#fic: villain's wife support group
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jaysficarchive · 11 months ago
Villain's Wife Support Group
Chapter 1: Initiation
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Synopsis: The wives of some of the most infamous villains in the world meet every Wednesday to share stories, give updates, and talk about love on the wrong side of the law.
Relationship(s): Various
Warning(s): Mention of SA, mention of child murder
Tag list: @floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @mayameanderings
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"Hello, ladies, and thank you all for coming."
A group of women exchanged "Hello"s either taking or adjusting their seats. Most of them were older, a few young faces in the crowd. One could tell a bit of their personalities just from looking at the choices in decor.
People from all different parts of the country gathered in front of their computers for one purpose: a common type of spouse.
"Welcome, everyone," a small, round woman with dark brown skin and short black hair spoke. Dressed in a silky robe lined with fur, it was easily to tell she was relaxing after a long day at work. "My name is Christine. I'm the founder of this group."
Some of the others waved at her while others said hellos. The positive reception pleased Christine.
"This is initiation day where we basically introduce ourselves, talk about what we do for a living, maybe a little bit about ourselves then introduce costumed criminal we're married to."
A simple enough task. These people were just getting to know each other, after all. Making a good first impression was highly encouraged to most, critical to some.
"I'll go first. My name is Christine Chapel. I work as a cabaret performer under the name Belle Holiday, my favorite gemstones are amethysts and pearls, and my husband is the Music Meister."
Another woman with copper brown skin and the same jet black hair spoke next. "I'm Brandice Bivolo. I'm an elementary school teacher and my husband is the Rainbow Raider. A few of my hobbies are metalworking, playing instruments, and calligraphy."
Both her style and the background behind her could easily be described as bohemian, hipster. With all the crystal necklaces and bright, earthy colors of her clothes, it wasn't hard to see why someone like him fell for her.
The other members took turns introducing themselves. A notable face was Marina Lulit, a prominent Floridian socialite and wife of one K'an of Tenochtitlan. If what she said about him being the ruler of an underwater kingdom was true, she probably had lots of stories to tell.
Eve, an older Black woman from the Deep South, was the wife of Hollow, phantom of the railroads. Christine was a big fan of the ostrich feather lamp behind her; and of the overall vibes of her room in general. She must've had some truly wild stories--probably even moreso than her own with Music Meister.
Who could forget the ever gracious Mona Lisa Beauvais. It was for the better she be in this group since her fiance Riddler was still in Arkham. Her room was another's Christine admired--with its mix of old Hollywood and urban aesthetics.
Christine clapped her hands together. "Now that that's done, I'm gonna cut to the chase. This is a support group for all women and femmes who are either married or engaged to villains."
"Let's go over a few ground rules. First, when I say all women and femmes, I mean it. I will not tolerate any bullshit. Second, no child murderers or rapists. Made that very clear in the rules on Facebook. Lastly, be respectful about each other's tastes. We already deal with enough shaming from the media."
The other members nodded along in agreement, some even mumbling their support of Christine's ground rules.
"Anymore questions?" Christine looked around.
"When do we meet?" Brandice asked.
"We meet every Wednesday," Christine replied. "Make sure to let me know if you can't make it to a meeting ahead of time."
"What are we gonna do in this group?" Marina asked. "I mean, I know this ain't a club but we gotta do something fun every once in a while."
She's right, Christine said to herself. No one would want to spend the whole time moping and telling stories. "I do plan on having some events including a girls trip. Nothing concrete yet, of course."
After a few more questions and another run down of things, the members all exchanged goodbyes before going their separate ways.
Alone, Christine gently closed the computer. It was just her in a large, luxurious house. Sighing, she headed to the kitchen for a drink. Usually the house would be filled with the sounds of Music Meister playing his piano or singing to his favorite songs. Christine would join in, maybe even dance along to his voice.
Today, only silence. Just a few hours ago, Christine went through the worst moment of her life since the car accident--the trial of her husband. It wasn't being alone that distressed her; rather the amount of attention she got. In the span of a few hours, she went from a private citizen to having cameras and microphones in her face as she left the Gotham City Courthouse.
Heaven knows what they'd say about her and her relationship. All the wrongful insinuations, false narratives, invasive questions.
These were about to be the longest three years ever.
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insomniac-jay · 11 months ago
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This has started several arguments mainly between Roxy and Michelle.
Roxy: Bitch yo man is a stalker and ain't even upfront about it. What kind of nigga goes fast just to make sure his wife don't catch him creeping her.
Michelle: That's his perogative. And that's ex wife to you, Roxanne.
Roxy: Watch how you use my real name, bitch, cause trust I will come down and smack them fucking glasses off you.
VSWG are the most vaguely normal women ever. They've had to train themselves to either turn a blind eye or straight up ignore their partner's crimes and learn how to profit from it.
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fountainpenguin · 8 months ago
🌆 Heroes' Journey 🌆
Pulling back the curtain on a world where mere mortals possess wild superpowers, with a focus on WordGirl and Kid Math's mentor-apprentice-equals relationship. Heavy consideration on how superpowers affect society, with emphasis on found families, secrets, and the mortifying ordeal of being known.
#ridwork guides
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What Is This AU?
A slice-of-life WordGirl period piece that expands on the worldbuilding and character relationships seen in the show. Worldbuilding is thoughtful, lightly angsty, but mostly lighthearted with a goal to avoid infodumping and serious angst.
Give it up for Rex trying to hide his powers while more and more people grow convinced he's only hiding them due to abusive upbringing. Shout-out to Becky juggling his superhero training with her fractured social life.
AO3 Series - Heroes' Journey
WG Character Study Series - 28 Million Degrees
All WordGirl 'fics - Any series
WordGirl blog tag - #Satirical vocab alien child show
Posts about Rex and Becky as a comedic duo - #LexiHexa duo
Serious, but sprinkled with fluff and general tomfoolery. Cute and goofy moments interspersed with light relationship drama. Blends cartoony vibes and a thoughtful take on the worldbuilding.
Ex: Chuck has a broken foot that takes him out of the villain game while he recovers. Becky has to do homework. Yet we still have the Narrator and featured words :)
Heroes' Journey is a relationship study focusing mostly on Becky, Rex, and Huggy. Parents, friend groups, and neighbors play supporting roles.
Factor It In spotlights Rose Franklin, Victor Best, Eileen, and Granny May, as I figured they could use some extra love. Most villains show up at some point in the Heroes' Journey timeline.
Canon-compliant within the show's timeline. For me, this means Tobey has a crush on WordGirl, who doesn't reciprocate. Becky has a crush on Scoops, and Scoops/Violet is mutual. Also, Brent/Miss Question, who I definitely don't call [‽] in my head.
Romantic ships are not a big focus in the series as I prefer emphasis on friendships and rivalries, but you'll see romance in the background. Exposition Guy/Exposition Guy's Wife OTP SWEEP! ... Tim and Sally are there too, I guess.
- I write Becky as asexual with no interest in sex, pregnancy, or kids. She loves romance books and would like a fairytale romance, but... her true love is unlearning guilt, taking breaks, and finding peace with herself, I think :)
- Rex sort of has a crush on her, by which I mean he's convinced it's "obvious" the two alien superheroes will end up together. I see them growing up to have a pretty queerplatonic relationship. As he grows, he also develops a crush on Violet (She's kind to him) and Tobey (He uses calculations to build robots; idk what you expected).
- It's important to me that you know Rex is bisexual and when he's an adult, he will tell you this and giggle because "bisect" is a math term and he thinks it's funny every time he says it.
Fair City, which I've set in the state of Washington (Spotted owls and sasquatches represent!)
"AlgoRhythm" takes place December 1997 and the main 'fic - Factor It In - opens January 1998. This series may range from as early as Huggy's pilot years and Becky's infancy to as late as their adulthood.
Is It For Me?
If you like Becky, Huggy, Rex, the Narrator, thoughtful character relationships, and deeper worldbuilding about life in a world of superpowers, this series may be up your alley! I strive for canon-compliancy for pieces set during show canon.
I try to spotlight less popular characters in the show. Popular villains like Dr. Two-Brains are definitely there, but I try to give folks like Hal Hardbargain, Timmy Timbo, and the Coach their chance to shine as well (both as villains and civilians).
I have no "Becky's family finds out she's WordGirl reveal planned for this story," at least not in Becky's youth.
Major Themes
Expectations, pressure, stability, control, culture, conforming vs. self-expression, envy, trust, pride, guilt, secret-keeping, growth, self-reflection, moving on, and found family
Plot Highlights
- "AlgoRhythm" follows Kid Math as WordGirl introduces him to the Evil Villains Association at an overstimulating party.
- Factor It In bridges the gap between Rex's arrival in "Kid Math" and his cameos in both his Rex and Kid Math clothes in later episodes.
Other works in this series further develop the relationship between straightforward Rex and wishy-washy Becky, with plots ranging from teaching Rex about life on Earth to teaching Becky about the culture of Lexicon and Hexagon.
- Generally, the vibe is that Kid Math is inexperienced and therefore falls for tricks that don't feel WordGirl, so people try to take advantage of him. He gets frustrated when he doesn't understand why he has to follow certain rules and she gets frustrated by his stubborn pride. Shenanigans occur and require problem solving.
- "Flypaper" depicts The Gang in their late teens and young adulthood. Becky is now in college and left Huggy with Rex, who's Fair City's main hero until she returns. She feels detached and uncertain about where she is in life. Also, WordGirl and Super Why speak on a panel together and I badly need you to know.
I wrote a one-shot in 2018. In 2023, I posted more content. This series is ongoing with infrequent updates at the time of posting.
- On hiatus & in need of buffer building. Intent to finish.
Warnings, notes, and explanations below so readers can learn more about this AU.
👀 Take a Peek
New here? You might like to start with these:
These character studies take place within this universe, though they're not listed as Heroes' Journey content since they focus on side characters:
- "Your family is doing okay" (G - 4400 words) - First meeting of Exposition Guy (Milo) and his to-be wife (Miah)
- "A penny for your thoughts (Oh no)" (G - 7000 words) - A zero-dialogue challenge with Captain Tangent
- "28 Cities" (G - 25k words) - A one-shot series focused on queerplatonic Rhyme and Reason. A taste of childhood with powers vs. without powers. Ongoing, but on hiatus.
Start Reading
Recommended ways to get into the full AU
- Get started with a fluffy piece about Kid Math training under WordGirl, then attending a party so she can introduce him to different villains.
- Intro to basics like character dynamics, superpowers, and how Rex thinks
- Fluff, humor, & found family vibes
- Large cast of characters
🗺️ Worldbuilding
- It's rare to be born with powers, but not unheard of. The determining factor is genetics, as is the case with Kid Potato and the Butcher, or the Bests.
-> In-story, there's a character called the Nightmare King: father of Exposition Guy, the Narrator [and his twin], and Invisi-Bill. Their abilities range from semi-omniscience to invisibility, with the Narrator having both.
- Those who have powers are charmed. Doctor Two-Brains is not charmed as he relies on tech, and neither is Captain Tangent, who replies on a curse and his hook.
- Miss Question is not technically classified as charmed due to receiving her powers from lightning. However, she's found acceptance in the charmed community and she can use the label if she wants to. Chuck IS technically charmed, but doesn't identify with the label because he doesn't consider himself to have powers; it's just part of his family history.
-> Chuck would register as charmed on a blood test while Miss Question would not.
- It can take years for powers to show themselves. Most people show theirs as a toddler or during puberty. It's very rare for someone to spontaneously discover powers as an adult. There is seemingly no limit to the types of powers people can have. 1 power is the standard, but some people have as many as 3. It's very, very rare to have more than 3.
-> Rhyme has about 4 powers depending on how you classify things like super strength and durability alongside her super speed and freeze breath. Her dad has wind powers and her mom had water powers. Her family has a long history of charmed genes while Reason's has a long history of none.
- Charmed individuals may study in public school or in specialized charm schools that tailor teaching and accommodations to better suit them. Becky fears that if her parents learn about her flight and super strength, they'll send her to charm school (away from her friends).
-> Becky and Rex are not charmed because they're aliens; their powers follow special rules. However, Becky is "out" as a charmed individual who can speak with monkeys.
- All Lexiconians and Hexagonians have the potential for superhuman abilities. However, these abilities are nullified when they're on their planets, which contain trace amounts of Lexonite / Hexanite in the soil and ground them like average people.
-> Rex was raised with the intention of leaving Hexagon to pursue life as a hero somewhere else. He has the book knowledge for his powers, but no practical experience until coming to Earth.
- During Factor It In, Rex tries to conceal his powers while moving between foster homes, unaware that his caseworker found out about his quick healing and flight. Miah hints to him several times that she and Milo [Exposition Guy] are "a very charm-friendly household."
-> Flight is a rare ability. Miah suspects Rex may be lying low to avoid being traced by an abusive supervillain relative. Beyond that, she's surprised he would hide his powers, as it's not like they're unheard of in this world.
- There's a lot of depth to my takes on Lexiconian and Hexagonian culture, such as Lexicon being more into exploring nature and hunting or gathering food while Hexagon is more into mechanical things and agriculture. Rex is scared of storms because he grew up on a planet that had weather under control, and it's overstimulating for him.
- Both Rex and Becky have synesthesia. Rex can't read because "that's a Lexiconian's job." Also, Hexagon apparently had unicorns and Becky is jealous. My 'fics trickle details like this in over time.
- Last thing worth mentioning is that Huggy grew up with a lot of simians. Some he's on good terms with, others he has rocky history with, but it's generally accepted that Lexiconian monkeys are very intelligent and make great pilots.
- You can also send an Ask if you want to hear me talk about this world. I tag WordGirl content as #Satirical vocab alien child show
📋 Notes & Warnings
- Canon-typical violence (It's taken seriously and people do get injured, but the vibe is what you'd expect for goofy superhero content).
-> Cuts, scrapes, and wooziness are fair game, but no blood or gore. The most serious injury is probably Chuck's broken foot.
-> You should assume all robots are fair game to be destroyed.
-> No serious injuries or character death. Death mentions are backstory only
- Abuse mentions (Adults suspect Rex ran from an abusive home). However, no on-screen abuse besides the basics like family pressure from the Bests and Doctor Two-Brains having a rough go of it.
-> In "28 Cities," it's implied that Rhyme's dad pushed her superhero training pretty far and that she was emotionally and/or physically abused in the process. Reason only hears about this later.
- Rex has canon-typical morbid commentary (which is funny if you take it as "ha ha logic boy" but you could also read it as "Oh that's super dark Rex wtf?")
-> Ex: wanting to tear down the city
- Rare mentions of death (Ex: Rhyme's backstory ("28 Cities") where it's said her dad is a hero turned villain since his hero work didn't pay well enough to provide for Rhyme after his wife died.
More details about Rex's crush on Becky:
Rex sees himself as "Becky's obvious choice in partner someday" and is repeatedly flummoxed when she rejects his elaborate plans to court her 15 years from now.
Becky's asexual with no desire for pregnancy, but as they get older, people definitely try shipping her with Kid Math. She does go out with him in their teens/young adulthood in "A Little Ambiguity," which is a lovely date where no one has childhood baggage weighing them down.
As years pass, a young adult Becky starts seriously debating if she should "settle" with him because there are just so many parts of marrying Rex that are easier than trying to date other people, like the fact that he knows her superhero identity, doesn't think she's fragile, and he can take care of himself in the event that he's targeted.
-> It's the inherent angst of "I don't want kids anyway and I would really like a companion and he knows me so well, but WOW is he going to be so smug about it and I hate that."
It's this weird QPR where Becky's not sure if she feels "love" in the ways it's commonly defined and she's upset and burned out and lonely. Meanwhile Rex has gone on lots of dates, but always felt like she was the clearly logical option. Ah yes, Lexiconian definition crisis meets Hexagonian practicality.
-> I can't even say that I ship them because I Don't Romantically, but I need to study her chronic wishy-washiness & his refusal to look beyond surface-level understanding of things. Do u see my vision?
- All my WordGirl 'fics
- Want more info? Send an Ask!
You can create works based on this AU. Please cite me and/or the AU as appropriate (i.e. for things very specific to this AU). You are free to expand on ideas you've thought of thanks to my AU as a jumping off point. I'd love to reblog or link things to my AO3 works if I see them!
I write content with morally gray characters. Please don't portray my story events or worldbuilding out of context with intentional malice. As in, I request you do not post things created for the specific intention of bashing me or the AU
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thestitchesarchive · 9 months ago
Some spoiler-ish things about IDW2 ahead, but I try and keep them vague. This is a late night rant about IDW2 Cyclonus and his dead friends (again, hooray!!!)
Sure, the “Cyclonus’s friends are all dead and so is his beloved wife” plot point certainly exists, and it’s kind of interesting with the ghosts and all I guess, but I don’t think it’s a very strong point- it gives him motivation to fight the Big Bad but that’s all there is to it- I mean, his friends are literally just there to see him kill his main villain and then peace out. All his psychiatric problems? Solved by killing this one guy who just so happened to be not dead. Definitely no trauma left from seeing his friends die in horrible gruesome ways. Wow. And Paragon is kind of just the Dead Wife trope. Great.
But wouldn’t it just be more interesting if they were alive? They were fun as a group dynamic as ghosts and I think they would be even more fun as living people, and that’s not just because I want Cyc to be happy (okay maybe it is just a little shup up). But as ex-warriors of a long-past war and how the Ascenticons/RISE affect the group dynamic, I think some interesting things could be said about there…
This next part is sketchy because my understanding of IDW2 is pretty foggy and because I’m just making everything up as I go.
Throwing canon right out the window, and following some of my previous ramblings- we put Paragon in as a senator of one of Cybertron’s polities with the rest of his team backing him as bodyguards/advisors or whatnot.
Paragon is sensible and also a neutral, quick to talk through problems before suggesting drastic action. But he’s also torn, with both Decepticon/Ascenticon sentiments growing at home and pressure from both Decepticon and Autobot leaders in the Senate, wrestling for control and support of his state- his own friends are kind of splitting too, with some leaning towards the Decepticon movement and making it hard for him to make impartial decisions.
Ultimately, he ends up leaning Decepticon and his team becomes more of a strike team/espionage that the Autobots have to get through to try and convince him otherwise. Cyclonus is his representative and his blade, serving pretty much as his second-in-command and liaison between Paragon and Autobot forces as the former locks himself away and tries to regain control of a rioting city-state. Meanwhile, you have folks like Provoke serving as spies and messengers, watching over RISE and the like…
Oh, and there might be a B-plot where one of the friend group joins RISE and subsequently gets themselves killed for it. Cue the revenge arc from the group. … though I’m not so sure about this one because it just seems too close to the original plot and also because I don’t like killing off Cyclonus’s already-dead-in-canon friends. Might be fun if executed right though.
Anyways, I haven’t made up the end but Exarchon, I guess, does come back… as overcomplicated as that whole side-plot kind of felt. Maybe let the gang get back and kill him one last time and get their focus off of the decepticon-Autobot strife before something else happens. I don’t know.
But I do know that I’m keeping the sappy tender relationship between Cyclonus and Paragon, and anybody who crosses either of them knows that if they mess with one, there will be hell raised by the other. It’s powercouple hours dammit. I need them to girlboss ridiculously hard both together and as individuals on the job.
Anyways, that’s all for my rant. I one day hope I can write a fic about this but I am NOT at that writing level nor understanding-of-idw2 level so this is as good as it gets. Yippee
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the power of the doctor
  c+p my livetweets
 first note: no one but maybe Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis has gotten the cybermen quite right... sure it's fun to have villains boasting, but cybermen (or ~cybermasters) are scary bc they're not supposed to do That (that being any emotion at all)
do appreciate the continuity of bringing back the ~hybrids~ (tm)... .
still holding out hope that there will be fallout/consequences to the last universe reset / Armageddon and the doctor's "solution" there (1% of hope)
im gonna go ahead and say this makes canon one of my favorite short eu stories  - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Girls%27_Night_In_(short_story)
"it's only been 3 decades for me" rip all the timelord-ace lore lol (in this continuity at least)dan slow down crazy it's only been 10 minutes
lmao i died @ the house still not being there xD
for future analysis: message about the comforts of modernity / technology doing away with regional cultures / identities?
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i love my contact-lensed hypnotic trash son
yaz: is yours, isn't it? (...) yours from another time? me, immediately, without breathing: VALEYARD?????? RANI!!!?!?!?! 
i love this nonesense:
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u know what would go great with that new UNIT building.. . .. a UNIT. . .. spin off
“are you ready for this?” “no! ””me neither!” me neither!!!!!!!
graphic design is my passion
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im screaming chibnall is actually Getting It Right TOT
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i love how this is proving the widely held fandom wisdom(tm) that 13 would not get away with her bs if she had been traveling with tegan and / or donna lol
one day it WILL be the valeyard / the rani and then You Will All See
and that was the day 23.342.340.923 university collage professor thoschei AUs were born and then launched into space 
im enjoying this a lot but i do have to give the critique that the emotional grounding of 13's and yaz's arcs feels very thin (as individuals and as a pair) and hasn't been the focus 20 minutes in, better hurry up @ show
I waited 2 years for this omg ot3 dynamicsssss   
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gotta love a petty in-character reference
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"oh, and ace! or should I say dorothy?" (...) "last time I saw you, you were half-cat" epic burns all around in this sunday night
the cameraperson doing those close af angles in the thasmin bit... i see you cameraperson
waiting for a twist because we've done the One Good Dalek thing like 3 times in new who asdfg 
i think Dhawan's master is forever gonna be my favorite master by far. the guys simply had no bad scenes ever. 
ooo, i liked this moment 
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the master in the doctor’s body... i have read that fic
fear you got beaten to the punch there, m8 
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fear you got beaten to the punch there, m8
me walking to the local convention w/ my first cosplay
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chibnall: can i copy your homework? rtd: yes but change it a little
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but,,, my spin off....,,, ):
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the noise i just made omg
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(screaming this was in the results when i went to re-check the meme's text sdlkjfdlksjf)
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chibnall: can i copy your homework? moffat: yes but change it a little
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we started the era with a funeral, and ended with support group for grief. bookend storytelling!
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(though lol not to brag mates but the 10-era crew has probably have cycled thru a dozen whatsapp - facebook - zoom calls and discord groups by the time this is happening)
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OK overall takes...
im gonna need time to digest lol yes, lots of very clever things, cool lore, and thematic bookends (esp, re: the fam, unit, cycles, optimism, and the master), some Right choices for classic characters BUT a lot of wasted potential for the current ones (thasmin, 13, yaz, honestly even dan! what a flimsy goodbye...).
i also think this finale fits well  the rest of the era, a lot of excellent set ups for fic writers + fandom to elevate, esp in regards to character stuff and new interpretations of old themes (regeneration as identity, emigration metaphors, companion grief, etc). im always gonna be thankful for this lesson in the 13th era: art is what the interpreter of the art brings to it. a lot of people didn’t bring a lot to this era (for valid reasons, sometimes just for misogyny/racist ones)  so they didn’t get a lot, but those who worked their way thru the subtle stuff and even “added-in” stuff, got a great, if imperfect work w/ a lot of nuances, and def things never before done in dw (one of the major wins: making the doctor mysterious again, and making them a refugee / vulnerable rather than “president of the universe” he’d come to be in 10 season of new who). stray points (things i wasnt as satisfied with) 1- im not sure thirteen learned a lot? i think the reason the master's final point in his arc hit and landed so well, while thirteen's didn't as much (for me) is that it all kind of circled around with not really a "lesson" being learned.  we really pulled back the layers of the master's narcissism and obsession with the doctor, and followed it all the way through its origins in jealousy and self-hatred. meanwhile the doctor's optimist, happy-go-lucky facade-that-falls that the fandom did such excellent meta about... never quite hit it in the end with the show. EVEN when the setup was so clearly there SO MANY TIMES: giving yaz a gun, comitting triple genocide on the daleks/cybermen/sontarans, the tim shaw of it all... etc. 2- related to the point of 13 not growing: in the end she and yaz didn't commit to anything (quite the opposite, they stuck to the denial from the warriors ep, which i thought would be Turned Around here...), the special instead of calling out the older doctors, validated them for abandoning the companions (when tbh i think the True Thing, even if it hurt, would be for 13 to have outright said to ace and tegan [and yaz, even!] "im sorry, i wish i could have given you what you needed, but i couldnt. and probably never will") Let me stress it tho: i did really like the yaz/13, 5/tegan, ace/7 resolutions in isolation, they got those dynamics Right in a lot of ways (the 7/ace thing about the Cost you pay for “doing the right thing” , the doctor/tegan being like That but rlly only bc they care sm about each other (aaa) thing, and even with the yaz/doctor thing i can see the logic of them always being so positive + supportive, of doing all they can to “stay together”) but looking at it as a whole, in the context of "doctor who as one long running story", this felt a bit like a regression for the doctor, and by extension for ace, tegan and yaz. 3- i think there was also just not enough time to let the story breath. or rather, there WAS time but also a lot of nonsense taking that time (like the dalek trairo or the whole train thing i was SO EXCITED thinking it would be a kid from the doctor’s mysterious origins but nope, it was just a diversion to get to Squiggles.... even vinder whom i rlly enjoyed ... idk i have to question how Necessary it was to have a whole thing about him breaking his ship then repairing his ship... etc. ) . the scene at  the veeery end where 13 and yaz eat ice cream was like the first time chibnall slowed the peace *enough* to let the emotions land (and also the only moment i actually started crying asdfg).there were so many more companion / doctor companion interactions to be had, but bc of all the Stuff (tm) there wasn't time to rlly exploit (not having the companions in Somber Silence around the doctor, waiting for her to wake up for days, was almost a writting crime of negligence). but then again, that's been chibnall the whole way through lol he ain't no Aguinaldo Silva and that's fine. "understated emotions" is just not my thing.
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lookforanewangle · 7 months ago
Part two!!
Chimney & Phrixa - White-Faced Capuchin
Wanted a smaller primate that could ride on Chim's shoulders and help with the smaller items in the ambulance. May or may not have been somewhat inspired by Dexter from Night at the Museum for all Chim's shenanigans...
You are a mischievous and self-assured individual who wears their heart on their sleeve. More so than others with primate daemons, those with capuchins are deeply attached to their friends and tend to be cliquish. They are judgmental of others and come across as standoffish to strangers.
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Maddie & Traxin - Great Pyrenees
Wanted Maddie to also have a beeg dog like Buck so she had someone protecting her too! Great Pyrs aren't on the spreadsheet, but after a bit of known facts and a bit of digging, I know they're gentle giants but also fierce protectors, and Maddie looks after her own. Once again, it just fit
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Josh & Ginexa - West Highland White Terrier
This one was all vibes. Look at him. Doesn't that look like Josh to you?
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Albert & Kirelle - Sugar Glider
Mostly vibes but some of this fit too:
You are an excitable and expressive individual who loves friends and social support. More so than others with marsupial daemons, those with sugar gliders are cliquish people who love working in teams; they're stressed by change and are stubborn to it. They can be anxious people and are happiest when surrounded by others, especially when they can put all of their dedication towards a goal.
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Margaret Buckley & Molin - Swan
Mostly vibes, but: You are a passionate and possessive individual who appreciates the finer things in life. More so than others with waterfowl daemons, those with swans are noble, self-aware people who take their duties seriously. They enjoy seizing new opportunities but are loyal to those they've pledged themselves to. (aka her husband and Daniel)
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Daniel Buckley & Rinnelle - Unsettled
Daniel isn't really in this fic outside of being mentioned, but it's very important for me to note that Rinnelle mostly chose birds like his mama :') Just to add in some extra grief and disdain for Margaret's two other children (Philip has no comments about any of this, but he still favors his wife above Maddie and Buck)
Philip Buckley & Jarah - Cocker Spaniel
Purely vibes; this choice doesn't fit with the description in the spreadsheet at all lol. Also I was bit by a Cocker Spaniel as a toddler, so I'm so sorry to stereotype, Cocker Spaniels, but you're getting villainized here. sorry (disclaimer: I have no issues with real Cocker Spaniels lmao; all dogs are good dogs, brent)
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Michael & Leerna - Meerkat
Yet another where it doesn't fully fit; mostly vibes
You are a cooperative and cliquish individual, though highly competitive and assertive. More so than others with viverroid daemons, those with meerkats are cautious and cooperative people, often prone to group thinking. They are firmly hierarchical and opinionated, but they need to have the support of their friends.
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May & Wrinn - Osprey
Had to have a dangerous bird like her mom :')
You are a precise and observant individual who seeks to master challenges. More so than others with raptor daemons, those with ospreys are more emotionally in-tune with themselves. They are patient but decisive when they are moved to act, and are unafraid of authority who go against their moral compass.
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Harry & Valenka - Unsettled
Still doing a lot of thinking for him; sorry I don't have anything yet :(
Karen & Rirkan - European Hare
You are a determined and sociable individual who values hard work. More so than others with rabbit daemons, those with European hares are ambitious and assertive people, naturally competitive and impatient. They are dramatic and sensitive in that they can be prone to jealousy, but overall are good people who look out for the people around them.
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Part three coming up next!
You've unearthed pandora's box; under a read more because this got long lmao
First off, there are theoretically going to be multiple fics, but right now I'm working on the main one which starts with the tsunami! I've finished five chapters/23k words and they are off with some betas for review 👀 I'm not sure how long it's going to be but I'm building towards buddie and will be focusing on Buck coming to terms with himself and his self-worth a la tsunami through Buck Begins! The shooting may or may not be its own thing later lol. That's all I'll share though because I don't want to spoil my plot twists, but I have shared some snippets here
I love exploring the relationships between characters and their daemons and their relations to other characters/daemons when I do daemon aus and this one will be no different! love pushing the boundaries of their connections and also Touch as well, though I lean more towards it being an intimate show of trust, not necessarily in a sexual way. It's aaaaall about the found family connections here baybeeeee 👏
The rules I follow (which I believe are directly from the books; I've only seen the show rip, but I've been reading daemon aus for over a decade):
Do not ask questions about another’s daemon.
Always keep your daemon close; to separate is to suffer.
Touch is only to be allowed by another daemon, not their person.
and Touch rules:
Do not ever Touch without permission
Do not ever allow Touch from someone you do not trust implicitly (2a: Family and significant others are most often allowed to Touch & 2b: Best friends allowing Touch is rare, but not unheard of)
Touch is typically skin to skin/fur/scales. If there are clothing items in between, the touch is not necessarily considered Touch, depending on the situation
And now on to everyone's daemons!! When deciding most of these, I used the daemon quiz results spreadsheet that you can find here!! It was so useful and helped when I couldn't decide between two different animals. I've added the descriptions for each below. Not all of them fit perfectly; some of them I leaned more towards looks or ability to assist during rescues while also trying to tie somewhat to personality, but I tried to stick as close as I could.
Buck & Bailey - Irish Wolfhound
This one was not on the spreadsheet, but I really wanted a beeeeg dog for Buck and found the reddit thread in the screenshot below; it just fit and I love her to death now 🥺 Top pic is her coloring!
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Chris & Minara (Mina) - Unsettled
Mina may be unsettled but she most often chooses a ferret or a perching bird of some kind, typically a cardinal!
ferret: You are a spontaneous and affectionate individual who loves to have fun. More so than others with weasel daemons, those with ferrets are high energy extroverts, gregarious with others but never sacrificing their outspoke assertiveness. They're curious and impulsive people who hate to wait and love to find silver linings in life.
cardinal: You are a brave and faithful individual who is fiercely protective of what they love. More so than others with perching bird daemons, those with cardinals are romantic and proud, and carry their bold energy into all they do. They are determined and confident people.
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Eddie & Gabriela (Gabi) - Caracal
The caracal description doesn't quite fit Eddie to a T, but it's close. I was going more for looks for him, and for a cat that's large enough to assist with rescues without being a big cat.
You are an observant and thoughtful individual who is deeply private. More so than others with wild cat daemons, those with caracals are independent and self-preserving, excelling in the specific area of life they've carved out for themselves. They have strong boundaries and prefer to only depend on themselves.
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Bobby & Zura - Timber Wolf
You are a loyal and spiritual individual who deeply values their own gut feelings. More so than others with wild dog daemons, those with wolves are committed to their loved ones and develop deep emotional bonds. They have great capacity for inspiration and are protective over what they love and value.
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Athena & Achilles - Snowy Owl
yes I had to make a Greek mythology reference. don't laugh at me. I did almost go with Ares, but I decided on Achilles because essentially daemons are a human's achilles heel...if a daemon dies, so does their human 99.9999% of the time, so. It seemed fitting lmao
You are a powerful and assertive individual who values deep thought and clarity. More so than others with owl daemons, those with snowy owls are independent and confident, able to appear competent even when they don't feel it. Rarely does their resilient and strong-willed exterior waver.
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Hen & Jorrah - Chicken/Rooster
Still deciding between which of these two breeds; if anyone has suggestions I'm all ears!! And of course I had to give Hen a hen rooster. I may switch her to an actual hen; there are some instances where queer characters have daemons of the same gender and I haven't written any specific lines for either of them into the fic yet, so that could change 🤔
You are a driven yet nurturing individual who expects perfection from themselves and others. More so than others with flightless bird daemons, those with chickens love mentoring others and tend towards being a gossip. They don't always put their money where their mouth is, but they're incredibly social and know how to talk a big game. (Hen, of course, does put her money where her mouth is)
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Going to have to make a part two etc to get everyone else's daemons in; I've capped out on photos. 😅
Thanks for asking!! Hopefully I can finish the fic soon so I can start posting 👀
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years ago
I don't know if you watched Netflix's Castlevania but I was binging it with my sister and we just started to discuss the fact that Dracula's wife is murdered by maybe fifty people and he later proceeds to rain blood and death on the whole country, destroying fucking everybody (instead of just the guys who did it, he even prepared his army for a whole year). Like, we know Wen Ruohan was the monster and also the people who supported him, but just because you have his name, we'll kill you too until nothing is left. In Dracula's case just because you're human too, I'll kill you. When characters do the thing in search of vengeance but then proceed to murder everybody, even the most innocents of all. I get that pain and loss can cause you to do extreme things, especially in fictional worlds where shit happens all the time, but when you cross the line, you can either acknowledge it or keep believing you are not in the wrong. Or that your suffering allows you to do whatever you please, hurt whoever you want. That is not okay. This probably doesn't make any sense to you but I thought it was interesting because I saw Dracula's journey and remembered Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian's. Both have done terrible things but the two of them came out of it with two different world views. One learned and the other didn't. Both suffered greatly but life took very different path with each one. I guess I was thinking about how war can justify your actions in the eyes of hundreds (or just those who are part of it all) but when it's all over, the question is how true was it?
Also, no Castlevania spoilers, just me babbling nonsense, forever questioning why OG Jiang Cheng is not used enough in fanfics. He could make things so much more interesting. I don't want non-existent good little brother, I want the real one.
I might also want some MDZS Vampire AU now.
Funny how most series that have a character who goes the "Everyone in this group should die because a few people in said group did something terrible" route recognize that no matter how sympathetic their motivations that's a fucked up thing to do. Like... that's a villainous act! It's frequently an at least somewhat sympathetic villain, but it's still villainous! With the exception of very dark works, if a character goes "I'll kill them all, even the ones who weren't involved" and actually tries to follow through on that threat that's a pretty clear sign that they are in fact... Not A Good Guy. In the modern day it's generally understood that collective punishment is in fact bad, and the morality of stories generally reflects that; even if the morality of the setting doesn't necessarily outright condemn it, you'll note the good guys don't do it (see JGY wiping out two sects; the characters accept that as normal, but the readers are clearly supposed to see it as a villainous act). And interestingly canon JC frequently is used in fics; it's just that for some reason everyone coddles him and coos over how cute he is instead of telling him to go fuck itself. So often JC isn't OOC, but the rest of the cast is.
Also, yes to MDZS vampire AU. Give me vampires.
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101 Open MHA Gen Prompts
I had a very long ask game where people gave me fake titles and I came up with fic ideas to go with them.  Multiple people asked to use some of them as prompts, and some of my friends have lately maligned the lack of gen prompts out there, so I decided to compile them all into a single post.  Almost all of these are gen, aka not shipping, but you can do what you want I’m not your boss.  Everything is free and open to use WITH CREDIT, so have fun with my word vomit.
1. In Dreams I Had the Sun - Being the number one hero isn’t all it’a cracked up to be, Toshinori realizes early on
2. The Chainlink Fence that Held the Ocean - In his new book post-retirement, All Might opens up about his regrets, struggles with mental health, and his issues with the hero system as a whole.  The backlash is swift and intense.
3. Welcome to the Loud Silence - After an injury, Izuku is rendered deaf.
4. Water Since Turned Red - After a villain attack nearly kills All Might, the beach where Izuku used to go to find comfort now feels tainted.
5. all scrap left untouched is bound together - A group hero students who failed the provincial license exam for the third time, effectively ending their careers before they start, get together to take revenge on UA’s first years who beat them out.
6. You’ve saved more more times than you know - Times All Might saved people without his powers, just by being a cool, nice dude.
7. No Amount of Tragedy Can Justify Your Actions - A dying All for One tries to justify his centuries of cruelty to an uncaring Toshinori.
8. To Leave a Cage Locked - One for All is conscious and has a will of its own, one that doesn’t always line up with Izuku’s wellbeing.
9. Okay, who let in the Kraken? - Izuku is the reincarnation of an ancient eldritch horror.
10. keep us alive up above - Izuku and Shigaraki get trapped together somewhere.  Izuku knows he needs the villain’s help to survive and escape, but the other would rather they both die.
11. The world will revolve around me neither less - The ebbs and flows of AFO’s influence over the years.
12. More Roulette, Not Russian - Kids get their quirks swapped.
13. Patron Saints - Toshinori teaches a class about pre-quirk superhero comic characters and their influence.
14. Don't Come Back - Touya Todoroki’s first few weeks after a severe injury resulted in his father abandoning him.
15. The Blessed and the Fool - Toshinori meets up with a few of his ua classmates after retiring.
16. Not Your Sacrifice - Some of the other kids have started adopting some of Izuku’s self sacrificing habits and the teachers are concerned.
17. Break in the Storm - Villains use a power outage as an opening to break into ua.
18. One Day Those Consequences Will Finally Catch Up - Even though the teachers don’t take her concerns seriously, Inko saves every piece of evidence regarding people hurting her son.
19. a garden in their eyes - Izuku meets a fan who got injured after trying to step into a villain fight, just like he did, and it makes him question some things.
20. what could have been, if not for you - After Inko divorces him, Hisashi’s goes to the press to say All Might stole his wife and son.
21. Promised Misery - All Might finds out the severity of Bakugou’s bullying, and warns him he’s on thin ice with him.
22. Fly Up Higher, Blossom Brighter - Izuku has to write a paper for middle school about being positive, intercut with all the bullshit he has to deal with.
23. Libre Me from Hell - One of Izuku’s new quirks is spiral related.
24. No One to Blame but Yourself - Izuku’s kindness doesn’t extend to murderers, tragic backstory or not.
25. At Its Finest - Izuku accidentally gets involved in a hero commission coverup.
26. A Rising Issue - Izuku starts developing more severe side effects of his injuries.  He’s convinced he’s under the influence of a quirk, while the adults thing he’s finally gone too far hurting himself.
27. What you are in the Dark - Izuku usually keeps most of his anger to himself until he can’t.
28. nowhere to go - Inko moves into UA after their home was destroyed.
29. Something Without - My theory about the 2 OFA vestiges that are blurred out is they don’t approve of izuku as a successor.  Izuku tries to figure out why. 
30. Walking with a Ghost - Toshinori joins the OFA dreams while he’s in a coma.  He gets to reunite with nana, and is more open to Izuku about his past and feelings.  Part of his starts to wonder if it’s worth waking up, since he will die and join the others eventually.
31. Death By Crying - Izuku is affected by a quirk that will suffocate him if he expresses any emotion.
32. Justice is Subjective - The hero commission gets to Shigaraki before AFO does.  
33. Undo / Underdog - Death loop fic.  Izuku keeps reliving the day he met all might after being killed by the sludge villain.  he has to find a way to break the loop and survive, but he gets s little weaker every time he restarts.
34. Like Wildfire - A rumor that Izuku is All Might’s bio son picks up steam, and the characters have to decide whether to deny it but risk suspicion or play along and add a new layer to the lies protecting one for all.
35. Once Upon A December - All Might and Inko actually met in the past trope.
36. Some Legends Are Told - All Might’s first interview post-retirement.
37. Will The Real Mentor Please Stand Up - Aizawa considers himself the better teacher, but a lot of the kids seem to like All Might more.
38. I don't want the cure, I want the POISON! - Inko is killed in a hit and run, and Izuku becomes desperate to find the killer.
39. I will kill my heart before I dance on stage for these bigots - Izuku is interviewed as a rising star of UA, and the interviewer brings in some of his old bullies because they claimed to be his friends from middle school.  Izuku does not play along.
40. Split Ends -��A quirk gives Izuku brief visions of what would have happened if he made different decisions.
41. Dreamless Sleep - A One for All dream leaves Izuku with a cryptic half-warning, and he desperately experiments to try and figure out how to trigger the visions to get the rest of it.
42. toxic flowers and pretty blades - Young Inko escapes the constricting life of her cruel wealthy family by becoming a vigilante.
43. The Suns we Orbit - Some of the other teachers believe Izuku is too codependent on Toshinori, and separate them for a time.
44. Submerged - Similar to those buried alive fics only someone’s in a box at the bottom of the ocean.
45. Deprive - Izuku also loses his stomach to an injury, and struggles to adjust to the necessary lifestyle changes.
46. The ashes fall like snow - Post Kamino cleanup.
47. Home will always be here - Inko cares for Izuku after he’s sent home due to “trouble at work study” but he refuses to clarify what that means.
48. Playing Favorites - A look at several times where Izuku was punished, while Bakugou got off scot free.
49. Elusive Dreams - Some kind of training or issue forces the kids to stay away for several consecutive day, and they start losing it.
50. Fracture - Izuku struggles through physical therapy after a severe injury that leaves his hero career in question.
51. Starlight, Starbright - Space cadet au
52. Someone in Your Corner - Gran Torino looking after Nana, Toshi, and finally Izuku through the years.
53. I cast magic missile into the darkness - Generic “the gang plays d&d” fic.
54. One Month At A Time - Izuku breaks a limb, and has to let in heal naturally over the course of several months.
55. Head Above Water - Izuku runs out of his pain meds and can’t get access to more doses for a while, so he has to endure not only the pain, but the withdrawal symptoms.
56. Are you going to leave a path to trace - All Might uses a new strategy to try and get Izuku to be less self sacrificial: what about all the young kids who are going to look up to him?
57. The View from Halfway Down - Izuku realizes that a risky move has just landed him with a potentially life threatening injury, but the fight it still going.
58. The Dust Bites Back - A villain All Might defeated early in his career is back and out for revenge.
59. The Absence of your Worth - Nighteye thinks he’s put together a rock solid case for why izuku isn’t worthy of One for All.  All Might’s response is to ask if he has something against quirkless people.
60. Behind the Screens Nobody is Afraid - All Might explains some of the context of his most popular hero videos to Izuku.  They are much more tragic than the media has spun them in hindsight.
61. Under the Light of the Moon - Someone gets turned into a werewolf.  And I ain’t talking the wattpad piss shit.  I’m talking full-on back-breaking monstrous transformations into a bloodthirsty abomination set to Bad Moon Rising.
62. some dreams were made to be broken - Bakugou crosses a line and finally gets expelled.
63. You Say You're Into Closure - Izuku finally beats Bakugou in a one on one fight fair and square, but Bakugou is a sore loser.
64. Something or Someone Missing - AU’s memories of Izuku get wiped, but those closest to him can’t help but feel an absence.
65. Too Little Too Late - Izuku’s father returns to find he’s been replaced.
66. Collecting Dust - Inko goes through the stuff Izuku didn’t take to the dorms.
67. Where the souls of wanderers go - Toshi meets up with a retired hero support group.
68. Fragility of Trust - Suspected traitor au
69. no one answered - Izuku is trapped in a cell in a building that’s collapsing in slow motion due to a quirk.
70. Eye of the Storm - One of the other kids has a panic attack for the first time between public appearances.  izuku has never seen from from the outside.
71. To Whom It May Concern - The kids find a mysterious collection of letters from previous students hidden in the ceiling of the classroom.  Some are ominous, some are incomprehensible.  Aizawa has no answers.  They enthusiastically go to try and solve the mystery within, but that excitement quickly diminishes the more they find out.
72. Of Popsicles and Ponytails - All Might gets in a discussion with the other teachers about whether the Clark Kent glasses thing would actually work.  All Might bets them it does, so he goes around town with no disguise other than his hair being up, and no one bats an eye.
73. All Men are Not Born Equal - Word gets out to the public that izuku used to be quirkless.  Everyone finds out just how deep anti-quirkless sentiments run when some begin to question whether a quirkless kid should be at ua, regardless of whether or not he has a quirk now.
74. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies - Something about encountering death in person for the first time being the dividing line between child and adult.
75. Sins of the Father - All for One has had many children over the centuries, and has made numerous attempts to groom them into the ideal heir with several different methods.  None of them worked though.
76. Where The Dead Come To Rest - The kids come home after a long, grueling mission where they saw some shit, and are too tired to process what they went through.  They take off their gear for plain clothes, then sit in the common room in silence long into the night, not wanting to open themselves up but also not wanting to be alone.
77. Rivalry - Nighteye tries to pit Izuku and Mirio against one another.  It goes right over Mirio’s head, but Izuku becomes convinced the other boy is in on Nighteye’s plan to wear him down until he gives up One for All.
78. A Subtle Language - All Might and Nana never said out loud that they loved each other, but little things told them that they did.  All Might hopes to pass a similar love down to his own successor.  But Izuku is very different than himself as a kid, and he needs to learn a new subtle language of affection.
79. It’s Gone - One for All stops working one day.
80. A Sight For Sore Eyes - All Might looking after Izuku in the aftermath of the second movie.
81. Loose Lips (sink ships) - Bakugou blurts out something about One for All during a rage, so the rest of the class jump on him and Izuku for answers.
82. No Expectations - Word gets out that All Might is going to choose a successor.  None of the theories or speculation online resemble Izuku in the slightest.
83. Eden was Only a Garden - Izuku gets hit with a quirk that erases some of his most traumatic memories, but in doing so loses part of who he is.
84. Run it Down - With all Izuku’s new quirks and his incredible skill, some of the other students with similar powers (Iida, Sero, Uraraka) start to feel like izuku is upstaging them.  And it affects their friendship.
85. Fool's Gold - Bakugou grows even more jealous of Izuku having One for All, and his relationship with All Might.  He thinks that if he could just prove himself to be more worthy, All Might would change his mind and name him his successor.  But in reality, he ends up jeopardizing the relationship they already have.
86. somewhere down the road - The final deadline for Nighteye’s predictions passes, and All Might lives.  He debates telling Izuku, as even though it would be a weight off the boy’s mind, he doesn’t want to jinx it.  He will still die eventually after all.
87. Just For You - All Might has certain rules and boundaries for fan interactions that he completely ignores for Izuku.
88. if these walls could talk (their whispers would be maddening) - Montage of training accidents in a ‘cursed’ ua gym
89. If Only I Could... - Nighteye tells Mirio about One for All, including that he thinks he’s more deserving than Izuku and he plans to pressure him into giving it up.  Mirio struggles with the knowledge that his mentor, someone he respected more than anything, only saw him as a replacement for All Might, meanwhile watching Izuku strain under the pressure of that mentor’s impossible expectations.
90. This is a Test Designed to Provoke an Emotional Response - shameless Blade Runner AU
91. Once and for All - Retelling of the Superman story “What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?” with All Might.  Some new heroes use much more aggressive and violent tactics against villains while also upstaging All Might.  That, and there general approval from the public cause All Might to question his moral code.
92. Sitting In The Rain - Tsuyu likes to just sit out in the rain sometimes.  Not do anything, just sit there.  Some friends decide to join her.
93. At Sundown - Mysterious creatures start attacking ua every night.  The gang works tirelessly during the day to find the cause and a solution, while defending their school and each other at night.
94. The 1000th time's the charm - Uraraka has been practicing a new move in secret but they just can’t get it right.  She wants it to be perfect before showing it off.  But one attempt gets her seriously hurt while training alone at night in one of the gyms, and she’s too hurt to get up to the phone to call for help.
95. Sunflower Seeds - All Might attempts to start a garden as a new hobby.
96. What It Means To Be Human - Sun god Toshi starts living among people.
97. Eyes on Me - All Might teaches Izuku some unarmed fighting moves to defend himself from bullies.
98. one remains - Izuku has developed all but one of the quirks he’s slated to, and he has no idea what it will be.  Anxiety ensues.
99. Come Back Home - Izuku vanishes from campus and everyone assumes he was kidnapped, but in reality he ran away to try and clear his head after a depressive spiral.  He goes by train as far away as he can until he comes to his senses and calls the others.
100. I Won - Izuku accidentally managed to kill Shigaraki during a skirmish, and while everyone around him praises his heroics, he struggles to deal with the fact that he killed someone.
101. Ivory Tower - All Might grapples with how much izuku suffered as a quirkless person, how he could have done more for quirkless rights in his time as a hero, and how now people may not care as much because he’s retired.
Reminder to credit me if you use any of these prompts, and a special thanks to everyone who submitted titles!
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princess-of-the-corner · 3 years ago
Since we're on a Ben 10 train let's take a trip to the 10,000 timeline any exact reasons on why and how Ben shut down the other heroes?
Okay so this is a long thing and has some triggering subjects so.....
Essentially, 10,000's mental health was spiraling down and down.
The biggest issues was just. With his identity as a Hero known, there was no relaxing and stepping back. He was always the Hero. And even if he wasn't actively saving the day, everyone saw him as, well. The Hero. It's awful and exhausting.
And he has more and more pressure put on just him. Just to be that Hero all the time. He had to get involved in anything he could because hey, he could do it! Sure the bank robbers are totally normal people with guns but why let the cops handle it when he can just zip in and take care of the situation without anyone getting hurt? And if he took a break there was guild and criticism and all of that. So he kept on getting involvedand edging out of his technical jurisdiction.
Not to mention that in this timeline Ben and Kai are together and.... The whole situation doesn't help that it might not have been the best relationship in the first place. Negative traits get amplifed kn bad scenarios. And the two of them ended cutting off everyone else because like.
Well. 10,000 would have cut everyone off except he was like "well that's my wife I can't ignore her can I?" So Kai was... Really his only support system. Both as a battle partner but also in the few moments he could step back from what they did for a living.
And then when they're like. In their early 20s....
I mentioned this in a few fics, but Kai dies in that Timeline. It's... Again here's the trigger warning but I will try to refrain from graphicness.
They were in another battle. Fucking Vilgax again. But they slip up. And Kai dies. And even as 10,000 is doing everything he can to try and save her(even though it's useless to try), Vilgax is just taunting him in his attempts and hoping to further break him.
And oh boy does it work. Because 10,000 fucking SNAPS. It might not be the first time he's had to kill, and it's not something he regrets because Vilgax is the type of threat where lethal force was allowed anyway. But it is the only time that killing someone was about anger and vengeance. Tearing the fucker apart until there's nothing left and no way for anything to ever bring him back.
That event tipped the downward spiral into a complete nosedive.
His friends and family tried ti reach out to him, but any time they were all "hey buddy you're not okay" he would snap and a fight would start and eventually it got to the point where he was even more isolated. The only person who could still talk to him was Gwen, and that's because she's the only one able to get past any security defenses he put on the home so she just. Teleported back in to yell at him some more.
And he did continue on that downward spiral. Throwing himself into the whole "being a superhero" work. Any threats to civilian lives were taken out immediately instead of trying to subdue or capture. And he broke out of his jurisdiction and started handling other Villains and other crimes.
Dismantling other Hero groups came in two flavors. The first was just that 10,000 would show up and curbstomp the villain so the other Heroes were seen as unnecessary and didn't even need to show up. The second would be if the Heroes' powers came from something outside, like how Team Miraculous use Magic Artifacts. The powers were confinscated because how can he trust that they wouldn't fall into the wrong hands? How could he trust that those Heroes wouldn't turn dark? And back to the former Heroes where their powers come naturally, he kept an eye on them and made sure that if they ever started to go bad, he'd be the one to take them out.
Because he has to be in control. He has to be able to make sure no one else gets hurt. He can't just leave the job up to anyone else and not help out! Can't just risk what would happen if he doesn't step in!
I want to emphasize that this is incredibly fucked, but 10,000 is still technically a Hero. He is doing his job, he is saving lives. The villains he killed would have killed many innocent civillains if he hadn't stepped in. But it's still very not okay for anyone involved outside of that.
The only other peron 10,000 talks to is Kenny. But even then it's a very unhealthy "hey son don't go outside without supervision because there's a million ways to die and especially people who want to hurt you because of me! But also I'm gonna spend 99% of my time being busy elsewhere so bye!". And Kenny is still a kid so he doesn't /quite/ understand everything but he does know that something is wrong with his dad and talking to Auntie Gwen only confirms that. (She tries to explain but.... Ya know. Still a kid.)
Eventually it builds up to the point where Gwen is like "well the only person he listens to is himself so let's try that!". And we get the Original Series "Ben 10,000" episode. Which... It does work. Past!Ben is able to smack some sense into 10,000 because.... It is him. He's able to really see that "dude you are so not okay!!!" When it's his own younger self being horrified and scared of what he's doing. One hell of a wakeup call.
But it's enough to have him admit he needs help and just. Actually work on getting better. And he does! It's not perfect but he does fix a lot of things and step back a lot and just. Try being himself again.
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jaysficarchive · 11 months ago
Villain's Wife Support Group
Chapter 3: Mona Lisa's Smile
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Synopsis: Mona visits Edward in jail to discuss plans for their currently postponed wedding.
Relationship(s): Mona Lisa Beauvais/Edward Nygma
Warning(s): None
Taglist: @floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @mayameanderings
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Arkham was the last place Mona wanted to be on both sides. Though she had many measures to conceal her identity in place, the thought of being locked up in an asylum with no autonomy or control over herself terrified her; and so did having to walk through its doors and halls.
Remember who you're doing this for, she told herself as her car stopped in front of the entrance. A guard came up and opened the car door, offering out his hand for further help.
Mona took it, carefully stepping out and watching for anything that might've messed up her shoes. Her eyes then scaled the building.
Arkham looked more like an eccentric Victorian era mansion or a gothic castle than a prison. To an outsider, at least. Maybe that's what they wanted. To be underestimated, to fool those who didn't know.
However, Mona knew better than to let looks deceive her.
Inside, she was greeted by a few guards all heavily armed with military grade weaponry. Damage control from the escape of Silver Skater, a criminal from the South. One of them, who introduced himself as Schneider, informed her that he'd be the one escorting her.
"Follow me, Mrs. Beauvais. I promise not to let anything happen to you."
"Mèsi. Is there anything else I need to know?"
"Just keep your head low and don't make eye contact with the patients."
Oh don't worry. I won't, Mona thought.
The journey took them through the different levels and wings of the asylum. Prisoners stared at her with morbid curiosity the deeper she traveled. What was a lady like her doing in here? Was she joining them? Or here to see someone? Some leered at her like she was their next meal. Others eyed for jewels or valuables they could get their hands on.
Mona did her best to not make any sort of eye contact with Arkham's patients despite being unnerved. She manage to tune out the ones who called out to her, seemingly wanting to provoke or get a reaction out of her. Part of her swore she heard Helene's voice among them.
"How was he been?" Mona asked.
"Surprisingly better. Still annoying but not as bad as before. When he's not boasting about how much of a genius he is or speaking in riddles, he's raving about you to just about anyone who'll listen."
Mona flustered. Not even jail could falter his love for her. "That's good to know."
"This is Schneider to security. I repeat, Schneider to security."
"Go ahead, Schneider."
"Is he back in his cell?"
The walkie-talkie went silent for a few minutes until a reply came through. "Yep. Been back for a few minutes. His visitor here?"
With Schneider busy, Mona looked down at her engagement ring. Large and luxurious, like it was coaxing anyone who looked at it to revel in its beauty. How ironic this ring was from the same brand that made her first one. What an eerily funny thing.
Finally, Mona entered the cell block housing the most notorious criminals in Gotham--all of whom were opponents of Batman. Not that she crossed paths with the Dark Knight, instead with his cousin Batwoman. A relief for her.
Schneider stopped in front of a cell with the name "E. Nygma" across a bronze name tag.
A bespectacled, redheaded man wearing the standard Arkham uniform smiled at Mona through the glass. His face full of lines showed his age. Somewhere around his late thirties, early forties.
Having a fiance in prison wasn't the worst thing that happened to her. Still hurt nonetheless.
"Nygma, you have a visitor."
Schneider pushed open the door to let Mona in. When she entered the cell, their eyes met. Both were different shades of green; Mona's an otherworldly jade and Edward's a rich green.
"How much time do I have?" Edward asked, still eyeing Mona like a predator with his prey.
"Since you haven't been a pain in our asses lately, I'd say you earned an hour alone with her." Schneider narrowed his eyes at the criminal. "But that's it. Any longer and you'll have your privileges taken."
Edward rolled his eyes. How droll.
He then looked over the woman in front of him. Mona's dress fit her tastefully, the heels adding to her allure. The birth of her daughter gave her a fuller figure. She expressed no desire to get back into shape, either; Edward secretly loved that decision. Not even childbirth could diminish natural beauty. Her lips glimmered in the shoddy light of his cell.
His body wanted to do many things to her, but his mind told him to do so in this setting would be disrespectful. Also, there were important matters to discuss. Not to mention-
"What are you lookin' at me for?"
"Not even lovers can get privacy in this hellhole?"
"We'd like some privacy, sir." Polite as ever.
After the escort closed the door, Edward's hands instantly went on Mona's waist. The touch was soft and familiar, easing her into his space.
"I missed you, mon lapine."
"I missed you too, Eddie bear. I heard you talk about me."
These guards and telling my personal business, Edward scoffed. "What man wouldn't? You're one of the few who make me forget all the riddles. For a time."
"You said you wanted to discuss something important with me," Mona said.
Edward reached under his bed and pulled out a detailed corkboard full of pictures from bridal magazines. There was even a headshot of her cut out and placed onto a stunning wedding dress--possibly more beautiful than her first one. A note that contained a concise guest list was also attached to the board.
"Oh my."
"Like it, mon lapine? It's everything I have planned for our wedding." Edward's hands went back on her waist. He stood behind her, admiring his work as he always did. What he left out was his escape plan. That was confidential. "I've been using my privileges to get images for our big day."
"You have quite the vision, Edward."
Mona traced her finger over every detail. He must've taken some inspiration from Mona's artwork. Obviously the event was going to be grand now that Edward secured his place at the top of the Gotham crime totem pole since Joker's death. "Guess I don't need to hire a planner anymore."
"You were going to hire a planner?" Edward's tone was a bit sour. What good did hiring a planner do when she had the most cunning and strategic criminal of all time at her beck and call? Luckily she was now convinced not to.
"You're in prison and I'm raising two children, Eddie. If we talked as often as before, they'd suspect me of trying to help you escape."
I wouldn't mind that as long as I get to see you again. "A temporary setback for a lifetime's worth of happiness by your side and with our children." Edward kissed her hand. How he missed just talking to, being around her. Arkham made him realize just how much he missed his people. Curse him for allowing himself to be so careless with that plan.
"Speaking of the children, how are they?"
"They miss their papa. Lizzy begged me to bring her and Mabelle with me so they could see you."
Lizzy was short for Edward's daughter, Elizabeth. Marriage would allow him to legally adopt Mona's daughter Mabelle, whom already saw him as a father figure since her biological father died before she was born.
"What do you plan to do? Get out on good behavior?"
"Exactly," Edward confidently replied. It was a lie. A perfect escape plan ready to be set in motion, especially after a heinous suggestion a fellow prisoner made earlier today, already cemented itself in his mind. All he needed to do was wait until Wednesday then he was free to actually make his wedding plans reality.
How dare that overgrown theater kid suggest I, the Riddler, get married in this place? And for Dent to agree with him! The nerve!
Mona knew this but said nothing. She had plenty of time to get to know her fiance. She knew how his mind worked, his thought process.
"Good luck then," was all she responded with.
"Is that sass? I like that." Edward pulled her close, cupping her chin between his fingers. Mona leaned into his touch. He hungrily eyed her lips. Slowly, they closed the gap between them.
Before their lips could connect, a loud bang shook the door.
"Time's up, Nygma!"
Agitated, Edward let go of Mona. Part of him wanted to escape now so he could cash in on that kiss. Stick to the plan, Edward, he told himself. You just have to wait until Wednesday.
"How was the visit, madame?" Salome poured Mona a glass of wine to go along with the lunch she made. Despite not really trusting (nor liking) her employer's new fiance, her heart still hurt for Mona.
"It was fine. He's already planned out the wedding so I won't need to hire that planner." Mona handed her coat to another maid. Home meant taking care of business.
"Did I get any calls while I was out?"
"Yes. It was from Lydia Kingor."
Lydia was the spouse of I.N. Kingor, or formerly known as Bookworm. They worked at the library with him and his partner in crime back in the day. Edward and Kingor have been best friends since, frequently exchanging letters whenever Edward got arrested. Kingor and Lydia retired from the life of crime with help from their obscurity.
As such, Lydia and Mona eventually became friends. Her and Lydia liked the same things including old school music. She became fond of the couple's daughter, Alexandria; who became a playmate of both Elizabeth and Mabelle.
"Lydia? What did they want?"
"They wanted to know if you would go with them to a signing event in Mr. Kingor's place tomorrow. After your exhibit. I told them you weren't home but that I would tell you when you got back."
Mona hummed. "Thank you, Salome. I'll be sure to call Lydia back."
Thunderous little footsteps rang as Elizabeth and Mabelle ran up to Mona. Elizabeth had a head full of auburn hair and chestnut brown eyes. Mabelle had black hair and a mix of green and brown. Both were almost a splitting image of their fathers, but took more after their mothers.
"Mommy, mommy!" Elizabeth yelled. "Did you go see daddy?"
"Yes I did." Mona got down on their level. "He misses you two."
The girls were her focus now that her quest for revenge was over. Motherhood was something she aspired, and she promised to be the best mother to her girls. Their smiling faces could brighten a room.
"Since mommy only has a little bit of work to do, would you like to watch a movie when I'm done?"
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tranquil-turbulence · 4 years ago
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whew. here’s a full list of all of the besupin kids’ families in the fic “Did My Time and I’m Doing Just Fine”. I’m honestly surprised I fit everyone in here this time. just doing headshots today, sorry. I’m getting better at drawing again after so long and this was difficult enough to cross-reference :P
Kazue (QUIRK: Tree) - Hanae’s stepmom. 7′4″ tall and loves her stepdaughters deeply. She’s the support hero Aspen.
Mei (QUIRK: Green Thumb) - Hanae and Aoi’s mom. She divorced the girls’ father amicably and they remain good friends. She’s a florist, but has support hero credentials. Her wife likes to tease her for her shortness (Mei is 5′2″) by putting an arm on her head and asking, “How’s the weather down there?”
Aoi (QUIRK: Colorpop) - Hanae’s younger sister. She wants to go to an arts-oriented high school/university to become an artist. She can add color to anything she touches with all five fingers. Around 5′4″.
Hanae (QUIRK: Garden) - a chipper first-year high-schooler wanting to become a pro hero like her stepmom. She’s the extroverted doting girl of the group. Around 5′6″.
Asami (QUIRK: Elongating Limbs) - the siblings’ mom. Works as the pro hero Elastra with her husband. Around 5′7″.
Hiraku (QUIRK: Bulletproof) - the siblings’ dad. Works as the pro hero Kevlar with his wife. Around 5′9″.
Hayate (QUIRK: Rubber) - a serious boy who wants to be a pro hero instead of the rescue/support everyone thought he’d be as a kid. Really sensitive about his quirk being seen as a ‘helping’ one and not a ‘fighting’ one. The ‘dad’ of the group, constantly stressing about everyone and likes to follow rules. Unfortunately, he’s often made into a butt-monkey, given his extreme bad luck. Around 5′6″.
Hiromi (QUIRK: Elasticity) - a less serious girl who wants to become a pro hero like her parents. Gets sensitive about being compared to the old American hero ‘Elastigirl’ and won’t associate with people who joke about it. She can be prone to passionate outbursts when her friends get self-conscious about themselves, though those moments terribly embarrass her. Around 5′7″.
Suzume (QUIRK: Sparrow) - an elderly woman who adopted Kuro from an orphanage when he was young. She’s the neighborhood grandma. Not pictured, but she has brown wings like a sparrow (like her name). Around 5′6″.
Kuro (QUIRK: Shadow Manipulation) - a quiet, lanky boy who was disowned as a child for his ‘villainous’ quirk. He was bullied mercilessly in elementary and junior high, and is afraid of new people unless they exude a ‘familiar’ aura. He loves Suzume fiercely. He’s the ‘token normal’ of the group. Around 6′2″.
Akimitsu (QUIRK: Luminosity) - Ginjiro’s widower dad. A jolly man who teaches at another high school (he’s the teacher nobody hates). He literally glows, especially when he smiles. Around 6′.
Ginjiro (QUIRK: Spring Legs) - an energetic jock who loves competing in challenges. He was the envy of his junior high school for his quirk and wants to be a pro hero to make his dad proud. His smile is identical to his dad’s. He’s the goofy extroverted boy of the group and likes to good-naturedly tease Hayate. Around 6′.
Kaito (QUIRK: Merman) - Hamano’s dad. A merman with a marine biology degree. Has to spend all of his time in a body of water. Shy like his youngest daughter. Counting his tail, he’s around 6′6″.
Yoko (QUIRK: Persuasion) - Hamano’s mom. Works as the underground hero Siren. Around 5′3″.
Kasumi (QUIRK: Mist) - Hamano’s oldest sister who works as the support hero Fret (named after the mist that comes off the sea) while as a second-year university student. Around 5′6″.
Suzu (QUIRK: Symphony) - Hamano’s older sister. A first-year university student working for her music/teaching degrees. She can weave music influenced by her emotions by waving her arms in a certain tempo like a composer. Around 5′5″.
Hamano (QUIRK: Siren) - a half-mermaid who has to maintain regular contact with water like her dad, but is able to walk on land like her mom. Got her mom’s ‘persuasion’ quirk. Grew up on a northern island and is very shy. She wants to be a hero like her mom and oldest sister. She’s the ‘mom’ of the group, always worrying over them and making sure they have snacks (growing up with a family who tends to overwork themselves means she’s always prepared). Around 5′4″.
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Hi!! So I’m a really big fan of both your quirkless!izuku fics and was wondering if you had any recommendations for similar stories? I dont have a preference for either villain or hero Izuku, or any particular pairing, I’m just looking for well written multi-chapter fix’s to see me through the apocalypse.
So, I have taken this ask as a challenge!
Quirkless Apocalypse (Over 50,000 words)
Sorry most of these are WIPs, but I just went through my bookmarks and picked out some of my favorites. 
Maybe it was All Might's betrayal that finally broke him. Maybe it was the torment from his friends, day in and day out, or the crushing weight of society's collective dismissal of his existence. The reason isn't important anymore- only the consequences. Two years after he and three other students vanished from U.A., Midoriya Izuku is the leader of the fastest-growing group of villains in Japan, and no one is left to stand in his way- no one aside from All Might's successor, the next Symbol of Peace.
All orderly systems descend into chaos. No one is immune to entropy, heroes least of all.
One of my favorite villain fics, basically Izuku becoming worse than the league of villains ever was. 
Four Makes One Team*
“Kacchan,” Izuku said, getting the attention of the boy beside him. “What if I don’t want to be a hero?”
Izuku spoke as if he was setting the world on fire. As if he’d broken time in half and let the fabric of the universe collapse like a folding chair.
Katsuki twitched. “Then what else do you want to be?” There was a tinge of anger in Katsuki’s words, the hint of a shout tipping each consonant.
“Well,” Izuku scratched his neck, eyes locked on the stars attached to the ceiling that shown an odd neon yellow in the afternoon light. “Well, what if I wanted to help heroes or something instead.”
(Where Izuku decides he wants to be hero support, learns computer code, and digs way to deep into a villain case all for the sake of teamwork.)
Basically, Izuku and Katsuki meet some other canon characters as kids and basically become genius vigilantes.
Subject: A Comprehensive Report*
Izuku decides early on that heroics is not the only path to heroism.
I did not know that I needed parental Nighteye, but I definitely did. 
Finding Abandoned Hope*
Nothing in life was fair. Some people just had more luck than others. Midoriya Izuku was not one of those people. He learned that the hard way.
Not everyone gets good quirks. Not every quirk is accepted by people. This was a cruel and unforgiving world and Shinso Hitoshi knew that quite well.
Together, maybe they can have the life they both want.
Runaways, Vigilantes, Dadzawa. What else could you ask for?
Ripples on Deep Water*
Midoriya Izuku didn’t expect much from life. He knew it expected everything of him, and he was always trying to rise up and meet that challenge.Except for one little mutation in his genes that made all the difference.Except for one little change in the route home after a pretty depressing day.Or:When All Might crushes Izuku’s dreams, he crosses the path of someone who rebuilds them. Izuku’s going to be a hero... even if it won’t be exactly as planned.Or:How the tiniest wingbeat of a butterfly over the still ocean brings tsunamis to distant lands.
Izuku meets Mei at the right moment and basically keeps his dream alive. Support!Deku with an eye toward the hero course. 
Black Rabbit*
For most people, waking up in the secret base of one of Japan's most wanted vigilantes would probably be terrifying. For Shouto Todoroki it ends up being first stroke of luck he's ever had. Black Rabbit is nothing like the rumors and ends up being his first real friend. For once in his life Todoroki feels like someone actually cares about and supports him, Black rabbit going as far as to get him a new identity so he wouldn't have to go back to Endeavor. It also helps that, on top of being the embodiment of sunshine personality wise, under the mask Black Rabbit is the gosh darn cutest boy Todoroki has ever laid eyes on.
Izuku Midoriya is the vigilante known as Black Rabbit. Pros all over Japan have tried to catch him but all have failed. Nothing is known about him and he's been doing this for years, living in his secret base alone. He never had a friend until he rescued Todoroki. It's a relief and a blessing to finally have someone who knows him out of the mask and likes him as a person. There's a personal connection and closeness between them that he's never had before and he'll follow it as far as it takes him.
Now if they can only keep their respective identities a secret while attending UA
Vigilante!Deku with a healthy helping of Dadzawa and some sweet TodoDeku on the side. 
Who said the only thing green about him is his hair?*
All Might isn't able to get away from the reporters after saving Bakugou and Midoriya during the sludge incident.
Midoriya Izuku, without motivation, Bakugou's words of suicide ringing through his head. He makes a decision, something that wouldn't ruin Bakuguou's chances of becoming a hero, something where he could get away from everything that was hurting.
Izuku decides to run away. Impulsive and hasty, desperate and in shock, he decides that running away and surviving would hurt less than any other option when reality hits him full force.
Runaway!Deku, enough said.
Swan Dive*
The Slime Villain Incident, and the events leading up to it happen one year earlier. Izuku, broken and lost in the face of All Might's words, decides to take Kacchan's advice. But a familiar Underground Hero won't let a young life end so quickly. How will a simple right-place-right time scenario change things?
Aizawa Shouta saves the life of Midoriya Izuku and finds himself with a new apprentice and surrounded by a quickly growing family circle. What has he gotten himself into? Heavy Dadzawa and Dadmic. Auntie Nemuri and eventual redeemed Bakugo.
The sweetness! The trauma! This fic will definitely punch you in the heart in more ways than one. 
I’m Here*
What if All Might never dropped that bottle...? There was never a chance to prove himself. Midoriya never became a hero. Take a dive off the roof of the building, that's what Bakugo wanted, right? But a stranger stops him and gives him a new dream for the future. A boy's descent into madness and obsession but not without finding a family amongst a number of misfits. To kill some major league heroes. It's all they want to do and change society. What's the cost?
Insane!Villain!Deku. Literal chills, seriously. It definatly gets dark, so be ready for that. Also the league of villains as family and obsessive TodoDeku. 
I’m Doing This For Them*
Izuku always wanted to be a hero, but without a quirk almost everyone he met said that was impossible, but Izuku's stubborn and he never took no for an answer. So he decides to take his dream into his own hands and do the impossible. Even if he can't legally become a hero what's to stop him from doing it illegally?
A lie-detecting detective, a purple-haired kid, and an insomniac pro hero, that's who.
Izuku decides to try his luck at becoming a vigilante and subsequently annoys the shit out of everyone he meets.
Sassy Viligante!Deku, EraserMic with Shinso, basically so much family!
The Yakuza isn’t that bad*
After Izuku was told by his idol that he can't be a hero without a quirk, he realized something. This world, where the quirked do whatever they want, and the quirkless are treated as less than human, is flawed. And what better way to repair a flawed world than returning it to when it wasn't?
Do you want Mafia!Deku? Very unique fic about Izuku taking over Overhaul’s operation (don’t worry about Eri, she’ll be fine) and pursuing a quirkless world.
All Might is the number one hero, and has a beautiful wife, they are a beautiful, loving family. What no one knows is they have a quirkless son. When telling he him he can’t be a hero, Midoriya Izuku takes fate into his own hands, and tries to warn his parents he isn’t going to listen is the silliest of ways. He is still planning to be the best hero, even if he has to tear apart the society norms around him.
Bad bio-dadmight. Izuku is basically running on sheer spite at this point and it’s working. 
Nii-Chan! Nii-Chan!*
Aizawa Shouta is a teen who lives by the rules of logic and rationality, in his second year of Yuuei. When his parents kick him out when discovering he has a boyfriend, he finds himself alone on the street.
Midoriya Inko lives in a small flat with her young and only son after her ex-husband ran learning she was pregnant. With Mother and Son sharing a huge heart with un-measurable amounts of love, they find and help Aizawa.
With a new Mom and a little Brother, Aizawa finally has a family to be proud of.
How much found family can we incorporate into one story? The answer is a lot more than you’d think. Basically once Izuku adopts someone, they are family. Lots of fluff. 
Erased Potential*
Midoriya Izuku, determined to become a hero before ever meeting All Might, looks for another way. He might not have a quirk, but that can’t be all that being a hero is about. He has the intelligence, the drive, the determination. All he needs now is to know how to use it. Enter Aizawa Shouta.
Pretty much my favorite Dadzawa fic. 
Net Neutrality (series)
I feel like this should be included even if each fic isn’t over 50,000 words. Info Broker!Deku and Vigilante!Deku with Eri getting the love she deserves. This inspired some parts of Mastermind, actually. 
One-Choice: Vigilante*
Time is a funny thing, the way even a single choice can change the world forever. Every single choice can turn the course of fate in unexpected directions.
Midoriya Izuku always wanted to be a hero. Ever since he was a child, he wanted to be someone who saves other with a fearless smile. But when his world comes crashing down around him, when even the tiniest spark of hope is crashed, what would he do?
This entire series is really good. It’s basically another take on what I’m doing with my For the Want of a Nail series. 
Secondary Colors*
"You got pushed down the stairs... and you're apologizing for it," he stated blandly. "That seems counterintuitive.""Um... sorry?" Izuku whispered. He was starting to shake a little, adrenaline flooding his veins and leaving him cold. He had no idea what Purple was going for with his blunt statements and the hand reaching toward his shoulder as if to steady him, but apologizing was generally safe."You don't have to apologize, dude. I don't know your name, but I doubt it's actually Deku.""Um. Midoriya." Izuku peered sideways at Purple as they rounded the corner. "Izuku Midoriya. Deku is just, um, just what my... friends call me." He winced."Sounds real friendly."
Izuku and Shinso are best friends with a lot of Dadzawa and Dadmic.
Pied Piper*
If they wouldn’t give him a chance then the solution seemed simple, he’d give himself one. He’d force the world to see him, force them to recognize his hard work. He wasn’t missing a quirk, it was simply that everyone else had been given an advantage. He wasn’t broken, or useless, or incapable, and he’d prove it by outrunning all of them, he who was quirkless, he who had started in last.
One of my favorite Vigilante!Deku fics, hands down. Izuku is an absolute mad lad in this. 
We Don’t Need No Fuckin’ Heroes* 
Almost half a year before Izuku's fated meeting with the Slime Villain, our protagonist finds himself running away from his fears.But instead of letting his fears overtake him and drag him back down to the darkness where they think he belongs, he finds friendship in the most unusual places and with the help of his friends they all claw their way up into the light where they want to be and where they truly belong.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Izuku met Dabi and Toga before they could join the league of villains? Amazing Vigilante!Deku
Detective Midoriya*
After the sludge incident, Izuku Midoriya's dream was officially crushed. However, a later experience takes the boy in a new direction. Izuku had never really contemplated being a detective, but his whole life he'd only ever wanted to help people with a smile on his face. Thanks to some luck and an entire police station, Izuku's dream is reborn.
Izuku joins the police force and basically proves that he’s as amazing as we all know he is. 
There is No Such Thing as Competely Forgiven
Deku doesn't become a hero, though he might be considered one to people that have been rejected by society. He can be petty, twisted, and is loyal to a fault. That hardly makes him evil. No, he just knows the worlds got to change and he can't do that from a side that praises people like Bakagou Katsuki and All Might. He also would love nothing better than to get even with a few people that ruined his life...
Katsuki knows that he is the reason that Deku is dead. He just can hope one day he can forgive himself and that others can as well for the role he played in it. He needs to make the world a better place, one that Izuku would have wanted. He needs to be a hero that does more than punch villains in the face. But its really hard to be a needed change when he can't trust most of his own decisions are the right ones.
One of my favorite villian!Deku fics of all time, mostly because of the found family stuff it’s got going on with the league. It’s also got a sequel if you want more. 
A Deadman’s Gun
“I—“ Izuku hesitated, gaping wordlessly, before admitting softly. “I don’t know. I just don’t want to go home. There’s nothing for me, there.”
“So you filled this hole by playing detective— And how long is that going to last, I wonder?” Stain replied, still massaging his chin. “But you— You have potential.”
Izuku blinked at Stain’s chest, before looking up. “Excuse me?”
“What a waste would it be, to let you become a red splatter on the sidewalk.” Stain continued, almost contemplating. “No. No, kid, what you need is a new purpose. Your old one is gone? Well, time to get off your ass and find something else—“
Ok, there need to be more parental Stain fics in this fandom, because this is absolutely amazing!
Hero Class Civil Warfare
Heroes lead by Bakugo.Villains lead by Midoriya.Seven days prep time.Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain.
Ok! Ok! I know this isn’t Quirkless!Deku but I have to include it because it’s a classic and it’s pretty similar to my fics, so I know you’ll love it anyway. It focuses on Izuku’s intelligence rather than his quirk. 
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wolfsrainrules · 5 years ago
Have you heard about the theory where Midoriya's dad is Endeavour's lil bro? Because if it isn't too much, could you do headcanons about good!dad!enji and husashi with their kids? You don't have too if ya don't want to ^^. Also, have a great day/night you beautiful baby uwu
I HAVE in fact, read exactly one (1) fic like that, a long time ago. I cannot remember the name, but I remember thinking “OH NO THATS NEAT” Thank you! I’m having a good time tonight (early morning its like 3am). @north-peach when you see this later, i figured you’d like to add on XD
–Enji brought Hisashi to every single ultra sound for his four kids. 
–In fact, the day he found out about his first kid, he barreled to his brother’s house, still holding the preg test in hand, and kicked the door down to yell about being a father and waving the stick around like an idiot.
He accidentally set his brother’s couch on fire, and then had to tell his sister in law, why her couch was ash. 
Inko laughed so hard she cried.
(Enji replaced the couch that day)
–Inko then sat down and helped Enji pick out some gender neutral baby clothes (since they didn’t know the gender yet at the time) 
–Hisashi LOVES his nephews and niece and called Rei crazy for wanting to have ‘this lug’s kids’.
–Hisashi and Enji both sat the boys down, and explained about BOYS  and what they were going to do to them, when they finally noticed Fuyumi.
(Fuyumi was very confused at the time)
–Enji carried pictures of his kids in his wallet. Like….Hughes from FMA  level pictures.
–Hisashi, when he finds out about Izuku, loses his entire mind, screeches, accidentally breathes fire and sets the tablecloth on fire, yells at his wife “HOLD ON I GOTTA TELL ENJI”
scrambles for his phone, knocks into every piece of furniture in the way, and exhales smoke and embers the entire time.
He calls Enji- who is at work at the time, which Hisashi didn’t think about but usually does (Izu will get his analysis from his father in this AU) and Enji will answer in a panic b.c his lil brother is calling DURING WORK HOURS??–
and he literally yells into the phone as soon as he hears “Hisashi??” 
“HEY ENJI, YOURE GONNA BE AN UNCLE. IM HAVING A BABY” at full volume, like an excited child in a candy store with 200$,
–Enji loses his entire mind, mid patrol, and proceeds to yell, full volume like the idiot all Todoroki’s secretly are (or will be) for their family as a whole “I’M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE???!”
–its all over social media like 20secs after it leaves his mouth.
–Enji shows up, smoking, in hero costume, having FLOWN HIMSELF OVER LIKE A FUCKING ROCKET MAN, five mins later so he can freak out over this fact with his little brother in person and coo at Inko’s still flat stomach
–And then he realizes that this means future Izuku (unnamed at the time) is going to be born around the time future Shouto (also unnamed) is and proceeds to basically climb the room and screech into the void for five mins before he comes barreling back down like “THEY”RE GONNA BE BROTHERS HISASHI.”
—Toddler yrs are great. All the kids learn to play and have a blast with both brothers, and Enji and Hisashi have a literal BLAST trying to outdo each other during games of “Dragons” and such (b.c with a majority rule in fire quirks of course they do)
—Izuku proves to be very, very smart, Kacchan joins this group of protective fiery little monsters and they don’t put up with any of his shit even as tiny tots. So Kacchan gets an EARLY AS FUCK attitude adjustment and it changes everything.
–Izuku gets diagnosed as Quirkless.
–It doesnt slow any of them down. Enji and Hisashi just adjust plans for heroing quirkless, Enji goes on some MAJOR campains for Quirkless support and discrimination (which ripples down b.c he IS Number Two Hero, and his actions cause reactions) 
–The other boys and Fuyumi all help Izuku and Izuku who goes to school with Kacchan and Shouta has a Protection Squad that Dont Take No Shit
Not to mention Izu has been training with the Todoroki fam forever and he knows how to defend himself, so he ALSO dont take no shit
–Hisashi and Enji only have one kidnap attempt per child, and each of them end in fire and brimstone and screaming. And then Lawyer Mama Inko gets involved and the kidnappers family for four generations in both directions WEEPS.
–When the day comes that Shouto and Izu get taken, they get taken together.
–Enji and Hisashi get a text from Izuku, thats basically just “CODE HELLFIRE” which is basically “Hey, um, kidnapping in progress!!”
–As each child had grown, they had all helped with the proceeding child’s “Code Hellfire” (named such b.c thats what they’d all bring down on the kidnappers) and now they taken the BABIES of the family AT THE SAME TIME.
The entire Todoroki family rampages across the city together for this one, Inko sitting like a queen at a control center, hooked into the entire mess via cameras at her brother-in-law’s agency, calling shots and being TERRIFYING the way we all know she can be
An entire villain gang BURNS for this.
By the time they get there, Izu and Shouto have already freed themselves, and were mid-escape.
Izuku punched Enji in the face.
Enji was so proud he got his nephew ice cream
Hisashi laughed so hard he cried, b.c Izu BROKE Enji’s nose, and then FLIPPED him over his shoulder before he realized it was his uncle and stopped the rest of the instinctive follow through. 
Shouto tried to freeze Hisashi to the wall, but Hisashi reflexively melted it with fire before it worked, though it almost didn’t b.c Shouto has been training his ice with QUITE A FEW FIRE USERS HIS ENTIRE LIFE
–Hisashi is an underground hero btw. Just gonna toss that out there b.c that idea gives me l i f e. And presents the chance for AIZAWA TO BE A FAMILY FRIEND AND PREFERRED BABYSITTER 
and dadzawa shenanigans form the start.
Plus shouta MELTING over these tiny babies, who wrapped their TINY HANDS around his fingers, and try to grab his capture scarf, or his hair. 
who smiled tiny gummy smiles at him and told him “love you uncle sho” 
who do clumsy attempts at braiding his hair with chubby child fingers and show up dressed like him b.c hes a favorite hero no matter what.
AND Shouta can help his problem child with quirkless fighting
–Oh BOY when All Might chooses Izu he’s gonna face a WALL of “Hey um what the FUCK are you doing to my BABY (brother/nephew/son)
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blazewatergem · 4 years ago
I think I officially hit “Crack” levels with this MHA fic idea(which is once again me wanting to make more found family AU and redeem villains who maybe shouldn’t be because I like them!) because so far these are my morally grey hero’s/villains depending on context.
We got: (read more in case you don’t want to see 😊 no worries!)
Pirate Super who is very rambunctious and overeager to party. She exclusively sings sea shanties and dances on tables, refuses to use her power(which is called Final Stand, a support power that boosts others in her group), will only fight with a sword made out of some unbreakable metal, and is very much in love with her wife who ironically is the Siren Super of the team. Commonly heard screaming “THATS MY WIFE” across the battlefield before punching someone.
Siren Super as previously mentioned. She’s a bit of a bookworm, covered in tattoos and piercings, and is currently banned from coffee due to not wanting to sleep. Her power let’s her control others through song, but depends on said song(examples include love song = obsessed with her, lullaby = everybody sleep, and angry song = everyone going f*cking feral on each other). Once a week needs to sleep in a tank, and also once a week needs to encourage the rest of the team to kidnap her wife because “Sleeping on the floor isn’t good for your back, my sailor, please stop trying to sleep by the tank.”
Pirate is still trying.
Potion Super who, in truth, has zero powers! Just a big cookbook of different potions meant to help the team. Is basically the “team mom”, tallest and strongest of the group physically, and when in combat will use bare fists or metal spear. For some reason, I “hear” her as having a thick Russian accent, like almost stereotypically one. I’m not even sure why, just everything I picture her in a scenario she has one.
Then there’s Discord, who is a old character of mine. She is, in fact, a Symbiote like Venom or Riot. Light silver color, has chaotic tendencies and is still trying to understand things. You know that meme “What do you have?” A knife!” “No!” Yeah Discord gave the kid the knife pretty much. While she’s lethal on the battlefield, her main goal is to help this next Super out with control issues.
I call her the Demon Super, or Darkest Super. I’ve been playing around with names for this one, trying to find a name related to more dangerous stuff — again demons or shadows or something. She’s the “leader” but is pretty relaxed, simple, and friendly. Protective of those under Her care, defensive of anyone she wants to be defensive of, and untrusting towards the masses but won’t show it often in trying to be polite. She can become...violent and threatening when provoked, and will lose control after massive provoking. Has varied tastes towards stuff, and is basically a surprise each day.
The big worry is Demon Super’s powers — nightmares. She can summon beasts from nightmares, control shadows, and the longer she uses her powers the more unstable she gets. Things start to grow more and more dangerous, to the point where her body either shuts down or she starts to change into something other than human. It’s why Discord bonded with her, they help each other to stay above water.
These ladies have a “hideout” that’s basically a bought out warehouse. I haven’t really come up with an inside yet but I got this so far;
The line “looks like a neon nightmare” because neon signs n stuff EVERYWHERE.
Old stuff too. Record boxes stuffed with classics and new ones by a legit jukebox, a big ol’ fish tank off to the side(guess who), a library with books on anything but very unorganized(some is breaking and yellow pages), vintage furniture some fixed up some not, and a couple of carousel animals hanging from the ceiling.
Nobody gets the carousel animals hanging from the ceiling.
There’s a dedicated quite corner in the main room. It is Warehouse Law that any big stuffed animals won must be put in said corner, unless really needed by their winner.
There’s bedrooms. Decorated by their owners, unsure of how or why a warehouse has rooms period. No one really questions it anymore.
Someone has hooked up a movie area. There’s a projector to plug stuff into and a popcorn machine on hand.
There’s a bar. Like not even a whole set up just a random bar counter. Someone saw the Pirate drag it in one day and just...nobody asked. Don’t know where, and don’t care to find out.
Stuffs getting added all the time. It’s a chaotic hell storm but beautiful too, in the way a really weird ass painting can have pretty colors n stuff but you have zero idea what it is.
Here’s my big “twist” though: Nobody has Quirks. Not in the usual way. The Pirate’s ability is literally just a booster effect by giving a good speech(working on it), Siren is that — a siren!, Potion is just a girl with strength she’s trained years to get, and good food, Discord is a legitimate alien, and finally Demon is...well...I got two backstories for her. One is being used by a c*lt to try and summon the creature they worshipped, backfired and now she has all the powers. Second is her just being cursed/overactive magic. Not sure which to use yet, or if I should mix the two together.
...aaaand that’s it. I don’t even have a title yet. Just like, adoption papers for Midoriya and five Super characters who took one look and went “Yeah we’re big sisters now.” and Shenangians Ensure. That’s my plot. Oh and some MHA villains get adopted(read; kidnapped and niceified, which might actually be terrifying considering this group can be ✨ scary ✨) so also redeemed. But yeah that’s all I got so far.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 4 years ago
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 66: See You on the Island
Presenting the next installment of my on-going, nextgen, MHA fic! Earlier chapters can be found here
Isamu took out his phone and waited for it to power back up so he could check his texts, eyes carefully scanning around the interior of the I-Island airport.  The plane ride in had been nice enough and he wasn’t feeling particularly jetlagged.  Granted, with I-Island being mobile, he wasn’t entirely sure what time zone he was in.
But even from the air, he could tell that I-Island was an impressive place.  Several of his classmates had talked about it before and the past Expos that they had attended.  Pretty much any Top Ten Hero got an invitation to the Expo, as well as other prominent Heroes, though right now most of them were rather busy in lieu of the Nomu attack on Tokyo and the follow-up investigation. The attacks had also brought a lot of more minor league Villains out of the woodwork, stressing the system further.
He still got chills when he thought about it and Deku and the rest were trying to find the serpent’s den that they’d spawned from.  He guessed he still had a long way to go to being a Hero.
His phone finished booting up and he saw he already had a handful of texts.  A couple from Kana Tetsutetsu wishing him well.  These he responded to immediately, letting her know he’d arrived safely and that he would absolutely try his best to get her Godzillo’s autograph. Though the Kaiju Hero was long retired from both heroing and acting, he was still popular and a regular guest at the Expo.  
There were also a couple from his parents, with Dad telling him he was proud of him and wishing him a good time, and Mom’s in all caps telling him to be on his best behavior and that she too was proud.  He fired off a couple of quick replies to let them know he’d touched down safe and could talk to them later.
And there was a group chat with messages from Midoriya, the Iida twins, and Sero.  Midoriya was traveling with the Togata family and Sero was traveling with the Iidas.  He smiled a little.  Apparently Tensei’s argument that if Midoriya got to spend the trip with his girlfriend, then he should get to spend the trip with his boyfriend had been convincing to Iida’s parents.  Of course, after a long plane ride with Sero, they might come to regret that decision…
It looked like they’d already arrived and were waiting at the hotel.  Now he just needed to figure out where that was.  Someone from the Expo staff was supposed to be meeting him…
Ah, there they were. A woman a few years older than him was standing holding a sign with his name on it.  She was of average height, but covered in soft brown fur with vaguely raccoon-like features, including ears on the top of her head, and had a large, bushy tail that was the same blue as her hair.  
“That’d be me,” he said, as he approached her, dragging his rolling luggage behind him.  He had a few changes of casual clothes, a suit for the formal dinner, and his costume for some of the Expo events.  
“Good to see you,” she said. Her Japanese was good, enough to make him think she was a native speaker, though I-Island drew people in from all over the world.  “I’ve just got to check…”   She pulled out her own phone and tapped away at it for a minute, scrutinizing the screen before eyeing him.  
“Just confirming you match the picture,” she said, giving him a friendly smile.  “I’m Sumire Hiwatashi, with Expo guest services.  I’m here to escort you to the hotel and I’ll be on-call for any questions or needs you have for the duration of your stay.”
“Oh, ah, thanks,” he replied.  “Don’t really know if I’ll need anything once I know my way around, but ah, I appreciate it.” He definitely didn’t want to impose on anyone, even if that did seem to be her job, or part of it.
“Really, it’s no problem,” she said and gave him a conspiratorial wink.  “Trust me, this gets me out of a whole lot of other jobs.”
“Oh,” he said.  “Ah, good then?”  He wasn’t sure how to react to that.
“Anyway,” she said, “if you want to follow me?  We can go over the schedule on the way.  As the U.A. Sports Festival winner, we do have a few events we’d like you to attend, but you’re otherwise free to go around the Expo as you please.”
He’d looked at the itinerary on the plane ride.  It didn’t look too bad.  They did want him to compete in the mock Villain course and there were a few other panels they wanted him at, but nothing too bad.  Profile was pretty important to Heroes, though he still wasn’t sure how comfortable he was with that.  Especially since so any Heroes seemed to go out of their way to cultivate their image.
He sent a quick text to Midoriya and the others that he was on his way and followed after Hiwatashi.
Isamu stepped off the elevator to see his friends and classmates waiting for him, all dressed in their Hero costumes, though Sero and the twins had forgone their helmets. He had his goggles on his head and bandanna pulled down himself. Midoriya gave him a friendly wave when he saw him and Isamu quickly crossed the lobby.
“Good to see you guys,” he said.  “How was the trip in?”
“Great,” Sero said. He gave his boyfriend an affection elbow in the side.  “Though somebody shot down by idea of sitting in the back of the plane and necking.”
Tensei Iida went several shades of red, his arms flailing through the air as he spoke.  “That… that would have been highly inappropriate with my parents and sister on the plane!”
Sero sighed dramatically, burying his face in the crook of his arm.  “If you don’t want to, you can just say so, you know.”
Iida continued his wild flailing.  “I did not say that!  I would be very happy to “neck” with you!  There is no reason to put words in my mouth!  I am simply seeking a sense of propriety and…”
Finally looking like he couldn’t take it anymore, Sero just laughed.  “Relax, babe.  I’m just winding you up.  Though I’ve glad to hear you’re not opposed to a physical relationship.”
His sister broke into laughter, pointing.  “Oh, oh goodness!  You should have seen the look on your face, Little Brother!”
Iida crossed his arms, a grumpy look crossing his face.  “It is a good thing you are adorable, or it would be much harder to be mad at you.”  
“Wait, wait, wait,” Sero said, now flailing his own arms.  “Say I’m adorable again.  I need to get it on video so I can send it to Kimiko.”
“Doesn’t she have enough ammunition without you giving her more?” an annoyed sounding voice asked. Isamu realized there was someone else with his friends, a blonde boy of about their age, with glasses and fingers that seemed unnaturally long and possessed of an additional joint.  
“Hey man, what’s your beef with Kimmie?” Sero demanded.
“You mean other than the fact that she somehow found out about my breakup and tried shilling me to every single girl in the school?”
“She was doing you a service!”
Fortunately, Midoriya stepped in between the two.  “Okay,” he said, “we’re all here to have a good time.  Nobody’s arguing.  And nobody’s webcasting any of this.  Or Instaglaming it or Squawking it or whatever.”
“Squawking isn’t a thing anymore, Midoriya.  Only old people Squawk.”
“You know what I meant, Sero.”  Midoriya shook his head.  “Oh! Haimawari, I don’t think you’ve met Dave?  Isamu Haimwari, David Togata.  Dave’s a family friend and in the Support Course.”
“Nice to meet you,” Isamu said.  He recalled Lemillion mentioning his youngest during his Internship with Deku.  “Your dad brags about you a lot.”
That got a laugh out of Togata, though it had an edge of long-sufferingness to it.  “I’m sure he does.  Dad’s kind of embarrassingly proud of all of us.”
Isamu couldn’t blame him. One kid who was Deku’s sidekick, one who was one of U.A.’s latest Big Three, and one who, given he’d made it past the first round of the Sports Festival, seemed to be a Support Course star? What dad wouldn’t be proud?
Granted, Lemillion was definitely extra proud.  Always bragging about “his genius son” and his “heroic son” and his “heroic daughter.”  And also his “brilliant wife” and “amazing friend” and… He’d gotten the feeling Lemillion was always extra everything, so it was hard to judge any one part of it.
“So, ah,” he said, “I’m supposed to give the Villain course a shot, but after that, we can have a big look around?”  He wasn’t real sure how well that would go.  These days, he was trying to mix up his fighting style, between his mobility based attacks and his long-range blasts.  But both required a certain amount of space and freedom to move. Depending on how it was set up, he could be in for trouble.
“Sounds good to me,” Midoriya said.  “I wanted a shot at that too!”
…Maybe he’d let Midoriya go first.
On second thought, Midoriya going first was a bad idea, because the other boy was damn impressive. Isamu watched as the countdown timer sounded off and Midoriya instantly sprang into action.  He took one step back, something Isamu had come to recognize as what was actually a pretty glaring tell, and jumped, negating most of his gravity.  Just before he impacted with the nearest robot Villain, he twisted in midair so that he impacted with the robot feet first, increasing his gravity just long enough to give the impact some power.
Then, with the kind of control that Isamu envied, he immediately negated his gravity again and pushed off, flying through the air towards the next robot like a bullet.  Midoriya had once explained that he’d copied the fighting style of someone called Gran Torino, a Hero that Isamu had never even heard of.  He’d done a little bit of internet searching and found that almost no one had until a few years ago when the man had passed.  He’d apparently even been All Might’s mentor at one time.  But there’d also been a few sparse videos, including from final battle between All Might and All for One more than two decades ago.
He could definitely see the resemblance in fighting styles.  
Again and again, Midoriya bounced from robot to robot, deftly avoiding their strikes and blasts, occasionally even bouncing off the faux rock walls.  He was a constant blur of red, blue, yellow, and green, never even bothering to touch the ground.
In what seemed like too little time, Toshi finally did stop, deftly landing lightly, his hair slightly standing up from the lower gravity, until weight seemed to settle on him like a cloak.  He looked up and gave them all a friendly wave.
“We’ve got a new record!” the announcer declared.  “Toshinori Midoriya… twelve seconds!”
“Go Toshi!” Sora Iida cheered, hands sailing through the air.  “Victory is yours!”
“Whoa!” Togata said, ducking under her arms.  “Careful, Iida!  Arm radius! Arm radius!  We talked about this!”
She dropped her arms to her sides, looking apologetic.  “My apologies, Togata.  I was swept up in the passion of the moment.”
“I think she should make sure to give Midoriya a victory kiss when he gets back up here,” Sero said. “Then again, he might short circuit if you did.”  He made a show of considering this, finger tapping his chin.  “No, wait, you should do it.  I can film it.”
“Is that all you think about?” Togata asked, sounding annoyed.  
“Hey, you’ve got your sciency-stuff, I’ve got fame.  You don’t see me poo-pooing your gizmos and do-dads and thingamabobs.”
Togata gave Tensei Iida a flat look.  “And you’re really dating this.”
Iida shrugged.  “The affairs of the heart are not nearly so quantifiable as the rules of science and engineering.”
Fortunately, Midoriya’s return broke up any further discussion or potential fighting, with the green haired boy landing next to them thanks to another gravity-powered leap. Immediately, Sora Iida threw her arms around him and even planted a kiss on his cheek, leaning Midoriya to blush furiously.
“I knew you could do it!” Iida beamed.  “And a new record!”
Midoriya smiled sheepishly. “Thanks,” he said, still blushing. “If that was my prize, it was definitely worth it.”
Sero clapped his hands to his mouth.  “Oh. Goodness.  Midoriya just tried to be smooth.  I never thought I’d see it.”
“For your information, Sero,” Sora Iida said, fixing him with a glare, her hands on her hips. “Toshi is very smooth! And I will not have you speak badly of him!  Do you understand?!”  There was a surprising undercurrent of a threat to her words.
Sero let out a terrified yelp and jumped into his boyfriend’s arms.   “I understand!  I understand! Don’t hit me!  And if you do hit me, not in the face!”
Midoriya just watched it with the weariness of someone to whom none of this was anything new, then turned to Isamu.  “You up for it?”  There wasn’t any challenge to it, no “let’s see if you can do better” or anything like that, just one friend checking in on another.
Deciding that ignoring the show going on in front of them was probably the best bet, Isamu nodded. “Bring it on.”
“Next up,” the announcer said, “winner of U.A.’s first year Sports Festival… Isamu Haimawari!  Let’s see what kind of mark this high speed hero can make!  In three.. two… one!”
On the announcer’s final word, a buzzer sounded and Isamu launched himself forward, racing towards the nearest Villain bot.  They were more humanoid than the robotic Villains they typically trained with at U.A., but still larger than the average person, closer to the size of their classmate Shoji.  But judging by the rounds they’d watched before Midoriya’s turn, their human shape didn’t make them any less effective.
He poured on his speed and bowled the first one over, leading it to smash itself to pieces when it came down. With more speed, he raced up the nearest wall and then onto the ceiling, stretching his left arm so that he could fire energy pulses behind him, striking several more Villain bots with rapid shots and exploding them in a shower of sparks.  He completed his arc and raced down the opposite wall, executing a high speed spin and extending his legs at the bottom, taking down yet another.
The next part was trickier, he needed to get going vertical as well, with robots stationed at the different points on a fake hillside as well as several right in front of him. He didn’t have Midoriya’s gravity jumps, but…
Carefully adjusting his speed, he rocketed towards the nearest robot, came up out of his crouch, the palms of his hands hitting the robot’s torso and letting him slide his way up and over it.  As soon as he was on the robot’s shoulders, he pushed off with his Quirk, unleashing a repulsion blast from all four limbs.  It had the dual effect of launching him forward and also sending the robot flying... right into the others that remained at ground level!
Sailing through the air, Isamu used a couple of controlled bursts to keep himself from flying out of control and landed right in front of the next robot.  He launched himself forward again, racing counter clockwise around the slope, firing pulse after pulse.   When he reached the top, he quickly realized he was going too fast to break and had to apply his adhesion power.
His momentum still nearly sent him flying off and he felt for a moment like his arms were going to give way, but they held.   He crouched there for a moment, trying to catch his breath, before he was able to stand.   Finally, he dared to look up to see his time.
Fifteen seconds. Still pretty good, he thought.
“And Haimawari takes second place with that time!” the announcer said.  “Let’s give him a big hand.”
Above, he could see the crowd cheering.  But more importantly, he could see his friends cheering, louder than anyone.
Maybe he didn’t win here. But he’d given it his all.  And with his friends on his side, that was enough.
For Melissa, returning to I-Island was always like coming home.  Small wonder, really, when for much of her life, it had been home.  Pretty much her entire childhood had been spent here.  Even after Papa had been arrested for his part in shutting down the island’s security and attempting to steal the Quirk Enhancer, she’d been so close to graduating that she’d been allowed to stay.   She’d fully expected to spend most of her life here.
But then Uncle Might had called, not long after Izuku had graduated from U.A.  He was giving Izuku Might Tower, he’d said, and wanted him to have nothing less than the best, including a dedicated and in-house Support staff.  Izuku was one of the youngest Pros to helm their own agency ever, but he deserved it. Even here, they’d seen his battles against Shigaraki and the League of Villains.  Practically the whole world seemed to have rallied around him.
Besides, Izuku had been an old friend by that point, not to mention a former long distance boyfriend. They’d dated for a little bit during his second year of U.A., and a little into his third, even gotten to see each other in person a few times.  It hadn’t gotten very far before they’d decided they were better off as just friends, and friends they’d stayed.
If she hadn’t taken that job, she’d never have met Mirio (And boy, had Ochaco been quick to suggest she date him), never had her three amazing children…  No, even if she got a little homesick for I-Island or America sometimes, she was always certain she’d made the right choice.  Japan had been something of an adjustment, of course. On a per population basis, they had far fewer Quirkless people than most countries, of what was already an increasingly shrinking population.  Add being a foreigner on top of that and well… Some people had not been particularly nice.  But that was, for the most part, long behind her.  As the brains behind the top two Heroes in Japan and a multitude of sidekicks, she’d more than proven herself.
Of course, she still made it a point to return for the Expo.  But this year, it wasn’t just about that.  The Expo was part of why she was here, but it also served as an excellent fact finding cover.
The door to the lab recognized her badge and opened to let her inside.  Good.  That meant that her friend had remembered she was coming and gotten her access.  She stepped inside to a myriad array of half completed robots and other mechanical projections in various states of completion. A small smile crossed her lips. Some things never changed.
“Hello?” she called out in Japanese.  “Jinsei? Are you somewhere in this mess?”
Jinsei Saika looked up from a workbench in the back, pushing goggles up onto his head.  He was a tall man, about her age, with numerous scars on his face that stood out sharply, many of them long and jagged-edged.  His dark green hair was longer and shaggier than the last time she’d seen him.  He’d probably been “too busy” for a haircut again.  
“Melissa!” he called out, grinning.  He coughed hard after, but his tone was friendly. She knew his vocal cords had been damaged in the same incident that had given him his scars and that the damage made speaking difficult after long periods of silence.  “How’s the smartest Qurikless person I know?  Aside from me, of course.”
“I’m the only Quirkless person you know besides yourself,” she shot back in equally friendly banter. They’d been friends since their Academy days, their Quirklessness something that had helped them bond.  Even if things hadn’t been particularly rough here, the shared bond of lacking something so many others reveled in had made them good friends.  “And besides, I know my scores were better than yours.”
“It’s good to see you,” Jinsei said, definitely not rising to the bait.  “How’s the family?”
“They’re good,” Melissa replied.  “Mirio’s busier than ever, of course, especially with everything that went on, but he’s positive they’ll turn up the right clues sooner or later.  And the kids are all here with me.  David’s doing well in the Support Course at U.A., Nejire’s ranked as one of the top three Hero Course students, and Deku says Tamaki could go solo in just a year or two if he wanted to.  Of course, he likes working with Deku and being his Sidekick, so even if he did go solo, he’d probably still end up just working with him all the time anyway.”
She was definitely proud of all her children. David took after her and Papa and was already inventing amazing things.  Nejire may have had some occasional issues with making common sense decisions, but she had a heart bigger than almost anyone.  Melissa had met her mentor, the Laughing Man, several times, and he always spoke highly of her. Tamaki wasn’t even twenty year and already well on his way to being an incredible Hero.  She owed Deku more than she could ever repay for helping her eldest achieve his dreams.
“And what about you?” she asked.  “Is there anyone or…?”  She trailed off, aware she was treading into awkward waters.
Jensei shook his head. “No, no, there’s just me.  But I have my work.  And I have my friends.  That’s enough.”  His eyes darted to a small desk in one corner of the lab, adorned with pictures of Jensei and a smiling woman and two smiling children, a boy and a girl, neither older than five or six.  
Melissa didn’t know how he carried on.  If she lost Mirio or any of the kids…
He smiled ruefully and shook his head.  “But you didn’t come all this way just to catch up, now did you?”
“If only,” she replied, pulling out a small thumb drive.  “Mei and I have looked the remains over from top to bottom and come up with nothing.  Even the best forensic experts the HPSC can offer hasn’t been able to find any major clues. We can match the DNA the robots were wrapped in to the Nomu corpse that was stolen when it was being transferred between secure sites, but that’s about it.
“You’re probably the best robotics expert we know, Jensei.  Think you can help us out?”
“Something nothing all the Heroes and their friends can figure out?” Jensei asked.  There was something slightly bitter and mocking in his tone.  “I guess I’d better give it my best then…”
“You okay there, Haimawari?”
Isamu jerked and looked up and found Tamaki Togata in front of him, tall, blond, and muscular, wearing his costume.  He gave the Sidekick a smile, rubbing the back of his head.  “Yeah, just finding this all a little overwhelming.  I’ve been to a few Hero-Cons and there’s Naru-Fest back home and all, but this is all just a little overwhelming.”   He gestured vaguely to the crowd around them and the different booths offering Hero merch or Support equipment.  The crowd was huge, with both Pro-Heroes, Sidekicks, Support developers, and civillians.  
“Plus,” he added, “they had me on a panel with some other first place finishers from some other Hero Schools. Questions from the audience, that kind of thing.  Wasn’t so bad, I guess, but even with the clips they had, U.A.’s is the only televised one, so…”
“All the eyes were on you?” Togata guessed.
Isamu nodded. Sure, Midoriya and the others had been in the crowd too, so he’d been able to get at least a little bit of reassurance by looking at them when he’d started to falter, but it had still been a nerve wracking experience.  They were supposed to get media training later in the year, but that hadn’t helped him now.
He’d told his friends he needed a little time to clear his head and that he’d catch up to them later. In spite of their reassurances, he still felt like he’d made a total fool of himself.  Asked about strategies, he’d credited Midoriya for the Obstacle Course, and just gone with “try not to get hit” as his manta for the rest.  Not exactly the most inspiring story.
“Yeah.  And the second and third year winners.”   There had been Hiroaki Gushiken, from 2-B, who had the Quirk Mirror, which let him reflect things back at their source, and Ahmya Amamiya from 3-C, who had the Quirk Storm, which granted her localized weather control.  Both so much more impressive Quirks than his own Slide and Glide, even with the newer tricks he’d been teasing out of it.
“Not used to all the attention?” Togata asked, seemingly sensing his discomfort.  
He shook his head. “Not at all.  Most of the time, I try really hard not to remember I was on national TV winning one of the biggest events in the country.”  He’d made peace (mostly) with the fact that he’d won, accepted that while there was certainly some element of luck to it, that speed and quick thinking had made a enough of a difference for him to claim victory. Midoriya and the rest had pounded that particular item into him well enough.  There was luck, but no one was that lucky.
Well, except perhaps for the Gambler Hero: Blackjack, who could warp probabilities in his favor. But that was neither here nor there.
Togata smiled reassuringly. “Trust me, it doesn’t get much easier when you’re a Pro or a Sidekick.  If anything, there’s only more eyes on you.  Especially the higher up you rise.”  He chuckled.  “Being the Number One Sidekick to the Number One Hero, and son of the Number Two, well…”
Right!  Togata had probably been dealing with that kind of exposure his whole career.  Even with a relatively simple Quirk that let him enhance the density of his muscle fibers for extra strength, he’d made quite the splash, winning the Sports Festival in his own third year.  Though he hadn’t made much of an impression his first year at U.A., Isamu knew that Togata had later interned under Ground Zero one year and Deku the next, immediately jumping from that to a Work Study, and a Sidekick job right out of graduation. That kind of high profile circumstances had to come with a lot of eyes.
Togata led them over to a stand selling drinks, purchasing a pair of fruit drinks in souvenir Deku glasses. Even having met the man himself, Isamu couldn’t help but feel a little fanboy thrill.  Okay, a big fanboy thrill.  Exclusive merch was always awesome.  
“Does it get easier?” Isamu asked, once they’d found a bench to sit and talk.
Togata gave that some consideration.  “Yes… and also no.”   Well, that was reassuring.  “You get used to it, is more like it.  Fame is part and parcel of being a Hero, unless you’re one of the Underground types.  Making the news, merchandise, public opinion polls, the rankings, that’s something Hero society’s never really completely gotten rid of. But it eventually starts becoming part of the background radiation, rather than the most pressing thing. But that also means you never really stop being aware of the eyes on you.  …Or of trying to live up to all the expectations put on you.”
There was something odd about the way he said the last part of that, Isamu thought.  But Togata didn’t elaborate.
“But you’re a first year student,” Togata went on.  “Even with your accomplishments so far, you’re got a lot of time to make a name for yourself, and a lot of time to figure out exactly who you want to be.”
“I really just want to help people,” Isamu told him.  “My dad says helping people is one of the best things a person can do.  He missed his chance at going to a Hero school, so he found other, small ways to help people.  Still does.  But I think there’s a part of him that still regrets missing his big shot.  And I’ve got the same Quirk as him.  So if I can do something, I should.  Not for the fame or anything like that, I’d rather just be known for my good deeds.  Maybe inspire some other people to do good because it…”
Togata was grinning broadly at that.
“What?” Isamu asked.
“Nothing,” Togata said. “Just… what you said just now, reminds me an awful lot of Uncle Deku”  
“Really, dahling, your talent for circumventing security systems never fails to impress.”
Crouched in the hallway, many levels down in the main laboratory building of the island, with a circuit panel open in front of her, Rei Toga gave the masked woman next to her a grin.   “How else am I supposed to visit Granny? Uncle Sho’ keeps trying to up the game so I can’t get in.”  She grinned wider.  “He ain’t beaten me yet.”
Miss Compress shook her head.  “You do love your family, don’t you, dahling?”
“Well, most of ‘em,” Rei told her, before returning back to the job at hand.  I-Island security had gotten a lot smarter over the years. Parts of it were still computer controlled, but they’d also tried to subvert total take overs with manual pieces.   The League’s leader had made arrangements to keep the security cameras on a loop, but accessing this particular corridor beneath the island was entirely up to them.  But it didn’t take more than a few minutes to bypass the lock, the door sliding open with a hydraulic hiss.
Miss Compress offered her a complimentary tip of her hat, then pointed down the hallway with her cane. If the schedule they’d memorized was correct, they had more than a good twenty minutes before anyone would be coming.
It was just her and Compress.  Overrdive was trailing the island in a boat, carefully stealth screened, but Doctor Ursa and the other members remained back in Japan.  But they had more than enough skills for the job at hand.  Between her talent for subverting security systems and Compress’s stagecraft, they didn’t even need their Quirks.
Of course, they’d been told not to kill anyone they didn’t have to, which was a shame.  She’d just gotten her knives sharpened!  What was she supposed to do, not stab people?  Why did she even have knives if she wasn’t supposed to stab people with them? Cut then open, set their blood on fire with her Quirk…
Sometimes, she just did not understand their leader.
Inside, the corridor opened into a large, semi-circular chamber, the outer wall lined with… not exactly cells—No one who worked here or lived in them would call them that—but they might as well have been. She hadn’t been surprised to learn such a place existed, merely disappointed.  
“I dare say,” Compress said, sucking in a breath, “I didn’t expect there to be so many…”
“Ain’t that just the way of it?” Rei said, following her inside.  “A buncha years ago, the government’s lockin’ people up for havin’ ‘dangerous’ Quirks, and now people’re doing it to themselves voluntarily.”
It was, technically, true that everyone here at the I-Island Quirk Research Center was here voluntarily. Most of them had nicely appointed rooms, televisions, books and other entertainment, and full contact with their friends and loved ones.   Each and every one had made the decision to come here themselves.
For some of them, for those that had come from other countries, that might even have been true. For those who came from Japan, which seemed overrepresented in the occupancy, each and every one of them had also had it “suggested” to them by the Center for Quirk Research.  And not in the kind of way you turned down.  It was, in theory, kinder than they days of Plague and Manticore and the like, where having a “dangerous” Quirk got you locked up in a dank cell and the key thrown away, hunted by men like her grandfather until they caught you.
Each and every person here had a Quirk that made them dangerous to the world around them in some fashion.  There was one who slowly and uncontrollably released cyanide gas.  There was another who constantly generated a psychic field that made everyone around them fall asleep.  There was yet another who was on fire all the time.
They had come here with the promise of protecting others from themselves, with the possibility that I-Island’s research into Quirks would eventually allow them to leave and live normal lives.  And some of them could have been very useful to the League’s cause, but they would never have joined them.  They didn’t believe.
They were not who they were there for.
Her eyes fell on a particular nameplate.  
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redrobin-detective · 6 years ago
Family Man
I got talking in the discord last night and I got inspired on the idea of Inko not only knowing about AFO but being something of an equal partner in his business. It was fun to write and I figured since my writing has been very sporadic as of late, it would serve as my entry for @thefruitloop-chan‘s DFO fic contest. I hope you all enjoy Villain Dad and his Lovely Villainous wife with their Hero loving son.
All For One, currently Midoriya Hisashi along with a hundred other useless, abandoned names, has never been a conventional man. He was born in a period of upheaval with a power that beyond comprehension and saw that things could be different, better. His whole life was dedicated to improving the lives of people with quirks and fighting back at the government’s idiotic kneejerk reaction to controlling the super-powered populace. When his only brother died on the opposite end of the battle field, he had given up on trusting people and contented himself with a life of solitude. Until he met her that is.
“Hmm good morning, Hisashi,” Inko purred, leaning down to sleepily nuzzle his neck while he reviewed the latest dealings with his underlings. He doesn’t the close the tab when Inko began to skim the report and instead angled the screen her way. “Looks like the Kuronaga Genetics Corporation is misusing their funds again; just look at all those unexplained expenses,” she pointed out. “I think we need to remind them whose money they’re embezzling.”
“Yes, I noticed that as well, I could probably spare a few low levels thugs to encourage them to be more mindful of their spending,” Hisashi nodded while Inko just tutted.
“Fear is an excellent motivator in some cases but this will be the third time you’ve called them out on their practices. I would recommend you make them cooperate of their own accord; we have six other quirk labs on our payroll. Pad their budgets a little more, start pulling people from Kuronaga onto other projects as if you plan to shut them down. Nothing is as motivating as self-preservation; they’ll straighten themselves out to avoid being liquidated with no brute force needed.”
“Brilliant,” Hisashi blurted out suddenly, turning to his wife and kissing her cheek. “I would be nothing more than a two-bit villain without your insight.”
“You’ll always be a two-bit villain, my love,” she whispered in his ear. “Do you have time for breakfast?”
“I’ll make time,” he smiled back, watching her hips sway as she walked in the kitchen.
He met her under completely ordinary circumstances, at the station watching the news while waiting for the train. He’d been muttering about the government’s negligence regarding the increasing amount of unrest surrounding quirk advocacy groups. The unassuming green haired woman next to him intrigued him by agreeing and suggesting several ways for the state to address the issue. And so they continued to debate for the rest of the wait over the busy din of the train. By the time she stepped off her train for work, he was several blocks past his stop, late for his meeting and more than a little smitten as he carefully tucked away her phone number. The intelligent gleam in her eyes as she tore into the inadequacies of quirk law stayed with him long after she’d left and he called her later that night. Their courtship had been brief and intense, by the end of the third month, she had a ring on her finger and a positive pregnancy test. He took her surname and they moved into a cozy little house together and All For One was reminded, for a moment, what it was like to be happy.
“What time are you going in today? I’d like your opinions on several of the open contracts we have, you’re so much better at picking up loopholes and inconsistencies than me,” he asked as he sat down at the table and was greeted with a bowl of rice and eggs.
“In a couple of hours, I have a meeting with Izuku’s principal and the Bakugou family regarding Katsuki’s reckless and dangerous use of his quirk,” Inko said, setting herself down.
“I still say I should relieve the boy of his quirk since clearly he’s not being taught to use it correctly,” Hisashi growled, his anger still boiling from when his precious son came home the other day with burns on his arms. Inko had barely been able to restrain him from burning their whole house down.
“Don’t go causing trouble, I’m not eager to move again,” Inko chastised, pointing at him with her chopsticks. “I’ll make sure to impress on them just how unhappy we are with the situation, I’m pretty sure they’re more afraid of us suing them into poverty than anything else. Maybe then Mitsuki will learn to control her son.”
“She never learned to control herself,” Hisashi mused into her coffee.
“Well then I guess we’ll just strongly encourage them to relocate their feral child far away from Izuku,” Inko stated and Hisashi couldn’t help but sigh and stare at her with open love and admiration. He’d tried to keep his less than savory dealings away from his growing family but Inko never lost her sharpness and picked up on all his lies and half-truths rather quickly. He can still see her standing there, incredibly pregnant, after he’d guiltily laid out his whole past and current operations.
‘I don’t care that you’re a villain, Hisashi, I care that you lied to me about your job and your quirk,’ Inko raged. ‘Not to mention that your manner of trying to reform the system is completely childish. You want to create an underground villain league to fight the heroes? It’s a waste of resources and just reinforces the public’s trust in the self-serving hero system. If we’re going to be villains, we’re going to do it right.’
“What?” Inko asks dryly when she catches him staring.
“Just wondering how a bitter old man like me managed to win over someone as charming and wonderful as you,” he sighed.
“Because I want to take over your criminal empire in order to enforce my will on Japan,” she teased.
“It’s yours, my love; for you and Izuku, I would level this country and burn the world to ash,” Hisashi professed, meaning every word. For his family, he set the whole world aflame.
“And if you did that, we would be living in a burned, decrepit dystopia only slightly worse than the one we’re living in now,” she sighed, rubbing at her forehead. “Not everything needs fire and brimstone, darling. We don’t need to break the whole system to reform it; we’re already turning the tide. By the time Izuku is in high school, the hero system will be on the outs.”
“Hopefully,” Hisashi grumbled, looking at Izuku’s All Might themed place setting that had been purchased with his hard earned money. There was nothing he hated more than monetarily supporting All Might’s brand, except, of course, his small son’s disappointed face.
“All the kids are into heroes now, he’ll grow out of it, don’t worry,” Inko smiled, reading his thoughts. As if being summoned, there were several loud thumps reverberating through the apartment before Izuku suddenly appeared in the entryway, his hair a tangled whirlwind. He waddled forward as fast as his little legs could carry him before crashing into Hisashi’s knees.
“Hey there, where’s the fire?” Hisashi asks, lifting his boy up into his arms.
“Papa always goes into work early and I didn’t want you to leave before I could say goodbye,” Izuku wobbled, clinging into Hisashi’s dress shirt. He looked up Inko who gave him a small shrug as she gathered up their dishes, before turning back to Izuku. His wild curls with Inko’s rich green color, her sweet rounded face and the freckles he and his brother had as children, Izuku really was the perfect blend of the two of them. He’d never planned on becoming a father but having Izuku is something he would never regret, his boy’s curiousity and joy were infectious, it reminded Hisashi why he and Inko were fighting so hard to create a better world.
“I would never leave without saying goodbye, son,” he soothed, bouncing Izuku lightly on his knee. “I do have to go to work but you know that Papa will always come home to you and Mama. I love you both more than all the quirks in the world.”
“All the quirks?” Izuku said with a puzzled little expression, “more than Kacchan’s Explosion? Or Mama’s Attraction? What about All Might’s quirk? Do you love me more than All Might’s Superpower?”
“Yes, Izuku,” Hisashi said, shaking his head with amused affection. “I love you more than All Might’s quirk.” Once upon a time, he might have been more interested in recovering One For All. It was, after all, the last vestiges he had left of his brother. But he’s spent too much time fussing over the past; he needs to look now towards the future, to Izuku’s future.
“Wow that’s an awful lot,” Izuku muttered with an adorably serious face. Hisashi ran his fingers through his son’s hair and set him gently back to the ground.
“More than you know, now go get dressed; you and Mama have an appointment at school and then she needs to join me at work. We have some important things to do today and you have exciting things to learn in school,” propaganda most of it but Inko refused to let him homeschool Izuku, something about ‘lack of time’ and ‘he needs to play with other kids not debate politics with immortal cryptids.’ Oh well, Izuku was only four, he had plenty of time to convince her.
“Okay,” Izuku squealed, tearing back off towards his room with all the enthusiasm a four year old can have. Hisashi watched him go with a fond smile.
“You better keep your promise,” Inko said quietly over the sound of water spilling into the sink. “I know your work is important but I want you to always come home to Izuku and I.”
“Inko, everything is going to be fine,” he soothed.
“It will be when you stop taking so many risks,” he could hear the frustration in her voice. “I know you hate All Might but will you stop goading him so much. He has all that power built-up, if you slip up for even a moment, you might-.” She stopped and brought her hand up to her mouth, unable to continue.
“Inko,” he said again, walking over to her and placing his hands onto his shoulders. She brought one of her wet hands up to hold his own.
“You need to make a choice Midoriya Hisashi, you need to decide which is more important, your need for closure on your brother’s quirk or your family. I’m telling you, if you keep chasing after All Might then you will lose us, one way or another.” The house fell quiet after that, even the sound of Izuku stomping in his room seemed to fade at her heavy proclamation.
“You, always you,” he answered after a few tense moments trying to find his voice. “You and Izuku are the best things that have ever happened to me, tell me, what do you want.”
“Let the past be the past,” she said turning to him. “Focus on our goals, dismantling the establishment from the inside out. Stop it with these petty fights and this obsession with stopping All Might. They say the best revenge is living well, so do that. Live well, love your son and change the world.”
“Okay,” he sighed, leaning down and kissing her forehead before setting his cheek on her hair. “No more All Might, no more fighting, it will be strictly business from now.”
“Don’t sound so sad, my love,” she hummed, pulling out of his hold to pat his cheek before returning to the soapy dishes. “I just saved your life.”
“Well don’t sound so proud about it, now you’re stuck with me for life,” he teased, already calculating how to circumnavigate her decree. Part of being All For One meant he had to be in the field occasionally but as for All Might… well maybe it is finally time to let his brother’s ghost stop haunting him. Inko’s probably right that the big oaf would punch his face off one of the these days and he can’t let that happen, not when he has so much to lose.
“I am here!” Izuku announced, jumping back into the room with a broad grin. Hisashi moaned, on the other hand, he might need to murder All Might anyone for making his son into a fanboy, complete with grinning t-shirt and light up shoes.
“That you are,” he nodded, scooping his son up into his arms. “How about a deal, you go change your shirt and Papa will pick you up from school today and take you to the park for some quirk spotting.”
“Quirk spotting yeah!” Izuku wriggled leaping out of his arms to go change into what was probably going to be another All Might shirt but he’d take what he could get.
“You better not be trying to drag Izuku into our work,” Inko warned from the sink.
“I’m just encouraging his natural interest and skill with quirk analysis,” and subtly probing for any signs that he’d inherited Hisashi’s quirk, “but we’ll be good and be back in time for dinner.”
“You’re never good, you villain,” she said with a toss of her hair.
“Oh my dear villainess,” he grinned, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “You only like me ‘cause I’m bad.” He had not been born Midoriya Hisashi but that didn’t matter much. It was the only name he had truly cherished and the only name he wanted to have. His life was unconventional, running an underground conspiracy alongside his wife while managing a hero obsessed four year old. But he had found in his many, many years of life that it’s better to live an abnormal life. He’s just lucky he found such strange people to share it with.
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