#filed under: things kasa would never think to headcanon about tbh ]
soulburnings · 6 years
💺🤞📏⏰🛋 (
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💺 — How does your muse adjust themselves in their seat?
Nothing really special worth mentioning here! Unless he’s some place comfortable like in his own room, Takeru’s tends to be pretty reserved when it comes to taking up his own spot and usually only takes as much space as he needs, too. No more; no less. Very rarely does he sit with his legs crossed unless his seat just so happens to be on the floor either/
🤞 — What behavioral ticks give your muse away when they are lying?
Takeru’s actually not a very good liar at all. His ticks aren’t so much ‘ticks’ as much as he’ll slip and blurt whatever he was meaning to keep a secret out anyway. Takeru’s honest almost to a fault, though knowing when he’s lying when he doesn’t blab is pretty easy to tell, too.
He’ll often give himself away by how uneasy he looks or by how much he hints at the topic and laughs is the lie is over something like a prank. tl;dr don’t trust him to keep your secrets unless it’s about your link vrains account
📏 — How does your muse adjust to others that are taller or shorter to them?
Takeru’s pretty average when it comes to height, though he’s much more used to adjusting himself for shorter people than he is anyone taller than him. Back at home, Kiku was shorter, so being her personal tool to reach things (and grumbling through every second of it) had become a normal things for him when the two of them were together.
⏰ — What is the first thing your muse does after getting out of bed?
If it’s not searching the top of the stand beside his bed for his glasses, then it’s shaking his head to move his hair out of his face before he goes to look for his glasses. The side swept sweep to Takeru’s front bangs is mostly natural, but after a night of tossing in bed, sometimes his hair needs a little help moving itself out of Takeru’s line of sight before he can do anything else.
🛋 — Does your muse sit on one end of the sofa, in the middle, on an arm, or sprawled across it?
That depends on where Takeru is and who the sofa belongs to. Takeru tends to show a lot of respect whenever he’s anywhere but his own place, so he’ll take up one seat on any spot of the sofa he’s directed to. In his own room, however? He’ll sprawl all over his own sofa (or bed) and not care at all.
In Alt Uni verse, Yusaku’s bed tends to be taken over by Takeru a lot for the sake that they share a dorm and Takeru’s comfortable with the two of them sharing, too. Though Yusaku’s probably not so enthusiastic.
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