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myfuckingbudapestmovie · 3 months ago
Jesus was a communist by Reagen Youth (#Jesus in Budapest)
Jesus was a communist
Jesus was a pacifist
Jesus was a communist
Jesus didn't like the rich
Jesus was a communist
Jesus was a pacifist
Jesus was a communist
Jesus didn't like the rich
Jesus was a communist
Jesus was a pacifist
Jesus was a communist
Jesus didn't like the rich
Jesus was a communist
Jesus was a pacifist
Jesus was a communist
Jesus saw through your head
"Jesus Was a Communist" by Reagan Youth, a politically charged punk band from the 1980s hardcore scene. The band was known for their anarchist, anti-capitalist, and anti-fascist messages, often blending humor, sarcasm, and anger in their lyrics to critique societal norms, capitalism, and organized religion.
Their track "Jesus Was a Communist" highlights themes of inequality and hypocrisy, presenting Jesus as a figure who stood against greed and oppression—aligning him more with the ideals of communal living and pacifism.
#ReaganYouth #JesusWasACommunist #HardcorePunk #AnarchoPunk #AntiCapitalism #PunkRock #PoliticalPunk #DIYPunk #JesusAndThePoor #RadicalChristianity #ClassStruggle #WorkersUnite #AntiFascist #PunkLyrics #1980sPunk #ReaganEra #Pacifism #RebelJesus #NoToGreed #FightTheSystem #UndergroundPunk #PunkAgainstOppression #SocialJustice #JesusTheRadical #EqualityForAll #RichManInHell #AnarchyAndPeace #PunkMovement #AntiEstablishment #JesusWasOneOfUs
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hossainconsulting · 11 months ago
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Resilience Rising: Withstanding the System's Pushback https://blogs.100millionticket.com/post/resilience-rising-withstanding-the-system-s-pushback #ResilienceRising #FightTheSystem #StandStrong
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milfkeiko · 5 years ago
y’all ever wanna start a revolution? bc i’m so fuckin’ fed up with the world and the way things are and the fact that in the year 2020 i cannot turn myself into a Gecko its unfair i don’t want to pay bills or wear pants
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strictlymyownheart · 5 years ago
One day you’re gonna realize that the stereotypes and assumptions you held me against were all in YOUR head. And when you realize it, you’re gonna see yourself for who YOU really are.
Your mind can be the most destructive restriction that you put on yourself. Don’t feed into the stereotypes that society is teaching our generations. No one is what they may seem and you can’t pool people into boundaries of person when individuality is a reality. 
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alicedliteful · 5 years ago
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Rise up! Change can only happen when you make it happen. There is no room for apathy. It's time to fuck the system up... . . . . #fucktrump #fuckthepatriarchy #fightthepower #fightthesystem #makeartnotwar #illustrationoftheday #illustration #art https://www.instagram.com/p/B66Onp9g8yZ/?igshid=5rjlewdlutly
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lilmamma-panduh · 6 years ago
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Me and my friends will fight you
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supernaturalfan75 · 3 years ago
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Any of these elected officials or wanna be elected that keep spreading the false narrative that the LGBTQIA+ are grooming Children - and anyone who follows me that believes that - you are all full of sh!t!! Seriously get over yourselves and maybe look to the religions that cover up child abuse routinely as those that are grooming our kids. I am so sick of this country today. The fanatics have too big of a voice in our country. This is not ok. We will not go backwards. We will FIGHT for our human rights, whether it be LGBTQIA+, Womens Rights, Contraceptive Rights, Etc. We will not go quietly. We will NOT allow this!!!! I will fight for my daughter, myself, my friends and family so they can live their lives in peace. This is the start of sharia law. We will not go quietly into the night. #womensrightsarehumanrights #womensrights #lgbt #lgbtq #transrightsarehumanrights #transrights #fightthesystem #wewontgoback #wewontgoquietly #notatheocracy #sharialaw #roevwade #falsenarrative #fearmongering https://www.instagram.com/p/CfNFOOZvHOy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amonblack · 7 years ago
They’ll give you a gun before they give you a book,
So you’ll squeeze the hammer way before you pick up a nook,
Now you’re in the slammer, just like they wanted,
Another number in their books, locked up-haunted.
That gun they gave you, it’s so easily expendable,
But what they fear the most is liberation of the mind,
That’s something that’s indispensable.
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torinironshield · 3 years ago
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If you value your freedom and the freedom of our children; if you value the future of this beautiful land then get down to Parliament Square this Saturday and make a stand for democracy. Our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for our freedom: let it not be in vain. Rally at 12; March at 1. We say 'No more! Enough is enough!' ✊🇬🇧♥️ #togetherdeclaration #onetogether #togetherwearestronger #libertyuk #childrenshealthdefense #forthechildren #democracynow #notocommunism #notofascism #antifascist #artistsagainstfascism #artislife #fightforthefuture #fightforfreedom #fightthesystem #daretobelieve #freedomthinker #freedomfighters #alltogethernow #endthelockdowns #artactivist #southlondonandproud #forthepeoplebythepeople #informyourself #freepress #freeyourmindandthink #anthonyhodgsonart https://www.instagram.com/p/CXjxOWksihL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anyakryzhanovskaia · 4 years ago
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Remember: fight against the System! We can do better! #rageagainstthemachine #fightthesystem #revolution https://www.instagram.com/p/CRQwZ5hrsex/?utm_medium=tumblr
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socialchangegroup1 · 4 years ago
Blog Post #4 Our Social Change song choice:  The song titled “America” by Logic is about the United States and social injustices that this country perpetrates against minorities. The artist heavily uses profanity throughout it. The lyrics serve as a call to action, and a wake up call to anyone who is ignorant to the real issues affecting massive amounts of people in this country. The words used are also words of empowerment, and telling the listener to step up and fight against these issues, or the system will continue to push them down, and be the way that it is. Social change is a strong message that he attempts to invoke on the listener, all while also using profanity to emphasize the message. 
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thisisabernieblog · 5 years ago
People don’t steal because they want to, mostly it’s because they need to, because that’s what capitalism is, keeping the working class poor and oppressed while handing the undeserved wealth to the 1%. 
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We are forced to live in a system that steals from us daily, Kill snitch culture.
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smellyfacelifechange · 7 years ago
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I DID IT!!! I beat the Pilates dvd!!! I only managed to do the first ten minute segment and the cool down for ten but that’s twenty minutes that I couldn’t do the last time!!! I’m sooo happy! #letsdothis #beatthedvd #slimmingworld #fightthesystem #slowandsteady #practicemakesperfect #gettingstronger #fitness #corestrength
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morgzindamuz-blog · 4 years ago
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The turmoil of systematic racism and government corruption still continues to plague our very society. We can't allow this to continue and we can't give up the fight! The countless lives that have been stolen from BIPOC families and communities prove the injustices that still exists today. Now is the time to use your voices to speak and be heard! It's your most powerful asset that you possess! Don't allow anyone to silence you when it comes to civil rights and equality! No justice = no peace! #BLM #EnoughIsEnough #NoMoreLivesStolen #FightTheSystem #SpeakAndBeHeard https://www.instagram.com/p/CFf0f1MMYUV/?igshid=7w4damlrypcs
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vl-magnolia · 4 years ago
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Your weed dealers favorite superhero and mine 💨Captain Kush💨😤 #besuper #smokeweedeveryday #fightthesystem #gethigh https://www.instagram.com/p/CE2pUSkBu7b/?igshid=14rvvx9tw90j9
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sharmonjarmon · 5 years ago
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How would you feel if some bullies came into your hood and carved and put graffiti on the sacred part of your land??? #America had been FNCKed since it started. What are witnessing is a cleansing of the bull$h!t. This $h!t MUST come to End #fighttheoower #fightthesystem #endwhitesupremacy #endracism #endclassism #endsexism #isms. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEokSuMHwKV/?igshid=tzzi1gk20ejf
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