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hircines-hunter · 3 days ago
WIP Wednesday
I wasn’t sure if I want to post anything today but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/ I’ve got stuff for Nia and Asgar.
Clash of Claw and Steel will switch between Sifkni and Nia. I have plans. Anyways! Here is a small moment btwn my disaster couple.
@umbracirrus @mavariel @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @madamefluffnstuff @skyrim-forever @illumiera @sulphuricgrin @pocket-vvardvark @sanza-17 @theoneandonlysemla no obligations or pressure! And if you see this and want to share something feel free to tag me!
“Finally done working?” Asgar grabbed her hand and held it, brushing his thumb across the scars on her knuckles.
“Why did you come with me?” She whispered.
“I couldn’t leave you alone. After everything you went through. I said I’d take care of you. I told your parents that.”
“I’ve done nothing but cause you pain and trouble.” She leaned against his arm and squeezed his hand.
“That pain and trouble is nothing compared to what you went through. What you are going through. This may not be the monster that killed your parents, but it’s still a monster. If it’s vengeance you want, I will follow you.”
Nia nodded and interlaced their fingers. “Thank you….”
Asgar rubbed her hand. He grabbed her other hand and held them both. “Don’t thank me. I love you, Nia. If this is your mission, then I’ll be by your side.” He moved his hands to her face and tilted her head towards his. He looked over her freckled face before looking into her forest green eyes. He leaned close and kissed her cheek. “Why don’t we eat? And then we can rest. I can take the first watch so you can rest first.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb.
Nia nodded. She put her hand over his. “I’ll take the first watch. I’m still full of restless energy from our journey. I want to keep an eye on our surroundings.”
Asgar smiled slightly and nodded. “Alright, if you. When you’re ready to rest, come get me. I’ll take over whenever.”
“I think we could both sleep at the same time…. If you really wanted….”
Nia rolled her eyes and laughed a little. “You wouldn’t let me sleep if we got in that tent together.” She sighed and frowned. “When we finish this job….” She turned and ran her fingers across his scalp. “You do need to shave….”
“I told you….” He chuckled. “I won’t be able to do anything while we are on the road….” He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. “You’ll have to suffer with the prickles.”
“I’ll manage.” She smiled a bit. “We should eat and then you should rest. We have a few days until we can attack after the Full Moons. We will take turns.” She ran her fingers across the scar on his face and traced it across his eye and onto his scalp. “How have you forgiven me over this?”
“It wasn’t your fault. It was the monster that almost killed you. I only hope we can find him.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “Give me a few minutes….” He rested his head against her shoulder and inhaled deeply.
Nia rubbed his back. “Once…. Once I get my revenge. We can go back home….”
“I’d like that very much.” Asgar muttered into her shoulder. He squeezed her tightly before letting her go and walking to the fire. He handed her food to eat and a water skin. “Get me if you need me to take over. Or if you want to rest. Or if something happens.” He carried his food to the tent and disappeared behind the flaps.
Nia stared at the tent, missing Asgar’s warmth already. She turned to her meal and devoured it. After eating, she grabbed her sword and dagger and kept her attention on their surroundings. It didn’t take long for Asgar’s occasional loud snore to reach her ears.
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hircines-hunter · 6 days ago
WIP Whenever
Got some phone sketch of nia and Asgar and part of their chapter for ‘clash of claw and steel’. The fic will switch btwn Sifarkas and Niasgar’s POV. Mostly it’ll be Sifarkas. But yeah. I know they’re werewolf hunters but, please….. please enjoy them. I have plans. And I promise they’re not bad. And I promise Nia loves Asgar….
@umbracirrus @madamefluffnstuff @mavariel @sulphuricgrin @pocket-vvardvark @sanza-17 @skyrim-forever @lobo-inu @oblivions-dawn @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @illumiera
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‘Your target lives on a small farm on the border of Falkreath and the Reach. He’s a tall, muscular Nord. Married to a young woman. Kill them both. She married the beastly creature fully knowing what he was. This is your first job. Don’t disappoint….’
The young woman brushed her brown hair behind her slightly pointed ear. She looked out onto the field. A small farm was nestled between a few small trees. A cabin stood near the treeline. She turned her head when someone walked up behind her. She arched her brows as she looked up at her companion and sighed.
“See anything, Nia?”
Nia clicked her tongue. “Movement in the cabin.” She turned back to the cabin and watched.
He crouched down, rubbing his head. “I need to shave my head again….” He mumbled to himself.
“Be quiet, Asgar….” Nia shot him a glare.
“It’s one werewolf and his mortal wife.” He placed his hand on her shoulder. “We can handle it.”
“You know, he might be able to hear us.” She whispered. “So…. be quiet.”
Asgar frowned. “We are so far away. I doubt he can.” He whispered next to her ear.
Nia jerked away with a loud huff. “We are working….”
“Aye. We are.” He brushed his fingers through her hair. “On a job. So far from our base. Far from people. We are alone.”
Nia moved away. “I am concentrating on my mission, unlike you. If you continue, I will ask to go alone or with someone else.”
Asgar frowned and sighed. He rubbed his head and turned towards the cabin. “When do you want to make our move?”
“I want to watch our target for a few days. Get his pattern. His routine. I want to make sure we aren’t surprised by guests. And I don’t want to attack yet. Full moons are nearly here. I’m not sure how much control he will have….”
Asgar tilted his head towards her. “Wait until after the full moons and attack him when he is weak and tired?”
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hircines-hunter · 3 months ago
Just know I’ll have Sifarkas pov and the werewolf hunters pov.
And I’m just…….
The twins get to hang out with some cool aunties.
Wanting to talk about the third story for Sifkni and Farkas but oughhhhh I don’t want to spoiler. Crying into my hands
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hircines-hunter · 4 months ago
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Nia Ironarm | Asgar Stormfist
Werewolf Hunters
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hircines-hunter · 4 months ago
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It is a nightmare. I’ll tell you that much! After that! I’ll get there! Hopefully maybe by Spring I’ll start this story?! I have part of the first chapter written already. >:3c but but! I have plans!
Jia is welcome to come help! 👀❤️✨
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @bostoniangirl21
Hi. So I talked briefly about a 3rd story for Sifkni after I finish Blood Moon. It’ll be called Clash of Claw and Steel and it’ll be about a new group of Werewolf Hunter group >:3c I am ready to write this. Here have the prologue!
Gonna tag @umbracirrus @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @thequeenofthewinter @mavariel @vivifriend
@theoneandonlysemla @skyrim-forever @sulphuricgrin @illumiera and anyone else that wants to do this.
Smoke infiltrated her nostrils. Sifkni turned her head. Heavy black smoke rose from the skyline. From Whiterun. Jorrvaskr?
Her heart thudded against her chest. She feared it would leap out.
It pounded loudly in her head.
Her body moved but not fast enough. Even as Whiterun grew closer it was so far. Too far.
It was like Kodlak all over.
A crowd.
The blood.
Sifkni pushed her way through the crowd.
Her heart dropped.
A scream.
Her scream.
“We no longer have any need for you, Dragonborn. Nor the Companions.”
Sifkni crumpled to the ground, sobbing. She looked around. Death. Destruction. All the Companions. She crawled to a mutilated figure. She could only tell it was Farkas by his scent. She wept on his chest.
“Any last words?”
“You’ll rue the day you messed with Hircine’s Champion.” A sword blade touched her neck and moved away. It slammed into her throat, slicing through flesh, sinew, and bone.
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