#figure kaz either wants fuyu with him because hes afraid of other demons or whatever and wants protection while gundham isnt there
mudskip-muses · 2 years
@yukitscne liked for a fuyuhiko starter forever ago my b lmao
Trailing into the halfblood's house behind the mechanic, Fuyuhiko was busy shoving a cookie into his mouth as he held the door open for Kazuichi, the other man being insistent that the yakuza go with him while he fixed the man’s oven again. He didn’t really give an answer as to why, being flighty and dismissive in every way but convincing, his words only confusing Fuyuhiko and creating that much more suspicion around the whole thing and Kaz’s motives. Something about the usual magickly shit the breeder normally spouted, nothing the yakuza usually payed any mind to beyond a scoff and the occasional judgmental words. Kaz and Sonia really started to lean into his whole demon schtick after a while, the princess not being a surprise with such, but for Kazuichi to start to believe in it all? Fuyuhiko was left to wonder what sort of silver-tongued thread of a tale Gundham had spun to get the mechanic to apparently find truth in his words. 
No matter, it wasn’t his problem. Despite the people who he begrudgingly called his friends being weird as hell, he still cared about them for some reason. That reason being they didn’t care about his status, pushing past his barriers to get to know him as a person instead of a perceived criminal, all the while ignoring his past actions and behaviors.
Setting his toolbox down on the floor next to the oven, Kaz huffed out a breath of nervous energy, though why Fuyuhiko couldn’t place. He had already fixed Gundham’s stove once in the past, and no doubt had repaired dozens like it before that, so the mechanic being as high-strung as he was, while normal for him, was rather confusing, and maybe even slightly concerning. 
Taking another bite of his cookie, a bribe from Kaz to get him to come along, Fuyuhiko wandered about the kitchen as the mechanic pulled the stove out in order to get behind it, the clatter of tools being heard as he got to work. “This guy’s got a lot of weird ass shit.” Fuyu said as he wandered further into the house, eyeing the odd symbols painted onto the walls amongst the framed pictures of the breeder and his loved ones. 
Kaz’s voice rang out from the kitchen as he worked, a hint of a shake behind the rather serious warning, something in it making the hairs on Fuyu neck stand on end. “Yeah, just try not to touch any of it, I don’t know what some of his crap would do to you...” Little did the yakuza know that he was speaking from experience, a time or two Kaz had unknowingly touched a magical item and then reaped the consequences sticking in his mind as a very effective warning to not do so again. 
“Whatever.” Fuyuhiko said with a scoff, as he picked up a framed picture, it depicting the breeder with a red haired man, an ever rare smile on Gundham’s face as he posed for the selfie, of what was no doubt this other man’s idea. As he looked at the pair, trying to parse out who in the hell the other guy was, Fuyuhiko not once seeing him before amongst their friend group, he spotted a rather large fox from the corner of his eye, staring at him as he went about his business. 
In a rare moment of joke, Fuyuhiko turned the picture to the large fox (seriously what the hell did Gundham feed this thing?!) and asked with a smirk: “Hey, is this you?” Little did he know how correct he was...
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