#file : kaj.
likemosaic · 2 months
"benny gecko stop sticking your dick in crazy" challenge...
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daughterofhecata · 2 months
WIP ask game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @borealopelta - thank you!
...I'm not putting *all* the file names down here, because that would be like. 50+ items. You're getting a selection of stuff I've been working on semi-recently instead.
a pretty safe bet
Abendstern cont.
coded talking Cotta/Reynolds
College AU
Cotta & Milo
Cotta-Reynolds thing
Demon love thingy
Escort fic
gym fic
i put the 'fun' in 'funeral'
justus/victor can't protect you
niemand ist so leicht zu durchschauen wie du
reunion fic
sexting divergence
The Heart of a Dog
the perfect part about it is: it's all that i've got
weihnachtsfeier Cotta/Goodween #2
What Happens In Vegas
And my two original projects on top, if anyone is interested in that:
Nowhere Generation (Arbeitstitel)
I am *also* not tagging as many people as I have WIPs.
Tagging: @crazy-walls, @pointwhitmark, @wodkapudding, @lalalenii, @bistdueinbaum & @miaisreadytorun, if you want to!
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masked-phantom · 1 year
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Really felt like drawing dragons so I figured I might as well sketch up some of my Flight Rising dragons, like I did a long while ago. Started a nice square file for these and I'm trying to keep them a little clearer, visually. Also I swear I was using a random number generator to pick dragons from my lair, it's pure coincidence that I got two male Ridgies back to back.
Links to the dragons (+ brief design info) under the cut!
Lilith (Skydancer/Mirror hybrid) | Kaj (minor deity of illusions)
Dio (living statue) | Carpo (birdy Fae) | Carmela (Bogsneak/Fae hybrid)
Keahi (Ridgeback) | Antares (Ridgeback)
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jubaer01 · 3 months
CANADA Rapid and Fast Canadian Electronic Visa Online
Interreta Kanada Vizo-Apliko
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svyat0s · 10 months
La krea tasko de la tago por la ludo #Mi_estas_ĉi_tie_eterneco. Vi havas la liberecon aliĝi al la ludo (kaj forlasi ĝin) kiam ajn vi volas. Sekvu vian scivolemon kaj faru la taskojn, kiuj vekas vian intereson. Kaj tiujn, kiujn vi ne ŝatas - ignoru ilin. La rekompenco de la ludo (kun konstanta kaj diligenta peno (kaj praktiko) de taskoj) - pli riĉa kaj feliĉa vivo. 446. Diru, pri kio vi nun laboras? Por kio? #Mi_estas_ĉi_tie_eterneco
The creative challenge of the day for the game #I_am_here_eternity. You have the freedom to join the game (and quit it) whenever you want. Follow your curiosity and do the tasks that spark your interest. And those that you don't like - ignore them. The reward of the game (with consistent and diligent effort (and practice) of tasks) - a richer and happier life. 446. Tell, what are you working on now? For what? #I_am_here_eternity
Творческое задание дня игры #Я_здесь_вечность. Присоединиться к игре (как и выйти из нее) можно в любой момент. Выполняйте те задания, которые вам интересны. А которые не хотите - не выполняйте. Приз игры (при прилежном и систематическом выполнении (и повторении) заданий) - качественно лучшая жизнь. 446. Расскажи, над чем ты сейчас работаешь? Для чего? #Я_здесь_вечность 
and I, damn it, will also answer what I'm working on, I, as normal creative scribblers are supposed to, have not yet added stories in other languages to my site. Well, they, of course, are on all sorts of nobles and Amazons, but they aren't in one place. And now I’m putting the files in order (remember, I asked if it was necessary to make content in the files? Then I put everything in order, and my HDD (the newest!) down. You can ask me, why I didn’t add files to the cloud, it's the world of the technologies, but I'll tell you I've added, but the technology is crap! And nothing saved.
So soon it will be possible to find everything, including my stupid translations (I have such ones)... well, not translations are stupid, but some books I translated, in one place, on my site www.albireo-mkg.com
Well, or links to them (I have translations when people wanted to sell them only on one resource).
This is the kind of organizational work that I hate and that a writer should not do.
And of course I am fixing my italian translation of "For a slave"
а я, блядь, тоже отвечу, над чем я работаю, я , как полагается нормальным творческим распездалам, до сих пор рассказы на других языках на сайт не добавил. Ну, типа, они, конечно, если на всяких ноблах и амазонах, но в одном месте чтобы все было - не было. Ну и вот сейчас привожу файлы в порядок (помните, я спрашивал, нужно ли делать содержание в файлах? Дак вот я тогда все привел в порядок, и у меня диск полетел. Вы спросите, почему я в облако не добавил, технологии же, а я вам скажу, что я добавил. Но технологии-то жопорукие! У меня ни синхронизированный блокнот ваннота ни сохранился, ни файлы в облаке), добавляю на сайт. Так что скоро можно будет все-все-все, включая дурацкие переводы (есть у меня такие) найти в одном месте, на сайте. Ну или ссылки на них (у меня есть переводы, ко��да люди хотели их продавать только на одном ресурсе). Вооот. Эта та самая организационная работа, которую я ненавижу и которой не должен заниматься писатель.
Ну и Ради раба на итальянском правлю.
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gtaradi · 1 year
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ebouks · 2 years
Kemiske enhedsoperationer
Kemiske enhedsoperationer Karsten H. Clement, Peder Fangel, Anker Degn Jensen, og Kaj Thomsen Categories: Add a category Year: 2004 Edition: 5 Publisher: Polyteknisk forlag Language: danish Pages: 595 ISBN 10: 8750209418 ISBN 13: 9788750209416 File: 71.90 MB
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cheatdeathsarchive · 3 years
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@partloss​ sent: you’ve got a mouth on you, kid. - kaj :)
It’s something she’s always been adept at -- speaking coyly, being persuasive. It’s the difference between life and death out here in a world that tramples flowers and crushes delicate things beneath their heels. It’s good for them, really. Good for them that they’ve learned how to take the rules and bend them until they’re about ready to snap. All it takes is a golden word.
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She’s feeling a surge of confidence, one fueled by success, as Six gives Kaj a wink and a giggle, “Good for plenty of other things, too.”
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likemosaic · 2 months
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decided to do my first playthrough of bg3 as kaj and make an oc at a later date....i can't believe how good she looks in this game. she's a half-elf ranger with persuasion and deception and a cute little bow. im having a good time. she's going to kill ast*rion. you will see me 30 years from now when i've replayed this game 4 times
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daughterofhecata · 4 years
You know that post about therapists being common sense filters? Mine just told me that if my meds make me so tired I fall asleep at my desk at 7pm, I should maybe just... take them later?? I can't believe that never occured to me.
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summeronceagain-if · 2 years
Do the ROs listen to other people’s advice, or do they prefer figuring things out by themselves?
good question! hm, let me think about it.
aine is super, super stubborn. it’s a byproduct of being solitary so long, but when it’s really just you and your thoughts, it’s easy to slip into patterns once they become ingrained. they’re definitely on the extreme side of the scale. as in “i will figure everything out ALONE and will never talk about my problems ever”
in kaj’s case, you don’t get as high of a position in leadership without having a good sense of initiative. they’re talented at weighing their options and taking others into consideration, so they’re somewhere in the middle of “does things on their own” and “takes advice.”
miyeon is a wild card. she does what she wants when she wants, but that doesn’t mean that she completely tunes everyone out. she just takes it at face value, or files it away. the only times she really revisits advice is when she’s in deep shit. and mostly just because she doesn’t want to hear “i told you so.” leans more towards the “figures things out alone” side.
james is the best at taking advice and listening to others, but this is conditional on how much he likes the person in question. and the big, glaring exception is when he becomes dead (ha) set on something — he can get as bad as aine does about it.
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crazy-walls · 3 years
WIP Files Game
thank you @daughterofhecata for tagging me 💖
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it! and tag as many people as you have WIPs.
somehow not much has changed in my wip folders since the last time I did this...
die drei ???
AU aktuell
young CottaSkinny AU
Adventskalender 2021
skinny insight drabble
fake dating
there was only one bed
BobSkinny Kaj
the fire the dark skinny inspo
Peter Skinny bodyguard situation
tumblr prompt ficlets
Shrinkyclinks teacher AU
SteveBucky Christmas AU
Strange What Desire Will Make Foolish People Do
ace!Benny bi pan!Dean
An Angel to Fall For
Dean Benny Mermaid AU
Dead x Reader
DeanBenny Vampire Lore
destiel christmas
Forever pt 2
idk some destiel halloween stuff
mechanic!dean au
i don’t even know enough people to tag so seriously, if you wanna do this just say I tagged you!
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gtaradi · 5 years
Gita Radiković: Vrana
Prvo je Gita poslala priču za natječaj Različitim jezicima, pa kompletna obitelj Radiković za natječaj Dobitna kombinacija, a evo u nedjelju dok je mama Martina spremala ručak Gita je napisala pjesmu, a tata Goran ilustrirao!
Sedela vrana na drevi i gledala seme vu vrtu,
dojde do bačve pa zakriči starome krtu:
“Mekni se, moram jesti jer sam lačna,
a semeja je puna bačva.”
Čim počne ščukati seme i gristi živicu,
doletiju vrapci na žicu.
Kaj gut su meli, to su pojeli:
I rehe i seme, čak i graje,
ali sreća krotko traje.
Zgrabil botu stari deda,
pokal vrapce se od reda.
A lukava vrana skrila se vu flaši
pa staroga dedu…
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xindesheng-shoes · 3 years
LA Gear (or L.A. Gear)
The American shoe company based in Los Angeles, California. It is owned by ACI International. One of the original athletes to endorse L.A. Gear shoes was NBA player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who ended a long association with Adidas to sign with the upstart company toward the end of his playing career. lagear.com
LA Gear (or L.A. Gear) is an American shoe company based in Los Angeles, California. Shoes manufacturer. The brand is currently owned by Stock Aficionados LLC.
LA Gear has always been loved by fashion lovers and the general public in the 80s/90s, and has fond memories of childhood shoes. Since filing for bankruptcy protection, LA Gear has made three concerted efforts to make a comeback. The first time was in 1999, and the focus was on the return of men's and women's casual shoes and the popular children's LA Lights series. However, the brand failed to become popular.
In 2003, LA Gear re-launched again, this time focusing on the launch of the Catapult series of men's high-performance shoes. Los Angeles Lakers rookie Luke Walton signed to become the brand's spokesperson and appeared in several print ads. His contract eventually ran out. (Ron Artest also received a brief endorsement of LA Gear for his "Tru Warrier" image in 2004 and 2005, but after the infamous Pacers and Pistons quarrel, the company abandoned him The spokesperson.) LA Gear mainly sells fashionable sneakers designed for women, and it continues to this day, although the brand’s recent re-launch has caused these product lines to no longer be valued (LA Gear completely discontinued the new men’s Catapult product line) .
read more: How To Choose Long Walking Shoes
In 2008, LA Gear re-released its Unstoppable retro series, including sports shoe series such as KAJ and Starshooter High, offering a variety of stylish and bold color schemes. Chris Brown even wore a pair of black and white KAJs in one of his music videos, and the later movie Pain & Gain also featured subtle product implants. LA Gear re-released the Stardust women's fashion collection in 2009, and subsequently released a new version of the popular LA Lights. LA Gear also joined the rock-soled shoes craze that year and released the women's Walk N Tone sneaker series.
LA Gear released the Hollywood men's sports shoes with the Unstoppable series in 2012. In October 2014, LA Gear carried out another transformation on some of its product lines and announced the launch of new sports shoes in the spring and summer of 2015, such as the LA Lights Liquid Gold Edition and T Raww Runner endorsed by American rapper Tyga.
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cheatdeathsarchive · 4 years
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@partloss​ sent: ❝ Your mind is deeper, your words are truer and your heart far more pure. ❞ and this from kaj because evil comes in twos sdkjafsjdkf
Somehow she wonders if that’s true. If this is just some platinum apple butter, but Kaj is convincing and she’d like to believe it all the same even if she knows herself and the parts she tries to hide. Silly, how she craves praise like others crave Jet, but here and now it only shoots guilt through her core. If she only knew.
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She doesn’t have the words, truer or not, so instead she reaches out to hold Kaj’s hand. Six isn’t sure what it’s meant to mean.
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likemosaic · 2 months
✏️ Cait and Jocelyn, Aries and Benny or Kaj and Nora and Gage?
send in a ✏️ for quote(s) for our muses from the incorrect quotes generator! / @arcanumsolitude
Cait: Stay foxy. Jocelyn: Die lonely.
Jocelyn: You need to stop swearing so much. Cait: Shut the fuck up. Jocelyn: Yeah, that's not how you do it. Cait: Alright sorry. It's just that it's hard not to swear. The words just creep up on me when I least expect it. Jocelyn: Now now, don't be like that. Just replace the swear words with 'beep' and you'll be fine. Cait: Shit the beep up. Jocelyn: Cait: SHUT, DAMMIT! I MEANT SHUT!
Aries: We can’t tell you because you’re not a member of the club. Benny: What club? Kaj: The hating Benny club. Benny: …The fuck? I should be the leader of that club!
Aries: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one. Benny: Erm... it’s nice see your smile when you win! *later* Aries: He's probably just staring at my ass, isn't he. Kaj: Yeah, probably.
Nora, with a headache: Advil me up, daddy. Gage: I will short out the language centre of your brain if you say anything like that ever again.
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