#ffxv + oblivion crossover au
carminite-wyrm · 3 years
FFXV + TES:Oblivion Crossover AU
To kick things off, here's a ficlet for an AU in which, Nyx Ulric wakes up (to his surprise) after dying during the Fall of Insomnia, and finds himself right at the start of the events of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.
Ficlet under the Read More.
The first rays of sunlight had broken through the horizon, slowly banishing the shadows that had arisen from the smoking wreckage of the city, as Nyx Ulric drew what he knew to be his last breath. The price of wielding the power of Kings was a deadly, painful one, but at the very least, Nyx thought, as he stared out into the sunrise, it would be worth it for the future of Lucis, and the very world, come to think of it.
Or, at least, he hoped it would. He trusted Libertus to get the Princess, and that Ring, out of the city and to safety, at any rate.
He beheld his last sunrise, waiting for death to properly claim him, as the sensation of broken concrete and soft, warm light faded away, and he finally fell away into the darkness of death. For the briefest of moments, he thought he could hear the voices of King Regis, of Crowe, of his sister, before that too faded away, leaving nothing behind but a lingering sense of peace.
Peace that was rapidly disturbed by the sound of someone agitatedly trying to get his attention.
Nyx groaned as he cracked open his eyes, a sharper sort of light temporarily leaving him blinking away spots as he looked up at what was bright midday light spilling through a barred window. His entire body ached, as if he had gone several rounds with an iron giant and then had an entire building fall on top of him…which had basically happened, on top of the utter shitshow that was Crowe dying, the Empire invading, half the Glaive and bloody Titus Drautos turning out to be traitors, the King dying-
And wasn’t he meant to be dead?! The Kings of Yore had said that was to be the price of wielding the Ring, wasn’t it? Nyx had thought, in the few timeless moments he’d had to think about it, that he was prepared for that, and hadn’t he paid that price?
Then why was he waking up in what was definitely a cell of some sort, the tattered remnants of his Kingsglaive uniform still clinging to his battle-worn frame?
It was at that moment, lying on his back in a patch of warm sunlight, that he finally noticed the origin of the agitated voice.
With only moderate amounts of incredulity, because it’d only been maybe an hour or two since he’d yelled at a bunch of spirits and then used the power he’d gotten from said argument to bring some giant statues to life to kill an equally massive daemon superweapon, so he was pretty much ready to go ‘yep, this might as well be happening’, he beheld the person in the cell across from his.
The other man was dusky-skinned, much darker than anyone he had ever met, even back home when Galahd had not been ravaged by the Niflheim Empire, pale hair hanging limply even as he sneered at Nyx. Most strikingly, however, was the very obvious pointed ears that the other man sported, ears which Nyx knew was a characteristic of the elves in some of those fantasy novels he had seen on sale in the bookstores in Insomnia.
This has got to be the strangest afterlife ever.
Nyx gave himself a pinch as the elf– holy Shit that was an elf! He wasn’t dreaming or hallucinating! –continued to laugh at him mockingly, more concerned about the fact that it really was sinking in that 1) this was real, and he was alive, somehow 2) in a cell, and 3) had no clue where he was, or how he had even gotten there.
“I’m sorry, what?” He finally managed to croak out, shifting to sit upright and get a better view of the occupant of the cell across from him. He grimaced as his movement jostled the injuries that still remained despite his – Reincarnating? Potential afterlife? Somehow not having died?– his left arm in particular aching terribly even if he wasn’t currently burning from the inside out.
If this was an afterlife, then whatever had dropped him here really could have done him the favour of getting rid of the injuries he’d sustained fighting daemons, traitorous Glaives (Luche, you fucking bastard), and Drau- Glauca, on top of it all. He slowly lifted his injured arm, wincing at the crackling scars that somehow still shone with the blue-violet hue of Lucian magic, and the faint imprint that the ring had left upon the base of his finger.
“Didn’t you hear me? You’re going to die here!”
Nyx turned his attention back to the elf across from him, as he slowly managed to get to his feet, muscles stiff and almost making him topple over even as he used the wall to help steady him.
“Die?” Nyx almost scoffed at that. He’d literally died moments earlier; it’d be the height of his very dry sense of humour if he were to die again so quickly.
“What are you, deaf? That’s what I-“ The elf paused in his tirade, cocking his head to the side. “Hey, you hear that?”
“Hear what?” Nyx narrowed his eyes, looking around for the source of whatever the elf was hearing. He didn’t see anything, only the chains hanging ominously from the wall of his cell and the small table opposite them.
“The guards are coming…for you!” The elf began to cackle once more.
Five minutes later, Nyx was staring at an elderly man, and his entourage of bodyguards, as the elderly man talked about fate and prophecy in a manner so alike the King he had watched die.
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itscalledmidgar · 4 years
would you mind telling us more about the elderscrolls x ff crossovers and the neon cyberpunk ff vii au? :00
i would love to!!!! ouo)b ill try not to make this too long lmao... i’m gonna stick it under a readmore anyway. thank you for asking! ;u;
if anyone has further questiosn about these, please feel free. writing about these was really nice 💕💕
ffxv tes this is the one of the three that has the most work so far. it’s set loosely about 20 years after the eruption of red mountain. noctis is a bosmeri prince and silvenar-to-be named naltiruhn heavenshade (naltir). he’s engaged to soon-to-be green lady luna (larefina nightbloom). it’s a ritual marriage more than anything, since both naltir and lare have romantic partners outside it but they’re also Best Friends. gladio is an orsimeri warrior named gladghorus gro-ahmtahk, from the ahmtahk stronghold. the ahmtahk stronghold have a shield agreement with the heavenshades- which is how gladghorus ended up being naltir’s bodyguard. his baby sister’s name is irsugha gra-ahmtahk and she spends a lot of time with the heavenshades as well. she’s learning to be a blacksmith. ignis is a dunmeri priest named inhlaris shen-tlu. he and his aunt and mother (forgot their names... they were hlaalu aligned, though) were taken in by the heavenshades when they escaped the eruption in vvardenfell, so he was raised in tandem with naltir. prompto is a khajiit named purohm-la moonchaser. he was raised by his mother in cyrodiil after the twin lamps helped her leave morrowind but ended up across the border in valenwood and kinda just. stayed there. now he’s naltir’s boyfriend, kinda.
i do not remember off the top of my head why they end up going on a roadtrip because it’s been like 2 years since i touched this au. i’m getting started on it again tho =w=)b
ffvii tes this is an au i started working on a good few years ago now and kinda let fall to the wayside for the ffxv one lmao. it’s a little barebones rn, i’m still sorting out translating everyone into the tes-verse. not even wholly sure when it’s set, but probably closer to skyrim than the oblivion crisis
cloud is a dunmer, zack and tifa are orsimeri, barret and reeve are redguards, yuffie is an altmer, i have NO idea about cid, and you have no idea how badly i want to make vincent falmeri. none of them are dovahkiin though, probably.
the biggest part i have sorted out for this au is that aeris and sephiroth are both daedric princes. aeris generally appears as an ayleid, while sephiroth changes his appearance depending on who he appears to. i’m not sure of their spheres rn, but sephiroth’s relatively serious about the whole daedric prince thing, while aeris mostly just likes fucking around and ruining people’s days as long as it’s funny
ffvii cyberpunk
this is wholeheartedly based in large part on shadowrun, because shadowrun was my introduction to cyberpunk rpg. =w=)b ffvii was my introduction to biopunk, but i’ve always been very partial for the specific Aesthetics of neon dysto cyberpunk with magic.
anyway this au basically follows ffvii’s story pretty solidly. shin-ra is still a corproate overlord, but they deal largely in cyberware. they work on a planned obsolescence model, with cheaper hardware having a shorter lifespan. basically, if you’re disgustingly wealthy, you can get cyberware to last. so, genre staple.
JENOVA is basically malware but i haven’t figured it out too much. still very much up in the air. i’m also not wholly keen on using shadowrun’s Essence concept, though i do really like cyberpunk’s cyberpsychosis, so i think i’m gonna try work that in somehow)
barret’s gun arm is shin-ra tech, grafted for him after a shin-ra company accident. it was with the intention of tracking him, but he had it hacked not long after he recovered, and he’s been off the grid since. he has complicated feelings about cosmetic cyberware, but he’s also a big advocate of people doing as they see fit with their own bodies.
aeris is a technomancer- this comes into play with JENOVA being malware kind of- the indigenous cetra were technomancers. she’s also a decker, and an untrained mechanic. (cid is a mechanic by trade, while aeris speaks to the tech she’s working on.)
tifa is a decker as well, with a usb jack behind her ear; she doesn’t jack in using it often because that is FUCKING DANGEROUS but it’s also useful to have if she really needs it, yknow?
i don’t know much about how the SOLDIER project works with cyber rather than bio, but i DO know that cloud’s veins glow.
vincent was used for experimental cyberware, and woke up after a 30yr nap with a bunch of tech installed that they have no idea how to use. sometimes they pick up radio frequencies that only they can hear. they still have no idea how to work a computer.
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itscalledmidgar · 4 years
okay so the things i’m going to try work on over the next couple of weeks:
1 my FUCKING ffvii fanfic. please. i know everything that needs to be written but it just will not go on the fucking page. 2 ffvii darkseed crossover 3 ffxv avernum: escape from the pit crossover 4 ffvii AND ffxv elderscrolls crossovers (ffvii is morrowind/oblivion, ffxv is skyrim) 5 ffvii shadowrun neon cyberpunk au
this is an Official Request for anyone that has even the slightest interest in anything there to please feel free 2 flick me an ask because it helps me work on them ;u;
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