#finally//beautiful stranger because we did sing in the street together and we just had Discussions that reassured me so much
drivemysoul · 6 months
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is it bad if i listen to this any time i see her
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peeterparkr · 3 years
perennial;tom holland|eighteen.
chapter eighteen: yellow pansy ↳ flower meanings:  thinking of you.
chapter summary: you left a journal in his top drawer. pairing: tom holland x y/n warnings: haha you’re going to HATE ME word count: 11.5K
previous chapter next chapter   perennial masterlist.
perfidy  ( series masterlist)
it took me ages write this, my writersblock was awful BUT IT’S HERE ! We are missing one more chapter but here it is! I hope you don’t hate me as much as I think you will, I split the ending in two chapters because it was LONG, so expect the final chapter in these days
Please help me out reblogging tags havent been working for me and I know this will flop but I’m really happy I got back into writing
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You kept a journal. With flowers printed on them. Each and every single one was given by him. You had recently remembered it, wondering where in your room it could be. Hidden behind some other lost forgotten memories or some other unforgettable mysteries. You wondered if the flowers had kept their color. Most of them hadn’t.
“Well, here goes to the happily ever after,” you said as you smiled, even when the notebook was still roaming your mind.
Tim offered a gentle smile, watching carefully, as the white dress fell down.
When it comes to love stories, happy endings are what we wish for. Life, unfortunately, isn’t like that. But often we are bombarded with stories that are just too good to be true, enough for us to believe this. With them down the sunset on a white horse. With prince charming being charming enough.
With Mister Darcy as the sun is rising telling Elizabeth “You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.”
With Donna and Sam getting married, and a bunch of friends singing Abba songs.
With Noah and Ally peacefully drifting off, hand in hand.
With Baby and Johnny Castle dancing together.
Characters that are but a reflection of our deepest dreams. Ones that are kept secret and shut for the world. With stories that make us believe we are happy.
It’s fine to shield in. But it’s no good to dwell on them.
We often don’t get what we wish for when we shield in a dream.
You wondered, what about Valerie and William?
Or… Tom and Y/n?
Your own story was supposed to be kept a secret, yet it ended up being a script and then a movie that would be seen by thousands. Your story transformed into a story people could shield on. A story that had been merely sentiments, then words and a very bad misunderstanding and… then a film.
Seeing yourself on someone else might have been what helped you understand it. Transforming your story into characters and trying to portray a love story that was born out of hatred… had probably been the first mistake.
If we can say it was ever a mistake. How big of a mistake can it be when it brings you so much joy?
Your luck hadn’t been enough for your own faith. But you always wondered, what happens after the happily ever after? Is it truly the outcome? When two souls find each other? Isn’t it only the beginning?
Valerie and William hadn’t had it.
The story ended with Valerie and Robbie getting together, it fit. That’s how the story had been driven. Tom and you had discussed it over and over, the story was written for Valerie to end up with Robbie.
“This is a story, y/n, it’s not us.” He had assured you. “We need to disconnect from it.”
And it wasn’t. It wasn’t you. But how much had those characters stolen from you?
How disappointing, but you made the decision along with them.
It had been painful to relive some things, and the changes to the script had been made to soothe the pain.
But they had a happily ever after. Separate ways.
Who would’ve thought you’d be so right?
Films and stories often end when marriage comes, or when the couple finally gets together, the happily ever after. You barely believed it was the ending.
Because the real journey began with it. Doesn’t it? Isn't the true adventure when they find each other?
When something goes wrong, though, it means the journey isn’t over. The happily ever after is the ending isn’t it? Isn’t the story over until after they’re happily ever after?
Love, though it might be one of the most precious things, often comes with a heartbreak. A tragedy. It didn't hurt this time, though.
But love, when it’s real, doesn’t seem like a loss even if it ends. Because, isn’t it the ending when they finally are together? If we follow that rule, that the ending is when they’re together then it wasn’t the ending.
Or was it?
You couldn’t help but wonder, however…What if you lived a lie? Just a fairy tale that wasn’t supposed to have a happily ever after.
Though the script was far from reality, you felt like your own story was twisted. Why weren’t you in your ‘happily ever after’?
Maybe the side story was yours. Because you were not the princess about to walk into the sunset.
“I really love the dress,” Tim commented.
You did too, but it had you wondering about happily ever after?
What happens to them after the credit rolls? What happens to the characters when the last page ends? Are those characters strong enough to keep together? Are their stories just dried out? Like flowers. Easily forgotten in a journal hidden in your room.
A bouquet that once served as a beautiful symbol now was scattered on top of the shelf, as a few petals fell down.
Flowers dry out.
“Yes, magnificent,” you answered.
The dress made you remember the day you thought it would last forever. That Tom and you would have that ever after. That it wouldn’t dry out.
Tom had only looked up at you, sitting finally on a director chair and he had smiled. Gently. Caring.
And that thought came to your mind. “I hope this lasts forever.”
And for a moment you thought it could. Maybe it was the endless smiles or the constant yellow flowers adorning your room that would end up on your journal.
But nothing ever does last forever. Not the good things. Not pancakes, or ice cream, or street hot dogs. Moments don’t last forever, that’s why you have to grasp to them.
And there was a point at which you knew, you knew it wouldn’t last forever. Because the film continues.
However, you liked to think that love was like a flower. One that grows. Not one that is cut to be given. A perennial one. One that blooms, and continues to bloom when it’s taken care of. But perennial flowers don’t bloom all the time.
A flower can’t bloom for eternity. And a cut flower will not preserve.
In stories and films, we know detail by detail. From the very first word, to the last breath. But when it comes to your own, you often forget what is important. We barely stop to see, and suddenly, life escapes from your hands and you’re stuck in a moment and you can’t get out.
Before you know it, all you’re left with is a script and a movie you can’t bear to watch because it brings too many memories. But good ones, that is. Mostly good.
Before you know it, you have a box with his stuff, and you’re texting to see when you have to drop them off. And before you know it, he is standing there, and you’re hoping he will beg for one last time because you will give it, but he never does, and stays quiet. Too quiet.
Not every love is perennial. Not every love is meant to bloom again.
Perennial flowers, when they bloom, are the most wonderful. But when they’re away, the skies are gray.
But somehow, we go through it. At least you tried to.
The ‘what if’ comes as something complicated. No pillow talks would’ve helped your case, it seemed like any smiles were now hidden under the bed.
It’s needless to say and regard the multiple emotions that had gone by in the relationship, that week it started or that month it finished. That year, if we are honest. That whole year of your relationship. And you had to look back at it. For it all started in a breakup, that had opened the door to be with the love of your life. It all started with a revenge.
It was weird to see it. How a year before you dated Tom, you would have gone with Tim. How you had expected it, how you thought Tim was the endgame. How that year Harry had asked if you would marry Tim and you’d answered that maybe you would.
How at some point you had considered it again. How you even considered Harry. But Tim.
Had Tim waited for a little bit longer, maybe things would’ve turned out quite different. You were thankful he hadn’t. Tim and you were a lesson to each other. Tim had shown you you can be loved and you had shown Tim he can love. Tim and you were fine now, he had found a girl. Lily. Her name was Lily. Purity. Rebirth.
Because, although it had seemed that Tim had died a little with your last conversation before officially letting him go, he had seen himself shine again. How surprising, her name was Lily. Such a coincidence.
Lily, a girl that could easily be passed by. Yet Tim had stopped to see her.
Tim and you would never share what you both said in that conversation. The last flower he had given you was a daisy. A secret between two friends.
Cherry and you went back to what you were before, strangers to each other. But she’d found a girl, by luck. Heather. She was happy now. Happiest.
A year had gone by. Many things had changed. Mostly you, and though you would look back to your past self and warn her that another heartbreak by Tom would be coming, you wouldn’t change it.
A breakup had opened many doors.
Maybe this one would too.
It was bound to come. How on earth were you supposed to grow flowers on a battlefield? But you’d built it together.
And you had. And everything was good, with sunsets and polaroids, and flowers. And fights that would cycle and cyle. But end up cuddling watching reruns of an old 80’s tv show that you barely watched because you were too busy staring into his eyes.
With old fights that would resurface and other secrets that kept chasing you both. But it was good, when you were trying to get the garden back into place, to try and forget the battlefield. Loving him had come so easily, though. Waking up by his side was taken for granted.
You had thought loving him would be a buzzing street, with crowds bustling as the rain is about to begin. You thought loving him would be a Friday night waiting for someone to show up but never did.
You were wrong.
Loving him was walking through a flower field, and taking a Polaroid of the most beautiful sunset. Loving him meant holding his hand and kissing over and over again.
But loving him meant that the sun eventually would set.
And maybe the heartbreak that had come with this one hadn’t been an actual heartbreak and maybe that’s why it hurt. Because it didn’t.
Maybe you’d forged a heartbreak or a relationship. Maybe that had been it, conning yourselves into believing you were fine when you were far from it.
Looking back maybe it was because of Rome, New York, and eventually LA. Cities that you once said you wouldn’t dare to go back to. But now you are willing to visit. Happily, it’s better to walk in a city full of memories rather than one pointless illusion of the memories you could’ve had.
He had gone to New York, and still took his Polaroid everywhere. A habit you loved about him, it seemed he became an expert on holding onto memories.
The breakup had come after James’ wedding. Lovely wedding, by the way. Fairytale full of wonder. A year ago, shortly after the film had premiered, a year after it finished filming.
It was supposed to come. Because when your own brother was finding his way, you had lost yours.
But what happened? When did life slip in? When did it start ending?
Before you knew it, you had packed your stuff without you being aware of it. You had packed everything up, except your own heart. You left your heart right there, right next to that stupid journal, in his upper drawer, right next to his bed. Had he opened that drawer ever since or had he forgotten about it?
There was your journal, not in your room. In his. And he hadn’t given it back.That’s why you felt lost. Your heart was imprinted there and he hadn’t given it back.
But you had packed everything else, with him not even trying to stop you. Just watching you circle around.
Was it fear? Maybe it had been fear, from both. You supposed that’s how life was. Loving was not a duty.
You only had one request for him, one last request: “Remember me, I was the one to love you, and I was the one to call in the middle of the night when you couldn’t sleep. Just remember me when we’re no longer here.”
Because it hadn’t been your fault, your life just slipped in. Distance. No time for calls. Your job getting too much recognition, his job getting even more. Fights that were only to push each other away so it wouldn’t hurt when you both were away. Maybe being enemies had come useful when it was supposed to end.
Fight, and more fights in the end. Yet you were gripping each other. And life had just slipped in. Like it always does.
And it wasn’t him. And it wasn’t you.
“Tell me you actually want it to end,” he had asked when you had the final box.
You didn’t. But there wasn’t much you could do, expect walk out the doors.
Or was there? But even if it was a breakup, you both agreed to remain friends, and then it transformed into little excuses to see each other.
Because it didn’t end up badly. It had been life slipping in. With barely having any time for something that needed too much time to build on.
Filming initially had helped you, how beautiful it was creating it, what a beautiful outcome it had been out of your heartbreak. With music, and fights and everything that was splendid.
Maybe the film wasn’t a huge success, but it had been enough for you both to try and mend it after.
But when filming had ended and you had to go back, that’s when the problems started. His job, your new one. Him there, you here. When you were together, it was amazing, worth it. But then you barely could. And you could barely grip each other.
Then you were too different. Then you were just the same, so stubborn and stupid.
Then it was old arguments, and new ones.
When was it gone? Had he stopped loving you?
He had asked you, near the end. “Do you still love me? Are we still enough?”
“I do love you.” But you hadn’t answered the second question. And what was it? Why wasn’t it? “Why wouldn’t we?” you had questioned.
“Dunno, it’s delicate.”
It was.
Maybe it had been James’ words for Clark. About how love shouldn’t be forced, how love should be simple and love shouldn’t be hurt. About how they built it together. How it wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t complicated.
And then Clark had said it, too. How he loved being with someone that he enjoyed silence with. How love was more than passion. How love was more than a kiss. Seeing how simple it had been for them, was a bit disappointing for you both. Your relationship was anything but simple.
And it wasn't now because you didn’t trust each other, or because you wanted to fight. No, it simply was life telling you, you shouldn’t be together. And maybe it was also the fact that you both thought you worked because you had never experienced silence together. Always a wreck. Always a mess. Always so passionate. But… was it only that? Maybe it was the passion of the moment.
You knew Tom still played the conversation with Tim over and over in his head. How by the end he said he felt guilty by it all.
You too, you were both driven by guilt and guilt eventually snaps you.
So it ended.
“Is it too soon to end this?” You had asked him.
Tom had shrugged. “Would you rather it be late?”
But that didn’t mean you… had to stop seeing each other. Or did it? So you based your new relationship on excuses. And the excuses had grown. ‘I need to give you this hoodie’, ‘I forgot my charger at your place’ ‘I need someone to drive me to do errands’, ‘I need help running lines’, ‘I need a date for this party.’
And then they didn’t even make sense. ‘I can’t open a jar’ ‘I can’t watch this movie alone’ ‘I need to rant about the ending of this series’ ‘I sneezed and no one blessed me’. Stupid things. And then it was the truth ‘I need to listen to your voice’. ‘I miss you’. ‘I want to see you’.
But it was only seeing each other, with no… relationship. No kissing, no anything. Only excuses. A… friendship.
True friendship, for the first time ever. And you could talk for hours with him until the sun came out, and you could laugh with him.
Maybe it hurt that it wasn’t more, but maybe it was never meant to be like that. But you were in a good place. In the best place you had been. The strongest you had both been, too. How civil you were with clothes on. And how many times had you stopped your will to undress him.
Your lips searched for his but they never got what they wanted, your hands hurt from keeping them to yourself, and your heart would only ache a bit.
From both sides.
Seemed that both of you knew what you had to build up on. And maybe you both knew the risk that would come if you were willing to give it a try without having something to settle on.
Maybe that’s why it didn’t hurt. Because it would bloom again, right? Maybe you were preparing the dirt to plant it in. Not loose flowers now. Have seeds.
Or that’s the idea you built yourself into. Because honestly. Had you ever been more than enemies with benefits?
But now, you were friends. Good friends. Maybe you were in love with him, and grown fonder of him now. Really, really in love. But friends. Friends who stared a little bit too much into each other’s eyes, or friends who would easily recognize each other’s laughter. Friends who would have their feet up the headboard and talk about life. Friends who instinctively would give the other a bite of their food or offer a sip of their drink.
Friends who would take a deep breath each time the other walked into the room, and friends who avoided getting too close that it would be mistaken for something else. Secret moments. Standing on the other sides of the room, turning your head away each time your eyes met.
Maybe you didn’t get the happy ending you wished for, or not the one you had expected to.
But you were happy. And it had ended. Those things were unrelated.
But a lot had changed.
Ay first, you had to fight the urge to undress him. Now you had to fight the urge to stare too long into his smile.
Really, a lot had changed.
Tom had started dating someone else, you didn’t know how long that lasted. You had pretended not to care, although you did.
You went out on dates, too. Didn’t inform him, either. Not explicitly. Though he did know.
Because you were friends. That was the happy ending you deserved.
A lot had changed.
And you were currently helping a bride tie that bow in her dress as she stared at her reflection. Her hair hung to her shoulders and half of it was tied with perfect braids. She was finally having her happy ending.
“Are you ready for the veil?” Timmy asked, as he watched the reflection of the bride.
“Can you give me a bloody second, Timothée?” Emma snapped with her usual tone. “I’m fucking busy right now, the veil can wait, don’t be a dick.”
You only held your laughter eyeing Tim. Tim and you had stopped looking at each other like you felt guilty for a while now. Tom’s jealousy had not exactly been driven away, you guessed it never would go.
But surprisingly enough, they became...friends. Or they could stand each other now after James had talked to both of them.
James and the married life that seemed to suit him. His wedding had been very small, but charming nonetheless. You wondered if you would’ve had something like that, very personal.
Quite a different story from Emma and Harry now. Whose love had conquered. And they had had a rough patch but how difficult can it be when you find your soulmate?
Maybe Harry and Emma had Tom and you doubting too. Tom and you had seen several times that you were not meant to be. Your coincidences in life had not been so, rarely coincidences but the both of you fighting for something. Too stubborn to admit that life was getting in the way.
Tom and you had all the odds in your favor and the ones to fuck it up were you both.
While Harry and Emma always had everything against them and they managed to work it out.
Who’re the soulmates here?
“What a lovely thing the blushing bride is, eh?” Tim rolled his eyes.
Emma had been… quite the bride. Everything had to be perfect, which was not likely for Emma to be that way. But she did say it, since she was marrying the love of her life it had to be big enough. In a rustic hotel, full of books and vintage furniture. A very cottage-like wedding. Very Emma and Harry. Unique.
It was perfect.
It had to, honestly. After the crossroads… everything had changed for them.
How Emma and Harry got back together was no mystery, Harry had been brave enough to go for her. When two souls are meant to be even the rockiest path will be easy to travel by.
It was the opposite of what you and Tom used to have. Emma and Harry had all the friendship, relationship settled, they just missed… the passion.
And so when they found each other, and were like two horny teenagers running around, it became...so effortless. Because they had something built upon.
As if life was rewarding them for their patience. For the love they shared. For each and every smile.
Both wild flowers, Often disregarded, had found each other, and created the most beautiful bouquet.
You only chuckled at Tim’s remark. “Splendid bride.”
While you and Tom had never been friends. Only too driven by the other, and passion and… when it ended? What were you? Were you merely nightly romance?
Tim groaned. “Emma—“he raised the veil. “I’m not trying to—I just think you should be wearing this already.”
“Shut up,” Emma granted. “I will but right now I’m—“
“Staring at your reflection?” Tim challenged. Because Emma was actually just doing that. Staring at the perfect dress she was wearing. Shining brightly like a diamond against the sun, her skin perfectly sparkled.
Emma looked for your glance in the mirror,”y/n, love.”
“As my maid of honor, what are you willing to do?”
You offered her a grin, “Anything.”
Emma stared into your eyes. “Kill Timothée.”
You chuckled, “Almost anything, you should’ve asked earlier. I don’t want to get blood in my dress.”
Tim was surprised by your words. “So you would’ve?”
“Possibly, I don’t want to encounter a bridezilla Emma.”
Timmy threw his hands in the air. “I just want to help.”
“Well, don’t,” Emma and you said at the same time.
“I’m going to check on the guys, I am one hundredth percent sure they’re still in their pj’s drinking beer,” You commented.
The hotel room for the boy’s was only a floor below. It was everything Harry and Emma had probably wished for. An outdoor wedding that was planned to the very perfection. Very fairytale like. Lights hanging from trees, flower petals covering the aisle, daisies as the centerpieces, and daisies in Emma’s hands. Emma’s dream had always been an outdoor wedding.
When speaking with Emma and Harry both had stated that they made the decision not to give up. Always leaving you to wonder.
There was a part of you that was blinded by desirous thoughts. Had it been a mistake? To conclude a relationship that you had fought so long for?
Lately it had been.
You made your way to the elevator and as it opened you found a familiar face. He seemed uneasy, though.
“Y/N!” His voice was only a confirmation to his precarious state.
Your cheeks furrowed as you smiled, “Clark, hi!”
“Y/N,” he greeted you with a hug, a very nervous hug. as you stepped into the elevator. “Fuck, you look stunning. Loving the flowers on the hair.”
The dress was absolutely stunning, you had to give in that Emma’s taste was remarkable. Sky blue had been her color choice, to match with the flowers. Daisies and hydrangeas. Innocence and beauty.
It was ironic, a bit. You’d helped her with the flowers, and initially she had like sunflowers. As if it had been sntached from you. Maybe it was destiny laughing in your face. Yet she’d gone for the delicate hydrangeas.
“Thanks, Emma’s idea,” you grinned. “Where are you—“
“Oh eh, with the other boys,” he said as you pressed the button. He was shaking.
“So, what’s got you all flustered?” You questioned.
You could see Clark sweating. “Hm?”
“What’s got you all flustered?” You questioned, again.
He didn’t give you an answer. “Clark?”
Clark bit his lip. It was never usual for Clark to be anxious or to hide thoughts for himself. The man was always certain of his thoughts and actions. There was probably a calamity waiting for you.
“I—I am only the messenger,” he said, “I was actually looking for—Tim but—“
There it was. “But?”
“I think you might be of more help,” Clark admitted.
“Clark?” Your brows furrowed as the elevator door opened. He only offered a nervous smile as he licked his lips.
You saw Tom at the end of the hallway, on a call, shirt buttoned half way, his other hand running through his hair, he looked troubled. You were hoping his eyes would meet yours. Ever since the wedding was approaching he had been inattentive. Maybe the wedding hurt as much. It had been so hard for him to switch from lovers to friends. Did he ever stop and wonder if you guys could’ve had one? Did Tom also hindered with painful thoughts of how everything had so carelessly ended?
Lately it was all you had in your mind, how you felt ready. Or maybe it was the pressure that the wedding was giving you. And just as you started getting closer, Tom had backed away without a warning.
James was just getting out of the room, mid hallway. Your brother seemed to be as stressed. The tie around his neck barely covering it, his hair was scrunched. James’ eyes crossed with yours and then went straight to his husband’s.
“You brought y/n?” James pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ah, fuck it,” he looked at his watch. “Yes, you might be more helpful,” James said as he gestured with his hand to come over.
There was clearly something going on. You eyed Tom, who still was not aware you were there.
“I—Sam, no, no, I’ll—I can’t stay here, fuck I have his phone here—“You heard him say before James had dragged you into the room.
You approached your brother. “What is going on?”
“We—couldn’t find Harry’s tie,” James explained.
A tie? This was all of it? This whole catastrophe was for a tie?
“Can't any of you give him yours?” You frowned. It was no surprise that they hadn’t come up with a solution to such a simple problem, you could not expect less from men.
James rolled his eyes. “So he went to search for it about an hour ago but he fucking left his phone here and—“
Then you understood what was going on. “Where’s Harry?” You closed your eyes.
James gulped. “That’s—the thing.”
“Where is Harry?” You questioned, again.
Clark cleared his throat. “We don’t—know.”
Oh, so you were fucked. “Whose stupid idea was—?”
“Well, Dad told me he left home about 40 minutes ago and he didn’t see him at home, Sam hasn’t found him—Their fucking twin telepathy thing is broken, I guess—“Tom had walked in staring at his phone, loudly explaining his previous conversation. “Oh—hi, y/n.”
“Hi.” It was rutinary, for both of you. To just—stop when the other walked into a room. You blushed. Only noticing until then how handsome he looked. Seemed you hadn’t realized how badly you wanted him. In the most innocent way, in the way that you only wanted to offer him your heart. In the way that you only wanted the sole confirmation that he still loved you. In the way you wanted to be the reason for his smile.
You wanted to ask him, if it was okay he was still on your mind. Was it wrong? Would he be chill with him visiting your dreams?
Because that had been the hardest part of it all. At some point you had both decided you needed to move on… Because both of you at the beginning were trying to get back together and after a long conversation that almost led to one kiss, you both decided it wasn’t appropriate. So pretending you didn’t love each other was the way you’d keep him, for whatever it was worth.
Tom had said it once, hadn’t he? How everytime you both stated your feelings… it hurt. So now that you weren’t stating them, you were supposed to not hurt. Why did it, then?
“You look—stunning,” he eyed you up and down, and licked his lips, “I—I’m sorry I didn’t-uh-call this morning-I was—“
“You look pretty, too,” you interrupted. Knowing that the missed call would be a subject for James’ interest. The short story was—you had probably had a few more drinks than you should’ve with him at the hotel bar with Clark and James and Tom had walked you to your room, only walking, not even a kiss on the cheek as much as you had wanted it, but he had promised to call in the morning after you had claimed he had been ignoring you. He hadn’t called.
And was aware of it, which meant he hadn’t forgotten. It meant he had avoided you, again.
It had seemed that from one morning to another Tom had decided that the word friends meant strangers.
Maybe he wouldn’t pay a visit to your dreams.
He reached for your hair, “I like the flowers—”
“Can you both leave your ‘in love but not together’ bullshit for later?” James snapped you both out of the trance. “The wedding is in two hours and the fucking groom is no where in sight.”
Both Tom and you turned to him, travelling back to reality. “Well it’s not my fault! Who—sent him? Why didn’t you guys offer to go for the stupid tie?” You snapped back at your brother.
Tom looked away.
Of course. You watched him. “Tom? How do you plead?”
“Guilty,” he admitted.
You took a deep breath. This was definitely not the scenario you wanted to find yourself in. Had… Harry escaped? It was… not likely to escape but then again, you’d learned not to expect anything.
It was reason enough to worry.
“I wouldn’t jump to conclusions,” Tom said.
James sighed. “He took my car and—“
“You gave him your car to escape—!” You snapped. “Your car always stops working!”
“No,to go for his tie, not to escape,” Tom snapped his fingers with a smile defending your brother. “We-”
“Thomas oh my god, I am not even- All of you, you all thought it was a good idea?” You were furious now. Whose stupid idea was it to-Of course it had been Tom’s. You were going to jump to conclusions. “To send the groom when any of you could have gone-?”
You didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
You really didn’t, however it was ineluctable. Not because Harry didn’t love Emma, but because Harry was… scared. You didn’t blame him. True love comes barely once in a thousand lifetimes and when we finally get to it, it might be too much for us to handle. However after your conversations with Harry this cataclystic outcome had not been foreseen.
“My dad is around the hotel trying to find him,” Tom quickly answered.
You took a deep breath. You perfectly knew Harry.
Harry and you were close as you had once been, in a way, Harry and you were well apprised of the other. Harry was reasonable enough not to leave his wedding.
“He offered to go,” James explained.
Harry wouldn’t have offered that unless he needed to go away. And you only needed one confirmation, there was no way Harry would’ve forgotten his tie. Harry would’ve never forgotten it, unless it had been self sabotaged.
You were conveyed to the drawers, opened each one carefully, fearing you’d find it, and your gut had been right. there it was. The tie in all of its splendor. “And you let him go?” You asked, taking the tie and swinging it to them. “To search for this tie?”
“Yes,” James closed his eyes. “Fuck. We should’ve known.”
Your eyes crossed with Tom’s and then you then realized it, Tom seemed calm. Tom wasn’t freaking out. Not externally. You weren’t sure if he really wasn’t or if it was the usual wall you both build around the other. Incomprehensible it seemed now. Always keeping it cool, So many things you’ve lived and you had let them go oh so easily?
But you were flawed. You had been. But not now, what was stopping you both? Wasn’t he still the one holding your broken heart in the palm of his hand? Had he not borrowed it?
You were still trying to hold his.
But your mind shouldn’t be worried about your relationship with Tom when the groom was nowhere to be found. When he had lied that he lost his tie and it was right in that drawer.
Yet, you somehow knew there was something… Something there.
“He was supposed to go home then?” You questioned Tom.
Tom was getting anxious by the second. “Yes, so we can go look for him.”
“The two of you?” James interrupted.
“Yes the two of us, we could split and look for him but...” Tom said. “Someone has to stay here.”
James was slightly annoyed, you could tell. But James was often annoyed at you and Tom. James had been the most disappointed about the resulting relationship. Honestly, everybody was disappointed. Had you been cowards for giving up?
So much drama and for what?
“Of course you’d think splitting up is a good idea,” James snapped with poison. James was annoyed because he always pointed it out to you, how much you’d fought to have him and how easily you’d walked out.
Walking out had not been easy. Walking out had to be the most painful decision you’ve ever made. And you remembered that night you had, the city was asleep, the night was quiet, and you were the only one standing on that street, under that streetlight. Alone. He hadn’t gone to you. You’d looked back to his window, expecting him to be there, and then the door had remained closed.
You cleared your throat. “I might know where Harry is,” you lied. You were at a loss of your mind at the moment. Maybe it was shock. Not maybe, it certainly was shock. The sole thought of Harry not appearing at his own wedding had not ever crossed your mind. You’d thought Emma would’ve. Would’ve been in character, but how stupid do you have to be to run from your wedding on your wedding day?
Tom directed a glance. “I think I might know where he is, too.”
Did he? Or was he only trying to prove a point?
Though the friendship was afloat, some habits could never wear out. Especially when it came to challenging the other. After the breakup it had become a sort of competition of who was dealing better with it.
Neither of you were coping well, but you wouldn’t admit it.
How disappointing, isn’t it? A whole story to end just in a few words. A whole journey to be plucked off your hands. So quickly, so easily.
How ironic it seemed that after such a long time, it was this breaking up bullshit.
James watched between the both of you. “Do you really?”
“Yes,” Tom and you answered and panicked at the other’s statement.
“Well, I’ll race you there,” you challenged.
Tom squinted, “I don’t have my car, dad gave me a ride.”
“Well, then, you should start running so I don’t beat you there,” you grinned and then walked off the room, decidingly. Only thing left was knowing where exactly Harry had run to.
“This isn’t a fucking game, y/n!” James reminded you. “We need to find Harry.”
“I know, Jamesy!”
Tom had rushed after you, “You have no idea where he is, do you?” He mumbled.
“Not a clue,” you admitted. “You?”
He laughed, “Not a fucking clue, either.”
You both got into the elevator. He dug his hands into his pockets.
“Do you think he escaped?” Tom questioned.
“It’s possible,” you admitted. You sighed, as you pressed the button to the upper floor.
“What are you doing?” Tom asked.
“I need my keys,” You said.
Tom’s eyes widened. “And are you telling Emma?” He was panicking.
“Of course!” You gave him the widest beam. “She’ll be delighted!”
You jokingly slapped his head. “Of course not, idiot! How the fuck am I supposed to tell her? What would I even tell her? Hey! We can’t find Harry! He might have run off! No!”
“Right. Then what’s the alibi?” Tom asked. “Just showing up and leaving?”
You sighed, “You, you will be my alibi.”
Tom blinked but followed after you when the elevator door finally left you at your floor, you rushed to the room, but stopped in front of it, buttoning Tom up. He watched you with confusion.
“I thought I was your alibi,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes, “Not that kind of alibi, dipshit.“
Helaughed, rolling his eyes and avoiding your gaze. “Yeah, it’s been a while since that could be the alibi.”
You decided to ignore the statement, “Now, when I walk in, if you hear Emma question me—just call me and try rushing me.”
“Alright, but I think we need a solid alibi, y/n,” Tom pushed.
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll take care of that,” you confirmed and opened the door where you were welcomed by Timmy, who was about to go out.
“Oh, hey,” Tim greeted and then eyed Tom. “Thomas.”
“Timothée,” Tom nodded his head.
Even when they both presumed to be friends, you knew that Tim and Tom would always have some sort of… disagreement.
“Uh, I was about to… go see Lily,” Tim explained, turning back to you. “Mind staying with Emma-? Her mother is on one last minute arrangements, it might rain so they’re trying to figure out what to do-So if you could—“
“Actually,” you cleared your throat. “An emergency came up, so I need you to stay here, maybe tell Lily to come here?”
Tim frowned. “What emergency?”
“We’re taking care of it,” Tom explained as you rushed in looking for your purse. “We’ll be quick,” he added. “Nothing to worry about.”
“Y/N, babe, you’re back!” Emma commented.
You squinted your eyes closed, “And I’m leaving—sorry, I need to uh—It will be quick I promise there’s an issue with—there’s an emergency—“
Emma was nervous, “y/n? Everything okay? Did something happen to the flowers?”
You couldn’t lie to her, but you could omit the truth. “No, everything okay with the flowers—I promise I’ll be here quickly, I’m just going to—“
“Y/N, darling?” You heard Tom outside. “We need to go, now.”
Emma heard and then she was no longer going to question you. Not right now, at least. “Ah,” Emma said, knowingly as she rolled her eyes. “I see, Tom— an emergency with Tom.”
“I promise it’s not like that,” you assured her. “But everything is okay and— I’ll be here in time.”
“I am freaking out, do you see the sky? It’s grey! Fucking grey! I need to stop the rain!” Emma yelled. “What if it’s a bloody sign? Fuck, I need to talk to Harry, I need him-”
You freaked out by then. “No, Emma, calm down, it’ll be okay, we will figure something out!”
“Y/N! Please!” Tom called in again.
Emma watched you, “I swear to god, y/n, if your emergency is fucking that man I will murder you.” “Trust me, it’s not.”
Emma glared, “Y/N, I’ll only say it one more time. If you’re leaving my wedding to have sex with that hunk, I will kill you.”
You shook your head. “I’m… Trying to figure out what to do with the rain, okay? Leave this ro me! I’ll see you in a bit, Emma!” You ran back out.
You saw Tom’s mother walking down the hallway, she offered you a concerned look.
Tom seemed calm enough for Tim, however, who was watching him with curiosity. You were thankful that they avoided conversing with each other, especially because Tom would probably screw up the alibi. One that you didn’t have. But probably Tim had bought it, even if he had yet to hear what the alibi was. However, you knew that Tom’s presence was a solid alibi for rather than anything else.
Tom had been an alibi for your nerves. You knew that Tim wouldn’t question why you were nervous because he knew you were always nervous when Tom was around. You certainly looked flustered and having Tom there would definitely explain why you were jittery.
Tim raised his brows at you, and you only took Tom’s hand in an attempt to drag him back to the elevator. Tim was explicitly confused.
“Ah, Nikki! I’m so glad you’re here, Emma is finishing up, would you mind helping her?” Your voice was coming out slightly coarse.
The woman gulped, “are Tom and you taking care of the...rain issue?” She questioned.
“Yes, ma’,” Tom quickly nodded, “we will… find the rain.”
Some things never change, Tom was still an idiot. And for being an actor how terrible was he at lying.
“Find?” Tim questioned.
“Nothing to worry about, Tim darling,” Nikki stepped into the room, trying to push Timothee back inside, “they are taking care of it and they should go look at it, right now, chop chop!”
“See you in a bit, Tim!” You said as you ran to the elevator as Nikki closed the door, you finally were able to let go of Tom’s hand.
He cleared his throat as he pressed the button, “So what was the alibi?” Tom second glanced at you. “Why would we take care of the rain?”
“Because it got lost,” you shrugged. “Why else would we find it.”
He closed his eyes as you both walked into the elevator. “I’m an idiot.”
“Biggest one.”
He chuckled, “I—uh, heard Emma’s comment. About her thinking we were going to-”
You blushed, “Yeah.”
Big distance between both of you. Never ever close enough to accidentally brush against each other or hands coincidentally touching.
How different it was from the elevator in New York.
Tom cleared his throat. “Good to know where she stands in that subject.”
You shrugged, “I would also get mad if my best friend ditched me at my wedding to have sex with an idiot.”
He smirked rolling his eyes. “I believe the term she used was hunk.”
You ignored the comment.
“Why didn’t Timothee question us?” Tom asked.
You shrugged, “Haven’t you noticed that no one questions us?”
Tom furrowed his brows. “How so?”
“Whenever we are together, they never ask anything, they just let us be,” you admitted. Because everyone was waiting for you both to get back together or everyone expected something more from you. You never gave it to them.
He tilted his head slightly, agreeing with you. “I guess they think they’re going to make things awkward.”
No. People let you be because they wanted you to solve it.
“As if they could be,” you chuckled. “I think that’s the best part of us right now, people just don’t… meddle.”
Tom smiled, “I guess.”
You cleared your throat, “Now, where the fuck do you reckon Harry is?” You asked as you reached the lobby, turning back to what actually mattered.
“Honestly, I have no idea, nothing can come to my mind, it’s just… Not likely from Harry to run away,” Tom said. “Like—Me? Definitely. I would’ve—“
“Yes, you’d definitely run,” you nodded as you jingled the keys. Tom asked for the car at the valet.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Tom questioned.
“You’d definitely escape from your own wedding,” you chuckled. “You’re so afraid of commitment. It’s the Gemini in you.”
He opened his mouth with pride, “excuse me? Me the one afraid of commitment? May I remind you of your past, my lady?”
You avoided his gaze. “You may not.”
“Said no to a proposal, poor Timothee,” Tom started with a smirk.
“Okay that’s—“You cleared your throat, chuckling slightly. “You shouldn’t—“
“Then—Then,you faked a relationship.”
You eyed him, “are we really going to touch that subject, again?”
“You were scared of commitment enough to fake one,” he joked.
You could joke about it now. Or he could. You’d never joke about it.
“Or I knew you wouldn’t commit so I had to fake I didn’t want it,�� you smugly answered.
He faked annoyance. “Well, you ran to another country, yes, just after confessing your lovely feelings through a letter—“
“Then you didn’t give me an answer—you didn’t know if you wanted to date me,” he recalled.
You scoffed, “Thomas, may I remind you why I didn’t want to date you?”
“Then you called it quits after seeing your brother getting married and you were scared we were heading there too,” Tom said.
You gulped, “Ah, yes that last one wasn’t me—“ you reminded him. “Not entirely.”
Tom licked his lips. “Maybe we are both afraid of commitment.”
“No,” you nudged him. “I wasn’t.”
“I wasn’t either.”
There was a sudden silence. You’d barely talked about it before. As if the relationship had suddenly disappeared.
You hadn’t talked about the breakup once in months.
“I would say we are at a crossroads but,” he shrugged. “I do not believe that commitment was the reason for—“
“Nope,” you gave in. “It was not.”
Because it wasn’t, maybe it was the fact you were both too committed to a relationship without form.
“However—you did—“Tom cleared his throat. “I mean—we were headed in some sort of direction.”
“Thomas, I don’t think now is the time to have the conversation we haven’t had.”
“So we should keep pushing it, then? Pretending we are both fine with this agreement? Lately we don’t seem fine with it.”
You knew he was right. Neither of you were entirely happy with this whole new friendship thing. “I—maybe we can talk about it when we find Harry!”
Tom pursed his lips, “so you do want to talk about it?”
You took a deep breath, “Thomas, we can push aside that conversation but we cannot push aside the fact your brother is nowhere to be found on his wedding day.”
“Besides I think if we’ve pushed it long enough—“
He laughed. “We are—particularly calm about that subject.”
“I don’t think we are,” you admitted. “We just like to pretend when we are calm around each other.”
Tom clicked his tongue, “Maybe. But I’m—We haven’t talked about that in a while.”
“And it’s not the moment right now, it’s your brother’s wedding, and he is nowhere to be found,” you repeated.
Tom’s smile faded and was overstrung again. The car was there.
You let him drive, he usually drove your car. Another habit that hadn’t worn out.
Now things weren’t calm, as if the sudden rush had become the both of you. You finally got it, the anxiety that should’ve come from hearing it. The anger and despair that you were supposed to feel from Harry running away.
He looked down, “what’s that?” He pointed at the cup on the cup holder.
“Coffee, from yesterday,” you explained. “Didn’t finish it.”
“You think I could die from that?” He asked.
You looked at him. “I—don’t know but—You're not thinking of—“
“Drinking it?” Tom smirked. “Yeah, I’m just—-thirsty.”
“Please don’t.”
He took the cup, “I won’t die.”
“I guess not but it’s been sitting here one day!” You tried taking it off. He gripped it and shook his head.
“I won’t die!” He said before taking a sip and scrunching his nose. “This is fucking disgusting.”
“Why are you bloody drinking it?” You laughed.
He laughed, “I—I don’t know, but no it’s not that bad.”
“Thomas what the fuck,” you couldn’t stop laughing. “If you die then I’ll have to take care of your dead body and finding Harry, and my priority is finding Harry so I’d have to pull a Weekend at Bernie’s”
Tom giggled and stuck his tongue out, acting so terribly as if he was actually dying.
“You know,” you watched him with fake repulsion. “You deserve an Oscar for that one performance.”
“Right?” He grinned. “I’ll thank you when I receive it.”
You chuckled, “I think we should focus on Harry instead, yes?”
You both discussed places where he would go, that park? Unlikely. That Pub? He wasn’t there. Home?
Where in the world would he go?
“What if he—?” You were getting tired. “What if he didn’t run away?”
Tom looked over, he was rubbing his face, angry you hadn’t found him at the third pub. “That’s the thing, I don’t think he did.”
“It makes no sense, does it?” You questioned.
“No, he—he loves her,” Tom licked his lips. “It’s cause—“ he clutched to the wheel. “I don’t think Harry would—“
“No, I don’t think so—I just—“
It started to rain, because of course it bloody had to. Seemed that the ambiance always had the urge to level up to the level of drama you were always living.
“Jesus Christ, can we ever get into a dramatic moment without it raining?” Tom questioned, angrily.
You rolled your eyes, suppressing a laugh. “I—It was on the news forecast, I am sorry to inform you, but we’ve got nothing to do with the weather.”
Tom laughed, “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
“Alright, if he’s not at home then he’s—“You laughed, “Where the fuck is Harry?” You yelled, defeated.
Tom pinched the bridge of his nose. “I—hate Harry.”
You agreed. “Wait—wait, where’s your dad driving around?”
“Dunno, but he would’ve called,” Tom admitted. “Bloody hell, I hate Harry—I—can’t believe he did this.” You stayed quiet. If he had. What had led him to it? The day before he had been alright. Of course, he seemed nervous but he was excited, dreamy. In love.
“What do you know?” He questioned.
You frowned, getting your gaze back to him. “What?”
“You have your—thinking face on,” Tom pointed out. “See? Brow furrowed and hand on hair and everything,” he said. “You feel...guilty?”
“What?” You chuckled nervously. “No!”
“I know you guys spoke yesterday,” he recalled.
“Well yes, I wished him luck, but nothing—He gave me no clue of that, no clues of running away!” you admitted. “He was scared but he—I mean I thought it was usual wedding jitters but—he didn’t—I just—Calmed him. I mean he talked to you before, you probably were the one to scare him!”
“I—what?” Tom was taken aback. “I—I didn’t—“
“He talked to you before me!”
“yes, we talked but I gave him brotherly—marriage advice.”
You scoffed. “You? You gave him marriage advice?”
Tom chuckled nervously, “I—no, but—love advice.”
“We are the last people on earth that should give advice on that,” you stated.
He sighed, “I know but—“
“What did you say to him? Maybe you scared him and that’s why he ran away!” You stated, poking him.
He frowned, “Did not!”
“What did you even say to him?” You pushed. “I just know.”
He rolled his eyes, and mocked, “you just know?”
You playfully slapped his arm. “Yes, idiot! I know, you give the worst advice on love, you’re so dramatic.”
“I am dramatic?” He laughed.
“Yes,” you interrupted before he could even defend himself, “and—and, and I am too. We are—Oh god, are we to blame for Harry running away?”
Tom seemed to realize it at the same time. “I mean—Considering what we both could’ve said—“
Neither of you couldn’t help but laugh, maybe with guilt.
“I’m scared,” Tom admitted. He sighed, holding one last laughter.“We’re fucked.”
You both stayed calmly, as the rain halted against the car.
“What did you talk about with him?” He questioned.
Of course the question held more than that. You knew what he was asking about actually.
Seemed that both of you knew you had basically laid it on Harry the day before. Or maybe not. But where else would Tom ever get his advice from?
You had told him not to give up, you’d told Harry that he had found it, whatever love is, he’d found it.
“How I was proud of him, how I wanted what he was getting,” you shrugged.
You had also joked about how you and him wouldn’t have worked out. But you’d also said you were sorry it hadn’t worked out with Tom either. How you knew that him and Emma were not headed there, that he had nothing to worry about.
How you regretted the script. Spilling out your heartbreak for the world to see. Spilling your love story that was barely one and how people had a lot to say about it.
How it was painful to hide your love. How you knew Tom hadn’t moved on either but probably was planning to.
You told Harry to keep his feelings for Emma, and only Emma. That he didn’t have to share it. You had told Harry to treasure every morning, and to find a flower to talk for him.
“I apologized for ruining his engagement party,” Tom nodded, “the first one.”
You both gulped.
“But how I—“ Tom shifted in his seat. “How I thought that they had found the silver linings for it all. That after being apart they’d just come back stronger. And how—I was happy for him. How they overcame all obstacles. And how they were just meant to be.”
“Soulmates they are,” you said. “Which is why it makes no sense he is not there.”
“We need to find him,” he stated.
You nodded. “We are very calm, though, considering-”
“Yeah,” he gave in. “I—What about the park?”
“Oh? The park? Not a park, the park, of course, how didn’t I think of that,” you teased. “Oh yes, the park. As if there aren’t hundreds of parks. Yes the park.”
He snorted a laugh, “shut up! You know where I meant!”
“Well, drive, you pillock!” You chuckled. “Drive to—the park!”
He rolled his eyes and was about to start the car, yet again.
“Wait,” there was a part of you that thought you knew where he might be. But—to explain where it was would be difficult. “Let me drive.”
To try and find Harry. Which was technically the quest.
You had less time now. You were tired. But there was something that was making you believe you could find him. You hoped you were right.
Being behind the wheel with Tom as your copilot was weird. You always let him drive because you usually were in charge of the music.
“Well, given that I’m here, I’ll be for the first time in charge of the music in your car,”he said. He seemed to have the same thing in mind.
Which was completely stupid since you were looking for a lost groom, but well, Tom and you didn’t have much in common but you could always brag about the same stupidity and brain cell you shared.
He took the aux cord as you were driving, driving to that location that wasn’t far enough. A place you knew that gave Harry peace. The park.
But of course your own peace was disturbed as ‘I think we're alone now’ played.
You hadn’t listened to that song in a long while, since you’d danced to it on his living room, most of the lights out, your screen light and his own eyes being the only light you needed. When the things were good.
You had, purposefully, erased most songs that ever reminded you of him.
“You seriously have that song?” You snorted as the memories flooded back in.
Tom avoided your glance and shrugged, “What? It’s on my playlist.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, I notice that. That’s how music works.”
There was silence. Probably driven by the growing fear of not finding Harry, probably coming from the fear that Harry had actually escaped. And what would that mean?
Had Tom and you really scared him?
But you both drowned the fear while humming the song.
Or maybe the silence came from the very memories of the song.
“It’s on this specific playlist honestly,” Tom said after a few songs.
You blinked, confused. “What?”
“It’s—the song,” he cleared up. “haven’t you noticed the songs playing are only songs you like? Or songs—”
Songs with background. You shrugged, “Well, we have similar taste.”
He laughed, “No, y/n, we truly don’t.”
You glanced at him, as he was looking out the window. “Huh, alright—maybe that is the reason we broke up.”
Tom clenched his jaw. “Don’t be an idiot.”
You rolled your eyes. “Never mind, that is.”
“No,” he squeezed his eyes shut. “what Imean—this is my—you playlist.”
You didn’t answer. Not right away.
“You’re not going to say anything?” Tom asked.
“What does that even mean?” You questioned.
He licked his lips. “I—well.”
“So you ignore me but you have a playlist—a me playlist?” You questioned.
Tom licked his lips, “I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you, it’s—been hard.”
It had been, for you, too. “It’s harder if we are apart,” you pointed out.
He gulped, “That is my point,” he coughed. “We are friends,” he said. “And lately, before I started ignoring you—We were—“
You had been acting a bit more than what friends are supposed to act like. And a wedding always brings romance in everything so it was hard.
You cleared your throat, “It makes it weirder if we both walk away from the other.”
Tom bit his lip, “is it, really?” He watched you carefully. “Because, y/n, I—I’ve been… jealous, how they solved it. And how we couldn’t, after we both tried it was so hard, how we kept falling back.”
You had been slightly jealous, too.
“And, really, I—look, I love my brother and Emma, it’s not them ,” he continued, he rolled his eyes. “For all I know, we are both bitter because before James’ wedding happened we were both talking about… marriage and all,” Tom continued. “And they basically stole what could have been our wedding.”
So you were going to have that conversation. A conversation you had avoided even before the breakup. How both of you were… in talks. How you were expecting it. How you’d jitter if he ever got on his knee to tie his shoe, how every time you’d be waiting for it.
“We didn’t even get engaged,” you pointed out, in an attempt to be cynical, probably.
He coughed, “We talked about it. Good thing—We didn’t get that far because, well.”
“I think we both thought marrying would salvage us from falling,” you stated. “Or we thought it was the next step.”
He shrugged, “Yeah, I think we did,” he admitted. “But I—Back then I really thought, I dunno. I was really about to ask.”
You took a deep breath, “I would’ve said yes,” you said easily, though it hurt to even think about it. Though, you had been prepared to say yes.
“It wouldn’t have been right,” he pointed out. “We would’ve broken up before even getting to plan it.”
He was right. So, so right, because where you were heading wasn’t a wedding, you were heading to an even more hurtful breakup.
The decision had been made acknowledging this. Knowing it would hurt less then. Avoiding a terrible breakup.
“We were on a thin line,” you agreed. “Anything would’ve broken us.”
“I knew we were going through a rough patch but—I think we never realized how rough it was.”
You sighed, “Maybe I fucked up when we came back here, when I decided not to move in.”
Tom took a deep breath, “No, it wasn’t that.”
What was it? What had it been?
“I don’t know where we went wrong,” you admitted. “I really don’t.”
He shook his head, confirming he didn’t either. When asked, neither of you had a reason. It just—happened. Things had been just so rough and hard. Nothing to hold on to.
Though it didn’t make sense, you loved him. And he loved you.
“I think we both expected things to get better by themselves.” Tom played with his fingers and watched the window, staring at the raindrops slipping through it. Sliding easily, without no one stopping them.
“And we grew tired of fighting,” you added, as you stopped at a red light.
“Can't even remember what we were fighting about,” he confessed.
You took a heavy breath in, as the music still played in the background. “About nothing, and about everything. We fought over serious stuff, like whether we wanted to be public or not. A little about Tim and Cherry. And over stupid stuff mostly, yeah mostly over stupid stuff. Like when we were supposed to wake up for certain events or what tie you’d wear for James’ wedding, we fought over you staying at my place too much. We also fought about FaceTime hours, and whether we had to ask if we were available for it or not.”
Tom dedicated his glance back to you, sad, upset and full of regret. “I remember the cereal one.”
You raised your brows, “Yeah, that one was a smashing doors one.”
“Over stupid cereal,” he sighed as he brushed his face. “We were so—“
“Toxic?” You finished his sentence.
He chuckled, “yeah, mostly at the end.”
“The beginning too, I mean,” you shook your head. “I—We had sex to just solve everything. Thomas, we had hatred sex.”
He chuckled. “Well.”
You shrugged, “And that’s how we solved the fights initially.”
“It wasn’t enough at the end,” he added.
“It never was, and that’s—Thats why, although we both said we would talk we just—I think that’s why it didn’t work, at the end we just—grew tired of each other, the spark was gone.”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
“Maybe it was the script,” you pointed out. “Everything concerning it.”
Learning he had a lot to do with the fact it was made had made you doubt yourself, the one true accomplishment had come because he had come to the rescue. Although it had been nice it had really started the downfall of your trust.
“No,” he shrugged.
He didn’t want to talk about it. You had had enough talks about the script, over the fact you wrote it and then regretted it. Over filming and the input he had in the movie, how the character had more in depth than before.
Over the fact he had come to your rescue because it hadn’t been good enough. That one specially had been the start of your downfall. Seemed that when you learned about it, you had completely gone mental. Though, it had come from his heart, he didn’t understand why you were angry.
You had always asked him not to ever give a hand with your writing, if you wanted to succeed it would be for your own accomplishments.
Then again, there was also this side that loved he had helped.
Truth is, it hadn’t affected your relationship, but it had affected your own self trust. And if you can’t trust yourself, however will you trust someone else?
Enough talks had been had.
“No,” Tom started. “We were guilty. Both of us, as if we were making it up for past mistakes. I never stopped thinking about what Tim said, and I think that’s why I always tried making it up for all the other times I hurt you. And then you tried making it up for the script, or—Whatever, it was a relationship built up on guilt.”
“Yeah, I think,” you whispered almost not wanting to be heard, “we both had things to learn about ourselves, and forgive ourselves first… and the timing was wrong.”
Tom shrugged, “Isn't it always wrong with us?”
Time was your true enemy. Or maybe it was easier to blame time rather than yourselves. Time was nothing.
It had been you and your pride or your fear, or whatever you came up with now.
However, there was some truth in that statement. Maybe in the past few months it had been time.
When you had told James and Harry you might want to get back together, Tom was dating.
When you were dating, Harry had told you he was thinking about it.
But what about now? Neither of you were dating, you were single and every odd could push you both to be together. Yet…You were not.
How disappointing, you would always think. Such a long story to end up like this.
How disappointing, really.
“No,” he stated, once again. “It’s not time. The problem might be we are the most stupid people to walk on earth.”
“Sounds reasonable,” you said. You nudged him, “look at us now, though, able to talk.”
“I like where we are, yeah,” Tom commented. “I think we are in a good place, we trust each other, we are friends, good friends, we take care, we hang out. We talk. And actually talk.”
You were focusing on the road, mainly, but your heart wanted to say more things. “Yeah.”
“There’s something bothering you,” Tom stared, intrigued.
“I don’t like you avoiding me,” you stated. “I really can’t stand it.”
“I won’t avoid you, then.”
Then, it was quiet. And it didn’t matter, you enjoyed moments of silence, and it wasn’t awkward. Both of you had learned that sometimes you just don’t have to say a word.
But you had to, in fear he would feel you were angry at the previous conversation.“It’s not even all songs I like,” you pointed out.
“The playlist,” you decided you didn’t want to continue that past conversation.
He coughed, “So we are changing the conversation, huh? Well, they are songs that remind me of you but hey!” He nudged you. “Which ones don’t you like?”
So easily changing subjects and getting out a smile.
“I—we can get back to that later,” you turned to him and let out a soft chuckle. “songs that remind you of me?” You smirked, poking his shoulder.
He blushed, rolling his eyes. “Yes,” he admitted defeatedly.
You laughed, “You’re such a nerd.”
“What the fuck! It’s supposed to be sweet!” He complained.
You shrugged. “Or creepy.”
“No, it’s not—“
“I’m kidding I’m—more flattered than spooked—“ you admitted. “So why are you playing it?” You poked his cheek this time and he pushed your hand away.
“Because I’ve noticed you always complain about the music so when I play this you don’t!” He explained, annoyed.
“Oh, so it’s merely to keep me quiet,” you snickered, nodding.
Tom was moving his jaw, “Yes, basically.”
You glanced again, mischievously. “Wasn’t it supposed to be sweet?”
You reached for his hair. “Tommy.”
“Don’t Tommy me,” he chuckled. “You called me creepy.”
“Yes, I don’t know how to flirt so I bully you, I thought we had that covered,” you snapped without giving it a second thought. Then completely regretting it.
His smirk was wide now, as he laughed maniacally. “Oh so you’re flirting.”
Your turn to blush had come. “No.”
He grinned. “You are.”
But then it was a miracle, a way to avoid this subject completely because it was not the conversation to be having with the current situation. “Shut up.”
“No, you are trying to flirt with me, I won’t shut up!” He mocked you.
“Shut up!”
“Thomas! I think that’s Harry!”
tag list @spidxrparkxr @mukesnugget @anxiousdesignerdancerbandlover @happywolves81 @happywolves81 @happywolves81 @happywolves81 @applenter @claredolphinbear24 @claredolphinbear24 @tomshufflepuff @avengersgirllorianna @nevertoofarfromivar @nevertoofarfromivar @herofiennestiffinashardinscott. @tomzfrog @dark-infernal-instruments @awkwardfangirl2014 @awkwardfangirl2014 @tomzfrog @awkwardfangirl2014 @xapham @xapham @tomhollandisagod @tomhollandisagod @laurfangirl424 @vintageroses1014516 @cinnamon-roll-peter @the-lost-fairy-tale @the-lost-fairy-tale @lala-florez @lala-florez @ilcveyou3000 @xxtomxo @xxtomxo @muffinmari25 @cassindeansass @rogers-obsessed-barnes-curious @southsidespideyy @nathaliabakes @nathaliabakes @nathaliabakes @embrace-themagic @bradfordbantams @sanniegirl1214 @sanniegirl1214 @softholand @softholand @fairytaleparker @griff1ndor @softholand @thatweirdomimic @griff1ndor @reginalaufeyson-holmes @better-daisy @yeahimcrying @allmonstersxarehuman @spider-manholland @spider-manholland @itstaskeen @georiaang @sebxstianbarnes @kissingtrutharchives @snoopy3000 @snoopy3000 @spideyparkerstark @fanfic-4-you @lexshead @lexshead @mannien @whitewolfandthefox @melodiclovesong @melodiclovesong @melodiclovesong @bizzlepotter @acceptance07 @witchythingscore @bizzlepotter @swaggyspiderman @localfangirlx @queengemsworld @liberty0123 @stiles-banshees @stiles-banshees @itsjusttor @annathesillyfriend @annathesillyfriend @dangerousluv1 @tomshufflepuff @thewayilookatbacon @emjaywrites @emjaywrites @infamousmany @jungeunave @emjaywrites @ispiderdudei @ispiderdudei @literalfsngirltrash @quacksonhq @quacksonhq @desir-ae @desir-ae @desir-ae @desir-ae @peterporkpie @smolpeachees @thenoddingbunny-blog @quackeroos @quackeroos @spideyyeet @astoldbydanid @astoldbydanid @hollandcreep @hollandcreep-blog @milly7110 @milly7110 @rebekkah4766 @farfromtommy @rubberducky-jrr @rubberducky-jrr @coveredinthemessimade @shameless-self-promo-of-a-shrub @sweetiesangster @thatdamjoke @annathesillyfriend @l0ove-sick-blues @witchythingscore @witchythingscore @bookworm06 @bookworm06 @lala-florez @lala-florez @lala-florez @shezzalockeddoctor @chaoticpete @peeterparkr @shezzalockeddoctor @cosmichollands-blog @lowkey-love-loki @badbitchydecisions @w4ybefor3nir4na jj @saintlavrents @americaswritings @americaswritings @lukesbabylon @ilovepeterparker13 @iamaunicorn4704 @simple-things @simple-things @sip-portteam @lukesbabylon @herondale-snow-carstairs @quaksonhehe0 @stargazerholland @tony-starks-ego @hotrubycrab @sovereignparker @peter-parker-tony-stank-trash @belleknows @mysticalinsomniac @nycparkers @mysticalinsomniac @anythingthaticareabout @spn-assemble-seven @anythingthaticareabout @tanyalooovesyou @heartofholland @peachybloomss @peachybloomss @emyla3305 @emyla3305–butt @hollandstanevans @hollandstanevans @farfromtommy @southbeachfeeling @eridanuswave @tonguetiedholland @wolvesofthewinter @quacksonobrien @dcnerd98 @ifntelyinspirit @electraheart-3174 @julialucena5 @itsmilamawson @harryssuckz @harryssuckz @xstarbae @xstarbae @xstarbae @xstarbae @averyfosterthoughts @darethedragonknights @darethedragonknights @justanamesstuff @emyla3305 @abbiefangirls247 @hannahholland1811 @itscaminow @youllbmineandillbeyoursbabelove @hotrubycrab @spidey-holland-96 @awkwardnesshabitat @geminiparkers@primadonnasdream @slytherinambitious @slytherinambitious @where-art-thau-romeo @viagracex @viagracex @sspidermanss @pcterparxer @whatevshollandarchive @whatevshollandarchive @aleyabee @lovewolfspirit @lovewolfspirit @xallyouneedislovexx @panicattheeverywherekid @pcterparxer @thehauntingofmymind @redhoodparker @redhoodparker @cakepopcriss @allthisfortommy @aleyabee @perspectiveparker @let-me-luve-you @erodasghosts​ @xxpeachyxo @m-a-r-i-n-t-p @superstarchick @notjustpenandpaper @morbiddanvers @runaway3 @runaway3 @runaway3 @lu-morningstar @th0ttie4tommy @th0ttie4tommy @riasaurusrex @frustratingpaperclip @readheadwriter @geesquariid @geesquariid @noxceleste @peterparker-rickybowen-mybabies @witchything @peterporkpie @bookworm06 @sinisterspidey
@peterporkpie @imthefloor @ohmyquackson @ohmyquackson @wangtan-boys @obiwanownsmyass @sadisticfries @not-some-docile-teenager @galaxystern08 @lovemarvelousfics @lovemarvelousfics @tomzfrog @thearchersupremacy @nikitajackson @dayazenn @the-fandom-life-forever @just-kickin-ass @quaksonhehe @quaksonhehe @samaratheweirdo @fr3akingphantrash @i-love-superhero @mandeeleebeebee @captainamirica @dramaticdiva @halparkebitch @lostgirlmuseum @white-wolf1940
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Chapter 58 - The deal, the name and the prince (Part Two)
In the previous chapter: Angie has a weird nightmare about her future, where she becomes the author of fantasy-themed chick-flick novels, and she’s awakened by a phone call by Eddie. He reminds her it’s finally Friday, that is the day they’ll finally tell their friends about their relationship. Ater disappearing for some time, to think about what Grace had told him, Stone shows up at her workplace to and they talk things out. Angie and Eddie kiss in he streets outside her condo and they believe Jeff, Mike and Dave, who were in the van waiting for them to go to the Ok Hotel for their show, saw them and now are surely talking about them. Once they get to the van though, they find out they’re discussing the latest episode of Twin Peaks.
Pink. They're turning pink. My purple highlights are slowly but inevitably waning into sad off-brand bubble-gum pink, whereas the blue dye is fading out completely to my old boring dark brown. I'm here, squatting over the toilet, examining the locks of hair falling in front of my face, lightedy by the buzzing light of the Ok Hotel's restroom. I flush the toilet and pull up my pants and then I can hear the sound of the club's music going up and down straight away, followed by chattering and laughing sounds of female voices. Somebody else got in so I'll just stay here some more. I don't know why but I don't like meeting other people when I get out of the bathroom, it makes me nervous. I have nothing against going to the bathroom in three, five, ten girls all together, but if I have to pee, I'm the one who always goes last and tells the others to go first and that she'll meet them later outside. I can't use this system with strangers, especially in public toilet rooms in clubs with never ending queues outside the door. What do I do then? Either I hold my pee or I give up, trying to avoid eye contact with the girl getting in after me, who surely doesn't give a damn about me and just wants to fuckin' pee. This time though, it's early, the show has yet to start and the restroom was empty, at least until these people got in. Who knows how many are they? From the voices they seem three, I won't have to wait for that long. I just hope none of them will start wondering why the door of my stall is locked.
“Have you already heard these Pearl Jam guys play?” my ears don't miss the question asked by one of them since I'm focusing on their conversation, until now only to understand when they'd leave, but now even more interested.
“Not yet, but Emma did, right?” another voice, a little higher-pitched than the previous one, replies.
“Yeah, and the singer is so fuckin' hot!” the third voice has a vague Boston accent, I can't decide if it's a real accent the girl's trying to hide or a fake one she's putting up on purpose, I don't know why. And the accent is the first thing that catches my attention, more than what she actually says.
“Well, you don't need to hear him sing to say that, you just need eyes to look” the first voice chuckles.
“Yeah, he looks fine if you just see him around but on a stage? He's much sexier. You'll see and you'll agree with me”
“He's not bad but I'm more oriented towards the bass player” voice number two chimes in again but her friends immediately drown it out.
“We know, we know!”
“You've been oriented like that since Green River, maybe it's time to change your orientation since you've been getting no chance in hell, what do you think?”
“He'll be single once again sooner or later, won't he? He won't marry Miss Perfection, I mean...” the harmless, and after all kind of flattering, nickname these chicks just gave my friend bothers me a little, unlike their appreciation of Eddie. Actually I'm almost... pleased? By what they say? Yes, pleased. Am I normal or what?
“Aim for the accessible single ones in the band, trust me” Emma-maybe-Boston tries to discourage her friend from her crush on Jeff.
“That is the guitar player only”
“Who? Stone? Hasn't he recovered from his fucked up relationship with Psycho Valerie yet? Or you mean the other one?”
“The other one. Stone has a girlfriend, he must have found a new trust in women”
“Or he's just keeping this girl at a safe distance from his guitars hehehe”
Ok who's Valerie? I must remember to ask Meg.
“So the only ones left are the lead guitar and the singer. You're taking the guitar player”
“The singer isn't single”
“Isn't he?” “Really?” the other two ask at the same time.
“No, he has a girlfriend back home waiting for him or who's about to come and move out here with him, it depends on how it goes with the band”
“Where is he from?”
“California, don't know where exactly”
“Los Angeles”
“Shut up. Do you believe someone who wants to make music for a living would leave LA, which is like the center of the world where everything happens, and come to fuckin' Seattle? I've heard he's from near San Francisco”
“NO, SAN DIEGO” in the heat of the moment I almost can't understand who the fourth voice belongs to, then here comes the realization: it's me, coming out of the stall, basically screaming.
“And you... how do you know? Who are you?” now that I look at the trio I see they're nothing like I imagined. Voice number one, who's sort of the gang leader to me, is as tall as me, skinny and all eyes, big beautiful green eyes, dark hair pulled up in a tight high ponytail, giant loop earrings. Boston girl looks like she just came out from an episode of Baywatch, blonde, blue eyes, body of a model squeezed in a black mini-dress. Jeff's fan with the high pitched voice is the tallest one, a swimmer's body with broad shoulders highlighted by a strapless tube top, dark eyes, hook nose that gives and exotic and charming air.
“I know because I know him” I shrug as I bend over the sink to wash my hands, focusing my whole attention on the fuckin' pink strands in my hair in the mirror.
“Wait... yeah, I think I saw you with Stone and Jeff's friend, the blond chick who works at Roxy's... how is she called?”
“Meg, she's my roommate” I answer to the boss looking at her through the mirror.
“Do you know Jeff? Does he still have a girlfriend?”
“Hehe yes, I'm sorry”
“See, I told you!”
“I'll fall back on the singer then, his girlfriend is in San Diego, it's an out-of-sight-out-of-mind situation, she'll never know”
“He's not with that girl anymore, they broke up when he moved here” I stop here before adding any more intimate and unrequested details, although I have a senseless and sudden will to give them all out to these girls.
“I knew that”
“Actually... he's dating another girl, a girl here in Seattle” and that would be me and it's like I'm desperate to tell them, but why? What's happening to me? Am I becoming jealous? I told Eddie his jealousy towards Jerry made no sense but at least that had some factual basis. After all Jerry's my ex, he came over looking for me and we spent some time alone in a small enclosed space. These are just some random girls who've only said Eddie's cute. Thanks a lot. He is. It's only natural they like him. Why am I talking then?
“And who's she?”
“Well, dating someone is not like putting a ring on their finger”
“What's his name anyway?”
“Yeah, right, what's his name?”
“And what's Eddie like? I mean, as a guy, is he nice?”
“He's...” he's sweet, sexy, funny, shy, crazy, romantic, goofy, protective, quiet, clumsy, smart, passionate, practical, loyal, honest, reliable and other 800 adjectives more, which come to my mind and I keep to myself”... he's ok, he doesn't talk much, but he's cool”
“A hot guy who doesn't speak much: the perfect man” the blond girl states and all three of them laugh.
In the meantime I keep on washing my hands and if I go on like this I'll get webbed fingers soon. I turn off the tap and shake the water off my hands in the sink before heading up to the dryer hanging on the wall next to the door, feeling three pairs of eyes on me.
“Can you introduce us to him?” the beanpole asks me when I already have one hand on the door handle and I'm about to leave.
“Sure!” I smile at them and I'm still trying to decipher my behaviour when I get out of the bathroom, followed by the gang of three, and who do I find standing right there, one hand in his pocket and the other one holding a full glass?
“Hey, there you are finally! I was getting worried. Was there a queue?” he asks, noticing I'm not the only one coming out of the restroom. I walk up to him, my hands are still kind of wet so I rub them on the legs of my jeans, I'm conscious I have the trio's eyes still on me and then I do something honestly uncomprehensible: I throw my arms around Eddie's neck and kiss him like I had last kissed him last month and not twenty minutes ago, backstage, trying to get some kind of reaction out of Stone and Dave, who right at that moment were not looking at us though. What's wrong with me? Have I become a showoff?
“I was chatting with the girls” I back up from his lips, steal the beer from his hands and take a sip, then I turn around to face the trio of dropped jaws behind my back.
“He doesn't talk much but makes himself clear” the leader is the one who breaks the ice and makes her friends, and me I must admit, giggle.
“Very clear, I see” the tall girl adds.
“Haha come on, let's go. Bye Eddie, good luck with the show!” Boston vamp takes the other two by the hands and they all say bye and leave.
“Bye Eddie!”
“God, we made fuckin' fools of ourselves”
“Why? We said nothing bad after all”
“It was embarrassing though...”
I follow their conversation as long as I can and when the girls are out of my radar, I turn back around and find Eddie's perplexed eyes staring at me.
“Do you know them?”
“More or less. Come on, let's go, you're up next soon”
Eddie and I part ways after a kiss right in front of the stage, after we noticed Meg coming our way. Anyway when we end the kiss we see she's more focused on cursing against a guy, who's guilty of bumping into her and almost spilling his drink on her new t-shirt, rather than looking at us and noticing our public display of affection. Eddie shrugs, nods at Meg and goes backstage to get ready for the concert.
“You can stop pretending you know nothing about Eddie and I now”
“Really? Ok but that jerk really wasn't even looking where he was going!” she searches for the stranger in the crowd but he's already gone and disappeared.
“Yeah, we decided to tell everybody. I mean, to let people know. Stop hiding, you know”
“Uh! So is that why you're randomly making out all around the club?”
“Shut up!”
“Right, maybe you didn't stick your tongue into his throat right under the mixer station. And not even in front of the restrooms”
“Hahaha stop it! Anyway, ehm, it actually happened in front of the restrooms, also”
“Talking about that... I need counselling... with Dr Meg”
“You know I don't like to take advantage of your psychology studies”
“Very poor studies”
“And of your great and not academic only enthusiasm for the subject but... I'm weird and I need you to tell me why I'm weird”
“Ok so, first of all thank you for your surely mistaken trust in me, because it must be huge if you think what I know is enough to solve the Angelina Pacifico's enigma”
“I'm being serious”
“And I'm also flattered, 'cause usually it's me intruding your private life trying to analyze you and make you reason BUT this time it's you asking me spontaneously. I feel tears coming out of my eyes”
“I acted strange earlier and I can't say why”
“Ok, shoot”
I ignore her sarcasm, even though I appreciate it, and tell her everything about the three girls I met at the bathroom, while she listens to me in unnatural silence. Unnatural both for her, 'cause honestly I don't think I've ever heard her keeping her mouth shut for so long, and for the place, a crowded bar full of people, voices and sounds, I mean, pure chaos.
“So? What's wrong with me? Am I jealous like Eddie? Is jealousy contagious? Or have I just become a bitch?”
“Is Eddie jealous?”
“Yep. Well, yeah, a little” I don't wanna talk about this right now, maybe next time.
“Healthy amount of jealousy”
“Healthy... I mean, what's healthy? Jealousy is not healthy, it's stupid. And it looks I'm getting stupid too”
“I don't completely agree with you about that. Anyway your scene has got nothing to do with jealousy, my dear”
“OH no, that's not jealousy, I'll tell you what it is. It's three things”
“Number one: you're pedantic”
“Romantic?” I can't hear shit in the noisy crowd with the loud music on.
“I said PEDANTIC! You're pedantic, you can't help it. If someone says a wrong thing you gotta correct them, nothing can hold you back, not even your pathological shyness. Had it been a matter of jealousy, you'd have jumped out immediately, insulting them and telling those three to keep their hands off your man. Instead you just stayed there, locked inside that stinky stall listening to those girls drooling after your boyfriend until they've started churning out incorrect facts. That's when you lost it, you had to speak up and give them the truth”
“So I put myself at the center of the attention only to lecture them?”
“Not just that but also for that. In this you and Stone are the fuckin' same, let me tell you. You're scarily the same”
“Shut up, you give me the creeps!”
“Number two: you're seeking approval”
“Everybody wants to be liked, but someone wants it more than others, especially those with a wobbly self-esteem”
“What's self-esteem?”
“If you were jealous, you'd describe those three like sluts or ugly monsters of both, but you didn't. It almost seems like you liked them”
“Because I did, I liked them”
“Exactly. Three nice funny girls who shared a common interest with you, without knowing. You told them you knew Eddie because deep inside you wanted them to accept you and approve you”
“Number three... well, number three is my favourite”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. Because, Angie, my friend, I'm glad to tell you that at the venerable age of 18”
“And a half”
“Eighteen and a half...” she corrects herself rolling her eyes “... after all this time, you finally learned one of the main concept of life, as well as one of the most pleasurable feelings”
“That is?”
“Hahahaha showing off, of course”
“Showing off? I've never shown off anything in my whole life!” maybe just a couple of seconds, that infamous unlucky night, with the waitress of Canlis restaurant, waiting for Jerry. And see what happened next.
“That's why I said it took you a few years to get cocky...”
“Getting cocky for what then?”
“Because Eddie's your boyfriend!”
“And what's with me? It's not like I did anything, it's not a merit, it's not something one merits and shows off like a medal!”
“That's what yo say but your subconscious thinks differently. Think about it, you found approval from your new friends and when you saw Eddie you could have just introduce them to him briefly and just leave with him, but you didn't. You aimed right at Vedder and kissed him right in front of them, knowing exactly you'd have made their jaw drop. And don't even try to tell me it just came out like that and you didn't think for a second about their reaction because I won't fuckin' believe you”
“Well, actually, ok, yeah, I thought of it, a little...”
“You're with the guy they all liked, that's the ultimate approval, almost a consacration”
“I show off for no valid reason, what have I become”
“Don't overreact now, please!”
“I'm a horrible person!”
“Angie-drama starting in 3, 2, 1...” Meg counts down with her fingers inches from ny nose.
“Can't you understand? It means I treated Eddie like an object, like a bargaining chip”
“You're with a cute guy and you rubbed it in those girls' faces a little, it's not like anyone died or something!”
“A trophy to nurture my self-confidence”
“You're making it worse and bigger than it actually is. That is, as you always do”
“A decent guy gives a fuck about me and my head gets big all of a sudden?”
“A decent guy gives a fuck about you, you're a couple and you don't have to hide for any reason. When was the last time it happened to you?”
“Err... quite some time?” a normal relationship? I'd say it's been years. Anyway, have I ever had a normal relationship at all?
“You're with the singer of a fucking cool band everybody's talking about in town, I'd scream it at the face of everyone I meet. Listen to me: aren't you proud of Eddie and what he's doing with the band?”
“So you're proud and your showing, like you showed those three”
“Sucking face with Eddie right in front of them?”
“Exactly. By the way, considering you're sucking face with him in every corner of this place, they'd have seen you anyway sooner or later”
“Not necessarily, especially if they're as watchful as our friends, who haven't noticed yet”
“Or maybe they noticed but just want to be discreet”
“Discretion? Stone?”
“Well, thinking about it...”
“Talking about Stone; who's Valerie?”
“It's so weird to me that everybody hates the Kingdome. I mean, that's your stadium!” since I came here in Seattle I've never met a single sports fan who hasn't complained about the stadium or easily dismissed it as a simple location that's not so much loved by the citizens. Jerry is no exception, as we talk at the bar waiting for our drinks.
“It's not like we hate it, it's just it could be better, you know? Surely it doesn't suck as much for footbal as for baseball. Or maybe it's just a matter of different point of views: if the Mariners didn't play like shit, it would be the place of the heart, like Wrigley Field for Chicago hehe”
“Sacrilege! I've never been there yet, I gotta go and see” I playfully push him away and grab the glass the barman has just given to me. Cantrell does the same and says thanks with a nod since I buyed him the drink and keeps on talking.
“I walked into the field, actually I ran on it! Six years ago, no, seven, when the Seahawks beat Raiders 13 to 7 at the Wild Card Game and the supporters stormed the field at the end. The following week we'd fuck it all up and Miami would destroy us but in that moment we believed we could make it! Anyway the people is what makes the Kingdome good”
“The twelfth man, right?” I nod and as I look around I casually make eye contact with Angie, who's not so far.
“Yep, other than that and the adrenaline, the field itelf sucks, it seemed to walk on concrete covered with green carpet”
“Wrigley though, I'd sleep on that field...” I look the same direction as before but I can't see my girlfriend anymore “On the bleachers too”
“At the Kingdome you can sleep well too, the roof protects you when it rains. Some parts of it might break and fall onto your head but how bad can it be?” Jerry chuckles and sips his whiskey but he almost chokes on it, and I do too, when someone casually appears between us from out of nowhere and basically yells into our ears.
“Jesus! Hey Angie, uhm yeah, sure” Jerry gives her a perplexed look whereas I instinctively put my arm around her shoulders.
“What do you mean why?”
“I mean, uhm, you know, what for? What are you talking about?”
“Baseball” I answer probably with star-shaped eyes, just like every time I think about my favourite sport.
“And football” Cantrell adds then drinks up his whiskey with one last sip.
“Sports uh? A typical conversation between male friends...”
“Not necessarily betwe-” I'm about to argue with the idea sport is an exclusively male interest when my colleague interrupts me.
“Now I think I gotta go and find Sean. I saw Layne with Demri before so I think they made up and he'll go to her place so I probably have to go home with my drummer. See ya!”
“See you!” I say bye as he leaves with his hands in his pockets and Angie does the same but in a louder voice.
“BYE! Ok, what's going on? What's wrong?” she addresses me right away with an extremely serious expression on her face.
“What's going on? Nothing's wrong”
“What were you talking about for real?”
“What do you mean? Sports, we told you”
“Sure. And I'm Doris Sams” she folds her arms and gives me a side look.
“Are you a secret baseball player as well by any chance?” I let go of her, I fold my arms too and look at her suspiciously.
“I can't believe it! We gotta go out and throw a ball sometimes”
“I can't play! But I know the game and I know a couple of history facts, I remind you my dad is a fan of basically all the sports”
“I don't know... you're very good at pretending not to be able to do things, aren't you?”
“And you and your friend are very good at pretending nothing's happening and changing the topic of the conversation at the right time, aren't you?”
“My friend?”
“Jerry... well, friend, sort of...”
“We were really talking about the Kingdome”
“Sure. And the debate was so animated you even shoved him”
“Haha I gave him a little nudge, as a joke”
“Oh you were just kidding, of course”
“Angie, I don't know what's going on in your head and I don't know what you saw but really, we were just making small talk”
“Small talk?”
“You and Jerry talk?”
“Yeah. As you know, human beings are social animals, they interact with each other and-”
“Cut the crap! You know what I mean...”
“It's not like we're best friends or something but we know each other so we happen to have a chat from time to time” I shrug and on one hand I find it funny that Angie came here running, fearing for an upcoming duel between me and her ex, on the other hand I think he'd actually deserve a couple of punches after all.
“And you didn't talk about anything else?”
“No, what would we talk about?”
“I don't know, maybe you told him something about the other night...”
“Why would I?” I thought Angie would tell me to fuck off after that fuckin' scene I made but we made up the next day instead, problem solved. Why would I rock the boat?
“Well, I don't know, maybe because you threw a fit at me!” she retorts and suddenly she almost looks disappointed.
“That's different, I'm with you, not with him...”
“Ok but you almost ate me alive on the phone. And with him? Nothing? He just gets away with it like that? A chat at the bar like two old friends?”
“Sorry Angie, I don't understand. One second ago you were all alarmed because you thought I had told him something and now you're offended because I didn't. Is it that I'm limited and I just don't get it or does it make like no fuckin' sense at all?”
She opens her mouth as if she's about to answer, then she shuts up and looks around like she's looking for the right words through the crowd. In the end she admits, almost mortified: “It doesn't make fuckin' sense at all, I don't even know what I mean honestly”
“Hey, it's alright, ok? Jerry and I are on normal decent terms as two colleagues. And who gives a fuck about Jerry anyway” I take her face between my hands so she's forced to look at me as I smile to reassure her and let her know she's getting worried for nothing.
“Ok. But how do you do it? I mean, like, when you talk about me”
“Easy: we don't talk about you. Do you want something to drink?” I answer straight, turn back towards the bar to get the bartender's attention and order another round for me only, since Angie shakes her head no.
“Ok, right, but what if it happens?”
“It doesn't happen. Not even coke? Or juice?”
“No, thanks. But how can you be sure? What if my names comes up during a conversation, what do you do?”
“We don't do anything because that can't be, Angie... Windbreaker?”
“Wrong answer. Anyway the fact it hasn't happened so far doesn't mean it can't happen in the future” Angie smiles at my casual attempt at guessing her second name but doesn't let go on the topi.
“I'm 100% sure it can't happen. Jerry and I don't talk about you, we just don't”
“Never. We have a deal” the last bit slips out of my mouth and I regret it one second later, as soon as I see Angie's face as she registers this piece of information.
“You have... WHAT??”
“We made a non-aggression agreement that satisfies both parties” ok, I'm not 100% satisfied, and Jerry neither for sure, but it's working now.
“You made a deal with Cantrell? About me? And when?” after every questions she takes a small break that lasts a couple of seconds, in which I shake my head yes. But the third question requires a more articulated answer.
“In San Diego” kind of articulated.
“SAN DIEGO? You told Jerry about us when I left?”
“Actually, before that...”
“And it wasn't me telling him anyway, it was the other way round” Angie doesn't look convinced or maybe she's just confused. So I tell her about the little quarrel Jerry and I had at the Yates Club, about how Jerry had figured it all out and got mad at me for not telling him.
“Wait, correct me if I'm wrong: you mean he did everything he wanted when he was with me but he had the nerve to get angry because you hadn't let him know on advance that you were interested in his ex girlfriend? The ex girlfriend he treated like shit? Why would you show him this courtesy? And how did he understand we liked each other anyway?”
“Maybe he's a good observer.” or maybe I just suck at hiding what I feel but I don't say that because she sucks as much at understanding other people's feelings and I don't wanna hurt her “Anyway he was right to some extent, we were on tour together and from time to time he asked me about you and confided in me and I could have told him or just talk about something else. Instead I just stayed there listening to him. So I was kind of an asshole too”
“He confided with you?”
“And what did he say about me?”
“Why do you care? Is it important? And then, well, can't you imagine?” if I got so jealous the other night is also because I know he's still into her.
“No, but I'm curious to know: 1) how he's still alive, 2) how you held back throughout the tour”
“I don't know, maybe it's just because of a certain promise I made to a certain special person about not kicking the ass of a certain ex and keeping a certain secret and not starting any trouble in general”
“Wow, you're a man of his word then”
“I'm someone you can trust”
“Will you make a deal with me too then?”
“Sure, anything you want princess”
“The deal is... we won't talk about Jerry anymore”
“Like never, ok?”
“Well, I mean...”
“I won't mention him to you and you won't mention him to me. It's not like we can erase him from our lives, we simply won't actively have any more conversations about him, what do you think?”
“It's not that simple...”
“Well, if you can make an agreement with him, I can't see why you can't make the same kind of deal with me, since I'm also your girlfriend” she folds her arms once again and from the look she's giving me I know I won't get out of this alive if I don't accept this fuckin' agreement. The only thing I can do is trying to get the most out of it.
“In fact I can do it. I'm in...” I hold out my hand for her to shake it “on one condition”
“What is it?” she lets go of my hand and looks suspicious, I think she really don't know where I'm getting at.
“That you finally tell me your second name” she rolls her eyes and barely hides her smile, maybe she was expecting something worse.
“Ok, agreed” she shakes my hand again and I'm all ears.
“You know I'm giving you the most powerful weapon, right? You'll make fun of me as long as I live for this”
“I bet it's a beautiful name, I can't wait to know, I'm super psyched”
“Just like my parents when they chose my second name, like I'm pretty sure they were literally under the influence of psychedelics when they decided to call me like that”
“Call you what?”
“Angelina... Something Wind Pacifico”
“But if you're a W. it can't be-”
“The other half of the word starts with a W too”
“Whirlwind!” I say straight off and for an immediate word association the lyrics of Like a hurricane by Neil Young start running in my head and I can already picture her as the perfect main character of that masterpiece of a song.
“No, it's all together but actually it would be a separated word”
“Oh” are you sure? Because that name was pretty perfect.
“It's an adjective” she points out while, in my daydream, I leave the hazy bar and close the door behind my back.
“Windy Wind?”
“Hahaha fuck you, Eddie!”
“Ok, I'm serious now. Warm wind?” I think about the warmth of her hugs and her presence in general but she shakes her head no.
“My mother was... is a fan of Nina Simone. So?”
“Maybe I can help you a little more if I tell you Station to station by David Bowie”
I mentally run through the album's tracklist until I get to maybe one of Bowie's best vocal performances ever, right at the end of the record.
Wild is the wind
“Angelina Wildwind Pacifico”
“Guilty as charged”
“It's fucking cool!”
“Ok but... wild wind? Me? Can you picture me with a name like that?” she blushes and shakes her head and hides her face behind her hands.
“Actually it suits you perfectly”
“Sure, it suits to the most boring and average person on the planet”
“No, it suits to the strongest and most unpredictable and most breathtakingly beautiful person in the world. At least, in the part of world that I know, which by the way is the only part I care about because you're there” Angie removes her hands from her face and looks straight into my eyes without opening her mouth and for a minute there I get the illusion I managed to leave her speechless or, at least, in the condition of being forced to take a fucking compliment for once.
“Hahaha well, it really is a shitty world!” she cracks up all of a sudden and hugs me, so tight.
“How fuckin' stupid are you from 0 to 10?” I hold tighter.
“I don't know but I'd say we have a deal now, right?” she looks up and gets free from my embrace just to stretch her hand towards me and seal this agreement for good.
“Right, deal done” I shake her hand, then pull her back to me to kiss her and seal this pact my way.
Time to take a ride, time to take it in a midnight eye
And if you want to go, get on below
“Ok, where the hell are those two now? Dave and I have to unwrap our presents!” we all more or less managed to bunch up around a couple of tables at the Ok Hotel. I tap Krusen on the shoulder and he suddenly awakes. He zoned out completely when the Sonic Youth's song started. Or maybe when the whole evening started.
“I kind of saw them earlier at the bar” it's the drummer's wild guess and considering he basically spent the whole time at the bar, before and after the show, he could have seen Angie and Eddie any time. They could as well be in Mexico by now.
“They're not at the bar anymore, that's where we're coming from” McCready and Staley join us with two fresh beers in their hands, talking of people who should tone it down a little.
“Huh they must be tongue-kissing around here somewhere” Stone is sitting right in front of me, keeping one hand on Grace's shoulder and waving the other hand in the air while he speaks, as to brush it off like an unimportant thought.
“Who? Eddie and Smurfette?” Cornell Gazette from the other end of the table couldn't miss the breaking news and both Stone and Grace nod.
“They've been doing nothing else all night, they're on the edge of public indecency” Mike enriches the gossip story some more, followed by Ben and Kim, who put up a show and got us all bent in laughter.
“I've never seen anything like that”
“At some point we timed them”
“We were bored”
“Twelve minutes and a half of tongue”
“Contjnuous, uninterrupted tongue. I mean, with no breaks whatsoever”
“They looked like two fuckin' 14-year-olds”
“Well, Angie's still a teenager after all, it makes sense”
“Ok but what about Eddie? And how... just on a practical level, I mean, I don't get how they could fuckin' breathe through all that”
“They must have gills, fuck if I know”
“Hahahaha you're such assholes!” my girlfriend scolds us all but only slaps me on the nape.
“Well they're just making up for lost time and you're just jealous” Meg joins her in defending the two lovebirds.
“I get it but TWELVE MINUTES AND THIRTY SECONDS” Kim repeats punctuating every single word about the record timing.
“Jealous and peeping Toms!” Graces chimes in too.
“They were on top of the stairs, it was impossible not to see them” the guitarist shrugs and his bass player nods.
“From every view point and corner”
“Twelve minutes and a half on the stairs?” I playfully add fuel to the fire, the two musicians look at me and their arms flap out.
“Then the record is that Angie didn't fall down the stairs on anybody, given her history” Chris snickers under his moustache.
“God you love that story so much!” Layne almost chokes on his beer then laughs at Cornell's face.
“Ok ok, anyway, you're shit guys, this all mess for some P.D.A.s? Just because they loosened up a bit, it doesn't mean they're living 24/7 connected at the mouth li- Oh wait, yeah, there they are, they're kissing next to the door” Meg abruptly interrupts her speech and it's kind of comic because we all turn around together at the exact same moment and among those in the back there's someone standing up, getting closer or stretching their neck to give a better look at the not-so-new couple. Even strangers passing by turn the same direction to see what the fuck we're looking at.
We don't know if it's been more than twelve minutes and a half since the beginning of their laters make out session, but those two break away from their kiss and Eddie looks right towards us. We turn the other way around and in a second we're back at talking, well, pretending to talk as if nothing happened, as if he hadn't caught us red handed. Out of the corner of my eye I see them coming over and I casually lift up my voice.
“Alright, I love Goo too, it's a hell of a record, it goes without saying. What I meant is that putting it on in a club and just playing it front to back for two or three times, letting it go, it just gives me a sense of... sloppiness? That's how you call it, right? I'm not saying you have to pay a dj or some fucking guy just to put records on and select music, but they could at least take some time to make a fuckin' mix tape or something and put that on, even on repeat, it doesn't seem so difficult to me. Oh hey guys, where have you been?” I address Stone and Dave first, who look at me weirdly, then to Andie and Eddie walking up to the table.
“Round here. Have you already opened your presents? There's mine left!” Angie rummages into her bag looking for something, then picks out a not so small package.
“Cool, a new brush set, thank you!” I cheer as I unwrap it.
“A little bird told me you needed new ones...” Angie looks up playing dumb, exactly like the bird I know very well who's standing beside her. These two fuckers belong together.
“Oh and this is mine” the little bird sticks his hands into his girl's bag and takes out another package, which turns out to be Subway art, a photobook about graffiti art I've been wanting to buy for ever.
I can say this was a lucky birthday for me, with strings, cords, tool kits, acryic paint set, a couple of gift cards for Easy Street Records, which I loved quite as much as the supermarket voucher Meg gave to me. All useful presents but I loved the (apparently) less useful ones too, like the Marshall jack rack key holder with four plug key chains: thanks to the Alice guys!
During the whole presents and wishes exchange, Eddie and Angie are sitting in a corner and basically being the special observed ones, since everybody watches them like you watch a documentary about animals during the mating season. The couple takes part to the conversation and just ignore the rest, yet they whisper something to each other from time to time.
“By the way, Angie's got something to tell you” Eddie comes out of nowhere with this, in a moment we were all silent, catching our breath after a joke by Stone, who suggested Touch me, I'm Dick as the title of the stand out song of our fake band in Cameron Crowe's movie. By the way, who knows if Chris has already wrote something for the songs of Cliff's solo demo? I gotta remember to ask him.
“What?” Meg asks first, since nobody's speaking, not even Angie, who first gave Eddie a nasty look, then turned pale as she looked at us one by one.
“Is it about the movie?” Layne asks.
“No, it's not about the movie”
“Are you quitting college?” Dave tries.
“No! Why should I?” Angie denies it firmly.
“Is it personal?” if I didn't know him, I'd say Stone is trying to put Angie at ease and help her spit it all out. But since I know him too well, I can say without a shadow of doubt he's just enjoying himself playing with the poor girl.
“Well, yeah, but... mmm... it's not just about me, you know”
“Who else then?” I inquire.
“Eddie” “Me” the two lovebirds reply at the same time.
“Oh fuck, are you pregnant?” McCready stands out as usual for his caution and sensitiveness.
“OH MY GOD, NO! WHAT THE HELL, MIKE?” Angie stands up in shock while Eddie simply laughs.
“So? What's the news?” Cornell is all ears and right now I'm picturing him armed with a pen and notepad as an old-time reporter.
“What Angie's trying to say is that-” Eddie wipes his eyes with he sleeve of his shirt and tries to give an answer but the girl is faster.
“We're together”
“Eddie and I, we're together”
“We've been for a while”
“Almost a month” he suggests to her in a low voice.
“Almost a month” she repeats and she looks into our eyes searching for something she can't find and apparently she's just concluded the best thing to do is to keep adding details or to repeat the same concept with different words until she'll find it. Or until any of us opens their mouth.
“Something more than three weeks”
“We're basically a couple”
“I mean, he's my boyfriend and I-”
“And she's my girlfriend” Eddie ended the sentence for her.
“Wow, what a coincidence!” Stone can't hold back and I hide my face between my hands not to show I'm laughing.
“What do you mean?”
“Ok. You're together... and?” Mike tries to investigate some more and if he asks her if she's pregnant once again I swear I'm gonna laugh so hard that I'll fall out of my fuckin' chair.
“And nothing, that's it” Angie replies and sits back down.
“And that'd be great news?” Kim asks keeping a straight face.
“Why? What's wrong with it? Is it because you think I'm too young for him? Look, I know, we know. We talked about it actually, I understand tha-” Angie's about to launch herself into a hornet's nest with no way out but her roommate stops her and we all finally crack up.
“Totally unmotivated Angie-drama in 3, 2, 1...”
We all, but Angie of course.
“Why are you laughing? Is ther something I don't know?”
“What you don't know is that now everybody knows that what you believed none of us knew was actually well known by everyone” Stone answers in his style and Mike's face tells me he didn't understand shit.
“Huh?” exactly.
“He means we're laughing because we already knew what the news were about” I explain and the lightbulb in his head lights up.
“You saw us then, I mean, tonight? Because, well, you didn't say anything...”
“Who do you think we are? We're discreet people!” Cornell states and it almost looks like he believes it.
“We knew before tonight anyway” Ben adds without thinking.
“You knew before? How? MEG?? You told them, right??” Angie stands back up and roars against her friend.
“How could she tell if she didn't know?” Eddie asks puzzled his now official girlfriend.
“No! Right! She didn't know! But... I don't know, maybe she figured it out. DID YOU FIGURE IT OUT?”
“I figured it out” Meg confesses.
“But I didn't tell anyone, I swear” she holds up her hands, Angie believes her and looks at us one by one, before aiming straight at her boyfriend.
“No, I can assure you I kept my mouth shut, as you asked me”
“How did you know then?”
“Stone told me” McCready's voice of innocence out of nowhere.
“Stone told me too, because I was there as well that night. And Dave too” I confess and the drummer nods.
“Stone told us too, but it was some other time, at least I think so” Chris looks at Kim and Ben who shake their heads yes.
“For obvious reasons, he told me too” Grace raises her hand and shyly admits.
“Jeff told me because Stone told him” Laura chimes in.
“Is there someone Stone didn't tell anything to?” Angie blurts out.
“Me! I figured it all out by myself! I'm a genius!” Layne raises his hand and waves it around, as happy as the winner of a tv quiz.
“And you, how did you know, genius?” Angie turns to Gossard snarling at him but he answers calmly.
“I believe I knew even before you that you'd end up together, Smurfette”
“What do you mean?”
“That you both suck at playing the oblivious lovers. You're made for each other” I translate it all in Jeff-language and everybody nods in agreement, Eddie included.
“Were we so obvious?”
“Not that much”
“It's not that”
“It's just Stone's a very good observer”
“It's just Stone doesn't mind his own fuckin' business”
These are just some of the answers we give in no particular order just not to make her feel little Angie like shit.
“Come on, it was clear from the beginning they had a connection. Since the first time they met at the Off Ramp, I realized it at my own expense since I had bet on it, do you remember Mikey?” I like the fact that Stone, just like me, remembers old memories based on bets we placed.
“Right! I lost ten bucks too because I thought you wouldn't talk to each other, yet you got along immediately, it looked like you already knew each other”
“I'm gonna ignore the umpteenth bet you made over your friend's head but... actually we already knew each other somehow” Angie reveals and the alarm goes off in my head.
“Jeff?” Stone calls me immediately as I keep on trying to disguise the truth clumsily.
“I had met him at Roxy's the previous night, he came over to eat”
“So you didn't know about it Jeff?” Stone doesn't let go and by now it's obvious I got caught, I'm fucked.
My shit show at least has one merit: the following little bickering between Stone, Mike and I about the twenty dollars, which they think I owe them back, moves the attention away from Angie. Now she's finally free from the awkwardness and can sit back and enjoy the show of our friends kicking my ass, holding hands with her new boyfriend.
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“Why do you haggle your beauty?” I asked. “Why don’t you just live with it?” “Because people think it’s all I have. Beauty is nothing, beauty won’t stay. You don’t know how lucky you are to be ugly, because if people like you, you know it’s for something else.” “O.k.,” I said, “I’m lucky.” “I don’t mean you’re ugly. People just think you’re ugly. You have a fascinating face.” “Thanks.” We had another drink. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Nothing. I can’t get on to anything. No interest.” “Me neither. If you were a woman you could hustle.” “I don’t think I could ever make contact with that many strangers, it’s wearing.” “You’re right, it’s wearing, everything is wearing.” We left together. People still stared at Cass on the streets. She was a beautiful woman, perhaps more beautiful than ever. We made it to my place and I opened a bottle of wine and we talked. With Cass and I, it always came easy. She talked a while and I would listen and then I would talk. Our conversation simply went along without strain. We seemed to discover secrets together. When we discovered a good one Cass would laugh. It was like joy out of fire. Through the talking we kissed and moved closer together. We became quite heated and decided to go to bed. It was then that Cass took off her high -necked dress and I saw it- the ugly jagged scar across her throat. It was large and thick. “God damn you, woman,” I said from the bed, “god damn you, what have you done? "I tried it with a broken bottle one night. Don’t you like me any more? Am I still beautiful?” I pulled her down on the bed and kissed her. She pushed away and laughed, “Some men pay me ten and I undress and they don’t want to do it. I keep the ten. It’s very funny.” “Yes,” I said, “I can’t stop laughing… Cass, bitch, I love you…stop destroying yourself; you’re the most alive woman I’ve ever met.” We kissed again. Cass was crying without sound. I could feel the tears. The long black hair lay beside me like a flag of death. We enjoined and made slow and sombre and wonderful love. In the morning Cass was up making breakfast. She seemed quite calm and happy. She was singing. I stayed in bed and enjoyed her happiness. Finally she came over and shook me, “Up, bastard! Throw some cold water on your face and pecker and come enjoy the feast!” I drove her to the beach that day. It was a weekday and not yet summer so things were splendidly deserted. Beach bums in rags slept on the lawns above the sand. Others sat on stone benches sharing a lone bottle. The gulls whirled about, mindless yet distracted. Old ladies in their 70’s and 80’s sat on the benches and discussed selling real estate left behind by husbands long ago killed by the pace and stupidity of survival. For it all, there was peace in the air and we walked about and stratched on the lawns and didn’t say much. It simply felt good being together. I bought a couple of sandwiches, some chips and drinks and we sat on the sand eating. Then I held Cass and we slept together about an hour. It was somehow better than lovemaking. There was flowing together without tension. When we awakened we drove back to my place and I cooked a dinner. After dinner I suggested to Cass that we shack together. She waited a long time, looking at me, then she slowly said, “No.” I drove her back to the bar, bought her a drink and walked out. I found a job as a parker in a factory the next day and the rest of the week went to working. I was too tired to get about much but that Friday night I did get to the West End Bar. I sat and waited for Cass. Hours went by. After I was fairly drunk the bartender said to me, “I’m sorry about your girlfriend.” “What is it?” I asked. “I’m sorry, didn’t you know?” “No.” “Suicide. She was buried yesterday.” “Buried?” I asked. It seemed as though she would walk through the doorway at any moment. How could she be gone? “Her sisters buried her.” “A suicide? Mind telling me how?” “She cut her throat.” “I see. Give me another drink.” The Most Beautiful Woman in Town | Charles Bukowski
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The glamorous gothic queen of art, tattoos, business and beauty now redirects her attention to her original passion – music.
Kat Von D has been a staple in alternative culture and pop culture as a whole ever since first exploding onto the scene in the reality television show ‘Miami Ink’ and then promptly securing her own series, ‘LA Ink’, at her home in Hollywood. Quick to prove herself as far more than just another bland reality TV star, Von D built an empire around her interests and established a unique brand of tattoo artistry, best-selling books, art galleries, clothing lines, and most notably, a massively successful and world-renowned beauty line.
But what most people don’t realize about Von D is that out of everything she’s sunken her teeth into and made business ventures out of, her first and most consistent passion has been music. She’s been a constant presence in the world of rock and metal for quite some time – and not just because she’s dated musicians like Nikki Sixx and Deadmau5 and is married to Rafael Reyes of Prayers. She’s been classically trained on the piano since she was a child, practicing every day and growing an appreciation for all different genres as she’s grown older.
Much like her dedication to veganism and animal rights, Von D has a significant place in her heart for music, adorning her body with tattoos of multiple acts like the Misfits, AC/DC, Slayer, Guns N’ Roses, ZZ Top, and appearing in numerous music videos for bands such as HIM, Alkaline Trio, and Gunship. In 2008, she founded the MusInk Tattoo Convention and Music Festival, which has featured artists like Suicidal Tendencies, Limp Bizkit, The Used, Hatebreed, NOFX, Bad Religion, Deftones and more. She’s even had an entire song written for her by Eagles of Death Metal. Needless to say, her street cred in the scene is well established.
She’s now set to release her debut album, entitled ‘Love Made Me Do It’, a project that has been nearly a decade in the making. Described as “a pastiche of shapeshifting analog synths, post-punk dreamscapes, gothic hues, and shy pop magnetism”, the record deals with heartbreak, disillusionment, and ultimately enlightenment. While some might be expecting a hard-hitting, in-your-face type of attitude, Von D opts for a moodier and more atmospheric feel to her music that rides on soaring synth waves and danceable beats. Joining her are bandmates Gregg Foreman, Sammi Doll, Dave Parley, and Brynn Route, as well as notable collaborators Dave Grohl, Linda Perry, Dave Sitek, Peter Murphy, Danny Lohner, Ladyhawke and Charo.
In a conversation with Knotfest, Kat Von D discusses the many inspirations behind her music and unique sound, the artistry that goes into crafting not only her songs but her music videos and live performances as well, and shares some personal stories like the time she and her husband hit up a Rage Room and a week-long horror movie marathon she undertook with a friend.
What made this the right time to finally release your debut album?
Kat Von D – Music has always been a big part of my life and although most people know me from tattooing, they actually don’t know that music has been kind of the most consistent thing in my life. I’ve been not only classically trained since the age of five, but I’ve been playing with my friends’ bands and singing on all my talented friends’ albums and stuff like that. So I’m not a stranger to it but I think that a lot of people are not familiar with me having some form of musicianship. They’re like, “What? She’s coming out with music?” So it could be a little confusing to some people but like everything else I’ve ever done, I’ve always said the proof is in the final product. I’m not here trying to be like a celebrity just slapping my name on something and you know, collecting a check and not really caring about it. I want music to be my main focus in life. I’m not sure if this is the right time, to be honest. I feel like I probably should have released this album ten years ago when I wrote it, but I think life just got in the way. I was filming the TV show and going on book tours and just allowing all these other other forms of expression to kind of get in the way of focusing on music. Basically like a year and a half ago I decided to sell my makeup line so that I could have the time to go on tour and really give the music the attention it needs. And then obviously last year everything kind of got turned upside down and everybody was put to a halt. So I’ve just been waiting within this last year for everything to open up again so that we can go on tour and finally release the album.
How do you go about mixing your unique brand of alternative style with the kind of synth pop sound you’ve got going on?
Kat Von D – I think a lot of my fans and followers were expecting me to come out with like, metal just because I’m a huge fan of metal and I think people kind of know me for liking that music. But I also love a lot of darkwave and I love analog synthesizers and I’m a huge fan of post-punk era music. I love Depeche Mode, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Cure, that kind of stuff. I feel like when it comes to the music that I want to create it’s more along the lines of that. I love poetry, I love strong lyrics and soulful singing. I love Arch Enemy, but my voice does not lend itself to sing like Alissa [laughs] so I know where I belong.
It’s interesting also because like you were saying, you have your scene with metal and rock and all that stuff, but at the same time, you’ve also always been this kind of like, pop culture icon with LA Ink and everything.
Kat Von D – Yeah, I love pop structure. I’m not a big fan of pop music per se, but I do love the structure of songwriting and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. For us, I feel like we do have pop elements in our music but there’s definitely a darkness to it. Even in a lot of synthwave bands that I love, they tend to sound a lot happier than what we’re producing. I like to live in the more melancholy world. I don’t know how to write a happy love song.
There’s a consistent sound throughout the songs but each one still distinctly feels like it takes inspiration from different genres and eras. There’s definitely that predominantly 80s kind of sound.
Kat Von D – Yeah, especially the drum sounds and not just the synthesizers. I think we only have one song that actually has guitar in it. I really love that era but I also think that when my bandmates and I write songs, we don’t sit there with like, a reference. Like, “Oh, I really like this song, let me try to do a version of it.” We actually just start from scratch and we do a lot of sound design, finding specific synth sounds that are not presets in any way. It doesn’t feel dated to me. I feel like there’s a bit of a modern take on the 1980s I guess, and I think that’s important. We’re not trying to be Depeche Mode or any of those other bands that I mentioned, although you might feel the sentiment of that era.
That instrumental breakdown in ‘Fear You’ is so good, that’s very much in my lane. And that part of the music video looks dangerous as hell!
Kat Von D – Thank you, I love that too. I wanted to do a violent video because I feel like all of our other videos were beautiful. I was thinking, how do we create violence without hurting a person, or violence towards somebody versus like, inanimate objects, you know? So I had taken my husband to this thing called a Rage Room. You can rent these rooms and you buy different packages and you can just break break shit. We obviously got bored after like the first 15 minutes [laughs] but I can see how that could be therapeutic. That was a really cool experience so why not take that experience and make that into a music video?
Did you guys have any protection while you were smashing stuff?
Kat Von D – What’s funny is everybody didn’t want to wear protection, they were like, “we’ll wear some sunglasses”. Dave Parley, our drummer, was the only one that didn’t wear sunglasses and for a minute we thought he got a piece of glass in his eye. Thankfully it was just like, a dust particle but I was like “Oh my god don’t do this, Dave!” [laughs] I think aside from that we might have gotten a few little nicks and cuts but nothing crazy. We did use real glass, there was only a few prop glasses, like the sugar glass. I actually posted a video of Sammi, one of my synth players, breaking a bottle over my head and people were like, “Oh my god, that’s so crazy.” It literally felt like a kitty cat just whispered into my ear. [laughs] Those things break if you just like, squeeze them. I got those red glass skulls made and those were made out of the sugar glass, but other than that we do all our own stunts.
In the music video for Exorcism, you wrote that the song was partially inspired by a week long exorcism-themed movie binge.
Kat Von D – With my friend, Kevvy. We actually ended up writing another song together called Lost At Sea that’s on the album. He’s a huge horror fan and I am too, we’ve seen like, every single one. There’s so many terrible ones. It’s crazy. But there’s a lot of really great ones too and I was fascinated by the concept of demonic possession because it seems like there’s a pattern within every culture and every era in history that calls to some form of possession and exorcism. I just find it so weird that in an era like today, where we have cell phone cameras and all this stuff, you never actually see any footage on YouTube. It’s never like in the movies, you know? I think it’s like this romanticized idea of surrendering control to an outside force. I feel like people write a lot of love songs about the correlation between love and death or love and drugs or addiction. I just wanted to take it one step further and do a song about love that was in correlation with a demonic possession because I think that’s how I felt in the past a lot. It’s like you’re no longer in control or you don’t feel in control and you’ve given this power to somebody that may not be the greatest thing for you.
From that movie binge, which ones were your favorite and which ones were the absolute worst?
Kat Von D – I feel like I’ve subconsciously blocked out the worst ones. I think the worst ones were always like a Blair Witch-style filming, you know? One of my favorites through that marathon was one with Anthony Hopkins called The Rite. I love Anthony Hopkins obviously, who doesn’t? It was shot beautifully and it was the most realistic possession scenes. I don’t want to spoil it but there’s a giant twist at the end which I think was really different than every other exorcism movie out there. I think all of it was shot in Italy, so it’s a very beautiful background. Anthony Hopkins plays an exorcist. I loved The Exorcism of Emily Rose, but I would consider that more like a court case movie. It was so compelling, I think I cried at one point. I didn’t know that there was a part two and three to the original The Exorcist, and I had read the reviews prior to watching and everybody was talking shit about these movies. I thought they were so great. I love part two especially, I love the kind of origin story of Egypt and when you think about that era, they had pretty good CGI effects in that movie. So I gave those a thumbs up.
Were there any other kind of movie inspirations that helped guide the direction of the album?
Kat Von D – So Gregg Foreman AKA Mr. Pharmacist, he’s my other synth player and we’re both huge fans of John Carpenter, especially all the scores for most of his movies. I feel like there is inspiration behind some of those sounds that you find on the album, but as far as inspiration from movies, it was more for the music videos. For the Exorcism video, that one was really inspired by one of my favorite directors, Alejandro Jodorowsky. He did The Holy Mountain and El Topo and Santa Sangre. El Topo was my favorite just because the aesthetic way you would see these like, black silhouettes. The opening scene, for example, is this man in black on a black horse with a black umbrella just cruising through the desert. It was like putting together two things that didn’t belong together and I love that. For the music video for Enough there were definitely some Fellini inspirations with the props of the ocean where we’re kind of like, rowing through the storm and it’s a little bit campy, but in a good way. I don’t feel like the Fear You music video was inspired by any movie in particular, I just had a really clear idea of what I wanted the storyline to be. I love movies, or good movies at least. [laughs]
Do you feel like music videos kind of went away and then steadily came back with stuff like YouTube?
Kat Von D – I don’t know, I think that there are a lot of videos but the filming process for us has been pretty brutal because I don’t tend to do like, the lip syncing videos. I think that’s what the majority of people do, whether it’s hip hop or even metal. It’s like, okay, cool, you’re gonna do a fake performance and then we’re gonna lip sync and we’re gonna have some smoke and stroke. I don’t have any interest in doing that. For me, I’ve always loved music videos that have a narrative. Those just take a lot of time and energy and I can understand why bands don’t do them, but I like these little mini films. It kind of helps storytell the music more than just doing a performance piece. I think there’s creative ways of doing the performance pieces as well, I’m not gonna knock that, but to me, I’m not interested in just shooting a bunch of lip syncing all the time.
It helps show the artistry behind it. I like when artists go the extra mile.
Kat Von D – Me too. It’s funny because I really like our band, we get along so great and we love each other. We always laugh because we’re like The Munsters because we have a contortionist in our band and she looks like Marilyn Munster and then Gregg’s like Herman and so we’re this really weird little kooky family and stuff. I feel like everybody’s so extremely attractive in their own way. When I think of music videos, I always think about different parts that I want to create for each band member. Like, “Oh, this would be a really good scene for Sammi or for Dave.” In the music video for Exorcism, we actually got a stunt crew to come out and put us into those harnesses to make the bandmates fly into the air for those jumping scenes. Then we had to remove the little wires and stuff in post. My drummer always wears this leather fringe fanny pack and then he’s got this long beard and hair and I just want to see that flowing in the wind. It was my favorite jump scene out of all of them.
I just wanted to add that your work concerning animal rights is commendable. Dominion, in particular, that’s an incredibly affecting movie. If everyone was able to view that, you know, maybe things could change faster. I don’t know how you learn and see these things and not be changed by it.
Kat Von D – For sure, there’s definitely some trauma behind all that, I mean you could only imagine. But I always just commend Shaun Monson, because he’s dedicated his life to making those movies. He worked on Earthlings as well and those are just so, so brutal. But thank you, that’s very sweet.
And just so we don’t end on a bummer note, what kind of show can audiences expect to see on your upcoming concert dates?
Kat Von D – I’m a huge fan of going to see bands play and my biggest pet peeve is when you really love a band and you go and see them and it’s just like, a guy standing at a mic. So I definitely want to create an experience, especially with visuals. Like I said, I have a contortionist in my band who’s amazing and she’s part of our group. She is actually going to be playing some sounds but she’ll be moving her body in a crazy way that you won’t even be able to understand. We’ve been shooting all of our live visuals with Linda Strawberry, who does all the art directing for Smashing Pumpkins and a bunch of other bands. Her and I really see eye to eye on finding the beauty in the dark stuff. So we’ve actually been filming and prepping all of the light works and for the LED panels and everything else that we’re doing.I think people are gonna be in for a visual treat. I like that that’s just one other way of storytelling for music and I think that’s how you should be able to present your music to the world. To go back to my bandmates, it’s like they’re all superstars in their own way. I feel like they already have their own fans as well. I’m not interested in just shining a spotlight on myself, we’re all going to be doing some crazy things onstage. We’re like the goth Power Rangers.
0 notes
padfootagain · 7 years
Brightest Gifts
As my previous imagine was rather sad, I picked up a request for my 500 followers celebration that was going to be  just 100% fluff. So here we go for lots and lots of Christmas cuteness! Thank you for your request @giggleberts. I hope you like this.
The following prompts were asked for Ryan :
15. "This is for you."
25. "You can't sing, but it's kinda cute."
Hope you all like it.
Gif not mine
Word Count : 2256
Tumblr media
Gingerbread. Sugar. Mint. Orange. Spices. Chocolate. A warm fire. Chestnuts. The air was filled with those fragrances, and Ryan breathed them all in. It smelled like warmth and happiness.
It smelled like Christmas.
He looked at the snow falling outside, covering the busy streets where people hurried still, carrying bags full of colourful boxes, running to deliver their gifts to their friends or family. He watched the soft snowflakes falling slowly compared to the strangers' hurried steps. He watched the decorated lamppost, the pale morning light shining against the bright colours wrapped around the metallic lamps. The rooftops were covered with frost, the windowpanes blurred with condensed water. He could see the breathing of the people hurrying across the street turn into smoke. But in the safe warmth of your flat, his old pullover was enough to keep him warm.
He should have left weeks ago. But you had blamed the frost and the snow to convince him to stay with you for a bit longer. Then, Christmas had arrived, and you couldn't let him spend the celebration alone in a cold train. And so here he was, still sitting on your sofa before the hearth were a fire was cracking, the Christmas tree you had decorated together right next to him, gifts placed right before it. He smiled at the memory of the afternoon the two of you had spent decorating this tree. It had been a long time since he had been this happy.
If he was to be completely honest, he wasn't bothered by you constantly trying to convince him to stay with you, to delay his departure. Because deep down inside of him, he knew the truth.
He didn't want to leave you.
He didn't think he would ever have the strength to pack his things and walk out the door and live for months without you.
Perhaps it was time for him to settle down...
But he was torn away from his thoughts by the sound of your naked feet hurrying across the flat.
" MERRY CHRISTMAS!" you shouted, lunging yourself at him, and Ryan fell from the sofa, holding you in his arms and laughing.
"Ouch!" he exclaimed, still laughing as his back hit the wooden floor.
"Sorry, you're alright?" you asked, giggling.
He nodded, still laughing. If he was already dressed you were still wearing your pajamas and one of his warm pullovers that was way too big for you. Your hair was still disheveled from sleep, but your eyes were already filled with happiness and excitement.
Once he had calmed down, a grin remained stuck on Ryan's lips at the sight of you.
"You're already dressed and all!" you exclaimed. "When did you wake up?"
"A bit more than an hour ago. So I took a shower."
"Hmm... you do smell good," you nodded, pressing your face in the crook of his neck and breathing deeply the scent of his apple shampoo.
He chuckled.
"So... are you going to keep lying on me like that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, a smirk on his face.
"You're comfortable," you nodded, making him laugh again.
"You don't want to open your gifts?"
You looked up at him, an excited smile on your face.
"You bought me gifts?" you asked.
He nodded.
"You want to open them?"
You nodded enthusiastically, finally sitting up. You crawled towards the tree, sitting next to the boxes that were set there.
"They're all for me?" you asked looking at the three little boxes.
"Who else could they be for?" Ryan replied, crawling as well to join you next to the tree and wrapping his arms around you from behind.
He dropped a sweet kiss on your neck, the soft sensation making you close your eyes.
You picked the blue one first and quickly tore the paper apart. You grinned at the sight of the old book you had seen with him in an old bookshop a few weeks before, but hadn't dared to buy.
"Thank you," you grinned, turning your head to kiss his lips.
You put the book down on the ground next to you, and picked up the green box.
"No, open the other one first," Ryan stopped you, and you happily complied, grabbing the red box.
You laughed at the sight of the little plant set in an orange flowerpot, the little green leaves brushing against the edges.
"You're kidding me!" you swatted him playfully on the shoulder, before kissing him.
"You need to practice. I'm sure you can manage to keep this one alive. This one is simple. You just have to give it water once a week, I'm sure you can do it."
"That's not nice to tease. I've never managed to keep a single plant alive more than a month yet!"
He chuckled, pressing his lips against yours again.
"I'm not teasing, I'm offering you practice."
"What makes you think that I have a chance to keep this poor thing alive when I've always miserably failed before."
"I'll remind you to take care of it."
Your smile, slowly faded, and you looked away.
"You would have to be here for that," you whispered.
His smile faltered as well, and he rested his forehead against your shoulder, but you cleared your throat before he could reply.
"And so... the last one!"
The excitement was back on your face, and Ryan chose to remain silent. No need to discuss about all this now. For now, he just wanted to see this bright smile on your lips.
You picked up the green box again, and you frowned at the sight of the dirty notebook. You recognized the worn-out cover in the blink of an eye, knowing perfectly what was written upon the twisted and torn pages, but frowning all the same.
"I don't understand..." you breathed, looking at him again.
"All my songs are in there," he said softly. "All the ones I wrote since I've met you."
"But why do you give it to me?"
He shrugged.
"You wanted to read them, right?"
You smiled.
"I'd rather hear them."
He laughed, blushing hard.
"One step at a time," he mumbled.
You rested your back against his chest, your head touching his cheek, and you looked at the notebook in your hands, turning slowly the pages, reading the lyrics and smiling.
They were all love songs.
"Who are they about?" you asked him softly.
He kissed your temple.
You grinned, kissing him tenderly one more time.
"Thank you," you whispered. "I love you too."
Ryan smiled, before letting you get up.
"So... time for you to have your gifts as well I guess," you chimed, walking in the adjacent room to pick up the gifts you had hidden for him.
He grinned as he saw you reappear with a large box and a tiny one.
" This is for you," you smiled, handing him the larger box.
"What is it?" he asked, still grinning.
"Open it and you'll see."
He took cautiously the large box, tearing the paper apart, and gasped at the sight of the surprise that laid inside, his brown eyes growing wide.
He carefully lifted the guitar up, staring at it with his eyes full of awe.
"But... it's..." he stuttered, awestruck. "You can't... I can't accept this, it's too much..."
"Actually you can accept it," you replied, kissing his cheek. "And you will."
You watched his grin for a moment while he admired the guitar, getting into position and starting to play. He had such a bright smile on his face.
"So... do you like it?" you asked softly.
He nodded slowly.
"This is amazing," he breathed, looking up at you again.
"I'm glad you like it."
"How could I not like it?"
"I don't know much about music," you shrugged. "I could have... I don't know... chosen the wrong guitar."
"It's beautiful. But really, it's too much."
"No, it's not. And... the guitar goes with responsibilities."
"Does it?"
You nodded, brushing the tip of your nose against his and making him smile.
"Now, you have no excuse, and you have to play something for me every day."
He laughed, blushing slightly again.
"Every day?" he asked again, resting his brow against yours.
You nodded, humming in agreement.
"I love hearing you sing," you said, grinning.
"You said that I had to play, not sing."
"I also love to hear you play, so that's okay."
He cupped your cheek, a tender smile on his face.
"What did I do to deserve someone like you?" he whispered, his brown eyes set upon your gaze.
You blushed, before kissing his lips one more time.
"Here's your other gift," you said, and there was something sadder in your eyes now, your smile suddenly melancholic rather than happy.
He put the guitar away delicately, before he would take the little box. He frowned at the sight of a map of the city you lived in and its surroundings.
He unfolded it, and spotted a dark circle drawn around your address.
"Why are you giving me this?" he asked softly.
"To make sure you'll remember where I live," you whispered.
He saw you brushing a tear away from your eyes, and you forced a smile onto your lips.
"You know..." you went on, shrugging. "After several months away, just in case you forget my address or... how to come back here..."
He cupped your cheek again, staring straight into your eyes.
"It's very nice of you, but I won't need it," he reassured you.
You could see that his eyes were shining with withheld tears as well.
"How can you be so sure that you will remember?" you asked in a shaking whisper.
He folded the map again and put it away. He stared at the guitar you had bought for him, before heaving a sigh.
It wasn't worth it...
"I won't need it because... because I'm not leaving."
You frowned hard, forcing him to look at you by taking his chin between your fingertips.
"What do you mean?" you asked, puzzled.
"I'm not leaving. I mean... unless you want me to but... I don't intend to leave."
"But... I don't understand. For how long are you planning to stay then?"
"For as long as you'll have me."
He blushed again, before shrugging, his eyes tender and somehow sheepish at the same time.
"A lifetime would be great," he whispered, a smile slowly forming on his lips.
A grin slowly appeared across your face as well.
"Really? You mean it?" you asked, your voice shaking and your gaze full of hope.
He nodded.
"Yeah, I mean it. Anyway I... I don't think I could... make any good song without you anymore. So what's the point in leaving?"
You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him tightly against you, and he soon imprisoned you in a tight embrace as well.
"I'm so glad you're staying," you whispered. "I love you, Ryan."
"I love you too," he smiled, his low tone matching yours.
You remained sitting there, between the warm hearth and the large decorated tree for a long while, holding on each other tightly, exchanging tender kisses now and then.
And Ryan knew he had taken the right decision. It was time. He had found someone who made him want to stay so much, the feeling of freedom that ran through his veins every time he travelled across the country didn't seem appealing anymore. He knew that the gap you would leave into his heart was too large and deep to be filled with guitar strings and beautiful landscapes.
"Are you hungry?" you asked after a long comfortable silence. "I'll make pancakes if you want."
He smiled.
"I'm starving," he nodded.
You picked up the boxes and pieces of paper scattered all around the two of you and walked towards the kitchen, humming a Christmas song. Ryan smiled at the sound, and he took his brand new guitar, playing to match the melody you were humming.
Your humming turned into some singing and he laughed loudly.
"What?" you asked, before resuming your merry singing while you prepared breakfast.
"Nothing, you're cute," he grinned, sitting at the table right behind you so he could watch you bake.
"Am I?" you asked, never stopping to sing out of tune, inventing the lyrics you had forgotten.
" You can't sing, but it's kinda cute," he laughed.
You only sang more loudly, and he grinned and winced at the same time.
"What? We can't all be as talented in music as you are," you replied, putting some sugar on his nose to shut him up.
He merely laughed again in response, never stopping to play.
"But then, I don't have your talent to bake pancakes," he shrugged.
"See, can't be good at everything."
You resumed your terrible but happy singing, swaying slowly to the music while you baked. And a dreamy smile never left Ryan's lips as he watched in silence, still forming the notes on the strings of his guitar, but not paying much attention to it. He had this warm feeling in his heart, this feeling he had been looking for for so long, and he knew that it was this search for this precise feeling that had pushed him to travel all around the country for all those years. But as he watched you then, dancing and singing, your hands covered with flour, wearing his oversized pullover, he knew he had found what he had always been looking for.
He was home.
Tag List : @geeksareunique, @giggleberts, @sad-orange-thoughts, @haritini2000, @ladyblablabla, @drinix, @joelynnp
69 notes · View notes
hopelesscobwebs · 8 years
92 Asks Game!
I’m finally doing this. I thought it would be fun and i’m bored af so here we go:
Tagged by: @just-a-crazy-nerd love you <3
1) Drink: Water (gotta stay hydrated y’all)
2) Phone call: My Dad.
3) Text message: “My legs are dead. All I wanna do is sleep but I have to do music homework” to my friend like a week ago (I don’t text much lmao).
4) Song listened to: Sumertime, By My Chemical Romance
5) Time you cried: Maybe 2 days ago? (I was really sad over MCR), but the last time I really, like really cried was maybe last week.
6) Dated somebody twice: ahaha twice? You’re so funny. I haven’t dated someone once...
7) Been cheated on: My cat once slept on my sisters bed instead of mine so that counts.
8) Kissed someone and regretted it: What don’t you get about FOREVER ALONE HERE.
9) Lost someone special: Perhaps, It kinda depends really what you count as “lost”. But yeah, unfortunately.
10) Been depressed: I have been in dark mindsets a lot lately.
11) Gotten drunk and puked: Never been drunk before (I am so cool like that)
12) Probably Blue, But to narrow it down: Teal
13) Rich purple
14) Probably black
15) Made new friends: Tons (ilysm guys)
16) Fallen out of love: no (kinda yes... but William doesn’t count)
17) Laughed until you cried: Yes, Yesterday (we were bottle flipping and then someone made a seal noise, don’t even get me started)
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you: Hopefully not, there’s not much to gossip about when it comes to me.
19) Met someone who changed your life: If Discovering MCR counts... then yes.
20) Found out who your true friends are: *Ahem*... yes...
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Haha this list of asks is so funny. what don’t you get about NOT BEEN KISSED EVER... *cries*
22) Facebook friends: like almost 400? idek. (I know them all in person btw, i’m not one of those weirdos that just friends anybody). I barely use FB tbh
23) Pets: oh boy.... I have 6 cats guys... thats right, you can call me the crazy cat lady.
24) Want to change your name: My last name yes. Quick, somebody marry me
25) Did I get for my birthday: A Spongebob birthday cake, a Vampire Diaries pillow, depression  um what... I got to eat all my fave foods in one day, that was pretty special even though i threw up at the end of it
26) Time I woke up: like 9:30?
27) Were you doing at midnight: Watching Frerard video edits...
28) Can’t you wait for: FOR ME TO ORDER MCR MERCH AS A TRIBUTE ON MARCH 22 *cries and dies*
29) Was the last time you saw your mom: like 4 hours ago.
30) Was something you wish you could change about your life: I sometimes wish I was born 10 years earlier but then I remember... there’d be no quality memes for a long time...
31) Are you listening to right now: MCR, what else honestly...
32) Gets on your nerves: When people make up those shitty things like “ UR NOT A TRUE FAN UNLESS YOU HAVE THIS OR DO THIS BLAH BLAH” like stfu, I am a fan in my own way. Racists, Homophobes, just basically anyone who thinks they have the right to tell you not to be yourself, like seriously, fuck off.
33) Talked to a person named Tom: My cat is called Tom, so that counts.
34) Is your most visited website: Tumblr, no doubt (or YouTube or guitar tabs, or Putlocker lets be honest)
35) Elementary school/primary school: I can’t even remember tbh and I ain’t tellin you
36) High School: The one I’m at now. Ha, got ya
37) College: n o , I am too young, gosh
38) Hair colour: Brown/ Blonde (streaks, naturally from sun lmao)
39) Long/short hair: I just cut it all off this year. Think 1920′s hair and that’s me.
40) Crush: There’s a cute guy in my chem class but that’s about it #foreveralone
41) Do you like about yourself: My final wakeup call of music interests. I used to be so shallow in that department. Um.... I guess I like the fact that I get on better with older people (I skipped a year at school so all my classmates are a year older anyways) idek. There’s not really much to like.
42) Piercings: 1 on each ear (i’m thinking of getting a second set) But I barely wear earrings tbh
43) Blood type: Idk, it would be cool to know tho
44) Nickname: Some of my friends call me Em but barely. Emy / Emz by family (if any of you call me that, it’ll be weird lmao) PLEASE START A TREND...CALL ME EM
45) Relationship status: single as a pringle and not ready to mingle please i have anxiety *daydreams about meeting perfect boy*
46) Zodiac: Scorpio yeah boi
47) Pronouns: she/her
48) Favourite show: Supernatural, Miraculous Ladybug (don’t call me a kid for watching it I swear I’ll end u ahaha), Rick and Morty, The Vampire Diaries... I could go on for days
49) Tattoos: I always think they’re a cool concept but i’d probably chicken out at the last minute, so no
50) Left or right handed: right
51) Surgery: I got a tooth removed quite a few years back, I went under genral anaesthetic and everything.
52) Piercings: Ears
53) Best friend: Gabby, We don’t talk anymore sadly but I still love her <3
54) Sport: Ummm well i’ve always loved badminton but i’ve never taken a serious sport class before lmao
55) Vacation: I’m pretty sure it was to Melbourne, Australia, We saw some really cool outdoor art and went to see Wicked at some theater, that’s all I remember.
56) Pair of shoes: Say wat?
57) Eating: I wish I was eating
58) Drinking: the dead souls of my enemies wait what
59) I am about to: Rearrange my sitting position and continue to write this long ass ask thing.
60) Listening to: The End, My Chemical Romance
61) Waiting for: My sis to get home so I can use her credit card to buy MCR merch, no really, this is the truth. I n e e ed it
62) Want to see: MCR get back together in 2019 for at least a reunion song or SOMETHING PLEASE. Also, a Panic! concert because I missed the last one in my country. ALSO a Supernatural Convention
63) Want to get married: Well it would be nice, gotta find a guy first, there’s the hard part
64) Career: I never know... I like to think that my dream is to be in a band but that aint ever gonna happen. I really wanna do something that can help people idek.
65) Hugs/kisses: Well i’ve never kissed anyone and I lOvE HuGs, THEY ARE JUST SO NICE, LIKE AHHH GIMME UR LOVE, GIMME HUUUGGSSS. If I ever meet any of you in person, I’ll be really shy, but know deep down that all I wanna do is HUG YOU SNDKJGSND.
66) Lips/eyes: Eyes hold secrets, I love them
67) Taller/shorter: gimme da toll peeps, But I love the smol beans too
68) Younger/older: It depends
69) Romantic/spontaneous: probably spontaneous just to keep me on my toes.
70) Nice arms/nice stomach: um wat? idek i dont pay attention to that
71) Sensitive/loud: Sensitive
72) Hookup/relationship: Relationship definitely 
73) Troublemaker/hesitant: Hesitant alien
74) Kissed a stranger: W h A t  D o N t   Y o U   g E t   A b O u T  i T... I AINT KISSED NOBODY BEFORE. gosh, way to rub it in *cries*
75) Drank hard liquor: well. i’ve tried some heavy stuff before but it was a sip and I spat it out coz it literally tasted like p o i s o n. Alcohol is so gross
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses: Don’t need glasses
77) Turned someone down: ??? There hasn’t been anyone to turn down god damnit
78) Canoodling on a first date: They gotta earn that, so no
79) Broken someone’s heart: I sure as hell hope not.
80) Had your own heart broken: mcr breaks my heart E V E R Y GOD DAMN DAY
81) Been arrested: no, I am a good gal
82) Cried when someone died: yes, my grandmother
83) Fallen for a friend: Oh boy, yesyesyes
84) Yourself: Not really, but I want to.
85) Miracles: I wish for them but I don’t really think they occur
86) Santa Claus: No, I actually never believed in him when I think about it
87) Kisses on a first date: YAS when it’s been all perfect and he walks ya up to your door ABJISLBHDLBHLA
88) Angels: um... Castiel???
89) Love at first sight: Yes but not like first sight, more like first discussion, when you can instantly click with someone in that first moment idk.
90) Best friend’s name: Can I just list all my tumblr friends names? Because YOU GUYS ARE ACTUALLY ALL MY FAVES, YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU <3
91) Eye color: Grey Blue
92) Favourite movie: idek there are so many but: The Abduction Club, is one of my faves, Singin’ in the Rain, Sing Street, and that’s all that’s coming to mind atm.
I tag: (all my BEAUTIFUL AMAZING tumblr frens I mentioned before) @omg-i-cannot-even @shipsareamazing123 @mychemicalchinchilla @potterlock5ever @immacrazyfangirl @trashholeofshittybandstuff @shadowgirl077 @that-awkward-fangirl @lizbeth-loves-bobear @anyone i forgot and anyone who wants to do it! go ahead! <3
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allhallows-art · 8 years
So, I’ve decided to redo this shit I did a while back. A long time ago, I compiled a huge list of AU’s and I’ve decided to repost it. If you want a bit of writing done for the following people:
SuperMega Game Grumps Markiplier ( and crew including Tyler and Ethan ) HatFilms Sidemen Cow Chop CancerCrew Then all you have to do is pick from the list below, send the number to me along with who you want it to be about. I’ll try and get through them as soon as I can. They’ll probably all be shit and jokey bc that’s my writing style but I hope you enjoy Thanks to @apocalypto-12​ for rekindling my love for writing and feel free to pick some Au’s and I'll write them for you babe
1. ‘my parents are rly religious and forced me to this meeting I hate everything the entire world is against me what the actual fuck did a stranger just send me nudes’ 2. I’m passionate about this cause and I will give you this flier if I must shove it down your throat 3. all our friends are drunk 4. it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost 5. We’re studying in the library and there are two people very obviously fucking in the stacks and we keep sharing embarrassed glances 6. You decked me in the head while you were playing frisbee golf 7. I’ve been sitting in this seat all semester why did you decide to sit in it today 8. my friend dragged me to this party and I just saw my ex quick make out with me 9. it’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherfucker pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m gonna make that fucker pay 10. you’re the fucker who set off the fire alarm with your awful cooking (or) I’m the fucker who set off the fire alarm with my awful cooking 11. dude your headphones are loud like I can make out most of Kayne’s lyrics and I’m sitting across the fucking room 12. you live above me and I’m going to murder you if you don’t stop throwing parties Sunday night 13. ‘me and my roommate decided to decorate our house for Halloween but got really into it, and ended up re-enacting several scenes from nightmare on elm street so loud the neighbours called the police to investigate screams’ 14. I broke your nose at a mosh pit 15. “You were chased by the cops, got in my car and just yelled ‘Drive!’” 16. “You broke into my apartment drunk thinking it was your friend’s house and I should call the cops but my cat kinda likes you so we’re good” 17. “You saw me reading the same book you did and we got into a heated discussion on how much it sucks 18. “My cat steals underwear and I come home to find you chasing my cat to get your underwear back.” 19. “This horrible umbrella won’t extend! Oh, shit I just hit you in the stomach/crotch! I’m so sorry.” 20. “I drunkenly tried to fight you and knocked myself out but you were kind enough to take care of me till I woke up.” 21. “I thought you were my friend so I slapped your ass in greeting.” 22. “I’m watching The Lion King on my phone and I’m trying to hide the fact I’m sobbing uncontrollably but you notice anyway.” 23. cat person and dog person meet at petco and their pets won’t stop hissing and growling at each other 24. we’re both ‘team leaders’ at a summer camp for little people and you may be hot but goddammit my collection of twelve-year-olds are going to beat yours into the dust 25. a mutual friend invited us to their laser tag party and we’re the last two alive on opposite teams and goddammit if I’m going down you’re going down with me 26. ‘I met you last night when you were drunkenly patting my dog in my backyard at 3 in the morning and when I asked you what the hell you were doing you slurred something about dogs being great and then you threw up on my feet and then fifteen minutes later you were passed out on my couch so that’s why you’re here right now also what the fuck is your name and why were you patting a dog in a stranger’s backyard in the middle of the night’ 27. 'last night was a haze for both of us and somehow we woke up hungover in a bed that isn’t either of ours and neither of us recognize this apartment we should probably get out of here before someone calls the cops on us’ 28. 'i found you sleeping on my balcony when I went out to water my plants why are you here and more importantly how did you get here we’re eighteen floors up’ 29. ‘I called the wrong number and started talking about my life and you only interrupted me after a few a few minutes of me revealing some pretty personal stuff and now your invested in my life troubles’ 30. ‘we’re two thirds of the threesome we had last night and we’re walking awkwardly out of the last person’s apartment together’ 31. ‘I’ve had a really awful day so I started kicking a car out of frustration and it turned out to be your car I’m so sorry’ 32. I always see you doing weird shit at ridiculous hours of the night and it makes me feel better because I do weird shit in the middle of the night too 33. “I’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you say anything else." 34. “So why did I have to punch that guy?” 35. “I hope you know that my name is actually ________.” 36. "That is the tenth demon summoning this week holy shit.” 37. “Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2AM?” 38. “You need to stop leaving dead bodies in my kitchen.” 39. I asked you to babysit one time and now my child keeps asking when you will spend time with them again 40. “I’m so sorry that my child pointed out how your shirt- actually never mind I agree, that shirt is horrendous” 41. “You’re drunk and walked into the wrong apartment and fell asleep on my couch oh god you’re going to be so confused in the morning” 42. “I’m at work and my son needs to be picked up from school do you mind?” 43. “Okay well it turns out you’re really good with kids and my son has started calling you daddy and insists we move in so ‘we can be a real family’” 44. “Our dogs whine whenever they’re apart so we spend pretty much every day together” 45. “I walked in on your ex yelling at you so you grabbed me and kissed me so she’d go away and I’m kind of freaked out I literally just met you last week” 46. I’m giving out candy for Halloween and you brought your little sibling trick or treating and I think that’s sweet 47. I accidentally egged the wrong house and I’m trying to apologize but it’s one in the morning and you’re pissed off and I’m so sorry 48. “I live below you and I was minding my own business watching the snowfall out the window WHEN I SAW A BODY FALL ARE YOU REALLY PUTTING UP CHRISTMAS LIGHTS NOW” 49. “our Christmas party turned into a tropical theme because the radiator is broken and it’s hotter than hell in here - damn you look good without a shirt I never noticed before asgdhfjgkhl” 50. You’re allergic to cats but my cat really likes you my bad 51. You caught me having a Barbie movie marathon and now I’m trying to keep you from telling anyone about this! 52. met at a family reunion but not related to each other 53. your kid hates my kid 54. Accidentally “parkoured” through your window and I must pay you back but I’m dead broke 55. It’s a rainy day and I see you get side-splashed by a car and I’m laughing so hard until I get hit too 56. Drunkenly sold my soul to a demon and now I’m their bitch but this might be not so bad 57. Work at the same shitty restaurant and have all the same shitty shift times 58. 'What the fuck are you doing its midnight why are you playing 'My Heart Will Go On' on the piano' 59. “I came up to your apartment to ask you to turn down your music and have quieter sex, but it turns out that you’ve just been jumping up and down on your bed in your underwear listening to music alone 60. 'I heard you singing backstreet boys at 3am and decided to sing along oops’ (other old boybands can be substituted) 61. 'I was walking by the roller coasters and SOMEONE’S SHOE FLEW OFF AND HIT ME IN THE HEAD 62. you’re the drummer for my brother’s band and I find you hot (bonus: the band is really shit and the drummer doesn't want to be there so uses the other person as an excuse to get out of practice) 63. we go to the same coffee shop every evening to do homework but we never speak to each other until today 64. I’m only your friend because we smoke weed and get high together 65.
66. “I want to blame my young child from accidentally breaking your window with a baseball, but it actually was in fact me, and I was aiming for your roof I am sorry 67. we have apartments next to each other and sometimes you’re blasting shitty music but other times you’re jerking off and that’s even louder than the music please quite down 68. “I’m a biker and one day I was biking in your neighborhood while you just happened to be outside watering the plants and since you’re so goddamn cute I accidentally steered into a pole and now you’re giving me first aid (holy shit you’re even cuter up close)” 69. “I’m at a karaoke bar and I’m sober enough to realize that your voice singing my absolute favorite song is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, and you caught me staring and winked at me oh shit" 70. “it’s 2 in the morning and I was just trying to get home but I left my sunroof open all day and now there’s a squirrel in my car and it scared me and I drove into a pole – would you please stop laughing you’re a cop. you’re supposed to be helping” 71. “you can’t get tattooed drunk, come back in the morning and if you still want my name on your ass we’ll talk" 72. ‘I walked into the public bathroom at a mcdonalds and you’re dangling halfway out of an air vent do I even want to know what you were doing’ 73. ‘I found you on the roof of my house passed out with a black eye holding a fire extinguisher’ 74. I accidentally texted the wrong number with a cat meme and you replied back with a different one unexpectedly and we just kept going ‘till I was convinced I would marry you 75. I’m best friends with your brother and when we were face-chatting you walked past in your boxers and bent over to pick something up and I tried averting my eyes but that ass 76. Detective partners 77. Reincarnation 78. Childhood friends with adjoining houses/rooms 79. This is the end of the world and we’re all we’ve got 80. I keep calling tech support because you’re helpful and your voice is cute 81. Competitive buskers who eventually for a band 82. Pen pals who vent to each other every week 83. Working at a theatre together during midnight premiere of a blockbuster 84. Meeting while waiting for hours in the a&e 85. Panicked yelling in unison because of lost baggage between connecting flights 86. Book store 87. Reluctant team mates who save the world together 88. Stuck in an airport because our flights were very delayed and it’s like 2am 89. Pretending to be siblings because of reasons 90. Teaming up to rescue respective abducted children 91. Trapped in a bank during a robbery 92. I’m pretending to be your bff bc you look very uncomfortable with that person at the bar 93. New fbi partner is hot 94. You accidentally shipped this weird thing to my apartment 95. Inappropriately timed confessions 96. At a ski lodge somehow got stuck outside in a storm hey look an abandoned cabin logically thinking go inside for warmth 97. Oops friend looks like the only place to sleep in this house is this small twin sized bed guess we are sharing 98. Inappropriately timed proposals 99. Called the wrong number while drunk 100. Hitchhiker 101. Arranged marriage 102. Fallen angel 103. Fashion designer 104. Zombie apocalypse 105. Backpacking across Europe 106. Mermaid 107. Band on tour 108. Small town lovers 109. Ice skaters 110. Dancing partners 111. Singing partners 112. Lawyers/ detectives 113. Writer and editor 114. Photographer and model 115. Stuck in a lift together 116. Phycologist and a patient 117. Partners in crime 118. Dystopian 119. Utopian 120. We both got kicked out of our rooms bc our room mates are hooking up and we are now avoiding each other 121. Laser tag 122. Walked by a rollercoaster and got hit in the head by a shoe 123. Swim team 124. Got mistaken for a celeb by their biggest fan 125. Sorry I set the fire alarm off for like the forty ninth time I tried to cook 126. I’m a werewolf but I’m embarrassed to tell you bc my wolf form is more like a Chihuahua 127. We both tried to rob a bank at the same time 128. Mistaken identity 129. Trapped on a desert island 130. Lab partners 131. Runaway royalty and a confused commoner 132. Android ad human 133. Immortal and non-immortal 134. Detention 135. Time travel 136. Came to the wrong Halloween party 137. Pranked the wrong person 138. Accidentally scared a kid and their adult is angry at me 139. Rival super heroes trying to save the same small town 140. Neighbours who only met because “I cannot get this stupid jar open can you help?” 141. We made a bet at the beginning of laser tag guess who won pay up 142. I’m on the FBIs most wanted for killing a ton of people but dw I just wanna date you bc your face is smoochable and you give me butterflies 143. Life sized version of clue in an old abandoned manor 144. Reunited after surviving zombie apocalypse 145. “are we both robbing the same house?” 146. Kissed them as a distraction to steal their wallet 147. “you know you’re singing out loud to your headphones, right?” 148. “I think my dog likes your dog” 149. Little kids getting way caught up in make believe 150. Lives alone in the woods next to a waterfall finds a confused lost person walking round 151. Fighting a squirrel 152. Spy 153. Private security 154. Angry biologists 155. Historians 156. Crazy cat hoarder and frustrated allergic to cats neighbour 157. Modern royalty 158. Got up at 2am for snacks at the store and found you trying to sleep in the hallway bc your roommates have his fiancée over and I guess I’ll lend you my couch 159. My cat went into your apartment through an open window and likes to piss everywhere and ruin furniture and now your back home from the store and you found me in the middle of your living room but I promise I’m not a burglar 160. Its 3 am and as much as you have a great music taste people are trying to sleep 161. My best friend somehow broke me to and tonight it the season finale of my fav to show and no internet streams are working can I watch it on you to please I promise I’ll go back to my apartment once it’s over 162. “I moved into the apartment next door and its totally haunted crash I crash here tonight” 163. “I may or may not have just robbed a bank and please help me get away I will pay you in sexual favors also cash” 164. “I don’t know you but you were at that party last night and long story short I now have your name tattooed on my ass2 165. “my friends dared me to go on this rollercoaster and now we are at the top and it looks hella scary and hello hot person next to me careful I might puke” 166. You thought you were alone at the bus stop early this morning so you started singing fall out boy loud but your Patrick stump impression could use some work and I’m not afraid to point that out 167. We’re rival up and coming singers and every time one of us releases a song the other covers it to try and make it better. We’re also always trying to out cute each other and top each other but half our fans ship us; our agents use this to their advantage and decide we should do a duet bc it would be popular but now we are in the studio together and I know and I kinda wanna know how your lips feel 168. Help I cannot find my cat and I know its 3 am but me and Neil cat rick Harris would appreciate the help 169. I’m a computer hacker trying to hack government systems but accidentally hacked your computer as you were searching up sex positions and looking at questionable porn 170. I’m a fandom blogger and you’re an aesthetic/fashion blogger and I accidentally followed you through that Tumblr radar thing but you’re too cute to unfollow 171. I sent you one of those ask memes Reponses saying that I would date you but we’ve never talked and you live half way across the world but now you’re interested whoops 172. You started banging on my door at 3 in the morning bc you got the wrong apartment and now I’m inviting you in for tea to bitch about the person you thought lived here 173. Person A accidentally falls in the pond trying to reach something and person B is a bystander who can’t help but laugh 174. Person B must grab person A from falling into the t6raintracks because they did stay behind the yellow line 175. you’re a store clerk and oh no I just spotted my ex can I hide behind your desk thingy 176. We’re neighbors and we’ve never talker but your cat may have gotten my cat pregnant guess we’ll have to raise a kitty family together. 177. A toddler broke your nose and I may or may not have snapped my thumb n an intense game of Mario kart and now we are sitting next to each other in A&E 178. I tried to rescue you from being robbed but got knocked out and you had to take me to the hospital after getting your wallet stolen 179. I purposefully get your coffee order wrong so you will talk to me again 180. I work at the checkout ad you are clearly not old enough to buy that 181. We are both con artists scamming each other 182. My hamster escaped and I think he went under your door 183. “Hey we hooked up last night and it turns out you’re my child’s teacher” 184. “we are neighbors and every night at 3;14 you start yodeling?? Why?? Is that you yodeling?? Its been two months??” 185. “I woke up this morning to find you in my living room with a goat wearing a poncho who are you?? Why is the goat wearing a poncho?? How did you get the goat here I live on the 12th floor?? 186. “I was playing beer pong with a coin and accidentally threw it in your eye at a party” 187. “okay I get that you’re a good thief and you don’t want to go to jail but I’m the tired af detective sent to catch you I stg if you let me bring you in I can get you a good deal” 188. “We’ve been nothing but friends our whole lives but then we played seven minutes in heaven on a dare and now I think I’m in love with you” 189. “My guitarist quit the night before a gig that could be my bands big break and apparently, you are really good but if you screw this up for us I will hunt you down and slit your throat” 190. “it’s the middle of the night and I’m walking in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s gaining on me and I found a phone booth with a lock on and tried to call my sister but my hand was shaking so now I’ve ended up calling you and I don’t know who you are but please help” 191. They captured you and put you in a room with me because I can suppress other people’s powers so you hate me but I’m just lonely and bored and want to talk to you 192. Esteemed rival chefs who find each other shamelessly buying ramen at 3am 193. “I know it’s the apocalypse but please can we keep this stray dog” 194. We’re at a murder mystery party and I’m sure you’re the killer 195. Your grandma is forward even though we are just friends 196. “We got into a really heated Wii tennis match and the rec and now I wanna bang you” 197. “you are literally the last person I would expect to see at Disneyland but hey wanna ride space mountain” 198. “YOU LIKE GAME OF THRONES TOO?!” 199. “in interviewing you for a newspaper can you please stop flirting with me and we can get coffee afterwards” 200. “we’re enemies by day but league of legends allies by night” 201. Ancient gods 202. Whoops I accidentally summoned a demon 203. Co captains who always argue 204. “I didn’t mean to throw the water balloon at you I meant to hit my friend behind you” 205. There was a food fight and I accidentally threw spaghetti at the scariest kid in school 206. “I happened to glance in your window when you did some air guitar and then you caught me looking” 207. “I live a block away from the pizza place that’s open until 2 am and you’re like always here which is nice because I get to see you but, um is you sleeping here because you’re literally always here” 208. “I swear to god if I hear you taking a shower at 3 in the morning I will fight you, the pipes in this building are right above my room WHY are you taking a shower at THREE IN THE MORNING” 209. 210. “I can literally hear you sneezing through the walls and I bought you some chicken soup because I have exams to study for and your sneezing is seriously distracting” 211. “Im the poor loser you lent your umbrella to yesterday and my cat scratched through the fabric I’m sorry” 212. “we were partnered for this project and both forgot to do it and now have to pull an all nighter at my house” 213. “I came to this Halloween part as Frankenstein and you came as frankenstein’s wife and now everyone thinks we are dates” 214. We’re the only ones at this tiny bus shelter and you’ve been crying for the past ten minutes and id give you privacy but its pouring down with rain outside so “do you want to talk about it?” I guess 215. You’ve just moved into my apartment and I want a drink but you’ve been in the kitchen for an hour and you will judge me for drinking whiskey at noon on a Sunday 216. We’re both in the brass section of the marching band and you won’t stop making ‘horny’ puns 217. You work in construction and I walk by every day to give you a bagel 218. I sit behind you in lecture and bio1102 is not the place to watch porn 219. We were the only idiots who showed up to ballroom dance class without a partner 220. We are in class and you keep throwing paper balls at me why 221. Its 2am and I’m knocking on your window, wake up let’s go on a late-night walk or something idk can we hold hands already 222. Our kids got paired up for a project and I meant just drop my kid off at your house but now we are at the end of a three hour talk 223. Battle of the bands 224. Our grandparents are in the same nursing home and hate each other whereas we don’t. 225. Arrested at the same protest 226. How do you keep getting my name that wrong on my coffee cup? 227. Only two people who bought tickets to this movie 228. Our manager is making us push this crappy item no one needs but you thought my campaigns was funny so you bought it 229. I desperately need you to fix my laptop but please don’t judge me for my browser history 230. My kid’s hamster died while she was at school and I don’t know how to tell her 231. I made a dumb science joke in class and you’re the only one who laughed 232. Everyone in our dorm has gone out but I have the flu and hear you coughing pathetically from the next room wanna share my stash of cough drops and have Netflix marathon 233. Got into a seriously heated argument in the comments of a mutual friends post 234. Rival street performers 235. My kid shoplifted from your store and I marched her right back to apologies 236. Why didn’t you tell me this place was haunted before I rented it from you? 237. My band plays at the same restraint every Friday and you always make obscure requests and I know you’re trying to stump me but you have rally underestimated how much of a music geek I am 238. m the caterer and you’re the florist for this wedding and we bond over talking about how bad of a person the bride’s mother is 239. We’re chaperoning these kids at an ice skating rink and that last couples skate was pathetic how about we show them how it’s done? 240. We both work at rivalling gossip magazines and keep trying to outdo each other ridiculous stories 241. I accidentally caught the neighbor’s yard on fire and I didn’t think it could get worse but the volunteer fireman reprimanding me is gorgeous and probably thinks I’m an idiot 242. I didn’t mean to get you arrested I thought I was helping 243. Your pizza keeps getting delivered to my house and I need to talk to you about your choice of toppings 244. Graffiti artist/ mural painter 245. You’re the only major film critic who’s hated my movie and I need to talk to you about it because I agree
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homestuck-good · 8 years
Coming Home - Lin X Reader
Prompt: Uh... None. I'm still new to this whole thing.
Warnings: Like, two curse words. Lin curses a lot in his interviews, so he curses here, too. Summary: You and Lin have grown distant over the years, leading to unfortunate feelings of loneliness. After returning to New York for a job interview, an unexpected encounter leads to a surprising reconciliation. Word count: 1,900 (Wow. 0.o) Notes: This is my first posted fic, so I really hope you all like it! Please give any and all feedback, I would appreciate it very much! I know @secretschuylersister said that what she got to read was good, so I hope the rest of it lives up to her expectations!
The window's view flashed by faster than your eyes could follow, mixing into a blur of pictures and scenes of local life. Huge buildings towered on the horizon, nearing closer every time you looked up.  A deep breath in. A deep breath out. There were few things you had experienced more nerve-wracking than this particular train ride back to your hometown. Even with a very promising job on the line, (y/n) was reluctant to travel home. She'd eventually end up running into an old family friend or schoolmate, which wasn't all that nerve-wracking. What made this journey anxiety-inducing was the prospect of meeting him.
You hadn't seen him in over a decade, and conversation had obviously not been much of a priority to him since you left. The two of you had been best friends at one point, and you still had no idea what happened between you.
Oh yeah, fame and fortune happened.
You and Lin had grown up in the same neighborhood, and your parents were close friends. It was inevitable that the two of you would be forced to spend time with each other, no matter how much both of you resisted. After nearly a year of the two of you avoiding one another, a mutual love of theatre brought you into a careful friendship. From there, the relationship blossomed. The two of you had spent every moment possible together, reenacting scenes from Rent or singing a very out-of-tune rendition of Wicked. You would trust Lin with your life, and he would trust you with his. Of course, while Lin fell deeper into camaraderie, you had fallen deeper into love. Despite your best efforts to suppress it, a fluttering and delicate crush began to take root in your mind, until all you thought about was his goofy smile and stunningly kind words. Your years of schooling past by quickly, lost in a blur of tests and exams. The end of Senior year arrived faster than either of you could ever imagine.
Much to your dismay, Lin was going to Wesleyan, a liberal arts university in Connecticut. You, however, had been accepted to Phillip Merrill, a journalism school in Maryland. You would be far from your best friend and your hometown, leaving you feeling alone and helpless. Lin, of course, promised that he would talk with you whenever possible, updating you on the nature of his life. You pledged to do the same.
First semester went smoothly. Constant conversation, and good grades. Eventually, 'whenever possible' turned into 'whenever convenient'. You talked less and less, seeing as both of you were drowning in heaping piles of schoolwork. That never deterred your friendship. Lin's creative genius never ceased to astound you in every way. He would share ideas with you when he could, looking for your approval before he deemed the idea worth acting on.
It made you feel good, to know that you were still an important part of his life.
Slowly but surely, your small role in his world diminished until you were nothing but a fond reminder of childhood that was off in some other part of the country. Your unrequited feelings began to flicker out as well, but you still smiled every time you saw his name in the news.
He was in the news quite often, after all.
In The Heights, a work of genius, had finally made its way onto Broadway. Journalism jobs were few and far between, so when the opportunity to write an eight-page cover story on a hit Broadway musical popped up, you took it without second thought.
That second thought, however, probably would have been that you would have to interview a certain Lin-Manuel Miranda to get the story done.
Shaking yourself out of reminiscence, you looked up to find the dreary view quickly changing to the busy hubbub of a train station. Gathering the bag you had packed for your week's stay, you merged into the crowd streaming outside. A cacophony of sounds hit your ears almost immediately, but you knew from experience it was nothing compared to what awaited you in the streets of New York. You took another deep breath in. Out. Although nighttime was fast approaching and you had an early morning ahead, muscle memory guided your feet to your favorite hole-in-the-wall.
It was a little book shop that had survived on you and Lin's purchases alone for a few years, and the owner greeted you warmly when you stepped into the familiar room. You returned the welcome with a kind smile and a hug, telling him that you were back home for a week on a business endeavor.
The two of you talked for a bit, discussing books and catching up on a decade of missed conversation. He was talking animatedly about a recent encounter with a rather rude customer when the bell that signaled a new arrival chimed. You turned around, ready to greet this stranger with a smile and a firm handshake. You were instead faced with a scenario you hadn't been prepared to struggle through until tomorrow.
A disheveled and sleep-deprived Lin stood in the doorway, staring at you in shock.
The owner, who's name was Luis, called for Lin to shut the still-swinging door.  He did so with robotic movements, face still frozen in a mask of surprise. Time seemed to freeze. You had trouble drawing in a breath deep enough to merit proper brain function, which wasn't very helpful in this current situation.
Scenes of your childhood began to play through your mind, memories of Lin rushing forward with a fresh wave of pain. Seeing his face reopened a wound you weren't ready to address yet. You drew in a deep, very shaky breath.
Luis, bless his soul, was able to detect the tension and scurried safely into a back room to escape the awkward conversation that would inevitably take place. You, however, did not have that luxury. Deciding to break the enveloping silence, you offered a very unsure-sounding "Hi."
Lin was still in a state of shock. "Hey." His eyes began to shift around the room, looking at everything but you.
"So," you began. "Ready for your interview tomorrow?"
He laughed and loosened up considerably. It took him only a few seconds before he stiffened up once again. "How did you know about that? It's going to be for a small magazine, and it's not anything..." He trailed off, finally understanding that you were the interviewer. You surmised he had forgotten that you had gone to get a degree in journalism. You assumed he had forgotten a lot of things since you left, actually.
The awkward atmosphere having made its return, Lin started averting his eyes again. You sighed in frustration, clearly fed up with his dancing on eggshells.
"Look. We stopped talking. I get it. You were too busy with fame and fortune to talk to an old friend. That's alright." You sounded bitter and resentful, despite the thousands of times you had imagined this exact encounter. Another breath and you had enough emotional integrity to continue without crying. "Let's just get this over with, okay? I'll pretend I'm the interviewer, you're being interviewed, and we don't know each other. It'll be fine."  
You didn't know if you were assuring yourself or Lin, but it wasn't working. You muttered another "Yeah, It'll be fine..." underneath your breath, even when you were clearly not fine. When you looked back at him, he was slack-jawed and open-mouthed. You had tears in your eyes. "Look, I'm sorry. Taking this job was stupid. I'll go back and have them send someone else. Tell Luis I said bye." You nearly jogged to get past Lin and out of the store, tears threatening to spill onto your cheeks. It took less than a moment for him to spring into action, and before you knew it warm arms were holding you back from the door, clutching you close.
You cried. Hard.
He wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug, holding you despite your efforts to get away. You finally gave in, leaving tear stains on his shirt. Lin held you even closer, rubbing your upper back in a gesture of comfort. It wasn't very comforting. When you looked at his face again, he smiled. You began to profusely apologize and tried to dislodge yourself from his arms. He, thankfully, held on. Quieting your apologies, he almost giggled.
Lin. Giggled. He giggled.
You, probably more out of delirium than hilarity, began to giggle too. He erupted into a full-blown laugh, making you giggle even harder. You might have even snorted once or twice. He quieted and stared at you with adoration.
"God (y/n), you really thought that was why I stopped talking to you? Did you really think you would ever become unimportant to me?" You nodded sheepishly, temporarily assured that a lack of three years correspondence was nothing more than a mishap. He put his hand to his forehead, mumbling a string of curses under his breath. The only one you heard clearly was "I can't believe I'm actually gonna say this out loud..." Which didn't sound very reassuring at the moment. He sighed and looked at you, still smiling.
"Look, (y/n). I have fallen hopelessly in love with my best friend. She is funny, smart, kind, and beautiful in each and every way. I put off talking to her for three long years because I was so fucking afraid that she'll reject me. I'm still really fucking afraid of that." Lin shook his head, losing his smile. "Shit. Just, forget that. I'll, uh, leave now..."
You didn't think. You probably should have. The last thought running through your mind was 'Screw it.', or something along those lines. Then again, most of your decisions have ended with a defeated 'Screw it.'
Instinct caused you to tug on his arm, pulling him back around to face you. It was probably recklessness that made you grab his face and pull him in for a kiss.
He stood in shock, unable to move. You continued nonetheless, confident now that you were sure of his feelings. Lin's hands quickly found their way into your hair, pulling you closer to him.
This was nice. Unexpected, nonetheless, but nice.
After a minute of this wonderful experience, the two of you were forced to part because of humanity's unfortunate need for oxygen. Right now, you needed him. Lin was still in shock, breathless despite the kiss's chasteness. You laughed. So did he. It felt like you were teenagers again, laughing off a blunder in class with books and show tunes. It felt good. So, so good. So, so right. The two of you migrated to your favorite chairs in the corner of the store, comfortably sitting in your childhood thrones. Grinning like an idiot, you posed a very important question.
"So, ready for your interview yet?"
"Definitely. That is if you'll be there to see me?" Lin responded playfully, knowing very well that the two of you would probably arrive at the meeting place together, coffees in hand.
"Hm, that depends. I'll have to rearrange my schedule, but I'll see what I can do." Awkwardness long gone, the two of you engaged in comforting banter. Of course, you each snuck a few kisses in between sentences, but that's beside the point.
It felt good to be home.
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haleyfury · 5 years
Wrap-up season is officially upon us! While I’ll be getting into the TV/film and bookish goodness very soon, today I’ll be focusing on my favorite albums of the year. I don’t talk about music too much on the blog, but I would love to incorporate it more. Music primarily gets discussed here on Fangirl Fury in music-inspired book reviews, music-inspired book tags, and in the life happenings sections of some of my monthly wrap ups. I am by no means a music connoisseur—I have no idea how to talk about music using music terminology/lingo – but like many, I absolutely love listening to it. In the future, I’d like to include occasional blog posts about what songs and artists I’m currently listening to.
My 2019 favorites are split in three categories: albums that came out in 2019, music that I discovered in 2019, and music I especially revisited in 2019. I’ve also tried to keep my favorite songs to a 5 song minimum.
2019 Releases
Lover // Taylor Swift- While I enjoyed the single releases leading up to Lover, I was a bit nervous how the album would come together because “Me!,” “Lover,” “You Need to Calm Down,” and “The Archer” all sounded so different. However, this album completely delivered! As long as I don’t have anything too crazy going on in life by then, I am determined to go to Lover Fest. It of course has its own sounds, but if I had to describe it in T-Swift terms, Lover combines the sound of 1989 and Reputation but its messages and song lyric quality is very similar to Red.
Favorite Songs: “Lover,” “Soon You’ll Get Better,” “I Forgot That You Existed,” “I Think He Knows,” and “Cornelia Street”
Sing to Me Instead // Ben Platt- After devouring The Politician in September and October, I went on a Ben Platt kick and found myself head over heels in love with Sing to Me Instead. I love the music video so much for “Grow As We Go,” and “Run Away” is actually incorporated into The Politician– River and Payton play it together on the piano.
Favorite Songs: “Grow As We Go,” “Run Away,” “Better,” “Honest Man,” and “Share Your Address”
Music from The Politician // Ben Platt and Co. – Spoiler for my favorite 2019 TV and movies wrap-up, but The Politician is one of the many shows that stole my heart this year. One of the many reasons why is the show’s incorporation of music- while it wasn’t necessary to the plot, the covers were just so well done.
Songs/Covers: “River,” “Unworthy of Your Love,” “Vienna”
Happiness Begins // Jonas Brothers- Although I grew up as a Jonas Brothers and was excited about their reunion, I didn’t really have too many expectations for Happiness Begins. However, Happiness Begins was my go-to album for the summer and was blasted in my car on every beach day.
Favorite Songs: “Hesitate,” “Comeback,” “Trust,” “Rollercoaster,” & “Strangers”
Thank U, Next // Ariana Grande- Thank U, Next dominated my listening in Feburary 2019 when the album dropped. I wouldn’t call myself the biggest Ariana Grande fan, but I’ve been listening to her music since middle school and have really enjoyed each album. My best friend and I may or may not have a coordinated dance to “bad idea”
Favorite Songs: “bloodline,” “bad idea,” “fake smile,” “ghostin,” and “in my head”
New to Me 2019:
Golden Hour // Kacey Musgraves- I am a country music fan through and through, but I go through periods where all I want to listen to is country music. I forget what made me decide to listen to Kacey Musgraves’ Golden Hour, but I did love her performance of “Here You Come Again” with Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus at the 2019 Grammys. This album got me through spring semester finals season after binge-listening to it one night in April. This album is another case where I love every single song and don’t have an exact ‘least favorite’.
Favorite Songs: “Space Cowboy,” “Velvet Elvis,”“Golden Hour,” “Rainbow,”  and “Lonely Weekend”
A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships & I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It // The 1975- Somewhat like my love for country music, I go into drifts where all I want to do is listen to alternative.
Favorite Songs: “Love Me,” “Somebody Else,” and “It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)”
Musicals: Anastasia (Broadway) & Mamma Mia 2– I saw Anastasia on Broadway right before its closing back in March, and I still find myself often listening to “In My Dreams, “In A Crowd of Thousands,” and “Journey to the Past.”
It took me a year but I finally watched Mamma Mia 2 this summer. I’m actually not the biggest fan of the movies themselves, but I absolutely love the music. My favorite songs include “When I Kissed the Teacher” and “One of Us is Lying.”
Revisits in 2019
Red // Taylor Swift- Blame it on the Lover anticipation, but I found myself falling back into my favorite Taylor Swift album this summer.
Favorite Songs: “All Too Well,” “Girl At Home,” “Holy Ground,” “Come Back…Be Here,” and “The Moment I Knew”
Pray for the Wicked & Death of a Bachelor // Panic! At the Disco– I spend more time driving in the summer than I do during the rest of the year, so I’m always trying to switch up my car playlists. Panic! At the Disco has often drifted into my studying and school playlists this semester.
Favorite Songs: “LA Devotee,” “The Good, the Bad and the Dirty,” “Dancing’s Not a Crime,” “One of the Drunks,” and “Old Fashioned”
What music and artists did you absolutely love in 2019? Any of the above? Share in the comments!
My Favorite Music in 2019 Wrap-up season is officially upon us! While I’ll be getting into the TV/film and bookish goodness very soon, today I’ll be focusing on my favorite albums of the year.
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vileart · 7 years
Power Dramaturgy: Julia Croft @ Edfringe 2017
Created by Julia Croft and Nisha Madhan
After her inaugural visit and a highly successful presentation of If There’s Not Dancing at the Revolution, I’m Not Coming at last year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Julia Croft is returning to Summerhall for the 2017 Fringe with award-winning Power Ballad.
Power Ballad is the second in a trilogy of feminist performance artworks by Julia Croft, and is an investigation of language, the hidden ideologies and power dynamics hidden within it, and an attempt to find a new language of pleasure, anger and femaleness.
It’s also a mighty loud 80s power ballad karaoke sing-a-long, featuring the full synth beauty of Pat Benatar, Patti Smith and Annie Lennox. Power Ballad was directed by Nisha Madhan (of Shortland Street and The Blue Rose fame) leading to the declaration that
Summerhall Demonstration Room
2, 4 - 28 August (No shows 14, 21) Time: 19:30 Duration: 50mins
What was the inspiration for this performance?
A few different occurrences over the course of 2016 -  reading Revolt she said, revolt again by Alice Birch, the misogynistic train wreck that was the 2016 US election and the implicit gendered narratives that were played out in the politics and media of that time, as well as a life time of personally feeling the ways in which language was used against me as a woman and the ways I felt (and still feel) that language can be an impossible bind for women. 
Over the course of making the show, the concept of language began to also stand in for all those other seemingly immovable patriarchal structures we are all trying to live within or against. They seem permanent but they aren't-things could be different. 
I think the show at it's core is so optimistic. Things could change. This show started to become a small rally cry - or at least my own attempt to begin to understand what a resistance could look like and my reminding myself of the importance of being hopeful. 
Then as we began rehearsals for the show millions of women around the world marched collectively. And it is one of the best things I have ever seen. the show sits inspired by all those things. By some deep feminist rage but also optimism and the feeling in my gut that things are shifting. That and a long held love for impossibly uncool 80s music and Karaoke. I like to think karaoke is my super power.
Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas? 
Yes and no. I think the theatre space has become a space of privilege, especially if you are charging for tickets (which is mostly a necessary evil)-so mostly the discussion is being had by relatively privileged folk- in a space of privilege. 
But it does also provide a space where bodies are somehow forced to acknowledge each other. Where we can create a sort of utopia. That can be a powerful thing. And I have personally felt the richness of conversation that has happened between myself and my friends, and strangers after a show that is way deeper and more complex than what would happen in a pub. 
And it's all I know. I've been in theatre for most of my life- and it's the only way i know to give form to any kind of public discussion.
How did you become interested in making performance?
I started as an actor from a very young age and assumed that I would keep being a straight actor until i finished drama school and low and behold there was no work.Then it became a situation of either start making the work, or find another career. I was raised in a family that talked often and openly about politics and social justice and I always thought of that as a part of myself that was seperate from my life in the theatre. At a certain point a few years ago I finally clicked that these two things weren't seperate, in fact they were so inextricably interlinked that one couldn't exist without the other. I have to feel like my work is politically as well as artistically necessary- even if it is just adding a tiny drop of water. 
Is there any particular approach to the making of the show?
I think I approach making work very playfully and instinctually. i start with a lot of academic theory and then attempt to let that go as much as I can to follow whatever my body wants to do. It always starts with feminism and theory and always ends in something chaotic and filled with joy and pleasure. With this show it was the most successful collaboration I have ever had on a work. Me and Nisha Madhan created this work together. Both of our brains birthed this baby and I can't tell in the show what is mine and what is hers, because everything is both of us. We have a playful way of making together. We gave ourselves some concrete theatrical propositions- a microphone and a loop pedal and just played in a room together for 6 weeks. tried to find the task or the game in each moment. And tried to make each other laugh.
Does the show fit with your usual productions?
In most ways- it feels like a good progression of form. I think we were able to push into something deeper in this work because we allowed ourselves fewer devices and attempted instead to really see an idea through to it's bitter end. We have referred to it as the "evil twin" of my other solo- it feels darker, and maybe less celebratory, perhaps a sign of the times. 
What do you hope that the audience will experience?
Joy, arousal, intellectually robust debate, beauty, rage. At it's loftiest i want them to feel like they can change the world-like the feminist revolution is arriving. Like It could happen at any moment.
What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience?
Julia Croft’s recent work includes co-directing an upheaval and feminist intervention into one of New Zealand’s most classic theatrical texts Foreskin’s Lament (it’s about rugby, no kidding), for our largest theatre company, Auckland Theatre Company. Croft is also working on co-writing and performing in Body Double, a work about female desire with the director of Jane Doe, Eleanor Bishop (playing at Assembly Roxy).
Nisha Madhan is a long time conspirator and collaborator with Julia Croft, director of Town Centre “a theatre cult that is dedicated to mining the social potential of performance.”
Winner: Best Performer at Auckland Fringe 2017 - Power Ballad Winner: Best Live Art/Contemporary Performance at Auckland Fringe 2017 - Power Ballad
from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2siLjeZ
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