#finally some uraraka pov
uravichii · 2 years
bakugo katsuki vs physical intimacy
genre: fluFFFF and a tad angst (it's literally just katsuki being scared of accidentally blowing you up when he initiates physical affection 🗿)
notes: kind of hate this but hey i finally remembered the headcanon 🧍‍♀️ also is it rly a fic in bakugo's pov if he's not randomly bashing kaminari's whole existence 🤩⁉️⁉️
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my number 1 headcanon for bakugo katsuki is that, no matter how amazing and invincible he claims himself to be, is a total loser against physical intimacy.
i mean we've all seen him literally kick the soul out of jirou to protect her when he could literally just,, maybe shove her out of the way? 😭
it's even worse when it's with you, the person who matters the most to him.
he doesn't know how your friends find it so easy to latch onto you like it's nothing. he'd find tsuyu and uraraka linking arms with you in the hallway, ashido draping her arms around you and sweetly resting her chin on your shoulderー god, he wishes he could do the same, and then he sees kaminari shamelessly resting his elbow on your head with that stupid, cocky grin on his face as if he's not in contact with only the most beautiful, godsent being that is you.
meanwhile, bakugo katsuki, your boyfriend, jolts back when your pinky grazes the back of his hand. he retracts it, puts his hand in his pocket and doesn't say a word despite the sharp twist in his chest when he catches the despondent look on your face.
katsuki doesn't let you clasp your hand around his arm like other couples doー he gets way too flustered and has no idea how to hide that. so when you start getting tired of walking and need some kind of a leverage in case your legs give out, he tells you, "don't fall, dumbass. just grab onto my shirt" you comply with a smile.
occasionally, he'd feel the slight tug of his shirt when his pace gets too fast. he looks back, "oi, everything okay?" the whole time there's not a single contact where skin meets skin, and yet inside it makes him giddy all the same.
katsuki can't place a hand on your shoulder and smoothly bring you over to the safer side of the sidewalk. instead, he yanks the strap of your bag until you stumble over to the other side, quickly grabbing your elbow so you don't collapse and end up breaking a bone or two. (he doesn't shy away from touching you if it's to protect you.)
"thanks?" you say, genuinely confused by the chivalrous (?) gesture that literally could've knocked you down on the rough asphalt if it weren't for his quick reflexes.
"you're welcome." he shrugs.
bakugo katsuki finds hugging and hand-holding the scariest.
he tries though, but it's less like holding your hand and more like hovering it over yours. katsuki doesn't underestimate his strength and in turn, his potential to hurt you somehowー that he is deathly afraid of.
a single brush of your skin against his sends a spark across his whole body and has his stupid heart pounding hard in his chest until it hurtsー what more if he has to cradle your perfect, soft and supple hand with his rough and constantly sweaty ones, calloused and marred with scars. do they gross you out? what if he accidentally blows up your hand?
what more if you so badly want to be held by him, and he can't bring himself to refuse you? he has to embrace your smaller frame, press his body onto yoursー fuck, can you feel his heart racing? did you catch the hitch in his breath when you buried your face into his chest? where does he place his hands? is he squeezing your waist too much? is he hurting you?
how does he train himself to be soft and hold you delicately with vile hands that were carved only to be brandished and a body that has only known how to struggle and strike, to launch an attack and then brace for one?
don't get him wrong though, he bakugo katsuki wants to hold you, and he most certainly wants to be held by you.
you slowly loll your head to the side until it comes in contact with katsuki's shoulder, the static rumble of the bus slowly coaxing you to sleep.
he doesn't retract nor pushes your head off (thankfully), but he does flinch a little and completely tenses up.
"sorry. i know you hate this, but the window hurts my head." you mutter sleepily. "i like your shoulder much better."
he clenches his jaw. he hates that you have to be sorry for touching your boyfriend.
"idiot. i don't hate it." he grumbles.
you raise your head to look at him, dumbfounded.
"you don't have to look so shocked." he pushes your face away from him, as gently as he can, careful not to actually hurt you. he's relieved when you only chuckle in response.
"all that touching stuffー" he continues, "'m just not good at all that shit."
you squeeze his hand and smile softly. "well i am." you press a chaste kiss on the back of his hand before settling your cheek in his palm. as always, his chest starts to acheー in a good way at least, he thinks. you're the only thing in this world he'll allow his heart to be battered by.
"oi, do you want your face to explode or something?"
you close your eyes and nuzzle your nose into his palm. "you'll patch me up afterwards, won't you?"
katsuki, trying his absolute hardest to get over his nerves, shifts his large hand until it wraps itself around the side of your neck, now caressing your jaw. he pulls you closer until his forehead touches on yours.
"you're fucking insane." he whispers.
when he kisses you, it's nothing like what you'd expect from the bakugo katsuki. it's delicate, agonizingly slow and almost unsure, as if he's asking for permission, and of course you permit him. you lock your lips with his, press them deeper until it earns a low hum from katsuki, and you let your lips say, 'yes, yes, yes. you absolutely can.'
"see? it's not so bad." you grin.
no, it's not. it never was.
when you settle your head back on his shoulder, he watches furtively as sleep washes over you. the adorable contentment in your face, the slight part of your lips, the way your head would repeatedly slide off and he has to gently prop it back on his shoulder every time, all the while he stifles a smile of adorationー bakugo katsuki realizes that there are much scarier things in the world than this, and he swears to shield you from every one of them.
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miyamoratsumuu · 2 months
Fight for Me by Barrett Wilbert Weed, acapella version, ft. Hitoshi Shinsou 
⋆ would he fight for you because it was for you, or only because you were acquaintances?
requested by @angeliicheartt : HIHI CUTIE!! i was wondering if i could get fight for me by barrett wilbert weed (heathers: the musical) acapella version ft. hitoshi shinso the loml 😚
⋆ shinsou hitoshi x female reader ⋆ written in 2nd pov, wc: 1.4k ⋆ this request is from the 400 followers event!! mha masterlist ⋆ other notes: mild swearing
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it was lunch time at UA high, you and your circle of friends were on your way to the cafeteria. the school as a whole had just recovered from the war, meaning you were now in your second year. that also means you have underclassmen roaming the halls with you now. most of them are respectful, having admiration toward you and your class for having a large part in the past war. the rest of them though, you can’t say the same about them. as believed, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. though only some are thick-skinned enough to voice them out. it just so happens that a decent amount of your underclassmen are those kinds of people. 
since the final part of the war was shown to almost the whole of japan, most of said “opinions” consist of you and your classmates’ hero suits, contributions to the fights against the villains, and overall participation in the war. as you walk through the halls full of students of different years, more than often do you hear your name come out of their mouths. todoroki signalled for you to stop walking for a moment as uraraka wanted to put the textbooks she didn’t need anymore back in her locker. you were standing beside midoriya with shinsou on his other side. 
shinsou’s more so the “new kid” in class A. sure, he’s been in UA since you were first years, but he was only able to transfer to class A this year, after working with the class during the war. he started to spend most of his time with you, midoriya and some of the others. the two of you don’t have the closest relationship, but you acknowledged each other as friends. 
“she’s from 2A, right?” the voice of a first year caught your attention. from your peripheral vision, you could see her eyes looking at you. she and whoever she was talking to were behind you, slightly to your left. you didn’t know what course she was from, but you recognized the student she was with to be a first year in the hero course. you were about to completely turn away when the hero in training spoke up too.
“yeah, she’s one of the ones that didn’t have much to offer for the whole war.” he chuckled before continuing “dunno why they kept her in the hero course. her hero suit looks way too revealing and it looked like she hesitated a lot during the war.”
he stopped talking and it sounded like he was cut off. you were still about to face your underclassman to have a word with him, but someone seemed to beat you to it. turns out the first year was cut off after all. as you turned around, you were met with a sight to behold. shinsou grabbed onto the guy’s collar, effectively shutting him up. the chatter in the hallway seemed to quiet down too. you didn’t notice that your jaw was practically on the floor before uraraka tapped you on the shoulder.
“what happened?” she quietly asked from your right. 
“I..” you didn’t know what to say either before you lightly shook your head and stepped forward to pull your classmate away from the pale-faced first year. whispers and murmurs began to resonate around you. you were stopped in your tracks when shinsou spoke up. 
“you talk about her again and you’ll find the trouble you’re looking for” he pulled the underclassman closer by his collar, his words purposely seeping with venom. all the first year could do was nod and frantically leave with the gen course student after shinsou let him go. from where you stood, you could see shinsou continue to glare at the two until they were out of view. he scoffed and turned around to face you and your jaw-slacked friends.
people in the hallway began to mind their own business as footsteps and loud chatter were heard again. shinsou raised an eyebrow at the three of you, not including todoroki. he had a mix of a look of confusion and pride on his face, a huge contrast to you, midoriya, and uraraka whose jaws were practically on the floor. shinsou opened his mouth to talk, but uraraka and midoriya beat him to it.
“what was that?!” the two of them exclaimed in unison. earning a wince from shinsou and you, given that you were standing right beside the two. you subtly stepped to the side, slightly moving away from them as you continued to keep your eyes on shinsou in front of you. 
“the guy was talking shit, what’d you expect me to do” he said it as if the answer was obvious. midoriya was about to question him more when todoroki insisted that they have to head to the cafeteria already if they didn’t want to miss their lunch. he had a point, and so you all obliged.
as you all made your way to the cafeteria again, your steps were slow and you walked behind the group. you still pondered on everything that just happened, not believing that your friends could move on from it so quickly. why would shinsou do that? was it specifically because you were the one being talked about? or was he really just set on defending a friend? no, you weren’t that close. not yet, atleast. as questions continued to pop into your mind, little did you know that shinsou was starting to walk slowly, carefully trying to match your pace. you had only noticed when he lowered his head to meet your eyes.
“you okay?” his voice was laced with genuine concern as he continued to walk beside you, his eyes still trying to meet yours. you jumped, not expecting to hear a voice right beside you. you only had eye contact with him for a second before you lowered your head again. the sudden interaction flustered you, especially after what happened by the lockers just earlier. with the lack of a response from you, shinsou continued to talk.
“sorry about earlier. I acted on impulse, I hope I didn’t weird you out.” hearing that, you raised your head again to look at him. only he wasn’t looking at you anymore. his left hand was on the back of his neck as his eyes were drawn to the floor. you stopped walking and and shinsou quickly noticed you weren’t right beside him anymore. he stopped walking and turned around to face you. the brainwash hero was taken aback when you clutched onto your stomach and began to giggle.
“jeez, shinsou, didn’t know you were the funny type” you said in between laughs. confusion was apparent in his features as you wiped the tears from your eyes. 
“you quite literally almost fought for me. why the hell would I be weirded out by that? I should thank you, I almost slapped the guy myself. you saved me from the trouble with nezu, y’know.” shinsou’s confusion was instantly replaced with a look of relief, a small smile now gracing his lips. he shoved his hands in his pockets before meeting your eyes again. even after risking the chance of a punishment because of what happened with the first year earlier, he still had it in him to spare you a smile. 
“thanks, I guess. I was nervous I might’ve made the wrong first impression with you already.” you raised a brow at that.
“oh? the hitoshi shinsou worried about making a good first impression on me?” you began to walk forward, intending to stand right in front of shinsou. 
“I mean, you are one of the so called “cool kids” of UA. why wouldn’t I?” he challenged, taking a small step closer so his face was right in front of yours.
“yeah yeah whatever, kid.” you stepped to the side and began to make your way to the cafeteria again, shinsou following right beside you. 
“for real though, don’t worry about it. I’d do the same for you if ever the opportunity came.” as you continued to walk side by side, you placed your elbow on shinsou’s shoulder. you side eyed him, trying to gauge his reaction. 
“would you now?” he met your eyes again. he had a teasing tone, but the gentle smile was still on his face. 
“duh! as long as you fight for me, you could bet a million dollars I’m fighting for you as long as I’m still around.” 
“well then I’ll gladly do it over and over again. just for you.”
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a/n: hope this turned out fine! tysm for requesting elle!!<3 'm so sorry I sort of left out the actual fighting part, I was too much of a coward to write it because I didn't know how to write fights at all 😭🙏🏻
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codenamesazanka · 1 year
402 notes.
Shigaraki Tomura remains the best and only character ever.  AFO: Tomura—  Shigaraki: Fuck off.
"Then in the meanwhile, I'll go to U.A. to kill everyone who hurt me!" Love to see that 'Sky Coffin Death Trap' come back to bite the Heroes in the ass, even in just in a taunting sentence. Because-- if you're trying to save Shigaraki Tomura, why enact a plan called 'Sky Coffin Death Trap'.
The switch to third-person POV narration despite Deku (our first-person narrator for nearly the entire series so far) being right there is strange.
On one hand, I feel the twinge in my heart about him wanting to be a good disciple and continue heeding All Might's instructions. It hits, emotionally. On the other, it just feels like we're going 400 chapters without Deku ever growing from obeying All Might, and this is, it seems, a good and admirable thing, that All Might continues to be above reproach. I guess if the man is about to die, we can be polite and overlook it, but.
It's the same for the flashback during the 'because you're always trying your best' panel, this callback and ungrowth. It's all from Chapter 3. You would think we would get a montage of panels from all across the entire series, of key moments from the past year of Deku's life. Instead, we're trapped in the past, it seems. The pinnacle of Deku's accomplishments noteworthy to All Might at the moment seemingly being Chapter 3. Out of 402 chapters.
"[You can be a Hero without your quirk] Because you're always doing your best. And never gave up your dream." Reading this line, I have been finally able to clear away some frustrations I've been having for a while about the story and about Deku. This isn't about saving people, it's about Deku becoming a Hero by saving a villain that happened to be Shigaraki. This isn't about saving, it's about Deku becoming the greatest Hero. Focus isn't on the victim. It's about Deku being a Hero. His best is asking Muscular two questions and deciding that's enough understanding the villain and there's no hope for the guy; his best is 'the world is shades of grey' when told about extrajudicial government assassinations; his best is barely having a plan to save Shigaraki besides 'I can't ignore your tears' (which would be a bit redundant now that Uraraka used it?). Fair enough. That's his best. That's his Plus Ultra. Can't hold it against him. So that he wants to save Shigaraki not for any principled reason, and definitely not because he has seen and acknowledged and thought deeply about any flaws in the society that failed the villains, but because he has an inkling that he should because he saw a psychic empathy vision of a crying 5-year-old? Sure. And at least on that point he won't give up! Almost admirable.
Maybe he'll save baby AFO though. That might actually impress me.
All Might continue to talk about being a 'Symbol of Peace' while doing the most violent things. Like trying to blow up a kid's neck. I mean, I get why he's doing it. But it's just such a mismatch.
As is, again, this question and answer: 'Can you be a Hero without a quirk? Yes you can! With this support item and incredible violence.'
Kindergartener AFO yesssssss
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nogenderbee · 6 months
pov: ur a massive simp for tsukasa, rui, akito, sometimes deku, uraraka, hanako from tbhk, mitsuba from tbhk, nene from tbhk, tsuchigomori from tbhk and yeah you get the image
and so whenever your on wattpad you can read fanfiction of you fav charecter easily bc your a massive simp with a wide range of kinnies and you’ve never had a boyfriend and for some reason girls crush on you but boys never (i’ve had 4 girls crush on me last year, one of them was my bestie and we still are)
and then you finally find someone to love in the early novembers and has an on off love for him but your not delusional enough to believe he likes you back
so you fill that void by finding something to love
but obviously the month before that, 30th september your fucking pet dies making you even more delusional and wanting love so bad you place your faith in characters you previously simped for because they can’t hurt you 😃😃
and so now your slowly rotting in your room, reading wattpad, making a bunch of paper stars and paper bows, waiting for something interesting to happen
end of POV
paper bows in question:
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Excuse me are we the opposites here-? Like, I always had boys crushing on me but girls?! Girlies where are you?! ToT ILYSM Okey but back to you darl, I know it's going hard but I can assure you it'll be alright! Pet's death always hurts and it's alright to stay sad for few days, it's absolutely normal thing to do! But I'd still advise you to take small walks if you can, fresh air usually does good for our mental and physical health so win-win! And it doesn't have to be a long walk or anything... you can literally do one slow circle around your house or go to playground and sit there and even read wattpad from there! But of course I won't force you, those are just my advices. But hey, if you ever need to let it out again, I'm here! For now just rest and take care of your mental, and I'm sure it'll be better soon!
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keis-slut · 2 years
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s. todoroki
chapter o. - Stranger
now playing Stranger by Tove Lo
"you're my stranger in the dark"
Living in the dorms at U.A
is more fun than you'd think.
I've basically hit it off with everyone in my class, 1-A, just being the type to be liked by everyone, and everyone being so friendly as well.
But there was one classmate in particular it was a bit hard to communicate with.
Shoto Todoroki
Even though i've been at U.A for way longer than two semesters, I haven't talked to him as much as I did with the rest of the class, but that doesn't mean I didn't want to.
He was just especially hard to approach, and he always gave off a rather cold aura.
I'm actually walking behind him currently as we head back to our dorm rooms after classes today. He obviously knew someone else was behind him, but didn't spark any kind of conversation. He never really tried, so the fact that I've never talked to him use to completely slip my mind, and it didn't really bother me, until now, for some reason.
Soon enough, we made it to the building, and walking up the stairs, Todoroki opens the door.
I walk onto the last step, making my way towards the door as Todoroki pauses, holding it open.
He's...holding the door for me?
I slow for a second, wondering if that's what he was doing.
"are you coming? I don't have all night" A low monotone voice cuts me from my thoughts as I look up to meet mismatching eyes.
I hurry my footsteps and grab onto the door.
"y-yeah, i'm sorry" I say sheepishly, and he stares at me before turning around and walking into the common area, as I feel something slightly twist inside my stomach.
I step in and close the door behind me, inhaling sharply and exhaling a sigh as I look to the ground.
This could be my chance to talk to him!
I look back up, intending to face Todoroki, only to see he was gone. I stand up straight, a confused look plastered on my face to see him gone so quick.
Feeling slightly disappointed, I grab onto my backpack strap and start walking towards the girls dorms, then hearing the door to the building open up behind me.
I turn around to face a few of the girls, Ashido, Uraraka and Tsu.
I smile kindly at them and wave.
"hey, girls" I say, turning around to face them.
"hello, y/n. ribbit" Tsu greets, poking at her cheek.
"y/n!" Ashido shreeks, running over to me and wrapping her arms around me tightly.
I chuckle and lean my head against hers.
"you didn't wait for me after class!" She whines, finally releasing me from the hug.
A few more of the students start walking in behind the girls.
Bakugo walks in with a scoff, and beside him Kirishima and Kaminari.
"you're blocking the entrance, fucking move" Bakugo spits, glaring at me.
I roll my eyes and flip him off, which he responds with a growl, then I turn back to Ashido.
"i'm sorry, I was so tired after today. i'll wait next time, I promise" I reassure, and she smiles at me before walking off with the rest of the girls. I turn around to walk again, intending to finally get to my dorm room, only to almost bump into someone.
I blink confused before stepping back to see who it was.
I look up to meet familiar heterochromia eyes, and my face flushes pink slightly.
"T-Todoroki! sorry! I should watch where i'm going..." I whisper, tucking a strand of hair away from my face.
He tilts his head down at me, keeping his rather bored expression. His hands are shoved into his pockets as he goes to walk around me.
"yeah. it's okay" He mumbles in his monotone voice.
I watch him as he walks away, seeing as he stands aside from the current crowd in the common room. He leans against the wall in a corner and watches everyone, eyes dull.
He seems so lonely.
But can I talk to him?
I clutch onto my backpack once more before making my way to my dorm finally, but still thinking about Todoroki.
He probably just needs someone to open up to.
Todoroki POV
I lean my head against the corner of the wall, watching everyone currently mingle as I stand alone. Movement catches my attention from afar, seeing as its y/n grabbing onto her backpack and starting to walk away, looking as if she's thinking about something.
I hope my response to her apology wasn't too mean.
I don't know how to talk to people very well, and it would probably be too difficult to open up to her, or to anyone, for that matter.
Maybe even a burden if it was me.
I can't stand alone forever.
Can I?
"I am lonely, lonely heart"
next part, 2
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natariikireinaa · 11 months
Play to Graduate: MHA AU
The students are quirkless, normal students, keeping their same appearance. UA is no longer a hero school. On their first year, they are told shocking news:
You are required to join a sport to graduate. Better yet....
The school will pay for your college if the UA teams win all the way.
This AU Switches POVs a lot to keep the reader entertained. My OC: Natarii Kireina, is also included.
And of course, people do date. They're kids. Kids date. I'm sorry if you don't like my matchups, but they are just my personal opinion. And yes. There is cussing.
• I do not own, "My Hero Acadamia", it's characters, the school, and most of the settings.
• The only person I own is Natarii.
• I have minimal research on all of these sports. Forgive me.
☆☆☆ Nezu
UA High School, the school where children grow, train, and fight to become great heroes. Every child tries to come here to succeed and have the best chance in being their childhood dream.
Not anymore.
Nezu stood in front of the sea of hopeful children, knowing that this news would shock them. It almost hurt a bit. He knew what it was like to lose all hope, to think that your dreams in life are impossible to reach... but it wasn't his decision. Priorities have changed over the years. It was disappointing and illogical.
"UA High has changed their priorities. We are now a school that focuses solely on sports."
A rumble of disappointment, confusion, and annoyance.
"We provide basketball (girls and boys), baseball, softball," He started to need to raise his voice over the crowd, "Volleyball, cheerleading, soccer, tennis, track... and there is a potential that we will provide swimming and badminton."
The crowd got louder, and Nezu was forced to almost shout. He saw Nemuri cringe. She told him they would react like that.
"You will not graduate if you do not join a sport. I don't care how good your grades are."
☆☆☆ Ochako Uraraka
A... sport?
Ochako's pupils constricted. She wasn't really athletic... she thought she would be a hero. Now she had to join a sport.... for what?? She knew she could never do some of the hard-core sports. Maybe track? Hell no. Ochako could never, she would die. She could try volleyball?
☆☆☆ Izuku Midoriya
Oh man, I really thought I was coming here to be a hero... now I have to play sports? Maybe they aren't as I think. The thought makes me queasy. I'm going to fail school. I look over, and Kacchan is smirking. Of course he doesn't mind, he's strong enough to pass easily. What if the team I'm playing for fails because of me?
☆☆☆ Katsuki Bakugo
This will be easy. I'm going for Baseball. Soccer is for pussies. Deku would probably play soccer. He's sweating, and he looks like he's about to cry. I can't help but smirk at him. He is so screwed.
◇ First Day ◇
☆☆☆ Shota Aizawa
Fuck this shit.
I want to go home and sleep.
But no, I have to condition these kids for sports. Fun. I don't understand the point of making UA a sport school... it's irrational. And stupid. I drink my third cup of coffee this morning, watching the kids file in. I count them off in my head:
Denki Kaminari
Ejiro Kirishima
Fumikage Tokoyami
Hanta Sero
Izuku Midoriya
Koji Koda
Kyoka Jiro...
On and on and on, until finally the last students filed on. Oh my god. They are going to fail.
◇ LMK if you want me to continue this!! ◇
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lunanime345 · 2 years
Class 1a x abused child reader final part ( part 6 )
Hiiiii!!! I'm so sorry I didn't post other parts but I was doing this final part!!! Hope you enjoy!!! other parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
A week had passed since I was in the hospital and Deku kept make visits so I don't feel lonely. Sometime, katchan came too, but he didn't seem happy to saw me. He always keep silence near me. Did he hate me? I'll ask the next time I saw him!
Oh, talking about katchan, he's there! Oh, this time brocoli boy is not with him.
"Hi katchan!"
"tsk. Hi."
He sat beside my bed and said to me:
"The teacher make me skip class to come take you. You can live the hospital and you will follow me at UA. It's not that I wanted to come take you, don't give the wrong idea..."
I was so sad that he didn't wanted to see me...
"It's not that I don't want ether..."
A big smile went on my face.
When we entered in the school, someone bumped into me and I fell back on the floor. The guy started to yell at me, as I was searching for katchan around but he wasn't there. I saw his hand coming near me. I shut my eyes, ready to get hit, but the impact never came. Slowly, I opened them to saw someone with purple hair in front of me protecting my body by holding agressivelly the hand of the guy. When he stopped hoding it, the guy ran away quikly.
"Hey, are you ok?"
I shut my eyes again, afraid to get hurt by him too.
"Calm down, I am not gonna hurt you."
"I promise."
I get my head up at him to saw a face that was familiar. He kinda looked like Mr. Aizawa.
"Is it ok if I pick you up?"
I nodded, he picked me up and start walking in the alway. There was a lot of people and it was too loud for me. I think he noticed that, because he puted my head on his chest and put his other hand on my ear, while holding me with his other arm.
Then I saw katchan in the mass of people. "katchan, I am here!!!"
"Oi, shitty kid, don't give troubles"
I said bye bye to the purple aizawa and followed katchan. I entered in a a big class, as people stoped what they were doing to stare at me. I was scared so I hided behind my protector. All the class came ask me questions like: what's you quirk? What's your favorite color? And others.
I some guy caught my attention. His hair was half white half red and he had a burn on his face. I walked beside him and said:
"Hi, you're very pretty!"
The class said "ohhhh"
He seemed calm and rassuring so I gave him a little hug. He picked me and made me sat on his lap and I was so happy that he like me! The class seemed jalous that I came saw him insted of them.
Lunch time
The name of the half half is Todoroki. I like him a lot!!! They are so kind compared to my dad! At lunch, a girl named Uraraka asked me about my parents. I was thinking that if they are my friends mayby I can tell them?
" My mommy is dead and, and my da-dad-daddy hit me when I-I ask about her so I don't know how she-she died."
All the class were shocked as I start shaking.
Todoroki hugged me gently. My body stoped shaking and I was so tired by all these emotions that I fell asleep.
Todoroki POV
This girl is just like me. Mr Aizawa talked to us about this kid having a sad past, but I didn't imagine it was that bad. I now how to get over a sad past so I will ask the teacher if I can watch over her.
All class POV
We will help her have a happy life.
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officialjellybean16 · 2 years
 Chap. 8 (at least whats put down so far) Big things come with small beginnings
Finally it’s the day of the carnival. We have Bakugo, Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima, Tsuyu, Iida, and Todoroki. So basically the bakusquad and the dekusquad without Sero and Uraraka.
Bakugo: This is such a shitty carnival
Mina: It’s great!
Kiri: I agree, I just wish they had other foods than mostly hamburgers tho- I mean they were supposed to have fried steak
Denki: Hamburgers are good!
Mina: He once dropped one, and ate it after I startled him!
Denki: It was a good one. You were the one who bothered me about the carnival! It had the rest of the good toppings on it!
*Shinsou arrives*
Shinsou: Ahh, so you were the one to take the last of the toppings
*everyone but bakugo laughs*
Mina: Finally! We’ve been waiting here for almost an hour!
Shinsou: I texted you guys that I was gonna be late since I was training with my dad- Did it not send out?
Bakugo: *tch* No it did- Sparky here made us wait for you! Such a waste of time over some extra!
Deku: Okay, enough now. I’m starving, let’s get something to eat!
Tsu: I wanted to go on some of the water slides-
Todoroki: Rides do sound fun-
Iida: No, no NO! *aggressive arm gestures* You’ve all got it wrong! First we should plan out what we’re gonna eat, then we have to wait a half hour or more, THEN we can ride rides! MAKE A PLAN! 
Bakugo: Why do you gotta ruin it?! I came here for once to be with you extras, so why don’t we just get this damn thing over with!? *Yelling*
Deku: Damn Iida it will be fine- And Kacchan stop yelling!
Deku: Make me.
       *Uraraka and momo arrive*
Denki: HI GUYS!
Bakugo: *charges at midoriya with explosions*
Uraraka: BAKUGO! *runs in front of Mido*
Bakugo: *stops bc she's a girl and looked at the two girls*
Bakugo: hmm rich bitch and broke bitch finally decided to show up. 
Uraraka-Momo: Shut up extra! *had planned it*
Bakugo: . . .
Everyone pov: Oh no..
Denki: *backs away*
Aizawa: *appears and grabs bakugo with his scarves* I THOUGHT I SAID NO NONSENSE! YOU WILL ALL GET ALONG HEAR ME?!
Bakugo: *making tiny explosions*
Aizawa: Bakugo stop making explosions!
Denki: *whispers to shin* You have to deal with that when you're in trouble?
Aizawa: *glared at denki with his eyes red and hair floating (quirk)* Yes he does Kaminari. Do you want to as well??
Shinso: *chuckled a little* heh
Aizawa: *leaves after letting bakugo go*
Bakugo: *charges at mido again*
Everyone: *silence*
Uraraka: And I thought deku could get really loud but looks like we have another one *floating just chilling*
Todoroki: Well it’s just midoriya and bakugo fighting is causing a lot of attention to people especially our classmates. And it doesn’t help that midoriya also has his quirk fired up. 
Mina: why do you keep not talking, and then when you talk you talk a huge ass sentance?
Todoroki: I don’t know,
Momo: Anywaysss! Me and Todoroki were gonna walk around, anyone wanna join? And also Uraraka you can come since you have no money.
Uraraka: *glares* Thank you all for reminding me I'm broke..
Denki: Damn, why are you in such a bad mood today??
(again this chapter isn't finished this is just what I have so far)
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thelustdevil · 2 years
No Shame | ii
Pairings: No pairing.
Warnings: villainy! Angst, mentions of hurt/death, minor swearing.
Word Count: 910
Notes: second part! Secret pov again, I can’t tell which part I love more. But this version of this character is my favorite kind of au tbh.
He loved the way they called out to him. It used to terrify him in high school. Random people coming up to him, asking for a photo, an autograph, even just to say hello. It was all too much, too many people coming to talk to him and his friends. But now? It thrilled him. He was a junkie for the attention.
If you were to ask Izuku when this change had happened, he couldn’t give you answer. He’s sure it was a gradual change, once All Might passed he was left as the New Symbol. His younger self slowly came to terms with the popularity of being the leader of a new wave of Pro Heroes.
Along with that, It was only natural to become accustomed, even to expect, the attention of fans, in his opinion. In fact, sometimes he even went out just to see how many people would call his name. Everyone from young kids, to middle aged mom’s, hell even grandparents, would call out to him.
“Deku! Deku!” “Over here!” “You’re my favorite hero, Deku!”
They loved him. They needed him.
He made sure of that.
In his years growing, he figured out ways to save more people. Even if it meant putting them in danger first. They didn’t know that of course. Izuku himself never put them in danger. Rather the low-life criminals he paid did. Izuku’s job was to swoop in and save the day. Beat up the bad guy, make sure everyone gets home. He knew he could. And so he did. But that’s why they loved him.
But it still wasn’t enough.
Uraraka was the first to notice. He wasn’t surprised. She always paid so much attention to him. He enjoyed it at UA, when he was unsure and still afraid of anything female. But now? Now he was unsure.
Don’t get him wrong, Ochako was a wonderful girl. Smart, attractive, a great hero. But she didn’t give him the same feeling they did. The fans, the media, the followers. It wasn’t her fault. He needed more, more than anyone could give him really, but he didn’t understand that yet.
She came to him one day, after patrol was over and he was settling down to go home. He could tell she needed to talk and he wasn’t in the mood. He knew denying her would just cause more suspicion. So, he let her in, listened to her like he would in high school, held her hand and nodded at all the right parts.
Ochako listed off her worries, her concerns. So many PR events, you’re barely home, tons of fights and villians, always seeing new photos of you crop up around Japan. The best part? She thought he was overworking himself. Like that would ever happen.
“You’re not the only hero in Japan, Izuku.” She scolded him gently.
Yeah, but I am Number One. There’s a reason for that. He wanted to be blunt with her, just lay it all out. But instead he looked down, letting her think she was getting to him.
Izuku doesn’t mean to be an asshole, he knows he’s powerful but he also knows his limits. And he knows he’s barely reaching them. But of course he didn’t say such a thing to her. A blaise answer would surely upset her. So he reassured her and agreed to come to her if he ever needed help.
“We wouldn’t want your fans to worry!” She laughed on her way out. “I’m sure the internet would explode if they did!” She mimed a small explosion with her hands. “Anyways, goodnight Izuku.”
He gave her a smile and a soft goodnight in return. This smile was genuine, she had given him an idea.
It took two months, six meetings with some unsavory characters, and more money than he’d liked to have spent but Izuku was finally ready to put his plan into motion.
The amount of secrets he had to keep, lies he had to tell, they all boil down to this. His defining moment, this symbol will never truly fall.
It was simple, really. But genius all the same. An orchestrated fight against a villain that left Japan’s Number One Hero, in a coma. Fans all over would pour onto the internet, onto the streets. They would write letters, send gifts, all in the name of wanting to see him get better.
And Izuku? Well he would be sitting back and enjoying the show. Obviously. This would skyrocket him, everyone would be talking about him. How could they not? Japan’s beloved hero, in need of love and support to heal him.
If he even makes it.
Of course there were other heroes who could potentially heal him, but it turns out some doctors are easier to pay off than most villains. Being Number One really had it’s perks.
Regardless, he would reign tall at the end of all of this. Plus Ultra and all that bullshit.
The small nudge of One For All grabbed his attention. He brushed it off with a shake of his shoulders. Izuku learned to tune them out long ago, what did they know? They were dead. No one was screaming their names anymore. Anyone who ever did was dead too.
“Deku! Let’s go! There’s a villain rampaging up the freeway nearby.” Shoto stuck his head into the office. Izuku moved to follow, straightening his shoulders as he did.
They would remember his name.
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pov: ur a massive simp for tsukasa, rui, akito, sometimes deku, uraraka, hanako from tbhk, mitsuba from tbhk, nene from tbhk, tsuchigomori from tbhk and yeah you get the image 
and so whenever your on wattpad you can read fanfiction of you fav charecter easily bc your a massive simp with a wide range of kinnies and you’ve never had a boyfriend and for some reason girls crush on you but boys never (i’ve had 4 girls crush on me last year, one of them was my bestie and we still are) 
and then you finally find someone to love in the early novembers and has an on off love for him but your not delusional enough to believe he likes you back
so you fill that void by finding something to love 
but obviously the month before that, 30th september your fucking pet dies making you even more delusional and wanting love so bad you place your faith in characters you previously simped for because they can’t hurt you 😃😃
and so now your slowly rotting in your room, reading wattpad, making a bunch of paper stars and paper bows, waiting for something interesting to happen
end of POV
i’m reading a rlly long deku x reader rn (13hrs) i’ve been reading it all day yet not even halfway through it 😭😭
ICHI NIIII 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
most the people you simp for are so based 😍😍😍 (not deku have a personal grudge against that mf)
I wish I had your rizz only 1 guy has ever liked me and he... he was not the best person 🧍‍♀️
but I'm so sorry for the loss of your pet, I hope your pookie likes you (and if he doesn't, you can do so much better) wattpad is a good way of escapism :)
maybe you should take a break from reading that cause damn 13 hours is a lot 😭😭😭
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xexiar · 11 months
Keep Keeping. 37
Ch36 Ao3
A/N: After rechecking my research, I realized that I had misaligned the ages of the characters and what grades they were in. I had it from 14 to 15, when really it’s 15 going to 16. This also goes for my mistake on what grade they finished “middle school” and started UA high. Sorry about that. I will try to fix those chapters, but I wanted to make sure I stated that here for any further confusion. First-year UA is the American version of 10th grade.
—— Uraraka POV ——
Chapter 37
As heavy as my eyes were, I tried to open them. But the blinding white light brought attention to the pounding headache I had. Either way, I tried to push through all my senses to open my eyes. When I finally did, I slowly took in my surroundings and saw that I was in one of the nurse’s offices. The last I remembered was reaching my limit against Bakugo. I really thought I could keep going, but my body had given out.
I slowly tried to sit up, but my body felt so heavy and numb. “Take it easy, dear.” The faint whispers of Recovery Girl pushed through the fog of my head. So, I stopped trying and lay there. “That’s it. I’ll get you some water.” After some time, I heard the door open. I tried to turn my head to look, but my body felt so heavy.
Maybe I really did push myself too hard. But I refuse to bend over when facing Bakugo. With how much Deku talks about him, I knew just quitting without trying wouldn’t have been the best route. They both keep pushing regardless of how the odds looks. And if Deku could keep fighting when it’s clear he’ll lose, then what’s stopping me? Nothing!
With that in mind, I tried harder to move my heavy body. Even with my limbs screaming at me, I somehow managed to sit up. “Please, deary.” I looked to my right and saw how Recovery Girl was at the door. “Don’t push yourself. You did take a great beating, and your body needs rest. Please lay back down.”
I forced a smile across my face. “I’m fine, Recovery Girl. Thank you.” She didn’t look convinced as she handed me a cup of water. “Thank you.”
“Hey there, girly.” I looked to the door and saw some lady standing there. It took me a moment to recognize this hero. She was on the cover of last month’s Bubble Magazine. It was the Glitter hero, Loly. “I’m surprised you’re even moving there, girly.” She had a big smile as she tried to step into the room.
But Recovery Girl stood in Loly’s way. “No outside heroes are allowed here. And aren’t you supposed to be on patrol?”
“Ah, come on, granny.” Loly had a frown as she kneeled down to level with Recovery Girl. “I’m only taking a short break. Is it really so bad if I wandered around?” Recovery Girl shook her head as she stepped around Loly.
“Leave her alone. She needs to rest.”
Loly stood back up and waved as Recovery Girl turned out of sight. “No problem, granny.” But when Loly faced me, she seemed different. She walked over to me and sat at the foot of my bed. “That fight was so unfair. They really should have stopped it. Hehe.” Her smile grew as she looked at me and placed a hand on my right knee. “But it looks like your beauty stood intact. Can’t have you getting ugly before you graduate, then nobody would want you.” Before I could even mustard a reply, she got up and skipped away. What was that about?
Not long after Loly left, Ida showed up. He stepped into the room and walked over to my bed. “How are you holding up, Uraraka?”
“Like I got hit by a ton of bricks.” I couldn’t help but chuckle as Ida looked confused. “I’ll be fine. But I could use some help to stand. Oh,” As Ida helped me to get to my feet, I couldn’t help but ask. “Did Deku’s match start yet?”
“No. Kirishima and Tetsutesu are setting up for their arm wrestle. If you like, we could meet up with Midoriya in the waiting room.” I quickly nodded.
When we got to the room, Deku was nowhere in sight. So, Ida decided to get him. While I waited for them, I tried to call my parents. But to my disappointment, they didn’t answer. Most likely, they were working or didn’t hear their phones. So, I sat there in the empty room.
While sitting in there, I couldn’t help but think about my match with Bakugo. Even when I knew that was an uphill battle, I still tried to do my best. But that wasn’t enough. I’m so out of my league with so many amazing people here. Maybe I should give up while I’m still ahead. Sure, I would like to be a hero, but at what cost?
If I even make it to become a hero, what then? Sure, I would be able to help my parents financially and boost their business. But at what cost to me? Then there’s the fact as a hero, I have a better chance of getting into promotional agencies and raising money that way. What if Loly was right about how I was lucky that my beauty wasn’t damaged? If my fight against Bakugo permanently scared me, would I still be marketable? Not even a teen magazine would want me on the cover.
I could feel the burning sensation of tears trying to escape when I suddenly heard the door begin to open. I quickly tried to gather my composer as Ida and Deku entered. Midoriya. If he could face Bakugo regardless of when it was clear that he would lose. The way Midoriya faced everything head-on and still smiled. He’s so amazing. Could I ever be someone like that?
Midoriya gave me that big smile of his, and my face instantly became hot. “That was amazing, Uraraka! Even Kacchan admitted that he was having trouble against you.”
“What?” Even Ida asked, which confirmed I wasn’t hearing things. There was no way that Bakugo would actually have trouble fighting against me.
“Yeah.” Deku stepped closer to me, which made it harder to look at him, especially with his big grin and cute face. “Kacchan thought I helped you plan out how to fight him. And he was shocked when I told him that I didn’t. You’re so amazing, Uraraka!” I couldn’t believe my ears. There just was no way.
But the way Midoriya held his toothy grin was hard to ignore. I couldn’t help but fidget with my fingers when I recalled a few articles from my magazines. Like the one about some boys who would only give compliments and praise to girls they like. Maybe this was one of those moments. He was only trying to boost my spirits from losing against Bakugo. There’s no way it would be possible that I could ever be a challenge. And when I looked back at Deku, I felt my shoulders get heavy. If he’s going this far to lift me up, I’ll take it. “If you say so.” I now tried to match his smile. “Then I have nothing to be sad about.”
“That’s the spirit, Uraraka!”
“Yes?” The way his head tilted to the side made him look like a cute puppy. But I had to focus.
“I have told you that you can call me Ochako. So why do you still call me Uraraka?”
Deku started to chuckle as he scratched at his cheek. At that, his face was super red. Was he blushing again? Is saying my first name something special? “Sorry about that. I’m not used to calling people by their first name.” Why does it seem like his smile grew as he took a seat? “I’ll try my best… Ochako.”
“Well,” I walked over to him. Taking a deep breath, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. “Good luck in your match with Todoroki.” He didn’t say anything. And when I took one last look at him, for a moment, he held a face I had never seen before. Maybe he was psyching himself up for his match. So, I paid it no mind.
When I reached the class, I was greeted by an excited Tsu. “That was so intense, Ochako. I’m still shocked you survived Bakugo’s brutality, ribbit.” Even Ashido and Yaoyorozu agreed. All three hugged me as they said how scared they were. “Bakugo really needs to learn a lesson at being nice to females.”
“Oh, shut up!” Speaking of such. I walked my way towards said boy. He sat at the edge of the group. I'm not surprised to see him trying to stay away from everyone. And when I was next to him, he had his usual mean face. I then watched as he tucked his outstretched leg in to allow me to walk past him. “The extras need to give you more credit, cheeks. You ain’t as fragile as the idiots think.” So, Deku was telling the truth.
I couldn’t help but smile as I stood in front of Bakugo. I even reached out a partly fist. “Next time, I will win.”
Bakugo looked at my hand before removing his right hand from his pocket. He bumped my fist and gave his singular smirk. “In your dreams, doom head.” With that said, I found a seat surrounded by the rest of the girls.
As we waited for Deku and Todoroki’s match to start, my thoughts wandered back to my thoughts from earlier. Even though I could hear the other girls saying how proud they were that I survived against Bakugo, it became background noise. It was like everything I’d heard my whole life.
I tried so hard to figure out how to help my parents but was told it was all pointless. I was constantly reminded that because I was a girl, I wouldn’t be able to do much. That I just had to focus on being pretty, and maybe some guy would make me happy. And whenever I tried to bring up how I could be a hero, I was laughed at.
Neither my parents nor teachers believe I could ever be a hero. They all said how I needed to give up with how impossible my dream was. To be told how my quirk wasn’t useful enough for hero work; it only had its uses in construction. Other than that, my quirk was useless. The way all my teachers say I will never make it in the hero world. Then, to be told what little females that were heroes were just in it for publicity.
Any female hero that made it to the top was due to a man’s help. Rumors that some of them slept with someone to get into the top 20. There were never any kind words about female heroes as I grew up. But it was so hard to keep reminding myself of what makes a hero. Heroes are supposed to help people. Heroes make people smile. Isn’t that true? Yet, it was so hard to find a female hero that inspired me.
Yet, I still tried my best. It was still a shock that I even passed the entrance exam. Then there was Midoriya, who didn’t treat me like everyone I knew. He actually encouraged me and didn’t look down on me. At that, I looked over to Bakugo. He also treated me differently than everyone else. And when he and Deku both stated I was a challenge. In Bakugo’s own way, he also encouraged me. So, yeah. I belong here. I will prove everyone wrong and become a hero.
With those thoughts now filling my head, I couldn’t help but smile. If Deku is going to encourage me, I will do the same for him. And just then, his match began. At first, I was ready to cheer, but it quickly changed within a blink of an eye. Midoriya wasn’t just taking everything head-on. He seemed like an unstoppable force. The only downside was how he broke his fingers as he fought against Todoroki.
The way Deku fought on by breaking his arms and then whatever that was with his mouth was so impressive. And when the teachers started screaming about whether they should stop the fight, it had my blood rushing. I have never seen Midoriya fight this hard before, and I wonder if I could ever do the same. It was so exciting to watch him keep fighting until Todoroki ended up using the fire half of his quirk. Will I ever be as determined as Deku?
When the dust cleared, I was shocked to see that Deku had been blown out of the ring. As upsetting as it was that he lost, it was still an amazing match. It just gets me pumped. If I worked harder, I could maybe reach that level of determination and strength. But I was brought out of my thoughts when I suddenly heard Tsu speaking behind me. “He’s such a hothead.”
It’s then that I took note that the number 2 hero, Endeavor, was talking. And I could hear the girls from my class comparing him to Bakugo. They weren’t wrong about Bakugo being similar to that man. At that, Bakugo didn’t help his case with how he told everyone he would kill them. Along with saying everyone was just extras.
I looked over to Bakugo and watched as he got up. He then left the class. That’s when Kirishima jumped into next to Kaminari. “That fight was intense.”
“I’ll say. I’m surprised Midoriya even lasted so long. He should have quit while he had a chance.”
“Hey!” Both of the boys looked over at me. “You shouldn’t say that about Deku.” They looked at each other before smiling back at me. “He fought so hard.”
“We hear ya.” Kirishima then moved to the seat next to me. He placed his arm over my shoulders. “Don’t get me wrong. Midoriya did great and all. But he was going to lose regardless. Especially with that quirk of his that has him breaking his bones.”
I tried to push Kirishima off me, but he was so heavy. “You’re just jealous that you’re not as strong as him. I bet you’re just happy that you didn’t have to face him.”
Kirishima started to laugh before poking my right cheek. “You’re cute when you’re mad.”
That’s when Kaminari slapped Kirishima’s shoulder. “Cut it out, dude. Leave her alone.” He then looked over to me. “You’re right, Uraraka. Sorry about that.” With that, Kirishima went back to his seat in the other row.
As the arena was being rebuilt, I decided to find which nurse office they had sent Todoroki and Deku. At first, I went to the medical bay on the ground level, but that was treating anyone affected by the blast. So, I started working my way up. On the second-floor nurse’s office was where I found Todoroki. It didn’t help that this was the larger of the offices for the males.
When I stepped inside, I was surprised to see the amount of equipment in this room. It was nothing like the office I woke up in or the office in the school’s main building. This was the closest to a hospital room. Why was Todoroki sent here? Not to mention how he was wrapped in a strange blanket and using an oxygen mask. “He still needs to recover from hypothermia. It doesn’t help how rapidly his temperatures had changed.” That’s when I looked next to me and saw a woman wearing a doctor’s jacket. “It is best that you leave.” I didn’t get a word out before I was forcefully removed from the room.
With that, I went in search of Deku. When I reached the 3rd-floor office for males, the door was locked. But when I tried knocking, I was being told to go away. I tried waiting a little longer until the door opened, and there stood Recovery Girl. “Go away, dearly. The boy needs rest.” There was no arguing with how she shut the door in my face.
What the heck? Why was Recovery Girl doing this for Deku? At that, why did it seem only the boys were given privacy? But when I woke up from my fight, my room was wide open. Recovery Girl even allowed people in when she told them to leave. Yet, she put her foot down when it came to the boys. It didn’t even make sense why Todoroki’s room looked more advanced than any other room in this building. What gives?
As I wandered the halls, I spotted a wandering Bakugo. I knew he had left the class after everyone started to compare him to Endeavor. I wonder how long he’s been out here? So, I tried to walk over to him, but it didn’t seem like he saw or noticed me. Especially with how he was mumbling under his breath. I just walked next to him for a while as he kept mumbling.
The few things I could understand from Bakugo’s mumbles was how much of an idiot Deku was being. Which I found so rude. Why is everyone calling poor Deku an idiot? But as I continued to hear his mumbles, there were other things. Something about how there could have been another way of fighting. Or how, for someone so smart, he can be so stupid.
The more I heard Bakugo’s mumbles, the more confused I was getting. On one hand, he just keeps insulting Deku. Yet, on the other hand, I could be wrong, but it sounded like he was worried. Especially with how he mumbles how there must have been another way. I was about to tap his shoulder when I noticed All Might ahead. So, I decided then that I would leave and allow the number one hero to deal with this. He might be able to solve this problem better than me. I waved at All Might and then left. Which was when I realized I had no idea where I was.
When Midoriya showed up, I was so relieved. But I couldn’t help but look at his bandaged arms. In fact, someone else also stared at the bandages. I then watched a neutral, angry-faced Bakugo kick at Deku’s leg. Deku paused and looked at him before walking over to me and sitting. “How’s your arms?”
The way Deku smiled at me seemed reassuring. “My right arm is out of commission, and I could barely bend my left elbow. Which sucks because now I can’t take notes during the rest of the festival. Besides that, my arms will be ok after a few days.”
That’s when I remembered the notebook and pen I picked up on my way to find my way back to the class. I quickly pulled them out and showed them to Deku. “I can’t write everything as detailed as you, but I could try. Would this help?” His smile grew as he nodded. “All I ask is that you try not to mumble your words so I can understand you.”
“You got it, Ochako.” For the rest of the sports festival, I tried my best to keep up with the waterfall of information Deku spoke. Somehow, I managed enough to where I was able to write down the keep points. In between matches, he pointed out a few corrections to my notes. But when it came to every match that involved Bakugo, he became silent.
Deku just watched Bakugo’s matches and didn’t say a word. I wonder why he wasn’t spilling information for me to write. So, I left a few pages blank for those matches. But between matches, he spoke and had me jot down about Bakugo’s opponents. As much as I wanted to ask, I don’t think it was the right time. Especially when I recalled that one time I did get a chance to glance at his notes on the blonde. Something about it seemed personal and well-crafted. The handwriting was completely different from the rest of his notes.
It was during Todoroki and Bakugo’s match that Midoriya stood up to watch. I stood next to him as we saw the battle unfold. As we watched, I could have sworn I heard a light growl next to me. When I looked next to me, I saw how Deku’s face had this strange face that I could assume to be anger. Why was he angry?
After Miss Midnight used her quirk to knock out Bakugo, is when the boys were taken away. I then watched as Deku had this expressionless face as he sat down. While everyone around us spoke of the fight, Deku was quiet. In fact, he had this lifeless look in his eyes as he stared at his hands. But the moment the award ceremony began, the real horror showed itself.
The way Bakugo was chained up like a criminal. The way the crowd screamed about how Bakugo shouldn’t have taken part in the festival, with how unstable he was. “No. No.” I looked over to my right and saw how Midoriya was crying. His face twisted both in anger and pain. The way his voice sounded so horse. “No. No. Kacchan. Poor Kacchan.” I tried to reach for his shoulder, but Deku quickly ran away. Where was he going? And when I looked back at Bakugo, I felt my own tears burning down my face.
0 notes
jadewing-realms · 6 years
“But I will never forget!”
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Katsuki hates being cooped up.
Ochako’s known this for… well, since they’re second year at U.A. at least.
School was one thing. U.A. is pretty big and they were never wanting for something to do, between everyday classwork to all the crazy things that happened during their time there. There wasn’t a whole lot of just… sitting. Still. Tense and waiting. On top of that, given his not-so-subtle obsession with doing everything at three-hundred-and-five percent, he always had something to charge headlong into. Homework, training, internship… He always had something keeping him going, to the point it seemed like he’d never stop.
At twenty-six, he’s still the same. If there’s something to be done, odds are he’s one of the first out there doing it. Time has increased his social acuteness, eased his temper somewhat, but it can never tame his ambition. His concentrated will and overwhelming tenacity is what will carry him straight to the top, he says and she agrees.
But they’re coming into their third day, now. Three days limited almost exclusively to her apartment, leaving only for the occasional meal run but mostly just stuck staring at the same four walls, the same locked balcony doors, the same TV set to the same program. Because even if they can’t be out there, can’t even reach their agencies at this point, they can’t bring themselves to stop watching those who can. At the very least, to support them and live vicariously through their efforts.
Even that’s not enough, though. Not surprisingly. For the last hour, Katsuki’s taken to pacing like a caged tiger, from the apartment door to the balcony and then back again. Back and forth, back and forth.
For a while, Ochako just ignored him every time he passed in front of the television, disrupting her line of sight, but at this point, she’s settled in to watch him prowl, since his constant motion is making her antsy too. Back and forth, back and forth. Beyond his heavy steps, the TV yet spiels forth its newscasts, a constant update on the storm and its passing, and the clock ticks monotonously above the fridge. Beyond the balcony doors, the wind rails through the narrow streets, howling like some possessed thing while rain pelts down like a shower of needles as it flees before each gale. Typhoon Feng rages outside from a dismal grey sky over a dismal grey landscape, powered by the same inexplicable force that drives each of Katsuki’s subsequent footsteps.
She wants to say something… feels the need to, like she should be able to calm him somehow. But she can’t help but wonder if she should. After all, she feels just as frustrated at their immobility as he is, just without the rampaging part. She keeps it to herself and tries to focus on what she can do—like keep herself informed and up-to-date, like sending her best thoughts and prayers to those she knows are out there right now doing what they can to keep people safe.
Tsu is out there somewhere. She, Kirishima, and Tokoyami have all appeared on the broadcasts on multiple occasions over the last three days, all working on-call for rescue efforts, stationed across the city for whenever the next emergency call comes in reporting a collapsed building, gas explosion, crashed boat or flooded station. Ochako’s fairly sure that at some point, she saw Ojirou and Jirou contributing as well.
And of course, there’s Deku.
Ochako can’t help but wonder if that’s half the reason why Katsuki’s radiating with such hostility and keeps glaring out at the storm like he could challenge it to a one-on-one battle to the death right here, right now.
That makes her eyebrows pinch and she finally resolves to actually say something.
“Hey,” she says, only to realize she has no plan regarding where to take that. Wait, maybe she should’ve thought of something first and then spoken up.
He doesn’t pause, only glances at her sidelong as he passes. A grunt of acknowledgment is all she gets.
She pouts a little bit, but pats the loveseat next to her anyway in invitation. “Come sit down. You’re wearing a rut in the floor.”
He snorts. The comparison to a wild animal becomes more apparent. “I can’t f***ing sit. I’ll go nuts.”
“Aren’t you already?” She raises an eyebrow, eying how his steps have yet to falter and his gaze has yet to truly turn from the weather outside.
He just clicks his tongue once and leaves it at that.
Heaving a sigh, Ochako figures she won’t push the issue. She doesn’t have any legitimate reason to do so anyway. Sitting won’t help him any more than the pacing he’s doing now. Though she had hoped maybe sitting next to her might do something to quiet his nerves… not to mention keep her warm, but that’s probably arrogant of her to assume.
They’ve never functioned on a ‘who can tell who what to do’ basis. They’re themselves, and they’re themselves together. Which means she’ll just have to let him march out his aggravation until he’s good and ready to sit still again.
Despite a creeping urge to stand right up and stop his pacing with a relentless hug, she curls her feet up off the cold floor and tucks them under her, sinking as much as she can into the crevices of the loveseat. She reaches over the armrest and drags up the knitted shrug she keeps in a pile there just for days of nasty weather like this. She throws it over herself and curls up as much as she can so she can fit under as many square inches as possible.
“…rising Hero, Deku…” comes through from the television speakers. Katsuki’s footfalls falter.
Before he can snap at her to turn it up, she’s already reaching for the remote.
“…pulled one-hundred and thirty-two crewmen from the wreckage, emptying the vessel single-handedly,” the woman on the screen spoke with carefully practiced pitch, staring intently into the camera and out of the screen. “Reports say only thirteen were injured from the impact, and all were safely recovered and transported to the nearest appropriate care facilities. Our eye on site was able to catch a few words with Japan’s rising young star after the feat.”
The clip cuts, and Katsuki comes to an abrupt halt right in front of the screen. Ochako has to lean to one side just to see what’s happening. There’s Deku, standing under an awning, drenched as a wet cat but smiling his trademark smile anyways. His big eyes, however, squint against the wind that billows sheets of water across the city backdrop. He has to shout to be heard over the noise.
“We just need everybody to remain calm.” He nods with the reporter, who’s microphone bobs. “Follow directions. If the authorities are encouraging evacuation in your district, please—do it, for your own safety. Otherwise, stay safe, stay smart. It’s tough but avoid going outdoors if you can; there’s a lot of debris flying around, lots of downed wires. We’re out here and we’re watching out for everyone we can, but we need you to be careful too. And uh… don’t worry. We’re here, we’re going to take care of everybody.”
As he waves into the camera, smile unfazed by the storm raging behind him, the newscaster’s voice talks over the tail end of the clip. “A practical warning and heartwarming reassurance from the up and coming Number 11 Hero. We should be grateful for him and for the rest of his contemporaries who are out there right now, battling this storm in a fight to keep the public safe from one of the greatest Villains we’ll ever face: Mother Nature. We’re live with updates; we’ll be right back.”
The screen goes dark, and Ochako lowers the remote slowly. Leaving the ads to play would just be needless noise, and by the shaking of his clenched fists, she figures her boyfriend could use a bit of silence right now.
Of course, it’s not entirely silent. The wind and rain outside are still making themselves heard, and show no signs of stopping.
Katsuki doesn’t start pacing again.
Somehow, his stillness concerns her more than the repetitive motion did.
Should she say something? She still has that looming feeling like she should, but still, there are no words on her tongue. Nothing she can really say to make things better for either of them right now. They might be Heroes, but this is a fight they aren’t equipped to handle, not like others are. So they must wait. Their number will come up after the storm is passed and it’s on to rescue efforts and clean-up.
Not that that’s any comfort to him.
Just as she opens her mouth to suggest something, anything—maybe going to dinner just down the block, if that little ramen shop is still open?—Katsuki speaks.
“We should be out there,” he seethes, the mournful wind a soundtrack to his turmoil. Ochako’s eyes widen; she hears a plethora of emotions all fighting for control of his voice, and all of them tell her he’s way past aggravation at this point. He’s pissed. He shoots her front door a pointed look and she knows exactly what he’s thinking without him saying another syllable.
“We can’t,” she blurts.
“Why not!?”
“You know why!” She pulls the shrug tighter around herself, trying to keep herself together. It won’t do for both of them to go stir-crazy; somebody needs to keep a level head. “We’ve talked about this. As soon as the worst is over, those of us who aren’t out there now will definitely be called out then.”
“That’s not enough. I can’t just sit here while that f***ing nerd—”
She narrows her eyes. “Deku.”
“WHATEVER,” Katsuki roars, slicing a hand through the hair between them like he can cut the conversation short just like that, and yet he keeps speaking, snarling, “he’s out there hogging the press and milking this whole thing for everything it’s worth while I what? Sit here, useless, stuck on my a** just because some big shot said my Quirk’s not good enough!?”
Her glower intensifies and she finds her patience wearing thin with every word. He’s angry and he’s exaggerating, but he has to know it’s not fair to drag their mutual friend like that, not when he’s doing what they can’t right now.
“You know none of that is true!”
Katsuki’s lip curls, he turns on his heel and marches toward the door, radiating intent like the roll of thunder. Ochako jumps to her feet, skin prickling with the sudden reintroduction to the cold and a burst of adrenaline, and she’s ready to take a flying leap across the kitchen to stop him, but she doesn’t need to. He stops himself, right in front of the door, and stands rigid before it, on the cusp of decision.
“You need to calm down. You and I both know there’s a legitimate reason why neither of us is out there right now; I can’t float anything in these winds and heavy rain cripples you,” she says evenly, repeating what both of them already know.
He snaps over his shoulder. “I’M NOT F***ING CRIPPLED!”
She’s had enough, she matches his volume, sees him turn away and hunch his shoulders.
Then the lights go out.
In her heightened emotional state, Ochako can’t help the shriek that escapes her as they’re suddenly plunged into thick darkness, before she claps her mouth shut. The balcony is now the brightest and the only source of light, and it’s an underwhelming one, casting blotches of dim grey across only the barest edges of furniture, appliances, wall corners. It glints on the gelled tips of Katsuki’s hair. He’s stock still, face hidden in the shadows between himself and the door.
Slowly, Ochako takes a deep, soothing breath, which she sorely needs. That almost got out of hand… She let herself get caught up, fed up with his angst… or whatever it is. He shouldn’t even be thinking about his rivalry with Deku right now, in her humble opinion, not when people are in peril and Deku’s just one of many who are trying to help out, just like any Hero worth their salt wants to, just like she knows Katsuki wants to underneath all the pettiness and insecurity… but still. Her meeting him on his volatile level doesn’t help either of them.
Now that the blackout’s made her take a step back, she regathers her thoughts and then takes a step forward.
It’s time for her to go with her first instinct. She tosses the blanket back onto the loveseat, pads up right behind him and slips her arms around his waist to bury her face against his back. She presses as close as she can, breathes him in, and notes that he’s not shaking anymore. That’s good.
“Hey,” she says again. Calm. Comforting. “Do you remember that joint rescue mission back in third year? With the landslide?”
He doesn’t answer right away. She’s fairly certain he does indeed remember, but then again, he’s always had a penchant for forgetting details he deems unimportant. If this incident is one of them, she’ll have to jog his memory.
“You barfed on a paramedic after lifting a boulder off a the highway,” he says quietly.
A giggle escapes her, to her relief. She can’t even be insulted that this is what stands out in his memory. It was a pretty epic hurl, after all, and at the very least, by the lower pitch of his words, the blackout’s sapped some of his fight out as well. They might be on mostly even ground now.
“Yeah, that one.” She presses her cheek against him, feeling the plains of his back through his t-shirt. “Remember when you and Deku tried to race to the that car that was half buried on top of that next ledge up?”
He sniffs. “We almost caused another collapse.”
“You tripped first,” she says cheekily.
“Yeah, well, Deku slid first, so I count that as a victory.”
Her giggles amplify. “He slid so hard! And so far!”
He chuckles a little bit himself, and her heart leaps. Success! “F***ing nerd shoulda just let himself go. Trying to stop just made it worse.”
When he starts to move, she loosens her grip but doesn’t let go and as he turns around, she blurts a sudden recollection. “You remember when he hit Mineta from Class B*?”
“Oh my g**, I forgot that…”
Ochako can almost picture the moment vividly on the screen of her mind and it loosens her throat so more laughter can erupt out of her. She hides her face against his chest. “So did I, I don’t know why. Mineta’s shriek—”
“Pff, coulda woke the dead.”
At this point, she’s all but forgotten the raging storm outside and the darkness around them doesn’t seem so dark now that her eyes are adjusting. She can see him clearly now. When she glances up at him, he’s smirking, all teeth and growing amusement at her giggle fit. She beams, rather pleased with herself at the results of her impromptu intervention. She nods and can almost hear their batchmate’s squeal all over again. Back then, when all was said and done, the folks in the car were rescued unharmed, nobody had been hurt worse than cuts and bruises, and both Deku and Mineta had sported a full second skin of pure mountain mud. All of them had gotten a kick out of it, even Deku. It had brought her great joy then and it does so now too. Just the same as the fondest part of this particular memory for her.
“Oh, but! But, I will never forget: that was the first time any of us saw you laugh that hard.” She smiles up at him, satisfied with the delivery her point at last.
For a beat, the howl of the wind reasserts itself between them, sending a light chill up and down her spine. Ochako tightens her hold on him and his natural heat, arms looped around his waist, four fingers absently stroking his back as he rubs his unfairly warm hands up and down her arms, left bare by her t-shirt and now abandoned by the shrug she so hastily discarded. Surely he can feel her goosebumps.
But what matters more to her is the relaxed expression on his face. The pinch in his brow, the rage in his eyes is all but gone, replaced by… well, by something she can’t quite place. It’s like a look that’s trying to convey to her multiple things at once that he doesn’t know how to vocalize with words. Somehow, he manages to be both gentle and intense in his quietness and she feels her cheeks heat a bit under his wine-red gaze. She looks away.
“…We all know how hard you work…” Now she’s quiet, subdued a bit but determined to see her little pep talk through to the end, even if technically she might stop now and call it square. He needs to be reminded, though. He has to know. “Nobody thinks any less of you just because you have… limits, you know? Everybody does. We all specialize in certain areas of this job… and that’s okay. So…”
She purses her lips, squares herself up and lifts her chin as high as she can, even if it’s no match for his towering height over her. But she looks him square in the eye like she is.
“So when this whole storm blows over and it’s time for us to go out there, you’d better do your best and be satisfied with that! Don’t—”
He silences her by closing his lips over hers. She sputters against the kiss with the words caught in her throat, but quite rapidly, they die away in favor of sharing breath with this crass, stubborn, oh-so-unperfect storm of a man.
And though the wind howls, the room doesn’t feel so cold anymore.
*In this AU, Mineta has been demoted to Class B.
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Left Behind - All Might's Daughter Pt. 1
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{Note/Question/Request- Right now this isn't a paired imagine. I was wondering, after you've read it, where you think I should go with this. If I pair her with anybody, who should is be? How or should she forgive the two OFA users? Etc. Let me know!!}
+2460 Words Slight, slight spoilers from the Sports Festival!
+Y/N L/N is the only daughter of All Might. She has her mother's last name and what can be qualified as a super soldier quirk. She is fast, strong, powerful, and built like a tank and it's all in a small 15 year old girls body. After Midoriya comes into the picture, Y/N starts to feel left behind after a while. So she starts to pull away from them and gets close with Bakugo. Eventually, it all snaps at once and it was at the worst of times.
I huffed and puffed as I slowed to a stop I looked behind as the rest of the class caught up with Iida and I. We were the fastest in class without quirks and with most of the time. With the sports festival coming up, everyone was trying improve on things they lacked.
“Great job everyone.” Iida congratulated as everyone made it in. I walked over to Midoriya who was nearly doubled over.
“Are you okay there, Midoriya?” I asked patting him lightly on the back. He looked up at me, nodding. “You seem really winded. Maybe you should sit down for a minute.”
“Probably.” He said before he fell back, flat on his back. I laughed at him as he clocked out. I leant over him, hands on my knees, making sure he was okay. A yell of frustration caught my attention. I looked over at the source and saw Bakugo yelling at Sato who was just standing their indifferent.
“Okay, okay.” I went over and grabbed Bakugo’s arm, forcefully dragging him off. He growled at me and ripped his arm from my grip as we got a ways off.
“What do you want?”
“Not a blood bath.” I said with sass. He stared at me before smirking. He crossed his arms and leaned in close.
“I can take someone out without any blood being split.” He said.
“That may be true but who said I was talking about the other person’s blood.” I joked with an amused look on his face. His smirk turned glare and he went off on me. I just laughed and let him. I saw a flash of yellow and blue. I looked over and saw my dad whisking Midoriya away. My face dropped.
“What’s wrong with you now?” Bakugo exclaimed. I looked at him surprised before I saw him look where I was originally. Midoriya and my dad were out of sight now.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.” I said, covering up my dejected annoyance with a smirk. “Now, sorry. I wasn’t listening to you before. What were you saying?”
“You damn…” He growled.
*Time Skip*
The roar of the crowd was empowering but there was a lot on my mind. The sports festival is a big deal. The first two events were alright and I got through fine but the last one was trickier. There are a lot of students with great quirks that could kick my ass. I walked through the halls before I heard two familiar voices. (Reader is in the final round instead of Shiozaki.)
“What are they talking about now?” I whispered to myself. I leant against the wall a ways down the hall. I listened to them and heard Dad encourage Midoriya. After that, Midoriya walked out to the field. Dad began to walk down my way. “Hey dad.”
“Y/N, you spooked me.” He jumped, holding a hand to his chest.
“Sorry.” I said, chuckling.
“Well, it’s alright. You are doing well out there, my little Powerhouse.” I tensed at the nickname.
“Dad.” I whined. He chuckled before moving to walk on. “I’m nervous for the next round.”
“Everything will be fine, Y/N. You’ll see.” He said in a caring voice. He walked away and my shoulders dropped. I needed more than that. Much more. I turned and leant against the wall with my shoulder. I set my head against the wall and took a few un-steady breaths.
“What are you doing dumbass?” I jumped and looked at Bakugo disoriented. I shook my head. I had no idea how long I was standing there. “Are you crying?”
“What?” I reached up and wiped them away. “No just caught some dust in my eyes.” I said before I went to walk away but he caught my arm.
“That’s not it. What’s wrong?” He said softer. I noticed his grip on my arm was soft and…comforting? I looked up at him.
“I just needed some encouragement from someone who didn’t give it. That’s all no big deal.” I pulled away from his grip gently. I had only walked a few feet away when he spoke up.
“Whoever they are, they’re not worth your tears. You shouldn’t need anyone’s encouragement. You strong enough on your own.” I turned to him surprised. He had his back to me, hands in his pockets. I smiled sadly.
“If only you knew who I was talking about.” I whispered.
3rd POV
Bakugo looked over his shoulder as the girl walked away. He fully turned and watched her walk away. Crossing his arms across his chest as he thought about what she said. He knew she meant for him not to hear it but he did.
“Who are you talking about?” He asked out loud. He looked off in the distance in thought. It wasn’t until footsteps caught his attention. He looked behind him to see Deku coming up behind him.
“H-hey Kacchan.” He stuttered while looking a bit tired. Bakugo remembered that Deku had known L/N since before the first day of school.
“Deku! You know L/N, right?” Bakugo asked. He looked at Bakugo strangely.
“Yes. I do. Pretty well, I guess.”
“Who is important to her? Is there anyone here that would or should be in her corner?” Deku looked at him surprised.
“Um, yeah. There is.” He said tentatively.
“Who is it?” Bakugo growled. Deku looked at him before squaring his shoulders.
“I am afraid I cannot tell you, Kacchan. And before you ask me why, it’s not my place or right to tell you. There is a reason they haven’t told anyone and I will not break their trust by outing something that isn’t mine to tell.” Bakugo just stared at him in surprise before Deku walked off.
I breathed out in pain as I walked back into the stadium halls. I had won my first battle against Kaminari but not the second against Iida. My confidence was already down and affected my performance. I rolled my shoulder as I sat down at a table. I pulled my leg up and relaxed back for a moment.
“You did great out there L/N!” Uraraka called out. I smiled at her.
“Thanks.” I called back. I got up a little bit later and walked out. I went to walk up to the student stands. In the corner of my eye is saw green and yellow. I didn’t want to look but did. I saw dad comforting Midoriya and I gave a shaky sigh. I shook my head, biting my lip before continuing on.
*Time Skip*
I was breathing hard but I still ran. I pushed myself harder to try and get away from the robots. This training session was intense and very hard. Half the class was already out and the last few were running dry. I could hear Bakugo and Midoriya just past some rubble. A hit landed right next to me, knocking me off balance.
“Umph.” I rolled off the side and back onto my feet. I dodged an attack before vaulting over a rubble wall. I paused, hearing the robot fussing on the other side. I looked around and saw Midoriya down the street. I rolled my eyes as he waved.
“You doing okay?” He asked.
“Just fine.” I snapped at him. He reeled back at the aggression.
“Are you sure? You’ve been rather testy lately. Did something happen?” He asked concerned. I sighed heavily.
“Of course something did. You’re both just to enamored to see!” I yelled before running on. He ran after me, trying to talk to me but I ignored him. We made way into the cityscape center. I saw Bakugo across the way.
“It’s too quiet here.” Midoriya commented. As soon as he said that, he was tackled off to the side.
“Shit.” I ducked as a bit of the robot flew over my head. I stumbled back, hitting a wall. I watched as he fought the robot with ease. My chest began to fell heavy.
“Come on, Miss L/N. Push on.” I heard my dad’s voice. I scoffed.
“That’s the most encouragement you’ve given me in a month.” I said under my breath. I pushed off the wall and started to fight another robot that showed up. I heard Bakugo on the other side doing the same. In the moment I heard Midoriya scream one of my dad’s catch phrases, I stopped. I just stood there, staring off.
“I give up.” I said softly.
“L/N! Are you alright?” I heard Midoriya yell.
“Oi, dumbass. Get moving!” Bakugo called across the field.
“Miss L/N, I would advise you moving on. Stalling is not advisable in the field.” I heard my father say through the field. I let out a sob. I fell to my knees, burying my face in my hands.
“I give up!” I screamed. “I can’t do this anymore. I. Give. Up!” I screamed, crying out. I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I heard yelling around me but I didn’t care not anymore. I am tired, I am hurt, and I just want this to end.
“Y/N! Look out!” I heard Bakugo’s voice close to me. I looked up right as he grabbed me and pulled me off to the side. We rolled and landed a few feet away. I looked over and saw a robot where I once was. It started to move towards us but shut down. “What’s wrong with you dumbass?” Bakugo yelled at me. I looked at him and saw a glare but concern behind it.
“Are you alright, L/N? What happened to…”
“Stay away from me!” I screamed, shuffling back away from Midoriya as he run up. I hid my face in the back of Bakugo’s shoulder as Midoriya skidded to a stop. I peeked over Bakugo’s shoulder at him and he was in shock.
“Young L/N, are you alright?” We all looked over to see All Might and Aizawa running up.
“You stay away from me too!” I pointed at my dad. I hid my face again and gripped onto Bakugo’s arm. I felt him place a hand on mine but I could tell all of them were confused. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn’t immediately recognize the touch so I figured it was Aizawa. I peeked out at him with teary eyes.
“Are you alright?” I nodded before retracting back.
“L/N, what wrong?” Bakugo asked. I just shook my head.
“Not here, not now.” I mumbled.
“Alright.” Aizawa said and stood. “We’re done for the day. All of you go get changed and go home. You three, meet in the classroom.”
“Why me?” Bakugo yelled.
“Because you’re the only one that L/N seems to be comfortable around right now.” Aizawa said firmly. It was silent for a moment.
“Alright.” He agreed without another argument.
I was sitting on the cabinets in the back of the classroom with Bakugo leaning next to me. Midoriya and my dad were at the front of the classroom. I had calmed down some but was still upset. I wouldn’t even look at the two. Aizawa finally came in closing the door behind him.
“Okay. What is going on?” He asked out loud. I glanced at him before looking back out the window. “Not talking. Alright. Do you two know what it is that made her act this way? That made her break down in the middle of a dangerous training session?” From the accusation in his voice I could tell he already knew.
“I am not sure. I have never seen her act like this before.” My dad said. I chuckled darkly.
“Then open your eyes or take off the blinders.” I growled. He looked at me surprised. I saw Bakugo glance between the two of us. He raised an eyebrow at me.
“I am sure I don’t know what you mean. I…” I cut him off.
“Of course you don’t!” I shot up and yelled. “You haven’t noticed one thing about me in month’s dad! Ever since…” I looked at Midoriya. “Ever since then. I have been left behind. Every time I needed encouragement from you I got nothing. Every time I needed advice from you I got nothing.”
“That can’t be, I…”
“The sports festival! I was nervous about the last round and I told you! But the only thing you said was everything will be fine, you’ll see.” I laughed with no amusement. I could hear Bakugo muttering confused behind me. I looked back at him and he had surprise and confusion written all over his face. “Yes, All Might the symbol of Peace is my dad. Unfortunately at the moment.”
“No. I’m not done. You made me despise a person that has never done anything bad to me. I haven’t got anything from you since day one. Nothing substantial at least. I don’t have a mother and no one else in this world then my dad but it seems like he’s in someone else corner only. Everyone else corner than mine. Well at least you’ve never treated me bad right? I guess it’s not all bad.” I said in a dark tone.
“Y/N…” He stood stunned.
“Speechless, huh?” I chuckled, feeling tears coming on again. “Look, I don’t want stop with your prodigy but a little acknowledgement or help from time to time. Okay? Okay.” I said before grabbing my bag and walking out. I heard someone running behind me. I looked back to see Bakugo.
“So…your All Might’s daughter, huh?”
“Yeah, the one and only.” I said. I crossed my arms over my stomach as we walked. He hummed and we walked in silence. I could feel the silent tears falling down my face.
“As awesome as that is…right now All Might is my least favorite person right now. Even less than Deku. Why was he even involved in this? Whatever. They are both little shitty…”
“Bakugo!” I yelled frustrated. He fell silent. We stopped and I took a big breath. “I know this is your own way of trying to comfort me but it’s not working, alright? I just…” I covered my face with my hands for a second before letting them drop. I looked at him. “I just want to be alone alright? I can’t, I don’t…I just can’t right now.” I paused to look at him in the face. “I don’t want to blow up on you like I did him. So please, I just want to be alone.” I could see apprehension in his eyes but I didn’t care. I turned and walked away.
“You shouldn’t be alone right now.” He called after me. I could hear him take a few steps before stopping again.
“I know.” I said before turning a corner and walked away from him.
Tags: @spicy-therapist-mom
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fablesofkitkat · 3 years
ALRIGHT LISTEN YOU lovable angst FIENDS, MY REQUEST IS OPEN. Send me an ask with a song for a pov you request that's it.
Reader in Bakugou POVs- attended middleschool together with Bakugou and Midoriya, quirk: psychokinesis but only activated with headache, in class B, Bakugou figures out you like him during training camp and tells you not to confess until you're both pro heroes. Hero name: Neuralgia. [Status: Currently, 3 povs are posted that doesn't correlate. The whole timeline has been archived for further introspection]
Reader in Todoroki Shoto POVs - part of the Dekusquad, bonded w/ Shoto during the King Room contest. Enjoys casual tea ceremonies with Shoto, exchanges haiku, you're also the Shoto's gossip buddy, he comes to you asking to snoop around about Izuku being All Might's secret lovechild. Quirk: your blood can grow plants. Plants grown by your quirk are the only ones you can control. Hero name: Vine.
[Status: archived - will post it again someday]
Reader in Tenya Iida & Midoriya Izuku POVs - Quirk: wind. Hero name: Gale. In Deku angst: Deku will fall in love with Uraraka. Shoto will be wingman coz he got an ongoing shipping war w/ his s/o and he needs to win. Tenya will court reader like there's no tomorrow. Formal and all.
In alternate universe: if Deku doesn't fall in love with Uraraka, his relationship w/ you goes strong. [Status: posted - incomplete]
Reader in Aizawa Shota POVs - Younger than Aizawa but not a student/teacher relationship. Quirk: sees the future crimes randomly in the expense of pain. Chose the support course. Just trying to make it work with the jerk of a boyfriend who KEEPS things to himself coz he doesn't like to worry you. Like mentioned, JERK!
[status: archived]
Reader in Kaminari Denki POVs - you and Denki crushed on Uraraka hard in the early days. Ended up being best friends. In Class A. Quirk: undecided. [Status: archived]
Reader in Shinsou Hitoshi POVs - Same year but different course: support. Quirk: owl features. Can sleep w/ one eye open. Can't rotate neck to 360°. Wants to be the BEST hero designer. Broke up w/ Shinsou coz Shinsou couldn't handle the relationship and you thought it was better to end it before toxicity arose. [status: posted - expandable]
Reader in Sero Hanta POVs: Sero fell asleep during the final exam due to Midnight's pheromones. Mineta dragged him away safely only to hit his head a few times. He's got amnesia. He forgets some but remembers you being his girl, which never happened. Quirk: Produce salt by drinking liquid. Hero name: Salty. [Status: ongoing]
Reader in Dabi POVs: developed a weird friendship with you. Hates you apparently but is dying to kiss you. Quirk: none. Civilian. [Status: ongoing]
Reader in All Might POVs: Civilian. Quirk: undecided. Long time s/o of Yagi. [status: oneshot]
Reader in Kirishima POVs: Civilian. Does not attend UA. Gaming buddy of Kiri. Worked part time waitress at a steak house. Kiri will habitually sneak you in his dorms to coughs play games.
Reader in Shigaraki Tomura POVs: the boy craves killing, met you who wanted to die. Quirk: unknown. Civilian. [Status: ongoing]
Reader in Hawks POVs: you own a diner where Hawks discovered outskirts of Musutafu. He's your regular. Quirk: undecided. [Status: archived]
Reader in Endeavor POVs: twin sister of Himura Rei. You take her place and married Enji. Endeavor redemption. [Status: completed] (belongs in a different timeline when Enji had someone to reign him in)
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shotokimchi · 3 years
Pairing: Bakugo x F!Reader
Summary: After getting dragged to one of the most popular strip clubs in the town by his friends, a unique performer catches the ash blonde's attention. What about his feelings though?
Warnings: Aged up characters Bakugo's in his early 20s, Smuttish (READER IS A STRIPPER WHAT DID U EXPECT hUh?)
credits to the GIF's owner / feedback and reblogs appreciated cuz I'm insecure about my writing shalala~
You can listen to these when reading:
Doja Cat - Streets (Silhouette Remix)
Confident - Justin Bieber (feat. Chance The Rapper) (slowed + lyrics)
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The warm night breeze that smelled like smoke filled Bakugo's lungs, he was having a difficult time because of his hero duties. He wasn't complaining he still had a long way to go but sleepless nights filled with paperwork wasn't really fun, so one of his friends (Mina) suggested to go out as a group and have some fun, his attempt to decline the offer was blocked by the social butterfly of the group 'Eijiro' so thats why he was in a white shirt and black ripped jeans right now, waiting in the line with his friends to get into the club.
"Ahhh yes, finally we're gonna have some fun as a group!" Mina chimed while bouncing on her high heels while Denki eyed some pretty girls drooling like a puppy. Eijiro confirmed her statement with a nod, Sero turned towards the blonde and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "It's been a while since this asocial individual accepted to hang out with us." Bakugo sneered at his friend's words and freed himself from Sero's arm. "That's how you achieve things tape arms, by working really hard." Denki rolled his eyes and the bouncer's strong voice caught their attention. "You guys have a reservation?" Bakugo raised a brow "The hell, is this a fancy restaurant or what?" Before the bouncer could say something Mina interrupted "Ah yes we do actually! It should be under the name of Ashido." The bouncer hummed while checking the list and show a small smile "Mrs.Ashido and her friends, you may pass." She quickly linked her arm with Kirishima's and called out to the other three "Come on guys!" Mina led them upstairs and all of them looked at her confused "You look like you know this place Mina." Denki said and she winked "Actually my friend is a performer here and we sometimes come here to watch the male strippers with the girls." Kirishima choked on air and Denki's loud 'Haaaaah?!" echoed through the walls of the club. "Girls?! As in Momo, Uraraka and the others right?" Sero asked and Mina nodded, Bakugo listened to their conversation with a neutral expression. "Ooohh~ I've never thought that the girls would be this naughty." Denki smirked and Kirishima sighed "They're adults y'know?" They sat down at a large table, the dark stage was visible from the balcony, the view was good, a waitress came to take their orders and Mina made quick conversation with her "Is Y/n gonna be performing tonight?" The waitress smiled and nodded. Mina rubbed her hands together with a mischievous look on her face then she turned to face Bakugo "Get ready bestie because you're gonna have the time of your life!" Only to be met with a signature scowl but she waved it off "She'll wipe that scowl on your face~" Just then the dark stage lit up with dim lights and a charming woman silhouette appeared, grabbing the pole with her experienced fingers she twisted and bent her body just the way everybody liked. "Yeeeeess that's my girl!" Mina cheered loudly and sipped her drink "Wow" Denki whispered, eyes wide with amazement. Kirishima tried to seem unfazed but failed miserably when Y/n started to spin with the help of the pole and let out a breathy gasp. Bakugo's hand gripped his drink with a little bit of force than before, he wasn't affected much compared to his friends but the way she moved was smooth and addicting to watch. People down there started throwing cash towards the beautiful woman, Mina's golden eyes looked at her blonde friend, eyes sharp and concentration gathered towards the performer, he was watching her perform without missing a single move of hers. Then the performer slowly raised her head and for a second the blond thought they made eye contact, he leaned forwards placing his elbows on his knees and intertwining his fingers together.
The performer grabbed the pole and turned towards the audience while using her curves to attract many looks from the crowd, then she kneeled and arched her back while crawling like a tiger ready to hunt her prey. Getting on her elbows and raising her body to the air, she spread her legs and earned some whistles and more cash; performing wasn't just about spinning around the pole and climbing on it, it was using the body to the fullest. Her charm was the way she presented her body to her audience that's why people usually crowded her side of the club. While her performer friends played with the poles for their main performances, she used the pole as an opening and used her body for the main show.
Bakugo was enjoying the show, to say the least but he wasn't gonna make it obvious to his friends. He waited for the performer to raise her head and lock eyes with him again, then the music started to slow down and the dim lights get brighter, she raised her head and now her face was visible to the whole crowd. Her make-up was professionally done, eyes shiny and lashes dark painted with mascara, peachy lips waiting to be claimed. She blew a kiss and got off the stage walking seductively then the employees got on the stage to collect the cash.
"Hey Mina, did you enjoy the show?" The pink girl's face lit up when she heard the familiar voice of her friend. "To say that I was enjoying it is an understatement, you were amazing as always Y/n!" Y/n gave her a smile and eyed the table, observing the guys head to toe but her eyes rested on the blonde's figure longer compared to the others. "We want a private show!" Denki raised his glass, his tipsy behavior showing itself. Y/n nodded and motioned Mina to open some space for her then she took a seat and ordered a glass of alcohol "Aren't you gonna introduce your friends to me Mina?" Y/n faked a pout and Mina linked her arm with hers "Of course baby!"
"This is Bakugo, he's a work addict but we managed to drag him here tonight." Bakugo clicked his tongue and continued to sip his drink, your eyes followed his plump lips, glistening with lip balm. "Oh, really?" You raised a brow teasingly and waited for him to say something, he was the quietest one out of these four but his eyes were wandering on you for quite a long time. "I don't know why he's like this Mrs.Y/n he's usually either screaming or blowing up things." Denki said while doing fake explosion effects with his hands. You nodded "I saw him on TV he is quite popular nowadays, saving people and fighting villains that's impressive Bakugo." He smirked and rolled his eyes "These dumb fuckers think success comes while having fun." You supported his statement with your own words "I'm not a hero like you but being a stripper contains long hours of workout and practice, that's why I'm well known today." Mina rubbed her cheek on yours "Y/n is a really popular performer she even performed for some governors and celebrities!" you escaped from her hold and smiled "Ah you're flattering me too much, aren't you guys celebrities too I'm lucky to be performing for you guys." Kirishima wiped his invisible tears "Damn that was smooth and kind at the same time." You smiled at him and turned towards Bakugo giving him a playful look, you got up and walked towards his side of the table, motioning him to scoot over. "For a person who liked my performance, you are pretty silent." His ruby eyes met with yours and he smirked "It was okay." Your brow twitched and you cleared your throat getting Mina's attention then motioning Bakugo with your eyes, luckily she got the message and start insisting the others to get up and dance. Poor guys, in the end they followed her into the crowd and you were alone with Bakugo, grabbing his drink from his hand and putting it on the table "He-" Before he could say something you straddled his lap. "It was just okay?" You grabbed his chin and pushed yourself up with your knees, his eyes got blurry and he looked at you silently. "What?" You giggled, he was distracted by your closeness "My performance, was it really just 'okay'?" Then you grabbed his hands and guided them to your waist. A growl was heard from his throat and a smirk appeared on his lips "It was alright." If there's something you like, it was praise and when people teased you about your profession you either got ambitious or frustrated. "Oh really? Then..." You stopped your movements and comfortably sat on his lap, he let out a sound of protest and grabbed your thighs trying to make you grind yourself on him again. Your hands clutched his wrists "Stop." You got off his lap and his eyes slightly widened, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer, whispering in his ear "If you think that I'm gonna fuck you here, you are so wrong." A competitive look clouded his face "Who's fucking who?" You nibbled at his ear and he tensed, the heat of his skin was hard to ignore. "You either wait for me to finish my work or leave this club." His eyes narrowed and a dangerous look appeared on his handsome features, "Not going anywhere, no running away got it?" You nodded then bit his bottom lip with your teeth and murmured "See ya later." Just then his friends appeared in front of him and Denki pointed at his face "Dude you have some lipstick on your face." He panicked and aggressively tried to wipe it off, Mina giggled and looked behind her seeing you walking down the stairs while a smile appeared on her pink lips.
People left one by one some of them were drunk and some of them were sober but it didn't matter for Bakugo, the more of them left the more his smile grew. Mina looked at his friends and saw Denki snoring while resting his head on the table, Sero was having his nth shot and Kirishima was punching the wall completely drunk, he turned towards the blonde and smiled "I'm taking these messes home, night Bakugo." He acknowledged her with a nod and continued to sip the sparkled water in order to stay awake. His friends left then he waited some more, he tossed his head back and let out a bored sigh "Wow, I didn't think you'd wait." His eyes shot open and looked at her form, she was wearing dark leather jeans with a black crop top. Grabbing his hands enthusiastically she dragged him out of the club, then started to walk at the streets while holding one of his hands surprisingly Bakugo was too occupied by eyeing her form to shake her hand off. She turned her head and their eyes met, she smiled and he just looked at her with a haze in his eyes.
"This is yours?" He looked at the decent looking black car, you nodded and got in he quickly followed and they both fastened their seatbelts. He continued the examine the car and you giggled "If you work hard this job pays very well." He hummed and stared at the road, 20 minutes ago he was trembling with heat and lust but now he just wanted to know about her, since they were going to her house. Bakugo wasn't really into one-night stands he liked a serious relationship but since he didn't want a relationship and had his needs this was gonna be one of those fuck and leave kind of nights. "When did you start performing?" He asked genuinely, you turned towards the ash-blonde and saw him looking outside the window "You don't need to hesitate Bakugo, actually i studied engineering." He choked on air and looked at the woman, why didn't you get a stable job and decided to get into the nightlife? Bakugo didn't have any experience when it came to engineering but he knew that you needed high scores to study it. "So you were a nerd?" He asked and you let out a genuine laugh "You can say that." You looked at his features they were more relaxed compared to the second he got into the car. "After graduating from the university I got bored and dancing was one of the things that I liked the most, I liked the attention the way my body moved it felt amazing." He hummed while listening paying attention to your words "I am pretty curious about your job too but since you wanted to get away from it by going out tonight we should save this work talk for later." He raised a brow and gave a surprised look, the fact that you were being thoughtful left a good impression on him.
The car stopped in front of three huge buildings "Come on, or I'm leaving you here." you joked and he clicked his tongue "I didn't wait at the club for 30 minutes just for you to leave me here." You led him to your apartment and his eyes sparkled with curiosity this was a foreign territory. "Want anything to drink?" He shook his head and made a move to sit on the couch but your arms around his waist alerted him "You waited pretty long right? He let you lead him towards your bedroom, it was pretty big for a single person the bed was huge. "Don't worry I don't bring my clients here, it's my personal room." You touched his belt and started to undo it "Should i feel special then?" He asked with his husky voice "Well, if you wanna think that way." He huffed and you giggled. You pushed him onto the bed and got on top just like you did at the club "You know what, you should feel special because you're gonna get a private show for free." A mischievous grin appeared on the man's face and he grabbed your thighs, you placed your hands on his "My clients cant touch me but since you're special..." You tore his shirt off and attached your lips to his collarbone while your hands massaged his nipples, which earned you sighs filled with pleasure from him "Get ready Bakugo because we're gonna have a long night." Just when you were about to attack his neck his hand slightly pushed your tummy "Katsuki." He corrected you and you nodded with a small smile.
After your steamy night with Bakugo, he become a regular and joined his friends' nightly outings, he even bought VIP tickets and paid for your private shows. There were many strippers in the club but his eyes were on you and only you, when you finished performing you would pay their table a visit and he wouldn't let you leave, pulling you closer to him or ordering drink after drink your boss was complainant about it but he couldn't do anything because he was a pro hero and he was paying well, you weren't complaining talking with him was actually relaxing because even though he looked cold or harsh he was a good listener and he cared about the things you told him. Sometimes he came alone because of his loud friends and when they came as a group Mina would always eye you both from the other end of the table and shot you a wink. Bakugo was different from your other clients, he wasn't hiding his feelings, if he didn't like it or loved it he was always open about it but lately, you knew something was different. The way he looked at you, the way he joked around and flirted more openly there was a single answer explaining the change in his demeanor... He got a crush on you. You weren't sad or uncomfortable it was the opposite but dating a stripper wasn't a thing to be honored about if you accepted his feelings that meant spending the night cuddling together or laying in the same bed and you couldn't give him that. You didn't want him to sleep in the cold bed alone, waiting for you to come home, or you didn't wanted to dance on someone else's lap while you actually belonged to him, that's why you refused to acknowledge his feelings and continued to act like a dense and horny stripper.
It was a regular night, Bakugo took his usual seat and waited for you to appear on the stage. Lately, you were on his mind a lot and even though he knew the reason acting like it wasn't there was the best option, he was busy with work and had goals and by the looks of it you were just as busy as him. Plus, what would you tell him, would you even look at him, would you accept his feelings or shame him cuz he likes a stripper? He didn't know, he wasn't a coward when it came to villains or disasters but when it came to his feelings yes, he was a coward. His thought got interrupted by the click of high heels, he raised his head and saw the person he was itching to see, you. "I thought you were performing tonight?" He asked with a neutral expression and just when he was about to scoot over you grabbed his shoulders and plopped yourself on his lap "I came to see my favorite client." Then started to leave butterfly kisses on his face, he sighed with content; this wasn't lust, it was filled with care and longing. It felt like he came home after a long day filled with work to be welcomed by you and your warmth, he opened his eyes and saw you admiring his features with a small smile on your lips, it was now or never, he didn't care about your answer he didn't want to have any 'what if's or regrets in the future so his ruby eyes found yours and... "Y/n, got a minute to talk?"
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zsupika · 2 years
HELLO!! Back again, i whole im not so annoying, your a really good writer btw!! so anyways I’ll just say this now lol…
Can you do Ochaco Uraraka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jiro and Toru Hagakure with a S/O who sings and has the same exact personality as Jack Harlow??
1.He’s funny as hell
2. He literally has a crush on any girl he meets, but he’s trying right😭
3. He flirts to, he said to this one person that “can I have a hot tea” “uh which one?” “the hottest one”💀
that’s kinda it, he’s a really cool and funny dude, but anyways thank you a ton!!
Ofc! Thanks for the request! Feel free to send more >~<
My hero academia characters x Gn!Reader with Jack Harlows Personality
Tw: none
- I also wrote Ochako in a pov of you two crushing on each other and not really dating yet but If you want that lmk!!
A/N: I don't know Jack too well but I did some research so I hope it will be sorta accurate and if not feel free to request again and send criticism ^^ also I ran out of ideas on momos part so please don't be mad ><
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She's such a sweetheart
So when you first met her you immediately fell for her
After getting to know her more, you fell for her even more
You were flirty with her but whenever someone asked her about the two of you, she would always blush and deny it
But she likes you back
She likes your kind side, your beautiful and comfortable singing voice and ofc she loves your flirty comments
They always give her butterfly in her stomach
So when you ask her out for real she nearly faints
After calming down and realizing that you were in fact serious, she obviously said yes
She was beyond happy to finally be in a relationship with you ^~^
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She will spoil you
For sure
Whenever you mention that you want something she will buy it for you immediately
She will get so flustered whenever you make flirty comments
You are so kind to her and she appreciates you so much
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You had an eye on her as soon as you came to the UA
You two started dating soon after she noticed that you like her
She will need some time to fully get comfy with you since she's a little insecure
She's just not used to the attention that you give her
And all the compliments
She adores you
She will try to brush the compliments off
But you insist that she is beautiful, great, pretty, caring etc
She will always have a slight blush on her cheeks
You will playfully trease her about it
Also don't forget about you two being musically talented
She loves to play instruments while you sing your fav songs
Or she will sing with you
Whatever you two are in the mood for :)
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You (obviously) won't see it
She always a blushing mess after you flirt with her
And singing flirty songs
It will be the end of her
She knows that you have a kind heart so she always tries to show you that she's kind too
But you already know that
You two love to do fun activities together
She not embarrassed of anything really so she's down for anything fun
But she also likes to just spend the day cuddling with you and watch some song competition shows
If sing the songs of the show she will burst out laughing
And her laugh is honestly so adorable >~<
It achieves the impossible - the biggest flirt of the school actually blushes???
And now she's the one teasing you ;)
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