#finding a life partner in someone objective factual and consistently demonstrative
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marigoldbaker · 12 days ago
judah responding to princess carolyn trying to get him to choose playing his show over working with her w/ “when a man loves a—” and subsequently assuring her they’re talking about film titles. man. Man
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fictionalcharactermbti · 7 years ago
The Wire MBTI
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ISFPs learn by experience, and they need hands-on contact in order to know something well. Unlike Extraverted Sensates, however, they don’t require perceptual novelty to stay interested in something. When their judgment is engaged, ISFPs are focused, contained, and nearly inexhaustible. These types are likely to regard their work as a vocation rather than a profession. ISFPs don’t think in terms of objective limits and requirements. They think in terms of values--what’s right in the situation at hand. They lose sight of themselves as objects, rushing where angels fear to tread. They are not attempting to go the extra mile. It’s who they are. ISFPs have a certain resistance to attachment for it’s own sake. ISFPs are most likely to feel bogged down by possessions and material constraint when they’re too dependent on their dominant function. (Lenore Thomson)
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ENTPs are aggressive, expansive, and opportunistic in the best sense of the word. They have no doubt about the importance of what they’re doing, and they’re at their best when they feel challenged and have to improvise. They want to be inspired, are rarely content with things as they are, and tend to have many projects going at the same time. Others are excited by, even propelled by, the relentless tide of their drive and enthusiasm. ENTPs are so alert to systematic logic that they often see relationships among elements that no one has ever considered before. Others can experience the ENTP as alternatively seductive, impatient, and indifferent, and such types are not above intimidating people with their mercurial nature of their mind. ENTPs assume that everyone is as strong and self-assertive as they are and as capable of defending their own interests. They may even feel manipulated and exploited by people who need too much from them. (Lenore Thomson)
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ESTJs see reality as a kind of puzzle whose pieces must fit together logically if they are to understand the whole picture. They have an incisive understanding of organization and complexity. ESTJs reason conceptually, one step at a time. The problems that absorb them are too complicated to be solved by common sense or intuition. They require the negotiation of structural relationships by way of logic. ESTJs observe facts, draw tentative conclusions, predict what will happen next, then check their predictions against real-life consequences. Anything that can’t be proved with hard evidence is ruled right out. ESTJs think hierarchically. They define their priorities and attend to them, one by one, in descending order of importance. They understand the value of the proper chain of command. They want to know where they stand in the assessment of others, and they want this standing to be deserved. (Lenore Thomson)
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ESFPs tend to be generous sorts, and they my seem vulnerable, even naive, because they’re inclined to surrender themselves to the moment without restraint. Whatever they’re in, they’re in wholeheartedly. ESFPs may strike people as not taking life seriously enough, not caring enough about the consequences of their actions. In truth, these types are usually ambitious and want to be admired and respected, but they don’t make plans the way Judging types do. They think perceptually, alert to the opportunities life has to offer them. ESFPs rarely ask for anything in return for their involvement. They do, however, have a strong need to feel appreciated, and they want that appreciation demonstrated tangibly. They don’t like unpleasantness that can’t be handled with immediate action. (Lenore Thomson)
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ISTJs are task-oriented and conscientious in their handling of details and standard procedures. ISTJs are fundamentally Introverted Sensates, with a highly subjective, original turn of mind. ISTJs are unparalleled realists. However, they don’t concern themselves with external reality as such. They relate to facts about external reality, and largely by way of the mental constructs determined by Extraverted Thinking: words, numbers, schemes, diagrams, hierarchies, methods, and codes of conduct. The type’s sensations gives ISTJs an extraordinary capacity for detail in areas that strike them as important. Where data and figures are concerned, ISTJs are painstakingly thorough. Their powers of concentration are unequaled--nothing escapes their attention. Privately, ISTJs are usually observing the world with a kind of detached  irony. (Lenore Thomson)
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ISTPs need hands-on involvement so they can feel a situation’s impact and gauge the effects of their behaviors on it. Their Ti ultimately trains the ability to improvise. Their improvisation is far from doing “whatever they want.” Their skill is to find a reasoned balance between structure and freedom. ISTPs are utterly present oriented, so they don’t require novel perceptual experiences to stay interested. Once they’re using familiar skills, every situation is new. ISTPs are either “with” a situation or they’re not. If they’re not, they will make no effort to pretend they are. They won’t exhibit initial interest, explain, or apologize for their inattention or lack of compliance. ISTPs may do something they don’t want to do for someone they respect, but they will not fake goodwill in the process. The commitments these types make are based on shared experience, not shared thoughts or feelings, and they have no reason to trust people who haven’t proved themselves in areas they consider important. (Lenore Thomson)
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INTPs relate to the outer world with Extraverted Intuition, so their need for direct experience is not as clear as an ISTP’s. Such types are interested in the logical possibilities of structure: the way form and context interact with and exert change on each other. Thus, they’re mote at home than ISTPs with theoretical reasoning. INTPs do, however, require visual and tactile contact with a system in order to reason properly. An INTP’s feelings are not usually visible in the type’s demeanor. In fact, these types may find it difficult to know what they’re feeling until they experience themselves out of control. Their ability to sort out their emotions and recognize their meaning is not well developed. INTPs can be shy and awkward about affectional connections. At midlife, they may abruptly realize they haven’t given enough thought to issues of marriage, children, or domestic stability. They may not even be certain about they they require from a partner. Their sense of predictability involves matters for impersonal design; the personal realm strikes them as utterly without rational order. (Lenore Thomson)
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ENTJs reason conceptually, with deductive and inductive logic. But these types are not content to negotiate structural relationships within a system. ENTJs want to be in charge of a system, to improve it, to realize its functional potential. Such types are not advocates and administrators so much as natural leaders--decisive, charismatic, impelled by the courage of conviction. Their energy and ambition in the service of an idea can put one in mind of ENTPs. But ENTJs don’t share the Perceiver’s holographic visionary perspective. Like all types who use Extraverted Thinking, ENTJs need factual and material predictability for their skills to operate well. They are invariably articulate and aggressively verbal, and they discover quite early in life that the well-chosen phrase is a many-splendored thing: it convinces, dissuades, and wounds as wells as communicates. (Lenore Thomson)
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ESTPs are realists of the first order. The ESTP is galvanized by Introverted Thinking toward situations involving risk, strategy, and serious competition. Introverted Thinking gives ESTPs a talent for evaluating the variables in a crisis situation, and they invariably respond with action. They know far more than they’re able to express about what’s likely to happen and what they can do to prevent or support it. ESTPs are usually charismatic, often charming. ESTPs are drawn to immediate achievement, but they may not care to build the structure on the foundations thus established. Once a situation is in hand, the type tens to lose interest and moves on to the next challenge. It should be emphasize, however, that ESTPs generally have their own code of honor. It may not accord with collective mores and expectations, but it is consistent and fiercely maintained--especially where loyalty to friends is concerned. (Lenore Thomson)
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