paddyfeet · 2 years
“Let me guess, I should ‘see the other guy’?”
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' of COURSE you should ' he said rather dramatically, clearly aware they both knew there was no 'other guy' to be seen. sirius had, once again, gotten into an altercation that left his face properly bruised and bleeding. the bleeding had stopped but the bruising was a nice shade of purple and blues. there was no use in hiding it now and he rather liked the way it made him look tough. he had always been a resilient child and a hard adult, so this? this was nothing. at least he had something to fight for now .. instead of just his former teen angst and explosive inner rage.
' i'll show you more of THIS guy, if you want. ' at least that could never be punched out of him.
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thirtnth · 6 months
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"you're always goin' t' be afraid. how you handle the fear is what makes you better."
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seesgood · 2 years
yoshi update ??? 🥺
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this was mid and post emergency vet trip from the week, he’s doing a ton better today ( 3 days later ) and gets to eat again and is way less lethargic and today on his walk he even did a very enthusiastic roll in the dirt. the yoshi update is that yoshi continues to be a teeny tiny lovable menace to society and i love that for him. also i’m preparing him to be a big brother to a little kitten but he keeps taking the kitten toys and carrying them around.
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onlydevilsleft · 3 years
‘  ’s  not  useless ,   i  know  ten  different  ways  t'  kill  somebody  with  this .  ’ @ rip
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Color Rip Wheeler thoroughly surprised. He knew Amelia was a tough cookie but holding a part of the horse tack and bragging about knowing how to kill someone with it. Ten ways to Sunday. He swallows, looking away before looking back to her and arching a single brow. "I would ask but a lady who knows how t'kill never kisses an' tells." He cracked a smile, gesturing to the bottle of whiskey on the bunkhouse table. "So how 'bout we polish this off n'stead of talkin'. Hmm?"
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hydrasweapon · 3 years
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@fiightcr​ ;; sexual tension prompts (still accepting) [ STRADDLE ] : while sparring, Amelia gains the upper hand and pins Bucky in place, straddling his waist in the process.
                     Leading a civilian life is exhausting in its own way, but the physical aspect is worse. Being a super-soldier means Bucky can run faster, jump higher, lift heavier objects than regular humans. The thing is: you don’t need that when buying groceries or watching a movie in the theater. So he’s taken up sparring again, even if he doesn’t want to fight anyone for real and has to pull his punches to not hurt anyone. This evening, he has a new partner: a blond woman everyone’s calling Wolfie. She actually has some really good moves up her sleeve, and she even gets Bucky by surprise one time (though he would have managed to stay on his feet if he’d wanted to). He hits the mat with a soft oomph, his hands pinned in place by her knees since she is straddling his waist (even if her body weight is not enough to keep him down). Well, okay, this is… a little awkward. They’re both sweaty and her top clings to her chest. From his position, Bucky can’t not look, okay? Shit. “Got me,” he says, feeling himself flush a little.
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lawkills · 3 years
your blog aesthetics are insanley gorgeous , jsyk . and i hope you have a good week ^_^
Thank you. The credit all goes to @villainsrph who made the wonderful graphics and theme for it all. They really did an amazing job. I hope you're having a good week too! Thank you for this wonderful message
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greenchristmas · 4 years
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@fiightcr​ - hello again victoria !!  from the moment i started seeing your threads with pianomxn, i immediately felt the chemistry between your writing as muns and the characters themselves~ from when amelia first gives him a chaste kiss and admits ( silently ) to herself that he’s attractive, she can’t help herself feeling bad that he’s wanting something more and not just a fling ! I love how you bring Amelia’s character to life in that sense ! I also like how Drew states he admires her ‘lone wolf’ attitude, and she takes pride in that. :) and when he’s afraid she’s there for him ! i ship them, haha~ and that latest thread from a month ago, oh the feels and how she wants to run after him because she loves him !!  you do great work here, viccy ! i love these threads~
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bnnrs · 3 years
                           *      &     :     @fiightcr .
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               ❝ i wish i could say that was the first time i’ve flown through the air and lost my pants after crashing into someones barn ⸻ but that would be a lie . ❞
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luthcrbornarchive · 3 years
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@fiightcr​ liked for a starter
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Green hues starred at the tablet screen in front of her, reading over the headline of the email she was about to send out. Just about to hit the send button, Lena looked up upon hearing her office door click open. Her head tilted slightly glancing upon the woman standing before her. ❝ Can I help you? ❞
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scarfwere · 4 years
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EVEN WITH HIS more than meager education, Isaac knew his Father was good at his job. Being a politician suited him. He had no qualms with lying or putting on a smile even when he didn’t mean it. And he commanded a room the very minute he stepped in. He had been the first witness to it. Him and his brother. 
Although, even he could say, Norman Lahey was the alst person they would have thought would bring them to the White House, had he still been around. 
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He’d have found the whole thing laughable. Let alone that any threats to his children were a real worry to him. But pretenses were necessary now. Appearances were important. And he could not be allowed to be seen weak even if his only living son was. 
With a sigh, he gave up on tightening the tie he couldn’t quite fix. He’d get another earful for it, he’s sure. But nothing new. Nothing he couldn’t handle. Being led around practically by his tail however was what seemed unbearable. Just because he could die. Yeah. Bigger threats in the world than a dead First Son, he thought. But the rest of the team didn’t quite agree with the sentiment. So he was stuck in his room until he was picked up with what he figured was a glorified babysitter, only with a license to a gun. 
@fiightcr​ . 
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notafossil · 4 years
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    ❝ Sorry-- I don’t think I caught your name? ❞
@fiightcr​ ♥’d
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seesgood · 3 years
have you ever suspected care to have adhd ?
yes and no, because i love psychopathology / figuring out mental illness / disorder presentations i always do the 'ooooh i wonder what THIS muse has!!!' thing so i've definitely done it with caroline, but the thing is while she probably COULD display characteristics of ADHD, she doesn't meet all of them and they're more easily explained by something else. ( aka, this is where i get technical and nerdy about it bc you asked about psychology and i. love. psychology. )
so ADHD requires 6 months of 5+ of a certain criteria of "inattention" behaviors, and caroline really doesn't have any of them because she gets hyper-focused and is super organized and methodical and she doesn't have any trouble listening, following through on instructions, and isn't forgetful of things. but ADHD also requires 6 months or more of 5+ symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsivity, and while she might present with some of these ( talking a lot, blurting out answers before a question is completed, interrupting, etc. ), it's not enough to meet either that full number of symptom criteria. and while people can have ADHD and have hyperactivity but no inattention ( or inattention but no hyperactivity ) symptoms, she doesn't really fit either and she doesn't fit the ""typical presentation"" of someone that DOES have ADHD
the other thing too is with any mental disorder diagnosis it needs to have a marked impact on social, academic, or occupational activities --- and with her it really doesn't. she'll get fixated on a project, but if she needs to abandon it for something else or something more important comes up, then she has no problem doing that. she'll be irritated, but it won't be anything that has a severe impact on her functioning for that time being.
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Mun Communication meme;; | @fiightcr
❔ I’m not in the mood for big things at the moment, asks are just easier for me ^_^
Honestly same, so I will happily spam you and wolfie with memes :3
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mieczlw-a · 4 years
🍓 ?
you  seem  so  super  lovely   !   we  haven’t  written  much  but  we  should totally  fix  that.   here ,  cas ,  anywhere  else.   you’re  fabulous  and  ily.
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riidcr-archive · 4 years
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Send me 🗣️ for incorrect quotes of your muse and mine  //  selectively accepting !!
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failedhero-archive · 3 years
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                           @fiightcr said to Mary  “we all have an achilles heel.”                          
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             “Yeah well, this is much too Greek to me. The revenge plot. The blood feuds that we somehow get caught up in the middle of. I mean- honestly it’s like my family has been put smack dab in the middle of some ancient tragedy.” Mary’s keeping her cool relatively well but- she’s had a hard go of it. Learned a lot in a short span of time. 
              “I didn’t ask to be anyone’s Achille heel, kiddo. I didn’t fucking ask for that.” 
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