#fifth doctor and sola tbt.
lightcreators · 2 years
@tiimecrash​ continue from here
Sola arched a brow to the Doctor. "What are you saying Theta? That I should be careful with knowing things about you?" She wasn't sure what he was getting at but had a feeling it was about all the issues the pair had went through over the many years of being associated together. "I do hope you are careful, you know. I don't want anything happening to you. I love you too much to think of something bad happening. Which I know will happen soon. I'm just not sure how soon." Was is silly of her to worry? Perhaps so, but she couldn't help it. With all his odd earthly mafia business and amongst other complicated things -- she worried constantly about him.
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There was a long pause as Sola pursed her lips. She had someone else watching out for her ( well technically a few people ) in all space-time. His soon-to-be incarnation was one, that bombastic coated man of many colors. He was always worried over her, much like this one was. Then there was the complicated mess that was the Master who somehow always found her in her own travels in space-time. “Don’t worry too much about me, I’ve got friends looking out for me. I’d do the same for you -- but I feel you don’t want me with you. You’re afraid something might happen to me if I’m travelling with you. This you anyways. With all your other business endeavors.” That’s exactly what Sola thought to. It wasn’t that he didn’t want her around, he just couldn’t have her around. Funny however, as Sola was able to take care of herself.
An  little  amused  smile  betrayed  his  expression.  Even  explaining  was  complicated  !  Though,  it  was  something  he  grow  accoustumed  to  have  :  finding  most  accurate  words  to  bring  his  perspective  without  be  too  much  perceived  as  condescending  or  perceiving  his  view  as  something  truly  offensive  …  She  was  one  of  rarer  people  he  allowed  himself  to  talk.  To  actually  explain  where  they  were  standing,  the  various  dangers,  all  the  knoweldge  he  didn’t  speak  about  otherwise.  His  right-hand  arm  wasn’t  welcomed  witch  such  treatment,  when  there  was  that  persistent  consciousness  in  one  way  he  would  gain  frontal  forgiveness.  Actually,  he  was  sending  Philip  Butler  bring  his  perspective  for  him.  Depending  how  people  reacted,  he  would  have  to  considering  how  to  treat  with  them  …  when  depending  which  people  we  are  speaking  about  his  presence  would  looking  like  a  damnation.  It  always  had  been  his  motto  —  to  remaining  that  terrifying  boss  in  the  background  who  rarely  interfere  …  meanwhile  staying  an  cardboard  leader  to  offer  reassurance  to  everyone.  There  was  an  hesitation.  There  was  couple  of  things  she  didn’t  knew  yet  …  His  future  amnesia  about  her  exploded  inside  his  next  incarnation,  when  managing  to  return  back  memories  created  more  complications.  He  searched  a  mean  to  been  remember.  He  cannot  guarantee  something  fully  concrete  for  his  others  incarnations.  His  sixth  self,  his  eventual  future  incarnation  if  he  was  inclined  to  die  one  day  into  defined  circumstances,  will  be  haunted  by  the  actions  he  was  currently  did,  of  that  name  Featherine  he  didn’t  wanted  carry.  His  seventh  self  will  have  remnants  of  that,  when  he  somewhere  always  had  been  a  finality  of  him,  a  middle  between  his  two  identities,  a  incarnation  who  understood  very  well  that  chessboard  talk  …  but  wasn’t  sure  he  would  assuming  as  a  witch.  His  eight  self  was  …  tricky.
❝    There  was  some  knoweldge  about  my  eventual  future  that  can  be  horribly  painful.    ❞  He  admitted,  weighting  every  one  of  his  words.    ❝  As  much  couple  of  incarnations  who  might  be  painful  for  you  more  than  others.  Incarnations  when  I’m  a  long  time  ago  memories,  a  ghost  following  them.  Incarnations  when  I  am  an  curshing  remembrance  they  can’t  accept.    ❞  He  pondered  wiht  indifference  inside  his  voice.  His  futures  selves  were  another  possibility  of  his  existence,  a  following  path  outside  the  little  escape  he  created  for  himself.  They  were  him  …  and  they  weren’t.  Will  never  be  able  to  do  responsabilities  he  imposed  to  himself.  It  was  his  price  for  survival.  She  was  in  between,  who  asked  nothing  of  that,  who  asked  nothing  about  how  dramatic  the  future  will  turn  …  At  least,  he  could  offer  her  a  security  no  other  self  would  could  give  to  her  —  a  complete  guarantee  to  be  always  present  at  her  side.  It  was  still  strange  to  be  called  by  his  Academy  alias,  turning  somehow  nostalgia  about  that  time.  Anchored  him  about  how  he  was,  even  if  such  name  dissolved  little  by  little  …  He  wasn’t  anymore  an  peaceful  Theta  pretending  not  having  bloody  hands,  who  pushed  behind  responsabilities  of  criminal  actions  —  he  embraced  them  ;  he  embraced  his  own  darkness  ;  he  embraced  how  complex  his  nature  had  been  ;  he  embraced  a  past  betrayal  over  a  friend  …    ❝  I’ll  make  sure  nothing  can  happens  to  me.    ❞  He  bounced  back  amusingly.  Her  loving  confession  generated  an  pleasant  smile,  flattered  by  it.    ❝  I’m  caring  a  lot  about  you  too.  Concerning  bad  thing  that  will  happens  to  me  …  it’s  inexistent  as  it’s  a  could  be,  but  not  for  that  face.    ❞  If  one  day,  he  decided  to  going  into  Androzani  Minor,  it  would  be  by  choice.  It  would  be  a  willingly  choice  to  let  himself  die  and  sacrifing  himself  for  his  companion.  To  witness  the  chaos  of  that  place  and  doing  a  silly  mistake  on  their  first  arrival.  Before  losing  Peri  brutally  in  Thoros  Beta,  for  found  her  again  couple  of  decades  later.  If  one  day,  he  decided  to  give  up.  There  was  no  comments  about  the  reassurance  she  waiting  to  bring  to  him.  He  knew  there  was  a  protective  next  self  that  will  do  anything  for  not  having  Featherine  acting  as  a  horrible  witch  as  she  did.  His  future  incarnation  remained  anchored  into  denial  about  the  kind  of  man  he  had  been  turned,  about  all  the  crimes  he  committed  inside  another  life  …  when  there  was  guilt  about  another  universe  that  would  eventually  wake  up  for  never  fade  away  …  when  the  reason  who  pushed  him  to  change  dramatically  circumstances  will  be  remembered  …  without  forgotting  some  past  self  decided  to  kill  an  alternative  version  of  that  future  self  …  was  allowed  to  remain  alive  for  the  man  he  was  for  had  killed  a  logic  error  possibility  …    ❝  I’m  aware  I  can  trust  these  friends  you  mentioning.  That  I’m  not  theoretically  alone  into  that  protective  business,  though  such  protections  are  kinda  a  consequences  of  my  actions.    ❞  It  was  a  clue  left  in  the  atmosphere,  without  given  too  much  details  before  laughing  offended  by  how  she  was  experiencing  the  situation.    ❞  You  have  a  complete  security  with  me.  However,  I’m  not  exactly  travelling  in  the  same  way  I  did  before.  However,  how  circumstances  I’m  in,  could  be  emotionally  crushing  for  you.  Phil  never  mind  having  you  around,  expressing  how  much  he  disagree  with  half  of  my  decisions  and  acting  as  a  pleasant  babysister  confident  …  nevertheless  I  can’t  simply  turn  back  responsabilities  I  have.  I  can’t  force  you  to  be  comfortable  if  you  aren’t  with  such  affairs  meanwhile  I  find  compromise.  If  you  want  to  stay  around,  to  remain  with  me,  I  want  it  by  a  willing  choice.  Where  you  know  what  to  expect.  When  there  was  no  sudden  disappointment  to  come.  Time  is  infinite  for  me.  I’ll  always  be  next  to  your  side,  even  inside  moments  when  I  cannnot  be  seen.  I’ll  always  be  here.  I’m  always  here  with  you.    ❞  There  was  another  moment  of  silence.    ❝  That  other  business  endeavors  is  more  vast  as  you  can  imagine.  I’m  a  shadow  making  trembling  the  history  underground,  this  is  true.  However,  it’s  more  than  it.  Someday,  it  would  sense  to  you.  Someday,  all  these  men  in  black  coming  from  the  underground  will  resonate  differently.    ❞  There  was  some  victory  sound  coming  out  of  his  lips.
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