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ficclings · 1 year ago
Hybrid! Yunho OneShot
This hasn't been proof-read so I apologise for mistakes!
Reader - Bat Hybrid Yunho - Dog Hybrid A little something for Valentine's Day because I'm lonely.
Yunho enjoyed being outside in the winter, the cold was a lot easier to escape than the humid, burning sun.
It was more the aesthetic of going to a coffee shop and cozying up by the window that he enjoyed but he still appreciated the beauty that came with the late season.
It was also the season that managed to spike his Hybrid senses into overdrive, making him hyper-aware of everybody around him and being on edge whenever somebody came near him; even his closest friends had to be careful in the winter which made having a Christmas gathering a little awkward with a Retriever Hybrid constantly trying to bite back his growls.
He hummed as he blew over the top of his coffee, the cold air brushing over his skin as a rather comforting contrast.
Work had gotten too stressful for him and so he had convinced himself to call in sick so he could relax for the day.
He would’ve loved to have a big old fireplace where he could just sit and relax at home but he was certain it would go against the safety code of the building.
Yunho licked his dry lips as he looked around for a spot to sit but ended up pouting when every table was taken, meaning he would have to take one of the outside tables in the freezing cold and he was certain he had heard of a possible snowfall today.
Making himself comfortable, he buried his face into his scar a little more and cuddled his coffee with his bare hands as he was an idiot that morning and forgot to bring his gloves.
His roommate, Wooyoung (a Peacock Hybrid) had even stuck a sticky note on the fridge about not forgetting them, but Yunho had walked straight passed the fridge in order to make the breakfast menu at the coffee shop.
Freshly made croissants were a weakness and Yunho just couldn’t resist.
“E-excuse me?”
Yunho looked up to find a woman shyly peering at him from within her own scarf cover, and tilted his head to the side as he desperately tried to calm his Hybrid half down.
“May I…may I sit here, there aren’t any spaces inside,” she was almost whispering as she spoke and her gloved fingers were clenching and unclenching in a clear attempt to calm her anxieties down; something that made Yunho’s heart ache for her ever-so-slightly.
“Go for it,” he invited with a friendly smile and his tail wagged when she smiled back at him.
Yunho watched her for a few moments, taking note of the unusual ears atop her head and the slight miscolouring of her eyes; he couldn't detect what Hybrid she was and even his Retriever side was confused.
“I’m a bat,” her voice made him jump and she giggled, hand coming up to her mouth as she did.
“I didn’t mean to stare,” Yunho could feel his ears turning red as he replied, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen a Bat Hybrid out and about,” he remarked bashfully as the woman bowed her head with a matching colour of her cheeks.
“It messes with our sense of direction,” she explained with a laugh, “the sun I mean, we’re all a little partially sighted so being nocturnal is just sensible,” she continued as she picked up her own beverage, a fruity herbal tea, and took a sip.
“Is it that hard with sun out?” Yunho pondered with a cute quirk of his eyebrows and a wiggle of his tail as he seemed to forget that agitation the season brought with it.
“I don’t even understand it myself but it is difficult to navigate with the sun, it hurts our eyes even when looking at the ground,” she playfully puffed her cheeks up in mock annoyance and Yunho felt his entire body suddenly flush with warmth and fluttering.
“Wow, the most I have to deal with is winter agitation and getting distracted by people playing football,” he muttered and grinned when the bat hybrid burst into a fit of laughter.
“I have heard of dog hybrids doing that!” she covered her mouth again and Yunho desperately wanted to take her hands away to see what she looked like when she laughed; even though he knew it would still look both adorable and beautiful at the same time.
“Have you ever chased after a ball?” she was now fully facing him now, fingers scratching at her cup of herbal tea and nibbling at her already sore bottom lip.
“I did when I was a lot younger,” he admitted with a cheeky grin, “my friend Hongjoong had to literally tackle me to the floor to stop me and even though he’s tiny, he managed to do it,” he smiled at the memory and took a mental note to call Hongjoong later that day to catch up on things.
“I can’t imagine anybody taking you down,” it seemed she said this without meaning to and covered her mouth once more but this time in embarrassment, “I-I mean, you’re so tall and things,” she nervously giggled and scratched at her fluffy ears.
“Well, Hongjoong can do anything,” he pointed out and felt a sting of pride for his older friend, “even take down a giant,” he added and they both fell into playful banter, the weather no longer an issue and the sun seemingly not able to blind the Bat from the stunning man across from her.
The next time Yunho bumped into her, was when he was fully decked out in pyjamas and a big puffy coat; having run out of instant noodles for his dinner, he had decided to just pop down to the shop near his apartment building.
The winter night was bitterly cold but the sweet Bat hybrid was also doing a bit of late night shopping, which she quickly explained was actually her morning shopping if you took into account that she was normally a fully nocturnal person.
They spoke for so long that the shop owner, who had the heaviest bags under his eyes Yunho had ever seen, finally asked them to leave.
Only when they had said goodbye to each other did Yunho realise that he had forgotten both his noodles and to ask her what her name was.
“Yunho!” Wooyoung’s voice sang from the living room, making the retriever grunt from his bed, nice and toasty from the cold.
“Yunho, my little puppy!” his door was pushed open with reckless abandon and he was suddenly attacked by the younger male, straddling him with a wild grin on his attractive face.
“I had a late night, please,” Yunho mumbled trying to hide his smile as Wooyoung proceeded to nuzzle into him lovingly, behaviour that he did everywhere that made people believe they were a couple.
“And why was that, lover boy?” Wooyoung let out a loud laugh and sat back up so he could look down at his friend, “I’m aware you were speaking with your precious little batgirl, but you don’t have to turn nocturnal yourself,” he poked Yunho’s cheeks before smooching them with an over exaggerated MWAH leaving his lips.
“Okay, okay, get the hell off me,” Yunho laughed as the peacock let out another laugh and finally released him.
“Oh, and just saying,” Wooyoung stopped at the bedroom door, “your little batgirl goes to your Internet Café,” he looked over his shoulder at his now blushing friend.
“How do you know?”
“Yunho, she is a nocturnal hybrid and that’s rare to see in the daytime; she stands out quite a bit when she decides to be a daywalker,” Wooyoung then threw him a flirty playful smile, “you owe me a kiss,”
With a big eyeroll, Yunho threw his pillow at him.
In hindsight, having a crush on a purely nocturnal person probably wasn’t a good idea when your own biology was catered to being awake during the daytime.
But he was determined to get to know her, desperately wanted to see if there was any sort of hope for something to blossom between them.
Yawning behind his large hand, he flopped down on one of the chairs in the café and tapped into the system so he could try to calm his nerves by playing a game.
He was halfway through a dungeon mission when his eyes caught movement by the window he was sat at and quickly typed to his teammates that he’ll be right back.
His tail started to wag violently at the sight of her making her way to a computer in the far corner, not even noticing a very happy retriever but this was understandable as he also noticed the small guide stick, she was holding to help her avoid bumping into things.
He spotted her pulling a controller out of her bag and plugged it into the back of her computer and his lips spread out into a wide grin.
She played games!
It was something else that they had in common and he had to hold himself back from immediately running over to her to ask a hundred questions.
He un-paused his game and continued to lead the march through the virtual dungeons as a powerful wizard; maybe this will help him calm down a bit more before he would even think of going over to her.
It ended up working a little too well as he got immersed in the world he had been playing for years; a frustrated groan leaving him when he died for fifth time in one of the hardest dungeons in the game and he pulled at his fluffy ear out of habit to try and stop himself from yelling at the screen.
“Do you need any help?” he just about jumped out of his skin and grabbed the front of his chest, coughing at the quick intake of breath he just took which in turn made the adorable bat panic and hold onto his hand as if he was dying.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you!” she squeaked and patted his back as his coughing slowed down.
“You’re a ninja,” he commented as he finally stopped coughing, “I’m okay,” he added with a blush when he noticed she was still holding his hand.
“Sorry,” she smiled a bit and sat down next to him, controller in her other hand, “um…I heard you earlier getting annoyed,” she giggled slightly.
“Oh uh,” his ears must be on fire right now, “yeah, we’re having a bit of trouble with this dungeon,” he explained with a pout making his ears droop and the sight made the bat smile warmly.
“Well, I know the Elf class can heal the team a bit but I think you need a full-on healer,” she pointed out and then bashfully pressed buttons on her unplugged controller, “I wouldn’t mind helping you,” she whispered making his heart skip a beat as he took in how she seemed to shrink in her shyness.
“I’d love that,” he smiled before quickly adding, “what’s your name?”
And finally, he got his answer.
Wooyoung smiled as he watched Yunho on his computer, headset on and fingers tapping quickly on the keyboard as he barked orders at his teammates but then had a very soft voice when asking for a bit of healing.
It was quite funny to hear and Wooyoung was tempted to record him just so that he could then show Yunho the double standards he had.
“Are you okay? I have protect ready to go,” Yunho’s voice was soft again and Wooyoung snickered into his bubble tea, pizza in the other hand threatening to let melted cheese fall onto his jeans.
“I said right!” Yunho’s ‘Captain’ voice came out, a heavy sigh falling from his lips as it did so, “don’t go off on your own, we have sixteen levels left!”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes but looked over his shoulder to watch his friend have a battle with himself as he both tried to order and flirt at the same time.
“Do you have a shield ready for us?”
“If you need help, I’m right next to you,”
Wooyoung’s high pitched laughter finally came out and he fell back on the sofa, the actions and sound making Yunho nearly drop his mouse.
“Oh my god, you are so down bad,” Wooyoung cried covering his face to try and silence his laughter, but it didn’t work, especially when Yunho gave him a death glare as he tried to cover up the microphone.
“Yunho, is everything okay?” Y/Ns voice was laced with worry, and he smiled shyly even though nobody could see him apart from the peacock (he was convinced Wooyoung was also part Hyena) on the sofa, “should we pause?” she added, and her character even turned towards his.
“No, no, I’m okay,” he chuckled, “just a film my roommate is watching,”
A little laugh came from his teammates, but it was Y/Ns that made him want to melt into his chair.
Wooyoung was convinced he was going to get himself slapped around the head the moment Yunho got off the game; he quickly sent a text to his friend Changbin, grabbed his keys, boxed his pizza up and took it with him out of the apartment.
“My heal is on cooldown so be careful!” Y/N’s voice came through his headset, “I have aura-heal but that means you’ll have to be stuck to my side,” she muttered clearly displeased with the fact her team couldn’t move freely.
“It’s alright, Y/N, I have potions!” came a response from the archer, Mingi, “I can heal myself,”
“Me too!” the tank, Seonghwa added making his character wiggle around in a playful manner.
“I have potions too and if anybody goes down, I have revivals,” Yunho slumped back on his seat as they all waited for the long loading screens to finish.
“You have revivals?” Y/N gasped with excitement, "I haven’t learnt that spell yet, you legend!” she giggled and he returned his hands to the keyboard as the loading screen finally finished, a fluttery feeling in his chest as eh found he liked the fact that Y/N could rely on him; even if it was just in a game.
“Don’t compliment him too much, his ego will get even bigger,”
“Shut up, Mingi,”
It wasn’t long after having regular game nights, that Yunho finally worked up the courage to invite her to his apartment; mostly to hang out but to also meet Wooyoung.
The thought terrified Yunho, not because he didn’t want them to meet, but because he knew Wooyoung was going to tease him relentlessly.
He supposed it was a blessing that she was quite literally a creature of the night and therefore she would be there quite late, meaning Wooyoung would most likely be in his room trying to sleep.
“You’re going to wear the floor out,”
Yunho flinched at the sound of the peacock’s voice.
Wooyoung snorted before looking to his strange alcoholic beverage, plastic umbrellas decorating the rim.
“You’re walking up and down in the same spot, I’m surprised you haven’t worn the floor out and said hello to our downstairs neighbours,” Wooyoung took a sip of the bright green liquid and almost purred at the taste.
“I don’t know how to calm down,” Yunho muttered and as if on cue, he began pacing up and down the hall again.
“Yuyu,” Wooyoung grabbed his friend’s bicep and forced him to stop, “if this woman is as nice as you go on about, then stop worrying, she’ll just be happy to spend time with you,” he explained with a much more serious expression than Yunho was used to, but he appreciated that Wooyoung was genuinely trying to help him.
“Have this,” he offered his toxic looking drink and Yunho pulled a worried face that made the peacock laugh, “relax, it’s Lime-Melon Soda,” he grinned, “it only has a small amount of alcohol because I must get up early tomorrow,”
Yunho chuckled before taking a cautious sniff, decided it was fine and then had a small mouthful.
“Not bad,” he giggled before shyly pulling the other man into a hug, “thanks Woo,” he felt his tail wagging and had to stop himself from rolling his eyes.
Damn thing always giving away how much he liked somebody.
“Just be calm around her, she’s a bat, right?”
Yunho nodded.
“So, she’s very aware of things around her,” Wooyoung then placed his hand on his own chest, “we gentle creatures are like that,”
This single comment sent Yunho into a fit of laughter with tears streaming down his face because out of all the words to describe his friend, gentle, would not be one of them.
“It wasn’t that funny!” Wooyoung shrieked before puffing his hair out of his face and walking into his room.
Once his laughter had finally stopped, he found himself staring right through the peephole to see if she was there yet almost jumping out of his skin when he realised that she was on the other side pacing just as he had been; clearly nervous herself.
“She’s here,” Yunho whispered before remembering that Wooyoung wasn’t beside him anymore.
He tried to focus on making sure that his tail wouldn’t wag when he heard her soft knocks on the door; taking a deep breath, he pulled the door open slowly to not startle her senses.
Her face practically lit up with both happiness and anxiety when they locked eyes.
“Come in, come in!” he ushered her inside and adjusted the heat in the apartment to making it slightly warmer.
If he was going to spend money on warming the place up, it was when Y/N was there.
“Wow is that your gaming area?” she gasped, and he couldn’t help but laugh when she practically hopped on her way to the set-up he had.
“Yeah, I have a set-up in my room as well,” he felt a little flustered admitting that he had a lot of gaming equipment but thankfully, she was also a very big gaming enthusiast.
“You’re so lucky, I can’t find the new Playstation anywhere,” she giggled and stroked the top of the machine, making Yunho flush as he thought about receiving a pet on the head from her.
“Well, he hunted it down,”
Both quickly turned to see Wooyoung peering out of his doorway at them with a knowing smirk on his lips.
“I’m Wooyoung, his roommate!” he explained and approached her with a slow pace.
“I’m Y/N, I’ve only heard you in the background when in games,” she admitted with a shy laugh.
“Because he’s a loudmouth,” Yunho commented and as if to prove his point, Wooyoun let out a shriek of denial.
“I’m the reasonable amount of volume, thank you very much, now I shall bid you good day,” he turned his nose up at them and strutted back to his room.
Y/N smiled up at Yunho once they were alone and he just about felt his heart plummet through his body as he realised why he had actually invited her.
“Um, would you like something to drink?” he stuttered and she nodded, fingers clutching her arm nervously.
“If you have anything blueberry flavoured,” she nibbled her lip as she walked towards the kitchen with him.
“I have a ramune,” he pulled it out of the fridge and handed it to her.
“Thank you!” she gasped and excitedly pressed the glass ball down to activate the drink, the bubbles jumping around her nose as she took a big gulp.
Yunho fixed himself an energy drink and they made themselves comfortable of the sofa, conversations about gaming and manga filling the air.
Both getting very expressive with their passion; Yunho was pretty sure that he’d never heard Y/N be this loud before.
“He was one of my first ever obsessions,” Y/N seemed surprised by her admission and buried her red face into the crook of her arm, “sorry, that was too much information,”
“Y/N, you seem to be forgetting that I have a poster of 2B from Nier on my wall,” he pointed out and nodded his head in the direction when she looked up.
“I guess we both enjoy pixel people,” Y/N snorted and took another gulp of her drink.
“Yeah, but having somebody real is good too,” Yunho chuckled and shuffled around on the sofa, so he was completely facing her.
“Yeah,” she agreed quietly and Yunho watching as several emotions washed over her face; her ears twitching in thought, “can I ask you something?”
“Of course,”
Y/N took a deep breath and locked eyes with him, making his breath catch in his throat.
“I don’t…” she paused, “I don’t know how to do this,” she laughed anxiously, “but I uh…” her eyes dropped from his and she almost seemed to curl into herself.
“Take your time,” Yunho encouraged as he heard his blood pump in his ears loudly.
“I really like you, Yunho,” she whispered with a shaky voice, “I don’t want to lose you as a friend though,” she added quickly, using her hair to try and cover her bashful expression.
Yunho all but started to choke on his own spit, causing Y/N to burst into panic and quickly rushed to get him a glass of cold water.
“Are you okay?!” she squeaked and handed him the glass, patting his back as he tried to get his breath back.
“M’fine,” he coughed and cleared his throat several times, hands shaking as he took a few sips of water, “I’m so, so fine,” he continued and gently pulled her down to his level, “I really like you too,” he finished with another clearing of his throat before pulling her towards him and gently kissing her.
Yunho’s large hands pulled her next to him on the sofa, where he then laid them on her waist and the back of her neck.
Y/N shivered as she tried to keep up with him, not experienced in these matters, but she practically beamed with pride when Yunho let out a small moan when her small fangs bit down on his bottom lip.
Her hands fixed either side of his neck, thumbs stroking the side of his face, an action that truly made Yunho feel treasured and it made his tail thump against the sofa; causing them both to start laughing into the kiss.
“Sorry, has a mind of it’s own,” Yunho grinned brightly when he noticed how out of breath she was.
“It’s cute,” she replied and brushed her fingers down it and took note of how Yunho sounded as if he was going to start choking again.
“Are we…” Yunho started as their lips met once again, “are we together now?” he groaned as Y/N’s arms threw themselves around his neck.
“I wouldn’t kiss anybody I wasn’t wanting a relationship with, silly pup,” she playfully bit his jaw, and it took everything in the dog hybrid to hold his hips from jerking upwards at the action.
“Good! Hopefully he’ll stop being a whining moron now!”
Y/N started to laugh again as Yunho let out a growl of annoyance and rested his head on the back of the sofa; the atmosphere changing in an instant.
“I’ll steal your feathers and sell them!”
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btw, sometimes i do fics <3
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planet-dusk · 10 months ago
savior complex by @dwaekkilinos
Saviour | bc @jl-micasea-fics
Lost by @ficclings
All good zombie fanfics! Skz!
tysm bean !! i'll check them out <33
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aww thank you for the rec! compliments are a lovely xmas present :3
def remember some of these and they're excellent, def will be checking out/refreshing my memory of the others :)
New Red Dwarf Challenge
Day 25: Favourite fanfic, fanart, or fan-related work (Part 1)
I can’t pick just one, so I am doing two rec lists.  One rec per author.  Lister / Rimmer unless otherwise stated.
This isn’t supposed to be any kind of definitive list, just some personal favourites.  Merry Christmas!
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@lord-valery-mimes - “Coitus Interruptus” (M).  Lister and Rimmer get cockblocked by Talkie Toaster.  I said what I said.  Hilarious.
@veronica-rich - “Therapy” (E).  Several years before Snacky, this writer anticipated Doug by having Rimmer get therapy.
RoseCathy - “In My Eyes” (G).  Yes, I said G. ;)  An AU where shy, awkward optician Arnold Rimmer nurses a hopeless - or is it? - crush on his charming young assistant Dave Lister and can’t get up the nerve to ask him out.  Help comes from a most unlikely source…
This is, quite simply, adorable fluff of the fluffiest kind.  Heartwarming.
@cazflibs - “The Morning After” (M).  Hilarious crack where Lister wakes up after drunkenly celebrating his birthday to find he ended up partying with a bevy of recent Red Dwarf guest characters.
Kronette - “Back To Life” (E).  Ace and an alternate version of Lister play Cupid for “Back To Earth” era Lister and Rimmer.
Gingertime (Attheborder) - “The High Road Is Hard To Find” (T).  Technically Lister / Kochanski but mostly gen.  Sadly unfinished, but it’s so good I’m reccing it anyway.  Author summary - It’s Kochanski’s turn to be the hero.
Queen_Fiend (pau22) - “A Record Of My Life As A Human, By Kryten 2X4B 523P” (T).  Kryten’s journal whilst briefly human during “DNA”.  He struggles with his newly human feelings for Lister and a jealous Rimmer.  Yes, a Lister / Kryten fic but it’s human Kryten experiencing one-sided feelings for Lister.  Clarifying that in the hope that this fic will get more readers as it really deserves them.
@downonthepharm-red-dwarf - “Buzz”. Hilarious crack involving a talking vibrator.  Yes, really.
Tunglo - “Ship’s Summer” (E).  Author summary - Rimmer gets what he's always wanted. But it's Rimmer, so of course it isn't that simple. 
Horselizard - “All In The Mind” (E).  Author summary - There comes a time in every Red Dwarf slash writer's career when they must write a Terrorform fic. ;) Porn without plot... almost.  Smoking hot.
End of Part 1. Part 2 here. https://www.tumblr.com/janamelie/770805561939886080/new-red-dwarf-challenge?source=share
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zengroove · 2 years ago
Tupac Feat Snoop Dogg Gangsta Party Instrumental
U could be Rollin with Cuzz instead u getting shot up claiming blood. Where u was? I no give a fucc u just another dead mutt stomped out under chuccs. Can u C now bitch? Cuzz can damn show C u, losing is all mob do, and mob is ficcle, wavering, susceptible to trends. Go any way bending to the slightest wind. Scurred to claim shit money over bitch was a lie to disguise the fuccin slob in ya eyes. Say u got 50 homes, 50 homes watch u die. Didn't do shit. Suge drive around shooting those who had nothing to do with it. That was ya innocence. Innocent no more. Unfinished tour. Unfinished work on the floor. All cause u wanted more. Picture this u don't listen, hax buttfucc tumblr in doggystyle position along with giggle. Watching u both get raped and u don't even resist a little. U must like it then, has been. Feels like u haven't been relevant since 2010. U try to run off the help cause u miserable with ya self. Know elon paid u good to fucc with me, but only behind safety of screen cause in real life u get stomped out so keep shoveling that food in yo mouth. I saw ya picture today and there's no wonder why u jealous. A postman who thinks he's Elvis. Mf u not. Fix ya self and ya broken network or run like snot
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ficclings · 8 months ago
Taglist: if you would like to be tagged or I forgot to tag you, let me know! @laymegentlytorest@im-sinking-in-mud @hydroyaksha @hehe-24-hehe@neohyxn
It didn’t take a lot to panic Felix nowadays, with everything going on, but he never thought he would be panicking over the sight of water bottles. 
“What’s the matter?” Minho’s voice was groggy and filled with the want for sleep. 
“We don’t have much water left and I’m not drinking from the tap,” Felix tried to keep his voice down, as not to worry the hybrid currently sleeping for the first time in a couple of days. 
“I would suggest the water back at my workplace but I’m not even sure that’s safe to drink,” Minho paused, “I don’t know how long water can sit there and be safe,” he added with a pout forming. 
“I’d use the internet but that’s down,” Felix rubbed at his forehead and sat down on the kitchen floor, feeling defeated. 
A small smile returning when Pepie padded over to him and rested at his side to give Felix some comfort; which it did. 
“Do we go for a supply run?” Minho suggested, joining Felix on the floor, head smacking against the lower cabinets, “We just went out for one; we’re exhausted,” he hesitated for a second before putting an arm around Felix’s shoulders, “we have enough for a couple of days,” 
Felix sighed and ran his fingers through Pepie’s soft fur, “yeah, I guess,” he chewed his bottom lip and closed his eyes, “I’m so fucking tired,” 
The expletive made Minho snort with laughter; quickly covering is mouth when he heard the hybrid on the sofa stir a bit. 
“Me too,” the older man closed his eyes too and let Felix rest his head on his shoulder. 
The sound of a hand slamming down on a table echoed around the small apartment as the three friends bonded over a game of snap, the hybrid taking the most recent win and accepting her prize of a couple of squares of the Dairy Milk chocolate bar they had found on their recent supply run. 
“You have animal reflexes!” Minho whined and pouted despite himself making her giggle at the sight. 
“Such a sore loser, Hyung,” Felix playfully shoved the older man to the side, letting out an oddly high-pitched cry as Minho pounced on him with a cocky eyebrow raised. 
“Pinned ya again,” clearly mocking Nala from The Lion King, Felix rolled his eyes with a small smile on his handsome face, “wait, that makes you Simba,” Minho paused, “you’re not nearly cool enough to be Simba,” he added teasingly and the hybrid watching nearly choked on the chocolate she was currently enjoying. 
“I’m totally cool enough to be Simba,” Felix argued back crossing his arms across his chest. 
“You realise this means that you two have to get married now, right?” the woman across the table to them was smirking suggestively at them and it caused an immediate flush to brush over the two men as they quickly sat up. 
“Does this make you Zazu?” Minho asked with a chuckle, very entertained by the appropriate gasp of surprise on her face. 
“I happen to love that funky little bird,” she replied with a bright smile, canines on show; catching Felix’s eyes; a light dusting of pink returning to his cheeks, “I miss watching movies,” she added with a loud sigh, shoulders falling with a pout on her lips. 
The electricity had almost completely wiped a couple of days ago, causing them all to panic quite a bit as they had practically been giving themselves what little of their old lives they had, back. 
The only thing still running were the lights in the building as they were the only things hooked up to the emergency backup in case of a power outage or natural disaster. 
“And my games,” she added looking woefully at her giant collection of games that decorated the many shelves both under and beside the television. 
“I think I miss just the action of browsing through websites,” Felix chuckled as he gladly accepted a chunk of chocolate that the hybrid had kindly decided to share more of. 
“Getting updates on things,” Minho paused for a bit as if debating with himself if he should even finish his sentence, “like friends,” he flickered his eyes to Felix who was now fiddling with a loose strand on his jumper, “is something I miss; even the dumb updates that Han and Changbin used to post up,”  
This made Felix laugh, making the hybrid smile warmly again. 
“The anime updates and gym updates,” Felix shook his head, and this made her sit up a little straighter with interest. 
“Who...who liked anime?” she asked shyly. 
“Hannie,” Minho replied fondly with a tone that he had greeted Felix with when they were reunited, “he loves the stuff,”  
“Me too!” the hybrid blushed darkly at how quickly the words left her, simply excited by the prospect of somebody finally understanding her love for the animation world. 
“We all do, to an extent, but Han goes to conventions with Chan Hyung in full cosplay,” Felix grinned as he saw how her mouth hung open and her eyes glittered as if he was talking about an anime deity. 
“Much more fun than the gym, anyways,” Minho muttered with a shake of his head, clearly thinking about Changbin, “the number of times I saw Changbin doing suggestive stretches, is too many times,”  
All three of them fell into a quiet rumble of chuckles, a small moment of calmness, the background of the apartment filled with the loud snores of Pepie and the scurrying of Harvey kicking his bedding around the small area they had set up, once again. 
“Look after your brother,” she whispered as she cupped Pepie’s face and gently stroked his cheeks, her fingers then gently running over Harvey’s back. 
“I will,” Pepie chuffed and then whimpered, “please be safe; don’t forget about us,”  
Her heart ached as it just reminded her that he and Harvey had essentially said goodbye to their mum and dad the morning of the outbreak, only to then be left alone as the owners clearly met a horrible fate. 
“We’ll come back, I promise,” she pet his head, “I’ve put your water and food in that corner and this is where you go to the toilet,” she pointed out the places as she prepared herself to shut them both in her bedroom, an extra layer of protection. 
“I’ll be a good boy!” Pepie let out an ‘Uff!’ and nosed at Harvey; making the rabbit flinch in surprise and he stomped his foot on the ground. 
“You two are always good boys,” she added before gently waving at them, switching a battery powered lamp on for them and then shutting the door with a loud sigh. 
Exhaustion and worry for the travelling they were going to do for the next couple of days, hung heavy on her shoulders and her stomach twisted up in knots at the thought of not being able to keep her promise to Pepie and Harvey. 
“You ready?” she looked up at Minho, who was leaning against the wall, strong arms crossing over his chest. 
“Uh,” she cleared her throat, “yeah, just anxious...as usual,” she rubbed the back of her neck before tutting as she felt her hairband rub against her skin, reminding her that she wanted to keep her hair far away from both her face and prying rotting hands. 
“There,” she waved her head from side to side to make sure it was tight enough, flushing a bit when she spotted Minho carefully watching her every move, “what?” 
“Your ears,” Minho smiled a bit, more to himself than her, “cute,” he added quietly and turned on his heel to help Felix move the furniture away from the front door. 
“Oh,” she squeaked, tugging on her ear out of shyness; shaking her head soon after and rushing to help them as well. 
She had quickly concluded that owning a baton that had been modified by Minho to have barbed wire on it, was a brilliant investment. 
Despite the baton still being covered in small fleshy pus, strands of hair and jellied substances that she’d rather not think about, she was able to take zombies down a little faster than usual and it made her feel just slightly more confident in her ability to defend not only herself, but Felix and Minho as well. 
Said men were currently searching the abandoned cars along the side of the road; peeking in through the window in case one of the undead happened to be in there. 
Her eyes caught dried blood that seemed to have been seeping from the boot of the car; she had an awful feeling that somebody had had to trap a zombie in there as she could hear quiet mumblings and light, weak scratches. 
“Felix,” she whispered, gently tugging at his long fingers, “be careful,” she then pointed at the car he and Minho were currently crouched next to, “zombie in the boot,” she added when he gave her a confused look. 
She watched Minho step lightly towards the back of the car and then knocked on the boot once, before promptly jumping backwards when a gargled growl came from inside. 
“You sure it’s a zombie, not just a trapped animal?” Minho asked slightly worried that they were mistaken. 
“It’s a zombie,” she tapped the side of her nose, “they smell dead, like everyone else,” she then bent forwards to check under the car that she was about to approach, just in case a zombie was under there. 
“Oh,” at the startled tone of Minho’s voice, she and Felix spun around in their places, “it’s a zombie,” he then cringed a bit when he pointed out the large intestine that was dangling out the side of the closed boot; it had been severed in half and Minho was now looking at the bottom half of the body of whoever was in the boot. 
“Lovely,” he muttered. 
It was as if her body shrivelled several times smaller when her eyes investigated the dark train tunnel before them.  
The sense of foreboding washing over all three of them as they shuffled closer subconsciously. 
“Are you sure this is the direction your friends might be?” she asked flicking the torchlight around to try and see if anything was lurking in the darkness. 
“It’s the direction that Changbin-hyung and Hyunjin-hyung are,” Felix replied and gently ran his thumb over her soft ears to try and settle her anxiety, “you can stay here with Pepie and Harvey if you’re really that nervous, I don’t want to pressure you into coming with us,” he was faintly aware of Minho watching him as he pressed his forehead to the hybrid. 
“No, no” she pouted a little, “I want to come with you; I’d lose my mind with worry that something had happened to either one of you,” she mumbled shyly and felt a soft flush reach her face when Felix smiled before placing a kiss on her forehead. 
“I’d be fine,” Minho shrugged his shoulders as he twirled his bat around with a relaxed grace that both she and Felix were jealous of, “dunno about him though,” he eyed Felix with a teasing grin as the wind picked up outside of the train station, the breeze dancing across them. 
Rolling his eyes with a puff of laughter, Felix motioned for them to follow him into the darkness. 
“Careful of the maintenance doorways,” Minho whispered and then jiggled his torchlight towards one said doorway, “don’t want to have to save you guys again,”  
“Awfully smug today,” Felix remarked with a playful sigh. 
“I have reason to be,” Minho turned to face his younger friend, carefully walking backwards just so he could shine the light at Felix’s eyes; making him yelp and shield his eyes. 
A shiver went up her back at the sound of him yelping as it echoed all around them and she stopped walking to focus her hearing. 
“I hate this,” she whispered as she searched herself; finally figuring out how to use her bra strap to hold the torch forwards; keeping her hands free. 
“Stay close and you will be okay,” Minho replied with a very deadpan tone, his eyes squinting as he turned to investigate the darkness behind them, clearly checking their six. 
“Quiet!” Felix hissed and held his hand up in the air to emphasize his words, his feline-like eyes wide as he scanned the area in front of him; reaching behind to carefully change the direction of the torchlight. 
“Oh,” she held her breath to stop herself from blushing as his fingers grazed across her skin. 
“What is it?” Minho whispered and crouched down with Felix as the younger man slowly moved forward. 
“You can’t hear that noise?” Felix frowned as he looked back at his friends, who were now sharing a confused expression, “even you?” he watched her shake her head. 
“There’s something in that room,” Felix turned his entire body towards the room in question and it was only the that she picked up on the shuffling, scratching noise that he was going on about. 
“It sounds like a zombie,” Minho stood up straight and spun his bat around with his long fingers, stretching a bit, “stay here,” he was already on his way up the small stairs, hand yanking the door open, and she cringed at the sound of a bat crushing down into something soft, crunchy and most disgustingly of all, wet. 
“You might want to see this,” Minho’s out of breath voice echoed slightly. 
“Are you okay?” she dashed up the stairs before Felic could even stand and she was immediately on guard, teeth baring in what was supposed to be a threatening growl, but Minho found it quite adorable. 
“I’m fine but I really don’t like the look of whatever the fuck that is,”  
She could sense his nerves as he used his bat to point at a large mass of something in on of the corners. 
“I might be sick,” Felix warned them as his face scrunched up at the sight of expanding flesh bubbles, that then popped audibly, moans and scratching sounds coming from somewhere inside of the mass. 
“That’s the noise,” he added, and the hybrid had to quickly steady him as he suddenly jumped backwards with a strange noise leaving him. 
“There’s a fucking face in there,”  
Pulling the torch from her bra strap, she focused the light on where he was pointing and quickly felt the air go cold around her as a dead face, but moving, was pushing against the thin sheet of skin; teeth snapping shut every now and then. 
“Oh my god,” she felt her tail fall and hit the back of her leg, “there’s more than one face,” she watched Minho move forwards. 
“Why are bubbles around?” he asked quietly, and this made Felix tilt his head in equal curiosity. 
“They smell,” the hybrid brought her shirt up to her nose, “they smell so rancid,” she tightened her hands to try and block the scent. 
“It’s a meat...sack,” Minho frowned at his choice of words and slightly poked the place where four faces were now crowding, possibly trying to get to him, “there’s liquid in there,” 
“Hyung, don’t get too close!” Felix warned with his hands immediately grabbing his friend and pulling him back as he caught the action of a hand pushing against the skin as well, “they are trying to get to us,” Felix concluded and shared a worried glance with them. 
“We should go,” she urged before jumping at the sound of ripping; the room suddenly having a floor covered with water close to that of sewage, teeth riding the water as the heads they had seen came rolling out. 
More skeleton than zombie. 
It was then that she couldn’t care less about being quiet in the tunnels. 
“We should fucking GO!”  
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ooh, i like the sound of that! :)
thank you for the tag, vero! janamelie tagged me in the same meme a few days back and i already tagged a bunch of people then, but at the time i declared i didn't know what the last line i'd written was. happy to report that my wip editing job has progressed a little since then and included actually writing some entire new lines! the last one being, i believe:
"It's not just predictable, Reece. It's unprofessional."
this might be a bit of a no-prizes-for-guessing situation idk XD
Last line tag game - tagged by @laurenthemself
Writing game: post the last line that you wrote and tag someone for every word in the line:
"He flashed something disconcertingly close to a pinball smile, tightening on Lister’s fingers again."
@janamelie @lord-valery-mimes @alitbitmoody @the-dala @elibad @kronette @kellyofsmeg @vejiicakes @zinglebert-bembledack @freya-deathstalker @hologrammette @im-staying-calm-this-time @feline-ranger @fecklesheckleshacklesschmeckles
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claimed that scalp 😏😏😏
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chronicowboy · 4 years ago
is it just me or is there something intensely intimate about high school debate? like not in a romantic way or anything but most of these people you barely speak to, or if you do it's a tiny bit of ficcle small talk. and then suddenly you're sat opposite each other with cards of notes in your hands and you're almost shouting at each other, and you're passionate, and you've probably never seen them like that before, probably never see them like that again, and we're so ourselves when we argue because there's no time to think everything out before you say it, so we're seeing such unfiltered versions of each other. idk it's just... for a moment, we're truly human, not just students existing in the same place.
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seokreserves · 5 years ago
Yoongi Oneshots
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At Your Service [magicalsalamander] — 🐾🔞☁️🎱
Black & White [akinnie75] — 📚☁️🎱
Cabin Fever [flowesona] — 🔪🎱
Catnip [flowesona] — 🔪🐾🎱
Delicate [therealmintedmango] — 🐾🔞☁️🎱
Dig Deep [johobi] — 🪐🧪🔞
"Don't Be Afraid" [hobishopee] — 🔪💵
Guardian Angel [flowesona] — 🔪📚
Holly [ficclings] — 🐾🏢☁️
Maybe I'm a little Dangerous (Maybe Love is Too) [hollyhomburg] — 💵📍🎱☁️☕️
Melancholy [flowesona] — 🔪🛍
Mighty [therealmintedmango] — 🐾🔞☁️🎱
Money Shot [taequois] — 💵🔪🎱🔞
Off the Deep End [boymeetsweevil] — 🐚🔮🔞🎱
Pebble for Your Thoughts [therealmintedmango] — 🐾☁️
Positive [deepdarkdelights] — 🔪🎱🧸💎☕️
PS, I Woof You [gimmesumsuga] — 🏠🎱☁️🔞🔑🚪
Punch Drunk [joonbird] — 🥊🔞🎱
The Guardian [letspurpletogether] — 🐾🎱🔞
The Empress [flowesona] — 🔪🎱
Tip of the Iceberg [fortunexkookie] — 🔑🎱☁️🔞🧸🏠
Under His Microscope [yandere-society/chinkbihh] — 🔪
Voluntary Victim [flowesona] — 🔪🛍💎
Wraith [gimmesumsuga] — 🔮🎱🔞🔪
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Oh hey, that's mine! :D Thanks for reccing XD
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“Before Ace left at the end of Dimension Jump, Lister should have offered to be in his quarters covered in curry sauce. Missed opportunity for a nice running gag.”
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reddieao3feed · 5 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cE2mi3
by Junglepeach
Stripper Eddie ficcle ficlet xxxxxx bcause we need more stripper eddie fics booyah
Words: 2361, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh
Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Aged-Up Losers Club (IT), Gay Eddie Kaspbrak, Bisexual Richie Tozier, Horny Richie Tozier, Richie Tozier is Whipped, Eddie Kaspbrak is a Tease, Stripper Eddie Kaspbrak, Alternate Universe - Stripper/Exotic Dancer, Richie is a cat caller...im so motherfreaking sorry..., Richie Tozier is a Mess
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cE2mi3
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 6 years ago
A Breath Away (AU Yeah August 2019)
a breath away (AU Yeah August 2019) by zileywrites
31 unrelated alternate universe drabbels/ficcles ---- day 1: sharing a bed; marichat day 2: cosplaying; hello chat noire
Words: 749, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: post-reveal, Pre-Relationship, Identity Reveal, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Marichat, adrienette - Freeform, Sharing a Bed
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/20085199
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ladysunamireads · 6 years ago
A Breath Away (AU Yeah August 2019)
a breath away (AU Yeah August 2019) by zileywrites
31 unrelated alternate universe drabbels/ficcles ---- day 1: sharing a bed; marichat day 2: cosplaying; hello chat noire
Words: 749, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: post-reveal, Pre-Relationship, Identity Reveal, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Marichat, adrienette - Freeform, Sharing a Bed
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/20085199
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dailynews9 · 2 years ago
Court orders FIR against three direct sales agencies
Court orders FIR against three direct sales agencies
Dehradun : Additional chief judicial magistrate Sanjay Singh has ordered police to register an FIR against employees of three direct sales agencies ( DSA ) in a matter of financial fraud. According to the counsel of a nonbanking organization Fullerton India Credit Company Ltd ( FICCL ), personal loans of around Rs 5laich each were sanctioned to four applicants in 2021 on the recommendation of…
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znewstech · 2 years ago
Court orders FIR against three direct sales agencies | Dehradun News - Times of India
Court orders FIR against three direct sales agencies | Dehradun News – Times of India
DEHRADUN: Additional chief judicial magistrate Sanjay Singh has ordered police to register an FIR against employees of three direct sales agencies (DSA) in a matter of financial fraud. According to the counsel of a non-banking organisation Fullerton India Credit Company Ltd. (FICCL), personal loans of around Rs 5 lakh each were sanctioned to four applicants in 2021 on the recommendation of three…
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