#filename: uncomfortable topic
coolmagoloraskblog · 7 months
What the other anon is probably saying is that your difficulty with getting rid of us is probably because you put part of the FUCKING MASTER CROWN in the machine.
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simalthind-blog · 6 years
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Malnutrition is not a one-dimensional problem 
Firstly, when I first starting research this assignment I inevitably entered “malnutrition” on google images, as is often the starting point for these assignments. I was greeted with a plethora of images of severely malnourished children and actually the thought of using one of these images in my assignment knowing nothing of the source or personal contact with the subject felt very uncomfortable. I think this made me appreciate the discussions and work we have done on photojournalism even more as this is something I may not have fully recognized the importance of previously. Awareness and maintaining respect is such an important component of health care delivery and this is another context in which this is evident. 
Secondly, I wanted to look at malnutrition from a slightly different perspective as I think, when we hear the term malnutrition we automatically think of undernutrition and in fact this is only one element of malnutrition. I think we covered this aspect quite extensively in this discussion board topics for this week so I wanted to reflect a bit more on the other elements of malnutrition. This includes both higher intake than needed leading to obesity and poor intake leading to insufficient intake of nutrients required to maintain good health. 
The data I found suggested malnutrition is actually much more common worldwide than you might expect with statistics showing as many as one in three people worldwide suffer from some form of malnutrition. 
It is important for governments to recognize what the issues in their communities are and then address them appropriately. This could involve provision of necessary resources, introduction of policy changes and education.
As healthcare providers again recognizing the needs of your population are key for delivering the right kind of care. If working in an environment with high famine and undernourishment, as discussion in the discussion topics this week provision of high calorie supplements with good nutritional value would be key. Also clean water and medical treatment that addresses the needs of that population. In areas where higher intake of poor nutrient foods is the issue healthcare providers need to provide education to help those in need address these issues and the medical treatment specific to their requirements. 
link to image from the 2016 Global Nutrition Report http://ebrary.ifpri.org/utils/getfile/collection/p15738coll2/id/130354/filename/130565.pdf
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