#fgo final singularity spoilers
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Oh we’re back here again. XD
My Cú still beats up Barbatos well enough. :)
What kind of war have I been fighting? You sure you wanna know the answer to that, Reines? XD XD 🥲
(Meanwhile back in the Obey Me! universe, Asiren is gonna have to apologize to that world’s Barbatos for beating his counterpart over and over again.)
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What Is the First Magic, Anyways? (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love FGO Spoilers)
Out of the five instances of True Magic, the Second and Third are known about in some detail, the Fouth is a total unknown from what I can gather and simply hasn't been expanded upon in the lore quite yet, and the Fifth being shown, but not explained in detail, which is its own post. The First Magic falls somewhere in the middle here, where a few vague things are known about it and the person who attained it, but not much in the way of details.
What we do know for sure is that the Magician of the First Magic was Yumina, the First Witch, who founded the Meinster lineage and used the First to create Ploys, which were passed down to Alice Kuonji, considered to be the last pureblooded Meinster by 1989 following the 'death' of her mother. Based on some information about Witches and the Meinsters in particular from the FGO collab from back in April, I think I can hazard a strong guess as to what the First Magic actually is: authority over Mystics/Mysticism itself.
Some spoilers for FGO's Lostbelt 6, though nothing critical to the plot, as well as this translation of Alice Kuonji's FGO profile.
First off, some basic information about Witches and Yumina that was dropped a solid decade after Witch on the Moly Night first came out, because Nasu's a fucking comedian:
This establishes a few things, first and foremost that Alice is actually Yumina's descendant, that Witches aren't human and are instead closer to faeries (although I'm not sure if they can be considered true faeries as this is phrased like they were created by an individual rather than born from the land or the Inner Sea), and that the daughters of Witches are essentially the next vessel for a singular consciousness, such that lineages are more like a single individual with several reincarnations. Not all of this information is actually completely relevant to this point but how insane is it that Alice got a lore drop for the first time in a decade and it was buried in the ass-end of a six-year-old mobile game? I just needed to get that off my chest.
Alice's profile reinforces this by seeming to allude that Alice's mother and her ancestors were all the same person, as well as the third paragraph using similar wording to how True Magic is often explained.

Crucially, the final line also states that Meinsters stand in defense of Mystics from humanity's constant march towards order, which inevitably destroys Mystics by coming to understand them, as is one of the overarching themes in Type Moon in general. Yumina's lineage seems to be actively pushing back on this.
Knowing Nasu, I could stop right here. See, it's thematically cohesive with the Meinsters and Alice's character arc of growing past the reminders of her family's past and learning to appreciate the present, and thematic cohesion is really all you need in Type Moon, established lore and rules be damned.
However, I think that my point is supported by the Ploys, which are all products of the First Magic. We'll start off with the Three Great Ploys, which we know were created by Yumina proper and not any of her later descendants/incarnations.

Flat Snark, Oil of the Moon, is the Great Ploy that's featured most prominently in Mahoyo. This is pretty straightforward - the prose in the scenes that feature it describe it as Magic, and it functions by transforming the world inside of its domain into a landscape of fantastical insanity. It is, quite literally, draping the landscape in Mystics once again. Even the air becomes dense with mana, similar to the atmosphere in the Age of Gods (as shown in Absolute Demonic Front), when Mystics were at their most common and well-integrated, before humanity had begun to push it back as much as they had.
The Thames Troll is the second of the Great Three Ploys, and one that, at first glance, seems to be by far the most simple - it's a massive golem that can get stronger based on what it's built out of. Alice states she has poor compatibility with it, and therefore can only use its first two forms, that being wood and clay/brick/stone, with its final two forms being iron and steel, then silver and gold. Thames uses the environment to create its body, be it the woods the first time we see it or the brickwork in the park during Alice's fight with Touko, which would mean that further forms would likely do the same. As Alice says that the final form would overshadow even London, this would mean that Thames is capable of annihilating entire cities. However, considering it would need iron and steel nearby to do so, it could likely only become so powerful when being used within a more advanced human settlement, likely for the express purpose of destroying it. Therefore, Thames is the Ploy that most directly serves the Meinster's goals of opposing humanity and safeguarding Mystics.
The final of the Great Three Ploys, which isn't directly stated in Witch on the Holy Night but instead FGO, is Wandersnatch, which frankly could and probably should be its own post. There's a whole hell of a lot going on with that thing.

The long and short of it is that the Ploy consists of a dense fog, and numerous entities within it. Only by glimpsing Wandersnatch's true form in the fog can one escape, which makes the Ploy itself act as a microcosm for Mystics in general - it's an impossible, insurmountable obstacle that can only be weakened and overcome by observing it and learning more about it. It's little surprise, then, that Yumina herself choose Wandersnatch to inhabit while her current descendant doesn't yet harbor her consciousness - much of Wandersnatch’s presence has to do with Yumina attempting to exert more control on Alice in order to possess her and incarnate.

Ultimately, though, the smoking gun for me isn't one of the Three Great Ploys, but the most common one we see used: Diddle Diddle, Alice's favorite Ploy. This one has a simple function, that being that it strengthens Mystics in a certain area when dropped on the ground. Which is simple, yes, but also just absurd. You mean she can just crank out little Christmas tree ornaments that can singlehandedly counteract the one consistent force present in every single Type Moon property? She can just do that? Alice, and only Alice, can just say "nuh uh?" That's not attainable through normal magecraft, and has got to be an application of the First Magic through the Ploy. Considering how straightforward the effect is, it seems to pretty clearly point towards the First Magic being tied to Mystics.
As a final note, I also think this makes sense of Nasu's note that the First Magic was discovered after the Third but named as such for a special reason relating to its nature (although this is from an unofficial translation from the Fandom wiki so take this with a grain of salt). It would be very in keeping with what we know about mage society for them to say Mystics are more foundational and important than souls.

#mahoyo#witch on the holy night#fate#fate grand order#fgo#I wanted to include more pictures but I had to forgo them in favor of the actual necessary quotes#Also I’ve got a couple more of these in the tank#Wild that all the deeper Mahoyo lore is in FGO and not any of the sequels that were announced in like 2012#Oh well#If Nasu had a consistent writing schedule he wouldn’t be Nasu#alice kuonji
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JSIWNDIWNW HIK BEJWBEJQ I JUST READ UR YANDER KADOC AN LOV IT!!!!!! I lov how realistic and close you made his character without making him ooc bc he's yandere! A lot of writer tend to do that but your works are amazing!! They aren't ooc and aren't going so over the top yandere (I like those too ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ)
What do you think about yandere soloman!?? Like when he sacrifices himself at the temple we think we'd never see him agian but we summon him later in the story? Would he remembe us an still b yander or forge his memories of us (I believe bc his saint graph was destroyed right?) an turn into a yandere slowly re learning about us agian?
Love your work as always I'm so glad you decided to write for fgo! Love you stories and make sure to take care of yourself!!!!! 🍰
THANK YOU SO MUCH 🍰 ANON!! This means a lot, but you must stop since I can only become so flustered >///> I'm sorry for these taking so long because I try to make them none ooc since I do a lot of re-reading parts of the story as well as reading the wiki/TV troupes. As well as help from my beta reader.
Also, I know none of this hasn't been a secret for like 3 years, but of course, spoilers for the final Singularity and Solomon himself because I'll be saying a lot of stuff right off the bat.
{King Solomon/Dr. Romani Archaman}
Romani is a lot like Sherlock in how he wants to support Chaldea above all else at the start. While he can be pessimistic, he wants to make sure that the master of Chaldea and the staff are more optimistic with the encouragement he gives them.
He wants to be a normal human, or at least as normal as he can get. He didn't think too much ahead about what his relationships would look like since he wanted everything to happen naturally. He was mainly focused on his job and the relationships that would come from that.
His heart breaks when the sabotage happens and kills all but one master. It makes him so sad; he understands that he needs to put the welfare of Chaldea before his own feelings, and that starts with the last remaining master.
He started his friendly relationship with the master after they found him eating cake and watching anime. So, he knows he can approach them as a trusted confidant. He's cool and clever as a doctor, but he's also relaxed and relatable!
He strives to have a supportive but fun professional relationship! And because they're one of the only people who take him and his interests seriously. Their mental health sessions slowly turn into hang-out sessions. They ask about anime or sweets, and he cannot help but talk about what caught his eye recently.
When he catches him animately talking to one of his likes, he gets very embarrassed since he knows his interests are pretty lame, and they probably don't want to hear him talk about idols for hours.
But when reassured that just talking and feeling normal by just sitting with each other is really nice. Just having a friend to talk to has been just as helpful as having mental health advice. Romani knows he should know better than to get a more personal than professional relationship, but it feels nice to be taken seriously.
At first he very much believes that his feelings are platonic or barely there because they're an acquaintance. Since he's more pessimistic about himself than anyone, he doesn't even think anything more would really be possible since he's a loser nerd.
He settles into, "If they can't like me. I can't like them." Only to get harshly slapped with the reality of that not being how it works when more servants join Chaldea, taking away more and more of your time from him. Making Romai have to realize that instead of being happy, you finally have friends outside of him. He just feels bitter and jealous.
He tries to convince himself that he's just upset his best friend was taken away. Then, he suddenly becomes very critical of master-servant relationships because Tamamo declared herself as the master's wife.
His self-pessimism hits him very hard, and he starts dissenting himself so much that everyone notices. He feels like it's gross. He wanted a good COWORKER and doctor. Plus, he's so much older than them. After you become past 40/1,000, everyone is a baby in your eyes.
In hindsight it should have been obvious to him. But he was putting up his front so hard and was so hard on himself that he didn't realize he was giving special while being weird about it.
He always goes to them first when he finds a new anime/game or when Magi☆Mari does anything. He had offered to share so many sweets at this point. And worse of all, he put his negativity on them.
The closer your relationship with servants got, the more he talked about how bad they were. Yes, it's important to be close to your servants, but in the end it won't matter how close you are. This is mainly a job to save the word after.
He thought he was just being helpful at the start because it was the sad, hard truth of them being here. But he really just wanted all the attention to himself.
He should know better! He's the wise King Solomon. He's not a teenage boy with his first crush. But these feelings are shockingly so different from any of these past relationships. He's never been a jealous person before. Maybe it has to do with his new life and new persona. He wonders if this is apparent of being human and requests to be left alone for a while.
He can't not be around them. Not only is it quite literally his job to be around them, but whenever he's not around them, there's not an ache in his chest that's only fixed when around them. Taking some time to calm down his emotions and remind himself that even if he knows the future he knows it'll never happen. Nothing can ever change because he's him, and he's pessimistic.
He will never, ever act on his emotions even if they are returned. Even when his chest is bursting with pain of, jealousy, and longing, he hopes that the master will maybe look past him, putting distance after this realization, because he fears he'll make things worse.
He'll try his best not to ruin everything even though he doesn't have the most hope himself that he won't. Just for you, he'll be more optimistic, so you two can have a positive relationship still. At the start, the best he can do is a shakey thumbs up and catch himself because he says something sad.
You can't confess to him, either. He'll make himself reject you, stating that the relationship is inappropriate since you're colleagues, plus he'll make an awful partner! This is actually a good thing! You're so brave for confessing, and realizing that the person you confessed to wasn't good enough for you in the first place is the first step to getting over your feelings.
Once he finally reveals himself as King Solomon, he feels all his stress be relieved. This is what all those repressed feelings were for. It was to make this day less painful for the master. All the pain he felt during his time as Dr. Romani Archaman was worth making sure you wouldn't feel the pain of losing a lover or someone you had feelings for. Making sure that there was only the bare minimum of a relationship was key to making sure the future he saw was less painful.
If he remembers when he's re-summoned, he's very surprised and wonders if this is the universe giving him a second chance to be better.
He ponders this a lot. Should he even have a second chance? Does he truly deserve it?
After he thinks for a long time when he finally allows himself to be around other servants and the master. He will need to be assured that he's allowed to be here, around them.
Once he finally feels comfortable enough and possibly feels that his feelings will return. He will confess. This is a new start for him and apart of that new start for him is either a new relationship or letting go of old feelings by being rejected.
If accept he will try his best to be a good partner. He will listen do anything asked of him and changed anyway they might want. He wears the title of your boyfriend or husband with pride. It takes a lot for him to not brag (especially to any servants who could have thought they could be good enough for them), but he does want to do cheesy romcom anime stuff in front of people. Don't bring pocky to Chaldea.
If rejected, he takes it with grace and watches romcom anime for 12 hours crying.
In the case he doesn't remember, he will notice the fond looks he keeps being given and will get to the bottom of it. Especially because it sparks something in his chest. He wants to find out so badly why he's treated the way he is if anyone is disent about his past with Chaldea or something that it's being kept from him.
On the chance that while there are no records of Solomon, but records of Dr. Romani Archaman, he will ask for them if he's told that's the name he went under for a time. Any online or physical journals he can read, he wants.
He's surprised if they have any mentions of romantic feelings towards someone. He feels sad he doesn't remember due to it being so important to him. So, he says that he knows and wants to try to restart the relationship. He won't mention the romantic feelings and if they start again, he'll say they only started now if he thinks they'll be reciprocated.
He doesn't want his past with everyone and Chaldea to be even sadder due to unrequited love.
If they aren't, he'll never bring up that he learned there was feelings before he died. He just says he read how important his relationships were to everyone and himself so he wants to reconnect.
If there are no traces of Dr. Romani Archaman left in Chaldea. He knows something is up, both with himself and the people around him. He wants him to tell him, but he doesn't want to push them into opening up by their sad past.
Solomon feels something there. He wants to get to know this person and he'll fall for them again. He likes the way he's treated because he's treated like a normal person and not just King Solomon. Even if it's not that special since that's how every servant is treated. Which he will not admit makes him a little jealous.
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Entwined | fate grand order
synopsis; there were so many things left unsaid between the two of you. one day you'd tell her she meant more to you than she ever realized.
features; you and kyrielight mash
extra; game spoilers included!
There was only a handful of times you genuinely felt helpless against the tides of fate. Much of how others thought of you, you were an optimistic person who liked to look at the brighter sides of things even when it seemed as if the whole world was against you. It was what kept you grounded during the tough fight against Tiamat in Babylonia. No matter what happened, no matter the circumstances, you always believed you’d prevail. Besides, what choice did you have?
Giving up would mean the end of humanity and you… you weren’t ready to die just yet nor were you willing to see all the hard work from everyone back in Chaldea go to waste. You alone were the only person able to put a stop to Solomon’s madness and no matter how much you may have wished to, you couldn’t exactly turn away from it. Humanity, metaphorically, rested atop your shoulders and you weren’t that much of a fool to deny your responsibility. You had things, people, to fight for and as you stand before Solomon’s grand throne, you couldn’t help but think of them.
The doctor, undoubtedly believed you’d return unscathed and successful in your battle against Solomon. It was his greatest hope and although he was more of the type to be rife with anxiety during a stressful mission, you thought he might have had a little more hope than you in this situation. Da Vinci, being the arguably more sensible one out of the two, even she would have at least acknowledged the difficulty of the task you and Mash were undertaking. Still, she would have given you that gentle smile that you assured you what you should have already known from the beginning.
You knew fear like the back of your hand. You felt it when you stared at the approaching form of Tiamat when she broke through Uruk’s walls and you felt it now when you realized you had failed to stop Solomon’s noble phantasm from going off. It was a cold sensation, one that left you feeling numb and not at all like yourself. Normally you would have felt that familiar flicker of hope deep within your chest, the one that assured you that no matter what you’d succeed.
Yet the moment that smug grin reached Solomon’s lips, you knew. There wasn’t any hope left to believe in.
How were you meant to defeat him when it seemed as if your servants had done nothing to make even a dent in his resolve? The fear was almost painful and the hopelessness that accompanied it could have crushed you under its weight.
You flinched, your eyes meeting the violet gaze of Mash who looked to have also been slightly shaken by the outcome of things yet she held her composure far better than you.
Her face and the bit of exposed skin on her arms were covered in scrapes. Her armor looked no better, parts were missing and it was dinged with the wear of battle. It was a testament to the amount of effort she placed in the task the both of you were assigned and it wasn’t as if you looked any better. Your uniform was torn in places and you could feel the sting of your wounds each time you moved. You both looked worse for wear, yet there was a difference between you two.
While you looked as if you had given up, Mash still held the look of faith.
With brows furrowed and a determined frown drawn across her lips, she protectively held her shield in front of you as if to block the sight of Solomon’s menacing figure from your line of sight if only for a moment.
“Get ahold of yourself, senpai.” Her change in titles meant she were speaking to you as the Mash you knew to be your friend and not the Mash you knew as your servant. “All of those servants out there…” She shuttered, her one visible eye blinking rapidly as if she were holding back tears and knowing her sentimental nature, you knew she must have been. “They weren’t willing to sacrifice their lives for you to give up now! We will get through this, senpai. Just like how we got through everything else!”
Her words, as strong as they were, reminded you of the same lines you used to recite to her when she began showing doubts in her capabilities. It was odd to find yourself dealing with such pessimistic thoughts when you were once the one doing all the encouraging. The fear and hopelessness you felt throughout your being didn’t suddenly dissipate with her words, but it did lessen.
“But, how?” Your voice couldn’t help but convey the heavy dread you felt. Your tone was weak due to your exhaustion and you could barely look Mash in the eye as you revealed the extent of your forlorn.
At this, Mash smiled. It was gentle and held a hint of understanding. She must have known how you felt and it was all conveyed with one mere look. You could hear Solomon beginning the start of his phantasm and though you could feel your heart pumping faster in response to it, Mash didn’t seem to lose her cool. She placed herself in front of you, shield separating the both of you and Solomon’s glowing figure.
“I’ll protect you, senpai.” She simply states, her smile never fading even as she turned her back towards you. “Just as you have always done for me.”
It takes you a moment to understand just what she meant by her words and when it finally does register in your mind, its already too late. Just as you were about to reach out to her to stop her from doing whatever it was she was planning, there as blinding flash of light that emitted from where Solomon stood. It was so bright that you couldn’t help but shield your eyes away from its rays with your arm. Although you could no longer see as well, you could hear Mash shout to activate her noble phantasm and the subsequent increase in brightness as Solomon’s phantasm assumedly shot off. Your ears perked at the sound of her cries as she held against the intensity of his power and you knew it was taking all her might to hold her ground. The floor shook beneath you and your eardrums burst with the thundering sound of an explosion. It rings throughout all of the area and you're sure its loud enough even for Romani and Da Vinci to hear all the way back in Chaldea.
You knew she wouldn’t survive this. No human could and even if she were a demi-servant, it would not exempt her from the destruction such power would do to her body.
Your arm, that wasn’t shielding your eyes, desperately reached out towards her. Your screams of her name was buried beneath the noise of Solomon’s power and you doubted she would even turn around to acknowledge you even if she could hear. Your heart pounded painfully against your chest and the corners of your eyes pricked with tears that ran hotly down your cheeks. You already knew what was going to happen, you could already see parts of her disappearing right before your eyes and there wasn’t a thing you could do to stop it. Your eyes clenched shut as the intensity of light grew to an unbearable amount and your arms moved to shield your face completely from the bit of rays that peeked over both Mash’s form and her steady shield. There was a combination of fear and pressure from the overwhelming amount of mana being blasted towards you that kept you in place on the ground you collapsed upon. You couldn't move an inch from your position and once again you felt that feeling of sheer helplessness creep upon you.
Without Mash by your side, what could you possibly hope to achieve?
There was a burning smell in the air that made you scrunch your nose and once the blinding light dimmed down you snapped open your eyes to peer at what remained. Burns covered your arms and your clothes were reduced to nothing more than singed tatters. Mash’s shield still stood grounded in front of you, but there were no signs of the girl anywhere to be found, leaving only one conclusion you morbidly expected.
You felt your heart drop and the tears which were burned away returned in tenfold. Instead of the fear you felt only moments prior, it was replaced with a fiery anger. Your eyes sharpened into a heated glare as you shot up from your place on the ground and when you gazed into the unfazed visage of Solomon, you could feel nothing but hatred. Your right hand rose from your side, the sigil marking you as a Master glowing a crimson red. Although your voice wavered with both fatigue and grief, your tone still held firmly.
“Servants, with this command spell I order you…”
“...pai? Senpai!”
You awoke with a startled gasp that had you shooting into an upright position. Sleepily, you glanced around the lounge you were napping away in when you caught sight of a familiar violet haired girl kneeling beside you with a look of concern. Mash’s hands were hovering midair, due to your abrupt actions after she shook you awake. You blinked hazily at her before rubbing at your eyes with the back of your hands.
“Mash… what’s wrong?” Your tone was still heavy with drowsiness but that still didn’t seem to ease the concern Mash gazed at you with.
“Um, senpai, I should be asking you that… I heard you crying in your sleep.” She states with furrowed brows and sure enough you could feel a distinct dampness to your lower lids and the apples of your cheeks. “I thought you were having a nightmare so I woke you up.”
Staring at the teardrop that strayed on the surface of your knuckle, you could just barely recall the reason for your sudden sorrow. Your dream was a memory of sorts. The final events that concluded the grand order was significant enough to be forever ingrained in your head. You could never forget the pain you felt with the loss of two of your dearest friends and although one of them returned back to you, you couldn’t exactly forget everything else that led up to that moment.
Your eyes clenched shut for a brief moment, the flashed images of Doctor Romani’s soft smile appearing behind your lids as a sigh escaped your lips. You shook your head to dismiss both her concern and the memories that plagued you.
“It’s nothing Mash,” In a show of assurance, you flashed her a grin as you rose up from the sofa along with her. “You were right, I was just having a bad dream.”
Mash stared at you for a moment her gaze letting you know that she didn’t believe a word you said, yet she didn’t pry for anything more. She simply slipped her hand in yours with a slight blush that colored her pale cheeks before she began to lead you out of the room.
“There’s something I wish to show you, senpai.” She shyly mutters though through the silence permeating the halls, you hear her clearly.
Your curiousity is piqued and although you voice it with a variety of questions directed towards her, she never once gives into your pleas to relent a hint. You thought she was far too stubborn in that regard and although you sport a petulant pout throughout your journey through Chaldea’s halls, you still find the excitement of mystery to be riveting.
It was only until she stopped in front of the door to her room that she dropped her hand from your own and it was then you realized she hadn’t once let it go since she awoke you from your nap. Although you never considered yourself to be the easily flustered type, your cheeks couldn’t help but burn at her bold move. While Mash could do such things in her excitement, she’s never knowingly initiated contact like that before by herself.
“Senpai,” She calls, taking you out of your thoughts as she beckons you into her darkened room.
With a bit of apprehension, you wander in and when you hear her footsteps near you, you glance over your shoulder at Mash as your lips part with an obvious question. “What did you wanna show me?”
Through the dimly lit room, you see her lips turn up into a cheery smile and once she steps up besides you, she leans in a little to answer in a lowered voice. “You’ll see.”
Your curiousity is hard to hide and with some impatience, you watch as she leaves your side to walk further into the room followed by a click of a switch a few moments after. You hear a low humming noise and then suddenly the ceiling above you is encased in an array of stars. The room immediately light up in a dim blue hue and you can’t help the awe of wonder that unconsciously escaped you. You’re so entranced by the sight of stars that you don’t even notice when Mash closes the door to her room, further shrouding her room in darkness nor do you hear her when she takes her place at your side.
“Mash,” Your wonder is so glaringly obvious at this point you don’t even try and hid it in the tone of your voice. “Where did you get this?”
You knew they weren’t real stars, but they looked real enough. Since coming to Chaldea, you haven’t seen stars in awhile other than the ones in singularities, but even then those always had a bit of an artificial feel to them. To you, these stars felt a lot more different from the ones before and you couldn’t exactly understand why. Maybe it was because these were the stars Mash showed you and already that made them more special than the others.
When you didn’t get an immediate answer from Mash like you had expected, you turned your head to glance at her only to find her already staring back at you. She blinked in surprise at the sudden connection of your gaze before blushing and averting her eyes elsewhere.
“D-Da Vinci made it…” She relents as she rose her head to stare at the same stars you did. “When I told her that I wanted to see stars, she gave me this… she also said I should show you too.”
“Did she?”
Even in the dim light you could see Mash’s cheeks darken as she mumbled out a confirmation to your question. Your lips widened into a cheeky grin, though you didn’t bother pressing her any further. When you dragged your eyes right back up at the twinkling stars above, you felt a sense of peace come over you. It was a refreshing feeling especially after an awful nightmare of a memory.
“Senpai, do you feel better now?”
Once again your gaze caught hers though she was admittedly more calmer than the last time your eyes met. She was concerned for you. You didn’t need to be a genius to know that. For the past few weeks your nightmares have run rampant to the point where you’d much rather stay awake than sleep and the effects it had on your health were becoming increasingly apparent. You had no doubts Da Vinci had probably voiced her concerns with your latest check-up to Mash.
You exhale a quiet sigh as your lips quirk into a demure smile. When your gaze returns back to the stars, Mash’s does not. Her attention sticks on you and your wistful profile.
“They’re just memories, Mash. The dreams I have are just memories,” You admit though your tone shakes near the end and your eyes burn with the return of tears. Just talking about the matter was enough to almost break you. “But it hurts to remember… It hurts so, so bad.”
Although your explanation was all too vague and would have had just about anyone attempting to pry for more context, you knew Mash would understand because she was there. She experienced a majority of it save for an event you would never want her to see if she could help it. The insurmountable guilt you felt along with the grief wasn’t anything Mash deserved and in that respect you were almost glad she wasn’t there to see it.
Your countless regrets and the what if scenarios you made up only added more to your guilt. There were numerous people who have told you nothing was your fault, yet you couldn’t accept it.
If only you were a better master. If only you made your servants stronger. If only you had finished him off in time. If only, if only, if only.
It was never ending and these thoughts swirled within your head during the hours you were meant to be asleep. It was no wonder you preferred to busy yourself with other things during those troubled nights.
Your heart painfully squeezed within your chest and that bitter, empty feeling returned. You could feel bubbles of tears rolling down your cheeks though you did nothing to stop them. You just stood there, staring up at the sea of stars with only the feeling of cruel remorse.
The feeling of warm arms wrapping around your midsection caught you off guard and it was only until you glanced down at the top of Mash’s head resting against your chest that you realized she had been there all along. Her touch had given you a sense of comfort and it was that sensation of her arms around you that you used as an anchor to bring you back up from the thoughts you were sinking into.
After your small bout of surprise, you lowered your own arms to wrap around her form before resting your cheek against the crown of her head. Although she liked to proclaim how much you protected her, you thought of the same thing with her. She protected you in her own subtle way.
Whether she was aware of it or not, right now she was the sole reason you kept going and without her, you weren’t sure where’d you be.
#x reader#reader insert#xreader#female reader#reader insert fanfiction#fate grand order#fgo#mash kyrielight#kyrielight mash#fgo spoilers#fgo final singularity spoilers#mash x reader#gudako x mash#one shot#long post#you/your#2nd person POV#i recently gotten into fgo and have mash feelings heres how i cope with them#femslash#fluff#hurt/comfort
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something passed
#spoiler#fgo#Fate Grand Order#fate go#final singularity#gudako#romani archaman#docter roman#ritsuka fujimaru#somethinghurt#the last master#Fanart#my art 2021
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Did you see the other major reveal from Arcade? What are your thoughts?
If you mean Noah, oh then at least all theories on him being Grand Rider is true. Which given him being the well-known for his Ark to immediately placed him in the Grand Container. Which I'm looking forward to his NP and his role.... And the salt he's not available in mobile OTL
If you mean Mother Harlot, then basically......... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCCCCCCCCCCCCKINGGGGGGGG BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII No wonder Arcade Singularity and even getting Tiamat to say Harlot is worse than her is just really hit the sore point on what it has been through
But I'm more curious on her origin of her summon, a separate entity of Nero? A forced summoned from Nero to turn her into Beast VI (not yet determine is it L or R they are facing), well she's probably will have her alternate Rider Version either in mobile or arcade to bring point why she truly fits that role as much as she hated it
Appearance wise, I saw she does look follow well to her Extra depict of hers, definitely just the touch of fanservice + blood
Though if there are any other aside Gil Faker II, then I'm missing out from my sources yet to reach me
#hellahotlancelot#fgo#fate grand order#fgo spoilers#the shit i shit myself into#asks & answers#maybe i'm wrong but does arcade has one more singularity like solomon for finale?#it still feels off if Harlot is here#and there is a bigger mastermind than her that's screwing Arcade Chaldea around
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obey me where everything is the same except instead of om!solomon, fgo!solomon is there
#fae’s mumbles#spoilers that a away for after the seven singularities & final fight that way ->#/////////////////////////////////////////#///////////////////////////////////////////////////#and by fgo sol i mean romani but looking like he does as when he’s solomon#big powerful smart man acting like an absolute dork!#also i want it like right after he gives up the final ring so he sees asmo & barb and is like#‘fuck fuck fuck this wasn’t supposed to happen!!’
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Goetia you fucking bastard
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this is as low quality as it gets but i love it, massive FGO/Endgame spoilers BTW.
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Boudica and Nero finally have a real talk face-to-face in FGO. And it’s great.
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Bit of an extension of an older post of mine:
If you think about it, the Master of Chaldea only really speaks to Servants for years. I wonder what that would do to you...
Leonardo Da Vinci: Servant
Mash: Demi-Servant
Dr. Roman: Human, former Servant
Singularities: Most interaction is with Servants, with a few interactions with normal people
Makes you wonder if that lack of close interaction with 100% normal humans ends up becoming apparent during the Lostbelts, where they finally have the chance to interact in depth with actual humans.
#fgo#fate grand order#Master of Chaldea#fgo leonardo da vinci#mashu kyrelight#romani archaman#like if you think about it#would their mannerisms be a little unnerving to like Goredolf?#thinking about the long term consequences of having most of your friends being ultra famous people#and essentially superhumans drawn from all across time and space#dr roman fgo#like the core personality remains but i think you'd be at least a little weird#idk how to use spoilers and too dumb to learn
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Albert Kao was really funny at the panel. (He’s the localization director of FGO). Haha, he said at the start don’t ask him about Mahoyo because his response will be silence.
Did you know the localization team is only compromised of 5 people?! (Translating I mean), he said it used to be only 3 people. They added a lot more people over the years. That is really impressive honestly. For all they do for NA server, there is just so much content to be translated.
He made a joke about Saber’s name and how the fan base got a lot of questions of why they choose some names/terms but I think a lot of people at the panel didn’t understand the joke. (The cursed name Altria vs. Artoria/Arturia)
And I didn’t pay attention to this when it was announced but did you know Chaldea Breakroom was actually exclusive to NA? It was content not revealed in materials before. NA gets it 2-3 weeks before Japan. He said all the Japanese fans freaked out over missing information, and that when the localization team requested it he wasn’t sure why Type-Moon approved this.
That really made me happy because I remember when Emiya Gohan game was announced, I was worried TM wouldn’t give it to us, but they did. They gave us Chaldea Breakroom too (by the way, the next issue is our beloved Demon King. I’m not sure if that’s allowed to say 👀), and now the announcement for Mahoyo. Just TM acknowledging their fan base slowly is really great.
Haha Kao also said NA doesn’t get any materials, VNs etc and made a joke about how no one knows what Fate is or where to read Requiem since it’s not translated. They showcased what we already know of the events coming for May and how it’s a board game based event (it’s Fate Requiem if any of you have not heard.) if you clear the event you get to keep Erice at your party. Minimum requirement is Singularity F.
Also the Final Gudaguda event is having a rerun so you can get Kagetora if you missed last time when you clear the event! I believe minimum requirement is Singularity F too.
He kept making a joke about how everyone has Clairvoyance EX since most of us knew what events were happening. It was a really fun event. Even if I knew the events beforehand, it was nice to hear some inside information and how hard the localization team has strived for us. Also thanks to them because we get 10 free SQ for the Sakuracon event.
He also said that there has been a lot of questions over the past years of why they don’t just catch up to JP. He said that we actually are faster and busier than JP due to all the content we have from them but the localization team can’t rush the events because it would cause chaos such as multiple 5 star banners all at once, story requirements, events overlapping etc. which makes a lot of sense.
Also for the people not caught up to Lb5, there was a picture of Kirschtaria Wodime and Kao said that if you want answers to who this hot guy is, catch up 😂.
Someone was cosplaying Oberon and Kao said that there’s a walking spoiler in the room in the back. He said even though he gave a spoiler warning, the whole room turned to see what he was talking about 😂 (and we all really did).
#fate grand order#FGO#Chaldea Breakroom#type moon#Albert Kao#sakuracon 2022#sakuracon#FGO NA#thank you localization team for your hard work!#Mad’s FGO#really happy to have someone enthusiastic for their job that’s heading the localization team
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((I’m in the FGO trend & slowly falling back into LCF Got to finish reading PART 1, so new idea time.))
I feel like if KRS!Cale ends up as Chaldea’s Master, we will have the self-sacrificial idiot but with a whole army of people who care about his health. Moreso if every character that has interacted with Cale or Choi Han for more than a chapter from LCF is summoned as a Servant.
Except for Raon Miru. That dragon appeared at Chaldea after KRS!Cale did something at Singularity F & hasn’t left his side since. He doesn’t register as a Servant, so the staff at Chaldea just categorize him with Fou; Strange Beast from Who Knows Where Please don’t be from the Root. We can’t deal with that political mess
Brainrot Scenario:
KRS!Cale: Mash, can I see your shield?
Mash: ??? Of course, Senpai/Oppa. But what do you need it- CALE NO!
KRS!Cale: Runs off with Mash’s shield to protect the other Servants with his newly acquired shield.
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(Bit of LCF Spoilers below)
Dr. Romani would physically strap him to a bed for him to not sacrifice himself for the Servants WHO CAN BE RESUMMONED IN CHALDEA AS LONG AS THEIR PLATE SAINT GRAPH IS NOT BROKEN (Looking at Cale’s Plate from where I left of in the novel)
When Nightingale is summoned, she will be part of KRS!Cale’s squad no matter what. She summons a hospital bed for her extra. I imagine that if Dr. Romani can’t stop Cale, she will have a better chance since she can summon a bed & strap Cale to it efficiently.
Until Cale responds to it by spamming his Command Spells every time it happens like: “Command Spells go burrr”
Then when he actually needs them, he will internally curse himself for using them earlier.
Everyone from LCF is confused as to why they were summoned at Chaldea when they were just about to punch that Sealed God. KRS!Cale is even more confused cause he was in the middle of something important & just woke up in a hallway of this random facility.
When each person from the LCF gang is summoned, they do the normal greeting and once they realize that KRS!Cale is their Master, they all go in variations of:
“CALE! What is going on? Is this another part of your plan/scam for something? Ah, you look thinner the last time I saw you (you punk). Have you been taking care of yourself properly?”
(FGO Final Singularity Spoiler)
If people thought KRS!Cale is bad at the whole self-sacrifice gig, people will scream at Dr. Romani for him to stop. They do not need the emotional trauma of possibly losing someone turn into trauma of actually losing someone if Aras Nova is unleased. KRS!Cale will be very adamant towards Dr. Romani for him to not do this. To let them do something else besides this To not lose another person he has grown attached to.
Yet the good doctor did what he thought had to be done and Solomon fades from the Throne of Heroes. But before his golden sparkles could fade, KRS!Cale embraced his remains into the Golden Ring that is left behind. Maybe with this much, they could find a way to bring back Romani Archaman.
\\\(FGO Spoiler ends)
The interactions of the LCF Cast with the rest of Chaldea will be very chaotic for KRS!Cale. Every single Servant will try to grab his attention for a while after they are summoned. Every. Single. Servant.
He will not be able to relax by himself unless if it’s with the child Servants cause it’s pretty tame compared to having Kiyohime & the LCF character of “whoever won the hat draw to spend some time with Cale for a day”
At least everyone gets along in battle. They are all driven with the urge to protect KRS!Cale so “that b*st*rd won’t cough up any more blood”. Oh boy, when KRS!Cale gets lost/taken by an enemy Servant, there will be protective Servants out for blood. Unless if they are told to stick to the plan, but even that is flimsy at best because there is a chunk of Servants who have the “Independent Action” skill or a variant of it.
KRS!Cale: *Is taken by an enemy*
His Servants: *Unleashes their Noble Phantasms with a boost from Raon*
KRS!Cale: ... I want to slack off.
#sunmay rambles#Crossover idea#fgo#FGO spoilers#Fate Grand Order#lcf#lout of count’s family#tcf#trash of the count's family#...I should actually stop using tcf#I shall try since it's officially called LCF now#there is another idea of KRS to here but it involves some spoilers. I'll probably put it in a reblog in the future#KRS!Cale's life will become more hectic with his family having more stress than every before#At least the gang can be all here#They just need to figure out what/who summoned Raon here
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List of really good FGO comics
Assume spoilers so
Medicine God and Sun God (Apollo, Paris & Asclepius)
Eighth Singularity vs Lost Belt No.8 (The Chaldea crew)
Gudao and Shinjuku Assassin (Gudao , Shinjuku Assassin , and Solomon spoilers)
Gudako’s New Mystic Code (Gudako , Helena , and Nitocris)
Wedding Dress (Romani X Gudako)
If Only... (Da Vinci and Solomon)
Special Romani Comics (Romani and Chaldea)
Eresh, Casgil and Gudako (Eresh, Casgil, and Gudako)
Reasons to continue moving forward (Gudao and Kadoc)
Doggie Treats (Mini Cu-chan)
A Rocky Relationship (Hektor and Achilles)
The Knights VS Banana Peel (The KOTR + Mashu and Gudao)
Drawing Portraits with Little Gudako (Gudao and Casgil)
Arthur Wants to Care for Mordred (Proto Arthur , Gudako , and KOTR)
Mordred Santa Lily and the Knights of the Round Table (KOTR and Gudao)
The Fastest Route to School (Gudas , Archer Emiya and Gilgamesh)
Drink Orders From King , Jack, and Joker (Shakespeare , Vlad , Moriarty , and Gudao)
When Seimei finally comes home (Douman and Seimei)
The Adventures of Little Nitocris (Egyptian crew plus Arash)
Karna and Abigail (Karna and Abigail)
Mama’s Boy (Gilgamesh, Ozymandias , and Gil’s mother)
Waking Up the Knights (Gudao x KOTR)
Morning Call with the Knights (Gudao x KOTR)
Merlin and Gudako (Gudako X Merlin)
The Daily Life of Little Gudako (Misc)
Gramps and Mini Guda (misc)
Nero & Vlad
A Happy Birthday (Vlads, Shakespeare, Hektor and Moriarty)
Hotcakes (Gudako & Nitocris)
Saint Young Men x FGO (Misc)
A Servants feelings for Gudao and Gudako (misc)
A Grownup’s Charm (Gudao X Waver)
Stolen Kiss (Achilles X Gudako)
How to Choose the Free SR Servant (Saberlot X Gudako)
I have to protect her (Robin X Gudako)
Robbed (Robin X Gudako)
For the girls (that have them) ( Gudako x Robin, Casgil, and Edmond)
Aśvatthāman? Ashwatthama? (Gudako x Aśvatthāman)
How to Wake the Master (Gudao x Gawain)
Communication Skills Are Important (Gudako x Karna)
Sensei! (Chiron x Gudako x Waver) A little busy (Chiron x Gudako)
When the Sun Fell for A Star (Karna x Gudako) Chocolates and Love Potions (Casgil x Gudako)
Enduring Scoldings (Gudako x Waver)
Holmes x Gudako
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FGO Arcade Summary so far up until the latest next Singularity
This is tag under spoilers tag due to possible connection with mobile, and also major spoilers that NA server yet to reach!
#fgo#fate grand order#fgo spoilers#maybe now that Babylon Singularity is over#mobile will finally have the collab with Arcade on that white glowing dot?
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Really, Roman is a good person. He took the time to talk to Mash one on one rather than speaking to her through the glass. It’s just a nice thing.
And I do have a fear regarding him. I’m worried he’lI die. I have a vague memory of someone saying he does. I think I may be wrong, and I hope I am. But I still worry. And the lack of him in the christmas event, only showing Mash and Da Vinci, concerns me.
No one tell me if he does, I assume I’ll know once the final singularity ends. Just wanted to voice a possible spoiler I may have, even if I hope I might be misinterpreting something I vaguely saw prior to starting FGO this time around.
#zack plays video games#zack plays fate go#fate grand order#romani archaman#mash kyrielight#singularity 6#camelot singularity#zack explores nasuverse
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