#fictional men and their kinks
thegreatwicked · 2 months
50 NSFW Character Questions: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Alright! Here you go, you buncha smut hounds! JK, I was gonna do this anyway, lol. Have funsies.
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Biggest turn-on? When you're in work mode and you've completely forgotten he's there, watching you, discreetly, of course. Your confidence in your abilities and the simple grace with which you execute the simplest of duties. The graceful way your hands hold your lightsaber, he knows what those hands are capable of and he often has to cough away a groan that's threatening to break free.
Biggest turn-off? Arrogance and deceit. Don't lie to him, ever. He'll know.
3. Quiest way to get horny? Clandestine touches that linger a bit too long, teasing him. A brush of your foot against his calf when you sit at the same table while crossing your legs, pretending you didn't notice. Lingering glances when you catch him staring at you followed by a quick appraisal of him, you know he's watching and he likes that. When sitting next to him and your hand brushes his knee then takes a little caressing detail on his thigh before pulling away. It looks so innocent and perhaps even an accident, doesn't it? He knows better, and it only makes him want you more.
4. Top 3 places to be touched?
Lower back, shoulders, thighs. Those Jedi robes are so thick and sometimes heavy, especially when wet. So when he's able to get them off and he tugs off his boots after a long day a sweet caress of your hands across his lower back where the aches tend to lodge does wonders for him. Most back pain is psychological and Obi-Wan carries much of his weight on his shoulders so a little gentle and circular pressure on the tight muscles on his shoulders will always put him in an agreeable mood. His thighs, it's a particular situation that finds this type of touch a possibility and it usually involves shim sitting on the bed or the floor meditating. It's the perfect opportunity to slink up behind him and run your hands along his muscular thighs and watch how the muscles tense and flex under your fingertips.
5. Do you like the idea of a threesome or a moresome?
He's no virgin and he surely had some escapades in his youth though those are tales he keeps to himself, certainly. He considers himself a one-woman/man partner. He likes to keep things intimate between the two of you. More than one partner sounds tiring these days.
6. Sex or masturbation?
He indulges in both though he's more likely to enjoy sex rather than masturbation not because he's denying himself pleasure but because he doesn't often think about it without you there to stir his passions. Still, there are moments late at night when you're on his mind and he's missing your touch, or times when the water in the refresher is the perfect temperature and the water gliding down his body reminds him of your lips on his skin...
7. Spit or swallow?
He knows not all women enjoy swallowing so he'll never expect you to. But if you want to see a side of Master Kenobi that few have ever seen, swallow every drop and lick your lips while looking him in the eye. Then ask him for more.
8. Rough or romantic sex?
He's a passionate and sensual lover so he loves taking his time, after all, you deserve no less, don't you? However, there are instances where he's a little more... needy for control. It's about as rare an instance as they come, but even a total solar eclipse comes around like clockwork.
9. Loud or quiet partners?
He's considerate of those who might be within earshot, and it's not about the volume, it's about the enthusiasm. Your quiet little whimpers affect him just as deeply as when you cry out his name. He's a fan of moments where you have to be quiet, keeping his thrusts slow and deep with his finger in your mouth to give you something to occupy yourself. All the while telling you,
"Shh, darling, that's right, we wouldn't want anyone to find us, now would we? That's a good girl."
10. How much foreplay?
Hours. The man will stretch this intimate act out for as long as he can because for him the art of seduction deserves no less. He loves it that you crave him so much that you're practically mauling him to take you.
11. How much teasing does he like?
He certainly likes a bit of teasing but it's never to be cruel. Only to heighten desire and sensation. As for him being teased, even if he begs you to end his torment, he secretly loves every second of it.
12. Hookups or only partners?
He's had a few hookups as a young Padawan, but those tapered off as he took on a Padawan of his own. Now he much prefers the comfort of a relationship with a partner who he knows and trusts, to know you so well that he knows your thoughts and desires before you even think it. All the better for him to please you.
13. How much kissing during sex?
The only thing that stops him from kissing you is the position you're in. If it were up to him, he'd never stop, that's what lips were made for.
14. Favorite place to have sex?
He has a penchant for wanting you when it's least convenient and he doesn't particularly care where that is. But he enjoys it mostly when it's someplace safe and secure like a private quarters. But if a senator's office happens to be vacant for a short time, the mood tends to strike him.
15. Would he have sex in public?
He would never put you in a position where either of your reputations could be sullied by such a sacred act but he would most certainly not turn down the opportunity.
16. Last place he had sex?
His quarters on the ship just before docking, darling, don't you remember? Must have done quite a number on you then...
17. Where would he most like to have sex?
He doesn't care but if he could, he would whisk you away to some quiet planet far from the chaos of Coruscant and the Temple, a place where only the noon sun would wake you and clothing would be optional, of course.
18. Spontaneous sex or does he need to be in the mood?
He has to mostly be in the mood because he is a Jedi Master after all, he does have to restrain himself and duties to attend to. However, when you tease him like you did this morning in that council meeting... Well... Spontaneity can be the harbinger of bliss.
19. Would he go for a hookup at a stranger's house?
When he was younger, probably. These days, no.
20. Biggest kink?
Sensory play. He loves cutting off your senses to heighten all others. Blindfolds, masks, dark rooms, each one isn't only an encounter, it's an opportunity. And he is a man of opportunity.
21. Is he ok with name-calling?
No, it takes real prodding to get him to call you anything worse than his naughty girl. He would never call you his little slut, or so he thinks...
22. Would he do BDSM?
Yes, it's an exercise in complete trust, control and respect.
23. Would he prefer to tie you up or be tied up?
He'll do both. He loves to have you at his mercy but surprisingly enough, he adores it when you take control and restrain him. He loves the feeling of letting go and being overwhelmed by pleasure by one who knows him so well. To know that you can touch him but he can't touch you, after a busy day as a Master on the High Council making decisions and ordering others around, he's perfectly content letting you call the shots.
24. Does he like orgasm denial?
He'll never deny you anything for long, he can't bear it. You were meant for him to touch as please and spoil. Even if he agrees to such a game, he'll be giving in faster than you. On the flip side, he wasn't sure what he thought of the idea at first until he learned to relish the exquisite pleasure of denial and the tsunami of ecstasy that awaited him once you gave in to his pleading.
25. Does he like overstimulation?
Yes, but his tolerance is low. After one he's a bit of a mess and it's a rare occasion when you can bring him to three in a row before he's begging to touch you instead. Pleading for the exquisite torment to end. And when it's his turn, he's unmerciful because he knows you love it when he takes control and you're powerless to stop the tide of pleasure that washes over you on his command. But he will always stop when you tell him to, that's what safewords are for, darling.
26. Does he like pain being involved?
No. Sex is for pleasure, not pain. You've both experienced far too much of that for it to have any place in your bed.
27. Does he like dirty talk?
Oh. Stars. They don't call him the Negotiator for nothing. He's a silver tongue in every sense of the word and he'll use the most eloquent and beautiful words to describe in excruciating detail all the things and ways he wants to ravage your body.
28. Does he own sex toys? How many?
While there are toys available across the galaxy, Obi-Wan prefers a more... blasphemous approach. After all, what greater toy is there than the invisible Force that binds all things and flows through all creatures that he can bend to his will just as readily and easily as you can? Yes, the occasional toy might make it into the sanctuary that is your bedroom but they're never a prominent feature for long.
29. What does he masturbate to?
Mostly memories of you. He's well aware such holos exist but while he's watched them, when he's alone his thoughts are consumed with you. Remembering all the ways you quiver when he touches you and the ferocity in which you shatter for him and how you beg for more.
30. Multiple rounds or will he settle for one orgasm?
Multiple rounds. He is a Jedi after all. Just don't expect to give him back-to-back orgasms, the poor man is a bit delicate in that regard.
31. Does he enjoy giving oral?
He enjoys it and treats it like a performance or a ritual. He relished every taste of you knowing he's the only one who will ever have the pleasure. Connecting with you in a way when you're at your most vulnerable, your most exposed, using his in-depth knowledge of your body to bring you as much pleasure as you can stand.
32. Does he prefer giving or receiving oral?
He's a giver but the poor man rarely allows himself to be spoiled, so sometimes you have to simply take charge. He sometimes seems to forget that pleasure is mutual and once he gives in, it never takes long, he's a mess of a man. Legs splayed wide, his hair a disheveled mess, chest heaving struggling to remember how to breathe, he can't bring himself to stop his hips thrusting upward and even though you're gagging on him he still insists on trying to get out an apology. A gentleman even at this moment. And he's not quiet about it, he's loud. Each moan is so unrestrained it's almost music, especially when he begins to stutter his words, signaling his impending orgasm. When it washes over him he's nearly boneless as if he forgot just how good it feels to be spoiled himself.
33. What makes him orgasm the fastest?
Not that he'll ever admit it, and not that it works for anyone else except for you, but calling him by his title of Master or specifically General seems to have quite an effect on him. When your eyes roll back in ecstasy and you beg him for more, to hurt you a little bit is what usually signals the end for him. It's close to darkness and it's tempting to fall over with you.
34. Does he like/do anal/pegging?
He'll try probably try anything once, if you want him to fuck your ass he'll do it because he wants you and desires your pleasure. And if he's being honest with himself, he's always wanted to have you completely like that. But he would never be the first to mention it or ask for it. As for pegging, it would be a slow and sensual process because it is at that moment about his pleasure and while he might be a bit reluctant to admit it, he wants someone to take control over him. Be gentle with your General here.
35. Favorite position?
Loves having you in his lap because he's thinking about how much he wants to have you riding him in his council chair. Loves having you on top because he can lay back and admire your beauty. He also likes the Lotus, because it goes well with meditation. He also loves the Lazy Dog because it makes it easier to whisper all those salacious things to you and you can't escape him.
36. Does he use protection?
What Jedi doesn't? He would be very careful.
37. Does he masturbate with clothes on?
And risk making a mess of his robes? Never. He likes being naked.
38. How does he prefer his partner's hair/grooming?
He prefers a kept appearance but ultimately he's not terribly particular.
39. What does he wear to bed?
If he's alone? Nothing. He likes the feeling of smooth sheets on his skin because it reminds him of your touch.
40. What does he like his partner to wear?
He's a simple man and he likes you in nothing at all. But he loves finding you in his shirt or just his robes.
41. Does he like his balls played with?
Quickest was to make a mess of Master Kenobi while giving in him a blow job. He loves it.
42. What is his sexuality?
As straight as my spine, but he's loyal to his lover. He is probably pansexual.
43. Does he have extreme or unusual kinks?
Nothing extreme but he has a bit of a taboo role play he likes and that's the classic Master/Padawan, but only with you, of course.
44. How often does he masturbate?
He tends to neglect his personal desires, so not often but when he finds himself in a rare moment of peace, and arousal, maybe several times in a single day. He's never counted.
45. Favorite toy?
46. Does he like roleplay?
Yes, loves it. Conisders it a healthy and safe way to discover one's own darkness and know oneself. Loves the Master/Padawan thing, after he discovered Anakin and Padme's romance he realized he likes the idea of the Jedi and the Civil Servant, with emphasis on the servant.
47. Any festishes?
48. Aftercare?
You could not ask for a better lover for aftercare. He will hold you till you stop shaking, draw warm water for a bath, and sink into it with you while washing your hair all the while telling you how beautiful you look and how amazing you are.
49. Does he ever go comando?
You know it. Jedi robes come standard, underwear? Not so much.
50. Phone sex?
Com conversations are usually not something that can be concealed but if he steps away from earshot he might tell you how much he's looking forward to having you alone again. And if a holo transmission happens to come through and he's alone in his quarters for the night, he'll take great pleasure in instructing you to do as he likes and he'll absolutely return the favor.
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Alright! That's Obi-Wan, what did you guys think? Should I do more? Oh, should I do a Sith Obi-Wan???? Who else should I do? Maul? Hux? Quinlan Voss? Enjoy my dears.
@pickleprickle @hereticpriest @decembermidnight @burnthecheshirewitch @starvingbrokestudent @bad4amficideas @split-spectrum @imherefordeanandbones @rivnedell
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filled-with-fat · 3 months
How being surrounded by fat friends helped me gain weight 🍟🍕🍟🌭
Pretty much all of my teenage years I was skinny. I didn’t eat much, partly because the school canteen food was abhorrent, but I also just didn’t have much of an appetite. I would spend time playing sports in the park or riding my bike. But, when I moved to college, my whole friend group changed, and I became very close with several ‘big-girthed’ people. In fact, the first person I actually met at college, Sebastian, was at least 3x the size of me. And so this gradually had an effect on me; every time we would hang out, food would be involved, we would go to Krispy Kreme every break to grab donuts and shakes, and we would never walk anywhere — Sebastian could hardly walk a flight of stairs so naturally we would always take the lift. I think on reflection, the people you surround yourself with do undeniably have an effect on you; I quickly became very idle and grew accustomed to having unhealthy, calorific snacks during the day.
Inevitably, this had an impact on my weight as well. After the first semester, I had put on several pounds. I was no longer that skinny boy who played sports and ate healthy foods. I was chubby and fat. But my friends, who were also significantly overweight, they praised my new-found lard. Whilst my family and friends from home were strictly warning me to lose some weight and cut back on the eating, my friends at college supported my weight gaining journey. I truly felt accepted for the first time in my life, and this felt unbelievably euphoric.
By the end of the first year, I was unrecognisable of my former self. I was this 400lbs, morbidly obese 20 year old, with a large belly swung from side to side as I waddled, and a pair of moobs larger than a d-cup. My family disowned me. They sent me a letter telling me how disgusted they were at how fat I had gotten, and had signed me up to a fat camp. I was not allowed home until I had lost at least 50lbs.
I didn’t.
For the first time in my life, I felt accepted and welcomed by a group of friends that supported me for who I was, they loved my fat and appreciated my large body from all of its angles. So I decided to stay round Sebastian’s house for the summer, instead of attending some camp that wanted to take away my glorious obese body. Me and Sebastian would eat breakfast every morning, feeding each other several rounds of pancakes topped with chocolate ice cream, and waffles with maple syrup. We would sit by the lake near to his house and eat the McDonald’s and Burger King takeouts we had ordered. It was a summer of eating and a summer of pleasure, as our relationship progressed.
One night, as I started getting undressed to use the outdoor shower beside his house, Sebastian asked if he could join me. I didn’t hesitate to respond yes. He helped me as I pulled off my tshirt and pants. I could see his eyes gently admiring my morbidly obese body. As the warm shower water fell onto our skin, Seb bathed my body in soap, sliding the bar between my fat rolls. I did the same to him. My hands felt the true size of his belly; the stretch marks that ran along his sides and his enormously deep belly button. We both laughed as I tried to lift his belly up; I imagined it must’ve weighed at least 100lbs in itself. Seb began to push me up against the shower wall, I felt the gravity of his weight against mine, which turned me on. He leaned in to kiss me, and I felt his wet hairy beard against my soft chin.
By the end of the summer and upon our return to college, Seb and I were officially boyfriend and boyfriend, we had each gained a significant amount of weight, and I had never felt happier.
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noses-in-winter · 28 days
First sneeze that sends his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. Second sneeze that makes his glasses fall off entirely, and splatters the lenses and temples with mess on the way down :)
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aizawaondrugs · 9 months
@rayshippouuchiha : posts something I have absolutely no idea about in a fandom I've never been part of
Me, absolutely not specifically seven crows in a disguise, still finding it relatable/shiny:
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Also here's my cat holding still for a picture after I told her it was for Ray (betrayal lol she never does that for anyone else):
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Falling in love. So easy and then bam...a fucking fictional character that gives your daddy issues a run for its money. War criminals, masked men, motorsports men, whimpering audio men, actors who are too old but too fucking hot...yeah... It's easy and a shit load of bullshit for my obsessing heart. Someone just sedate me!
Oh and then you got the besties who make renders and they feed into your delusions. Let's not forget this app is for smut, fluff and angst addicts. Character ai, Chai, poe ai, and janitor ai exist....WHEN IS IT MY TURN TO HAVE MENTAL STABILITY!
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I've been misunderstood for all of my life But what they're saying girl it cuts like a knife "The boy's no good" Well I've finally found what I'm a looking for But if they get their chance they'll end it for sure
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koreofitall · 1 year
I shared these with the G/enshin snz discord, but wanted to share here too >:)
N/euvill/ette snz hcs/scenarios. I am down BAD.
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The entirety of the audience will bless him if he sneezes during a trial.
He used to ignore it, but as the years went on, he's grown a fondness to it.
Will ALWAYS say thank you to a blessing now a days, but didn't understand the sentiment when he first came to Fontaine. It wasn't until he realized what the phrase meant that he grew to deeply appreciate it.
He is beloved by the people of Fontaine and it surprises him every time they extend even that small show of kindness and attentiveness.
In the absence of a tissue/handkerchief, what have you, he will opt for his elbow. Always mindful of not spreading any germs.
Excuses himself before AND after sneezing
Perhaps a raised finger/palm and a "pardon me" before, followed by an "excuse me" after.
No visible buildup, he'll just excuse himself, turn to the side, and inhale deeply before sneezing.
However, if he's been sneezing a lot in one day, whether due to sensitivities or even sickness, you'll see a slight crease in his eyebrows before he sneezes as the day goes on.
Speaking of sensitivities, he is VERY photic
Canonically prefers to stay inside as opposed to being out in the sun so 🥰😈
Sniffles A LOT following a sneeze.
Is acutely aware of all the sniffling and will apologize for it
To which those around him REALLY don't mind at all. They actually find it to be quite an endearing quality of his.
The ever so mighty and intimidating I/udex subject to all that sniffling, it's just 💙💙💙
Will leave a room just to blow his nose because he is LOUD lol
Will have a stuck sneeze every now and then, which especially occur when he's sick. When he is subject to this, he almost always has 3 false starts, then sneezes. Occasionally, there will be a 4th false start.
I love this man and could keep going forever, but will leave it at that for now lol.
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coquette-heartbeat · 2 months
Looking back it should been a clear sign to everyone that I would have an issue with loving older men who are in a position of power when 8 year old me was drooling over Dr.House…. 🩷
….. Now 20 years later at 28, I’m still drooling over him 🤭
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baelinsrod · 4 months
AT LONG LAST!!! I'm back from the dead, so to speak! 🤣
So here's the first chapter of my Jane Austen AU about our beloved Bored idiots! Read about elegant balls, English cottages and beautiful people in puff sleeve shirts and frock coats while Rowan and Alan fall in love in another alternative universe! First the pirate AU, now this... The coffee shop AU is long overdue. 🤣
To get you in the mood, a little edit of dreamy bookworm Alan, as well as Mr. Bettjeman and Miss Harwood at their first ball in the small town of Durtshire:
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jeanbie · 6 months
my 2024 personality trait: making every character i write say "shit mama"
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I knew it. I fucking knew it.
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nicolegendary · 3 months
the dash is thinking about brat tamer eddie so now I am thinking about brat tamer eddie
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mcondance · 9 months
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shadowburner76 · 2 months
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