#financial resilience score
Financial Resilience Score - Financial Resilience Institute
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Understand more about your financial health by knowing the Financial Resilience Score offered by the Financial Resilience Institute, a leading-edge tool that computes your level of financial stability and gives valuable insight into that for you to help companies and individuals build resilience. With our bespoke analysis and advice, armed with our bespoke analysis and advice, make informed decisions to underpin a strong financial future. Please visit our website and get in touch to learn how the Financial Resilience Score can benefit you.
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batboyblog · 3 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #22
June 7-14 2024
Vice-President Harris announced that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is moving to remove medical debt for people's credit score. This move will improve the credit rating of 15 million Americans. Millions of Americans struggling with debt from medical expenses can't get approved for a loan for a car, to start a small business or buy a home. The new rule will improve credit scores by an average of 20 points and lead to 22,000 additional mortgages being approved every year. This comes on top of efforts by the Biden Administration to buy up and forgive medical debt. Through money in the American Rescue Plan $7 billion dollars of medical debt will be forgiven by the end of 2026. To date state and local governments have used ARP funds to buy up and forgive the debt of 3 million Americans and counting.
The EPA, Department of Agriculture, and FDA announced a joint "National Strategy for Reducing Food Loss and Waste and Recycling Organics". The Strategy aimed to cut food waste by 50% by 2030. Currently 24% of municipal solid waste in landfills is food waste, and food waste accounts for 58% of methane emissions from landfills roughly the green house gas emissions of 60 coal-fired power plants every year. This connects to $200 million the EPA already has invested in recycling, the largest investment in recycling by the federal government in 30 years. The average American family loses $1,500 ever year in spoiled food, and the strategy through better labeling, packaging, and education hopes to save people money and reduce hunger as well as the environmental impact.
President Biden signed with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy a ten-year US-Ukraine Security Agreement. The Agreement is aimed at helping Ukraine win the war against Russia, as well as help Ukraine meet the standards it will have to be ready for EU and NATO memberships. President Biden also spearheaded efforts at the G7 meeting to secure $50 billion for Ukraine from the 7 top economic nations.
HHS announced $500 million for the development of new non-injection vaccines against Covid. The money is part of Project NextGen a $5 billion program to accelerate and streamline new Covid vaccines and treatments. The investment announced this week will support a clinical trial of 10,000 people testing a vaccine in pill form. It's also supporting two vaccines administered as nasal sprays that are in earlier stages of development. The government hopes that break throughs in non-needle based vaccines for Covid might be applied to other vaccinations thus making vaccines more widely available and more easily administered.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced $404 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and the region. This brings the total invested by the Biden administration in the Palestinians to $1.8 billion since taking office, over $600 million since the war started in October 2023. The money will focus on safe drinking water, health care, protection, education, shelter, and psychosocial support.
The Department of the Interior announced $142 million for drought resilience and boosting water supplies. The funding will provide about 40,000 acre-feet of annual recycled water, enough to support more than 160,000 people a year. It's funding water recycling programs in California, Hawaii, Kansas, Nevada and Texas. It's also supporting 4 water desalination projects in Southern California. Desalination is proving to be an important tool used by countries with limited freshwater.
President Biden took the lead at the G7 on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. The PGI is a global program to connect the developing world to investment in its infrastructure from the G7 nations. So far the US has invested $40 billion into the program with a goal of $200 billion by 2027. The G7 overall plans on $600 billion by 2027. There has been heavy investment in the Lobito Corridor, an economic zone that runs from Angola, through the Democratic Republic of Congo, to Zambia, the PGI has helped connect the 3 nations by rail allowing land locked Zambia and largely landlocked DRC access Angolan ports. The PGI also is investing in a $900 million solar farm in Angola. The PGI got a $5 billion dollar investment from Microsoft aimed at expanding digital access in Kenya, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The PGI's bold vision is to connect Africa and the Indian Ocean region economically through rail and transportation link as well as boost greener economic growth in the developing world and bring developing nations on-line.
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selfhelpforstudents · 9 months
Reflecting on my Achievements in 2023
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As today is my birthday, I would like to take the time to reflect on what I have achieved during this year and hopefully motivate you with it. I am seriously so grateful for everything.
Academics and Work:
Scored straight A's in all subjects throughout the entire year
Professors agreed to writing me recommendations for Harvard and Oxford
Worked in very prestigious firms as a working student
Landed a research position in Sustainable Finance
International Experience and Volunteering
Lived it in France for a semester, improving my French and gaining great insights into the country's culture
Founded "FeminFIN," (feel free to join if you would like to learn more about the financial sector)
Worked on sustainability education in schools
Reached 19.5 k followers here on Tumblr, motivating thousands of students
Personal Development
Developed so much resilience (crazy work/study schedule, sometimes hitting over 100 hours a week)
Deepened my understanding for Finance, battled my shyness and improved my social skills through various coffee chats on LinkedIn
Fell in love, got my heart broken - and learned to love myself more
I am excited about what 2024 will have in store for me! I hope this motivates you as well! <3
Tell me about your achievements! <3
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acceptccnow · 1 year
Unlocking Next-Level Payment Gateway Solutions
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-credit-cards-now.com
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In the swiftly evolving digital landscape of today, businesses increasingly rely on smooth credit card payment gateways to offer customers convenient and secure transaction experiences. The world of payment processing has undergone remarkable shifts, with technologies continuously evolving to meet the demands of modern commerce. From handling high-risk merchant processing to pioneering e-commerce payment solutions, this article delves into the critical components of uncovering advanced payment gateway solutions that cater to the diverse needs of businesses.
Elevated-Risk Payment Processing Operating within high-risk sectors, such as adult entertainment, online gaming, and subscription services, presents challenges when seeking dependable payment processing. High-risk merchant processing furnishes customized services that cater to the unique requisites of these industries. Employing sophisticated fraud detection and risk mitigation methods, high-risk payment processing providers establish a secure transaction environment. Whether facilitating credit card processing or efficiently managing recurring payments, these solutions ensure seamless and problem-free operations.
Empowering E-Commerce Ventures The ascent of e-commerce has revolutionized consumer shopping habits, compelling businesses to adapt for enduring competitiveness. E-commerce payment processing solutions are intricately designed to streamline the checkout process and elevate the overall customer experience. Through e-commerce gateways and dedicated merchant accounts, businesses unlock the ability to seamlessly accept credit cards for e-commerce transactions, unlocking fresh avenues for expansion. These solutions offer real-time transaction monitoring, robust data encryption, and diverse payment options catering to the preferences of a diverse customer base.
Revolutionizing Credit Repair Services Enterprises offering credit repair services also reap substantial benefits from specialized payment processing solutions. Credit repair merchant processing facilitates the streamlined collection of payments for services aimed at improving individuals' credit scores. Equipped with secure credit repair merchant accounts and adept payment gateways, businesses enable clients to conveniently make payments while preserving data confidentiality and complying with industry regulations.
Navigating the Complex CBD Landscape The CBD sector, marked by intricate regulations and perceived risks, mandates the adoption of tailored payment processing solutions. Regulatory intricacies and potential uncertainties often pose challenges for CBD merchants seeking reliable payment processing services. Tailored CBD merchant accounts and payment processing solutions are meticulously fashioned to cater to the unique demands of the CBD industry, empowering merchants to seamlessly accept credit cards for CBD products. By integrating stringent compliance protocols, these solutions guarantee transparent and secure transactions.
The Heart of Seamless Transactions Central to these diverse payment solutions are credit card processing systems and adept payment gateways. These systems play an indispensable role in authorizing transactions, securing sensitive data through encryption, and facilitating secure communication between the merchant, the customer, and the financial institution. Online payment gateway solutions ensure that transactions are swiftly and reliably processed, enhancing customer trust and satisfaction.
Unveiling a Resilient Future As businesses continue to expand their digital footprint and embrace digital transactions, the significance of robust payment gateway solutions remains unparalleled. Credit card payment gateways serve as a seamless conduit connecting consumers and merchants, enabling efficient and secure real-time transactions. By proactively embracing industry trends and harnessing innovative technologies, businesses can unlock the full potential of advanced payment processing systems, propelling them toward a resilient future.
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
What do you think are common among all Jane Austen protagonists? In terms of their personalities I mean.
One of the really amazing things about Jane Austen is how well she is able to portray different personalities. Of her heroines, no two are really exactly alike.
In basic terms, Emma, Elizabeth, Marianne, and Catherine are extroverts, Jane Bennet, Anne, Elinor, and Fanny are introverted, but only Fanny is actually shy. I’ve had people challenge me on these categorizations, but Elinor prefers to process emotions herself and not to share them with her family, while Marianne does performative grief. Anne finds the most comfort in her own thoughts.
If we look at the big five (or six) personality traits 
openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)
conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless)
extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)
agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/rational)
neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident)
honesty-humility (fair and genuine while dealing with others)
I think we can agree that the scores for each heroine would be different. Elizabeth is excited to travel and experience new things, Fanny Price would rather stay quiet at home. Elinor is more critical and rational, while Catherine is friendly and compassionate. 
But I’m not a social psychologist and I’ve always found these categories kind of fluid. Elinor is rational, but she is also very compassionate. Anne seems to be closed off to new experiences, she doesn’t want to go to London or Bath, but then glories in marrying a member of the navy. So is she open or not?
I don’t know if one could call it “personality” but what the heroines all share is a strong sense of right that is relatively unyielding. Even Emma, who occasionally shirks her duties, generally adheres to moral principles. Catherine stands strong in the face of peer pressure, as does Fanny Price. Anne will not ignore her sickly friend. Elinor staunchly follows the rules of propriety despite what it costs her and glories in Edward’s morality even when it hurts her. Elisabeth will not marry a man she does not respect.
All the heroines also have the capability to walk the line of prudence and avarice, discussed in Pride & Prejudice. Lydia marries for love only, without thought to money, Charlotte marries for comfort without love, and Lucy Steele marries for wealth without love; no Jane Austen heroine would do any of these things. Edward and Elinor will not marry without financial stability, even when Elizabeth is infatuated with Wickham, she knows they can’t really marry. Fanny Price, who is in the most economically dire situation, will not marry even though she could easily fall into poverty because she doesn't love Henry Crawford or believe he is a good man.
I think this point is important because love is not enough for a Jane Austen heroine, there must be some thought in regards to money. Charles Hayter and Henrietta Musgrove in Persuasion do not marry until he has a more stable position as a clergyman. This is shown as the right thing to do. But that is also a hard line to walk, as Marianne and Elinor discuss, what is a competency and what is wealth? Where does prudence end and avarice begin? I love that Jane Austen doesn’t think love is enough, because the statistics bear her out, money is the #1 reason for divorce.
So to sum up, Jane Austen’s heroines are very different in terms of personality. The things they have in common are a strong moral compass and the ability to stand strong in their principles. One of these principles is marrying prudently.
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elsa16744 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to ESG Investing: Strategies and Benefits 
Socio-economic and environmental challenges can disrupt ecological, social, legal, and financial balance. Consequently, investors are increasingly adopting ESG investing strategies to enhance portfolio management and stock selection with a focus on sustainability. This guide delves into the key ESG investing strategies and their advantages for stakeholders. 
What is ESG Investing? 
ESG investing involves evaluating a company's environmental, social, and governance practices as part of due diligence. This approach helps investors gauge a company's alignment with humanitarian and sustainable development goals. Given the complex nature of various regional frameworks, enterprises and investors rely on ESG data and solutions to facilitate compliance auditing through advanced, scalable technologies. 
Detailed ESG reports empower fund managers, financial advisors, government officials, institutions, and business leaders to benchmark and enhance a company's sustainability performance. Frameworks like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) utilize globally recognized criteria for this purpose. 
However, ESG scoring methods, statistical techniques, and reporting formats vary significantly across consultants. Some use interactive graphical interfaces for company screening, while others produce detailed reports compatible with various data analysis and visualization tools. 
ESG Investing and Compliance Strategies for Stakeholders 
ESG Strategies for Investors 
Investors should leverage the best tools and compliance monitoring systems to identify potentially unethical or socially harmful corporate activities. They can develop customized reporting views to avoid problematic companies and prioritize those that excel in ESG investing. 
High-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) often invest in sustainability-focused exchange-traded funds that exclude sectors like weapon manufacturing, petroleum, and controversial industries. Others may perform peer analysis and benchmarking to compare businesses and verify their ESG ratings. 
Today, investors fund initiatives in renewable energy, inclusive education, circular economy practices, and low-carbon businesses. With the rise of ESG databases and compliance auditing methods, optimizing ESG investing strategies has become more manageable. 
Business Improvement Strategies 
Companies aiming to attract ESG-centric investment should adopt strategies that enhance their sustainability compliance. Tracking ESG ratings with various technologies, participating in corporate social responsibility campaigns, and improving social impact through local development projects are vital steps. 
Additional strategies include reducing resource consumption, using recyclable packaging, fostering a diverse workplace, and implementing robust cybersecurity measures to protect consumer data. 
Encouraging ESG Adoption through Government Actions 
Governments play a crucial role in educating investors and businesses about sustainability compliance based on international ESG frameworks. Balancing regional needs with long-term sustainability goals is essential for addressing multi-stakeholder interests. 
For instance, while agriculture is vital for trade and food security, it can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption. Governments should promote green technologies to mitigate carbon risks and ensure efficient resource use. 
Regulators can use ESG data and insights to offer tax incentives to compliant businesses and address discrepancies between sustainable development frameworks and regulations. These strategies can help attract foreign investments by highlighting the advantages of ESG-compliant companies. 
Benefits of ESG Investing Strategies 
Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience 
The lack of standardization and governance can expose supply chains to various risks. ESG strategies help businesses and investors identify and address these challenges. Governance metrics in ESG audits can reveal unethical practices or high emissions among suppliers. 
By utilizing ESG reports, organizations can choose more responsible suppliers, thereby enhancing supply chain resilience and finding sustainable companies with strong compliance records. 
Increasing Stakeholder Trust in the Brand 
Consumers and impact investors prefer companies that prioritize eco-friendly practices and inclusivity. Aligning operational standards with these expectations can boost brand awareness and trust. 
Investors should guide companies in developing ESG-focused business intelligence and using valid sustainability metrics in marketing materials. This approach simplifies ESG reporting and ensures compliance with regulatory standards. 
Optimizing Operations and Resource Planning 
Unsafe or discriminatory workplaces can deter talented professionals. A company's social metrics are crucial for ESG investing enthusiasts who value a responsible work environment. 
Integrating green technologies and maintaining strong governance practices improve operational efficiency, resource management, and overall profitability. 
Global brands face increased scrutiny due to unethical practices, poor workplace conditions, and negative environmental impacts. However, investors can steer companies towards appreciating the benefits of ESG principles, strategies, and sustainability audits to future-proof their operations. 
As the global focus shifts towards responsible consumption, production, and growth, ESG investing will continue to gain traction and drive positive change. 
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xettle-technologies · 4 months
The impact of sustainability in fintech: reflections from the summit
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In recent years, the Fintech industry has witnessed a paradigm shift towards sustainability, with an increasing emphasis on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into financial decision-making processes. This transformative trend took center stage at the latest Fintech Summit, where industry leaders converged to explore the intersection of sustainability and financial technology. Among the prominent voices shaping this discourse was Xettle Technologies, a trailblazer in Fintech software solutions, whose commitment to sustainability is driving innovation and reshaping the future of finance.
Against the backdrop of global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality, the imperative for sustainable finance has never been greater. The Fintech Summit provided a platform for thought leaders to reflect on the role of technology in advancing sustainability goals and fostering a more resilient and equitable financial ecosystem.
At the heart of the discussions was the recognition that sustainability is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic imperative for Fintech firms. By integrating ESG considerations into their operations, products, and services, Fintech companies can mitigate risks, enhance resilience, and unlock new opportunities for growth and value creation. Xettle Technologies’ representatives underscored the company’s commitment to sustainability, highlighting how it is embedded in the company’s culture, innovation agenda, and business strategy.
One of the key themes that emerged from the summit was the role of Fintech in driving sustainable investment. Through innovative solutions such as green bonds, impact investing platforms, and ESG scoring algorithms, Fintech firms are empowering investors to allocate capital towards environmentally and socially responsible projects and companies. Xettle Technologies showcased its suite of Fintech software solutions designed to facilitate sustainable investing, enabling financial institutions and investors to align their portfolios with their values and sustainability objectives.
Moreover, the summit explored the transformative potential of blockchain technology in advancing sustainability goals. By enhancing transparency, traceability, and accountability in supply chains, blockchain can help address issues such as deforestation, forced labor, and conflict minerals. Xettle Technologies’ experts elaborated on the company’s blockchain-based solutions for supply chain finance and sustainability reporting, emphasizing their role in promoting ethical sourcing, responsible production, and fair labor practices.
In addition to sustainable investing and supply chain transparency, the summit delved into the role of Fintech in promoting financial inclusion and resilience. By leveraging technology and data analytics, Fintech firms can expand access to financial services for underserved populations, empower small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and build more inclusive and resilient communities. Xettle Technologies’ representatives shared insights into the company’s initiatives to support financial inclusion through digital payments, microfinance, and alternative credit scoring models.
Furthermore, the summit highlighted the importance of collaboration and partnership in advancing sustainability goals. Recognizing the interconnected nature of sustainability challenges, participants underscored the need for cross-sectoral collaboration between Fintech firms, financial institutions, governments, civil society, and academia. Xettle Technologies reiterated its commitment to collaboration, emphasizing its partnerships with industry stakeholders to drive collective action and scale impact.
Looking ahead, the future of sustainability in Fintech appears promising yet complex. As Fintech firms continue to innovate and disrupt traditional financial systems, they must prioritize sustainability as a core principle and driver of value creation. Xettle Technologies’ visionaries reiterated their commitment to sustainability, pledging to harness the power of technology to build a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient financial ecosystem for future generations.
In conclusion, the Fintech Summit served as a catalyst for reflection and action on the role of sustainability in shaping the future of finance. From sustainable investing and supply chain transparency to financial inclusion and resilience, Fintech has the potential to drive positive change and advance sustainability goals on a global scale. Xettle Technologies’ leadership in integrating sustainability into its  Fintech solutions exemplifies its dedication to driving innovation and creating shared value for society and the planet. As the industry continues to evolve, collaboration, innovation, and sustainability will be key drivers of success in building a more sustainable and resilient financial future.
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maranzalla · 7 months
Ottavia 7,8,12 diletta 16,17,18
7. What attribute of them (some facet of their personality, their history, their look, or whatever etc) would you find most important to somehow preserve if they were transplanted to an AU fanfic?
I would think it'd be her resilience - you know that saying about how the bumblebee is too heavy to fly but doesn't know it and flies anyway? Ottavia is a young girl and she shouldn't be able to whoop thugs in fights, but she doesn't know and if she did she wouldn't care so she does it anyway. Ottavia shouldn't be able to function with her ISU dna but she has no idea what that is, so she does pretty well. I think that wherever she goes she will be a terrifying little menace.
8. If your character's financial situation were to suddenly flip (someone poor becoming rich, someone rich becoming poor, etc), how well would they handle it? What would be the first thing they would do?
Oooh this one is nice. I don't think Ottavia has any concept of money as an actual thing that matters, except as a score system to track bragging rights in the Florence Thieves' guild, or as something that sustains the activities of people like Lorenzo de' Medici and Giovanni Auditore in the same way that horses must eat grass to live and people need air to breathe. I guess it would depend on how she got the money - if she stole it she'd be really happy to score the loot but then she'd hand it off to Giovanni to put it in the bank and keep it there (isn't that what one does?), without investing it, to his great chagrin, and then probably forget about it.
12. Has your character committed any crimes (per their universe's laws)? If not, which crime would your character most likely commit?
lol WELL ! this is the universe about the assassinating and murdering! Ottavia hasn't killed anyone yet but knows it's only a matter of time and will try her best as it's really important not to disappoint. Obviously she has stolen a lot, and made rude remarks to guards and the clergy, and trespassed a lot.
16. What is your character's favorite leisure activity?
Sitting down in peace with a good book, in the quiet. You so rarely get the quiet in her line of work (courtesanship and general conspiracy. Also cons.)
17. Is your character holding any grudges? Are they likely to stop?
Part of her arc is coming to terms that she had no choice in being an Assassin - she partially knows this, but she needs to come to terms that it wasn't her fault, and it wasn't her mentor's fault.
18. If your character were trapped on a deserted island, what three things would they want to have with them? Which person would they absolutely hate to be trapped there with? Which person would they enjoy being trapped there with?
A book, her parasol, and a little stool. She is too beautiful to be left alone on a deserted island so it is only a matter of time before some fuckery or other manifests (probably the Turk), might as well get a little reading in the nice and quiet. Therefore I don't think she'd enjoy anyone trespassing on her little island (what! a woman can't have a moment to herself JUST ONCE - )
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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A shocking 70% of the nation’s 1,036 majority-Black ZIP codes are considered “distressed,” while only 19 — 1.8% — rank as “prosperous,” according to one analysis. Two of those prosperous ZIP codes are in Fort Bend County.
If you weren’t familiar with the lengthy list of disparities that exist in America, you’ve likely been brought up to speed by the pandemic, which has provided a frightening crash course in the nation’s inequalities. The large and widening divide between “prosperous” and “distressed” communities since the turn of the century was seen clearly in the quick economic recovery experienced by those with higher-paying jobs and better educations following the Great Recession. Meanwhile, many less fortunate Americans were still struggling to recover when the pandemic hit, bringing with it an even greater recession and hardship. And like the disease itself, the COVID-19 economic downturn has splintered the lives of those who are the least resilient — both physically and economically — while those whose jobs allow them to work from home have remained largely insulated from the virus and financial troubles.
Approximately 50.5 million Americans live in a distressed community. But what exactly does that mean?
Distressed communities are characterized by widespread poverty, high rates of unemployment and low levels of educational attainment. They also face stagnant or negative economic growth, which means little to no change in the prospects of those who live there.
To examine how economic well-being is spread across communities and regions in the U.S., the Economic Innovation Group (EIG) has released its Distressed Communities Index (DCI) each year since 2016.
“Economic inequality in America translates into opportunity gaps for too many communities,” said Steve Glickman, cofounder and executive director of the Economic Innovation Group, when the inaugural index was released. “Unless policymakers in both parties reframe their priorities, economically distressed communities will continue to experience a downward spiral that results in a loss of faith in the American dream and less healthy and fulfilling lives.”
Communities are defined at the ZIP code level and scores range from 0 (most prosperous) to 100 (most distressed). Based on the score, communities were placed into one of five tiers of economic well-being: prosperous, comfortable, mid-tier, at risk and distressed.
The seven metrics used to calculate a community’s score on the index were no high school diploma, housing vacancy rate, adults not working, poverty rate, median income ratio, change in employment and change in business establishments.
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Between 2000 and 2018, the share of the U.S.’s Black population living in distressed ZIP codes dropped about 10% — from 45.6% to 35.3% — according to the report. Nationwide, 70% of majority-Black ZIP codes are distressed. By comparison, 20% of all ZIP codes and 16% of majority-white ZIP codes in the U.S. are distressed.
Of the nation’s 1,036 majority-Black ZIP codes — where 32.5% of the Black population lives — only 19 rank as prosperous on the DCI. Of those, 11 are in the Washington, DC, metro area, and two — 77545 and 77489 — are in Fort Bend County.
On average in prosperous ZIP codes, 5.2% of adults aren’t high school graduates, the poverty rate is 5.7%, 15.4% of adults are unemployed or not in the workforce, 4.7% of housing is vacant, the median household income is $90,800 and, from 2014–2018, the number of employees “in the geography” increased 20.8% while the number of businesses grew by 11.8%.
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Sprawling Sun Belt cities like Houston and Phoenix, the report points out, experienced a lot of economic prosperity in the first two decades of the 21st century, but the benefits “were channeled outwards and did little to lift many chronically distressed urban neighborhoods.” Suburban ZIP codes form a ring of prosperity around the distressed core of Houston.
These include 77545 and 77489 in Fort Bend County, which as a whole has the low, low distress score of 2.3 and is one of Texas’ largest suburban counties. It’s also one of the most diverse counties in the nation. Between 2000 and 2019, the county population went from 62% white to 31%.
The population of the 77489 ZIP code in Missouri City, which has a DCI score of 15.5, is 70.5% Black or African American. The median household income is $66,400 and about 60% of residents are employed in management and professional or sales and office jobs. In 2000, the “distress score” of Missouri City’s 77489 ZIP code was 9.6, also in the prosperous quintile.
Fresno has a DCI of 17.2 and 60.3% of residents are Black or African American. Fresno’s “distress score” has improved significantly since 2000, when it had a DCI of 45.9, which is the mid-tier category of economic well-being. Most residents work in management and professional, sales and office or service industry jobs, and the median household income is $79,900.
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But even within prosperous communities, there’s a gap in the average median household income between Black and white households, and it has widened in the past 20 years, from $4,987 in 2000 to $6,832 in 2018.
There’s also a gap in homeownership in prosperous communities, where the percentage of Black residents who are homeowners is 53.8%, compared to 77.7% of white residents. The gaps in household income and homeownership exist across all five DCI quintiles.
Today, 27% of Fresno residents and 23.7% of those in 77489 who are 18 and older have a bachelor’s degree or higher. That’s far lower compared to all prosperous zip codes in the nation — 47.2% of residents hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. However, among Black residents of Fresno, 37.7% have a bachelor’s degree or higher. In Missouri City’s 77489 ZIP code, that’s true for 28.8% of Black residents.
In November, voters in Fort Bend County elected Eric Fagan sheriff, the county’s first Black sheriff since the Reconstruction era. Walter Moses Burton was elected sheriff in Fort Bend County in 1869. He was the nation’s first Black elected sheriff. Walter Moses Burton Elementary School — one of the three elementary schools in Fresno — is named for Burton. The other two are named for Rosa Parks and Lula Belle Goodman, an African American educator who taught in the Fort Bend Independent School District for 41 years.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Guam ‘very blessed’ with no early reports of major damage in the messy aftermath of Typhoon Mawar (AP) Chainsaws buzzed Friday as neighbors helped neighbors clear toppled trees and began cleaning the wreckage of Typhoon Mawar, which walloped Guam as the strongest typhoon to hit the island in over two decades but appeared to have passed without leaving death or massive destruction in its wake. While it was still early going in the recovery effort, police Sgt. Paul Tapao said there did not seem to be any major damage, main roads were passable and “Guam has been very blessed to have no storm-related deaths or any serious injuries.” To Tapao, the roar of the mechanical saws was a reminder of the resilience of the storm-prone U.S. Pacific territory and its people. “Everyone helps out with the cleaning,” he said. “That’s the Guamanian way.”
Welcome to America! Now learn to be in debt (NPR) Every time you swipe your credit card for a coffee or a carton of eggs, you take out a tiny loan from your bank. In many ways, the U.S. runs on borrowed money: a mortgage for a home, financial aid for college, a loan for a car, credit cards for nearly everything else. Over just two years, Americans went from pandemic-fueled, near-record savings to today’s highest-ever levels of personal debt. The U.S. economy counts on you to borrow money and stay in debt. Almost in a matter of a single generation, America has developed an extensive, even casual reliance on debt. Its epitome is the credit score, which often snares newcomers into a financial Catch-22—building credit history hinges on getting credit, but credit approval is dependent on having credit history. Being financially responsible in the U.S. has come to mean “borrow and repay,” says Barbara Kiviat, an economic sociologist at Stanford University. “It sort of crowds out the idea that maybe not borrowing in the first place is also a good idea,” she says. “But we’re now living in a world where so much hangs on that credit.” But what if you were taught to never owe anybody anything? “It’s such a cultural shift,” says Adina Appelbaum, who works with immigrants as a financial counselor and lawyer, “because in many countries they don’t have this culture of debt ... and there can actually be shame around having debt or a credit card.”
Henry Kissinger’s Legacy (National Security Archive) As Henry Alfred Kissinger reaches 100 years of age, his centennial is generating global coverage of his legacy as a leading statesman, master diplomat and realpolitik foreign policy strategist. “Nobody alive has more experience of international affairs,” as The Economist recently put it in a predictably laudatory tribute to Kissinger. But the historical record also documents the darker side of Kissinger’s controversial tenure in power: his role in the secret bombing campaign in Cambodia that killed over 100,000 civilians; the overthrow of democracy and the rise of dictatorship in Chile; disdain for human rights and support for dirty, and even genocidal, wars abroad, as well as involvement in the Nixon administration’s criminal abuses, among them the secret wiretaps of his own top aides.
More Russian Raids Down The Road (BBC) On Wednesday, Denis Kapustin, the leader of a Russian paramilitary group that conducted a border raid from Ukraine into Russian territory promised that more attacks are on the way. He claims that his group was able to seize “some weapons,” an armored personnel carrier, and multiple prisoners while only having two soldiers injured, though Moscow claims that Russian troops killed over 70 of the raiders. The Liberty of Russia Legion (LSR), which claimed joint responsibility for the Monday attack on Russian territory, said two of its forces were injured while ten more were killed. Both groups claim they want to take down Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government, though their motives are a little less than pure. Kapustin has stated that he wants a mono-ethnic Russian state (Russia is home to over 190 ethnic groups), and an independent Ukrainian investigative group has shown his links to neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Ukraine’s Azov Battalion has similar ideals—it was founded by a known neo-Nazi, is consistently described as “a far-right nationalist” group, recruits known white supremacists from Western countries, and regularly uses Nazi symbolism.
Russia’s Old Bombs Elude Ukraine’s Modern Defenses (NYT) As Kyiv gears up for a much-anticipated counteroffensive, Ukrainian officials, independent analysts and American military officials say the Russians are increasing their use of Soviet-era bombs. Although they have limitations, the weapons, they said, are proving harder to shoot down than the fastest, most modern missiles that the Ukrainians have become adept at intercepting. The aircraft bombs don’t have propulsion systems like cruise missiles or stay in the air nearly as long as drones. The bombs are aloft for only 70 seconds or less and are much more difficult for Ukraine’s air defenses to track. They are little dots on radar screens that soon disappear after being dropped, Ukrainian officials said, and then they slam into villages. According to Ukrainian and American officials, the Russians have retrofitted some of the bombs with satellite navigation systems and wings that stretch their range, turning an old-fashioned weapon, which Moscow has thousands of, into a more modern glide bomb. “This is the evolution of the air war,” said Lt. Colonel Denys Smazhnyi of the Ukrainian Air Force. “They first tried cruise missiles, and we shot them down. Then they tried drones, and we shot those down. They are constantly looking for a solution to strike us, and we are looking for one to intercept them.”
Climbers celebrate Mount Everest 70th anniversary amid melting glaciers, rising temperatures (AP) As the mountaineering community prepares to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the conquest of Mount Everest, there is growing concern about temperatures rising, glaciers and snow melting, and weather getting harsh and unpredictable on the world’s tallest mountain. Since the 8,849-meter (29,032-foot) mountain peak was first scaled by New Zealander Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay in 1953, thousands of climbers have reached the peak. Recent research found that Mount Everest’s glaciers have lost 2,000 years of ice in just the past 30 years. Researchers found that the highest glacier on the mountain, the South Col Glacier, has lost more than 54 meters (177 feet) of thickness in the past 25 years. The glaciers are losing ice at rates that likely have no historic precedent, said Duncan Quincey, a glaciologist at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. The change is happening “extremely rapidly” he said. “It’s causing challenges for everybody within that region and, of course, for the millions of people who are living downstream,” since much of Southern Asia depends on rivers that originate in the Himalayas for agriculture and drinking water. Both floods and droughts are likely to become more extreme, he said.
Chinese hackers spying on US critical infrastructure, Western intelligence says (Reuters) A state-sponsored Chinese hacking group has been spying on a wide range of U.S. critical infrastructure organizations, from telecommunications to transportation hubs, Western intelligence agencies and Microsoft said on Wednesday. The espionage has also targeted the U.S. island territory of Guam, home to strategically important American military bases, Microsoft said in a report, adding that “mitigating this attack could be challenging.” While China and the United States routinely spy on each other, analysts say this is one of the largest known Chinese cyber-espionage campaigns against American critical infrastructure. Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Thursday the hacking allegations were a “collective disinformation campaign”. Mao said the campaign was launched by the U.S. for geopolitical reasons and that the report from Microsoft analysts showed that the U.S. government was expanding its channels of disinformation beyond government agencies.
Son of local lawmaker arrested in rare killing that left four dead in Japan (Washington Post) The police arrested the 31-year-old son of a local lawmaker on Friday in connection with an assault that left four people dead, according to police. The suspect has been identified as Masanori Aoki, the son of Nakano City assembly speaker Masamichi Aoki. The armed and masked suspect had barricaded himself in a building after allegedly killing a woman and two police officers in the central Japanese prefecture of Nagano on Thursday. The first three victims died at a hospital. The gunman, who was wearing camouflage clothing, a mask and sunglasses, stabbed the woman and then opened fire with what appeared to be a hunting rifle when police arrived, reports said. A fourth person injured in the attack, Yasuko Takeuchi, 70, was unable to be recovered from the scene until after police apprehended the attacker, when she was pronounced dead, according to local media. Gun crimes are extremely rare in Japan, where firearms are strictly regulated. Anyone trying to get a gun in Japan needs to apply for a permit, attend a class on gun safety and laws, and pass a written test. There is a full-day training course on safe shooting techniques.
Leaked Report: “CIA does not know” is Israel Plans to Bomb Iran (The Intercept) Whether Israel’s escalating threats of war with Iran over its nuclear program are saber-rattling or something more serious is a mystery even to the CIA, according to a portion of a top-secret intelligence report leaked on the platform Discord earlier this year. The report reveals an undisclosed military exercise conducted by Israel. “On 20 February, Israel conducted a large-scale air exercise,” the intelligence report states, “probably to simulate a strike on Iran’s nuclear program and possibly to demonstrate Jerusalem’s resolve to act against Tehran.” “CIA does not know Israel’s near term plans and intentions,” the report adds, speculating that “Netanyahu probably calculates Israel will need to strike Iran to deter its nuclear program and faces a declining military capability to set back Iran’s enrichment program.” Biden has not opposed a unilateral Israeli attack on Iran—and his national security adviser recently hinted at blessing it. “We have made clear to Iran that it can never be permitted to obtain a nuclear weapon,” Jake Sullivan said in a speech earlier this month. Sullivan went a step further, adding, “As President Biden has repeatedly reaffirmed, he will take the actions that are necessary to stand by this statement, including by recognizing Israel’s freedom of action.”
Plastic Bags (ABC News) While many places purport to collect and recycle plastic shopping bags, a new investigation found that in reality it’s rare that bags make it to designated recycling centers even when properly returned to retailers who claim that they’ll recycle them. ABC and nine local stations and affiliates across the country dropped 46 bundles of plastic bags fitted with electronic trackers into drop-off locations associated with the American Chemistry Council’s Wrap Recycling Action Program, which has 18,000 drop-off points nationwide. The trackers were superglued inside multiple layers of clean plastic bags, and were monitored over the course of their journeys. After months of tracking, as of May, half of the trackers last pinged at landfills or incinerators, seven last pinged at refuse transfer stations that don’t recycle plastic bags, and six still remain in the store where they were dropped. Another three are now thousands of miles overseas in Malaysia or Indonesia, exported to Asia, and three were inconclusive. Only four of the 46 bundles last pinged in a facility that recycles plastic bags.
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holonetnews · 1 year
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Holonet News Special Report: Navigating Uncharted Skies - Independent Starpilots Grapple with Imperial Regulations
By Deena Tharen, Executive Reporter, Holonet News
Coruscant, Core Worlds - The celestial pathways that once saw the free and spirited dance of independent starpilots ferrying passengers through the vibrant tapestry of Coruscant's skies are now navigating through a challenging storm. The recently enacted "Galactic Traveler Protection Act" (GTPA) has ushered in a new era of governance in the starfaring sector. Its facets encompass not only improved safety protocols and standardized navigational practices but also the imposition of fees and adherence to quality standards. While the Imperial Senate extols the virtues of the GTPA, it has brought both opportunities and hurdles for these pilots, raising questions about the balance between safety and economic viability.
In a recent interview, Captain Liana Voss, an esteemed star captain, shared her perspective on the evolving landscape. "Passenger safety is paramount. I've always held this principle at the core of my operation. Yet, the weight of the new regulations has strained the very essence of what we've stood for. The financial burdens and complex administrative maze are suffocating our ability to offer that personal touch."
As Captain Voss's story unfolds, it becomes evident that her plight resonates beyond her own endeavors. Scores of pilots, whose ships have been the vessels of dreams, are now navigating through uncharted waters of uncertainty. The evolving fees, rigorous inspections, and newfound mandates have sparked conversations about the role of regulation in safeguarding passengers while nurturing the diversity of the starfaring industry.
Imperial spokesperson Commander Ardon Paxis spoke to Holonet News, stating, "The Galactic Traveler Protection Act seeks harmony between safety and prosperity. It is not just about preserving the sanctity of travel, but also about preserving the livelihoods of those who ply the cosmic currents."
While the GTPA's intent is noble, it is undeniable that some factions view its encumbrances on independent pilots with mixed sentiments. The intent behind the legislation garners respect; however, the reality of its impact cannot be denied. In navigating these new waters, we must weigh the stability and order it promises against the potential strain it places on the vibrant community of independent pilots who have long graced our skies.
As the debate persists, one truth remains: the challenge before the Empire is to steer through the celestial realm of regulation while addressing the concerns of independent pilots who have been the unsung heroes of Coruscant's skies. The journey ahead will test the delicate balance between ensuring orderly travel and recognizing the resilience of those who chart their own course.
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leviathangourmet · 1 year
As if there wasn't exhaustive enough evidence that "ESG" is nothing but a scam, the Financial Times was out this week with a piece detailing how many companies with good ESG scores pollute just as much as their lower-rated rivals.
Don't say we didn't warn you; we have been writing about the ESG con for years now, which along with other "sustainable" investments continues to see hundreds of billions of dollars in inflows from investors. 
The FT added to our skepticism by revealing this week that Scientific Beta, an index provider and consultancy, found that companies rated highly on ESG metrics - and even just the 'Environmental' variable alone - often pollute just as much as other companies. 
Researchers look at ESG scores from Moody’s, MSCI and Refinitiv when performing the analysis. They found that when the 'E' component was singled out, it led to a “substantial deterioration in green performance”.
Felix Goltz, research director at Scientific Beta told the Financial Times: “ESG ratings have little to no relation to carbon intensity, even when considering only the environmental pillar of these ratings. It doesn’t seem that people have actually looked at [the correlations]. They are surprisingly low.”
He added: "The carbon intensity reduction of green [ie low carbon intensity] portfolios can be effectively cancelled out by adding ESG objectives."
“On average, social and governance scores more than completely reversed the carbon reduction objective,” he continued. “It can very well be that a high-emitting firm is very good at governance or employee satisfaction. There is no strong relationship between employee satisfaction or any of these things and carbon intensity."
“Even the environmental pillar is pretty unrelated to carbon emissions,” he said. 
Vice-president for ESG outreach and research at Moody’s, Keeran Beeharee, added: “[There is a] perception that ESG assessments do something that they do not. ESG assessments are an aggregate product, their nature is that they are looking at a range of material factors, so drawing a correlation to one factor is always going to be difficult.” “In 2015-16, post the SDGs [UN sustainable development goals] and COP21 [Paris Agreement], when people began to really focus on the issue of climate, they quickly realised that an ESG assessment is not going to be much use there and that they need the right tool for the right task. There are now more targeted tools available that look at just carbon intensity, for example,” he added.
MSCI ESG Research told the Financial Times its ratings “are fundamentally designed to measure a company’s resilience to financially material environmental, societal and governance risks. They are not designed to measure a company’s impact on climate change.”
Refinitiv told FT that “while very small, the correlation found in this study isn’t surprising, especially in developed markets, where many large organisations — with focused sustainability strategies, underpinned by strong governance, higher awareness of their societal impact and robust disclosure — will perform well based on ESG scores, in spite of the fact that many will also overweight on carbon”.
Global director of sustainability research for Morningstar Hortense Bioy concluded: “Investors need to be aware of all the trade-offs. It is not simple. In this case, investors need to think carefully about which aspects of sustainability they would like to prioritize when building portfolios: carbon reduction or a high ESG rating.”
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doctorbano786 · 1 year
Direct Admission in Mbbs Abroad: A Gateway to Global Medical Education
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In today's competitive world, pursuing a career in medicine has become a dream for many aspiring students. However, due to limited seats and intense competition in domestic medical colleges, more and more students are looking for opportunities to secure direct admission in MBBS abroad.
Why Choose Direct Admission in MBBS Abroad?
Direct admission in MBBS abroad opens up a world of possibilities for students who aspire to become successful medical professionals. Here are a few reasons why opting for overseas education can be a game-changer.
Affordable Tuition Fees: Many countries offering direct admission in MBBS abroad have significantly lower tuition fees compared to domestic institutions. This cost advantage attracts students from various financial backgrounds who may find it difficult to afford the exorbitant fees of private medical colleges or universities in their home countries.
No Entrance Exams: One of the primary advantages of pursuing MBBS abroad is the absence of entrance exams. While securing admission in prestigious medical colleges domestically can be challenging and require exceptional scores in entrance tests, universities abroad often offer direct admission based on merit or other criteria.
Global Exposure and Diversity: Studying MBBS abroad exposes students to diverse cultures, languages, and medical practices. They get the opportunity to interact with peers from different nationalities, exchange ideas, and gain a broader perspective on healthcare.
International Recognition and Accreditation: Many renowned medical universities abroad are recognized by global accreditation bodies like the World Health Organization (WHO), the Medical Council of India (MCI), and the General Medical Council (GMC) in the United Kingdom.
Diverse Learning Environment: Another significant advantage of pursuing MBBS abroad is the exposure to a diverse learning environment. International medical universities attract students from various countries, creating a multicultural and inclusive atmosphere. Interacting with classmates from different backgrounds enhances cross-cultural understanding and promotes a global perspective on healthcare.
Advanced Infrastructure and Technology: Many universities offering direct admission in MBBS abroad boast state-of-the-art infrastructure and cutting-edge technology. These institutions prioritize investing in modern facilities, well-equipped laboratories, and advanced medical equipment.
Quality of Education: Renowned universities abroad often have a reputation for providing high-quality education. These institutions employ experienced faculty members who are experts in their respective fields.
Clinical Exposure and Practical Training: Opportunities for Research and Specialization: Several international universities encourage research and offer opportunities for students to engage in scientific studies. By participating in research projects, students can contribute to medical advancements and gain a deeper understanding of specific areas of interest.
Enhanced Language Skills: Studying MBBS abroad often involves learning in a different language. This experience not only helps students develop proficiency in a foreign language but also enhances their communication skills. Effective communication is crucial in the medical field, as it enables doctors to understand patients and convey medical information accurately.
Personal and Professional Growth: Pursuing MBBS abroad is not only about academic excellence but also about personal and professional growth. Living in a foreign country exposes students to new challenges and experiences, promoting independence, adaptability, and resilience.
Direct admission in MBBS abroad offers a viable pathway for students to realize their dreams of becoming doctors without the barriers of intense competition and complex admission processes. The benefits of affordable tuition fees, international exposure, and global recognition make pursuing an MBBS degree overseas an attractive option for aspiring medical professionals.
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elsa16744 · 4 months
What is the Importance of ESG Reporting in Business? 
Corporate sustainability investors, consultants, and strategists imagine a future where every business has efficient policies governing eco-friendly production methods. Likewise, embracing diversity and financial reporting transparency helps combat legal risks from unethical practices like discrimination and corruption. This post will discuss the importance of ESG reporting in business. 
What is ESG Reporting? 
ESG, or environmental, social, and governance, is an investment strategy using business performance analysis to monitor how a company consumes natural resources, handles employee relations, and practices accounting transparency. So, an ESG consulting services firm will deliver the required data through an appropriate reporting mechanism. 
Using these compliance metrics, investors can quantify the brand’s positive or negative influence on society and nature. Moreover, an ESG report systematically categorizes sustainability metrics into three sections or pillars. 
The environmental pillar summarizes how an organization integrates green technology and reduces plastic usage. Besides, it investigates metrics like the deforestation risks associated with an industry. 
Diversity and multicultural tolerance are at the core of the social considerations in ESG reporting. Additionally, preventing workplace hazards and empowering marginalized groups through affirmative action policies are crucial. 
Governance in sustainable development benchmarks rewards companies employing advanced financial and digital security measures with higher ratings. It assesses how a brand prioritizes ethics, privacy rights, and investor relations. 
What is the Importance of ESG Reporting in Business? 
1| ESG Helps Mitigate Supply Chain Risks 
A lack of standardization and governance exposes your supply chains to legal, financial, and environmental threats, but ESG service providers can assist you in overcoming those challenges. The governance aspects in sustainability compliance audits inspect which suppliers engage in socio-economically harmful practices. 
Using the data-led recommendations in the reports, organizations can determine whether to train suppliers or search for other resource providers. Therefore, managers can increase the company’s resilience to supply chain risks. For example, suppliers must avoid child labor, pollution, and corruption. Otherwise, your enterprise’s reputation will decline once investors and analysts investigate you. 
ESG reporting enables corporations to find suppliers who know the importance of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs). Since most suppliers will change their operations to respond to industry dynamics, reliably examining their ESG scores after suitable intervals is essential. 
2| Consumer and Investors Relations Improve 
Individuals want to purchase eco-friendly products, while impact investors want to support sustainable companies. Therefore, corporate strategists must explore roadmaps for aligning a company’s business model with modern stakeholder expectations. 
Developing ESG-powered business intelligence to estimate the shifts in consumer preferences benefits corporations in planning a new product launch. Similarly, using applicable and valid sustainability metrics for marketing materials goes a long way toward increasing brand awareness and trustworthiness. 
Besides, several governments direct companies to embrace standardized financial self-disclosures. Since ESG reporting integrates globally respected sustainability accounting guidelines, developing the disclosure documentation for investor communications becomes more manageable. 
3| Operational Efficiency Increases 
Toxic workplaces and preferential treatment will accelerate the talent drain at a company. So, social inclusivity and employee health insights empower managers to keep the workers energetic, creative, and productive. 
Furthermore, green technology integrations contribute to energy usage reduction. And the governance components prevent accounting inconsistencies. These advantages of ESG reporting ultimately enhance an organization’s quarterly progress. 
All the financial improvements also help brands transfer the benefits to their stakeholders. Consider the case of refurbished electronic devices. Consumers can get reasonably functional equipment at a lower price while the e-waste generation rate decreases. 
Regulatory bodies and fund managers recognize the rising importance of ESG reporting in business, administration, and the global economy. Simultaneously, research and development (R&D) into renewable energy resources has attracted investors in several markets. 
Consumers have also voiced their concerns whenever a brand fails to embrace SDGs’ sustainable, inclusive, and transparent vision. 
Therefore, leveraging statistical and computer-aided benchmarks at an extensive scale has become mainstream across business development strategies. As its significance grows with each passing day, leaders must find experienced domain specialists to implement an ESG-first approach throughout their operations.
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The Important Components of the Orchestra Family
The symphony orchestra is like a big and beautiful musical family with many members. It comprises many different instruments, each with its uniqueness in terms of make, look, and special sound. Together, they create music that has been captivating audiences for hundreds of years and will continue casting the spell for the years to come. While all the musicians are blessed and incredibly talented, it is also necessary to protect the orchestra with insurance so they can keep making amazing music.
At the heart of the symphony orchestra sits its choir of artists. Each of the musicians is a skilled maestro in their respective tools. From the tall violins and emotive violas to the vibrant cellos and vigorous double basses, the string family forms the footing of the orchestral sound. The woodwind family, with its rich variety of timbres, adds color and texture, while the brass provides power and grandeur. The percussion family, with its huge musical paraphernalia, adds rhythmic energy and dynamic contrast.
Now comes the conductor. As the name suggests, it is a pivotal figure in the orchestra. A conductor serves as the artistic director. They shape the arrangement and performance of the music. Through their motions and cues, the director guides the musicians. Their role is all about ensuring that the individual contributions align with the overall picture. The conductor's ability to motivate and unify the orchestra is crucial to creating a well-coordinated and compelling musical experience.
Rehearsal is one of the most vital components of the entire orchestral process. It allows musicians to refine their technique, interpret the music accurately, and achieve ensemble coordination. Through countless hours of practice and collaboration, the team develops a shared understanding of the composer's intentions and the nuances of the score. The musicians' unwavering dedication and devotion are unmistakably echoed in the beautiful precision and beauty of their performances.
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When is insurance no longer a luxury?
The artistic accomplishments of the symphony orchestra are unquestionable. However, the ensemble faces various risks that can threaten its operations. It includes instrument damage, equipment loss, and liability claims, to name some potential challenges. To deal with these risks and ensure the troupes' persistent success, dedicated orchestra insurance is essential.
A comprehensive insurance policy provides all-encompassing coverage for the ensemble's assets, including the gear, accessories, and property. It also covers the band from liability claims arising from accidents or injuries. By investing in appropriate insurance plans, musical groups can protect their financial resilience and focus on their artistic works.
What are the key elements of a dedicated insurance plan?
One of the key elements of orchestra insurance is musical instrument coverage. Given the high value and irreplaceable qualities of many musical devices, protecting them from damage or loss is paramount. Insurance policies can cover instruments while in use, during transportation, and even in storage. This coverage provides peace of mind for both the orchestra and its musicians.
Liability coverage is another essential aspect of dedicated insurance policies. It protects the group from claims of bodily injury or property damage that may arise from its activities. Whether it is an accidental slip and fall during a concert or damage to a venue, liability protection is likely to cover legal fees and potential settlements.
In addition to instrument and liability coverage, a standalone insurance plan is likely to include other features. It includes performance cancellation and directors' and officers' liability coverage. These additional coverages can provide solid protection against unforeseen circumstances that could disrupt the orchestra's operations or expose its leadership to personal liability.
To Conclude!
By carefully considering its insurance needs and obtaining appropriate coverage, an orchestra can protect its assets, mitigate risks, and focus on its primary mission of creating and performing exceptional music. Dedicated orchestra coverage plans are valuable investments that ensure the ensemble's long-term sustainability and success. So, when are you getting your copy home? Get it right away and take a sigh of relief.
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