dean-a-mean-tae · 6 months
Stray Kids as Hybrids
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WARNINGS: Minho and Felix are "defect" hybrids. There's cussing in this. I got the information from research, so if you're an animal "expert" respectfully correct me.
Master list | Not requested, but I don't care.
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Chan (Grey Wolf)
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He has a grey tail with grey ears that have a black rim.
His fur is extremely fluffy, and he sheds a lot.
In his human form, he has curly hair that's so grey it almost looks white.
Though he has a ton of fur, he doesn't feel the heat.
He needs a lot of nutrients.
He'll eat over 13 pounds of meat at least once a week.
A "healthy" amount of meat for a human is 23 to 33 ounces per week. There are 16 ounces in a pound.
You can do the math yourself.
He's never gone over 12 days without consistent meat intake.
You gotta feed him.
Good luck. 13 pounds = 208 ounces
He won't tell you he's hungry, but you can hear his tummy from across the planet.
In his wolf form, his ears stand up and point forward.
In his human form, his ears just do what they want.
Contrary to popular belief, wolves barely bark.
Whines can be a sign of affection or distress.
You need to pay attention to the signs and what's going on to know the difference.
His growls are warnings, and his loud ones are when he feels threatened.
His quiet growls are playful.
Chan has and will go over to Minho or Seungmin and put his paw on them. IYKYK
the pictures of those 2 wolves are hilarious
Minho (Tiger)
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Unfortunately, Minho is considered a defect.
He looks like your stereotypical tiger.
It's just the tip of his tail is white instead of black
In his human form, he has brown eyes that turn yellow when he's in a bad mood
His "defect" is his hair. It's dark brown which makes the orange in his ears stand out.
Believe it or not, he prefers to come out at night.
He doesn't mind the day as long as it isn't hot.
Occasionally, he'll sunbathe, but it's seemingly random.
He, unlike most tigers, doesn't like water. He can take showers and baths, but big bodies of water are a no.
He can't see the bottom. He isn't getting in the water.
He still likes the knowledge of having access to a lake. Preferably a private lake.
His animal form is almost 9 feet at a weight of 650 something pounds. The weight is healthy for his tiger form.
If you thought Chan needed a lot of meat, then Minho is a nightmare. ;-;
Tigers require 88 lbs per week. :)
Since he's a hybrid, he can eat at least 75 lbs. Which is 1200 ounces...
His weight is perfect for snuggling, but his weight is painful if he lays on you.
He doesn't like roaring because it's loud. He grunts and uses chuffs to communicate.
If you are ever cold, just lay on him.
Tiger fur can get so hot that steam might come off their fur when in the snow.
He isn't very sociable and prefers his own space. He doesn't mind you or the boys, but it's obvious if he doesn't like someone.
You know that thing cats do with their tail when they feel mischievous?
The tip of the tail starts flicking but everything else is still?
That's Minho.
You always know when he's done some stupid shit or is about to
Changbin (Hare/Jack Rabbit)
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He has brown fur with a white tummy
He gives off Thackery the hare from Alice In Wonderland 2010 vibes
He thumps, in both human and animal form, when he feels endangered or if he wants something
Usually, it's because he wants something
As an animal, he does the binky thing where rabbits jump high in the air
He only does it when he's extremely happy
Sometimes, his legs kick off too high, and he falls forward, like in the picture on the right.
When he's angry, he'll sit on his hind legs with his paws up like he's about to start boxing
When he's annoyed, he'll flick his feet and walk away
Sometimes, he'll kick whatever or whoever is irritating him (like in the first picture)
If he starts nibbling on you while in animal form, it's a sign of affection
Speaking of nibbling, rabbits eat 2-3% of their weight in vegetables.
He's a big boy, so... yeah... have fun. :)
Side note, he's very cuddly.
He rivals Jisung in his attachment to you
He will change into his animal form so it's easier for him to be close to you
Sometimes he'll go flying around the room
Kind of like the zoomies but for bunnies
He is a little dramatic
When he's really relaxed and feels safe, he'll flop over
If he's in animal form, he just does it. Doesn't matter where he is
If he's in human form, he'll flop on the nearest soft object or on the nearest person
Hyunjin (Ferret)
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His fur is mostly brown, but he has 2 white rings of fur on his face with a brown spot under one of his eyes.
In human form, his hair is brown, and his animal ears have a white rim.
He's so hyper.
If he isn't running or jumping around the room, he's asleep in a dark space.
Probably under the covers or in a drawer somewhere
Ferrets eat 5-7% of their weight a day.
As a hybrid, he can eat 4% of his weight a day and still be considered healthy.
I recommend just feeding him 5% to be on the safer side.
Ferrets have poor vision. Unfortunately, Hyunjin has poor vision in both his forms.
He wears contacts in human form.
He will snuggle under your clothes and against your skin
If you have a bigger chest, he'll lay between your tits/pecks
If your chest his flatter, then he'll curl up on the left side so he can hear your heart better
When he wants to play, he'll run at people and then quickly run off
He'll keep repeating this until they get the message
When he's angry, he glares and hisses at whatever is causing his anger
He makes cute chitter noses and sniffs when he's curious
Just like other ferrets, he squints when he's sick
Don't get scared if you try to wake him and he doesn't move.
When he sleeps, he's GONE!
He won't wake up until his body is ready.
I like the idea that he scrunches his nose when he's confused
Like genuinely confused. Not "What are you doing?" Confused
I'm talking "What the hell is this thing?" confused
Shit you not! If you have salty skin or a hybrid safe lotion on, he'll lick you. Both in animal form and in human form
He has to be near sleep to start licking you as a human, though
Ferrets kiss, by the way
It's how they show affection
So don't be surprised if you get grabbed and you feel thick lips smack your cheek
He's just giving you a little appreciation, that's all :)
Sometimes, Hyunjin likes to be difficult in his human form
So, like a ferret, if he wants something, he will stare at you.
When you acknowledge him, and you will, he'll repeated glance at what he wants
He refuses to verbalize it until you either get it correct or he's tired of you guess incorrectly.
All just depends on his mood and how generous he's feeling that moment
Ferrets with splay out and sigh when they're sad
It's so fucking cute
Hyunjin does the same thing but on top of you
If you're working on something, like a laptop or iPad, then he'll flop onto that.
Or he'll flop onto your book or something
When you're wearing a hoodie, he'll hide away from the others in your pocket
So make sure it has the one pocket thing and not 2
He can still fit in the smaller ones but he wants the space
Jisung (Squirrel)
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He is a ground-dwelling squirrel.
He is usually found sitting on Tiger Minho's head.
Like other squirrels, he is terrified of owls
"Why would someone need to look that scary?! Or turn its head that much?!"
Squirrels do this thing called caching. It's where they find and hide food.
I shit you not! He hides so much food around the house.
He doesn't need a lot of food, but he will gladly stuff his face full.
If you have to travel, then take him with you. He loves to travel and hates being left by himself.
Doesn't matter if you're leaving him with the others. He wants to go with you.
Sometimes he'll sit directly on top of you or pressed against you.
You have no personal space.
If you don't like physical affection, let him down gently please.
He doesn't want to be the cause of your discomfort, so tell him in the most fragile way possible
With that being said, he will use his face to get out of trouble
Quickly turning into his animal form and acting cute so you won't be angry
If that doesn't work, then he's dipping
I'm talking hightailing it out the room and into the backyard
You won't see him until dinner or it's bedtime
Speaking of bedtime, he wants you to tuck him in
So please do it. Give him a kiss on each cheek and then one on his forehead and he'll be good to go.
It makes him feel trapped and like he's in a cage.
Makes him more likely to have nightmares, too.
Felix (Ginger Cat)
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Felix is also, unfortunately, considered a defect.
His fur is a golden orange color with lighter stripes.
His eyes look green in the sun, but they're amber.
His "defect" is also from his human form.
His hair is blond like the strips, so his ears stick out. His freckles are also, unfortunately, considered a "flaw."
Most people think when a cat rubs its head against you, it's a sign of affection, which it is, but it's also them marking their territory.
They're scenting you and showing ownership over you.
It's how cats show pride in their belongings :)
If you let him out of the house to hunt, he will return with "food" for you.
He doesn't really think much of it. It's just his cat's side telling you you're family.
I guarantee you'll walk in on Felix either biting the shit out of a toy or him chasing Hyunjin around the room.
Did you know that cats knead because of their early days of nursing?
Kittens would knead at their mothers to encourage milk production. Adult cats knead to show content or to calm down.
Think of it as Felix feeling safe with you.
Felix is the definition of "If I fits, I sits"
If you're curled up on the couch, then he's curled up in the space behind your knees and thighs.
Small spaces make cats feel safe, so be sure to give Felix spots to hide in.
It helps with his natural instinct to ambush.
If Felix stares at you with thin pupils, try not to stare back.
It's his inner cat on high alert, and it could take that as you threatening him.
Meanwhile, slow blinks are kitty kisses.
If you slowly blink back at Felix, he'll do it repeatedly if he's in cat form. If he's in human form, he'll latch onto you and give you cuddles.
If Felix's nightly zoomies irritate you, feed him before you go to bed, make sure he tires himself out before bed, or get him a food puzzle.
Nightly zoomies are leftover energy mixed with their instinct to hunt during the night.
Airplane ears!
If Felix's ears are just sitting up, then he's listening to his surroundings. If his ears are flicking around, then he's agitated or dealing with anxiety.
Either peacefully help him or leave him alone. If he's in cat form, then leave him alone. He'll come to you if he wants to.
Felix knocks things over only when he is bored, as other cats do. It fascinates him to see things topple over. If you want Felix to stop, find a way to entertain him.
When he flops onto your things, it's him scenting your stuff to show you're his and a sign he wants attention.
When the tip of Felix's tail twitches it can mean he's curious or he's hunting. It'll go away when he calms down.
Seungmin (Golden Retriever)
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Golden Retriever
A sassy, playful ball of golden fur. He needs frequent exercise and sheds a lot.
Unlike your stereotypical golden retriever, Seungmin's fur is more soft wheat than golden yellow.
His floppy ears blend with his hair when in human form.
Seungmin doesn't like to be left alone. He won't tell you to stay. He will follow you around.
Seungmin doesn't actively seek out strangers. If someone tries to pet him, then he'll move away.
He also doesn't jump on people and hates when others jump on him.
He's not as social as your average Golden Puppy.
I recommend having a big yard for him to run around if you don't have one for the bigger animals.
Please make sure you feed him the proper amounts. He won't hesitate to raid the fridge if he's hungry.
When he grabs things with his mouth, he's extremely careful.
Softly grabbing your arms or a book to move it out of the way.
He'll share his food with you if you beg enough. He won't actively go out of his way to feed you unless you're ill.
If he's being "Destructive" it's because he isn't stimulated enough.
He needs more mental and physical exercise.
He doesn't have separation anxiety unless you decide to give him a terrible backstory on how you found him.
Otherwise, he's pretty confident that you'll come back home.
If something comes up, you'll communicate the issue and a general idea of when you might be home.
If you don't, he'll be pissed.
It's like breaking a pinky promise. Don't do that.
He'll bop you in the face
Jeongin (Fennec Fox)
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Fennec Fox
He's got big ass ears and they grow to accommodate his head in human form (Minho thinks it's hilarious)
He's got a cream color hair with white streaks in them
You can barely see the streaks, but the others tell you they're there
He's such a smart cookie until he gets in his animal form.
Then it's like he lost all brain cells except one. That 1 brain cell alternates between Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jeongin. Occasionally, Jisung will get it.
He kind of just rolls around
He's just there, chilling in the silence or the chaos
In animal form, he'll curl up on your lap or on the bed
If you're in an office, pull up a chair next to you and he'll lay in that instead
He may think you're mad at him, but just giving him rubs or head pats and he's good
He's kind of like a cat
You have to gage his moods
If he doesn't want to be touched, he'll look at you as you touch him like the picture on the left
Just "Mittens off, human" paws crossed and everything
Buy him clothes for his animal form. PLEASE
He loves them
Go to Pinterest or something and look up fennec fox in clothes or something and it's so flipping cute
You know that dolphin screech Jeongin does? That but in animal form...
The picture on the right for the header of this post?
That's him when he has too much energy, but no thoughts to put into action
As a human, he's like your average Jeongin, but with big ass fluffy ears and tail.
Sometimes he knocks stuff over with his tail and he's so sorry
After something crashed, you can hear him whine in the kitchen from your bedroom
The others don't tease him as much as they could because they know he's genuinely sad about it
Not insecure, but definitely annoyed with himself for messing something up again
Reassure him please.
Don't make it too obvious because then he'll shut down and tune you out
Not intentionally, it's just his brain's self defense.
It doesn't want to be reminded of his mistakes.
It's the main reason why he likes staying in his animal form.
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This was fun
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A Helping Hand (M) ~Seungmin
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Pairing: LabHybrid!Seungmin x GN!Reader Themes: Smut | Fluff | Best Friends to Lovers | Roommates to Lovers Word Count: ~4k | AO3 Synopsis: After one too many shots of vodka, your best friend confided in you a little problem he’d been dealing with for a couple of months now. Tipsy-you figured that you were more than suitable to give him a helping hand. Warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption · overall hybrid shenanigans · Seungmin has a dirty mouth · pet names · Smut (warnings under the cut). let me know if i missed any💜
Author’s Note: can’t believe my first ever published Seungmin fic is a hybrid au lmao. got a weird boost of inspiration for this after seeing @starlostseungmin talking about it, so here it is ! Special thanks to @notastraykid for giving her very valuable input to improve the first draft, as well as @comet-falls for letting me know it didn’t suck skjdfhsdkjf
Due to all the abovementioned warnings, this story is intended for an adult audience only. Minors please do not interact.
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Smut Warnings: this is, as usual, some monsterfuckery · handjobs · praising · breeding kink (kind of) · hybrid anatomy (knot) · copious amounts of fluids. again, let me know if i missed any
Disclaimer: the story represented in this work does not represent Stray Kids in any way; anything described in this story and all actions performed by the characters are purely fictional, this was created just for good fun.
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“You–You don’t have to do this, serious–Oh, God…”
You swallowed, focusing on your best friend’s face. Focusing a bit too much on the vein that popped on his neck when he threw his head back, on how pretty his eyelashes looked when his eyes fluttered shut, on those pouty lips of his you totally didn’t wish you could have on yours… All while trying to ignore what you had between your hands, all while trying to ignore the obscene, squelching sounds their continuous movement produced…
“I said I’d help you, didn’t I, Seungmin?”
Seungmin inhaled deeply. His ears twitched, his tail seemed to have a life of its own, it had started thumping against the headboard of the bed the moment he’d sat down and you’d taken a hold of him.
After opening his eyes again, Seungmin looked at your face, and you saw his Adam’s apple bob when he swallowed. “You did”.
“And I always keep my word, don’t I?” You twisted your wrists, never stopping the motions of your hands.
Seungmin sighed, and some of the tension in his shoulders seemed to evaporate with the motion. “You do…”
A spark of doubt flared in your mind, large enough it was impossible to ignore. Your hands stopped, and the tiniest whine left Seungmin’s mouth. “Unless you… Are you feeling uncomfortable? I can– I can stop”.
Seungmin’s hands flew to your wrists, preventing you from pulling away completely. “No. No, no, please, don’t… I… Fuck, I really want this. I really, really need this”.
You would’ve never expected the afternoon to take you here… To your best friend’s bedroom, to him sitting on his bed, with his back against the headboard, and with his legs spread. You would’ve never expected to have his cock in your hands, barely even out of his lounge shorts. In your mind, this had never been a real, genuine possibility. Yet here you were.
How long had it been since you realised you had a crush on your best friend? Too long, probably. It might’ve been a bit embarrassing, but you truly couldn’t even remember a time when you weren’t pining over him, a time when you weren’t thinking how it would be like to be with him physically, intimately…
Although, to be fair, this situation was far more sterile than all those fantasies you’d allowed your mind to wander into only in the wee hours of the night. It wasn’t as if Seungmin had confessed his feelings for you, or you to him. It was more like… like you were giving your friend a hand–literally and figuratively.
Seungmin was a hybrid. A black labrador hybrid, to be exact. He’d been your best friend since you were a kid, when the school you attended finally started allowing hybrids as students. You could still remember the first day you saw him, standing in a corner by the lockers. You’d approached him, mostly because your mother had taught you that hybrids must be treated well, just like you’d treat anyone else.
He was a shy boy, totally out of character for a lab hybrid, but the more you got to know him, the more he warmed up to you, the more you started to see that bright personality of his. As soon as he’d deemed you trustworthy, it was almost like that shyness had never been there in the first place.
He started to come over to your place to hang out or do homework, to open up about his life, and even to show more of his mischievous side. He’d call you everything from dumb dumb, to human kiddo, to little human, just because he could. But it was fine.
Even if at the beginning it annoyed you that he simply wouldn’t call you by your name, it eventually became such a Seungmin thing to do, you just couldn’t find it in you to be mad at him when his eyes sparkled so brightly whenever he used his little nicknames for you.
Seungmin was chaotic, he was funny, and he was the most loyal friend you’d ever had. He’d been with you through thick and thin. Every broken friendship and relationship, he was always there to console you, to hold your hand and tell you it was going to be alright. He was always there for you, without fail. He’d always joke around and say it was one of his lab traits, but you knew better.
Whether he was a hybrid or not, you knew Seungmin would still be the same Seungmin.
Your Seungmin.
A couple of years ago, you finally got to move out of your parents’ house. It was only natural that you ended up renting a place with your best friend, considering he, too, wanted to move out, and he didn’t particularly enjoy the thought of living with strangers.
Decades had passed since hybrids were integrated into human society. They finally had rights, they were treated as people and not some pet you bought from a store–no disrespect to pets, they had their rights, too. But pets weren’t people. Hybrids, on the other hand, were.
Hybrids had free will, they could reason like humans could, and they certainly deserved to be treated as equals. These were the values that you’d been taught as you grew up, and it was something you believed in still to this day.
Regardless, hybrids still had their animal urges and needs, which Seungmin seemed to have been struggling with for a couple of months now.
The confession happened last night, while you both threw a tennis ball back and forth at each other, after one too many shots of vodka–to be more precise, it’d been three. Three shots of vodka only. 
Alcohol wasn’t deadly toxic to Seungmin like it was to other hybrids, but his body certainly couldn’t digest it very well, which usually manifested not only in the flush that spread all over his face, but also by shutting down every single one of his filters. ‘I haven’t been able to come in two fucking months. Two months! I feel like I’m dying, dude. I just need to blow’.
You’d asked him how that was even possible, how he had not managed to bring himself to orgasm in two months, considering you knew he was a person with a moderate sex drive–based on the amount of times you had to stay in your shared flat while he had company over… His answer was a very graceful ‘The fuck if i know… Nothing works, my dearest little human. Porn doesn’t work. Literature doesn’t work. And my imagination clearly doesn’t work, either’.
He looked genuinely distressed about it, especially when he sighed, and his tone lowered. ‘I’ve been checking forums online… Going anonymous to ask strangers, specifically other hybrids, but most of them said that I needed to find the root cause, that something in my environment could be affecting my physical performance, but it’s… It’s really frustrating, because I genuinely have no idea what’s going on’.
‘Have you tried, I don’t know, getting laid?’ was what your tipsy self asked. You wouldn’t have asked that question fully sober for sure. You really didn’t want to know if Seungmin was out there getting laid these days. It had been a little over a year since you had seen him date anyone, and the thought of him dating someone now, admittedly, made you jealous. Which was potentially very stupid on your part considering you were just friends. The best of friends. Only friends.
‘Nah. Can you imagine if I’m with someone and I can’t fucking come? Distress… Besides, I don’t want to just… You know, do it with a random person. People are kinda… ew’. You could understand completely why he wouldn’t want to go out and hook up with a stranger. After all, some people still saw hybrids as sex slaves, or they were heavily fetishised, so it wasn’t exactly safe to partake in one night stands for him. 
Besides, your best friend was not one for hookups and one night stands in the first place. He had trust issues, especially with humans, so you could definitely understand his predicament. 
‘What if it’s someone you know?’ You threw the ball back at him just as you’d boldly asked the question, because spirits always made you voice things sober you would never have the guts to say.
Seungmin caught the ball and scoffed, completely sure that no one he knew would want to be that intimate with him, and not think ill of him if he didn’t manage to perform. 
But you had to open your big mouth again, very confidently telling him ‘And what about me? I can do it’.
The ball suddenly fell from Seungmin’s hand, landing on the floor and rolling under the coffee table. His eyes followed the movement like a hawk–or, maybe it’d be more accurate to say like a dog. He stretched his body a bit out of the sofa, not even bothering to stand up fully, trying to get the ball while he chuckled, maybe a bit nervously.
Seungmin genuinely thought you were joking for a second. That was exactly what he’d told you, but then he saw how serious you were about it, and, after a few minutes of silence, he simply said that you should have this conversation sober.
Which you did.
Which took you right here, right into his room, with his painfully hard cock in your hands.
Seungmin knew you wouldn’t judge him if he couldn’t come. He trusted you enough to be vulnerable with you in more ways than one, to tell you what he needed or wanted, so you would gladly help him–the fact that you had a major crush on him made you feel a bit self-conscious, you’d admit… Like you were taking advantage of the situation to touch him this intimately. But you had already offered it, and he had already accepted it, so you just didn’t feel like backing down on your word.
“Tighten your grip a bit more”, Seungmin mumbled, and once again he threw his head back when you did as asked and continued working his cock. “Fuck, yeah. That’s it…”
You were starting to heat up yourself. Especially whenever he spoke like that, with the tone of his voice as low as it was. Seungmin was one to swear a lot, very openly, but in this context, it certainly felt… filthier. And it affected you. Maybe embarrassingly so…
You couldn’t help but swear under your breath when your eyes drifted from his face to his length. How could you not look? When he was there, letting you touch him…
Clear fluid leaked from his tip, dripping all over your fingers and aiding your movement, intensifying those sinful wet sounds that resonated in your ears with each stroke. You knew his specific breed tended to produce more fluids than a human would, he’d told you this before in passing, but you had honestly not expected it to be this much.
Seungmin didn’t seem fazed at his slick soiling his clothes. On the contrary, it seemed like he didn’t even care at all.
“Like what you see?”
Your head snapped upwards to meet his eyes, and you immediately felt heat rush to your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry, I’m trying really hard not to look, but…” You suddenly felt small under his gaze, even if your hands didn’t stop. His eyes were so dark, staring right into yours so intensely the hairs at your nape stood on end.
Seungmin always tried not to look people in the eyes, ‘It activates this primal instinct in me, it’s a bit annoying sometimes, to be honest. I only make eye contact when… when I… Well, you know…’ He’d said once, very vaguely, but even back then, you understood. 
He didn’t need to tell you in which situation he enjoyed eye contact. Whenever you looked him in the eyes, you always felt trapped under his gaze, like you wanted to submit. And, somehow, it also woke the butterflies in your belly. Right now, that feeling seemed to have heightened tenfold.
“You’re trying not to look, but…?” Seungmin licked his lips, reaching forward to take a hold of your forearm. Not to stop you, but simply to drag his thumb over your skin in soothing motions.
“But…” You swallowed. You figured now was as good a time as any to let the thoughts out of your head, otherwise they would haunt you forever. “You’re so big”.
Seungmin giggled, a sound that he hardly ever let anyone outside of his close friend group hear, the flush on his face deepened, and his eyes crinkled at the corners. Adorable, even in this context… “You think I’m big?”
“Haven’t touched someone this big ever”, your pace was still slow, but you made sure to stroke as much of him as you could, as tight as he had asked you to. It wasn’t like he was crazy big, he wasn’t particularly long, but he was just… girthy. Girthier than you had ever seen in your pathetic excuse for a love life. “Not only that, but… It’s just… pretty”.
At that, Seungmin looked genuinely incredulous. “Pretty?”
“Mm… pretty”.
He was going to speak, but before he could, your movements sped up, and the whine that left his mouth as soon as you did had your insides instantly firing up. It was a completely involuntary reaction, how could your body not react when the sounds coming out of his mouth were this sinful? When the almost canine whines stirred the butterflies flying freely in your belly?
“Oh, fuck… That’s it, baby, just like that, shit…”
You didn’t even acknowledge the pet name that just escaped his lips. You were convinced it was a heat of the moment thing, so you swallowed that saliva that had suddenly pooled in your mouth, and continued to focus on your motions. 
With both of your hands, you went from the base to the head a few times, until you settled one of your hands at the base and the other at the tip. You had heard that the base of a canine hybrid’s cock was sensitive, not as much as the head, but much more than a human’s would be, and Seungmin’s wagging tail and content sighs proved that to be true.
You made sure to pull the foreskin with you when you pumped his head, and your eyes naturally drifted to the sight again. Pretty, indeed…
“You’re so fucking good at this, fuck…” Seungmin’s head was tilted back against the headboard, but he was still looking at you through his lashes. His chest rose and fell with his laboured breathing, he was essentially panting, his tongue poked out from between his lips, and the movement of his thumb on your forearm had long since stopped. He was now just gripping your arm, lightly digging his fingers on your skin.
“You think so?” You couldn’t help but ask.
Maybe it was a bit selfish, but you definitely wanted to hear more of his praise. It fed a pool of arousal in the pit of your stomach that you just knew you’d have to deal with as soon as you were on your own and away from his prying eyes…
“Fuck, yeah… You’re so good to me, so…” His words trailed off, stopped when he swallowed thickly. 
You wanted him to continue what he was going to say, you almost asked him to, but before you could, he spoke again–with an edge of desperation in his voice that almost made you faint.
“Squeeze a bit harder at the base”, so you did, twisting your wrist as you went up and down, and the loud moan that fell from his mouth made you dizzy with need. “That’s it, keep doing that, fuck…”
You worked his cock for a while, all as words of appreciation continued to fly past his lips, all as his slick kept dripping all over your fingers, as he directed more pet names your way. Until something started to feel different…
“Oh, oh, fuck… Fuck, shit, don’t stop, baby, please, don’t…”
You wouldn’t have dared stop, not when your fingers suddenly weren’t able to touch where you held him. You kept the motions on the head of his cock, but the base seemed to be swelling under your grasp, loosening it a bit.
“No, no, don’t stop there. Squeeze it. Keep touching it, pup”, Seungmin pleaded, tightening his grip on your arm while small whines escaped his throat, almost drowned by the sound of his tail thumping against the headboard.
“Oh, my God…” You knew hybrids were anatomically different to humans, but you had never really considered just how much they could be, so it really took you by surprise.
You were experiencing one of Seungmin’s hybrid attributes first hand. There, at the base of his cock, a knot was quickly swelling, and you would’ve never expected how much the sight and feel of it could affect you. Your mind raced, suddenly curious as to how it would feel like if he were pushing his cock into your warmth, how he would stretch you out to your absolute limits…
Seungmin might’ve been the hybrid here, but you were certainly salivating at the feel of his swollen knot in your hands.
Tightening your grip around his knot, you started massaging it, just as you pumped his head faster, coaxing a string of groans and moans and swears to come out of Seungmin’s mouth.
“Your hands… They’re so soft, so… perfect. That’s perfect, pup, you’re doing so fucking well”.
Seungmin was talking to you like you weren’t the one working him up. It would’ve amused you, had it not been feeding the fire that was burning bright deep within yourself.
You could feel your underwear sticking to your skin, drenched in your own fluids because of Seungmin, and the sounds he was making, and his heavy cock under your hands, and that fucking knot of his…
“Seungmin… Shit, you… This…” Being honest, you were speechless. 
“What? Huh?” Seungmin finally let go of your arm, instead he cupped your cheek, making you look at him, just as he started to thrust up into your fists. “I know what you want to tell me. Or, at least, I think I do, fuck… I can hear how fast your heart is beating, pup. I can smell it all, you know? I wanna know what you’re thinking. Tell me”.
You licked your lips, staring into his eyes. You were sure your face couldn’t be any warmer, yet the heat seemed to spread further the longer you looked at him, the faster you moved your hands and he thrusted into your grip.
“I’m… Fuck, I can’t help but think how it would feel like inside me, stretching me open…”
“Oh, shit–” Seungmin threw his head back. His tail thrashed against the headboard, and his ears were twitching nonstop. “I can–Fuck, baby, I can give it to you. Whatever you want, just say it and I’ll give it to you”.
With your lower lip trapped between your teeth, you took in a deep breath, almost shivering when Seungmin pulled his shirt up to reveal his torso just as he mumbled the most desperate “Close, so fucking close, puppy. Don’t you dare fucking stop. Tell me–tell me more…”
“I want… want your knot… I want you, Seungmin. So much, so, so much. Need you”, you emphasised each statement with a tighter squeeze to the swollen base of his length.
“Oh, fuck!”
With a few more thrusts of his hips, and a few more twists of your wrists, Seungmin gave you a quick warning, only for your name to fly past his lips, and explode seconds after. Thick ropes of cum spurted from the tip of his cock, painting his torso in the creamy substance and dripping all over your hands. It was so much cum, more than you had ever seen anyone ever produce.
The sounds coming out of his mouth were absolutely pornographic, they entered your ears and shot straight to your aching, needy insides. Needy for Seungmin, for his knot, and his everything.
You kept working his cock, pumping the tip to make sure every drop of his cum came out, squeezing and stroking his knot through it all. Until Seungmin’s body slumped against the headboard.
The movement of your hands stopped, but you didn’t remove them. The sight was straight out of a wet dream, his torso, his shirt, his shorts, your hands, everything was covered in cum, and you suddenly had the urge to taste it. But you begrudgingly resisted that urge, this was probably not the moment for that.
When you finally looked away from the mess, your eyes found Seungmin’s. His chest rose and fell with his ragged breaths, his lips were slightly parted as he gasped for air, and he was looking so deeply into your eyes you simply couldn’t look away.
You weren’t sure who moved first, maybe it was you, or maybe it was him… Or maybe, it had been both.
Before you knew it, Seungmin’s soft, moist lips were on yours, kissing you like a starved man. And you retaliated, of course. You kissed him with the same enthusiasm he had, licking his bottom lip to get your tongue inside his mouth, and very quickly, you started to feel lightheaded.
Kissing Seungmin was better than you could’ve ever imagined. Hearing him and seeing him come was a transcendental experience, and you were sure that your brain chemistry had just been altered forever. How could you ever go back to anyone else after this?
The kiss was messy, sloppy, tongues intertwining and teeth sinking on soft skin, producing wet noises all around. You would’ve honestly loved to stay there forever, kissing him, with his length in your hands and his cum all over your fingers. Unfortunately, though, you needed to breathe, so you finally disconnected your lips from his, and took a deep breath.
Seungmin looked into your eyes, and you looked right back. They were still dark, still alluring, but there was something else, something softer… Maybe more vulnerable. The stare-off lasted for a few moments, a few moments spent in silence, until you both broke into a fit of laughter.
Seungmin was practically glowing, he looked possibly the most handsome you’d ever seen him. Even when he was covering the lower part of his face with his hand while he laughed, trying to hide that pretty smile of his after years and years of insecurities produced by the now long since removed braces on his teeth, you still found him incredibly handsome and adorable.
“I take it you enjoyed it? You must have. Look at this mess you made”, there was a teasing smile on your lips, but the truth was, you genuinely wanted to know. 
“As much as you enjoyed, it seems”, Seungmin scoffed, and he gestured between your bodies, where you were still holding his cock. He was still just as hard as he was before he came. 
“You’re still hard?” You couldn’t hide the surprise in your voice, nor the way your eyes widened at the sight, and it made Seungmin smirk immediately. 
“Baby, I’m a dog. My cock thinks it should be inside someone right now, keeping all my cum contained with my knot. Of course I’m still hard, it wants to breed”.
“To… to breed?” Your voice was airy, shaky, suddenly unable to contain the feeling of pure arousal you felt coursing through your veins.
“Mm… to breed”, Seungmin repeated, and he bit his lip when you started to gently squeeze and caress his knot.
He detached himself from the headboard just enough so he could pull his shirt off. After a few moments of silence, he spoke again. His gaze softened further, and he brought his hands to your cheeks so he could softly caress the skin with his thumbs. “Thank you. Fuck, I'm so grateful right now. That felt so good”.
“Oh, please… It was my pleasure”, you chuckled, finally letting go of the head of his cock so both of your hands could focus on giving attention to his knot, hopefully helping relieve any possible discomfort he might be feeling since it was out in the open, unable to fulfil its purpose. 
The motions clearly made Seungmin’s blush deepen. He looked at you for a few bated breaths, and before you could even understand what was happening, you were on your back, gasping in surprise. 
Taking his discarded shirt, Seungmin knelt on the bed, right between your legs, and he cleaned your hands, as well as his torso of as much of his cum as he could. 
“Your pleasure, pretty human, hasn’t even started yet. Let me make you feel as good as you just made me feel”.
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justiceforvillains · 23 days
✨Can't stop Thinking about Dog Hybrid Seungmin✨
Imagine DOG HYBRID Seungmin that has a bad boy image around collage campus, because he is stonic most of the time, it's rarely to see him showing any kind of emotions on his face, everyone is wary of him, plus him haveing a tight circle of friends that he's always with and never with others make him less approachable
Or maybe it's because his wolf hybrid friend Chan threatened eveyone the first year not to fuck with them when one student made little lixi Tear up.
But what he lacks in facial expressions he makes up for with body language, more specifically his tail, it's so embarrassing for him that whenever you pass by his tail automatically Wags, it's gotten so bad that all his friends noticed and started teasing him
And according to Jisung he looks at you with heart eyes, but that could just be because he watched too many K-Dramas
I can see him trying to keep his cool as best as he could and sit next to you, and you being your oblivious self would gasp "you're a Dog Hybrid!" and for a minute Seungmin's heart sank because some humans think of hybrids as less, and not equals, there were many people that looked down on hybrids and demanded that they don't get an education, or the same rights as humans
He tried not to look too disappointed, he tried to control his ears from dropping if you were one of those human, he would really be sad and distraught
But that concern quickly flew out the window when he heard you shyly ask "I don't mean to offend you, I'm from a small town so we don't get to see a lot of hybrids but....um can I pet you? I DONT THINK OF YOU AS A DOG OR JUST AN ANIMAL!! I JUST.... YOUR HEAD LOOKS FLUFFY AND...OMG I'M SO SORRY FORGET I SAID ANYTHING"
Cute that was the word that Seungmin described you with, in order for you to stop your rambling, he lowered his head towards you "are you sure?" "go ahead" as soon as you pet him, you squealed "omg so soft... I could do this forever"
"will forever is a long time how about we have dinner first and see where this goes" you looked at him wide eyed before looking down and blushing "sure I would love too"
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
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kkami-writes · 1 year
hybrid hearts ━ chapter one. cw. the briefest mention of blood wc. 2k
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Time had always felt too slow, yet impossibly fast at the same time to you. Some days had felt like they would drag on endlessly with you feeling bored out of your mind, wondering if this was how life was gonna feel like forever. While some days you would blink and then suddenly the day was over. Sometimes even weeks would pass like this as well. That feeling that your life was passing you by, feeling like you had nothing to show for it was overwhelming at times.
But you supposed it wasn’t all that terrible though. You had a job you loved, having opened up a book cafe after your parents had passed. You had inherited a rather large sum of money from them, as well as their old house they owned in a nearby cozy suburb. However, it had only served to make you feel much lonelier what with all these empty rooms for little old you.
Weeks turned into months and the seasons changed from winter to spring. But your daily routine didn’t change much at all. Although you didn’t necessarily hate it, sometimes it just felt so repetitive that you thought you might lose your mind.
Everyone around you seemed to change, constantly adapting to the flow of time. Yet you found yourself utterly the same and all alone. Though that last part might have been partially your fault, you’ve never really tried to branch out from the cozy bubble you lived in. It was a constant cycle of feeling lonely, yet feeling too attached to your quiet lifestyle to put yourself out there.
It’s early evening on a Saturday when that changes.
You’re sat on the small swinging couch that's connected to your porch, happily curled up with a book and some tea. You were constantly trying to read all sorts of genres, needing to keep up with the latest books so you could have the cafe well stocked. However you found it hard to concentrate when the neighborhood kids were kicking up a ruckus nearby. Their high pitched screams hurting your eardrums.
When you look up to glare at them, it’s then you realize that they’re surrounding one of your trash cans, kicking it around and laughing. You’re quick to get up, abandoning your book as you storm over to them.
“Hey!” Your voice is loud and demanding and it effectively startles the kids. That’s all it takes for them to scatter, running in all different directions. You roll your eyes, not bothering to run after the annoying brats but you are rather curious as to why they had been kicking at your trash in the first place.
Glancing into the bin you find an entirely white ferret sans the small singular black dot under its left eye. The animal is on its hind legs, jumping up and trying desperately to get out of the circular death trap. The trash is only half full and it’s not enough for the ferret to be able to crawl out.
“Hey little guy, you must have been scared from all that kicking” At your voice the ferret startles, falling backwards before squirming back onto its legs. You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up in your throat at its dramatic reaction. “Are you ok? Were you trying to look for food?” You question even though you know it’s not gonna respond.
In the last fifty or so years, hybrids have been woven into modern society after their discovery — though not everyone had treated them fairly. Most people see them as pets, things to own or even worse, sex slaves. Many laws for hybrids have been put in place in an attempt to better protect them, but they were still pretty restrictive. In most cases, people can’t tell a normal animal to a hybrid in it’s domesticated form, so you couldn’t be 100% sure if this ferret in your trash was a hybrid or not.
You had a good feeling though.
The animal glanced at you like it was sizing you up, eyes squinting and head tilting. If the animal was indeed a hybrid, it was most likely a stray. Hybrid law dictates that anyone under 21 required an “owner” or a “guardian” to be in charge of them. In the end, this actually left a lot of strays on the street from terrible people who would abandon their hybrids for various reasons. None could ever be good enough in your eyes to just throw an innocent life onto the streets. At 21 though, a hybrid could declare itself independent and gain the rights to live on their own. Actually finding a place to live was an entirely different problem on it’s own. Many landlords would implemented a no independent hybrids rule and even places of employment didn’t hire hybrids at all or would give them less pay compared to an “actual” human.
People were cruel to things they didn’t understand, so quick to dehumanize someone who might be a little different.
“Are you stuck? Do you want some help?” you call out again softly, slowly extending your hand out to the animal hoping to show it that you meant no harm. The ferret doesn’t take it that way however, it’s teeth sinking into your index finger the moment it gets close enough. You wince at the sharp teeth piercing your flesh, sucking a breath between your teeth at the pain. Still, you don’t shake or make anymore sudden movements.
“S-see? Not so scary right?” The smile you give is slightly strained and the ferret lets out a soft whine. Slowly, it lets go of your finger, backing away with its head down as if ashamed. When you pull your hand back you can see some blood dripping down from the small indentations. “Oof, you’ve got some teeth on you huh?”
“Here, I'll put the trash down ok? So you can crawl out if you want. I’m gonna go address my wound and I'll even leave my door open if you’d like to come in. No pressure but I do have some food if you’d like,” Your smile remains kind as you glance down at the white animal before slowly moving the trash down to its side so it can crawl out.
You turn to walk back towards the house, taking a quick glance behind you to see if maybe the ferret was also following. You try to ignore the disappointment that fills your chest when it doesn’t.
In the kitchen you thoroughly rinse off the wound, waiting for the bleeding to stop before applying some ointment and a bandaid. You won’t lie, it throbs a little but you try to pay it no mind. You remember you’ve left your book outside so you go to retrieve it until you feel something nudging at your foot.
Looking down, you see the pretty little ferret by your feet and a smile immediately graces your lips. In the bright light of your kitchen you can see that its fur is slightly dirty, probably a result from being a stray for quite a while and you briefly wonder how long it’s been in your trash.
“Hi there, are you hungry?” The ferret makes a squeak like sound that manages to makes you smile even brighter at how cute it sounds. You move to open the fridge, glancing around for stuff you have. You’re 100% sure now that that small ferret is in fact a hyrbid, with how it’s been understanding your words and it’s behavior.
You don’t have much in your fridge currently, making a mental note to go grocery shopping some time soon. So you make due with some measly shredded chicken, placing it on a plate before offering it to the ferret. The speed in which the small thing practically scarfs it down is impressive.
“Careful, don’t choke,” you laugh, this time really leaving to grab your book and tea from the porch. When you come back the ferret is at the door waiting for you as if unsure if it should leave or not now that you’ve fed it.
“Do you maybe wanna take a shower? I’m sure you could use one,” the same squeaky noise emits from its tiny mouth and you let out a small laugh. That sound is going to be etched in your memories forever. “ok, sounds good. let me show you,”
So you guide the tiny ferret to your bathroom, showing it where everything is. “I’ll also leave some clothes on the bed if you choose to transform. Oh— but I don’t know if you’re a boy or a girl…well, most of my stuff is gender neutral anyway. Don’t feel pressured though,” With that you leave the ferret to its business. You lay a simple shirt and a baggy pair of sweatpants you hoped would fit whether the ferret ended up being a girl or a boy.
You can hear the shower running and you take that as your cue to leave, exiting your bedroom and closing the door behind you to give them some proper privacy. Glancing at the time you noticed it was getting a little late. Your daily sleep schedule had consisted of trying to be in bed by ten, just yet another boring part of your mundane routine. Though to be fair, owning a coffee shop had required you to open rather early, even if you only had a handful of early morning regulars.
Glancing into your fridge once again, you scope out some ingredients before deciding on an easy kimchi stew, making quick work of the vegetables as you swayed along to a random playlist. In the middle of cooking you feel something crawling up your leg and when you look down, low and behold, it’s the little ferret. It climbs the rest of your body with ease before settling down on your shoulder, to watch you cook. You notice its coat is much whiter now and smells faintly of your vanilla body wash.
“Hi, enjoy your shower?” The ferret chitters back and you have to bite back a coo from the sound. It just chills on your shoulder, seemingly interested in watching you as you cook. “Don’t know if you’re still hungry so i’ll leave the leftovers in the fridge and you can have it whenever you want,” You say while pouring yourself a bowl of your stew. You add some rice before moving to sit at your kitchen table. The ferret runs down your arm and onto the table, curling itself into a little ball.
“If you’re tired you could always sleep. There are three spare rooms and you could pick one if you’d like. At least to just stay the night,” It lifts its head to look at you, blinking slowly before jumping off the table to explore the rest of the house. You eat in silence, something you were used to so you don’t completely mind that the ferret has left you alone. You could have wished that it had kept you some company though. Even though he wouldn’t talk.
The rest of the night goes as normal and you don’t see the ferret again until you’re finally crawling into bed. Once you’re tucked under the sheets the familiar gleam of white fur is climbing up into your bed. You blink at the animal and it blinks back.
“You want to sleep here? Are you sure?” It hops over to you and crawls under the sheets, burying itself into your warm blankets. You let out a small laugh, seeing the small bump taking residence in your bed. “Well, if you’re sure,” You really don’t mind, which is probably strange in itself - to let a strange hybrid into your home and now your bed. Still, if it had wanted to hurt you it would have the moment it came inside or even after you fed it. Maybe it was a little naive of you but you had always tried to believed in the good in everyone. Even if people didn’t do the same for you.
Or you were just incredibly lonely. Could be possible.
You don’t continue that train of thought and instead, bid the ferret goodnight, turning off the lights and falling into a deep sleep.
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mirisss · 4 days
Chapter 11
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Stray Kids OT8 x hybrid! afab! reader
Warnings: some more spicy thoughts though nothing really explicit, descriptions of someone being shirtless, nightmares, anxiety, like on or two mentions of someone being tortured (not described how), lack of sleep, anxiety/panic attack, someone collapsing/falling unconcious, 
Wordcount ≈ 3.1k
Sorry for the long wait, life has been crazy during the last few months for me but here is the long-awaited eleventh chapter! I hope you all enjoy it! 
Please reblog! 
taglist, some tags aren't working and I don't know why 😭:
@ayoo-bangtan, @lose-lose07, @kingcarrot-thecarrotking, @starjane312, @reighlee-greaves, @hi-39024, @queenmea604, @septicrebel, @justayoungandwisefangirl, @imasimplol, @k-p0p-4ever, @detectivedoodle, @hehe-24-hehe, @jinnie-ret, @0325tiny, @borahae-reads, @shycreationdreamland, @kiaralynn3838, @blondechannie, @theydy-madamonsieur, @boi-bi-ahaha, @riri321, @3rachasninja, @kkamismom12, @yuki-sama6, @fun-fanfics, @turtledove824,
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10,
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Changbin fell back asleep almost instantly, (Y/n) stayed awake for a couple of minutes but eventually, thanks to the warmth and the safety of his strong embrace, the dream world welcomed her as she fell into a deep slumber.
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Third person POV
Once morning came, (Y/n) jolted from the bed as Changbin’s alarm set off, the bunny almost fell off the bed however Changbin’s strong arms held her up even in his tired state. “Morning, (Y/n),” (Y/n) looked up at the rapper, she had almost forgotten that she had fallen asleep with him in his bed, the hybrid thought she would feel ashamed at this but she didn’t. No, she actually felt happy and she yearned to fall asleep like this again.  
“Good morning,” “Did you sleep well?” (Y/n) hesitated for a second before she answered, “Very well,” Changbin smiled so widely that his cheeks began hurting, “I’m glad to hear that, now, how about some breakfast? We need to leave for the company soon,” “Can I have a smoothie? Like the one I got a while ago?” “Yeah, I’ll fix that for you, but you’re eating something more than just that, Minho-hyung won’t be happy otherwise,” “Maybe a sandwich as well then,” “That’s better, go get dressed, it’s a bit rainy today so dress a bit warmer,” 
(Y/n) got up from the bed and went over to Jeongin’s room only to find it empty so she headed over to Felix’s room instead but he too was nowhere to be found. Thanks to her hybrid senses she could hear Seungmin moving around in his room, so (Y/n) went to his door and gave it a tiny knock. “Come in,” Seungmin said from inside, (Y/n) carefully opened the door and peeked inside. “Hey, (Y/n)!” “Hey, um, I can’t find Jeongin or Felix, they usually help me with my outfits,” Seungmin looked a bit shocked, but then he nodded and smiled. “Innie had to leave earlier for a personal schedule so he left about 2-3 hours ago, he’ll meet us at the company after lunch, Felix is probably helping Minho-hyung with the breakfast. You have most of your clothes in Jeongin’s room right?” “Oh, he must be tired if he left that early, but, um, yeah, mostly with Innie and some in Felix’s room and a few things in Hyunjin’s,” 
Seungmin grabbed a hoodie from his wardrobe before he signaled to (Y/n) that they were leaving his room. They walked down to Jeongin’s room and went inside, over to the new wardrobe they had put up to keep (Y/n)’s clothes in. “Alright, let’s see, how about a hoodie and jeans? Or would you rather have yoga pants for the most comfortable outfit?” (Y/n) looked at Seungmin’s outfit, and then out the window, before returning her gaze to the wardrobe. She thought back to previous days at the company building, most people wore expensive and impressive-looking outfits, while she did want the yoga pants because they were comfortable, she didn’t want to make SKZ look bad because she didn’t dress up. “Wouldn’t jeans or something like it be the most presentable option?” 
Seungmin was a bit confused but then noticed how the bunny looked at his outfit and her wardrobe. “I mean, sure, if you were coming with us to schedules where you must appear on screen, then yes a more dressy outfit would be better but for a day like this, a hoodie and yoga pants, are perfectly fine to wear,” “But you look so much more dressed up than I would,” (Y/n) was pouting, which Seungmin thought was adorable. “I’m gonna stay behind after practice and go live for a little bit, hence, my outfit,” Seungmin thought that would be enough but then he thought about what the others would be wearing, “the others will be dressed more comfortably, well, I think so, we’re all so used to dancing in all different kinds of outfits so we sometimes wear jeans and stuff like that to practice as well,” (Y/n) admired how hard Seungmin tried to comfort her whilst also staying truthful to the fact that anyone of them could show up in a performance grade outfit. 
(Y/n) was thinking hard about this, should she choose her own comfort and risk making SKZ look bad or should she choose the presentable outfit and be uncomfortable all day? Some bad memories from the past began surfacing in her mind, choosing herself never ended well. But it’s different now, she tried to remind herself. Her family is not like the monsters from her past. (Y/n) took a deep breath, “I’ll take the yoga pants,” She was nervous to actually say it out loud, but once she had, it felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Seungmin smiled at her, “Then yoga pants it is!” Seungmin took a pair of black yoga pants out of the wardrobe and a light blue hoodie, along with a pair of socks. “Here ya go! Get changed and then come to the kitchen, breakfast should be about done,” Just before Seungmin turned to leave the room, he bent down and kissed (Y/n) on the crown of her head, and then he walked toward the kitchen. (Y/n) stood in shock for a second, her whole face was as red as a tomato. 
(Y/n) couldn’t understand the way she was feeling, kissing Hyunjin and Jeongin made her feel a little embarrassed and tingly but this, this kiss made her feel so weak in the knees from warmth that she thought she might pass out. After a minute, she managed to shake of the shock and she got changed before she walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen. 
The kitchen was noisy, (Y/n) could barely make out the 30 different sounds coming from behind the kitchen door with her enhanced hearing. She gently pushed the door open and walked inside, Minho and Changbin were rushing around making sandwiches, smoothies, and whatnot for everyone. Felix was sitting at the table, eating a sandwich in big bites, (Y/n) noticed his lack of a shirt and that he was wearing pyjama pants so he was probably eating quickly to then change into his work clothes. The hybrid blushed as she saw his sculpted, muscular back, she couldn’t even imagine how his torso would look. Suddenly, she was very grateful to the fact that he wasn’t facing her. 
Hyunjin sat in front of Felix, drinking what looked, and smelled, like coffee, (Y/n) scrunched her nose at the scent, it wasn’t her favorite. Jisung sat beside Felix, resting his head on the other's shoulder. He must be tired. (Y/n) thought. Bang Chan sat across from Jisung, drinking a smoothie, it looked delicious, making (Y/n)’s mouth water. Seungmin stood in a corner, looking down at the coffee maker, waiting for it to finish filling his cup. (Y/n) searched for Jeongin, but then she reminded herself that he wasn’t home, it felt weird, it felt a bit empty not seeing them all together. 
Minho looked up from what he was doing and noticed (Y/n) standing by the door. “Good morning bunny, come on, grab some breakfast, we don’t have long until we must leave,” (Y/n) walked over and grabbed a sandwich from Minho before she turned and looked at Changbin, she smiled expectantly at him, her eyes so wide and bright one could only describe them as puppy-like. Binnie chuckled at the realization, their bunny hybrid giving him puppy eyes. “Here is your smoothie, as promised,” “Thank you,” (Y/n) said as she accepted the glass from Changbin. 
The bunny walked over to the table and sat down beside Jisung, doing her best not to steal any glances at Felix’s bare upper body. All the boys at the table mumbled somewhat of a “good morning”, some had their mouths filled with food or drinks, and some were just really tired. “Hi,” (Y/n) answered back before she took a big gulp of the smoothie Binnie had made for her. It was full of delicious fruits, she felt mango and strawberries the most, and maybe a hint of peaches? “Mmmm,” “Was it as good as the first one you got?” Changbin asked before he emptied out his own glass that was filled with a smoothie. “Well, the first one will always be the best because it was the first one I ever got, but this one is really tasty too!” 
All seven boys who were in the room with the hybrid felt their hearts swoon at the happy smile that rested so naturally on the bunny’s lips and the spark in her eyes as she enjoyed her second ever smoothie. To think that there were people out there who had harmed such a beautiful and kind soul. 
“If you ever want another smoothie, just ask for one, next time, I might be able to teach you how to make one even, so that you can do it for yourself if we can’t help you,” “Thank you,” Minho walked over and looked down at the table, noticing that (Y/n) hadn’t taken a single bite out of her sandwich yet and neither had Jisung who was as good as asleep on Felix’s shoulder. Lee Know lightly hit Han on the head to wake him up and then he gently put his hand on top of (Y/n)’s head, making the bunny look up at him. “Eat your sandwiches, you two, and Ji, no sleeping at the table, also-” Minho turned to Felix, “you, go get dressed,” Felix gulped down the last of his breakfast before he stood up and walked out of the kitchen. 
(Y/n) couldn’t help her wandering eyes as she watched the dancer stand up, the way his muscles flexed and stretched, she felt tingly all over and she suddenly felt very thirsty but she thought that was because of the sandwich she was eating and not because of Felix. 
Both Hyunjin and Chan noticed the way that (Y/n)’s turned red, the sudden big gulp, the wandering eyes. No one can deny that Felix has a good body, and apparently, their little bunny finally noticed it too. Hyunjin felt his lips tingle a little as he remembered how soft the bunny’s lips were, and how he wished he could kiss her again, for real this time. Chan looked down to (Y/n)’s lips, seeing her tongue run over them to catch a stray crum from the bread, he didn’t want to rush her but damn did he want to feel her lips against his, would they feel as soft as they seem? Would she taste as sweet as she looked? He knew it might take a few days, weeks, months or even years before she would be comfortable to do things with all of them, maybe she wouldn’t ever want to be with all of them in that way, and that’s okay. However, he couldn’t deny the yearning that he felt deep inside for her. Her soul was so beautiful, so pretty, so kind and warm, not to talk about her looks, Chan sometimes forgets that she isn’t even human because she looks more like a goddess in his eyes. 
Jisung didn’t notice what everyone else saw, he was way too tired to even keep his eyes open. That night he had dreamt nightmare of (Y/n)’s past. He hadn’t even been there, experienced what she had gone through, but whenever he had closed his eyes, all he saw was dark shadows chasing (Y/n), they held weapons in their hands, eventually, she couldn’t run any longer, and the torture began, Jisung would jolt awake as he heard her scream. After the fifth or sixth time it happened, he gave up on sleeping. He wished he could have checked in on (Y/n), to see if she was sleeping, but he didn’t dare disturbe her or Changbin if they were asleep so he waited and waited until morning came to see if (Y/n) was alive and well. Deep inside he knew she was okay with them, but the anxiety from the nightmares clouded his mind with doubt of her safety. 
After a few bites of his sandwich, Jisung’s head once again felt heavy with exhaustion, he couldn’t hold it up anymore and eventually, he let it fall and it landed on (Y/n)’s shoulder. He fell asleep almost instantly as he inhaled her sweet scent, seeing her awake and smiling, hearing her talk and be so lively, so different from when they just met, he felt relieved, part of his anxiety slowly washed away as he rested on her shoulder. 
(Y/n) was surprised when Jisung’s head landed on her shoulder, but she welcomed the closeness, until she felt unease rush through her veins. His breathes were shallow, stressed, his body felt like it was burning up, her sensitive nose picking up something that smelled awful, she couldn’t even describe it, all she knew was that the scent came from Jisung, from inside him. (Y/n) gasped, catching the attention of everyone in the room. “What’s wrong, (Y/n)?” Seungmin asked as he walked over. “Jisung,” (Y/n) couldn’t form a coherent sentence, she was stressing, anxiety filling her own body. She didn’t understand what was wrong with Han, what if it’s something serious? 
Chan looked between (Y/n) and Jisung, only now noticing how exhausted and stressed Jisung looked, he looked sick. “What’s wrong with him? Can you feel something?” Chan asked. “I… I don’t…. know… um, scent, warm,” “Shhh, it’s okay, calm down, everything will be okay,” Minho immediately walked over to (Y/n) and enveloped her into his arms as Seungmin gently moved Jisung’s head away from the hybrid. “He’s burning up, hyung,” “This seems like a reaction to an anxiety attack, remember, he used to get like this often back when we just debuted?” Chan said as he too walked over to the younger rapper. Jisung was unconscious yet he seemed like he was in the midst of a panic attack, his breathing hurried, sweat forming on his forehead, body shaking and feverish. (Y/n) was shaking, her eyes couldn’t focus on anything, her temperature rising from the panic, tears silently falling down her cheeks. 
“Minho, and Jinnie, can you two take care of (Y/n) whilst Seungmin and Changbin take Jisung back to his room? I’ll go call the company and say that we might not come in today because of this, I’ll ask Felix to message Jeongin so that he knows what’s going on,” Everyone just nodded before getting to work. 
(Y/n) was shaking in Lee Know’s arms, so worried for Jisung that she internalized his own sickness onto herself. “This is similar to how she was when I found her, shaking, scared, confused,” Minho said as Hyunjin came over and gently scratched (Y/n)’s head, right by her long and soft bunny ears. Something she once mentioned calmed her down. “Yeah, it’s kind of how she got in the elevator too,” Hyunjin stopped his sentence to wipe away some of the tears from (Y/n)’s face, “it must be stressful to see someone in her newfound family collapse like this,” “(Y/n)? Should we at least move to the living room? So that you can sit down comfortably on the couch?” 
(Y/n) could barely hear what the two dancers were saying, it sounded like she was under water and they were above the surface talking. All she could do was just grip onto Minho’s shoulders just a little harder and hope that was enough of an answer to whatever question he had asked her. Minho tried to stand up as gently as he could with (Y/n) clutching on to him, Hyunjin helped with stabilizing the bunny and holding the door open for his hyung. They sat down on the couch, (Y/n) half in Minho’s lap and half on the couch, Hyunjin leaned over so that the hybrid was sandwiched between them and he once again began gently scratching her head. 
This had been one shaky morning, it started out so good but it quickly turned bad. Maybe a free day would do them all so good. The company wasn’t happy with them but they approved the sudden day off once Chan promised to work on some songs at home. Once Felix managed to reach I.N, the maknae hurriedly finished his personal schedule so that he could rush home as fast as he could. They all wanted to be there to comfort their family. When Jeongin got home, he found Minho, Hyunjin, and (Y/n) asleep on the couch with some low music playing in the background, Chan, Felix, and Changbin were sitting on the floor of Jisung’s room, half asleep as they watched over their brother, and finally, Seungmin was in the kitchen, cleaning up from the breakfast and prepping to make tea for everyone once they woke up again. Jeongin joined Seungmin in the kitchen, helping with the final pieces of the clean up, before he went to the living room, joining the hug-pile on the couch and letting himself fall asleep as well. Perhaps, the afternoon, will be kinder on all of them. 
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And that was this chapter, I hope everyone enjoys it, what do you think will happen next? Will Chan get his moment to kiss our dear (Y/n)? Or will someone else perhaps steal her next kiss before him? Will Jisung be okay? I guess we will see, next time! 
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straynstay · 1 year
Bang Chan - Hybrid AU! (part II)
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part I
large slicing canine teeth
yellowish eyes
his angry voice commanding you to run
that was what filled your mind every night when you closed your eyes and drifted off to dreamland
your mind was overflowing with the fading memories of him and it consumed you fervently every waking time you tried to make sense of his blurry face
you wish your photographic memory didn’t suck so bad
he was vanishing, day by day, and you were going crazy
you have to see him again
you set your mind in this new quest of figuring out who the hell was that crazy hybrid that saved your even crazier self that went out alone at night
thankfully, your job was remote, so every day after your shift ended you dived deep into google pages trying to find some answers
you spent your waking hours researching about canine hybrids, absorbing any and all content about it
you found that dog hybrids were the most common types and had dark brown eyes and fur of the same color as ordinary dogs, especially the breeds they descend from
wolf hybrids had blue eyes and usually mixed-colored fur with brown, grayish and yellow, but depending on the rarity of the specimen they could have solid-colored fur too 
also, only well-off people are able to maintain wolf hybrids due to their demanding care and appetite, so it wouldn’t be likely to see a wolf hybrid on the streets by himself
and last, but not least, the dire wolf hybrids, long extinct, that were said to have yellow eyes, dark gray and white fur and were very much different from the wolf ones
while wolf hybrids tend to eat only meat, the dire wolf appetite is broader, so they consumed everything, just like a human, but in larger quantities
scientist believed that dire wolf hybrids would gather in packs, just like the wolves
but they soon discovered that, due to their unstable genes, they could not be close to one another without a fight, specially males, so they had to live in solitude
and one incident leading to the other only confirmed that those hybrids were too dangerous to be let loose in society
so they canceled the project and dire wolf hybrids only became whispers of a long-forgotten time in history books
that was not the case anymore
you met one dire wolf hybrid, you are sure of what you saw
and you know that you won’t rest until you find him again
so after exhausting your google sources you decided to roam around town
you couldn’t ask people in town if they had seen, by any chance, a dire wolf hybrid
you had to work more on the sly side
you started hanging out more after work hours, just passing by the stores and seeing if you somehow would spot him inside
maybe he lives nearby?
it’s been over two weeks now since your first encounter, but nothing yet
you were feeling hopeless, you couldn’t believe that your search for your savior was becoming fruitless
that was until you heard people talking around about a well-known cafe
it was located on the outskirts of town and they had some pets up for adoption
if they had regular pets, they might know one thing or two about hybrids, right?
it was your best shot at the moment, so you decided to pay it a visit on a Saturday morning
-♡- ♡- ♡- ♡-
since you were new in the city, you didn’t know how to get there, so you had to ask for directions and got a little bit lost, but you finally reached the place
the cafe was quite cute, the animals had a special place for them to eat and rest, but most of the time they would hang around with the customers
they had all sorts of pets available, and even though they were all really adorable, that was not your focus today
you ordered a cat-themed hot cocoa and a bunny bun just to mingle and have a seat
looking around and observing the staff, you quickly noticed the manager
maybe you could talk with him and ask if he knows something about hybrid adoption
and maybe you could take your research a little bit further
you were able to stall your departure by playing with the pets, reading the menu over and over again, until you saw an opportunity to strike a conversation with the manager
he was extremely friendly and after a short small talk, you got straight to the point
“do you have different pets? asides from dogs and cats”
“yeah, we’ve got ferrets, bunnies, foxes, and even a quokka, he’s really cute” the manager smiled “Chan takes care of all of them”
“but like… do you have more exotic pets, maybe?”
“what are you trying to say, sorry I can’t quite follow” he let out an awkward chuckle
“i’m wondering if you know about a place for hybrid adoption” you almost whispered
“oh, no… sorry, but we don’t deal with hybrids as pets. You’re new around here, aren’t you?” you nodded “yeah, I figured”
he grabbed a mug to dry with a cloth
“you see, this area is known for hybrid equality, we are not like other places that sell or trade hybrids as human companions” 
he placed the now dry mug on the rack and grabbed another one, still talking
“I mean, they are like companions to us, but not like pets, if you know what I mean. More like one of us, but better enhanced by science”
you both laughed and you were happy to know that hybrids were treated properly here
“you don’t seem the type to look for a hybrid to own” he commented
“and I’m not, I’m totally against it, but I was actually searching for a hybrid… long story short, I owe him big time and I was trying to make up to him somehow, but I guess I’ll never find him again”
“well, that’s bad, sorry to hear about it, but don’t lose faith, this is not a huge area, maybe your paths will cross again one day”
“I truly hope so” you sighed
“but if you’re interested in regular pets, I can have you take a look at the ones available for adoption” the manager wiggled an eyebrow and you smiled
“yeah, maybe another time, I’m still setting in”
“no problem, feel free to come by whenever you want”
“thanks, and thanks for the help”
you were returning to grab your belongings at the table when a white cat zoomed in your direction
trying to quickly move out of the way of the animal, you ran to your left, hitting a hard surface
“gosh…” you sighed due to the fright and noticed that you were feeling fingers grabbing your arm
you looked up and saw blonde hair, then blue eyes that bulged when looking at your face
the hand swiftly left your body and the guy stepped back
you were looking for him for what it seemed like endless days
but damn, you weren’t expecting to meet him like this
who would have thought that he was working as a staff member of the famous pet cafe?!
you wouldn’t, otherwise it would be your first place to go to
“excuse me” he said dipping his head when he noticed you deeply staring at his blue eyes
no, that’s wrong
you were sure they were brown that night, and they changed to yellow very briefly
he let out an annoyed huff and you realized you were right in front the of the passage to the animals area
and you were probably stopping him from doing his work
“sorry, sorry” you moved to the side and he walked by without even acknowledging you anymore
your eyes followed his back until he disappeared back into the animals compound
it’s him
you’ve never been more certain in your life
you’ve finally found him
-♡- ♡- ♡- ♡-
obviously, you became a regular at the cafe, most of the times even going there to work all day
the manager sometimes jokes that he will either hire you as staff or let you take his place so he can go on vacation
you laugh and play along, but the main reason for you being there is Chan
you learned his name after your first encounter, and you realized that the manager had already told you about him but you didn’t even noticed
you still haven’t been able to properly talk to him because he ignores you every single day, but you won’t give up
sometimes you buy him food, and even though he tries hiding it, you know he eats them all 
it has happened more than once, he disappears into the compound for a while and then comes back with the corner of his lips dirty with chocolate or powdered sugar, and you only smile
other times you ignore him too, which makes him look at you more often, almost intrigued
but what actually makes him stop his work to stare at you is when you play with the pets, especially the exotic ones that only come out to the public on Tuesdays
you are especially fond of the small fennec fox, that only comes to your lap when it wants to take a nap, and the ferret that likes to hide inside your notebook backpack
the cafe sells treats you can give the animals, so you are always trying to feed them too, but those two are just content with being around your presence
and dare Chan try prying them away when it’s time to put them back in their habitats
they cause a scene every time, and Chan used to be really annoyed by it, but now he only rolls his eyes before carefully taking them in his arms
yes, the fennec fox has run away many times, forcing Chan to chase after it in the cafe
and also yes, the ferret has screeched and pretended to faint many many times when Chan takes him from your hands (because he won’t touch your belongings)
you laugh, amused by their antics, and a few times it has worked because Chan lets them be for a little longer before coming back to collect them
but today was different… you had another visitor by your table, and this time it was the quokka
it stole the lettuce from your sandwich and started munching on the leaf before you could even notice
“Hannie, no” Chan said and ran to the table, but the small quokka jumped in your lap and hid under your arm
“so cute” you whispered looking at the bright boba eyes staring back at you, its cheeks filled with lettuce, before plopping away to God knows where
“they always come to you, huh” Chan mentioned, a little bit annoyed, but you didn’t mind
this was the first proper interaction between the two of you
“animals can sense when a person is good, no?” you smiled and Chan scoffed
“I guess it’s true cause I don’t think you would’ve risk yourself to rescue a bad person” before he could say anything, you were speaking again
“which, by the way, thank you… a lot” you looked at him “I can only imagine the terrible things that would have happened to me if you didn’t save me that night, so thank you”
since he seemed to be froze in place, maybe shocked by your words, you decided to seize the opportunity to continue talking to him, mouth running faster than your brain
“I spent a lot of days trying to find you again, trying to somehow pay you back for your good deed, and I’m glad I finally found you, even though I’m not sure what more I could do to show I’m really thankful”
“I’ve been coming here often in hopes of becoming acquainted with you enough for you to open up and maybe become friends, but I guess that’s not how you roll” you let out a snort
“I say I would know that because I’ve also spent a loooot of time researching.. well… you…” you moved your hand in his direction “as a hybrid, you know?” you whispered, looking around to see if anyone was listening
being a regular at the cafe made you realize that Chan was trying really hard to go by unnoticed by the customers but at the same time he tried to blend in with humans
if you didn’t know his true nature, you would never have guessed he was a hybrid
his ears always covered by a cap or beanie, his clothes always comfortable and loose enough to hide his tail, and he was always wearing blue contact lenses
“I know you’re not into groups or anything like it, and I respect that, so I guess this is me trying to say that I’m not gonna bother you anymore”
“I see how much you struggle with the pets sometimes because of me, and I can see that my presence makes you a little annoyed, you are in your workplace after all, and I understand, I would be too if the roles were reversed” you smiled to assure him
“thank you again for stepping in that night, I’m glad our paths crossed despite the circumstances”
you held your gaze for only a second longer before getting up and start packing your belongings
you felt his eyes following your every move, but he didn’t budge
only when you put your backpack on your shoulder did he seem to wake up to reality
“you’re not actually leaving” Chan pointed to the chair and you don’t know why, but your body obeyed, just like it did that fateful night
so here you are sitting again, but this time Chan moved closer to you
“my animal part is too strong sometimes so I don’t fight it anymore” he confessed
“I’m not used to this at all. People have come and gone from my life far too many times to keep track… and I’ve been on my own for so long I don’t think I remember much of human interaction besides work” he sighed
you took in his figure, hands trembling a little bit and breath uneven
he was nervous, although he tried not to show it
“but I’m willing to learn again… if you’d teach me”
“that’d be my pleasure, Chan” you smiled, heart suddenly ten times lighter than before
as you spent your days at the café, you realized that Chan has charmed you, there's no denying it
“you will stay, yeah?” he smiled for the first time and you swear you felt like melting inside
"yeah" you nodded "I'll stay”
such simple words holding so much meaning
you don't want him to be alone ever again
you want to be the one who's always going to stay by his side
and you'll stay forever
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ficclings · 2 months
Taglist: if you would like to be tagged or I forgot to tag you, let me know! @laymegentlytorest@im-sinking-in-mud @hydroyaksha @hehe-24-hehe@neohyxn
It didn’t take a lot to panic Felix nowadays, with everything going on, but he never thought he would be panicking over the sight of water bottles. 
“What’s the matter?” Minho’s voice was groggy and filled with the want for sleep. 
“We don’t have much water left and I’m not drinking from the tap,” Felix tried to keep his voice down, as not to worry the hybrid currently sleeping for the first time in a couple of days. 
“I would suggest the water back at my workplace but I’m not even sure that’s safe to drink,” Minho paused, “I don’t know how long water can sit there and be safe,” he added with a pout forming. 
“I’d use the internet but that’s down,” Felix rubbed at his forehead and sat down on the kitchen floor, feeling defeated. 
A small smile returning when Pepie padded over to him and rested at his side to give Felix some comfort; which it did. 
“Do we go for a supply run?” Minho suggested, joining Felix on the floor, head smacking against the lower cabinets, “We just went out for one; we’re exhausted,” he hesitated for a second before putting an arm around Felix’s shoulders, “we have enough for a couple of days,” 
Felix sighed and ran his fingers through Pepie’s soft fur, “yeah, I guess,” he chewed his bottom lip and closed his eyes, “I’m so fucking tired,” 
The expletive made Minho snort with laughter; quickly covering is mouth when he heard the hybrid on the sofa stir a bit. 
“Me too,” the older man closed his eyes too and let Felix rest his head on his shoulder. 
The sound of a hand slamming down on a table echoed around the small apartment as the three friends bonded over a game of snap, the hybrid taking the most recent win and accepting her prize of a couple of squares of the Dairy Milk chocolate bar they had found on their recent supply run. 
“You have animal reflexes!” Minho whined and pouted despite himself making her giggle at the sight. 
“Such a sore loser, Hyung,” Felix playfully shoved the older man to the side, letting out an oddly high-pitched cry as Minho pounced on him with a cocky eyebrow raised. 
“Pinned ya again,” clearly mocking Nala from The Lion King, Felix rolled his eyes with a small smile on his handsome face, “wait, that makes you Simba,” Minho paused, “you’re not nearly cool enough to be Simba,” he added teasingly and the hybrid watching nearly choked on the chocolate she was currently enjoying. 
“I’m totally cool enough to be Simba,” Felix argued back crossing his arms across his chest. 
“You realise this means that you two have to get married now, right?” the woman across the table to them was smirking suggestively at them and it caused an immediate flush to brush over the two men as they quickly sat up. 
“Does this make you Zazu?” Minho asked with a chuckle, very entertained by the appropriate gasp of surprise on her face. 
“I happen to love that funky little bird,” she replied with a bright smile, canines on show; catching Felix’s eyes; a light dusting of pink returning to his cheeks, “I miss watching movies,” she added with a loud sigh, shoulders falling with a pout on her lips. 
The electricity had almost completely wiped a couple of days ago, causing them all to panic quite a bit as they had practically been giving themselves what little of their old lives they had, back. 
The only thing still running were the lights in the building as they were the only things hooked up to the emergency backup in case of a power outage or natural disaster. 
“And my games,” she added looking woefully at her giant collection of games that decorated the many shelves both under and beside the television. 
“I think I miss just the action of browsing through websites,” Felix chuckled as he gladly accepted a chunk of chocolate that the hybrid had kindly decided to share more of. 
“Getting updates on things,” Minho paused for a bit as if debating with himself if he should even finish his sentence, “like friends,” he flickered his eyes to Felix who was now fiddling with a loose strand on his jumper, “is something I miss; even the dumb updates that Han and Changbin used to post up,”  
This made Felix laugh, making the hybrid smile warmly again. 
“The anime updates and gym updates,” Felix shook his head, and this made her sit up a little straighter with interest. 
“Who...who liked anime?” she asked shyly. 
“Hannie,” Minho replied fondly with a tone that he had greeted Felix with when they were reunited, “he loves the stuff,”  
“Me too!” the hybrid blushed darkly at how quickly the words left her, simply excited by the prospect of somebody finally understanding her love for the animation world. 
“We all do, to an extent, but Han goes to conventions with Chan Hyung in full cosplay,” Felix grinned as he saw how her mouth hung open and her eyes glittered as if he was talking about an anime deity. 
“Much more fun than the gym, anyways,” Minho muttered with a shake of his head, clearly thinking about Changbin, “the number of times I saw Changbin doing suggestive stretches, is too many times,”  
All three of them fell into a quiet rumble of chuckles, a small moment of calmness, the background of the apartment filled with the loud snores of Pepie and the scurrying of Harvey kicking his bedding around the small area they had set up, once again. 
“Look after your brother,” she whispered as she cupped Pepie’s face and gently stroked his cheeks, her fingers then gently running over Harvey’s back. 
“I will,” Pepie chuffed and then whimpered, “please be safe; don’t forget about us,”  
Her heart ached as it just reminded her that he and Harvey had essentially said goodbye to their mum and dad the morning of the outbreak, only to then be left alone as the owners clearly met a horrible fate. 
“We’ll come back, I promise,” she pet his head, “I’ve put your water and food in that corner and this is where you go to the toilet,” she pointed out the places as she prepared herself to shut them both in her bedroom, an extra layer of protection. 
“I’ll be a good boy!” Pepie let out an ‘Uff!’ and nosed at Harvey; making the rabbit flinch in surprise and he stomped his foot on the ground. 
“You two are always good boys,” she added before gently waving at them, switching a battery powered lamp on for them and then shutting the door with a loud sigh. 
Exhaustion and worry for the travelling they were going to do for the next couple of days, hung heavy on her shoulders and her stomach twisted up in knots at the thought of not being able to keep her promise to Pepie and Harvey. 
“You ready?” she looked up at Minho, who was leaning against the wall, strong arms crossing over his chest. 
“Uh,” she cleared her throat, “yeah, just anxious...as usual,” she rubbed the back of her neck before tutting as she felt her hairband rub against her skin, reminding her that she wanted to keep her hair far away from both her face and prying rotting hands. 
“There,” she waved her head from side to side to make sure it was tight enough, flushing a bit when she spotted Minho carefully watching her every move, “what?” 
“Your ears,” Minho smiled a bit, more to himself than her, “cute,” he added quietly and turned on his heel to help Felix move the furniture away from the front door. 
“Oh,” she squeaked, tugging on her ear out of shyness; shaking her head soon after and rushing to help them as well. 
She had quickly concluded that owning a baton that had been modified by Minho to have barbed wire on it, was a brilliant investment. 
Despite the baton still being covered in small fleshy pus, strands of hair and jellied substances that she’d rather not think about, she was able to take zombies down a little faster than usual and it made her feel just slightly more confident in her ability to defend not only herself, but Felix and Minho as well. 
Said men were currently searching the abandoned cars along the side of the road; peeking in through the window in case one of the undead happened to be in there. 
Her eyes caught dried blood that seemed to have been seeping from the boot of the car; she had an awful feeling that somebody had had to trap a zombie in there as she could hear quiet mumblings and light, weak scratches. 
“Felix,” she whispered, gently tugging at his long fingers, “be careful,” she then pointed at the car he and Minho were currently crouched next to, “zombie in the boot,” she added when he gave her a confused look. 
She watched Minho step lightly towards the back of the car and then knocked on the boot once, before promptly jumping backwards when a gargled growl came from inside. 
“You sure it’s a zombie, not just a trapped animal?” Minho asked slightly worried that they were mistaken. 
“It’s a zombie,” she tapped the side of her nose, “they smell dead, like everyone else,” she then bent forwards to check under the car that she was about to approach, just in case a zombie was under there. 
“Oh,” at the startled tone of Minho’s voice, she and Felix spun around in their places, “it’s a zombie,” he then cringed a bit when he pointed out the large intestine that was dangling out the side of the closed boot; it had been severed in half and Minho was now looking at the bottom half of the body of whoever was in the boot. 
“Lovely,” he muttered. 
It was as if her body shrivelled several times smaller when her eyes investigated the dark train tunnel before them.  
The sense of foreboding washing over all three of them as they shuffled closer subconsciously. 
“Are you sure this is the direction your friends might be?” she asked flicking the torchlight around to try and see if anything was lurking in the darkness. 
“It’s the direction that Changbin-hyung and Hyunjin-hyung are,” Felix replied and gently ran his thumb over her soft ears to try and settle her anxiety, “you can stay here with Pepie and Harvey if you’re really that nervous, I don’t want to pressure you into coming with us,” he was faintly aware of Minho watching him as he pressed his forehead to the hybrid. 
“No, no” she pouted a little, “I want to come with you; I’d lose my mind with worry that something had happened to either one of you,” she mumbled shyly and felt a soft flush reach her face when Felix smiled before placing a kiss on her forehead. 
“I’d be fine,” Minho shrugged his shoulders as he twirled his bat around with a relaxed grace that both she and Felix were jealous of, “dunno about him though,” he eyed Felix with a teasing grin as the wind picked up outside of the train station, the breeze dancing across them. 
Rolling his eyes with a puff of laughter, Felix motioned for them to follow him into the darkness. 
“Careful of the maintenance doorways,” Minho whispered and then jiggled his torchlight towards one said doorway, “don’t want to have to save you guys again,”  
“Awfully smug today,” Felix remarked with a playful sigh. 
“I have reason to be,” Minho turned to face his younger friend, carefully walking backwards just so he could shine the light at Felix’s eyes; making him yelp and shield his eyes. 
A shiver went up her back at the sound of him yelping as it echoed all around them and she stopped walking to focus her hearing. 
“I hate this,” she whispered as she searched herself; finally figuring out how to use her bra strap to hold the torch forwards; keeping her hands free. 
“Stay close and you will be okay,” Minho replied with a very deadpan tone, his eyes squinting as he turned to investigate the darkness behind them, clearly checking their six. 
“Quiet!” Felix hissed and held his hand up in the air to emphasize his words, his feline-like eyes wide as he scanned the area in front of him; reaching behind to carefully change the direction of the torchlight. 
“Oh,” she held her breath to stop herself from blushing as his fingers grazed across her skin. 
“What is it?” Minho whispered and crouched down with Felix as the younger man slowly moved forward. 
“You can’t hear that noise?” Felix frowned as he looked back at his friends, who were now sharing a confused expression, “even you?” he watched her shake her head. 
“There’s something in that room,” Felix turned his entire body towards the room in question and it was only the that she picked up on the shuffling, scratching noise that he was going on about. 
“It sounds like a zombie,” Minho stood up straight and spun his bat around with his long fingers, stretching a bit, “stay here,” he was already on his way up the small stairs, hand yanking the door open, and she cringed at the sound of a bat crushing down into something soft, crunchy and most disgustingly of all, wet. 
“You might want to see this,” Minho’s out of breath voice echoed slightly. 
“Are you okay?” she dashed up the stairs before Felic could even stand and she was immediately on guard, teeth baring in what was supposed to be a threatening growl, but Minho found it quite adorable. 
“I’m fine but I really don’t like the look of whatever the fuck that is,”  
She could sense his nerves as he used his bat to point at a large mass of something in on of the corners. 
“I might be sick,” Felix warned them as his face scrunched up at the sight of expanding flesh bubbles, that then popped audibly, moans and scratching sounds coming from somewhere inside of the mass. 
“That’s the noise,” he added, and the hybrid had to quickly steady him as he suddenly jumped backwards with a strange noise leaving him. 
“There’s a fucking face in there,”  
Pulling the torch from her bra strap, she focused the light on where he was pointing and quickly felt the air go cold around her as a dead face, but moving, was pushing against the thin sheet of skin; teeth snapping shut every now and then. 
“Oh my god,” she felt her tail fall and hit the back of her leg, “there’s more than one face,” she watched Minho move forwards. 
“Why are bubbles around?” he asked quietly, and this made Felix tilt his head in equal curiosity. 
“They smell,” the hybrid brought her shirt up to her nose, “they smell so rancid,” she tightened her hands to try and block the scent. 
“It’s a meat...sack,” Minho frowned at his choice of words and slightly poked the place where four faces were now crowding, possibly trying to get to him, “there’s liquid in there,” 
“Hyung, don’t get too close!” Felix warned with his hands immediately grabbing his friend and pulling him back as he caught the action of a hand pushing against the skin as well, “they are trying to get to us,” Felix concluded and shared a worried glance with them. 
“We should go,” she urged before jumping at the sound of ripping; the room suddenly having a floor covered with water close to that of sewage, teeth riding the water as the heads they had seen came rolling out. 
More skeleton than zombie. 
It was then that she couldn’t care less about being quiet in the tunnels. 
“We should fucking GO!”  
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hueningchu · 2 years
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Don’t leave me like this!
Genre: Smut, Hybrid, Heat 🕊️
Parings: Hybrid!hyunjin x Owner!reader 🕊️
Warnings: Smut, Hybrid, Heat, Knotting, Breeding, Pet names and pet play, Mounting
Summary: You came home from a weekend with your best friend and you barely have time to step into the apartment before your pup is running to your feet. He has been in heat the past few days so you left him alone for the weekend to overcome it himself. Sadly it does not work and your poor pup is still in heat. You being his owner feel compelled to..help him?
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“Are you sure he will be okay?” You questioned your best friend, Katrina’s idea she proposed to you. “It seems a bit..cruel to do to a little pup.” You we’re trying to decide between your brain or your heart. Hyunjin, Your puppy hybrid has started to go into heat and he has never experienced it with you before. Katrina says to keep it that way and make sure you stay away from him during his heat. Immediately you told her no because your thought process was that if no one was there for him before then..why can’t you be there for him? Heat is a painful moment for hybrids and you wanted to be there for him. Of course, you wouldn’t have sex with or anything but you just wanted to just make him feel comfortable.
“He can handle himself, y/n. How long are you gonna baby him?” You looked away and shook your head. Katrina took your hands into hers, holding them tightly. “Just one full week. Spend one full week apart from him and you will see how capable he is of taking care of himself.” You we’re already over her house but she wanted you to stay until he was truly over the heat. She believed that hyunjin was being dramatic whenever he pawed at your room door and begged for you to let him in.
“I think this pink would look cute on you.”
Katrina said as she looked through your nail polish collection. You swung your feet on your bed while she searched for a color that would match your toes.
“I don’t wanna use the same color we did on your nails. So let’s just use thi-“
“Y/n..are you in there..” you heard a faint voice calling from outside your door. “Please let me in. I’ll be a good boy, I promise.” Katrina rolled her eyes and dropped the nail polish back into the bin. She knew you were already thinking about opening the door. You had such a soft spot for hyunjin and you sort of spoiled him to an extent but only because you loved him.
“Don’t let him in, y/n. If you spoil him now it will just make him even more of a big spoiled brat. Katrina stood up and walked over to open the door just a peek. The minute she did, hyunjin tried to push the door open to get to you. “What are you doing?” Katrina asked while she used her knee and arms to keep the door open just enough so hyunjin can see you but not get to you.
“Trying to talk to y/n. What are you doing?” He pushed against the door again but Katrina wouldn’t budge. “Hey..” hyunjin tried the door again and when he picked up on what Katrina was doing the hybrid just got even more upset. “Are you locking me out?!”
“Yeah. These past two days you have not left y/n alone and keep trying to hump her.” When she said that you blushed and hyunjin scoffed.
“I do not! Besides..” He tried to think of an excuse, any excuse to get him inside that room. “I’m in pain!” Hyunjin whined against the door.
“Oh save it!” Katrina shut the door on him and locked it. Returning to the nail polish to finish painting your toes. You attempted to reason with her and tell her that maybe he is in pain and maybe he does need help. “Then let’s take him to the vet. Oh wait..You did that already?” You just looked away again cause you knew she was right. “Exactly! The vet said he is just in heat and that the more you are around him then the more he is going to go crazy.” You knew you needed to leave him alone but the way that he cried for you to touch him or even just talk to him was too much for you too bare.
“Well what does the vet know? Maybe I can at least just talk to hi-“
“No. You can’t talk to him, touch him, or let him see you. We gotta keep you two away just like the vet said.” Katrina saw your saddened expression and knew what you wanted to say before you said it. She sighed. “Come on, pack some clothes and a toothbrush. Your spending the next few days with me until he can kick this stupid heat thing.”
“Wait, Is leaving him alone the best idea right now? What if he tears the furniture up or chews on my shoes?”
“Oh Please. The most he will do is hump your pillows and blankets.”
You helped her pack your bags so you could part from the little guy sitting outside your door. You grabbed your charger and went to open your room door. It of course was not long before hyunjin was on your trail. Following you as Katrina pulled you through the hallway and towards the front door. Even though he only got a whiff of your scent, that was more than enough for him to get excited. He started to breath heavy and that made you turn to look up at the hybrid behind you. “Are you okay? Why is your breathing heavy?”
“I don’t know. Come here and figure out.” He grabbed you and pulled you out of your friends arms. “Don’t ignore me anymore.” Katrina noticed the pull and stopped in her tracks, pulling you back towards her.
“Stop touching her. You know what the doctor said.”
“The doctor knows fuck all. I want my human.” It was a never ending push and pull between these two and they were both determined to win. “Let her go.”
“You let go first.”
“Why should I?” It was obvious they were still challenging each other.
“Because, She is leaving with me. Can’t you see her back is packed?” Katrina pointed towards the bag you had over your shoulder. The bag that hyunjin did not see before.
“Leaving? Why are you leaving?” He looked away from Katrina and down towards you again. You were gonna answer but your friend already did for you.
“Is the heat effecting your brain? She can’t be around without you going crazy. This reassures that you get over your heat while she gets a peaceful night sleep.” Although you did not like the way she talked to him, Katrina was right. You wanted to make sure that hyunjin got through this heat in the most least painful way possible and this was the only option you could think of.
“Baby..” you let go of Katrina’s hand and put both your hands in his. “I know you feel really weird but..I can’t help you. So you have to be strong and try your best to ignore it.” You let go of his hands and walk over to the front door. “I can’t stay with you because if I do it makes it worse.”
“I don’t care if I get worse!” He raised his voice.
“But I do, Hyunjin!“ This being the first and only time you have raised your voice back at him he stepped back and put his ears down. Katrina also looked surprised at your reaction. She was sort of proud due to how much you baby him. “I happen to actually care a lot. Which is precisely why I am leaving you alone. I always cave but this time I am not caving.” You opened the front door and opened the door for Katrina . Right before you took the step out he tried to reach out one more final time.
“Please y/n..Don’t leave me like this.”
That was a week ago and now you stand in the same spot you left him a week ago.
“I don’t wanna see him. He’s gonna be mad at me.”
“He won’t be mad at you. If anything, He will be ecstatic.” Katrina said as she went to unlock the front door with her spare key. You already heard footsteps running to the door from the inside. “See. Already waiting on you.” She said as she stepped into the home. “Move it, brat.” You heard Katrina say to hyunjin. Hearing him reply quickly.
“Where is y/n? Is she with you?” You stepped into the house and immediately felt him hug you from behind as you locked the door. “I missed you so much. I understand why you had to leave me alone but I missed you.” He snuggled his head onto your shoulder and pulled you closer.
“Yeah, You missed her too much.” Katrina walked around the house to see the damaged hyunjin did and boy was it major. Your closet was ransacked and your bed was an absolute mess. It was obvious he stayed in your room for most of the week due to how disheveled he looked and the disarray of your room.
“Is it over? Because I’m leaving again if it’s no-“ he was very quick to cut you off.
“No! No don’t leave me again. I’m fine now I swear I am.” He let go of you and stepped back so there wasn’t any misunderstanding. “I won’t jump you anymore.” He seemed sincere so you believed him. Besides you weren’t getting groped or dry humped by him so it seemed reasonable.
“He’s not sweating and panting as much.” Katrina said as she wiped her hand over his forehead.
Hyunjin swatted it away and grunted.
“Why are you still here? Didn’t you get what you wanted? You stole y/n for the whole week until I got better.” Stepping closer to you, he opened the front door. “Well I’m better now so…get out.”
Katrina rolled her eyes and walked over to you. “Are you gonna be okay being alone with him?” You just giggled and nodded at her question.
“I’ll be fine, Katrina. He’s not in heat anymore and even if he was he wouldn’t do anything. I’ll call you later.” After you parted from your best friend you locked the door and went upstairs to start cleaning the mess hyunjin had made while you were gone. Stepping into your closet you seen all your clothes spread around the floor and thrown off the hangers. “Geez hyunjin..we’re you that lonely?” You decided to sort your clothes out the closet so you moved them all to the bed to organize better.
“I was. It was grueling without you here with me.” You heard the hybrid walk into your bedroom and lean on the doorway.
“I know baby but I had to leave. That’s what the doctor sai-“
“I don’t care about what the doctor said and you shouldn’t either. Why couldn’t you help me? Why did I have to help myself?”
You did not know what to say. Especially since you felt so bad about leaving. Although, You did not care about what he thought. As long as he was better now then you did not care how mad he was at you. “You don’t understand, Hyunjin. The doctor is always right and this time the doctor was right too.”
Hyunjin scoffed and walked over to sit on the bed, right where you were sorting the clothes. Probably so he could argue with you more. “So you’re on their side now? What happened to when you said ‘You know what’s best for your hyunjin.’? Did you forget about that?”
Feeling him grab your wrist and pull you down on the bed with him, you yelped and stared up with wide eyes at his tall figure when he got on top of you. “What are you so scared of? I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“But hyunjin you ca-“
He shushed you and pulled your hair behind your ear to whisper in it. “I can’t what? I’m not in heat anymore so we can cuddle again, right?” He started to lightly kiss your neck. “Is that alright, mommy?”
The sudden nickname made you blush but you couldn’t let him do this. “Hyunjin stop for a minute.”
“No! No, Don’t tell me to stop please.” You felt his crotch rub against your thigh and you wiggled under him as he continued to slowly dry hump your thigh. When the struggle did not work you tried to talk to him again.
“We can’t do that. Its not..ethnical or moral.”
Hyunjin let out a deep groan and stared down into your eyes. “Why not? You give me everything I want so can’t I have this?” You could tell he was getting antsy by the way he kept pushing against you.
“I give you everything you want because I love you but you’re my hybrid. Not my boyfriend.” When you said that it’s like hyunjin’s whole world came crashing down.
“I’m better than a boyfriend.” He snuggled his nose into your neck and began kissing your skin roughly. “Let me show you how better I can be.” Hyunjin started to go lower and pull your pants down.
“Hyunjin..why are you acting like this? I thought you were over your heat?” You wanted to pull away from him as he undressed you but the feeling of his hands feeling you up was just too much.
“I thought I was but smelling you makes it all wash over me again. It’s like a feeling I only get when I’m with you and it’s driving me crazy.” When he said that you felt yourself get more wet. You don’t know why but it was the way he sounded so..devoted to you or something. When he finally got your panties and pants of he was quick to get to work. Sure hyunjin was aching and he wanted to feel good but your his human and he wanted to make sure you were feeling good too. You did not attempt to stop him as he grabbed your hips and continued to rub his hard-on against your pussy. “I’m gonna fuck you, y/n. I wanna share my heat with you.” The hybrid then started to rub the tip of his dick on your already sensitive clit.
Since you were already wet he did not hesitate to stick his whole dick into you. “Ah! Hyunjin you are bigger than I imagined.”
“What do you mean? You’ve helped me bath before when I use to take baths. Don’t act like you never snuck peaks at me.”
“No! I never thought of you that way, hyunjin. You are my pet and nothing more.”
As he fucked your drenched cunt hyunjin started to let his heat take over and began to act more animalistic. “I don’t care. Your my mate whether you like it or not. I only feel something when I’m with you which means something.”
You laughed through your pleasure and shook your head. “I can’t be your mate and you know tha-”
Before you could finish your sentence, hyunjin pulled your hips closer and made sure to get his cock as deep inside you as he possibly could. “How are you gonna say that when I’m balls deep inside you and I’m about to fill you with my puppies? I would give anything to breed you however I wanted..” You both knew that he couldn’t get you pregnant since you guys were two different species but you let him hold onto his dream and fantasy. You couldn’t nitpick when you kinda loved the way his warm seed filled your cunt. His knot sort of hurt because of how large he was but it also felt really good.
You wanted to say something but your voice was caught by the mix of delight and discomfort. “H-how long does this knot take to un swell?”
He continued his very loud panting in your ear and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know..I’ve never knotted someone before. Let me mount you while he wait.”
You sneered at him trying to command you around. “Why?
“Just do it. I’m the one knotting you and your the one with my huge cock in you.”
You just did as he said because although he was being a snappy little prick right now, you still loved him and wanted to always spoil him so you just let him get into the mounting position. Hyunjin just wanted to get into that position so that he could feel a bit more superior than you for whatever reason. You both knew who truly had more superiority though.
“Let’s just wait right here together. I don’t mind waiting with you mommy.”
“I told you not to call me that.”
“If you call me baby then I can definitely call you mommy. Besides, I’m your mate now so I can call you whatever I want.”
You seriously loved your hybrid and would do anything to make him happy.
Word count - 2.8k
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neohyxn · 1 year
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synopsis: you'd had a crush on the adorable squirrel-like man in your music class since the freshmen year of college. a year later you're still yet to make a move, so what happens when all of a sudden both he and his friends are thrown into you're life through... cat therapy?
pairings: f!reader x human&hybrid!skz. side pairings [human!chan x arctic fox!jeongin, tabby cat!minho x reader x human!jisung, human!changbin x black and white cat!felix, ferret!hyunjin x golden lab!seungmin]
featuring: skz [obviously], ryeji & yuchaelia [itzy], p1harmony, ateez
genres: fluff, angst, crack, mxm, mxfxm, hybrid au, poly au
status: ongoing
warnings: poly, mxm, sexual jokes... more to be added as they appear
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episode one
episode two
episode three
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ldysmfrst · 2 days
American Mate (13) - Shall We?
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 13 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 9,681
Work count for Story: 96,460
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs, and the other loves everyone. I started a Patreon, and I would be grateful if you donated to help me make ends meet while I am out of work because I almost died in August of 2024.
Warnings: NOT BETA READ!! This chapter does have pack dynamics, comfort, possessiveness, angst, major mentions of past trauma, Violence, Loss of pregnancy, and Alpha fronting.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit
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Startling you out of your depressing thoughts, you call out, “Who is it? I am in the bath still.”
“Ma’am, I am Bethan Ann, Omegan Alaskan Bear Hybrid and head of the preparation team. Prime Alpha Kim sent us to get you ready for the Gala. Whenever you are ready, please come out,” calls a sweet voice.
“Oh, is it really that time already?” you comment.
“Yes, ma’am but no worries, we have plenty of time. Prime Alpha Kim stressed the importance of going at your pace to ensure your relaxation,” Bethany Ann informs. “We will wait for you in the living room.”
You think whelp time for solitude is over as you climb out of the bath and dry off. You have to remember that in the future, you can ask the boys for anything, even alone time. They have told you that, and so has their manager, Sejin. 
After slipping on Namjoon’s robe, you cannot help but smile as the scent of leather blends with the vanilla from your bath. Surprisingly, it is a delightful mix. The vanilla softens the leather, offering comfort and a sense of safety. 
Namjoon is the leather boy of the group. Being a Prime Alpha, it makes sense that his scent is naturally stronger. It makes it easier for him to leave his scent behind as a show of possession and territory.
Walking out of the bathroom, a blush settles over your cheeks at the thought of having the Alaskan Timber Wolf hybrid claim possession over you. 
“Ma’am?” asks a younger woman standing at your doorway. “If you please, would you follow me to the living room? Bethany Ann thought that it would be easier for the Alphas of the house to watch you from there without being in the way.”
“Sure, but you won’t have to worry about them. Jimin and Yoongi know to stay out of the area,” you mention, following behind her.
“True, I believe it was the two of them that may have dragged the third one away,” she giggles.
“Oh? Third one? Jungkook?” Your confusion is showing.
“Ah yes, he wasn’t happy with Bethany Ann being present since she is of hybrid descent,” the young lady smiled softly. “He was worried about scent tainting, but Miss Bethany Ann doesn’t have any scent glands.”
“Yep, I was born with them but they weren’t very strong. My mother was human, and my father was a hybrid, which means I only got the smaller scent glands, fluffy hair, body structure, and strange sleeping habits,” Bethany Ann says as she joins the conversation. 
“Oh, I didn’t know that traits would pass down like that,” you say in awe. 
“There are more hybrid mixed humans out there than people are aware of. Many end up losing their physical animal features but keep some of the other behavioral or physical traits.” Bethany Ann smiles.
“How can you not have a scent but you have scent glands?”
Bethany Ann’s smile falters, but before you can withdraw your question, she says, “Bears have glands in either their hands or feet.  I ended up with skin cancer that spread to the scent glands in my feet. I was lucky enough that we caught it and removed the infected tissues before it got any farther.”
“Anyways, we are here to turn you from the pretty woman you already are into a gorgeous princess ready for her ball right?” Bethan Ann says as she has you sit in a salon chair. 
Everything before you that is set up on the vanity before you look brand new: makeup, jewelry, and hair pieces. Bethany Ann is the principal stylist and has two human assistants: Cindy and Kat. 
Bethany Ann oversees your makeup, Cindy works on your hair, and Kat deals with your nails. Soon enough, the three of you laugh, and it feels like you have known them for years. 
You learn that Bethany Ann met Cindy and Kat, a mom-and-kid duo rocking the Cosmetic industry, during BTS’s Love Yourself World Tour. They were set to go on the Map of the Soul tour, which got canceled. However, they got along so well and had an equal love for Ateez that they made their own line of cosmetics called MayNell.
You notice a purple, white, and silver trend in all of the choices. “I take it my dress is purple or white?”
“Ah, well we have a few choices for you that are either purple, white, silver, or black. Namjoon already has his suit ready and we will match his accessories to the color of your dress,” Bethany Ann informs you.
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It seems time flies when you are having fun.
Kat, you had learned, is gender fluid, born female. Their mom, Cindy, was a widow and that “cat friend” that everyone had. Both were human but found themselves more comfortable around hybrids than anyone else. 
“Oh yeah, I… you guys were amazing. I feel great and relaxed because of you three,” you sigh. “I just wish I could see you again. Can we exchange numbers?”
“Oh of course! In fact, I am sure if you bat your eyes a little and let those boys know that you want us around we can find a way to become your primary team,” suggests Cindy. 
“Really?” You question with your hopes up as you hand over your phone. “I couldn’t flat out ask Namjoon for that. You have others to work on.”
“Actually, we are contracted. Which means we can take on any client we want, if the proposal to be your prep team comes by our desk…” Bethany Ann looks at the other two, “I don’t think any of us would be against it.”
Taking back your phone, you think about the proposal. Could you ask for that? You are just a Playmate. It’s not like you will be in front of the camera that often, right?
You got along with all of them, but Bethany Ann felt more like a sister, like how your Omega Evie felt. You could easily see her getting along with your family pack, but now wasn’t the time to add new members. 
You learned that as a hybrid descendant, she didn’t have a “predominant” second gender like full-fledged hybrids, but she identified as a Beta. When she was younger, she hated being a part of the hybrid “collective,” as she used to call it until she was an adult.
She got her college degree in fashion and cosmetics and started working under JYP. While working under JYP, she met several Idols and ended up working with StrayKids. She admitted that she now follows the hybrid culture because of one of the StrayKids members. This led to an almost hour-long session for all four of you about StrayKids. 
You confess that your Bias is Flix and your wrecker is Chan, which causes the others to almost fall off their chairs in laughter.
“Chan as in Bang Chan aka Christopher?” asks Bethany Ann.
“Well yeah, not Changbin though I used to get their names confused at the beginning because I knew Chan as Chris but that man has like so many names. I mean heck one of them even has numbers in it!.” 
You look at Bethany Ann as she continues to laugh but pulls out her phone.
She puts her phone on speaker, and you hear it ringing a few times before a voice comes on, “Hey, babydoll, aren’t you working right now?”
Your eyes turn to saucers as you hear the Australian accent in the voice over the phone. Involuntarily, you let out an unladylike gasp of “no way in hell” and cover your mouth, looking rapidly between the phone and the bear hybrid. 
“Hi Channie, I am at work and my client turns out to be a StrayKids stan,” she says with a giggle still in her voice.
“Oh, was that her in the background that I heard?” Chan asks. Of course, he would hear it. Like most idols, StrayKids has only two human members but Chan, the leader and Alpha, is a Tasmania Tiger-wolf hybrid.
Shaking your head, your eyes still unblinking, you attempt to stop Bethany Ann from bringing the phone closer to you. 
“You got it. Guess who her bias is?” teases Bethan Ann.
“Me?” questions the Aussie with a hilt of excitement.
“Nope sorry love. It’s Felix-ah. Is he nearby? Though maybe she could say hi,” inquires Bethany Ann.
“Nononononono,” you hiss quietly, “Bethany Ann… noo.”
However, to your luck(??), you hear Chan’s muffled yelling before he gets back on the phone, “Can I talk to the Stay, babydoll?”
You let out an undignified eek sound, which caused another laughing fit and a laugh from the phone: “Wait, wait… did you tell her?”
“Nope. Guess I should though. Y/n, Christopher is my mate. We found out the first time I worked with StrayKids, he courted me and it's been official for a little over a year.”
“Oh my god! My wrecker is Mated! I am sorry! I can pick someone else. I promise!”
Again, you are met with more laughter from everyone. “Babydoll, let me talk to my Stay.”
“You are on speakerphone, and her name is Y/n, and technically, she is Felix-ah’s Stay,” Bethan Ann says as she places the phone in your hand. You just look at it.
“Hello Y/n, I am Bang Chan, leader of StrayKids. Thank you for being a stan of my pack,” he says smoothly, his Aussie accent coming out the more he speaks. 
“Hi,” is all you can say. 
“You don’t have to worry about picking a different wrecker. Bethany Ann knows that I have people who like me. While I can’t say that I am happy to only be your wrecker, I can say that I am honored to have a fan who would respect my mate as well as you do.”
“Hey, Innie said you wanted me, Alpha?” A very deep-voiced Felix is heard through the phone, causing your breath to catch.
“Bethany called and wanted us to talk to someone. Here. Say hi and introduce yourself properly,” Chris says before you can hear the phone move around.
“안녕하세요, 저는 StrayKids의 Felix입니다. 잘 지내시죠?” the deep voice says. 
It’s at that moment you die. 
Like almost literally. 
It isn’t till Bethany Ann nudges your shoulder that you respond, “안녕하세요, Felix-ssi.”
“Oh, Y/n speaks Korean? She was speaking English,” you hear Chris comment in the back.
“Y/n, do you prefer English?” asks Felix.
You nod, then remember this is over the phone, “Ah yes, please. I know Korean... kinda but I am American so English is my first language. Icanspeakineitherwhicheveryouwantmeto.”
You hear a chuckle rumble over the speaker as Felix understands what he got brought into. Dropping his voice into his lower register, Felix asks,  “Y/n, you wouldn’t happen to be one of our lovely Stays would you?”
Your palms are sweating as you answer, “I am.”
“Hmm…” he almost growls. “I take it from Channie-hyung’s face that he isn’t your bias then?”
From the background, Chris comments, “I am her wrecker, at least.”
“That’s very nice,” Felix says, causing you to giggle softly. “I would think it would be even more nice if that meant… I was your bias, Y/n. Am I?”
“Ah huh,” you affirm, as you cannot believe you are even having this conversation.
 StrayKids is known for not working with any Playmate service companies, so you knew you would only get to meet or talk to them if you could only find a way to afford a fan meet or a send-off.
“Well now you at least have talked to us, Y/n.” Felix states.
“Shit. I said that outloud?” you question, looking around only to have the team trying their best not to die from laughter.
“Yes, you did, but that is okay, you're mine, and any friend of noona’s is a friend of ours,” the blonde Aussie says.
“Careful now, Felix-ah. Y/n-noona is Bangtan’s newest Playmate and my client. So keep the flirting to a minimum thank you,” Bethany Ann playfully scolds the boy. 
“Alright, noona, I will behave, but you have to find a way for her to come see us. I would still love to meet her,” says Felix with a whine.
“That is if she can get away from Bangtan Pack,” Chris pipes up.
“두 분이 계시네요,” another voice joins in . “이제 행사장으로 갈 시간입니다.”
“Okay Innie,” Felix agrees. “Oh wait, INNNNIIEEE.”
“뭐가 필요하세요, Lix?” the voice, now known as Innie, says.
“Say hi to my Stay Y/n-noona,” Felix instructs. “In english.”
“Oh. Hi noona! I am Jeong-In. You may be Lix’s stay for now but don’t worry. I will save you!”
“Yah!!!” you hear before a clattering noise takes over. 
“Jeong-In-ssi, Felix-ssi, Chan-ssi???!!!” you exclaim.
“Got it!” Chan says, picking up the line. “Innie always tries to convince Felix's stans to fall for him instead. No worries, noona. It’s all fun and games. But yeah, you should come see us one day,” Chris affirms.
“I hate to cut this short but we really do have to get over to MusicBank. Babydoll, you know what to do. See you when you get a chance,” Chan says before the line goes dead.
“I cannot believe you!” you playfully slap Bethany Ann’s shoulder. “I was not prepared! Like you cannot just call up someone like that!”
“Sorry, but I couldn’t help it after your 5- —or was it a 10-minute speech about why Chan is the best leader and how amazing Felix was for persevering,” Bethany Ann smiles at you and goes back to getting you ready.
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(NOTE: If you would like to see what is being described, please go to American Mate- LACMA Gala with Namjoon)
After trying on a few gorgeous dresses, your heart stuttered in your chest when you tried on a specific purple one. Purple had always been your favorite color, and you had your fair share of purple dresses, but this… this was something else. 
It was a Fongt African Evening Maxi Dress, allowing you to move comfortably while showing off your natural shape.
There was a peephole in the chest area that was not very provocative. According to Bethany Ann, “You gotta keep it classy but still appealing.” 
The sleeves had a slit from neckline to wrist with one strip of cloth allowing it to still move with your arms just above the bend of your elbow. 
The cuffs were lined with satin and pearls, which you learned were real when they matched with beautiful dangle earrings with a flower resembling the bracelet that Seokjin gave you. 
Your shoes were made of white satin and wrapped around genuine pearl ankle straps. The heels were high enough to be a heel but still comfortable to walk in, but what they did was elongate your leg when you stepped forward, and the slit in the skirt of the dress opened to just above the knee. 
Your makeup was done with a dramatic black winged liner, purple eyeshadow to match the dress, and white accents to pull more pearl and satin into your look. Your lips were kept natural with a simple satin-speckled gloss.
Your nails were painted an almost hombre look, going from white tips to deep purple and an almost matching satin-speckled topcoat. 
Finally, your hair was curled, re-curled, and pinned within an inch of your life, but it looked amazing. It flowed like a river in soft waves down one side of your head. Somehow, they gave you volume and fake bangs, which you could never do on your own. 
“All done,” announces Bethany Ann.
Ring Ring
“Hello?” you answer your phone.
“Y/n, it’s Namjoon. Jen should be there with the car shortly. Are you almost ready to go? Did MayNell do well?”
“Yes, they were amazing. I haven’t had this much fun getting ready for a Gala in my life,” you say, smiling at the team. Movement behind them catches your attention as you see Jen approach.
“Oh, Jen is here now. I have to go, Namjoon. I will see you soon.”
“Really quick hand the phone to one of the team, please, before you go,” instructs Namjoon.
“Bethany Ann, he wants to talk to one of you,” you say, holding out the phone. A series of Yes, Prime Alphas, that won’t be a problem, understood, and humms come from her while you wave hello to Jen. 
The conversation isn’t long and ends with Bethany mumbling something about it being in the trunk before she hangs up and hands you back the phone. 
“It looks like we will be seeing you again, as we will be on stand-by at the Gala for last-minute touch-ups and maintenance throughout the night,” she says with a smile. The other two clapped excitedly as they piled up the used makeup so they would know what to use for later tonight.
“Miss Y/l/n, we should get going soon. Prime Alpha Kim is already on location,” Jen informs you.
Nodding, you make your way to follow Jen, waving goodbye to the team. Once outside, you see that it’s the same black car that was used for your date with Seokjin. Carefully making it down the stairs to the car, you hear a cat call coming from behind you. 
Spinning around, you see Yoongi still whistling at you, and Jimin and Jungkook join in with hoots and hollers.
“Who is that sexy beast?” Jimin calls out, causing you to blush.
Jungkook is snapping probably a trillion pictures while he yells, “Work with me, pose, and pose. Now Vogue!”
“Have a lovely night, Princess,” Yoongi calls out while holding onto the back of his younger mates to keep them from running after you like he wants to.
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The drive is calming, Jen, having put on 104.3 MyFm. The pop songs allow you to just live in them for now. 
You thought you would be more nervous about tonight than you really are, but Bethany Ann, Cindy, and Kat made you feel comfortable, and the boys made you feel wanted. 
Even if they were a bit dorky about it. 
With that, your mind wanders to the rest of the boys. They all knew that you were nervous about tonight. It wasn’t just the Gala with the dancing, tons of famous people, and the media that was making you nervous– it was Namjoon.
Sure, you went on a non-date date with Seokjin, which felt more like an actual date than any you had ever been on, but that was with Jin. Someone closer to your age, not the Prime Alpha of a sizeable mate-bonded pack, and someone not powerful enough to make or break your career. 
Prime Alpha Kim Namjoon was. 
Looking out the car window, you see you are on a beautiful winding road, not the busy streets you expected.
“Jen, where are we?”
“We are almost there, Miss. Prime Alpha Kim is waiting for you just ahead,” she responds with a smile.
Turning around a final bend, you see the unmistakable dome of the Griffith Observatory. When you first got to California, you used to come here all the time. You can see a few spattering groups of people, but it was fall and getting colder earlier, so there weren’t many. 
After Jen parked the car, she got out and opened your door. Guiding you around the side of the building, you see a few men in suits blocking a path for visitors, but allow the two of you in. 
“He is right down this path, Miss,” Jen instructs. “The car will be waiting and ready to head to the Gala when you are finished.”
“Thank you, Jen,” you say as you walk down the path around the left of the main building.  
Once you come around the last of the curve, you see a stunning view of Los Angeles. The sun is starting to set, which is casting a red and orange tint on the skyscrapers. You can see the lights from homes and offices turn on, making it look like the sky has blessed the ground with stars, but that isn’t what falters your steps.
Right now, you see him. 
He was observing the same setting sun with his back to you. He looked like a king looking over his kingdom, and his power and presence exuded from his very being. 
100% Alpha.
His suit isn’t the one from this morning—no, no. It’s solid white from top to bottom, and against the bleeding colors of the sun, it makes him look stunning. His broad shoulders and solid back look like they could carry the world. The suit jacket accentuates his waist. The pants—wow, the strain of the material emphasizes the musculature beneath them.
Absent-mindedly, you have continued to walk forward with timid steps, and the slight breeze from behind you carries your scent to the Prime Alpha before he hears you. 
With a quick turn, he faces you with a smile that turns to awe and shock as he takes you in. He knew you were beautiful before, but now, “You look like an angel.”
You shy at his words as you join him, “You are the one in all white, Namjoon. You look more like an angel.”
Upon hearing your words, a faint blush dusts his cheeks. Clearing his throat, he genuinely smiles at you, dimples and all, “I could never be an angel, but you sure could be mine.”
“Thank you,” you accept his compliment with your own responding blush. 
Looking past him to gather your thoughts, you smile again at the view, “It’s so pretty up here. Isn’t it? I used to come here all the time.”
“I know,” he comments, causing you to look at him with a furrowed brow. “I may have asked your Beta, where your favorite spot in the city was. I hope you don’t mind?”
“Looking into me, I see,” you tease. “I don’t mind. I think it’s sweet that you were interested in knowing and wanting to surprise me. Brownie points for caring.”
Your last comment now draws a look of confusion from him: “Has no one ever brought you here before?”
Walking up to the railing, you debate how much you want him to know before the Gala. This would be the best time to discuss things with him before he goes from Namjoon to RM.
“I... I don’t have much experience in this, Namjoon,” you start. “Everything I tell you tonight, you should tell Bangtan.”
Without waiting for his agreement, you continue, “After moving to California when I was 11, I pretty much became an only child with a controlling but distant mother. I learned what it meant to be a family or a pack from Evie’s family.”
Namjoon joins you at the railing. His body turned to face you, his attention on nothing else. Glancing at the intensity of his focus, you pause and focus back on the slowly darling sky.
“I learned in high school that touching, hugging, cuddling was equal to whoring since I wasn’t a hybrid. So when a boy or girl would become comfortable with any of it, I took it as if they wanted to be with me.”
“How wrong I was,” you sigh out. Namjoon, having moved closer to you while slowly pushing his calming leather scent into the air.
“I dated a few times. According to my mother, I slutted my way through the short time I was in college till I ended up meeting Eric. I thought he was going to be my forever.”
It takes everything within Namjoon to keep his Alpha at bay while you talk about being with someone else. You are their mate and no one else’s. How dare someone lie to you about you being theirs.
At your silence, Namjoon tentatively takes a step forward and places a hand on your shoulder, “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, Y/n.”
“I know, but with you being the Prime Alpha of the pack, there are things you should know.” 
Taking a deep breath and leaning into Namjoon’s touch, you feel your nerves settle down a little bit more. 
“Eric was fantastic at first. He even helped my mother when she was ill and bought her a condo when we decided to move in together. Mom was thrilled that I was not only with someone from a societal class, but he wasn’t a hybrid. He was so kind, respectful, attentive, but that changed. At first, I thought it was me. I didn’t make dinner on time. I was being flirty with the waiter. I dressed improperly for the occasion.”
“It started with underhanded comments and backward compliments. It wasn’t long before it turned into leaving bruises from harsh grips to busted lips from getting slapped and the occasional twisted ankle from him pushing me out of his way.”
“I was with him for almost ten years because I thought he loved me. Why would anyone who didn’t love me buy me gifts and sleep with me if they didn’t love me? Right?”
You wipe the tears that start falling, only to have Namjoon hand you a handkerchief, “oh thank you.”
“I am sure you saw in the medical portion of the contract that I had a miscarriage, right?” you question, turning to face him.
Not trusting his words, Namjoon only nods in confirmation. His Alpha is eerily quiet now, waiting for your following words.
“I had found out that I was pregnant. Seven weeks along. I was so happy because it would explain why I constantly felt exhausted and nauseous. I just knew that this news of a baby would make Eric elated and then we could get married and he would treat me better because I was carrying his baby.”
By this point, your lip is trembling, your breath is stuttering, and your skin is hot from the turmoil of emotions, but you knew Namjoon had to know, not only because of the contract but because of his pack. He needed to know that you had so much more baggage than what the contract said. 
They all needed to know that you were broken and worthless.
“So I made his favorite dinner, wore his favorite pink dress, and waited for him to return home from work. I waited… and waited… and waited but ended up falling asleep at the dining room table before he got home.”
“He finally came home late that night, almost 2 am, and yelled at me for wasting food. He was slightly buzzed and had gone out with the boys. I of course apologized but told him that I had something special to share.”
“So I told him,” looking down at my nails, my throat so tight it is almost impossible to speak, I try to continue, “He wasn’t happy. He punched me for the first time that night. Right in the stomach. Then he grabbed my purse, took me by my hair to the stairwell, and pushed me down it.”
“The whole time, he was screaming at me about how ugly I was, how fat I was, how worthless and pathetic I was. He threw me my purse and told me to get rid of the devil’s pawn that I was carrying.”
“I ran and ran. I don’t remember calling Evie. I don’t know how she found me and got me to the hospital. But she did. I ended up with two fractured ribs, an ankle sprain, and a miscarriage.”
Next thing you know, Namjoon is pulling you into a hug. His large form engulfs you in leather and vanilla scents, a soft growl rumbling in his chest, and he just holds you like you will fall apart if he lets go. 
“It broke me,” you mumble into his chest. “I moved into my flat, brought Derek into the pack, and took time healing.”
Pushing slightly on his waist, Namjoon slowly releases his hold. Looking at you, you can see his eyes hold pain and anger for what you have gone through, but there is something else. It isn’t pity. It almost looks like awe.
“Namjoon, I haven’t been with anyone since,” you say, hoping he understands what you mean. 
Rubbing his hands up and down your arms, you see the thought process: “That is… he caused… skinship. This is why you are hesitant about skinship outside your family pack. The one person you allowed to be close to you with skinship destroyed the meaning and true purpose behind it.”
“Angel. Y/n. I don’t mean to be rude, but he is an asshole. He is worse than but, but,” growl. “I don’t want to rant. Thank you for telling me all of this. I can see why you have reacted to the pack as you have so far.”
Namjoon takes a moment to look at the now-set sun and the night skyline before continuing.
“First off, Angel, you are not broken; you are beautiful. Bangtan is so lucky to have such a strong and fierce woman to be with. Secondly, there is nothing wrong with not being with anyone else after going through what you have been through and we are not going to force you to do anything that you are not comfortable with.”
“But the contract said..” you start, but Namjoon cuts you off.
“I know what the contract says, and we are sticking to it. You don’t have to be the world’s best at skinship. Skinship takes time, trust, comfort, and connections. Omegas are naturally prone to want skinship, Betas see it as a way to regulate the pack but Alphas do it out of desire and want.”
“Yoongi-hyung wants to be your safe space, Jungkook-ah desires to be your happy place, and the rest of us are right there with them. We weren’t lying when we told you that you are special to us, but we just need you to see if we are special to you as well. In time.”
Taking in a deep breath, you shudder as you look him in the eyes. “Derek told me to heal and see where this all goes before he left the meeting yesterday. I know now that he was talking about more than just my wrist.”
“And are you okay with that?”
“I…I think I am.” Your statement draws a stunning smile from the wolf hybrid, “but. But… it’s still going to take time. I mean just today Jungkook and Taehyung barely kissed and I felt like I was watching a private moment.”
“It was a private moment but it was a private moment they wanted to share with you, Angel,” says Namjoon. “In front of the cameras, Bangtan pack is very playful, like on Run BTS, or stoic, like at Awards. However, behind closed doors… Bangtan is very affectionate. Sometimes, the younger ones can get a bit lustful and I have to shove them behind closed doors because it’s too much for even me.”
You giggle at the thought of locking the trio in a closet or “Have you ever tried a bucket of ice water?”
That pulls a hearty, honest laugh out of the Prime Alpha, “That would be very funny, but no, we haven’t. Jinnie-hyung would hate getting the packhouse wet like that.”
Taking your hands with seriousness on his face, Namjoon says, “Y/n, I will let the rest of the guys know what you told me. I will do my best to ensure that none of them hunt down this Eric person.”
“But I want you to be ready for them to comfort you, to want to hold you, to show you what skinship is supposed to mean. Also, be aware that if we don’t want you involved in our private moments, as you call them, we wouldn’t do them while you are there.”
You smile softly, and something inside you vibrates with almost excitement about being able to feel all of these things again, even though it still scares you a bit. “Well, you don’t have to worry about Eric. Evie and Derek, even before he was a pack member, had been collecting documentation and evidence of Eric’s abuse, and now he is in jail. He isn’t getting out because there were others before me.”
Stepping away from him, you glance at the sparkling city below. “Even though this chapter of my life started with a minor disaster, I think it will be a journey worth taking.”
“And you have seven men to take it with you, even step of the way,” Namjoon says, stepping up behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders, observing the sights below.
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You learned more about Namjoon's family pack, his underground rapping start in the music world, and some funny stories about their first few years as BTS before they became famous.
By the time you had to leave for the Gala, any and all nerves about being around Namjoon had vanished. He was super intelligent, caring, and thoughtful. 
You just felt calm around him.
He offered you his arm as you walked back to the car, which you were grateful for since it had turned chilly with the night sky. 
“Angel, I have something for you,” Namjoon says as he points to a purple and white bag one of the guards at the trail entrance holds. 
He reaches inside and pulls out a lovely satin and lace bundle. Shaking it out, you see that it is a cloak!
You reach out to take it from him only to get it pulled away, and Namjoon wraps it around your back with a flourish.
“I had this made for you after I heard how well your date with Jin-hyung went. I wanted you to join me tonight, and I knew what I would be wearing, so I wanted us to match.”
He continues talking as he ties the cloak in place, “It’s made of thicker satin around the shoulders because I heard you get cold quickly, and the lace is made in the design of our Smeraldo flower which symbolizes love and hope.”
Wrapping yourself tighter in the folds of the cape, you can’t help but feel like the material is hugging you back. “It's lovely, Namjoon. Thank you so much.”
“It also has a hood, but I don’t want to ruin your hair.”
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After driving to a preparation area, you meet with Bethany Ann, Cindy, and Kat. All three rush to fix your make-up and playfully scold Namjoon for making you cry. 
When you try to explain that you were the reason for crying, they still playfully scold Namjoon for allowing you to discuss matters that made you cry. 
They also do a bit of makeup on Namjoon, transforming him from handsome to devastating. Yeah, you won't survive them all in makeup and suits. 
After adding a purple pocket square, amethyst cufflinks, and button covers (you didn’t know that was a thing) to Namjoon's look to match you more, Bethany Ann deems you ready for the Red Carpet.
You are escorted to a different car with extremely heavily tinted windows. Jen is still your driver but is now in an all-black pantsuit with purple and white satin accents. 
You guess it is a BTS image thing to be all matchy-matchy.
The drive to the Gala is relatively short but still long enough for your nerves to try to kick in. 
Namjoon is holding your hand while scrolling on his phone, “Well, it looks like the news broke about you being our new playmate.”
You reactively squeeze his hand tighter.
“It seems like many are supportive of it because we are on tour, and they hope you can comfort us,” he smiles down at you with moon eyes. “Army already loves you and after tonight so will everyone else.”
The car stops, and you can see the flashing lights through the tinted windows. Both of you take a few deep breaths.
 “Ready?” he asks. With your nod, he knocks on the window, and Jen opens the door. 
The next eternity is spent getting blinded by flashing lights and being asked an excessive number of questions that you can barely hear. Namjoon, thankfully, noticed your anxiety. Bending to whisper in your ear, “Don’t worry about answering these questions, just ignore them.”
Well, you thought before that you were getting blinded and bombarded… now it was 100 times more than that just because of the whispering.
Finally, you go to areas where panels and cameras are set up. You notice a few Hollywood Stars, like Dakota Johnson from 50 Shades of Grey, Lil Nas X, who stopped to say hello to Namjoon, and even Kate Capshaw with Steven Speilberg.
You had lived in Los Angeles long enough to conduct yourself properly around the Hollywood Stars and not embarrass yourself or the name of BTS.
Soon, it was time for the interviews. Thankfully, most of the questions were geared toward Namjoon. The random few that were asked of you could be answered simply. Some interviewers made you laugh, while others were more serious, and Namjoon would step in and take over if they got too pushy or personal.
You were concentrating on the cameras and the questions so much that you missed how Namjoon’s attention was on you any time you spoke up. His pride in your strength to not waver or fumble your words was amazing. 
You were perfect. 
You were his angel.
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The eternity you felt in the Red Carpet turned out to only be about 45 minutes.
“Well, that went smoother than what I thought. It’s not so bad and kinda easy now that I look back on it,” you comment once inside the Gala.
However, the groan and the headbutt on your shoulder contradicted your feelings, “Namjoon? Are you okay?”
Holding on to your shoulders with his nose at the nape of your neck, Namjoon breathes in your sweet pea scent laced with god knows how many emotions. His Alpha is back to clawing his way forward, wanting to get your scent to stabilize.
“Hello, is everything okay?” A woman’s voice asks. Looking up, you see it is none other than Jennie from BlackPink.
“안녕하세요, Jennie-ssi. Umm.. I think everything is okay but umm,” you look over your shoulder as best as possible, only to be met with a deep growl. “Okay, maybe everything is not okay.”
“Your Y/n, right? The new Playmate for Bangtan pack?” 
“Yes, I am. My word travels fast,” you smile and attempt to bow in greeting again to be growled at by the Prime Alpha at your neck. 
“Miss Y/n, I don’t know if you know this, but I am a Siamese Hybrid and your Alpha is not happy with your unsettled scent… I think,” she states with a look of concern.
“Oh! Well, I don’t have a good handle on my scent. Umm.. Do you know if they have hybrid rooms for situations like this?”
“Yes! They do… umm, hold on,” she says as she walks over to another man, and they talk in rapid Korean. 
Soon, they both return to where you are, but now Namjoon has decided to band his arm around your waist, keeping you closer than before.
“Hello, I am Lee Jung Jae, human, but I know where the rooms are. Please come with us. We already told Jennie-ah’s manager to let Namjoon-ah manager know where you two are going,” the man says.
Following them down the hall and around a corner, you see a few rooms labeled “Hybrid only.” 
“Oh, 감사합니다 선생님! Thank you for all your help,” you smile, hoping they will excuse you for not bowing.
Jennie holds the door open for you, “I haven’t seen him act like this since Jungkook-ah joined the pack. It’s a good thing, you don’t have anything to worry about. Just take 5-10 minutes to relax and everything will be fine.”
Nodding in understanding, you shuffle the two of you into the dimly lit room. There is a desk with a chair and a small couch. Couch it is. 
“Alpha? Alpha, can we sit down, please?” you ask, moving toward the couch. 
You feel Namjoon move his head, hoping he is looking around the room. When he still doesn’t verbally respond, you try another tactic. 
“Alpha, my feet are hurting. Can we please sit together on the couch?”
That works.
Before you finish the sentence, Namjoon pulls you to the couch. Taking a seat, he grabs at your hips and sits you down on his lap. His arms curl around you, and his eyes, now a lovely forest green, observe your expressions.
“Hello, Alpha Joon. Are you going to be alright?” you ask while casting your eyes downward. You remembered something about eye contact and wolves not being an intelligent thing to do.
“Your scent is everywhere,” Alpha Joon replies, which shocks you since it's not the stilted speech you have heard from Alpha Yoon and Alpha Chim.
“Oh, well, yes. I suppose it is because this is a new experience for me,” you smile as you remember the reassuring touches from Namjoon during the whole thing. “Alpha was very helpful in keeping me safe and not panicking. Thank you for your attention Alpha Joon.”
The compliment pulls a smile from the wolf hybrid, “It’s my job as Prime Alpha. Need to calm your scent. Sweet pea. Angel’s sweet pea.”
Adjusting how you sit on his lap, Alpha Joon gips on tighter, but you smile and move a little bit more, allowing you to lean against the arm of the couch while still leaning on his chest.
“I should be fine soon, Alpha Joon. I actually enjoyed walking the carpet with you.”
“Too many were watching you. Lots of people were flirting with you and with what you shared earlier… I guess my Alpha was just in protection mode or something,” he grumbles, resting his head on yours.
“Oh, you are silly, Alpha. They are just doing their jobs. You saved me when it got uncomfortable, but everything is fine now. We just get to enjoy dancing and stuff now.”
The room is silent when you feel a large puff of air on your head, “Sorry about that, Angel. My Alpha has been trying to front since the observatory. I guess your mixture of emotions was too much,” the wolf hybrid says.
You tilt your head to see his eyes return to their darker brown color, “No worries, Namjoon. I am just glad that Jennie-ssi and Jung Jae-ssi were around to help find this room,” you smile at him, still looking between his eyes. “Your Alpha’s eyes are pretty, by the way.”
“Thank you. The green is a rare color but the pack says it makes sense because it takes a rare breed to be a Prime Alpha.”
“I would agree with them. Your Alpha also has better speech than the others so far.”
“Ah yes, that is also part of why I am the Prime Alpha. It allows for me to be understood in order to protect my pack.”
“Make sense. Now, do you think you are ready to head back out? I am sure Manager Sejin is worried by now.”
“I am, if you are or we could just go home… if you wanted to?”
“I would like to stay. I haven’t been to a Gala with a dance floor in a while and it looks like fun.”
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Now that you didn’t have a leeched on Alpha, walking inside the venue was like walking into a fairytale. Beautiful works of art were tastefully displayed everywhere you looked. 
Those attending looked like they walked off the catwalk from New York or Milan’s fashion week. Quietly, you thank whatever powers that be granted you the talented team to make you look like you might be able to fit in with this elegant crowd. 
Before taking a seat, you were able to spot Jennie and Jung Jae, give them a quick thumbs up, and say thank you again for all their help. 
The evening's events started with Michal Govan and Eva Chow’s speeches about LACMA and why we were all here. They were followed by tributes to Amy Sherald, Kehinde Wiley, and even Steven Speilberg. A short film by someone you had never heard of but now were interested in was shown. 
Next came the dinner. 
Shit dinner! 
How would you avoid being rude and eat the food without knowing what was in it? Gourmet meals at these high-flaunting Shindigz never look like what they are made of.
As if sensing your internal panic, Namjoon squeezes his hand over yours. You glance up at him, your concern showing in your eyes, but before you can say anything, he leans over and says, “Are you worried about the meal?”
Nodding you, lick your lips, trying to figure out how to explain to Namjoon how you could… could… maybe hide in that room again til dinner was over?
Watching your tongue wet your lip, Namjoon smiles at the nervous habit you share with a particular mate. “It’s okay, angel. The seats are assigned, and they know your restrictions.”
Instant relief comes from his words. You should have known. They have told you many times that they will take care of you. He has told you that he will take care of you. 
Maybe it’s time to start believing them.
Smiling brightly at the Prime Alpha, you turn over your hand and lock your fingers with his. You hope this conveys gratitude for the precautions and attentiveness during such a grand event. 
Namjoon's eyes widen at your movement, now focused on your intertwined hands. His mate is holding his hand, not out of need but because his new mate wants to. 
At that point, a strong wave of vanilla comes over the Prime Alpha, the mate bond. It’s forming between the two of you. He can feel the pull now. He didn’t destroy the bond before it got a chance to start with his proposition. 
He may be known as the God of Destruction; however, when it comes to his mates and you, he will never allow any breaks.
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The rest of the program was relatively interesting but boring. There were performances and more tributes, but once that was over… the party was on!
A famous DJ took over for the small, formal orchestra-like band that had been playing in the background. He played music from all around the world. 
Namjoon danced with you as best he could. That man almost had two left feet, which caused you to laugh never-endingly.
“How?!? Namjoon! How can you be so bad at dancing?”
“I can dance! I have only stepped on you twice and that was because you were doing some kinda fancy thing that I hadn’t seen,” he huffed but still danced along with you until you abruptly stopped in your tracks.
“Hey, you almost got stepped on agai…” Namjoon stops talking and takes in your wide eyes and blushing(?) face. 
You aren’t looking at him; you are looking past him. Turning around to see what you are looking at, he sees nothing but other guests. Looking back at you again, he notes that you are watching something or someone moving. Trying to track what you see, it hits him… Lee Min Ho. You are watching Lee Min Ho.
Stepping behind you, placing his hands on your hips, Namjoon leans into your ear, “Should I be jealous that your eyes are on another man? Not only that but Tae-ah’s good friend Lee Min Ho?”
You snap your attention back to Namjoon, “Friends? You know Mr. Lee? Wait… jealous?”
Chuckling to himself, Namjoon looks back at the famous Korean Actor and whistles, catching his attention. A smile blooms on Min Ho’s face at seeing Namjoon, and heads towards the two of you.
“Namjooooonnn! Why did you do that?” you harshing whisper through your own toothy smile. 
Whispering in your ear again, “I thought you would want to say hi to someone you clearly know of.”
“Min Ho-hyung! I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight. It’s good to see you. How is the pack search going?” Namjoon greets the stunning actor with a hearty handshake-guy hug thing. 
You move out of the way, and your brain is awed to see him up close. You can handle Hollywood stars because they are everywhere, but foreign stars… that is a whole different thing because they don’t come here often. 
You accidentally watched him film a little for his show The Inheritors back in 2012 or something. That is when you first noticed him, but since most of his stuff was on streaming channels you had to pay for, you didn’t watch many things until recently.
Namjoon noticed your movements but continued to speak with his friend to let you relax or fangirl out. 
“Joon-ah, may I ask who this lovely creature is?” Min Ho asks, turning his attention to you.
With a prideful smile, Namjoon introduces you, “This angel, is Y/n. She has graced me as my date for the Gala tonight.”
Attempting your best to maintain professionalism, you smile and respectfully bow, “만나서 반갑습니다, 선생님.”
“Oh, you speak Korean?” Min Ho says with a shock, “Joon-ah you did find a gem for tonight. Tell me, Y/n, how does it feel to dance the night away with this clumsy wolf?”
“Yah! I am not that bad,” exclaims Namjoon.
You giggle out, “It’s not bad. He keeps shying away from the classic dances with too much footwork but then again I think my feet are grateful for that.”
“I am not shying away from classical dances. I just don’t know much about ballroom forms. Besides, the band is there to give the DJ and guests breaks from dancing like we are now. That’s all,” Namjoon defends himself. 
“Guest breaks? And here I thought I was the oldest one,” you tease.
“You ballroom dance, Y/n?” asks Min Ho. 
Looking at the actor, you can’t tell if he is asking because he doesn’t think someone of your size can ballroom dance, or he is honestly curious.
“Yes, Mr. Lee. I have been trained in multiple ballroom dance techniques, but I prefer to compete in either a classic Waltz, Salsa, or Tango. " Your face sets into a defensive mask. “I wouldn’t expect anyone to guess that. Besides, it's not like those dances are very popular anymore.”
A look you are not sure of what it means flows over his face. “Joon-ah, you know it is rude to deny a lady her request to dance. Since you won’t be joining her, I will,” he says, stepping closer to you. He bows.
“Miss Y/n, I would very much like to have this dance with you,” he asks.
You stand there shocked, your mind trying to grapple with the fact that A)Lee Min Ho just asked you to dance, B)Namjoon is right there, and C) LEE MIN HO just asked you to DANCE!
Before you can accept or deny the request, the band starts up with a piece you recognize as Underground Tango by Goran Bregovic. The actor takes your hand, pulling you to the center of the floor.
“Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee, I..” you try to say before he pulls you into the classic Tango hold.
Bending down to your ear, he says, “Namjoon is a little slow when it comes to taking what he wants. Dance with me but watch him. Let’s see how long it takes before your Alpha fronts.”
You glance at Namjoon and see that he is, of course, watching you. You're his date, so why wouldn’t he? 
“Shall we?” Min Ho asks before he takes the first step into the dance. 
Your eyes automatically return to Min Ho’s, and your body falls into the dance like it was meant to be there. 
The Tango is an intimate dance with constant body contact and wordless communication between the dancers. It requires concentration to perform well, and at this highly publicized Gala, you don’t want to look like a fool. 
It was surprisingly easy to follow Min Ho’s lead. He kept his hands in proper and respectful placements, showed respect with his movements, and played up the sensuality of it all with his facial expressions. 
You maintained proper eye contact with Min Ho and followed the energy of the dance by adding flourishes to your movements and the flicks of your dress. Pretty soon, it felt like old times: just you and your dance partner on the floor, with the music acting as your lifeblood. 
In one turn, Min Ho brought you back into his hold but placed your back in his front, which, in the proper hold, pressed the two of you together. That’s when you hear a soft chuckle.
Glancing up at Min Ho, he tilts his head toward the audience, causing you to follow his gaze. You would have frozen in place if it hadn’t been for the years of training and Min Ho’s stronghold on your body.
No longer was Namjoon standing and watching you dance with his friend – It was Alpha Joon.
The forest green eyes are watching you like a predator watches his prey. Flicking all over your body, they sear heat into your skin as they trace all your contact points with the actor. 
“If I could wager anything, I would think your Alpha doesn’t like you being touched by me right now. Possessive much?” Min Ho says quietly.  “Let’s finish this with a show.”
Min Ho spins you around without warning and takes you into a dip. As he dips deeper, you cling to the actor, afraid to be dropped. Trailing his nose along your neck to your shoulder. His hand is securing your lifted leg through the slit at his hip. 
As the music dies, he pulls you up and stands you nose to nose. Your heart is pounding, not because Lee Min Ho looks like he will kiss you. No no. It’s because Lee Min Ho looks like he is going to kiss you, and Alpha Joon is somewhere seeing the same thing. 
A coy smile plays on his lips as he glances behind you, “I have a feeling you may be going home early, but still, enjoy the rest of your night, Y/n.”
Next thing you know, strong hands grip your waist, and a low growl rumbles through you. Your breath is stolen, and your body is not only thrumming from the dance but now from the Alpha at your back. 
Min Ho steps back, looking Namjoon in the eyes. He says, “Hello, Alpha Joon. Thank you for granting me the opportunity to dance with your date; she was divine.”
“Mine,” a deep, gravelly voice comes from the wolf Hybrid. 
“Is she?” asks Min Ho, his eyes flashing yellowish. “My Alpha thinks she is unmarked.”
“Your Alpha? You’re a hybrid?” You are shocked to hear this as you really take in the man before you, but you do not see any hybrid features.
“Alpha Bobcat hybrid. You didn’t think I was this graceful by being just any human, did you? Couldn’t you feel my athletic but lithe build while we were dancing so closely?” 
Min Ho’s eyes wander up and down your form. A look of something passes over his face when Namjoon’s grip tightens, and the growl grows louder. Putting his hands up, Min Ho steps back farther.
“Alpha Joon, I don’t want to push or pry. I only meant to allow your date a moment of fun. I will respect your claim on her… for now,” the actor says, his face turning into a mask of friendliness that does not meet his eyes.
Without looking at you, he says, “ Y/n, please tell Tae-ah he needs to give me a call. It was an honor to dance with you this evening.”
With that, he turns and disappears into the crowd. However, you want to disappear into the crowd but cannot because you have a Prime Alpha at your back with a death grip.
Glancing around, you are at least relieved to see that it is mainly hybrids watching with worried looks on their faces, but no one has responded or reacted like anything is out of the ordinary. 
This may be something normal for Alphas.
Running through all the things you could do next to get away from the dance floor, you think more about the fact that you didn’t know Min Ho was a hybrid and Namjoon is unhappy.
Instinctively, you should be scared, and you are… right? 
Or are you excited? 
It’s just adrenaline. That’s what it is; you attempt to convince yourself until you shift your weight and feel the so very telling dampness between your legs. 
Why are you, now of all times, turned on?
It isn’t from the dancing; you would have noticed that with all the movements. Here you go again, getting turned on by a mated man: his possessiveness, his Alphaness, the body-consuming growls. 
“Sweet pea, bergamot, and sugar,” Alpha Joon says as he takes a deep breath. “Min Ho left none. Good. Mine.”
“Alpha Joon, umm, should you be fronting right now at the Gala?” you ask softly.
“Fine, many hybrids are here,” he responds, rubbing his wrists along your sides and sending out calming scents to you. “Bergamot means scared. Nothing to scare from, my Angel.”
“Can we talk about this somewhere else, please?” you ask. Stepping out of his hold and quickly facing him. “Scenting in public won’t look good for your pack, Prime Alpha.”
His forest green eyes narrow at you. The look is calculating. Dropping his hands to his sides, the Alpha hybrid steps forward and cautiously asks, “Scenting is accepted, but not here?”
You smile at his tone and respond, “Yes, Alpha Joon. You may scent me, but please remember I am still getting used to this.” 
Reaching for his hand, you step into his personal space, “Alpha Joon, can we head home now? You can scent me in the car, if you’d like.”
His green eyes shine like emeralds, “I’d be honored, let’s go home.”
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violetsiren90 · 7 months
Nothing But You | Bang Chan/Reader
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Pairing: wolf hybrid!Bang Chan x f!human!Reader
Genre: hybrid AU; non-idol AU, strangers to lovers; love in adversity; cozy one-shot; fluff and angst
Word Count: 1434
Summary: The world's not ready for your love, but that doesn't matter. None of it matters - nothing but him.
Part 2: Evergreen (though both can be read as stand-alone works)
Content Warnings: I'd give this a PG-13 for content, but ALL of my work is 18+ (minors, dni); cuddling; co-sleeping; bad weather (but safe indoors); shirtless Chris (Chan is called Christopher); descriptions of hybrid physical features (including some minimal body hair); depictions of prejudice towards, discrimination, and marginalization of hybrids; a character gets lost and is momentarily frightened; allusions to sexual intimacy; implied domestic violence (by an authority figure, not Chris); running away; mention of reproduction (pups); for some reason even though it is explicitly stated I feel the need to mention that Reader and Chris are both adults throughout
Author's Note: I'll tell you what I didn't have planned for this Sunday afternoon and that was a Bang Chan hybrid AU one-shot. But the image of cuddling up with Chan in the middle of a snowstorm took me hostage and now here we are. I've never written a hybrid AU before, so this was very fun! If you read this, I hope this Christopher brings you the comfort you deserve today. 💕
P.S In case no one has told you today, you're so loved and so, so worthy of love. 🧜💜
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The icy wind howls, whipping swirling flurries of snow past the windows of the little cabin. You stir, not opening your eyes, heavy with slumber as your other senses remind you of the homey trappings of your shelter. A fire crackles and pops, its warmth licking over your nose and cheeks. A soft, heavy blanket fashioned of rabbit pelts lays over your body, rustling quietly as you nuzzle into the man beneath you.
    His chest rises and falls with the even breath of a deep sleep. Your cheek rests against his bare skin and the silky patch of thick, dark hair between his firm pectorals. It isn't really hair - not like yours. It's fur. Soft, dark tufts of it decorate his body everywhere hair would grow on a man; a patch on his chest, under his arms, at the dip of his Adonis belt. It smells like him. Like musk and pine and lavender. Manly and primal, floral and gentle. Christopher.
    Hybrids were still treated like dirt in so many ways. They didn't require licenses to live without owners anymore, but still, they were pushed to the margins of the community by the intolerance of common practice. You yourself had been taught to fear them. Monsters, your grandfather had told you, who would turn on their own young in a moment of morbid instinct. Even so, you always found more pity in your heart than terror.
    And then, one day, you met him.
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You had been loading groceries into the bed of your grandparents' jalopy at the general store and dropped a bag of oats as you struggled to hoist it onto the tailgate. You hadn't even noticed he was beside you when he easily hefted the bag and the remaining two boxes of eggs onto the vehicle without a word. He shot you a little smile, but before you could thank him your eyes were arrested by a pair of sharp brown ears rising from his curly hair. He pulled on a cap and turned to go before you could collect your wits enough to speak.
    You had thought of nothing save his warm brown eyes and sweet smiling lips in the weeks that followed, taking any chance you could to steal away to the general store in hopes of seeing him again.
But your paths never crossed. Not until the following summer.
You had packed in to the camping grounds by the lake with a few other girls from your graduating class for a weekend getaway from the menfolk - not that you had any - and you'd joined them rather reluctantly and at the persistence of your grandmother, who insisted a little socialization would do you good.
    That first afternoon you quickly grew tired of the chatter. If the weekend was meant to be a reprieve from the men, you grumbled to yourself, then why were they the constant and sole topic of conversation? You gathered up your sketching supplies and walked down the trail a ways, finding that the more distance you put between yourself and the shrieks of laughter and gossip behind you, the better you felt. Soon, you couldn't hear them at all. You settled onto a rock at the edge of a small glen and took your pencil in hand.
    Suddenly, some hours later, it dawned on you that your eyes were straining somewhat on the page, and you looked about, startled at the waning light reflecting the late hour. Gathering your things, you hurried back to down the path, only to realize with a sickness in your gut that you were well and truly lost, and that the daylight was nearly spent.
    He had found you then, sniffling rather pathetically beside a tree. You'd been alarmed by the sudden sound of his voice, having not heard his furtive approaching steps, but when you raised your frightened eyes to his face the fear had quickly given way to wonder. You'd given up hope of seeing him again, and now here he was, once more in your hour of need.
It was too dark now to find the trail back to the campsite, so you helped divide the load of bracken he had tucked under his arm between you as he led the way back to his cabin, not far into the thick. As you walked you noticed his tail, gray and brown and full behind him. Had he hidden it, that day at the store, you wondered? Did he always when he was around people like you? You remembered how surprised you had been at the site of his pretty ears upon your first meeting and you felt ashamed. You tried to find every possible way to assure him, as you walked and talked, that he didn't frighten you. You hoped he understood.
    Before long, you arrived at a little clearing with a log cabin at its heart. Smoke rose invitingly from the chimney, and you found it was as small and homey and warm within as it seemed from the cold darkness of the wood. The stranger gave you bread and stew and hot milk, and you ate with him and told him of yourself and he shared with you in return.
He was a wolf hybrid. The sole survivor of his pack, he had traveled hundreds of miles to settle into the mountains of your home. He made a living hunting, trapping, and gathering the wares of the wild to sell in town, as did a handful of other hybrids living in the mountains - a group of traders known collectively as The Strays. He told you that his name was Christopher, but that most simply called him The Wolf. When you repeated his given name softly and asked if you could call him by it he smiled that smile again, but broader and brighter and with his eyes pressed into little moons and crow's feet in their corners. His canines glinted in the light of the fire and one beautiful dimple pressed into his left cheek.
    You were in love.
    You asked him, a little shyly before parting the following day, if you could be friends. He smiled sadly and brushed rough fingers over your cheek before telling you that you were already his friend, but that you should keep yourself safe by staying away. People were suspicious of hybrids, and if he were seen with a human woman, it could be dangerous for you both.
     At the edge of the campsite, when he turned to go, you grabbed his arm. You told him that every Saturday morning you helped wait tables at Maple's Diner, and that if he came, breakfast would be on the house. You wanted to thank him, you insisted. In truth, you just wanted to give him a chance to find you, should he wish to. Oh, you desperately hoped that he wished to.
    And he did. He showed up a few weeks later, ears tucked under a hat and shoulders looking broad in a worn flannel shirt. You gave him coffee and bacon and a pile of pancakes and sat with him when your shift was through. It became a ritual, Saturday mornings at the diner. And then you started meeting for lunch. Then dinner. Then for long walks and trips to the movies. Then he started to take you out for drives in his truck - for picnics in the mountains, to watch the stars from the bed, to never leave the cab or each other's arms as the windows fogged with your labored breaths and mingled heat.
    One night your grandparents were waiting up when you returned. Your grandfather was in a rage, your grandmother was all worry and woes. It was a sin, what you were doing, they said. In the eyes of what god, you demanded in return? Your grandmother clung to your arm, begging you to come to your senses - it was dangerous, and worse, you would be ruined for life. You told her that none of that meant anything to you. Only him, he was all that mattered. Only Christopher. To hell with everyone and everything else in that goddamned town that treated him with suspicion and shame - that could never begin to see how perfectly beautiful he was.
Your grandfather forbade you to see him.
You told him you were grown and he couldn't stop you.
He raised his hand, and your grandmother screamed.
    When Christopher pulled up in his pickup you were in front of Maple's Diner. He gasped as he crouched to cradle you in his arms and gently brush his fingers over your broken lip and the green bruise on your cheek. He gathered you up, gathered your little bags, and took you home.
Home to the woods.
To the little warm cabin.
To his arms and his heart.
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    It's the third winter since you left it all behind - everything that tried to keep you from him.
Things are so different now, so simple, slow, steady and intimate in the life you share. You've started talking about pups. Maybe someday. Maybe soon. 
    You look up at his lovely, peaceful face, washed golden in the firelight, and smile, settling back down against his chest. As the wind howls your eyes slip shut, and you sleep again in the strong, gentle arms of a wolf.
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kaciidubs · 1 year
AYWAYS. On a scale from 1-10 how easily could kitty felix cum from playing woth his tail or hos ears?
❣ Pairing; Kitty Shifter! Felix x Reader ❣ ❣ Warnings; slight Dom! Reader, coming untouched, slight overstimulation, kitty Lix is a mess for you ❣
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Kitty Felix is a sensitive little bean, if you so as run your hands through his hair in a passive motion, he's rubbing his head against your hand begging for more, his tail swaying eagerly.
So, when you decide to test just how sensitive he gets, it's no surprise that after a minute of massaging your fingers at the base of his ears, he's a pouty mess; mewling and pleading for you to touch him everywhere else.
Everywhere else must have included his lower back, the area where his tail was - the part of his body that interested you the most - because that's where your right hand decides to go.
Having him seated on your lap was a perfect decision because it gave you a front row seat to the best sight in the world; Felix dressed in only an oversized t-shirt, bunched at his hips and exposing his leaking dick - twitching and begging to be put to use.
The instant he felt your touch at the base of his spine he nearly fell backwards from the way his back arched, your firm hold keeping him steady despite the way he shook.
"P-Please! Why- It's so- I-" He swallowed thickly, nearly choking on hos own spit, "I-I'm gonna- I can't-"
His hips bucked into the air, his cock throbbing as a steady stream of precum drooled from his untouched tip, staining your pants.
Your fingertips danced around the fine hairs at the base of his tail, while your left hand continued to rub his soft ears - and when your fingers accidentally pinched the base his world stopped, a high, broken moan shooting from his mouth.
His body jerked as streaks of cum shot from his dick in seemingly endless webs, landing on your shirt and the space between you; his choked breaths melting into sobs of relief.
You moved your hands to his waist, gently cooing words of praise while he came down from his high, "Good boy, breathe for me kitty, deep breaths - did such a good job for me, kitten, such a good job."
After a minute, he was calm enough to open his eyes, glossy with unshed tears yet shining with raw adoration and love.
"I told you, you could come just from me touching you, pretty." You hummed with a smile, bringing a hand up to cup his freckled cheek.
"Y-Yeah," he pouted, leaning into your touch, "but I like being i-inside you, better."
Mirroring his pout cutely, you nod in understanding, "Okay kitten - let me treat you for letting me do this, then, okay?"
So uh, to answer your question? 10 - but poor baby would rather feel you wrapped around him in some sense!
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yooneunhay · 11 days
Eun's Masterlist !!
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𝚑𝚒 𝚒𝚖 𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚢𝚎 !!
i write fanfics and stories ^^ a quick DC if any of my fics have "18+" then please mdni but obvi i don't control you!
𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁; ♡ 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳; ♤ 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁; ♧ 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁; ♢ 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿; ⚂
Essence of the Feathered Heart (ateez ot8 x reader)
chapter 1 ♧
chapter 2 ♤ ♧
chapter 3 ⚂
chapter 4 ♤
A/N - this is all i have rn!! if anyone ever has any requests pls feel free to tell me them and ill get them done asap !!
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justiceforvillains · 2 months
✨ Imagine This (Bangchan)✨
Hybrid Collage AU where all sororities have a party Reader is a cat hybrid, and Chan is a Wolf hybrid, they both hated each others guts always playing pranks on each other but the last prank reader made
Might have went overboard all of your friends told you “don't do it” but you were stubborn and angry because Chan Photoshoped your body on a hairy man wearing a bikini and put it all over, the students laughed at you for weeks
So you decided to trash what's most important for Bangchan which was his car, you came to the party expecting an angry Chan but you actually couldn't find him anywhere, was he preparing a new prank or something? After some time you forgot all about it and started to slowly drink
But then you felt your body heating up for some reason, were you getting sick? That's when it hit you, your heat, you forgot to take your supplements (it's alpha/omega dynamic btw) and all the alpha's in this party must have triggered it to come sooner than expected
You had to leave, if you made any contact with an alpha or if your heat became full force you wouldn't be safe, as soon as you made it to the door you felt someone slamming you against it "do you find this fucking shit funny?!" No no this wasn't the time
Bangchan stood there looking like he was about to tear you apart "I fucking worked my ass off to get this car, you better have fucking money on you kitten" Chan had always called you kitten to piss you off, you hated that name but right now with how rough Chan was being, And how hard you were being held you liked it
you let out a small whimper, which didn't go unnoticed by the other hybrid "What's up with you? Why aren't you talking back?" Chan looked confused "p-please let go I nee-" "IS THERE SOMEONE IN HEAT?!?!" a yell rang through the party
Chan looked back at the sound then looked at you and his eyes widened "YOU IN HEAT?!?!" Before you could answer Chan mumbled shit and dragged you up the stairs and into a room and locked it, you went to lay on the bed curling in on yourself 
It hit you full force now "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU COME TO A PARTY FULL OF ALPHAS ON YOUR FUCKING HEAT" Chan yelled but stoped when he saw your TEARS, he sighed "listen I will go out and lock the door this is my room so uhh do what you have to?" "Don't leave me alone.. " you mumbled still crying softly 
The wolf's hybrid eyes widen "I don't know if you noticed but I'm an alpha and you're an omega, not only that you're an omega in heat we can't be alone in one room, you're lucky I have good self control or I would-" 
But you don't care you slowly stand up dragging him to the bed and grinding on him.
”alpha pleaaasss” “shit stop - fuck grinding on me, if you were sober you wouldn't want that” ”always wanted to be knotted by a wolf”
Fuck there was only so much Chan could do, and if he's honest with himself he always wanted to fuck you, so pretty and feisty, always talking back and fighting back even tho you were so small and cute 
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
Might write it later :)
Or if someone wants to write it instead I'm fine with that as well lol
✦ Masterlist ✦
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kkami-writes · 1 year
hybrid hearts ━ chapter two. wc. 2.1k
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It’s early morning when you wake up, the sun just starting to rise and rays of sunlight begin to peak in through the curtains. Your eyes flutter open, taking a few seconds to let your brain fully wake up. When you glance over to your left you’re not all that surprised to find a boy in your bed. Well, that’s only partly true as you didn’t know the gender of the ferret from yesterday but you knew that the boy next to you had indeed been the animal from yesterday. It wasn’t hard to tell, what with the small white ears on top of his head or the distinct beauty mark under his eye that had been visible in his domestic form.
Perhaps you should feel shocked or even mad that he had decided to sleep in your bed while as a human but you find yourself not really caring. Instead you’re rather happy that he had finally decided to show his face after keeping you in suspense yesterday, staying only in his ferret form.
So you take the moment to admire the rather pretty boy in your bed who has long black hair that reached down to his neck and plush pink lips. He looks so peaceful sleeping that you startle just a little when his eyes flutter open, directly looking at you.
“Like what you see?” The boy mutters, sleep thick in his throat as he brings a hand to rub away the sleep in his eyes. You’re caught off guard by his words but recover fairly quickly, raising an eyebrow at him.
“No, just simply wondering why there’s a strange boy in my bed,” He flushes softly at that, moving to cover himself with the covers and you just want to coo at how cute he is.
“Sorry. I just- I dunno. Wanted you to see me to make sure you really knew what you were getting into,” His voice is barely louder than a whisper.
You’re smiling to yourself as you come to pull the covers down just enough to see his pretty face again, eyes blinking up at you.
“What’s your name?”
“Well Hyunjin, do you want some breakfast?”
“…yeah, okay,”
As you set the table for the two of you, a simple breakfast of eggs and toast, you see the boy yawn, noticing that his canines are definitely sharper than a normal humans, similar to that of his domestic form.
“You could have slept more, you know?” You say as you slip into your own seat, starting to eat. Hyunjin shakes his head, happily digging into the food you have provided, still feeling rather hungry even though he had indeed eaten the leftovers you had saved for him.
“It’s ok. I can take a nap later,”
The rest of breakfast is spent in silence, mostly due to Hyunjin being too busy stuffing his face. You take a glance at him, definitely noticing that he’s much skinnier than he probably should be, your casual shirt is baggier on him than it is on you. A frown falls on your face at that thought. How long had he been on the streets for?
Once Hyunjin has finished cleaning off his place he murmurs a quick thank you and it’s so soft you almost don’t even hear it. He starts to fidget in his seat a little, anxiety practically rolling off of him in waves as if unsure what to do.
“So. What’s your story? If you don’t mind me asking,” You break the slightly awkward silence between the two of you, though maybe your question wasn’t exactly the ice breaker you should start with.
Hyunjin just shrugs, as if it’s not a very interesting story. “Mm, I was a gift to a ten year old girl. Why they bought a hybrid for a little girl I’ll never know. They pretty much forbid me from being in my human form though so I was reduced to being just a ferret. I only ever got to stretch out my legs when no one was home. That was my life for a few years. Eventually she got bored of me, constantly forgetting to feed me or changing my water. After a while her parents got tired and surrendered me. But instead of doing it properly they just left me on the side of the road somewhere. I didn’t want to go back to a shelter so, I just decided that being a stray was probably better than getting adopted by someone only to be forgotten again,”
A frown tugs at your lips. People could be so cruel.
“So what do you want to do?” You ask simply but he tilts his head, both confusion and curiosity swimming in his eyes. “I mean do you want to stay here? Or you can leave of course. I’m not gonna make you to stay or anything,”
“Wait. You’d let me stay here?”
“Yeah, I don’t see why not? As you can tell I have plenty of room so it’s not really a bother,” Hyunjin blinks at you, as if not believing your words. “Again, it’s up to you. I’m not gonna force you into something that would make you feel uncomfortable or worse, trapped again,”
He seems to be rather deep in thought so you let him take the time to process your words. If you’re honest you hadn’t really stopped to think about your own words either, just spewing out what felt right. You had always been someone who went with the flow, to ‘trust the process’. Rarely did you ever look before you leaped. Yet this felt right. If Hyunjin chose to stay, it would be a decision you would never regret.
“So…you would adopt me if I stay?”
“Again, If you want. You could also be independent if you wanted, I’d still be happy to give you a room,”
“I just turned twenty though, I’m not eligible to apply for independence,” You shrug at this, moving to rest your chin in the palm of your hand.
“It’s up to you still, if it makes you uncomfortable I don’t have to adopt you,”
“But! You could get in trouble for having an unowned hybrid,” At this you grin, teeth almost glinting.
“That only makes it more fun, yeah?” Your tone is light so he can clearly see that you are just joking “Seriously, it’s up to you. Whatever will make you happy,” Hyunjin falls into another silence, eyebrows furrowed in thought. “Do you want to sleep on it? You don’t have to make a decision now,”
“No!” He startles you with how loud his voice is suddenly, causing him to flush at his own volume. “I mean- no, it’s ok. If…you’re ok with it, I’d be um. Happy if you adopted me. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble because of me,”
“Then it’s settled. We can go to the shelter tomorrow to fill out paperwork, sound good?”
Hyunjin nods at this before getting up out of his seat, coming closer to you. You blink up at him, curious about what he was doing. Gently he takes your hand before bringing it up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against your bandaged finger.
Your cheeks flush a bright red without your permission and you certainly don’t miss the way Hyunjin’s lips curl up just slightly into a smirk at your reaction.
“I’m sorry for biting you. Thank you. For letting me stay. Really,”
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The adoption process is easy, thankfully. Since Hyunjin’s previous owners had abandoned him, it was as simple as signing a few papers. In the eyes of the law you were now Hyunjin’s rightful owner but, you had made it perfectly clear to the boy that you did not see yourself as that. He was an equal in your house and you would never treat him as anything less. That he was simply like a roommate to you.
Because of this the boy had insisted on getting a job, wanting to pay you rent or something in exchange for letting you stay with him. The two of you had argued back and forth on the subject, with you not wanting Hyunjin to feel like he owed you and Hyunjin not wanting to feel like a burden. In the end you agreed, only because of those stupid pretty sparkly eyes that stared at you as he begged. That and you felt like it was a good step towards him feeling like his own person, after all, you didn’t want the poor boy to be stuck home while you were off at work.
Yet a week passed by with no luck from Hyunjin’s end. You had come back home from work one day to find the boy at the dinner table, sitting in a chair as his upper body was sprawled across the surface. You had quickly learned that the ferret was rather dramatic, but he certainly added some much needed flair in your life.
You walked over to the boy, petting his head softly to which he nuzzled a little further into your hand. “No luck?”
Hyunjin groans. “No. Either they don’t hire hybrids or the salary just isn’t worth it,” He whines, cheek pressed to the table and a pout on his lips.
“I’m sure something will come along,” You hum out, moving around the kitchen to start on dinner. Hyunjin waddles up from behind you so he can circle his arms around your middle, resting his head on your shoulder. You had learned very quickly that he was very affectionate, something most hybrids had in common. It was the most common reason people adopted one, to have a companion, someone to make your life a little less lonely.
But it was also the main reason people abandoned their hybrids. Too clingy, too needy. If you were honest you were a bit touched starved yourself. Your last relationship had been a few years ago and even then your partners had made you feel bad about it, calling you similar words. So you certainly didn’t mind Hyunjin’s touchy nature.
“What if nothing comes?” Hyunjin’s voice is soft and there’s a twinge of disappointment in his tone A soft sigh falls from your lips before you move to turn in his embrace, letting your own arms wrap around his shoulders. You could tell how bad he wanted this, how much he wanted to feel independent, for his DNA to not be what defines him. He buries his face further into the crook of your neck.
It’s then that the idea pops in your head.
“Oh! Hyun!!!” He startles out of your arms for a second, ever the dramatic ferret with comedically large eyes. Though you suppose your voice was a little louder than usual. “Oops sorry, got a little excited,” You laugh while the boy continues to just blink at you. “Why don’t you just come work for me?”
“Remember I told you I owned a book cafe? You should just come work there! I don’t know why I didn’t think about it sooner!!” At this, Hyunjin’s eyes sparkle for just a second before he’s frowning.
“But - doesn’t that defeat the purpose? You’d be paying me instead of me paying you for rent,” You frown, nose scrunching up as you try to think of a solution.
“Ok, what about this then. You come work for me and I pay you an actual wage,” Hyunjin opens his mouth to protest but you cut him off with a finger to his plush lips. “BUT. I’ll deduct rent” You say the words with finger quotations and he glares at you. “From your paycheck but still leave you enough that you can spend or save how ever you’d like,” Hyunjin still seems a little hesitant so you pull out your best pout and puppy dog eyes. The boy is practically putty in your hands. “I couuuuuld really use the help now that my seasonal employees have left after the winter season,”
He lets out a huff, seemingly annoyed but the small grin that’s blooming on his face easily gives him away.
“Ok, ok fine! But only because you seem like you reaaaaaaally need me,” his lips quirk into a smirk and you have to hold back from rolling his eyes. Of course he takes the opportunity to one up you.
“I do, I need you sooooooo bad hyunnie,” You’re not one to back down though, continuing your little game, batting your eyelashes for added effect. It seems that you win this round as his face turns a bright red, turning away to hide his flushed cheeks. Hyunjin lets out an embarrassed squeak before skittering off, yelling out to you to let him know when dinner is ready.
You laugh softly to yourself, going back to preparing a dinner for the two of you. Yeah, you think Hyunjin is going to make an excellent edition to your life. previous / masterlist / next full house taglist (50/50) ♪ send an ask or sign up here!: @the-sweetest-rose @heeseungsgf @chaotic-world-of-the-j @gemi-moon @liknws @satsuri3su @borahae-reads @minhwa @hyunestrella @soffieisme @slay-and-gay @inlovewithallmusic @bratty-tingz @foliea @skzhoes @strawberryepie  @0325tiny @royal-shinigami @soulphoenix1618 @scallywag1299 @bumbleellieskz @chocolate-scoups @loverlixie @orchid-mantis-petals @bbokari711 @zonked-times @rubberduckieyourtheone @bluesunshineflower @maliamaiden @everglowdaisies @im-lost-please-help @dreamerwasfound @the-simpy-simp @twistedsiren @beautifulcolorgarden @bangtanmix73 @alnex05 @strayzid @space-nerd1188 @poody1608 @lovestayforev @hanniemylovelyquokka @nykto-philia @yoonrimin @stayconnecteed @bbygrlhannie @minhoie @cutiespaghetti @abbiestearsricochet @ilychee08
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mirisss · 8 months
Chapter 10
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Stray Kids OT8 x hybrid! afab! reader
Warnings: Crying, mentions of some members acting violent (in response to (Y/n)’s past), mentions of scars, some anxiety, eating/food, sleep problems, I think that’s it, let me know if I’ve missed anything. 
Wordcount ≈ 2.2k
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I can’t believe I’ve been working on this series for two years, it’s crazy, I didn’t think it would take this long but I am so happy to see so many people enjoying my story. I just want to say thank you for all the support, but don’t worry, this is not the end of the story, we still have a long way to go! 
Please reblog! 
Taglist: @ayoo-bangtan, @lose-lose07, @kingcarrot-thecarrotking, @starjane312, @reighlee-greaves, @hi-39024, @queenmea604, @septicrebel, @justayoungandwisefangirl, @imasimplol, @k-p0p-4ever, @detectivedoodle, @hehe-24-hehe, @jinnie-ret, @0325tiny, @borahae-reads, @shycreationdreamland, @kiaralynn3838, @blondechannie, @theydy-madamonsieur, @boi-bi-ahaha, @riri321, @3rachasninja, @kkamismom12, Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 11,
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(Y/n) closed her eyes, fully trusting Jeongin, just as she would with any of the eight boys she now called her home. Jeonging couldn’t help but smile as he too closed his eyes. 
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(Y/n)’s POV
I closed my eyes and leaned in, I wasn’t too sure what to do, but that didn’t matter. I knew I wanted this and I felt safe. Soon I felt Jeongin’s soft lips, gently press against mine. An electric feeling spread through my body. It washed away any anxiety that I felt, leaving me with only curiosity and love. Jeongin gently ran a hand through my hair as he put just a little more pressure into the kiss, I tried responding by leaning my head a little to the side, something I had seen in a movie. I felt Jeongin smiling into the kiss, it made me relax even more. His scent was intense yet calming, so much contact with his warm skin, the feeling of his hand gently running through my hair, soothing me. I never wanted this moment to end. All too soon, he broke the kiss by leaning back. A bright smile and sparkling eyes greeted my gaze as I opened my eyes. 
“Wow, your lips are so soft,” He whispered, but I heard him loud as day. “It was nice,” I whispered back. He kissed me on my forehead before he stood up, giving me a hand to help me stand as well. “You should get in the water before it gets cold, I’ll head out to the others, and we’ll see each other soon again, okay?” “Yeah, that sounds okay,” “Just call for me or anyone if you need us,” “Thank you,” Jeongin left me alone as I undressed and got into the warm water. The bath salt scent was strong, it felt like being embraced by the ocean and a summer breeze. I relaxed in the water, breathing calmly as I felt better after sharing some of my past with Hyunjin. I knew he was telling the others about what I told him, it weirdly felt nice to know that I didn’t have to share it on my own, telling it once was hard enough. 
Third Person POV
Once Jeongin came back to the living room, Hyunjin began telling him, Minho, and Felix about (Y/n)’s past, or the part she had shared with him. Felix began crying at the thought of the sweet bunny being put through such trauma. Minho felt angry, he wanted to find the people who hurt (Y/n) and make sure they couldn’t do it again, once he calmed down a little, he felt almost a little happy, happy that he found her and took her home. Here she would be able to live happily, in a home filled with love. With their family. Jeongin understood why (Y/n) had asked him to stay, not wanting to be alone, he wanted to run back to the bathroom and hold her, telling her she would never be alone again. 
“We’re going to have to tell the others too, do you think you’re up for it, Jinnie?” Minho asked, concerned that it would be too much for the younger. “I think I can do it as long as I’m not alone,” “We’ll be here with you, someone will have to hold back Chan-hyung and Binnie, they’re going to go berserk when they find out,” Minho said, half-joking as an attempt to make Felix laugh instead of cry, though he knew that it was true. Bang Chan and Changbin would not take this well, if Minho thought he felt angry it wasn’t anything compared to those two. 
“Hey, you okay, Lixie?” Hyunjin asked as he moved closer to the crying boy. “Yeah, I just hate thinking of our sweet bunny being in so much pain and being alone. I hate feeling lonely, it’s the worst feeling,” “She’s not alone anymore, she has us. You have us, we have each other. We have all felt lonely but we’re together now so we don’t have to be alone anymore,” Jeongin said, it resembled his talk with (Y/n). Stray Kids was quite a fitting name, all of them having been astray, lonely, and isolated, but now they have one another and together they chase away the hurt and pain of their past. In each other they found a family, they found love, and most of all, they found a home. 
(Y/n) emerged from the bathroom a little while later, Felix and Hyunjin were gaming, Minho was in the kitchen preparing some food, and Jeongin sat on the couch, scrolling through instagram. “Hey,” the hybrid said lowly, Jeongin looked up with a smile. “Hey, feel better now?” “A little, the bath salt was nice,” “What do you want to do now?” “I think I’ll go help Minho out, and get a snack,” Jeongin just smiled and gave her a thumbs up. His eyes scrunched together, making him look so cute, and (Y/n) couldn’t help but smile too. (Y/n) walked over to the kitchen, hearing Minho curse lowly just before she walked in. Finding him glaring angrily at a pot on the stove. “Hey,” (Y/n) had during her time with the boys heard them joking about Minho being scary but she didn’t see it, to her he was someone with a soul so kind that it could not know any hate. He was gentle and sweet, (Y/n) was never cautious around him, perhaps it was because he was the one who found her, the first human who ever cared about her. 
“Oh, hey (Y/n), are you hungry?” “A little, but I also want to help you, with whatever you’re doing,” “Can you help me glare at the pot for ruining the food I was making?” The two chuckled at how Minho blamed an inanimate object for messing up the recipe and not himself. Minho reveled in how comfortable the hybrid was around him, his heart feeling just a little lighter to see her smiling and cheerful after everything. “What did the pot do?” “It burnt the food, so I have to start over,” “I’ll help you,” “Okay, well, just stir this and I’ll make a sandwich for you, okay?” “Yes!” And so the two made some food, this time without burning it. Shortly after they finished with the food, the other guys came home. Happy to find the table set for dinner as they were all starving. The nine of them sat down and ate, Chan and the others telling everyone about the information they received during the meeting and whatnot. 
After dinner, (Y/n) and Felix volunteered to take care of the dishes, so that Hyunjin could tell the others about his and (Y/n)’s conversation. Minho and Jeongin sat down beside the tall dancer, ready to help him explain anything in case he found it too hard to say for a third time. Minho had been correct in thinking that Chan and Changbin would be angry, but he had never thought that Seungmin and Han would react just as strongly in anger toward the hybrid’s past. “Do we have their names? Or anything? We could contact the authorities if we did, even if it is in the past, what they have done isn’t allowed,” Chan said, looking at Hyunjin, hopeful that they had more information on these people. Hyunjin shook his head, “She didn’t tell me any names so if she knows, she didn’t share them with me,” Changbin clenched his jaw and his hands, anger flowing through his body, he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. “She seemed quite cheerful now though,” “Yeah, she took a bath and just spent some time with us, grounding herself in the safety of our home,” Jeongin answered. 
“Do you think we should buy some scar treatment lotions? Or something to treat her scars, they may be old but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t at least try to treat them,” Seungmin said, imagining how uncomfortable it must be for her, he also wondered if maybe (Y/n) was ashamed of her scars. “I’m not sure, we’ll have to look into it and maybe bring her to the vet for a check-up, just to see what the vet will say,” Chan answered. “Honestly, I don’t know if she’s ready to see a vet or a doctor, you see how she is around other people, to have someone come so close and touch her, I’m not sure it’s a good idea, not yet,” Minho said, the others agreed with him after hearing his argument. 
“There’s one more thing, or actually two, that happened earlier,” Hyunjin said, everyone directed their attention to him once more, worried about what he would say. “(Y/n) had a panic attack in the elevator, which caused this whole ordeal, and when we got out of the elevator she kind of collapsed on the floor, and when I tried to calm her down, she kind of kissed me,” Everyone except Jeongin was surprised when Hyunjin told them about the kiss, after all, (Y/n) had told him so he already knew. “What? She kissed you, ahh, I’m so jealous,” Han said loudly, whining at the thought. “She kissed me too, or well, rather she asked me to kiss her before she took her bath,” Jeongin said. 
Just then, (Y/n) and Felix came back out from the kitchen, just in time for Felix to hear Jeongin tell the others about their kiss. (Y/n) shyly looked at Felix as he looked down at the bunny in surprise, he gave her a smile before he continued walking. “I’m sorry,” “Why are you apologizing, (Y/n)?” Han questioned. “Because I kissed them, and not all of you,” “Hey, no pressure. You need to take everything at your own pace, we can wait. There is no reason to rush into something,” Seungmin answered, his honey-sweet voice made a warm sensation spread through (Y/n)’s body. “Are you sure?” “Of course, we are, bunny,” Chan said, standing up and walking over to her, he opened his arms, inviting her into a hug, and (Y/n) gladly accepted it. 
For the remainder of the night, everyone did some different things, some were gaming, others like Hyunjin and (Y/n) were painting, some had gone to bed, and some (*cough* 3racha *cough*) were still working. Soon it was time for everyone to try and get some sleep. (Y/n) got ready and changed into cozy pajamas, then she followed Changbin to his room as she would spend the night there. She got into her bed, enjoying the soft feeling of it. Changbin whispered good night as he lay down in his own bed. 
(Y/n) tossed and turned in her bed as the comfort escaped her all too soon. Her body was on full alert, not allowing her to fall asleep. She tried to think of how soft her pajamas were, or how warm the blanket was, yet it didn’t work. (Y/n) then tried to think of the boys, how warm they are, how nice and kind they have been to her. How much she loves them and how much they love her, but not even this could help her relax. After 2 hours of frustration, she sat up, contemplating going to the kitchen and getting a snack. The hybrid was a bit startled to find Changbin sitting up only a second after her, her hybrid senses allowing her to see even in the dark, (Y/n) could clearly see his eyes being open, he was awake. 
“Can’t sleep?” He asked in a raspy voice, indicating that he had woken up from his sleep. “Mm,” Was all (Y/n) could answer. “Come here,” The rapper said as he lifted the covers on his bed, inviting her into his bed. While the thought scared her a little, she couldn’t decline the invite as the idea of falling asleep in his safe embrace just seemed too good. (Y/n) stood up and walked over to the bed, lying down beside (Y/n). Changbin gently put his arms around her, guiding her to rest her head on his chest, (Y/n) inhaled his scent, calming her body. (Y/n) focused on the steady beats of his heart and his calm breathing. Changbin fell back asleep almost instantly, (Y/n) stayed awake for a couple of minutes but eventually, thanks to the warmth and the safety of his strong embrace, the dream world welcomed her as she fell into a deep slumber. 
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