#fi can be petty too don't worry
pixeldolly · 2 years
Walden BACC
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Later on, after Jacob had gone back to Walden, a certain magic coin tucked into his pocket, Fiona went out. She needed to clear her head and forget about that morning’s decidedly weird and uncomfortable conversation with her brother, which kept replaying inside her head.
Maybe getting involved had been a bad idea.
What the hell, I’m not his babysitter - if he wants to spy on his fiancé, that’s on him. The relationship sounds doomed anyway.
And what if he’s right, and Roman is cheating on him? I warned that fuckboy what would happen if he hurt my brother. 
Then again, Jacob wasn’t exactly innocent either, as much as he liked to play the injured party. 
What. A. Mess. 
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Fiona’s mood was not improved by running into Olena Dean, who kept giving her dirty looks across the pool table. 
In fact, there was a severe lack of cool, attractive (and available) people on campus, much to her annoyance. College was supposed to be a time for playing the field, and there she was, practically going steady with Jolene! 
If Jacob’s imploding relationship proved anything, it was that commitment just wasn’t worth it. It brought out the worst in people, made them petty and jealous and possessive. In Fiona’s opinion, most people just weren’t made for monogamy, and they lied to themselves about it. Better have your fun in the now, rather than wait for some phony happily ever after.
Fiona: “It’s your turn.” 
Olena took her shot, and missed. The ball bumped against the edge of the table, then rolled away. A smirk spread across Fiona’s face as Olena scowled down at it.
Fiona: “Oops!”
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Olena: “Well, I guess balls and holes are more your area of expertise. Can’t compete with you there!”
Celeste: “Meow!”
Fiona’s temper, which was already frayed, snapped. Just who did this bitch think she was, talking to her like that?! She’d put up with the staring and the whispering, because whatever, but she didn’t have to stand there and be slut-shamed by this frigid, prissy Little Miss Nobody!
Muttering an incantation under her breath, Fiona pulled out her wand.
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She wouldn’t actually hurt Olena, of course. Not in public. But a dose of humiliation might teach her to stay in her lane. 
Celeste found it pretty hilarious. Lloyd, on the other hand, was shocked to see Olena waving her arms about and clucking like a chicken at the top of her voice while attempting to eat bagel crumbs off the floor.
Celeste: “She’ll be okay though, right?”
Fiona: “Sure, it’ll wear off in a few minutes. With some luck, she’ll crap herself first though.”
Celeste: “Remind me not to get on your bad side!”
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cafelattaes · 3 months
afterglow | zcl
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summary : in which you felt fed up with chenle and walked out after a fight, but you were uncertain whether he’d make an effort to save your relationship.
pairing : chenle x fem!reader
genre : romance, angst
word count : 2.1k
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you were having an argument with chenle. you tried to tell him that you felt a little uneasy about one of his female friends, but he downplayed your emotions and it irked you.
"don't you think you're being unfair?" you asked, frustration evident in your voice. "you're allowed to be jealous of every single person you think is hitting on me, but i'm not even allowed to feel upset that you have a close friend who obviously likes you?"
chenle responded dismissively. "it doesn't matter if someone likes me. all my friends know i'm head over heels for you. besides, none of my friends have openly told me they like me. i can't say the same to you and your so-called guy friends."
"i already rejected him," you countered, your voice rising. "how many times do i have to tell you that?"
"it doesn't look like you did because he's obviously still expecting something from you." he retorted, crossing his arms.
"i don't know how else to convince you. why do you always do this? every time i try to tell you how i feel, you always find a way to somehow turn it around on me, and it ends with you feeling more upset than i am."
"look, you don't need to worry about me. i couldn't care less about anyone who might like me. but you? you're too soft with that friend of yours. you might not see it, but it's obvious to everyone else how he hangs all over you. and you're not doing enough to stop it."
"but i don't like him, i never did and i never will. you also have nothing to worry about. why can't you let it go?"
chenle sighed, his eyes narrowing. "the same reason you can't let go of your concerns about my friend. no matter what i say, you're still upset and you're still jealous. that's exactly how i feel."
"so what do you want me to do?" you asked, exasperated.
"nothing. you can't do what i want."
"you want me to stop being friends with him? is that it?" you asked, incredulous. "will you do it for me if i ask you the same thing?" you challenged him. but chenle didn't respond; he just rolled his eyes and turned his back on you.
you felt so pissed off. chenle was always so unfair to you whenever you had a fight. you almost screamed at him to get out, but then you remembered you were at his house. you grabbed your things and turned to the door. you were about to leave when you heard chenle's voice.
"you're leaving because of something so petty? seriously?" he said with a scoff.
you gave him a dirty look, your hand on the doorknob. "you were about to storm off to your room and shut me out anyway. we obviously don't want to see each other right now, so what's the point of me staying?" you didn't wait for him to respond. you immediately left, slamming the door behind you.
you knew you were being immature, but so was chenle. you weren't about to let him slam the door on you again, making you feel shitty and guilty, when he clearly didn't feel the same remorse. somehow, even when the fight was his fault, you always ended up being the first one to apologize. that made your stomach churn with resentment.
you weren't always like this. during the first few months of your relationship, you and chenle rarely fought. even when you did, they were just small arguments and you would always make up immediately. but now, almost two years into the relationship, after the honeymoon phase had worn off, things had changed dramatically. you started getting into more frequent and intense fights, and the tolerance and understanding that you had at the start had also faded.
honestly, part of the reason why you're always the first one to give in is that, no matter how angry you get at your boyfriend, you can never stay mad at him for long. you fear that if both of you remain stubborn and no one's going to swallow their pride, the fight would escalate and break the two of you apart. chenle, on the other hand, always seems to have no problem ignoring you for a long time. it only intensifies your frustration and hurt, making you feel even more upset with him than you already are.
you've decided you won't give in this time, no matter what. you're scared that he might do the same, matching your stubbornness with his own. but if he can't even swallow his pride for you, the person he claims to love most, then maybe you're better off apart.
you don't want that though — not really. your relationship, despite its flaws, means too much to you. you just hope he does things differently this time.
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after leaving chenle's house, you returned to your own place. you tried to sleep, but your anger and frustration had morphed into a gnawing worry that made your stomach tied up in knots. deep down, you weren't confident that he would do right by you this time. the realization made you feel conflicted. is it really worth staying with him if this is how he consistently makes you feel?
the thought sent a wave of sadness through you. despite everything, you loved him deeply. the idea of your relationship ending made your chest tighten with fear. you didn't want this to be the final straw.
tears welled up in your eyes, spilling over onto your pillow. as you cried silently in your room, a mix of emotions washed over you; love, frustration, hope and disappointment all tangled together. eventually, exhaustion took over, and you drifted off into a fitful sleep.
your last conscious thought was a small hope that when you woke up in the morning, you'd see his name on the screen accompanied by an apology you'd been waiting for.
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chenle sat by the sofa, his eyes fixed on his phone, waiting for your call. since you had walked out after your fight the night before, you still hadn't come knocking on his door. this was the first time you hadn't talked for this long after an argument. fear started creeping up because of the prolonged silence from you. his chest tightened at the thought that you might have finally decided you'd had enough of him and realized you deserved better. he couldn't bear the thought of losing you. as the day was coming to an end, the setting sun cast long shadows across his room, signaling the passage of time and deepening his anxiety.
he could no longer sit still and wait for you to come to him. what was stopping him from coming after you anyway? he didn't know. but he realized he had been selfish for always waiting for you to mend things all this time. chenle felt like he could lose you easily to other people; you were surrounded by many who liked you and wanted to be with you. because of that, he always felt threatened. letting you come to him first after a fight somehow gave him a sense of security that you loved him enough not to let others steal you away from him.
but he realized now how dumb that was. instead, he could end up losing you because of his inaction. he snapped out of his reverie and grabbed his car keys, walking hastily through the door.
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you heard someone ring your doorbell, and you checked to see who it was. your heart leaped in both happiness and relief at the sight of chenle standing outside your door.
if you weren't in a fight with him, you would laugh at how ridiculous he looked wearing sunglasses. you were pretty sure the sun had already set and it was dark outside.
you were feeling different kinds of emotions as you stood there. relief that he had come, nervousness about what he might say, and a stubborn remnant of hurt from your fight. you took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for whatever was to come as you opened the door, finally seeing him up close.
"can i come in?" chenle asked quietly. you didn't respond verbally, but opened the door wider, allowing him to enter.
you closed the door slowly before turning around to face him. chenle stood in the middle of your living room, looking uncharacteristically uncertain.
you leaned back against the door, arms crossed protectively over your chest, waiting expectantly for him to speak.
"i'm sorry," he said, his voice was soft and sounded a bit tired. "i'm sorry about everything. i was only thinking about myself and took your words lightly. i kept dismissing your feelings because i was blinded by my own jealousy. i didn't realize i was hurting you." he stepped closer, gently cradling your face in his hands. "please, forgive me. i don't want to lose you over some stupid fight. i know i haven't been the best at showing it, but i love you so much."
his words caused tears to well up in your eyes. for the past 24 hours, you had felt an uncomfortable tightness in your chest, each second away from him making you fear you were closer to losing him. you knew you both had much to discuss, and the way you communicated with each other needed improvement. but at that moment, you felt a surge of relief knowing that despite all the fights, chenle still loved you.
"thank you for coming to me, and i'm sorry too," you said, holding the hand that was caressing your face. "i have so many things to say... but first, can i take off your sunglasses? they're distracting." as you removed them, you felt your heart clenched at the sight. chenle's eyes were red and puffy, evidence of hours spent crying. the thought of him crying by himself made your sadness deepen, triggering your own tears as you immediately embraced him. "i'm so sorry for leaving you alone last night."
you didn't usually walk out during your fights, and your departure likely made chenle realize that this argument was unlike any other. he must have thought you had reached your limit. you now understood the depth of his fear of losing you, mirroring your own fear of losing him.
chenle encircled you in his arms, resting his head on your shoulder and burying his face in the crook of your neck. his embrace conveyed how much he had missed you.
"no, i am sorry. i deserved it," he murmured against your skin. "if you hadn't left, i probably would've done the same thing as before and not realized what i'd done wrong. you've been patient with me all this time. i'm sorry for all the times i ignored how you feel. i'll be better for you, i promise." he said, pressing a tender kiss on your forehead.
as you stood there in each other's arms, you both silently acknowledged the work ahead to strengthen your relationship. the warmth of your reconciliation filled the room, replacing the tension that had hung between you just moments before.
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you and chenle were now cuddling on your bed. your chin rested on top of his head while gently running your fingers through his hair. the simple gesture made his heart flutter. his arm draped comfortably around your waist as he nestled against you, closing his eyes and basking in the peaceful aftermath.
as you lay there, feeling warm and loved, you felt so relieved. the tension from your fight completely melted away, and you felt even more in love.
chenle shifted slightly, tilting his head to look up at you. "i think i've figured out the secret to never fighting again."
you raised an eyebrow. "huh? what's that?"
"we just stay like this forever." he replied with a grin. "can't argue if we're too busy cuddling."
"tempting offer, but we'll get hungry eventually." chenle pretended to consider this seriously.
"then we take turns getting snacks while the other one guards the cuddle spot."
"guard it from what exactly?" he shrugged, snuggling closer.
"i don't know. cuddle thieves? it's a very coveted position, you know." you rolled your eyes in amusement.
"you're ridiculous."
"yeah," he leaned up to place a gentle kiss on your lips. "but you love me." he whispered against your mouth. you couldn't help but smile and steal another kiss from him.
as you snuggled back together, you felt calm and happy. in that moment, holding each other close, you both silently promised to stick together. you knew your love hadn't just survived, it had grown even stronger.
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giggasnap · 1 year
live thoughts as I watch the episode
LSP spaghetti guts? Ew
oh thank God it was a dream. Maybe
oh no. I can already tell cake being magic is gonna fuck everything up
Gary and Marshall wholesome yaoi
Fionna you sound and look insane
The lich is kind of pretty okay I won't even lie. He can be a little pretty. Also this is the most he's ever spoken
I love you Mister Lich also what is that weird black box on your chest. Oh no.
Simon I think you might die dude
Aw I remember shermy and beth
Uhm. What. I mean I guess that makes sense for Betty to do but also what. Also I'm still hung up on the lich cubes all around Golbetty can we like address that
Scarab I think you are going to suffer a horrific fate my guy
I was right
"I would still date you if you were a vampire" we know dude we know
Shermy Simon is cute
I just keep wondering where all of this is going
oh fuck the book failed
literally one last episode and then its over. What. I'm scared
Guys. I think we are fucked. I dunno though.
Oooo animation is cool
This is neat but what is actually occuring right now
"get outta here!" Omg
Simonshermy maybe we should just go visit BMO and see if he has the crown. That seems more plausible than whatever we're doing here.
"he's hot" Marshall. There are bigger things to worry about but also valid
Scarab petty as hell but we've known that
aw perry is neat
"our post office! That was our oldest building" FIONNA stop this I'm going to tear up
"go cake!" "Love you, fi!" GUYS THEYRE ADORABLE
Nova and Casper are obviously Simon and Betty parallels somehow. I feel it.
I knew it. Which will you choose.
Oh my god. Simon is having a realization.
"Nova was obsessed with Casper" "but I thought they were in love" "they were! But it wasn't exactly on equal footing." Oh my god everyone shut up while I cry for three billion years.
Oh no. Simon will do something. What is he going to do Im scared.
Bye ash. Also fuck ash in all universes
Gary. Bruh
Simon please bro don't do anything too extreme I'm scared he'll kill himself high-key
I don't even know what to say anymore. Fionna and cake about to get vaporized
so does this count as a golbetty wish or a Prismo wish
Simon getting actual therapy yes
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Brothers React to Poly!Mc Who Plays Otome/Dating Sims
That's a long title for a very short post.
Also I oped a ko-fi! And kept it open! If you'd like, I'd love for you to check it out (But don't feel obligated to, it's only mentioned on the pinned post because I don't want anyone to feel pressured). I might even open up commissions or asks for the characters I don't usually write for, for larger pieces, or other fandoms... if anyone is interested!!
The only reason he knows what these things are is because of Leviathan, and he can't believe his partner participates in them too.
Other then some beliefs that they are a bit childish, he really doesn't care.
He's the real thing after all. The actual,, physical demon that you share your affections with. No need to worry about some fictional character.
Well, not unless Leviathan introduces you to more cursed games. Then he might have a problem.
Mammon likes to believe he's not really bothered by this.
(C'mon, the character isn't even real, what does he have to be worried about?!)
The truth is he's very bothered.
(What does that person have that he doesn't? He has a sad back story! He can use a sword! Actually maybe not that second one, but still!)
He feels especially bad if the character looks like him.
^Mammon internalizes a lot of the things people say about him, and he worries that you feel the same way. The idea that you might leave him for an "upgraded" version of himself haunts him for a while.
Maybe letting him play the game and bully that character might make him feel better.
He totally wants to trade games with you.
He really can't wait to see what the human realm has in store.
It's not much, the market for good games is relatively small
But playing Monster Party together is fun!
The experience of sharing something together totally nulls the possible envy/possessive tendencies Leviathan harbors. Just don't go... wild with it.
He definitely knows what they are, and he discovered them on his own.
(So he has a bit of experience, but he's probably never played one to finish just because of sheer embarrassment)
He'll totally read alongside you though.
Satan loves dramas, so as long as the story is convoluted, unnecessary, and/or petty, he'll be happy.
He's played these sorts of games before, but never found the appeal.
After all, if he wanted a steamy romance, he could just go get one. There were plenty of offers.
^That's why he's a bit jealous when he notices you playing. It almost feels like you're choosing a stupid game over HIM.
He'll get over this relatively quick if you just invite him to play.
Great bonding activity, scoring virtual dates with your real date.
He doesn't really mind.
No big protests are inquiries here.
Just wants to know how you have the time when you have seven boyfriends keeping you busy 24/7.
Other then that, he's good.
Might even be a little flattered if you pick pick character that looks like him.
Honestly he has no issues with you finding a game like this to play.
Tbh he feels really guilty that he falls asleep during you shared days together pretty often. So, having something that can substitute him makes him feel like you're not being disappointed.
(He's hurt that he looses so much time, and is rather insecure about it, but accepts that this is the reality)
When he's awake though, the game is away, and he's giving you his full attention. Please do the same.
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dearcat1 · 3 years
I didn't realize when I was writing this that it'll land on Christmas. Merry Christmas to anybody who celebrates it.
Part 35 of Sofia
"I hate this dress."
Sofia snorts, taking a last look at the men's table before looking at Bianca again. "Why did you wear it?"
"Federico hates it too and I was angry." She laughs, flipping her black hair over her shoulder. "Should we play cards?"
"Why not?" Sofia shrugs, she hasn't worn a formal dress in a while. "We're going to be here forever."
"They could be a little more subtle about excluding us from the big boy table." Bianca sets her cup down, reaching for the cards, flipping them as she counts them under her breath.
"Old men and their beliefs," Sofia sighs, unbothered now. She contemplates her own cup and wonders whether she should risk it, her mate might be Xanxus but she hasn't had a drop of wine in this life.
Right, too risky. Sofia doesn't pout, doesn't tease like she normally would. She just puts the cup down and tries to understand the guy is just doing his job. Bianca sends her a sympathetic look that Sofia chooses to ignore. The Underworld is sexist but Bianca was never treated as a commodity, not the way omegas are. It's a petty thing to think about, especially when Bianca is trying to be supportive. It's just… it's annoying, that's all. "It's alright, though, isn't it? Federico doesn't hide things from you."
"He doesn't." Bianca smiles, wide and a little too full of feeling. It's cute if a bit too intimate to witness. "He never has."
"I'm glad." Sofia takes the cards her friend is offering, noting what she has to work with. "You guys look happy." Bianca bites her lip without looking up from her cards. She looks nervous enough for Sofia to straighten, reaching for her. "Bianca?"
"I…" The woman slumps before quickly correcting herself. "I hate the baby inquiries." Bianca closes her eyes, lips pressed together. "I want one. I just can't… and adopting is… well, you know."
Sofia squeezes Bianca's hand. "There's no hurry. There are options out there, one of them might be it."
"The staff… some of them, they've recommended… it terrifies me." Bianca turns her hand over, fingers curling on Sofia's. "If I hadn't met you, if Federico hadn't learned and then told me… I would have gone for it."
"Oh." Between being back in the Iron Fort, the security detail and the stress, Sofia knows she can't deal with this. She understands what Bianca is trying to say, understands the guilt in her friend's words but… "Oh. I… I don't think I can talk about this right now."
Bianca pulls back, nodding once. "I'm sorry. It's just… seeing you here. It dawned on me, it was eating me alive."
"That's alright. Thank you, for letting me know." She smiles, soft and practised, mindful of the eyes on them. "Let's play?" Sofia waits until Bianca nods to add: "if you want to adopt, just adopt. The heirship can be handled in house. We'll figure out some other way."
"You're far less worried about Timoteo's opinion than I am."
"In my defence," Sofia let's her smile turn a little mischievous, "he started it."
AO3: Stories & Tumblr Archive.
Discord Server: DearCat's Rabbit Hole.
Ko-Fi: Exclusive Content.
Twitter: Snippets of Ongoing Work.
YouTube Channel: Podfics.
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romancemoving · 3 years
My initial impression of Virote: Just a super funky lil' guy trying to vibe along in life despite his world constantly crashing down 25/8... His personality really do be like a colourful firework going off at 3am out of no where to throwing a shiny pebble across the calm sea and watching it skip a few times in ease before it drowns... And with his demeanor, he makes me feel like anything is possible to do / achieve, even if it's generally considered to be very wild to get into, or show him an art part of me feels it's not well done yet his presence is still somehow chill enough to make me feel like he'd be proud of me. I think the duality of his chaotic-ness and chillness stand out to me the most. I love how loud and chaotic he is, but also, he is also very patient and understanding, when you really stick around with him for a good enough of time. I love that Virote makes me feel like going on the best rollercoaster, while also feeling at home, listening to some lo-fi songs while drawing or just anything creative related. I don't think it's very easy to write a character who can really capture and deliver both the chaos and chillness equally, so the fact Virote is like that so well honestly amazes me! Truly, what a delightful character.
✨ @antigoddex. meme. still accepting!
if u throw that pebble too hard, it skips across the entire sea, back to land again, and hits someone in the head. and then it boomerangs back into ur hand ( that would be a great, petty, immature weapon to have......... gkfjgh just a tiny rock u skip and then it thonks someone in the forehead and returns to u .... ) u kno whats funny about vi’s level of loud... like in terms of how he talks. his loud is still kinda soft for a lot of people because his voice is pretty soft to begin with.... so its just kinda cute. esp when he insults someone across the room.... smh. having his cute ass voice telling someone to go fuck themselves and die.....  anyway omg thank u.... he has a big heart and a big, big sense of self. even if he isnt the most confident at times. at the end of the day, he does believe in himself. its almost scary how resilient he is. his resolve and will have been his strongest points........
he would absolutely b proud of whatever art u make! whatever art anyone makes as long as there’s heart in it! he can sniff out bullshit art from miles away... like shit from banksy and ppl like that lol. he encourages everyone to do art. even if theyre not good at it. whatever good means to you or anyone else. as long as there’s heart in it. that’s kind of all he’s ever asked for, especially art an art therapist.
anyway u know i luv leek................. luv u, glad to have u around again, was worried id never see u again!!!
and now i leave u w. this
i hope the first 7 minutes of this rainy,  breezy loop makes u think of vi.........
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
Sorry for the delay!
Húrin has idealized Fingon, has gladly and proudly served as his captain, has probably defended him against rumors, has risked his life for him. Fingon in this verse certainly has an overt cruelty and callousness but he’s well adept at hiding it among most people and to complicate things, there are times, though they get rarer as time goes on, when he is more himself and his compassion and nobility is completely sincere.
So on top of everything else the betrayal is just devastating to Húrin.
Maedhros doesn’t want to do this but Fingon’s threat is alarming as is the pressure on Húrin’s throat. Maedhros curses his own conscience. He wishes on some level that he could view men like some of his kin do and be completely apathetic to this, tell himself it doesn’t matter what happens, so what if the man has a little kid at home who presumably needs him, so what if this entire thing is being orchestrated by Fingon, by his Finno. More than ever he questions his sense of reality
In the beginning Fingon is so gentle and teasing, bringing pleasure (however unwanted) to all three of them. Once Húrin is more or less passed out though he fucks him as roughly as he wants. No point in pretending when he’ll barely able to remember
I love the idea of Fingon threatening to keep Húrin to make Maedhros behave. I think that would be an interesting additional verse. Of course Fingon tires of his toys fairly quickly but what’s a short while for an elf (a week to a month) certainly doesn’t feel short to Húrin
I love Hurin feeling betrayed and like he defended Fingon's honor when Fingon wasn't worthy of it. (Though perhaps Fingon still is worthy, in a terrible way, to anyone who doesn't get too close. He's a fierce warrior and a skilled commander. When there's no one in front of him to hurt, he can think more as he used to, and make a plan for Hithlum's farms where everyone will have plenty through the winter, and even ship some fruit and wine up so everyone can have a treat on Midwinter's night. But by the time he's at the feast, all he thinks of is ruining other's joy, letting his latest conquest only taste the wine in sips to chase away the flavor of cum, rubbing the oranges into freshly opened cuts and making someone thank Fingon for the privilege.)
But of course, Hurin has no way of knowing this in the moment. All he knows is what Fingon is doing to him right now. And even from the start it's terrifying and unwanted, but it starts out physically feeling good. His body wants to relax and give in to sensation, or else run out of the room and not stop until he's in a different city. But there are guards, and now that Hurin thinks about it the prince's personal guards have never joined him in defending Fingon's honor, because they know what he does.
Maedhros watches Fingon's pretense of romance, even though he's not Fingon's target audience. This is what it looks like when he loves you and cares about you during sex, don't you remember? It's been years since Fingon bothered with the act on Maedhros, instead just demanding what he wants, taking it by threats or by force. Maedhros doesn't want to believe that he could be content with lies, but that doesn't make the truth pleasant.
Maedhros wishes he could believe that Men truly didn’t matter. Sure, it was cruel and petty to attack a Man, but no more evil than it is to step on a wildflower rather than divert your path. It would be gone soon enough either way. Or if not that, maybe it’s that torture can’t really break them - after all, orcs are made from elves, not Men. Men are only in Arda for such a short time, perhaps the harms done to them here can't follow where they go afterwards, and any insult will be washed away by the currents of the place beyond here.
It's a nice thought, and by now Maedhros has learned that all nice thoughts are lies. Just like his rescue. “Don’t worry Maedhros, you’re free now. No one will ever make you do anything like that again,” Fingon promised. Maedhros would never again have to stand by and watch as people Maedhros was responsible for were tortures, knowing that any intervention would just make it worst.
Maedhros knows that everything is a lie unless it hurts.
Maybe that’s why he doesn’t flinch back anymore when Fingon pulls him towards the bed.
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