugeot 106 1.1 etc I just can't seem to get a quote under 4000! Does anyone know if there is anything I can do to get affordable insurance? I heard that insurance for 17 year olds has doubled in the past year but didn't reckon it would be this much! Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated :)""
Temporary auto insurance for move?
I'll be moving to Oakland California from Phoenix Arizona and I was wondering if there is such a thing as temporary auto insurance. My vehicle is not currently insured, but I can get a temporary registration from AZ DMV. That would allow me to drive my car for my move. I will be pulling a small utility trailer. I don't want to get a full 6 month insurance policy because as soon as I get to Oakland, I won't be driving the car at all. Are there any insurance companies that offer a really short policy (2 days, or maybe a week) ? I only need insurance for those two days, and so that I can get temporary registration from the DMV. Does anyone know if such a thing exists, and if so what company?""
Will i still be on my parents' insurance?
So, there were a bunch of changes made to health insurance due to the Health Reform. i heard that the coverage i get from my parents (since i am a dependent) will last until i'm 26 now, instead of 21. we have western health advantage through my mom's work (i think) and live in california (not sure if that makes a difference). anyways, i'm 18 and currently in college. next semester i'm hoping to take off so that i can work full time and save up money so that i wont have to be so financially dependent on my parents in the near future. do i have to be in school in order to still be on my parents' health insurance? i will still be dependent until i get my own apartment and get married, which will be in about a year or 2""
What is car insurance and insurance quotes?
i'm not driving yet but i am taking driving lessons and i am just searching around for a car but i don't understand how things work. what is car insurance? why do we need it? and what are quotes? please help me!!! thank you much love xx
What would the range of insurance be if i get a cruiser (motorcycle)?
I am 20 years old, living in Mississauga, Ontario. I am planning on going for my M1 and M2 licenses this summer. At the moment, I am undecided between a vulcan500 and a rebel250. If anything, it will be the insurance costs that will have the final say in which one I end up getting. I realize that different insurance companies have different insurance costs; but I just want to know what the average range for a beginner drive with these bikes would be.""
Motor trade insurance?
I am looking for motor trade insurance that will insure a 19 year old as a named driver, my father has 6 years commercial no claims discount, he will be the proposer and i will be a named driver. has anyone recently been insured or knows a insurance company that will insure a 19 year old please let me know, much appreciated thank you. I have been quoted 2995 with motrade, but i am restricted to 1600cc engines with (no turbo with petrol) but i need to be able to drive bmw 320d. so a minium of 2000cc.""
I've just bought a car and am going to drive it home. Can I get done for driving without insurance?
I was wondering if it would be an offence to drive a car without insurance after buying it as I will sort out all the insurance stuff once I get home.
Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance for an 18 year old?
Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance for an 18 year old?
Im getting an abortion with my parents insurance will they find out?
Okay so I am a 20 year old college student and im pregnant and I am not in the positin to care for a child so I am getting an abortion. But I am doing so with my parents insurance I do not want them to know because after all im 20 I can make my own descions and do things on my own but with that being said I do not want it show up anywhere in the mail or online or anything that I had an abortion. I do not want them to know. So what should I do I talk to the ladies at the faility im using and they told me there not sure if it will show up as an abortion it might just show the facilities name whih im fine with because I can say I got birth control or something like that so what should I do? Any advice is welcome as long as its dont get an abortion because i am not in the position for a kid I will learn from my irresponsiblity.
What's the average price for moped insurance for ages 18-25?
How much can I expect to pay per month for insurance for a 125cc moped? I'm just looking for a ball park range.
What is the most affordable and complete health insurance?
My husband moved to North Carolina 8 months ago from India and is a Pharmacist. However, until he passes his equivalency exams in the states, he is working as a Pharmacy Technician. I am not working at the moment (not by choice but by the terrible job situation in the country). We are shopping around for affordable health insurance. Blue Cross is too expensive and so are many others. We are on a very limited income, however, health is of utmost importance too. So even if it is really bank breaking, we are looking into getting health insurance. What is the best one in terms of affordability and coverage? We don't have children yet but hope to start a family in a couple of years when we are better settled. Neither one of us are smokers and are in pretty good shape. Please help with sound advice. Thanks so much in advance""
What is a good place to get insurance for my Dell laptop?
I am studying abroad for 5 weeks and would like an affordable insurance plan for my laptop.
Will a 30kph ticket skyrocket my insurance?
Alright, so I got pulled over going 90 in a 60. I know I shouldn't be speeding but I was late for work, I never got a ticket before... I'm a 18 yrs old male, and I don't have much money to afford expensive insurance... I'm currently paying 150$ a month (before the ticket) so will my insurance skyrocket? It's considered a major infraction where I live.. *also, the police officer told me that he can apply a bigger charge if I decide to fight the ticket... Are they aloud to do that??""
Would insurance be high on a 1999 pontiac firebird ws6 v8?
I am 19 years old and am currently paying about $130.00 a month for insurance. I am looking in to buying the car listed above, how much more would I be paying on insurance? I do believe it is considered a sport, but its a 1999. Maybe age makes a difference? I am curently driving a truck.""
Who knows of a good life insurance company that is hiring?
Who knows of a good life insurance company that is hiring, particularly in Los Angeles, California?""
What's the average cost of health AND dental insurance per month for.....?
....a 44 year old man. I am a non-smoker, and in good shape. I have no medical conditions, now or ever.""
High car insurance cost?
why does car insurance cost so much for first time insured? where can i find cheap car insurance that cost less than my car payment?
How can I get a car insurance quote if I'm under 18?
I don't have my license yet but a large part of what decides what car I can get depends on what the car insurance would cost. Since I am under 18 not of the car insurance websites will give me a quote and if i lie about my age it will change the cost. Any ideas?
19 years old and cheapest insurance i've found is 4.5k WHATS GOING ON?
Right basically i'm 19, recently past my test tried looking at every single type of car there is even with pass plus discount and it's barely even gone below 6000 (4500 wasn't even what i found, it was my sister that probably got one of my details wrong) I've even tried having parents as named drivers and i cant think of anything else i've not already tried. Even friends i know have had it less than 2000 and at the moment i'll be happy to get below 3000 Pleaseee help!""
Average monthly car insurance in Vegas?
I'm loking at getting a 2001 bmw 325i. (no my parents arent buying this for me. its my money that i earned at work). I'm an 18 year old male. If you could give me a general idea of how much id be paying monthly that would be GREAT. I do vote people as best answer so if i like your answer ill give you 10 points :)
When is car insurance invalid?
Is car insurance invalid if a car is neither taxed nor Sorned? I forgot to tax my car - is my insurance invalid until I renew it?
How much roughly will my car insurance cost?
im 16 and about to be 17 and start my driving lessons and i come from the UK and i am also female i was wondering how much my car insurance would roughly cost and ive got a 1996 VOLVO 440 TURBO DIESEL RED ?
""I pay right now about $160 for car insurance a month. It's with progressive, and this is the cheapest I can""
get and it doesn't cover much at all it will only the cover the other car if i cause an accident. I live in midtown atlanta so this is why insurance costs so much, but does anyone know anything I can get cheaper? Is safe auto a good deal? Help please!""
How much would a BMW increase your insurance every month if you have Nationwide?
Like compared to having a non-luxury import car?
Will my insurance go up for my speeding ticket?
I just recently got a speeding ticket or doing 46 in a 30. (which wasn't possible) I'm only 16 and it is my first ticket. My parents will kill me when they find out. We have stated arm insurance and only liability on the car but will the insurance go up and/or cause my parents to fin out?
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Rileyville Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22650
0 notes
tennessee insurance agency
"tennessee insurance agency
tennessee insurance agency
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
600cc supersport vs 1000cc sport insurance cost?
I'm young and most insurance companies wouldn't insure me on a supersport until I've been riding for 3 years. So i'm wondering if for some dumb reason they'd be more likely to insure me on a 1000cc sportbike than a 600cc supersport bike just because the 600 is a ss. The other part of the question is what's the deal with 1000cc vs 600ccSS with older riders? Thanks love ya guys
Is Believing in God Similar to Having Car Insurance ?
Believing in God is like having Car Insurance Lls HOPE is Beautiful If you get in an accident you are covered (safe) If not you just short and out of luck ...You can not rule out that God does or doesnt exist....I have Faith that he does so when I die hopefully I meet him...For the rest that dont have Faith they're just cool with the idea that death is just the End and that's their opinion They're not dumb to me at all
Motorcycle insruance guess for 17 year old female (Indiana)?
I'm a 17 year old female and I live in Indiana so I would not be riding year round. I have good grades and I will have completed the safety course. I'm looking at probably something older and 400cc. If any other under 18 year old has insurance and knows PERSONALLY how much it would cost please let me know.
I was driving my moms car, and i was at a stop sign, and a guy made a very narrow turn and then when he saw me he stopped, after he started going, he then made the turn , but ended up hitting the back left side of my bumper, nothing major, only some scratches on the paint, i got out with my mom and we exchanged information, but he said that he will not pay a cent for it, and he is ready to call the cops and file a report, i thought about it considering that i only have a permit and the car is under my moms insurance, and i just let it go as i may he may have made an excuse cause i am 16 and i am still training with my parent next to me. if i called the insurance company to get it fixed, will i be blamed and will i get the insurance rate to increase or he would have been the one to blame? thanks and please tell me true answer!""
My insurance say I have to pay for the other parties repair costs and hire costs?
Do I have to pay for their car hire costs? I thought their insurance paid for it as you have that option when purchasing insurance whether you want courtesy car or not?? please help
""Saving to buy a car, what do i need to know about insurance?""
so i just turned 21 and have been saving up for a car. i'm looking to purchase through the owner, not a dealer. this will be my first car purchase and i'm wondering how insurance works. do i just research different insurance companies and then call and talk to them to set things up? do i need to have purchased the car first or can it be handled beforehand without the title? just trying to get an idea before i dive in!""
Should i get a '94-'2000 toyota camry for my first car?
I'm trying to be reasonable, i know i need an older car so my insurance is cheap (i cant be on my parents). and i know toyotas are good cars, i like the look of the camry 4-door. and ive seen alot for under 7,000.. any other ideas for good cars that are cheap?""
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Color of vehicle and insurance rates?
Does the color of your vehicle really play a part in dictating your car insurance rates?
Trading in car for new one. Insurance?
I am trading my old car in at a garage for a new one. How do I go about re-arranging my car insurance so that it can be taxed and the old one taken off the policy. Do you think I will get a refund for the amount outstanding on my old car? Bit confused.
Why is insurance cheaper on american cars than asian cars?
I have a friend who was in accident a while back and the end result is his insurance doubled, and he can only afford to buy an american car rather than asian or german. Why is that in canada insurance cheaper on the american cars? Thank you""
Full or Limited Tort with no car or insurance?
I was in a single car accident in March. My car is not drivable and I am donating it. I want to cancel my insurance on the car and my agent said that I would have a lapse insurance which would make it more expensive for me to get insurance in the future. I live in PA and also wonder that if I no longer have car insurance does that mean I have limited tort if I'm passenger in someone's car or get hit while walking. I'm currently driving my mother's car which is registered and insured in DE I have concerns as to my liabilty and hers if I were to be at fault in an accident in PA. Doing some research today has just made me more confused.
Give me your opinion on which if you think my car is total loss or the insurance will fix it?
here are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg
How much is Progressive auto insurance for one car?
I'm 18, almost 19 years old and I recently figured out that with American Family Insurance that my parents have for me, I'm actually paying like $40 more than everyone else in my family just because I'm a young male driver. I think that our current insurance company is total **** so I wanted to look up how much a different company would be (in this case progressive because it seems to be one of, if not the best insurance company out there). But I went to their website, and I couldn't find jack about how much car insurance would be with them. I saw stuff like discounts, information about bundling (or something like that), but not a goddamn thing about how much it would be to be insured by them. Am I just looking in the wrong place, or do they just not list their prices unless you talk to an insurance representative?""
Which car is cheaper on insurance?
for my first car I am 16 years old secondary driver plus I took a driving course to minimize 30 percent which of these three is cheaper a BMW M3 E46 BMW E39 M5 or a BMW 330i ZHP I am only interested on insurance and is it possible the m3 can be cheaper because it has less horsepower and a smaller engine.
What is the best maternity insurance? ?
my husband and i are ttc and i am trying to find some maternity insurance for when i get pregnant. he cant apply for insurance through his work for another 5 months. so in the even that i do get pregnant, i would need insurance right away. we make too much to qualify for medicaid or any government funded insurance. ive looked at a few different companies but im wondering which is the best. monthy price isnt an issue, quality is whats important. thanks!""
Cheap car insurance for 20 year old?
im new to this im 20 getting my license in ont canada and need insurance i am very cheap will be buying a car 500-700$ and want the cheapest insurance possable il fix my own car if its possible i just want to be legal cause insurance is ridiculous ty everyone
How much would an '89 Mercedes 300e cost for insurance?
So my dad has found a really good deal on a potential car for me in really good condition. It's a 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. Do you think that since this is a 22 year old car that it'd be a ridiculous amount to insure because of the Mercedes badge? Or do you think I could afford it with a job? My insurance company would be allstate, on my parents plan, I have a 4.0GPA and I plan on taking drivers ed. Advice?""
Speeding ticket.. insurance increase?
okay soo I just turned 18 last tuesday, and today, I got a speeding ticket. I was going 58 in 40, but I really didn't notice that. the cop went by me in the other direction and apparently his radar said I was going 58. I know I've sped on that road before, but this time I honestly don't think I was. it was my second speeding ticket.. I got one last year that didn't go on my record or something so the insurance company never found out. but this time, I can't imagine I'd be so lucky. I've been googling car insurance and how much it would go up, but I can't find it anywhere. I believe we're with arbella. my parents are going to kill me and I don't know what to do that will help this situation. so I guess I have two questions: one, how much will my family's insurance increase? and two, what to do I do to minimize the penalty, or whatever you want to call it. I'm perfectly willing to pay the fine..if I was speeding, I deserve that.""
Car Insurance In Virginia?
I'm 19, First time driver, 1 Child, Car paid in full, Live in the 22031 area (fairfax), Had a seatbelt ticket before I obtained my license, Female. I want to know which insurance would be best suited for me, I dont need the quotes, I just want advice (from expierience) on where to get quotes from first. I have my permit, and will have my license in 25 days. I'm looking into cars right now, and should have one chosen in the next 2 weeks. I know the car will change what the insurance is, but I have not chosen it. I know I want an automatic 4 door sedan Used. Not sure on mileage yet. Leaning towards Nissan Altima. Any advice???""
1999 Pontiac Grand Am SE auto insurence?
how much will it cost for me monthly just estimate the price please to have insurance on that car thanks and are ponitacs goood with there motor and all that it has 172000 miles on it for $2900 should i take it or na just tell me about the insurance please thanks
Average motorcycle insurance rate?
I'm 16 and living in Ontario i wanted to know how much insurance rate it is do you pay monthly? yearly? i don't know submit what you know and estimate if you don't know
Finding taxi insurance and licensing in Florida.?
I'm trying to find an insurance provider for my taxi in Pinellas County, Florida and can't seem to find anyone who provides insurance to taxis. I'm also trying to find out where to go for licensing and what type of licenses i need. Does anyone out there have any information that may help?""
I need a job to save for college and driver's ed?
I'll be 16 next month and I need a job badly. I'm saving up for driver's ed, a car, insurance, and an apartment for college. I've tried restaurants, burger joints, etc. But everyone seems to be on hiring freezes or is only hiring adults. I need to start saving indepently because my parents can't support me forever. What are some job options for a 16 year old f in ma?""
Any idea how much motorcycle insurance for a 19 yer old Female in Texas would cost?
i been driving for at least 13 years (since i was 7 i was driving a 150cc) at 15 i started driving a 1600cc yamaha royal star :D (so dont say i dont know) i had a mexican motorcycle license for about 4-5 years (i am verly gonna get tx Licence) And i am planning on getting maybe a 600cc sportbike to use in TX
tennessee insurance agency
tennessee insurance agency
Do I need to buy car insurance before I buy the car?!?
I'm going to buy my first car. Do I have to show the dealership proof of insurance before they will let me go with the car? OR I can buy the car just fine and it's not their business whether I have insurance or not ? I doesn't make sense to me to buy insurance for a car I don't have yet. How does this work? thank you.
Insurance Question - cash insurance check and pay doctor within 30 days?
I keep receiving these huge checks from my insurance company and have paid the doctors 100% of what I owe - except one - where i sent the check back because of GROSS and large billing error ($21,000 worth). I did not want any liability for the error of this claim, therefore am I liable? Also, when I received the other checks - I paid the doctors within 30 days of receiving the money. Is this legal? Why is the insurance sending me these huge checks to deal with? I have enough on my plate with my own medical issues.""
Is there any way my parents can get my license suspended? and for new drivers how much is the insurance?
my dad is saying he doesnt want me to drive cuz im gonna visit my boyfriend. nd i jst wanna know if he cld suspend my license? my dad doesnt want to pay for my insurance nd i have to pay for it. nd was wondering how much its gonna cost me.
How much will insurance cost on a 1973 Dodge Challenger?
I am looking to buy one and its going to be under my parents name so I was just wondering if anyone can give me an estimate. Thanks!
Can one not tell the truth when getting a car insurance quote?
i got a violation on a previous occasion, and i can get like 40$ off with not telling them this, will it cause problems? also where can i get some accurate insurance quotes for my car?""
""Can I keep the check from the insurance, and don't repair my car?""
My car was hit by another car, and the other driver's insurance is willing to cover my repair cost. So I went to a body shop and got the estimate which is over 1k. That looks like a lot of money. I was wondering, if the insurance company agrees to give me a check, can I just keep the money and don't repair my car? Would the insurance company know? And since I left my contact info to the body shop, is the body shop going to chase me down? Thanks~!""
Average PLPD insurance for car?
Im wanting to buy a 1989 Toyota Supra and im wondering how much PLPD would be on it.
""I live in MA where car insurance is very high, and my parents will not put me on their insurance.?""
I am now going to college in PA where car insurance is more reasonable, can I buy a car here register it and get car insurance here? And do I need to change my license to a PA one? College will last 9 months out of the year for four years. This would be a big savings if there is some way to do this legally. My parents will not do anything that is slightly shady. All must be legit""
What's a good car to get cheap on insurance ?
I'm from uk
How much will insurance costs?
I am under 25 years old, live in CA, and first time car owner and getting insurance on a car older that 15 years... which company do you recommend and why? Thanks!""
Insurance question (rates)?
if i get into a fender bender in a van for work will it make my insurance rate go up? the cops didnt get my insurance, only my bosses""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for 17yr old girl?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for 17yr old girl?
18 years old purchasing car and insurance?
I am an 18 year old female and im looking to purchase a car - preferably a new car but we'll see how far that goes... I would like opinions on which car insurance is the best for new drivers. I did a couple of quotes and Geico seems to be good, any other suggestions?""
What can I expect to pay for car insurance? details inside.?
I'm 18, First time car buyer, And I know little about buying. (I feel like I'm writing a personal ad haha). Here's the deal, me and my parents don't see eye to eye on buying a car, so i have to prove to them can afford car insurance BEFORE I even look at the car. So I don't have the car yet, and I called several places. they won't give a quote unless you have the car and then I still have to give them a lot of info about me first. So I'm stuck lol. Can you please give me a rough quote on what I will pay? Also make sure you include the price and for how long (Meaning tell me if that price is for 3, 6 months, year, etc.) Here's the car: http://baltimore.craigslist.org/cto/1037323276.html Details: I live in Aberdeen, Md 21001 (Town of 15,000 people, low crime, only busy certain times of day because of the military base we have) I will use the vehicle for driving to work mostly, about 10-15 miles day (I never leave town really). Clean Driving Record No Credit, but I have a co-signer ready for buying the car I want average liabilities, not state minimum but not expensive. PS I am already planning on having a mechanic check the car out before buying, please don't go on a rant about the car itself or Craigslist lol.""
""Im looking or an affordable health insurance, please help?""
hello, I need to see a doctor as soon as possible but i don't have insurance. anyone know any good affordable health insurance. thank you in advance""
Cheap Car to insure?? (UK)?
Hey, I'm 18/female and was looking to start my driving lessons soon and I was wondering what cars would be cheap to run and insure, and does anyone reccomend any driving schools that are an okay price..if you could put links up to cars I would be grateful. Thanks :)""
How much will Liability Car Insurance Cost For A 20 year Old Male?
Im going to get a car soon, something 2004 or older.""
What's the cheapest insurance for an 18 year old?
Where can I get insurance coverage for a very low monthly price?...for an 18 year old
Just passed driving test. 18 years old. What is the cheapest insurance company for me?
Just recently passed 17, turning 18 in a few days. What is the best insurance company in terms of price? also what car would i need to purchase to get the cheapest possible quote? Advice needed!""
""If my mum is insured to drive my car, does she still need insurance on her car?""
My mum has been driving for 30 years and she currently has her own car with fully comp insurance. I have just bought a car and want to go under my mums insurance. If I do this, can she cancel the insurance on her car and still drive it (if the cover has a policy that says she is insured to drive any car). In other words will her fully comp insurance cover her on both cars? If not if there an option to add another car onto the policy without having to get a completely different quote? Thanks for your answers""
NJ private health insurance.Which health insurance company is best?
My spouse has health insurance.To add me on would cost over $900 monthly.Which health insurance company gives the lowest cost coverage in new jersey? I am self-employed .We have no children.We are in our 50's.
Got my second speeding ticket will the insurance go up? do i need to go to court?
i recieved my first ticket this year in january. i went to traffic school and it got removed. so on friday i got a speeding ticket i was going 82 and the speed limit was 65. do i have to go to court? can i get it removed again? does it affect my insurance? i have ecompass insurance. im under my moms insurance is she going to find out? im 19.
Non owners insurance?
what is the best non-owners insurance business (or agency) in Houston?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
Hello. I am a male and I will drive a 08 mustang. none of my parents have caused an accident.
How much will a mg zr 1.4 be to insure?
im 17 and i know it want come over 4000 a year
tennessee insurance agency
tennessee insurance agency
How much does it cost do get a lawyer to file for Bankruptcy (Chapter 7)?
I am a single person, low income (waitress), just suffered a major medical expense and no insurance. I have lots of credit card debt, no car, house or student loan debt. How much would it cost a lawyer to file my case with bankruptcy court? Thanks!""
What's do you pay for car insurance in your country?
My car insurance in N.Ireland is just over 200 or 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR etc. Thats for an average 4 door saloon. I would like to compare that with other countries, if possible.""
Insurance to drive?
I'm a college student and I have student health insurance. I just got my permit and I was wondering which insurance I need to get to drive??
""What are some inexpensive, yet reliable auto insurance companies?""
I need a new auto insurance company, Allstate just raised my rates through the roof. But I don't want it to be an unreliable company that will drop me for one little crack in my winshield. State Farm and all those companies are too expensive for me (I am a teenager and work part-time). I live in CA. Any suggestions?""
In Northern California on average how much does the minimal amount of gas and insurance cost per month ?
I'm 18 and looking into buying my first car this year. From my understanding the cheapest of Vehicles could be anywhere from $500-$1000 dollars. Since I'm doing this alone I'm asking you from your own personal experiences with car finances.
Affordable health insurance in florida?
im 17, will be 18 in november, and i need to find health insurance. i need it to cover dental (orthodontics), prescriptions, and mental health services (depression, bipolar disorder). i am a non smoker, and i have no kids. please help!!!""
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Massachusetts proof of car insurance while out of state?
OK. In Massachusetts, some car insurance companies don't give you/ offer a separate little card that serves as your proof of insurance; the licence plate/ your registration serves as your proof in MA. Now I was wondering. most other states have a requirement that you carry proof of insurance at all times while driving. In theory, if I was driving in another state, some distance from MA and therefore where the police are not familiar with how MA does things, and get pulled over, would the officer know that I was insured, even if I was unable to produce the little card, or would he always assume that without it, the driver is uninsured? the insurance is listed on the registration, but...""
How long does it take for insurance rates to go up after getting speeding ticket?
how long does it take for your insurance rates to get affected if you get a speeding ticket.. does it apply right away or do i have time to go to traffic school.. and if i go to traffic school will all evidence of there ever been a ticket disappear?
How will my insurance handle a guy that hit someones head in my car?
a guy hit someones head into my car and says he wants to go through insurance to pay for it. I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there, but theres a good sized dent. Is this going to make my rates go up? i took it to get an estimate and was around $450""
How do I find health insurance for myself as an individual?
I am currently a sophomore in college, and I really hate student insurance, as it covers and pays for almost nothing, and doesn't include dental. Where do I go if i need to get a different provider?""
Could anyone recommend a decent car insurer for a 17yr old female in the UK???
I am looking for cheap car insurance, the cheapest I have found is 860 fully comp for a Fiat Punto. I would like to find cheaper, could anyone recommed an insurer??? Thanks, Jay""
Under the new Cash Allowance Rebate program is my vehicle eligible if the registration and insurance ran out?
I owned my jeep cherokee for four years continuously registered and insured but just recently moved to California from New Jersey and out of necessity just let the truck sit for a few months during which the reg and insur. just expired about three months ago. So now can I still use this as a redeemable option on a new car.
Mustang gt insurance be liability only. i own car?
how much will it be to put liability insurance only on a mustang gt 2002. I own the car and im 16 male
Who pays the car insurance?
The registered owner or the title owner me??
What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old to have?
So I'm 17 and just got my drivers lisence! Woo! I'm trying to find what the cheapest car to have is? Like to buy, insurance and maintaining all together of you get me?""
What is the best insurance company for young drivers?
Does anyone know of any insurance company which is cheap for young, new drivers? I am 17 and I found an insurance company that costs roughly 2,500 but that is still quiet a bit. Any help will be useful..!!""
Does it cost anything to add someone to your insurance policy?
Does it cost anything to add someone to your insurance policy?
Whats a cheap insurance car to buy?
I just turned 18 and just passed my driving test, so i want to buy a car since i'm the only person in my home whole has a driving license, but i want to buy a car that will be VERY cheap to insure. So many people have told me different things and I'm really confused.""
What is the best way to insure a car with a salvage title?
I recently purchased a car with a salvage title. This is my first car, and I'm in deep enough that it wouldn't make sense to get rid of it at this point. I would like to get collision insurance on it if possible. Really, there are a couple questions here: *NOTE: I live in Ohio. I'm not sure the answer to this question will be the same in all states. Can I have a car with a salvage title retitled with a clean title through some sort of govermnent inspection? If so, how would I go about this? Is there any way I can get collision insurance for my car? Will insurance rates be higher for me? Anything you can tell me will be much appreciated!""
Full tort or limited tort... Is it worth it to spend the extra 15% to get full tort car insurance?
I am 21 and getting my first new car tomorrow. I am looking for car insurance. It looks like I could save about 15% on my car insurance if I get limited tort instead of full tort. What do I risk by only getting limited tort? Is it worth the money?
Can I get liability insurance on a 2005 mazda tribute or will I have to get full coverage?
Can I get liability insurance on a 2005 mazda tribute or will I have to get full coverage?
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
Help with life insurance?
Term insurance is recommended over whole life insurance for most people. If you, too, choose term insurance, how might you then provide a long-term savings for yourself since term insurance has no savings plan?""
18 year old just trying to find health insurance...?
My mom retired last year and my parents decided that without the benefits, it was too expensive for me to be on their health insurance plan (it would have been ~$750 a month). I've been without insurance since August. I just turned 18 yesterday. I live in Connecticut and my parents are basically being lazy about it and not helping at all... even though I have an entire LIST of things I need to get checked out/surgery/medications, including wisdom teeth surgery (dental insurance, yay!!!!!) and I can't do ANY of it until I have insurance. I seriously have NO idea what to do and my parents procrastinate like crazy and I can't take being uninsured anymore. What do I do?!""
tennessee insurance agency
tennessee insurance agency
How much will my insurance go up for a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket in July going 100 mph in California. I live in AZ and was visiting when I got pulled over. I got a notice in the mail saying it's mandatory for me to appear in court. Does anyone know how much my insurance will go up? I'm 25 yrs old and this is my 2nd speeding ticket. The 1st one was in AZ and it doesn't show up on my record because I went to driving school.
What kind of Certificate of Insurance do I need.?
Hi. I just found a new apartment and in the lease contract there is something about a Section 1940.5 of the California Civil Code. The code basically says that if I have a waterbed or fish tank that is over 5 gallons I need to provide the landlord with a certificate of Insurance in the amount of $100,000. What kind of insurance would I be looking for to cover this? I have a 18 gallon fish tank that I would like to keep. Thank you!""
Is it Bad to Let Your Car Insurance Run Out Temporarily?
The insurance on one of my cars will run out in a few days, and the other one will run out at the end of this month. I was thinking of just waiting until the end of the month to get a new policy so that it will be more convenient and from now on I can renew both at the same time. Of course, I don't plan on driving car #1 until I get the new policy. Is this a bad idea? Can insurance companies charge more if you let your insurance run out, even for a short while? (They usually ask you when you're getting a quote online.)""
Is insurance expensive for a 17 year old Riding a 125 ped?
i live in bromley south east london/ kent i have recently bought a Gilera Runner VXR 180 Reg as 125, im using it for college and seeing family, i have completed my C.B.T Bike is road ready MOT&Tax could anyone give me a guestimate on how much it would be on your previous experience and any good companies that insure young drivers ? thanks alot (P.S if you would like too right a smart ar*e comment please dont do it on my post, im asking for advice not a lecture)""
Car Insurance Coverage and a DUI Question?
My daughter received a DUI a while back, as she put the car in 'Drive' (instead of 'Reverse') and drove through the side of a restaurant. (closed, thank God!...No people there) She refused the Breathalyzer, and was taken to the ER for about 7 hours. She was given a DUI. This car was titled, registered and insured by me- I am her mother. She is over 30 years old. The insurance has covered to fix the car, but the restaurant has retained an attorney. (I live in SC and have $100,000 property damage on the car) Yesterday, my insurance adjustor called to ask for a release of my daughter's medical records, so they could meet with the restaurant's attorneys and show that she was not drunk. Well, she was drunk, and my daughter's attorney has told me not to release that information, as it is a violation of her rights- she already refused the breathalyzer, etc.Also, she WAS drunk, and this would only release that information possibly to others. Please no rude comments about all of this- I get it! Question: Can my insurance company refuse to pay for my daughter's ER bill ($13,000) AND the property damage, AND whatever else- due to the fact that they are going to decide she was 'drunk.' ??? Is there any way to protect my assets? Specifics would be great, if you know them. Thanks.""
Does anyone know of Affordable Health Insurance for a Women in her 20s?
I will be 22 in a Month and recently tried to donate plasma and was told my blood sugar level was to high and they were concerned I may have diasbetes. I'm not covered by my parents health insurance anymore and I really need to find something that could help me. I do have a job and probably will have to work full time in order to get any health benefits. But is there something else out there anyone knows of where I can afford to pay for health expences?? I appreciate greatly. Thanks!
Who offers the best life insurance in Illinois?
simple enough. ive done my research and the best i can find is either American Income Life insurance or State farm. anyone have either of these and think they are reasonable?
No fault coverage of automobile insurance in California?
What is no-fault coverage? When you get in an accident, how it works? I don't know and understand the term.""
Car accident I have liability the other involved had no insurance?
I got into a car accident today which pretty much totalled out the back half of my van, seeing as the insurance agent will probably call it as totalled out. Here is my question the other party told us that he had no insurance at all and I only carry liability insurance whats going to happen with my vehicle, how are my damages going to be paid?""
Affordable Care Act - Will I have to buy insurance?
I'm young and just starting out. I'm only going to make like 12-15K per year... Will I have to purchase insurance or pay the tax penalty?
What heathcare insurance plan make the most sense?
I'm looking to purchase health insurance in Ohio for myself and my wife. We have no ongiong medical conditions and are in good health. What deductable and co pay make the most sense for our situation? What provider has the most options or is most popular and easy to work with?
""What kind of life insurance is better for me, term insurance or permanent insurance?""
Is there any advantage to permanent insurance over term insurance or vis versa? I mean, basically it looks like term is the better deal because I can buy more death benefit for a lot less money, but permanent insurance gives me money with a death benefit. I'm in my late 40's, have a wife and 2 kids, normal bills, mortgage, etc. Does anyone have any opinions about what is really the better deal long term?""
How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?
the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.""
Does your car insurance go up if you don't have it for a period of time?
If I dropped my car insurance for monatary reasons, and then picked it back up in a few months would I still have the same rate as before?""
What is the approx. monthly cost for a car insurance for a 19 year old?
i have about one year with my license, i dont have a car yet, but i want to learn more about car insurances before i get one, and i want an idea of what is the cost.""
Question about cars and insurance?
I know that the cheapest NEW car to ensure is the VW Up costing around 1500 a year. But is there any USED cars that can match this insurance cost but isn't any older than 5 years? NOTE: The VW Up is in insurance group 1
How do I know what value to put on my home insurance?
I have a flat in London that I want to insure. The flat is 64 metres squared and is 100 years old. The market value is about 200,000 to 210,000. A similar flat, in my town, in the North is valued at about 100 000 One would assume that the insurable value would be less for than the market value in London. My question is for what value should I insure the flat in London?""
""When your 18 and still in high school, does the car insurance company still check your grades for a discount?
My younger sister recently turned 18 and got her license. She's in dying need of insurance but she's a D average student and ashamed to show her grades. Does the car insurance discount still apply to students who are 18?
A Question About My Health Insurance?
If I have health insurance, for example, health net..and I got married..would I still be covered even though I have a different last name or will my health insurance drop me?""
""Got a speeding ticket in Oregon, can I go to traffic school so my insurance company will not raise my policy?""
I know in California you can go to traffic school once every 18 month and the insurance company will not raise your rates, is that the same for Oregon, and how do I go about it?""
""How do i get an car insurance quote without giving (name, address, social security no, etc)?""
A 2001 toyota sienna xle, for a 15 year old driver W/ Learners Permit living in bellevue, WA never had one ticket or accident, mostly A's grades, employed PS Not 15 yet but am employed, just wanna know when the time comes""
Should I report my small fender bender to my insurance?
so I hit a motorcycle and broke one tail light off of it. The guy took my insurance info but said if I pay out of pocket he won't report it. the thing is... there was really no fender damage to the paint but he said he needs to paint it. I went to an autobody shop and to fix the light it will be about maybe $200. but if he is gonna want to paint his fender, should I report it to my insurance. I have pictures but not close ups of the paint. how much will my premium go up. I have no deductible and I have mercury insurance in California. Is it worth going through insurance... how can he prove that the paint job is caused by me? Thanks! Any advice on what to do would be great! I don't want my insurance to go up and don't mind paying out of pocket, but am scared he will eff me over with the paint job and go to my insurance.""
Does anyone know if the 5 hour turbine transition for helicopters is a reg or just an insurance minimum?
I can't find anything in the FAR's that mentions anything about having to do a 5 hour turbine transition when going from flying piston helicopters to turbines (as long as no type rating is required). Is it just an insurance minimum?
Moped insurance for 16 year olds?
about how much would the insurance cost me for my moped, i'm 16, i have my provisional licence? x""
Cheap reliable cars that have cheap car insurance?
Thank you
tennessee insurance agency
tennessee insurance agency
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