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I’m addicted, and I have to tackle this demon again and, this time, dominate it because if I don’t, I have to settle for a life of mediocrity.
Journal Entry 2020
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daybreak1120 · 6 years ago
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#bravery #fightthedemons 🖤 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtpG38Jl7xK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wl1tveydhcbx
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fuko79 · 3 years ago
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Sup sexy people!!! Sometimes you have to realize your inner demons and show them whose boss!! I fight mine and always try to better than the day before. Most times I succeed but there are times the monster gets out and acts up. Lol as fun as it may be it doesn’t rule my life anymore! Always live the life that you want. Don’t let anything stand in your way of being your best self. Small changes lead to big ones. #fuscosmash #fuscogonewild #dailyshenanigans #enjoylife #beexcellenttoeachother #keepmovingforward #beyourbestself #fightthedemons (at Pro Fitness RI) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTZ_qWIn1CZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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useless-boy-useless-life · 7 years ago
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True.. #fucklife #fuckthisshit #fight #fightthedemons #pretendyourhappy #recover
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daretodreamwithwendy · 6 years ago
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You are a warrior. This battle is a tough one, but it is only teaching you how to be better. Embrace it, learn from it, allow it to make you better. pc: @timothyeberly
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bawsent1-blog · 6 years ago
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#lostinmusic #musicstopsthepain #myhearthurts #musicistheanswer helps to #fightthedemons #musicismedicine #istanbul #dubai #bulgaria #Frankfurt #london #paris #trustheprocess (at Istanbul, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoyHvgWH_w3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15v1gb36bdhdn
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imagine-no-limits · 8 years ago
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#shadesformigraine #worldmigrainesolidarityday Aside from being completely debilitating, migraine can cause severe isolation and loneliness. When people don't understand that it's #notjustaheadache it becomes increasingly hard to maintain friendships and partake in social activities. It's impossible to describe the pain well enough for people to truly understand, and as such, it can be frustrating for them. Understandably. They don't always get it, and as much as we may try we can't avoid it. Both sides are stuck between a rock and a hard place. As migraineurs, this horrific pain is part of our lives and we need to do whatever we can in order to learn how we can manage around it. Showing #solidarity to those who suffer with migraines, gives back the feeling of hope that we might sometimes struggle to hold on to; you know, when you feel like you're actually dying with the pain. Knowing that there are fantastic people out there who, despite not always understanding the pain, are willing to show support, really means the world. So to everyone who has sported their #shadesformigraine today, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You're all awesome. Every step towards raising awareness about this disease is a step towards victory and deeper understanding. . . . #migraineawareness #lookingforward #fightthedemons #win #thankyou #invisibleillness #migraine #keeptheconversationgoing (at Dublin, Ireland)
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i-love-2-draw-91 · 8 years ago
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#Bravery #FightTheDemons #innerdemons #quote #inspiration
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austindailyglobe-blog · 8 years ago
Gym Posts Sign That Reads ‘No F–king Cops’
We simplified our membership policy. #eavmisfits #eav #weightlifting #howwedo #fightthedemons #acab #resist #DaveCastroIsACrimeAgainstHumanity #atl #ofcourse
A post shared by EAV Barbell Club (@eavbarbell) on Jul 28, 2017 at 5:04am PDT
This Atlanta gym owner is an anti-cop dumbbell.
Jim Chambers, owner of the EAV Barbell Club, has come under fire for posting a sign barring cops from his gym, according to a report.
The offending sign spelled out the two rules at the club: “Do whatever the hell you want, correctly, except CrossFit cultism” and “No f– cops.”
The lifelong political activist said the people who work out at his gym are mostly minorities who are uncomfortable with uniformed personnel in their midst.
A military veteran was shocked to see the sign outside the East Atlanta Village gym and alerted the news station.
Amid a backlash, the clean-and-jerk took down the sign, 11Alive News reported.
“I didn’t want the other folks there to take the heat that I’m willing to take,” said Chambers, adding that he still stands by his anti-cop message.
“We’ve had an explicitly stated ‘No Cop’ policy since we opened, and we also don’t open membership to active members of the military,” he added.
Atlanta police did not comment on the gym’s policy, but said the sign “would not stop us from lawfully doing our job.”
Chambers said: “If they have a warrant, they can go anywhere they want, but we’re not breaking the law.”
He added that he plans to put up a more family-friendly version of a “No Cop” sign.
“It was really just that the vulgarity in that sign,” he said, “and that seems to bring it out for people.”
The gym’s stance echoes that of a Dunkin’ Donuts worker in Brooklyn who sparked a boycott by New York’s Finest for refusing to serve two detectives.
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Gym Posts Sign That Reads ‘No F–king Cops’ was originally published on Austin Daily Globe
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tking838 · 7 years ago
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#nevergiveup #youwakeupeverymorningtofightthesamedemonsthatleftyousotiredthenightbefore #fightthedemons #newbeginnings #goodmorning #riseandshine #mondaymorning #fearless #bravery
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frannyelliedixon-blog · 7 years ago
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Behind this soft exterior lies a warrior. #bethcrowley #warrior #befearless #fearless #mottooftheday #fightthedemonsinsideyou #fightthedemons #fighter #staystrong #bestronger (hier: Saxony-Anhalt)
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