#finally a good interview
cuntylestat · 3 months
louis de pointe du lac is STILL the real hot girl!
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
David Tennant talking about reading the S3 scripts at the Angels, Demons and Doctors con in Germany, 5.5.2024 (from official.gingerkat tiktok <3)
Q: So I read in an interview that Neil said you read the first three episodes. I don't want spoilers, but I do want to know what you thought of it. Like, do you think we will be-
David: It's awful. It's all going to shit. No, it's... what can I tell you? I can't wait. I can't wait to start.
Q: Are you satisfied with the third season?
David: Well, I don't know where it's going. I've only read the first half. Although I have read the final scene. He's already written it. I know.
Q: Do you change costumes a lot?
David: Do I change- what, in the final scene? I don't know what I can... I literally can't... obviously, I literally can't tell you anything. I can't tell you anything. But uhm, I think... I think, well, I'm very satisfied. I'm very pleased, and I can't wait to start again. All I'm sad about is that it's the final one because we'd be happy to go back to that every two years for the rest of my life, I think. But, yeah, it's definitely heading towards something.
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answermywearyquery · 2 months
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loumand vs. claudeleine
+ live petty queer reaction:
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invisibleicewands · 20 days
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‘I wanted to be seen as the greatest actor of all time. Then I realised that was nonsense’
Michael Sheen is the feted star who cracked Hollywood, but it was only when he swapped LA for his home town in Wales that he was able to do his most meaningful work yet. In tomorrow’s gdnsaturday, Michael Sheen talks to shattenstone about pride, parenting and paying it forward.
The Guardian, Saturday Magazine - 31/08/2024
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kindaorangey · 14 days
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consolation prize
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dragmetohades · 4 days
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OMG I FINISHED HIIIIIIIIMMMM~~~ PRINTS ARE AVAILABLE: https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-print/Lestat-de-Lioncourt-Lelio-Rising-by-dragmetohades/164818842.1G4ZT
Also, hey, I’m alive after getting Covid 👍 My spouse brought home from a business trip as a nice little present 🥲
I’m so pleased with this piece - it took so long, but that’s because I kept learning new things and starting sections over, but I absolutely love the end result 😭❤️
Here, have a time lapse:
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procrastiel · 6 months
My highlights from The Assembly:
Was John Taylor from Duran Duran your first ever crush? “Yes, he absolutely was.” Michael thought he was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen, man or woman. And he tried to imitate his hairdo (didn’t work out though, because Michael’s hair is really curly and John’s is straight).
He’s not brave enough to go on Strictly because he thinks he’s not a good dancer.
How does it feel to be dating someone that is only 5 years older than your daughter? “Both of us were quite surprised when we got together, it wasn’t something we were looking for. I haven’t dated anyone who is much younger than me but you meet who you meet. We were both very aware how people might respond, and that it would be difficult and challenging, but ultimately we felt that it was worth it, because of how we felt about each other. And now we have two beautiful children together. We’re really, really happy. I am aware that I am a much older father, and it does worry me, and makes me concerned, and makes me sad thinking about the time that I won’t have with them. But if you find someone who brings you happiness and you make them happy you gotta go for that. So that’s what we decided to do, and I’m so happy we did because we have this wonderful family now.”
The next question (asked by the same girl) was: Who is the rudest celebrity? “Have you heard of a man called David Tennant? He was Doctor Who. Doctor rude! No he’s very nice. Someone will occur to me and I’ll let you know. (pause) Jennifer Laurence was very cheeky! She is very cheeky.”
How tall are you? “I’d like to be 5”11 but I’m closer to 5”10.”
He likes Dylan Thomas, even though he doesn’t understand all of his poetry.
He cries probably every day. And it’s totally fine to feel things deeply and get emotional about things.
His favourite Disney film is Moana. And that’s Mabli’s favourite movie at the moment, too. She watches it about twice a day.
He’s worried that AI will take his job away, and that it will change everything, not just actors and writers. And that by the time we will want to put a stop to certain things it’ll be too late.
His favourite food is Egg and chips. Only enhanced by ham.
He loves going by train.
If he could replace 2 people of the royal family he’d take away Andrew & Camilla and replace them with Joe Lycett & David Attenborough. Or Tom Jones as the Prince of Wales!
If he could play the Doctor or the Master, he’d like to play the Master and play opposite David Tennant as the Doctor.
His biggest fear is being alone. And it’s also what he worries about the most for other people.
Hot or cold? He does like winter and snow. ❄️
Walk us through the before, during and after of the kiss with David Tennant: reading the script he thought “that’s gonna be a big deal”. They didn’t really talk about it and just went for it. Everyone was quite moved by the scene, all the people around them, so they knew it had gone quite well. And now they never talk about it. (He said that last bit with a smile.)
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littleragondin · 1 month
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"I'll do it. We'll be in hell together after all."
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Neil Gaiman does a podcast with David Tennant (2020)
The podcast is here, and there's a transcript of parts of it here. It's all really interesting!
Here's what really resonates for me. While talking about the opening flashbacks of s1e3 (emphasis is mine):
"Neil: It was utterly budget-busting and I also knew that it would make everything else work. And also it would make the scene I knew I was going to write in episode 3… it would turn that from a scene that was a bit sniffly into one that would break people’s hearts [yep, the bandstand scene], because you’d actually spent 28 minutes watching the ups and downs of these two on Earth for 6000 years becoming the only important thing in each other’s lives and here is this moment where there are actually… they have two utterly disparate philosophies of existing and Aziraphale cannot go off with Crowley and Crowley cannot leave without him but he has to, and you wind up with a ‘Have a nice doomsday’ line. But the excitement that I had of writing that stuff and the joy I had knowing that we’re going to watch the relationship open like a flower to us, ending in the 1960 with the hand-over of the holy water and there wouldn’t be a dry eye in the house - and I knew that because it did that for me - them watching what you and Michael brought to it and it became the most most glorious tentative friendship over thousands of years, that then becomes sort of peculiar and flirty and weird and prickly and funny and glorious, and, you know, it was the one that won me the Nebula Award."
This absolutely frames season 2 for me, and in particular the final fifteen minutes, which are season 2's heartbreaking bandstand scene. During season 2, we watched their relationship once again open like a glorious, flirty flower, still the only important thing in each other's lives, until their utterly disparate philosophies of existing separated them and broke all of our hearts.
But they came back together after the bandstand, and they will again after season 2 🤞❤️
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 8 months
David and Michael talk about the S2 Finale 🥺
David and Michael interview with Kim Roots from TVLine, about the S2 finale. July 2023 [S2 Promo: C: I could always rely on you. You could always rely on me. We're a team, a grou p. And we spend our existence pretending that we aren't.]
KR: What happens in the finale between Crowley and Aziraphale is something that some fans have been yearning for a very long time. Was there a pressure? Did you have any conversations about what this might mean to the fandom? Talk to me a little bit about like when you found out this was going to happen and kind of your initial reactions.
Michael: Well, you know, the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley, obviously, is something that the audience seemed to really warm to, and obviously was part of why the idea of doing Season 2, you know, seemed like it could be something that could work. Following how that relationship develops has been something that the audiences have really got into. So we've taken that very seriously, and Neil takes it incredibly seriously. So tracking that relationship and that journey between them, because obviously on the surface, they seem like they're complete opposites, and yet clearly, they're kind of compelled towards each other in all kinds of ways. And now that they've been being cut off from their respective head offices, they only have each other, so that pulls them together a lot more, doesn't it? And the stakes are always high around them, and they sort of end up going on a journey together, but it takes them to different places and where we leave things at the end..
David: Well, that's the thing. Nothing is resolved. So whatever happens and whatever you may have seen at the end of Episode 6, it's also important to note that that doesn't finish the story. In fact, that just sor of ruptures things.
Michael: It's the start of another story.
[S2 Promo: A: I forgive. C: Don't bother.]
David:I think you have to be careful if there is something delicate that has generated a lot of excitement about where will that end up. As soon as you end up there, as soon as you finish that story, it's all over, isn't it?
Michael: You don't really want to find out who killed Laura Palmer. [Twin Peaks series plot]
David: Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
KR Like you said, David, there is no resolution, which made me very happy because this feels primed for a third go-around at some point. Have you had any conversations about that with Neil about possibly keeping the story going?
David: Well, if you've seen where Series 2 ends, there's certainly the teasing of further tales to come, isn't there? Whether we will ever find out what those tales are is in the lap of... well, certainly not on our lap.
Michael: No, it's on the laps of the audience.
David: Laps of the audience, yes.
Michael: We are sitting firmly...
David: In the tops of the audience as it streaming.
Michael: Yeah, it's not in my lap. I know that. When we first started Series 1, we always knew that the story went a lot further because Neil and Terry had talked about it. They just hadn't written it down, but we knew there were ideas, and we have not yet reached the end of those ideas.
David: No.
Michael: You know, if we get a chance to tell more of this story, it does already exist.
David: Yes.
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kimodraw · 3 months
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i don't like windows when they're closed !
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nashvillethotchicken · 2 months
I wonder what Louis’s doing now that he's living alone for the first time in 145 years
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bizarrelittlemew · 10 months
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Rhys Darby on the ending of season 2
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rocketrouquine · 3 months
As a script supervisor, this episode was as close to climax that I could get, I think.
All the « errors » or « inconsistencies » were not, they absolutely 100% know what they are doing with their continuity, it’s a marvel. And it’s so fucking rare.
It’s so good to know that I just have to be patient, they got this. Everything will be explored at one point.ESPECIALLY devil’s minions !!! Are you kidding me all the posts about how « they killed it » or whatever. Of course we don’t know the whole story. And we will have ALL the juicy details in their glorious, devious complexity.
The loustat reunion was one of the realest, most delicate and heart wrenching scene I have ever seen ! It’s like if was feeling the things with them, the chemistry OMAGAD !!!
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p4nishers · 3 months
thinking about the 'i loved her' 'but she didn't love you. not like lestat did. not like i have' bc the truth is louis didn't love HER the way he loved lestat and armand. he loved her but never enough. he loved her but she wasn't his companion and she never would be bc she was never his first choice. and that was the downfall. even when he 'chose' her he saw lestat the whole time and was planning to leave her the moment she was 'happy' and when he chose to stay it was for ARMAND. NOT HER. NEVER her.
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psyduckz · 3 months
for an art request: i think lestat de lioncourt would look amazing in your style :3c
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tfw your boyfriend is eating pigeons again
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