#fic is spicyhoney
chancekey · 1 year
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Stretch and the ladies, from BAON
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itsladykit · 4 months
Summary: The soul wants what it wants CW: Noncon, body horror, anxiety. The "noncon" is a spoiler, so I'll elaborate in the endnotes.
Edge opened his sockets, shaking his skull to clear it of sleep. “Rus?” he asked, “What’re you doing?”
It was pitch-dark in the room, lit only by the orange glow of Rus’ magic. He looked up from between Edge’s legs, tongue summoned and chin glistening with spent mana. “what’s it look like i’m doing?” he asked, pressing Edge’s legs further apart. “i’m showing you a good time.” He lowered his head once more.
Edge blinked up at the ceiling. “Wait.” Something wasn’t right. He tried to sit up, but his body felt unbearably heavy, like something was holding him down. “Something’s….” He squeezed his sockets shut, but the muzziness and strangeness lingered. “Rus, something’s wrong.”
“shhhh,” Rus said, petting his thighbones, “you’re fine, edgelord. i’m gonna take good care of you.”
His soul lit his ribcage from within, casting strange shadows on the wall. They looked like the bars of a cage. “No,” Edge said, while Rus straightened. “I feel—this doesn’t feel right.”
Rus crawled forward, settling his weight on Edge’s hips. “you’re just nervous,” he said, pressing Edge’s forearms into the mattress, “but i promise I’ll look after you. don’t you trust me?”
Edge stared up at him, feeling heavy and helpless and wrong. Red mana painted the lower half of Rus’ face. In the low light, it looked like blood. “Stop,” he heard himself say, “Please. Give me a minute. I don’t—I don’t feel well.”
“of course you don’t,” he said, reaching into Edge’s ribcage and plucking his soul from his body, “you’re in heat.”
Edge stared at the hard lump of rock Rus had in hand. He hadn’t summoned his soul, hadn’t felt it manifest. “No—no, I’m—” This wasn’t right. This wasn’t—was it? He shook his head, but it felt strange—like his skull had detached from the rest of his body, ready to drift away on an errant breeze. “Let me up,” he said firmly.
Rus instead planted a hand on his chest, holding him down. “just relax and let me look after you.” He brought Edge’s soul to his mouth. Edge tried to stop him—tried to pull away, to grab his hand—but the air itself seemed to resist his efforts.
“Don’t!” he finally gasped, but Rus laved at his soul anyway. Black ichor bled from it, staining his tongue and spreading over his jaw. “Stop!”
“what’s wrong?” he asked, while more ichor dripped down his hand. It crawled up his humerus and across his ribcage, blackening his pure white bones while Edge watched in mute horror.
“don’t you want this?” Rus’ voice shifted as he spoke, pitching higher. The ichor cloaked him, dimming the warm glow of his soul’s light until only the gleam of his eyelights remained. “You want this,” he said, in a voice not his own. Rus’ sockets shut, and when he opened them, his eyelights had been replaced by four pairs of deep purple eyes.
“You want this, dearie,” she said, holding his soul aloft.
“No!” He reached for his soul, but his arm was heavy as stone and pulling himself upright took monumental effort. He felt slow and heavy, like he was dragging himself through sand. He reached, reached—reached for his soul, trying to cross the insurmountable distance of mere inches. Her smile stretched wide, amused by his struggles.
His fingertips brushed the edge of his soul, and the world snapped back into place. Edge found himself sitting upright amongst the rumpled nest, arm outstretched toward nothing. His soul beat fast and hard—and safely behind his ribs, still unmanifested. Sweat beaded along his lumbar spine as he searched the room, finding nothing amiss. Rus still slept peacefully beside him, undisturbed by Edge’s nightmare.
Taking a deep breath, Edge ran his hands over the back of his neck and skull, bowing forward. His body trembled from spent adrenaline, and he felt chilled from the sweat collecting on his bones. He took another steadying breath, trying to banish the last echoes of the dream. But the shadowed corners of the room seemed suddenly menacing, as if anything—anyone—could be hiding there in the darkness. He squeezed his sockets shut, claws clenching tight around the sweat-damp sheets.  
Behind him, Rus whimpered, and Edge turned, soul jumping. In sleep, Rus’ brow-bones had furrowed, and he reached blindly into the warm indent Edge had left behind. Edge swallowed, looking at him. He couldn’t help but fixate on how vulnerable he seemed. Rus’ mana nodes were lit up like a neon invitation, and his soul shone like ripe fruit behind his ribs, ready to be plucked and consumed.
He wanted to get up, to check the doors and windows. He wanted to sit with his back to the door and a bone club in hand, ready for anyone or anything that might threaten them. Rus, still asleep, shifted into the indent, nosing the blankets. With another whine, he reached out, still searching.
Edge took a steadying breath.
Rus needed him. Not as a protector, but as a companion, and Edge was feeling less and less qualified for the task. He swallowed and tried to remember what Rus said he would need. A touch on the head or chest, he’d said, but closer was better. With a last glance at the dark corners, Edge laid back down, facing Rus. His searching hand found him, and Rus sighed in his sleep, tucking himself against Edge. His skull was bent, leaning his forehead against Edge’s shoulder and exposing the nape of his neck.
It looked bare and vulnerable. The nodes that lit his cervical vertebrae glimmered brightly, swollen with mana. Edge planted a possessive hand there, wishing briefly to feel leather under his fingers. But a collar would offer no protection on the Surface, so Edge hadn’t asked or offered. Rus sighed again, melting into him.
Though Rus’ whimpering quieted, it didn’t feel as if he’d done enough. His bones still burned hot, and Edge could feel the need projecting from his soul. A need Edge didn’t know how to fulfill.
 “I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I should have let you go to someone else.” At that moment, he wasn’t entirely sure if he was only referring to being Rus’ heat partner, or if he was speaking more broadly. “I don’t know how to do this.” The last he said nearly inaudibly.
Rus just curled closer. They were sternum to sternum, and Edge could feel Rus’ soul pressing itself against his ribcage. Mana wept from it, hot and slick, and / NEED / projected from it—demand and invitation both. Edge started projecting softly, pushing back feelings of peace and safety and protection. His projections—typically solid and strong—were wavering and weak, dimmed by his own sense of uncertainty.
Regardless, Rus started to purr in his sleep. Apparently, even Edge’s weak attempts at comfort and companionship were enough. For the moment. He swallowed hard and shut his sockets, wishing he could offer more, wishing he could fulfill that powerful sense of / NEED / that still projected from Rus’ soul. Rus had said that this—just this—would be enough, though, so Edge tried to relax into the embrace. Sleep felt impossible, but maybe if he—
Something slid over his ribcage.
Edge froze. He hoped it was simply his imagination or a lingering effect of the dream, but the sensation of something teasing over his sternum returned a moment later. His spine prickled; it felt like he’d walked into a spiderweb, or like a spider an insect had found its way into their nest. Trying not to wake Rus, he eased away, searching the sheets. He froze again, not understanding what he was seeing.
Thin strands of orange mana had erupted from Rus’ soul and were now threading themselves through his ribcage, wriggling and waving in his chest cavity as if they were searching for something. As he watched, a handful found Edge’s ribcage and wrapped around the bone. Apparently sensing his presence, more teasing tendrils slipped between his ribs to prod at empty chest cavity.
His mind went blank. His bones prickled, and cold sweat broke out along his spine. He gripped Rus’ humerus and shook him. “Rus. Rus. Wake up. Something—” Stars, he didn’t even know how to articulate this. Were those filaments part of Rus’ soul? Was it another creature—some sort of mana parasite? Was this normal?! “Rus!”
Shaking his skull, Rus mumbled incoherently, then yawned. “edge? wha’s—”
Then he too saw the gleaming threads, and his sockets went wide. A soft sound escaped him. Before Edge could say a word, he took a shortcut. The threads wrapping Edge’s ribcage went to dust the moment he disappeared. “Rus!”
The bathroom door slammed shut and Edge scrambled out of the nest. Unsurprisingly, when he tried the door, he found it locked. Voice soft and faintly echoing—sounding almost as if he was speaking from a great distance and not simply on the other side of the door—Rus said, “it’s okay! everything’s—fine.”
It was the least reassuring thing Edge had ever heard him say. “What’s going on? Are you hurt? What was that?”
“nothing!” His voice pitched upward, almost squeaking. “it’s nothing. just…go back to bed. i’ll be out in a minute.”
Edge leaned against the door, trying the knob again. “That wasn’t nothing. Your soul—” He huffed. “I don’t know what that was, but it wasn’t nothing. Tell me what happened.”
“really, it’s nothing—”
“Rus. I will break down this door if I have to. What’s happening?” He didn’t answer. Edge shut his sockets, leaning against the door. His soul was beating hard and fast, and he kept seeing those fine tendrils turn to dust on his ribs. He took a breath and started counting. “One. Two. Th—”
The door cracked open, and Rus peered out at him. “you’re gonna get us in trouble with the landlord,” he said, trying to joke despite the visible strain around his sockets.
Edge huffed. “It’s owned by the embassy, and I think you can sweet-talk your queen if the need arises. Now—” Before he could ask, Rus bent forward, a pained groan escaping him. Edge reached for him, but he pulled the door to his chest, using it like a shield.
“i’m fine,” he croaked, and Edge wanted nothing more than to rip the door off its hinges.
“You are visibly and audibly in pain!” He heard the door creak, and he heard Rus breathing heavily on the other side. His soul ached. “Please. Let me help you.”
“can’t,” he said. It sounded like he was speaking through clenched teeth. “i need to get my soul under control, and i can’t do that while you’re so close.”
Edge froze. “Those threads,” he murmured, “they were part of you.”
Rus made a strained noise. “can i have a minute? please?”
Shutting his sockets, Edge reminded himself that Rus had been patient with him yesterday—patient and kind and respectful. Edge needed to afford him the same courtesy now. He exhaled slowly and let his hand hang limply at his side. “I’m going to go downstairs and make tea. Is there anything else you want?”
“can i have ice cream?” His voice was soft and strained. Edge wished he could hold him.
“You can have whatever you want.”
“will you have some too?”
Edge flinched, but said, “I’ll bring two spoons.”
Downstairs, he forced himself to dawdle, giving Rus more time alone. He wiped down the counters. He checked the doors and windows, making sure they were locked. He took out his phone and verified that his Muffet was still registered in that small desert town. He boiled water and waited for the tea to steep. He dressed the ice cream with whipped cream and chocolate sauce and a scoop of nuts. All the while, he thought of those reaching tendrils and saw them turn to dust again and again.
When he couldn’t stand it anymore, he gathered the tea and ice cream onto a tray and returned to their bedroom. Rus had since crawled back into to their nest, but he was now wearing a loose t-shirt and he sat with his knees pulled close to his chest. The thin fabric hid little; Edge could see the glow of his soul through it, and it was already wet with spent mana, clinging to his ribs.
“Are you alright?” he asked, setting the tray on their bedside table.
Rus nodded. “you brought ice cream?”
He passed it over, but hesitated before climbing into the nest himself. Instead, he sat on the edge of the mattress, watching him. Rus stirred the ice cream without eating. “Rus,” he asked, “what happened?”
He flinched, stabbing at the ice cream. “i…” He scrubbed a hand over his face, and jabbed at his food again, before jamming a big scoop into his mouth. He said something, but Edge couldn’t understand him around the half-melted ice cream.
He sighed, letting the spoon clatter against the side of the bowl. “my soul tried to—to bond with yours.” A faint flush of orange graced his features.
Edge stared at him. “What?!”
Rus gestured with his spoon. “i know! it’s—i’ve never had that happen before!” He winced again, listlessly jabbing his ice cream. “i don’t know what happened.”
Edge took a moment, trying to order his thoughts. “I.” He swallowed. “Is that—is that normal?”
“no!” He scraped the melting ice cream into a mound, his cheekbones glowing in the low light. “i mean—i don’t know.” The tip of the spoon tapped against the bottom of the bowl.
Edge shook his head, trying to clear it. Trying to make sense of anything. “You said an accidental soul-bond was possible,” he prompted, remembering their earlier soul-play.
“yeah, but—” He looked up, growing quiet as he met Edge’s eyelights. He swallowed and held the bowl out. “do you want any?” Not even remotely. Still, Edge took the spoon and bowl in hand. Rus watched him, fingers drumming on the bunched blankets while Edge scraped melting ice cream and chocolate sauce onto the spoon. He didn’t say anything until Edge took a small bite. “what do you know about soul-bonds?”
Edge looked away, trying not to dwell on the sickly-sweet taste lingering in his mouth. Rus had tried to have this conversation with him before, but he’d always managed to avoid it. “They’re more myth than fact where I come from.” Thankfully, Rus accepted the bowl when he passed it back. He smoothed a hand over the blanket. “I…” He debated with himself, trying to decide how much to reveal and how to say it. “There’s…stories. But the practice was seen as…overly sentimental. And dangerous. A bond-mate would have been seen as a weakness, not a strength. You may as well paint a target on their back.”
“oh.” His voice was soft. He sounded almost hurt.
Edge looked to him. “How were they regarded in your ‘verse?”
“just…part of life, i guess? you date, you bond, you have kids.” He shrugged. “not everyone. some monsters don’t date or don’t bond or they don’t have kids. some don’t do any of it at all.” He looked away. “there at the end, fewer and fewer monsters were bothering with any of it. it was starting to seem…pointless.”
Edge nodded. He understood that. “But it was never taboo.”
Rus snorted. “no. it’s—stars, it’s more wholesome than missionary.”
“Then why are you embarrassed?”
Rus’ cheekbones lit up and he looked away, chuckling. “nothin’ gets past you, huh?” Edge frowned, not liking the hint of self-deprecation in his tone.
“it’s just—it’s—” He huffed. “coming out of heat with a soul-bond? it’s fine for a cheesy romance book, but that would be humiliating in reality.” Seeing Edge’s expression, he explained, “it’d be like waking up married after a night out in vegas.” Rus smiled a little; he’d always seemed amused that human movies and tv shows could serve as a shared cultural touchstone when the differences in their own cultures were too vast to bridge.
“I see,” Edge said, nodding to himself. His brow-bones furrowed. “You’re sure you’re alright? Those strands turned to dust when you teleported away, and if they’re part of your soul….”
Rus flinched, poking his ice cream again. “i mean…i’m okay, but yeah, it…it hurt.” Edge straightened and reached for him, but Rus just offered a rueful smile. “relax, precious. it wasn’t that bad. trying to get my soul to settle afterward was way worse.”
“How so?”
“just…heat-brain, you know? wait, of course you don’t.” He sighed and said, “okay. you know how your lv acts up sometimes? and you know that what you’re feeling isn’t rational, but you feel it anyway?” Edge nodded slowly.
“well…not completing the soul-bond felt a lot like…well, like you didn’t want me anymore.” Edge’s sockets widened and his mouth fell open, but he was too stunned to know how to reply. Rus held up a hand, staving off his concern. “i know that’s not true. i know it doesn’t make any sense. hell, i’m the one that teleported away! but, uh…convincing my soul of that was…not working.”
Edge crawled into the nest proper, sitting beside him. He tucked Rus into his side, wrapping one arm around his waist. “Why didn’t you let me help you?”
He shrugged, taking another bite of ice cream. “there wasn’t anything you could have done—and having you that close without completing the bond was just making it worse. it was like a weird rejection feedback loop.” He exhaled shakily and settled into Edge’s side. “leaving was the only thing you could have done to help…except completing the bond, i guess.”
Edge didn’t know what to say to that, and Rus seemed disinterested in elaborating further. Instead, he scraped more of the ice cream onto a spoon and held it up in obvious offering. Though the very idea made Edge’s soul roil, he couldn’t imagine denying Rus anything after what he’d just said. So, he leaned forward and allowed Rus to feed him the spoonful. After, he lifted a hand to wipe a smear of ice cream from his chin, but Rus stopped him, tilting his skull to lave at the spot himself.
“You did that on purpose,” Edge grumbled.
“maybe.” His eyelights gleamed as he started to trail kisses down his vertebrae. “hey, since we’re both awake...."
Clearing his throat, Edge pushed him away gently. “Rus,” he said, looking him over, “why did that happen at all? You said it’s possible but not—not normal. Is….” He steeled himself. “Is something wrong?”
Rus gave him an odd look. “whaddaya mean?”
Edge took a steadying breath. “Am I…?” He swallowed. “Are your needs being met? Is there something—something I should be doing?”
Rus blinked, then he started snickering. “yeah, babe—i need you to let me go down on you, stat. it’s the only way my soul will behave.”
Edge huffed. “I’m being serious! If there’s something I should be doing more of or less of or—or something—you need to tell me so I can….” He took another sharp breath. “You need to tell me so I can take care of you.”
Rus ducked his head, shaking his skull. His smile seemed rueful, self-deprecating. A bright blush spread over his cheekbones. “stars,” he murmured, “this isn’t how i wanted to have this conversation.” He cleared his throat and set the mostly empty bowl to the side, then readjusted to sit across from Edge rather than beside him. He took Edge’s hands in his, and Edge felt his soul drop, not sure what Rus was going to say. “edge, it’s not because of anything you did or didn’t do. i just…haven’t spent my heat with anyone i wanted to bond with before.”
Edge’s mind went blank. “You….”
Slowly, Rus nodded, only daring to glance at him as he said, “yeah. i mean, we’ve been together for about a year now, and…and i’ve been thinking that…we might want to start…to start talking about. bonding. maybe.”
Edge stared at him, trying to process what he’d just said. “I. Wait—you’ve been thinking about this?”
“well. yeah.” He shrugged. “that’s where we’re headed, right? i mean, i don’t want to do it right now—i mean, i do but that’s just the heat talking.” He shook his head, then said firmly, “edge, when i think about the future, i really can’t imagine myself with anyone but you. i…yeah. i want to bond with you, but…i want to do it the right way.” He shrugged. “i was thinking, once everything settled down, we could…maybe start planning the ceremony.”
“yeah—you know, the soul-bonding ceremony. with the canopy and the candles and….” He trailed off, seeing Edge’s blank look. “oh, wow, this…this really isn’t a thing where you’re from, is it?”
Edge swallowed and shook his head. “It really isn’t.”
“oh. okay. well.” He fell silent for a beat. “so…you didn’t really think about it? before now, i mean?”
“No—not. Not at all.” Except to wonder if such a thing would even be possible for a monster like him.
“oh.” Then he said, “huh,” like he didn’t know how to proceed.  
Edge didn’t either. Eventually, Edge said, “Why don’t we go back to sleep? We can talk about this later.”
“yeah,” Rus said, “later. when the sun’s up, maybe? or when my soul isn’t trying to coax yours into a bond?” He smiled, like he was joking, but Edge was having trouble finding the source of his humor.
Later, once they’d rearranged themselves for sleeping, he asked, “You’re sure you’re okay?”
“hmm-mmm,” Rus confirmed, head resting on Edge’s ribcage. He was purring softly, bones loose and relaxed despite the heat radiating from them. Edge had one arm wrapped loosely around his spine, holding him close. The other was thrown over his skull, resting on the pillow. He stared up at the ceiling, mind circling. The room was silent but for the sound of their quiet breathing.
After a while, he asked, “What if…what if I can’t…form a soul bond?”
But Rus’ sockets were already shut, and his breathing had evened out. Edge felt a brief stab of envy at his ability to fall back to sleep so easily. He swallowed, trying not to let his thoughts chase him down paths he had no desire to travel. He deliberately turned away from thoughts of his hardened soul or Rus’ disappointed eyelights, but in their place, something worse clawed its way to the surface.
Did he even want to be bound soul-to-soul?
His throat tightened. A soul-bond was the highest form of intimacy. He’d be able to feel Rus’ emotions—and Rus would feel his. So much of himself would be laid bare. Did he want Rus to know how the LV itched at the back of his mind? Or how his anxiety spiked whenever they held hands in public? Did he want Rus to know about the revulsion that flickered through him when they shared food?
Would Rus still love him, if he knew those things?
A pit of pure dread yawned open at the very core of his soul. He’d told Rus that their life on the Surface felt fragile to him, like he was just waiting for something to break the peace they’d made for themselves. Never before had that fragility seemed so immediate, as if he could feel the first cracks forming beneath his feet.
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tyytanb0n3d · 1 year
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Them!! (click for better quality bc tumblr hates me or smthn)
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golsaileach · 2 months
Fic Rec!
By Any Other Name by keelywolfe
Monsters and Humans on the surface, living together. Stretch has a twitter following and Edge works for the Monster Embassy. They fight crime They love each other. Join them, their brothers, Sans and Papyrus, and their Human friends Andy Jeff and Antwan. There’s also chickens.
Fun fact! I got one of those life size halloween store skeletons a few years ago, and when he rode around in my car for awhile I called him Jeff
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Fic idea: Scientifically Inclined
Stretch wants to bake a cake. He asks his favorite pro to teach him. Things aren’t going so well, when Stretch asks if Edge doesn’t just eyeball one of the ingredients, getting him to scoff. He corrects that he absolutely does not. Baking is a science, you must be precise.
Stretch laughs at that, but Edge insists, if he thought about it more that way, maybe it wouldn’t be so difficult for him. They continue on through the process, Edge now explaining the purpose each ingredient serves and how much to use, and Stretch follows along, asking questions here and there.
While it bakes, they make the frosting, and Stretch admits he had no idea so much thought went into baking, complimenting Edge as well since he’s perfected so many of his own recipes. Edge is happy to have taught Stretch something they could possibly enjoy doing together sometimes now.
It comes out well, Stretch applying the icing himself, and the fic winds down with the two talking about even more complex forms of baking.
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keelywolfe · 1 year
FIC: No One is to Blame (Spicyhoney)
Chapter title: Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
Summary: It’s baby time!
Notes: Going to give a warning here for mild body horror. Skeleton babies are not born in the 'traditional way', so in case anyone might find that upsetting, be warned.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Brotherly Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pregnancy, More Angst, Violence
Warnings:  Non-traditional childbirth
Chapter List
What Will Be, Will Be
Something To Say, But Nothing Comes
Can’t Go On, Thinking Nothing’s Wrong
Seldom All They Seem
Voices Are Heard But Nothing Is Seen
Winter Makes You Laugh a Little Slower
That Place Where You Can’t Remember and You Can’t Forget
Casting Its Shroud Over All We Have Known
There’s a Place I Like To Hide
All a Bad Dream Spinning In Your Head
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
The door to the Swap brothers' house was closed and Edge didn’t waste time freeing a hand to open it, unwilling to release his precious cargo for even a second. A forceful application of blue magic along with a size fourteen boot was more than effective, leaving the jamb in splinters and the door swinging open with enough force to bang into the wall on the other side.
Edge didn’t pause to see the damage, not with Rus whimpering in his arms, and more of that orange fluid soaked its way down until even the thighs of Edge’s trousers were drenched. He took the steps two at a time up to the bedrooms, trying to force back his rising panic. He’d spent years in training, learning to fight, honing his skills to not simply kill but also to know when to spare, able to keep a clear and cool head in any situation. Or so he’d thought. These past weeks had been a humbling lesson in just how unprepared he was to step outside his zone of normalcy.
Behind him, he heard his brother bark out, “where the fuck do you all think you’re goin’? this ain’t no free show! sit your asses down out here and stand guard! have a tea party for all i fucking care, stay out!”
Good enough. Edge was more careful with the bedroom door, not wanting to ruin Rus’s safe space. The knob was difficult to turn, his hands slippery with orange wetness and he did not want to think about that, about the smears left behind on the brass as he carried Rus inside. His first instinct was to lay Rus on the bed, but the bare mattress made him hesitate, frantic and confused. Then he remembered the closet and despite all his brother’s warnings to never allow himself to be cornered, suddenly that seemed perfect. Comfortable and dark and safely enclosed, that was where their child should be born.
He navigated Rus through the narrow door, half-crawling through pillows to settle him in the middle of their cushiony comfort and once he drew back, Edge could only kneel helplessly, sticky fluid drying on his hands as Rus let out another low moan.
Someone crowded in next to him, fighting through the cloying softness of the pillows. Blue, his starry eyelights wild and bright in concern. “Papy, I’m here.”
Blue reached for his brother’s hand only for Rus to snatch it away, curling around the swell of his belly as he cried out, “i want red!”
Edge only caught a glimpse of the devastation on Blue’s rounded face before he was shoved over to the side, nearly taking Blue with him as Red fought his way past them into the nest of pillows. “easy, kid, i’m right here, honey bun.”
“red,” Rus whimpered, reaching out a hand stained with fluids that after a short hesitation, Red took. The hurt was still blatant on Blue’s face, but brief, and he turned away wordlessly, backed off with a grace that Edge was still struggling with, aching at the rejection. His pain did not matter, Edge told himself fiercely, all that mattered was that Rus and the baby were cared for. He backed away, Blue following him, and both of them were halfway out the door when Red’s head whipped around, his crimson eye lights blazing.
“where the fuck do you two think you’re going?” Red snarled. He’d shed his coat and boots, clad only in a thin t-shirt and shorts, and so much smaller for it. Without their bulk he was hardly larger than Blue and both of them still cringed from the force of his anger. “he’s scared and ain’t thinking right, but he sure as fuck don’t want you gone! you two stay put, give him a fucking second!” Back to Rus, anger turning off like a switch as he crooned, “easy now, just take it easy. deep breaths, ‘member? like this.” Red inhaled deeply and let it out, and after a moment, Rus mimicked him, once, twice, calming.
“what the hell happened?” Rus asked blearily. He raised his hands and looked at the sticky wetness uncomprehendingly.
“you sprung a leak, kid.” Red smoothed a hand over Rus’s skull with a tenderness that any occupant of Underfell would think a hallucination. “that’s okay, that happens. your soul is reabsorbing the magic from the ectobody and the juice your kid was floatin’ in got nowhere else to go but out.”
Rus struggled up on his elbows, barely able to find the leverage against the squashy pillows, and looked down at his belly. He blinked owlishly at the soaked fabric, looking between the shirt and his stained hands. “the baby is coming?”
“sure looks that way, unless you only wanted to soak edge for shits and giggles.” He gestured to Edge’s still wet shirt with a smirk and Rus tried to match it, falling back into the pillows with a wince.
“i tried to shortcut,” he groaned. “it didn’t work.”
“yep, that’ll happen,” Red agreed. He was fussing with the pillows, tucking some in deeper, rucking up others to cradle Rus more effectively. ”knight knight’s have their own form of gravity magic, fucks up shortcuts.” That was news to Edge and he made a mental note to discuss that particular weakness with his brother. Later.
“did i hurt her?” Rus’s breathing was speeding again with panic, “is she okay?”
“none of that,” Red scolded. “she checks okay and she’s wiggling like a worm on a hook. try to relax, kid.”
“i couldn’t help it.” Tears seeped from Rus’s sockets, a paler orange against the whiteness of his skull and Edge barely resisted reaching for him. “i couldn’t let them hurt her!”
“They didn’t.” Edge crawled forward, unable to keep his distance any longer and was gratified when Rus reached for him. Edge took his hand gently in both of his, phalanges clinging stickily and told him fiercely. “You protected her, you kept her safe.”
“i dusted her,” Rus whimpered, burying his face into Edge’s knee.
“No, love,” Edge told him, hardly noticing the endearment that slipped out. “Lucy is fine, she’s only eager to be born.”
“not her,” Rus wailed, “the knight knight. she’s dust, isn’t she. i killed her.” Before Edge could try to reassure him that no such thing happened, Red interrupted.
“you didn’t dust her,” Red snorted. “you? not a chance, feelin’ any lv in there? c’mon, honey bun, all your squirt gun did was ruffle her feathers.” A gross understatement, one that Edge did not correct. “now come on, calm down, this part don’t hurt so much if you're calm and you’re as ready as you can get. got our bros in here, got two of the biggest badasses in two ‘verses keeping watch out there. kid is getting a real hollywood escort out.”
“don’t go!” Rus whipped around to look at Red in panic and his plea wrenched in Edge’s soul. Not jealousy of his brother, never that, only a brief alarm that matched Rus’s that this would be the moment Red had enough and left them to cope on their own.
He should have known better; as frustrating as Red could be, he’d never truly left Edge when he needed him.
“i ain’t leaving you, kid,” Red soothed. He yanked up the hem of his t-shirt and used it to dab away the beads of sweat forming on Rus’s skull. “gonna be with you all the way, not ditching out now. just hang in there, yeah?”
“not a kid,” he mumbled, and Red grinned.
“don’t i know it, mama. now come on, quit arguing, honey, this part shouldn’t hurt much.” Red settled in next to him. “all the magic just needs to reabsorb is all, let the kiddo out. feels weird and it’s scary, but you’ll be okay. don’t you worry none, this is all normal.” He paused. “okay, the ten minutes of hand-to-hand combat right beforehand ain’t exactly standard. even underfell usually gives birthing mamas a break on that.”
Rus groaned again, curling up and Red sobered.
“okay, here we go,” Red’s voice, so often irritating and as much a weapon as his magic, only soothed as he explained to Rus, pitching his words to be heard by them all, “her magic is makin’ yours disperse. it ain’t really a belly, it’s a pod to keep the kiddo attached to your mana lines, swimmin’ and feedin’ on the juice. it’s gonna pull away as the connections dissolve, then it dissolves, too. ain’t comfortable but shouldn’t really hurt, okay? it ain’t as bad as descending is, not by a long shot, and when it’s done and gone, baby gets left behind.”
“thank fuck,” Rus groaned, “if you told me she was busting out like a facehugger, then i was gonna skip this whole thing.”
“sorry, no refunds, mama. here, c’mon, let’s get you as comfy as we can.” Red slanted Blue a glance, jerking his chin at him. “give me a hand with your bro, pipsqueak.” Blue surged forward eagerly, crawling clumsily over pillows to help.
Between the two of them, they helped Rus slip off his drenched sweatshirt, Edge reluctantly letting go of his hand and reclaiming it the moment it was free. The closet was too dark to see very much and there wasn’t long to look. Red didn’t allow Rus to lay back down, instead bullying him into rolling over. “hands and knees, let gravity help out.”
With some effort, Rus did as he was instructed, limbs trembling as he settled. Once there, he grumbled out, “this position is what got me in trouble in the first place.”
“Papy!” Blue gasped and Edge’s entire skull flared hot. That was entirely more information than either of their brothers needed.
Red only rolled his eye lights. “yeah, yeah, clutch your pearls later, bro, don’t just sit on your ass, get over here and help!”
“What do you want me to—” A sort of tearing sound interrupted him, like heavy fabric being ripped apart and Rus let out a cry. The sound came again, awful in its intensity and to his distant shock, Edge realized he was lightheaded, clutching Rus’s hand even as he cringed. His brother was unperturbed, almost gleefully announcing, “that’s it, just relax, let it happen.”
“oh,” Rus groaned. A tremor went through his frame, rattling bones muffled against the surrounding pillows. “oh, that’s so fucking weird.”
“yep, but it’s going fast and that’s about all you can hope for. blue!” Red suddenly snapped, “need some towels in here, go fetch!”
“I wanted to watch!” Blue pouted.
“then hurry the fuck up!” Red snarled, undeterred.
The word Blue muttered under his breath shouldn’t even be allowed in his vocabulary, but he did as he was told. He opened the door further as he left, letting in more light that fell across Rus’s straining form.
Edge swallowed back his nausea and forced himself to look. Rus had managed weeks of pregnancy and was currently enduring this, the very least he could do was endure it with him.
He blinked, his eyelights adjusting, then widening as he took in the sight. All along Rus’s ribcage where the edges of ectoflesh touched bone looked dry and dull, peeling away. The effect was a little gruesome, but now he couldn’t look away, fascinated, his nausea forgotten. As he watched, more peeled free along with that horrible tearing sound and Rus hissed out a breath through clenched teeth.
“Are you in pain?” Edge demanded. There was nothing he could do if he was except offer comfort and yet, he needed to know, wishing with all his soul he could take it for him.
“nah, just weird,” Rus grimaced. He shook his head as if trying to clear it. “wait. i feel…that’s…not right…i don’t—“ His head suddenly jerked up, one eye light guttering out and he’d seen that expression on his brother, never on Rus, the intensity of his gaze latching onto Edge.
“You killed your first Monster when you were nine,” Rus said in a strange, flat monotone, so unlike his normal husky voice. “It was an accident. You and Sans were—“
“woah, now! none of that!” Red scrambled over and slapped a hand over Rus’s sockets, forced his head back down. “fuck, honey bun, turn that shit off!”
Edge sat there, stunned, Rus’s hand in his lax grip, how did he know that, how could he possibly—
Red was speaking directly into Rus’s audial canal, a low, harsh whisper, “back right off on that shit, mama, tell ‘em they ain’t invited.”
“sorry, sorry,” Rus swallowed hard, shaking his head again. “it’s okay, i’m okay, i got it,” Rus panted. “i got it. oooh, fuck!”
“What the hell was that?” Edge asked, shaken.
Red only shrugged carelessly as if he hadn’t a clue, a visible lie in the tense roll of his shoulders. “eh, stress reaction is all.”
“Stress reaction!” There was no time to question his brother further. Rus arched, his spine bowing in a joint-cracking curve as he cried out. With a sickening squelch, the pod finally separated entirely, peeling back like the rind of a particularly disturbing fruit, watery orange magic spilling out as the last of it detached from his ribcage. The moment it was no longer in contact with bone, it dissolved into a thick puddle, soaking into the pillows. There in the center of the mess was a tiny skeleton, orange-stained bones flailing as she kicked into the sudden freedom, with a skull that hardly seemed large enough to fill the palm of a hand, all of her slippery with fluids.
“c’mere, you.” Red scooped the little skeleton up, uncaring of the dripping mess, whisking her free just as Rus collapsed right where she’d been lying. Red hooked a finger into her tiny mouth, clearing away any effluvia. “there we are.”
“lucy?” Rus managed to lift his head, words slurring out softly, then louder, “lucy? Why isn’t she crying?”
“you’ll get plenty of that soon enough,” Red snorted. “hang on a second, mama.”
“She’s so small,” Blue whispered. He was back, sitting next to Edge who’d not even noticed his return. The smaller skeleton’s eye lights were wide, his mouth open as he stared, and he looked nearly ready to faint. Edge paid him no mind, staring at the tiny baby in his brother’s careful hands. He watched as Red took the towel from Blue’s limp hold, rubbing the tiny bones briskly.
So very tiny, shivering wet, mewling a feeble cry and Edge’s whirling thoughts decided skitten might well be an appropriate moniker.
“let me see her,” Rus begged, rolling weakly to his side and holding out his arms. "please. give her to me." His hands were trembling, bones clattering together as he quivered.
“easy, mama,” Red soothed. He leaned down, let Rus frantically look her over, the panic in his eye lights slowly dimming. “see, she’s right here, you can see her. but you’re all shook up right about now. let’s get you all comfy first and then we’ll hand her over, okay?”
He nodded weakly, and Red swung around to Edge.
“here, hold her a mo’ while we get him settled.”
“Me?” Edge said, startled, “Wait, I don’t—” Before he could find a way to protest, the baby was thrust into his hands. His hands, filthy with drying fluids and fingertips sharpened for battle. His hands were made for damage, to claw his way through another Monster's ribcage to get at their soul. They weren’t meant for cradling something so tiny, so light that he hardly believed there was anything wrapped in the towel at all.
Except he could see her, every tiny inch of pale, pristine bone that wasn’t swathed in terrycloth.
He looked at her.
She looked back with equal solemnity. Her wide eye lights were as starry as her uncle’s, blending from a soft gold to deep orange rimmed with crimson. It reminded him of a picture of a sunset he’d once seen, the page wrinkled and waterlogged, and yet, strangely beautiful. Just as the child in his arms was.
He thought his soul might burst with the love overflowing in it.
She blinked up at him, those gorgeous, starry eyelights inspecting him gravely and then, as if finding him lacking, she parted her perfectly even teeth and a loud wail escaped. Immediately panic set in. No, oh no, why had he thought he could do this, he knew nothing about infants, less than nothing, he couldn’t do this, he couldn’t—
It was his brother who saved him, as he always did, with insults and care. “give her a jostle, dumbass, you ain’t gonna hurt her!”
Hesitantly, Edge did, murmuring a soft, “Hush, hush, it’s all right, little one.”
To his surprise, she quieted, blinking rapidly as she settled into the curve of his arm. Before he could do more than begin to relax, Red was back to take her away, ignoring Edge’s protests as he abruptly changed his mind and decided he’d rather hold her forever. “Wait, don’t—"
Red ignored him, ever the unstoppable force to Edge’s immoveable target. “hang on, bro, mama needs a looksee, too.”
Oh, of course. Edge relented and allowed Red to take her, cradling the baby with visible expertise in comparison to Edge’s awkwardness. Rus was settled into one of the corners with clean pillows piled up around him and a blanket drawn over his bare bones. He reached out as Red crawled over to him to settle the baby in his lap.
“oh,” Rus whispered, awed, and Edge’s soul swelled to aching with unspoken emotions. “oh, she’s so small.”
“yeah, makes it easier to pop ‘em out,” Red drawled. Rus didn’t seem to hear him, drawing back the towel to inspect toes and fingers, tracing the tiny ribcage and skull. This time Lucy was quick to announce her displeasure, drawing up her little knees as she let out a loud wail.
Rus flinched, his face falling as he hastily covered her again. “shh, don’t cry, don’t—” Lucy continued to howl despite being covered, her tiny face reddening as her little hands clenched into fists. Rus’s hands fluttered around her helplessly, not touching, and he looked as if he might start to cry with her.
Red nudged Edge, “go on, get in there, daddy. your turn to lug the kid around.”
He didn’t bother glaring at Red, crawling up on the pillows to his…his family, surely he was allowed to call them that. He lay beside Rus, propping his chin on Rus’s femur as he spoke to the wailing child. “Hush, little one, it’s all right,” Edge hesitated, then added, softly, “papa is here.”
She fell into soft, hiccoughing whimpers, turning towards the sound of his voice.
“heh, she already knows what side her bread is buttered on,” Rus laughed, weakly.
Cautiously, Edge moved up to sit next to Rus and when that wasn’t rejected, he kissed Rus’s temple lightly. “You do good work.”
“yeah?” Rus’s familiar smirk was a little watery. “you helped a little.” Carefully, he touched the side of her skull, watching as Lucy twisted to follow his fingertips. “man, look at those peepers. guess she gets that from my side. sorry she doesn’t look much like you.”
"She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Edge said hoarsely. He didn’t think about what he said next, the words falling naturally, unable to be held back. "Not really a surprise, considering you're the second most beautiful."
Rus turned to gape at him, a flood of orange a shade brighter than those infant eye lights flooding his cheekbones.
“yeah?” he sputtered, clearly not at his best but unwilling to stand down, “well, i’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you holding our baby.”
“Beautiful,” Edge whispered, his eye lights locked on soft, pale white ones. He leaned in for a kiss, their teeth barely touching when a loud throat clearing interrupted them.
“if you two are done flirtin’ little miss here ain’t gonna wait much longer for suppertime,” Red said dryly. True to his word, Lucy was beginning to squirm again, little whimpers escaping her. “easy part is over, now ya gotta feed her on demand.”
“easy part…!” Rus began indignantly even as Edge interrupted, “How do we feed her?”
Red gave them a lopsided shrug. “unless one of you wants to sprout some titties, easiest way is fingertips, she just needs access to your mana lines. i us—“ he broke off, cleared his throat and finished gruffly. “middle finger works okay.”
“I believe the index finger will work just as well,” Blue said promptly.
“what, don’t want your bro flipping off the kiddo every time she wants a snack?” Red snickered. He didn’t look at any of them, busying himself with the soiled pillows.
“I would prefer it, yes.” Blue crept up close, leaning in to press a kiss to his brother’s cheekbone, then gently to the top of the squirming baby’s head. “She’s beautiful, Papy. I’m going to head over to the Buns and see about getting those baby supplies, she certainly can’t spend the night in a towel.”
“thanks, bro,” Rus said gratefully. Before Blue wrestled himself free of the pillows, he called, “i love you, sans.”
Immediately his brother lit up, the starry shine of his eyelights brilliant. “I love you, too!” and he vanished back out the door.
The matching eye lights on his niece began to fill with tears as her wails increased in volume. Red leaned over and caught Edge by the hand, dragging it to the baby. “here, bro, you do it, rus is low on gas.”
“How do I…?”
“stick your damn finger in her mouth,” Red snorted impatiently, “trust me, she knows how to get what she wants. your pump is already primed from hearin’ her cry.”
Hesitantly, Edge did as his brother said, wincing at her unexpected strength as her teeth closed around the digit. Almost immediately he felt a pull on his magic, a kind of faint draining sensation. Lucy suckled noisily yet briefly, her sockets drifting closed after only a few minutes. Being born was surely nearly as exhausting as giving birth, evidenced by Rus already snoring right where he was leaning. At the corner of both their mouths was a dribbling trail of saliva, so very much alike, and Edge could only look at them, loving them helplessly.
The urge to inspect her as Rus had was strong, to take the time to count every finger and toe, every rib, and kiss the bottoms of her bony little feet. He wanted to do much the same to Rus, to confirm he was unhurt by birthing or the earlier attack. And he would, later, once they’d slept their fill. He could wait that long.
Edge sat with them a long time before whispering to them both in the darkness, “I will never let anything hurt you.”
“hope you do better with that promise than i did.” It was a struggle not to jerk, he’d forgotten his brother was still here, all but lurking in the darkest corner with only his eye lights revealing him. Normally that would come with a sharp reprimand, but it seemed even Red could make allowances for an unusual event.
“You did the best you could, considering the circumstances,” Edge said automatically. He very nearly bit his tongue, cursing the unintended implication. Red didn’t even seem to notice, which was all the more reason to be suspicious. “I’m going to try to raise my child right,” Edge told him. He kept his gaze on the baby, not even a flicker of a glance at Red and kept his voice quiet though neither of them so much as stirred. “I may not have had a parent to watch over me, but you weren’t the worst role model, brother.”
Red snorted. “c’mon, i was awful.”
“True. But not the worst.”
“no, not the worst.” Nearly under his breath and there were questions there to which Edge would never learn the answer, never even truly be able to ask. He found he didn’t mind; he’d come to terms with the knowledge long ago and he was at peace with what he did know.
Red did not seem to have the same level of contentment. There was a tremor in his hands as he shoved the soiled bedding out of the closet, his teeth clenched into a grimace. “okay, i did my part, now i need a fucking drink, whatever swill they have in the local juice-joint’ll do me fine.” His fingers clattered on his skull as he swiped a shaking hand over it, leaving behind sweaty streaks. “don’t fall asleep before blue gets back with that crib. spent too long making it to squash her in your sleep.”
“I won’t,” Edge said, softly, giving silent permission for him to escape. Red gave him a curt nod and then all but fled. Edge waited until the door clicked shut behind him and then longer before whispering. “And I won’t let anything hurt you, brother. Not ever again.”
Edge had never held promises to the same level of commitment as his brother and Rus did, but this one, he intended to keep.
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msmkcreates · 9 months
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Let's Play Ch. 6: The Fluff
Pairing: Spicy honey
Y'all knew it was coming sometime, had to be! My fave boys!
Warnings/tags: hesitant sex, first time-ish, vanilla sex, p in v, making out, dry humping, praise
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crevviii33 · 13 days
Mmm, even though I am very much obsessed over Mutt (FS!Red Papyrus) I gotta give the OGs, the stinkers who dragged me into this Papyri mess, some love.
Next Stop!
A SpicyHoney fic by Crewwii3
Words - 862
Set in a Post Apocalyptic Plant World. Oh- and also train. DON'T FORGET THE TRAIN!!!
Link right down here for yall:
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alusniper · 6 months
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• R U S •
💛rus from a spicyhoney fic by @keelywolfe (COLORS)
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velvetsqwyrme · 7 months
I saw ur tags and ran over here. What are ur favorite spicy UF! Papyrus fics?
HELLOOO LMAO you were so quick... sorry this took me a while to get together, but I hope you enjoy ( ù ᵕ ú )
Fair warning that some of these picks will include dub/noncon (and potentially other dubious content? I don't know what I'm going to add yet HAHA) so as always make sure to heed the warnings and read the tags before reading!! I've done my best to label them accordingly though :]
Edge Discovers the Wonderful World of Subbing
You can tell exactly what this list is going to be like just from the title of this first fic... (title is explanatory, gotta love it!!)
Good EdgeLord
More sub Edge!! 💥💥
Caught in the Act
HELLO?? HELLO. Voyeurism? Low stakes semi-public sex? Double penetration ?? Sign me UP.
Pumped (Kinktober Collection)
Usually I refrain from including individual Kinktober chapters from rec lists BUT I really like this one ( '^' )!! It isn't even that explicit, but it's stuck in my brain because I GASPED when I read it for the first time.
Pyr's Favourite Keeper [DUBCON -> CON]
Love me a snakey boy!!!!!! There's also oviposition 👀!!
Sleepy sex <3! The bit with the SNAP part killed me and it's also such a fun detail!
Prime Time to Run
Mafiafell... he straight up murders someone in front of you and you fuck about it.
Bound Edge
Sub Edge again!! The reader has a dick in this- a rare but delicious treat !
Fall Out Bones [NON/DUBCON...????]
Technically this is linked to a series featuring both UF!bros, because I think that both are reslly good partially also because I think they're intensely hilarious at times. The titles are also great.
Boned [NONCON]
CLASSIC 2016 PREMISE. Reader is trapped in the fucking shed. (Fucking used as both profanity as well as a descriptive action)
Housekeeping [NONCON]
Weird location (sink)! But it works really well for the fic!!! Violenctce.
To Prove A Point ||| The Origins Of The Pap-wich - (Swap!Pap/Reader/UF!Pap)
Ahhh the good ol threesome ! The reader gets sandwiched between two very sexy skeletons~ !! I'm also a big Swap!Pap fan so this is just. *Mwah* so good!!!!! Double penetration again ~ also one of the few fics with squirting 🙏✨
I cannot put into words how much I love this. It's got detachable ectobits... inconvenience due to detachable ectobits!! In this, Edge has a barbed dick and claws up a tree. It's crack but it's so so good!!!!!! I'm patiently waiting for updates and will ravenously consume the fic for lime the fiftieth time when it does.
Also! Here are a few fics with UF!Pap in other ships (namely various Papcest configs) because you didn't specify it had to be reader inserts lol
Little Wet Bones (Papcest: Farm/Underfell)
Bitty!Edge is soooo cute... and horny!! He's so self assured I love it.
Pepper Heat (Papcest: Edgepuff)
Heat fic! Heat fic!! Chili peppers is one hell of a heat scent... the only person who can handle a Papyrus is another Papyrus ;] The naming scheme here is also very funny when you realise what went on.
A Fallen Knight and his King (Papcest: Edgepuff)
MORE SUB EDGE ! This one delves more into the his exploration of dom/sub dynamics and it's so so good!!!!
Three Chance Meetings (Papcest: Spicyhoney)
Swap!Pap is (secretly) a prostitute and Fell!Pap finds out and shills out the money to spend a night with him. I looooove the character dynamics in this one too.
Taste of Blood and Honey (Papcest: Spicyhoney)
I forgot about this and was delighted to discover it again because ohhhhhh my god the premise is so good... also there's mirror sex and first times and those are always fun :3c
Mutt Lost a Bet (Papcest: SpicyBBQ)
Mafia AU setting where SF!Pap and UF!Pap make and lose bets resulting in sexual escapades. The second chapter is my favourite because it involves gloryholes and aphrodisiacs <33
Bro's Replacement (Papcest + Sanscest : Spicyhoney + Cherryberry)
LAMIAS AGAIN 💖 Honestly the setup is what gets me... but the smut is delicious so I'm adding it here :3c
Heat (Papcest - Spicyhoney) [HEAT INDUCED MUTUAL NON/DUBCON]
Why are there so many lamia fics in this list, I do not know, but heeeeeeey enjoy the snakeys! In this one the non/dubcon is due to UF!Pap being in heat, and both of them regret it after. Things get better though!!
Anyway, that's all for now! Hope you enjoy some ^^!!!
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Any fics centrées around Uf papyrus?
Howdy, thanks for asking! Here are some fics that might fit what you're looking for!
The Recipe for Lasagna... And Love. by Stingynugget (Teen And Up, Complete)
Papyrus really needs cooking lessons. So Sans finds a chef to teach him.
Red’s Guide to Caring for Your Sick Edgy Papyrus Without Dying by PorterHawk (Teen And Up, Complete)
Red gets a call from Undyne with some unexpected news. He gets the day off, but it’s only to look after his sick brother. Fell has come down with something serious, and he isn’t too receptive to Red’s help. How is Red going to do this without getting dusted for his efforts? (Fell Sickfic)
Entranced by Coils by Gallavantula (Explicit, Complete)
A Swap Papyrus named Amber goes on a foreign exchange trip to the Amazon to conduct research and complete his thesis. A Fell Papyrus named Fang, belongs to a race of Ancient Nagas that want little to do with outsiders. A culture clash between different species of monsters, undergrounder and surfacer. Can they hope to get along? Can Amber stay focused long enough to conduct research? Will Fang ever find true love?! Written to satisfy my need for more Nagas in this fandom. Spicyhoney
Raspberry Leaf Tea by SkellyTelly (Teen And Up, Complete)
Cyrus (Underfell!Papyrus) has to get used to there being a new neighbor in the apartment right next door to his own. This new neighbor seems to need some help.
Personal Training by SheeWolf85 (Mature, Complete)
"Outside the sparring room, Slim was quiet and reserved, shy even. He rarely spoke to anyone other than Razz and Papyrus, or, more recently, Edge. Inside that room, however, he transformed into the fell monster Edge knew him to be. His bones bore the same marks Edge’s did, breaks that had healed and broken again, healing into ragged scars that marked him as a fighter. A survivor." A little story about Edge and Slim falling for each other and navigating such angsty things as communication pitfalls to try to finally come together.
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freshiegayboi · 10 months
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if you go to this post here it will explain things: https://www.tumblr.com/absurdmageart/734536181612724224/my-kofi-link-httpsko-ficomabsurdmageart?source=share
here's my contribution
for every ten dollars donated to @absurdmageart (and i WILL be keeping track!) one of these fics will be updated! it may take a little bit, but ALL of them will be updated as they are funded, people who donate 10 dollars or more feel free to mention which fic youd like updated, or send me a message saying which, if any! if not it'll just be in order. that's on top of the art you'd be getting from Mage!
this is NOT for me
this is for Mage, who hasnt deserved the shit they've dealt with this year
lets help them out!
under the cut is a synopsis and link to all the fics on the bingo, have fun! (also i will be doubling up on fics, no worries lol)
hearing the mission bell - Mutt/Reader fic where Mutt has a daughter who is kidnapped
so many snacks, so little time - Gaster is a Symbiote fic, also Gaster/Reader
A Golden Sword - Medieval Bad Sans Poly fic, Cross centric
Bits and Pieces - Serial killer/Crime novelist Kedgeup fic
If I had You - Ghost!Reader/Underfell Bros fic
Safe House - Red is rescued from a forced prostitution ring
Giving Your Cards Away - Little!Slim with Caregiver!Edge and Spicymaple
The Reset Fallacy - Undertale bros become Underfell bros the fic
Downplaying Fear - Gaster harem/Reader
Turning Out - Spicyhoney Pokemon crossover
Blank Shot - Spicykustard+Mapleketchup philanthropist/hitman AU
Subjugation - Edge/Reader fluff fic
Imperial - Cherryblossom medieval fic
Sloppy Seconds - Angsty Spicyhoney fic
Carry Me - Horrorfell bros/Reader fic
Harried and Torn - Spicykustardpuff the fic
Garish - Swapfell bros/Reader hurt/comfort
Disconcerted - Kedgeup teacher AU
Fish in the Sea - Purple Swapfell Bros/Reader the fic
Sparks and Wires - Spicyhoney Android!Honey AU
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itsladykit · 1 year
Life Cycles, Ch. 30 - No more secrets
Summary: Edge needs to know how bad it can get.
CW: Disordered eating, vulgar humor, discussion of consent and heat, references/implication of child sexual abuse*, implication of manipulation*, Fell-verse and Tale-verse culture clash, poor self-esteem/poor self-image. *Neither the implied child abuse nor manipulation actually occur. They're mistaken assumptions, but understandable ones. See the end note for more detail, with spoilers. This is a rather quick conversation, and it's explicitly stated that nothing actually happened, but it does touch on some uncomfortable topics, particularly since there are some real-world parallels that can be drawn on very easily. Stay safe.
They ate in uncomfortable silence. Rather, Rus ate, but when he checked Edge’s plate, he seemed to be deconstructing his sandwich, rather than eating it—pulling the meat and lettuce free, tearing the bread into smaller and smaller pieces. Rus’ soul felt frozen. His throat was tight, and his sockets stung. He cleared his throat, forcing himself to look away. Staring wouldn’t help.
By the time Rus was finished, Edge wasn’t even halfway done. Swallowing, he bumped his shoulder into Edge’s and asked, “remember when we first met?”
Edge snorted, tearing a piece of crust in half. “Do I remember calling you an inferior copy and storming out of the room? Yes, Rus, I remember that.” He sounded tired, even past the sarcasm.
Rus smirked, leaning into him. His throat was still tight and tense, but his soul eased a fraction at the contact. “to be fair, i spent most of the afternoon taking cheap shots at you first.”
Edge sighed, glancing at him. “That you did.” He eyed the piece of crust and actually ate it this time. Rus ran his hand over Edge’s spine, resting his forehead on his scapula. His soul hummed, pleased by the scent and proximity of his mate, even though the circumstances were less than ideal. “That was such a disaster,” Edge muttered, “How in the world did we ever get past that?” It was technically a question, but his tone made it obvious he didn’t expect an answer.
Rus kissed his scapula, thumb stroking over his lumbar vertebrae. “you don’t know?”
Edge turned his head, looking back at him. He opened his mouth, then shut it. His gaze grew distant. “…No,” he said after a few moments, “I really don’t. One day you were needling me about my LV, and it seemed like you were trying to get into my pants the next.”
Rus grinned. “and you let me.”
Edge snorted. “I thought maybe you’d leave me alone if I satisfied your curiosity.”
Chuckling, Rus nuzzled at his neck. “satisfied? stars, precious, that just left me wanting more.” He shook his head, reminding himself of Edge’s current state; now was not the time to start winding himself up. “but you know what changed, don’t you?”
“I haven’t the faintest idea.”
“it was the cat.”
“…Excuse me?”
“you know the annoying cat? from my ‘verse? you and red were over—for a potluck or something, i think. and that cat was getting into everything. it—”
“He,” Edge corrected absently. Rus grinned.
“he kept knocking the silverware off the table, jumping on the counters, getting into the food. i thought blue was going to blow a fuse.”
Edge snorted. “If I recall, you and Sans were taking bets on it.”
He laughed. “yeah, and i woulda won too, but…then you swooped in and said you’d handle it. i, uh, i wasn’t sure what you meant at the time.” He ducked his head, ashamed of the assumptions he’d made. He cleared his throat. “so i followed you when you took him out of the house. and i saw you sit down with him and give him treats. saw how you had him purring in minutes. that’s when i knew there was more to you than your lv.”
Edge was quiet for a moment. Then he said, “Only you would re-evaluate your Judgement based on the way someone handled a pussy.”
Rus choked on his laughter, wrapping his arms around Edge’s waist. “stars, i love you.”
Edge looked at him from over his shoulder. “That was for you and you only. If I hear you tell anyone that I made such a vulgar joke….”
“who’d believe me, anyway?”
They kissed, the contact soft and sweet, devoid of heat—despite the thrumming warmth in Rus’ mana lines. He wanted, but more than that, he needed to know Edge was okay. He broke the kiss, pressing their foreheads together instead. He clutched at Edge’s ribcage, clinging so hard he could feel Edge’s mana pulsing through the marrow. And Edge…Edge welcomed him beautifully. His posture was loose and relaxed, his body willing and warm. But his soul—
Stars, Rus’ soul ached, yearning to make that final connection. He could sense Edge’s soul behind his ribcage, still unmanifested. Part of him couldn’t help but read that as a rejection of him and all he had to offer. He knew that wasn’t true—Edge’s physical reception was evidence enough of that—but he clung tighter regardless, some part of him terrified that Edge’s warm reception would cool, and he’d turn away completely.
He made a soft sound at the back of his throat in response. A wordless inquiry.
Edge ran his thumb over his temple. “Can you tell me how it feels?”
“how it…?”
“Being in heat.”
“oh.” He considered that, pulling back from the embrace. “it depends on your partner, really.” Edge’s skull tilted and his brow-bone lifted. “remember how i went through all the things i would need from you?” He nodded. “well, i’d be in pretty bad shape right about now if you weren’t willing to do any of that for me.”
He picked at a piece of bread. “What’s it like, when it’s bad?”
Rus paused. “i…why don’t i tell you what it’s like when it’s good?”
“No. I mean—” He grimaced. “I want to know that too, but I need to know what the worst case scenario is.”
Rus studied him, not sure that this was a good idea. He eyed his plate. “finish eating first.” He expected Edge to argue with him about that, but he just gave a short nod and actually began eating, not just picking at, his food. While he did, Rus tried to figure out what to say and how to say it. He didn’t want to spook Edge any further, but if he held anything back, he might do something stupid—like try to go it alone.
So, when Edge finished, Rus pushed him into the nest, pulling the blankets and pillows into place. Edge watched him, eyelights following his hands as he rearranged the nest around him. “What are you thinking right now?”
Rus paused, eyeing him. “what do you mean?”
“It’s unusual for you to fuss like this. I want to know what you’re thinking about while you do it.”
“i…” Rus hadn’t really realized he was doing anything out of character. More slowly, he tugged at the blankets. “i’m thinking that i want you to be comfortable,” he said carefully.
Edge studied him. “What else?”
Rus blinked. “okay, i’m not sure what you’re getting at here.”
Pulling a hand free of the blankets, Edge cupped his cheekbone, thumb smoothing over his mandible. Rus’ sockets slipped closed, and he leaned into the contact. “I need to know what you’re thinking.” ‘Need’, not ‘want’ Rus noticed. “How much of this is you and how much is….”
Rus’ sockets popped opened. “it’s all me.” Edge shook his head. He didn’t say anything, just leaned back against the pillows, arms folded. “it is,” Rus said. He sighed, scratching the back of his neck. “alright—it’s like this, okay? i’m still me. i’m not doing anything i don’t want to do. i’m just….” He huffed. “it’s like…karaoke night, right? maybe i don’t sing anything at the start of the night, but after i have a few shots, i’m up there singing ‘don’t stop believing’. the alcohol might make it easier to get up there, and it makes it more fun, but that’s all me on stage. it’s something i wanted to do and i’m having fun doing it. i just needed a little help to get there, you know?”
“It’s not just you, though,” Edge said, “If it was just you, you wouldn’t need the alcohol.” He swallowed as some of the mana drained from his cheekbones. “And I won’t fuck you when you’re impaired. You know that.”
shit. That definitely wasn’t what he’d meant to imply. “okay, never mind. bad example. just let me—” He rubbed at his sockets. “stars, edge, do we have to do this right now? i’m—” He took a deep breath. “you want to know what i’m thinking? this is what I’m thinking; i feel warm and comfortable and safe. i want to curl up in my nest with the man that i love, and i want him to feel warm and comfortable and safe too. that’s what i want, and that is all me—heat or no heat. i’m not impaired. i’m just…maybe i’m more willing to show it than i normally am, that’s all. okay?”
Edge’s posture relaxed a little. “I…I’m sorry.” He opened his arms and Rus took that as invitation. He draped himself over Edge, skull pressed to his chest so he could feel the hum of mana through his mana lines and smell the familiar scent of soap and bones. He curled closer, sighing as the tension drained out of his body. Tentatively, Edge rested a hand on the back of his neck, then ran it down his spine—petting him in much the same way he’d soothed the annoying cat more than a year ago now. “I can wait,” Edge said, “if you don’t want to talk about it while you’re…indisposed.”
Rus snorted. “i don’t mind talking about it, but i need you to understand that i want this.” He squeezed his ribs, just enough to show what he meant. “i’d want this—want you—even if i wasn’t in heat.”
Edge’s hand rested loosely on the back of his skull. “And if I were someone else…?”
Rus sighed, lifting himself up on his elbows, just enough to look Edge in the eyelight. “it depends. i’ve spent my heat with—”
“I do not need specifics,” Edge said in a rush, spots of color appearing high on his cheekbones.
“—people i’ve been attracted to, and we had a good time, if you know what i mean. i’ve also spent it with people i was just friendly with and didn’t find attractive. that was fine, but we didn’t fuck and….” He stopped.
“it’s not as good, that’s all. but it wasn’t bad.” Stars, he did not need Edge forcing himself out of his comfort zone to try to make this good for him.
But another concern had Edge’s attention now. “Have you had a bad experience?”
Rus winced and looked away. “i….”
Edge sat up, his grip on him suddenly fierce. He was projecting subtly, and Rus tried to shake it off, but his soul basked in the waves of / safety / security / PROTECTION / rolling off him. “it’s not as bad as you’re thinking,” he murmured, settling into Edge’s lap with his skull on Edge’s shoulder and their sternums pressed together. “first time sucked. that’s all. i didn’t have a partner and i didn’t even really know what i wanted. blue was still a kid, so he didn’t understand why i didn’t want him around.” He sighed, nuzzling into Edge’s throat as the projections poured over him. A soft purr started in his chest. “i spent the first day holed up in my room. hurt like hell—felt like my bones were melting. and my soul….” He shuddered. Silently, he vowed that it would never be like that for Edge.
“What did you do?”
“blue eventually got so freaked out he called Tori.”
Edge blinked, then pulled back to stare at him. “You would have been little better than a child yourself! She—”
“no, no. no. it wasn’t like that. she just…sat with me. taught me how to make a nest. made tea. held my hand and scratched my skull. she helped me when i needed it. it was nice. she was nice.”
Edge was silent for several beats, then his grip tightened, and he pulled Rus close. “And when you were old enough, she asked you to be her Judge.”
His purring ceased. “no. i mean—yes, but…it wasn’t like that. she asked because of my kr. because i was the only monster underground who couldn’t gain lv—who had an advantage against monsters with lv. and she helped me because i was a scared kid, and she wasn’t just going to let me suffer. look, i know your king wasn’t a good guy—” Edge snorted at the understatement. “—but tori’s not like that. she did what she did because it was the right thing to do, not because she wanted to put me in her debt or something.”
Edge didn’t contradict him, but his grip didn’t loosen and his projections only grew stronger. Reluctantly, Rus pulled back so he could catch his eyelight. His features were tight and tense, his jawbone set. “edge….” He cupped his cheekbone, running his thumb over it. “we’re on the surface now. this isn’t underfell. you don’t need to be so suspicious. tori isn’t like that. most people aren’t like that. not here. not now.” Edge shook his head, pulling away to lean back against the pillows. His hands settled on the bottoms of Rus’ ribcage, holding him in place. His gaze was distant, and he absently ran his thumbs up and down Rus’ ribs. “edge?”
He shook his head again, gaze still distant. After a while, he said, “I don’t think you know how fragile this all seems to me.”
“what do you mean?”
Edge looked up at him, hands firm on his ribs. “You don’t ever feel like this could all just…crumble? That the humans could decide to send us back Underground? Or that the Fell monsters could decide to start living by Kill or Be Killed again? Or that you might wake up one day and all of this was-was just a dream and you’re still…?” He squeezed Rus’ ribs, as if to reassure himself of his solidity. “Doesn’t any of that frighten you?”
“sometimes,” Rus said. “i have dreams like that. but then i wake up and you’re there beside me and…i’m okay again. they’re just nightmares.” He’d had worse, Underground. Since coming to the Surface, his nightmares had grown less frequent and less dire.
But Edge shook his head. “I’m not taking about nightmares.” He set his jaw, seeming to come to a decision. “Do you know, on my runs, I always check the graffiti, to see if any of the Fell-verse gangs are operating again.” Rus blinked. “Or to see if the humans are becoming more hostile. And when we go out, I always watch the crowds to see if anyone is too interested in us, if they seem like they might….”
Gaze distant, as if he hadn’t heard, Edge continued, “If I think about it too much, I get upset when you’re out on your own, because I know you don’t do those things. You don’t even seem to worry about your social media presence, the information you give away, the way people could use that information to hurt you.”
Rus’ sockets widened. He really didn’t know what to say to that. “i…i could post less, if you…?”
Edge caught his socket, meeting his gaze. “That’s not…. No. You may not worry over these things, but you aren’t unsafe, either. If you were, I’d talk to you about it.” He shook his head, gaze inward. “No, you’re not the problem here. I know that.”
Rus looked down at him, stunned. The scar that split his socket seemed suddenly like an open wound, and the little cracks that littered his bones—old wounds Edge insisted didn’t hurt any longer—seemed so numerous. “you never said anything.”
He shrugged, looking unbearably young for a moment. “This is supposed to be your happy ending. You made it to the Surface. You shouldn’t have to deal with my Fell-verse bullshit.”
Rus held his face in his hands, cupping his cheekbones. “it’s not an ending,” he said, “it’s a beginning—our beginning. not just mine.” He took a breath, forcing back tears. “stars, precious, if this is what you’re thinking about all the time, it’s no wonder that the idea of going into heat freaks you out.” He leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead, then pulled him into a hug.
Slowly, as if unsure, Edge’s arms folded around him, returning the embrace. “it’s okay, you know,” Rus murmured, “to feel like this. everything up here is totally new and different. all the rules have changed.” He grinned, pulling back just enough to catch his eyelight. “it’s been an adjustment for me too—i had to learn to keep the door locked!” Edge snorted and buried his face in Rus’ chest, likely remembering their first real argument after moving in together. Rus allowed himself a smile, then kissed him on the temple. “we’re in this together now. your problems are my problems too. so, don’t hide these things from me anymore.”
Edge took a shuddering breath, face still buried in his chest. He nodded, and Rus felt his soul unclench. “Okay. No more secrets.”
“good.” Rus rolled into the nest, taking Edge with him. They settled on their sides, facing each other. Rus ran his hand over Edge’s ribcage, fingers lingering on some of the more prominent cracks.
“Is that all?” Edge asked after a moment, “It just hurts?”
It took Rus a moment to understand what Edge meant, and when he did, he hesitated. no more secrets. Finally, he said, “at first, yeah. your bones ache and your soul cramps real bad. you feel hot and uncomfortable. but, uh, it starts to get worse over time. when you’re alone….” He swallowed, curling closer to Edge until their thighs touched and their floating ribs brushed against each other. “your mind starts playing tricks on you,” he said, “you feel…disgusting. vile. you can feel your sins crawling on your back, and you know that that’s why you’re alone. because no one could possibly want someone as disgusting as you. you feel so sure of it, so sure that your soul starts to ache, like it might split in half at any moment. and you just want to curl up and die.” He finished in a whisper, his arms tight around Edge.
Edge folded over him, holding him close to remind him that he wasn’t alone. And someone did want him, very much. Again, he felt his soul reaching out for Edge’s, aching just a little when it didn’t manifest in response. Rus squeezed him tight, wanting more and knowing that now was not the time. This was enough. It had to be.
“Is it like that for everyone?”
“i don’t know. that’s what it was like for me, that first time. until tori got there, at least.”
“And after?”
He sighed, nuzzling into Edge’s ribs. “the pain faded first,” he said, “it was almost immediate. soon as she touched me, my bones stopped aching. it took longer for my soul to stop hurting, though, and even longer to stop feeling like she was just taking pity on me, that i didn’t deserve her kindness.” He cleared his throat, tucking his face against Edge’s cervical vertebrae. “can i tell you what it’s like when it’s good now?”
“Is that the worst it can get?”
“that’s the worst i’ve had.”
“I need to know how bad it can get, Rus. Please.”
Rus sighed but didn’t pull away. “i don’t know. i guess i’ve heard of monsters having to be hospitalized for untreated heat. usually they’ve got something wrong with their soul, though, something that keeps it from releasing magic.” Edge went still beside him, and Rus propped himself on one elbow to get a better look at him. “edge?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. It’s…it’s fine.”
Rus’ soul ached. He cupped Edge’s cheekbone, thumb brushing the bottom of his scar. “breaking your promise already, precious?” His words struck true; Edge flinched. Still, he said nothing, and he wouldn’t meet Rus’ eyelights when he tried to catch his gaze. “c’mon, edgelord. you can tell me. we’re tackling this thing together, remember? i need to know what we’re working with.”
Edge’s hand clenched closed, but he gave an abbreviated nod. “I….” He cleared his throat. “My soul. The LV.” He finally caught Rus’ eyelight, allowing him to see the fear in his sockets. “It could….” He seemed unable to verbalize his fears, but Rus understood.
He stroked a hand over Edge’s cheekbone, his temple. “okay. that’s our worst case scenario then. so, let’s figure out how to deal with it.”
Slowly, Edge nodded. “Yes. Alright. That’s—” He cleared his throat again. “That’s a good place to start.”
“we could set up a doctor’s appointment for you. if they take a look at your soul, they might be able to say what kind of complications the lv could cause.”
Edge held himself stiff and still. “I don’t want anyone else looking at my soul.”
“i know.” He took Edge’s hand in his, still propped up on the opposite elbow. “but it would be better to know, wouldn’t it? instead of waiting to see if it’s going to be a problem.”
Edge sighed, sockets shut as his bones relaxed. He didn’t look relieved, though, just resigned. “I know.”
Rus kissed his cheekbone, moving in to throw an arm over his ribcage and to draw his fingers down the back of Edge’s neck. “so that’s step one. once my heat’s over, we get you an appointment with a doctor.” Edge nodded, obviously unhappy but unwilling to fight when he knew Rus was right. Rus kissed him again, murmuring, “i’m proud of you, you know.”
He snorted. “For what? Having a panic attack when I’m supposed to be—”
Rus silenced him with another kiss. “no,” he said firmly, “for talking to me about this. for letting me help you.”
Edge’s chest hitched again. “If Hook hadn’t texted you….”
The words hung between them like a condemnation. Rus sighed. “still, i’m proud of you. you could have walked out the door—”
“I wouldn’t have left you while you were in heat!”
Rus grinned; he sounded so affronted. “i know. but you could have. or you could have doubled down and kept up the lie.” He rested his hand on one spinous process, fingering the protrusion of bone. “there’s a lot of things you could have done, but you decided to talk to me about it instead. that’s not an easy thing to do, so…i’m proud of you.”
Edge shook his head and rolled onto his other side, turning away from him. “It’s getting late,” he said, “and I’m tired. Can we finish this tomorrow?”
Throat tight, Rus pressed against his back, looping his arm over his ribcage. “sure,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady, “whenever you’re ready.”
Edge folded his hand around Rus’, drawing it up to his mouth to plant a kiss at the center of his palm. “Sooner than that,” he said, lacing their fingers together. “But thank you. For being patient with me.”
He kissed the back of his neck, settling more comfortably into the nest as his soul unclenched, reassured by the contact. “always.”
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tyytanb0n3d · 1 year
🧎🏾 realization I made
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hj-skb · 1 year
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🥀 inspired by @keelywolfe's "Petal", a spicyhoney hanahaki disease fic
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Neighbors au/fic
Years after returning home from active duty, Edge has finally scrounged up enough to afford a modest house in a quaint little neighborhood. It’s perfect, really, away from the city, but not so far he can’t still easily visit his family, not many humans, a yard just big enough to provide plenty enough space for gardening. Maybe the house itself needed some tlc but considering the price he got it for, it was still practically a steal.
Yes, everything appears to be settling quite nicely…
Until he meets his neighbors. More specifically; Stretch.
Stretch isn’t particularly loud, usually, and his lawn never gets too out of control, there aren’t shady visitors coming and going, by all accounts Stretch isn’t even that bad of a neighbor.
Or he wouldn’t be for just about anyone else.
Stretch, by his own word, is a scientist. What his field of study is, Edge has no clue. But from the occasional explosion from his basement to his sitting in a tree at 4 in the morning with a bunch of recording equipment to the odd smelling smoke billowing out of his windows while he breathlessly reassures it’s harmless, Edge’s ptsd keeps him wound taut almost daily.
That, and Stretch won’t stop flirting with him.
It’s quite literally migraine inducing, leading to a very tense, antagonizing relationship between the two.
Gradually, this of course changes. As Stretch comes to realize he’s actually been upsetting and even sometimes triggering Edge, he attempts to make amends. Texting warnings before potentially loud experiments, explaining what any strange substance coming from his house is and why it’s not dangerous, giving heads up or even inviting Edge to join in outdoorsy stuff.
And he becomes more sincere, too, less teasing and flirting, more genuinely coming to see him as a friend.
As for Edge, well, Stretch slowly becomes more tolerable, and they develop a more proper friendship. Edge also begins helping Stretch more properly care for his home and lawn, as well as baking and cooking for him more often, trying to help him take more proper care of himself, too.
Of course, this winds up with them falling in love, even if it’s an at times bumpy road to get there.
I have a few ideas for specific scenes/chapters but mostly it’s just fluff and silliness <3
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