#finally i got concrete personality hcs for them
Hello there!! Idk if I have already sent something in, but if I haven’t, I would love to request! May I please have the LS members’ (separate) reactions to a new member with “soulless” or “dead” eyes (basically like the anime eyes that have no shine in them), who always seems rather closed off, but at some point the members do something nice to them, and the reader blushes and their eyes just light up like the brightest stars? Sorry if this request is a lot! If it is you can ignore! But thank you so much! (I loved the housewife s/o HCs you wrote btw, they were lovely!) ❤️❤️
Ghiaccio pfp twinsies...woag- also i like this idea a lot!! this reader sounds absolutely wonderful <33 fair warning I wrote most of these while incredibly sleepy so if they're ooc that's probably why im so sorry-
La Squadra with a reader who has soulless eyes (that light up when they're happy/flustered)
When he first saw you, he wasn't sure exactly how alive you were.
I mean, those empty eyes and the way you barely talked to anyone definitely had him raising an eyebrow at first.
But he quickly got used to it. Nothing was wrong with responding to a joke with a tiny smile instead of a hearty laugh.
In fact, with enough time, he grows rather comfortable around that blank stare of yours. He gives you your space, but whenever you do talk to him, he's more than happy to get the chance to hear your voice and chat.
One day, before you went out for a mission, Formaggio noticed you nearly forgot to bring something vital. He managed to catch up to you and give you the item before you left, but before he could say anything, he noticed your expression.
The color spread across your cheeks, and your eyes -Oh god, your EYES. It was like someone finally flipped on a light switch in them. They were full of life for once, and the sight had him speechless.
But- shit, right, you had to leave. With an absent-minded nod and pat on the shoulder, he began to walk away.
"No need to thank me," he shouted to you before he was out of sight - and it was true. The look on your face had been thanks enough.
Definitely made fun of your empty eyes often. Like Formaggio he probably compares you to a zombie, but he is willing to say it out loud.
He tries to guess what your thinking and feeling all the time if you tend to not show emotion. Like he'd say things like "I bet you're pissed about that too, you just don't wanna show it."
But like. In an annoying way if that makes sense.
I'll be honest I can't think of what kind of nice thing he would do for you. This dude's section has haunted me for days, y'all.
But in the event of him doing nice for you, he notices your expression right away. boy is he surprised by it. and boy is he LOUD about it.
"Holy SHIT! You're actually alive! I managed to break that moody façade of yours?"
You might wanna walk away or hide your face before he calls the rest of the gang over to look.
Afterwards he's weirdly a bit nicer to you? He obviously wants to see your adorable expression again, but his exact intentions are unknown...
Doesn't care in much of a usual way. If anything I think he would comment on how your hard to read expressions and closed off nature makes you good for the job.
So he never really bothers to think you may be any other way.
The two of you were set to go on a mission together, and he insisted you work on a concrete plan beforehand. It turns out his idea for the plan relies VERY heavily on your abilities/stand.
When you ask about it, he begins to talk about how strong your abilities are, and how perfect you would be for the job, how he has faith that you can pull it all off.
Your heart flutters at his words and with every compliment you feel heat rush to your face.
When he stops talking and notices how your eyes lit up, he's....genuinely unsure what to think.
It was all true, you were strong and the right person for the job, but we all know how he gets when he's working with someone he feels is a bit too vulnerable cough cough pesci
He doesn't worry about it for the time being - it's a one time thing after all - but he keeps an eye out for if it happens again.
I think he is used to people thinking he looks strange/creepy, so even it might creep him out a bit, he tries to be nice about your soulless face.
Gives you your space, but this boy is sweet, it won't take long for him to do something that makes the darkness in your eyes fade away.
idk why my first thought for the moment is him baking something new and asking you to try it. You have a taste and quickly nod in approval, it's delicious.
Relieved, Pesci proceeds to let you know he made it because he remembered you mentioning [insert flavor here] was your favorite flavor. Yep, that'll do it.
He's incredibly caught off guard, seeing your eyes twinkle with appreciation - for a second he thinks you're about to cry! He stands there, unsure what to do, until either the interaction ends or you say something to him.
Is so overwhelmed afterwards no matter what happens - was that really the real you? That sweet face was really yours?
It literally doesn't matter to him - he can see right through your dead look. It's uncanny.
You could be completely stone-faced and he would find some way to be able to tell exactly how you feel about something. He'll tell you his predictions too to see if their right.
I imagine it's one of these moments that actually leads to him seeing that cute expression of yours.
It started with "you found that hilarious, didn't you?"
He was playing his guessing game again, and like every time before, he was right. You didn't even have to answer.
"You know, you're so interesting to read. You have all these little tells for every small thought, and I think you subconsciously change them a bit every time I take notice of them!" He suddenly began explaining to you.
But it didn't stop there, he began to tell you all about how he picked apart your body language, how he noticed changes in your emotions over the entire time he's known you. "You're.... fascinating to watch."
It's not until he finishes talking that you both realize you've been staring at him with a completely uncharacteristically bright look of wonder. Then it's his turn for his face to light up, pointing at the blush on your cheeks.
"So you do like how I watch you! I knew it."
"The hell are you giving me that look for!?"
Of COURSE he takes it personally a lot - especially if you're supposed to be listening to his rambling. He isn't exactly thinking straight, so he just thinks your blank stare is some kind of insult.
But beyond that, it's rare he'll get on your ass about it.
Over time, I think he might even find you a reliable person to spew all his ranting at, if you don't complain at him or cause a fuss.
Maybe even at some point, perhaps if you've been getting picked on especially hard by Illuso, he'll ask if you have any ranting to do.
"What!? That prick has got to be getting on your nerves, doesn't that make you- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GIVING ME THAT FACE FOR!?"
You're gonna have to end up explaining yourself or else he won't stop asking you. When you do, he'll scoff, saying he barely did anything. At least you won't have him blabbing about it to the others, you both know it would get real annoying real quick.
If you specifically ask him to keep it secret, he'll nod, and you swear you see him smile at you.
This man also looks pretty damn unapproachable (love him tho <3). He has the least amount of problems with how you are.
Like Prosciutto, he thinks your closed off nature is good for the job. But he never brings up that sometimes he wishes you were a little more open.
One day you return from a mission. It went smoothly. Enough. Okay, you had managed to get the deed done, but you had gotten injured in the process. In order to not endure lecturing from any of your teammates, you quickly dismissed everyone's questions about the mission and looked for things to treat your wound with, hiding it from everyone else.
In the middle of hastily wrapping up the bloody injury, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and soon after you head Risotto's voice. He warned you that you weren't treating the wound carefully enough.
He didn't scold you- a scolding wasn't going to help the sting and the crimson staining your skin. No, he asked if he could take care of the wound for you.
You felt your face heat up as he helped you, but although you were sure he noticed the look on your face, he made no mention of it. Just tended to your wound, and told you to tell him about any issues with a mission next time.
Afterwards you two agreed you would give him specifics later. You thanked him and that was that.
Walking away from you, Risotto replayed your expression in his mind....how cute.
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stuckysimp · 3 months
Summary: My little hc about how Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes met (and just them being cuties) 🥰
TW: Bullying, mild violence, implied child abuse
Word Count: 2460
Co-author: @ivyace
The shrill ring of the bell echoed through the hallways of the school and an eruption of chatter immediately followed. James grabbed his belongings and shoved them into the satchel he’d stashed under his desk during class as his friends approached him. He was glad the school day was over.
“You ready to be beat Barnes?” His friend Thomas teased, tossing him the ball.
James caught it, shooting Thomas a grin. “In your dreams.
He followed his friends out to the oval, dropping his bag on the concrete ground. He could see a small crowd gathering over on the other side of the field of grass and he perked up, trying to see what all the commotion was about.
“I’ll be back, hold this.” James shoved the ball back over to Thomas before he walked over to the crowd, hearing the familiar chant.
“Fight, fight, fight!”
News of a fight, some kid getting beaten up, wasn't exactly a new occurrence. That of course didn’t mean it was a good one, even if it was to be expected. James pushed his way through the crowd and he felt a flicker of anger, seeing some scrawny blonde kid curled up in a ball, beaten and bruised. Mickey and Chuck, two of the schools’ bullies, stood over the kid as they kicked him.
“Hey!” James yelled, moving forward. He grabbed the back of both their shirts, pulling them back. “Leave him alone!”
“Back off Barnes.” Chuck sneered, shoving him back. “We got him first!”
“Do you wanna end up in the dumpster ‘round back?” James retorted, refusing to back down. “I said leave him alone.”
The two bullies exchanged a look before Chuck smirked. He whirled around and punched James in the nose, which crunched under the impact. James stumbled back and wiped the blood away before he slammed his fist against Chuck’s face. The boy moved back, cradling his face as he spat out a tooth. He glared at James before Mickey pulled him away and the two ran off.
When James was sure they weren’t going to come back, he held a hand down towards the beaten boy in offering, glad that the crowd seemed to be dispersing.
“You alright?” He asked him even though it was clear the boy had seen better days.
The boy pushed James’ hand away and got up on his own, dusting himself off. He didn’t look particularly bothered by the fact that he’d just been half beaten to death and James wondered if this was a regular occurrence for him.
“I don’t need your help.” The boy muttered, evidently not happy about having been saved.
James raised an eyebrow as he let his hand drop. “Yeah, it looked like you really had them on the ropes.”
“Ain’t the first time some crumbs have bruised me up when I call ‘em out.” The boy replied with a shrug and James just frowned at him.
“Would a thanks for savin' your ass really hurt?"
The boy seemed reluctant but he nodded. “Thanks.”
James returned the nod, satisfied. It had clicked who this was, the boy he’d just saved. There wasn’t a person in the school who hadn’t heard talk about him, the boy constantly getting his ass handed to him for sticking his nose where it didn’t belong.
“So I finally get to meet the infamous Steve Rogers then?" He spoke, grabbing Steve’s bag and passing it to him. "The kid I keep hearing 'bout?"
Steve looked up at that, surprise passing over his face. “You heard about me?”
James nodded, glancing back in the direction the bullies had gone. "You don't know how many kids have it out for ya? I hear you're always seein' the nurse."
“Yeah, she’s got a file with my name on it and everything.” Steve replied, shaking his head as if disappointed with himself.
James could see it was getting dark and he knew his ma would be expecting him home. He looked over at his friends who were all happily chatting away before he turned his attention back to Steve. His friends would be fine without him, and James hated the thought of the kid limping home by himself.
"How about I walk you home then? School's done, and you won't be walkin' if they come after you." James offered. He knew folks like Mickey and Chuck would be back for Steve as soon as they got the chance, especially if the kid had called them out.
“A real gentleman,” Steve quipped, but he sighed. “Yeah. My ma will have my guts for garters if I come home with a broken bone again.”
James nodded and he quickly grabbed his bag from where he’d left it. “Where’s your place then?”
Steve shrugged, pointing behind him. “Six blocks that’a way.”
James felt something in him relax, nodding. He lived that way too, so at least he wouldn’t be home too late. His pa would have his head if he was (not that the man needed the excuse).
He followed Steve down the streets, keeping an eye out for the two bullies until they were at least a couple of streets down. He was glad they didn’t try anything and he knew with his reputation that they would stay the hell away if they knew he was protecting Steve. He smiled at that thought, but was pulled back to reality when Steve spoke again.
“What’s your name, by the way?”
James mentally kicked himself. Right. “James Buchanan Barnes, at your service.” He joked, giving Steve an exaggerated bow. Steve smiled and James relaxed, grinning right back at him.
“Barnes,” Steve echoed. “You live a couple of floors down, don’t ya?”
James thought of it for a moment, looking out ahead of him, kicking a stone. “I damn well do.”
Steve raised an eyebrow, looking up at him sharply. “Don’t let my ma hear you say that. She’ll wash your mouth out with soap.” It was clear he was teasing, and James felt his smile widen.
“She'll have to catch me first.” Bucky smirked, chest swelled with pride. “Fastest runner on the track!"
“Don’t give her a challenge, Barnes.” Steve spoke and James nodded at the more serious tone.
James went quiet as they continued to walk, continuing to kick a stone, only stopping when Steve inhaled sharply. James looked him over, trying to see if he was bleeding again or if something had happened.
“Ah darn. My ma is gonna kill me.” Steve muttered, patting down his jacket.
James tilted his head, slowing to a stop. “What did ya lose?”
“My inhaler. For my asthma,” Steve explained. “It’s probably at school, unless those crumbs took it."
James nodded and paused for a long moment, looking behind them as he pursed his lips. “I can go get it.” He looked at Steve. “If ya want.”
Steve seemed to hesitate but something flickered in his expression and the boy nodded, taking a deep breath. “My ma’ll be furious if I’ve lost it.”
James shoved his bag at Steve and smiled at him, giving him a mock two-fingered salute. “Just wait here. I’ll be back!”
He jogged back to the school, avoiding other people as he did, head down. He rushed over to the oval and frowned when he found the inhaler laying a few feet away from where he’d found Steve. He picked it up and hissed in sympathy when he saw that it was a bit beaten (much like its owner). He hoped it still worked, he knew that kind of stuff wasn’t exactly cheap.
He made his way back over to Steve, silently relieved that the boy had remained where James had left him. He held out the inhaler in offering. “Here.”
Steve took the inhaler and James grabbed his bag before he continued walking to the apartment complex where they both lived. He noticed Steve’s limp beginning to get worse and he slowed his pace so the boy could catch up. He figured it didn’t matter if he’d saved him from the jerks back at the school if he left him stranded on the street.
Bucky helped Steve up the stairs, pulling him up when the boy stumbled or looked like he was going to fall. James didn’t want him to be worse off, that wouldn’t do either of them any good.
“Which one is yours?” James asked as they got to Steve’s floor.
“Number six, just down there.” Steve informed him, already beginning to limp that way.
James sighed and followed him, ignoring the weird look he received from Steve. He averted his gaze quickly, pretending to be very interested in the wall.
“How ‘bout I walk ya to school tomorrow?” He offered, gaze drifting to the carpeted ground. “Looks like you could use a friend.”
Steve seemed almost insulted by that, but he nodded anyway. “Yeah, sure. Stop my ma gettin’ more grey hairs.”
Bucky grinned, glad that Steve had agreed. It would be nice to have someone to walk with him, to make the trip less boring. To have a friend with him.
“Alright. I'll meet ya here then. Let your ma know who I am so she doesn't get a scare." He told Steve before turning away, a bright smile on his face as he walked up to his own apartment.
He took the stairs two at a time and burst into his apartment.. He could see his ma in the kitchen preparing their dinner and he approached her, looking around.
“What are we havin’?” He asked, leaning over to see.
His ma didn’t look at him, but she smiled. “Go put your books away James, see that your sister does the same.”
James kissed his ma on the cheek before he went to his room, dumping his bag on his bed. The books he could sort later. He watched fondly as his little sister, Rebecca, ran into his room. She immediately clutched onto him, her grip tight as she buried herself against him.
“James!” She exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. “You’re home!”
He laughed, ruffling her hair as he pulled her off him. “Yeah, I am. Now go put your stuff away, ya little monkey.
Rebecca giggled but she left the room and James flopped back on his bed, staring up the roof. He couldn’t wipe the grin off his face, thinking about the events of the day.
He’d seen the Rogers kid around, of course he had, but he’d never really been there when the poor kid was getting beaten to a pulp. At least now he knew why. How so much righteous energy and anger could fit inside someone so small, he didn’t understand. Maybe he never would, but at least now he had time to figure it out and maybe he’d become friends, actual friends, with the scrawny kid from downstairs.
After dinner, he’d helped his ma put Rebecca to bed before curling up in his own. When he’d woken, his drowsiness had quickly been replaced with excitement as he remembered he got to walk to school with his new friend.
The next morning, James made quick work of helping his ma and having a quick breakfast, James grabbed his bag and practically ran down the stairs. He knocked on Steve’s apartment door, bouncing on his heels a little as he waited.
He watched as the door opened and an older woman emerged, Steve’s ma. She looked a lot like him, same blonde hair and blue eyes, but it was evident that the years hadn’t been easy for her.
“You must be the Barnes boy.” The woman spoke, her tone kind.
James straightened his posture, a polite grin on his features as he nodded. “James Barnes, ma’am.” He informed her. “It’s lovely to meet ya.”
“You as well James.” The woman replied, turning away to guide Steve out the door. “You boys best be off then. I expect you back by dark.”
“It’s just school.” Steve protested, but he seemed to back down when his ma shot him a look.
“That’s never stopped you before Stevie.” The woman leaned down, kissing his hair. “Off you go.”
James smiled when he saw him, watching patiently as Steve kissed his ma’s cheek to say goodbye. “C’mon pal.” He chuckled, clapping Steve on the back gently.
He could see Steve ma smile when he called him ‘pal’ and something in James shifted. He supposed Steve didn’t have many friends, especially given his reputation and how many fights he got into at school. James began walking, down the hall and the stairs.
“Your ma seems nice.” He commented, grinning up at Steve.
The other boy nodded brightly. “She is.” He agreed.
James paused, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “Stevie?”
Steve just shrugged, looking away from James, no doubt embarrassed. “A ma has to call her kid somethin’.”
“Yeah, I ‘spose.” James let the smirk settle on his face, nudging Steve playfully.
Steve shook his head, but James heard the other boy laugh. “You’re a jerk.”
“Yeah?” Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Well you’re a little punk.”
Steve scoffed at that, pretending to be offended. “Sure.” He rolled his eyes. “This punk is gonna be someone someday, you wait.
“Uh huh.” Bucky lit up, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Maybe you’ll be the most famous newsboy in the world.”
Steve frowned. “I’m gonna be more than a newsboy. Maybe I’ll be a reported, on the radio.”
Bucky let out a light laugh as he regarded his new friend. “You’ve sure got big dreams for someone so small.”
“I’m not gonna be small forever.” Steve grumbled in response.
“What, you hopin’ you’re just a late bloomer then?” Bucky stood a little taller, just to mess with Steve.
Steve seemed to notice and he yanked James down, using the strap of his bag. “I’m sure I’ll wake up one mornin’ and be a helluva lot bigger!”
"Bigger, maybe. But we'll all be bigger." James grinned. "So you'll still be small compared to everyone else!"
Steve huffed. "I'm gonna be bigger then ya one day. Just you wait!"
James put his hand on Steve’s head, chuckling as Steve pulled away. "You barely reach my shoulder." He teased.
Steve moved so he was next to James and he jumped a little. "I'm not that far off ya!"
James just shook his head, the amusement clear on his face. “Yeah, yeah, keep tellin’ yourself that.”
The two fell quiet after that, but James couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. This was good, walking with his new friend to school, having a laugh. He found himself looking forward to doing it more often and he hoped Steve wouldn’t object. It was much better than being alone anyway.
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1-up-chump · 1 year
Hello! (^-^) I saw your post in which you said that you would be happy to talk about pre-MK1(2) Raiden, and so I have to ask: Would you be so kind to share your headkanons about Lord Raiden?👉👈
So my HCs for raiden mostly have to do with a backstory/lore addition thingy ideas for a story. Its all in my head and not written down concretely so it may be a mess.
Raiden as a young god was fierce, and scary to anyone who gained his ire. Luckily he was pretty reclusive and traveled slowly. His brother fujin, on the other hand, was more likely to interact with mortals and cause mischief. Contrary to what mortal kombat set up, Although young god fujin interacted with mortals more, it was only for his own amusement.
Raiden was dragged into helping mortals by his other fellow shinto pantheon when the elder gods contacted them. Raiden's first interaction with a mortal was in mortal kombat as a demonstration from shinnok (who at the time wasn't fully evil/did evil things) and raiden lost due to his own arrogance. The mortal was a middle aged woman who was exceptionally skilled with a bo staff, she inspired raiden to fight mostly with a staff and prefer it to any other weapon. She was his first unofficially trained warrior, although she was trained by inari first in preperation to fight against raiden.
So raiden has a fondness for older women, but women warriors in general. Needless to say this mysterious milf left quite the impression on raiden (did he fall in love with her? Thats a question lost to time)
Raiden's second humbling moment came from bo rai cho, as raiden was ment to travel earthrealm and meet the mortal masters who would train warriors to participate in the very first mortal kombat earthrealm would face. Raiden and bo rai cho first met at a tavern, got wasted, raiden was mad and fought bo rai cho for putting him through all these hijinks, and then lost bc bo rai cho kicked his ass with drunken style. And ever since then, the thunder god and drunken immortal were best friends.
In the very first tournament to defend earthrealm, they lost the first rounds badly. And raiden firsthand felt the taste of what mortal kombat brought. But in the final rounds one of his warriors saved the first tournament and became the first mortal kombat champion of earthrealm. Shang tsung.
But shang tsung had many personal problems that raiden could not understand as a god, and due to miscommunication and mishandling of emotions, along with dealing with the aftermath of shinnoks betrayal and slaying of many of his fellow gods. raiden drived a wedge between him and shang tsung. And that would cost earthrealm dearly in more ways than one. For shang tsung brought them their first victory, and their first betrayal and defeat.
Raiden learned from his mistakes and trained the great kung lao, became more sympathetic with mortality and his training less harsh. But Although the great kung lao defended earthrealm greatly, alas he was unprepared for greater threats of outworld. Great kung Lao was ultimately no match for prince goro.
Bitter defeat after bitter defeat, raiden was desperate for warriors. And ultimately when the turning of the modern ages came, raiden yet still, saw hope. In three young boys, liu kang, chan kang, and kung lao descendant of the great kung lao. Either one of them held potential to be the new mortal kombat champion, the protector of earthrealm. But so did many a warrior before them...
Raiden at this point in the time became more like what we see in the 95 movie or defenders or the realm. Wise, stubborn, a bit cheeky, but hopeful.
But enough about story, time for more personal hc! (Put under read more for convenience)
Raiden hates coffee and loves tea, will playfully give you shit for drinking coffee.
Kid thunder is actually raiju, the thunder beast that is raiden's furry companion. He had transformed into a youthful miniature version of him in recent years, raiden does not know why they do that. Johnny cage had given raiju's nickname out of misunderstanding that the thunder beast is blood related to raiden. Raiden is confused but accepts this.
Bo rai cho is actually not really from outworld and is from earthrealm. But he disclosed both times that fact while drunk, only raiden knows the truth. Raiden does not disclose the truth because he thinks it's amusing to see people guessing.
Raiden adores spicy foods, almost to intolerable degrees. He remains completely unaffected by the spice. It unnerves even his brother, fujin. His favorite food is spicy chicken karaage, which is basically fried chicken.
Raiden does not care about sexuality nor gender, he's a god and his true form is condensed electricity in the form of an oni-like being. But he's definitely masculine above all else.
Raiden is of yang (order, light) orientation but in a destructive manner. Fujin, his brother, is yin (chaos, dark) and opposite of him. But they love each other and have a strong brotherly bond. When fujin arrives, his brother is not far behind. Hence why fujin was depressed to be left guarding the sky temple alone while raiden trained warriors to protect earthrealm from mortal kombat, but fujin does not tell a single soul this fact.
Raiden and fujin are the only gods left in earthrealm. The other gods have not yet reincarnated, and several gods in other realms are unknown or dead and also awaiting reincarnation.
Raiden used to admire cetrion before she eventually lost his trust as well as the rest of the elder Gods.
Raiden has a complicated relationship with all of the ninjas, to varying degrees amongst each one. Raiden keeps his opinions about them to himself, lest he accidentally inact Mortal kombat...
Raiden adores children and protects them especially fiercely. Tries to make them feel comfortable and protected.
Raiden likes taking long hot baths.
Raiden does not like asserting his divine authority when unnecessary. Over the centuries he's learned that divinity is overrated, but he cannot help feel some satisfaction when using his power towards those that earned it. Good or bad.
Raiden has a strong bloodlust connected to his nature to destroy with light. It took many years to repress and hone this, only failing when shinnok's influence brought out those traits. Raiden has once told fujin that if he ever were to fall down such a path again, if it threatened earthrealm, to kill him. Without hesitation.
Raiden's hatred of shang tsung is not only out of resentment for betrayal, but of guilt from causing shang tsung down such a path. Raiden regrets and represses, shang tsung has forgotten the exact reason why he resents raiden in such a personal way beyond foiling his ambitions.
Raiden hates walking around when he can teleport. Raiden is lazy in certain areas.
Raiden has a dry sense of humor, as well as crude Although he tries to be appropriate.
Raiden sees kung lao as much a son as liu kang, and sonya and Johnny as well.
Raiden hates anything even remotely related to the nether realm, which makes his relationship with hanzo hasashi as an ally very... interesting.
Raiden wears a headwrap to not only hold his hair back in practical komabt use, but because he is lazy to tie it up in another style.
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
NOO! Griffins redemption arc could've had SO MUCH potential, the show runners doesn't even know about!!
They could have do so much out of it! What lead her to Valtor in the first place (in my hc it has something to do with the diffrent teatment of dark and light magic users)? What happened that she left him in the end? What was that "change of heart"? Why did the CoL believed her when she came to them? The history of her and Faragonda that she vouched for her? And what happened AFTER the fight ok Domino that Faragonda and had that complicated relationship at the beginning of season 1?
And what did they? The gave her one, just ONE fu***** flashback scene and one scene with Valtor?! That lover to enemies plot was just got thrown out the window!!
Getting the entire Company of Light backstory was, for me, (one of) the best thing(s) on the show but for the writers was just a shortcut to creating personal conflict between Valtor and Griffin, Faragonda and Saladin so they can keep the action mostly contained to the territory of the schools and their surroundings. Sure, we go to other planets a lot in season 3 but the major battles with Valtor happen in CT, the Magix museum and at lake Roccaluce (and the final battle on Andros hardly counts either because the actual battle with Valtor was led inside his body).
Honestly, however you look at the Company of Light backstory, it just doesn't make sense. Griffin, Saladin and Faragonda were in the Company and then all proceeded to become heads of the most prominent schools in the Dimension? What are the odds of that actually happening? Especially considering Griffin's background. The fact that they apparently knew Bloom's parents but no one thought to tell her for... what reason exactly? Not to mention that Faragonda didn't appear to have a personal connection to the Dragon Fire and the Domino royal family in season 1 even if she started connecting the dots at some point. If she'd known Marion and Daphne, she should have instantly concluded what's going on the second she learned Bloom was having visions of Daphne and she would have suspected from the first moment she saw Bloom - an "Earth" fairy who's practically a copy of Marion with fire powers. Come on! And then you get to the timeline that just doesn't add up and the writers make that much worse every time they insist that the Company were the same age as Winx when they fought the Ancestral Witches, which is absolutely impossible because Marion and Oritel already had a teenage daughter at the time. The whole thing is just... Okay then. You know, a spin-off could fix most if not all of this. Just saying.
As for Griffin, same thing there. Like I said, I believe that making her Valtor's partner was to justify him taking over CT since that's where most of his battles with the Winx take place (and Bloom's talk with the Ancestral Witches that is questionable too - how are they connected to CT? Why can they be contacted through the crypt if they're not dead? If they can access this dimension, why haven't they tried to contact any of the witches in CT, especially back when the Trix were still students, so that they can get freed from Obsidian?). Plus, she's the only older witch character we have on the show, therefore she's the only one who would have served the forces of evil in her youth. Don't we all know that witches are just prone to seeking world domination? If you haven't grasped that yet, you clearly have not been watching the show carefully smh. /s
So they just slapped that backstory there. It's obvious that they didn't want to bother with it when you remember how stylized the entire flashback is. There was literally nothing in it to give you any concrete details about their partnership. It's basically an illustration of the concept that doesn't indicate anything specific about the characters and the relationship. And the offenses don't stop there. Griffin isn't allowed to do anything against Valtor, even though she should be the one person that knows him best and is therefore able to at least somewhat predict his moves aka would have the best chances to counter them. They let Faragonda fight him and blast him through a bunch of trees but Griffin gets nothing, even after he imprisoned her and zombified her students? The sheer indignity of that! And when you look at it, it's so clear why they did it - because they don't want anyone other than the Winx to be able to save the day. Winx save Andros, Winx save Alfea and Faragonda, Winx save CT (in 3x24). Never mind that Griffin has worked with Valtor under the Ancestral Witch that has illusion and darkness powers. Surely, she never would have considered he didn't just decimate CT but simply masked it. Especially since season 2 said CT is alive and both Griffin and the Trix could sense its energy and direct it to make the castle do what they want. Makes perfect sense! All the logistics in this show are a fucking joke.
I also believe that her joining Valtor had something to do with the issue of light vs dark magic. Even if we accept that there isn't outright hostility and bias against the witches everywhere (Magix is cool for example whereas other planets such as Eraklyon are more discriminatory against witches), I still think that light magic users are more propped up in the spotlight and respected. It would have bothered someone like Griffin and I can see her seeking out power to prove dark magic's place in the "ecosystem" is just as important. Tbh 1x08 kind of supports that and could give insight into the issue with Faragonda but I will get to that later. And from there I can see her getting close with Valtor based on the similarities between them. After all, Valtor is just as powerful as the Domino royals with their Dragon Fire but ignored and openly abhorred because of the darkness added to his power. He's not really considered a natural extension of the Dragon Fire (Faragonda calls him "a creature", which, I mean, fair but still). He's smart, cunning, ruthless, powerful. All things that would draw Griffin to him because she's so similar. It's not that hard to see why they'd work together, though the show would never admit to the superiority of light magic that is imposed on the world.
What's really annoying is the fact that the motivations for her betrayal are left up in the air. Again, Griffin is smart enough to have seen through the Ancestral Witches' plans. She would have known that they would bring about a lot of destruction. Why work for them only to decide later that she's not okay with it? If you consider the possibility that she's prideful enough to get herself into a mess like that, there would have had to have been a wake-up call for her to decide to switch sides similarly to what happened in season 1 with the Trix. But there she took measures against them before the catastrophe hit and she never suspected that they could try to take over the world - implying that she would not have waited around for the situation to get so dire to get herself out of it. Add to that that neither Griffin's, nor Valtor's words and behavior indicate that he (or the Ancestral Witches) did something out of their ordinary to alienate her. It's all worded as if one day she just realized out of the blue that she's helping a plan that could lead to the ruin of whole planets and she booked it. I am not buying that. Which leads to the only viable alternative - that someone else (Faragonda) changed her mind but that's also counterintuitive considering the situation in season 1. I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it would have needed more backstory to stick properly. That's not my headcanon but it would work really well with what we already saw on the show. It would also bring in maximum angst for Valtor because she left him because of Faragonda, and maximum angst for Griffin and Faragonda because of the way things proceed to develop between them. All that to lead us to them being protective of each other as we saw on the show and to intensify Valtor's anger and bring out his feelings on the betrayal to the surface.
Imo it makes the most sense that the Company (without Faragonda) decided to keep Griffin purely from a strategical PoV - to use her information on the Coven. All of that helped by Faragonda's unwavering belief that Griffin is not just spying on them for Valtor. And with time they would be convinced that she truly wants to help for the sake of the universe and fixing her mistakes.
Honestly, I can see how they could have fallen out after the tragedy on Domino. Now the show implies that no one has heard of the Company of Light, which, again, doesn't make sense if they fought the battle that lead to the destruction of an entire planet but okay. It would make sense that they got their positions as heads of the schools in relation to their heroism, exhibited during their time with the Company. Except that Griffin was helping the Coven first; she was less standing up to a rising threat and more fixing her own mistakes, plus she's a witch. She's mostly an afterthought when it comes to the Company's "victory" if not outright ignored and that bothers her. It's a nagging in the back of her mind for over a decade until it starts to undermine her relationship with Faragonda. And that leads us to her lines in 1x08 about the alliance between Winx and the Specialists possibly changing the balance of power. They could have even saved her more questionable characterization in the beginning of season 1 if they had tried to tie it into her past and then draw from that to add drama to the conflict between her and Valtor.
Again, imagine the tension of him taunting her about having to bow to people that would have cowered before her if she'd just stayed by his side. Imagine her obsession with him leading to comments from, say, leaders of the planets affected by his actions asking how reasonable it is to let Valtor's ex partner in charge of the strategy against him. Even if she's successful in foiling him, that just proves that she's too good at thinking like him. Maybe it's all a big con and they have been working together the whole time. Or if not, they made up after she became obviously disgruntled with the treatment she received after her involvement with the Company of Light. Imagine Valtor, pissed off about the insinuations that he would trust her again but still not passing up a chance to mock her that if everyone thinks she's working with him anyway, she would have been much better off if she'd actually been working with him still, but she's not. Imagine the strain on her relationship with Saladin and Faragonda when they see in her more and more of the woman she was when she was working with Valtor because she's trying to get in his head to win their game of cat and mouse. For them it's like seeing the trauma of the past coming alive right before their eyes while for her it's more of the thing that alienated her in the first place - doing everything to help only to have her efforts questioned and doubted, only to be accused - whether implicitly or explicitly - of being evil.
I understand that the writers wanted to keep the focus on the Winx but in that case, they should not have introduced the backstory that Valtor has with Griffin, Faragonda and Saladin. Valtor is undoubtedly the type of person that would pursue revenge vehemently and not fitting that into the plot works against his character. Add to that the fact that they made him overpowered from the start and had to scramble to write in ways for Winx to defeat him but that only made him look more and more pathetic the closer we got to the point where they had to defeat him. That whole thing would have worked much better if instead of weakening him (I mean, really? He allegedly gets so many spells that he can't even hold all of them in his own form but he's afraid of fighting the Winx himself and he can barely save his own ass - not through magic, but through trickery? Gtfo), they would have written the Winx foiling his plans with help from Griffin. Having her in Alfea once he concealed CT (and doing that earlier, in 3x18 instead of him just leaving and letting Griffin come back) would have been the perfect opportunity and perfect motivation to make her be out for his head if she weren't already. That is already the point in which they start to weaken him so it would have worked perfectly with the plot. Just add a few more scenes with Griffin advising the Winx what to do, or in the very least make Stella (we all know it would be Stella, especially since she's the one who freed Griffin from her cell in CT) jab him about Griffin's information doing wonders for them and helping them ruin his day. I'm definitely thinking here of the "[we will win] because you slept with her and now she's mad" scene from the season 1 finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Anyway, pour one out for all this wasted potential.
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mayskalih · 2 years
I love how interactive you are with your followers! I saw in one of your answers that you would like to know our head cannons! I’ll start with the seemingly popular odd — in a pleasant way — KakaTsu ship. I have come across this ship in the past but I strayed far and wide from it because it didn’t intrigue me…. UNTIL now!
Your angsty hot-take was a wonderful insight on how you perceive them! And I definitely see Kakashi as a person who indulges in consensual pain in the bedroom because it’s hard for him to feel anything now. By the tender age of 13, he was already stripped off his parents, his best friends, his mentor. It’s hard to see the point of living after such a bleak start.
My personal take is that their dynamic is give-and-take. I can see Tsunade relinquishing her power and dominance for a night to someone she knows won’t mis-use the opportunity. Kakashi is her confidant and he doesn’t see her vulnerability as a sign of personal gain. So when he’s the one “dictating” the reins, he’s powerful and passionate but he also reads her facial expressions as his cue to stop or to slow down. If Kakashi wants to feel something, then for me, Tsunade wants to feel loved. Even if it’s a couple of minutes, even if it’s with her subordinate who can never love her like Dan, the feeling of being desired and to desire is a feeling she craves. And Kakashi helps quench that side of hers without judgement. When Tsunade is leading for the night, she often teases Kakashi over the limit until his reaction is visceral and until he loses himself in her arms. Because that’s what he wants from her — to feel, to be pulled back from his thoughts, and to be present.
I can see Kakashi preferring Tsunade to be on top of him because he’s got the perfect view 👀. Coincidentally, it’s Tsunade’s favourite position too because she knows she can make Kakashi undone in a matter of seconds when she bucks her hips down and rotates them in certain manner. And she loves seeing Kakashi try to prove her otherwise (his success rate is under 50%).
Also, they both give the best aftercare post-sex — tea, water, a hot shower, soft conversation while their limbs are intertwined in the moonlight. They make sure to check up on the other afterwards and that their needs are met sufficiently. Their intermission afterwards is to recalibrate their relationship for when they go back to Hokage and subordinate. While they keep their relationship (FWB) on the down-low, Shizune and Team Kakashi suspect something is different with them, but they don’t have any concrete evidence because KakaTsu aren’t outwardly physically intimate. Finally, while they have different sexual partners along the years, they often find themselves going back to each other — and that’s something unique to them.
I’ve rambled! So let me know your thoughts 🙂Also happy holidays!
You can't imagine how happy this ask made me🥺
I totally agree that Kakashi might be seeking feelings. He turned something off when he was younger to survive all the losses, but isnt able to turn it on again. And Tsunade is indeed someone who can help with this - she's mature, emphatic and has gone through something similar as well. So allowing being themselves when alone together is a very wholesome hc. <3
And her teasing him 💔 is want to read this so bad! And also how they discuss all the rumors and weird looks on them 🤤
Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Might I request the Walter Files Crew with a ready who’s job it is to clean them?
"Really? Blood again, Bon? I don't get paid enough to clean you all the time."
The fact you're not even remotely concerned about where the blood on his claws came from leaves Bon puzzled.
But he decides to keep you alive since 1) you're not a target, and 2) any other caretaker would've ran off to tell someone, and he couldn't have that.
You just clean away. Jack's spirit can't help but be a little appreciative of you looking after his animatronics.
She's always eager when you come in to clean her, considering you've been helping her look "beautiful".
While you can't make her absolutely spotless, you put some extra effort into making her wool dirt-free and her collar shiny.
Anytime she asks you if she's still beautiful, you tell her "yes".
Even if you think she needs a major upgrade if Felix ever decided to bring back the gang.
Usually never holds still when you're trying to clean him.
"No not there!" "Ack! Don't spray those vile chemicals into my eyes!"
He's more whiny and childish than Banny, but you just sigh and do the best you can, reminding him you didn't need to do this for him if he hated it so much.
That usually shuts him up long enough for you to finish the job.
For reasons unknown you were told to never clean her endoskeleton. But hey, it's less work for you.
Banny usually has endless things to blabber about while you were working so...your shift wasn't all that boring.
"You're so good to us, [y/n]! Bon especially likes you! He might have a crush on you...or not..he's kinda mean to us but thinks you're pretty cool! Speaking of "cool", how's the weather out there?"
Going on tangents is her specialty, that's for sure.
His rubber face gets dirty the most, but you have no trouble cleaning it.
Unlike the others he's mute, only being able to speak through tapes. So cleaning him is kinda boring.
Though whenever you say something funny to yourself, you swore you saw the corners of his smile twitch a bit.
Probably just your imagination.
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yanderememes · 3 years
hol’ up just got an idea and i wanna share it bc it ties into the whole “yandere” thing.
-it’s dark out and raining
-giorno walks on along the concrete pavement until a building with tacky bright neon lettering beside a cartooned woman wearing lingerie catches his eye.
-some of the stress from being the head of passione has been slightly getting to his head as of late and he needs to relief the stress some way. so, he enters.
-as soon as he walks through the threshold of the joint, he is met with the aroma of various alcohols, near bare women performing their exotic dances on tables and poles, and their on lookers. this place is beating heart of sin.
-no different from other place like this he thinks.
-as he strides through the joint, many people recognize him and are immediately affected by his gravitas; some bowing their heads, some hiding under tables, or some leaving entirely out of fear.
-quickly, the word that the giorno giovanna was in the building reached the owner and he immediately ran out to greet him and offer him the best drinks and dancers he had for free.
-giorno, declines, leaving the owner in a blend of astonishment and concern.
-his eyes fixate on one dancer in particular.
-this dancer dances in awkwardly on the pole compare to the others-in a charming way in his eyes. they are wearing a pure white lingerie set that contrasts the darkness of the place.
-he walks towards them as though he was in a daze
-the owner picks up on his fascination and is flabbergasted
-“s-signiore, they just started 2 weeks ago! they’re inexperienced!”
-giorno didn’t hear the man, or if he did, he didn’t care.
-he takes a table in the back and watches their awkward beauty unfold before him in the form of exotic dancing.
-he stays for hours. strangers try to strike up a conversation with him, he ignores. workers offer him drinks, he ignores. dancers offers him a private room with them, he ignores. his emerald eyes just follow every move this awkward dancer is making. drinking every detail of them, enraptured by everything they do.
-eventually, the dancer had to clock out, and retreated to her boudoir backstage to change.
-Giorno waits outside for them.
-as soon as the dancer was in giorno’s view, he follows them until they are home.
-next time they dance, he would make it was for him only.
Ok, I'm officially convinced that y'all are mind readers cuz why is this hc so similar to how I interpreted yandere Giorno would meet darling 🤔
Thank you anon for this beautiful ask 😭 y'all are really out here feeding me with yan Gio content that I've been looking for. I'm imgaining that before Giorno stalks you home, he would frequently come visit you. Ignoring the rest of the workers, his eyes focus only on you. You don't notice cuz you're too worried about making mistakes in front of your manager. You're already so inexperienced, the manager was kind enough to give you this job, despite him being a bit of am asshole sometimes. This definitely wasn't your first choice but you really needed the money. Little did you know that all of this would change with a certain someone's money and power coming into play.
Also, under the cut are my personal hcs on how yandere Giorno would meet his darling! ❤️ It's pretty similar so feel free to spot the differences! 🥰
I always thought that Giorno would fall for an empathetic, compassionate, intellectual darling. Someone who could keep up with his botanical talks but also add their own piece to it. But also due to the nature of his work, he'd fall for someone who is very caring and accepts both the beauty and ugly of the world. Giorno never thought about finding a romantic partner and he couldn't care less about marriage or starting a family. Passione is his pride and joy.
Fast froward to a 22 year old Giorno who just finished his mission as Don along with Mista and Fugo. He gets a call from Fugo that they'll be late to pick him up due to traffic, so Giorno is left by his lonesome in this grand conference hall. He stumbles across a poster: the effects of eating disorders within elders. It looks to be some sort of psychology conference presentation.
Giorno always had an interest in psychology. His curiosity flared and decided to enter the conference room where he simply stood by the door, hands in his pockets and watched the speaker.
The way you spoke with such confidence and pride in your speech about your thesis was astonishing to Giorno. He loved listening to your research findings because he found them so intriguing. When you were done with your presentation and the conference came to an end, Giorno was surprised by his own actions that he would come up to you and spark a conversation. He just wanted to know more about your thesis in detail.
Hours fly by and Giorno forgot all about Fugo and Mista coming to pick him up. He was so enthralled in his conversation with you that he had no concept of time. He loved how you had a passion of your own in psychology. He loved how you had a dream to become a psychologist. And how you wanted to be a psychologist because you wanted to help others. But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Your classmate interrupted your conversation with Giorno, telling you that it was time to head back to the hotel with the rest of your class.
You left and said your goodbye to this mysterious but handsome blonde man. Giorno only realized at that moment that he totally forgot to ask for your contact number. He only knew your name from the poster and that your a graduate student on an abroad trip with your professor and classmates to meet fellow psychologists here in Italy.
Not a few seconds pass by and he gets a call from Fugo that they're here to pick him up. When he finally reaches his villa, one of Giorno's henchmen opens the car door for the Don and greets him as usual. Giorno had time to think on the car ride home. And after some thought but what was mostly fueled by instinctual desire, he decides to take a leap of faith.
"Antonio, find me information on y/n. I want the report in by tomorrow evening." Giorno orders
"As you wish, Don." Antonio responds as he bows his head
Giorno wanted to know more about you. Every little thing about you. He wouldn't call this love. It can't be. He only just met you. He's just curious, that's all. But unbeknownst to both you and Giorno, this was only the beginning of his lovesick spiral.
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starthelostboys · 2 years
expanding on my backstory hcs for paul and star
i said in a previous post that star turns paul into a vampire in the late 1970s, and while i’m still sticking with that hc i think it requires a little more explanation
obviously star is still a half-vampire when she turns paul, and while that definitely does affect things, i don’t think it means that she can’t turn him
what i’ve come up for this is that when paul’s still a half-vampire, he’s much weaker than a normal half-vamp would be
he’s much more affected by sunlight (instead of being bothered by it, he will actually start getting some pretty nasty sunburns if he stays the sun for an extended period of time), he’s not as powerful as a normal half-vampire would be, and there is a MUCH shorter time limit on when staying a half-vamp starts becoming a problem
neither star nor paul know any of this before they make the decision to turn him into a vampire (and to be fair, none of the other lost boys would know this either)
star’s a bit of a commitmentphobe, so in the years after she was turned (sometime in the late 1960s) she got into the habit of spending half her time in santa carla with david, dwayne, and marko, and the other half just traveling around the west coast
this is how she meets paul. he’s a recent high school graduate with no plans for what he’s going to do now that he’s graduated, and star relates to him in a lot of ways
they’re both very aimless, and neither of them have ever had a concrete idea of what they want to do with their lives. the two of them travel from place to place together for a few months before star finally trusts paul enough to reveal that she’s a vampire
after finding out that star’s a vampire, paul decides he wants to become one too, and star agrees to it after she realizes that she’d like a traveling companion
she turns paul on the way back to santa carla, and he makes his first kill before either of them can realize what a shitty situation he’d be in if he’d stayed a half-vamp
star and paul get along very well. they have similar personalities, but with enough differences that they can help each other work through their flaws (unlike star and david, who i think are so similar that they’re unable to reconcile when they have differing opinions)
before meeting star, i don’t think paul was much of a risk taker. he tended to stick within his comfort zone, and she often pushes him to try new things. she’s a lot more naturally adventurous than he is.
and unlike star, paul really values loyalty in friendships. once they get to santa carla and he starts forming bonds with the other lost boys, he encourages her to stick around instead of leaving like she normally would
in between paul joining the group and a few years before the time of the movie (around 1978-1985) is the time when the friendships within the group were at their strongest
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
S/O Loses Memory and Quirk
Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima HCs
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of stab wounds and blood, a panic attack, spoiler for Bakugou’s hero name, sad bois
A/N: So I had two requests that mentioned these three with this concept and I just finished all of them and I’m so proud that I wanted to post these ones before the other two for Denki and All Might were finished but I’ll get those out as soon as possible. I cried writing Bakugou’s, so... there’s that HAHA please enjoy!
Here’s the first one with Shinsou, Aizawa, Hawks, and Dabi!
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Todoroki Shouto | Shouto
Shouto knows you’re a strong woman and that he doesn’t need to constantly be there to protect you
But he does prefer to be there if something bad is happening 
The only problem is that you two went to two different agencies after graduating 
And in doing so were on opposite sides of the city
Now he always knew when something was happening on your hero route because I mean
He actually needs to in case something bad happens since it’s his JOB
But he also just really wants to be there for you if you really need it
There hasn’t been a time like that, though
So imagine his utter shock and genuine fear when that time came
He was told to go to where you were patrolling because you’d been attacked and wound up in the hospital 
You know the scene with the flame tear? Yeah that but times ten
He goes on patrol like a good little hero
But boy oh BOY did he just want to go to the hospital
You’d never lost a fight before
Not even against him
Your quirk was literally the most powerful quirk he’s ever seen and I mean like, yeah, sure, he might be biased but STILL you were really powerful
So what kind of villain could hurt you so bad you had to go to the hospital???
Luckily, he only had an hour left of patrolling 
And as soon as that hour was up
Mans bolted
He was OFF
He ran into that hospital 
And he politely asked where your room was
Because although he’s PANICKING he still is a little socially awkward sweetie and he doesn’t wanna be a dick to anyone and be labeled similar to his father no no NO
But as soon as he got the number he was sprinting man
He was so worried
All patrol he was quieter than usual
And he was ridiculously anxious the whole time
His palms were sweaty
He felt like he could throw up at any second
And right now
He thought his heart was about to beat out of his chest
He carefully opens the door
You might be sleeping, he has to be considerate
And sure enough he sees your unconscious form laying in a hospital bed
It looked like you had some broken bones, and multiple bruises and cuts which means someone must have beat the shit out of you
That’s what he needed to see
Mans doesn’t show emotion that much
But when it comes to you and since it was just you and him in the room
He broke down crying
He couldn’t help it
He grabbed your hand
And just sat there crying
Poor guy can’t lose you
You were the best thing that ever happened to him 🥺
You showed him that it was okay to feel things and express those things and let people in
He let you in and he couldn’t let you go now
He was a genuine mess for the next couple of weeks
Because you weren’t waking up
He went against what Midoriya said and asked around about what happened to you
And what he heard was horrific
Apparently the villain snuck up on you
And hit you in a few different places
And then you fell down
And then you couldn’t access your quirk
And that’s why you were in the hospital 
He didn’t want to think about the part that happened after you were virtually defenseless
Around his friends he was spacier than usual
He wasn’t really retaining information
And his agency let him take more days off than usual because they knew he was Going Through It
And luckily on one of those days you woke up
He was next to you as per usual 
Holding your hand
Playing with your fingers like he always does when he gets anxious
He missed being able to do that in social situations 
Or when you two were cuddling at night and he was thinking about something that was stressing him out and he would start to fiddle with your hand and you would ask him what’s wrong
He missed you
So when he felt your hand start to move by itself
He basically gave himself whiplash with how fast he looked from your hand to your face
Sure enough
Your eyes were open
And you were looking at him
He whispered your name as not to scare you
You could have a concussion or mild amnesia
He has already considered everything that could be wrong with you
Because he overthinks a lot
And he was nervous about this
And there was one thing he had in the back of his mind
That would probably be the worst case scenario
And much to his fears
That was confirmed to be what was going on almost immediately
He just stares for a moment
You hadn’t called him Todoroki since… well, a long time now
Probably back in your UA days
The two of you began dating in your second year though so
It’s been a while
“You look… older..?”
He clears his throat
“Yes. Well… I am 20 years old now. I would hope I look older.”
“Wait, what?”
Oh shit.
He just confused you. 
Damnit, Shouto. 
“Uhh… well, um. You see…”
“Todoroki what is going on? And why are you holding my hand like that?”
He freezes
He was still playing with your fingers
And it wasn’t that you didn’t want him to
You were just genuinely confused
He knew that
“Before I say anything else that could be detrimental to your mental health, maybe you should ring your nurse.”
You do as he says
And the nurses and a doctor come rushing into your room
They do some evaluations
And sure enough
Your memory has been completely wiped
As has the access to the portion of your brain that allows you to control your quirk
The doctor explains to Todoroki that he’s unsure of how this happened
Bu Todoroki knows it has to be that villain
Whatever that villain did did this to you
And Todoroki isn’t one to show emotions
But boy oh BOY was he riled up right now
He lowkey accidentally caught something on fire
And then to fix it lowkey on purpose just turned it into a block of ice
Even though Endeavor is the worst man on the planet
Mans is persistent on shit that’s for sure
And that’s like
The only trait Shouto got from that literal dumpster fire of a father
And he wasn’t about to let the piece of shit that hurt you get away with it
Of course, when it comes to you as a person he’s very patient
Very understanding
Respects boundaries 
But he will not REST
Until the motherfucker who did this to you gets caught by him
And he will find them.
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Bakugou Katsuki | DynaMight
So Bakugou was already very protective over you
I mean that’s expected though
It’s literally Bakugou
So mans has tabs on you at all times
You don’t know how he does it tbh
He jokes
Yes, Bakugou can joke
He jokes about having a sixth sense when it comes to you
He just gets this feeling about you
If you’re sad? He knows
Happy? He knows
In danger? MANS KNOWS
And I guess he also has a GPS built into his brain???
He just
He knows
Probably because he cares extremely deeply about you
Like really fucking deeply
You’re the best thing that has ever happened to him
Ever since high school
First day
When you weren’t intimidated by him
There was just something special about you
And even though it took until after graduation and you almost DYING on a mission for him to finally accept that he can FEEL THINGS
He officially asked you to be his girlfriend
I say officially because, well
Y’all have basically been dating since like 
Second year of high school
Even though it wasn’t official
It was obvious
He was whipped
He still is
He’s known you for five years
You’ve been officially dating for two of those years
You were unofficially dating for four
You were the most important thing in his life
You even surpassed becoming the number one hero somehow
Though he will NEVER admit that
It took him a while to realize it 
But the thought of living without you?
Scared him more than any villain ever could
And that is why
Mans is all dressed up
Lookin nice
Took a day off of patrol at his agency because tonight is a special night
Of course, you don’t know anything
As it should be
He didn’t tell a soul that he was planning on proposing tonight
Okay… maybe that is a lie
He told Kirishima when he got blackout drunk with the boys one night
Long story, don’t ask how it happened, even the boys don’t know
And Kirishima then proceeded to tell everyone of his other friends 
So they all knew
But they also all knew to keep it a FUCKING SECRET unless they wanted blown up
But boy oh boy they were excited to see the pictures and the ring and the everything
But I digress
Bakugou is in the house the two of you purchased a while back
It was very much off the damn grid
For ~safety~ 
And he’s very much just messing with how he looks
He has to look perfect because he knows you’re about to 
And he can’t be proposing to you unless he’s on your level
When suddenly
He gets a
But it isn’t the warm feeling he gets when you’re happy
Or the doopy one he gets when you’re sad
Or the wave of exhaustion he feels when you’re tired
Or the tingly feeling he gets when you’re mad
It’s the feeling where his spine tenses
And his blood goes cold
And his heart drops to the floor
The one he only felt one other time
The time you almost died
He was out of that house so fast
He didn’t even care if he looked all nice
You were in danger
He blasted his way through the city
Saying he was frantic is an understatement
He was FERAL
He got to where you were just in time to see you get slammed into the concrete by some piece of shit villain
You were unconscious
And you weren’t moving
He saw red
He didn’t even remember blasting over to the villain and punching them in the face
But he did that
And he did it HARD
Of course the villain was like OH FUCK
Because obviously the villain knew who you were
That’s why you were targeted 
Breaking Bakugou’s spirit is needed if villains want to become more fearful and powerful
The villain starts sprinting away
And before Bakugou can catch them
He hears an ambulance siren
He suddenly forgets all about the villain because he whips around to see you getting loaded onto a gurney
Paramedics are doing everything they can to keep you alive at this point
He’s horrified to say the least
You’re the love of his life
The last time he saw you like this is when he accepted it
Seeing you like this again just makes him realize it even deeper somehow
He runs to the ambulance
But the paramedics tell him he needs to go to the hospital separately because you’re badly injured and they need to perform some procedures on the way to the hospital to keep you alive
He doesn’t even realize he’s crying until his eyes start to sting
He wants to tell the paramedics to fuck off
Don’t they realize this is supposed to be one of the best days of yours and his lives?
But he can’t 
Because before he can
They’re gone
He chases after you though
He needs to be by your side right now
He needs to know that you will be okay
He needs you to be okay
So imagine how nerve-wracking it is for him to learn that you were in surgery
He waited in the waiting room all day long
This incident happened around one in the afternoon
and it was now one in the morning
He was just sitting in the hospital waiting room
Looking down at the little box in his hand
Which is a sight for anyone who sees him
The ring he bought for you is the only thing he can focus on
He doesn’t even notice the non-stop buzzing in his pocket coming from his and your friends wondering if the two of you are okay because the footage of the fight cut out right before Bakugou punched the villain
They all thought you were both hurt pretty badly
I mean after your quirk was seemingly taken from you…
The only thing that snaps him out of his trance
Is when the doctor comes out and says his name
His head snaps up so fast
He approaches the doctor just as fast
He knows he should expect the worst
But he can’t help but keep repeating that you’re okay
That everything will be fine because you are okay
They fixed you up
You’ll come home all happy
He’ll propose to you in the living room at this point
Today will be fixed
He hears that although you’re stable
You have what appears to be brain damage
“What kind of fucking brain damage?”
“She has severe amnesia which means that-”
“How severe?”
“Well… according to her brain scan and the fact that she said the year was two and a half years ago, I’m afraid it’s significantly severe.”
Two and a half years
Two and a half years?!
He just stares at the doctor
If you think it’s two and a half years ago
That means he hasn’t asked you out yet
That means in your mind
You’re still in high school
About to graduate
This cannot be happening
There is not way this is happening
“Can I see her?”
His voice sounds foreign to him
The doctor nods
Leading him to your room
He puts the ring back in his pocket out of instinct
And when he enters your room
He wants nothing more than for you to yell something like PSYCH
But he’s just met with a your mouth opening wide and eye getting big
“Bakugou?! You’re so dressed up!”
Why didn’t he let you call him Katsuki sooner
Why didn’t he ask you out before two years ago
Why wasn’t he there to save you
“W-Woah… Bakugou, you don’t have to cry this isn’t my first hospital stay… wait, when did you get an undercut?”
He just walks towards you
“You also look… older… is this seriously what you look like when you clean up?”
He watches as your expression falters for a moment
“Wait… are you like… going on a date or something?”
Good to know you still have feelings for him at least
He just nods
And you try to hide the disappointment on your face
“Oh… well, you better tell me all about it when we get back to the dorms.”
Your fake enthusiasm is killing him
What killing him even more though is that the doctors didn’t tell you what was going on
So he’ll tell you instead
His voice is wavering
This is new for him
He clears his throat
“I’m not… I’m not going on a date anymore. I had one but… things didn’t turn out as planned.”
He almost smiles at the sudden mood shift you had
How can you still be perky like that sitting in a hospital bed
“Yeah… because, um. It was a date with you…”
“You got hurt pretty bad, angel…”
He explains everything to you
As much as he can
And he also finds out about your quirk
And how it’s just
You have to stay in the hospital tonight for further testing tomorrow
And you insist that he goes home
But he says it isn’t home if you’re not there
He stays in the chair right next to your bed
Watching you as you sleep
He knows you believe him
He knows that you have feeling for him
But he’s broken, truly
Not only was he not your hero today
He didn’t save you
He doesn’t know if you’ll ever remember any of those years with him
Any of your firsts
And that makes him ache
He pulls out your ring again
And just looks at it
The only light in the room is the moonlight peaking in through the window
And in that moment
He swears to himself
And to you
That the villain who did this
Is going to pay
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Kirishima Eijirou | Red Riot
Eijirou has always been your rock
Figuratively and literally
He’s there for you through everything
And I mean everything
The two of you have been next door neighbors since you were kids
And he literally always had a crush on you
Of course the feelings were mutual
But neither you nor shark boy knew that
Until y’all got to high school
And Bakugou was very
About the two of you pining for each other
Mina was beyond annoyed 
She went to middle school with you two
So when Bakugou finally just
Screamed at the two of you to just shut the fuck up with the flirting and date already
Mina deadass jumped out of her seat at lunch and screamed thank you at the top of her lungs
Of course the two of you were as red as his hair
Which, yes
You did help him pick out the exact shade and helped dye as well
His hands were stained red because he accidentally only bought one pair of gloves and it wouldn’t have been manly to make you help without gloves on
But I digress
The two of you started dating shortly after that
And when I tell you that you were the couple everyone would look at and be all “awwwww”
And y’all are just in high school
Granted, it’s your final year and the two of you are both interning and are already confirmed to become sidekicks and Fatgum’s Agency
So y’all do be a little mature
But still
You started dating freshman year
And you’re going strong still
Of course
And words cannot describe how relieved he is that the two of you are at the same agency
Because if anything ever went bad he would be there to save you
And you would be there to save him
But literally nothing could prepare him for what was about to happen to you
It was a normal patrol
The two of you were together
Talking about graduation next week
And how the two of you were excited to move out of the dorms and into the apartment you had picked
And how you would finally be able to adopt the little mutt that the two of you love from the shelter
When out of no where
A villain popped down off of a building
Right behind you
And did something weird to you
They hit you meticulously and in specific places
Before Kirishima could even process what was going on
You were on the ground
Of course
You raised an arm
Ready to fight and use your quirk
But nothing happened
You tried again
You and Kirishima make eye contact and he can feel the fear radiating off of you
Now he was worried
Very worried
But you knew how to fight
And he was there, too
So this wouldn’t end too bad
You were already back on your feet
Ready to fight this motherfucker
“Go help the people inside, Red Riot. I can handle this one.”
He goes
But he does know you can hold your own
Even if that villain temporarily blocked your quirk
He hardens
Turning his headpiece into a filtering mask (a great addition he thought of so he could run into burning buildings while hardened to save people and not take damage to his lungs in the process)
And luckily
There were only three people inside
So he grabs them and runs out
And he’s expecting to be met with you handcuffing the bad guy
But instead
He’s met with you getting the life beat out of you
You’re on the ground
The villain pulled out swords while he was gone
And it was obvious you were down and weren’t gettingup
But the villain just wasn’t letting up
Kirishima’s legs work before his brain
He runs over to the villain and lands a punch to their face
Which causes them to stumble backwards
Before they throw the swords at a random citizen who is observing
He immediately runs to the citizen, deflecting the swords
But the villain ran off in the mean time
Like they disappeared without a trace
But honestly
Even if they were still there
Kirishima would have run to you regardless
He immediately kneels down
“(Y/n)?! (Y/n), can you hear me?!”
He ditched the hero names this time
You weren’t responding
You were out cold
He starts panicking
Full on hyperventilating
You looked bad
You were pierced by the villains swords in your side
Blood was everywhere
Your breathing was shallow
Regardless of the genuine panic attack he was going through right now
He somehow managed to control his breathing so you wouldn’t bleed out on the ground
He needed to help you
He picks you up
Instantly starting to sprint to the ambulances beginning to pull up
As soon as the paramedics see the state you’re in they get you off of him
And speed off to the hospital
Kirishima is left alone 
Staring at his hands 
Which were dyed red with your blood
All he could see was your face laughing at him because he forgot to get two pairs of gloves the first time you helped him dye his hair
…He didn’t like red all that much right now
After what feels like hours
But was really like two minutes
Tamaki shows up
Because he heard there was something going on
And as soon as he sees Kirishima on the ground and sobbing
He knows something bad has happened to you
He quickly gets him out of there
And back to the agency
Where Kirishima accidentally sees a replay of the fight on television
And he sees that you were fighting the villain just fine
But they were so nimble and fast 
And all they did was hit the nape of your neck and then the side of your temple
And you collapsed
Tamaki turned the television off before the full fight was shown
But the damage was done
Kirishima was back on the ground
Tamaki tries to comfort him
But Kirishima is out of commission
“I couldn’t save her, Tamaki! I wasn’t there!”
“…C-Come on, Kirishima… w-we should… go to the hospital…”
Tamaki is trying so hard to get him to calm down 
But to no avail
So eventually he just drags him out and to his car
He speeds to the hospital
And Kirishima doesn’t even wait for the car to slow down to run inside
He has to wait to see you
Since you were punctured 
But he was willing to wait
And wait he did 
For four days
Of course after you were done with your surgery he was allowed in your room
But it was a matter of waiting for you to wake up
He was always with you
He only went home to shower
He slept at the hospital
He needed to be with you
So when you finally woke up
He cried tears of happiness for the first time in days
“(Y/n), thank god you’re awake.”
“Eiji? What happened…?”
“There was a villain attack and they knocked you out and-”
“Why don’t you look 15?”
“You look… older… and your hair is longer.”
“…What? You were the one who encouraged me to grow it out…”
“I… I was?”
He stares at you for a moment
His happy tears turning into ones of fear
Before hitting the call nurse button and asking you a question
“(Y/n) what grade are we in?”
“We’re freshmen at UA High School.”
No, no, no, no, no
Before he could answer the doctor and nurses came in the room
They started asking you a bunch of questions
To which you answered the best you could
But it was obvious that you were convinced it was two years ago
The doctors took you off to do scans of your brain
This can’t be happening
You think it’s two years ago
Two years
So much has happened within those two years
The two of you have done so much
Imagine how devastated he is when he hears your memory is just gone
And your quirk with it
You were a hero
Your quirk can’t be gone
“Eiji… please don’t cry, it’ll be okay.”
“I can’t help it, pebble. I wasn’t there to save you and now… now you don’t remember everything we’ve done. And… and your quirk… you’re the best hero I know, and now…”
“Eijirou, I promise you it will be okay. As long as you’ll be with me, like you always are, I will be fine.”
He doesn’t say anything
He just looks at his hand holding yours
At least you still remember he asked you to be his girlfriend
But he is deadset on finding the villain who did this to you
“I will get you out of this.”
“I will fix this. I promise you. I will save you. I need to.”
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fairy-serigala · 3 years
Do you have any hc for Gray and Rouge?
i do! i don't have as many as i have for gray and gajeel or gray and natsu, but i'll think up some more because they are adorable.
naturally, a lot of gray and rogue's interactions started with frosch.
frosch absolutely adored gray (the cat magnet) and if they went even a month without seeing gray, they'd start to ask when they'd next get to visit him.
rogue got a little jealous of them at first, but they eventually got over it because... isn't it a good thing that there's another person frosch loves and trusts so much? and if there was anyone to trust with frosch, wouldn't it be gray? (i don't care what future rogue said, gray would sooner sell his soul than hurt a kitty.)
so frosch + gray playdates became a regular thing, and gray pretty much became an on-call babysitter for frosch (and lector) whenever rogue and sting needed to go out of town. gray spoiled frosch, he was the uncle that parents fear and frosch always had a blast whenever they went to stay with him.
gray also helped frosch gain some self-confidence, in a couple ways, namely in teaching frosch how to ice skate and participate in snowball fights... look, winter activities are gray's jam. and whenever frosch would win their little competitions, gray would take them out to get them a new frog teddy.
rogue loved that part. -
gray also helped add to sting and rogue's teddy bear collection. he'd buy things for them whenever they'd go a prolonged time without seeing each other, and at this point, gray has bought about 25% of their teddy collection.
this also applies to any and all dragon memorabilia that gray comes across. he's not very good at telling which ones are genuine and which ones are shabby knock offs, but the dragon slayers are very good at that.
either they'll love it, or they'll spend twenty minutes tearing it apart. either way, gray gets a nap. -
because of gray's devil slayer magic, he has a demon seed, like the dragons slayers have the dragon ones. so, gray is slowly turning into a demon. this is... intimidating for everyone who knows gray, and gray, but rogue is the exception.
because of their experiences with his shadow, rogue found a bunch of solidarity in gray's issue and being able to help and support another person who was going through something like that, gave rogue closure over their own experiences like nothing else.
whenever gray felt himself slipping, he'd seek rogue out, because rogue was the only one who wouldn't treat him like a ticking time bomb and he really appreciated the comfort.
and when gray finally did turn into a full-blown demon, rogue was right there next to him, ready to help stabilise him.
rogue didn't need to though, gray was terrified and was begging rogue to take out the darkness so that he didn't hurt or scare anyone, but there was no darkness in gray to take away. someone had already sealed it, and all that was left... was gray. the one they all loved already. -
rogue is a bit of a history buff. it's been a hyperfixation of theirs for the longest time, and the second gray learned about it, he set plans in motion to take rogue to isvan with him so that they could learn about a whole new set of history.
rogue was beyond excited. they couldn't stop making these squeaky noises, or flapping their hands, or bouncing on their feet because new history!!
they had the time of their lives. gray almost never got a chance to talk about his culture, but rogue listened to all of it.
gray told rogue about the two dragon legends in isvan, and rogue told gray that they were real, and that maybe someday he could meet them. -
rogue isn't much of a purrer, but gray is one of the few people who gets to hear it on the regular.
when they get happy, rogue will shimmy up next to gray with happy nuzzles and love rubs (cat) and purrs, and then gray will nuzzle back and stroke their hair and rogue will fall apart for the rest of the evening. it's adorable. -
most people think of rogue as this relatively intimidating person, or a baby brother to gajeel and natsu. but to gray, rogue is a clutz.
even beating out wendy.
particularly when they're trying to be graceful, that's when they're most likely to eat the concrete.
rogue had the hardest time learning to ice skate, and dance. but gray (being the supportive bean that he is) was always patient, always willing to hold their hand and show them the steps again.
and after ice skating, gray would always cuddle with rogue and brew them some hot chocolate, and just be really soft.
this goes double for if rogue had a particularly clumsy day, and now there's a running bet between the sabertooth and fairy tail guilds as to whether or not rogue pretends to be clumsy in the name of getting more cuddles.
(but if that is true, they both know that gray will supply rogue with any physical affection they need for completely free. but why not make a game out of it?)
at the grand magic games ball, it became a tradition for gray and rogue to dance at least one dance together. gray would usually lead, and he'd hold rogue close so that he could catch them whenever they inevitably tripped. but sometimes gray would let rogue lead if they wanted to, and that's even more hazardous but they always end up laughing their heads off over it. -
they're just... the best of friends.
and they always have a fantastic time hanging out!
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meliorist-midoriya · 4 years
personality swap!
the request: Hello! I just read few of your writings and I really really loved them :) If your requests are open by any case can I ask for a Bakugou x reader scenario where Bakugou and Midoriya get hit by a quirk that results in their personality getting switched for a day. I think it would be adorable if Bakugou suddenly gets all shy and flustered near his s/o Thank you so much :* Keep writing uwu
a/n: hello anon! honestly personality switched bakudeku is my jam so this was really fun to write lololol. so fun that i accidentally wrote a headcanon instead, until i saw that a scenario was requested but i liked the hcs too much to delete it so you get both lol. thank you for sending in a request, and happy reading!
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⟢ it literally gives everyone whiplash
⟢ bakugou?? being??? polite??????
⟢ he’s giving actual comprehensible advice, and his voice sounds normal, if not quieter?
⟢ you never thought you’d see the day. sadly, this would only last for a day or so until they went back to normal, so you’d have to make the most of it.
⟢ seeing midoriya snapping at everyone at the drop of a hat all day was kinda funny but also kinda scary bc suddenly he was kicking through ten layers of concrete. like damn, chill ;;;
⟢ the best part, though, comes after class. you two usually walk back to the dorms together, hand-in-hand.
⟢ you grab his hand and this boy, oh this sweet boy, literally almost COMBUSTS. bakugou.exe has stopped working.
⟢ poor baby’s face is so red and you have to fan him to cool him off before you can grab his hand again. super concerned that you want to hold his hand, esp after all his nervous sweating, but shuts down again when you tell him that you don’t mind with a smile.
⟢ if you like teasing him, NOW IS THE TIME! will freeze up on the spot and maybe overheat. he’s stumbling over his words half the time, stammering nonsense the other half, but 100% completely whipped for you.
⟢ his vocal filter is loose as hell now though, somehow finds a way to fluster you without intending to.
⟢ “katsuki, your blush is so cute!”
⟢ “it’s because you’re cuter- wait, did i say that out loud?? forget i said that aaaa \(o///∇///o)/”
⟢ the softest baby that will shower you with affection since the personality switch ended up also loosening his pride. he’ll cuddle you with absolutely no fuss, do whatever he can for you.
⟢ this also gives you a LOT of insight into how he actually feels about you since he’s so much more affectionate w you during this time.
⟢ while seeing this bakugou was really cute and endearing, you were more than happy to see his normal, aggressive tsundere personality back the next day.
⟢ bc that’s the one you fell for~
⟢ “forget everything that happened yesterday. all of it.”
⟢ “aww, but katsuki! your blushing face is really cute!”
⟢ “what in the hell-”
⟢ mf is still blushing
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“This is… kinda strange.”
“Are you kidding me, Sero? This is great! We finally get to have blackmail material on the invincible Bakugou!” Kaminari was cackling as he whipped his phone out, ready to film Bakugou. Quiet, meek, Bakugou, awkwardly trying to dodge Kaminari’s camera lens by hiding behind Midoriya. Aizawa had brought them into class a few moments ago, announcing their circumstances to the class before leaving the two boys to fend for themselves as he zipped up his sleeping bag and knocked out.
“Kaminari, if you don’t stop right now…” Midoriya, on the other hand, was glaring down at Kaminari. Personality switched or not, his protectiveness never failed to show through.
“Y-Yes sir!”
Meanwhile, you crept around the desks to tug at Bakugou’s sleeve, smiling as you pulled him away from the people clamoring around Midoriya and Kaminari. Almost immediately, his face flushed red as you tugged him away from the commotion, yet he followed you to his desk nonetheless.
“Are you doing okay, Bakugou?”
“A-Ah, yeah, I think… I want people to pay attention to me, but not like that…” You were a hair away from smothering your boyfriend with cuddles right then and there, but you needed him to be functioning for the rest of the day so, alas, you had to hold back. Didn’t stop you from gushing over the blush dusting over his cheeks, which only made the rest of his face bloom with an embarrassed flush.
“Ah, Bakugou, your blushing’s so cute!”
“It’s because I don’t know what to do with myself since you’re cute!”
Now you were the flustered one, feeling your cheeks warm as you stared at him in surprise. An awkward silence paused the class at his slightly too-loud outburst, his voice raising an octave as his nerves went haywire, before it was broken by Kaminari and Sero’s howling laughter with their phones out.
“We got that on video! On video! This is going to be great!”
Realizing his mistake, Bakugou slowly hid his face in his hands with a groan.
“Kaminari, Sero…” The boys squeaked at Midoriya’s glare.
“We’re sorry!”
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autumnslance · 4 years
would you be willing to make a masterpost of all your sharlayan research and headcanons? please please please and THANK YOU if you do
I can certainly try! A lot of my info is from what little we have so far, and my own fics are where a lot of my headcanons go to live, with little snippets about various characters here and there in my scattered lore posts, as well as stuff I’ve collected from other players.
Other Resources In Louisoix’s Wake - The twins’ official Calamity short story on the Lodestone. One Name, One Promise - Thancred’s backstory, from Limsa to Sharlayan training to his early assignment in Ul’dah and then early Shadowbringers. Mirke’s Menagerie - A compilation of lore info from in game, lorebooks, panels, interviews, short stories, etc. There are about 4 or 5 Sharlayan-specific posts @mirkemenagerie has made.
Encyclopaedia Eorzea - If you can get your hands on copies (physical officially; digitally is Unofficial so far as I know), I recommend it! They’re both good reads, though EE 1 is the one with a blurb on Sharlayan as a nation.
Posts by Other People - that I have collected Leveva Comment About Archon Loaf - Keeping in mind Sharlayan’s bad cuisine has been canonical for years per lorebook 1. They care more about ease of eating while studying, also seeing culinary arts as an academic field, not a practical daily exercise. Lorebook 1 Astrologian Lore - screencaps from the lorebook. Phaedra’s Teen Scion Sharlayan Antics fic - I am happy to take responsibility for inspiring @phaedra-mero to write this delightful scene.
My Own Posts Red Mage Research - Includes books from Gubal Library. Scion Ages - Pointing out the ages of the Scions, particularly the Archons.
My Fics - Sometimes there’s more HC musings in the Notes and Comments. I try to stay close to canon, at least as it is when the fic was written. Rogue’s Prelude - Multichapter, teen Thancred meets Louisoix, Yda, and Papalymo. Written a year prior to Thancred’s official ShB story above. Aetherology & Skulking Boots-Beginnings - Y’shtola agrees to tutor Thancred in how to speak properly as teenagers in the colony. Chin Up - Yda gives Thancred advice as youths in the colony. Dreams of Home-Lucubration - Yda, Lyse, and Thancred in the colony. Younger Sister - Thancred’s relationships with the Hext sisters over time. In Violet’s Wake-Louisoix’s Children - A Master Matoya PoV from StB patches. There’s a brief chapter with her and Y’mhitra in Dreams of Home, too. Excerpts from other posts - things that ended up as commentary on other threads, with some editing since.
From a thread that started off as about Thancred’s Gear from ARR to HW:
Sharlayan is a nation on an island NW of Eorzea proper; the Sharlayan everyone we know hails from was a colony that became a city-state a few hundred years back and part of the Eorzean Alliance, in the Dravanian Hinterlands, where Idyllshire is now. After the fall of Ala Mhigo and then the Battle of Silvertear Skies, the Forum (their ruling body) decided to abandon the city and return to the motherland, a process that took 5 years before they all just teleported out in a day. Except Matoya, and those archons that worked for Louisoix and that he asked to stay and go to the remaining 3 Alliance cities. This would have been 15 years before ARR/Heavensward.
The Students of Baldesion are also Sharlayan; the Isle of Val, their headquarters, being under that nation’s banner. Sons of St Coinach are another offshoot; Rammbroes (Crystal Tower raid story) was originally part of Louisoix’s Circle of Knowing (who eventually became the Scions), and Y’shtola’s sister Y’mhitra is one of the Sons and part of the Summoner storyline.
Thancred got involved as a youth–by trying to pick Louisoix’s pocket, and impressing the old man with his skills, and so Louisoix brought Thancred back with him to give the kid an opportunity for study. Yda and Lyse escaped Ala Mhigo, and with help from Papalymo, who was part of an effort to help refugees seeking shelter in Sharlayan, they ended up there, and Yda is the one who actually became an archon.
Most of the other senior Scions, so far as I know, are native to Sharlayan, either the motherland or the colony. The Leveilleur twins were born in the Hinterlands Sharlayan, but raised in the motherland, as they were less than a year old when the exodus happened. The university they and Krile attended is the Studium. Becoming an Archon seems to be a separate process not everyone goes through, and is a demonstration of mastery in chosen field(s) of study. That’s the significance of the tattoos some of the Scions have on their necks or faces.
Sharlayan is basically a nation particularly focused on academia; the trouble is, for the last couple decades, it’s been controlled by a faction of isolationists who would rather hoard knowledge and sit in the proverbial ivory tower looking down on non-Sharlayans, claiming others would abuse their knowledge, and that they should simply observe history and not try to affect it. Louisoix, Matoya, and the organizations they associate with (the Circle of Knowing/Scions; Sons of St Coinach, the Students of Baldesion, etc), think that viewpoint is stupid and go against it. A big part of the Astrologian storyline is dealing with Sharlayans who dislike Leveva’s family sharing Sharlayan astrology with outsiders, for example.
What sort of relationship Sharlayan and Ishgard had before the exodus isn’t really detailed much; both were pretty insular and focused on their own issues (like many of Eorzea’s city-states outside of crises), and the Dravanian threat at the time might have kept them pretty separated by land. Sharlayan was responsible for Eorzea’s aetherytes and keeping the aethernets working, though, and it’s suggested they still handle that post-Calamity to some degree. We pay fees for teleports because reconstruction and upkeep is pricey for all of the city-states.
Next post:
The Isle of Val was the headquarters of the Students of Baldesion, Krile’s family and order, and was a Sharlayan institution. It’s destruction/missing status happened during the ARR patches, and Krile was saved by Hydaelyn as she has the Echo (as an aside: you can hear Minfilia talking to Krile via linkpearl in the background on the Enterprise after rescuing the Scions from Castrum Centri before Ultima, and she constantly refers to and worries about Krile after the Isle of Val goes missing, but then plot happened to Minfilia so we never see them together as friends). The Ascians seemed to have a hand in the Isle’s disappearance…but there’s story about the fate of the Isle of Val and the Students of Baldesion in Stormblood’s Eureka plotline.
As for the Archon Marks, if they do confer social benefits, aside from being an easily seen status symbol for some highly skilled & educated folks, it hasn’t been mentioned yet in concrete terms, though we know the rank has benefits (like access to forbidden lore). Mostly they are a way to tell at a glance who has obtained the rank. It’s like if people with doctorates had a tattoo of their degree symbol on them so you knew just by looking.
As of Shadowbringers 5.4, we know that to become an Archon a thesis is required, and it’s a great deal more work than a Studium graduate’s final thesis. It strikes me that Studium (which some of the Scion Archons also attended) is like undergrad or Masters studies, while Archon is a Doctorate level.
I personally headcanon that the arcane marks confer some minor, slowed visible aging and other vague magical benefits befitting their rank in Sharlayan society. Really, that’s a way for the devs to avoid new models and add to the confusion in 1.0′s intros and the running joke about Y’shtola’s age, BUT let’s come up with an in-world thing, too. There has to be some explanation for Thancred’s perpetual baby face when he’s not RPing a Mountain Hobo ;) Also we really don’t know for sure how old Matoya is. Just old.
Lorebook 2 Notes:
Mikoto Jinba (Return to Ivalice, Save the Queen storylines) worked on aetheric siphon research with Moenbryda, and at 29 is the youngest Raen with the rank of Archon in recent history. It was Jessie’s connections that brought her to Cid’s attention and got her involved in the Return to Ivalice story.
Ejika Tsunjika (Eureka storyline) went to school at the same time as Krile and Leveilleur twins, endorsed by Galuf Baldesion, who Ejika later chose to work under. He’s resentful of Krile and the twins as Ejika himself is of humble origins and had to struggle to get to where he is, yet hides his Archon brands with high collars as he refuses to believe himself unique or exceptional.
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mmani-e · 3 years
Started rewatching MP100 recently again and aside from being my favorite anime, and I got to thinking about fun fan theories and ideas and stuff
One of them I think back to occasionally is the fun idea that Mob being the spawn of Saitama and your pick of either Tatsumaki or Fubuki. And that's well and dandy, but I've held what I think is a more interesting just for fun idea:
Out of everyone in the series, the one most likely to be parented by Saitama and Tatsumaki (who I'll be using from now on cause she's more powerful which will be relevant later) imo is...
So here's my reasoning
1. Her hair is green, a dark shade of green, which is a color that naturally occurs in the psychic sisters. If Tats was her mom there's no doubt the darker hair coloration could just be a natural thing in the genes, especially considering that's Fubuki's natural hair color.
2. In terms of parentage, we have zero information on Tome's parents, aside from them probably being of some wealth and either supportive or just unaware of her eccentricities. This is a moot point but is a funny opposite to Shigeo, who has genuinely kind and loving parents who're seen on the show that have no powers. It'd be a great contrast if her parents are well-known, high profile personalities that also didn't have much time for her. Saitama's surname could be Kurata for all we know.
3. Her personality could likely have been passed down from honestly either of these parents. Saitama's general dullness, both of their stubbornness, and eccentricities and sharp edge from Tatsumaki, it's not a far leap to think the apple falls far from either trees.
4. Finally I think the most important aspect of all is that it's funny and totally within the ballpark of the series, and like how I touched upon lightly in 2 I think it serves as the perfect contrast to Shigeo and his upbringing. Shigeo was raised as a superpowered child by two typical parents that treated him no different, which is a fun contrast to Tome who in this HC is raised by the strongest people on the planet but inherits none of either of their abilities. Or if she does it's something that's not outwardly apparent, or just doesn't matter in the big picture.
Ultimately, none of this has any bearing or actual concrete evidence beyond some fun speculations. It's just a neat idea I came up with and take as headcanon and really Tome's parents could be anything at this point.
tl;dr: I have a headcanon that Tome's parents are an au version of Saitama and Tatsumaki and I think it's a fun idea. No real proof, just fun speculating
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
All the HCs and side materials aside, who do you think was closer to Levi, Erwin or Hange? While there was this acker host thing with Erwin but it was debunked. Meanwhile he hasn't even acknowledged Hange's sacrifice even once so theres that too.
Oh god, so yes I have wanted to answer this ask for a while, thought of pushing it until night time today but I got locked out of the office though thirty minutes before my shift so let me just cope with the stress by giving my feedback on this because I feel like I have already explained my side to a lot of people but I’d rather have it immortalized in my blog at this point. 
Okay first question
Who do you think was closer to Levi, Erwin or Hange?
I find this question thought provoking but I don’t like these types of questions because they tend to start fights? And they tend to cause unnecessary drama both in real life and online. And relationships are so hard to quantify like of course there's a clear line between acquaintance and best friend but the nuances between siblings, lover, best friend and parent are a little more complex because we all have a lot of people we care about deeply but can we easily say who we love more?
(this is still a great question though anon, thank you for asking it.)
It’s literally like the epitome of asking ur parents “who’s your favorite child” or “who do you love more your best friend for so many years or your girl friend of like two years who you met, clicked then realized they were the love of your life.” Who will you save when in a burning building? your wife? Or your parents? Or your siblings? Your best friend?
Such problematic questions which I think a lot of us in our lives would rather never have to answer, especially in front of our loved ones. 
I am not making assumptions about what type of relationship Levi had with Erwin or what type of relationship Levi had with Hange in this post because I don’t wanna start shipping wars in this very peaceful website. (But, I ship Levihan and will probably die with this ship close to my heart so you can make assumptions about my opinions on Levi and Hange’s relationship based on that.) 
But the point is, Erurihan has always been special. Levi held a lot of people close to his heart over the years but I found that trio to have notably been the closest and Erwin and Hange have changed Levi’s lives the most. 
Would Levi have played favorites between them?? NO. Because Erwin and Hange were such different people that putting them side by side and thinking “who did Levi love more”  is like comparing apples to oranges, putting them side by side and thinking which fruit tastes better.
Because Hange and Erwin offered different things to Levi. Literally, Erwin became that next purpose for Levi after he lost his two best friends. He saw wonder in Erwin’s eyes, he saw a leader, he saw someone who can guide him to a bigger purpose and he trusted Erwin so deeply and Erwin trusted him back and even as a Levihan fan, I might actually admit that early on in the series, Levi was probably much closer to Erwin than Hange. Fine I admit it he probably was. 
But Hange offered something else to Levi. While Erwin offered a path, Hange offered wonder, curiosity. She offered Levi things to think about beyond the survey corps job. I mean Erwin was practically married to his job right. Hange was practically married to her job too but I found Hange more... approachable? Warmer overall? I mean if you actually see Eren’s interactions with the three of them or you watch from Season 1, you would realize that Hange was really the most approachable survey corps veteran from the start (other than petra).
And I think Levi really appreciated that part of her and saw it as something worth entertaining. He completely believed in Erwin, Erwin gave him a purpose in life but Hange was the one who added color to it, she actually added something beyond that purpose. She made him feel things he probably wouldn’t have felt elsewhere. 
Annoyance? Anger? Defeat at how someone could be so enthusiastic and dense? Curiosity? Someone who might have made him think that maybe, soldiering and survey corps-ing and almost being eaten by titans everyday wasn’t so bad. And maybe there is joy in the domestic in betweens?  
Another thing, here’s what Hange had that Erwin didn’t have, she had the luxury of time, she also had the luxury of circumstances on her side, of having been the only one left out of the veterans for Levi to cling on to. This made it more natural for a deeper friendship and relationship to develop between the two. So if Hange is closer to Levi than Erwin is, then it’s because of the circumstances that it made it so, post season 3.
If Erwin lived, the dynamics of erurihan would have definitely developed differently. But I never considered the possibiliy of Erwin living instead of Hange since Levi picking Armin just felt really in character and right for me. So yeah, it’ll probably stay a shallow speculation until the end haha.  
And about this second question...
“Meanwhile he hasn't even acknowledged Hange's sacrifice even once so theres that too.” 
Yo. Just a reminder, Hange died like roughly an hour or two ago manga time. Levi is literally internally bleeding, the shit show just never stopped for a second and for some reason people are expecting Levi to give a nod at Hange’s death. 
Okay yes, she did mean a lot to him. But lemme give you the explanation which has been sticking to me for a really long time.  
Levi is clowning. Like literally, I don’t think he has even acknowledged that Hange is dead yet. We have concrete hints that he is. After ‘dedicate your heart’ he just walked away and didn’t look back. It’s in the fact that he didn’t even look out the window to watch her die and in the fact that his last words were “see you later” like I’m pretty sure he’s thinking to himself “Yeah, like I know she is probably gonna die objectively but… Just, what if… she lives?? 
Just like all of us Hange stans in the website yo with our beast titan theory, Levi is just the biggest clown of us all (since he is the biggest Hange stan anyway...).  He decided (unconsciously or consciously) to ‘pretend’ that Hange’s still alive maybe until the end of the war just so that he could possibly function at least (?). 
I mean I’m pretty sure we’ve all done this in our lives. Especially when we’ve lost someone we’ve loved dearly or maybe when we’re saying good bye to someone in the airport where we’re just laughing our heads off with that person all the way until the departure gate when they say good bye and we only break down when we’re home alone. Like I’m pretty sure it’s similar for people who have lost someone, kept themselves busy with funeral preparations and memorial services and only start experiencing the loss when they go back to normal life and realize they have to clean out someone’s bedroom or fix their daily routine to adjust to the loss of that loved one.
Maybe Levi will finally acknowledge it when everything goes back to normal and he finds Hange’s office empty and he realizes he doesn’t have his buddy to have tea with every night. And if Yams decides not to write or insert that, I’ll probably just speculate it myself and keep this theory alive. 
I actually wrote a drabble about this a long time ago. You can read it here.
Anyway, thanks for reading! 
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helpicant-stop · 4 years
Captain Puffy's Hair Tutorial
[ or : what actually happened when Hannah was with the Egg ]
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please reblog!! it brings more attention to the piece and likes don't really do anything so it'd be super helpful if you did [[:
image id and funky drawing info [ + bonus sketches ] below the cut :
Image I.D. :
{the first panel is of captain puffy in a white void, smiling. her hair is immensely curly and large and literally looks like you could hide a whole person in it. she says, "hi guys! so lately, a lotta people have been asking," with a connecting speech bubble below adding, "'omg, puffy, how the [censor bar] does all your hair fit into that bun???'"
in the second panel, she says, "well, today i'm gonna show you exactly how!"
the third panel shows hannahxxrose, red sucked out of her normally very pink outfit, siting in the dark with a Gapple™ laptop open in front of her. she says, "oh pog! seems easy enough, guess i could try it."
the fourth panel cuts back to the video. puffy holds up a blue-grey bandana and says, "so first, i take a cloth-"
then the fifth panel cuts back to hannah, who's holding a cold green bandana in her hands while the video plays. the first speech bubble starts with, "and then you just . . ." with the other two speech bubbles being scribbles. the fourth one is much smaller than the others and says, ". . . hannah, if you're listening, which i [censor bar] know you are, sam's on his way please hold on i swear to god-"
the sixth panel simply shows puffy with her hands splayed, simply exclaiming, "TA-DA!!" with a pleased expression. all of her ridiculously voluminous hair has been somehow tucked into a tiny bun atop her head, decorated with the bandana wrapped over her head.
the seventh panel shows an extreme close-up of hannah's confused and disgruntled face, with a small speech bubble to her right simply saying, "what the fuck".
finally, the last panel zooms out to show that yes, she's still in a black concrete box beside the egg, and someone offscreen - presumably bad or ant - remarks, "HOW does she keep getting access to these computers???"}
End I.D.
captain puffy has one goat eye, and one human eye with goat pupils.
they also change colour depending on emotion : red is angry, orange is scared, yellow is happy, green is disgust, blue is sadness and purple is surprise, as seen in the sketch i made below [ yeah the colours are wrong because there's no option for yellow text jehekwb ] :
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also, complicated emotions have multiple colours swirling together so that looks kinda cool [ i forgot to make a drawing for this lmao rip ]
her right horn was cut off after she became anti-egg since it was kind of overgrowing from lack of proper maintaining [ don't look up overgrown horns if you're sensitive to body horror ish images please ] , and her left horn was severed near the base after she presumably fell off her ship after the storm that took her to smp lands
speaking of which!! i have a headcanon that lightning struck her during the storm at some point and turned her hair white [ which is completely nonsensical but shut up], and she decided to dye the right side of her hair brown [ only the roots for some reason ] out of impulse once she got her pirate outfit back.
puffy has a detatchable hook hand and eyepatch! she found them in the ship with her pirate outfit and likes to put them on when she's in full dress to complete the vibe. and the hook actually does help with pulling up eggheads by the collar to scream "FUCK THE EGG" at them! /hj [ also i drew this particular sketch before the captain's tale episode so her outfit and hair are different and the drawing quality is significantly worse don't @ me ]
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hannah keeps finding ways to access the internet and bad and ant have no idea how
hc where a legitimate laptop brand in the dsmp universe is Gapple. [ the competitor is obviously still samsung just to make the "phil fucked a samsung smart fridge" thing canon ]
follow - up headcanon : streams are like some kind of religious activity in the dsmp universe and everyone still does it despite everything else going on. everyone's actively encouraged to watch each other's streams; the difference from real life streams, though, is that they're all in character no matter the content.
[ c!tommy has probably released a " prison visit vlog - finally getting closure! " stream, in which there was like a 30-minute long segment where he argued about not being able to vlog the visit itself to sam, and ended up grumpily raiding sam nook's " 10 hour hotel grind " where he stood, unmoving, for hours on end with the exception of random instances of the typical dialogue lines to random passersby ]
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silvysartfulness · 3 years
The line about tantric meditation in the last chapter made me wonder - what actually is the each of characters level of sexual education/experience? CQL canon naturally only provides very little on that topic..
Warning, this got kind of long.
I have consciously kept my thoughts on these topics rather vague within the story itself, because – as you say – there is very little said in canon about it, and it's one of those topics where people tend to have vastly differing ideas and tastes.
But I can muse a bit about my headcanons in Roadtrip-verse!
Starting with Xue Yang, who is the only character whose sexual activities are mentioned at all in canon:
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Of course that could be sheer bravado, but as we know, Xue Yang ”doesn't like to exaggerate when he speaks”, so...
Xue Yang fucks. Pretty much anything and anyone he wants. I hc him as pretty much pan with a gay preference – sex is like candy to him, different sorts of people just variations in flavour. One of those pleasant things you go get when you get cravings. If the other people involved are happy participants, that's nice. If not, it's often even nicer! Pain, receiving or dealing - or both - is a great rush!
Sex is 100% purely physical for him. It feels good. It doesn't mean anything.
I think even with Xiao Xingchen - though he does desire him, madly at times - it's less the sex he misses, more the casual familiar touches, the connection. The sort of bond he's never had with anyone before. Of course he wants Xiao Xingchen! But as long as he has him there, the rest... can wait.
He can be patient, for sweet things...
Then for the daoshi!
There is a lot of myth surrounding those odd, kinky sex-magic obsessed Daoists in ancient Chinese lore! While those practices were certainly not a part of all the Daoist factions (many being downright chaste and puritanical) and the stances on it changed a lot over time, there is still a lot of fun potential to dig into there! The whole concept of Daoist sex magic isn't some new thing invented by modern fandom; it was gossiped about and caricaturized even in ancient times.
At the core of Daoism is the pursuit of the superiority of the natural order, the most original state of the world. That includes things like bodies, and sex, and so they are in their primal form embraced rather than pushed away as something base and embarrassing.
Verse 55 of the Dao De Jing says (exact wording varies a lot depending on translation):
He who is in harmony with the Tao is like a newborn child. Its bones are soft, its muscles are weak, but its grip is powerful. It doesn't know about the union of male and female, yet its penis can stand erect, so intense is its vital power.
The Master's power is like this. He lets all things come and go effortlessly, without desire. He never expects results; thus he is never disappointed. He is never disappointed; thus his spirit never grows old.
Hence my take on that tantric meditation Xiao Xingchen refers to. To achieve that state of arousal without desire, to just exist in that vitality.
Of course there's also the concept (oft-utilized in fandom) of dual cultivation – to let the forces of yin and yang weave together through sex, creating jing energy that can be absorbed to nurture ones cultivation and golden core. That's the other thing Xiao Xingchen blurrily thinks on in that same segment, how within his original cultural framework, that was what sex, that kind of physical union, was about. A means of strengthening spirituality.
Sex with Chengmei turned out to be something very different. In the original sense of Daoist sexual cultivation, it was an important point not to ejaculate, fearing that losing semen equated to losing life force, going against the concept of cultivation aiming for longevity and immortality.
But as it turns out, it feels good to come. Really, really good.
And after everything that's happened, by the time they settle down in Yi City, he has more or less given up on those once-aspirations, of longevity and immortality and spiritual purity. Less stars, more dust, and down here among earthly matters, he embraces this other way sex can work. As nothing but pleasure, the joining with another person, something that gives joy.
And so he is very conflicted in that scene with Song Lan, because now that he has his companionship back, he feels that he should, must hold onto his old ideals, his once legendary cultivation. The purely spiritual. But he is also something very, very human, touch starved, love-starved.
Hopefully he will be able to find a balance in that, going forward. They didn't do too shabby in that little rented, room, after all, so I'm sure he'll find ways to make it work. ♥
And then Song Lan, finally.
While there are certainly elements of sheer mysophobia - the distaste for any kind of uncleanliness - to him, I also hc him as touch-averse for its own sake. Placing him firmly in the ace/grey bracket.
While I hc him as hailing from a different branch of Daoism compared to Xiao Xingchen, there is that same basic understanding of sexual principles – as a vital life-force, it's something valuable that can be used spiritually to strengthen your own energies and cultivation.
The tantric meditation, I can see, was something entirely platonic that he and Xiao Xingchen may have done before. Just meditating into a state of physical arousal, free from desire for sex or climax, as a way of purifying and strengthening energies, like any other kind of meditation.
In my own private headcanons, completely without basis in any canon fact, I envision that he has had a few extremely conservative sexual encounters in his youth, with female fellow daoshi/cultivators, to attempt dual cultivation.
It worked, technically. It wasn't pleasant. The discomfort of such closeness and touch wasn't worth the energies gained.
So he tried it a couple of times, and then decided sex wasn't for him.
And now, suddenly, he's gotten back a Xingchen who – aside from the charming new laughter and endearing mischief – has also become something... Well. Frankly. Very horny.
It's a bit bewildering to deal with.
But he does love him, endlessly. He learned to endure holding hands, to be able to communicate – it was surprisingly easy. A part of him wanting to hold onto him, to make sure he would never lose him again.
He learned to endure holding him close. It was a bit harder, but still – the comfort, affection, being able to tell how much it meant to Xingchen made it worth it. It's still not something he would seek out for his own sake, but something he loves being able to give.
Kisses... Kisses are strange. On the one hand, he loves them, the concreteness of being able to express all the love he feels for Xingchen, so much love that he fears he could burst with it sometimes. On the other, the closeness, the touch... It's overwhelming, even repulsive at times. He struggles with it.
And then this, this territory they appear to be heading into... He has very mixed feelings about it. It's Xingchen, and he loves Xingchen. It's touch, and closeness, and things dirty and he abhors that. Some small, strange part of him seems to want it, even aside from it making Xingchen happy, which is very bewildering. Another wants nothing to do with any of it.
He is very torn. None of this is easy.
And that’s pretty much it, as things stand right now!
This got long. XD
Hopefully most of this comes through in the writing itself. And we are finally approaching the arc where proper sexytimes will actually become part of the story!
Thank you for asking!
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