#file: fukitsu
diinferi · 1 year
[YOKAI] You’re a Yokai, one of the various mythological beings of Japanese folklore. Choose an option below for specifics but in general, you will take a human form or you can take the option to be of a feral variety of your chosen Yokai species to reduce the cost by half. If you take this option with Hanyo you will be like Shinenji, appearing monstrous outside the night of the Full Moon.
[KITSUNE] Kitsune, Fox Spirits. In Yokai terms this describes those of the fox family which do not serve a god. Take for example Shippo and his father. They are tricksters and Pyrokinetics by heart but older Kitsune can be quite powerful. A Daiyokai would have nine tails and be roughly on that level. If given Miko-like powers, a Kitsune will generally be stronger than their equivalent without them.
[DAIYOKAI] Remember all those mentions of Daiyokai? Yeah, this is an upgrade for all Yokai and can be purchased by Hanyo. Basically, take the prize of your choice and double for the total cost. What does this get you? Well for starters you become roughly twice as powerful as normal, you can change into an animal form, a massive one though your age will certainly limit your size.
[INU NO TAISHO’S GRAVE] This is strange, no living being should come here, and you certainly can’t get out that easily. This is the final resting place of Inu no Taisho, the mightiest Inu Daiyokai to ever live. His remains (the size of a FREAKING MOUNTAIN) are the resting place of Tessaiga, the most offensive (not in that way unless you mind swords made of dog fangs) sword on the planet. Also, there is a Shikkon no Tama shard here.
[BARRIER DEMON] Creating Barriers is a useful ability to have. While not as powerful you are an expert at Barrier making on par with Naraku, making them as easy to create a breathing. Your power will determine how resistant to damage these barriers are, naturally, but don’t expect barrier-piercing attacks to be reflected unless you got some sort of Universe-level Powerlevel or something.
[BASIC MEDICINE] You have a basic understanding of how to prepare medicine and treat wounds using materials available in these lands to a degree that would make “Doctors” in the West shout witchcraft.
[COMBAT PROWESS] A basic fact of these times you find yourself in, sadly, is that fighting for your life is a daily routine for most of the population, whether human or supernatural. This era is known as the Sengoku Jidai, the Warring States Era, in later years for a reason, you know? But don’t worry, you can rely on your prowess as a warrior to see you through these times! This Perk grants you prowess in the use of two traditional, Japanese weapons, such as the Katana (Sword), Yari (Spear) or Yumi (Bow). This can be purchased a second time to either gain proficiency in another 2 weapons on the same level, gain actual mundane levels of mastery of said weapons, or to specialize in a more specialized/unusual weapon of the same kind (Nodachi for Katana or Naginata for Yari for example).
[COMMANDING AIR] You can be the biggest brat of a lord in all of Japan and still, you command respect and subservience. You breathe intimidation and bear the sheer extent of how capable you are on your sleeve. Your strength alone can bring thousands of Yokai or Samurai to their knees as long as you are stronger than them and they’ll follow you into the bowels of hell and even come when called even if you just want to demonstrate your newest toy.
[DIVINE PASS] The divine can pass to many places such as the afterlife and paradise. Regardless of what pantheon exists or not, you may enter between the world of the living, dead and divine in any world you visit freely.
[ENDLESS WANDERING] You know how large Japan is? It may not look like it, but going through the Japanese countryside in this time era would be torture for most people! Thankfully you have this perk! For free it doubles your endurance when wandering on foot or Bicycle, for 100 on the other hand it gives you infinite stamina and endurance while moving on foot and the ability to do so for 24 hours straight with a human powered vehicle, such as a bicycle.
[FEROCIOUS FANGS] Like Toga the Inu no Taisho you possess tremendous power within your fangs. Should one be removed they can be forged into powerful weapons by an expert Blacksmith such as Totosai. Your personal Power will naturally determine how powerful the blade becomes, but this Perk on it’s own will guarantee it to be at least on par with Tokeshin in power and to have one ability appropriate to it. Daiyokai can with this Perk naturally make some real bullshit similar to Tessaiga and Tensaiga, obviously, and the outer edges of the galaxy are the limit as far as potential goes. Any teeth taken will regrow in a week.
[LESS WORRIES] Feudal Japan doesn’t exactly have a lot of areas to take a dump. This Perk ensures you won’t suffer accidents as you’ll never suffer from needing to take a piss or a dump, so to speak, until you are already in position for it in a bathroom.
[PURIFICATION] Whether by holiness or the power of your Yoki, you are capable of driving out corruption from objects. As long as this corruption, supernatural in nature, is not greater than the evils a person may impart upon the Shikkon no Tama, you can purify it. Naturally, as you grow stronger so will also your scope of purification capabilities.
[RAPID LEARNER] Learning is not a simple matter of desire, it is a necessity. To learn fast is to survive and no other can learn as fast as you in these lands. Whether it be studying, from experience or by practice, you can absorb knowledge and skill at a rate 5 times greater than before. If you buy this multiple times the multipliers are stacked linearly, so 5+5+5 instead of multiplicatively.
[TIMELESS LINGUISTICS] Isn’t it odd when your future boyfriend from 500 years in the past understands your 20th century Japanese? Because it sure is, it’s like there is an author who doesn’t understand lingual drift that occurs over 500 years, no matter how isolated a nation is. Well, you don’t have to worry about that. As long as you know one variant of a language you can communicate with anyone who has another variant of the same language, even if it shouldn’t work.
[TOTOSAI'S APPRENTICE] Who knew that Totosai had another student? You are a skilled blacksmith, able to forge powerful, balanced and enchanted eapons with ease. If given the bone or fang of a still living, supernatural entity you can even forge powerful mythical weapons similar to Tessaiga or Tensaiga, though the quality and power will vary by material origin. Don’t worry about being possessed though, it won’t be an issue.
[TRAINGING PEAK] To train is to grow stronger. To grow stronger is to gain a survival advantage over the competition. And you my friend can positively compare to the likes of certain Shonen Anime not related to this one, or a certain gender fluid Anime of the same author. All training you conduct will now progress 5 times faster with your physical training bearing fruit as long as you place effort into it, and naturally to grow stronger more and more you need to train harder, though it will take only 20% as much time for the same results. Naturally this applies to systems of growth composed of numerical values too. If you buy this multiple times the multipliers are stacked linearly, so 5+5+5 instead of multiplicatively.
[UNCAPPED POTENTIAL] Most people reach the peak of their possible capabilities at some point, when they plateau in their growth. You do not suffer this fate. You can choose one perk, ability or skill you possess and put it into a “Slot”. As long as it stays in this slot you can make it become more powerful and versatile by repeatedly making an effort to push the limits of the ability, such as attempting to use a Perk capable of mind reading 10 people on 11, then 12 and so on. After every second Jump (Gauntlets not included) which lasts at least 10 years, you gain an additional slot to use this with.
[YOKAI POTENTIAL] You have the power of Yokai within you, any power common among your species or Yokai in general, such as Shapeshifting for Kitsune or claw beams such as used by Inuyasha, can be performed with this Perk. It also means you possess Yoki, essentially the Yokai equivalent of Reiki or spiritual energy, which fuels abilities for Yokai including transformations and attacks.
[WARDROBE] A full wardrobe including all manner of clothing found in the Sengoku Jidai and the modern era, yes this includes underwear, but not magical attributes, sorry. But at least this isn’t a cumbersome wardrobe, it is more of a pocket dimension. You can summon all the articles of clothing onto yourself. For an additional 50 CP this includes mundane armor pieces common in Japan as well as Western clothes.
[WEAPON] Now you may wonder what this is about. This is a weapon for which you must choose the prize dear Jumper, what else? For Free this is a mundane, non-powered weapon such as a Katana, Yumi or Yari, no you can’t have a Banryu-style “Cloud Strife and Sword Kirby ask for thier “BFS Guy” Title Back” Halberd. For 100 CP instead this is a weapon with two abilities to be chosen from the Weapon Customization Menu down below. You can buy additional abilities for 50 additional CP per extra ability. This cannot be a firearm and if it is a Yumi, aka a bow, it will impart it’s offensive traits onto an arrow fired. Yes Hirakotsu works for this as a basis. You can buy multiple instances of this item with power pools separated.
[BAG OF TRICKS] A Infinite bag full of various tools and toys such as small bombs that can be infused with Yoki for more powerful blasts, leafs perfect for Illusion Magic and enabling shapeshifting, various toys that can give the illusory impression of pain or weight, as well as magical mushrooms and acorns for communication or throwing at enemies. Your own strength determines the effectiveness of this.
[ARMOR OF A NOBLE RULER] This set of Yokai derived armor is reminescent of Toga’s, the Inu no Taisho, personal armor and is able to protect the wearer from most attacks as it’s durability scales with the user. The armor will disintegrate if transformed into a form too large for it and features two trailing fur “Tails” along the shoulders.
[WEAPON: HEALING NEGATION] You know that annoying ability many beings have? The ability to regenerate? Yeah, fuck that shit. Your weapon can now inflict wounds that cannot be healed with self-regeneration, neat right?
[WEAPON: ONLY MINE] Your weapon can only be used by you and no one else. If someone were to pick it up to cut someone they'd find it does about as much damage as a pool noodle, if they can even pick it up at all.
[HINEZUMI COAT] A coat made of the hide of a Firerat similar to Inuyasha’s Kimono. This Item can be added to any article of clothing to add it’s nature to that item and grant it fire repelling effects along with greater durability and damage resistance, making it better for protection.
[PRAYER SLIPS] A bag containing at all times 100 paper slips depicting prayer to the Buddha or Shinto Gods. Beyond being simply used for prayer these papers are potent weapons against Yokai, able to seal their powers and drain them of energy as well as ward them off and exorcise evil spirits if used correctly. Comes with the knowledge on how to use them, refills to full if the bag is closed.
[WARLORD] Less of an item and more of a title with a lot of land. You have control of a Japanese province-sized territory rich in resources and with a central castle as your stronghold. The residents of this territory are loyal to you and see you as their rightful ruler and either Patron or even god, depending on what type of race you are. This may be a historical province or a patch of land that may not be found in modern Japan. Additional purchases of this item will grant equally sized adjacent provinces as your territory.
[BAG OF FOOD] This is a large duffle bag made of canvas inside of which one can see a large lunchbox. Regardless of what mundane food the holder wants, when this box is opened it will hold exactly what they had desired, no matter what it is. Furthermore, more boxes will be found inside when you don’t look with them being stacked three high even when observed. The boxes themselves, when emptied or no longer needed, will disappear instantly. Includes any sauces, garnish and Soy sauce needed as well as spices.
[MIGHTY FANG] This is a Fang from a powerful Daiyokai, a perfect material for a sword or to integrate into a pre-existing weapon through reforging. This Item can be used by a Blacksmith to make a powerful Yokai weapon, such as Tessaiga, Tensaiga or other such weapons, by a skilled craftsmen, such as Totosai or, if you have the skills, by yourself. You can choose 5 abilities from the weapon customization options below to give the resulting weapon. Slot Count doesn’t apply.
[SIBLING RIVALRY] You have an older sibling who is superior to you in power, skill and experience. They have stronger versions of all your perks from this Jump and will feel entitled to everything you obtained in this Jump and some things you carried over from previous ones. Essentially, this is your Sesshomaru. They won’t always attack or try to kill you, aiming for humiliation for the most part to show dominance.
[THE LONG WAY DOWN] You don’t start a day after the Shikon no Tama was shattered, you start around the time of the 11th century, or when Inuyasha was born. You can’t leave until the Shikon no Tama has been destroyed.
[LONG HAUL] You’ll be stuck here until you reach the modern era. And I mean by the long way, living from the Sengoku Jidai until Kagome travels back in time, you understand? I hope you got some longevity going Jumper. That’s 500 years at least.
[INTO THE WELL] Move Along, take 200 and get outta here! You move to the next jump in this chain, because why would you stop here?
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