#final fantasy xv : kingsglaive
laputaskies · 9 months
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kennycrows · 8 months
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doortotomorrow · 1 year
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LUNYX Final Fantasy XV / Kingsglaive
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fire-of-the-sun · 3 months
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Fan-made Final Fantasy XV Posters
Petition for Square Enix to release the high-quality versions of these renders, please? I really wanted to make some kind of poster for this game, but the only images I could find were so small and low quality, I almost didn't bother. Couldn't resist messing around in Photoshop anyway though and my tinkering spiraled into this, so I'd thought I'd share regardless.
I love Noctis' kingly raiment, so I really wanted to Photoshop him to be wearing it. I know it's technically flipped but I had to match the light source. I also gave Noctis his blue eyes back and cleaned the dirt off his face and clothes.
I really wanted to use Kingsglaive's Luna over the version from the game as I personally think that version pairs particularly well alongside older Noctis, just saying...
Creating Ardyn's magic was tricky and took a lot of experimentation to find the right custom brushes, but I hope the final result is close enough. I also edited one half of Ardyn's face to look corrupt with black dripping from his glowing yellow eye and some 'damaged' looking skin.
To create the floating crystals, I took images of actual diamonds, cut them into small pieces and placed them individually around the image before adding lens flares and glowing effects... which was about as tedious as it sounds.
If anyone knows where I can get my hands on some high-quality versions of these images, please let me know and I'll happily remake these posters! Hope you guys enjoy these regardless of the poor quality and let me know which version is your favorite!
(Please do not edit / steal / repost elsewhere without permission)
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risingoflights · 1 year
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For this month's FFXV fashion poll on P atreon... Ardyn in something a little more casual
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amarabliss · 2 years
Thank you @wombywoo for bringing my HC King Nyx Ulric to life. It's wonderful! <3
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calling4glaives · 7 months
Deep Dive Masterpost
We thought we'd consolidate our deep dives into one easy post for your reference needs. Let us know if you want any other master posts!
Around Insomnia
Caelum Via Hotel Roof
Nyx's Apartment - Part 1, Part 2
Nyx's Cork Board - Part 1, Part 2
Nyx's Neighborhood
West Gate
Yamachang's Bar
In the Citadel
Citadel Steps
Kingsglaive Briefing Room
Axis Arra & Sonitus Bellum
Crowe Altius
Titus Drautos
Libertus Ostium
Luche Lazarus
Pelna Khara
Tredd Furia
Nyx Ulric
Kingsglaive Uniforms
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crimson-sun · 1 year
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Comrades, chapter 1.3.
Tremendously difficult for me to admit this, but I have to be honest with myself and recognise that I just don't have the time to render this next chapter to completion. I've been holding on to these pages for almost a year at this point - I've scripted so much of this story, but if I'm going to get it all out, bare bones at at times will have to do.
Next chapter will likely be sketchy as well... but one way or another I still want to tell this tale.
If you're still here and still interested... my sincerest thanks!
Rest of the pages here.
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adventmiyu · 2 months
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Just a render practice of Lunafreya that I liked ! Luna they could never make me hate you 🙏🏻
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mrsmneme · 2 months
Beyond the Sunrise
Nyx week 2024 day 5 : Magic/Healing 
Also Glaiveweek 2023 day 1 : hurt/comfort
Warning : Graphic depiction of violence, Major character death
Note: Nyxweek 2024 ended about 1 month ago. This is a belated work due to my tight schedule, but I need to finish this short story with two-page comic. Drawing Nyx is always challenging but enjoyable.
Insomnia : The day after Niffelheim's attack
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The evacuation from central Insomnia started shortly before dusk, and it deemed accomplished a few hours before dawn.
Most of Niffelhelm's troops pulled back from Crown City before midnight, only General Glauca and some daemons remained fighting with the Old Walls and a Lucian glaive. When the fight was over, the city turned awfully silent. The Nifflhelm's General lain still. His breastplate was covered in blood. His mask was partially broken, so the face of Titus Darutos was exposed in sunlight. His eyes were fully closed and would never open again.
A few meters away, Nyx Ulric, the general's opponent, was leaning against debris. Though he was still alive but he did not look much better than his ex-commander. His skin turned ash gray from Kings of Lucis' fire. They had allowed him to use their power then their fire would burn him to death, as they had agreed.
Nyx sighed. Darutos had been nearly invincible. He should thank Kings of Lucis for being kind enought to give him some extra time. Now his mission accomplished, he did not only revenge Crowe and King Regis, but also save Lady Lunafreya and the the Kingdom's hope. "Not the worst way to go." He whispered to himself and looked up to the sky with a smirk, choosing the beautiful scenery as the last thing he would see. 
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But a nearby footstep distracted him from his thought. Nyx did not bother turning to see. Whoever came, Nifl or not, it did not matter at all because he was about to pass now. But when he heard a female voice calling his name, he could not help turning to face the source of the sound.  
So it made him really startle to witness Lady Lunafreya Nox Ferret rushing toward him.
"I found you! Thank goodness." She said with a smile of relief.
"Why are you here?" He was not sure that was really her or just an illusion, but he still asked. 
"To save your life." Lunafreya answered softly. She sat beside him and started healing him. Her fingers glided over his chest, golden aura glowed between her fingers. And it greatly relieved his pain.
"No, stop it, please, stop." He refused. "This is not what you can heal. Darutos couldn't harm me this badly." He paused, collecting more strenght to continue. "I made a contract with the Kings. They made me a nightlong superhero and in the end they'll take my life."
"They will." Lunafreya nodded. "The price must be paid, the Oracle saw it. But her vision showed some more details that caused her to head back." She looked straight into his blue eyes. "Considering all danger and risks awaited, The Kings of Yore agreed, upon the Oracle's appeal, to give the hero another twenty days to finish a mission for their sake, escorting the Oracle and the ring to Tenebrae's border. But they can only temporarily halt the ongoing process so she must undo what had already occurred herself."
Nyx's eyes widened. Lunafreya's magic shone aggressively as she spoke. "Please consider my healing as my plea to you, Nyx. I need your help, one last time."  
Nyx was blinded by extremely bright aura for a moment. But when he regained his vision, all the wounds were healed. He saw Lunafreya with sweat all over her face. She looked extremely exhausted and was about to fall. Nyx wrapped his arms around her, offering his support. She rest her head on his shoulder. 
"Now rest. We have a long way to go." He said softly. 
"Thank you." The Oracle smiled and closed her eyes, passing out in his arms.
"Another contract to sign, huh?" Nyx whispered, smiling at her. "But, you know? If it's about you, I'll help without thinking twice." Lunafreya did not respond. She looked soundly asleep under the shade of him. He looked up to the brighter sky. The sun shone strongly and would make debris too hot to stay soon. 
Nyx stood up, carrying her in his arms. Thanked to her magic, he regained enough strength to do so. He wished he had some more to take her to a shelter. They needed some good rest after a very long day. Then he would collect supplies and start making an escape plan. He had another journey to begin, it sounded tough yet amazing. 
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itsnyactis · 10 months
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my darling, you will never be unloved by me, you are too well-tangled in my soul.
Whaddup lmao I spent 315 fucking hours making these cosplays (so far) bc I've never heard of self-preservation. ✌️
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nyanykamito · 4 months
Seepy Bois Plushie interest Check
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[Reblogs are greatly appreciated 🐣💙]
Interest check for 15 cm Prompto, Cor and Nyx Seepy bois plushies, if you’re interested in purchasing one or all of them please fill out the forum. I'll be using the form to yay or nay this project.
Link to Interest check Forum
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dizzymoogle · 5 months
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Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV 4K Remaster Box
Comes with a print, an artbook, scenario book, and copies of the movie (one the 4k hdr remaster version)
Everything is in Japanese and the movie has no subtitles
And here's a bonus scan of a pic of Ardyn from the artbook
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doortotomorrow · 1 year
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NYX ULRIC Final Fantasy XV / Kingsglaive
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pockymun · 10 months
Maps of Tenebrae by Pockymun
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Tenebrae was such a beast. I thought Galahd was difficult; Tenebrae is so much bigger and has continental climates to deal with. Like last time, I nearly lost my mind trying to make sense of the climates, so I kind of gave up.
Most of the writing I've done for FFXV has skirted around Tenebrae, focusing moreso on its politics than the landmass itself. It's been in the background for the most part, largely because I didn't have a proper map to explore with! I copied it the best I could from reference images.
Tenebrae is not as cold as I initially assumed it was. It has a warm ocean current on its western side that brings much rain and warm winds that keep the northern reaches largely temperate. The eastern side of Tenebrae is hit with a cold ocean current, getting far less rain and winds. The fishing is better on the east coast. The southern half of Ulwaat was given a temperate rainforest climate based on what we saw of Tenebrae in Kingsglaive; it had that dark green flora of a rainforest.
I base a lot of my headcanons for Tenebrae off of Western Europe primarily, with a little bit from Northern Europe. The way I figured the latitude lines of Eos, Tenebrae is still well below the subartic circle (assuming Eos has one). It's climate is based upon Ireland, the UK, and Scotland, but those three have only two climates: oceanic and subpolar oceanic. I chose climate terms that best described the forests found in Tenebrae. Because Tenebrae is nothing but forests, mountains, and hills.
Tenebrae is the land of high altitudes and trees. What reference images we have of Tenebrae seemed to have a lot of peaks on it. In the glimpse of Tenebrae that we saw in the movie, there are large rock islands that just float above the rest of the land. While Galahdians have a knack for using magic, Tenebrae itself is a land of magic. These floating islands are unique to its mountains mostly, although a few clusters can exist separately.
Water also seems to be a theme for Tenebrae, with its northern cape, the southern sounds, and a few small bays all around. Where there are mountains, there are rivers running down to the ocean. I imagine there are natural springs all around the country, used as a natural remedy for several ailments.
I will dump my headcanons about Tenebrae below:
I've been talking with @groovytimetravelflower, who has the theory that Niflheim's airships are powered by stones or ores mined from the floating islands. It just makes perfect sense. Niflheim had several reasons to invade Tenebrae: to dominate the whole continent, to establish complete control over trade, and to get their hands on whatever magic exists in the land.
Much of the magic is not well-known nor understood beyond the floating islands. The forests of Tenebrae are old, especially in the north.
The only other country close enough for Tenebrae to trade with is Niflheim. Though Tenebrae has a couple ports of its own, these are not large enough for massive shipyards and international trade. Trading with Niflheim allows Tenebraen trade goods to go farther in the world. The downside is that Niflheim can control all trade that Tenebrae does, taking things for the Empire and blocking imports.
The country is very difficult to navigate because of the terrain. Roads are often winding and go around obstacles; this was done moreso out of the belief that the land could not be damaged by man-made endeavors. Trains have only been established in Ulwaat. There may be a few antique cars, but the most common mode of transportation on main roads are chocobo-drawn carriages, or riding chocobos.
Tenebrae is behind on technology overall: this is a result of Niflheim conquering them so long ago. Niflheim doesn't often invest in the lands they conquer. You can see this in how mainland Lucis has such outdated technology, which was left to languish once the Imperials seized control. Most high-technology Tenebrae is exposed to comes from the Imperial Army and is only used in their operations. Ulwaat is the most developed province. The railroad in Ulwaat was developed by the Empire to more easily transport the stone and ore they mined in the mountains.
The further away one gets from Fenestala, the less modern technology there is. In Morrith, Krahage, and Bruiral, indoor plumbing is a recent technological advancement. Not all places have it; it requires electricity, which is difficult to establish in Northern Tenebrae. Because Tenebrae is such a mystical place and the population is probably very religious because of the Oracle, not a lot of people mind being behind in technology.
Cellphones are unheard of, and you wouldn't get reception in most of Tenebrae anyway. Fenestala Manor probably has a couple TVs, but similarly, reception is terrible. Radio signals come through a little more clearer, mostly because the Imperial Army needs them to.
The architecture of the capital and towns of Tenebrae is Victorian and Edwardian, with art noveau used in Fenestala Manor. Villages typically are full of cottages of wood or stone and roofed with thatch. The typical fashion is also Victorian and Edwardian, although more of the youth have recently begun to wear the modern Western clothing imported from Niflheim. People further north of the Breksos Mountains dress in traditional Celtic and Norse garb.
The Breksos Mountain Range naturally divides Tenebrae into a North and a South. These regions do not strictly adhere to the cardinal directions; it is just what people have referred to it as. Travel through these mountains is especially difficult. There is one passage near Woudoord, but it becomes blocked by snow in the winter, completely isolating the north.
Queen Sylva frequently sent aid in the form of doctors, vaccines, and schoolteachers to Northern Tenebrae. She did a lot to improve the relations across the mountains, although the past few Oracles have never gone north of the mountains. All aid stopped with her death. The Northerners became even more apprehensive of Southerners as they appeared to submit to the Empire.
Northern Tenebrae is even further behind in technological advancements than Southern Tenebrae (ie the indoor plumbing). Northern Tenebrae is very isolated from the rest of the world, especially in the winter. It's rare for a Northerner to travel south, and vice versa. The South views the North as barbarous, and the North view the South as weak. Southerners are prim and proper; Northerners... are not. Both greatly revere the Oracle.
As I said before, Tenebraens are religious, largely in part to the Oracle's presence. Tenebrae has become known as a land of healers, with many practicing natural remedies. The people are generally modest and proper. Victorian and Edwardian social customs still run strong.
Tenebraens are seen as mysterious and exotic to the rest of the world. Niflheim hasn't allow Tenebraens to leave their country since they attacked Fenestala Manor, so it's very rare to see one in Lucis. The rest of the world doesn't really understand the difference between North and South Tenebraens. The differences become clear when putting one of each side by side and listening to the bickering.
Feel free to use these maps when writing your own fics or headcanons! I would greatly appreciate being credited. These maps are just my interpretation, and don't stand in for canon material. They are flawed, but I worked with what I had. I made these using Inkarnate.
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risingoflights · 9 months
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Love come to me
Sprouting like the living tree
Splendid in the stream of living water
Driven like the sun
Commissioned by the Holy One
Illuminating peace above the altar
I'm not trying to
Go to bed with you
I just wanna make out in my car
And though I'm dying to
Fall in love with you
I just wanna make out in my car
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