theoriginalladya · 4 years
Fic Back Friday (Saturday edition)
I was tagged by @swaps55 - thank you!!!!!
Going to tag @pigeontheoneandonly and @guileandgall this time around.  No obligation!
Been dealing with a sinus headache today (gotta love Spring :P ) so I’m going to pull out one of my favorites - a quick read and a fun oneshot.  What happens when you love writing Mass Effect Fanfic as well as watching Disney’s Robin Hood?  You end up with Shepard in Sherwood.  I honestly cannot believe it’s been six years, almost to the day, since I wrote this.
At the time I wrote this, I was going through some rough stuff in my Real Life, and my son and I sat down to watch Disney’s Robin Hood for our movie night, which is one of our favorite movies.  As we were watching it, he made some comment that triggered the thought, hmm, wonder what Shepard would think of this ... Final result: it’s one of her favorite movies, too.  
Shepard in Sherwood
Shepard eyed the room critically, running through a mental checklist.
Blankets - check.
As many pillows as possible - check.
Popcorn - check.
Hot cocoa - well, sort of check.  (This was actually keeping warm on the stovetop at the moment, one of those old style spray cans of whipped cream at the ready in the fridge, too)
Chocolate candy for later - check.
The only thing missing ….
“Hey, Alenko, hurry up and get that biotic booty down here!” Shepard called upstairs.
The padding of bare feet on carpet could be heard and Shepard glanced around the corner in the direction of the staircase.  A huge grin crossed her face as Kaidan stepped into sight - apparently, ‘comfy pjs’ for him was a pair of sweatpants.  Shepard felt her lips curving upwards into a smile of appreciation.  His sultry chuckle informed her it must have reached her eyes as well.  “You called?” he asked as he descended.
Shepard’s grin widened and she nodded.  “IF you’re quite ready?” she announced, gesturing him over towards the sofa.  “Just have a seat - I’ll be right back.”  A few minutes later, she returned with the hot cocoa and whipped cream.  Taking a seat beside him, she first pulled over the pillows, placing them strategically around them on the sofa.  Next came the blankets, Shepard curling one around her bare feet.  Then the hot cocoa.
Kaidan eyed the can she took into hand suspiciously.  “What is that for?”
Shepard chuckled at the wariness she saw in his eyes.  “Not for that,” she assured him in a soft purr.  “Well, not unless there’s leftovers.  Later.”  So saying she winked at him and began swirling a thick layer of the sweet cream into the mug, expertly covering the hot cocoa before turning to do the same in her mug.  Grabbing the bowl of popcorn next, she placed it between them, then snuggled into the blankets and pressed the button on the remote.  The lights dimmed and the vid screen lit up....
full story on AO3 here
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enars-usurper · 7 years
Just sharing the link to my Mass Effect femshep x kaidan fan fiction sideblog ^__^
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