schoolofthewolf · 1 year
"It was only a dream. I will be fine" - from ciri ( @fictalmultitude )
Geralt had been in the hall on his way to his room when he heard Ciri cry out. Thinking something was attacking her he ran to check on her but when he opened the door he saw the girl sitting up, arms curled around her legs, rocking back and forth. "Ciri." His voice was low but comforting as he sat down next to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. He could feel her shaking. "Sometimes dreams can be just as dangerous and troublesome as being awake in the real world." There was concern on his face, but he smiled hoping it would comfort her. "Would you like to talk about it or would you rather not?" He pointed to a chair in the corner of the room next to the fireplace. "I could stay until you fall back asleep. I don't mind."
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west1rosi · 1 year
@fictalmultitude  asked: "I wasn't prepared for how cold it gets here." - to jorah from dany
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"aye.   .   .I   almost   forgot   myself.   the   north   is   a   sight   for   sore   eyes   but   it   is   deadly."   cold   harsh   winters.   he   almost   forgot   how   the   cold   felt   on   his   skin   when   he   was   back   home.   bear   island   remains   all   the   same   and   for   that,   he   is   glad.   he   had   missed   home   and   now,   he   was   back.   hands   move   to   unclasp   the   fur   coat   over   his   shoulders   and   remove   it,   moving   to   offer   it   to   his   queen.
  "here,   you   will   find   no   finer   furs   than   these.   northern   fur   for   northern   winters."   and   he   clasp   them   over   her   shoulders,   the   bear   details   on   the   clasp   so   unlike   the   usual   dragons   that   decorate   her   clothes.   cold   hits   him   all   the   same   but   he   is   used   to   the   weather.   "and   do   not   worry   about   me.   cold   is   in   my   blood."
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gleamingcrowns · 1 year
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starter for viserra for @fictalmultitude​
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Viserys was wiping blood from his sword, still sticky on his armor as he stood in his room. Placing it down, he poured himself some ale and sat down on the windowsill. He looked out at the city for a moment, seeing a maid come in and jump at the sight of him. “Get Viserra, let her know I'm home.” He spoke simply, and nodded to the door to shoo the woman out.
Chugging the ale, he wiped his mouth lazily with the back of his hand before stretching his arms over his head. “Ah, home. It feels, just as I thought it would. Bittersweet.” Viserys mumbled to himself, though he was not wrong. They treated the rightful Queen like she was a common whore, and her heirs just the same. He would never stand for it, let alone the way they looked at them.
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bcbliophile · 2 years
@fictalmultitude Jace & Penelope
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Dragonstone was not where Penelope thought she would end up, and yet this is where her mother sent her to serve the future Queen. She had been there almost a month when she found herself with some downtime, reading in the main room while the Princess was out for a ride. She was so engrossed in her reading she nearly missed the body now standing in front of her and with a squeak she jumped up, dropping her book as she curtsied "your grace" the redhead greeted quickly.
She felt bad that she had been so remiss as to not greet the prince properly when he entered the room.
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legionversed · 1 year
I have returned.....
I'm also making a change to Daerina Targaryen FC from annya Taylor-joy too Ivanna Sakhno
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hope my followers like the change....
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iamdarcylewis · 2 years
@fictalmultitude's Loki said: "This is chocolate? It's got no flavor!"
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Darcy rolled her eyes as she inspected the food he was eating and it was the cookies she had made earlier. "Those are raisins, not chocolate." To be fair, she rarely made raisin cookies so it could be an easy mistake.
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potestmagice · 1 year
The TARDIS shook violently. Inside, the Professor was at the console, flicking switches like mad. He was trying to find an old family friend and his mentor, Rumplestiltskin. He had recently gone missing after he sacrificed himself to stop his evil father, Peter Pan, from destroying the town of Storybrooke. But something was odd about it. He didn't exactly know what, but the Professor knew something was strange.
In an attempt to stabilise the TARDIS, he pressed the blue stabilisers. But when he did, a loud, shrieking noise came across the speakers in the room. Two more shrieks followed suit. Like some kind of message. Or worse: A warning.
Going over to the monitor, he flicked a couple of switches, hoping the TARDIS could translate it for him – which it barely did. But it did manage to find three similar words. Winter is Coming.
The TARDIS came to a large thud, and everything went black.
After his crash landing, the Professor woke up groggily. Getting up slowly, he exited his ship and into the city that awaited him. Looking around at the terracotta rooves and brick buildings, he thought he was in Ancient Greece. Or Ancient Rome.
He walked through the paved streets til he heard a rumbling noise like thunder. He turned around and saw a few savages on horseback. The raids begin... he thought.
Deciding to follow them, he hid behind a tree. Peeking out, he saw three people – two blondes and a brown-headed man – greet the savages. No … Not raids. An arranged marriage...
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Watching the scene unfold, he hid behind the tree again once the savages took off again, and the blonde and brown-haired males went into the building again – leaving the blonde female just standing there. God, she’s beautiful… 
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breakbcnes · 1 year
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❝ i’d rather ride alone. ❞ - from viserra
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His expression is soft, concerned, blue-green gaze watching her for a moment. He doesn't speak up right away, pondering more so on the words that left her. Slowly, he begins to nod to show he understood. Not that he could follow as dragons were not something he himself could ride. Instead he had to stay back but when the option came for horseback riding, well, that was the one thing he could do with her. "Is there something bothering you?" Harwin asks with a small tilt of his head. "Unless you would prefer to be alone, princess." He clutched the reins of his horse and stayed where he stood, waiting to see if there was something he could do or to step aside and let her have her space.
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House of the Dragon Starters | Accepting | @fictalmultitude
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korzionarchive · 1 year
@fictalmultitude gets a starter for Daemon
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The news of Daemon's secret marriage to Rhaenyra had instilled shock in Rhaenys at first. Both of their spouses (both of her children) were barely dead and in their watery graves and the two had already wed. The sheer audacity of it then began to kindle into anger.
It also set her mind churning: how convenient for the pair that both Laena and Laenor to have died within a week of each other, leaving them both free to marry. Had Laenor's death perhaps not been an accident after all, then? The thought caused her anger to flare into a rage the likes of which she hadn't felt since the Great Council.
Rapid footsteps had taken her to her cousin's chambers, seeing red all the way. Rhaenys didn't even give him the courtesy of knocking, instead slamming open the doors and sweeping inside, not caring what state she found Daemon in. When she addressed him, it was in a snarl.
"You miserable bastard!"
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schoolofthewolf · 1 year
"It's just a bit of blood. I won't feint. Promise." - from ana ( @fictalmultitude )
The woman seemed to come out of absolutely nowhere and at the worst time possible. Geralt grunted, swinging his silver sword over head to slice at the giant Kikimore that had risen out of the muck and sludge of the bog. "Stay back!" he called out into the darkness, though he could see perfectly fine through it. She yelled something about blood and not fainting and he grunted again. Just what he needed was someone to die from the village that he took the contract from. Even if he killed this monster he likely wouldn't be paid. "Don't die...." He yelled out to her again as he blade sliced through one of the thick legs of the insectoid, lopping it off. The thing let out a hiss and then pulled the Witcher under water. There was a few bubbles and ripples and then a stillness -- it only lasted for a minute before the Kikimore shot out the water as Geralt thrust his sword through the monsters abdomen. He huffed and grunted as he dragged the lifeless body up onto the shore and then he ran over to the woman who was on the ground. Stooping down, he glided his dirty hands over her leg. "Is this your blood or it's blood?" He tilted his head towards the dead thing on the shore. "Where the fuck did you come from?" He said in a gruff tone as he stood up and walked over to his horse, Roach, who was resting near a tree. He reached into his pack and grabbed a vial of liquid and some cloth and then returned to the woman's side. "Let me see your wound."
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west1rosi · 1 year
@fictalmultitude gets a starter from sara to jacaerys
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"You   travelled   all   the   way   to   the   north   and   forgot   to   pack   much   heavier   coats,   your   grace."   sara   tries   her   best   not   to   laugh,   amusing   as   it   is.   Cregan   had   told   her   of   the   prince's   arrival   and   his   lack   of   protection   against   the   northern   colds   and   so,   she   offered   her   skills   to   make   the   prince   a   coat   of   his   own.  
Dragons   and   sea   horses   decorate   the   one   she   had   made,   hoping   it   will   be   of   his   liking.   "if   you   wish   for   it   to   be   redone,   i   can   happily   do   so.   but   i   believe   you   would   want   to   honor   both   of   your   ancestral   houses   while   being   warm."
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gleamingcrowns · 1 year
“you know you’re the only one i want to be with.” meme sent from @fictalmultitude for jamie.
Jamie looked up at Ana, nodding to her as he stood up. "Ay' lass, I know that. Ya' tell me every day and every day I tell ya' the same thing." He crossed over to her, his hand resting on her lower back as he spoke. "Ya' are my soul, apart of me now." He pressed his lips to her forehead, taking a deep breath as he did. The way she had him wrapped around her finger. Jamie would do anything for her, and he meant that. "Ya' are my home Ana, now until my last breath."
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bcbliophile · 1 year
@fictalmultitude Harwin & Alicent
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She knew she shouldn't be here, they had just talked about doing things the right way, but Otto had taken her going to the King and Rhaenyra about what happened as well as one would think he would and solidified his disowning of her, she didn't want to be alone, so as quietly as she could, she made her way down to a familiar door, tears still fresh in her eyes and fresh bruising on her wrist this time, she knocked softly on Harwin's door, praying he was awake or not on guard duty.
She should have gone to Rhaenyra, but the blonde was all too pleased about Alicent refusing to marry the king and she didn't think she would be too great of a comfort in that moment. She glanced up and down the hall, making sure there was no one to see her there as she waited for him to open the door.
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legionversed · 1 year
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Just in case any of my followers are interested I'm making a comic/anime rp multi muse blog. If interested fallow #kdcomic
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iamdarcylewis · 2 years
@fictalmultitude's Loki asked: "Do people seriously make a big deal about this every year?"
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She knew she should've shown him the puppy bowl first. "Well, the game is very important so a lot of people, there's also a lot of ads from movies and stuff, and the halftime show is really the best part. You'll see in a bit, just enjoy."
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realmsdeliight · 1 year
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   @fictalmultitude​ asked: " is this a joke to you-?! " - from jace           - from ( x ).
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   Anger. She recognized the fire lit behind her son's eyes. A raging flame that only a dragon could withstand. How else could he have taken the news? How else could he have reacted to hearing of his brother's slaughter? Had it been under different circumstances, he would never have spoken to her that way, she knew. But it was not different circumstances. And whatever composure she had mustered to meet her eldest son when he returned to Dragonstone began to crumble.
   " Do you think I am taking this lightly?" Her words came out snapping, harsh. Not what she had intended, but she couldn’t back down from it now. Her own anger clawed its way to the surface. "Do I appear to be content in your eyes? Do you think I am unaffected because I have not yet burned down King's Landing?" With every word spoken, her voice grew louder and more caustic  than she had ever been with Jacaerys, or any of her children for that matter. She regretted it as it left her lips but that regret would not take the lead in this encounter. There would be time for remorse later.
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