jaynaur · 2 years
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shadowglens · 4 years
3, 9, 32 for rhian, sara and another oc of your choice!! :D
i’ll do this for annika then too!
3. how easy to annoy is your oc? do they have common pet-peeves or are they stoic in response to everything? what is their reaction if the source doesn’t stop?
rhian— she’s fairly laid back and good at taking shit, although there are certain lines that people can cross that will make her snap a little. she very rarely yells though, and will usually just put on her Teacher Face and ask in a stern voice for the person to stop whatever they’re doing. that’s usually enough to scare someone off. 
sara— as a kid she was easy to annoy mostly because she was so insecure and highly-strung about everything, and didn’t know how to not take everything personally. these days she’s got better at keeping her emotions in check, got better at living in her own skin and exercising patience, and so she can deal with annoyances a lot more gracefully. also, she’s spent the past few decades working with younglings, and five year olds can be Very annoying lol.
annika— her temper and patience is a fraying thing, these days. she spent a lot of time honing it, learning to better control herself and her urges to lash out as she was prone to do as a child, but after so many years of carefully constructed stoicism the facade is starting to slip. she’s likely to snap a bit if someone is really annoying her, or just outright ask them to stop. bluntness is her latest weapon.
9. is your oc afraid of touch or do they actively seek it out? is there a reason for this? what are the exceptions?
rhian — she likes touch a lot, and takes a lot of comfort in it, but she’s also very mindful that people have boundaries. she won’t initiate any kind of touch without asking or unless she knows the person really well, enough to know their limits. if someone wasn’t ok with it she’d be respectful, if not a little disappointed, but they probably have their reasons.
sara — after dina’s death, when her empathy and mental health was all over the place, yoda thought it wise to encourage sara to not engage in touch as much as it may be worsening her emotional connection with others. she became very averse to it after that, spending many years avoiding even the most simple of skin-on-skin contacts for fear it might enhance her emotional connection to the other person and detrimentally affect her. even so many years later, it’s still a sore subject for her, and she would never be seen initiating hugs or simple touches like that. there’s still the instinct to recoil, to distance herself. it’s likely why she always struggled to form meaningful connections with people.
annika —it’s not that she’s afraid of it, she just prefers not to be touched unless she really trusts the person. with her close friends and family there’s no problem, but with strangers she really values her personal space. there’s also a part of her that is scared of an attack, always wary, and keeping her distance from others makes it easier to avoid (or at least, easier to see coming). less chance of being stabbed in the back.
32. what five ingredients would you throw into a cauldron to make a potion based on your oc? how would you cook/mix them? what would the potion do? 
rhian — sandalwood, fresh cut lavendar, charred fire coals, leather and an assortment of dried herbs. slow steamed and drained into a liquid. offers protection and peace.
sara — shatter kyber crystals, worn stainless steel, wool, linen fabric and icicles. left to sit in frozen water overnight, then flash-boiled in the morning. offers an undisturbed nights sleep and a clear mind upon waking.
annika — old arrow heads, pine leaves, snow from the top of the highest mountain, wolf fur and freshly baked bread. cooked in boiling water until it almost bubbles over. offers true aim and stamina.
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camphorror · 3 years
fgsddf this class truly showed that psych students’ brains are empty but not as empty as polsci’s students for example. the gemini and i had a blast mocking everyone and all bad takes <3
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hanjisungz-archive · 5 years
what happened to ur ankle?? -🎀
im a clumsy bitch and tripped on my bookcase at the end of my bes, twisting it :’))) also from my long walk to the store the other day i was still a bit sore and that fall just made it worse 😔
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