#fgo summer 2024
dailyarturiartfgo · 6 days
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I'm so sad I couldn't get the time to draw for the summer event, but better late than never ?????
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dopplerdora · 2 months
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Beni Enma's Kitchen Nightmares.
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now I can post the rest of
(realized it's almost mid-september)
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the8thsphynx · 27 days
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When I want to go on a beach date, but my bitch wife wants to take over Dubai...
(do not use/repost without permission)
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actual-haise · 23 days
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tsunesama · 22 days
bart and guda are pretty similar and I think they should kiss for that
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lorddoom01 · 9 months
Based on my friends' new year's eve banner rolling.
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asirenfgo · 2 months
“Time to punish Douman” crew.
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ceiye · 1 year
I'm actually under my gacha budget this month. Not that it means anything when I've got back to back banners in one game for the next month, and then just an entire summer of rolling in another
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rennebright · 17 days
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fgo summer 2024 by Das [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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shokansen · 16 days
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FGO summer 2024
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idliketochill · 2 months
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Reblogs and sharing appreciated!
Announcing preorders for some fanmerch of FGO, GenshinImpact, Arknights, etc. I am making. There will be a limited amount of stock available.
Preorder form: https://forms.gle/49n229cXUSUjpXXS7
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mako-neexu · 2 months
keypoints about Fes (Aug 3-4, 2024) in relation to Dantes/Edguda (aka notes for me after reading a hundred or so Fes tweets)
Fes Day 1
The reveal that Salieri was among the Fes costume line up was hilarious so many people were saying "Okay Jalter!! Du Haine these traitors!!" and also "Come back and enjoy the fes with us Jalter! Bill all your expenses to that stargazing yukata ojisan over there!"
This was truly Avenger class summer (marie alter was also included)
Light reading was absolutely phenomenal - the lines delivered by sakamoto maaya and nobunaga shimazaki in Expo Live were amazing in Id chapter portion!!!!!!
[link of me crying about it] [second link] [third link] [fourth about his tears]
Official ID chapter MAD was insane it 1000% showed that the song was truly the feelings of the Avenger class from the bottom of their heart especially with dantes at the last few lines / the "noise" part too was freaking Salieri's i knew it!!!!!!
Paradis Chateau d'If was said to be insanely sweetly flavor that was strong. The grape is seems to be more jam than jelly. The bottom part was said to be peach syrup itself (but also mixed with some grape). The silver pearls sprinkles are called silver dragees that make it really fancy! It was also really thick that even when the ice melts, it won't thin out or get diluted at all.
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Merch of Dantes is always sold out within the hour of both days
Oyo has a new wet monte cristo art
Chaldea (sweet papa) Kitchen Voice - "Owner...? Manager...? No! No, I am neither! I am but the patron. I am the ruler of shadows with an oriental-taste who have contributed in creating this tavern with ample (financial) resources. So enjoy yourself to the fullest! I am sure there is something here that will suit your tastes... No, there certainly is. Ahh, and one more thing, be careful of the heat. Even if you are not hungry, don't be afraid to rest and cool off."
Eye mirror quetionnaire top 3 - tenochtitlan, tonelico, and Monte Cristo
Side note: binaural Live2D Goredolf was cute!! Voiced goff!!!
Royst on day 1 flag with a new work
Tsuzumuda sensei with their message flag released!! thank you for the weapon design!
Fes Day 2
9th Anniversary live with Punchline Cosplay Ojisan!
He has the omamoris, maneki neko design!!! his notebook and feather pen prop!!!!! the cross designs on the glasses, the corset!!!! the gloves!!! the 14 stones!!!!! his cape also has the sea bream pattern!!!!!! the ponytail for Monte Cristo having also purple ends of his wig!!!... his stylists and makeup artists are so cool!!! the bestt aaa
Nobu complimenting Toyonaga Oberon!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!
He also complains being picked by his team mates for who looks like they're a good teacher he's embarassed wwww
"Who is the Servant who is most likely to have the most fun at FGO Fes?" Answer: Castoria Ishtar Mash
When revealing the answer he confidently explains that edmond is having the most fun considering his chaldea kitchen voice!!
After revealing the true answer, he RIGHTFULLY!!! complains to the audience that he's the type to go all out for Master!!!! It was amazing!!!
I'll make a more detailed post about this... no let's turn it into a fic
Introduction of favorability gauge from space ere-chan brought out tweets of "monte cristo's favorability is MAX from the start so let's keep stacking~" from a lot of jp users www
Usagi Routo new illustrations are about PapaFesmon about guda's future and trying and failing to deny guda's offer of food as well as nobu's day 1 performance and day2 cosplay.. the best.
Flames of Applause Ce [cries and dies]
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ac-liveblogs · 2 months
FGO 9th anniversary + summer 2024 predictions
Historically, my predictions haven't panned out super great. I've gotten maybe 2 things right in the past, and both were obvious (Hot British Summer, and NY Kotomine.)
But I'm gonna try again anyway!!!
Firstly, who it's not going to be - Solomon/Goetia or U-Olga. If they become playable, and I have my doubts on the first and Nasu said the second wouldn't (do we trust him though), it'll be closer to the Lostbelt arc finale.
It also won't be Galahad - if he drops, it'll be during OC3, as Nasu said that's when the Shielder class would be addressed. If FGO keeps its current publishing schedule, that'll be in the first half of next year, though obviously I can pray for sooner.
There is the possibility it'll be another Type-Moon character like Ciel, though given we've already gotten two this year (Aoko, Hibiki+Chikagi), TM would seriously be pushing their luck to do another so soon. So I doubt it'll be a TM legacy character.
Fate/Strange Fake characters will probably get dropped with or after the anime.
Possible Existing Candidates include Beni-Enma Alter or Camazotz. Camazotz would follow Aesc as a LB breakout character showing up as an anni servant. I still think we're more likely to see Beni-Enma Alter attached to an event though. We also still have Typhon Ephemeros, but I'm not sure she's anni material.
It's been awhile since we got a preview character - Castoria was the last, I think. Or maybe Koyan of Light by technicality. (We're due another Arts-breaking support servant, right?) My money's on a preview character, honestly.
More Importantly(?) - Summer!
We're likely to see some LB7 servants cropping up this year, and given her role in the last LB this might also finally be Eresh's year! My predictions are as follows:
Tlaloc (this one is almost guaranteed imo)
Kukulkan and/or Quetzalcoatl
Nitocris Alter
It's been awhile since our last Koyanskaya. We're due another soon, surely.
There's also a chance for characters like Pope Johanna or Bazett. Getting either of them will certainly give Constantine or Cu costumes respectively. Though if we get a LB7 oriented summer, Tez will probably get a costume. Personally, I'd like to see Nitocris Alter get a swimsuit - and then she can drag Cleopatra and Ozymandias along with her (to get animation updates).
Costumes I'd love to see: Ozy, Moriarty (Ruler), Duryodhana or Rama. Kirei would be pretty funny too though. Not holding out too much hope for any of these.
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kagero · 2 months
FGO Summer 2024 costumes
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zhiroaesthetics · 2 months
Mid-Summer Writing Updates
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Was told that giving updates about non-major works is also valid to prove that this page is alive so...teehee!
Mental Check
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To say that I've been slacking this year is a grave understatement. It frustrates me because posting in December 2023 (Kaveh) then January 2024 (Haruaki) truly made me believe that I had found my groove, then I saw my stats and gave up, yay! It's just hard writing when I already don't have the healthiest approach towards writing (it's really bad, like I cried so much writing both of those drafts), and that level of effort goes unnoticed by both the audience and myself. But I've slowly been accepting the fact that I can't gain the audience I want if I don't prove that I exist. After all, posting since 2021(?) but not even having ten entries is silly. With that being said, I have been writing consistently over the summer, but have been slowed down because I've been active, like this is the first week that I've been in my room this entire month.
Goals for Pre-Fall 2024
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I'm definitely going to have at least three posts before the end of the year. I always try to have more than the year prior, and considering how little I have to my name, it's been pretty doable.
I've been going back and forth between Bowman (Granblue Fantasy) and Kyo (King of Fighters) for the past two months, and I know for the latter that his second draft is going to be posted before fall, though I'm not sure about the former. My writer's block on his draft isn't the worst despite the fact that I have to rewrite the first half of what I currently have, but I struggle trying to prioritize that draft over Kyo's given that I don't know how well a NSFW Bowman entry would be perceived. Regardless, if I post twice before Late August, expect for it to be these two bums.
Goals for Fall 2024
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This is tricky, as it HIGHLY DEPENDS on what I end up fixating on, but definitely expect Tai Gong Wang (Fate/Grand Order). I've been wanting to write him since the beginning of time, but lack of knowledge on his character thanks to me exclusively playing FGO on the global server and things implied under mental check made it hard for me to prioritize writing the idea that was practically given to me. But what was initially supposed to be a collector's item ended up being NP3 and LVL 100, so I'm taking it as a sign to - at some point - lock in, and I think doing so right after clearing out my current drafts would be perfect timing.
Do, however, look out for these people:
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
Diluc (Genshin Impact)
Charlemagne (Fate)
Goals for Winter 2024/5
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Yae Miko. Despite her being a December 2024 goal, she's one of my more ambitious projects due to research and it not being a one chapter entry. Even as I'm currently working on Kyo and Bowman, I'm immersing myself within The Pillow Book, as Sei's story is what most of Yae Miko's story will be in reference to. Also Haruaki, again, hopefully January 1st.
Do, however, look out for these people:
Kaveh (Genshin Impact)
Saichi Sugimoto (Golden Kamuy)
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Girl if you saw how far I made it into my Senji draft, when I started, and when I stopped, you'd be wondering why my #1 isn't in any of my defined goals. And I'd say shit happens! Senji's draft had a very extensive outline, and I lost that very extensive outline, so I lost my motivation yay! Nevertheless, I still want to get it out there because I think it's a really funny one chapter entry.
Also Toji. Very much an outlier, but I've been putting him on the backburner because his draft is also one of my more ambitious projects, but one that challenges my writing skills in a duller way because of the amount of mundane scenes present. Also not a one chapter entry.
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Anyways uh, thanks for peeping the yap session, meow!
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