#finally... after 3000 years... the Eight analysis is complete
the-redeemed-anon · 3 years
Welp, since we got Wilbur back, let’s take a look at Eight
As a disclaimer, I’ll talk about the character, and if I mention the CC, I will label his name accordingly.
Okay, since the pog thing that happened on the 29th of April, and a couple of bad takes have already started to pop up Jesus Christ guys why do you want the dude that just got back to life after being trapped in limbo for over a decade to get beaten up violently- I think it’s appropriate to bring attention to the thing that gave me my pseudonym and my belief that we may get a redemption/healing arc for Wilbur: the song Eight, by Sleeping at Last.
Why this song matters, you may wonder. Well, it’s a song that we have confirmation to have been CC!Wilbur’s personal inspiration for his character, as said by CC!Wilbur himself. Not only does that give us insight into how and why Wilbur acted in certain ways in Season 1, but it also gives us the opportunity to see the inner turmoil he went through and still will.
Now keep in mind that this is just my interpretation of the song, other people may see the song differently, but overall looking at this song and looking for meaning into it I think is very useful if you plan to analyse Wilbur or even write about him. It truly gives you a lot of insight and context for how he was. Here is a link to it for you to listen to it, before I dive into the analysis.
First, let’s see what Eight is about, as a song. The song is about Type Eight of the Enneagram of Personality, which is basically a system that defines 9 different personality types. Sleeping at Last made a song for each Enneagram, actually, but we’re here to talk about Type 8 (also bear in mind I am not an expert in psychology, so I am not here to comment on the validity of this system. I’m here just to analyze a song lol).
What is Type 8 (aka a bit of analysis on Wilbur outside of the song)
Type 8 is often called the Challenger or the Protector. This type is characterized by a want to not show vulnerability, to have power. Their deepest fear is to not be in control of themselves, to be harmed, to be vulnerable, and their desire is to be in control of themselves, their life/destiny. They want respect over status, value loyalty and they want to make an impact on the world. You can start to see some core characteristics of Wilbur in this description.
We also have levels, from healthy to unhealthy, with which we can see what a Type 8 person can behave like.
Healthy Type 8 people act like a protector for others, they are the strong leaders, the challengers of oppression, the people who don’t stand for injustice in their communities. You can say they are the natural leader type, and I think you can start to see inklings of Wilbur’s personality from early Season 1 here. He started L’Manberg to challenge what he saw as tyranny. When Wilbur described the reasons he cared about L’Manberg, we can also notice that the values he lists align with the core desires of a Type 8: the desire to have control over their life, and not allow others to control them. By making L’Manberg to “stick it to the man“, Wilbur is very stereotypically a Type 8.
Average Type 8 people aren’t as open as someone on the healthy level is. Showing weakness is unacceptable. They may see relationships as the next challenge they need to surpass, and can come easily off as intimidating and ambitious to peers. To me, this sounds a bit like Wilbur after the War, before the announcement of the Festival. He was more closed off around that time, and you could argue that the Elections were a part of his ambition to prove that people respect him, that he can do this, rule a country. The new revelation that Wilbur was lying in his letters to Phil, about the Elections and the formation of Pogtopia also shows that he didn’t want to show weakness, to disappoint or worry his father.
Unhealthy Type 8 people become so closed off that they are intimidating and can appear tyrannical from the outside, often disregarding the feelings of others. They pursue power, and when someone stands in their way, they are cold and become quite antagonistic. They may issue empty threats in their pursuit for power, and their already existing relationships are turned into tests, where the only option is to pass or to fail, with no in-between. This can result in them being abandoned, and them accepting this as being better this way, to be alone. They can force themselves into loneliness.
If this sounds terribly familiar and recent, well... Wilbur, ever since the “Then let’s be the bad guys“ speech, has exhibited the traits of an unhealthy Type 8. Even now, post-resurrection, while he is trying to improve on himself, a lot of his traits remain or have worsened, due to staying in limbo for 13 years. He still has a persona under which he hides his issues, and as I have said in another post, he’s the emotional equivalent of a snail, you poke him gently and he completely retreats in his shell. Wilbur has actively driven people away from him for being so confrontational, and this can be seen again with Ranboo. All in all, Wilbur is definitely cozy in that section of the Type for now.
I also want to talk separately about three things:
1. The Pit
I won’t lie, the Pit is probably the most extreme thing Wilbur did to this date. It’s Wilbur at his lowest point morally and mentally, reveling in his brother figure fighting a much tougher opponent and losing. I won’t sit here and say he was right, nor am I gonna condemn you for your opinion on the Pit, but, when you look at Wilbur’s enneagram, the Pit and why it happened makes sense. What happened right before? The Festival. The Festival was meant to be the time Wilbur either blew up Manberg or left it be, based on Tubbo’s call. Wilbur prepared for those two scenarios, and felt in control of the situation... then it all went horribly wrong. The situation spiraled wildly out of Wilbur’s grasp and it ended with the death of Tubbo and the possibility of Techno being on Schlatt’s side.
This started a breakdown fueled by paranoia that led to the Pit, to Wilbur goading Techno and Tommy to fight. The question is, why? Why do that?
To regain control. Wilbur, in my opinion, did that in an attempt to regain control, after the Festival slipped so hard from his grasp, no matter his effort to keep control of it. That was his urge, that was his need in the moment, no matter how messed up it was, he may have felt like this was necessary. Remember, the core fear of Eights is to not be in control of their own life and destiny, to be puppeteered by someone else. This is why the Pit happened, when you acknowledge the fact that Wilbur was unstable mentally, and he is the type of person to want control.
2. The want to protect others
This is a quality of healthy Eights that still shines through with Wilbur, but it’s sadly overshadowed by his more antagonistic or morally darker actions and quotes.
Wilbur was naturally a protective person. Because Eights challenge authority, this makes them see the world as being inhabited by those who are strong and those who are weak, and not in a bad way. Eights consider themselves part of the strong ones, because they stand up for themselves, but because they see the world also inhabited by the weak, they have the urge to protect them. They also stand up for whom they think can’t stand up for themselves on their own, they think they are responsible for the protection of others.
And when you look at Wilbur, this shines through. He made himself President, and while no one protested, he did it because he felt he was the one fit for the role. Even at the time this scene happened, you can see why Wilbur would have perceived Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy as weaker than him: Fundy was his son, and Tommy and Tubbo, no matter the age intended at the time, were always viewed as younger than him, not to say, Tommy had just lost 2 lives back-to-back. Therefore, Wilbur put himself in charge and with the duty to protect the nation and its people, as the President.
Wilbur even says this in the flashback from Quackity’s stream:
[“What has made you do everything you’ve done up to this point?” (Quackity)
“That’s a- That’s a big question. Um. I guess it’s just protection for my people. I mean, I- I- I just want to see them thrive, and I want to see them safe.” (Alivebur) - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:03:02, 12th Apr)]
It’s clear, Wilbur has a desire to protect his nation, and, by extension, his people, his friends, especially with the following quote once Quackity replies: [“Your aspirations of optimism are not going to be subject to my nation’s security I’m afraid. I- I completely disagree with everything you’ve said.” - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:05:18, 12th Apr)] He keeps hammering in the idea that he did what he did to protect and offer safety to his friends. That’s why he needed power: [“If you want to really help people, you’re gonna need power, Quackity.” - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:05:42, 12th Apr)]
And again, this happens even after the “Then let’s be the bad guys“ speech. Even though he initially says he wants to kill everyone at the Festival, when confronted with this on the day of the event, he second-guesses himself. He doesn’t want to hurt his friends, he doesn’t want to hurt people weaker than him. He distrusts Tubbo, but the moment Techno fires the first rocket, he’s shocked, appalled and moves to go to the button, while urging Tommy to act. When Schlatt wants to kill Niki, he steps out and offers himself to be killed and no one else be harmed.
Even the act of pushing the button himself, there are Wilbur analysts who have pointed out that Wilbur may have wanted to be stopped. And even then, the explosion created no casualties, thanks to all of them wearing armor.
In the Void, Wilbur talks about how he’s evil, how the server is better off without him. He recognizes himself as a hazard, and while that is a part of his self-loathing and hatred, you can also see his care for others shine through: he didn’t want to come back at the time, because he thought he would bring back conflict, suffering [“Here’s the thing, I genuinely think, if it weren’t for me and you dying right, the server would be in shambles. I know for a fact that if I come back, or if I’m brought back to life in some way it’s definitely gonna just go [shit again]” “I know what I’m like, that’s the issue.” - (Tommy’s am i dead?: 10:29, 4th March)]. By staying dead, at this point, he was continuing to prevent weaker people from being harmed.
Even now, post-resurrection, we can see this, but, well...
3. Opinion on Dream
I have looked at this before, from the angle of Wilbur’s mentality. We all know his opinion on Dream so far, that he would have killed him on the spot for what happened to Tommy in the Exile, but Wilbur still considers him his hero. While I said at the time that it may be a subtle way for Wilbur to cloak his self-loathing and self-hatred, but now I want to look at the first part again, from the perspective of Type 8:
Wilbur, by having the urge to kill Dream on the spot, for what he did to Tommy in Exile (and, keep in mind, Ghostbur wasn’t there for all of it, so Wilbur did not see the destruction of Logsted and why it happened, or how Tommy was completely isolated from everyone after the party, and Tommy referred to Dream as his owner to Mexican Dream), no matter what he says after about Dream, proves that he still has the quality to want to protect the weak.
Dream, as always, is one of the strong people of the server. He’s the owner, he has a lot of items and good gear, and in general, everyone recognizes him with a level of danger he presents, and power. Tommy, on the other hand, is one of the weaker ones.
While Tommy has valuable traits, like his loyalty, his fierce determination and the will to keep moving despite how low life kicks him at times, one can’t deny that, in general, Tommy is viewed as one of the weak. He doesn’t have that many powerful items, he isn’t physically that strong, people constantly pick on him, and he is one of the minors of the server, the youngest of them, in fact. Add to that the humiliation of Exile and the treatment he was put through, Tommy was not only at his weakest then, but also at his most vulnerable.
Why would it be a surprise then for Wilbur to want to gut Dream, considering the above? Tommy and Wilbur were very close. As Wilbur acknowledged in the latest stream: [“We were a family, Tommy. We were…” - (Wilbur’s resurrected gentleman of L'manburg: 27:26, 5th May)], they were once so close they could have been brothers. Tommy stuck with Wilbur as a right hand man, he was the only one who didn’t give up on him in Pogtopia, no matter if he thought his choices were right or wrong, and Wilbur confided in Tommy a lot. Now take this little brother figure he had in Tommy, and put him through Exile.
Of course Wilbur would want to gut Dream, Tommy may as well be part of his family, and Wilbur doesn’t strike me as the kind to want his loved ones in pain, genuinely. He may dismiss the feelings Tommy has sometimes, but his reaction to Exile shows that he isn’t blind to suffering. He saw it and recognized as harmful and damaging to Tommy, unprompted by anyone else.
He even makes a comment that I think may be important in the future: [“Tommy, I’m not, I’m not- I wasn’t blind, I saw what he was doing to you, Tommy. I saw. I saw what he was doing to Tubbo. I saw what he did to me.” - (Wilbur’s resurrected gentleman of L'manburg: 21:08, 5th May)]. Remember, Wilbur right now is deeply conflicted, I don’t think he’s properly sorted his feelings on Dream yet. He, in this quote, recognizes he saw how Dream treated Tommy, Tubbo and himself. While Eights want to protect the weak, their core fear is being controlled or harmed by others. I am very curious what will happen if, or, when, Wilbur will decide that Dream is also a hazard to himself, or if Dream will try to use Wilbur for his own plans. But, this is starting to deviate from the purpose of this post so, with that out of the way...
The lyrics:
I remember the minute It was like a switch was flipped I was just a kid who grew up strong enough To pick this armor up And suddenly it fit
Here, Wilbur’s arc and story begins. The lyric recount the moment Wilbur’s spiral began: the Final Control Room. He remembers that betrayal up to his death, still calling Eret a traitor and quoting him, with the same quote he used: “It was never meant to be”. This moment is what will define and shape Wilbur throughout Season 1, and even now. The switch mentioned is the button pressed, the moment everything changed. “I was just a kid” is Wilbur recognizing that he was not ready for the role of President, sentiment reflected by the rest of the lyrics: “who grew up strong enough/To pick this armor up”. Wilbur forced himself to bear the title of president, like a suit of armor, something that protects you, and helps you to fight for others, until “suddenly it fit”.
God, that was so long ago, long ago, long ago I was little, I was weak and perfectly naive And I grew up too quick
Here Wilbur internally recognizes that time passed, his ideology changed, as evident the quotes from Quackity’s stream: [“You say, you say everyone has a good side, Quackity. And you’re right, you’re right, everyone has a good side, but that good side is only there to help themselves. If you want to really help people, you’re gonna need power, Quackity. You can make a movement, you can make a resistance, right, you can go out and you can come back, and they’ll give you a ticker tape parade. They’ll cheer for you in the streets, but you will change nothing. If you have a revolution, everyone will hate you, you will sacrifice everything, and you will lose everything you’ve ever had, but you’ll come back and everything will be changed. And Quackity, if you want to change things, you’re gonna need power. That’s what you want, really, isn’t it? Look at me. And power isn’t gaining from diplomacy, and bureaucracy, and giant courthouses suspended in the sky, blah blah blah. It’s gained from swords, Quackity. It’s gained from blades, it’s gained from steel, iron. Even if everyone has this good side that you’re talking about, then anyone who wants to prove it, has to show their dark side first. You’re going to have to kill, you’re going to have to torture, you’re going to have to maim.” - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:06:34, 12th Apr)]. Yet, even if this happened so “long ago, long ago, long ago”, he “grew up too quick”, because the change was too sudden, and it didn’t occur naturally.
Now you won't see all that I have to lose And all I've lost in the fight to protect it I won't let you in, I swore never again I can't afford, no, I refuse to be rejected
I think this verse refers to the Election and its fallout. He quite literally loses a lot on that day, not only his country and his second life, but seemingly, his son, because Fundy takes down the walls. Wilbur also lost a lot in the Independence War, as he lost his first life in there, his son and allies lost their lives too, and this created the perfect environment for paranoia around trust to form. Wilbur, at this point, swears to not let himself be vulnerable with anyone again, or to fully trust people, because of what happened in the Final Control Room and at the Elections. The last line is Wilbur deciding to go ahead and start Pogtopia, to reclaim his nation. As you may remember, the Election was held so that Wilbur could legitimize his presidency, because he felt people started to not listen to him anymore, and an election, in his mind, would have fixed that. Due to his paranoia, and depression, Wilbur couldn’t afford to lose, because the presidency was one of the things that gave him happiness and helped him function. Once he lost and was banished, he decided to strike back and take back the country, or, as the lyrics say, “I refuse to be rejected”.
I want to break these bones 'til they're better I want to break them right and feel alive You were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong My healing needed more than time
People who’ve broken a bone before may be familiar with this, but there is a possibility for a broken bone to heal incorrectly, so, when that happens, the bone is broken again and you try again. What that lyric means is that Wilbur was not healing properly, and he was constantly damaging himself again, to restart the process, to make his bones stronger, to make himself better. The “feel alive“ part, in my opinion, goes hand in hand with the fact that Wilbur was... not in the best place mentally in that time. We all know how he died, and, to be honest, a lot of the morally bad things Wilbur did could be argued to have been done to give him something to live, be it thrill or satisfaction. The last two lyrics, I feel, are directed to Tommy; Wilbur needed more than just time to “come back around“, and we know how Season 1 ended.
Now, this may be a controversial take, but... This is the end of Wilbur’s Season 1 arc. I think this is as far as Wilbur’s parallel to Eight went in Season 1, it’s the Pogtopia Era, up to November 16th. You may say that it’s his unfinished son- *gunshots*
Okay, okay, but what does that mean for the rest of the song? Well... It could be that either CC!Wilbur will stop with the Eight parallels here, or, the version I like, it means that the rest of the song is a hint for insight into how Wilbur feels and how his character will change in the future.
When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things I see the familiar I was little, I was weak, I was perfect, too Now I'm a broken mirror
This is Wilbur recognizing that he is not okay, internally, which we know is a thing in canon, because of this quote from the Resurrection stream: [”Are you trying to- Are you trying to make me- Tommy, are you trying to make me- You remember that time in the cave? Are you trying- Are you trying do- Are you trying to make me feel like I did back then, in Pogtopia? Are you trying to- Are you trying to make me feel as bad as I did back then? ‘Cause it’s not gonna work!” - (Tommy’s Breaking Into Prison To Kill Dream: 59:06, 29th Apr)] It’s a great step for Wilbur, afterall, healing starts when you recognize you have a problem, so you can begin fixing it, but, as we know...
But I can't let you see all that I have to lose All I've lost in the fight to protect it I can't let you in, I swore never again I can't afford to let myself be blindsided
Wilbur is the emotional equivalent of a snail. Here we see “Snailbur” doing a reprise of the third paragraph, which I linked to him in the Election Era and its fallout. From the way the lyrics are worded, we can see the how similar they are, but there is a difference: reluctance. Wilbur knows he’s not okay, but he can’t reach out for help, because then, he’ll be showing weakness, but he wants to open up. “Now” becomes “but”, “I won’t let you in” becomes “I can’t let you in”. Now he’s not afraid of rejection, he doesn’t want to be blindsided, which I didn’t know at first what it meant, because my native language is not English, but when I looked it up I came across this definition: “to surprise someone, usually with harmful results”. This shows us something important: Wilbur is hiding his true feelings because he’s afraid to not be hurt again. He doesn’t want another Final Control Room or Election to happen to him.
I'm standing guard, I'm falling apart And all I want is to trust you Show me how to lay my sword down For long enough to let you through
This set confirms it, Wilbur is on the defense now, he’s defending from potential hurt, and the second part of the first lyric is hinting at what a lot of Wilbur analysts have pointed out and we are prepping for: Wilbur having a big crash from the high he’s experiencing from getting resurrected, he’ll be “falling apart“, he’ll be vulnerable, and open to hurt, or... Redemption. This is it. This is the section that made me insist and theorize about a redemption/healing arc: that second lyric, continuing with the rest: Wilbur is reaching out to someone or some people, that he can put his trust to. Wilbur doesn’t just need someone willing to redeem him, because we had that in Pogtopia, with Tommy, no, Wilbur also needs himself to open up, trust people and ask for help. And that is exactly what happens in the last two lyrics: Wilbur is asking for help to open up and let people help him.
Here I am, pry me open What do you want to know? I'm just a kid who grew up scared enough To hold the door shut And bury my innocence But here's a map, here's a shovel Here's my Achilles' heel
And here we have it. Wilbur opening up. Wilbur finally letting someone in, admitting he’s scared, he’s scared of hurting again, comparing himself to a kid. This one I find very symbolic, because if he, at the beginning, was a kid, then by admitting he is a kid at this stage, he’s the same person he was at the beginning, with the good he had, with the flaws he had, what he did and the trauma he gained will never erase that. The innocence in this part of the song, I think is Ghostbur. People forget, but while Ghostbur seems to be a separate entity, he’s still very much a version of Wilbur. He has a lot of his memories, his happy ones. Wilbur and Ghostbur are the two sides of the same coin, different, yet so much alike. You need both to understand the other. Wilbur has the capacity to be innocent, to be kind, good, he just... buried these qualities, and someone has to help him dig them up, when he is ready to open up. I don’t think I need to explain the meaning of someone showing you their Achilles’ heel, beside the fact that it means they trust you with their life. Wilbur needs to find someone to trust.
I'm all in, palms out I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough to let you in
Here, I think we see Wilbur accepting the consequences of his actions, of the hurt he caused, because, while he’s not irredeemable, he did hurt people, and he needs to be open to them not forgiving them, but, as the song says, just then he’ll be “ready to begin” his healing and redemption. And right at the end there, “I am strong” is repeated thrice, he��s ready to heal, to be vulnerable with someone. It’s the redemption in full swing from here to the end.
I'ma shake the ground with all my might And I will pull my whole heart up to the surface For the innocent, for the vulnerable And I'll show up on the front lines with a purpose
Remember what I said, about healthy Eights? Champions of the people, natural leaders, challengers of oppression and protectors of the weak? This is what Wilbur should become at the end of the redemption, if we are to follow the song. He’s gonna put all of his strength into fighting for what’s right, and he’ll open up, he will heal. We’ll be back to fighting for “the innocent, for the vulnerable”, he’ll have a purpose to fulfill. L’Manberg was deeply tied to both Wilbur and Ghostbur, and Wilbur himself admitted to caring about L’Manberg because what it stood for. Now, L’Manberg is gone, but those ideals aren’t. Maybe, just maybe, he’ll fight in the future to protect those ideals.
And, finally:
And I'll give all I have, I'll give my blood, give my sweat An ocean of tears will spill for what is broken I'm shattered porcelain, glued back together again Invincible like I've never been
I really like the end here. Because, it’s not only reinforcing the idea that Wilbur will be redeemed, but that penultimate lyric always stood out for me: “I'm shattered porcelain, glued back together again”. Porcelain is, while very fragile, a beautiful material. When I think of the word, I think of beautiful vases, handcrafted with skill and care. It’s a shame when a porcelain vase breaks. But, just because something is broken, it doesn’t mean it can’t be repaired. And when I think of repaired porcelain, I think of the Japanese art of kintsugi - a technique with which broken pottery is glued in such a way that the cracks aren’t hidden, but celebrated as a part of the object’s history, by filling them in with gold. I like to think that at the end of his healing arc, Wilbur will be similar, he was broken, he healed, but the scars are still there, and, even then, he’ll be thriving again. It’ll be an experience that, overall, helped him become better. And the final lyric: “Invincible like I've never been“, I like to think that this will be him at his peak: healed, happy, ready to take life by the horns, like he wasn’t before. It’s a hopeful, happy note to finish the song and his story on.
And that is my analysis on the song and the enneagram, I guess (Jesus this got waaay longer than I expected). I really hope Wilbur will get a redemption arc, it’s already wonderful that we have him back AND he wants to live (it’s honestly the first time I see, in any media, a suicide victim that not only is brought back to life, but they are happy to be back). Hopefully this is useful to people, and, as always, thanks to @kateis-cakeis for compiling Wilbur’s/Ghostbur’s quotes in a masterlist with timestamps and anything you’d want to know about them. It’s a goldmine of analyzing Wilbur and I highly encourage you to check it out.
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thegoodleague · 4 years
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What's all of the fuss about CBD? Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound that's extracted from the hemp plant, that has actually wonderful properties, resembling anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-nauseate, muscle relaxant, anti-depressant, anti-anxiety and lots of different qualities. It has been proven to scale back ache, help in therapeutic accidents, assist with sleep and enhance total well being and wellness in each people and animals. Anecdotal proof in addition to scientific research have proven the potential and effectiveness of taking Cannabidiol to assist with these maladies and enhance well being and wellness. Extra research are underneath means and lots of extra research have to be accomplished to enhance our data of Cannabidiol and its results.
Moreover Cannabidio, there are various different compounds, like CBN, CBG and lots of terpenes which might be related to flavors and smells that come from hemp. It's a tremendous plant. Historians say that hemp is among the oldest, if not the oldest, vegetation to be farmed by man. Archeologists have discovered hemp fiber within the damaged shards of pottery in Taiwan from 10,000 years in the past. In China, rulers used an extract of hemp for abdomen and muscle tissue aches and all through historical past, hemp was used for rope, sails, constructing supplies and hemp seed was used as a dietary complement even as much as current time.
All of those compounds which might be extracted out of hemp can be utilized collectively as a really potent healer, referred to as "the entourage impact". The sum of the elements are higher than every half individually. This is the reason scientists and entrepreneurs are so enthusiastic about Cannabidiol and its potential.
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Proper now, we're within the very early phases of hemp cultivation and Cannabidiol growth. This "inexperienced rush" might be in a ten to twenty yr development cycle. The Federal Drug Administration has but to make a ruling on the classification of Cannabidiol so new developments shall be occurring all the time.
I first began taking CBD about two years in the past. I've struggled with nervousness and sleep points on and off for a number of years of my life and after I heard about Cannabidiol, I attempted some 500 mg full spectrum tincture (a dropper full every evening) and after a few weeks, I seen that the nervousness had weakened and my sleep high quality was improved. I used to be getting extra Fast Eye Motion (REM) sleep and was awakening extra refreshed and able to meet the day's challenges. After a month, I did not even discover the nervousness.
Subsequently, I've used the Cannabidiol Freeze Roll On for ache aid on my ankle and shoulder with nice outcomes. I even have launched 500 mg Cannabidiol Isolate to my ten yr previous Golden Retriever, Riley, who was beginning to endure from muscle and hip ache. I simply put one dropper of the Isolate tincture in her water every morning and he or she appears to be extra frisky and runs round within the again yard as soon as once more.
This brings up the query of dosage. How are you aware how a lot of the Cannabidiol do it's good to be efficient? In Cannabidiol shops and E-commerce websites, I've seen dosages from 20 mg to 3000 mg of Cannbidiol in a one ounce bottle of tincture. The low dosages from 20 mg to 100 mg. most likely do not do a lot for you. 30 mg is one mg per day, which is nearly nothing. I've discovered that you must begin off with a small to medium dosage, round 500 mg of Cannabidiol, and see how that impacts you over a two to a few week interval. If it appears to be working for you, then your dosage might be proper. In case you really feel that nothing is occurring, then enhance the dosage to 700-1000 mg. Till extra analysis is completed on dosing, it's actually a "attempt to see" technique for every particular person.
In abstract, the CBD business is quickly evolving on the planet. We're shifting out of the darkish ages, the place the compound was wrongly categorized as a felony and into the awakening of a brand new period the place the potential advantages of Cannabidiol are increasing and the alternatives for employment are accelerating every day. It's time to overlook in regards to the misplaced fears of the previous and soar onboard the brand new practice of well being and wellness.
Michael Burns has spent the final fifty years within the telecom business, working for the Bell System and founding 4 firms within the name middle and teleconferencing areas. In 2019, Mr. Burns co-founded Gulf Coast Extractions with Robin Fisher, with the preliminary model and E-commerce website of the CBD Well being Membership. Mr. Burns makes a speciality of content material growth and wholesale gross sales to CBD retail shops, distributors and white label resellers.
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philaprint · 8 years
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What Is the Proper Space for Hope? A Young Black Queer Millennial's Reflection on Obama
By Vernon Jordan, III
I met one of the loves of my life the night Barack Hussein Obama was re-elected into the seat of the President -  the highest office in these United States. That night, in November of 2012, a Black man won against white moderates, conservatives, and anyone claiming they were most qualified for the job. Parading with his family, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, Malia Ann, and Natasha “Sasha”, who had already stolen our hearts during the 2008 campaign and Presidential election, President Obama was a force of joy for many African Americans, non-American Black people residing here in the states, Black people with homes abroad, in the wider Diaspora, and the continent of Africa itself. I was fresh out of high school, a first-semester freshman at Muhlenberg College and President Obama was thus the first President I had ever voted for; did I even have a choice in the matter?
I felt instant pride whenever I thought of him. You could say I even campaigned: I bought stickers and pins marked Forward, hung the “we’ve got his back” poster on my side of the dorm room, always wore my “44TH / OBAMA” shirt to the gym to spite my white classmates, and when it came time to vote, finally, I adorned that oval “I VOTED” sticker on my motherfucking face. Naturally, I argued with racist Facebook comment after Facebook comment, too -- all in the name of President Obama. I stayed up long enough into the morning to witness both final speeches by Obama and Romney and was doing so while on the phone with one of my best friends, a Black woman who then was studying at Clark Atlanta University. When I got back to my room, all was quiet. My roommate, a polite enough Italian kind of white boy and Romney voter, was asleep. A “Romney/Ryan” poster guarding his bedpost, an old historic patriotic “don’t tread on me” snake poster hanging right next to him.The morning after, he said to me, “Congrats, man.” I said, with assurance and calm, “Thank you.”  We had vowed not to talk about politics in our room, so that brief exchange was the most we talked on the matter. It was all so swift - Obama won, so I won. With a fire so many people expected to die out and be beaten, Obama’s victory in the 2012 re-election felt like an act of revenge. Now, my classmates who had so fervently been possessed by their arguments against welfare and affirmative action policies, for instance, would have to face that the leader of this country was a Black somebody. They might see “thugs” in Obama, me in Obama, and thus a “thug” in me; but they would see I’d won, and dared to be great.
Many of my associations with Obama can be said to be positive, but this positivity, this greatness, was not one that lasted long, however - and maybe I am lucky my bubble burst so early. That next semester I would take a course called Black Political Thought. I remember reading a speech given by Obama, then reading a counter piece by Dr. Cornel West (among other class readings about Liberalism, Black Nationalism, Black Conservatism, Pan-Africanism, and so on and so on) and realizing that maybe Obama could not be the answer to Martin’s dream, that Martin certainly did not “walk so Obama could fly”. Obama too deeply believed in America's capacity for rightness, righteousness, and the American Dream. I learned Obama followed a strictly Liberal course of action - the belief in individual freedoms, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness via the United States -  always with a side of hope, or change. During Obama’s initial campaign, Will.i.am and a number of celebrities and artists came together to record the song “Yes We Can”, which was another famous rhetorical slogan coined by President Obama. I was a Freshman in high school when President Obama first took office, and learned this song in the school’s choir, singing it joyously whenever I could and reveling in the sound of “Si se puede” rolling from my lips. So, I didn't know it then, but I was quite prepared to understand Liberalism and American Democracy, as I was born into it - and how many times before Obama had I sang it? Read it? Hero-ed and romanticized it? I was bluntly met with the facts that in the name of a Liberal Democracy we would drop bombs on poorer, Browner, and less Western nations; and even less prepared to see Obama as not merely a puppet, but Commander-in-Chief of this violent vessel called the United States.
Part of this role-playing President involves massive crowd control over the civilian population, an always ready indoctrination on the ideals of Liberalism -- especially in face of violence and dissent. For me, the rupture of this contradiction occurred after the death of young Trayvon Martin: for this happened under the Obama administration with little done to protect and honor and defend the life of Trayvon, who this week would be 22 years old; the ruptures of this contradiction occurred when I realized countless bombs were being dropped on Palestine, with financial assistance from the U.S. and the Obama administration; and the happy lie of Democracy cracked. It’s one thing to learn about Ronald Reagan’s War on Drugs, the strategies of COINTELPRO which ripped radical activists and groups from our communities, for instance, and learn dissent for your country; it's a peculiar place to be as a young Black American and not see the conditions for your people on the ground change when the leader of the free world looks like he could maybe be your uncle; and it’s another thing to begin to completely disagree with Liberal Democracy as it’s been enacted altogether -- it sobers you. I remember wanting to vomit when I heard Christopher Dorner would be chased by drones on U.S. soil because that didn’t sound like Freedom to me. I recalled a passage from Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, where civilians are awakened by the State and compelled to watch the manhunt of the book burner, Montag, as it’s cycled live into the news:
"Police Alert. Wanted: Fugitive in city. Has committed murder and crimes against the State. Name: Guy Montag. Occupation: Fireman. Last seen . . ." He ran steadily for six blocks, in the alley, and then the alley opened out on to a wide empty thoroughfare ten lanes wide. It seemed like a boatless river frozen there in the raw light of the high white arc-lamps; you could drown trying to cross it, he felt; it was too wide, it was too open. It was a vast stage without scenery, inviting him to run across, easily seen in the blazing illumination, easily caught, easily shot down. The Seashell hummed in his ear. "... watch for a man running ... watch for the running man . . . watch for a man alone, on foot . . . watch..."
Like the civilians in the book, in this case, all I could do was watch CNN for updates, watch Hope lean into Terror. President Barack Obama gracefully walked into a seat that inherits and propagates terrorism in the name of the country and State. He is a fine, swaggered out suit - in the tradition of American presidential suits - become war general.
Were we silly to think Obama would be a beacon and example of liberation against global white supremacy and anti-blackness? No. But we were certainly fooled. We were distracted -- great imagery can do that -- and it's no surprise that in a campaign so formidably led by college youth, grassroots organizing on the part of, it seemed, the whole country, we might feel a kind of euphoric haze not common here: for a moment we could feel together, feel a touch of another person, and feel recognized in the presence of Barack Obama. Obama slick and likable as he is, rolling Al Green and the ever-scary national anthem off one tongue, smiling so gently, laughing -- and making us laugh! Obama, slick and likable, perfect in his denouncing of absent Black fathers, drugs displayed on corners, (not to mention the least dangerous shit ever, sagging pants) without an analysis of how the united states have contributed to these phenomena.
He is the perfect ingredient for White supremacy: son to an educated Kenyan and continental African man & an American white woman. His story is a massive, international epic, where the son who belongs nowhere becomes King of the Democratic land to overlook all lands. His narrative is a full circle project, in a strange way; the perfect person to run the American machine is a dude come from a formerly colonized African country - the dark continent meets the brightest. I think about this often. I think about what America might look like when it is ready for a descendant of enslaved African Americans to take the role President - if it will be, ever.
There is no utopia to be found being Black here in the United States - not in total, anyway - but I would be a liar if I said pictures and small moments from the eight years of President Barack, First Lady Michelle (everyone's favourite Obama) and famed children Sasha and Malia Obama, the First Black First Family of the United States, did not provide momentary joys, pride, relief, and pleasure. I want to thank Barack Obama for that. I want to thank President Obama for teaching me, quite plainly, never to trust politicians; but to trust my 22 year old self, my Black and queer communities, and the strategies of Ella Baker, Bayard Rustin, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Assata Shakur, and so many more who came into the world before me.
I am trying to find now the proper space for hope in my life - too much makes any person blind, and Andre 3000 said, “lean a little bit closer see / roses really smell like “boo boo oo”. I am trying to face forward, but not without complete regard for the past and its echoes, its livelihood, in the present. I am reckoning with the bodies broken and lost - memories equally contorted. I am looking a dangerous, frightening, and fucked up world in the eye, whenever I walk the streets of this country, whenever I dream of leaving this country for another. This is called being a young Black Millennial after and in the age of Obama.
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
The total package share comes to roughly six trillion dollars 2 trillion. Direct assistance. Roughly four trillion in federal reserve lending power again. It would be the largest mainstream financial package in the history of United States liquidity and cash for families small business individuals unemployed to keep this thing going. We’re headed for a rough period but it’s only going to be weeks we think weeks months not going to be years. That’s for sure and hopefully, pave the way for continued economic recovery. National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow says the coronavirus relief package will be six trillion U.S. dollars. That is six thousand billion U.S. dollars. The biggest cash pump ever in the history of mankind. That is and why this is a never seen cash pump for bitcoin. Yes, you heard that right. And never seen cash pump for bitcoin. In this episode. And also why the president of the United States of America Mr. Donald Trump wants to send everyone back to work by Easter despite the spread of the coronavirus. Some Bitcoin technical analysis on multiple time frames and why Bitcoin actually looks quite bullish short and mid-term. And last but not least bit Macs may be about to add KYC after all those years and why it is important to diversify your leverage trading platforms. All that and more in this episode. And now let’s jump right into it. And with that said hey what is going on everyone Sunny decree here and welcome back to another episode today. I have multiple goodies for you. Some of the footage I’m about to show you. You won’t believe what I said in there. You won’t believe the message that is coming across. First, off we’re going to start with a video of the FDIC the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and what this lady Elina McWilliams is telling you right now. Should immediately alert everything in your brain that you should probably be doing the exact opposite. They are telling you right now that you should not run to the bank and get out your cash. Why would they do that? Well, it’s kind of obvious they want to prevent a bank run. They are not liquid anymore. Just listen to this and tell me what you think of the words. For me personally and if I would be a U.S. citizen this would ring every bell right now. But let me know your opinion down below. We are living in unprecedented times at a time of a pandemic like this. It is way too easy to get confused and to have fear about what you should be doing with your money in your account especially as you’re looking at the volatility in the stock market and the financial sector. This is what I would like it to take away from this. Your money is safe at the banks. The last thing you should be doing is pulling your money out of the banks now thinking that it’s going to be safer someplace else. You don’t want to be walking around with large wads of cash and you certainly don’t want to be hoarding cash in your mattress. It didn’t pan out well for so many people. And I will tell you this. No depositor has lost a penny of their insured deposits since 1933 when the FDIC was created. So if you’re talking about having your money in a safe place please keep it in an FDIC insured. Please keep your money in an FDIC insured bank. Since 1933 nothing was lost and everything insured. But hey wait a second. If we plot the US dollar to the purchasing power of the US dollar real quick since 1933 back in 1933 when we started at 100 dollar that it has currently a purchasing power of five point three dollars. So since 1933 no dollar was lost. It has only lost approximately ninety-five percent of its purchasing power. What a joke to actually stand in front of the camera and just say Hey guys your money is safe. Okay, first of all, it’s not safe because all the cash does not even exist. If people would start a bank run this would collapse the whole system immediately. And these are the measurements they are doing right now. The world is at a place right now where a lady from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has to upload something on Twitter. They have to tweet this out to tell people please don’t start a bank run. This is where we are right now. But now let’s move on because it’s actually getting better or worse. However, you want to see it. Despite the relief package of approximately 6 trillion U.S. dollars and once again that is six thousand billion U.S. dollars. That number is absolutely massive. That’s an enormous number. And how that number is inflating the current money supply. Well, you can guess right and most probably this is not over yet because what I’ve seen yesterday on the Twitter account of the president of the United States Donald Trump that shocked me completely despite the coronavirus which is still spreading and it’s spreading faster and faster and some countries they’re just not testing anymore. That’s the reason why it looks like that the new cases are actually going back or that the curve is flattening out. As you can see on this chart. But we can not take this chart for granted because once again some countries are not testing anymore or not properly testing. But what we know for sure is no. The exponential growth here in the spread of the coronavirus has not stop yet but despite that many many politicians in the United States are now talking about reopening the economy putting people back to work. How can this actually be a reality right now. I don’t get it do you literally want to send your people to death or what exactly is going on. Listen to this governor what he has to say and once again this is just another mind-blowing video right now. I can’t say differently. Let’s get back to work. Let’s get back to living. Let’s be smart about it. And those of us who are 70 plus we’ll take care of ourselves but don’t sacrifice the country. Don’t do that. Don’t ruin it. You’re right. You’re basically saying that this disease could take your life but that’s not the scariest thing to you. There’s something that would be worse than dying. Yeah. So basically there’s Governor Dan Patrick is saying people should rather die elderly people should rather die instead of the economy dying or instead of the economy slowing down. Well basically saying that the whole system will be collapsing and we’re not going back to work. And that is exactly what the politicians see right now. That is what they’re scared off the six trillion dollar package is not going to be enough. There is going to be hyperinflation if they keep printing money like that because this is a downward spiral what’s going to happen is that people will not spend their money anymore. They won’t give each other credit because they don’t trust each other anymore. Then the velocity is going down. And the only thing the Federal Reserve can do is keep printing money. OK. An economy has never been saved ever by printing money. So, therefore, I understand the approach that people have to go back to work. Otherwise, it is collapsing. But this is irresponsible in my opinion. Or do you guys think out there that we can just sacrifice the elderly to save the economy? I’m not quite sure about that. I want to stay neutral but yeah I mean this is really hard to hear actually. Also, concede change in direction on Mr. Donald Trump’s Twitter in here. Our people want to return to work. I’m not quite sure what people they will practice social distancing and all else. And seniors will be watched over protectively and lovingly. We can do two things together. The Cure cannot be worse by far than the problem. Congress must act now. We will come back strong. Congress must approve the deal without all the nonsense today. The longer it takes the hard will be to start up our economy. Our workers will be hurt and that all is happening after India just went on a complete lockdown yesterday. And I think one day before the UK went on a full lockdown so the whole world is locking down the whole world is on full social distancing. So the virus is not spreading as fast as it is because all the hospitals are completely over exhausted and Mr. Donald Trump and some politicians in the United States are already talking about going back to work in approximately three weeks from now. I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. Do we really have to save the U.S. economy by any means by all costs no matter what it takes sacrifice people? I have no idea, guys. But you can let me know your opinion down below in the comments section. Now before we’re going to start with the technical analysis part of this video as far as the price of bitcoin is concerned I’d like to ask you for a like if you enjoyed this episode please make sure you hit that like it’s completely for free. It takes you one second so let’s see if we can move this video to 3000 like that will be very much appreciated. All right. Now let’s talk about the price of bitcoin. On the one hour chart, there is absolutely no doubt. And also on the four-hour chart where we are right now so in lower timeframes, there is absolutely no doubt that the price of bitcoin bounced and is still holding approximately 70 percent of its local low of approximately three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars. So the price of bitcoin since that flash crash is performing quite well especially if you compare it to other assets here. Gold, for example, is also performing very well. Right now people maybe start to flee into those safe-haven assets right now and maybe what we always dreamed off as far as Bitcoin concerned is finally coming true. We will see. We need more time to actually analyze this gold pumped back approximately 10 percent actually more than 10 percent. But don’t get misled. Also the futures market or the S&P 500, in general, bounced back quite strong actually more than 10 percent. So some people are talking about the strongest recoveries for stocks but after that massive drop in here from top to bottom of more than 35 percent. Those bounce backs. Well, I’m not quite sure for how long they’re going to hold because think about it that way. What if the United States are sending people back to work and then everyone is getting sick. What we have right now is an artificial lockdown of the economy an artificial slowdown of the economy because we’re holding people back at home so they’re not getting infected. But what if we send out people again everyone goes to work and then they really gonna get sick. So then we do not really have an artificial slowdown of the economy then we would have. A fundamental slowdown of the economy because sick people they cannot work. Now what do you think is worse an artificial slowdown of the economy or a fundamental slowdown off the economy. And I personally believe whatever happens this is not going to end well. The signs are absolutely clear and you should definitely be well-diversified right now. I personally recommend as safe-haven assets precious metals and also Bitcoin the digital gold and also the physical gold. That is my personal hedge because right now maybe it looks like that cash is decent. Cash is king right. But at some point when they keep printing. And once again just another six trillion U.S. dollar package as they already announced hyperinflation will happen. And those 100 trillion U.S. dollar bills from some above. Well, maybe we’re going to see that for real U.S. dollar soon. This is not going to end well guys. And you have to react and you have to be prepared for the bitcoin daily chart we see kind of the same the price of bitcoin still getting closer and closer to the 200 daily moving average. We’re not there yet but we’re slowly approaching it. Here still the bounce. Looks quite nice. We are consolidating all the time. More bullish than the last consolidation. So this is absolutely great. On the weekly charts still above 200 weekly moving average. Nothing changed in here but it looks like that we’re quite strange going up actually. So this looks quite good in on the monthly chart in here. The upcoming whole thing. Well I mean this looks not all too bad. And once again the U.S. dollar is inflating like crazy right now but for Bitcoin, the whole thing is coming up in approximately 50 days right. Not too far away anymore where the inflation of bitcoin is getting cut in half. What do you think if people around the globe are starting to get interested into what’s going on right now? Maybe they’re not hurt enough yet but at some point, they will be especially when unemployment is going up or when unemployment stays at high levels. Right. People want to know who is responsible for this or what system is responsible for this. And at that point, they will start to learn about bitcoin just some of them. OK but that is enough with every cycle. We have more people coming in. Some people choose for speculation but from 10000 speculators maybe 100 will stay for the fundamentals. OK. And one hundred more people in for the fundamentals who can teach about bitcoin. Who can tell people about bitcoin who can spread awareness about bitcoin about the true power of bitcoin? That is definitely another gain in this ecosystem. And so far this ecosystem this network has just been growing so I’m definitely on the positive side on the pro side. Bitcoin here and massive money flows are getting created right now and they are getting sucked up by bitcoin by precious metals by things that are limited by nature or by code by math. In the case of Bitcoin. All right and the last topic after they believe it or not but the rumors are going around that the bit next leverage trading platform after all those years is adding KYC know your customer. Not quite sure if this is really going to happen or not but this is something I’m always saying make sure guys that if you’re trading any way that you are diversified in leveraged trading platforms I personally recommend FedEx. They’re updating every single week currently. You can trade Bitcoin all coins also link is a very popular trading pair here and you can also trade gold. I mean not physical gold but gold derivatives which is quite interesting to trade gold on leverage. So if you guys are interested there is a video tutorial popping up by my site right now. There is a sign up blank referring Don blue with up to one hundred and twelve dollar bonus. Thank you guys very much for watching this episode once again. Don’t forget to hit the like and hopefully see all of you in the next one by.
The post NEVER SEEN!!! ENORMOUS CASH PUMP FOR BITCOIN!!! appeared first on Cryptosharks.net.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/enormous-cash-pump-for-bitcoin/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=never-seen-enormous-cash-pump-for-bitcoin source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/613591975951794176
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cryptosharks1 · 4 years
The total package share comes to roughly six trillion dollars 2 trillion. Direct assistance. Roughly four trillion in federal reserve lending power again. It would be the largest mainstream financial package in the history of United States liquidity and cash for families small business individuals unemployed to keep this thing going. We’re headed for a rough period but it’s only going to be weeks we think weeks months not going to be years. That’s for sure and hopefully, pave the way for continued economic recovery. National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow says the coronavirus relief package will be six trillion U.S. dollars. That is six thousand billion U.S. dollars. The biggest cash pump ever in the history of mankind. That is and why this is a never seen cash pump for bitcoin. Yes, you heard that right. And never seen cash pump for bitcoin. In this episode. And also why the president of the United States of America Mr. Donald Trump wants to send everyone back to work by Easter despite the spread of the coronavirus. Some Bitcoin technical analysis on multiple time frames and why Bitcoin actually looks quite bullish short and mid-term. And last but not least bit Macs may be about to add KYC after all those years and why it is important to diversify your leverage trading platforms. All that and more in this episode. And now let’s jump right into it. And with that said hey what is going on everyone Sunny decree here and welcome back to another episode today. I have multiple goodies for you. Some of the footage I’m about to show you. You won’t believe what I said in there. You won’t believe the message that is coming across. First, off we’re going to start with a video of the FDIC the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and what this lady Elina McWilliams is telling you right now. Should immediately alert everything in your brain that you should probably be doing the exact opposite. They are telling you right now that you should not run to the bank and get out your cash. Why would they do that? Well, it’s kind of obvious they want to prevent a bank run. They are not liquid anymore. Just listen to this and tell me what you think of the words. For me personally and if I would be a U.S. citizen this would ring every bell right now. But let me know your opinion down below. We are living in unprecedented times at a time of a pandemic like this. It is way too easy to get confused and to have fear about what you should be doing with your money in your account especially as you’re looking at the volatility in the stock market and the financial sector. This is what I would like it to take away from this. Your money is safe at the banks. The last thing you should be doing is pulling your money out of the banks now thinking that it’s going to be safer someplace else. You don’t want to be walking around with large wads of cash and you certainly don’t want to be hoarding cash in your mattress. It didn’t pan out well for so many people. And I will tell you this. No depositor has lost a penny of their insured deposits since 1933 when the FDIC was created. So if you’re talking about having your money in a safe place please keep it in an FDIC insured. Please keep your money in an FDIC insured bank. Since 1933 nothing was lost and everything insured. But hey wait a second. If we plot the US dollar to the purchasing power of the US dollar real quick since 1933 back in 1933 when we started at 100 dollar that it has currently a purchasing power of five point three dollars. So since 1933 no dollar was lost. It has only lost approximately ninety-five percent of its purchasing power. What a joke to actually stand in front of the camera and just say Hey guys your money is safe. Okay, first of all, it’s not safe because all the cash does not even exist. If people would start a bank run this would collapse the whole system immediately. And these are the measurements they are doing right now. The world is at a place right now where a lady from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has to upload something on Twitter. They have to tweet this out to tell people please don’t start a bank run. This is where we are right now. But now let’s move on because it’s actually getting better or worse. However, you want to see it. Despite the relief package of approximately 6 trillion U.S. dollars and once again that is six thousand billion U.S. dollars. That number is absolutely massive. That’s an enormous number. And how that number is inflating the current money supply. Well, you can guess right and most probably this is not over yet because what I’ve seen yesterday on the Twitter account of the president of the United States Donald Trump that shocked me completely despite the coronavirus which is still spreading and it’s spreading faster and faster and some countries they’re just not testing anymore. That’s the reason why it looks like that the new cases are actually going back or that the curve is flattening out. As you can see on this chart. But we can not take this chart for granted because once again some countries are not testing anymore or not properly testing. But what we know for sure is no. The exponential growth here in the spread of the coronavirus has not stop yet but despite that many many politicians in the United States are now talking about reopening the economy putting people back to work. How can this actually be a reality right now. I don’t get it do you literally want to send your people to death or what exactly is going on. Listen to this governor what he has to say and once again this is just another mind-blowing video right now. I can’t say differently. Let’s get back to work. Let’s get back to living. Let’s be smart about it. And those of us who are 70 plus we’ll take care of ourselves but don’t sacrifice the country. Don’t do that. Don’t ruin it. You’re right. You’re basically saying that this disease could take your life but that’s not the scariest thing to you. There’s something that would be worse than dying. Yeah. So basically there’s Governor Dan Patrick is saying people should rather die elderly people should rather die instead of the economy dying or instead of the economy slowing down. Well basically saying that the whole system will be collapsing and we’re not going back to work. And that is exactly what the politicians see right now. That is what they’re scared off the six trillion dollar package is not going to be enough. There is going to be hyperinflation if they keep printing money like that because this is a downward spiral what’s going to happen is that people will not spend their money anymore. They won’t give each other credit because they don’t trust each other anymore. Then the velocity is going down. And the only thing the Federal Reserve can do is keep printing money. OK. An economy has never been saved ever by printing money. So, therefore, I understand the approach that people have to go back to work. Otherwise, it is collapsing. But this is irresponsible in my opinion. Or do you guys think out there that we can just sacrifice the elderly to save the economy? I’m not quite sure about that. I want to stay neutral but yeah I mean this is really hard to hear actually. Also, concede change in direction on Mr. Donald Trump’s Twitter in here. Our people want to return to work. I’m not quite sure what people they will practice social distancing and all else. And seniors will be watched over protectively and lovingly. We can do two things together. The Cure cannot be worse by far than the problem. Congress must act now. We will come back strong. Congress must approve the deal without all the nonsense today. The longer it takes the hard will be to start up our economy. Our workers will be hurt and that all is happening after India just went on a complete lockdown yesterday. And I think one day before the UK went on a full lockdown so the whole world is locking down the whole world is on full social distancing. So the virus is not spreading as fast as it is because all the hospitals are completely over exhausted and Mr. Donald Trump and some politicians in the United States are already talking about going back to work in approximately three weeks from now. I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. Do we really have to save the U.S. economy by any means by all costs no matter what it takes sacrifice people? I have no idea, guys. But you can let me know your opinion down below in the comments section. Now before we’re going to start with the technical analysis part of this video as far as the price of bitcoin is concerned I’d like to ask you for a like if you enjoyed this episode please make sure you hit that like it’s completely for free. It takes you one second so let’s see if we can move this video to 3000 like that will be very much appreciated. All right. Now let’s talk about the price of bitcoin. On the one hour chart, there is absolutely no doubt. And also on the four-hour chart where we are right now so in lower timeframes, there is absolutely no doubt that the price of bitcoin bounced and is still holding approximately 70 percent of its local low of approximately three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars. So the price of bitcoin since that flash crash is performing quite well especially if you compare it to other assets here. Gold, for example, is also performing very well. Right now people maybe start to flee into those safe-haven assets right now and maybe what we always dreamed off as far as Bitcoin concerned is finally coming true. We will see. We need more time to actually analyze this gold pumped back approximately 10 percent actually more than 10 percent. But don’t get misled. Also the futures market or the S&P 500, in general, bounced back quite strong actually more than 10 percent. So some people are talking about the strongest recoveries for stocks but after that massive drop in here from top to bottom of more than 35 percent. Those bounce backs. Well, I’m not quite sure for how long they’re going to hold because think about it that way. What if the United States are sending people back to work and then everyone is getting sick. What we have right now is an artificial lockdown of the economy an artificial slowdown of the economy because we’re holding people back at home so they’re not getting infected. But what if we send out people again everyone goes to work and then they really gonna get sick. So then we do not really have an artificial slowdown of the economy then we would have. A fundamental slowdown of the economy because sick people they cannot work. Now what do you think is worse an artificial slowdown of the economy or a fundamental slowdown off the economy. And I personally believe whatever happens this is not going to end well. The signs are absolutely clear and you should definitely be well-diversified right now. I personally recommend as safe-haven assets precious metals and also Bitcoin the digital gold and also the physical gold. That is my personal hedge because right now maybe it looks like that cash is decent. Cash is king right. But at some point when they keep printing. And once again just another six trillion U.S. dollar package as they already announced hyperinflation will happen. And those 100 trillion U.S. dollar bills from some above. Well, maybe we’re going to see that for real U.S. dollar soon. This is not going to end well guys. And you have to react and you have to be prepared for the bitcoin daily chart we see kind of the same the price of bitcoin still getting closer and closer to the 200 daily moving average. We’re not there yet but we’re slowly approaching it. Here still the bounce. Looks quite nice. We are consolidating all the time. More bullish than the last consolidation. So this is absolutely great. On the weekly charts still above 200 weekly moving average. Nothing changed in here but it looks like that we’re quite strange going up actually. So this looks quite good in on the monthly chart in here. The upcoming whole thing. Well I mean this looks not all too bad. And once again the U.S. dollar is inflating like crazy right now but for Bitcoin, the whole thing is coming up in approximately 50 days right. Not too far away anymore where the inflation of bitcoin is getting cut in half. What do you think if people around the globe are starting to get interested into what’s going on right now? Maybe they’re not hurt enough yet but at some point, they will be especially when unemployment is going up or when unemployment stays at high levels. Right. People want to know who is responsible for this or what system is responsible for this. And at that point, they will start to learn about bitcoin just some of them. OK but that is enough with every cycle. We have more people coming in. Some people choose for speculation but from 10000 speculators maybe 100 will stay for the fundamentals. OK. And one hundred more people in for the fundamentals who can teach about bitcoin. Who can tell people about bitcoin who can spread awareness about bitcoin about the true power of bitcoin? That is definitely another gain in this ecosystem. And so far this ecosystem this network has just been growing so I’m definitely on the positive side on the pro side. Bitcoin here and massive money flows are getting created right now and they are getting sucked up by bitcoin by precious metals by things that are limited by nature or by code by math. In the case of Bitcoin. All right and the last topic after they believe it or not but the rumors are going around that the bit next leverage trading platform after all those years is adding KYC know your customer. Not quite sure if this is really going to happen or not but this is something I’m always saying make sure guys that if you’re trading any way that you are diversified in leveraged trading platforms I personally recommend FedEx. They’re updating every single week currently. You can trade Bitcoin all coins also link is a very popular trading pair here and you can also trade gold. I mean not physical gold but gold derivatives which is quite interesting to trade gold on leverage. So if you guys are interested there is a video tutorial popping up by my site right now. There is a sign up blank referring Don blue with up to one hundred and twelve dollar bonus. Thank you guys very much for watching this episode once again. Don’t forget to hit the like and hopefully see all of you in the next one by.
The post NEVER SEEN!!! ENORMOUS CASH PUMP FOR BITCOIN!!! appeared first on Cryptosharks.net.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/enormous-cash-pump-for-bitcoin/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=never-seen-enormous-cash-pump-for-bitcoin
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
The total package share comes to roughly six trillion dollars 2 trillion. Direct assistance. Roughly four trillion in federal reserve lending power again. It would be the largest mainstream financial package in the history of United States liquidity and cash for families small business individuals unemployed to keep this thing going. We’re headed for a rough period but it’s only going to be weeks we think weeks months not going to be years. That’s for sure and hopefully, pave the way for continued economic recovery. National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow says the coronavirus relief package will be six trillion U.S. dollars. That is six thousand billion U.S. dollars. The biggest cash pump ever in the history of mankind. That is and why this is a never seen cash pump for bitcoin. Yes, you heard that right. And never seen cash pump for bitcoin. In this episode. And also why the president of the United States of America Mr. Donald Trump wants to send everyone back to work by Easter despite the spread of the coronavirus. Some Bitcoin technical analysis on multiple time frames and why Bitcoin actually looks quite bullish short and mid-term. And last but not least bit Macs may be about to add KYC after all those years and why it is important to diversify your leverage trading platforms. All that and more in this episode. And now let’s jump right into it. And with that said hey what is going on everyone Sunny decree here and welcome back to another episode today. I have multiple goodies for you. Some of the footage I’m about to show you. You won’t believe what I said in there. You won’t believe the message that is coming across. First, off we’re going to start with a video of the FDIC the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and what this lady Elina McWilliams is telling you right now. Should immediately alert everything in your brain that you should probably be doing the exact opposite. They are telling you right now that you should not run to the bank and get out your cash. Why would they do that? Well, it’s kind of obvious they want to prevent a bank run. They are not liquid anymore. Just listen to this and tell me what you think of the words. For me personally and if I would be a U.S. citizen this would ring every bell right now. But let me know your opinion down below. We are living in unprecedented times at a time of a pandemic like this. It is way too easy to get confused and to have fear about what you should be doing with your money in your account especially as you’re looking at the volatility in the stock market and the financial sector. This is what I would like it to take away from this. Your money is safe at the banks. The last thing you should be doing is pulling your money out of the banks now thinking that it’s going to be safer someplace else. You don’t want to be walking around with large wads of cash and you certainly don’t want to be hoarding cash in your mattress. It didn’t pan out well for so many people. And I will tell you this. No depositor has lost a penny of their insured deposits since 1933 when the FDIC was created. So if you’re talking about having your money in a safe place please keep it in an FDIC insured. Please keep your money in an FDIC insured bank. Since 1933 nothing was lost and everything insured. But hey wait a second. If we plot the US dollar to the purchasing power of the US dollar real quick since 1933 back in 1933 when we started at 100 dollar that it has currently a purchasing power of five point three dollars. So since 1933 no dollar was lost. It has only lost approximately ninety-five percent of its purchasing power. What a joke to actually stand in front of the camera and just say Hey guys your money is safe. Okay, first of all, it’s not safe because all the cash does not even exist. If people would start a bank run this would collapse the whole system immediately. And these are the measurements they are doing right now. The world is at a place right now where a lady from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has to upload something on Twitter. They have to tweet this out to tell people please don’t start a bank run. This is where we are right now. But now let’s move on because it’s actually getting better or worse. However, you want to see it. Despite the relief package of approximately 6 trillion U.S. dollars and once again that is six thousand billion U.S. dollars. That number is absolutely massive. That’s an enormous number. And how that number is inflating the current money supply. Well, you can guess right and most probably this is not over yet because what I’ve seen yesterday on the Twitter account of the president of the United States Donald Trump that shocked me completely despite the coronavirus which is still spreading and it’s spreading faster and faster and some countries they’re just not testing anymore. That’s the reason why it looks like that the new cases are actually going back or that the curve is flattening out. As you can see on this chart. But we can not take this chart for granted because once again some countries are not testing anymore or not properly testing. But what we know for sure is no. The exponential growth here in the spread of the coronavirus has not stop yet but despite that many many politicians in the United States are now talking about reopening the economy putting people back to work. How can this actually be a reality right now. I don’t get it do you literally want to send your people to death or what exactly is going on. Listen to this governor what he has to say and once again this is just another mind-blowing video right now. I can’t say differently. Let’s get back to work. Let’s get back to living. Let’s be smart about it. And those of us who are 70 plus we’ll take care of ourselves but don’t sacrifice the country. Don’t do that. Don’t ruin it. You’re right. You’re basically saying that this disease could take your life but that’s not the scariest thing to you. There’s something that would be worse than dying. Yeah. So basically there’s Governor Dan Patrick is saying people should rather die elderly people should rather die instead of the economy dying or instead of the economy slowing down. Well basically saying that the whole system will be collapsing and we’re not going back to work. And that is exactly what the politicians see right now. That is what they’re scared off the six trillion dollar package is not going to be enough. There is going to be hyperinflation if they keep printing money like that because this is a downward spiral what’s going to happen is that people will not spend their money anymore. They won’t give each other credit because they don’t trust each other anymore. Then the velocity is going down. And the only thing the Federal Reserve can do is keep printing money. OK. An economy has never been saved ever by printing money. So, therefore, I understand the approach that people have to go back to work. Otherwise, it is collapsing. But this is irresponsible in my opinion. Or do you guys think out there that we can just sacrifice the elderly to save the economy? I’m not quite sure about that. I want to stay neutral but yeah I mean this is really hard to hear actually. Also, concede change in direction on Mr. Donald Trump’s Twitter in here. Our people want to return to work. I’m not quite sure what people they will practice social distancing and all else. And seniors will be watched over protectively and lovingly. We can do two things together. The Cure cannot be worse by far than the problem. Congress must act now. We will come back strong. Congress must approve the deal without all the nonsense today. The longer it takes the hard will be to start up our economy. Our workers will be hurt and that all is happening after India just went on a complete lockdown yesterday. And I think one day before the UK went on a full lockdown so the whole world is locking down the whole world is on full social distancing. So the virus is not spreading as fast as it is because all the hospitals are completely over exhausted and Mr. Donald Trump and some politicians in the United States are already talking about going back to work in approximately three weeks from now. I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. Do we really have to save the U.S. economy by any means by all costs no matter what it takes sacrifice people? I have no idea, guys. But you can let me know your opinion down below in the comments section. Now before we’re going to start with the technical analysis part of this video as far as the price of bitcoin is concerned I’d like to ask you for a like if you enjoyed this episode please make sure you hit that like it’s completely for free. It takes you one second so let’s see if we can move this video to 3000 like that will be very much appreciated. All right. Now let’s talk about the price of bitcoin. On the one hour chart, there is absolutely no doubt. And also on the four-hour chart where we are right now so in lower timeframes, there is absolutely no doubt that the price of bitcoin bounced and is still holding approximately 70 percent of its local low of approximately three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars. So the price of bitcoin since that flash crash is performing quite well especially if you compare it to other assets here. Gold, for example, is also performing very well. Right now people maybe start to flee into those safe-haven assets right now and maybe what we always dreamed off as far as Bitcoin concerned is finally coming true. We will see. We need more time to actually analyze this gold pumped back approximately 10 percent actually more than 10 percent. But don’t get misled. Also the futures market or the S&P 500, in general, bounced back quite strong actually more than 10 percent. So some people are talking about the strongest recoveries for stocks but after that massive drop in here from top to bottom of more than 35 percent. Those bounce backs. Well, I’m not quite sure for how long they’re going to hold because think about it that way. What if the United States are sending people back to work and then everyone is getting sick. What we have right now is an artificial lockdown of the economy an artificial slowdown of the economy because we’re holding people back at home so they’re not getting infected. But what if we send out people again everyone goes to work and then they really gonna get sick. So then we do not really have an artificial slowdown of the economy then we would have. A fundamental slowdown of the economy because sick people they cannot work. Now what do you think is worse an artificial slowdown of the economy or a fundamental slowdown off the economy. And I personally believe whatever happens this is not going to end well. The signs are absolutely clear and you should definitely be well-diversified right now. I personally recommend as safe-haven assets precious metals and also Bitcoin the digital gold and also the physical gold. That is my personal hedge because right now maybe it looks like that cash is decent. Cash is king right. But at some point when they keep printing. And once again just another six trillion U.S. dollar package as they already announced hyperinflation will happen. And those 100 trillion U.S. dollar bills from some above. Well, maybe we’re going to see that for real U.S. dollar soon. This is not going to end well guys. And you have to react and you have to be prepared for the bitcoin daily chart we see kind of the same the price of bitcoin still getting closer and closer to the 200 daily moving average. We’re not there yet but we’re slowly approaching it. Here still the bounce. Looks quite nice. We are consolidating all the time. More bullish than the last consolidation. So this is absolutely great. On the weekly charts still above 200 weekly moving average. Nothing changed in here but it looks like that we’re quite strange going up actually. So this looks quite good in on the monthly chart in here. The upcoming whole thing. Well I mean this looks not all too bad. And once again the U.S. dollar is inflating like crazy right now but for Bitcoin, the whole thing is coming up in approximately 50 days right. Not too far away anymore where the inflation of bitcoin is getting cut in half. What do you think if people around the globe are starting to get interested into what’s going on right now? Maybe they’re not hurt enough yet but at some point, they will be especially when unemployment is going up or when unemployment stays at high levels. Right. People want to know who is responsible for this or what system is responsible for this. And at that point, they will start to learn about bitcoin just some of them. OK but that is enough with every cycle. We have more people coming in. Some people choose for speculation but from 10000 speculators maybe 100 will stay for the fundamentals. OK. And one hundred more people in for the fundamentals who can teach about bitcoin. Who can tell people about bitcoin who can spread awareness about bitcoin about the true power of bitcoin? That is definitely another gain in this ecosystem. And so far this ecosystem this network has just been growing so I’m definitely on the positive side on the pro side. Bitcoin here and massive money flows are getting created right now and they are getting sucked up by bitcoin by precious metals by things that are limited by nature or by code by math. In the case of Bitcoin. All right and the last topic after they believe it or not but the rumors are going around that the bit next leverage trading platform after all those years is adding KYC know your customer. Not quite sure if this is really going to happen or not but this is something I’m always saying make sure guys that if you’re trading any way that you are diversified in leveraged trading platforms I personally recommend FedEx. They’re updating every single week currently. You can trade Bitcoin all coins also link is a very popular trading pair here and you can also trade gold. I mean not physical gold but gold derivatives which is quite interesting to trade gold on leverage. So if you guys are interested there is a video tutorial popping up by my site right now. There is a sign up blank referring Don blue with up to one hundred and twelve dollar bonus. Thank you guys very much for watching this episode once again. Don’t forget to hit the like and hopefully see all of you in the next one by.
The post NEVER SEEN!!! ENORMOUS CASH PUMP FOR BITCOIN!!! appeared first on Cryptosharks.net.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/enormous-cash-pump-for-bitcoin/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=never-seen-enormous-cash-pump-for-bitcoin
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/never-seen-enormous-cash-pump-for-bitcoin
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
The total package share comes to roughly six trillion dollars 2 trillion. Direct assistance. Roughly four trillion in federal reserve lending power again. It would be the largest mainstream financial package in the history of United States liquidity and cash for families small business individuals unemployed to keep this thing going. We’re headed for a rough period but it’s only going to be weeks we think weeks months not going to be years. That’s for sure and hopefully, pave the way for continued economic recovery. National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow says the coronavirus relief package will be six trillion U.S. dollars. That is six thousand billion U.S. dollars. The biggest cash pump ever in the history of mankind. That is and why this is a never seen cash pump for bitcoin. Yes, you heard that right. And never seen cash pump for bitcoin. In this episode. And also why the president of the United States of America Mr. Donald Trump wants to send everyone back to work by Easter despite the spread of the coronavirus. Some Bitcoin technical analysis on multiple time frames and why Bitcoin actually looks quite bullish short and mid-term. And last but not least bit Macs may be about to add KYC after all those years and why it is important to diversify your leverage trading platforms. All that and more in this episode. And now let’s jump right into it. And with that said hey what is going on everyone Sunny decree here and welcome back to another episode today. I have multiple goodies for you. Some of the footage I’m about to show you. You won’t believe what I said in there. You won’t believe the message that is coming across. First, off we’re going to start with a video of the FDIC the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and what this lady Elina McWilliams is telling you right now. Should immediately alert everything in your brain that you should probably be doing the exact opposite. They are telling you right now that you should not run to the bank and get out your cash. Why would they do that? Well, it’s kind of obvious they want to prevent a bank run. They are not liquid anymore. Just listen to this and tell me what you think of the words. For me personally and if I would be a U.S. citizen this would ring every bell right now. But let me know your opinion down below. We are living in unprecedented times at a time of a pandemic like this. It is way too easy to get confused and to have fear about what you should be doing with your money in your account especially as you’re looking at the volatility in the stock market and the financial sector. This is what I would like it to take away from this. Your money is safe at the banks. The last thing you should be doing is pulling your money out of the banks now thinking that it’s going to be safer someplace else. You don’t want to be walking around with large wads of cash and you certainly don’t want to be hoarding cash in your mattress. It didn’t pan out well for so many people. And I will tell you this. No depositor has lost a penny of their insured deposits since 1933 when the FDIC was created. So if you’re talking about having your money in a safe place please keep it in an FDIC insured. Please keep your money in an FDIC insured bank. Since 1933 nothing was lost and everything insured. But hey wait a second. If we plot the US dollar to the purchasing power of the US dollar real quick since 1933 back in 1933 when we started at 100 dollar that it has currently a purchasing power of five point three dollars. So since 1933 no dollar was lost. It has only lost approximately ninety-five percent of its purchasing power. What a joke to actually stand in front of the camera and just say Hey guys your money is safe. Okay, first of all, it’s not safe because all the cash does not even exist. If people would start a bank run this would collapse the whole system immediately. And these are the measurements they are doing right now. The world is at a place right now where a lady from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has to upload something on Twitter. They have to tweet this out to tell people please don’t start a bank run. This is where we are right now. But now let’s move on because it’s actually getting better or worse. However, you want to see it. Despite the relief package of approximately 6 trillion U.S. dollars and once again that is six thousand billion U.S. dollars. That number is absolutely massive. That’s an enormous number. And how that number is inflating the current money supply. Well, you can guess right and most probably this is not over yet because what I’ve seen yesterday on the Twitter account of the president of the United States Donald Trump that shocked me completely despite the coronavirus which is still spreading and it’s spreading faster and faster and some countries they’re just not testing anymore. That’s the reason why it looks like that the new cases are actually going back or that the curve is flattening out. As you can see on this chart. But we can not take this chart for granted because once again some countries are not testing anymore or not properly testing. But what we know for sure is no. The exponential growth here in the spread of the coronavirus has not stop yet but despite that many many politicians in the United States are now talking about reopening the economy putting people back to work. How can this actually be a reality right now. I don’t get it do you literally want to send your people to death or what exactly is going on. Listen to this governor what he has to say and once again this is just another mind-blowing video right now. I can’t say differently. Let’s get back to work. Let’s get back to living. Let’s be smart about it. And those of us who are 70 plus we’ll take care of ourselves but don’t sacrifice the country. Don’t do that. Don’t ruin it. You’re right. You’re basically saying that this disease could take your life but that’s not the scariest thing to you. There’s something that would be worse than dying. Yeah. So basically there’s Governor Dan Patrick is saying people should rather die elderly people should rather die instead of the economy dying or instead of the economy slowing down. Well basically saying that the whole system will be collapsing and we’re not going back to work. And that is exactly what the politicians see right now. That is what they’re scared off the six trillion dollar package is not going to be enough. There is going to be hyperinflation if they keep printing money like that because this is a downward spiral what’s going to happen is that people will not spend their money anymore. They won’t give each other credit because they don’t trust each other anymore. Then the velocity is going down. And the only thing the Federal Reserve can do is keep printing money. OK. An economy has never been saved ever by printing money. So, therefore, I understand the approach that people have to go back to work. Otherwise, it is collapsing. But this is irresponsible in my opinion. Or do you guys think out there that we can just sacrifice the elderly to save the economy? I’m not quite sure about that. I want to stay neutral but yeah I mean this is really hard to hear actually. Also, concede change in direction on Mr. Donald Trump’s Twitter in here. Our people want to return to work. I’m not quite sure what people they will practice social distancing and all else. And seniors will be watched over protectively and lovingly. We can do two things together. The Cure cannot be worse by far than the problem. Congress must act now. We will come back strong. Congress must approve the deal without all the nonsense today. The longer it takes the hard will be to start up our economy. Our workers will be hurt and that all is happening after India just went on a complete lockdown yesterday. And I think one day before the UK went on a full lockdown so the whole world is locking down the whole world is on full social distancing. So the virus is not spreading as fast as it is because all the hospitals are completely over exhausted and Mr. Donald Trump and some politicians in the United States are already talking about going back to work in approximately three weeks from now. I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. Do we really have to save the U.S. economy by any means by all costs no matter what it takes sacrifice people? I have no idea, guys. But you can let me know your opinion down below in the comments section. Now before we’re going to start with the technical analysis part of this video as far as the price of bitcoin is concerned I’d like to ask you for a like if you enjoyed this episode please make sure you hit that like it’s completely for free. It takes you one second so let’s see if we can move this video to 3000 like that will be very much appreciated. All right. Now let’s talk about the price of bitcoin. On the one hour chart, there is absolutely no doubt. And also on the four-hour chart where we are right now so in lower timeframes, there is absolutely no doubt that the price of bitcoin bounced and is still holding approximately 70 percent of its local low of approximately three thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars. So the price of bitcoin since that flash crash is performing quite well especially if you compare it to other assets here. Gold, for example, is also performing very well. Right now people maybe start to flee into those safe-haven assets right now and maybe what we always dreamed off as far as Bitcoin concerned is finally coming true. We will see. We need more time to actually analyze this gold pumped back approximately 10 percent actually more than 10 percent. But don’t get misled. Also the futures market or the S&P 500, in general, bounced back quite strong actually more than 10 percent. So some people are talking about the strongest recoveries for stocks but after that massive drop in here from top to bottom of more than 35 percent. Those bounce backs. Well, I’m not quite sure for how long they’re going to hold because think about it that way. What if the United States are sending people back to work and then everyone is getting sick. What we have right now is an artificial lockdown of the economy an artificial slowdown of the economy because we’re holding people back at home so they’re not getting infected. But what if we send out people again everyone goes to work and then they really gonna get sick. So then we do not really have an artificial slowdown of the economy then we would have. A fundamental slowdown of the economy because sick people they cannot work. Now what do you think is worse an artificial slowdown of the economy or a fundamental slowdown off the economy. And I personally believe whatever happens this is not going to end well. The signs are absolutely clear and you should definitely be well-diversified right now. I personally recommend as safe-haven assets precious metals and also Bitcoin the digital gold and also the physical gold. That is my personal hedge because right now maybe it looks like that cash is decent. Cash is king right. But at some point when they keep printing. And once again just another six trillion U.S. dollar package as they already announced hyperinflation will happen. And those 100 trillion U.S. dollar bills from some above. Well, maybe we’re going to see that for real U.S. dollar soon. This is not going to end well guys. And you have to react and you have to be prepared for the bitcoin daily chart we see kind of the same the price of bitcoin still getting closer and closer to the 200 daily moving average. We’re not there yet but we’re slowly approaching it. Here still the bounce. Looks quite nice. We are consolidating all the time. More bullish than the last consolidation. So this is absolutely great. On the weekly charts still above 200 weekly moving average. Nothing changed in here but it looks like that we’re quite strange going up actually. So this looks quite good in on the monthly chart in here. The upcoming whole thing. Well I mean this looks not all too bad. And once again the U.S. dollar is inflating like crazy right now but for Bitcoin, the whole thing is coming up in approximately 50 days right. Not too far away anymore where the inflation of bitcoin is getting cut in half. What do you think if people around the globe are starting to get interested into what’s going on right now? Maybe they’re not hurt enough yet but at some point, they will be especially when unemployment is going up or when unemployment stays at high levels. Right. People want to know who is responsible for this or what system is responsible for this. And at that point, they will start to learn about bitcoin just some of them. OK but that is enough with every cycle. We have more people coming in. Some people choose for speculation but from 10000 speculators maybe 100 will stay for the fundamentals. OK. And one hundred more people in for the fundamentals who can teach about bitcoin. Who can tell people about bitcoin who can spread awareness about bitcoin about the true power of bitcoin? That is definitely another gain in this ecosystem. And so far this ecosystem this network has just been growing so I’m definitely on the positive side on the pro side. Bitcoin here and massive money flows are getting created right now and they are getting sucked up by bitcoin by precious metals by things that are limited by nature or by code by math. In the case of Bitcoin. All right and the last topic after they believe it or not but the rumors are going around that the bit next leverage trading platform after all those years is adding KYC know your customer. Not quite sure if this is really going to happen or not but this is something I’m always saying make sure guys that if you’re trading any way that you are diversified in leveraged trading platforms I personally recommend FedEx. They’re updating every single week currently. You can trade Bitcoin all coins also link is a very popular trading pair here and you can also trade gold. I mean not physical gold but gold derivatives which is quite interesting to trade gold on leverage. So if you guys are interested there is a video tutorial popping up by my site right now. There is a sign up blank referring Don blue with up to one hundred and twelve dollar bonus. Thank you guys very much for watching this episode once again. Don’t forget to hit the like and hopefully see all of you in the next one by.
The post NEVER SEEN!!! ENORMOUS CASH PUMP FOR BITCOIN!!! appeared first on Cryptosharks.net.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/enormous-cash-pump-for-bitcoin/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=never-seen-enormous-cash-pump-for-bitcoin source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/03/never-seen-enormous-cash-pump-for.html
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