#ffxiv keynote
greatfunkystatic · 9 months
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Havin a real one with the new FFXIV news
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storytellers-and-co · 1 month
Ya boys about to hit Shadowbringers
I got through Stormblood post-game last night and BOY what a ride it was!? I could barely put the game down, even when I was trying to pace myself so I don't leave certain friends too far behind. Adding spoilery stuff below the cut, because I know one of 'em reads this blog (I just need to gush a little while things are still fresh in my mind)
Okay so. All the revelations of Garlemald and how, WHY it was created? I loved that, it so easily explained why a whole ass country has been the default 'evil conquerors' for so long without any real challenge or change until now. Because the real man behind the whole thing is STILL AT IT. Change don't happen if the original reason, the original driving force is still kicking about.
Also I wanna kick Solus. I wanna kick Solus so hard. Props for the animators, writer and Rene Zagger, it's on sight now old man, I'm coming for your kneecaps!
Speaking of voice actors, Luke Allen-Gale! Hot damn did he do a good job as Zenos (and the possessed Zenos)! I have complicated feelings about Zenos, ngl - He's one of those characters that I know cannot be saved, fixed, or redeemed, but I can also see why he's such a popular character? Personally it's the voice and certain lines that did it for me. Got some shivers out of certain line-deliveries.
He's actually a character that makes me kinda sad - it's a reminder that there is some characters that are doomed by the canon, they'll never be good people, and yet you can see a glimmer, a potential of what-ifs, could-have-beens and all that. A road that was there but refused by the character because that's just not who they are.
Also Varis is also on the kick on the face list. Black Rose is bad. Stop it.
AND NOW ON THE LATEST THING that actually got two of my friends laughing: The final fight against Zenos-Zombie! Zenbie? Zomnos? The- the dead body possessed by the Ascian who I keep calling Ildi because names hard. Ildinos.
So the final fight against him. One, I absolutely loved being Hien for a moment, he quickly became one of my faves through the Stormblood (he's such a fun, up-beat character that takes the life by stride while also not being a pushover, and that's such a good quality to have!).
Two.... GOD DAMMIT WHOEVER YOU ARE, COULDN'T YOU HAD PICKED A BETTER TIME FOR YOUR BLOODY HOUSECALL, YOU NEARLY COST ME MY HEAD! If it wasn't for our local stray cat of a dragoon, we would've lost then and there and you would've lost your chance to have the WoL helping out on the count of NOT HAVING A HEAD, pick your times better oui raatmacc raqan! (This is a joke I know he couldn't have known I was locked in a death-match. I hope.)
Now if ya wondering why I am not more outraged about the fact they've effectively kidnapped my friends, I uh. I actually felt a huge surge of sympathy at the start for the character. idk something about the voice painted a picture of someone desperate and... sad? Upset? Distressed? Something like that just got my empathy flaring up. So while I am mad that I keep getting these calls and everyone around me is panicking in fear, I also want to get to the bottom of this because apparently my empathy levels are far too fucking high.
(Yes I am the type of person who wants to help everyone in any of the games I play in. It's my ultimate power fantasy, being able to help and comfort folks without my actual personality coming in the way)
I think that's all for me now folks, I am taking a small break before heading to Shadowbringers - I have few alts that need to catch up to HW at the very least, and a laundry-list of things for my main to go through. Like all the gathering side-quests, Eureka, unlocking all the primal fights and fixing my glamors etc. We're also trying to get a house for Storytellers, so i gotta help gather some extra funds + items.
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hotshotriot · 9 months
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he will be a self-portrait extraordinaire
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delta-chan · 1 year
WoLs going into Dawntrail: Beach episode! Beach episode! Tropical skies! Shoreline vibes! Don't interrupt me I'm on ocean time~
WoLs venturing past the first area of Dawntrail: *Getting bit by mosquitos in the jungle* *traversing tombs* *freezing their asses off in the fantasy Andes* what the fuck ):
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eorzeanflowers · 9 months
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the-leyline-directory · 11 months
I think it goes without saying that I lost my fucking mind at the keynote address for the new raid. Considering one of my OCs on this blog is LITERALLY just from FF11 and I've incorperated all that lore into things and I grew up playing the game quite literally as my only ability to leave the house or see the world or talk to people. I. I cannot express the emotions I have at this time.
I gotta go lay down im. emotion!!!! [all good but I am not used to this much!! emotion!!!!!!!!]
I was in the middle of typing to a friend to catch up what they were missing and deadstopped the sentence and just sat there for like 8 minutes or 10 or something. And then the rest of the keynote I was just processing the emotion.
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thancrxdwatxrs · 1 year
//6.0 ah sorry we're taking away belts
7.0 oh you want to wear a helmet and glasses at the same time??
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astralartefact · 9 months
why do i see so many people complain that they dedicated a few minutes to explain why they changed the german localization term for picto??? god forbid we acknowledge that one of the other two just as official localizations exist i guess?
like if they didn't do that for an english legacy term you wouldn't hear the end of it online but smh because it's german it's "why are we even talking about this?"
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jademight · 1 year
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that title treatment is SO fucking nice dude
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ladyswillmart · 9 months
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Only a few more days until we get to see more Grebuloffs!
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greatfunkystatic · 11 months
This new keynote from FFXIV was unintentionally made just for me.
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wild-blue-sonder · 9 months
I was extremely underwhelmed by Pictomancer, but the Neo Tokyo zone/instance thing looks cool as fuck. Love that we get to fight Nvidia in the eight-man raids. Female Hrothgar look very cool but I'm not fantasiaing my femzen or femroe into one. We all freaked out about the bioluminescent plants.
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matmiamia · 9 months
Tokyo FF Keynote thread
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budugaapologist · 11 months
this is for the bitches that have had the displeasure to know me for a while :/
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hylfystt · 1 year
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mxkokopuff · 1 year
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look how the children flock to him for uppies
this man is husband and dad material what a catch
koko: go on estinien.. give them uppies estinien: i shall do no such thing- gah they're climbing me! koko: good- have fun ~! *walking away* estinien: koko no-! don't walk away! ...damnit- ...
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