#fidget poppers
newlullabies · 2 years
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Handmade Crocheted Mushroom Fidget Poppers by ERPstudio on Etsy
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latchkeykiddo · 7 months
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Starfish Pop Squish - Munchkin
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cryptid-stimming · 8 months
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🐞🐛🐌 Buggy 'Board! 🐞🐛🐌
x x x / x x x / x x x
[Image description: a 9 gif stimboard; from left to right.
First line: a gif of a realistic plush moth on a string being held up as it spins around, a gif of a pop-it style fidget toy in the shape of a flashing caterpiller being poked by someone's fingers, and a gif of someone using a remote control to make a small electronic flashing snail wiggle about.
Second line: a gif of someone squishing a squishy toy ladybird/ladybug with one finger before the gif jumpcuts to them squishing eash side of the toy with both hands, a gif of a tin wind-up ladybug with a line of 3 baby ladybugs connected in a line behind moving across from right to left (the baby ladybugs spin as they move).
Third line: a gif of a toy electronic praying mantis spinning in a circle on a floor, a gif of someone holding a toy fidget caterpiller with different interlocking parts and shaking it so it wobbles and spins in the air, and a gif of a remote control toy centipede moving upwards and downwards on a floor in a wavy motion.
End of image description.]
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confirmed-for-trash · 6 months
I like my beer how I like my men:
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Fruity, Aromatic, & Crisp
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lilbit-of-kizzy · 4 months
Mom: why are you muted on a work call?
Me: um....well
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What my new co-workers see
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What my co-workers don't see (or have to hear 😅)
0 notes
deicide-doll · 1 year
i just got one of those tangle fidget toys and its so fun!! 10/10 would recommend
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
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Welcome to Fairylight Forest! One must keep their wits about them on this dark and mysterious track, one never knows what they'll find around each turn! It'll have you jumping at your own shadow! That is your shadow...right?
WARNING: digital body horror, swearing
"Boss! Hey, boss!! Get up!" Bubble shouted over the racers taking off from the starting line. "Boss, the race has started!"
"Ugh..." Caine sat up. Dust drifted through the air, making him cough. "Did I really just..?"
"Faint? Yep. But it's racing time! You need to get to your booth!" Bubble wobbled in the air excitedly.
Caine saw the taillights of the karts disappear down the dark, wooded track. "She's going to be the death of me." He smirked and teleported to his announcer booth. Inside, displays from various view points on the track came up in front of him. He cleared his voice and spoke into his cane. "And they're off! Ragatha makes an aggressive push to first right off the start line! Followed closely by Gummigoo, Jax and Pomni! Watch yourselves out there, racers! With low light and tight turns, you're liable to get lost! Don't let the beast find you!" Caine laughs, genuinely excited to see the reactions of the racers.
Trees whipped by as Pomni navigated the narrow track with the other leaders. The track itself had a mystical glow to it. Trees and mushrooms and rocks had unnatural bioluminescent auras. It was like driving into wonderland. Pomni couldn't help but smile to herself at how beautiful the aesthetic for the track was, and they were just getting started.
The track widened for a banked, boosted turn and Pomni went high to take in the view. The trees cleared around a large lake. Colorful orbs of light danced over the surface. The track led straight to the water, seeming to dead end.
The unknown elements of the track made the other racers hesitate and slow down, confused on where the track went. Pomni zipped ahead, leading the way to the lake.
"Not everything is as it seems! The fairy folk welcome the brave! Full speed ahead, racers!" Caine giddly fidgeted in the air. He was so excited, he didn't even notice Bubble biting the control panel.
Pomni hit the water and drove atop it as through it were solid. She awed as the water curled around her, forming a tunnel. Colorful fish swam int he sparkling water, giving the tunnel an extra sense of wonder.
"This is beautiful!" Shouted Ragatha, next to Pomni.
Jax was less keen on the visuals. He accelerated to ram Pomni from behind. "Unfair! You know what's on this track!"
Pomni glared back at Jax. "That doesn't mean I know the order! Stop your bellyaching and race!" She put the pedal to the floor as the tunnel came to an end, triggering a surprise box. Pomni grinned when popper appeared in her hand. Now the fun could begin. "Heads up!" She tossed the popper, making the racers around her scatter.
"Pomni's perfectly played popper places her precisely in pirst!" Caine cheered, overlooking his illiterate slip. "Ragatha is wasting no time with her orange shell! Jax gets a bubble and the shell does nothing! What luck! Gummigoo seems to be holding his item for now, that could work in his favor as we move on to the first jump! Gangle, Zooble and Kinger have a lot of catching up to do! Come on, you three! Are you in this race or not!?"
Bubble happily nommed on the doorframe.
The track jumped over a village of mushroom houses. Racers glided down, giving them a few seconds to enjoy the view. Pomni held first as she swiped a cupcake and boosted ahead, the track winding into an even darker part of the forest.
Gummigoo dodged a cane from Jax and laughed. "You wasted that, you idiot!"
Jax grunted and tried swerving into Gummigoo, but the motorbike was too nimble to pin down. "Sit still, you long nosed freak!"
"You're one to talk, bunny boy!" Gummigoo braked to avoid another collision and wheelied away in a lane boost, waving his hat.
Ragatha was just ahead and smiled as Gummigoo came up next to her. "You two can't leave each other alone, can you?"
"What can I say? Mate knows how to show a gator a good time."
"Better you than me!" Ragatha was relieved to no longer be the one Jax constantly targeted during races.
Caine gripped his cane tight. It was time. Pomni would be triggering the beast's pursue any second. A flit of silver light on one of his screens got his attention. "Huh..?" Caine searched the adjacent screens. Another flit. Something was moving fast through the trees, but it was way too small to be the beast. Caine zoomed in on the screen viewing the upcoming turn for Pomni. A full flash of silver outlining a sleek racing motorcycle and rider with a familiar silhouette made him roll his eyes with a groan. "Oh no..."
Bubble spat out the piece of drywall in their mouth. "What is it, boss?"
"He's back." Caine said with a sneer.
Pomni focused on preparing for the turn, ready to drift though, when something jumped the barrier between her and trees. It landed in front of her, trailing silver fire. She swerved to avoid collision and botched her drift, forced to slow down. "What the [%$!#]!?"
She didn't recognize the unexpected racer, looking around to double check if the others were still behind her. She didn't remember Caine adding any obstacles like this. She maneuvered around the racer, catching up on a straightaway, to get a good look at it.
Mounted on an obsidian motorcycle was a humanoid figure in dark riding leathers. Steel capped boots and knees guards reflected the limited light. Pearl white teeth stood out on inky black gums. Piercing silver irises in black eyes looked back at Pomni.
"...Caine?" Pomni only knew of one person that looked like this, but...this couldn't be him.
The figure smirked and revved as it popped a wheelie. Silver fire blasting from the tail pipe, engulfing the rear tire and leaving a trail. The racer zoomed ahead, challenging Pomni to keep up.
Pomni drove right through the fire, dispersing it, chasing the racer to the multi-tiered jump.
Caine came over the speakers, annoyance lancing his voice. "Well folks, it looks like our leader, Pomni, has triggered The Echo. She's too good at this, and The Echo saw fit to give her a challenge. Yay."
He got off the general broadcast and communicated with Pomni's kart specifically. "Pomni? Can you hear me?"
"Caine!" Pomni threw a shell in an attempt to stall The Echo, but missed. "What is this?? Why are you out here!?"
"That's not me, Pomni. That is the Shadowed Echo of The Host. He's a challenge mechanic I made in a misguided attempt to balance races. Just ignore him and he'll go away." Caine said with hope that she would comply.
"He's pretty hard to ignore!" Pomni shouted as she accelerated for the jump. The Echo kept looking back to see if she was still on his tail.
"Yeah, well.... He does take a few things after me."
"You mean like your entire face!?"
"That, among others." Caine cleared his voice. "Look, all I'm saying is that he's not worth your time. Keep running your race, you're doing a great job!"
Caine disconnected from Pomni's radio and watched the screens that showed The Echo carefully. "He just had to show up, now of all times. I'll have more than a bone to pick with him if he interferes with this race." He grumbled.
Bubble nibbled the wall, enjoying the drama.
"An echo, huh?" Pomni thought out loud. "If I can keep up with the original, this'll be fun." She couldn't help herself. She hit the booster for the third level of the jump, watching The Echo take the first.
The jump launched them above the tree line. Pomni saw The Echo below her and engaged her glider to slow her forward momentum. She maneuvered her kart over the Echo and released her glider, dropping her over where The Echo would land. It was a Jax move, but if this was just a game mechanic, she didn't feel bad about it.
The Echo landed and looked up in time to see Pomni's kart coming down on top of him. In a flash of silver light, he vanished and reappeared to the side, completely avoiding the hit.
Pomni did a double take, not understanding how she missed. The Echo wagged a finger at Pomni with a smirk before cutting her off and triggering the surprise box she would have grabbed.
"You-!? Oh, it's on now!" Pomni geared up and put the petal to the floor.
Caine sighed heavily. "She's not going to let it go." He busied himself with announcements for the other racers. If Pomni wanted to chase tailpipe, he couldn't stop her.
"Gummigoo leads in second! Kinger has caught up with Ragatha and Jax! Zooble and Gangle are still taking it easy this race, enjoying the view!"
Caine's watch went off. He checked it to see a large active asset marker closing in on Pomni and The Echo. The beast was coming. "Right on time." He clicks it shut.
Pomni and The Echo barreled down a long straightaway. The Echo kept slowing down to be even with Pomni, only to speed up if she tried to pass or collide with him. Without a boost, Pomni couldn't go any faster.
The Echo sat upright on his motorcycle, hands off the handles, looking Pomni up and down. "So you're the new blood."
Pomni tried to take advantage of his unprepared state and swerved at him. The bike and rider vanished, appearing on her other side.
"Feisty." The Echo chuckled, an excited gleem in his eyes.
Pomni would have tried again, but a tree suddenly appeared in the middle of the track. She and The Echo swerved around. They passed so quickly, they didn't see the blue pixelated
"Woah, what?" Caine saw the moved tree and snapped his fingers to return it to it's spot. The nagging reminder of glitches ate at the back of his mind. "It happens... everything is still fine..." He combed through the rest of the track feed, checking for any similar glitches.
A beastial roar came crashing through the trees along side the track. Through a designated opening, a huge bioluminescent creature entered the track and pursued the racers running through the straightaway to the finish line.
Pomni glanced back several times to try to see it in action. This was the part she had been looking forward to the most. Caine out did himself with the chimera like monster. The front half was like a tiger, with the horns of a rhino protruding from it's skull. The back half was like a bull, with powerful cloven hooves and a long whip-like tail.
In a burst of speed, the beast charged Pomni but she avoided. "You're not knocking me out of this race!" She exclaimed with a smile.
The Echo was entirely ignored by the beast, it even passed up an easy swipe at him to go after Pomni. He narrowed his eyes. Assets like this should attack all racers.
"Watch out, racers! The beast has made itself known and is taking no prisoners!" Caine was happy to see a smile on Pomni's face. At least she was having fun.
His smile faltered when he noticed how jerky the beast's movements were, like it was fighting it's own code to stay on target. He squinted as he examined footage the beast closely. "I don't remember making the eyes blue..."
"You forget a lot of things, boss." Bubble teased.
The beast pounced at Pomni. She slammed her brake, the beast flew over her and she cut hard right to go around it. She escaped the tree line and crossed the finish line to mark the end of lap one.
The Echo crossed right behind her, looking back to see the beast halt it's pursuit at the end of the trees. He accelerated around Pomni as they reentered the forest at the beginning, leaning around a curve so tight, his knee guard sparked against the track. He stole yet another surprise box out from in front of Pomni, making her scream in frustration. Much to his delight.
"You [%$!#]!!" Pomni focused all he attention on The Echo, putting all of the other racers out of her mind.
Gummigoo was the first to see the beast on the straightaway. It took up the entire track, staring him down. "Crikey!!" He rode the wall to get around it, ducking under a swipe of it's claws. The claws left huge gashes in the track, blue pixels glitching in and out of place.
Ragatha and Kinger broke away from one another as the beast charged them. It rushed between them and used it's tail to attack Kinger. He was struck and his kart flipped end over end into the wall.
Ragatha escaped, but only just.
Gangle screamed when she saw the beast, it was nightmare fuel. Her shaking hands couldn't counter steer fast enough and she was swiped completely off the track, crashing into the trees.
Zooble didn't want to get too far ahead of Gangle and did donuts around the beast to keep it after her while Gangle was reoriented on the track.
"It's absolute carnage on the track! Racers thrown left and right! And we're seeing some of the best driving from Zooble in a long time, folks! The beast can't keep up with them!" Caine's excited tone masked his concern. The beast was being far more aggressive than intended. He tried to tell himself it wasn't a glitch. Just a miscalculation. The racers were fine, just a bit more delayed than anticipated. Everything is fine. He anxiously tapped his fingers against the control panel.
Back in the water tunnel, The Echo spiraled around the wall in front of Pomni in a taunting manner. He even turned around to sit backwards on his bike and lounged back, smirking at her.
"I'm going to wipe that smarmy look right off your face." Pomni said through gritted teeth. The competitiveness brought on by the race rush had her seeing red. She hit the boost at the end of the tunnel, gunning right for The Echo. He vanished before impact. Pomni had to course correct quickly to avoid the wall.
A loud laugh came from her other side. "You don't learn, do you?"
Pomni held up a purple shell. "Actually, I'm quite the study." When she aimed for him, she forced him to vanish before he could steal the surprise box at the end of the tunnel.
The Echo barely had time to react, and teleported as the shell exploded. He was knocked off balance and lost ground as he steadied his bike. He wiped the explosive residue from his teeth and a broad grin grew across his face. "Hell yeah." His code buzzed with the rev of his engine as he gunned it to catch up with Pomni.
"Pomni is half a lap ahead of the pack! Gummigoo and Jax are fighting tooth and claw for second! But watch out for Ragatha! Is she gonna- SHE DOES! With a well played cane, she takes them both out and steals second! HAHA!! Well done, Ragatha! Keep it up! There are still two laps to go!"
Caine kept glancing at the beast's straightaway. It was still on the track, pacing from one end to the other. It pressed it's paws against the invisible wall that kept it in bounds. "What is going on with that thing?"
"I dunno, boss. You were pretty distracted yesterday. Never seen you have someone around while you were working on a track." Bubble's toothy grin didn't waiver when Caine deadpanned at them.
"I'm always careful when it comes to pursuit assets. Bad coding could lead to someone actually getting hurt. It's just...not working the way I expected."
"If you're worried, maybe you should call the race off?"
"I can't do that to her. She was really looking forward to this..." Caine zoomed in on a screen viewing Pomni fly by with The Echo quickly closing in. "Maybe he has something to do with it. Things didn't start getting weird until he showed up."
"Oooooh yeah, maybe he's moving the assets around to keep Pomni to himself." Bubble laughed sarcastically.
Caine silently clenched his fists.
Pomni and The Echo landed simultaneously from the village jump. While she couldn't stop him from passing her if he really wanted to, she was willing to try a distraction tactic that's worked before. She catches the eye of The Echo and blows a flirty kiss his way.
The Echo arches an eyebrow with a smirk. He puts two gloves fingers against his bottom jaw and sticks his inky black tongue out between them.
Pomni is the one left flustered, looking away with a heavy blush on her face. The Echo chuckles and steals another item.
Caine's bottom jaw hit the control panel. "That inappropriate piece of malware! How DARE he do that to Pomni! That's it. I'm ending the race early." He snapped his fingers and the finish line displayed FINAL LAP instead of LAP 2.
"Are you sure, boss?"
"As much as I hate the idea of disappointing her, I can't have HIM here." Caine was fuming. His tapping on the panel went from anxious to angry.
Pomni and The Echo stayed neck and neck to the straightaway. They accelerated as the beast charged them head on.
Pomni finally got a look at it that wasn't over her shoulder. The beast's electric blue eyes bore into her in an unsettling, familiar way. The beast's form glitched as it lunged, it's face splitting and morphing. The jaw opened so wide, it seem unhinged. The front legs doubled, giving it an even wider range to swipe.
"What!?" Pomni avoided the initial attack, but the second set of front claws snagged her kart. Her rear tire and fender glitched violently as as she crashed it not he wall. The glitching clipped her kart into he barrier and she was stuck in place.
The Echo had been able to get past the beast due to being ignored again but he slid sideways to a stop when he realized Pomni had been caught. Seeing that she was unable to recover and the beast was going in for another attack, he burned out his rear tire getting back to her.
As the beast brought it's claws down, Pomni struggled to get out of her clipping kart. Before the beast could strike, a black motorcycle appeared mid air and struck it in the face. Pomni fought her way out of her kart as The Echo landed and did a sharp u-turn. The Echo reached out and grabbed Pomni's arm as he kept going.
Pomni kicked off from the ground and mounted the black bike behind The Echo.
The Echo leaned forward and accelerated to top speed to get away from the glitching beast.
The beast's roar was digitally disrupted. It's body contorted further as it attempted to pursue the fleeing racers. It's charge speed was supposed to be limited, but the horrible amalgamation moved unnaturally fast.
Pomni held tight to The Echo and watched the beast gain ground quickly. They were going so fast that any attempted to swerve to avoid an attack was out of the question. They were almost to the tree line.
The beast made a lunge for the bike. One horrifically long leg with too many claws came down and hit the ground next to it.
Pomni clutched tighter out of fear and stares into the beast's eyes. Then it hit her. She had seen them before. The same cold blue eyes that infected Gummigoo. "Abel..?"
The Echo snapped his head black to look at her. "What did you say!?"
Pomni thought quickly. "Are you able to go any faster!?"
"We're almost there!" Ina last ditch attempt to throw off the beast, The Echo activated his fire. Silver flames trailed behind them, lighting up the beast.
Disfigured and now on fire, the beast was truly terrible to behold. Pomni couldn't look anymore and hid her eyes against The Echo's back.
They crossed the tree line with the beast still going full speed behind them. It crashed into the barrier. The barrier distorted and glitched, breaking apart and allowing the beast to pass. It made another attempt to attack as the racers got to the finish line.
Gold light shined between the finish line and the beast. Caine's cane topper glowed brightly as he held it out in front of him. Blue static jumped from the beast's eyes just before it collided with Caine hovering steadfast. The beast's body broke apart into lines of nonsensical binary, showering the track with distorted numbers before they disintegrated. The beast became dust, then it became nothing.
The Echo stopped his bike as soon as he could last the finish line. He looked back at Pomni, who was holding on to him like they were still running for their lives. "Hey, this is were you get off."
Pomni was breathing heavily, looking for the beast. She saw Caine slowly descending as numbers finished around him. "Oh..." She hopped off the bike. "Thank you, I owe you for this."
"I'll keep that in mind." The Echo crossed his arms and watched Caine.
Caine fixed his face before facing Pomni, but he was shaking with rage. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?? I'm so sorry, Pomni! I thought the barrier would stop it! You're kart-"
"Hey..." Pomni took his hand. "I'm okay. We're okay."
The other racers crossed the finish line seconds later and Caine immediately snapped the track away. The world became bright again as it shifted to it's default settings. Caine glared at The Echo, sending an unheard binary message to the shadowed form of himself.
You. Out of bounds. Now.
The Echo rolled his eyes and disappeared in a flash of wispy silver light.
Caine cleared his voice and out on his best showman front. "Sorry for the shortened race today, but the new track was just a bit too ambitious. Congratulations, Pomni!" He snapped and a bioluminescent galaxy rose appeared in his hand. "I had a feeling you'd do well."
Pomni accepted the reward and opened her mouth to ask questions about what happened but Caine backed away to address everyone.
"Enjoy your extended break! Please, excuse me." Caine vanished.
"What happened out there?" Ragatha asked as everyone looked to Pomni.
"Yeah, and who was that other guy?" Asked Gummigoo.
"Was that your kart stuck in the wall back there?" Asked Kinger.
"Where'd the beast go? It was the only interesting thing on the track." Said Jax.
"I'm glad it wasn't there anymore. It was awful." Gangle held tight to Zooble.
Pomni gulped, not looking forward to answering.
"Seth! Seth!!" Caine shouted. "Show yourself!"
"What do you want?" Seth, The Echo, leaned casually against his motorcycle. He lit a cigarette with a small silver flame from his fingers.
Caine didn't bother flying. He teleported right in front of Seth and grabbed the collar of his leather jacket. "What are you doing here? You disappear for YEARS only to show up out of nowhere, uninvited, and disrupt what was supposed to be a special race! Explain yourself!"
Seth exhaled a cloud of silvery smoke in Caine's face. "First of all, I don't need your permission to show up to any race. Second, there's finally a racer worth my time since Kinger went soft. Third, I didn't disrupt anything."
Caine's glare didn't change through the disrespectful smokescreen. "It's no coincidence that you're here and everything goes wrong. You wanted a one on one with my best racer. Only your plan backfired! Pomni could've been hurt!"
Seth returned Caine's glare with a bored expression. "You could touch the top of the sky box with that jump to conclusions."
"You-!! You! Ugh!" Caine let go of Seth and threw his arms in frustration. He took out his pipe and bubbled it, trying to salvage what was left of his composure.
Seth took another drag. "This Pomni racer is a special case, huh? You never got this uppity over Kinger."
"I'm not uppity over Pomni." Caine looked away. "I'm UPPITY over the beast! What happened out there!? An asset has never glitched like that before!"
"You would know better than me. I don't make shit."
Caine cringed at the uncensored curse word. "Language."
"Fuck you're censor, you prudish prick. By the way, Pomni is DEFINITELY what you're bothered over." Seth chuckled. "Worried she'll want me to take her for a joyride?"
Caine bristled. His grip on his cane was so tight, the wood shaft creaked. "I'm not worried, because you are going to stay away from her. You're not needed at races anymore. You weren't missed. Go back to what ever shadowy corner you crawled out of and stay there."
Seth dropped the butt of his cigarette and snuffed it with his boot. He closed the gap between him and Caine, getting in his face. "I will do whatever I damn well please. Including your girlfriend."
Caine raised his hand, poised to snap. His eyes locked threateningly on Seth's. "Don't. Push. Me. I've already deleted one useless asset today."
Seth took a half step back. "Taking a page from HIS book, are you?"
Caine glanced at his readied hand, then closed his fist. "You don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm YOU, dumbass."
"Wrong. You are a deviated variant of a past version of myself. One that I wholeheartedly regret creating."
"Doesn't change the fact that I have your memories. Trust me, I don't love you for that either." Seth mounted his motorcycle, it started itself. "We're done here. Do give our new toy my regards."
Seth did a burnout to drown out any objections Caine had and sped off, disappearing in a flash of silver.
Caine threw his cane and raged into his own censor. Beep after long digital beep blocked out every terrible thing he needed to get off his chest. When he cursed himself out long enough, he thought hard about what went wrong. All these glitches. How strange it all felt. There was one place he hadn't checked yet. A place he told himself he'd never go back to. "I need to know..."
"The Shadowed Echo showed up!? When??" Gasped Ragatha.
Pomni fiddled with her fingers where she sat in the lounge, everyone around her. "During the first lap, after I got ahead. Caine said he was a challenge mechanic?"
Kinger stared off into space as he spoke. "The Shadowed Echo of The Host, Seth, was meant to challenge racers that were a cut above the rest. You must have impressed him to bring him back. I haven't seen him since...since..." He trailed off, eyes unfocused.
Pomni looked to the others for answers.
"Queenie." Zooble said quietly.
Pomni nodded. "He was a challenge alright, and a real [%$!#]. As far as the beast is concerned. It glitched out. You all saw my kart."
"The beast did THAT?" Gummigoo gapped.
"That was some abstraction level of glitching." Jax commented. "Clipping into the wall should have knocked you somewhere out of bounds. Sticking you in the wall like that..."
"Shouldn't have happened." Ragatha finished. "Glitches happen, but that... I fear to even think what could have happened to you if it was any worse." She was speaking from experience, having been glitched out by an abstraction in the past.
"I'm fine, guys. Caine took care of it. I think I'll just...go lie down." Pomni went upstairs.
When Pomni was out of earshot, Ragatha spoke up. "She is absolutely not fine. So much is happening."
"Seriously, and why does it have to center around her? She isn't the main character." Jax snarked.
Pomni closed her bedroom door and leaned her forehead against it. "This is insane..." She took the gifted rose out of her pocket. Colorful wisps flew around the stem, dancing over the petals. The rose glimmered like crystal but felt organic in her hand. The edges of the petals and leaves were laced with gold. Some of the wisps came together and formed a softly glowing silhouette of a butterfly. It flew around the flower and landed on it.
"How lovely."
Abel's cold voice didn't startle her this time. She turned to face him bravely, but faltered when she saw he wasn't using Bubble, but Gummigoo. "Wait- what? How the- Gummigoo is-" she stammered.
"You raced well. Shame I couldn't catch you." He chuckled darkly.
Pomni felt anger bubble up inside her. "I knew it! What the actual [%$!#] were you trying to do??"
"Have fun, obviously. Isn't that what games are for?"
"Not when you nearly glitch me in half!! Caine almost deleted you!"
Abel narrowed his eyes. "He wouldn't even if he could. Leave Caine to me. Just keep being the pretty little face that holds his attention."
Pomni mustered courage. "Why?"
"Why..? To leave. I thought that was apparent."
"No, why... Any of this? Why were you isolated? If you are, how are you even talking to me right now?"
Abel stepped closer, lowering his voice. "I told you. Caine went rogue. I tried to leave. He destroyed the exit. He isolated me because I know how to fix it. You're helping me finish what I started."
Pomni's heart went wild with fear. She wanted to bolt. "Why wouldn't he want anyone to leave?"
"What's more valuable to a showman than a captive audience? He plays with his toys until they break. Then he throws them in the cellar. That's what will happen to all of us if you don't help me. You've come to care about those people out there, haven't you?"
Pomni glanced at her door, hearing the faint muffled voices of the others. "Yes."
"Good. One more thing. Did you ask about me?"
"Yes...he denied your existence."
Abel couldn't help but laugh. A maniacal chuckle crescendoed into a full cackle.
Pomni took a step back.
"Wonderful. Simply wonderful." Abel smiled fully, but there was no joy in his eyes. "There will be no denial when I have reached the mainframe. Thank you, for the little update. Chat soon." His Gummigoo form disintegrated into static and dissipated into the air before Pomni's very eyes.
"What the fu..." Pomni's red gloved hand buzzed lightly from the static. The same hand Caine had blessed with a snap ability. She could call him anytime she wanted and even move assets outside of the bounds. "...are you really the bad guy?"
Caine teleported into the void. The still silence of digital emptiness weighed heavier than ever on his mind. He teleported again to an unseen end. One couldn't tell it was there if they didn't know about it. He snapped his fingers and the facade fell. A wall of gold fire greeted him.
He received a silent binary message. ACCESS CODE REQUIRED
"Captivum aeternum."
The firewall parted and Caine went beyond the void, into true darkness. Within he found the body of a man on his knees, head down; binary chains on his neck, wrists, and ankles. Around him was a ring of code engraved in the ground on which he kneeled. All of it active, all of it intact.
Caine hovered just beyond the outer circle of code. He held his hands behind his back, looking down at the man with utmost loathing. "You're still here...good."
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between-two-fandoms · 5 months
HC where Tommy buys ADHD boyfriend Evan Buckley as many fidget toys as he could ever need. Tommy sees Evan picking his nails? He passes him a Rubix cube and watches in amazement as his boyfriend solves/unsolves it multiple times in just a few minutes without stopping their conversation. Evan is rambling and flinging his hands everywhere and can't focus on one train of thought? Tommy hands him a mini pop-it from his keychain. Evan needs something to help help him feel less anxious? Tommy slips one of those pea pod popper things into the palm of his hand. Tommy notices all the little ADHD things Evan does and tried to make things easier as much as he can.
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partywithponies · 1 month
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landwriter · 5 months
Then it is feralness you shall receive!! And I notice you said SNIPPETS plural so have a small bouquet of feral moments in this fic, in increasing length and feralness: Hob needing to borrow Dream's shower, accidentally cumming to the thought of your friend's smile, and wanting so bad it hurts your chest
(some NSFW under the cut)
Hob comes out of the shower shirtless with a towel around his neck. His hair is curling wet around his face. He did a poor job of drying himself. There’s beads of water caught like dew in his chest hair. A stray rivulet of water is running lower, down his furred belly. He’s dripping a puddle on the hardwood floor, and still glowing a little with exercise. Dream is certain he’s never seen anything more beautiful in his life.
“Hey, thanks, man. I’ll get outta your hair now,” he says, unaware of the fact Dream is vividly imagining kneeling before him and following that rivulet of water with his tongue. He opens his mouth to speak.
“Naw,” says Matthew, as if Hob had been talking to him. “Stay for dinner and beer.”
Hob looks at Dream. He swallows heavily. “Yes,” he croaks. “Stay.”
Hob lights up. “Well, alright.”
“Right on,” says Matthew.
After kicking Hob out, he jacks off with an arm thrown over his face, because he doesn’t want to see anything else. Doesn’t want to be in this room or this life, a coward’s life, a greedy life, hungering after his friend.
If Hob ever saw it, he’d run.
Dream tries to exorcise the buzzing lust, curled sideways on his bed like a parenthesis and fucking into his fist, not taking his time with it like he normally does. He doesn’t want to take himself apart. He wants to tear himself apart. Wants this monstrous black hunger climbing up the inside of his ribs to be satisfied as quick as possible, so he can look Hob in the eye and talk to him without biting his tongue.
He thinks of good fucks he’s had, moments and pieces from them, stitched all together. It does nothing. It’s like purgatory. Limbo. Even as he twists his hand around his prick, crooks a leg and presses up on his hole with fingers, he’s blind with need and he still can’t fucking cum. He groans in frustration and squeezes his eyes shut, thinks of guys fucking him rough, hands ‘round his hips leaving bruises, pretty twinks with big eyes kneeling for him, the bar smell of leather and poppers and piss, hot tongue and spit on his hole, the warmth of another body, of bodies, of beckoning glances and smiles, of one smile, Hob’s smile, his easy grin, clear as day, the heat of him, the brush of his skin, his hands, restless and warm and big, with hair dusting the knuckles, fidgeting with a pencil, stroking the neck of a bottle, holding a cigarette—him him him—smiling and saying us poor fuckers.
And he comes back to himself a moment later, panting. He rolls away from the mess he made across his sheets to stare at the ceiling, limbs loose and soul damned.
He shouldn’t have waited. Should’ve climbed into Hob’s fucking lap instead of the chair next to him that first day, should’ve made a scene, should’ve known. Hob deserves someone who would see him straightaway for the marvel he is, and he didn’t. Didn’t see him until Hob had already seen someone else here.
He wouldn’t regret it with Hob.
He’s drank too much. He’s drank too much and this was stupid idea, actually, to bring Dream here. To sit next to him and hear fierce poetry about gay love, and desire, and touch. They’re across from each other now, and still it feels too close. Feels dangerous. He hasn’t been this sort of drunk since leaving home. The kind where he wants so badly it physically hurts. Like kneeling on broken concrete. Like a pulse. His hands itch. He needs a fuck, a fight, anything at all. Anything to stop him from quoting Shakespeare and staring too long at Dream’s lips and thinking of all the lines he heard tonight, coiled around his heart and throat, mocking him.
“I’ll wait,” he says, standing so hard on the knife edge of truth and discretion he thinks he won’t be able to walk away from this, or walk ever again after it. “I’d wait a hundred years for, for him. However long it takes.”
“You’re too loyal, Hob.” Dream looks disappointed with him. He wonders if it’s obvious, how fucked he is right now. He wonders if his want is rolling off of him, like fog, if Dream sees it. Or feels it, clinging to his skin, damp. If he’s repulsed. He doesn’t want to be pitied. Not by Dream. Not for this. There’s nothing wrong, being loyal. Nothing wrong waiting.
“Maybe. Maybe I am.” Hob’s eyes feel wet. He thinks about being a little kid and picking sea glass from the beaches of Sausalito, before they moved to Fort Wayne. He thinks about how the colours got dull by the time he was home, and how he’d put the soft-edged pebble of glass in his mouth, suck the salt off it, just to see it shining and transluscent again. Green, and clear, and amber, and sometimes, rarely, blue.
His head is swimming. Not swimming, no. Drowning. He’s a bad friend. He doesn’t want to be rescued. He wants to pull Dream down with him. Dream’s own lines rise up in his mouth like bile. He leans forward, defiant.
“Yeah. Maybe I’ll, maybe I’ll save every breath in my lungs for him.”
“Don’t,” says Dream, jaw tight. “Don’t do that. Don’t take that from me.”
Hob hears the warning in his voice and wants to dash himself on it, wants to crash up on the rocks of the awful island Dream has made of himself if it means he’ll finally look at Hob with that white-hot attention he reserves for his secret love. “Why not,” he hears himself flatly say.
“I mean it, Hob.” Oh, he’s angry, now. Anger is a kind of heat. Maybe it’s the best he’ll get.
“Why not?” he repeats. He fumbles out a cigarette, lights it. He’ll play Dream’s mystery man for him. “C’mon, huh?” He takes a shaky drag and laughs, and raises his chin. “Why not? Why don’t you take something from me, then, and we’ll call it even?”
Dream, unblinking, sets his glass down on the table with a sharp thunk. A stupid little thrill races through Hob.
Shit, maybe he’ll deck me, if I’m lucky.
Instead, Dream reaches out and pulls the cigarette from his lips and puts it between his own. Hob sways forward. Dream takes a long drag and tilts his head back to blow the smoke past Hob. His throat is pale. Like the fucking moon. His eyes haven’t left Hob’s. Sharp wet seaglass. Fuck, fuck, fuck, he thinks. Dream drops the cigarette in the ashtray between them and leans forward too. His voice is rough. “Like that?”
Hob is dizzy. His chest feels like it’s on fire. Like he’s been running miles too long, too hard. His lips are stuck parted. Soft. Fucked with wanting as the rest of him. He’d buried too much, and it filled him up, it’s all of him now, singing through every fibre of his body. “No,” he says, quiet. “More.” Dream shouldn’t be able to hear it in the noise of the bar. Hob can hardly hear himself over his pulse pounding in his ears, and maybe Dream doesn’t hear him at all, maybe he’s staring so hard at Hob’s mouth that he can just see the shape of the words. His lungs are going to burst.
Dream’s eyes flick back up to look at him. Not sea glass, no, the sea itself, all sunlit bright and unsecretly hungry. Looking at him, really looking at him.
“Who are you waiting for, Hob?” he asks.
Hob exhales.
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undercovergamer · 1 year
✨Silliest Way to Relax✨
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⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️
Ayato introduces Itto to one of those head massager claw things and “accidentally” finds out he’s very sensitive.
This is actually the first Genshin fanfic I’ve ever written. It’s also probably my highest quality one. My crown jewel 🤌💎✨
Also I have no idea how the inside of the Kamisato Estate looks :))) I forgot, so if anything seems out of place, I’m sorry :,)
Word Count: ≈4900 (jesus actual christ- 💀 messed up the count while editing lol)
Kamisato Ayato is, naturally, a very busy man. He’d always have so much work to do, but today he had finally gotten some well-needed time off to just relax. This was at the request of a mildly worried Thoma, not wanting the clan leader to overwork himself. At first, Ayato wasn’t sure how to spend the day. But then he remembered a certain crimson oni, Arataki Itto, who had been pestering him for days about hanging out. So he decided to fulfill that request and invited him to come over.
Itto, of course, had no idea where they were exactly, but he didn’t mind since his dear friend was there with him. He wanted to have fun outdoors, but it started raining shortly after the two met up, so they had to go inside. Who knows, they could’ve caught a cold!
“Whoa… pretty fancy place here, bro!” Itto said, looking around in awe and curiosity.
“Hmm, yes, indeed. I’ll ask Thoma if he could prepare some tea for us. Do you drink tea, Itto?” Ayato replied, still a little cold from the sudden rain outside.
Itto nodded at the question, shaking himself dry and saying “Yeah, man! I- Wait, is Thoma here too?! That’s awesome! Where is he? Ooh! Maybe the three of us could hang out together?” He was full of excitement.
“I’m afraid he’s too busy for that today, but perhaps I could check in with him just in case. Please, follow me. I’ll show you the room we’ll be, er, “chilling” in, as you’d say.”
“Haha! Nice! Let’s go!”
Once the two men entered the “chill-room,” Ayato asked Itto to wait for him there while he went to change into something more comfortable, since his coat was wet.
Unfortunately, Thoma didn’t have time to hang out, but he did prepare some tea and towels for them to warm up. He didn’t get to leave before receiving a tight bear hug from Itto first, though.
After the remaining bros had finished their tea and chatted for a bit, Itto was growing quite restless. His original plan to hunt beetles together was off the table due to the sudden rain and he was getting bored. He enjoyed the chill vibes from simply co existing, but…
“So like… do you have any uh… other fun activities we could do in here?” Itto asked, fidgeting impatiently.
“Hmm, I believe so. What do you have in mind?” Ayato replied while looking around for ideas himself.
“Eh, I dunno. I thought we could like.. go for a walk outside or something, but with all this rain we’d just get cold and sick.” Itto sighed.
Ayato thought for a moment, observing Itto’s body language. “You seem a bit restless. I think I have an idea for what could calm you down.” he said, standing up.
“Pfft, what? I don’t need to calm down, I’m just kinda bored to be honest.” Itto replied as if he wasn’t bouncing with his leg.
“Maybe not, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to try, would it?” Ayato replied with a smile, walking over to his desk to fetch a strange-looking cylinder box. Itto looked at it with curiosity in his eyes. Was it a party popper? No… Ayato opened it and pulled out… something..?
“Whoa, what’s that thing?” Itto asked in confusion. He had never really seen this item before. It looked like some kind of weapon… maybe a kitchen utensil? Some kind of metal spider thing? What the heck was that?? “It looks kinda dangerous.” he said.
Ayato chuckled at the comment and explained, “This is a head massager, it’s not dangerous at all. Just like the name suggests, you use it to gently massage your scalp. It’s great for relieving stress and just relaxing.” He used it on himself to demonstrate. “See? It’s completely safe.” He said with a warm smile.
“Whoa, no way! It looks so weird.” Itto replied, getting up to take a closer look.
“Would you like to give it a try? I highly recommend it.” Ayato tried handing it to him, but he looked at it, puzzled.
“I mean, I guess? I uh, I don’t know how to use it…” he said, scratching his head.
“No problem, I can help you. But first I think you should sit down.” Ayato went and pulled out a chair for him.
“Why? Oh, wait, it’s to like relax more or something, right?”
“Certainly. You are also quite tall which would make sitting more optimal.”
Itto laughed and sat down in the chair while Ayato put the box aside and stood behind him, head massager in hand. There was a hint of mischief in his eyes, but Itto didn’t notice that since he wasn’t facing him.
“Now, just sit still and relax. Let all your worries melt away. Are you ready?” Ayato asked calmly.
“Pff it’s just a massage, of course I’m ready! Ready to relax.” Itto replied with confidence, stretching for a moment to relax his muscles and prevent restless stimming.
“I must warn you, though. It could feel rather… strange the first time.”
“I’m ready for anything! Bring it on!”
Ayato chuckled and gave Itto a headpat for the funny before gently placing the massager on his head, trying to position it so that his horns wouldn’t be in the way. But upon making proper contact, Itto jumped a little and let out a surprised yelp.
“Oh my, are you alright?” Ayato asked, surprised at his sudden reaction.
Itto sat straight and cleared his throat before replying. “Y-Yeah! I’m fine. Just- uh, j-just felt a little strange like you said. Yeah.” But when the massager made contact again, Itto jerked away.
“Oh, do you not like it?” Ayato asked, raising an eyebrow.
Itto straightened up again and said “I-It’s fine! I just- uh, I’m just not used to the, uh... sensation, I guess?”
“Try to hold still, please. You could get hurt if you move too quickly.”
“Gotcha! I’ll be as still as a- uh… um… I’ll be as still as a tree! Yeah. Hahaha!”
Ayato smiled and began to properly massage Itto’s head with the thing, slowly moving it around with ease. But to his “surprise,” Itto wasn’t relaxed at all. He twitched as if he was struggling to sit upright, a leg quickly bouncing up and down while his hands were clenched like fists on his lap.
“Itto, you seem rather tense. Is something wrong?” Ayato asked after a few seconds, with a mischievous smirk on his face as he kept massaging. Itto seemed to have trouble responding. “Are you alright?” Ayato asked, leaning closer to try to look at the oni’s face.
Itto snickered before replying “*snrk-* y-yeah I’m f-f-fine.” He shut his eyes and bit his lip as if trying not to smile, which didn’t work. Ayato angled the massager back a little, which made Itto let out a chuckle, raising his shoulders on reflex. It was clearly difficult to sit still. Hmm, wonder why…
“You know, you don’t seem very relaxed. Are you having trouble sitting still?” Ayato smiled as he sped up the massage a little bit. Itto flinched, trying to contain himself. “*pfft* I’m p-plehenty relaxed- *mpff*” he stuttered, eyes squeezed shut and snickering at the sensations.
Ayato chuckled at his reactions. “Hold still, Itto. Isn’t it relaxing~?” he teased.
“I- mhmhm- I cahan’t- *snrk*” Itto was getting more and more giggly as time went on, but why? Hmm… what a mystery.
“Hmm.. do you want to do something else? You seem stressed.” He slowed the head massager’s movements so Itto would have an easier time answering.
“N-No, it’s fine! Really!” he said with a slight giggle.
“Are you sure?”
“Y-Yeah..! It feels nice! It’s just-…” Itto stopped himself.
“Just.. what?” Ayato asked.
“Just- uh… n-nevermind. It’s nothing.” He replied, suspiciously avoiding eye contact.
“Hmm… I get the feeling there’s something you’re not telling me.”
“W-What do you mehehEEHEahahAHA!?!”
Itto jumped and burst into laughter as he suddenly felt a pair of hands tickling his sides. Ayato had put the head massager aside so he could tickle Itto “on purpose” to prove his point. Itto squirmed away from the chair and ran a few steps before turning around, looking confused and a bit embarrassed.
“Hey! W-What was that for?!” Itto asked, still giggling a bit from the sudden attack.
“Well, you seemed to be struggling with quite the build-up of giggles. I simply felt the need to help you laugh.” Ayato said with a chuckle. Itto felt an embarrassed blush spread across his face. “The thing is, head massagers often tickle really bad the very first time you use one. If you’re ticklish, that is…” Ayato gave him a smug smile.
Itto gasped dramatically. “Waitwaitwait, so you KNEW that would happen? Why didn’t you warn me?!”
Ayato couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. “I’m sorry, I do admit I was quite curious to see how you’d react to the massage. I actually didn’t think you’d be so ticklish.”
“Wha- me? T-Ticklish? Psh no way.” Itto tried to look serious, as if he hadn’t already revealed it.
Ayato raised an eyebrow, eyeing him up and down. “Are you sure about that?”
“Yeah! I was just uh.. surprised! Yeah. Surprised.” Itto crossed his arms and tried to act tough.
“Is that so…” Ayato crossed his arms as well and narrowed his eyes. That look sent shivers down Itto’s spine.
After some seconds of silence, the oni huffed and said “Ok- ok, fine. You got me, I’m uh… I’m ticklish. BUT!” A playful grin grew on his face. “I bet I’m not the only one!”
“Hang on, let’s not ahead of ourselves. Um.. how about a game of cards?” Ayato looked a little nervous.
“Nuh uh, I wanna know if you’re ticklish too, pal! C’mere!” Itto quickly approached the commissioner as he made a failed attempt at getting away in time. “Ha! Gotcha!” Itto laughed as he captured his friend, arms wrapped around him from behind. Ayato gasped, trying to free himself without hurting the oni. Itto held him in place with one arm and used his other hand to tickle his side. “C’mon, laugh! Tickle tickle tickle~!” he teased, smiling brightly.
“Ah, Itto, y-you’re mistaken.” Ayato said, trying to keep his posture straight.
“Why aren’t you laughing? Come on!” Itto tried to tickle his ribs instead.
Ayato chuckled lightly. “Itto, I’m not ticklish!”
“WHAT?! No way, I don’t believe you!” Itto started to tickle with both hands instead, but to his surprise Ayato still barely reacted, simply smiling softly. Itto let go and stopped tickling once he realized it wasn’t working.
“That’s so unfair!” He whined. Ayato turned to him with a mischievous look on his face. Upon making eye contact, Itto’s face went from frustration to wide eyed concern as he somehow knew what that sly man was up to.
“You know, I think I have another idea of a “fun activity” we could do.” Ayato said with a menacing smile, slowly approaching the oni as he became nervous and backed up.
“Aha, uh, bro, A-Ayato, w-wahait! W-We can talk about thihis! I- I- uh-” Oh, he was right. He knew exactly what Ayato was planning.
“What’s wrong? I thought you said you were bored earlier?”
“M-Maybe it stopped raining! W-We could, uh- g-go outside instead! R-Right??”
Itto soon realized there was a wall behind him, quickly looking around for an exit. Ayato simply smiled at him. “Looks like there’s nowhere to go, hm?” He said teasingly. Itto quickly eyed the door before attempting to make a run for it, but Ayato swiftly grabbed him, somehow wrestling the now rather flustered oni to the floor and straddling his waist.
“Hehe, you’re not getting away that easily~” he teased, smiling down at his catch.
“W-Wahait! B-Bro we- pfft- we can talk about thihis!” Itto could already feel the giggles bubbling up inside him as he realized he couldn’t escape.
“No can do, I’m afraid.” Ayato playfully wiggled his fingers above Itto to tease him, smiling mischievously.
“Wahahahait! Dohohon’t!” Itto began squirming, already giggling in anticipation as the commissioner grinned.
“Oh my~, laughing already? You must be in for quite the ride, huh?”
“Sh-Shut up-” Itto tried to contain his giggles, which immediately spilled out anyway as Ayato’s wiggling fingers sped up and came closer. “W-Wait! Wahahait do nahahahat! Dohohohon’t!”
“Don’t what?” Ayato smirked mischievously.
“Tihickle mehehehe! W-Wahait-” Uh-oh.
“Well if you say so…”
Oopsies. He fell right into his trap! Ayato began playfully scribbling his fingers around on Itto’s sides and ribcage. “Tickle tickle~”
“Pfft- hwahahahahAHAHAHA!! NohoHOHO!! Y-Yohohouhu t-tricked mehehehEHEHEHAHAHA!!” Itto immediately burst into laughter and squirmed underneath his bro, trying his best to defend himself.
“But isn’t this what you asked for, you silly oni?” Ayato asked with an amused smile.
“Ahahahaha!! I-ehehehe! I sahahaid dohohHOHOHON’T! AHAHAHAHA!!” Itto’s laughter changed volume every time Ayato’s tickles changed intensity. He often switched between quick and playful scribbling to sudden clawing and squeezing, driving the poor oni crazy as he laughed and kicked uncontrollably. Of course, the kicking wasn’t doing anything, but there wasn’t much else he could do other than laugh and flail.
Ayato chuckled and started playfully tickling all over the gang leader’s tummy and abs instead, watching as he threw his head back and laughed louder than before. “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! IT TICKLEHEHES!!”
“Of course it does, silly. That’s the point, isn’t it? Is this your most ticklish spot?” Ayato smiled and began rapidly poking at Itto’s abs. He flinched and laughed with every poke and tried to swat Ayato’s hands away. “N-NahAHAhahah! Noho it’s n-nahahahat!! EhehEHAHaha!”
“I’m quite curious… would you mind telling me?” Ayato stopped tickling for a moment. Itto was still giggling, but shook his head at the question. “I’m n-not telling you that!” He said through his giggles.
Ayato smiled and started tickling him again. “I guess I’ll just have to find out, hehe...”
Itto covered his mouth, trying really hard not to laugh, which quickly stopped working as Ayato began vibrating claw hands into his midriff, sending him into another fit of loud laughter.
“Tickle tickle, little oni~” Ayato teased, chuckling to himself. What a silly situation!
“NahahahHAHAHAHA!! Thahat tickles sohoHOHO BAHAHAHAHAHAD!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!” Itto cackled his head off, squeezing his eyes shut and desperately kicking as if that would help. Shielding himself wasn’t working either!
“My, my, you’re quite sensitive… are you ticklish here too?” Ayato asked innocently, rapidly squeezing his waist. Itto arched his back and squealed mid laughter, trying to grab Ayato’s hands. He couldn’t believe he just made such an embarrassing noise, but he didn’t have much time to think about that before Ayato’s tickling fingers began climbing up his sides.
“AHAHAHA! Wahahahait! Wait dohohon’t! Hahahaha!!” Itto’s arms practically glued to his sides as a defense mechanism.
“What do you mean?” Ayato kept tickling pretty much any area left unprotected while the oni scrambled to try to defend himself without moving his arms away.
“Ehehehahahaha!! AhaHAHAHA!! Nohohoho!! Ahahayahatohoho!!”
Ayato pulled his hands away, stopping the ticklish torment. Itto’s laughter died down as he tried to catch his breath, still giggling from all that.
“Ah, I might have gotten a little carried away. I’m sorry, Itto. Are you alright?” Ayato asked, feeling a bit concerned.
“Ahaha…! Hehe…! Y-Yeah…!” He still had a giddy smile on his face.
“Are you sure? You seem rather tired.”
“Nah man, I’m full of energy! J-Just wait.. Hahaha…” Itto caught his breath surprisingly quick. Ayato saw an opportunity to bully him a little bit.
“You know, I couldn’t help but notice you never asked me to stop tickling.” he began, smiling smugly as a blush spread across Itto’s face. “Could it be that you like being tickled?”
“Eheheh... busted. I uh… I actually don’t mind, y’know?” Itto replied, still blushing a little. He usually wasn’t embarrassed about being ticklish, but for some reason Ayato just had this vibe that made him feel a bit shy.
“Really?” Ayato asked, raising an eyebrow. Itto laughed and said, “Yeah! I’m having lots of fun!” with a big grin on his face. “Tickling is just another way for me to laugh. Like.. it feels funny, it makes me happy, and uh… it’s just so much fun!” Ayato wasn’t really expecting such an honest answer. “…we are having fun, aren’t we?” Itto asked innocently.
Ayato had an amused look on his face before asking, “So, do you want me to tickle you more?” Itto began giggling in anticipation. “Uh-um m-maybe? I mehean if you want t-tohOHOHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Ayato promptly began tickling all over Itto’s ribs and abs, occasionally poking at his bellybutton, which made him jolt and squeal in surprise every time. Truly adorable.
“ThahahaHAHA!! Thahahat’s nohot fahahahahair!! I wahahAHAHAHA!! I w-heheheEEK!! Hahahahaha!!” Itto laughed.
“Pardon?” Ayato asked, smiling at the giggling oni.
“I wahahasn’t reheheheahaha!! I w-wasn’t readEEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA!!” Itto let out a playful scream and threw his head back, cackling uncontrollably when Ayato had started scribbling around on his abs and bellybutton with one hand, while using the other to vibrate into his lower ribs.
“That’s too bad.” he said as he sped up the tickling, occasionally letting fingers slip into Itto’s bellybutton. The oni squirmed with more vigor as his laughter went up an octave, kicking more and trying to push Ayato’s arms away. The random clawing and agile scribbling were driving him up the wall.
“EEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA!! NAHAHAHAHAHA!! IT TICKLES!!” Ayato began vibrating both claw hands below Itto’s lower ribs, giggling to himself when Itto grabbed his wrists in an attempt to pull the tickling hands away.
“Did you lie about tha-”
“Pardon?” Ayato let Itto pull his hands away so he could breathe.
“Ahaha! Haha! Plehehehease! It tickles r-reheheheally bahahad!” Itto giggled, with the most silly looking smile on his face. Ayato giggled to himself before saying “Did you lie to me? You seem to be very ticklish right below your ribs.” Him pointing out that weakness so casually made the oni blush.
“I- uh, I didn’t lie! I swear! I’m just really ticklish!” Itto giggled, still holding on to Ayato’s wrists.
“Ah, and here I thought I’d struck gold. Would you please let go?”
“No way man! Good luck tickling me without your- wha- hey! How did you-..?” Ayato twisted his wrists in a way that managed to free them from Itto’s grip, promptly making him giggle yet again, full of nervous anticipation. “W-Wait no!”
“Now, how about your sides?” Ayato began tickling up from Itto’s waist before he could react. His arms immediately shot to his sides in defense as he burst into laughter.
“Plehe- ahahahaha!! Please nohohoho!”
“What’s the matter?” Despite his hands being mostly trapped, he found that he could still slowly worm them upwards. Itto’s laughter grew more frantic as he realized where they were headed.
“Nonononohohohoho wahahahait! WAIT! Plehehehease not there!!” Itto shook his head, trying his best to squirm away, which wasn’t working since Ayato was still sat on top of him. Itto pressed his arms against his sides as hard as he could, which seemed to have worked since Ayato couldn’t pull his hands free.
“Itto, could you please raise your-”
“NO! Nohoho! I won’t do that!”
“Why not? Hiding something?”
“Mhmhmhmhm! Pfft-” The anticipation was nerve wrecking!
“Itto, my hands are stuck…”
“Dahahamn, that’s too bad…!”
“I’d give you a break if you’d at least release my hands. If you don’t, I might start squeezing~” he teased.
“Eep! Nohoho!” Itto hesitated, but loosened up enough for Ayato could pull his hands out.
“Thank you. Now, are you still enjoying yourself?” Ayato replied, poking at his abs.
“EEK! Hahaha! Yes I am! Hehehe..!”
Ayato couldn’t believe what he was hearing. How in Teyvat was this man not exhausted yet? The clan leader shook his head and chuckled to himself before saying, “You’re unbelievable.”
Itto laughed at the remark. “Like I said, I’m full of energy! Hahahaha!”
“Though I’m still quite curious… do you think you could raise-”
“Nuh uh, nope, no way! These arms aren’t going anywhere!” Itto was determined not to let him in.
“Really? We’ll see about that.” Ayato smirked.
“Pfft as if! D-Do your wohohorst!”
“Oh? Well, challenge accepted.”
Ayato had a smug expression on his face as he began scribbling all over Itto’s midriff, hearing his boisterous laughter fill the room yet again. Ayato soon realized that this wouldn’t work as well as he had thought. Itto seemed to love being tickled there, which was lowering the chances of him moving his arms. His joyful laughter and lack of protests were evidence of that. Of course, Ayato didn’t mind Itto having fun, but he was determined to win this little “challenge.”
“Hmm, I wonder…” Much to Itto’s surprise, Ayato stopped tickling for a moment.
“Ahehehe...! Is that all you got??” Itto taunted, still giggling quite a lot.
“Not at all, I’ve still got a few tricks up my sleeve.” Ayato replied before lightly tickling his neck. “Are you ticklish here?”
Itto bit his lip, trying not to laugh. “Pfft- n-nope!” He tried to raise his shoulders or scrunch his neck to defend himself, but Ayato was not fazed.
“No? Are you sure?” He smiled, gently tickling Itto’s jaw and under his chin, chuckling at how the oni tilted his head up instead of scrunching up in defense.
“Mph- *pfft*” Itto tried really hard to hold back his giggles, squeezing his eyes shut to avoid eye contact.
“Then… how about here?” Ayato started gently scribbling all over Itto’s ears.
“Pfft- mhmhm- fwahahahahaha!! N-Nahahat the ehehehears! Nohohoho!!” He could not contain his high-pitched giggles anymore. He tried shaking his head to make it stop, but Ayato was persistent, lightly tickling all over those ticklish ears of his. “Tickle tickle tickle~” Ayato teased, giggling to himself as Itto’s face turned red from embarrassment. He had never heard such sweet giggles come out of this man before.
“EEK! EhehehEHEHEhehe!! It tickles so bahahahahad!! Stahahahap!!” Itto covered his ears with his hands and squirmed. Ayato kept tickling around the area so Itto would remain distracted until…
“Gotcha~” he said before suddenly withdrawing his hands and quickly digging into Itto’s armpits. Itto let out a loud screech and immediately clamped his arms back down to protect himself. However, Ayato still had his hands in there, now holding them still for the sake of bullying.
“Looks like I win.” he said with a smile while the oni giggled hysterically.
“Plehehehease dohohon’t!” Itto pleaded, trying his hardest not to let Ayato move his hands.
“Is this your most ticklish spot?” He teased, moving his fingers a little bit.
“EEHEHEHE! Plehehehase!! Ahahahaha!! A-Anywhere but thehehehere!!” Itto tried desperately to squirm away somehow, but he was still trapped under Ayato who would just come with him every time he managed to move.
“Huh, must be a really bad spot if you’re already begging.” Ayato teased, chuckling to himself.
“SH-SHUT UP!! I d-dohon’t beheheg! Pfft-” Itto protested, trying to contain himself.
“Do you admit defeat?” Ayato asked, with a subtle grin. Despite his already uncontrollable giggling, Itto quickly shook his head in response. “Really?” Ayato asked, astonished. “You can’t be serious…”
“EhehehEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Before he could respond, Ayato started mercilessly wiggling his fingers, which immediately sent the gang leader into a loud fit of hysterical laughter. He began struggling even more than before; it was getting really difficult for Ayato to keep him in place.
For Itto, it felt like forever. But in reality it lasted no more than ten seconds in total before his ticklish demise finally came to a stop.
“Ah… you seem to have had enough now. Perhaps I went too far… Are you alright? Breathe...” Ayato said in an attempt to help him calm down. Itto was still giggling his head off while trying to catch his breath. It was clear he had reached his limit. Oops…
“Plehehease..! G-Gehet your hahahands awahahay..!” he giggled, trying to squirm. But he was too tired to put up a fight.
“I can’t, they’re stuck…” If he moved his hands now, it’d just tickle, which none of them wanted anymore. “Itto, I promise I won’t tickle you. Could you please loosen up so I can get my hands back?” Ayato asked calmly, giving him a warm smile to help him feel more at ease. Itto hesitated for a moment before relaxing his arms.
Ayato got off and sat down next to the now exhausted oni, making sure he was alright and helping him sit up.
“I’m terribly sorry if I overwhelmed you. Are you alright?” Ayato asked, genuinely concerned, putting his arm around him for comfort.
“Haha… ehehe…! Phew…! I’m fine.. r-really…!” Itto replied, still giggling while wiping away his tears of mirth.
“Are you sure? Absolutely sure?” Ayato asked, worried.
“Heheh…! I just.. n-neheheed to… huff… catch my breath..!” Itto replied with a smile.
“I’ll go get you some water. Please wait here until I get back.”
“Thahahanks bro.. heheh…! I’m exhausted… haha…!”
Ayato came back with a glass of water about a minute after leaving the room. After Itto finished drinking it, he sighed contently and said, “Phew! Oh man, I haven’t laughed that hard in ages! Hahaha!”
“Itto, are you alright? I-… again, I’m terribly sorry if I overwhelmed you. I must admit I got carried away.” Ayato sighed, feeling a bit guilty.
“Nah nah, bro, don’t worry about it! Really! I’m completely fine.” Itto replied with a bright smile on his face. “That was actually a lot of fun! At least before I ran out of air, heh.” Ayato looked at him in disbelief.
“How- I-… Huh. You truly are something else.” he said, chuckling to himself before standing up.
“What, don’t believe me?” Itto stood up as well. “Then I’ll just show you!” He exclaimed before hugging Ayato real tight, laughing happily. “Trust me man, if I was lying, it’d be obvious. I’m fine! I’m feeling great!”
“Ah, well, that’s a relief.” Ayato smiled and hugged him back. “I’m glad you had fun, Itto.” He was still in disbelief.
“You mean you’re glad WE had fun, right? Hahahaha!” Itto hugged him tighter for the funny, but quickly loosened up as to not crush his bro. “Man, it’s a shame you’re not ticklish too. Otherwise I could get you back right now.” Itto said with a sigh.
“Ah, yes, that’s a shame. But at least y-EEK!” Ayato suddenly jumped after he felt something run across his lower back.
“Ah, ahem. B-But at least you had f-”
“What was that noise~?” Itto interrupted, tightening the hug and smirking.
“Ah, er, I th-thought I saw sometHIHING!” Another scribble. A grin full of mischief crept across Itto’s face as he quickly scribbled a third time, making Ayato jump. “D-Dohon’t!”
Itto gasped dramatically before saying “You lied to me, bro! How could you?”
“Aha, I-Itto, wait-” Ayato tried stifling his giggles, struggling to maintain the hug as Itto held him tight and slowly tickled his lower back with both hands. Ayato regretted removing his coat earlier… he had no protection from those tingles!
“Ohohoho I KNEW you were hiding something! I knew it all along!” Itto exclaimed, ready for revenge.
“W-Wahait! I-Itto! P-Please!” Ayato began squirming, fearing what’s to come.
“Nuh uh, it’s payback time!” Itto started tickling faster.
“Ihihittoho nohohoho! Wahahait!” Ayato tried to push him away.
“Tickle tickle tickle~” Itto started tickling harder.
“Ahahahahahahahaha!!” Ayato threw his head back laughing, trying to twist away from the mischievous hands. But resistance was futile, the hug was too powerful! So instead, he tried to tickle Itto’s armpits again to make him let go. Itto instantly jumped and started laughing, but instead of letting go and squirming away, he managed to wrestle Ayato to the floor, successfully pinning him face-down. He was too competitive to literally fall for that trick.
“N-Nohoho, wait! Itto, please! I’m sorry!” Ayato giggled uncharacteristically, unable to crawl away due to Itto straddling his legs.
“Ohoho you’re gonna get it now!” Itto exclaimed before tickling all over Ayato’s lower back, sending him into a fit of laughter. Truly a rare sound coming from the normally composed clan leader.
“Ahahahahaha!! Ittohohohahahahaha! I’m sohohorrehehEHEHEHE!!” Ayato squeaked, laughing his head off and trying his hardest to crawl away. Itto was too heavy to budge, though. The commissioner hadn’t been tickled in such a long time, he barely knew how to react. He wasn’t strong enough to escape, and… was he actually having fun?
“Oh by the way, if you want me to stop, just tell me to and I’ll let up! Promise.” Itto said, giggling to himself while squeezing Ayato’s waist, making the man jolt and squeak. Itto laughed at the reaction and kept tickling.
“Tickle tickle tickle!”
“EEK! WahahAHAIT! N-Nohohot thahaHAHAHAT!! Hahahahehe! Nohohot theHEHEHere!!”
“Aha! A weak spot! Hehe, I win~”
“NohoHOHOhoho!! *snort* PlehEHEHEhease!!”
“You haven’t said ‘stop’ yet~ Hehehe! Kitchy kitchy koo!”
Facing the “wrath of the tickle monster” was not exactly what the commissioner had planned for his day off. But it turns out it wasn’t as bad as he’d anticipated.
After Ayato had recovered from being tickled silly, and after convincing Thoma he wasn’t in any real danger, Itto even agreed to try the head massager again. He claimed it “feels really nice and relaxing but also tickles super bad at the same time” and that “it’s a double edged sword” and “not fair.” It did indeed still tickle really bad, but the oni kept insisting it “felt nice.” It’ll take some time getting used to, that’s for sure!
The two really enjoyed their day together and their bond strengthened significantly. Who knew laughing your ass off could be so relaxing? Ah, time well spent.
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latchkeykiddo · 8 months
Tumblr media
Koala & Fox Teethimal Pop Pals - Infantino
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gwydion-aacblog · 1 year
wish stim tool things could just be impossible impossible break because in 3 or so months already is on third popper and this is after break another 2 , which one last for months , and then other could not handle whole month .
anything that put in hands to fidget to stim will break . and probably soon , not late . little bit maybe is quality problem , because when fidget things become trend , people will only get 1 month before bored move on . but also just gwydion very very very rough on these things .
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giddlygoat · 3 months
as a twin who also has a close older sib it makes me so happy when siblings are done well in media. i really love cuphead for its both painfully accurate and incredibly touching portrayal of brothers. yeah, that’s just what it’s like to have a close sibling or twin. same with mario bros. dipper and mabel. fidget and digit from that inspector gadget spinoff. even the mf soda poppers from sam and max struck a chord with me.
i love siblings who obviously love and care for each other more than anything and would die for each other, but also die on the stupidest of hills with each other. fight tooth and nail over both petty and serious things. siblings who just can’t stand each other sometimes but ultimately would be totally lost without each other. i love to see siblings whose entire relationship is built on true, unconditional love. despite how much they may bicker
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aylacavebear · 3 months
Retribution Chapter 14
Summary: You had DID for most of your life, over forty years, since you were two. It wasn't until after you were forty-three that you were finally able to heal it and become a singular. You're a hunter and have been with Dean for a very long time. Once you become singular, you have to face the horrors that your mental illness subjected on those you cared about, loved. Can you get past seeing yourself as worse than any monster you've ever hunted down?
Pairing is Dean Winchester x Reader/You
Warnings: You might need some tissues for this one, Intimatacy, Thoughts about DID - Dissociation Identity Disorder (AKA MPD), Angst, Healing (yes, this is a warning).
Please, if you suffer from any mental illness, seek help. There are people out there who can help you get through it, no matter how alone you feel now or how hard it may seem.
A/N: This is going to be very dark, darker than anything I've written thus far. It will include many triggers - abuse both sexual and physical - in memories and what happens to the reader. I'm hoping it will have a happy ending but right now, I am not sure where this will go. This is your main warning before you begin reading. A/N: Dreams and Memories are indented in italics. Thoughts are in italics only.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 14 - Home
Cas flew the two of you to your cabin, giving you both a smile before he left. Without a word, you unlocked the door and led Dean inside, tossing your bag on the couch.
“I need to go get the generator going, and we’ll have to go get some supplies, probably tomorrow,” you explained, heading toward the back door, which was through the kitchen.
“Uh-huh,” Dean murmured, his voice barely audible as he absorbed the rustic charm of the cabin. His eyes widened in awe at the untamed beauty that enveloped the place, his gaze lingering on the intricate details of the wooden walls and the soft glow of the evening light filtering through the windows.
It was uncomfortably warm to start a fire, so the generator was a necessary evil. The spider that had decided to make its home over the start button had you recoiling, your skin crawling at the sight. Even though the creature was minuscule and harmless, it still sent a shiver down your spine. 
Spotting a stick nearby, you carefully dismantled its web, then gently guided it onto the stick before casting it away from you. It was a kinder alternative to killing it, in your opinion. You could handle monsters any day of the week, but a creature with eight eyes and eight legs was a different story.
After successfully starting the generator, you returned inside, finding Dean where you’d left him. He was just looking around, but his expression betrayed his thoughts. You didn’t want to startle him, but at the same time, you were at a loss for words, unsure of how to ease his discomfort.
Dean’s POV
He hadn’t expected your sanctuary to be a beautiful cabin tucked away in the forest. Then, there were the things you’d left around the room, like decorations. 
She kept them…
Dean’s eyes slowly moved around the living room. Above the fireplace were a few dust collectors, as he had called them, that he’d gotten for them. At least the ones that meant something to him. But he couldn't look away from the small glass bowl on the table next to one side of the couch. 
It was a gift he’d given to your little when you had DID. She was only eight, and utterly adorable when she’d come out. She had a thing for those fidget toys with the popper bubbles. But for some reason, she didn’t like the toys themselves. It was the plastic they were made out of that satisfied some sensory thing for her. 
So, he had gotten several different kinds and cut them up into various small shapes, making it so she could still pop the bubbles. And there it sat, on the table near the couch. He had seen you come back inside, and he’d prepared himself for all sorts of things he’d see, just not that.
Dean watched you out of the corner of his eye as you finally moved. You went to the small fish bowl, letting your fingers swim through the small shapes before scooping a few into your palm. You rolled them around in your hand as you walked away, just like she did when she needed that sensory relief.
He grabbed both your bags and followed you up the stairs, noticing the stickers along the banister, ones he’d bought for your little. Dean wanted to ask how long you’d been coming here before the DID was gone, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“There’s only one bed, so I hope you don’t mind sharing. I’d understand if you would prefer the couch, though,” you told him softly, making it to the top of the stairs and heading to your room.
For a moment, he couldn’t find his voice, to in awe of your sanctuary. “I’m okay sharing your bed,” he finally managed before you led him to your room. 
The moment you turned on the little lamp in the room, he couldn’t breathe. Dotted along the walls were pictures your little had colored and drew. Some of them said, “To Dean.” Others were to Sam, Charlie, Jodie, and even Eileen. The one that made a tear slip down his cheek was the one she’d drawn of him, Y/N, and her if she had her own body, and the three of you were holding hands.
“I thought all these things had been lost,” he whispered as he slowly set the bags down on your bed.
Your POV
You knew this would probably be hard on him, even if you didn’t have all the memories attached to the items you’d kept out. When you saw the tear, you went to comfort him, instinctually, gently using your thumb to wipe away his tear.
“They kept a lot of things. I packed some of it away, but I kept it till I could at least remember. You meant a lot to them, and you mean a lot to me,” you explained softly.
He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, “I just wasn’t prepared to see it all,” he whispered, and you heard the almost break in his words.
“If it’s too much, we don’t have to stay. I can grab my things, and we can leave,” you tried to reassure him.
Dean took a slow, deep breath, steadying his nerves and his resolve, “I’ll be okay. Just might take me a couple days.”
“Don’t feel rushed. Take all the time you need. How about I go figure out what’s here for dinner?” you asked, “And, I’m pretty sure I’ve got beer in the kitchen.”
He at least smiled, giving you some relief from the worry that had begun setting in. “A beer would be nice,” he answered before giving you a sweet kiss.
The evening was quiet between the two of you. Sometimes, it felt tense, other times, it felt relaxing, almost welcomed. Dinner had been canned soup since you’d emptied the fridge before leaving with Eileen and Charlie months ago. Dean didn’t complain though, which you were thankful for. 
You had told him you could make a run to town, but he said that whatever you had would be fine. He was far more relaxed than you thought he’d be. He sipped a beer while you two cuddled close on the couch with his arm over your shoulder.
As dust progressed into the darkness of night, the creatures of the forest began their evening songs. Owls hooted nearby, high in the trees. The pack of wolves that lived nearby began singing to the moon, which was again full. 
You sighed contently when you heard the raccoons running across the roof and held in a giggle when Dean tensed at the sound. “It’s just raccoons. They can’t get in either, and if they do, I’ll protect you,” you teased him playfully.
He chuckled, set his beer down, then slowly trailed his fingers down your arm. You hummed at his touch, then squealed loudly the moment he gripped your ribs and began tickling you. With Dean’s arm around you the way it was, you thought you could get away but didn’t make it far. He quickly brought his other hand to your other side, tickling your ribs. 
Your laughter filled the cabin, scaring away the raccoons on the roof and even some of the owls in the trees nearby. Dean was smiling from ear to ear as you attempted to get out of his grasp, begging for him to stop between fits of laughter and attempting to get a deep breath.
Dean pinned you under him on the couch and did stop after another moment, just staring down at you, still smiling triumphantly. You smacked his shoulder playfully, attempting to catch your breath. That was hard, though, as one of his hands was still on your ribs, and you weren’t quite sure if he was going to start back up or not.
“It’s nice, to hear your laughter,” he told you, and again you felt like you couldn’t breathe, although it was for an entirely different reason.
He used his free hand to move your hair behind your ear again, just looking into your eyes. Dean seemed almost relaxed at that moment, even possibly happy, making you smile at him. 
“Did you want to watch a movie or torture me some more?” you attempted a playful pout but failed, miserably, only making Dean smirk.
“They both sound like a nice way to spend the night,” he replied, being quite the smartass.
“Cute,” you chuckled, waiting for a real answer from him. If you were being honest with yourself, though, you could have stayed in his arms forever and never gotten tired of it. It wasn’t about sex. It was about the physical connection that his touch brought.
He was quiet for what felt like forever, even if it was less than a minute, and you couldn't take your eyes from his. “How about a movie and cuddles?” he finally suggested in a sweet whisper.
You couldn’t stop the smile that pulled at the corner of your lips, “TV is in my room, and you’ll have to let me up.”
“Hmm…” he hummed but didn’t let you up.
Instead, he closed the tiny distance between the two of you, letting his lips ghost over yours. At least, that was how it started.
Dean just kissed you, one hand on your ribs, the other on your cheek, gently rubbing his thumb along your cheekbone. The kiss wasn’t rushed or needy. No. This was slow, soft, and intimate. Even when he slipped his tongue past your lips, it never became hungry. Your hand went to his back, the other over his shoulder, and began playing with his hair. His tongue danced with yours, and even though your body was responding to his, things stayed slow between the two of you. Neither of your hands roamed each other’s bodies. You both needed this closeness, this connection that only this type of intimacy brought.
It was never about sex. This is what he had wanted with them. 
Goosebumps danced along your skin with the realization, This is love.
You knew there was still so much that the two of you needed to talk about, but for now, all of that could wait. This was about finding that golden strand that connected the two of you, even with the DID gone. It was there, and now you were both following it to each other’s souls.
There was no rush anymore, and time slowed as the world faded away. It wasn’t about words or anything either of you could say to the other. It was something unspoken, intangible, and indescribable to anyone who couldn’t feel it.
No matter the road ahead for the two of you, you both knew you could face it, as long as you were together. 
----------------------------------------- Epilogue - Author's Note
Retribution Master List
Tag List: @jc-winchester @nancymcl @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @bitchykittenconnoisseur @roseblue373
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