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angeliicsgrace · 2 months ago
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MOD Ivanlitta | It Who Aches For Love
haihaiiiii!!!! ii'm the one whuu started th1s blog for fun withmy friends !!! ^-^
ii'm a xenohoarder nn girl who luuuvs comin up w names 44 others to use !! ^~^ ai can also do pretties much any kind of ediits so justsend them aw4y!!!! ><
iim a ivan (alnst) lookiing 4 my till>< ii'm completely f1ne with doublez and love interacting with chu!!! <33 othr thaan that im a 21 yo studyiing journaliism :33
we'll all be workiing the best we can 2 attend all yor requests!!! ><
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iim ju2t here on thii2 blog two have fun wiith my friiend2. ii liike makiing ediit2 (iicon2, layout2, graphiic2, etc). plea2ure two make your acquaiintance.
iim a v2 kiin lookiing for my miirage. double2 are ok. plea2e do not briing up my arm iit2 a 2en2iitiive topiic.
we will try our be2t2 here two fulfiill our follower2 reque2t2.
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MOD (K)ANDY | they who perceive .
i ' m here . because of my friends . nice to meet you all .
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MOD Figette | She Who Lends Destruction
hewwooo evewywan!!!! figette is vewy excited two meet yew aww >w<
figette is an angew dwust fwom hazbwin hotew!! its wooking fow its huskew and awastor 🥺 doubwes awe wewcome to intewact!!!!
awsooo figette is nwew two editwing swo pwease be nwice 🥺
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abcexpresspk · 7 months ago
Price: (as of – Details) Fidget Toys Pack with Fidget Spinner ADHD Anxiety Relief Stress Fige - ...
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life-and-signs-thereof · 7 years ago
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More doodles of my sweet brilex babies. I think I pretty much know their characterization by now and I will have to draw more of them along with annelaurent’s amazing headcannons. If anyone has more ideas please tell me. I would love to discuss next gen or pv in general. More of these designs can be found under my next gen tag and I also have pv pirate and historical aus if you would like to see.
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amsterdayuuummm · 5 years ago
1824 April 3 - Anne Lister’s 33rd Birthday
Sat[urday] 3
+      6 55/60
11 1/4
Vc [Visit or calls mark]
thinking of Miss Vallance made me incur the cross her last always excites me when I think of it -
D[i]d n[o]t see Hotsp[u]r - p[u]t h[i]s o[a]t m[ea]l & wat[e]r in h[i]s mang[e]r - out of doors at 8 5/60 - st[ai]d a few min[ute]s w[i]th the workm[e]n (all here today)
th[e]n walk[e]d to Lightcliffe - wait[e]d 25 min[ute]s bef[ore] Mrs. W[illiam] Priest[le]y ca[me] d[o]wn - she w[a]s bil[iou]s & n[o]t ver[y] well - figett[e]d ab[ou]t the
state of h[e]r husb[an]d's broth[e]r Mr. Edw[ar]d P- [Priestley] wh[o]se d[ea]th (at Kebroyde [sic.] w[i]th h[i]s moth[e]r) she minute[l]y expect[e]d hear[in]g of - afr[ai]d h[e]r
husb[an]d w[oul]d n[o]t get b[a]ck fr[om] York assizes in time to see h[i]m ag[ai]n alive - St[aid] talk[in]g till 2 - Whi[le] she w[a]s out of the r[oo]m r[ea]d
a few pp. [pages] of one of the no[te]s of the Percy anecdotes, & the first 30 or mo[re] pp. [pages] vol[ume] 1 "Prose by a Poet," i.e. by Montgom[er]y
anoth[e]r of the wander[e]r in Switzerland, etc. ver[y] light read[in]g - so[me] good characteristic sketches of some of our mod[er]n
poets, & the life of a flower (a violet) good - b[u]t Mrs. W- P- [William Priestley] th[in]ks the work tak[e]n altogeth[e]r a ver[y] poor one –
at 2 ca[me] away, & Mrs. W. P- [William Priestley] put our th[in]gs to walk a lit[tle] of the way w[i]th me - we saunt[ere]d up & d[o]wn 3/4
h[ou]r th[e]n find[in]g Mr. W. P-'s [William Priestley's] chaise at the door, I left h[e]r at th[ei]r entr[ran]ce gate & made the best of my way ho[me] - fr[om]
ab[ou]t 3 20/60 to 5 50/60 st[ai]d out w[i]th the workm[e]n, 1 or oth[e]r of th[e]m, at ho[me] - my fath[e]r & Mar[ia]n dr[ank] tea w[i]th us - fr[om] 8
to 10 1/4 wr[ote] out ch[apter] 101, & th[e]n trans[late]d & wr[ote] out the 2 foll[owin]g & last ch[apter]s lib[er] ii. Thucyd[ides] - th[u]s, as I h[a]d all al[on]g
promis[e]d mys[elf], I finish[e]d th[i]s 2[n]d b[oo]k on my b[ir]th day - I am ent[irel]y or m[u]ch bet[ter] Grec[ia]n th[a]n I ev[e]r w[a]s bef[ore], and can
really get on w[i]th Thurcyd[ides] so far w[i]th ease & gr[ea]t pleas[u]re - I ha[ve] nev[e]r yet f[ou]nd one line of h[i]m dull, n[o]r one sp[ee]ch
§       too long - my unc[le]'s rheumatism no bet[ter] today - Mrs. W P & I were never better friends - I told h[e]r the affair w[i]th
Mrs. Saltm[ar]she - our whole conversation friendly & confidential she has often told me I could have no id
ea of her feelings her imagination she has sometimes great difficulty in distinguishing what is
§ §    fanciful & what is real asked me if this was ever my case of course I sofftened [sic.] it off perhaps not said
I but it may be the case with any one she thought our reason hung on a slender thread I agreed still softening
as much as possible poor sou [sic.] one of her sisters the oldest has been once deranged & all her family are odd I often think of
this she often says what strange unaccountable ideas she has ssome times it seems they are about
futurity & things as she says almost impossible to happen but she gives way to them as little & exerts
herself & spirits as much as she can - she feels very much about poor Edwards but hides it as well as she can she
§      often thinks of his complaint almost with fear she asked me if I had ever any fear of this kind no said I I don’t
know that I have - Ca[me] up to bed at 10 20/60 at w[hi]ch ti[me] B[arometer] 2 1/4 deg[rees] ab[ov]e chang[a]ble F[ahrenheit] 43 1/2º - Ver[y] fine day – hardish
frost ear[l]y in the morn[in]g - the sun out as I w[e]nt al[on]g to Lightcliffe, & a beautiful morn[in]g - Hav[in]g done no Fr[en]ch
I am now behind h[a]nd 55 pp. [pages] Anachars[i]s xxxxxxx [∑... O] -
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theponydins · 8 years ago
So Paladins which of you are obsessed with Figett Spinners?
Azure-Blue: What’s a fidget spinner?
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Pigeon Catcher: Let me see that.
Sunlit Honey: No, my buttons.
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abcexpresspk · 7 months ago
Price: (as of – Details) Fidget Toys Pack with Fidget Spinner ADHD Anxiety Relief Stress Fige - ...
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