#fidi oc
vuelode-irbis · 1 year
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rainbow and queer flags because a friend told me she had lots of wallpapers for this month and i thought "i want one too". you can use them if you like them too :>
ID: the first image shows a digitally drawn oriental dragon with the colors of the rainbow flag, they're closing their eyes and smiling with pride, their whiskers have the colors of the eight banded flag, and the dragon has a pink outline. Behind it, there's flag thought by Gilbert Baker. The second image shows the same dragon, except they have the queer flag colors and this flag is also behind them; their outline and whiskers are black. End ID.
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ereardon · 1 year
The Back Seater and the Baker || Chapter 2 [Bob Floyd x f!OC]
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Overview: Bob hasn't seen Haley Nichols since he was fifteen. But when Haley shows up out of the blue with one sentence that throws Bob for a loop – "I'm turning thirty in two weeks, are we still on?" – all of the feelings from their childhood return. Bob never thought that Haley would remember the marriage pact the two made when they were just kids, even if he never forgot. So what happens when Bob falls all over again for his childhood crush? And what will Bob do when he discovers the real reason she came back to capitalize on the pact is to secure her inheritance and save her bakery from bankruptcy? Will he believe Haley when she confesses that she loves him, too?
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x OC [Bakery owner Haley Nichols]
Tropes: Marriage pact
Chapter summary: Haley reminisces about how she met Bob as kids; Bob surprises Haley with an exhilarating first date; the two share a second first kiss
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol
Word count: 3.1K
Series masterlist here; previous chapter here
You were nine the first time you laid eyes on Bob Floyd. 
This time his family was new in town and he started three weeks into the fourth grade. 
“Class, we have a new joiner.” Your teacher, Mrs. Pebbles, put her hands on Bob’s thin shoulders. “This is Robert Floyd, he’s just moved here from. Where are you from, sweetpea?” 
Bob nudged the thick frames up his nose where they had slipped. “Mobile.”
“Alabama,” Mrs. Pebbles said. “OK honey, take a seat. Anywhere with a free desk.” 
Even back then, Bob was nervous looking. Almost anxious for a child. He paused at the front of the class, worry creasing his tiny face, shoulders hunched under the weight of his blue Jansport backpack. 
You looked up and smiled, eyes flicking to the empty desk to your left. Bob looked at you questioningly and you nodded. Finally, he started down the aisle, sliding into the empty seat near the window. 
“I’m Haley,” you said softly as Mrs. Pebbles gathered a stack of papers at the front of the room and started handing out a sheet with math equations. 
“Bob,” he whispered. 
“Not Robert?” 
“Not really.��� 
“OK,” you said, smiling. “You can eat lunch with me, if you want.” 
You nodded. “I’ll meet you by the cafeteria doors after fourth period.” 
Bob cocked his head to one side. Mrs. Pebbles was closing in on the two of you and class would resume soon. “Why are you being nice to me?” 
“Everyone needs a friend,” you said quietly. 
Later that day, Bob walked, hunched over, through the busy hallway toward the cafeteria. He didn’t expect much. He had moved before, he knew what it was like to be the new kid. 
So when he looked up and saw you smiling at the cafeteria doors, his heart leapt in his chest. 
He fell in love with you a little, then and there. 
You learned that Bob had gone to school and then quickly enrolled in officer’s training and that he was something called a WSO. His family had never left Mount Pleasant. They still went to the Harris Teeter off of Long Grove Drive, and First Baptist by the waterfront. 
Bob listened with rapt attention as you told him about your time in undergrad and then at Wharton. How you had graduated with a MBA and moved to New York, but felt unfulfilled, spending night after night at an investment banking office in FiDi until three in the morning. How the only thing that you had enjoyed was going home to your Tribeca studio and cooking in the early hours of the morning when the rest of the city slept. That after a year you quit your job and enrolled in culinary school, where you met Calvin, and that together the two of you had moved back to Charleston where you ran a bakery near King Street. 
Before you realized, your plates had been cleared and your stomach was full but all you could remember were Bob’s piercing blue eyes as he watched you. You tossed your hands in the air, you had always been an animated talker, and he grinned. Suddenly you were fifteen again and somewhere deep in your stomach you felt a pang of guilt. 
The waiter swept by and before you could reach out, Bob had slipped him a credit card. 
“Hey,” you frowned. “Dinner was supposed to be on me, remember?” 
“Absolutely not, darlin’,” he said and you felt an ache between your legs at how good the small glimpses of Bob’s accent were. “Been waiting a long time to take you out on a proper date.” 
“I liked eating pralines by the water just as much as any expensive date.” 
“I know you did,” Bob said softly. “That’s what I love about you.” 
His words hovered in the air. Heavy. The waiter returned with the card folder and Bob busied himself signing the check. You watched his neat handwriting, the way his hand shook slightly as he put the pen down and smoothed the paper receipt. 
Bob looked up. “Shall we?” 
You nodded, standing up, Bob’s hand light against the small of your back as he guided you out of the restaurant into the dark street. Without thinking, you turned to him, slipping your hand into his. “I know I gave you a surprise, just showing up,” you whispered. “But I’m really glad I came.” 
Bob smiled. “Me, too.” 
“Doesn’t feel weird?” you asked. 
He shook his head. “Somehow, no. I think a part of me always hoped one day you’d show up out of the blue and ask me to marry you.” 
You laughed, head thrown back, and Bob grinned. His fingers were warm and solid in your hand. “I’d invite you over, but my hotel room isn’t very guest friendly.” 
“I’m pretty tired, Peanut,” Bob admitted. “And we have a test flight in the morning. But what are you doing tomorrow?” 
“I don’t know, what are we doing?” 
Bob’s eyes lit up. “I’ll text you where to meet me. Wear closed toe shoes.” 
You squinted. “What?” 
“Just go with it, darlin’,” he whispered and you felt goosebumps line your skin. Somewhere between 2007 and now, Bob had gotten sexy. There was a gravely nature to his voice, a dominance that hadn’t been there when the two of you were kids. He had filled out and even though you had yet to see him naked you just knew that there was muscle where before it had only been skin and bones. 
You leaned in and grazed your lips against his cheek, kissing him softly. “See you tomorrow, Bobby.” 
 You frowned at the GPS. This couldn’t be right. You were at the gates of Top Gun. Two men in full military gear stood with guns outside the imposing gates as you drove your rental car up. 
“Can we help you, miss?” the shorter one asked. 
“I uh, I’m meeting someone.” 
“Haley Nichols.” 
“Their name.” 
“Oh, crap, sorry it’s Bob Floyd. Robert Floyd.” 
“Lieutenant Floyd.” He flicked through a page on his tablet. “That’s approved.” He nodded to the man next to him who pressed a button, opening the gate. “Have a nice day.” 
“Thanks.” You drove through the gate slowly, in awe. You had wondered what Bob would do as an adult. He had always been math and science oriented as a kid. You had thought maybe a chemist, a physicist, a professor. 
Never had you expected him to go into the navy. 
You pulled the car into a parking lot and stepped out, shielding your face from the late afternoon sun with one hand. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a figure emerge from a large white hangar, in a green outfit. As he drew nearer, you realized it was Bob. 
“Hey!” he said, slowing down his jog as he met you. Without even thinking, you tossed your arms around his neck, drawing him into a hug. He pulled back, smiling. “You ready?” 
“For what?” you asked. 
Bob grinned. “Time to suit up, darlin’.” 
“I, what?” 
He grabbed your hand, tugging you toward the white building. You couldn’t help but admire how he looked in his flight suit, hair combed back neatly, glasses perfectly balanced on his button nose. His hand was warm in yours and you followed him willingly into the shade of the hangar, out from the blinding sun. 
Looking around, you felt small. Jets towered above you. It felt illegal standing so close to them, practically brushing against the metal bellies that you knew were lethal weapons in the air. 
Bob smiled down at you. “Well?” 
“I can’t believe this is your job,” you whispered softly, in awe. “It’s just not what I predicted for you.” 
Bob squeezed your hand before letting it fall. “Come on, have a surprise for you.” 
“Floyd!” A few people from the bar entered the hangar, all wearing matching green flight suits. You recognized the tall one with the scars on his jaw. Chicken or something similar. 
“Rooster,” Bob said. “You remember Haley.” 
“The fiance.” Rooster smiled down at you. “I remember. Nice to see you again.” 
“Nice to see y’all.” 
“Is it take your girlfriend to work day?” The familiar blond with perfect features grinned from the back of the group. 
“Haley here is going on her first flight today,” Bob said and you looked up, astonished. He smiled widely. “Surprised?”
“Terrified,” you replied and Bob smoothed his hand over your back. 
“You’ll do fine.” 
“Are you taking me up?” 
He shook his head and your face fell. “Phoenix is. I trust her more than anyone.” He leaned in closer. “I wouldn’t trust you with anyone else. I promise.” 
“You’re Floyd’s girl, wouldn’t dare to try anything.” Phoenix appeared on the fringe of the group with a smirk. “Although I will say you look a lot like my ex-girlfriend, so no guarantees.” 
Bob flushed and you laughed. 
Phoenix handed you a flight suit and a helmet. “Bathroom is over there. Suit up babe, we’re heading up in a few.” 
The flight suit felt uncomfortable as you followed Phoenix out to the jet on the runway. Bob stopped as Phoenix started to do checks on the plane. “You can say no,” he whispered. “I didn’t want to force you into anything. I just thought it might be fun.” 
You gulped down your anxiety. “Can I talk to you on the headset?” 
He nodded. “I’ll be up there with Rooster so you can talk to me the whole time, OK?” 
You nodded and Bob leaned in, pressing his lips to your cheek, his fingers inching low on your back. “See you on the ground, Peanut.” 
The moment you were in the skies, your stomach was in your throat but as soon as you and Phoenix penetrated the clouds, it lifted. “On your left,” Phoenix said into the mic and you looked over, Bob and Bradley’s jet hovering in the space next to you. Bob waved enthusiastically and you waved back, beaming. “Ready to roll?” she asked. 
“Hold on,” Phoenix said, and the next second you were flattened, the jet slicing through the air at speeds you had never imagined before. It was like being on a rollercoaster but also on LSD. You let out a little yelp. 
“Doing OK, honey?” Bob’s voice was sweet in your ear. You had almost forgotten he was there. 
“I think so,” you gasped. 
“Phoenix, slow down,” Bob demanded. 
Phoenix laughed. “She’s fine, Floyd. You’re alright, aren’t you Hales?” 
You looked around. It was a layer of fluffy white clouds. In the jet next to you, even behind the helmet you could tell that Bob was worried. You nodded. “I’m fine.” 
“Are you sure?” Bob pressed. 
“She’s a big girl, Floyd,” Phoenix said, pushing the jet faster. “Hold on, pumpkin.” 
The two of you shuttled forward into the abyss. After a few moments, you watched Bob’s jet catch up on your left. And suddenly, it wasn’t so scary anymore. There was an exhilaration. It was like nothing you had ever experienced. “Holy shit,” you whispered, completely forgetting the mic was turned on. 
Phoenix laughed. “See, she’s having fun.” 
“Peanut?” Bob’s voice over the mic was crinkly. 
You turned to your left and grinned. “Remember the third grade when Keith Atwater said he could beat me in a foot race?” 
Bob chuckled. “You wiped the floor with him.” 
“Think Phoenix and I can beat the two of you that bad now?” 
“Oh shit.” Rooster’s voice came over the mic. “I think we’re being challenged, Floyd. What do you say?” 
“Sure about that honey?” 
“She suggested it,” Phoenix said. “Or are you scared of losing, Floyd?” 
Bob’s voice was velvet over the mic. “Peanut?” 
“Be prepared to get your ass handed to you.” 
Rooster and Phoenix laughed in unison. “Count us down, Peanut,” Bob said. “Two minutes, on the clock.” 
“Losers buys the winners beer.” 
“Three, two, one.” 
You felt your head snap back as Phoenix kicked the plane forward, the two of you piercing through the air. You could barely see or breathe or think, and you had no idea how they did anything other than just fly when they were in the air, let alone make rational decisions, defend allies, action plans. 
It was over before you even knew it, Phoenix whooping in the seat in front of you as Bob and Rooster pulled up on your left, shaking their heads. 
“See you boys down there,” Phoenix said, dipping the nose of the jet gently toward land. 
“Nice job, Nix.” Bob’s voice floated through your headset. “Guess I owe you a drink, Peanut.” 
You grinned as Phoenix guided the plane down back to the runway. Once the jet had stopped, she opened the hatch and unclipped herself, turning around, helmet under her arm. “Listen, Floyd is my back seater. That means he trusts me with his life, and I trust him with mine.” Her gaze was hard. “I want to like you, Haley. Just don’t hurt him.” 
You stood up. “I won’t.” 
She nodded, climbing out of the jet and holding out a hand. “I’m going to hold you to that.” 
Bradley and Bob were down on the ground a moment later. You climbed out of the jet and down onto the ground, swiping your hair back from your face, waiting for the two to dismount. Bob climbed out first, bounding over and before you could even register the action in your mind you were reaching up, wrapping him in a hug. His arms came around your waist tightly, pulling you in closer. Once the two of you parted, you touched his sweaty face softly. “Best date ever.” 
You nodded. Bradley approached from behind, clapping Bob on the back. “Think we owe these ladies some drinks.” 
“One drink,” Bob said, leading you back to the hangar, “but that’s it.”
You pouted. “One drink? That wasn’t the deal. I thought it was an all night offer.” 
Bob’s hand was heavy on your back as he leaned in. “One drink because I want you to myself the rest of the night.” 
You looked up at him with a grin. 
Bob’s house was small and charming. You had seen only the kitchen and foyer that first night that you showed up. He drove you back in your car, leaving his truck at the base. You took a shower, emerging from the bathroom to find that Bob had laid out a pair of boxers and one of his old sweatshirts for you to wear on the bed. 
When you emerged from the bedroom, Bob was standing in the living room with his flight suit tied around his waist, black t-shirt clinging to his abdomen. He spotted you and hung up the phone. “Perfect, thanks.” Bob slid the phone into his pocket. “I ordered a pizza, hope that’s OK. Thought we might want to stay in and all I have in the fridge is some old cheese and a decaying apple.” 
“Pizza sounds great.” You wanted to step closer, tear the shirt from Bob’s sweaty muscles where it clung to him, feel the hardness of his abdomen beneath your fingertips. You were surprised at the level of attraction you had to Bob. Even after all this time. Even after everything. 
“I’m going to shower,” he said softly. “Be right out, I promise.” 
You nodded and Bob disappeared down the hall. He was only gone a minute when your phone buzzed. You pulled it out of your bag on the ground and groaned. 
Peterson wedding wants to cancel the mini cupcake order. That’s $800. What should I do?
“Fucking hell,” you muttered, dialing Calvin. He picked up immediately. “No.” 
“Well I know it’s a no, but how do I say no?” 
“You just say no,” you repeated, pacing around the small living room. “They signed a contract. So they can either have the cupcakes or not, either way they’re paying the price.” 
Calvin sighed. “Alright, fine, I’ll call bridezilla.” 
“Thank you.” You slumped down onto the sofa. 
“How’s it going?” he asked. “How’s the fake boyfriend?” 
“His name is Bob,” you corrected. “And he’s actually amazing.” 
“Oh sweetie.” Calvin’s voice was dripping with pity. “Don’t go falling in love with him. Did you tell him about Grandma Lee and the clause?” 
“No,” you snapped, eyes wide, but the shower was still running. “And he’s not going to find out.” 
“Everything bites you in the ass sooner or later.” 
“He’s a good person,” you said gently. “Nice. Kind. Handsome.” 
“Handsome? What does Mr. Perfect do?” 
“He’s a Navy pilot.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” 
You grinned. “You’d be in heaven. All of his friends are gorgeous.” 
“If I didn’t have to make sixteen cakes tomorrow I’d be on the first flight to California.” 
The water in the bathroom stopped. “Listen, Cal, I gotta run. Text me with any issues, OK?” 
“You got it boss.” Calvin paused. Then, “And Haley?” 
“It’s going to come out eventually,” he said. “So don’t get too attached.” 
Bob walked out into the hallway, wet hair combed back neatly, wearing a pair of joggers and a t-shirt. You stood up, smiling. “Too late. I’ll talk to you later.” You ended the call. 
“Everything OK?” Bob asked, crossing the room. He looked like he wanted to touch you, put a hand on your waist, slide his hand against yours. But he held back. 
You nodded. “Yeah. You’re here, so everything is fine.” 
Bob stepped closer. You could feel the heat radiating off of his body. It made your skin tingle with the sheer anticipation. “The last thing I expected was to open my door and find you,” he whispered, voice deep and sultry and it skimmed over your curves in waves. “And here you are, fifteen years later. Still the best thing that ever happened to me.” 
“Oh, Bobby,” you sighed. 
“I mean it, Peanut,” he said and you knew he did. Truth was laced into every single world falling out of his mouth. “Not a day goes by where I didn’t wish that things could have been different. That you could have stayed. That we had tried harder to make things work. That I had tracked you down sooner.” 
“Things happen for a reason,” you murmured, closing the gap between the two of you, looping your arms around Bob’s neck, his blue eyes glued on yours. 
“I think this is our second chance,” you said as Bob’s fingers reached out, ghosting over your waist. 
“I can't waste a second chance,” Bob said, leaning down, free hand cupping the back of your neck as his lips landed on yours, consuming you in a kiss that you felt might never end. 
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nyktoon · 2 months
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ArtFight 2024!
This year, I went looking for snake-inspired Undertale monster OCs/monstersonas. It was a lot of fun!
Links to the characters' profiles, in order: Ms. May Dusa | Nala | Fidi | Nadine & Rheed + Cyeanne | Vexie & Minerva | Cadusa & Jules | Winona & Serpentine
You can find me on ArtFight under my usual handle, Nyktoon!
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datonedrizzile · 2 months
Hello again guys back from the dead with some new OCs, more specifically Miitopia OCs :DDDDDD, anyhow,,,
⚔️Meet Team Monsters!!⚔️
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As you can see here, they're all monsters from Miitopia turned to heroes. In case if you don't know, these team of six monsters who once worked for the new Dark Lord basically turned against him and now they are heroes. And to add to this, I made them for my series thing I'm making named "Miitopia: A Monster's Journey"!
Hope to share more content of my sillies here more often!!! :p
Oh yea and if you're wondering who's who (from counter clockwise starting from the top):
- Dillon Vaca the Minotaur
- Nyoka Fidi the I, Medusa
- Lucien Scythe the Fiend
- Lily Venus the Mars Mii Trap
- Thomas Oculus the Griffin
- Cici Marionette the Pop-Up Puppet
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opheliajupiter99 · 3 months
Ella's Friends Introduction
//Alright -so-, this is an OC post to give you all the rundown of Ella's friends before they show up (except for Fidi but that's cause CoolUsername plays her, and they should probably intro her themselves)
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'The Wishful Twins' are a pair of conjoined twin Water Genasi that mainly do belly dancing and water magic performances. Penny is very dour and speaks monotone, when she speaks at all, earning her the nickname 'Penny Dreadful' by some of the ruder patrons. Pearl is naïve and upbeat, and often does her best to cheer up her eternally hopeless sister.
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'The Swarmer Sage', both 'sage' in terms of the word and in terms of his actual name, was afflicted with an ancient desert curse many years ago, and ever since has acted as a living hive for all kinds of bugs, which his body naturally produces due to the curse (imagine like those scarab plagues, except coming from a guy instead of the sand). He loves his insects like they're his own children, naming them and tending to them. His bugs eat humanoid flesh, and so too does he, to help them gestate and grow and such. He usually does animal-taming type performances with his children.
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'The Untamed Mongrel', named Juu, is a completely feral, cannibalistic Tabaxi, who is both nonverbal and extremely violent, usually doing bloodsport type performances, eating animals alive in front of the crowd and things like that. Despite his brutish nature and borderline animal-like intelligence, he can be calm in certain situations; namely when he's in the presence of Mr. Dogwood. He absolutely adores the ringmaster and is almost never seen without him, but he's grown to at least tolerate the other performers as well.
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ace-past04 · 11 months
Oc-tober day 7
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I have an oc for all kinds in the Percy Jackson universe and Fidi is my little cute monster who's not very good at fighting and therefore terrified of meeting demigods because she /knows/ it would only end with her sent straight back into Tartarus.
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vagabondfandoms · 2 years
With Overwatch 2s release I had the urge to draw my OC Fidi. I decided to redraw a pose from 2018.
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bluetrace05 · 1 year
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Day 2! I almost didn't do it cause I was tired but I pushed myself to do it! Today's prompt was Vessel which was the perfect excuse to draw my oc Fidi who resides in a necklace and controls those who wear it :)
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prinxen-old · 3 years
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*Undertale OC I haven't drawn since 2016! *His name's Fidi uwu
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aaaxaauyuyyuhh · 3 years
broskies I'm having too much fun with merlin so anyway here's some info about my son
𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗 𝙵𝚒𝚍𝚒
Age: ???
Birthday: May 22
Starsign: Gemini
Height: 5'6 (167cm)
Eye Color: Golden Yellow
Hair Color: Olive Green
Homeland: Isle of Lamentation
Dorm: Ignihyde
Schoolyear: Third
Class: 3-A
Occupation: Student
Club: Light Music Club
Best Subject: History
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Kebab
Least Favorite Food: Eggs
Dislikes: Lavender
Hobby: Stone Carving
Talent: Hair Styling
watch me make a overblot form god damn
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thissideup-box · 2 years
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fidisart · 6 years
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Heya! It’s been a while! I’ve been very busy (and still am) on a certain project you’ll find out soon (I hope) 8) But, recently I've been on a Harry Potter bandwagon and I decided to put together some HP!AU sketches done during last year. I guess everyone sooner or later, creates an HP!AU for their OCs and I'm no expection, because I'm so creative and original LOL. This one is just a big mashup with all my characters (some guest OCs from others might happen too in future sketchdumps), but yeah, I thought that was cute ✨⚡
Content by © FidisART / Fiammetta De Innocentis, 2018
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joshuya-raidon · 3 years
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Old RWBY gift art of someone’s OC. Her name is Murasakino Fidi and she has snake features. Not sure what I was thinking with the background but oh well.
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ufficiosulretro · 7 years
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Commission for @vagabondfandoms! Overwatch OC Fidi Guernica! Thank you so much for commissioning me! :3
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vagabondfandoms · 6 years
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“To sing a duet together means sharing with someone both the pleasure and the responsibility of making music for an audience which is there to feel enjoyment through music.”  -Andrea Bocelli
You two should be on the point, not dancing near the spawn!
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sourestlemon · 4 years
OC LIST because I’m about to write a lot of shit about them and I have so many. Here are some of my mains
Amber Dionadair-Figure skater and volleyball player, libero. Very, very short and very very tired.
Leigh Peregrine- Ballet dancer, very chaotic. Gets along well with Talaiporia Fidi.
Talaiporia Fidi- ALSO a ballet dancer, very gay and tired. Needs cuddles and her cat back.
Nyx Aldaine- Twin #1, the shadow twin. HBIC, done with everyones bullshit.
Hemeria Aldaine- Twin #2, the light twin. Mercenary who’s way too evil.
Kaeden Coirti- Deadpan necromancer, do not fuck with him unless he’s had his morning gallon of coffee.
Sweet Coirti- Who named this curly haired child? Doesn’t matter, perpetually cheerful.
Thyria Kali- Destruction and chaos personified, evil to the core.
Michael Tennassi-Perpetually tired, runs an organized crime syndacite.
Kya Agosti- Runs a crime syndicate, done with society, doing the wrong things for the right reason.
Ryan Beckett- ‘Excuse me what the fuck’ is his constant mood.
Goldie Summerset- Fluctuates between being a medieval!OC and a modern!OC, BAMF either way.
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