#financial sacrifice
ajleeblog · 4 months
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(via Sacrifices on the Path to Personal Growth: The Unseen Costs of Success)
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hamiltonsf1 · 4 months
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zo’s saturday
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dracomort · 8 months
What would Tom and Draco be like as a comedic duo of antique-dealing partners?
Tom's got an eye for shiny things and a face for customer service; Draco's good at fixing magical artefacts and brown-noses like it's a competitive sport. It's a recipe for success.
However, I do wonder which of them would be worse at running a business. I oscillate between thinking Tom would be responsible with money because he grew up with so little, and thinking he would be irresponsible for exactly the same reason. I've met both sorts of people. And we must remember that he is a professional broke bitch/couch-surfer/freeloader. Draco is an aristocrat so he's guaranteed to be hopeless (and the sort to take money from the till without noting it down anywhere).
Depending on the context of the universe they're in, they'll probably need to be bailed out either by Tom's connections or Draco's family, regardless of how successful they are as salesmen.
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ipushedthewrongbutton · 5 months
…. Heh.
Not a fan, this has been a very entertaining weekend though. I’m glad the fans got the apology they deserved, I still missed them bringing up the fact they excluded a huge part of their audience with this whole shtick but yanno what, that’s nitpicky at best.
Hope they can win y’all’s trust back, mine’s gone and never coming back but then again, I was never on their radar as a casual viewer anyway, so no losses whatsoever.
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b0bthebuilder35 · 2 months
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coloursofaparadox · 1 year
i ✨️cannot sleep✨️ and vaguing about shit on the internet feels more cathartic than writing it out somewhere else. suffer.
#im having. thoughts. on one hand. VERY badly want woods and chicken farm.#on the other hand. i do actually like friends?#and the likelihood of making friends as a queer person in a small town is uh. yknow. not as good.#but idk if its important enough to me to put my life on hold indefinitely to create more ties to an area that ill eventually have to leave#if i ever want a chance at supporting myself financially or buying a tiny lil starter house?#ideal situation is i start a gay commune with like minded friends. but uh. people have not been good to me#on the whole 'trust em with your plans' front#sigh. idk. id love to be able to afford a place thats still in the general area but that is never going to happen#unless i can spontaneously manifest /literally/ a million dollars#i am done with romantic relationships i think. if one happens at some point? cool. but i am not basing my life plans around it.#and will not sacrifice my own peace and wellbeing just for the sake of one#god. looking for queer friends who want to live on a farm with me platnically and we all have our own space but#also raise animals together and hang out sometimes. and dogs are a requirement.#i just! want! queer commune! where i can go back to my own little bubble and have my own space too!#aaaaahhhhh!!!! albertas real estate is starting to look real good right about now!#ugh. u g h. i fluctuate wildly between 'im very VERY content not speaking to a human for a week at a time' and 'platonic life partner. pls.#maybe i just....take a page out of 18 yr old me's ballsy ass handbook. and uproot my entire life to move somewhere completely new#where i know no one have no connections and in a completely different climate 😎 it worked out last time#i could so just fuck off somewhere. oh my god it is so tempting.
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aidanchaser · 1 year
I slapped some budget reminders on a nail over my desk to remember them bc they're important big numbers however now when I sit down to write I see numbers which really cramp the vibes and I hate this
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liminalhymnal · 2 years
Slenderman this, Jeff the Killer that, the original creepypastas to me were all those fan theories on edgy vocaloid songs which scared me so bad when I was 11
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sniperct · 1 year
damn they really do make decent cheap cintiq competitors now don't they?
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fratboykate · 1 year
Gawd, Flo in that Dune trailer almost makes me want to watch it. You're right, the first one was a beautiful, bland as hell experience but I enjoyed every second I got to stare at her face. The only thing I care about in that entire thing. Zendaya, I'm sorry but you're right next to a vortex of anti-charisma for every scene and I can't enjoy your existence as a result, forgive me.
I don't think she's going to be in it a lot. At least from what I understand of the story he might be telling in the second movie. I feel like they're setting this up to be more than two parts. My guess is she might be like Zendaya who was in the first one like five minutes. Am I still going to be seated just to catch those five minutes? Unfortunately yes lol.
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feral-radfem · 2 years
I agree that cutting off healthy parts of yourself is mutilation.
I am, however, such an enormous believer in bodily autonomy that I’m in favor of letting adults do it anyway, with informed consent and a boatload of therapy required prior.
Which of course is *not* what currently happens.
I have similar feelings about assisted suicide - I think it *should* be legal. But the current way it’s being implemented in Canada is causing an enormous amount of harm, and I’d rather shut MAID down than leave it as it is.
Sure, I agree, they can do it.
I will just still have my criticisms of those actions no matter how informed the decision is. Allowing something to happen and criticizing the potential motive and message being sent are not mutually exclusive.
The problem with both systems is that they are looking at the finances first and not what treatment can actually help the patient. HRT makes you a lifelong pharmaceutical patient and MAiD is being pushed onto people who typically need more medical assistance (elderly, mentally ill, poor, ext.). Until the underlying problem of money being put before people gets fixed, it's a no from me.
I'm already on the fence about assisted suicide because statistically most people who lived through a suicide attempt don't reattempt but I also just understand that if you have a terminal illness you may not want to sit there and painfully wait to die. As far as HRT is concerned I don't think cosmetically altering your body is a good solution for any internal distress your experiencing. It simply sends you down the path of chasing a sense of self security you can't acquire through any kind of purchase or surgery. Of course HRT for cases like PCOS or menopausal women is completely acceptable.
TBH, I already have very slim margins of what I consider acceptable medical practice on these topics. I'm probably going to need some very compelling evidence that these programs offer more benefit than they do harm before those margins expand any.
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teecupangel · 2 years
How many points for ac/cod would my firstborn child be worth
According to this article:
The cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 will set you back by about $310,000.
I ain't giving you points for putting me in debt to raise your child, nonny.
The Leverage AU or Call of Duty Crossover sorta-poll for anyone interested
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sigmalied · 2 years
Strolling through this mountain town buying whatever I please, feeling like Holden Caufield spending recklessly after getting kicked out of Pencey (I reread Catcher in the Rye a while back lol)
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uniquetempo · 9 years
What are you doing for me?
Standing there, I hear those words and a blank look takes over my face.
"What am I doing for you?"
I then ask myself that question.  I walked away for what seemed to feel like a minute, and then came back with full anger and started throwing words at you, scrambled words which were trying to find its way to a correct sentence format.  Words with feeling, yet all I remember was the one thing that I wanted to say to you, but it didn’t quite come out like this:
"I am sacrificing all this time, the months, weeks, days, to do the things I did a while back for you all over again, because you just can’t keep it together!  Yet, I feel taken advantaged of, again, that same feeling I get every time I slowly put my shield down for I can fully embrace you.  So, what am I doing for you? Absolutely nothing.  For I have nothing better to do, then to fix shit."
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birdinpajamas · 3 months
I'm scared. Yes because of political shit but also personal. My health has never been great but in the last few months I think I've fully crossed the threshold into disabled. I've been managing maybe an hour of routine physical activity daily - vacuuming or washing dishes or grocery shopping - and if I go any longer than that I'm bone tired and in pain.
I'm supposed to go back to work next week. I don't think I can do it.
Disability benefits in this country are fully fucked and my doctors are telling me I just need to lose weight anyway.
I'm in trouble.
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nervous-jester · 3 months
sometimes you and your friends wanna go on a girls trip and you are the only one who doesnt have the funds for it
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